THE MORNING OREG ONI AN, TlIURSDAY, JANUARY i; 1920. .15 r v I REAl ESTATE. For Sale Hoimf P.OSH CITT SPECIAL 1750 $ 800 Down $50 Monthly. - Here U one of the very best buy we Iiave seen for a long while. Beautiful new and well constructed 5-room bun galow finished In old Ivory throughout. All rooms large and well arranged. Hardwood floors, artistic fireplace. Built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen. J'ull cement basement with good Xurnaca Lot SOxloo. Excellent location. Imme diate possession given. Phone urn for the key. McCRILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO.. 322-826 Henry Bldg. Alain 530. ROSE CITT PARK. $1W00 buys a corner bungalow of rooms, all on one floor; strictly modem in every sense; garage; Imp. pd. You will like this at tractive home. Owner has pur chased larger home and will give. Immediate possession. We have a good selection of homes in this desirable district and can please you. Our autoa are at your service and it places you under no obligations. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO., to Ry. Exch, bid. Main 683. 7 ROOMS, WALNUT PARK. $5250. Cleveland ave.. oor. lot. hard-sur. sts.. fine shade and r&wn. 2-story, large at tic, roc hall, living room, library, din ing room, kitchen. 4 bedrooms; hot-water heat, bevel-place doors and windows, mirror door; 2 toilets, large bath, wide porch, . full basement, fruit room, coal bin. wash trays, large garage on alley. A splendid house In a beautiful dis trict. I blk. to car: terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Ky. Exch. bldg. Main 6752. BUNGALOW AND HOUSES. ' If you are anticipating purchasing a house or bungalow by all means allow me the privilege of showing you some of the best buys In town. I have prop erties ranging In price from $3250 to 82O.000. Also a few exceptionally fine buys in choice residential lota J. ' A. Mccarty. 1141 E. Olitsan. Phone Tabor 8433. . Evenings and Sundays. Tabor ' 6057. BEAUTIFUL MODERN BUNGALOW. One of the few homes that did not freeao up during the cold snap. This little five-room bungalow Is buljt from the ground up is very warm In winter and cool In summer, being located on high-class corner lot one ' block from Carllne. plenty of fruit and flowers. If you are looking for a comfortable little home investigate at once. Owner. G. A. Juries. 732-83 Northwestern Bank bldg. 3300. ALBERTA BUNG ALOW. $ SSOO. Just 1 short block from car. In flrst elass location. 6 rooms, nicely arranged and In A-l condition; fireplace and built in conveniences; lull cement basement; full lot. garage. You will like this if Jou see it. Terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. A LAURELHURST BARGAIN. $8300 buys a strictly modern home on Hazel Fern, in Laurolhurst: 7 rooms and sleeping porch; grand view of the city. It would cost more than the price asked to build the house if we were to throw in the choice lot. 50x100; terms. M. BILLINGS, won MfKay bldg. Main 1300. WEST SIDE SACRIFICE. Corner. 100x100, with 4 houses. Just a few blocks from the Montgomery Ward V Co. site on the southeast corner of SHd and Wilson. Take a look, then aee me. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. VACANT house, modern, 5 rooms and sleeving porch; fireplace, built-in book case and buffet, cement basement, laun dry trays and furnace; paved street in and paid for; Broadway car. Portland's best district. Price only 13750; 10(0 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632-633-B34 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. ROSE CITY FAIJK. Buy from the owner a real bungalow at $H500, one of Rose City Park's most beautiful bungalows. 6 rooms and sleep ing porch, thoroughly modern In every detail, located at 511 B. 4tfth st. N., l1 blks. north of Sandy blvd. Phone owner, Broadway 2220. !OSB CITY PARK strictly modern 6-room bungalow; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, cement basement, attic, garage; ideally located and an ideal home: one block north of Flanders; full lot. Price only $4950; all city liens paid; $10U0 cash, balance aa suits you. 501 E. 47th street N. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. $6000 for one of the finest 6 rooms with sleeping porch, hardwood floors. 3 toilets, fireplace, built-in buffet, fur nace and garage, all in first-class con dition, half cash, bal. terms. East 7937. 409 E. 37th st. N. $2500 BUYS A 3-ROOM neat cottage-bungalow, 634 Insley ave. White enamel plumbing. 50x100 lot to alley; 100 feet from paved street: sewers in and paid. Call Sell. 13.-iu. owner, or see WRIGHT & ROCK. Main 50SS. 417 Ablngton bldg. " 2250 GOOD 5-room bungalow oa East 80th st., near Ho'.gate; white enamel plumbing, some bullt-lna,. good base ment, cement walks, lot 50x100; near car and school. A. good buy. M. BILLINGS. B09 McKay bldg. Main 1390 ' THIS SACRIFCB. ROSE CITY. 6 rooms, modern and complete, hard surface, beautiful location, uuderprioed' price only 14000. J. ROBBINS. 801 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. Residence, Tabor 5819. FINE HOME IN R, C. This is modern in every respect and you can't build it for double the price; now is the time to buy, prices will be higher In the spring. Pacific Realty. Main 847. 409 Spalding bldg. . XRVINGTON 5 and 6-room bungalows, located oa 2Gth and Knott, new and modern In every detail, with Gasoo fur naces and garages; terms and prices are right. For sals by owner and builder. 570 2(Uh st. Call between 12 and e. AN IRVINGTON BEAUTY. New T-room, strlotly modern Nov England colonial house on' earner lot In the most exclusive part of Irvlngton. One block from car; an ideal home. M. BILLINGS, 609 MrKay bids. Main 1300. TWO REAL BARGAINS. Both 5-room bungalows. hardwood floors, fireplace, built-lns. cement base ment, etc: look them over. PACIFIC REALTY. Main 847. 409 Spalding Bid g. NEW LAURELHURST liUNGALOW. 6 large rooms, fully modern, one of the moit complete homes In the city; If you are looking for something classy don't fail to see this one. Turner & Win ship. 312 Henry bldg. Main 7847. 3150 NEAT, modern 5-room cottage, nearly two lots, everything clear. E. 47th St., near Belmont: quick sale price, aa I am leaving city. Call 910 Chamber of Commerce. Tel. Marshall 1585. 49000 IRVINGTON HEAtT"ROMETERMa Living room Ivory mahogany, dining room real mahogany. 4 b. r. and a. p. ' glass-inclosed, full lot. garage, all per fect condition. East 419. 13750 BUYS 6-ROOM modern bungalow In Rose City. Furnace, hardwood floors, all built-ins; In pink of condition. WRIIiHT A BlV'ir Main 508S. 417 Abington bldg VACANT 6 rms., fireplace, white enamel kitchen, bathrm., bedrm., full basement, newly painted, on car line: terms by owner. Main 2406; evenings. Wdln. 5498. SMALL payment down, city or suburban houses of any size or kind. Call me 1 have them. Tabor 1485, or oall at 8b3J 50th ave.. near Lents school. - GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn, 243 Stark . st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 831. Res, phone.. Tabor 194. " IRVINGTON . HOME. BAST 1347. IRVINGTON Beautiful corner. 8 rooms, perfect throughout, cement garage! $7500. East 419. rage 1-KOO.M house, good neighborhood, walk ing distance, fruit, flowers, terma East 6-ROOM house, close in, near 4 ear lines elect., gas; 11800; by owner. Parties 1..-.H,. cltv. Hell ixo " $ 2000 M ODE RN 4-room bungalow, elose In. all improvements paid, need S1200 ...ah Call Woodlawn RMU IRVINGTON. $6500. T-room semi-bungalow, full lot, garage, 18th and Stanton. East 419. IRVINGTON HOMES. 1 Hon KAST 14TH ST. N. MrUOVSLLi FiBT A , A IRVINGTON 8 artistic rooms, full lot. 22d. nearThompson, (8500. East 419. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, beautiful view, T rooms: $4800. Owner. Bast 8225. IRVINGTON EAST T. STREET, rf OM Hits 894. xrtv. AUi, SIOI'EBM 4-room furnished bungalow! SI. 85th; $3800. Owner. E. 122 5. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. '-ROOM modem bungalow, built-in con veniences, full lot, bearing fruit; price $lloo. Terma. 5-room modem house, full basement, full lot; price $1600; terms. 5- room house, very nice place; price 1I50O; terms. Large 3-story frame house of eight rooms, lot box 100. $1600'. terms. 6- room modern home, full basement, gas; lot looxtoo; fine garden and fruit. Price $2000. 1500 down, balance 125 per month. B-room house and full lot. $1100. terms. B-room cottage, wood ahed, hen house; lot looxloo. fruit and berries; price (1800; half cash. ft-room modem concrete block bunga low with gas; lot 100x100; fruit and garden) price (2750, terms. '- The above homei are located la the city of Gladstone, which la one mile north of Oregon City and 9 miles south of Portland, on electric line. Plenty of steady employment In Oregon City and nere. Locate where prices are reason able. O, E. FREYTAG. GLADSTONE. OB. Phone Oregon City 2 08 -J. KENTON. CENTER INDUSTRIAL CENTER. 4 New Factories Now In the Making. . 3 More Coming. 25 acres factory land adjoining Kenton, now dyked, will make you rich and you can pay for It with 2 orops of potatoes. Now ready to plow and plant. 11 Modern Bungalows, Cheap. Only $200 to $50O cash. bal. like rent. 16 Little Hemes. Right prices oa term you can . buy. 8 Little Shark Houses. $600 to $900, only $50 to $100 cash, balance like rent; or will build you a little house. With 2 earllnea this district le In close touch with all -works in Portland. A. C. MCDONALD. 296 W. Lombard St. Wood la wa 0273. Office Open Sundaya and Bventnga $4300 BUYS a T-room bungalow with one bedroom and bath down, 3 bedrooms up; beautiful fireplace, bdwd. floors, all built lns. very attractive and first class; triple floors down, double floors up; 100x100 corner; st. Imp. all In and pd. Thla was built for a home and cost own er 15760. Owner leaving for Denmark and anxious to sail. Shown by appointment only. J. A. WICKM AN CO., 304 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 683. In LAURELHURST. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. $1000 WILL HANDLE. I have 8 fine homes. Just vacated, and In first-class condition. I want to sell these immediately and somebody will get a big bargain. If you will drive out to office today. East 39th and Gltsan sts., I will give you keys and you can look them over, or phoue me Tabor $433, evenings East 080. FURNISHED LAURELHURST HOME. Wish to make quick sale of very at tractive 2-story 8-room home In most exclusive section near car and park; ex tremely large rooms and old ivory fln lsn throughout: French doors, lots of plate glass: 4 bedrooms and alp. pch. ; nicely furnished in mahogany and black walnut, nearly new rugs, elec range and waahlng' machine, automatlo gas furnace and heater. Priced way below value. Tabor 407. TOU CANNOT BEAT THIS. Here Is a modern 5-room bungalow lust 1 block from car and paved sts., has nice fireplace, built-in bookcases, Dutch kltohen, full semi-eement base ment, garage, full 50x100 lot and ail clear of incumbrance, for $2800; $500 cash will handle, balance like rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LUWE & CO.. 2P1-8-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. STRICTLY MODERN IRVINGTON HOME, OOHNBg LOT. DEN, LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM, KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR. FOUR BEDROOMS. BATH SLEEPING PORCH SECOND FLOOR FINISHED ATTIC. HARDWOOD FLOORS, HOT WATER HEAT. GA RAGE. MIGHT CONSIDER SOME ' T R A POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE -271-28. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. SMALL COTTAGE AND SMALL ACRE. This borders on the Hawthorne ear line at 71st st.. nearly a full acre of ground with about 20 good bearing fruit trees and abundanoe of berries. This is what we have been looking for. Prioe $2800; easy terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE Jfc CO. 201-8-0-7 Board of Trade fcldg. . RARE IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Having no further use for one of choicest homes, located on double cor ner In most exclusive section on E. 22d St., owner will give someone a REAL BARGAIN. Center entrance hall. Im mense rooms, sun room, breakfast room, garage, extra heavy construction, beau tiful lawn. Price $12,500; terms, 8 per JiMOOhor 407?1erty M"y rUl MT. TABOR REAL HOME. Here la a beautiful Mt. Tabor home complete In every detail; 8 rooms, mod ern to the minute; run lot; garage and all located on the northwest slope, about 1 block from car. Price $5750; terma Can be seen by appointment only. Call at our eftice for information In full. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE fc CO.. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. T-ROOM BUNGALOW. NEAR " ALAMEDA PARK. T-room bungalow, 80x100 and good farago, strictly modern. hardwood loors, beamed celling and paneled din ing room, upstaira finished In. white enamel. Built-in bookcases.' buffet, china closets and every convenience In kitchen. This is a snap at $5700. with terms. Broad. 4138. 305 Oak at. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS IN LAURELHURST? " If you want a real classy place, let me w.V? Now i your' chance before the spring rush. Drive out to Laurelhurst office. E. 39th and Ullsan sts.. get keys and Inspect the very latest bungalow creations. Phone Tabor 3433 evenings East 2088. . 100x100 LOT with 6-room cottage; all kinds of bearing fruit trees and berries best of sou for garden; chicken house, cement sidewalk and sewer In and paid for, electricity and gas; concrete founda tion; large basement; Mt. Tabor car line. Price only $2250; $750 cash. JOHNSON-Yor.-?! , 682-633-034 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. SOL1H Portland .snap T-room modern house, nearly new, partly furnished, and garage; house must be sold; owner Is going east. Price 82AIW) .n ... SoV5 .rnahle offer; house ' No. i"A4r-h0,KU Trm- John Blnger. 420 Chamber of Commerce hldi ti 9478 THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a Burden Into income T We design and huild ..r. rages, residences, anything: furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. e offer SECURITY HMiVICE 824 N. W. Bank bldsr """" laC BEAUTIFUL HOME ADJOINING "iRV- 8 rooms, modern. cotia i. v . Broadway; all bullt-lna. modem and-I aown as xirst payment. J. ROBBINS. 801 Railway Exchange. Main 7981. Residence. Tabor 6810. 3 FLAT duplex oontalnlng five nloe rooms, each with two hot water plants close to Irvlngton or Broadway oar. This Is a good buy at $8000. You can live in one flat and the Income from the ether will pay 6 net on the entire Invest ment. For particulars see G. A. Barlea. 782-88 Northwestern Bank bldg. JUST A MOMENT. PLEASE. Brand-new, classy, 4-room bungalow, lust finished, near Union ave., north of Piedmont district; a few hundred dollars aa first payment will handle it; can ar range balance to suit purchaser. Phone owner, i.ui tuuu, NEW Irvlngton and Laurelhurst homes; we have just completed several bun galows and colonial homes in Irvlngton and Laurelhurst; if you are In the mar ket for a home don't fair to see ua Turner Wlnshlp, 813 Henry bldg Main T84T. ' SACRIFICE Mortgage due; Oregon street large 6-room bungalow, near pavement; extra large lot, numerous conveniences, basement, large attic, house cannot be built for present price. $2h00. $1785 cash balance monthly; Immediate possession Owner, evenings. Tabor T055. IRVINGTON. 620 K. 24th at. N. : corner lot 68x100; modern house. - 8 rooms ' and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, two fireplaces furnaee. lausdry. etc.: garage: for sale by owners. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 21Q Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 2038 NEW 4-room cottage, oak floor: H, 84tn: $2300. Owner. East 8223. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. FRANK L. McGUIRK. HOME BARGAINS. "THE JIcOCIRH SYSTEM" of per sonally inspecting, appraising and Photographing each house makes borne buying easy. We will put you im mediately in touch with the house you are looking for. 12 autoa at your service., 000 photographs to aelect from. i $58S0 IRVINGTON HOME. Seven-room modern home, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, fire place, hardwood floors, built-in con veniences. REAL BARGAIN. We ha.s r,-homea ln tbl dlatrict up to $40,000. $5600 WEST SIDE BUNGALOW, yery attractive T-room, story and a half bungalow typo hyme. located on Vaughn street, en Willamette heights: furnace. fireplace. hardwood floors, built-in eonveniencea, large side poroh with wonderful unobstructed view. 4 light, airy bedrooms; paved street paid; . terma. One block to car. - $5000 ARTISTIC ROBE CITT BUNGALOW. Here le one of the verv attractive bungalows of Rose City Park; 6 rooms, den and breakfast room. hardwood floora. fireplace, built-in conveniences, large front porch, full width of heuae: marsive stone columns; low rambling bungalow Unea. Caa arrange terms. ' $4780, WALKING DISTANCE. 9-room. unusually well-built, modern home en a 50x100 lot: Just across the Broadway bridge, on Roes street; house could easily be converted Into flats: double garage; you couldn't build the house for the money: the lo' is worth $4000. Could rent the reema for 820 each. Terma. $4500 PIEDMONT HOMB. Eight rooms and den. Concrete stucco heme. UNUSUAL BARGAIN. $8800. ADJOINING LAURELHURST. Corner lot; on East 29th street, close to Rose City car; paved streets all paid; 8-room, very attractive, modern home-like, new; full cement basement, fireplace, bullt-tn conveniences. Terms. $3800 NWW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Here la a dream of a bungalow! S rooms, very artistic, typical bungalow lines, art brick fireplace.- attractive light fixtures, tapestry wall paper, hardwood floore, built-in conveniences: vacant. We have over 80 homes for sale ln the Sunnyslde, Hawthorne and Mount Tabor district. Photographs of each ln the office. $3800 IDEAL HAWTHORNE HOME. Very distinctive. modern 6-room home. large living room, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full eement basement. 8 light, airy bedrooms, best plumbing paid; $300 down. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS. $3500 MODERN HOLLADAT HOME. Very substantial modern T-room at tractive home with distinctive lines, full cement basement, furnace and fire place, .sleeping porch, built-in conven iences. On Clackamas street. Terms. $3250 WEST SIDE BARGAIN. $BOO DOWN. $25 PER MONTH. Six-room substantial home, full ce ment basement, furnaee and fireplace, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; lower Willamette belghta. $3000 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Five-room, very modern, attractive bungalow-type home; many convenienoee, very practical floor plan. Terma $2080. WALKING DISTANCE. On East 15th street, cloee to Morrison Is an unusually substantial , 6-room modern home, cement basement.' furnace, laundry trays, white enamel plumbina electrlo lights and gas. 2 blocks to grade and high school; house could not be reproduced tor $350O. Terma. A REAL. BARGAIN. $2750 ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. Very attractive 5-room home-like bungalow, clinker brick fireplace, pan eled dining room, built-in eonveniencea. paved street; terma. $2500 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. On East 87th street, on a corner lot is a 6-room bungalow cottage, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, built-in conveniences, hardsurtace street paid. Easy terma. $2450 IRVINGTON DISTRICT. On East 80th atreet. near SUkiyou. en a 04x100 lot Is a 6-room modern home, full oement basement, good furnace, laundry trays, white enamel plumbing, electrlo lights and. gas. built-in 'con veniences. Terms. $2400. NORTH OF PIEDMONT. Full corner lot. liens paid. new. very attractive. typical bungalow. white enamel plumbing, garage. $2200, SOUTH OF LAURELHURST. - On East Morrison street, near gist. Is a T-room home, sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, 1 block to Montavllle and Sunnyslde cars. Easy terma. $2100 THIS IS THE ONE. 6-room, very comfortable bungalow, type cottage; walking distance, just across the Broadway bridge, on "Van couver avenue; street liens all ln and paid. Easy terms. $2050 SELLWOOD HOME. On Bidwell avenue, olose to car. le a 8-room home, white enamel plumbing, electrlo lights and gas. abundance of fruit, berries and grapes; easy terms. We have over 20 other homes in this district. $800 PENINSULA COTTAGB. Comfortable cottage with white enamel bath, patent toilet, eleotrtc lights and gas; $250 down and $15 per month. Hens paid. In pur show rooms are over 600 photo graphs of personally lnspeoted and ap- ? raised homes ln all parts of the city. 2 automobiles at your service. This office sold over 860 homes ln 1919. Largest home seller oa the Pacific coast. We handle homes exclusively. Inspect these photographs before you buy. Borne wonderful bargains. BEE FRANK L. McGUIRD To Buy Your Home. BucoesBor to H. V. MoGuire dew Established ln 1880. "48 YEARS OW BBRVICa." Ablngton Building. Main 1068. OffXloe Open Sundays, Holidays and Kveulnga. VACANT, MOTI RIGHT IN. B-room typical bungalova ln best part of Hawthorne, hardwood floors, bullt-4ns galore, fireplace, special gas radiators (cost more and better than the furnaoes), finished in old Ivory throughout; only i years old; paved streets; laundry trays, oement basement, gas range goes with place; $39u0, $1600 to handle. We will give a sis montha' money-back guarantee on this home. That It is a sacrifice and way under value goes with out saying, BIHR CAREY CO.. 21f Railway Exchange Main 18- $5800. LAURELHURST HOME. $5800. There is nothing lacking ln this heme, if s modern to the minute and all ln tip top shapes 6 rooms and sleeping porch; full lot, paved streets In and paid, ga rage. 1 block from ear. Terms, C. A. WABRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CQ. - 201-8-5-7 Board sf Trade pldg. NEW 6-room bungalow ln Rese City Park; hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in book cases and buffet; large oement basemtxnt, laundry trays and furnaee; modern built in kitchen; all. rooms finished in white enamel; all improvements paid. Price 14750: $1000 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-033-634 N. W, Bank bldg. Main 8787. ROSE CITY PARK. 8-room bungalow, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, paneled dining and front room; full cement basement, nice lot: price $4000, $1000 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633, 633. 634 N. W, Bank Bldg. Main 8787. T-nnOM house. East 18th. near By bee. with garage. Beautiful lawn close La Reed college. 4lluu. Terms. HARRIS MAXWELL. Main 288L 8o4 Ry. Kxeh. 4000--PIEDMONT BUNGALOW $40o67 X 6-room bungalow, Dutch kitohen, all built-lns. full basement, fireplaea, etc., 50x100 let. Terms. Rummeil s Rum raell. 274 Stark St. WISHING OUR MANY FRIENDS A HAPPY NEW YEAR. NEUHAUSBN A CO., IRVINGTON PROPERTY OCB SPECIALTY. ' 13KOO FURNISHED BUNGALOW." . T rooms, furaace. fireplace, g. p. twe corner lots on car line; fine location. 7111 Foster Road; $600 down. $40 per mo. reast otuw. SPECIAL Nifty bungalow, near Twohy's numerous conveniences, Dasement, pav ing paid; immediate snle $2500. $520 cash, $2U montniy, includes B'ft Interest. Owner, evenings. Tabor 70B5. $600,0 6-ROOM house at 103T Fremont. All hardwood floors, modern every way. HARRIS MAXWELL, Main 2b8L 804 Ry Exch. Bids. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses, FRANK L. McGUIRB. ALBERTA HOMES. $4220 Very distinctive 6-room modern home, dandy cement basement, best plumbing fixtures; very sightly location; on 14th st. near Prescott. UNUSUAL BARGAIN. $4000 Beautiful B-room very modern bungalow; unusually attractive lines; large front porch; fireplace; built-in conveniences: white enamel plumbing. REAL HOME. Terma $3860 On B. 27th st- Is an unusually at tractive 6-room home with low, rambling lines; very convenient floor plan; fireplace; white enam el plumblngi many built-in eon veniencea $8500 T-room very distinctive t y p e home; very convenient floor plan; cheery fireplace; many built-in eonveniencea; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas: corner lot. On E. 29th at-. - 1 block to car. $8500 Unusually attractive 6-room mod ern home; very artistic exterior appearance; large front porch, . best plumbing fixtures: electric lights and gas. Real home. On Marguerite avenue, near Alberta $3500 -6-room very substantial modern home; full lot; on East 10th. St.. near Alberta. $3000 Substantial. attractive 6-room modern home: full lot: vacant; on B. 24th street, cloee to car. Easy terma $2650 6-room modem substantial home; dandy cement basement; modem plumbing. . On Emerson street, near 12 th. Terma $2450 T-room comfortable Home on corner lot with garage; modern plumbing near 9th, close to car. Photographs of every borne of fered for sale In our display room. Autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGTJTRB To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 106$. Office open evenings and Sundays. HOMES HOMES HOMES Ws?. HAVE A VERT FINJB LISTING OF BUKOAIOWB, HOUSES AND ARTISTIC HOMES. A NUMBER AT PRB-WAR PBICES. LOCATED IN IRVING TON, LAURELHURST, ROSS CITT PARK, HAWTHORNE. NEW AND NEAR NEW HOMES THAT YOtT WILL LIKE TO LIVE IN. ir TOTJ WILL ALLOW US TO SHOW TOU, WK 8URELT WILL SUIT TOTJ. THE LAWRENCE CO. " 205 CORBETT BLDG. MAIN 0916, . NEW LATTRrTLTTTTRT BUNGALOW. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Located on Ankeny street, one-half block from Park and club house In one of the beet locations In Laurelhurst. Tflls house was built to satisfy the ex acting purchaser who can appreciate quality ef workmanship and material and desires the very best In his home. There are 6 rooms, all finished ln real enamel with walls papered with Imported papers: esk floors, tile fireplaea tile bathroom with pedestal lavatory and tlled-ln tub; large sideboard ln dining room, cabinet kitchen: bullt-tn Ironing board, wood lift, eto. composition drain board: eleotrlc fixtures and window shades Installed: high-grade furnace: 12x18 garage with eement floor and driveway; full length cement front porch. This house was started 5 months ago and the price Is based on the cost of material at thM time. Price $0o0 en terms to suit. For further informa tion or appointment to Inspect, call Mr. Koehler. Main 1700. Laurelhurst Co.. 270H Stark St. TERRACE FARTC. A snug little hungalow. abso lutely rew and modern; the Jol 11 est and most convenient house to be Imagined; pergola entrance leading up to large porch on which are flower boxes and also along the window sills: the living room is 14x22 feet wltn flreplaoe and new and handsome electrlo fixtures; kitchen has a cosy breakfast nook and up-te-date built-in cabinets) bedroom with . - dressing room ln which la a Pull man disappearing bed, making practically two bedrooms: bath adjoining; surpassing view of sur- ' rounding country; lot 60x100: street paved and paid. Here is a bargain at $8200. and only $500 down. Call evenings New Tear's dav or Sunday only, 8. E. corner of 87th and Gltsan sts. Montavllla Depot car line to door. - t LOOKING FOR A HT5MT5. House-hunting Is easy or Tiard, Just as yeu make It. Come te our office and see the photos of hundreds of homes.' If yeu have an hour to spare, select sev eral that Just about fit your purse and a demonstrator will ride you out to look them over. We are here to serve you. See ours first, then try and match them. BIHR CARET CO.. SIS Railway Exehanga Main 1686. ROBE CITT BEAUTY. NTFTT CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. This Is the cresm of Rose City Pari, one ef the roost attractive hemes In the district, rooms, strlotly modern, cor ner let. garage, all street Improvements In and paid. This can be seen by ap pointment only. Call at office tar par- tieulara Only $5750. C. A. WARRINER, BITTER. LOWE . CO 0,--5-T Board of Trade bldg. LAURELHURST. ROOMS AND DEN 6D06. Hurry, folka Hare la a real bargain. Owner leaving Portland and must sell. Oak floore throughout. The arrange ment Is Ideal. Splendid workmanship. Ideal location. Truly a home to be proud ef. Let n enow you. A. O. TBEPB CO.. JS4 Stark at., near 3d. Mala 1091. Branch Office, 50th and Bandy. ROSE CITT PARK. 6 ROOMS $4950. Forks, bore Is your opportunity te get a real good home in a first-class loca tion for little money. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, fur nace, etc. Asrts. paid. Very liberal terma Let us phow you. A. Q. TEE7T CO.. 364 Stark St.. near 8d. Main IMl Branrh Office, 60th and Bandy. SNA Fl SNAP! 98x800 ground. Improved wtfb good 6 roora, 2-story house, small 8-room house and sutbulldlnga, all kinds of fruit, ber ries and garden space, water piped to all parts of lot; property faces two streets and can be easily sub-divided. Price only $3900. terms. LUF.DDEMANN COMPANT. 91S Chamber of Commerce. Main 616T. raVTNGTON. 6-room. etrlrxly modern bouse, hard wood floors, fine view of city. Price $4200, one-half cost. Ask Mr. Kellogg. A. J- DEFOREST CO.. $20-821 Henry Bldg. Main 2890. ' " " OVERLOOK DISTRICT. 9-room modem bungalow, lot Bnwloo, sleeping porch, hardwood floora. plate glass windows, built-in buffet and book cases, lovely finish snd ln good condi tion, fruit, berries, grape vines, holly! price 84Iteo. terma MRS. THOMSON. 620-81 HENRY BLD1, FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Three-room hungalow, very nicely fur nished en 64nrlOO lot in good location, close to school and car line. For quick aale will let this go for $1908., A very good buv. WAKEFIELD. FRIES CO. 85 Fourth Bt. ALBINA. n-reont bouse, good location, extra large lot and garage. Price 12250. 5O0 down, balance to suit. Ask Mr. Kellogg. A. J. DEFOREST CO., .56-821 Henry Bldg. Mall ?6W. ROSH; CITY'S biggest bargain, desirable bungalow. Improvement paid. $2H5U; Immediate possession; $940 rash. Also 6-room. East 10th. garage, special $2700 Owner, evenings. Tabor 7055. $1950 R. C. PARE small furnished homej almost new, bath, gas, electric lights, large comer lot. half cash, balance 8 per saai. . Owner. Tsber 267$. REAL ESTATE. For Sale IRVINGTON BEAUTY. $9600. Ton will look a long time before you find a better bouse for the money than this one. It ia sit uated on E. 14th near Knott st. This house ia an exceptionally well constructed, stately designed boms. First floor has large living room with artistic fireplace, paneled ma hogany dining room, dandy break fast room and nlce-slxed kitchen, hardwood floors on first and second floors and hardwood finish ln living and dining room and breakfast room, second floor has three large, well-ventilated bed- ( rooms and fine tiled bathroom ' with pedestal wash stand and shower. There Is a sleeping porch designed to accommodate two full-elsed beds and can be entered from either bedroom. Nice fire place and lavatory, also triple plate glass mirror in bedroom. Third floor has two completely finished bedrooms and bathroom which la ideal for maid, but good enough for anyone. The basement has separate laundry and fruit rooms, and very attractive billiard room which can be entered from stairway landing. The garage ia convenient as well aa extra well conatructed. All this goes tor (950O and you will agree with us that it is big value after Inspect ion. This is the first time this home has been advertised, it is a new listing. Let us show you at once. " RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-8-6-T Board ef Trade Bldg. GREETINGS HAPFT NEW TEAR TO ALL. MAT THE SUN SHINE FOR YqU ON BOTH SIDES OF THE- MOUN TAIN AND LIGHT UP THE DARK CORNERS THAT TOU MAT SEE THE GREAT' JOT. PEACE AND HAPPINESS THAT GOOD OLD AMERICA HAS IN, STORE FOR TOTJ. WE EXTEND TO ONE AND ALL A BRIGHT. HAPPT AND PROSPEROUS NEW TEAR. THE LAWRENCE CO.. REAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENT ALS AND INSURANCE. 205 CORBETT BLDG. ARE YOU A STRANGER IN PORTLAND! Do you oontemplate buying a home? Do you know values? Do you know the desirable and undesirable districts? Do you know the districts that are being In vaded by foreigners? Familiarizing you with these facts and looking out for your every Interest Is part of the SERV ICE of the "McGUIKE SYSTEM." Coma te our showrooms and see over 600 pho tographs of homes for sale, ranging ln prices .from $600 to $50,000. Each sec tion of the city having lta allotted space. Accurate data, descriptive of the prop erty, accompanies each picture. Everv house' haa been Inspected and appraised by Frank L. McOuire personally. This system haa sold over 800 homes this year. Twelve experienced salesmen with automobiles at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Tour Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Offioe open evenings and Sundaya ROSE CITY PARK. A REAL BUNGALOW 80500. One of Hose City Park's most beautiful bungalows; A rooms and alaeplng porches. Every conceivable built-in convenience. Large living room with hlg plats glass window. The interior srrangement is so appealing, so elassy and yet so home like, that you are bound to like this beautiful home. Now completed and ready for ocoupancy. If you want a real home one of class and distinction, let us show you. A. Q. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near 8d. Main 8002, Branch Office, COth and Sandy. ATTENTION I ATTENTION I Fine Rose City reaidence. white enamel finish throughout, exceptionally large, light living rm., pretty dining room with built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, reception hall. 3 light, airy bedrooms, bath, full basement and good furnace; a buy at $4900. Thia may be meant for you; don't let some one else beat you to It. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. ALBERTA. 6-room modern bungalow, tbe beat buy In the city, 1V blocks te car. Price $3100. $700 cash, balance to suit. Ask Mr. Kellogg. , f A. J. DEFOREST CO.. $20-821 Henry Bldg. . Main 2690. CHOICE ONE IN ROSE CITY. Attractive thoroughly modern bunga low ln close-In section of district; 6 rooms, dsn and bath, hardwood floors, flreplaoe, all bullt-lna, cement basement and furnace; 60x100 lot. several fruit trees, paved street, east front; price $4800. terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 918 Chamber of Commerce. Main 696T. FURNISHED BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Attractive 5-reom bungalow with llv . Ing room, dining room, Dutch kitchen. 1 bedrooma bath, reception hall and large attic, fireplace, full cement basement and furnace; first-class furnltute and winter's fuel, all Included at bargain price of $45O0, terras. LUEDDEMANN COMPANT. 91S Chamber of Commerce. Main 69GT. $300 DOWN buys 6-room cottage on paved street. Belmont near 4dth; 83400. It will pay you to Investigate thla, a very coxy nome at a sacrifice price. A dem onstrator will call for you any place ln the elt no obligation. BIHR CARET CO., 919 Rgllway Kishanga Main 16J96. NEAR REED COLLEGE. 0-roem house with large reception room, bullt-lna, hardwood floora fire place, Kadderly steel furnace, extra large cement basement; lot 100x120, shrubbery, fruit all kinds; garage, fancy chicken bouse; beautiful home; close good car line Bee Mra Bailev with MRS. THOMSON. 6-'.-;i Henry bldg. $3700. On B. 80th and Burnsido St., north west corner, we have a very pretty seven (T) room home, an ideal ioeatlon, with fruit and beautiful shrubbery; fireplace and cement basement. This property Is well worth tjie money we are asking. Terms. WAKEFIELD, FRTBS o., 85 4th St. 1150 CASH and $20 per month buys nearly an acre fronting on Unlo5i avenue. 2 biles, north of Columbia blvd., a bargain you possibly won't get again. Price $1500. See Mr. Graham. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1748. 410 Henry bldg. MODERN fireproof bldg. apt. and store bringing $2iv7 now. Also steam heated bungalow adjoining which will bring $40. Price $20,000. 224 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak. Suburban Hmnea. -64 ACRES. PRICE ONLY $2650. H acres of fine land, all In cultiva tion; good 6-room house; good bam and other outbuildings; good well; over 1 acre strawberries In bearing: bearing fruit: 3 cows, 20 ehlakens. some bay, potatoes, eto. i 2 blocks te electrlo sta tion on aute road. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 806 Oak st. Broadway 4183. THREE ACRES AND BUNGALOW. ONLY $1800. $100 down givea possession ef 8-acre ranch with 8-room. weli -const rue ted bungalow; liea on county road, only short distance from Oregon electrlo sta tion; good soil, fine view; remember, the price l only $1800 and $100 pay ment gives possession. Call 600 Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark. SUBURBAN HOMES. I For choice country homes and acreage, with all kinds of fruit, modem conven iences, on hard-surfaced roaoa and beet car service out of Portland. Inquire third houee north of Risley station. Oregon City carllna P. O. address. Mra F. M. Youngs, R. P. D. No. 1, Milwaukee. Or, 4-ROOM good house. Park Rose: bath, toi let, half basement, screened front poreh mere than half en 100x200; some berries, good chicken house, also good barai $3000; $600 down, balance easy payment, NORD HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock Exch. Bldg. Main 8246. 2H ACRES. ONLT $250. $30 down and $.1 per month, located on county road ln the beautiful Tualatin valley, accessible to electric line, partly fenced, fine for chicken or loganberriea 600 Concord bldg-, Ud and Stark. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up Inquire 8d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. SACRIFICE SUBURBAN HOME SACRIFICE. i acre, dandy 6-room bunga low, basement, electric lights, city water, gas, garage, chicken bouse, fruit. Nicely arranged grounds, rosea. fountain, on hard-surface street, -o minutes - from postoffice. three blocks from car; $2700. Easy terma House alone worth mure. Tabor , 822. H ACRES right at Lakewood station. Oregon City line, excellent aeighbor hooa; has 5-room modern house, garage, gas, electricity. Rector heat. Bull Run and other water, creek with flume and large power wheel; nearly half in lawn, various fruits, flowers and irrigated gar den; remainder in natural parte of Doug las fir, hemlock, cedar, alder, dogwood, willow. Most unique in vicinity of Port land. At $10,000 it ia an investment for a man with Ideas, as greatly in creased value can be added at com paratively small expense. Cash or terma Phone Mllwaukle B2-R. LOG BUNGALOW.. Close to Portland, on Oregon City ear line; Bull Run water beaides own water system: electric lights and gas; all the convenlencee of the olty; full basement; 4 acres of land with lots of fruit; T Eng lish walnut trees; $8500, one-third cash, balance to suit. C E. 8COTT REALTT CO. MAIN 8353. 61T-B19 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. S ACRES AND BUNGALOW. ONLY $1800. $100 down gives possession of 8-acre ranch with 3-room. well-constructed bungalow, lies on county road, only short distance from Oregon electric sta tion; good soli, fine view. Remember, the price is only $1800 and $100 gives possession. Call 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. BEAUTIFUL homeslte. Vi mile from Van couver, 6 a ere a mostly ln cultivation. Address box G3. route 6, Vancouver, Wash. For pale -BuMne Property. WEST SIDE QUARTER BLOCK CORNER WITH GOOD RESIDENCE, NEAR GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL; FINE SITE FOR APT. OR OARAGE, $12,500. POINDEXTER, 21)8 SELLING BLDff., MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. 271-20. QUARTER BLOCK on trackage. East Wa ter street, near Morrison; sacrifice for quick sale, sasy terma. Owner. P 858, Oregonian. FOR LEASE Clnse-ln. east-side 2-story -.100x100 brick bldg., $850; splendid laun dry site. 224 Oregon bldg- 6th and Oak. Far Sale Acreage. AT THE EDGE OF THE CITT. 2 acres, all tinder cultivation, graveled road within 3 blocks of the place, good garage, bam, chicken house and wood .shed; good 6-room, lath and plastered house, wired for electric lights. Build ings ln A-l shape, nearly new; 85 bear ing fruit treea some berries, 20 Italian prune trees. This Is only 80 minutes out. Personally inspected. Photo at the office. Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bldg. COW, CHICKENS AND EQUIPMENT. Nearly 6 acres, located on good grav eled road, close to electrlo depot, all un der cultivation; everything ln the line of fruit and berries and walnuts, good 5 room house, barn, fruit cellar and other building Prioe, $2050, with rabbits, chickens, horses. 2 flue cows and equlp vmeut. Large, cash payment. Personally inspected. Photo at offioe. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. JUST OUTSIDE CITT LIMITS. x 3 acres, with new lath and plastered bungalow, garage and chicken house; right at station. All under cultivation. Gas. city water la house, llghta avail able. Good road all the way. Price siMOO or will sell oue acre ana Duiia lngs for $160O terms. Personally In spected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bldg. $1800 FOR BH aorea near Base Line; onry b miles from oity; H unaer cultivation; 7-room house: barn: $500 cash. $2000 for 5 acres on macadam road; an unaar euiuvauoa ana Bearing iruit S600 rash. $3600 for 10 acres 10 miles east of city; H under cultivation, bal. timber; gooa well ana snack on tne place. F. L. BLANC HARD, 519-20 Railway Exchange. Main 829. LOOGED-OFF LANDS. Tracts, 5 acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. Prices $20 to $65 per acre. LEUDDEMANN CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES, near Clackamaa station; 6-room house, electrlo llghta water In bouse, bath, windmill and gae engine: 600 gallon tank; bam, garage, fruit and berries; $7500. C. E. SCOTT REALTT CO.. MAIN 3353. 51T-619 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ALBERTA. CANADA. 160 acres. 2 miles from Cornatlon. Alta., 60 acres have been cultivated, bal. prairie sod. all clear, ready for the plow; price $80 per acre, or will trade In on a valley farm, price not over $12,000, within 50 miles of Portland. H. M. Maioney. 410 Fifth at. Phone Main 2079. 10 ACRES $6000. ' For first payment of 800OO, cash or trade, will sell fractional 10 acres; $1506 lmprovementa 9 acree to be aet out to . strawberries; crop will pay lor balance; close to city, on good road. Owner P. O. Box 500. City. SNAP BUY ACREAGE. 10 acres, 6 acres cultivated. 4-room shack, barn, number of chicken bouses, all good soil; only $2ooo, terina J. RODBIN9. 891 Railway Exehanga Main 71X31. Residence. Tabor 6819. 500 ACRES In southwestern Washington for sale to ssttlers only; easy terms, low price, $5 per aore and up. Liberty bonds acoepted at par. Write for map show ing location, turms, etc. WEYERHAUBER TIMBER COMPANT, Tacoma bldg., Tacoma, Wash. 835 PER ACRE. SO acres unimproved land. 1H miles from R. R. station and Columbia river; paved highway near place: creek runs across one cugo; an suvu mti uiv be. cultivated; $3o per aere. $500 down. K R. Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg GARDEN HOME ACREAGE FOR AUTO Acre, all In cultivation, gas. electricity and city water accessible: turn a burden Into a home; will consider Ford or any f-ood 5pass. car. ree owner at xz yvaan ngton St., or phone Main 822Q. $500 PREbRS'T Beautiful 15, near Van couver electric, nearly all cultivated' plastered house with concrete basement; special. Immediate sls. $300. terms; worth $4000. Owner, East 08th North; evenings. Tabor 70l5. IF YOU have a close-in 8 or 10-acre tract, with modern house, to sell, get In touch with us. We have a buyer. PYRAMID LAND CO., 603-4 Title & Trust Bldg. ' Main 8282. 10 ACRES on Estacada carllne. near Gil hart station: a 4-roem bouse, amail barn: one-half cultivated, bal. ln good fine wood, $6250. A deatraula suburban home. .V ( 1. Lj HA -HI" 1 V I . I lu., 461 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 8245. $-18 ACRES, close to Oregon City car at Mtlwaukie. all in cultivation baa very good 4-room Cottage, the soli is blgh- class. In fact ths very bast of garden soil. G. A. Series, 732-83 Northwestern Bank bldg. , ONE acre. 4 rooms, fruit treas, bearing; garage and chicken houses; 8 miles to town; ctg value iur -.xi.i. terma HARRIS A MAXWELL, Main 3831. t 804 Ry. Ex. FIVE sores near Oregon City carllne, all In cultivation; 6-room house, outbuildings, city water, gas. good spring, fruit trees, strawberries. Price $3500, easy terma Owner, box 487, Gladstone, Or. 16 ACRES, fine soil, fruit, berries. 12-i acres ln cultivation; 8-room plastered bouse, barn and outbuildings, electrlo llghta phone. 2 car Unea close in; only 80O0Q. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ONE acre with 4-room house and barn, big value at $160O. $20O-$30o down! Just off Powell road beyond Buckley ave. HARRLS A MAXWELL, Mala 2831. 804 Ry. Ex. SNAP NEAR COUNCIL CREST. 2 acres, all cultivated, a snap (or $2200. J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. IF TOU are looking for high-class sub urban property either Improved or un improved. Carll on or write . A. Barlea 732-33 Northwestern Bank bldg. 3 ACRES Just off Base Llns road, clese te carllne. fine fir grove, $1000. terma. Broadway 1688. 2ftO Oregon bldg. LITTLE HOMES EASILY BOUGHT. " Read B. S. Cook's advertisement un der "Classified Farms for Bala" $ ACRES, cleared, with 2-roem . shack, very bent of soil, one block to car, elT.IO terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg, 9ACRES close tp Gillls station, soms large fir and ceriar. good soil, $lSoo, terms. Broadway lWHS. 2Q9 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE 10 " acres near Shoshone., Idaho, With water right. P 851. Ore gonian. 87 GOOD ACRES. "$.".00. " Cowliu count; ilea well. Tabor 6524. REAL ESTATE.' Forale Acreage. SMALL HOME PLACES ON EASY PAYMENTS. Five acres, $1250; just back of Van couver; highly Improved; arranged for poultry. one acre, $1250; Oregon City carllne: running water: berrv land. Nine acres $2500: paved V minutes' drive; hiKheat at . choice; all in cultivation; ear 25 acres. S47."U. same loc. .;. 80 ; very ms. -y. near Sherwood; bullul nga ; some onion land AD THERE AllB ST! UL LARGE HOLDINGS IN OREGON OFFERED VERY LOW. 1040 acres. $15,000; westerly slope of Coast range: Ideal meadow on bottom, fruits and farm lands on higher por tions with thousands of outrange. lOO-aere stock farm, with 40 head of Durham cattle, 4 barns full of hay; horses and full equipment. S--SOO. 4S4Vi acres, SU50O: on Elk river and tide; near R. K. : 75 acres cultivated; mostly bottom, with large outrange; ideal for dairying. 714 acres; $75 per acre: one of the best all-purpose large farm or for sub-division in the-Willamette valley. Pollt coun ty. -You won't make a liilstake buy ing It. Have made farm land purchasing and selling a business 40 years. B. S. COOK. 601 Stock Exch. Bldg. GARDEN HOME ACREAGE. $-oo for 7 acres on corner of cross roads; all in cultivation; young orchard: large bam; soil unsurpassed; only 8 miles from city; half rush. $62110 for 7 acres with U-room house: rtne brick cellar; woodshed and store; if,? besring orchard; on rock road. inese are exceptionally good buys and close to city. ate o U BI-ANCHARD. 819-20 Railway Exchange. Main 829. ONE YOU CAN T BEAT. Buy acreage ln Warrenton. "The Great 2"rpSr'. at muth of Columbia river." "uo-dlvlde and maka big money. We nave 4j aerea, lu minutes' walk from business center. 1360 feet fronting on ?A !; b' RVH' Thls niust be sold in next ,.m,yTi Prlcd only $300 acre. Some terms If necessary. THE F. M. WARREN CO. INC Inside Property Dealers. WARREXTON. Olt. CAMAS, WASH. 22 seres, lo&tted on graveled road, cne lie from town: tronri li.ii i,ni- i payroll; 12 acres under cultivatl Oil. hAl- pears. prunes, cherries and half arre of lj ,' "-room nouse. barn, g.irage. d.1-8'... f rnes3 and sums enuipmeut. Price $3200, $1600 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger bldg. ACREAGE. We have 5 acres of land on 72d et. ', Ju"t ou:8'de of city limits, all cleared and fenced with some fruit, fine w . a very nlce' Purchaser can nulld his own house and party will al low that for first payment, balance on contract and mortgage at T per cent. Price $3l0O. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. 85 Fourth st. CRANBERRY MARSH, Ixing Beam. Wash. 1 am compelled to sell a tine 10-acre cranberry tract; three acres in bearing vines, two acres in fino shape, large crop this year; almost new five-room house, packing house, garage and good garden spot. The land la on the sandy ridgo road. Price $4500; liu0 cash, balance easy terms. C. E. ADAMS, 607 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Marshall 2575 ALL IN BEARING FRUIT Two acres at the edge of the city, on good macadamised road, thia side of Buckley avenue, elose to electric line; Spitaenberg and Winesap apples, cher ries, loganberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, rhubarb, fruit trees in good shape. Price $1075. with 8575 cash. Per aonaily Inspected. Photos at office. John ierguaon. Gerllnger bldg. ft ACRES, close to 8. P. electrlo. also Ore gon Electric; 6-room bungalow, full ce ment basement, electric lights, water in house; new garage, barn, thicken house; black loam soli; 1 acre bearing orchard, moatiy peaches; V acre loganberries; V mile to school: price $H3uu. terms C. E. SCOTT REALTY CO.. ' MAIN 3353. B1T-619 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FRUIT RANCH. NEAR TIGARD. 10 acres, located on good road; all un der cultivation; TOO fruit trees, all In good condition and bearing; apples, cher ries, pears, prunes, etc.; over S00 hoxes of apples raised on this place in 1810; 4 room house, barn, 3OxR0 chicken house Snd granary; one mile to school. Price $5250 with $270O caah. John Ferguson. Gerllnger bldg. 6 8-3 ACRES In Clarke County. Washing ton, near Vancouver: small house; city water, large barn, chicken lioue. brooder house aocommodatlng about 300 or 4O0 chickens: some strawberries: good s'il; V mile to high school, mile to grade school; $4510. C. U. SCOTT REALTY CO.. MAIN 3S53. 517-819 Chamber- of Commerce Bldg. MAKE YOUR HOME A T GRESHAM. The finest suburoan home riistrlrt near Portland; surrounded by beautiful farms. Suburban homes, chirken. berry, garden ranches; only 35 minute from Portland on the paved highway. Many good buys to seiect from. KRIDER A ELK I NGTON, Greaham, Or. ON THE PAVEMENT. Just east of the city. Base Line road, one fine acre, aii good land, nice shade trees, ulty conveniences, gas. Bull Run water, electric lights and city phone are there. Price $S00 with $B0O cash. This only $10O a lot and county pays for the paved road. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. VlsHY fine 12-acre home at Gresham. all under cultivation, best of soil, fine lo cation, loud family orchard, 8-acre cher ry orchard, 6-room modern house, good Eiumhlng, fine water system, concrete eseinenl. good barn, silo, garage and othor outbuildings. A fins huv for $6s00. KR1DER oi ELKINGTO.N. Gresham. Or. FOR SALE BY OWNER At a sacrifice, 120 acres timber land near Forest Grove, good soli, HtHlO, lo-acre tracts U4x0J Santlam fnitt colony, planted in apples. $10t0. I am a non-resident and don't want to bother with attending to these properties. It will pay you to Investi gate. Communicate with A. Ryberg. 7ja Kerby st.. Portland, Or. FINK FRUIT AND CHICKEN RANCH. One acre. 40 bearing fruit trees, grapes, berries, etc.; barn, aeven-fpom plastered house, fireplace and bain; 2 horses, wagon, buggy. 3 plows, mower, rake; owner must sell; all for the low price of $.1250. F. H. DESHON A CO, 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BARGAIN. OUT SECTION LINE ROAD. 40 acres of good land on graveled road with nice body of timber. All good soil; timber will poy for place. $100 per acra KRIDER ELKINUTON. . Gresham. Or. Homesteads. Relinquishments. HOM ESTE ADS. Fins homestead lands can bs filed on ln 640-acre tracts. Irrigated land with water right paid, for $43 acre. Land will pro duce from 4 to 6 tons of alfalfa hay or from loo to 225 sacks of potatoes per acre. Terms 20'X down. bal. in lo annual payments, "ri HENKI.E A HAINES, Bend, Or. I VALUABLE relinquishments, half mile from town on 8. P. ry.: mostly brush, easy cult.; $300 each.. 320 Morgan bldg. THREE parties desire to be located on homesteada Leo Helminiak. Oswego. Or. Fruit and Nut Lands. SPLENDID ilEDFORD ORCHARD. Proceeds of 20 acres, about 17O0 boxes, now In hands of shippers, will go to purchaser. Returns on what has been sold show $1 83 to 3.8S net pur box. Owner away and must lot It go. Price $8500. Take small unincumbered home In Portland as part of first payment. B. S. COOK. 601 stock Exchange Bldg A FINE 13-acre apple orchard, planted to Delicious, Jonathan and Northern Spy. 9 years old. Just beginning to bring ln a pice income; wall located: one mile from town on a good gravel road; price $50O0. terma Particulars, Henry Ambler. Philomath, Oregon. For gale -Farms. 40 ACRES, .10 cleared, balance pasture, 6. room house, barn 4"x50. orchard, stock, crop. Implements, 10 miles to Portland, lit to R. R. sta. Price $8000 ; $4000 caali. 40 acres, 35 cleared. 5 pasture, 6-room house, barn 40x50, well creek stock, crop. Implements, . ml'.e to school, Btore, rhurch, S miles to Htlls boro, $10,000, $3000 cash. 26 acres, all cleared. Joining city lim its Of Hillsboro, t2-JT, per acra ,T. C. KURATLI, Real Estate and Auctioneer. Hillsboro, Ore. COOS BAT Grestest stoik. dairy and small fruit country on sartb. No cold, no heat ln summer, no storms, no droughta Lifs is pleasant on Coos Bay For information write I. 8. Kaufman eV Co.. Marshfleld, Or. 40 ACRES with stock; lies fine; new house, eost $2600; 2 good 'horses; 2 dandy milch cows, will be fresh soon: near Woodland Wash.; price $2700 far all; 1900 caah wili handle this: will take small truck or car as part payment.' The beat buy you can get. Must he sol-1 This 'week. J. T F.-l-wards, 34U K. lllh st. Phone East 4 's:t 8 ACRES. 6 cultivated, springs, soil good fruit, buildings, 13 miles from Porllami' near ear line and It mile from graveled! road; easy terms. Owner, C 482. Ore gonlan. $8OO0 BUYS 260-acre farm, good buildings SO head of stock and all implement $3000 cash, balance terms. O. Hoi, men. Clatskanle, Oc BBAL ESTATE. For Sale Farmal ONLY VI Tvt . 1 i for this fine farm of 24s acres; terma half cash, long time on balance. About 4c acres of this Is Santlam river bottom, wnich is fine loganberry land: 10 acras heavy timber. 6o acres light timber, balance in cultivation and open pasture; good U-rootn house, large born and ail kinds of buildings: family orchard of aseorted fruit. well water and river front; bulldinga located en macadam road, only 3S miles from Lebanuu; school lit ml lea station on place. To settle an estate this property la being offered at half price. Don't hesitate a minute, get here mil look this over. If this is not wljat you want, wa have it- EQUIPMENT TRACTOR CROP. 13S-acre farm, all level alluvial eor.. no rock or gravel, every acre tillable: 0 acres now in crop of fall grain, looking fine; ,10 acres more ready to seed t spring grain: kind weil drained; no white land, but black loam, fiuffy soil. Vllth favorable year this farm will harvest a $4000 crop. Improvement s are a dandy good barn, granary, sheds, chicken house and only a fair house, good well; place well fenced, woven wire. Personal Included, JO tons kn, 200 bu. oats, new Ford son tractor, with plows and tanaem disc; 1 walking plov . 2-horee cultivator, 2 good w a no lis. racks, tanks, eto. Good gravel road, cream and milk route, K. F. U. phone iu house, close to school and railroad. This is some buy. Only see it and It's yours. t.jiioO oash will handle. Cheap at $;" per aors, including everytblug. See it now. 110 ACRES. ONLY $60 PER ACRE. Located on gravel road, 7H mile from Lebanon, eo acres in cultivation and largely in fall crops: 4-acre orchard, some timber and pasture, watered by creek, also spring piped to the barn and a good well; good 8-room house having fine view and large oak trees for shade; fair barn, granary and ma chine sheds, mile to school. 2 miles to station and stores, on R. F. D., cream and milk route; phone In house. Terms half chsIi. Don't fool around writing letters; come to Lebanon to see tins place. If this don't suit you, we hae hundreds of othera Get bus)'. GIBSON A I.EAVF.NGOOD. LEBANON, OR. TAMHILL. C0LNTT BARGAINS. 12 acres, all In cultivation; new 5-rin. bouse, barn, family orchard, on graveled road, all level and good land; 2 Vi miles of good town, close to school, fine open couutry; price $1800, $000 cash. I ACRES, all In cultivation, on good road, 5-room house, ln gooa shape; new. barn, family orchard, all fenced with woven wire; cloe lo school, 2 miles from McMlnnville; price $2500, terma 9 ACRES. 8 In cultivation, new house, barn; family orchard, running water. 1 acre timber; good 5-room house, out buildings; all kinds of berries; a snap. $26O0, terma 80 ACRES, U mile ef railroad station. 35. acres in cultivation, 1 x acres fam ily orchard, -assorted fruits; house in fair shape, good barn; balance of land not in cultivation is growing timber, some piling; price $4500, $2500 caah, bal ance terma. - See this and you wi;i buy it. 100 ACRES, T milee of good town; between 35 and 40 acres In cultivation, fair house, two fair barns, running wa ter; 2 ta mites of station, excellent stock, or dairy ranch: water piped to the bouse, young orchard; 80 acres can bs culti vated when cleared; a real good buy for $0500, terms. 68 ACRES, all good black loam soil, good road, close to school, 4 miles froiu town, fins cpsu country; R. F. D. and telephone; six-room house; orchard, ail fenced with woven wire. No. 1 piece of land; price $135 per acra 60 ACRES, good new dairy barn, on chard; 6-room house, eleotrio lights in house and barn; adjoins town, on good graveled road, close to sanool; No. 1 piece of land, all In cultivation, 28 acres In crop: with this place goes farming tools, silo full of ensilage, hay, soma oats; a snap, $10,000, terms. J. C GILBERT, L O. O. F. Bldg.. McMlnnville, Oregon. RANCHES THAT ARE MONEY -MAKERS. If you are In the market for a good Improved or unimproved ranch we have "stock ranchee from 10 up to 20,000 acres for $10 per acre and up. Dairy ranches from 20 up to 640 acres, for 420 per acre and up. Grain ranches from 40 up to 5000 acres that will yield up to 60 bushels of wbsst and 100 of oats and more per acre, for $25 per acre and up. Alfalfa ranches that are under Irri gation from 4o acres and up, that will yield up to 6 and T tons per acts, for $loo per acre and up. Fruit and berry ranches from 6 acres UP to 160 acres, that will yield crops paying up to $700 and $800 per acre, for $250 per acre and up. We have some of these ranches that are well Improved with stock and Im- filements, or unimproved to suit at the owest price going, first payment and terma can be arranged to suit. It will pay you big to see us before buying. C J. L'ULI.ISON REAL ESTATE CO., 2o5 Morrison st. 450 ACRES, about 200 seres 1 cultivation; some bottom land along the Marys river, which forms the south boundary line; good . eight-room house, several barna all fenced: family or orchard; one mile from railway station. In Benton county; near school. This Is a splendid stork or dairy proposition. Price $25, 000. good terms can be given. 81 acres within a short distance from Sherwood; one of the best farme ln the vicinity, all under cultivation except about T aerea which le covered with timber; lias 16 acres of English walnuta 4 acres of family orchard ; also all machinery, stock; It has a lo-room house, best bam in the neighborhood. and all ether necessary bulldinga Price $16,000; good terms can be given. OTTO HARK SON REALTT CO. 418 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 60 ACRES, 85 cultivated; 21 miles out. near Sherwood electrlo station and paved highway; buildings; 6 cows, T young cat tle, horses, farm implementa, feed and some fall crop. Fine living stream; ail for $11,000. l.Hs.acre farm and stock ranch, 9 miles north of Corvallis; new house, 2 barns; 9 miles woven-wlre fencing, liv ing stream: equipment stock and all for only $40,000. For full data on these and other bargains addreee 1. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or. 60-ACRE river bottom land for $3600. This farm has 6-room house and barn. 4ox67 ft., with other out-bulldlnga good spring, water piped to buildings, family orchard, ail fenced on the main rock road with R. F. I. and milk route 'i mile te school, rhurch and stors. Land Is all tillable, 40 acres of pasture and 20 acres cult. Here Is a chance te get a good place for $300O, $1600 down. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 527 Corbett bldg., Portland, Or., or se R. B. Dove. 231 Main st.. Albany, Or. CLOSE TO SMALL TOWN. 40 aerea located 1 mils from Wood land, Wash. Rich black loam soli: 14 acres under cultivation; 26 acres pasture. 8 springs. 1 creek, fenoing: 80 fruit trees. 6 years old: 4-roorn house, barn 48x48 and other buildings. Country road. Price $4000, with 6 cows, 2 horses. 24 chickens. 2 turkeys. 1 buggy, 1 wagon, 1 cultiva tor, 1 plow. 1 set heavy harnesa 1 har row. 1 cream seperstor; $2000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. H. M. MARTIN. REAL ESTATE BROKER. ROSE BURG, OREGON. All kinds of property for sale) Farme, stock ranches, commercial orchards, prune Industry, the best on the coast; some orchards paying 1500 per acre. I have lived in Oregon 65 years and find southern Oregon haa by far the mildest climate, very little rain, 14. Inches less than Portland: many bright, sunny days during the rainy seaeon, early springs, spring crops. Correspondence invited. " STOO K RANCH. Near Prlneville: aSout 850 gores: pald CJJ water right; considerable in alfalfa: good fences and good buildings: com pletely equipped with tractor, horses, machinery and some cattle. Price for all $32,000; cash down $6000. Will taka in good property in exchange, balance eu mortgage, long as wanted. Owner says fee le making good money but en ao oount of wife must sell. MeCLURE SOIIStACCH CO.. 8rt6 Railway Exchange bldg. REAL bargain. 40 acres North Buxton, 12 cultivated, orchard, spring, $1100; terms: SO acres near Forest Grove, little clear, house, barn, spring, $2506; easy terms. Dubois, ef3 Spalding bldg. $0 ACRES, 4-room house, large barn, sev eral outbuildings; loO fruit trees bearing. $3500, Big Imv. HARRIS A MAXWELL. tOi Ba.Uay, Jlaln 2331.'