THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1920. 15 DEMOCRATS MEET IN PORTLAND TODAY Love Feast to Be Held to Plan State Campaign. FULL TICKET PROBABLE Booms for Several Favorites May Be Launched at Gathering of Local Party Leaders.. TVmocrats will have a pow-wow In Portland today to consider the state of the party and gret busy for the campaign of 1920. It will be a near convention, camouflaged as a "con ference" of the party leaders and all Rood and true democrats who want to attend. The day will wind up with a. Jackson day banquet at the Benson and already ticket sales exceed the normal accommodations. The out-of-towners will be taken care of first and the Portland contingent will be gracious in the matter. Of course, the democrats won't have repular,- honest-to-proodness con vention or assembly, for such meet ings are against their principles; but the gathering will be mighty near it. It will be an opportunity to exchange opinions and figure out how to over come the republican majority in Ore gon and each county. Organisation's Plana to Be Laid. The main points to be taken up will be: 1. Systematic organization of the democrats in every county. 2. Complete democratic tickets in very county. 3. Complete democratic state ticket. 4. Consideration of the democratic presidential primaries. Every member of the state central committee has been urged to be pres ent. The county chairmen have been solicited, and all the warhorses of the party are included in the bid to at tend. Advance estimates are that about 300 democrats will be on hand at least, about that many want to attend the dinner in the evening. The ball opens at 10 o'clock this morning In the Tyrolean room of the Benson. The session will run all moning and all afternoon and the campaign will be considered from every angle. One of the main desires of the party Is to carry Oregon for the democratic nominee for president; the identity of this candidate Isn't known, but the Oregon democrats are for him, anyway. They feel the re proach of Oregon being the only western state in 1916 which refused to voto for Wilson, and they wish to wipe out that stain upon their 'ecutcheon. Aggressive Pnrfy Is Goal. Leaders of the party are particu larly eager to form a well-knit, ac tive and aggressive democracy in Oregon. They intend to reach out for the ex-service man and Inject some new blood into the party. In the past the democratic primaries have been pretty tame affair3. To revitalize the party, every county group will be urged to get up contests for every nomination and .o be sure that a com plete democratic ticket Is offered to the voters at the general election in November. The practice which came into being of sacrificing everyone and every thing for one man, like George E. Chamberlain or Oswald West, has had a deterrent effect upon democrats and they have no inclination to be put up to be slaughtered. The state organ ization will give assurances that this year every man on the democratic ticket will get a square deal and all the support the organization can give him. The day of one-man campaigns Is over if the present leaders have their way. Booms May Be Kxprctcd. "While no nominations can or will be made at the meeting today, those present will be canvassed to see what timber is best available for the state nominations and It will be a fine time to propagate booms. H. G. Stark weather, as etate chairman, will pre side at the deliberations. At night the Jackson club will stage Jts dinner, starting promptly at 6:30 o'clock. There has been such a de mand for tickets that George Lovejoy had to call in all unsold tickets Mon day, at which time enough had been disposed of to fill the accommoda tions. By telegraph and long distance phone, orders have been received for tickets. It 1 said that this will be not only the most largely attended banquet ever held under the auspices of the Jackson club, but the first one when there will be no deficit. The commit tee of arrangements consists of George Lovejoy. G. Y. Harry. H. G. Stark weather, Mrs. J. A. Keating and Mrs. C. E. Currey. Several Speakers Billed. Speakers at the dinner will be Major Lester W. Humphreys, United States district attorney, who will talk on "Democracy of Today"; Captain Walter B. Gleason, on "The Military Accomplishments of the Administra tion"; Mrs. L. Gee on "Labor's Ad vance Under the Administration"; Dr. E. H. Pence on "The Ideal of Party Leadership": Father O. J. McMullen on "A Lesson From the Life of An drew Jackson"; Miss Elizabeth Bain on "The Democratic Spirit of the Boys In France"; Airs. J. Curtis Simmons will sing, accompanied by Miss Maying Helen Flynn. Klton Watkins, presi dent of the Jackson club, will preside. An orchestra will be on hand. In the evening some interesting telegrams are expected from the east. James W. Gerard, aspirant for presi dent, has promised to send a message; Homer Cummings, national chairman, will leave the banquet board at Wash ington, D. C. long enough to tele graph felicitations, and it is possible that William J. Bryan will remember the club, not to mention Mr. Wilson himself. It's gonna be a gr-and an' glo-rl-ous day for the democrats. CUBS PLEA IS Gli.VXTEl) V. S. Grant Republicans Placed on Lincoln Day Committee. Because it was unintentionally overlooked iji the appointment of a general committee to arrange for a Lincoln day banquet, M. G. Griffin, president of the U. S. Grant Republi can club, yesterday called at repub lican state headquarters in the Wil cox building and asked that a place on the committee be given his club. Mr. Griffin was promptly appointed. . This club Is one of the oldest active republican clubs in this city and has a large membership. In addition to President Griffin, the other officers are: Waldemar Seton. vice-president; Mrs. George J. Cameron, secretary treasurer. The general committee will meet at republican headquarters In the Wil cox building at 8 o'clock tonight to complete arrangements for the din ner which will be given in the Cham ber of Commerce dining room, Feb ruary 12. The banquet will be under the auspices of the republican state central committee, assisted by every republican club and organization In Multnomah county. LEGISLATORS ARK rNVITED J. S. Stewart to Talk Before Roose velt CInb Friday. All republican members of the leg islature who will be In Portland Fri day were Invited to attend the Fri day luncheon of the Roosevelt club at the Benson when James S. Stewart will sneak on th "Political Meeds of the Day." State Senator A- W. Orton will act aji chairman. The luncheon) win De neid in the Tyrolean room at 12:15 o'clock. The Roosevelt club was organized recently by republicans who are de termined to work for a sweeping re publican victory at next election. Ac cording to Major Clarence Hotchkiss, executive secretary, the club will give all candidates a hearing but will not pledge Itself to any. Plans for a statewide organization have been completed and organization of Roose velt clubs in all parts of Oregon soon will be under way. Game Bill Is Drafted. Representative McFarland of the fish and game committee of the house, who attended the conference at Salem Monday, says that the new fish and game commission bill, in which the commercial interests and the sportsmen will be divided into two departments, will be written and ready to be introduced at Salem when the special session meets Monday morning. The bill is now being pre pared and as it will embody the ideas of the members of the committee, it will probably be reported out In short order with tho recommendation that it do pass. Anti-Jap Bill Framed. An anti-Japanese bill is being pre pared for Introduction In the legisla ture. B. E. Leonard of Portland is drafting it and the measure contem plates prohibition of land ownership by Japanese and that they cannot lease land for a longer period than three years. Anti-Refuse Law Is Wan-led. The Advertising Women's club of Portland will sponsor a bill at the special session that will aim at do ing away with the dumping of tin cans and other refuse along the high ways. Miss Bessie F. Colwell is chairman of the committee In charge of the matter. IDAHO SHERIFFS TO MEET More Vigorous Enforcement of Mo tor License Law Wanted. BOISE. Idaho, Jan. 7. (Special.) A convention of sheriffs and munici pal peace officers of the state will be held in Boise lavithln the next 60 days. Secretary of State Jones, who Is also state law enforcement commissioner, announced in an address before the assessors of the state at their con vention today. The announcement was made In cidentally to a statement that plans are being made for a more vigorous enforcement of the state motor license law, as well as other state statutes. In a resolution adopted the, assessors asked that the governor recommend to the next legislature the creation of a state tax commission to take over the duties of the state board of equalization. The principal duty of the commission, aside from those now exercised by the equalization board, would be to supervise and control the assessment of property to provide uniformity throughout the state. Eugene Physician Retires. EUGENE, Or., Jan. 7. (Special.) Dr. W. Kuykendall, pioneer physi cian of this city, prominent in the politics of the state for years and former member of the state legisla ture, yesterday announced that he has retired from the general prac-1 tioe of medicine and will attend to only a limited number of cases. Dr. Kuykendall has practiced in Eugene steadily for more than 30 years and has conducted the Eugene hospital for 20 years. Idaho Farmers Buy Road Bonds. LEWISTON. Idaho. Jan. 7. (Spe cial.) The Rimrock highway district. which lies north of the Clearwater Follow the lead of those who know . No intelligent person will deny the existence of the disease germ and its menace to humanity. In the light of modern knowledge, no properly informed person will deny that sani tation which includes reliable disinfection is about the best weapon with which to prevent and fight communicable disease. The important thing for the layman to de cide is, what is the dependable disinfectant. He cannot decide from his own knowledge, but he can follow the lead of those who know. j 13ismfect is used in big hospitals everywhere to prevent disease 1 from running riot within its precincts. Lysol is the favorite disinfectant of the medical profession. Boards of health urgently recommend its use in home, office, store, and factory. The constant, systematic use of Lysol to disinfect sinks, drains, toilets, garbage cans, cuspidors, and dark, sunless corners will keep these disease-breeding places absolutely germ-proof. A 50c bottle makes 5 gallons of powerful disinfectant; a 25 bottle makes 2 gallons. Be sure to get true Lysol; made, bottled, signed and sealed by Lehn & Fink. Lysol Toilet Soap Lysol Shaving Cream Contains Lysol, and therefore protects the skin from germ in fection. It is refreshingly sooth ing and healing and helpful for improving the skin. Ask your dealer. If he hasn't it, ask him to otder it for you. AMUSEMENTS. J TICKET OFFICE SALE I I x-swv vypwii i TJUTT IpiBraidm; at Taylor X1E1.L1 J Phone Mai 1. 3 MGH..IU TONIGHT, 8:15 -SPECIAL PRICE- I Mat. Sat., 2; 15 1 AiMKnntum Pi ton Pirsentii THE FAVORITE COMEUlBNE, y 5PLEVDID StPPORTIir. CAST, Sl'PEHB PROnlTTlOJi. IS THK MELODRAMATIC FARCE, TISH 99 From Mary Roberta Relnbart's Stories in the Saturday Evening- Post. EVE'S Floor, $2; Balcony, 5 rows $1.50. 17 rows Jl; Gallerv, 75c, 50c. SPECIAL PRICE SAT. MAT. Floor, '$1.50; Balcony, 8 rows $1. 13 rows 50c I TONIGHT, 8:30, 1 THEN SAT. v PUBLICAUDITORIUM DEVEREUX AND HIS COMPACT OF PLATERS. Including ZINITA GRAF. TONIGHT. 8:30 SATURDAY EVE. Greateat Comedy Em Written, "THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL" By Richard Brinsley Sheridan. -SPECIAE PRICE- Mat. Sat., 2:30 "SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER" ' By Oliver Goldsmith. Seats Now Selling: for Entire Enifaseaaent SHERMAN & CLAY SIZZs AFTER P. M. AT AUDITORIUM. EVE'S Sl.SO, 1, T5c, 50c. . SAT. MAT. 1, 76c, 60c, S5c GUARANTEED In ele-ht Iakkoti' lnrifen $2.50, gen tiemen $5 at ue noney s beauti ful Academy. Twenty third and Washington. 'ew Claaaea for Be einDcri start Monday and Friday evenings. Advanced classes Tues day and Thursday e v e n 1 n gs. 8 to 11:30. Plenty of desirable partners and firactice. No embarrassment. Private essons all hours. Learn from profes sional dancers in a real school. Phone Main 7656. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Mat. Daily; Nights at 7 and 9. DILLON tc FRANKS In the Riz Laueb Hubble THE CHAMPAGNE GIRL With the Rosebud Chorus. Chorus Girls Contest Friday Night. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. IMPORTANT. Will the lady who crossed Union ave. viaduct Monday, bet. 5 and 6 P. M., with little girl wearing green cap with white tassel and brown coat call at 142 Union ave. N.. before 9 A. M. Friday morning, please? 5 ROOMS, basement; no more than 2 small children. 840 B. Ah. DKAHSAW job. 300 cords, first-growth limber. Main ROflH. river east of Lewlston, has completed the sale of $35,000 of highway bonds to leading farmers within the dis trict. Those subscribing to the bonds are Joseph Knapps, $10,000; John Friederichs, s-000; John Cunningham, $5000; William Marvin, $4000; Gene see Exchange bank, $3000; Fred Bressler, $2000; Anna Becker, $2000; First Bank of Genesee, $1000. arff Contains Lysol, and kills germs on razor and shaving-brush (where germs abound), guards the tiny cats from infection, and gives the antiseptic shave. If your dealer hasn't it, ask him to order a supply for you. n DUG J AMUSEMENTS. ALCAZAR TODAY AND BAL OK THIS WEEK. Daily Mattneea for T.adlea Only Iftc and fiOe. "Not a Picture. At the matinees Alice Sterling will address tbe ladies on the "Duel of the Sexes," concerning marriage, divorce and love. l'ricee MffhU, for all over 15 years. 60c. 75c, $1, plus tax. A K E R .STOCK COMPANY Tonight. All Week, Mat. Wed.. Sat. THE WOMAN IX ROOM 13 Next Week 'NOTHING BUT LIES." PAN T A C E MAT. DAILY 2:30 C? ALL THIS WEEK. Direct From Continental Triumphs EDDIE FOI and The Younger Vorm In the Original Creation "Slumwhere SIX OTHER BIG ACTS. . Three performances dally. curtain at 7 ana v. THi BEST IN VAUDiVILLB 3 Nights Sun.. Mon., Tura.. 15c to $1 4 Mats., Sun.. Mon.. Tues.. Wed., 15c to Toe Sparkling Musical Comedy "EXTRA DRY" Plrtro. Four Readings. BERNARD & DUFFY Kl fried a Wynne Mm. Klfrledm Heller WeinHteiia of Portland). Lflrbman Sisters, KJuoft ruins. Topics of the Xa' EVA TAYLOR & CO. This Show Closes With Wed. Matinee, January 14. 2SH III HOWS FOR TS V rn-kr A TODAY TONIGHT THE GYPSY REVUE Magnificent Dancins: Wonderful Instrumentalists. BESSIE LOVE In Her latest Picture, PEU'EEX." THE THREE KALCO.X S, Aerial Pastimes. BETTY FREDERICKS AMI COMPANY, "Betty's Mistake" GALVIN AND BATH. "Fun in a Fire house." BILLT DALY, Whistling and Chatter. VILLANI AND YILLANI Character Impersonators and Singers. Portiand'a Only Photoplay-Vaudeville Shonahvp. MATINEES 17 CENTS. FREE LECTURE on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, JANUARY 9 AT 8 P. M. Third Church of Christ, Scien tist, announces a free lecture on Christian Science by Ezra W. Palmer, C. S. B., of Denver, Colo rado, member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Doors will open at 7:30. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Rates for Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. Daily and Sunday Per Hue. One line 12c Two consecutive times ............ 2"ic Three consecutive times 30c Seven consecutive times 63c The following rlaaHificationa excepted, ike rate of whirh Is 7o per line per day: hituations Wanted Male. Situations Wsnted Female. No ad taken for lex. than two linen. Count six words to the line. Advertisements (except "Person als and Situations Wanted') will bo Uiken over the telephone if the adver tiser is a subscriber to either phone No priret will be quoted over the phone, but statameuta will be,rendered the fol lowing day. Advertisements are taken for The Unity Orrgonlan until 7:SO P. M. : for The Sunday Oregonian until 6 P. M. Saturday. DIET). hit.t Tn thl city. Jan. B. TCrma A. Ball aged 14 vears 6 months and 10 days, be loved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Ball, sister of flertrude M. and Claud A all of this city. Remains are at ihk ,f.nrelirr rhaoel of tbe F. S. manning. Inc., 414 East Alder street. No tice of funeral services will appear In a later Issue. DARDY At the residence. M2 V4 Vaughn st, Jan. 7, Maude L- Dardy. aged 3 years beloved wife of Geo. W. Dardy. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ash ford mother of Marvin. Donald and Les ter Dardy. Funeral notice later. Re mains are at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. QTJTGLBY In this city, at her late reai denre, 110 Bast sixty-seventh street South. January 7. Ssrah Jane Qulgley, aged 76 years. The remalna are at Fin ley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. SHBAR In this city January T. Susan R. Shear, aged 6fi years, late of the Orel apartments. The remains are at Fin ley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS tflS th St., Opp City Hall. Wen Bros, STb BLAE1SING GRANITE CO. I IJ THIRD AT MADItON STBEET ! MM MEETING NOTICES. GEORGE WRIGHT POST. NO. 1. CJ. A. R. Another ot our comrades has crossed the dark river W. L. Tavls, father of Pike Davta, attorney, member of Son of Veterans. Remains will be buried from Finley', Fifth at Montgomery streets, today, January 8, at 2:30. lie served In Co. B. 1st' Mis souri Engineer, enlisting Au gust, 1861. discharged January, lSGA: became a member of George Wright Post In into. C. A. I.AM AH, Commander. A. E. SLOAN, Adjutant. P. O. ELKS. NO. 141. Regular meeting this fThursday) evening. Elks' temple, 8 o'elock. Im portant business. Visiting brothers welcome. M. R. SPAUI.DING. Secretary. OREGON COMMANDER!, K. T. Stated conclave Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Red Cross npon 16. Thev and wa will anDreclate your attendance. C. F. WIBGAND. Recorder. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO 18. R. A. M. Called con vocation this Thursday after noon and evening. East 8th and Burnslde street, at 4 and 7 1 M O n'flwlr Ttlnnar o , fl o'clock. R. A. degree. Visitors welcome. By order E. H. P. ROY QUACKENBUSH. Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. Ill, A. F. AND A. M. Spe- ctal communications at 4:S0 and 7 o'clock today (Thurs day). Work In the E. A. de- ' gree. Visiting brethren wel come. Supper at 6:30 P. M. C. E. MILLER, Secretary. LENTS LODGE NO. 156. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Thursday) evening, 7:80 P. M. M. M. de degree to be conferred by the Portland police team. Visitors welcome. order w. M. C. D. OG5BURY, Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. F. AND A, M Special communication this (Thurs day) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Masonic temple. Labor in the M. M. degree. Visiting breth ren always welcome. Hy order w. ai. FRED L. OLSON. Sec SUNN YS IDE LODGE NO. 163, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication today tinurs day). Jan. 8. Visitors wel come. By order of W. M. JOS. Y. JOY, Secretary. OREGON SHRINE. NO. 1. will give a dancing party tonight at Chriatensen's hall. O. E. S. and friends invited. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2, I. O. O. will hold Joint installation with Minerva Jtjijrrjjr lodge No. 19. and Haasalo -sww- Indies wo. 1&. '1 nursaay. Jan uary 8, 8 P. M., Oddfellows' temple. All members urged to atteno. B. A. NBALOND. N. G. JESSE T. JONES, Sec. ONEONTA TRIBE NO. 2, IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN The tribe will resume its regular councils this (Thurs day) evening at s o ciock at v. v. hall. East 6th and East Alder streets. Im portant business. Raising up of ohlefs. Members urged to attend. Visiting broth ers welcome. L. B. SMITH, C. of K. MINERVA LODGE NO. 19, L O. O. F.. will meet this (Thursday) evening. All members aro requested to-meet at Odd fellows' hall. 228 Alder St., at 7:80 P. M. for joint Installation with Samaritan No. 2. Hassalo No. 15, I. O. O. F. Visitors very welcome. FRED SIEBENTHAN. V. S. PETER WIEDEMANN, Sec ROYAL ARCANUM MEETING". Multnomah Council 14KI will hold a reg ular meeting Friday evening. January 9. for the election of officers. All members urgently requested to be present. K. of P hall. Alder at 11th. at 8 o'clock. G. D. KENNEY, Regent. UTOPIA REBEKAH LODGE NO. 62. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Thurs day) evening. East 0th and East Alder. Installation of officers. Visitors invited. ANNA HOLT, Secretary. THE MACCABEES. PORTLAND TENT NO. 1. Regular. leview every Thursday, 409 Alder street. All members urged to bs present. Visiting sir knights welcome. GBO. B. BAKER. R. K. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plna, B.w designs. Jaeger Bros.. lSt-8 6th st FBIEt.LANDKIl'8 for lodge smblsma class pins and medals. 310 Washlngtoa sl FUNERAL NOTICES. RKPP January " 6, at his late residence, 7!7 Kant Bifrhth street North, llrnry Repp, aged 67 years, beloved husband of Margaret Ropp; father of Conrad and John Kepp, Mrs. Catherine Bauer. Mri. Christian Korba. Mm. Elizabeth Yost. Mra. Klizabeth Burbach; brother of Mm. .'. L. Popp, T-.udwi. George and Peter Repp, all residing lu this city. Funeral services will re conducted Thursday, Jan. S. at 2 P. M from the Zlon Congre gational church, corner of Kart Ninth and Kremont Friends Invited. Inter ment Rose City cemetwy. Pearson Co.. undertakers. RuBsell street at Union avenue. WHITE At the residence, 2fl4 Ross st Jan. , Edmund White, a Red 47 years, beloved husband of Alma Schmitzer AV'hlte, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jame A. White, brother of Mrs. Anna Sohumann of St. Touis, Mo. Funeral services will , be held today (Thurs. ), Jan. 8, at 2 1 P. M. from the chapel of Miller & Tra- ! cey. Incineration ML Scott Park crem- I atorium. St. Ixiuls, Mo., and Detroit, 1 Minn., papers pleaae copy. SMITH Of Seattle. Wash., January S, 1 Amelia Christina Smith, aped 52 years 4 months and 10 days. The funeral services will be held today, January 8a at 11 o'clock A. M., at the funeral chap el of the Portland Crematorium, corner of Fourteenth street and By bee avenue. Friends Invited. The remains are at thb residence funeral parlors of Walter C Kenworthy. 1.V12 and 1&34 East Thir teenth street. Sellwood. SCHAUMBURG In this city, Jan. 5, Sam uel Hchaumburff, afC ' 211 years, beloved son of Charles Schaumburjc and M innie SchaumburR, brother of Mrs. Matilda Patterson of Marynvllle, Cal. : Mrs. Bat tle Partlow of this city; Mrs. Bertha Iock8tater of Greenwood, B. C. Funeral services will be held today (Thurs.), Jan. 8. at 1 P. M. at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment at the Crescent cem etery at Tigard. RADFORD In this city, January B. Mary J. Radford, aged 76 years, mother of W. T. Radford and Mrs. Alice R. Tau ner of Blonmington, III.. Thomas W. Radford of Colorado Springs, Colo., Mra Kmma S. Hall and Edith V. Radford of this city. The remains will be for warded this (Thursday) morning: by J. P. Fin ley A Son, to Bloomlngrton, 111-, where services will be held and inter ment made. LANOERMAN In New Tork, Dec. 81, 1919, Lucille Langrerman. aged m years, 11 months, 23 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Langerman, sifter of Newton and Helen lanfcerman. Fu neral from the family residence. Ml Clif ton street, Friday at 11 A. M. Interment Beth Israel cemetery. San Francisco and Seattle papers please copy. HKNKB In this city, January , Martha Henke, afcrd 28 years, wife of John Henke of 120 B. 43d street. The funeral services will be held today (Thursday) at 1:30 o'clock P. M., at the German Baptist church. Fourth and Mill streets Friends invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. J. P. Fin ley A Son, directors. PATHJRSON In this city at br late resi dence 403 East Eighth street North, January 6, Annie Park Paterson, aged 63 years. The funeral services will be held Friday, Janusry 0, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at the Portland Crematorium, Fourteenth and By bee streets. Friends Invited. J. P. Finley & Son, directors. HiOOINS January 5, at 681 Vancouver avenue, Thomas H iff gins, ase 83 years, beloved husband of Mrs. MaKgie Higclns and father of C. !. Hlptfins. Funeral services will be held from A. R. Zellar Co. 'a parlors today (Thursday), January 8, at 2 P. M. Friends are Invited. In terment Rose City cemetery. WRIGHT At the residence, 23 Cherry St.. Jan. 1t 1A20, James M. Wrijcht, aged oft years, beloved husband of Mrs. Mav - Wright. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at 2 P. M. tomorrow ( Friday , Jan. 9, lfl20, at Holman par lors, Third and Salmon sts. Interment Riverview cemetery. FORD Funeral services of the late John . Ford will be held Thursday, January 8, at 9:30 A. M. at the Dunning & McKntee funeral parlors. Broadway and Ankeny street. Friends invited. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. DAVIS The funeral services of the late William 1. Davis will be held today (Thursday) at 2:80 o'clock P. M. at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited Interment at Riverview cem etery. BOULIN The funeral services of the late Sarah Agnes Bouifn will be held today (Thursday) at 1 o'clock P. M. at Fin ley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends in vited. Interment at Riverview cemetery. fit Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and c!as- ' fiified for ready reference. For rates information, telephone The Orogoman, At'COlNTANTS. J UL.IUS R. BLACK, accountant, auditor. pecmiiii on involved accounts, aioacru eysiem Installed, maintained. 728-a Fit tock block. Telephone Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. KEFlTTiNG and making of ladi. gar- .ucn i, reasonable; work euaranteea. J. Reubin, Louies' Tailor. 40 Bush & lane bldg. ASS AY KRS AM) ANALYSTS. i ON TANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Oold. silver and platinum bought. CARPET WEAVING. DMOCThe kind that wear the best are II WUO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress 153 Union av.) Iiag ruca woven, all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refining and resizing. Mail ordurs solicited. 1SS K. 8th street. Phone Eaat 30b0. B 12S0. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Ruga, all iliti Mall orders prompt. , Send for Booklet. vxu ruga strain or dry cleaned, fl.SO. . TI , fLLTK RUG CO.. Q4-56 Union av. ff. East 6.M6. B 143. CELLULOID BUTTONS. .H,?, IRW'IX-HOUSOX COMPANY. atiT Washington. Broadway 434. A 12S4. CHIROPRACTOR. SOO.000 KNOW MeMahon, 10O Chlroprac lor throDKi pronounce treatment ea.-J-est, best, permanent. 81 "treats" $15. Tel f'll m. ...... . . ... w,,.., am n list. Ji'LIAM- Estello and Florello De Veny. tne only scientific chiropodist and arch perii.,sts In th city. Parlors 302 Ger .in;er oMg.. s. W. corner 2d and Alder. rhons Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist : corns. bun Ions, foot arches made to order. Hll Bwet.and bldg.. 5th Wash. Main 10S1. CIRCILAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Roval building. Marshall 5S22. Multlgraphlng. mimeographing and mall advertising. COLLECT IONS. NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no charge. Kalali. lpoo. IJANCIXG. KATHERINE M. ROWN guarantees to teach all latest dances In 12 private lessons: 12 lessons. $5: 4 les son 2. 603 Eilers bldg.. bet. 4th and Sth. on Was h. at. Main B004. Five dollars cart down prise. Friday. Jan. 9. Columbia hall. 2d and Oak sts. Pelrre's five-piece orchestra: rood time assured. DANCING SCHOOL. MR3. BAYH. 308 Dekum bldg. 10-clas. lersons. $5. Beginners Mon. eve. Private lessons day and eve. Main 1345. BALLROOM and atage dancing. Mil Dorothy Rasmussen. ttiO Eilers bldg. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. rri3 81 K- lst- Portland. Or. Re lltTvi;?J winding and electrical renalr. I" specially. See us about new or used motors. lidwy. 1045. A 1043. MOTORS REWOUND Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. 248 hi First St. Main 871. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. U KLINE CO.. 84-80-(i7-89 Front. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. TH AN HOUSE R HAT CO.. 63-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL -ND CASCABA BARK. KAHN feROS. 195 St. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY 68-70-72 Frcnt St.. Portland. PALNTS. OILS AND CLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN CO.. Second and Taylor. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Baiter Auction House. TamhlK and West Park, streets. Sale at 10 A. M. FLORISTS. LUBLINER We strive to please 328 .Morrison. Portland hotel. Marshall 7."3. 34S Morrison, bet. Bdwy. & Park. Mar. 2.'.7. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral; sprays, $1.B0 up. 400 Wash. sL, beL . 13th and 14th. Broadway 2870. I MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. 8!i4 Wabhingron. Main 2H9, A 120U. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., floribts, 287 Morrison el Main 770U. Fine flowers and tloral de signs. No branch stores PORT LAND ROSE NCRSERT. shrubbery and landscaping. Tabor 6790. 1RV1NGTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and "Yamhill. Funeral designers; lowest prices. SajTm. SMITH, Main 7215, A 3121. Sell ing building. Sixth and Alder sts. wiSKETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington at., bet. 4th and 6th. Main S1U2. A 1181. i rtXIRAL DIRECTORS. Edward Holman & Son Funeral Directors Third and Salmon sts. Main 507, A 1011. " Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY perfect Funeral Service for I.era. Independent Funeral Director. Wash St., bet. 2Uth-;ltt, west aide. Main li091. Lady assistant. A 7 BBS. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. Broadway and Pine SU Phone Broadway 43U. A 465i Lady Attendant. J.P.FINLEY&SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 0. Montgomery ut 5th. A 159K. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 16th and Everett sta Telephone B roa dway 2133. Home. A 2138. F S. DUNNING. INC. 414 El Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of tloral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR BueceFfom to wileon koss, Multnomah m.t B. 7th. Eaat 64. Irvlngton district. P. L. LERCH fasr781 and Clay ats. T 183A ERICSON Twelfth and Morrinon a La. BroaAway 2534. A. D. KENWORTHY CO, R802-04 82d St.. Lenta. Tabor 5287. A. R. ZELLER CO. 692 Williams Ave. East 1088. C 1U88. BREEZE & SNOOK j.&f ."??!& SKBWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M. 4162. A 2221. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Office, room 153 courthouse. Phone Main 378 . from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Tbe society has full chargre of the city pound at Its home, 535 Columbia boulevard. Phone any time. Wood lawn 764. Dops for sale. Horse am bulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. NFW TODAY. STORAGE SPACE IatTeatlsjate Our Plant stad Rates. Why Assume Kxpenslve Leases Under Present High Costs? CLAY S. MOUSE, IXC. Drayigc and Storage. 13th and Clisan. Phone Udvtr. 3470. by the month or year, or oiner . Main 70 .0 or A 6095, Uouse ( noo and cat iiosrrrA-u KO .SK CIT V V lTfcr.lN RY H03FITAU 415 KaU Seventh. Kasl .'S47. B 1962. FERTILIZER. FOR ROSKS, Uwu and Riirdcn; cood ma nure, guaranteed. Tabor 2T04! H KlVOOD FLAVORING. GET eitimas (or new or old house, Port land liardood Floor Co.. 1ST W. Tark. HEMSTITCHING. hi. STKPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered: n18-'1 orders 21 ti Pit toe k blk. Broaaway 1020. JEWELERS. ROSS & CO., INC. WHOLKSALI5 Mrli. JEWELERS. 8D r'LOOR MOiiAWK. Bl.Dt.. ALL. WORK. GUARANTEED. OPTICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. George Kuuenstein. the veteran op tician, still fit. the bet eyen.afs at vry imiilerato prices. Tories. Ivryytots. alo the cheaper grades. 6Morrlsou. OPTOMETRISTS A:i OPTICIANS. . . . . . - . - T. . WAVIMti I eoLicli your patronaae on the ba.lfe oi capable service Thou sands of .atisnea tusramn trial will convince you. CbarleB V. oood nian. optometrist. 2UJ Monson. M.. -I--- t-ATEM ATTORNEYS. R. c. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign pa touts. QUI Ueku m bidg. GOLDBERG. I120 Worcester bldg. M. 2525. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHlLLiPS. Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, b. adder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure. I'LIMBINU SVPP1JE1S. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Starke-Davie Co.. 212 ltd. M. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. B. Ganten,,e'"' Manager. Printing and linotyping. lOO'i Front St., corner gtark. Main or A 1410 DDIJTIl!P F. V. BALTtS Ac COMPANY F KIN I IN J 1st and Oak sts. M. Iti5. A 11 " PAINTLNO. C H IEBR1LU house, sign painting, pa perlng. tinting. Tabor 2ill. 8 10 E. 44th. SECOND-HAND STORKS. LEVIN HARD WARS & FURNITURE CO. 21 FRONT ST. We buy and soli everything In the hardware and furniture M.un U970. A 7174. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. Dekum bldg. U. S,. foreign traden 601 marKs TRANSFER AND STORAGE OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." KOVINC-P CK'G-STORAGE- H AGGAGF 13lh and Kearn-y. Hranch su. Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3303 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Ollsnn gt., corner 1 3ih. Phon Broadway 1-Sl or lltJU. V own and operate two larg cias-i "A" warhnusps on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurn nee rates In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLBEN TRANSFER CO . 24S Pine. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. FFCL'RITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 10.'. PARK ST. MAIN 5195. A lOr.l. BIANUFACTURERS MILL SrrPLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 68-7Q-72 front street. Portland- THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 6S-7Q-72 Front street. Portland. PL! MKINU Sl l'I'I.IKS AMI PIPE. KLINE CO.. S4-MJ-87-8 Front. PRODUCE COM.MI SSION M KR CHANT. EVERD1NG & FARRELL. 140 Front St. KOPK AND BINDER TW INK. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and NortWrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison NEW TODAY. Build Your Own Garag Sectional Garage to you anywhere In the northwest. Tou can set it up in a few hours. Send for circular REDIMADE BUILDING CO. SIS v. lltta St. I'hone bast 5114. i'lirtland. Or. N 1 GARAGES For All Cars Prices on Application Ready-Cut and Portable Houses :T millmade CONSTRUCTION ,, bUlilrMill -v j lam I'nlon Ae, R. . ,.,A.rJ U din. 2413. VK CALL Kill TO Lit OLD CAltl'K I S, Rnjgs and Woolen Cloth Inic. FLUFF RUGS All Work. Turned Oat Promptly. RiK Itnsra Woven All Slrea. Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Cnrpets Cleaned, Laid and He filled, NOHTHWKST Rl ti CO, ISM Kin) Sth St. Phone Kaat Portland Rug Company MANX FAI TLRERM Of FLUFF RUGS -THERE'S A DIFFERENCE." WE tl;E ALL SIZW i.N liOIB ILL IF AND RAti KIU3. lt If Call for Year Old Carpet. Work Will Be Returned 'TromnilT." Maul Order t.iven l'ronipt Attention. WE CLEAN CAKFETS. Portland Rug Company 1678 Kant Seventeenth Street. Fhone It IS4. Either I'aciflo or Home. MORTGAGE LOANS Repayable by In.allmat If rralred Lowest I titer rat Raton. lo Delay Id (.'losing;. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-Slft NorlkitMler Dank; Bulldlnc Marshall 4114. 5y2 Mortgage Loans Edward E. Goudey Co. V. S. Bank, Building-. j v '1 vr? i j ih- &T-r 1 1 1 N 1 i- Wa will deliver a SEAL ESTATE. APARTMENT. $12.500 Buy this 4-flat apartment: thla Is a modern and up-todnte build ing, will make a good home nh an income. Lot HOxlSO. oemra-Ily locatel on Tillamook i. Tins Is a gllt-cdgs roaiiy Inveslment. one of ths beat aver offered to the public. If you .ant a good home thli la It. Terms. HOUSE. 8.200 Iet us t.hov you this beautiful home. Thl. building is doul'ie constructed and la a corner lo cation. Lot 43x!4. Three cherry trees and one peach tive. If you are seeking a home you alii like this one. located on Haw thorne ave. HOUSE. ( 3,230 Will buy n nice S-room home. on lot 50x100. one block off of Union ave car line. M000 cash and balance like rent. Thl. is a wonderful buv. OREGON BUSINESS FINANCIAL AGENCY. 44S MORGAN BUILDING. tor Sale Hat and Apartment Property. EAST SIDE APARTMENTS. PRICE ONLY 42..'o0. In a choice east side location: corner; has every modern Improvement; hard wood floors throughout, sleeping porches, steam heat. etc.. eomnletelv furnished: fsooo net income per year. For full de tails see RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3Q.- Oh It st. Broadway 4133 PRICE ONLY $30,000. NET INCOME. 7(K)0. Corner brick, close in. west side, com pletely furnished with first-class oak fur niture; always filled with good tenant. If you mean business would be pleased te furnish you full details. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 30.'. Oak at. Broadway 4133. ' ' WILL SACRIFICE OUR $13,000 income apartments for J5O.0OO. Must have at least 420.000 cash. No trade considered. See our mgr.. 1219 Iv. W. Bank bldg. For Sale -Lota. LOTS FOR SALS. Rose City Park 51st St., near SIsTttron. MlxlOO, facing west. J750. Ust St., near Sandy blvd.. 30x100, fatting west: $700. TvMberg Heights 4sth Bt., near 'Broad way. 80x100; 950. Elmhurst N. W. corner 6Sth and Tilla mook, facing south, 100x100; J 1 200. Rossmere 40th St., near Thompson, fac ing we&t, looxioo; $2400. Irvlngton ltith tit., near Klickitat, fac ing east, SOxlOO: $1200. 20th st.. near Siskiyou, facing west, 50x100; $1200. Hyde Park 72d st., near Sandv blvdw facing east. 50xl(M; $475. COB A. McKENNA & CO., - ' 82 FOURTH STREET, MAIN 4522. PARKROSB ACRE SNAP. EAST TERMS Grounds all cleared. 1 block to Sandy blvd., block to school, 2 blocks to car; finest kind of soil; terms, only $200 down, balance $15 a month. Now is the time to buy acre age and get it ready for spring planting. J. T.. HARTJIAN COMPANY, ' 7 Chaiaber of Commerce .Bids. ' - ' Main 208. SALE or trade 50x100 lot. Rodney av. and Skidmore street. phono Woodlawn 1402. WILL sell my Portland lot very cheap. OolS 4th ave. N. W.. Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE lots, block 4, Boston add., $450. Buwy. 32:il. For Sale Houses. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3250. Reception hall, large living room with fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement with laundry tray: 2 nice bedrooms, excellent bath: wide paved streets: east front. 2 block to Hawthorne car. Don't fail to see this, J. A. HUBBELL. 107S Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8S92. CLOSE-IN. EAST-SIDE BUNGALOW. ti rooms with all the modern built-in conveniences, large and attractive liv ing room, exceptionally good electric fixture, full concrete basement, furnace and flrepiace; garage, corner lot; $43uU. $1250 cash. Mr. Perr, COE A. McKENNA AV CO, 82 FOURTH STREET. MAIN 4522. JLST completed, bungalow of 8 rooms ar.d sleeping porch. 3 lovely bedroome on ground flour, large living room, bard wood floors, beautiful bui'fet and fire place. Dutch kitchen. concrete base ment, corner lot. This bungalow is a beauty, double constructed, best of ma terial and workmanship. Price $4iH(. easy terms. Interest at 6 per cent. O. W. Bryiin. 5US Cham, of Com. Main 19&4. eeninKS Marshall 805. NEW IRVINGTON HOME. This fine home has 8 large room, hardwood floor throughout, finished in old Ivory and papared with choice papers: tiled bath with beautiful fix tures, double garage, complete in every detail, corner lot; open for your in -spf'ctlon today; easy terms. Corner of 12th and Bruzee sis. Turner Wlnahlp. buldera. Tabor 2124 or Tabor .IfiP BRAND NEW NOW READY. JUST THK FINEST FOR TWO PEOPLE. LarKe living room with hat closet, god-stxed bedroom with clothes closet, also line bath with toilet and lava torv. cabinet kitchen with breakfast al cove just off kitchen. A fine, big lot UOxlOO. Everything paid. $2450, $300 cash. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. ttl'JOO. HOI.LADAY. $8000. New listing, bungalow style house: 1 bedrooms, sleeping porch. djn, hard wood floors, all in white enamel; Rector healing svstem: double lot. fine strata; house was built for a home ana is a snap at $8'.mm. For special appointmeat call Lawrence. K." B. HOLMES CO.. 272 Stark St. Main 051. $1HU0 WEST S1DH tlttuO. If you want something close in. sea this S-room cottage. Wood at.; 4 rooms downstairs. 1 bedruoin. bath and storage room upstairs; plastered, good plumb ing electric lights. Term If desired. A. H. BIRRfiLL CO.. 217 X, W. Hank bldg. Marshall 4114. 4-ROOM bungalow, large living room, fire place, gas and electricity; full base ment Located convenient to Seliwooa car line Price $'J4K, terms If daslrau. JOHNoON-IJODSON CO.. , gV2. 8.". li.i-i W. Bank bldg. Main S77. lKVlXfiTON loOxlOO. southeast facing, beautiful 9-room home, massive atoue fireplace in living room. 5 bedrooms, 'Z have fireplaces; concrete porches: $1:1,500: worth fclast 4111. McDonell. S0x50 5-ROOM. bath, paved street, ce mented full sire basement for workshop and garage; some furniture, $2500. ftOx 50 o-room house, bath, close in, $1100. B 3S, Oregonianj ik. i n ' ; . i To close estate will sell at reasonable price and terms, desirable, modern resi dence, corner uth and Brazee. Donald Maclend. 1001-2 Spaulding bldg. WANTED TO SELL Real estate. 8-ropm. full two-story house, garage, on corner lot. corner Corbett and iowa Bts., South Portland. ilake very attractive price to anyone Interested. Lang & Co. IRV1NGTON SACRIFICE, $6000 takes this fine home, near 19th aid Thompson; large living room. Ivory finish. 2 fire Xlaces. sleeping porch, garage. ,Ku' hau.sen. Main 807S. '. l(iO DOWN' AN1 $J5 MONTH. MT. WHITT CAR ClOOU STREETS. 3 rooms, gas. patent toilet: lot 37x110; 11 nice fruit trPea. Total. $1100. SMITH-WAOOSKK CO.. Stock Exch. 5-KOOM liouse. full cement basefuenc; fruit trees and chicken house: paved t., all improvements paid for; some cash, balance as rent. Owner, 9t6 lat at. Marshall 44S1. tNUEK con.truction, 4 -room bungalow, on acre, close to car, hard -surface street; easy terms. Lovegren, 614 Dekum bldg. Mai n 07O. - iRVIN.;TOC Semi-bungalow, corner, 6- rnom; fine finish; plate s4ass; garage; $7501). Kast 41'J. $3ir. TKRMri Six-room modem home la (Jroveland Park: splendid neighborhood. f-d. near Division. Owner. Main 3IM. HtVINfJTON Bungalow. ISth st.. betweea Brazee and Knott; $io00: ft large room, fireplace, furnace, garage. Eaat 41!. $2MI0 BUYS a five-room house, close in paved streets, between two car lines! Call Tabor 73''0. ai0 $."i0 CASH CIEAN ROOMS' 1 CHAMBERS CLOSETS. FURNACE CLOSE IN; 50x100. EAST 5438. mall fruit: must sell at once: $1000 caah or ipnns. .!,.,. nis. nte. cr. r.. 5-ROOM bungalow, all convenience, built ins; price liKIO. terms. BF Hi;, Or ego - 5-ROONI cottage, lot 75x100. fruit trees chicken house. $1450, terms. Broadwav ins. COO Oregon bldg. NICELY furnished 5-room bungalow, lu blocks from Rose City car; price tsooo terms. SS E- 72d St. N". IRV1NGTON High-clase 7-room home owner wiil sacrifice. East 6015. IHVINOTOM HOMES. MeDOyKi..: " 600 JiAST 14TU BT. N. EAT 419,