19 TTTE MORNING OITEGONIAN, TITURSDAT, JANUARY 1, 1920. FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. fO BALE .AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HELP WANTED -LALE. Automobile for Hire. .Wilt BUT A CHBAV TJSED CAR WHEN TOU CAN CET SUCH CARS AS A PACKARD TWIN SIX WHICH LOOKS AND RUNS LIKH NEW, AND CNT.T ......... . ........ . .$2250 ALSO A PACKARD 8-48 6-CTIJXDER 6-CORD TIRES AND ONLT. ...... $2000 ANOTHER 8-SEATED 8-6 CTUNDER. A BARGAIN. . THIS WOULD B3 A DANDT RENT OR. STAGE! CAR... 1 1750 - ALSO A NASH SIX CHDMMT, PRICED AT $1160 OVERLAND SIX LIKE NEW .......... T-PASSENGER, . $800 f A mCB BRISCOE ROADSTER. NEW PAINT. THIS IS A 191 MODEL AND CXLT $750 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANT 421 BURNSIDE ST. Why Put Off Until Tomorrow What You Can Do Today7 START THE NEW YEjR RIGHT. By making your selection of a used ear now you can aavo from S per cent to IS per cent. A BUICK LITTLE SIX. AN OVERLAND NEW PAINT. A HUPMOBILB. A FORD ROADSTER. A FORD COUPE. AN EMPIRE SPEEDSTER. . OLDS COUPE BRAND NEW. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. W. H. WALLINGFORD CO.. Bdwy. 2492. 622 Aldor st. Ask tor Mr. Little. rLL say we do SELL OUR CHEVROLET USED CARS AT COST. WE HAVE SOME WONDERFUL BUYS. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO, CHEVROLET AGENTS. 14TH AND ALDER STS. BDWY. 240. THE BEST EQUIPPED USED CARS ALWAYS COMB FROM THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN OUR AD IN TODAY'S ORE- GONIAN (THIS SECTION) BE SURS AND LOOK FOR IT. STE? HAVE on hand two Republic 'trucks. V ftnd 1-ton and lton Panhard chassis, bee Ufi before you buy a used truck. Why not buy your used Chevrolet of die Chevrolet dealer f He Is Interested In seeing that you get a Rood car. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents for Multnomah Co, 14th and Alder sts. Broadway 40. ' SNAP, $075. MUST BE SOLD TODAT. 1010 B- PASS. MAXWELL, .NEW. CASH OR TERMS. BARNES. 71 BROADWAY. NOTICE. a Cars advertised far sale In tmi paper at 623 Alder street belong to the Pa- ciflo Auto Co. They are forced to move, which accounts lor their cars being priced so low. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords. $24-65. Authorized Wlllard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP, 46s Union ave. N., cor. bacramento. Phone East 1398. 1818 BABY GRAND touring car in fine condition. All gone over In our own hops. Will be worth $75 more by spring, fries now s70 ana terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder sts. Broadway 240, fifinr.H roadster, late model- lots itrai. five Hood tires, looks like new. cheap for cash if sold within next few days. Ask for Rowland, owner, 634 Alder; 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.; call Broad way 26a 1. t.')0. CASH or terms, buys 1918 Bulck four, runs and looks like new. 4 new tires, 3 bumpers, extra tire and rim and motormeter. CALL JOB. MARSHALL B34X JiEST BUG in state of Oregon. Winton six, wltn one man top, side curtains. room for 4 passengers. 3 new con tires; $300. $123 down. $25 per month. r2 Alder street. Broadway till. trl'DEBAKER. 36 model. 6-passenxer. Al condition; will sell cheap If taken at once; would consider small diamond. Hewitt, 00 N. is road way. Phone Bdwy, K'J4T. BUG BODIES. $100. Complete with hood, eta. Immediate Oellvery. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO, Third and Glisan. WOKDERFUL bargain In 1916 Chevrolet touring ear; looks Ilka new and motor in gooa condition; .o ana terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder sts. Broadway 240. n - r . . oaa. v' ,. , .... .... .ow. Just been overhauled and guaranteed to be In first-class conditions can be seen at Philadelphia restaurant, zoo Alder St., between 1 ana f. si. J818 CHEVROLET touring car. Has been taken good care of and Is in fine condi tion: Iftift ana terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder sts. Broadway 140. UAiWBLL touring. 1918. best of Condi tlon, good tires, newly painted, $775, with terms. SO Grand ave. Is., near Burnslde, FORD touring. 1915. good paint, good tires, a bargain, $375, with terms, 30 Grand Y, X er Burnslde, tit MORE CAR PER DOLLAR. We are not giving anything away, but we will sell you a used car that wears a guarantee that la worth all you pay. We are moving to our new location and have reduced all our prices. If you are looking for a real buy or a trade, we will trade any used car we have for anything of value. If yon have a ear and need the money come to us. BUICK light 4. B-paas. 1819 DODGE. 1318 OAKLAND, light 6. 5-pass. PEERLESS roadster. 1917 DODGE 5-pass. 1918 CHEVROLET, B-pass, 1919 APPERSON 8. chummy roadster. 1920 CADILLAC 8. 1917 MITCHELL light 8. 1917 MAXWELL B-pass. KINO 8, 7-pasa OVERLAND, model 83, B-pass. 1914 OVERLAND, 6-pasa, ' BUICK light six. 6-pasa, 1018 MAXWELL. 5-pass. BUICK, model 65. 7-pasa. STODDARD-DAYTON roadster. WINTON light six. B-pass. KISSELL KAR. 5-pass. AMERICAN. 4 -pass. KISSELL KAR roadster. 1918 STUDEBAKER 8. 7-pass. , 1017 STUDEBAKER 4. B-pass. 1917 STUDEBAKER 4. S-pasa. 1915 STUDEBAKER 4. B-pass. CHALMERS Master 6, 7-pass. OLDSMOBILE light 4, 5-pass. 1917 CHEVROLET, B-pass. NATIONAL roadster. FORD 1-ton truck. REO 2-ton truck. ' EXCELSIOR 2-cyl. motorcycle, with side car complete' PORTLAND-SAN FRANCISCO USED CAR CO. 836 Burnslde St. Bdwy. 8885. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. Prices on all new cars take a further advance with the beginning of the new year. This means you. will pay more for a used car than at present. Our advice is to make your selection now while you can get a good selection and before prices raise. We have a few 'very good used cars which have been traded In on new Chandlers and guarantee them to be ex actly as represented. The lit includes: FORDS. DODGES. CHEVROLETS, BU1CK.1, OAKLAND, MAXWELLS. CHANDLERS. A small deposit will hold any of these cars until you are ready to use it and we give exceptionally easy terms. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. 614 Alder St. TOURING CARS. '17 Hupp, the big boy that has the power and pep and can take you there and bring you back. Low price of $920 and take 4300 down, balance easy. OAKLAND TOURING. This is late model and has been re finished and looks like new. c Fine tires and runs perfect. Low price 8700, with s-ou down. OVERLAND 00 TOURING. This little car has only run 8700 miles and It looks as good as any new one you ever saw and has fine tires and one extra and the low price we have on It win mane you taae notice, bmau sum of $300 down, bal. easy. MAXWELL TOURING. Low price of $425. with 8168 down, bal. easy, lets you drive it home. CHEVROLET TOURING. This is late model and runs and looks rood; low price $400, with $150 down, baj. easy, lets you drive home this bird. RED FRONT USED-CAR CO., 505 Alder Street. Phone Automatlo 61S-67. 6TUTZ DISTRIBUTORS offer an unusual bargain in 1910 touring Stuts; color, smart wine shade; one of the newest designs by the town's best painter. Six wire wheels, brand new cord quipped; two spotlights; special heavy all-nickeled bumper; hand buffed genu ine Spanish leather upholstery; special cutout. Also 8-valve, 4-passenger; color. Na pier green; special top and upholstery natural wood wheels: a fast, sporty cat at the price of an ordinary make. NOTE All used cars are rebuilt by our niutz experts, repainted ana re topped and re-tired and sold with a tier formance and service -guarantee. This policy absolutely protects you. Suitable terms. AUTOREST MOTOR SALES CO.. Tenth at 'Salmon. LOOK FOR THE OREGON MOTOR CAR COS USED CAR AD. IN THIS SEC TION! THEY CERTAINLY GIVE LOTS OF EXTRAS WITH THEIR USED CARS. USED CAR BARGAINS. " 1 Fine club roadster $1100 '1 Oakland Sedan noo .x rranKiin 85 l buick J? our 700 x Diuaeoaxer isix 6 1 Maxwell.......................... fio 1 Maxwell 5O0 2 Overlands, each , 400 1 Ford 400 z roroa, Hon 2.' 1 Ford roadster ., 2C 10 cars from $50 to $250. 8 trucks, 1-ton. $250 to $700. LONG tc SILVA, 402 Hawthorne. AFTER YOU HAVE READ OUR EPS CIAL FREE OFFER IN THIS SEC " TION. BRING US A SMALL DEPOSIT ON ANY CAR. IT WILL BE HELD FOR YOU. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. FOR QUICK sale I win sacrifice myVlEW 1919 CHEVROLET; lots of extras such as spotugnt, extra tires, and the fa mous Davis combination electric lock. which Is thief-proof ; has been run less than 2500 miles. If you are thinking car. see tnis Dargam at 71 Broadway. Broadway 2162. A BARGAIN 81200. 1010 Dode; looks is new: rone like tnll-llon dollars; 2 spare tires. 2 tire covers: double tire carrier, soot llrh Johnson theft lock. $15.50 clock, flower vase, cut-out. special lens. 2 pair shock absorbens. engine thermometer. al brakes, bumper front and rear. I must sell. Call Broadway I.W, 434 Wash Ington, FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. BUT A USED CAB NOW WHILE THEY AJUfc CHEAP JANUARY 1ST BRINGS GREATER DEMAND. HIGHER PRICES AND FEWER CARS. 1918 TOURING, 1018 TOURING. 1818 TOURING. 1818 TOURING. 1818 WORM-DRIVE TRUCK. 1818 COUPE. 1918 COUPE. 1917 CHASSIS. 1918 TOURING. 1918 TOURIN3. 1918 TOURING. . 1918 ROADSTER. 1918 ROADSTER. 1918 ROADSTER. 1915 ROADSTER. WH ARB HEADQUARTERS FOR NEW AND USED CARS. TALBOT CASEY, INC AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. GRAND AVE., AT ANKENY. CLOSED ALL DAT SUNDAYS. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING To see the finest display of SLIGHTLY USED CARS ever assembled on one floor. IT COSTS YOU NO MORE to buy from, a reliable business firm whih has a ceputation for honest busi ness methods, . IT COSTS YOU LESS in the end to buy one of our cars which has been given every attention necessary to put H in condition to meet with your approval which we guarantee to be ex actly as represented. ' ' ' REMEMBER. ' Our firm Is the oldest In the city and the original exclusive used car dealers. IT WILL PAY YOU to Investigate our stock before yau buy your car. , 1919 APPERSON eight. 1P18 HUDSON super-six. 119 NASH six. 5-pass. 1019 DODGE sedn. 1919 GRANT sedan. 1019 MAXWELL, touring. 1019 OVERLAND touring. 1918 BUICK six. 5-pass. 1918 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, Many others. , At low' prices and easy terms. IT'S A GOOD INVESTMENT as you pay no more for a good used car tnan the ordinary kind, THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. Four years at 15th and Wash. The home of used, but not abused car. ROADSTERS. LATB MODELS. T..I.If lt.k. I I .. .. ...1 , " ' . ..Bill Ol. .UU I . VI. V ' has been rennished and we will say it Is as nice as is In this city. Cords and other extras. Low price and long terms. 18 DODGE ROADSTER. This Dodge Is like new and has four r.on-HKia tires ana one extra, mounted. and we will take Ford In trade on this car; low-price of $65U. with $270 down. cat. easy. SCRIPP3-BOOTH ROADSTER. This light ear his wire wheels and fine tires and one extra wire wheel and self starter; lots other extras and has chains and Is ready lor winter driving; low price 01 simio; some aown, Dai. easy SPEEDSTER. Oh. boys, this Is yellow and has top ana winaenieia ana rson-Kia tires and low price, s-uo, with , S120 down, bai. easy. RED FRONT USED'-CAR CO., -505 Alder Street. , Phone Automatlo 518-67. GUARANTEED USED CARS. HUDSON SUPER SIX.... t!600 CHALMERS LIGHT SIX 1050 BRISCOE . 078 OVERLAND 000 MITCHELL SIX 875 LATE MODEL DORT. I 875 KING 8...,.,.....,.., 1050 BROADWAY USED CAR SALESROOMS, Broadway at Hoyt Bt., Opp. new P. O.. HI. 1 c.. AFTER TOU HAVE READ OUR SPE CIAL FREE OFFER IN THIS SEC TION. BRING US A SMALL DEPO8IT ON ANY CAR. IT WILL BE HELD FOR YOU. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO, A REAL 'family car: this Is a baautv my taie moaei v uiys-ivnigni at a Jf ord price. It is in . the best of shape and cannot be told from new: run less than aiHHj miles; don't overlook this if you wan 1 1 eat car. 71 Broadway. Broadway 2163. 1P19 FORD ROADSTER, $500. DODGE TOURING, new top and new tires. TERMS IF DESIRED. 430 BURNSIDE. '16 FORD touring cars and roadsters from 9juv to saio, im lb gooa condition; terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th 'and Aider sts Broadway 240. 1918 BUICK roadster, Al shape, all good tires and one extra. 1920 license, paid for. This is a snap at $750; $200 down. 625 Alder street. STUDEBAKER Four, in the beat of eon dition. good tires, good Dalnt: a harp, (1 at $750, terms. SO Grand ave. N near r u rrimae. 1918 CHEVROLET roadster at cost from us to you; saou anu terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder sts. Broadway 240. BRISCOE, 1818, used privately. In th best or condition; bargain at 1600. wit terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn- side. . 1818 CHEVROLET touring, Just like new iouu ana terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO,, 14th and Alder sts. Broadway 240. MAXWELL touring, 1919. used prlvatsly, almost new. owner will sacrifice at $975 ana give terms, au ursna ave. N near urnsiae. MUST sell at sacrifice, a 1918 Hot Spot Chalmers, B-pass., runs and looks like new; $1175. cash or terms. Call Adams. Ttbor pap, or mar. odz. LATHI 1918 Ford touring, like new, with battery and other extras; also new solid rubber wheel trailer. 515 Mill St., apt. 7. Main 6110. OVERLAND touring, good paint, good tlr. A real bargain at $GoO, some terms. SO Grand a vs. N, near Burs side. i PACKARD 6, self-starter, new cord tires, will sacrifice; will take diamonds or light car on trade. Mr. Heed. Tabor 7494. 6CRIPP8-BOOTK roadster for sale; almost new; owner leaving city. Phone Bdwy. SUM during day or Bast 2668 evenings CHEVROLET, 1917. good mechanical con dition. Will sell at $500 and give terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnslde. FORD touring car. first-class haps, new tires. 8276. Bast T14K COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT. GOOD USED CARS. . CLOSED CARS.- 1917 CHANDLER SEDAN .'.$1750 1918 DODGE SEDAN 1400 1917 DODGE SEDAN .' 1300 1914 FRANKLIN SEDAN 120 1919 FORD SEDAN, electric starter tnK) 11)17 OAKLAND, all-weather top.. 850 DODOES. . 1918 DODGE, all-weather top $1100 1918 DODGE, touring car 050 1917 DODGE, touring 875 1918 DODGE., touring............. 7S0 lHia DODGE, roadster............ 750 1015 DODGE, touring 5S0 ID 16 DODGE, roadster B50 MAXWELLS. 1919 MAXWELL, touring $750 11)18 MAXWELL, touring.... 6.0 1918 MAXWELL, roadster... r,o 1U17 MAXWULL. touring 475 CHEVROLETS, 1019 CHEVROLET, touring $75 1918 CHEVROLET, touring. 4 ..... . 25 1917 CHEVROLET, touring 650 FORDS, touring. touring. ...... roadster. . .. . touring. .... .. roadster. . delivery. . ... . 1018 FORD, 1018 FORD. 1018 FORD. 3916 FORD, 1914 FORD. 1918 FORD, ...$450 ... 4"0 ... 4.10 ... 850 ... 2.-.0 ... BUI Open Sundays. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT. -Washington. St.. at Slat. Main 6244. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. SAVE 850 TO $100. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. 1913 touring: good rubber and extras t 425 1917 touring; spotlight and extras. 1918 touring; 4 new non-skid tires and extras r ' 1918 touring and extras 1018 touring! lots of extras..- 1015 touring; new top and tires... 191U coupe; starter and extras.... 101S chassis 1018 roadster; demountable rims, pare tire; good shape. ........ . RUSHLIGHT & PENNEY, 425 450 425 4."0 S25 678 200 450 363 East Broadway. C 156L LATE MODEL FORDS. 1919 Ford touring, with alectrta star er, demountable wheels, speedometer, absolutely A-l shape. 1919 Ford tourmg. bumpers, spotlight, hocks, speedometer; can put on Ford starter. 1918 Ford touring, some extras, $425. Hill f n.n, I , .- Two Fori chassis ready for bug or delivery bodies. 1917 Ford roadster, newly painted, fine mechanical condition; 4iH). 1918 Fosd roadster with extras. TERMS AS YOU LIKE. WILLIAM U HUGHSON CO, USED FRANKLTN3. We hftvo the foil-owing nsed Franklins which have been taken In exchange on new touring cars and aeda.ua. all of which are In good shape as a doroon stration will convince. Series OB touring ear. Series 0B 4-pasenger roadster. Series OA touring car. Series 8 touring car Series 9 touring car. Liberal terms can be had on any of these cars. BR ALT AUTO CO.. 401 Washington SL. Main 4880. THE BEST EQUIPPED USED CARS ALWAYS COME FROM THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. IP YOU HAVEN'T SEEN OUR AD IN TODAY'S ORE GONIAN (THIS SECTION) BE SURE AND LOOK FOR IT. AUTOMOBILE! FOR SALE. Seven-passenger CHANDLER CAR manufactured in February, 1918, for sale by private party. Car In excellent con dition throughout, equipped with Houck wire wheels and extra wheel In rear; pearly new tires all around; body dark green. Price for quick sale $1325.' Call Main 580. OVF.RU A NT) B-passenger touring car, with cord tires; 3 extras mounted; good top, windshield, 3O0 cash, balance terms, takes 11. INTERNATIONAL MACK CORP, lOLh and Davis sis. FRANKLIN tovrincr car, series OAt this car has lust been overhauled in our own shop and Is an exceptional buy for -81700. BR ALT AUTO CO.. 6Q1 Washington 6t. Main 4888. BEST '18 Dodge touring car we have had In for some time; in perfect condition; 973 and torms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder sts. Broadway 240. 1818 FORD roadster, electric starter, de mountable rims, shock absorbers and - other extras, sell or trade for Dodge. Call Wqortiawn 230U. - PAIGE touring, wire wheels, extra tire, newly painted. A real bargain at $1075, with terms.. 80 Grand ave. N., pear - Burnslde. DODGE sedan. 1918. A-l condition; good tires, almost new, front and rear bump er, other extras; $ixi, terms. Phone Frank Smith. Broadway 1130. LOOKS just like new. No. 75 Overland touring, perfect running order: $5u0. $200 down, $30 per month. 628 Alder street. Broadway 3411. CHEVROLET touring, 1918. In the best of condition. Owner will sacrifice at $075, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N, near Burnslde. FOR RENT. Radltor and fender location: we can give you a lot of bu&iness; all of our own shop; rent $100 per month. Bdwy 2029. BY OWNER, overhauled. -Austin. Hudson bug, completely Call Main 1100, ask for $550 CHEVROLET, 1918 five-passenger: tires good, one extra; fine mechanical condition. East 63b9. CHEVROLET touring, 1018, fine condition, food tires; bargain at $675, with terms. 0 Grand ave. N., near Burnelde. LATE 1019 CHANDLER AT A SACRI FICE. OWNER LEAVING CITY. CALL MAIN 4554. AFTER 12 NOON. FORD roadster, new, with Bosch magneto ign., run only 80 miles; owner going away. Call for Mr. George, Bdwy. 453. 1916 FORD touring; fine condition; $300 cash If taken this week. See car at 638 E. 38th st. N. Take Rose City car. 1917 FORD touring, good condition with good tires, engine overhauled. $376 cash or terms PI cne East 0323. 1910-BUTCK roadster for sale. Apply for cash price and particulars. D S7. Qre gonlan ' 1918 CHANDLER, four passenger, a real bargain. East 4945. 101 E. 16th. 7-PASSENGER 6-40 HUDSON; elegant buy. Main 6493. $350 MAXWELL 1816 touring car In fine Condition; goou urea. g.si poau. '17 FORD, good condition; new top, lots extras. $365. Tabor 1558. FOR SALE Oakland roadster, 1917 model. Phone Marshall 8036. $100 DOWN, terms on balance, buys a T Mitchell touring car. East 2766. WANTED A motorcycle as first payment on a gooa uieuiouiiBi car. mar. 8540. 6-PASSENGER For61920 model, driven 3 weeks. East 8182. 1017 FORD light delivery, spotlight and battery, Call Russell. Alain 7020, 1 FREE I FOR 80 DATS ONLY. Every purchaser who selects his used ear at our store will be presented with toe loiiowing brand new assessorles: A NEW TOOL ROLL A NEW PUMP A NEW JACK A NEW GREASE GUN A NEW OIL CAN A NEW. SPOT LIGHT ' ' A NEW BUMPER AND A NEW PAIR OK WIND DEFLECTERS Select your 'car here and for the next 80 days we will Install all of the above equipment on any used car In the house. ABSOLUTELY FREE. An excess number of high grade used cars on hand prompts us to make this unusual offer. Don't wait any longer. If you are not quite ready for a car select It now and a small deposit holds the car for. a future date of delivery. Aet quickly before you ses your neigh bor driving the car you would like to have had. It makes ne difference what your Idea of a motor car is. we have it, Ferds. Dodges, Maxwells. Franklins. Reos, titudebakers and dosens of others. Remember this offer expires . In 80 days. GET YOURS NOW. THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.'S BIG UPTOWN USED CAR STORE. Broadway at Burnslde. Open Sundays and Evenings. Pheife. Broadway 618. : COVEY MOTOR-CAR COMPANT. GOOD USED CARS. 1918 PACKARD. 7 passenger, new like .83750 1010 CADILLAC. 7 passenger, like new; - cord tires, nearly new -with extra; seat covers, spring bumper 3600 1018 CADILLAC, 7 passenger, new ly painted, special permanent California top, wire wheels; a beauty 3500 1010 COLE AERO "8," 4 passenger, seat covers, bumper, two extra tires 2500 1910 FRANKLIN, like new; bumper front and rear, Fpotlight; periect mechanical condition ............ 2350 1016 PACKARD TWIN SIX, B pas senger; in first-class condition throughout 2250 1919 VELIK FOUR, 4 passenger, sport modol ; wire wheels, newly ri.-. 1 11 f . rl iafld mechanical con dition ; isoO Open Sunday. COVET MOTOR-CAR COMPANT. Washington St. at 21aU . Malu 6244. HOME OF GUARANTEED USED CARS. S1MONTON MOTOR-CAR CO.. 14TH AND COUCH STREETS. WB HAVE SOME WONDERFIT. BARGAINS IN THE USKD-CAR LINE AVI) DON'T FORGET THAT WE GIVE A WRITTEN GITAKANTKK WITH EACH oar. w k VArr ?ai it. 11 t.riu M K KS AND WE WILL SHE THAT YOU ARE SATISFIED IF YOU r UHt'H A r r. A CAR FROM US. COME IN AND LOOK AT OUR LARGE .ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL USED CARS. DODGES. B1T1CK8, PAIGES, HTUDEBAKEHS, FORI1S. CHEVROLETS. CHALMERS, OVERLANDS AND IN FACT MOST ' ANY MAKE CAR ON THE MARKET. THESE CARS ARE IN FIRST-CLASS RUNNING ORDER AND WB ARK READY TO STAND BEHIND ANY OF THEM. KAfiY TERMS Is' UbSlKltu. PHONE BDWY. 12L mrnanv Bitner-alx roadster, looks ltk new ana will guarantee same in A-l mechanical condition. Will give terms - Phone Marshall 2700. Automobiles V n W A. HERE is your chance to get rid of your used car at a good price. We have cus tomers waiting for all makes of cars. Bring in your car and we will sell it free of charge. No commi&iHlon and cash to you. -AE Go4. Oregomaiu WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE I'AY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownfdalo St., S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. WANTED To buy late model car, Bulck or Dodge preferred; will pay cash: must be cheap. Call at 773 Belmont, between 7 and 0 P. M. any evening. I HAVE a lot on the corner of 47th ave. nri 7rtrt. at. that I will trade for a Usht car. Will pay some cash. Write to O 241, Orfgonlao. MY DIAMOND, unusually brilliant stone, value $24o6; will consider high-class car or casn. uwner, jiain otuu. LATE model Ford wanted with self- starter as first payment 00 2 acre lots. Call Woodlawn Souo . IF YOU want money worse than you do your Ford, look me up. Eckerson, 641 East Salmon. East ZUSl. -J- . GUARANTEED player piano to trade for a late model Ford or a good car of like value. 1'lioua taDor BU04. FORD 5-pass. 1019 from owner; no agenls. Oaxli. Give particulars and phone. w Bt;u. t-reg)nia.n. HAVE a good used car for sale. Will take a diamond as part payment. BD 78, Oregonlan. WILL trade my Stuts for any houee or property in fort. anu. ah 01, orego- man. DODGE car wanted; will pay cash for same; must be a bargain. AC 812, Ore gonlan. WANTING to buy all classes of used car a AE 654, Oregoniau. FORD wanted Trade clear lot worth $750. 114 W. Tyler st. . 8 ACRES at Oswego Lake for auto. Oregonlan. 02 L FINE residence lot to exchange for good automobile. 15 E. 75th N. Tabor 87311. Motorcycle WB ARE DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE - HENDERSON. EXCELSIOR AND CLEVELAND MOTORCYCLES. NATIONAL BICYCLES. WE SELL ON EASY TERMS. STRINE CYCLE CO. 88 BROADWAY. BROADWAY 152. FOR SALE 1014 H. D. motorcycle and side car, good condition. $lbu. 702 Van couver ave. ton t can ouunmy. FOrl MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 01311. FOR SALE Geod bicycle. Sell. 1444. . Act quick. Automobiles for Hire. ALTHOF & BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT UltlVr.KD. AltUl (TAttAUU,, 8D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1b7. . o . CO nA.. f . . - Hit-. lnnrlnr 1 ! i n saopping, nignway. xirseuwa su. FREE! NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2829. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. HUDSON! LOWN6DALE GARAGE, BDWY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Ga rage, 86 10th st. Broadway 840. lUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 12RH. FOR bAI.F. TRICKS AND TRACTORS. 1920 Will" Be a Big Tear for TRUCKS. In fact, it may be almost a horseless season. Get ready tor this year's work now. Select your truck before the spring advance of prices takes effeot. Ws haven't many used trucks, but those that we do have are real bargains. To- those who come early we can howl A FORD 1-TON AT t 475 A MAXWELL 1-TON (1010) 850 A REP 2-TON AT 750 A REPUBLIC lii-TON (A-l) 1500 AND A HALF DOZEN OTHERS. These trucks areall la tip-top shape, and ready to go to work. , EASY TERMS. THE OREGON MOTOR CAR CC. Broadway at Burnslde. 1 Open Evenings and Sundays. Phone Broadway 618.- 1 FORD 1-TON TRUCKS. 1919 Ford worm, drive truck; like new good body. 1018 Ford worm drive; A-l shape; fine body. 1017 Ford, completely overhauled: has good furniture body. Late Ford chassis with brand-new chain drive attachment: extra long wheel base and loading space. Very Attractive Terms. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO.. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Broadway 32L uenuine r oru x-aris. SEE OUR STOCK OF USED TRUCKS. ALL SIZES AND MAKES. PRICES RIGHT. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO, PARK AT EVERETT ST. REAL USED TRUCK VALUES. All trucks taken in trade com pletely overhauled In our own shop; various sixes. Our prices and terms will Justify your Inspection. INTERNATIONAL MACK CORP. lOih and Davis sts. 4 TON PACKARD, worm drive, Ion wheelbase, equipped for lumber hau good tires: cab. Priced to sell quick. INTERNATIONAL MAC K CORP, loth and Davis sts. WHITE TRUCK. Light White truck Chassis for quick sale. $550. Auto Reconstruction Co. nu and ulUin. WANTED A small tractor, am not par ticular aoout maae. muse oe in shape and priced right; state particulars. A uuu, uregoman. FARM TRACTORS, new and Second-hand overhauled and sold. Sve us first. Alex- ander-Badley Co.. 80O East Morrison. FOR SALE 1-ton Ford truck, worm drive, used 8 weeks; a snap at $700. East 1575. 420 East Belmont SL FORD truck, good condition, chain drive, heavy attachment, $400. Main 8380. A BARGAIN, new $1800 Grant truck. 101 N. Jersey, or phone CoL 107. 2-TON Peerless truck, cheap for cash. 170 Killingsworth ave. 3 V. -TON Reliance truck: good condition. $10. Phone East 1H0S. Al'TO REPAIRING, OLD RADIATORS MADE LIKE NEW. ALL WOHK GUARANTEED. PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR SHOP, r.-j r. a I I , w u FIRST-CLASS automobile mechanic, will take work by hour or Job; guaranteed work. Culi me to help or to do it all. Main 84UO. GARAGES. FOR RENT. GARAGE For short time, good garage. East 21st and Multnomah street. Pnone Mr. Stoddard. East 4bo3. vi ANTED to rent, garage on west fide. A . Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and-you will get the right rash price for your goods. 167 1st St., hear Morrison. Main i3s. . OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid; will call day or nlj-ht. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, . Marshall 3225.- 200 Madison. SECOND-HAND power concrete mixer wanted with side loader. capacity ap proximately 8 cubic feel. Strong a- Mac Naughton. 701 Corbett bldg. I WANT used furniture; will pay as mucn as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. H. Calef, dealer. 640 Williams ave. WANTED Wood and cull ties in carload lota 503 Lumbermen's bldg., Portland, Or. Phone Broadway 4348. THE AMERICAN TAILOHH. W'e Buy. bell and Exchange. 115 Grand ave. Portland, Or. TO BUY a fireproof safe: give price and size and where it can be seen. AH 72u, Oregonlan. WANTED 2 or 4-drawer cash register. Address Heights Grocery. Vancouver, Wash. "hQLTON BROS. PHONE EAST 1670. DOUGHBOYS EXPRESS. Light and Heavy Delivery. JUNK, rags, metals, old clothing, tools, trunks, furniture; good prlcea East 5171. WOULD like to buy a drill press. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 360 Alder st. WANTED High-power rifle. In good cou rt jt ionnchapJ174!Oregonian. W v N T E D To buy steamer trunk. Corona tvnewrlter. V 789. Oregonlan. WE will buy your old typewriters and pas you cash Oregon Typewriter Co.. 84 6ts WANTED Pool tables for caih. Apply 227 First st. Phone Woodlawn 17S4; HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dla monds Dan Marx. 2K3 Washington VANTBD St of used plats-loading bills. Tabor 2I)2 WE BUT DIAMONDS. Receive Full Value. Sell Direct to Diamond Broker Get what your diamonds are worth. If you have to sell, don't sell for any old price. We pay lull value in cash. If you have your diamonds in pawn, we will buy the ticket and pay you also full value in cash. This Is the place where you . can turn anything into caeh jwwelry. old gold, watches. silverware, platinum at full value. We buy your War Stamps, your Liberty Bonds, or any other valuables; so if you want ready cash, come to us. Always diamond bargains on hand. We buy bargains and sell bargains. PRIVATE OFFICE FOR LADIE3. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchants, 205 Morgan bldg. Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. WE BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., 2d Floor. $12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-II AND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city zor suits, overcoats ana snoes. The Madison Clianers and Tailors, Call Marshall 1220 or 253 Madison St., near 3d st. Will call anywhere In the city, nay or evening. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 30 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. SS.50 UP TO $23. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH 1'RIChl FOR MEN'S SLITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC BROADWAY Sl32. 24.'.', lilli.NSlDE, BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL 1K BEFORE ANUODY ELSE. UP TO $25 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothea. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d St.. N. W. Cor. Wash. Main 8344. FURS! FURS! FURS! I make them look like new: cleaning snd alterations of any description at reasonable prices. c.ce the LA FRANCE FUR M KG. CO., Main 6..2H. Iii3 West Park. Bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Sl'OT CASH PAID FOR TYPEWRITERS, CASH REGISTERS. fc-'A Ll-:. MlUWl-ASl-JM, DfJK.S. ADD 1NH MACHINES AND EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN. NEWMANS. 12s MKbl 1. 1. -MA1IM filld. TAttUK OiVS. OLD FAIJE TEETH BOI'GHT. We pay up to $25 per plate; also crowns, brlrtgawork. dental gold bought. American Brokerage, 205 Murgan bldg. Furniture Wanted. OBVURTZ FURNITURE CO. Marshall 5081. oldest reliable Portland buys goods for HOl'SH IN HOUSEHOLD SPOT CASH. NOTHING TOO PIG OR TOO SMALL FROM A HIG HOTEL TO ONE PIECE. PHONE US. Marshall 698L OBVURTZ FURNITURE CO, .185 Front St.. near Yamhill. CALL MAIN 809 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICKS EVER PAID H Y ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 102 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN SOU. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household guods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same ana will pay uignet prices. POKTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 2iK First St- Maui 7 1 WANT used furniture; cash wilt be pai lor stoves and ranges ana all Kinds household soods. Call us fur one artlcl or a house lull, and a competent, cuune one buyer will call. Marshall 2titi3. Crown. CALL MAIN KS78. We pay the highest prices for used rurniture. rve us oorore you sen. CALL UNITLD FURNITURE STORE, MAIN fcslti. CALL MAIN 81151 If You want to sell your furniture an not give It away, ask for Mr. Wolf, 101 2d St.. near layior. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all poluti on housenoia gooas. pacuia tuait ji-r-warding Co.. 0th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 7o3. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4027 or IGu First st. PRIVATE party wants second-hand fur niture. Tabor 2fc.i0. WANTED Used furniture. Will pay best prices. Main 5oH. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED, WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 8S32. IIEI-F WANTED MALE. NEW NIGHT CLASH" THURSDAY. JANUARY 8, ADCOJf AUTO AND UAS ENGINE SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. You are Invited to Inspect school and get full Information Monday evening, January 5th, 6:3U to 7:8U o'clock. WANTED A-l bookkeeper for general merchandise store In valley town; ex service man given preference. Apply Friday at Knight of Columbus Employ ment Bureau. 2U5 Beck Bldg.. Broadway and Oak sts. BOOKKEEPER capable, energetic young man who has had considerable experi ence with large corporations: must be good penman; state s?e. experience and salary expected. B 052. Oregoman. MEN to manufacture lath on contract; ca pacity about 40.000 per day. See ma Saturday before noon at 215 Lumber mens bldg.. or Sunday at 726 Wasco st Telephone East 3000. James Cole. WANTED Experienced janitor and wife for large apartment house; experience and references must be given in appli cation. . Wages $loo, commissions aud furnished apt. F ao6. Oregonlan. WANTED Office boy between 18 and 18 years of age for railroad general office, salary- $57.50 per month G TOO, Orego nlan. MIDDLE-AGED man for light janitor work and handy man; references. 215 11th St., mornings until 12 or after 6 P. M. Main 6-.T6. WANTED Experienced clerk for railroad office. $S7.50 per month to start; good opportunity. V 778, Oregonlan. GOOD, clean youns farmhand; must help with chores; $2 per. day and board. S 470, Oregonlan. WANTED Two experienced logging camp timekeepers. $1 per month and board; give phone number. A 013, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced agent to sell books Apply room C, 454 Alder st. Phone Bdwy. 2518 ADVERTISING salesmen, permanent: ex traordinary proposition for live wires. Robinson. 207 Slock Exchange. TAILORS. ATTENTION. Strike still on in Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. WANTED at once. 10 first-class jewelers, steady work. American Agate Co., 4I Wilcox bldg APPOSITION open for a fluent talker, capable of meeting the public. 809 stock Exchange bldg. , WANTED A man to split enrdwood and file saw. Call SeUwood 2017. FIRST-CLASS coat makers and bushel- j men, K. 8. Ervln A Co., 205 i-clMng bldg. THOROUGHLY experienced shoe sales man. Simon Store, First and Alder. WANTED A boy IS to 17, to learn shoe business. 2113 Morrison. WANTED A boy 16 to 17 to learn shoe business. 263 Morrison. IT COSTS TOU NOTHTNC TO INVESTIGATE OUR SCHOOL AVTJ METHOD OF TEACHING. WE WILL GLADLY GIVE YoU AN OUTLINE OF OUR COURSES IN CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRING OF AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS GAS ENGINES . CARBURETION IGNITION MAGNETOS I GENERATOR AND STARTING MO TORS ARMATURE WINDING STORAGE BATTERIES OX Y'-ACETYLENE WELDING. DURATION OF COURSE 2 TO MONTHS. DAY CIJISSES FOR WINTER TERM BEGIN EACH MONDAY. NIGHT CLASSES MONDAY. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENING. SEVEN TO TEN. No FREE TRIALS OFFERED. OUR TIME AND Sk'At'E ARE LIMITED. OUR STUDENTS RE CEIVE BOTH TECHNICAL AND PRACTICAL TRAINING IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. EX-SERVICE MEN GET 53 PER CENT DISCOUNT. STATE ALLOWS $25 PJ'.R MONTH WHILE TRAINING. APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED AT OUR MAIN OFFICE. 7o7 HAW. THOHNE AVE. TAKE MT. SCOTT OR HAWTHORNE CAR AT 2D AND AL DER TO 2UTH STREET. OR CALL AT Ol-R DOWNTOWN OFFICE. 124 N. 6Tlt STREET. 2 BLOCKS FROM. UNION DE- A'OT ENTRANCE. CATALOGUES FREE. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. INC YOUR BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY If yott want to make real money, big money. got Into the auto game; no other line offers equal opportunity; no other line pays as well: we will teach you auo anu tractor engineering under a plan no other school will match; come here. four weeks, pay not a cent In advance; It you are then satisfied that our train ing is the superiur of any other Pacifio northwest auto schools. Day vour tuition. if you are not satisfied that our school exceis. w'e will pay you for every hour you have attended claa; this is the most startling offer any auto school ever made: there is no red tape about It; we will gladly put it In writing; wa are willing to depend entirely upon your honestv and croud iudiruient: only a dif ferent, unquestionably superior school could mske such an offer: if our train ing were just the ordinary kind, this ofier would be suicidal: but we know where we stand, know that the Quality of our training will win you if given. a trial; our liKi-page catalogue is tree, ask for book No. 1-B. Adcox Auto and Uaa Engine St-hool. Union and Wasco. Y! M.-C. A. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A. which aids ambitious young men in prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past lO years we have assisted 17.932 men in finding positions. Many of these men, are now in executive positions aud se cure their help through us. The standing this department has with employers Is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of 15 years end they turn to the Y. M. C A. for men to fill the better sort of jobs. Vacant positions in Portland at pres ent are scarce, and if you need assist ance in selling your servit-e consult one of the employment secretaries, room Sol. We can help YOU. ARE YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED T If so. learn the auto end tractor busi ness and earn from $lu0 to $3uo a month. Southern California offers ex ceptional opportunities while and afUT learning; high salaries, ideal working conditions, fine year-round climate; no previous experience neuetsury. Learn in short time the National Way. Expert instructors, new, complete mechanical aud electrical equipment, Inrlutliuir l'nckard twin 6. Cadillac 8. Wlllys Kniuht. etc. No age limit. Earn board and room while learning. rtOOO successful graduates GUARANTEE YOUR success. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE BCHOOU 15 years In Los Angles at 18 South Figuero. Write today for free catalogue. 000 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to qualify as aututuomle. trui-K ana tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tire vulcanixers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by V. S. government war department for train ing soldiers auto mechanics; don't en roll in any other school until you have Inspected this one: railroad fare re funded If after personal Inspection you find any misrepresentation v regarding the school: biggest, best equipped and largest system of schools In the world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7. modern automobile and TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm, sts.. Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercier st Seattle. Wash. "HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. INC.. 432 HAWTHORNE AVE. AUTOMOBILE TRACTOR AND AIR PLANE MECHANICS. EXPERT Vl'L CANJZERS, ACETYLENE WELDERS AND MACHINISTS THAT HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN OUR SCHOOL ARE IN DEMAND EVERYWHERE AT BIG WAGES. WE TEACH THESE TRADES IN A FEW WEEKS' TIME: SO PER CENT PRACTICAL WORK WITU CLEAR, UNDERSTANDABLE LEC TURES AND DEMONSTRATIONS BY EXPERTS. THE STATE ALLOWS EX SERVICE MEN $25 PER. MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OUR SCHOOL. CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. To uphold Holiday traditions ws offer all students making application for our regular auto and gas engine course, a present of our extension course in bat tery work, or a $35 credit on our exten sion course in electrical work. If yott are not prepared to enter now. you can. make a small deposit and arrange for a later date of eutry. '"all or write for further information. School can be In spected week tiays from 10 A. M. to 14 "aDCOX AUTO AND GA3 ENGINE SCHOOL UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. EXPERIENCED door machine man to look "after setting up of machines; stock fso tory; also sanaerman to operate Berlin 6-drura sander. Only experienced men apply. r-teady employment, Nlcolat pour Manufacturing Co-. Kenton station. Portland, or. . AUTOMOBILE and tractor school: new building; modern equipment; best liw struction; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad. dress or inquire at room 416 Y. M. C A. biilg. Phone Main 8700. branch 2. YOUNG man about 18 years tif age te chock sales invoices In large grocery house; good opportunity. Answer, stat ing age. experience, references, educa tion aud salary expected. II 424. Ure-goiiian- m LEARN the oxy-acetylene- welding busi ness. We know where several welders and cutters are needed at once. We teach, you in from 3 to 5 weeks. Write for circular. W-C Weldiug Works. 105 E. Water it . WANTED Texas stock saddlemakersl wages based on 75 cents per hour, also time and hall for overtime; also need cullarmakers. Plenty of work. The SchoellKopf Company. Dallas. WANTED Men of ability, high-class stock and bond salesmen, to sell preferred stock that ofiers attractive Inducements to the careful Investor. ' Call 413 Cor bett bldg; GOOD opening for tailor, one of best towns' In Northern Idaho: prefer man who can lead a band; shop equipped, relix Mart- sen. uttunwoou, juano. WANTED Legitimate actors and enter tainers; have good engagement to of fer you. Portland Thuatriuai Agency, 819 Piatt bldg. $13110 FIRST year paid government rail way mall clerks; names wanted, men. 1S-35. wishing positlona AV 02S. Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED mattress maker for small mattress manufacturing plant; give full Information regarding your, self. J 506, oregonlan. THE MEIER A F RAN K COMPANY re quires the services of an experienced salesman for the sl.k section. Apply em ployment department.- 6th floor. BOYS over age of 18 to sell candy at Hip. podrome theater, afternoons and even ings. Apply Hippodrome theater before 1 o'clock. Ask fur J. Crystal, manager. GOOD bread baKer to take charge of shop; must be able to handle men; would also be given opportunity to buy interest in plant. L 216. Oregonian. ' WANTED FIRST-CLASS CAR WHEEL HoRING MACHINE MAN. STEADY JOB. PACIFIC CAR A FOUNDRY. 210 EAST 60TH NORTH. WANTED First-class stenographer deslr. ing to learn machinery business: salary il25 per month. Apply In person. Clyde Equipment Co. WANTED AT ONCK First-class exne-rienc-d molders and pattern makers tor out-of-town work. Apply 620 Oregon bldg.. 6th and Oak sts. WANTED flood Chinese for cook and gen-ral housework, s.-uall family, good v.- a ges. Broadway 2S04. NIGHT COOK wanted; short Arlineton ctub 200 Pwrk st. hours. LEARN tne vulcanlxlng business. Call or write 158 E. Broadway. TAILOR wanted. Morrison. East 6705. 611 Hast VVANTEl) First-class coat makers, $40 i per week. Reed Bros.. 203 Wilcox bldg.