TITE MOItXIXGr- OHEGOXIAN", TIITJIISDAT, . - JANUARY 1, 1920. 17 y BEAL ESTATB. For Sale Farmi. lit ACRES, 80 acres easily cleared, bal. timber, fir and cedar, spring brook. Rood oil. 20 mlle 8. K. of Portland, $2250; half cash. 100 acres, 60 acres In cultivation. 25 a. of fine timber, bal. pasture land, family orchard, complete set of buildings, Utiles from slatioh; good soil, $00 per acre; terms. Also have some large farms real- Portland. In hluh state of cultlva- j l i ' ' 1 1 f and koou duiiuhibs, auu ubi vaUey land, less than 20 miles from Portland, at 5105 per acre, and have great variety of small farms, and or chard tracts at very attractive prices. For. full particulars write F. B. Madison. 210 7th St., Ore gon City. Or. . j SEVERAL excellent farm buys ranging 30 to 00 acres. T.et us tell you about them. HARRIS & MAXWELL, Main 2S31. 304 Hallway Exchange. FARMS Ten to five hundred acres, or trade. Write us your wants. General Agency, McMlnnvllle, Or. sale The WASTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE SOLD MANY HOMES DURING 1019 AND ARE NOW IN IMMEDIATE NEED OF NEW ONES TO SELL. WE HAVE EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WHO OWN THEIR OWN AUTOS AND WHO HAVE HANDLED PORTLAND REAL ESTATE FOR MAN? TEARS, THEREFORE ARE ABLE TO GIVE YOU ESPECIALLY GOOD SERVICE. WE ARE IN A POSITION AT THE OFFICE TO CLOSE UP YOUR' DEAL IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER, AS THE OFFICE FORCE HAS HAD MANY YEARS' EXPERI ENCE IN THIS LINE OF WORK. IF YOU CONTEMPLATE SELLING SEE US. WE WILL GIVE YOUR BUSINESS OUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. TELE PHONE MAIN 3787 OR CALL AT OF FICE. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.,' C32, 033, 631 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 87S7. PROPERTY OWNERS, LISTEN! This is no myth, we want houses and have clients waiting for the following: G or G-room bungalow on good auto road to city, not more than 30 min. out, not less than 100x100 lot. with fruit; price must be rlghtj 6 or 6-room modern bungalow, 14 or H - acre, beautiful grounds, paved sts., near Alameda Park, Mt. Tabor or west liie, from $f00o to $0500; mostly cesh. Small bungalows or cottages with some fruit, from $1,800 to $3300, in good district; easy terms. Large residences In Alameda Park, lrvington or Rose City, from $5000 to 31.i.000. , If your house fits any of the above requirements and you want to sell It wlil pay you to see us at once, call at office or phone Main 802, your property will be handled quickly and In satisfactory manner. We have a bunch of hustlers, try us. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 100T Yeon bldg. IRVINOTOOWNERS NOTE. I desperately need lrvington homes for alt lrvington buyers who come to my lrvington headquarters. Investigate the many sales I have made and the real service I can offer you In lrvington, by phoning me to come and look at your house. 1, personally, sell good homes exclusively, and am in position to get you the top price now for your lrvington home. R. T. STREET. lrvington Headquarters, East 804. " WAN T IRVINGTON HOUSES. In handling lrvington homesites we naturally are in touch with buyers for homes already built. List your Irving ton house with us. We are boosting this district. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IT MIGHT be to your advantage to list your house -with me lor sale. I have many buyers waiting. Your house will be given proper attention. Watch our ads. We get results. C. A. WARR1NER, ' RITTER, LO WE A. CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SUBURBAN OWNERS, LISTEN We can positively sell your suburban home for you in the next 30 days. Buyers with cash waiting for us to find the place they want. How much do you want for yours? Phone Main 8220. G. G. McCOR M1C CO., 242 Washington St.. near 2d. WE HAVE a buyer for- 4 or- 6-room -bungalow between 21st and 30th streets, east, and between Clinton street and Powell valley road. PYRAMID LAND CO., 603-4 Title & Trust Bldg. Main 3282. WANT residence Immediately: -rive either foothill 80. some Improvements, $2500-i uninrprovea u, near Oregon Jlty, $L'500; choice 10 near Eugene, good buildings, every foot producing, commercial or chard, $4000. Owner. 141 E. 00th North; evenings Tabor 7055. IMPROVED ACREAGE WANTED. We have several people wanting mall places near towns or city with payroll. Must have buildings and small payment down. Also buyers for cheap places near Portland. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger bldg. We HAVE buyers for farm land In all parts of the country. If your ranch or farm is for sale, list with us. or If you . have a business of any kind for sale, we can sell It for you. BUSINESS SERVICE, 817 Henry bldg. Main 6707. " FARMERS. ATTENTION" ! Honesty Is our policy, nuff ced. Let us sell ymir farm. SiORD HAMPTON CO., 401 Stock Exchange. Third and Yamhill. Main 8245 WANTED -Modern house, 6 to 7 rooms, Hawthorne, Laurelhurst, lrvington, to $0000; will pay cash if priced right; will also buy the furniture If It Is for sale John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 8478. EASTERN FARMERS. ATTENTION Why not write us and tell us what kind of a farm you want and we will find It for you that's our business. NORI) HAMPTON" no 401 Stock Exchange. 8d and Yamhill ts. W AiNTED (jond value In modern bunga low to $3500; cash customer waiting G. C GOLDEN BERG. Abington Building. Main 4803. "35 lears In Portland." WANTED Old house on 60x100 lot in good district: will give 2 beach lots, some cash, and pay balance monthly must be a bargain; under $200. Union Safe Deposit & Trust Co.. 2 Oak st. WOULD like to buy modern, well-located home, about 7 rooms, from - $7500 to $10,000. Will pay $5000 ca-sh. balance $2o0 or more per month. Edgar Brav fl?ld, P. O. Box 4. city. WANTED To buy a modern bungalow, 6 or 7 rooms, can pay $250 down. $80 a month; must have fruit and berries; furnished or unfurnished. Address n' Lewis. 81 5 Market street. WANTED .If you wish to sell your 4 or 8-room bungalow, see me at your earliest convenience. Have $1000 cash. L. LEPPBRE. 830 Railway Exchange. LET US sell your real estate, many years' VA'jc .Villa. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 6S2, 683. 834 N. W. Bank Bldg. M aln 8787. STRICTLY modern lrvington home for a client with the cash. MUST be barxaln POIXDEXTER, HOS Selling bldg. Main EXPERIENCED salesmen with their own autos at JOHNSON-DODSON CO 832. 633. 634 N. VV. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO SELL? WE SELL THEM TRY US MacINNES & PRATT, Main 886S. 413 Board of Trade Bldg ANSWER AT ONCE. I want a modern bungalow with ga rage; have several thousands to pay down. F 706. Oregonian. EASTERN farmers are coming west, make our place your headquarters. NOR D HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER 1 acre. 7-room faring, j . F. Cassia. "63 th a. v. ana 67th OWNERS IF YOU HAVE 2 TO 5-ROOM HOUSE THAT $100 TO $.'IO0 WILL ; HANDLE. WRITE BC 92. OREGONIAN. TO SELL vour real estate, see ' JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632, 633, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg.MaIn 8787. "REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE" "buys' ex ceptlonal good bargains. 325 Railway Exchange bldg. WANT '5-room modern bungalow. Laurel hurst; lot 50x100; garage. THOMSON, 62Q Henry Bldg. Main 8180. HAVE $1000 cash and good Buick. model C 25, for 5-room house. What have you? D 886, Oregonian. LARGE west side apartment house for client. POINDEXTER, 208 Selling bldg. Main ISO". TO SELL vour home see us. we need more. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., (32, 633. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Farms Wanted. WILL EXCHANGE clear Portland Income Property and cash, or assume some, for first-class wheat ranch of about 1000 acres In the vicinity of Grass Valley. Vasco county, or somewhere east of Deschutes. JOHN WEIST CO.. ooi-b- xewia Bldg. r.v..N ana Washington farmers, you that have mart nil i - ....... list your farms with us for sale. We have . 'or nig farms, med. size and small farms. Don't list with us If you don t want td sell, for we sure sell 'tin. , N'ORD HAMPTON CO.. 4"! Stock Kxch an ge bid g. Main 8243. WANTED CATTLE RANCH, not less ban 2000 acres. Including stock and equipment, or separately. Bend maps, photos, lowest price and full data first letter E. S. Bateman, 000 Central bldg., Seattle. Wash. WAN,T frm, 150 to 200 acres, near Cor yallls or Eugene preferred. Want to trade In 9-room residence at JS0O0. balance "No Junk considered. Will go up to X-...0O0. Owners only. Address K. E. . Harris. 304 Railway Exchange building. IMPROVED FARMS WANTED." Have two cash buyers for Improved 80 ., cres on good road, not over 30 miles from Portland; with or without ' fOy'Pnient. John Ferguson, Gerllnger building. WANT to buy on west slope,, not less than 40 acres, more preferable. If your price and proposition is all right I will buy, but will deal with the owner only; give full details in your first letter. I.. G. Usher, 1012 Huron St.. Portland, Or. WANTED A farm of 150 to 200 "acres; must have 75 or 80 acres under cultiva tion, balance pasture and timber; give location, price and equipment if any in first letter. B 951, Oregonian. HAVE YOU A FARM TO SELL7 WE SELL THEM TRY US. MacINNES A PRATT. 413 Board of Trade. Portland. Or. WANTED 50,000,000 feet fir timber for immediate operation; will advance some cash, balance as cut. Address P. O. Box 2047, Station A. Wanted to Rent Farms. TW'O brothers, experienced men. 28-21 years, would like - to ' rent completely stocked and tooled dairy ranch; elder brother college man with lifelong ex perience in dairy farming: our financial resources are not large; if you are look ing for couple hustlers who have made good write Ed Anderton. Perrydale. -Or. NOTICE. If you hsve a farm to rent, or lease to transfer and personal property to aL send description to WILBUR F. JOUNO. 228 Henry Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. WANTED By single man," a ranch on share system; experience In all kinds of farm work; would like a place where there are cows and general farm "work. H 471. Oregonian. WANTED To rent on shares. 40-acre farm with equipment, near Oregon City or McMlnnvllle; several years' experience in farm work. A 005. Oregonian. W ANTED to rent, ranch, 100 to 200 acres; 00 acres or more in cultivation; cash or shares. A.. Voorhees, Vancouver. Wash, R. 1. box 53. FROM 1 to 10 acres. 6-room house, close to car line ana school. A 902, Orego- - nianl WOULp like to rent from 10 to 25 acres near fortiana ror gardening: cash rent. J 525. Oregonian. WANTED To rent 0 acres or more with good building. C 479. Oregonian. FOR KENT FARMS. LAKE COUNTY. 00 acres, 300 acres In cultivation, near SaOo" Lake; rent 00; personal property DOUGLAS COUNTY. 195 acres, 60 acres in cultivation, near Oakland; rent $300; personal property $2180; terms. WASHINGTON COUNTY. 170 acres, 125 acre In- cultivation. 8 acres genuine beaver dam, near Forest Grove; will rent for term of years rea sonable rent. WAHKIAKUM COUNTY. 120 acres. 40 acre in cultivation, near Cathlamet; rent $250. CLACKAMAS COUNTY. 80 acres. 60 acres In cultivation, near Buttevllle; crop, stock and equipment $1400; rent $000. WILBUR F. JOUNO. 2l!S Henry Bldg. Portland. Oregon. NEWBERO DISTRICT. HIGH-CLASS DAIRY AND FARM. LARGE 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. , - SIX MILES FROM .TOWN. . 167 acres, 60 acres cultivated, all fenced with -woven wire, 25 acres fine bottom land Al soli, good silo and 2 barns, complete set of outbuildings. 2 acres of grapes, fine family orchard with assorted varieties. Place produced 60 bushels of wheat to acre last year. House has two baths, two toilets, two fireplaces, large sun room, heating plant. Personal property consists of blacksmith tools, 3 wagons, buggy, cart, clipping machine, cutter, grinder and- harrows, disc, 4 plows, mower, rake, tedder, 2 cultivators,, potato digger. 2 sprayers, corn cutter, wood saw outfit, plumber's tools, 1 canning outfit, cream separator, 20 goats, 3 horses, 5 Jersey cows, 2 Hol teln cows, registered, 7 heifers, 100 cmc-tens, q stands of bees will about $4500. Rent Is $750 per year lease for five years. C H. WOODWARD, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. run will JAPANESE, ITALIAN OR CHINESE PROPOSITION BO-ACRE FARM AND v j . a - 1 t RICH SOIL 1 MILE TO RAILROAD STATION. CLOSE TO TIGARD ON PAVED ROAD. 45 acres cultivated, 2i acres of prunes and fine family orchard; mall delivery, telephone. 6-room house; good barn. 0x 60; potato" house, hog house, chicken house and all outbuildings. One of the best farms in the district. Will lease for 5-year term at $750 per year. Act now. C. H. WOODWARD, ' RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-S-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. TIMBER XANDS. SOME GOOD TIMBER LANDS. 100 acres, adjoining town, about one million feet; price $21,500. 160 acres, located near drilled oil well. BOO.irOO feet; price $8200. 100 acres, with about 10.000,000 teet of timber: price $4250. 541, acres, smaller timber. tillable; price $3200; near R. R. shops and round house. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 75 MILLION FEET s YELLOW FIR. Good Logging Proposition. Only 70c per if Including land No trade considered. MacINNES & PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Or. TIMBER LANDS AND SAWMILLS We can satisfy you in anything you may want in our line. We have mills from $2500 to $500,000 and timber lands from 160 acres to 50.000 acres for speculative and operative Purposes. Write us your wants. HINKSON A WOOD. Suites 227-228 Merchants Bank Bldg. Eugene, Oregon. ATTENTION, LOGGERSl We have several small -tracts of good timber land, in Grays Harbor county, for ale at a reasonable price and on easy terms! description and price on applica tion. EMBODY A ALEXANDER. 1305 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Portland. Main 2600. 200,000.000 FEET of high-class saw timber both fir and pine, located on transpor tation, will sell In block or In srnall tracts to persons desiring to Install mill and practically pay as you cut. Parti culars see G. A. Sarlea, 732-33 North western Bank bldg. 30 MILLION FEET OF TIMBER. 725 acres good land, 12 miles from agricultural college at Cor-vallls, all for $22 an acre; biggest snap in Oregon. Also 7200 acres at $8.50 an acre. Ad- Portland, Or. GrU"n- 4 bld'" 1031 ACRES GOOD FIR TIMBER. WILL CRUISE AROUND 60.000,000 FEET, LO CATED BENTON COUNTY. OREGON OREGON BOND A MORTGAQE CO.. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. A 15-M CAPACITY mill. American Junior edger. planer. Atlas boiler and engine, donkey engine, ail In good condition: 12 miles from Portland: $4000; reasonable terms to reaponsime parties. Address E. Quackenbush. Sherwood. Or.. Route 1. 17 MILLION feet ot good flr and cedar timber., about one mile from railroad: pay as cut. Owner. Schiller, 248 Stark su. rnrttanQ. vr. SOME good. large bodies of yellow fir timber, wnicn are gooa investments. Corresponnence solicited. J. v. Pipe, Albany. Oregon. 320 ACRES good tie timber, S miles to R. R.. gooa mans; price reasonable. . owner, a. wv, uregomaa. TIMBER -LANDS. SOUTHERN timber will soon be a thing of the past. The Pacific ' northwest must necessarily be your next field of operation. But you cannot afford to look toward the future without acting toward it. Now is the time to estimate your future requirements, while Pacific coast timber is lower than It will ever be again, and before the in evitable advance in stumpage takes place. We can deliver from 600.000,000 feet and up at $1 to $3 per thou and feet, according to location.. Owing to our close association with Pacific coast timber for many years, we are in an exceptional position to serve you. Correspondence Invited. HERMANN JEE. 425-6 Lumbermens Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. TIMBER BARGAINS. A year from now you will say: 'T was offered timber at 6o cents a thousand, land thrown in: look what it Is now," and you will ask someone to kick you. Here are the "I oould have done" bar gains: 14 million feet yellow fir and red cedar for $0000 cash, near railroad build ing. 10 million fir and spruce $6500 cash; one mile from railroad. ' 12 Viililon feet fir and cedar, $6000 cash. 37 million feet fir and cedar, close to the railroad, $1 a thousand. D. A. DONELSON. 447 Sherlock Building. Portland, Or. 180 MILLION feet large yellow fir, runalng about 30 per cent clear, will cruise about 70,000 feet to acre; about 14 mile to railroad with plenty water from flume; 300 million tributary. Price $1.50 per 1000. See Schiller, Interstate Land Co. (formerly Scandinavian-American Realty Co.), 248 Stark St. (ground floor). Main 5420. A GOOD opening for someone who can Duna is miles of R. R. and sawmill; lots of timber, easy grades. A 914, Ore gonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. CENTRAL OREGON "STOCK RANCH.- REAL STOCK RANCH; ABOUT HALF PRICE: 320 (OR 640) ACRES. DESCHUTES COUNTY. ABOUT HALF READY TO PLOW. ALL FENCED. FAIR BUILDINGS. PLENTY GOOD SOFT WATER. 2 SETS BUILDINGS.) NEAR R. R. SURVEY. STAGE STA TION, P. O.. STORE. PHONE. SCHOOL, ETC. OFFER THIS LAND AT $10 PER ACRE ON TERMS ( IT'S WORTH $20). DISCOUNT FOR ALL CASH. WOULD CONSIDER SMALL CITY HOME OR SUBURBAN HOME ON EX CHANGE. THE BEST LOCATION IN THE WEST FOR LIVESTOCK AND HAY RANCHING. SEVERAL GOV ERNMENT BUNCHGRASS LOCA TIONS STILL OPEN TO SETTLEMENT FOR PASTURE. SAME DISTRICT. ADDRESS OWNER. NORTHWESTERN BOND & INVESTMENT CO., 302 SELL ING BLDG. WILL DIVIDE THIS FARM IN HALF. 81 -acre farm located east of Canby, on a good macadamized road: has 3." a. cult., 30 a. pasture. 1 a. of bearing orchard. 6-rm. cot tage, barn 40x00 ft., and other outbldgs.. all nearly new; good fences. 4 horses. 15 hogs. 8 sheep, 15 goats, 50 chickens, cow and heifer, farm Implements and tools, close to good school, church and stores. m. from It. R. sta. Will sell 80 a. for $12,000, 12000 count or will divide this land and sell the Improved 41 a., including stock, for $8500. and take a house and lot up to $4000 as part payment. This farm has a good location, very rich soil and will bear in vestigation. F. R. Jesse. 627 Cor bett bldg. Main 7141. 864 HOMES SOLD. IS- YOUR HOME FOR SALE? Not promises, but results are what you want. If you would take all the houses that this office has sold during this year of 1010 and place them on 50 foot lots. 4 to a block, on one street, they would reach over 10 miles. This office can sell your house if your price Is right. 12 experienced real estate salesmen, with autos, to show your prop erty. This Is an age of specializing. We sell homes exclusively. "The McGUIRE SYSTEM" of salesmanship, of inspect ing, photographing and appraising has established an unparalleled record. Now is the time to sell. List your house with us for results. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. Abington Building. Main 1068 Office Open Evenings and Sundavs. CLEAR FARM IFOR INCOME. 240 acres, 3 miles from Sherwood: about 125 In cultivation: no waste land good buildings, well fenced. In fact, everything that you could ask for on a close-in farm of this character: will ex change for Income -city property and assume some if your proposition war rants. JOHN WEIST CO.. 807-8- Lewis Building. " 65-A. FARM near Aurora, Or.; all first class soil: 40 A. highly cult.. 25 A. of pasture and timber, good family orchard, spring water, good house, barn and out bldgs.; 4 horses. 5 cows. 8 hogs. 2U goats, 8 dor. chickens and young stock; com plete set of good new farm Implements; , only 1 m. from town: Improved road 'on 2 sides and a first-class ' place in every way; price for everything $12,000; easv torms or will take Portland residence as first psyment. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 527 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE or exchange for brush land, suitable for goats, 4 acres on paved road near Tlgard; good 6-room house. 75 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of small fruit, well with gushing spring In bot tom, small creek, water year around; piped for irrigation: price $t00, mort gage $2000, 4 years to run. 67o. This is good value." C. E. ADAMS. ST Cham: of Com. Bldg Marshall 2575. FOR TRADE. 75 acres, close to Lebanon, close to school; part1 In cultivation; good honse and barn; all fenced woven wire, on good road; all river bottom, does not overflow; will trade for residence in Portland. '- . Call 163Vi West Park. WELLS & ANDERSON. 80 ACRES In southern Missouri. 20 acres In cultivation, good 5-room house. This tract is located about 12 miles north east ot Frederlcktown. I have no use for the land and will exchange same for anything of value In or near Port land. Owner, G. A. Sarlea, 732-33 North western Bank bldg. ' HOUSE TO TRADE." Good 6-room house In upper Alblna to trade for 7-room modern house be tween Mason and Russell, west of Union sve. Will pay difference, PYRAMID LAND CO.. 603-4 Title & Trust Bldg Main 8282. 1000 ACRES WHEAT. Buildings, water, right at railroad town. In eastern Oregon; price $80 an acre; exchange for Portland income. C. M. DOLLAR HIDE. " 807-8-9 Lewis Building. - REAL SUBURBAN HOME. 11 acres. 7-room house, near Clackamas; want home; price $5000. J. BOBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. TEN ACRES, 6 MILES NORTH OF VAN COUVER, NOT IMPROVED; WILL TRADE FOR HEIGHTS LOT WITH RIVER VIEW; NO INCUMBRANCE R. q. HOFER. WOODLAWN 441 2.000.0OO feet pine timber. $4000; wilt con slder good house or acreage on Oregon City line: might assume. J. Robblns, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. Residence PORTLAND property, $120 month Income will exchange for farm with cash value of $10,000. Claude Cole, 215 Lumber mens bldg. EQUITY of $6000 revenue producing prop erty. Calgary. .Alberta to exchange for Portland property or vicinity.. 922 Ore gon ian. FOR SALE or exchange for improved val ley ranch, six or five-room cottage, value $15.00O: clear; Income $10O month Ad dress B 043. Oregonian., TO TRADE Canadian land and N D store building for small farm or unlm proved land. H 437. Oregonian. A FINE 50x100 lot. 1 blk. of Union ave : value $S0O; trade for good auto; no iunk A Rf9. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE buys excep tional good bargains. 325 Railway Ex- cntnga urns. TWO small houses, well located will rent $20 and $25 each for 1 6 or 7-room-will assume. 012 E. 7th North. Owner. FOR SALE . or exchange, tn acres on coast, natural berry soil. Box 242, Cush man. Or. PORTLAND residence for Los Angeles res idence. 15 E. 75th N. Tabor 8739. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ALBERTA FARM. COROTION DISTRICT. 640 acres, all tillable land, very (Tlch. heavy soli. In . the rain belt, no rock or brush, wire fences, aome nog-tight; five-room house, ce 'ment foundation, large new barn, feeding corral attached, machine shed, garage, granaries and all necessary out-buildings. This farm has never been offered for sale before and has never been rented and is In tip-top condi tion to the letter. Wheat goes around 40 bushels to the acre, oats as high as 110 bushels to the acre: price $38.50 an acre, or $56.50 with all stock and equip ment. Will take good Income property or good residence prop erty as part payment. , CM. DOLLARHIDBJ. I 807-8-9 Lewis Building. 270 ACRES, all finest of deep rich soil, free from rock and gravel; lies nice: can be plowed wltb tractor; living creek through It. small orchard, fair buildings, well fenced; 150 acres In cult., balance easily cleared: located on main paved highway, only two milee from R. H. Btation, less than 12 miles from good county seat, valley town: will be priced very low and might take some trade, balance easy terms; If you want a good farm, well located. Investigate this one. 40 acres, about 15 in cult-, some good timber, balance easily cleared: all best of soil, free from rock and gravel: only 18 miles eut Columbia highway: $7000. easy terms, and might take some trade: loos of others, all sizes, locations and prices. TALLMADGE REALTY "CO.. 619 Henry Building. "portland for chicago." liberal exchange offered. Very desirable house io rooms), strictly' modern (irv-1ngton-hoixadai park dist.). choice location (ha1.bey st.. near 21st). two lots, new -furnace. double garage, make offer. will as8umb rea sonable mortgage. property appraised $22.50u. actual VALUE $23,00C). ADDRESS OWNER, NORTHWESTERN BOND : INVESTMENT CO., 802 SELL ING BLDG. WHEAT RANCH TO TRADE. 160 acres, good wheat land In Wash ington, to trade for Improved acreage: residence property, or good grocery store. Price $3000: WHEAT RANCH TO TRADE. 160 acres, good wheat land, to trade for improved acreage; residence property- or good grocery store. Price $2500. PYRAMID LAND CO.. ' 603-4 Title A Trust Building, Main 8232. 6TM ACRES near Canby, beautifully lo cated tt-ni1le to Paclfio highway, 1 hour drive to Portland, every foot of this land Is first class soli and will grow any kind of crop, has 24 a. cult., 20 a. pas ture, balance brush with some good tim ber for wood. Land .lies level and ia Just rolling enough for good drainage. Has extra good 7-room bungalow, 1 barn 40x60, chicken house, hog ' house and other out-bulldlngs. If you want a well located place, you can't beat this. Price $7500: $3000 down. Will take house In city to about $3500 aa part. F. R. Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY PLACE. 40 acres, all In cultivation, right In the town of Beaverton: 10 acres of this is genuine beaverdam best In the world for onions. The improvements cannot be surpassed, there being a fine modern house, excellent barn; all buildings and fences right up to the minute: will ex change for Portland Income property and assume some. If you are Interested in this kind of place you couldn't im prove on It. Price $24,000. . JOHN WEIST CO.. . 807-8-9 Lewis Building. 72 A.. WITH stock, for $0000: 60 A, of good tillable land, ramlly orchard. 40 Italian prune trees ana other fruits. 8-R. house, barn 50x72 ft., water piped to the house and barn. - Following stock Oes with place: 2 horses. 2 cows. 4 yearlings, 6 calves, 2 hogs. 12 sheep and 18 chick ens, farm implements; price $0000, on terms, or will take 2 or 3 A. near Port land in trade. This place Is located Clarke Co.. Wash. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 627 Corbett bldg., Portland, Oregon, or see F. P. Carson. 1020 F St.. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 081 Y. APARTMENT HOUSE. Four-story brick apartment house, located on 50x100 corner, well located on west side; this property Is leased for 6 years at a monthly rental of $550 per month, which shows 10 per cent In terest on the investment; $05,000. will take $30,000 to $40,000 in exchange, balance mortgage at reasonable rale and long term. JOHN WEIST CO.. 807-8-9 Lewis Building. : EXCHANGE HOME FO R FARM. 75x100, Improved with good, aubr stantial large residence in the best part of Nob Hill district: will exchange for farm not too far from Portland: this property is clear ot encumbrance: If your proposition is attractive, might as sume a little, f JOHN WEIST CO.. 807-8-0 Lewis Building. WEST SIDE . BRICK BUILDINGS FOR FARM. 60x100, close-In west side corner. Im proved, with 8-story brick building: shows reasonable income on Investment and should be attractive proposition for some one who wisTies to exchange a farm for such a property; price $40.00v. JOHN WEIST CO.. 807-8-9 Lewis Building. CLEAR WEST SIDE PROPERTIES FOR INCOME. Have 2 good close -In west side prop erties, improved, totaling a value of $17,500, clear of encumbrance: will ex change for good flats or apartment . house or income-bearing property and assume aome: might put In some cash. JOHN WEIST CO.. 807-8-9 Lewis Building. TWO "acres and orchard, good, comfort able house, near Aurora; will trade for 6-pass. auto. Small house to exchange for larger one. Good house to exchange for acreage. -A few good homesteads to relinquish cheap. Don't fall to see Peper & Richards for exchanges, 508 Buchanan bldg. SEVEN-FLAT BUILDING. WEST SIDE. CLOSE IN. GOOD INCOME! PRODUCER. NEAR PUBLIC LIBRARY. CASH PRICE. $33,000. MORTGAGE. $10,000. EXCHANGE FOR VALLEY FARM. C. M. DOLLA RH IDE. 807-8-9 Lewis Building. $35 AN ACRE. WILAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 825 acres. 75 acres under cultivation: on main country road; good set of farm buildings, family orchard, good fences, creek and springs; 4 miles from railroad town; will take good property in Portland or sell on easy terms. C. M. DOLLARHiDE. 807-8-9 Lewis Building. EUREKA SPRINGS, ARKANSAS. Want to trade good 14-room property located at above address, built of stone, copper roof, cherry finish; on main St.. near the courthouse: price $8500, con alder apartment furniture, hotel, stock of hardware, groceries, or any good trade worth the money; will give time on balance due me. no cash. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. TO TRADE FOR CITT PROPERTY. 820 acres, 50 acres In clutlvation. all can be cultivated. Bandy loam soil, small house, barn, all fenced; price $12 per acre; will trade for good home In Port land. PYRAMID LAND CO.. 608-4 Title A Trust Building. Main S232. 120 ACRES. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Stocked and equipped, good set of farm buildings, family orchard; this farm la ready to move on to; price $10,600, mortgage. $8400: take Port land property or close-in acreage in exchange. C. M. DOLLARHIDE. 807-8-9 Lewis Building. TO TRADE. Two acres, highly cultivated land, first-class soil, new house, chicken house, sheds, good well, one-half mile from' city limits, to trade for home in city. PTRAMID LAND CO.. 608-4 Title & Trust Building. Main 8232. It ACRES. NEWBERO $3800. 7-room house with bath, plastered and In good shape;, spring water piped to house and barn; chicken house; 4 acres in fruit and walnuts, also amall fruits, rest ready for crops; 24 miles from town. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. - SEVEN-ROOM modern and high-class horn, located on carllne. close In on east side. Just 15 minutes from center of city. Will exchange this property for small tract of well located timber or will sell for $7500 on terms If desired. G. A. Sarlea, 732-33 Northwestern Bank bldg. TO TRADE. 6.000.000 feet of timber: 160 acres of land: price $5000; to trade .for city property or acreage. PYRAMID LAND. CO.. 608-4 Title A Trust Building. Main 8232. TO EXCHANG E REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE or trade for Portland property, Stearns silent Knight. 7-passenger. $6000 automobile; good as new, a big reduc tion if taken soon, as owner is leaving the state. 508 Buchanan bldg. FOB BALK.' - Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. NEW shipment of fresh cows, several large, heavy mllkera and aome young fresh Jerseys and Ayrshire cows. $75 each. G. K. Howitt. Union Stockyards barn. O. T. STABLES. 25 horses and mares, aome well matched teams; every horse sold with aguarantee as represented. O. D. WILLIAMSON. , WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. See us if you want to buy or sell. Camp-beli-Phelan Land A CatUe Co.. 802 Couch bldg. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippled horsea. Phone Mllwaukle 60 J for results. FOR SALE Fine 3-year-old mare, weight about 1100 lbs . genua as a dog. at aac- rules, Eaat 8407. - FOR SALE RIGHT 6 Holsteln cows. 10 heifers: i mile south Multnomah sta. tlon. John NageK SEVERAL hocsea for aale cheap; ell work ing every day. Transfer atables. ' 1029 H. Yamhill st WILL buy medium-sized wagon. Send your addr-ia to Mr. Cos. Harrison hotel. Front at- DEAD horses, animals hauled away, free. Portland Rendering Co. Woodlawn 20. $175 TEAM, 2HO0 lbs., with good harness; guaranteed. Atlas Wood Yard, 827 Front. FOR SALE Sow and boar. Chester White, thoroughbred. Call Main 58. DEAD horsea taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. FAMILY cow. Just fresh; come early. 171 E. 68th St. N. M. V. ear. A LIGHT team, harness and wagon for sale. 170 KUllngsworth. GOOD heavy team for rent, 200. 170 Ktllingsworth. Woodlawn JERSEY cow for sale, 4-gallon, $75. Tabor 7348. Piano. Organa and Musical Instruments. ! TALKING MACHINE) S.Ltt. . During th holidays we took In a number of machines on larger tvpes. These Instruments have all been thor oughly overhauled. Every one guar anteed. victrola Li, would aell 3ew for $70. Price $."0. $35 Victrola, $25. , $110 Edison Diamond Disc, $35. $30 Kdlsou Diamond Disc, $00. $S0 Edison Diamond Cvllnder. 855. $120 Udlson Diamond Dlao. $100. $120 Columbia, $90. Edison horn machine and 100 new two-minute records, $21.50. Fine parlor orgau, cost $125. Fries $30. Make your own terme. HYATT TALKING MACHINE CO.. 350 Alder at. BARGAINS. RARE OLD VIOLIN. FINK GUITAR. BAN.IO. FINE CORNET, ORGAN. PIANOLA. MUSIC ROLLS. CABINET VICTROLA. UKULELES. ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS " BOUGHT. SOLD. RENTED AND r EXCHANG EI. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. MAIN 4403. 128 1ST ST., NEAR WASH. PIANO BARGAIN. $100 and up; It will pay you to see our piano bargains. Hardman, Fisher. Vic toria. Koehler A Campbell, and many others In stock. Our one-year exchange proposition guarantees them. SE1HERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th at., bet. Wash, and Alder sts. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $750 Stelnway &. Sons upright, cash 2!0 $050 automatic upright piano, cash $105 $475 Sterling upright pluno. cash $340 $475 Sterling upright piano, cash $J0 2 small upright pianos. $05 and $75. Parlor organs, $20, $25. $3S, $45 cash. 10J Fourth St., Near Washington St. SE7CURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $750 Stelnway & Sons upright, cash $2110: !t!50 automatic upright piano, cash $105; 475 Sterling upright piano, cash $240; 450 Starr upright piano, cash, $220; 2 amall upright pianos, $63 and $75. Parlor organs, $20, $25, $J8, $45 cash. 109 4th St.. near Washington St. SCHWAN PIANO REMOVAL SALE. Used pianos, $75, $105. $290 to $435. UBed organs. $25. 23. $35 to $65. New pianos. $335. $:i:5. $40S to $62. Player pianos. $4U5. $505, $075 to $Ki2. Terms, $15, $25 to $50 cash; $6, $10 to $25 monthly. Ill Fourth 8t., at Washington. SCHWAN PIANO REMOVAL SALE Used pianos, $75. $165, $2110 to $435. Used organs. $25, $2K. $33 to $05. New pianos, $333, $305, $408 to $862. Terms, $15 to $50 cash: $6 to $25 mo. Ill Fourth St., at Washington. After removal 101-3 10th. at Wash. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE IN DECEMBER. $73 Victrola and records (used)....$ 65 $2.50 Swlck A Co. (good upright).. 136 $400 Vose A Sons (fine condition).. 238 Best piano repair shop lu Portland. HAROLD GILBERT. 8I4 Yamhill. VOCALION ORGAN. 2 manual, foot-base pedals, foot levers with electric motor. Just right for church "or moving picture house: terms given; some snap. Selberllng-Lucaa Music Co., 126 4th st. RARE BARGAIN. Fine new late model 104 Conn cornet, sell for $75, or trade. WHAT HAVE YOUT NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 First. Main 44!5. Tabor 6708. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS . BOUGHT, SOLD. RENTED, EXCHANGED. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 First, Main 4405. Tabor 6798. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our propositions will please you. Sclber-ling-LucaB Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 858U. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for lined pianos and player-pianos; get our prices. Selberllng Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th st. Main 8588. I HAVE to. sacrifice my beautiful walnut Columbia, large-size grafonola and rec ords on account going away. 430 E. 11th st, S. FOR SALE A gold-mounted cornet, B-flat circus. Csnn; am going east, must sell immediately. Phone Broadway 2675, 01 call 633 Morrison St. VICTOR AND COLUMBIA RECORDS. Buy ycur records from us. Plenty of ' demonstrating rooms. Hyatt Talking Uachlne Co.. 350 Alder st. i HARDMAN cabinet grand upright in the best of condition, almost half price, terms. Selberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4 th stre e t. ' $100 TO $150 CASH paid for used upright pianos. Call Main 5:128. Security Storage Co., 10D 4th St.. near Washington. MY SLIGHTLY used Graphaphona In Turned oak case, and record; will sacri fice. Call Tabor 8850. WILL rent to responsible parties, no children, a Singer player piano, $5 per month. 1364 E. Salmon st. WILL exchange fine new Brunswick, Edl son. Grafo.iola or Victrola for piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., S50 Alder. WANT violin, banjo, guitar, euke. mando lin; rash paid. Main 4495, Tabor 6798. 128 First $100 TO $150 CASH paid for used upright pianos. Call Main 6323. Security Storage Co.. 109 Fourth St., near Washington st. FISHER, walnut case and some real piano, good as new; bargain. Selberllng-Lucas Music JO.. m pi- WANTED A god sweet-toned piano at once. Cash or Bonds if reasonable. Mar- ahnll 6709. Music CO.. 1-0 itn et. KOEHLER A CAMPBELL, oak case, at a snap. Selberllng-Lucaa Co.. 125 4th at. GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO WANTED! CASH PAID. MAIN 4405. 12i FIRST. PLAYER rolls you are tired of exchanged. luc per roll. Harold Gilbert. 884 Yamhill. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill at. BUSINESS transfer; want to sell my plano oest of condition. East 8oW6. GOOD piano for rent. Call Friday at 549 E. 87th at. Richmond car. WOULD 11k to buy a Victrola for cash. B. E. Foote. P. O. Box 4, clty SPOT cash for piano, can be old. Call Main 3H04 Friday before 5 P. M. Furniture for Sale. USED MAJESTIC RANGE connected anu - " 1 1 mo. . u interest. We have over 100 used ranges to select from; all are guaranteed to give satisfac tion. From $25 up. OEVCRTZ FT-RNTTURE CO.. THE BIG STORE. ALL. UNDER ONE ROOF NO RRAW'H STORF.S. 18.-. FIRST STREET. KralF.MBER. TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET. with a fine hot water back. This Is a splendid range with a large oven and In first-class shape. $59.50. set ud and FOR 8A1.E. Furnltnr for Sale, NEW TEAR'S SPECIAL. W are offering the following list of articles at very reasonable prices. Just received, on carload of coil steel springs at $10.50. We ordered these springs last summer and can give you the advantage of our buy. These springs cannot be purchased laewhere for lesa than $14.60. We have a large assortment of Iron beds from $1.60 up; mattresses $1 up; comforts $1 up. EXTRA SPECIAL. We have a beautiful aolld Circassian walnut 4-plec bedroom set. chiffonier, dresser, dressing table and chair; all have perfect mirrors, th dressing mir ror being 40x80 inches. The set Is of massive construction and is truly beau tiful. It is th only set ot Its kind in Portland. It was purchased In the east six months ago for $525. Our. price Is $250. It has only been used a short Una and looks Ilk new. 40 DINING ROOM TABLES. $8 UP. 1 special solid oak mission table and six chairs to match; regular price $60; our price $40. Large stock ot genuine leather rock era from $35 up. Alao a large stock ot steel ranges, all atzes. In Garlands. Monarchs, malleables and Charter Oaks; regular prices $50 up; our price $36 up. Also large as sortment of gas ranges from $15 up; all guaranteed. Solid oak library tables from $8 up. A few Axmlnster patterna, 9x12, which are real rug bargains. Dressers, dressing tables and chiffon iers, lij mahogany and ivory. You can buy theae for less money than you your self would expect to pay. UNITED NEW A SECOND-HAND FURNITURE STOKE. 17S First Street. Main 8878. Mall orders given prompt attention. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. CLEARANCE SALE. Just before taking stock we must clean up on several pieces of furniture, rugs, ranges, rnankets. comforters and many other household articles. Values here you will never meet again, manv of them below the wholesale cost; In fact, second-hand goods would cost you more. Make it your point to come In early and get th cream ot these real values. $89 Laurel, six-hole, polished-top sanitary base range, cut to $ 69.83 $79.60 six-hole, polished-top and white-trimmed, leg-base range. 56.95 $65 eteel ranges 47.50 $225 all-blue Bridge-Beach combi nation gas, coal and wood range 1G9.30 15 beds to go less than cost. White or Ivory, 2-ln. post with heavy rods, full size, re,$:lar $ii values 12.95 9 extra fine cotton-felt mattresses. Just slightly soiled: a real sac rifice; regular $24.50 value 13 75 $5.50 breakfast tables 8 43 $23.60 kitchen cabinets 16.50 These few bargains we mention are Just a few in the bucket,"as we have too many to mention. If you need any thing for your home you'll find It here end at prices you cannot duplicate any where. This Is a bona fide sale, backed by the FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 174 First St., Cor. Yamhill. NEW YEAR'S CLEARANCE SALE. All kinds of wood and coal heaters 20 per cent discount. This in many cases Is below present cost. Beautiful combination wardrobe and chiffonier mad of solid oak. $27.50. We have two beautiful davenports, both solid oak. one imitation leather, for $36; th other genuine leather for $53. We have a beautiful graphophone which w will sacrifice for $100. and as a special Inducement we will glv the purchaser one dozen records. We have a tin assortment of ward robes at $7.50. We have all kinds of floor coverings, kitchen utensils, heaters and furniture. OKI FURNITURE CO.. 200 Second St, 612U9. NEW YEAR'S SALE. IF TOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A CON'OOLEUM ART CARPET WE CAN SUPPLY YOTTR WANTS FOR LESS THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN PORT LAND. By some very fine maneuvering we managed to buy a carload of congoleum art carpets at a figure which enables us to offer them at th following prices: 6 x 9 for : $ 6.00 9 for 7.00 9.00 9 9 9 9 x 9 for xlOVs for x!2 for 10.00 12.00 x13Vi for 13.50 15.00 xlu for .. These carpets are all In one piece and we have several 'pretty patterns to choose from. Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO. lbfi-190 First Street. USED GENUINE MAHOGANY DINING ROOM SET. consists of big 54-lnch 10 - foot extension dlni-ner table, handsome buffet. 6 solid mahogany chairs and carver, upholstered in first-grade genu ine leather. This sst Is perfectly matched and Is made In the elecant Adams de sign. It would cost -new li the neigh borhood of $450. Our price $230. Easy terms and a year .to pay. We charge no Interest, . OEVURTZ FURNTTURE CO.. THE BIG STORE. ALL UNDER ONE ROOF NO BRANCH STORES, 185 FIRST STREET. REMEMBER. TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET. NEW YEAR'S SALS) OF STEEL. SPRINGa BRAND NEW ONES. GUARANTEED FOR 23 YEARS. REGULAR $13.75. REDUCED TO 1 $8.95 EACH. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 183-190 First St. SPECIAL. FOR THIS WEEK. Kitchen treasure $ 4.T5 Sewing machine, guaranteed. ... a . . 7.60 Library table 7.50 Chairs 1.25 $4.60 rocker 8.00 $16 oook'stove 0.60 4-hole coal or wood range 19.50 Copper coil gas water heater 12.60 4-burner Vulcan gas stove 10.50 $7.50 Iron beda 4.50 Mattressea 8.00 Yum Yum bed aprlnga v. 1.75 OWL FURNITURF) CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 First St., near Morrison. NEW YEAR'S SALS OF STEEL BEDS. PIMMOND8 CONTINUOUS POST STEEL. BUNOAXOW BEDS REDUCED TO $11.95 EACH. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First St. USED MAHOOANT BKDROOM SET. CON SISTS of bed. chiffonier and dressing table, all of fine genuine mahogany. A very elegant set and looks like new. $175. Easy terms. We charge no in terest. GEVUTtTZ FURVTTUR'E CO.. THE BIG STORE. ALX. UNDER ONE ROOF NO BRANCH STORF.S. 1S5 FIRST STREET. REMEMBER. TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET. BIO SALE on furniture, rugs stored vei - cheap even lor dealers, at 653 First at. ! rOK SALIC Furniture for Sale. THB SPIRIT OF THE 6EASON prompta ua 4 express to you our appre ciation of that InvaruaDle asset, Good Will, which you have so kindly bestowed on ua during the past, and which w fully reciprocate. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. ni-$-S Front St.. Portland. Or. A NEW TSAR'S RESOLUTION MAKE BOTH SIDES OT TOUR DOL LAR COUNT. Trade with a reliable firm handling 1805 m,rohandl" o mrit. Eatabllahed NEW TEAR SPECIALS. "Nufola" Bad Davenport. Regu lar $63. Special.. $49.00 Bed Davenport, perfect condition. only 37.80 Beautiful Quartered Oak Pedestal Table, special. 33.00 Elegant William ary Extension Table, special 39.00 Hardwood Round 6-Legged Exten sion Table, worth $23. only 16.00 Solid Quartered Oak Spiral Leg; Ex tension Table, worth $30. only... 19.30 Solid Oak Princess Dresser. 18x30 French plat mlrrori regular price. $34; apeclal only 32.50 . Genuine Mahogany Princess Dress er, 13x83 French plat mlrrori regular price, $40; only . ... 37.60 Solid Oak Sraaaer, 40-ln. bar. 19x S4 French bevel mirror. $33 value; only . . ... ...... 1T.30 Other dreaeers of different types aa low as 8.50 Beautiful set of 5 Dinners and Arm Chalre In genuine leather, full box seats and extra heavy stock; golden dull fin ish. An extra special pric of only $32.50. One only, elegant Quartered Oak China Closet: 7 feet tall, 4 feet wide; bent flass ends; all plate glasa shelvea and ull mirror back. This beautiful piece is perfect in every respect. It could not be duplicated for $150. Will olose out for $75. We have several other square and round china closets, all In excellent condition, as low as $17.60. We have several sectional bookcases In various finishes, all hardwood, at prices never heard of before. 2Sx48 aolld Quartered Oak Library Table. Extra heavy square leg. Reg. price. $85. New $22.50. We have sev eral other library tables and this special price pertains to the line throughout. We are headquarters for springs, mat tresses, pillows, bedding, trunks, suit cases, rugs and linoleums. 2-ln. Continuous Post Brass Beds at apeclal pric of only $19.00 2-ln. Post Beds (braaa finish), only. 14.50 We hav perhapa 200 beda ranging from $2 up. It will be a very easy task to select a bed here, as we have such a large variety. We carry a complete line of used heat--ers. cook stoves and ranges. We could fill this page mentioning different ones We will consider it a pleasure to have you call on us and look over our line. W herewith mention only a few: South Bend Malleable (polished top), only $65.00 Charter Oak (perfect condition), mounted on aanttary bas. Spe cial pric only 63 00 1 only. Monarch Range, only 49.50 Stewart Rang (good condition). only 35.00 Many othera priced proportionately. Aa an Inducement for our old cus tomers, and also new ones, we are of fering our entire stock of ranges, cook atoves, heaters, gas ranges, hotel ranges, and water heaters, at a special discount of 25 per cent off. FLOOR COVERING AND LINOLEUM, Inlaid Linoleum, special at. sq. yd... $1.78 Floor covering as low as, aq. yd 68 RUGS RUGS RUGS RUGS. We are very fortunate In having an extremely large amount of used rugs on hand. Never before in history were rugs at such high prices. But we are In a position to sell you rugs such as Wil tons, Axmlntsters. Body Brussels. Tapes tries, etc. at about price. We have a large selection to choose from. Several of these rugs could not be told from new .ones. It will be to your advantage to look theae over. We wish to mention at thla time that we are practically the only house In this city that carries a complete line of used camp, hotel and restaurant dishes and utensils. If at any time In terested in this line, write us or com in and look over our stock. On beautiful Back Bar and Front Bar complete with railing and all containers ana Ice chest to match. A wonderful piece for pool room or restaurant. Rea sonable. One eleetrlo sign, "Eat." cheap. Reataurant chairs, stools, eto., both new and second-hand, We hav 8 large stores and 2 ware houses Jammed with used furniture and stoves. When In our locality, come In and look over our stocks. Our prices are right and w stand behind every ar ticle w sell. LEVIN HARDWARE FTJRX. CO. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. WE DELIVER. FOB SAIJB. Furniture for Sale. ANSTTJAX. PRiD-rNVENTORY SALS. UR- ENTTRK STOCK OT NEW NT T7SED FURNITURE. RUGS. CARPETS, RANGES AND OKFlrE FT"RNITURJ AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIOE3. ROTND OAK TAB-LB REDUCSTD TO Ml DRESSERS REDUCED TO. . . .AlOC-O CHIFFONTER RETUCETJ TO 311641 nro-wcH stejUj DUC ED TO SBO IIS. 10.34 OAK LIBRARY REDUCED 6 Sd OTIR TU "'Fl; I ROC3CEX X29- CUCBD TO Jtl2.3 CREx ruq s rxia, retucet to. T.sa cook vrorra, reduced to. -$io.oo COTTON MATTRESS. 40 LS3- RBDUCED TO tllS STEEL SPRINGS RJ!UUClg11 TO. .3 - KITCHEN TREASURE REDUCED to , .e e-Hoic R . nx-it: retttcet to. . .$v.o OAK SIDEBOARD REDUCED TO. $15.00 THE ABOVE ARB BTJT A FEW 0 THB MANY BAROAIN3 WHICH W3 ARB OFFERING. STAR FTTtNTTTTR'B CO., THE STORE OF BARGAIN'S. 204 FIRST JT.. NEAR TAYLOR. TAPESTRY UPHOLSTERED TtAVENPORT AND ROCKER TO MATCH This Is a. splendid set. The davenport has spring back. srms. seat and edge, with three loose cushions: all have springs. The rocker Is of the same elegant conscruo tlon and we will sell the two pieces at an exceptionally low price ot $190.60. Easy terms. No interest. OEVURTZ FURNTTUTta CO, THE BIG STORE. All nnder one roof no branch stores. 1R5 FIRST RTRKKT. Remember, two doors from Tamhtri Public Market. VERY ST-ECTAX STAND T-AMP STICKS. Gracefully turned. Mahogany finish ticks and 2 lamp sockets. Usuariv sold at $16.60. Only a few. for $9.75 each. GEVTRTZ FURNITURE CO THE BIG STORE. ALL- UNDER ONP3 HCiOP NO BRANCH STORFP. 15 FIRST STREET. REMEMBER. TWO DOORfl FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET. NtEW THAU'S SAU OT ROCKERS. Teeinn1ng tomorrow w prae on sal a fine assortment of rockers, co-nnrlslng oak. mahogany, walnut, reed, fiber and overstuffed, at J- off and fcetter: we mention Just a few: Lanre overstuffed rocker in chase leather, worth f 27 no. reduced. to $17.50: fine mahoerany-f in ished rocker with tapestry-covered auto spring aeat. $22. 3n value for $12.95: verv mssslve oak rocker with genuine leather aeat. worth $27. 6f. priced at cnlv $17.73: and several reed rockers at $7.50, $8.60 and $12.60. MTSTT r-URNTTURE CO.. 1S8-190 First St. FURNISH WITH USED GOODS. Yon will r surprised how much we can save you on a bill of goods. -Bv selecting from our Immense stock of used goods you can save from one-third to one-half. And don't foreet we will sell on essv terms If more convenient. Small pavment down and a yesr to pay th balance. No Interest charged. OEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. THE BIG STORE ALL UNDER ONE ROOF NO SRAWH STORFS 1S FIRST STREET. HF5IFMPER. TWO DOOR?) FROM YAMHILL. PUBLIC MARKET. NEW YEAR'S SALE OF LIBRARY TABLES. Your unrestricted choice of an entire stock of up-to-date- library tables at 20 per cent redaction. You win find all the popular deslcns William and Mary. OueeTi Anne. Adams. Cronrwelllan and mission. In wax onk. fumed oak or ma hogany: In this splendid line there Is one to suit every purse, and If desired easy terms. MTSH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First St. TAKE ADVANTAGE. We have 9 second-hand ranges to close out. They must go at once, therefore we have priced them so low that If vou are a bit Interested to save you will not miss this opportunity. Bridge-Beach. Laurel. Peninsular. Jewel and other standard make ranges we have been asking from $30 to $60. now at $15 to $40. Come early. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 First St.. cor. Yamhill. USET HEATERS IN GREAT VARIETY. We hav an Immense line of these seaaonable articles snd vou can buy on easv terms. Small pavment down a-nd $1 a week. Also all makes of new on-s. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. THE BIG STORE. ALL UNDER ONE ROOF NO BRANCH BTORE3. 1SS FIRST STREET. REMEMBER. TWO TOOF FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET. NEW YEAR'S SALE. High-grade dining suite; quarter sawed oak In fumed finish, comprising 4S-lneh round' table with very massive pedestal large buffet with French plate mirror and 4 genuine leather slip-seat dining chairs and one carver: this fine suite Is worth $150 of any one's money: New Yeafa sa'e price only $112.50 and term! If dealred. MISH FURNITURF CO.. lSg-100 Flrat St. RUO BARGAINS TV e have a large assortment of used Rues. Axmlnster. Wilton. Brussels, ail sizes and colors: some of these rugs are absolutely as good as new and the prices are remarkably low. We can save you money on any kind of floor covering. OWL FURNTTURE CO.. SELLS FOR LF.SS. 166-16S First St. NEW YEAR'S 8AT-T3. LET BULL RUN TK YOUR WASHING! 3SO brand new Marswella wafer power washing machine special at 32.oT: also Marswella hanrtpower vacuum machine that sells regularly for $32.50 priced at $21.85. Eaay terma. MIPH r'URN ITI" RF CO. 168-190 FIRST ST. DRESSER BARGAINS. We have a large asaortment of used dressers, priced from $8.60, rn whJte enamel, oak, blrdseye mapla and walnut. We can save you money en any kind of furniture. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 First St. Near Morrison. $700 FURNITURE R-room flat In heart of city, rent $25. new Grafonola: furni ture almoat new; chaira and davenport are full leather covered: pictures and ehlnawar are Included. We have other good businesa chancea on our list. Har per. 629 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 1906. a DON'T aacrlflce your furniture If going east or to California. We can aave you money on your freight in our through cars Fireproof Storage. C. M. Olaen Transfer A Storage Co.. 248 Pine at, 6-HOLE ateel rang for wood or coal, san itary cot and mattress like new. kitchen treasure and some amaller artlclea: priced ao you'll buy If you look. Cols 065. jTRSTCLASS wood or coal malleable range, almoat .njpr. for sale: also some household furniture: leaving city. 62 E. 55th. bet. Oak and Stark. FOR SALE One aolld mahogany chif fonier Phone befor 10 A. M. or after g P. -M. Main 2251. FOR SALE Furniture for 4-room house, complete, private parties only. . Mar shall 2154 avk good dining room set cheap. 1106 E. Slarke.t. Marshall 37. Tabor 2531. KITCHEN table. - chairs, rockers and fruit Jars. Call at 10101a Belmont at.