IS THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FTIIDAT, JANUARY 2, 1920. FOR 8AUS. Furniture for 8ale. $700 FURNITURE r-room flat in heart of city, rent $-5. now ijrafonola furni ture almost new; chairs and davenport arc full leather covered; pictures and chinawaro are included. We have other Kood buttlnens chances on our lint. Har Tr. 621 Kailway Exchange bldff. Main 1!)06. "WIL.I, sacrifice five-piece mahogany bed room net: cost . in September: mat tress, springs, pillows. Uxl" ruK and curtains: no reasonable offer refused. Call between 1 and 4. 1:71 East lull street North. Phone Kast 177M. DON'T sacrifico your furniture If going cast or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars. Fireproof Storage. C. M. Olaen Transfer & Storage Co.. S48 Pine t. CARPET. 9x1:!. very good condition. 5. .Marshal! 2420. I'miltrj . TUI..I.1ST.S We offer you Barred Rocks, White Wyandottcs, Black Orpington and Rhode Island Red pullets. 1.23 to $2.50. according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp.. 82 sU lid to 74th ave. Southeast. OXIi" 'OI.L.IK. !t months, one full Tush Airedale, one shepherd puppies, two reg istered ftostuu hull terriers, four fox ter ror puppies. !i'H K. Morrison. K. fi!22. VIS WILL, pay you highest cash price for April. May-hatched pullets, any breed; Northwest Poultry Corp.. Lents. Or. 30 TIIOKOI OII FU'ED Plymouth rock and K. I. Red l-ullets for sale. Tabor 1271. Full SALE 12 White Wyandotte pullets. S2 each, at 112 East 01st St. N. NINE lame white, hens for sale. Sell wood 2ii7r. Ikh. Rahl.Ks. Birds. Pet block. WK PAY CASH FOR POULTRY. Pets, puppies of all kinds. Cash Pro duce Co., .'lOO E. Morrison. Ii". 6122. New Management. AIREDALE XMAS PUPPIES. B. NURTHHUP. GKESHAM. OR. FINE Canary singers. Marshall 4259. 7b2 Overton at. Machinery. STAPLES :.S PFEIKFER OIL BURNINli S6TS. Two No. "I. from 25 to 250 h. p.. and two No. 7. from 25 to ;00 h. p. These machines are In absolutely first-class shape and priced very low. IIALT.IDIE COMPANY, Spokane, Wash. AIR COMPRESSORS, AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAUK COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, couplings and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO., Broadway ):'0Q. 321) Couch st. lioJSTINO engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construc tion equipment Standard Macn. Co.. 65 First st. li-HORSBPOWEB new Foos engine at a reduced price. Paclllc Scale & Supply Co.. 4S Front St. Broadway 1866. Launches and Boats. LIBERTY BOAT BROKERAGE. Let us know what you want in boats, barges, scows and engines. If we haven't them In our stock, we can get them for you at a big saving and can also give you terms to pay. Bosch magnetos. $25. We buy. sell and build boats, barges and scows. Portland East 6S03. Vancouver 480. BOATS and barges built and repaired, ea timates and expert advice freely fur nished. Yard and ways at Albina ave. Phone East 2162. Marine Repair A Const. Co. , Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly pay ments: send for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington st. r.KMIN'llTUN and Underwood typewriters, $H.5U a month. 254 Broadway. Broad way 155. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 6th. Main 3608. KEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main HOT. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W Pease Co.. 110 Sixth st. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. $20. The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak st. M isrel laneous. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating, in deed. Why not a permanent and com fortable roof? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7776. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash or have the cash and want a diamond, call in and talk it over. Miller's Clearing-House for Diamonds. 355 Wash. St.. next to Majestic theater. BAKES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ml second-hand, at right prices, bought, Oold and exchanged. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. i05 Second st. Phone Main 2045. FOR SALE At bargain, small register, adding machine, coffee mills, floor cases, wall cases, counter cases, other fixtures. 2-12 Salmon. Main 342. fcilOTC.UNS. RIFLES. REVOLVERS. CAM KRAS BOUGHT, SOLD. RENTED. EX CHA.NGfD. NEWMAN. 12S FIRST ST.. MAIN 44U5. TABOR 6798. VERY pretty pink evening gown, worn once; size 36; owner has no use for same; sacrifice for $27.50. Marshall 1251. room 401. BAKES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE &. SUPPLY CO., Broadway lyoo. 48 Front st. LADIES- APPAREL. Stylish coats, suits, dresses, evening gowns, slightly used. Tabor 2825. 8 BOOKKEEPERS' desks and stools, i rolltop desk and chairs, 1 flat-top desk. Bilbhung t Co., 91 1'urk st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases, wall caes, fixtures; terms W. J. julgl;y, 227 First. Main 03!9. ONE lare anil one medium-sized fireproof sale lor sale, cheap. All 730, Orcgo nian. FOR SALE Fine brooder: will sell very reasonable: party going cast. Call at 712 "jlherty street. UNCALLED-FOR OVERCOATS for sale cheap; la.rge stock to choose from. Or I'henm Cleaners, 355 Stark. KOSK BUSHES, shrubbery, fruit trees. A complete line; telephone orders delivered. Portland Rose Nursery. Tabor 57VIO. A DIAMOND RING LADY HAS 2 SIN Ol.i: STONE DIAMOND RINGS; MUST SKI. I. SAME FOR IMMEDIATE CASH. BIJ 797, OREGON I AN. FOR SALE All kinds' fruit trees, berry . bushes. grafted walnuts. hollies and shrubs; delivered. Anderson's Nursery. Tabor 4213. TOR SALE or exchange for chickens. Flemish giant rabbits from prize-winning stock. W. C. Runyan. Gresham. Or. CEMENT LAUNDRY TUBS (guaranteed), buy direct from factory. The Duplex, 314 K. Washington st. FOR SALE 150 wooden shoo stands for window display. Apply Oak Tan Shoe Stoic. 262 Washington st. GENUINE Alaska sealskin coat. Al con dition, size 36. (4 length; bargain for quick sale. Phone Main 3224. (it'lNG south. Hudson seal coat. In ex cellent condition, worn only, one season sacrifice at $loo. Broadway 3413 GENUINE Alaska sealskin coat, size 36, length: bargain for quick sale. Phone Main 3224. FOR SALE Second-hand lumber, doors and windows, different sizes. 23d and Vaughn. S A. M. to 4 I'. M. FERTILIZER. Cow and horse manuro delivered. FOR SAI.E Any quantity of 400 and BOO, also JOOO-watt nitrogen lamps at 1-3 their value. Call 40S Gerllnger bldg. FOR SAI.E lono ft. of cable, cheap. Mar 2S:;o. fall after 10 A. M. VAUGHN and Wade Uragsaws. $loo each. 3ui East Morrison. Phone East 6122. LITERARY DIGEST from ll10: also three years New Republic. Seilwood 2H75. MILCH goat for sale. First house east of Kelly Hufte, Powell valley road. GAS wooi! saw for sale. Gresbam car to Rnniapo. first house north. B-t 1 A LI. ON gasoline pump. Tabor 19S7. .-s E. 4lst st. N. CEDAR posts for sale. H. Goodrich, R. 3 box 412. Lents. Or. ' VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentlcy Co. Mn. 49117! RANGE and water coils, good condition. $3U. Dover spts., apt. 2. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day $1. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. SECOND-If AND Jron safe, size 15x19x10 O 3S9, Oregonlan. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening ilresses slightly worn. Main 9567. SET of furs, black lynx, worn little. 450 K. 1 1th st. S. FIRST-GROWTH 16-in. wood. dry. Colum- bla 414. fjililli second-hand lumber. 1x12. win sell cheap. Inquire 1H1 Hamilton avenue. ybUR3-rnom house wired for J15 Wpod- tawn 3791. LICENSED electrician will save you money on your electric work. Wood. 3791. DRY coidwood. fit. Main UH3. FOB SAIX M iscellaneotxs. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Well your diamond direct to Diamond Importers and receive The highest cash market value. Without any disappointment. We pay from $100 to $800 Per We purchase pawn Tickets. Gold. Silver. Platinum, Any valuables, any amount. We buy War Stamp. Liberty Bonds, Victory Bonds, If you want money, see ua. Private offices; business confidential. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchants. 205 MORGAN BLDQ., Second Floor. Licensed by the city of Portland. PEERLESS PLUMBING FIXTURES. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS. I RON PIPE. WM. POWELL VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL, RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO-68-70-72 Front street. Portland. WE BUT WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg.. 2d Floor. FOR SALE Loganberry plants, strawber ries, champion gooseberries, 1 and 2 years old: Concord grapes. Perfection and Fay's Prolific currants, red and black raspberry plants, French and Ital ian prune trees; reasonable. 5S03 Wood stork ave.. Pui-tlaud. Phone Seilwood ADDING machines; automatically add. subtract, multiply, divide and tabulate; no errors; million capacity; guaranteed for 5 years; only $10; will call and dem onstrate; out-of-Portland orders shipped on approval. A. Kosovac, 205 Lumber Exchange bldg WHY PAY RETAIL PRICES? When you can save 35 to 40 per cent by buying your raincoat, leather coat or combination coat at wholesale price di rect from United Rubber Co., 726 Mor gan bldg. CLEAN-UP SALE OF FURS. A real sale of real furs at real prices. THE FUR SHOP. 606 Swetland bldg. 5th and Wash. OFFICE partition, solid oak with heavy glass, approx. 42 ft., with 2 oak doors, double action, heavy spgs.. hgs. ; also extra glass sash, suitable subdividing office space: account removal quick ac tion, sell half price. V 788. Oregonian. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third, near Taylor St. SOME folks say diamonds are high, but one would hardly think so if they would stop long enough to compare my prices with regular prices. Miller's Clearing House for Diamonds, 355 Washington St., next to Majestic theater. I HAVE several diamonds that have been left by outside parties to be sold. You can buy them for 25 less than the wholesale cost. Miller's Clearing-House for Diamonds, 355 Wash, at., next to Majestic theater. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per plate; also crowns, brldgework, dental gold bought. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE. At your own price. Preparing to sell my Home; one 1912 Maxwell car: one bug. In running order; one sta tionary engine. 42 H. P. See them at r.! East 52d North. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal.. $7: 40-gal., 9, tested and guaranteed; stove and fur nace coils, gas heaters installed; expert plumbln-g, repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East 8516. MAJESTIC electric heaters, $9 each. These are new. Wood. 3791. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED AUTOMOBILES. We have a number of high-grade used cars which you will agree are more than worth the money when you see them. Why not begin the new year right by trading your old car in on a better one? Wo sell on long time, easy payments. 1918 Oldsmobife 8. first-class mechan ically. 6 first-class tires, tubes and rims: just repainted and looks like new, sure ly a snap at $1300: 1919 Velle, driven only 4200 miles, cord tires, now being thoroughly inspected and tuned up in our shop, looks almost like a brand-new car. price $1500: 1918 Velie. thorough ly overhauled and adjusted, repainted, new tires. $1,100; 1917 Velie. firBt-clas.i throughout, $950: 6-cyllnder Chalmers, snap. $700; 6-cyllnder Saxon. $600 : 6 cylinder Saxon, $750; 4-cylinder Stude baker, snap, $650; 4-cyllnder Bulck, new tires. $300; 4-cylinder Overland, a good one. $325. Several others to choose from. Seeing is believing. Come and see. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., D8 N. 23d st. Main 780. STATE ,f Oregon open for good Hve wire distributor to handle truck of proven ' quality; more than 50 in operation in the Oregon territory: Washington and Oregon can be divided so that the Oregon distributor can handle southwestern Washington. Write C, J. Peoples. 10th and King sts.. Seattle. Wash. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! THE CHEAPEST BUT8 IN TOWN. A 1920 LICENSE FREE. 411 DAVIS ST. OPEN EVENINGS. HUDSON super-six roadster. looks like rwsw and will guarantee same in A-l mechanical condition. Will give terms. Phone Marshall 2766. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. In the best of condition. Owner will sacrifice at $675, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. Jir.O CHEVROLET. 1918 five-passenger: tires good, one extra; fine mechanical condition. East 6389. CHEVROLET touring, 1918, fine condition, good tires; bargain at $675. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnsit'e. LATH 1919 CHANDLER AT A SACRI FICE. OWNER LEAVING CITY. CALL MAIN 4554. AFTER 12 NOON. FORD roadster, new. with Bosch magneto Ign., run oniy so miles; owner going away. Call for Mr. George. Bdwy. 453. 11117 FORD touring, good condition with "good tires, engine overhauled. $375 cash or terms. PI cne Kast 6323. WHAT kind of a car do you want? We nave it ana ine price is rignt. 411 DAVIS ST. OPEN EVENINGS. 1918 FORD touring, mech. perfect, nev tiros, many extras. $450, terms. 169 11TI1. BET. STARK AND WASH LATE model Chalmers; godd Mich, cord: new ly panneu. in sacrmce ana glv terms. See car at 5810 62d ave. OAKLAND speedster, a s-well looker try It. $5UO. $21(0 down. $30 per month 523 Alder street. Broadway 3411. 11119 OLDSMOBILE. run 1460 miles, good as new, 10 marks; runs perfect. Call Vanccuver 434-Y alter 4 P. M. 1917 HUDSON speedster, just been re built, guaranteed, $1550. terms. lu; 11TH. BET. STARK A ND WASH. 1918 CHEVROLET. 5-passenger. a borgain lenving city. Must sell by Monday. 916 Comrnercial st. DODGE sedan. 1918. in excellent mechanical condition; would consider small car on trade. Main 311. DANDY FORD touring, with '17 motor $300. $100 down. $20 per month 5"3 Alder street. Broadway 3411. 1018 FORD SEDAN by owner, fine family car. Will sacrifice for cash. 3344. Lar rabee st. 83 OVERLAND, lots of power, dandv tires; $450, terms very easy. 523 Alder Broadway 3411. OLDSMOBILE 8. 1917. perfect shape, must sell quick: $900. $360 down. $54 per month. 523 Alder. Broadway 3411 HUDSON for sale or will trade for lot or what have you. Broadway 39S9. 655 Northrup. 75 OVERLAND roadster, a peach; $r,00 $2110 down. $30 per month. 023 Alder' street. Broadway 3411. " $906 FOR 1918 Dodge in fine condition extra tire; this is a bargain. Ziegler' "Urosdwav 3535. HH8 CHANDLER 5000 miles. Good Booth 6. Cloverlsal model. Wdln. 1714. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. WINTER BARGAIN. We say you can do better by buying now. Come and see. 1917 Hudson Super Six with a guarantee on this used car the same as a factory standard guar antee $1150 1918 Hudson Super Six. all In fine condition; looks like new: has been overhauled and repainted; also guaranteed by us for 90 days the same as a new car...., 1650 1918 Hudson speedster, overhauled and repainted: all in fine con dition; ive give you a standard factory guarantee on it ... 1T50 1918 Chalmers light six. with hot spot; overhauled and repainted.. 1175 1916 Chalmers light six. all gone over, repainted aud overhauled... 785 LIBERTY, good condition. A bargain. 1917 Saxon, good condition 675 MAXWELL BARGAINS. 1917 Maxwell, overhauled, for.-. 423 1918 Maxwell, like new; has been overhauled and repainted. ...... . 625 1919 Maxwell, great buy at 825 Chalmers demonstrator automobile and two Maxwell demonstrators at bargain prices. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-617 Washington St.. Portland. TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. SELECT FROM 60 AUTOS. 1919 CLEAN-UP SALE. 1916 FORD DELIVERY 250 FORD BUG 3.u FORD TOURING 300 FORD TOURING 450 FORD TOURING ' 475 FORD TOURING 475 1915 1917 1918 1919 1918 FORD SEDAN 730 1916 1917 CHEVROLET TOURING. A LOOKS LIKE BARGAIN. CHEVROLET NEW 050 1916 MAXWELL TOURING 450 MAXWELL ROADSTER. NEW TIRES AND EXTRAS 6S0 91T MAXWELL TOURING 600 1918 MAXWELL TOURING 650 DODGE TOURING. A SNAP at 975 1917 BT'ICK SIX. GOOD AS NEW. WITH EXTRAS. 1819 PAIGE CHUMMY 900 HUDSON SUPER SIX 1350 1918 CHANDLER 1450 1918 STUTZ. ID-VALVE MOTOR. 6-PASSENGER 25O0 REPUBLIC ONE-TON TRTJCK 1250 OTHER CARS FROM $250 UP. C. G. BLEASDALE. -?0 ALDER. BROADWAY 1852. BUICKS FORDS. SEDANS. We have some very desirable buys In these cars at low prices and easy terms. Buicks are both touring cars and roadsters. Some of the Fords are electrically equipped. Any of these will make a very de sirable New Year's present for the fam ily. ALL GUARANTEED. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. 5th and Taylor. Main 6144. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! HERE'S TOUR CHANCE! 1918 Ford touring. $395 1917 Ford touring. $395 11119 Ford touring. $450 1918 Ford touring. 450 1918 Ford roadster $450 1918 Ford coupelet $635 1917 Ford touring. $450 1918 Ford touring. $475 1918 Ford roadster $425 1917 Ford roadster $450 1914 Ford touring. $190 1918 Ford delivery $550 1914 Ford delivery $275 1918 Ford delivery $495 1916 Ford delivery $475 Don't fall to see these cars before you buy. Some of them are practically new. Terms if desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. East 3770. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. CLEAN-UP SALE OF USED CARS. 1919 Cole aero 8, just overhauled, runs and looks like new. 1918 Chevrolet 1-ton, stake body. 1917 Hudson super sedan, overhauled and painted. 1919 Bulck. as good as new. 1915 Ford in fine condition. 1918 King eight sedan, newly painted. 1910 Pope-Hartford. self-starter and electric lights. 1914 Cadillac. In good condition. 1917 Cole eight, tan upholstery. DANIELS SALES AGENCY. 84 South Broadway. Opposite Benson Hotel. Open Evenings. WE SELL TOUR CAR DIRECT FROM YOUR HOME. CASH TO THE OWNER. TERMS TO THE BUYER. IF YOU WANT QUICK ACTION SEE US. OREGON USED CAR APPRAISING & SALES CO.. 331 BECK BLDG. BROADWAY 4380. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. A BARGAIN; GOOD CORD TIRES. RE FINISHED AND A HO-DAY GUARAN TEE, SAME AS FACTORY GUARAN TEE. CALL ADAMS. TABOR 630, OR MARSHALL 5342. REAL BARGAINS In slightly used 1919 LEXINGTONS. both touring and sport models. Terms if desired. BRUNN MOTOR CAR CO.. 28-SO North Broadway. $850. CASH or terms, buys 1918 Bulck four, runs and looks like new. 4 new tires. 2 bumpers, extra tire and rim and motormeter. CALL JOE. MARSHALL 5842. BEST BUG In state of Oregon. Winton six. with one man top, side curtains, room for 4 passengers. 3 new cord tires; $300. $125 clown. $25 per month. .23 Alder street. Broadway 3411. LATE FORD coupe, electric self-starter and storage battery, driven only short time, looks and puns like new, $650, terms. 1Q9 11 TIT. BET. STARK AND WASH. BUG BODIES. $100. Complete with hood. etc. Immediate delivery. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO Third and Gllsan. SAXON SIX TOURING. $800. Just been overhauled and guaranteed to be in first-class condition: can be seen at Philadelphia restaurant. 269 Alder st.. Detween x ana e t . ai. OVERLAND touring, good paint, good tires. A real bargain at $600, some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn side. HUDSON 6-40, In Al condition, good tires, good paint; a bargain at $900, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn- side. PACKARD 6. self-starter, new cordt!res7 will sacrifice; will take diamonds or light car on trade. Mr. Reed, Tabor 7494. MAXWELL touring. 1918. best of condi tion, good tires, newly painted, $775, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside, FORD touring, 1915, good paint, good tires, a bargain, $375. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. CHEVROLET. 1917, good mechanical con dition. Will sell at $500 and give terms. 36 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. HAVE a good used car for sale. Will take a diamond as part payment. BD 778, Oregonian. WILL trade my Stutz for any house or property in Portland. AH 842, Orego nian. MAXWELL. 1918, good condition, good tires, good paint; bargain at $750, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. FORD touring. 1916. Al condition. A real bargain at $395. some terms. 30 Grand ave. W., near Burnside. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. SAVE $30 TO $100. SMALL, PAYMENT DOWN. 1918 touring; good rubber and extras $425 1917 touring; spotlight and extras. 425 1918 touring: 4 new non-skid tires and extras 450 1918 touring and extras 425 1918 touring; lots of extras 450 1915 touring; new top and tires... !25 1919 coupe; starter and extras 675 1918 chassis 250 1918 roadster; demountable rims, spare tire; good shape 450 RUSHLIGHT & PENNEY, 363 East Broadway. East 303. C 1561. STUTZ DISTRIBUTORS offer an unusual bargain in 1919 touring Stutz; color, smi rt wlno shade; one of the newest designs by the town's best painter, six wire wheels, brand new cord equipped: two spotlights: special heavy all-nickeled bumper; hand buffed genu ine Spanish leather upholstery; special cutout. Also 8-valve. 4-passenger; color. Na pier green; special top and upholsterv; natural wood wheels: a fast, sporty cat at the price of an ordinary make. NOTE All used cars are rebuilt by our Stutz experts, repainted and re topped and re-tlred and sold with a per formance and service guarantee. This policy absolutely protects you. Suitable terms. AUTORBST MOTOR SALES CO. Tenth at Salmon. USED TRUCKS OF QUALITY. Low Prices, Easy Terms. , 1918 1-ton Republic, guaranteed. 1917. U-ton Republic, guaranteed. $800. One-ton Ford, worm drive: overhauled. ll4-ton White, good shape, $1450. 1919 1-ton Panhard, express body. $850. ALDER STREET GARAGE. ' 542 Alder st., cor. 17th. Bdwy. 172S. A BARGAIN $1200. 1919 Dodge: looks as new; runs like million dollars; 2 spare tires. 2 tirs covers: double tire carrier, spot light. Johnson theft lock. $15. 50 clock, flower vase, cut-out. special lens. 2 pair shock absorbers. engine thermometer. air brakes, bumper front and rear. I must selL Call Broadway S299. 434 Wash ington. OREGON AUTO REPAIR. To all repair men, garages and car owners: We have exclusive right for Oregon for the L. Lawrence patent used electrically with silver, nickel, alloy, scored cylinders and cracked water jack ets. No pre-heatlng, all work guaran teed. Temporary location at the N. P. Wagon Works, 9th and Hoyt. Phone Broadway 4477. NOTICE. Cars advertised for sale In this paper at 523 Alder street belong to the Pa cific Auto Co. They are forced to move, which accounts for their cars being priced so low. TIRE AND BATTERY 6ERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords. $24.55. Authorized Wlllard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP, 488 Union ave. N.. cor. Sacramento. Phone East 1393. 1919 BUICK coups in fine mechanical con dition; 5 cord tires and tire cover; car looka like new; driven on paved streets only 6500 miles; must sell: can be bought for $1900. saving of over $500; some terms to responsible party. Call Frank Smltj;. Broadway 1130. 1917 LATE Hudson super six. mechanical ly perfect, has been driven by private party, never on for hire run: will sell cheap or' trade for small car. balance terms. 1 00 1ITH, BET. STARK AND W ASH. HERE Is your chance to get rid of your used car at a good price. We have cus tomers waiting for all makes of cars. Bring In your car and we will sell it free of charge. No commission and cash to you. AE 654, Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Radiator and fender location; we can give you a lot of business: all of our own shop; rent $100 per month. Bdwy. 2629. FORDS DODGES CHEVROLET. Our prices are lowest; make your own terms. 411 DAVIS ST. OPEN EVENINGS. Big USED CARS Prices Stock. Right. No misrepresentation. COVY ... MOTOR ... CAR ... CO. BARGAIN In 1918 Hudson touring car. good tires, Al mechanical shape: will guarantee for 90 days same as factory guarantee. C A LL TABOR 630 OR MAIN f,S42. 1919 FORD, run a few hundred miles, best of condition; a bargain for cash: need the money. Broadway 630 Qr Marshall 2502. SNAP $675. 1919 Maxwell touring: -new and guar anteed; cash or terms. Barnes. 71 Broadway. CADILLAC chassis, good running order, good tires, would make dandy truck or bug; $150, $75 down. $20 per month. 523 Aid... Broadway 3411. SNAPS in Hupps. 2 1917 Hupmobiles, A-l shape Best of tires and equipment. Rodhatn & Vollum, 93 N. Park. Broad way 609. FORD ROADSTER, electric starter, stor age batterv, generator, dash light clock, bumper. $275, $125 down. $20 per month. 523 Alder street. Broadway 3411. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; T-e wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Modes Co., North Broadway and Flanders . 1918 LIBERTY 6-paas. light six touring car in good condition, and will sell at a bar gain and give terms. Phone Marshall 1950. apt. 42. 1917 OVERLAND touring big four, new tires also new extra; looks and runs like new; guaranteed; $00O, easy terms. 10 11TH. BET. STARK AND WASH. LATE model R. Hupmoblle, all new tires, 3 -extras, perfect condition: sacrifice for $1250. Will consider cheap car as part. Oliver. 122 2d st. 1919 CHALMERS Hot Spot 5-pass. touring cat in A-l n'echanlcal condition, and o gio'd tirs. A bargain. Terms. Phone Enst 1962. PAIGE touring, wire wheels, extra tire, newly painted. A real bargain at $1075, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. DODGE sedan. 1918, A-l condition; good aires, almost new. front and rear bump er, other extras; $1500. terms. Phone Frank Smith. Broadway 113Q. . LOOKS Just like new. No. 75 Overland touring, perfect running order: $5tlo. $200 down. $30 per month. 523 Alder s t ree t. Broadway 3411. BTUDEBAKER Four. In the best of con dition, good tires, good paint: a bargain at $750, terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. FORD tall-end delivery, new top and cushions; mechanically first class, $325. terms. TOO 1ITH. BET. STARK AND WASH. BRISCOE. 1918, used privately. In the best of condition: bargain at $000, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn side. Hit Y" ft bug now before prices advance. Wc have a new one at a very cheap price, lfurrv. Kill 11TH. BET. STARK AND WASH. MAXWELL touring. 1919. used privately, almost new. Owner will sacrifice at $975 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. " 1917 BRISCOE touring, just out of repair shop; many new parts; Just painted: guaranteed: $650, terms. 11(9 11TH. BET. STARK AND WASH. MUST sell at sacrifice, a 1918 Hot Spot Chalmers. G-pass.. runs and looks like new; $1175. cash or terms. Call Adams, Tabor 630. or Mar. C342. 1919 H AX W ELI, touring, like new, just been overhauled, guaranteed; will trade on Ford, balance terms.' 19 11TH. BET. STARK AND WASH. GOOD car fsr $100. Overland touring, good tires, runs fine, worth more for junk. 623 Alder. Broadway 3411. FORD sedan, 1919, used privately, almost new, $775, some terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. SCRIPPS-BOOTII roadster for sale; almost new; owner leaving city. Phone Bdwy. 3600 during day or East 2666 evenings. LOST Field engineer's book Wednesday afternoon or evening. Call Main 6971. Reward. $350 MAXWELL. 1916 touring car in fine condition: good tires. Kast 6389. 17 FORD, good condition: new top. lots eX 1 1 HH. 1.'. . i. ...... 6-PASSENGER Ford. 1920 model, driven 1 weeks. Jiast 6183. " FOB SA I,E AUTOMOB1 LES. CHALMERS HOTSPOT. A DANDY CAR AND A BARGAIN. DRIVE UNTIL SPRING OR NEXT YEAR AT VERY LITTLE DEPRECIA TION. THIS CAR RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 630. OH MAR. 5342. FORD OWNERS. Ford overhauled ......$20 Rear axle overhauled 6 Valves ground, carbon removed 3 Magneto recharged ft We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front St., Corner Jefferson. FOR RENT. Radltor and fender location; we can give you a lot of business: all of our own shop; rent $100 per month. Bdwy 2629. Automobiles v s.ntea. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale St., S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. WANTED To buy late model car. Bulck or Dodge preferred: will pay cash; must be cheap. Call at 773 Belmont, between 7 and 8 P. M. any evening. I HAVE a lot on the corner of 47th ave. and 78th st. that I will trade for a light car. Will pay some cash. Write to O 241. Oregonlan. MY DIAMOND, unusuallv brilliant stone, value $24O0: will consider high-class car or cash. Owner, Main 6409. LATE model Ford wanted with self starter as first payment va 2 acre lots. Call Woodlawn 2699. IF YOU want money worse than you do your Ford, look me up. Eckersoii. 641 r.Haimoii. E.aai U8l. A GUARANTEED player piano to trade for a late model Ford or a good car of like value. Phone Tabor 8953. 1 WANT a Ford; have good piano and cabinet Vletrola to trade as part pay. ment. Hall. 211 Washington. DODGE car wanted; will pav cash for same: must be a bargain. AC 312. Ore gonlan. WANTED Bug or roadster; slate price and terms. E 815, Oregonian. WANTED A truck in good condition. Tel ephone Main 2937. WANTING to buy all classes of used cars. AE 654, Oregonia.n. FORD wanted Trade clear lot worth 75u. 114 W. Tyler st. Motorcycles. FOR SALE 1914. H. D. motorcycle and side car. good condition. $160. 702 Van couver ave. Don't. call Sunday. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6139. Automobile for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GL1SAN STS. A 2629, BROADWAY' 2629. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. HUDSONS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Ga rage. 86 10th Bt. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 16S7. 5-PASS. . Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. FOB SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. SEE OUR STOCK OF USED TRUCKS. ALL SIZES AND MAKES. PRICES RIGHT. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. , PARK AT EVERETT ST. REAL USED TRUCK VALUES. All trucks taken In trade com pletely overhauled in our own shop: various sizes. Our prices and terms will Justify your inspection. INTERNATIONAL MACK CORP.. 10th and Davis sts. FIVE-TON heavy-duty two-wheel trailer, new giant tires: special price lor quick sale. Investigate. 58 North 23d st.. Main 780. WHITE TRUCK. Light White truck Chassis for quick sale. $550. Auto Reconstruction Co.. 3d and Gllsan. FARM TRACTORS, -new and second-hand, overhauled and sold. See us first. Alex-ander-Badley Co., 36 East Morrison. FORD truck, good condition, chain drive. heavy attachment. $400. Main 3380. A BARGAIN, new $1800 Grant truck. 101 N. Jersey, or phono Col. 107. 2-TON Peerless truck, cheap for cash. 170 Killingsworth ave. 3Vk-TON Reliance truck; good condition, $900. Phone East 1908. AUTO REPAIRING. OLD RADIATORS MADE LIKE NEW. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR SHOP. 535 ALDER. FIRST-CLASS automobile mechanic, will take work by hour or job; guaranteed work. CaU me to help or to do It all. Main 8490. I I GARAGES. WANTED to rent, garage on west side. A 896. Oregonlan. GARAGE to rent, 67 North 20th St. $6. WANT KB" IISCEI.I..VNEOrS. UP TO $25 FOR M EN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. Cor. Wash. Main 9344. FURS! FURS! FURS! I make them look like new; cleaning and alterations of any description ai reasonable prices. See the LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., Main 6529. 16.1 West Park. Bet. Morrison and Yamhill. 8.f,0 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICK FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 3932. 245', BURNSIDE, BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. iCALL MB BEFORE AN BODY ELSE. SPOT CASH PAID FOR TYPF.WRITERS. CASH REGISTERS. SCALES. SHOWCASES. DESKS. ADD ING MACHINES AND EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN. NEWMAN'S. 128 FIRST ST. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per plate: also crowns, brldgework. dental gold bought. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg. JUNK WANTED. Full value paid for rags, old cloth ing, scrap metals, rubber, sacks, and we also pay a good price on old tools, cloth ing and furniture. Call Main 734. 291 lM First street. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods. J67 1st St., near Morrison. Main 738. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. SECOND-HAND power concrete mlxet wanted with side loader, capacity ap proximately 8 cubic feet. Strong & Mac. Naughton. 701 Corbett bldg. WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shotgun and kodaks. Hocbfeld. 85 Third street. Main 3581. I WANT used furniture; will pay as mum as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. H. ' Calef. dealer. 540 Williams ave. TO BUY a fireproof safe: give price and size and where It can be seen. AH 729, Oregonlan. WANTED 2 or 4-drawer casn register. Address Heights Grocery, Vancouver, Wash. JUNK. rags, metals, old clothing, tools, fur niture, trunks: good prices. East 5171. WILL buy used ealculograph, also used dictaphone outfit. Main 780. WANTED To buy steamer trunk. Corona typewriter. V 789. Oregonlan. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you casn. uregon iypewnier o., Ctn. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prlcea paid for dla uo&Un. -Dan Uux, 263 Walking too, WANTED Ml-SCEI.LAN EOV S. WE BUY DIAMONDS. Receive Full Value. Sell Direct to Diamond Brokers. Get what your diamonds are worth. If you have to sell, don't sell for any old price. We pay full value In cash. If you nave your diamonds in pawn, we will buy the ticket and pay you also full value in cash. This is the place where you can turn anything into cash Jewelry, old gold, watches, silverware, platinum at full value. We buy your War Stamps, your Liberty Bonds, or any other valuables: so if you want ready cash, come to us. Always diamond bargains on hand. We buy bargains and sell bargains. PRIVATE OFFICE FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchants. 205 Morgan bldg. Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. WK BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT it a Baals of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg.. 2d Floor. $12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone In the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors, Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison St.. near 8d bt. Will call anywhere in the city, day or evening. CASH FOR WAS STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR- DIAMOND wanted, under 1 karat. Par spot cash if reasonable. Main 3864. be fore 4 P. M. Furniture Wanted. GBVURTZ FURNITURB CO. Marshall 6981. OLDEST RELIABLE HOUSE IN PORTLAND BUYS HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SPOT CASH. NOTHING TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL FROM A BIG HOTEL TO ONE PIECE. PHONE US. Marshall C981. GBVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. 183 Front St.. near Yamhill. CALL MAIN 309 'IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR f 1 T K T O VOt'R CAM WILL BRING THE BL'VEH WITH THE MONUY. KLINE FURNJTl'KK CO., 192 FIRST ST., NKAK TAYLOR. MAIN 3U9. BE SURE AND LET US SEK your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. I'OKTLAND tXH.MTLKB EXCHANGE, l!0fi Firnt St. . Main "7S. 1 WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a house lull, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall tiU3. Crown. CALL MAIN 887S. w pay the highest prices for used furniture. See tis before you sell. CALL UaS'ITKD KL'RNITURK STORE. MAIN SS78. CALL MAIN fcOM If you want to sell your furniture and not Rtve it away, ask for Mr. Wolf, 191 2d st.. near Taylor. REDUCED FREIGHT RAT ES to all points on household goods. Pacific Coast Kor warding Co.. 0th and Hoyt. Udwy. 7Xt. WE NEED SEOOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4rt7 or lrtti First st. WANTED Used furniture. Will pay best prices. Main &m;4. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED, WILL PA Y CASH. M A IN HKT.P WANTKD MALE. WANTED Marker and sorter for Elma Steam Laundry of Elma. Wash., must be able to handle $4LH per week, two thirds bundle work, must be steady and reliable, no floater wanted ; if you arc not a sticker, don't apply; wages 33 per week. Mut start Monday. January 5. impossible. Write or wire. A-l JANITOR and wife for large apt. house; no children; must be experienced oil burner man, also plumbing, elec tricity repairs, painting, kalsmmintng: best wages to experienced Janitor. State age and full particulars as to your abil ity and reference in first letter. F 742. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced w ashman and fireman for a modern motor-driven plant State wages expected in first letter. Ad dress Poison Steam Laundry, Poison, Montana. WANTED At once, first-class tinner and furnace man. steady position, but must be A-l. Merges Hardware Co.. Rus sell st. Phone Eat 34 14; evenings East 6333. WANTED Men of ability, high-class stock and bond salesmen, to sell preferred stock that offers attractive Inducements to the careful Investor. Call 413 Cor bett bldg. GOOD opening for tailor, one of best towns In Northern Idaho; prefer man who caa lead a band; shop eauipped. Felix Mart ten, Cottonwood, Idaho. WANTED Legitimate actors and enter tainers; have good engagement to of fer you. Portland Theatrical Agency, 31J Platti bldg. $1300 FI RST year paid government rail way mall clerks: names wanted, men. 1S-35. wishing positions. A V yS. Ore gonlan. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY re quires the services of an experienced salesman for the niik section. Apply em ployment department. 6th floor. GOOD bread baker to take charge of shop; must be able to handle men; would also be given opportunity to buy irrtereot In p 1 a nt. L -trt. Oregonlan. WANTED Firt-clHjH stenographer desir ing to learn machinery business; salary L:5 per month. Apply in person. Clvde Equipment Co. WANTED Good, clean Japanese cook in small restaurant at once ; moderate wages two months, then raise; long Job. Hox 194. Shanlko. Or. 8 M EN immediately, city, no experience necessary; steady. honest work; $15 starts you. 4JH Lumber Exchange bldg.. Second and Stark. WANTED Young man shipping clerk fol local tire company. State age and sal nry. R 215. Oregonian. JAP boy wanted to help In good home iu exchan ge for room, board and w ages. East 995. ADVERTISING salesmen, permanent: ex traordinary proposition for live wires. Robinson, 207 Stock Exchange. TAILORS. ATTENTION. Strike still on In Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. BOYS who are interested in building wire less sets, write to X. W. Blueprint Co., box 331. Portland. Or. LATHER wanted, who can ro some car penter work. Angela hotel. 625 Wash ington street. WANTED Good Chinese for cook and general housework, small family, good wages. Broadway 24. GOOD, clean young farmhand; must help with chores; $2 per day and board. S 470, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced agent to sell books. Apply room C, 454 Alder sL Phone Bdwy. 251S. WANTED Flrst-clas coat makers, $40 per week. Reed Bros.. 23 Wilcox bldg. FIRST-CLASS coat makers and bushel men. K. S. Ervln & Co.. Selling bldg, THOROUGHLY experienced shoe sales man. Simon Store, First and Alder. i NIGHT COOK wanted; short I Arlington club. 209 Park st. hours. LBARN the vulcanizing business. Call or 1 write i- tu. croaawBy. I TWO auto mechanics. Apply EUte Ga i rage, V-th and Jefferson. HELP WANTED MALE. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE OUR SCHOOL AND METHOD OK TEACHING. WE WILL OLADLY GIVE YuU AN OUTLINE OF OUR COURSES IN CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRING OF A UTOM O B I LES TRACTO RS GAS ENGINES CARBUHETIOX IGNITION MAGNETOS GENERATOR AND STARTING MO TORS ARMATURE WINDING STORAGE BATTERIES OX Y - ACETY LE N E W E LDI N G. DURATION OF COURSE 2 TO 6 MONTHS. DAY CLASSES FOR WINTER TERM BEGIN EACH MONDAY. NIGHT C L A S S E S M O N T A Y, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENING. SEVEN TO TEN. NO FREE TltlALS OFFERED. OUR TIME AND SPACE AKE LIMITED. OUR STUDENTS RE CEIVE BOTH TECHNICAL AND PRACTICAL TRAINING IN EVERY DEPA RTM ENT. EX-SERVICE MEN GET 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT. STATE ALLOWS 25 PER MONTH WHILE TRAINING. APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED AT OUR MAIN OFFICE. 7o7 HAW THORNE AVE. TAKE MT. SCOTT OR HAWTHORNE CAR AT 2D AND Al, D E R TO L'OTH STREET. OR CALL AT OUR DOWNTOWN OFFICE. 124 N. 6TH STREET. 2 BLOCKS FROM UNION DE POT ENTRANCE. CATALOGUES FREE. UEMPIIILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 1NC- YOUR BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY If ou want to make real money, big money, get Into th auto game; no other line offers equul opportunity ; no oilier lin- pays as well ; we will teach you aulo and tractor engineering under a plan no other school will match : come her four weeks, pay not a cent in advance; If you are then satisfied that our train ing is the superior if any other Pacific northwest auto schools, pay your tuition; if you are not satisfied that, our school exct-Is, we will pay you for every hour you have attended ilas; this Is the most startling offer any auto school ever made; there Is no red tape about It; we will giadly put it in writing; we are wllliug to depend entirely upon your honesty and good Judgment: oniy a dif ferent, unquestionably superior school could mukfc such au offer; if our train ing were just the ordinary kind, this of ter would be sulci da.1 ; but we know where we stand, know that the quality of our graining will win you if given a trial; our HH-page catalogue is free; ask for book No. 1-B. Adcox Auto and Gas Engine School. Union and Wasco. Y. M. C. A. AD V IS O R Y AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A. which aids ambitious young men In prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past 10 years we have assisted 17.92 men in finding positions. Many of thee men are now in executive positions and se cure their help through us. The standing this department has with employers is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of 15 years and they turn to the Y. M. C. A. for men to till the better sort of jobs. Vacant positions in Portland at pres ent are scarce, and if you. need assist ance in selling your service consult one of the employment secretaries, room 3u7. We can heip YOU. ARE YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED? If so. learn the auto and tractor busi ness and earn from $ 109 to $3 IK) a month. So ut hern California offers ex ceptional opportunitiro while and after learning; high salaries, ideal working conditions, fine year-round climate; io previous experience necessary. Learn In short time the National Way. Expert instructors, new, complete mechanical and electrical equipment. including Packard twin 6. Cadillac S. Wiilys Knlght. etc. No age limit. Earn board and room while learning. 60ny successful graduates GUARANTEE YOUR success. NATIONAL ACTOMOB1 LE SCHOOL. 15 years In Los Angeles at MS South Figuero. Write today for free catalogue. 500 INEXPERIENCED men w anted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld- rra huu lire vmiiiiiiit;i.i, tnii a u i j mobilt and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government w ar depart men i for t rain ing soldiers auto mechanics; don' t en roil In any ot her school until you have Inspected this one; railroad fare re funded if after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the 'School; biggest, best equipped and largest system of schools in the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7. MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm sts.. Spokane, Wash. ; TOO Mercler St., Seattle. Wash. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. INC.. 432 HAWTHORNE AVE. AUTOMOBILE -TRACTOR AND AIR PLANE MECHANICS. EXPERT VL'L CANIZERS. ACETYLENE WELDERS AND MACHINISTS THAT HAVE R E EN TRAINED IN OUR SCHOOL ARE IN DEMAND EVERYWHERE AT BIG WAGES. WE TEACH THESE TRADES IN A FEW WEEK S" T 1MB; SO V E R CENT PRACTICAL WORK WITH C I , E A R. UNDERSTANDABLE L EC -TIRES AND DEM O N STRATIONS BY EXPERTS, THE STATE ALLOWS EX . SERVICE MEN $25 PER MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OUR SCHOOL. CALL OR WRITE FOR OA TALOGUE. SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. To uphold Holiday traditions we offer all students making application for our regular auto and gas engine course, a present of our cx tension course in bat tery work, or a $35 credit on our exten sion course In electrical work. If you are not prepared to enter now-, you can ma ke a small deposit and arrange for a later date of entry. Call or write for further information. School can be In spected week days from 10 A. M. to 12 ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE I SCHOOL UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. ( "NEW NIGHT CLASS THURSDAY, JANUARY S. ADCOX. AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. You are invited to inspect school and get full information Monuay evening, January 5th, 6:30 to 7:30 o'clock. EX PERI ENCED door machine man to iook after setting up of machines; stock fac tory; also fanderinan to operate Berlin 6-d rum sander. Only experienced men apply. Steady employment. Nh-olat Door Manufacturing Co., Kenton station, Portland, Or. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school: new building ; modern equipment; best In struction ; practical w ork. laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 416 Y. M. C A. bldg. Phone Main &7QQ. branch 2. LEA RN the oxy-acetylene welding busi ness. We know where several welders a-nd cutters are needed at once. We teach vou In from 3 to 5 weeks. Write for circular. W-C Welding Works. 1U5 E. Water st. BOOKKEEPER, capable, energetic young man w ho has had considerable experi ence wit h large corporations; must be good penman; state age. experience and salary expected. B 952, or-gonlan. MEN to manufacture lath on contract; ca pacl ty about 40.000 per day. See me Saturday before noon at 215 Lumber men! bldg.. or Sunday at 726 W asco st. Telephone E:ist 3rttJ9. James Cole. WANTED Experienced janitor and wife for large apartment house; experiem-e and references must be given in appli cation. Wages $1"1. commissions and furnished apt. F 8(16. Oregonian. WANTED Texas stock saddlemakers; wages based on 75 cents per hour, also time and half for overtime: "also need coilarmakers. Plenty of work. Th Shollkopf Company. Dallas. Help Wanted Salesmen, BOO KM A N. high-class, wanted for new proposition from Roy croft Shop-s ; ca rd leads. Write V. D. Harney. 405-6 White bldg.. Seattle. Wash. WERE you ever offered a business of your own? If you are a high-grade salesman, we have one for you. c-39 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. WANTED Energetic men as with or without experience, ding bldg. salesman. 5t4 Spal- WAMED AGENTS. SOME EXCLUSIVE COUNTRY TERRI TORY IN OREGON AND SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON IS STILL AVAILABLE FOR THE SEMAPHORE AUTO SIG NL INDORSED BY ALL AUTHORI TIES: THE FASTEST SELLING AC CESSORY SINCE THE KLAXON HORN AND AS NECESSARY AS THE LIGHTS. 011 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG., PORTLAND. Main 3C3S. GASOLINE at 3c a gallon. Miracle motor gas: agents wanted for Oregon. Parti culars address Swendcr & Beavon, 30S Stark St.. Portland Or. Main 185. AGENTS at once, selling 50c per month hospital tickets. 20' Corbett bldg. 1IKLP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl for general housework. few hours, two or three a week. 693 Schuyler. WANTED Woman to care for old iady at I'attun Uoma. WUlo. XiQM. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TOCNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. BEGINNERS PAID FROM START CALL AT THE TELEPHONE COMPANY, ROOM 601, 6TII FLOOR, TELEPHONE? BLDG., PARK AND OAK STS. EXPERIENCED alteration gown hm1s Apply Hupt.s office before lOSiO ready for work. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. WANTED. Young lady information isoiiritor. house to house, nothing to -sell, age 3U to 35. salary y75 per month, st rvtiuous work. Apply 219 Railway Exchan bldg. 5 P. M. Friday. MM E. PATTENAUDE, hair and skin specialist, inpz. floor Rent-on hotel, will accept a limited number of pupils to learn the proteslon, enabling tlnm to enter business for themselves ; unlimited opportunities in this line. WANTED Girls to work in ood work ins factory at St. Johns; healthy, anitar.v surroundings; no experience ncccsar ; $2.2r to $;;.25 for S-hoiir d;ty. Give honir, addresa in your reply. AE 759, Oregonian. WE START you In business you can make 6 to $12 per day. If you lail in selling t his article you could not sHl a gold sovereign for a penny. 124 E. 6th tt., from 1 to 5 1. M. W A NTEI Experienced du taphone oper ator capable of handling correspond-n o ; permanent position with chance of ad vancement ; salarv $10O to s(m rt . Applv THE DICTAPHONE. 420 Spalding bidi: WANTED Neat-appearing young lady to work at soda fountain in candy store, afternoon and night hlft; don't phone. Rogers candy store, Broadway corner Yam hill. WANTED Two lumber stenographers, alto combination dictnphone operator and stenographer in bank in tow u near Portland. Call Main 344. WANTED Typist to addrcts sever:. I thousand circulars on Underwood ma chine; must be speedy, state v. ages expected. AC 300, Oregonlan. GIHL in an Insurance office: must be good at figures and write good hand ; al$o can give information over the telephone. State salary wanted. G 735. Oregonlan. WE CAN use 2 young ladles In our child welfare work ; we teach you free of charge; short hours, good pay, Mrs. Wright. 149 N. 2od. WANTED 2 hand ironen and 2 mangle girls; experience not necessary. Apply Crystal Laundry Co., E. 21st and Sandy. Knse I'lty t ar, THE M EI E it & FRANK C O M P A NY re -quires the services of an experienced saleswoman for the silk section. Apply employment depart men t. 6th floor. PORTLAND, OR. Railway mail examina tions. .Ian. 17: $i:ioi year; list vacancies free. Write immediately. Franklin In- stmite, iept. U4 , Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Teacher of shorthand fpr per manent position at good pay; small in vestment, well secured, necessary. AE f02. Oregonlan. MARRIED woman wanted for dining room work. No objection to child. 511 N. 21 st st. Bdwy. 2729. THE Florence Crlttenton Home is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East Glisan. "MY" car. East 316. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 392 East 15th st. N., or phone East 123. WOMEN, lS-3". wishing government rail way mall office positions; $1300 year. AV 927, Oregonlan. MI DDLE-AGED refined lady to assist ni general light housework ; small family : excellent home for right party. East 2G24. W ANTED Young girl for cook. smnl family. 67 North 17th at. Bdwy. 2l3i. Call mornings. EXPKKIKNVKO women to -assist In gen eral housework and assist iu care of invalid lady. Call Tabor 4421. W A NTED An ex perlenced chambermaid, permanent position ; room furnished. New Scott hotW. RELIABLE, steady girl for store and housework: good home, reasonable wages and good future. 127S Belmont t. W A N T ED EXP E RTF N C E D VTO RS TO SEW O N PO W E R M AC H I N ES. 82 N. 5TH ST. W A N T E D An unlnrum bered w id ow a s housekeeper for a workingman : Scandi navian preferred. H 4SU, oregonian. " A NT ED- A cok and masst-urc. Port land Conv.-ilecent hospital. Phone Marshall 293. TWO stenogra pher, $1 on ; stenographer. $75; stenographer, out of town, -H"i; bookkeeper. $1QQ. :W1 N. W. B:ink bldg. MILLINER V makers wanted. Miss S.-l-over ' THE ELSIE TRIM HAT CO.." 225 Beck Mdg. Bdwy. 4:i'.Kl or East 5.VH. SEWING MACHINE operator to sew mat tress ticks, steady work. good pay. United M fg. Co.. 971 Sandy blvd. Fl RST- 'LASS experienced w aitrcss. good pav wit h room and board. Alexander ro'url. 53 Ella St. WANTED A girl to take care of children In th afternoons. 247 N. 24th st. Call Ma rsball WANTED Office assistant: must have huslness experience and some knowledge of stenography. Tahor 236Q. " A NTED Fairly ex peHeticd chamber maid. Cull after 9. Hotel Morris. 10th Mild StarU LADY for general housework; reasoniiblo wages; be as one of family. East "78. W A X TE D Seh ool girl to ca re for ch i 1 -dr.-n. Marshall 1435. C1IOK1S GIRLS, experienced, big engage ment. Apply Casino theater. GIRL with som experience to assist with housework. E. 4774. 5S4 K. 22d N. W K NTE I W a i t resss. m ust be c x peri -eneed. Ma liory hotel. 171 Iow nsdale. Fl RST -CLASS helpers on routs. K. S. Ervin fc Co.. 2"5 Selling bldg. HOUSE K EE PER w anted by middle-aged working man. V 73. Oregonian. WAN'TKl' A dining room girl. 1751 Der by Phone Wdln. 2915. MI LL1N ER Y makers and trimmers want ed. Apply Lowengart & Co. YOUNG GIRL to aj-sst in cook i tig and h ousework. E:tst 1 19". 2 LA DY barWrs w a n ted nt 22'. Burnside. Want il I hmio t t(fi. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 735 KEARNEY ST., BE TWEEN 22 D AND 23DSTS. WANTED Housekeeper. modern home, nrar Oswego; wages $59. Marshall 3'3. GOOD wages to competent ma id for sec ond work and rare of children. Mar shall 3051. 1240 Thurman st. WANTED Capable girl for cooking and downstairs work ; no washing; nj Sun day dinner. Main 0339. WANTED Girl for cooking stairs work; two in family, avenue. Main 5351. LDil dnw n 299 i--ta WANTED Good rook and general house work; wages ."; must be good ctok ; small family. Mar. 823. WOMAN for light housework, small family ; room, board and wages. Wood lawn 956. W'ANTED An experienced woman foi general house w ork on r nrl wages $ "1 per month. Call Tabor 2Q2 COMPETENT girl for general housework; must be a good cook. M rs. A. A. A ya. 735 Halsey st. Phone mornings East 492. WoM AN to take care of child of 5 and help around house; no cooking; no washing. Call Tabor 7VS5. WANTED Girl for general housework. Portland Heights. 2 in family. Phono Mar. 1782. or Mar. 373. WANTED A girl for general housework in a family with a second girl; no laun d ry. Ca 1 1 Sell w ood 2 4 3rt. WANTED A girl for cooking and down stairs work. Telephone Main 43t3, or address H03 Thurman st. GIRL for general housework and afc-Mst with children, good home, good wages. fi?,o E. BUh st.. Irving ton. East m s9. WANTED A young girl to care for two school children and assist with house work. 77ti Kearney. GIRL to assist with housework. good wages. Apply forenoon. Mar. 4 8 GO. 747 Glisan st. WANTED Young girl for general house-' work will pay good wages. 307 Ains w orth avenue. EXPERIENCED girls for general bouse w ork, very best v. ages. Eat 6349. (150 Knott street. Gl RL for general ing. good wage-. hoiework ; Main 2937. no wash- W A NTED Ex perb need nurse maid, two children, feooU wages. Broadway CS J4. 0