14 THE MORNING OHEGONIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1920. KKW TODAY. NEWBERG THE QUAKER CITY SITUATED IN YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON One of the Garden Spots of the World. 24 MILES FROM PORTLAND On the . Paved Highway. In this vicinity ypu will find the best soil for prunes, logan berries, strawberries and Eng lish walnuts, all of which are grown extensively at a hand some profit. Most automobile tourists from the east come through our city, this being on a direct, road to Tillamook, Newport and other popular beach re sorts, also to Salem, our Capi tal City, only 30 miles distant. Five daily electric trains from Portland, affording di rect connections with Cali fornia and the east. Newberg is a city of schools and churches and has a large payroll. People from all over the United States are coming here and buying homes, which can be had at moderate prices. There is room for others, as wc have a large list of city property, acreage and farms. If interested call on or write W. E. WHITE & CO. 703 yt FIRST ST., NEWBERG, OREGON JUST BEFORE THE WAR a promirtent business man bought a stock ranch for his son In the best part of the John Day district and equipped It with the best. The young man never returned from France, and we are authorized to sell (no trade) this fully equipped and stocked ranch away below the actual cost. . Real Property 640 acres finely located and sur rounded by extensive, rich outrange, 70 acres meadow irrigated by running creeks, 285 acres under plow yielded 40 bu. of wheat to acre. 285 acres fine timber. Buildings Dwelling, nearly new, 8 rooms, mod ern and nicely furnished. Bank barn iOxBo, stables below, and' full haying utfit. Cattle sheds 25x75. Store house, bunkhouse, poultry, hog and smoke houses. Complete blacksmith and carpenter shop. Stock 45 cows and heifers, 20 yearlings, II head of horses. , Equipment Junior sawmill 8000 ft. daily capa city. Threshing outfit (steam), good ondltion; 2 wagons, 5 sets of harness, i saddles. 2 John Deere riding plows, 3 harrows spike, spring and disk, 1 grain drill, 1 mower. 1 binder, 1 rake, 1 fanning mill, 1 feed mill, single and double buggy. No expense was spared to make this one of the best small itock ranches In Oregon, and It is In full operation now. Price, Including everything, ONLY $35 Per Acre Terms Vi Cash Wire for appointment. Do not delay. MacINNES & PRATT 413 Board of Trade, Portland, Or. ARTISTIC HOMES BtlLD THAT HOME NO! If you have a lot or some money, we will build. You repay us on easy terms or we will build by contract. See us now. Our prices and treat ment are right. SHAW, LARSON A SETMOIR, 902 Spalding; lllriK. Phone .Main 408. llir!!!i!lillll ilihliliilililnliliil Greatest New Year Bargain Second-street corner, improved with a brick building, between Morrison and Madison streets: pays better than 6 on price asked. Price quoted confiden tially, so please call for information. J. U. GISTOKF, 420 Henry Bide. i!li;lii!iiniiii!ilin CORNELIUS : WASHINGTON COUNTY, ORKCON. If you wish to make money and own a nice house, allow me to show you some small tracts, from two to twenty acres, perfectly adapted to the raising of loganberries. Oregon's biggest pay ing crop. I am sure that I can suit the most exacting requirements. A. DUNNING, Cornelius, Oresron. 5y2 Mortgage Loans Edward E. Goudey Co. U. S. Bank Building-. NEW TODAY. ,R. T. STREET'S BUYS IN MOST BEAUTIFUL. HOMES $9500 to $30,000 Points: Ultra m o d e r n : hot water heated; hardwood finish, some ivory, hardwood floors throughout. Most costly con struction. Priced only at cost when built jiret about half of present building costs. Below are a few samples of the many selected offerings listed at this Irvington Headquarters: iiiiiiiiiiiiinnMiiiniiiminttiitfiiniiiiniiniitiitaminiiiliiHlitrtrnr NEW LISTING. 7SOO. Most modern type home, just four years old; very best all Ivory finish and hardwood floors throughout: very large living room with tile fireplace and In direct electric lighting: dainty breakfast room or sunroom; two large bedrooms, one or two smaller bedrooms, tile bath; garage; center of Irvington. Sightly home. 16.ooo. Hard wood finished throughout. Liv ing room 16x30. French doors to conservalory or sunroom. 16 feet. In plate glass. Rookwood fireplace and tiffany fixtures. Tiled toilet and lavatory. Hot water heat and vacuum clean ing plant. Second floor: All Ivory finish over hardwood. Two bedrooms are 16x22 each, full mirror door, two closets and built-in chif fonier. Costly bath completely tiled and fixtures the maxi mum Including big sitz tub and shower. Third bedroom 14x17. bevel mirror door, glass porch. Fourth bedroom smaller. Ga rage.. Large groirnds wonder fully landscaped In massive trees and shrubbery. It's worth 2.T,MM to you. If you want a real one. Costly ivory finish, hot water heat, living room 16x24. rear of same through doors is library or music room: large billiard room in basement entirely finished and heated shower room off same. Second floor: Four large bed rooms, 2 tile baths. Third floor has bedroom, bathroom, attic. Ijouble garage. 100x100 or lOOx 200, among Irvlngton's best ones. A good one: Alameda Park's very best location; 6 rooms and sleeping porch; entirely redone inside and out; now practically new; hardwood floors through out: very large living room, din ing room, den or library or sun room: 3 hejlronma and porch, garage; faces east; one block of carline; MwnOt immediate pos session. See it today, sure. 851 K. 30tn N. aio.500. Mahogany and Ivory home, two baths, two fireplaces, billiard room, hardwood floors t h r o u g hout. By appointment only. IRVINGTON OWNERS. NOTE I Many of the houses advertised in this column recently ARE SOI,l, and one after another they go 22 of the last 25 ex clusive listings HAVE SOLD. Why not yours, too? If I take ahold of it and advertise It in this column it will sell. HHiiliitilinlilliiiiiitliiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiHiitiiiiiiiiniiiiMiiiittiiu IP IT'S A GOOn BUY IN IRV INGTON OR ALAMEDA OF COURSE you will list it with, or find it listed with ' "IRVINGTON" STREET, AGENT Emit 15th and Broadway. Kt 84 Beautiful Irvington Now 'is the time to secure your future homesite in Portland's Model Home Section. There is no doubt but that Irvington will bring advanced prices in the spring. Let us show you this property today. You will like the wide paved streets, evergreen shrubbery and the fine class of homes. We have V4, blocks, in side parcels and larger pieces if desired. Prices are lower than ever before offered. Very easy terms. Why delay? Buy now. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. T L PLANT LAND : Area about two acres, with 200 feet of trackage spur. IMPROVEMENTS : Two-story reinforced concrete build ing, size 42x160 feet, with one-story annex 42x70 feet; also shop 30x40 feet (wooden); also heating plant separate concrete building, size: 16x 20 feet; other outbuildings, etc. WAKEFJELD, FRIES & CO.- 85 FOIRTH ST. WEST SIDE INVESTMENT Lot 50x100. with Seven-Room House, on Twnty-flr.t St.. Near GILan, $7000 HENRY W. GOODARD 243 STARK, ST. Successor to G.OJJIJAHJJ WIEDRICX KEN INDUSTR A NEW TODAY. "SHRINERS" FREE INFORMATION ASK ME "Portland Heights 99 Residence (High-Class Residence District) A SIGHTLY, MODERN, - BEAUTIFUL HOME POSITIVE SACRIFICE iiiittuiHiminiir ntinnimniitninuinHiiinliiiinimu 1 Desirable (nearly new) residence. Near car; lo-1 cation especially good. 1 A "real bargain," nine I 1 rooms: Den, sleeping 1 1 porch, II. W. floors, plate glass windows,! garage, full basement, I furnace, fruit and flow- I lers. REASONABLE! TERMS. aiiMiiHnimnninimimnnninimimintirmimnniniiiHitmiii? Price for Quick Sale $10,500 (Appraised and Worth $15,000) ADDRESS Northwestern Bond and Investment Co. (Owners). 302 SELLING BLDG. PORTLAND, OREGON DESIRABLE CITY AND SUBURBAN PROPERTY ("SHRINERS" PORTLAND 1920 ASK ME, FREE) The Most Complete SHEEP RANCH In Northwest 11.486 ACRES DEEDED 3000 ACRES LEASED AT 9C PER ACRE ALL UNDER 4 - WIRE FENCE, CEDAR POSTS GOOD SOIL RICH PASTURE. Combines low altitude with warm winter pasture and early lambing with fine foothill summer pasture; abundant water on all parts of ranch. IMPROVEMENTS EXTRA GOOD (Estimated value $50,000) Four large sheep barns, concrete foundation, walls nicely painted (will house 9000 head). Shearing houses with every mod ern convenience, water piped to all barns and buildings. Railway ship ping point on property. Choice of 2 railways. 800 acres under plow for-hay, 120 acres more suited for alfalfa. Will sell 3200 choice bred ewes with the property. Here is a sheep ranch in perfect working order. Price, including d'eeded lands, rights to lease and the privilege of pasturing 10,000 sheep of forest re serve, . $136,000 CASH Wire or write MacINNES & PRATT 413 Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND, OREGON FIRE? YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS! WHEN ? INSURE IT FIRST WITH R.I. STREET. AGENT PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INS. CO. One of the oldest, largest and best of all American companies. Do you need additional insurance? Phone us AND DO IT NOW ! EAST 894 EAST 4280 SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old Rngi and Woolen Clothing;. We Make Reversible. Hud-Wera FLUFF RUGS They Wear tike Iron. Mall Order. Send for Booklets. Rag Rusts Woven, Ay Size. Carpet Gleaning 8x13 Riga, Steam Cleaned. $)1.50. WESTERN FLUFF Rl'(i CO, 64 Union Ave. K. Kaat 6316, B 1473 NEW TODAY. DO YOU REALIZE The East Is Now Looking Westward . Many thousand dol lars have been spent by large merchants and manufacturers for sites for new indus tries. ' Many new concerns are now breaking ground and more are about to do so. Large additional pay rolls have just started our way. Portland's future to day looks better than ever before. The path of prac tically all these millions of dollars invested is northerly. There Is a Large Shortage of Homes Many homes must be built this spring to sup ply present needs. We must have homes for additional popula tion. Lot values are lower here than in any other city this size. Johnson - Dodson Co. are offering a real op portunity to get a home site in the ' center of these developments for $500; $50 cash, $10 monthly. These sites are ex ceptionally well locat ed, being convenient to "Vancouver, St. Johns, Peninsula industrial district and 18 minutes by street car to Broad way and Washington street. Surrounded by three wide boulevards, plant ed with beautiful shade trees. The sites are beautifully wooded with natural trees. Some of these parcels contain more than y acre. You can build a unit of your future home and add other , units with rent money. - If you are interested investigate before spring, as these sites are sure to advance when the spring build ing commences. We Have Autos at Your Service Phone Main 3787 or call at office. JOHNSON DODSON CO. 632-633-634 N. W. Bank 3787 To Buy or Sell Real Estate See Us NEW TODAY. MAKE YOUR INVESTMENTS IN ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Jackson County Oregon THIS orchard property is a money-maker. Gross sales $60,000.00. Net profit $40,000.00. for year 1919 from 90 acres apples and pears. 125 acres irrigated ; 155 acres in tract, fronting; half mile on paved highway. Two miles to station, where packing-house of prop erty is located. Half mile river frontage. Buildings and full op erating equipment. An ideal location for a home, and a money maker. Can show full report for this year. Price, $60,000. Reasonable terms. 40 acres pears in good bearing, near Medf ord. $500 per acre. 80 acres bearing ap- , pies and pears. Good land, fair improve ments. Located near Medford. Price $250 . per acre. 153 acres, one mile from Medford. 60 acres bearing pears, 6 acres bearing apples, 25 acres alfalfa, 50 acres ready for alfalfa and grain. All irri gated, well improved and equipped. Pays large profits. Price $45,000. Good terms. INVEST IN JACKSON COUNTY TIMBER, MIN ING, DIVERSIFIED FARMING, ORCHARDS, ALFALFA AND STOCK RANCHES. Page-Dressier Co. NASH BLOCK MEDFORD, OREGON STAR THE YE EAR RIGHT This Is Rolnp; to be a. bigr year In Portland real estate. Rents have in creased tremendously, and the low property values of the pa.st few years will soon be gone. Now is the time to invest and here are two unbeatable INVESTMENTS Five-story brick office building;, lo cated on one of Portland's main cor ners In the retail district. 100 per cent occupied with high-class tenants. Terms 35 per cent cash, balance in 10 or 15 years at 5 per cent. Eight modern flats on corner 60x100 In Rood neighborhood, ten minutes walk from center of city. This is a high -class investment and can be had on easy terms. INDUSTRIAL SITE Admirably suited for factory or ware house purposes, 380x360, 360 feet of trackage. Located close In. We Also Have Several Attractive Flays In Rpntdcf Property. Or Are You (joins to Keep on i'nyliiK -Itentf SEE CORD SEME Real Ktstate. iDNurnnrc, Property MaDnfffment. 08 WII,COX BHLDIG, Sixth and HaiihlnKtoD Streets. 200 TILFOKI) HI ILDIG; Tenth anl Morruon Streets. HOUSE BARGAINS PHOTOS OP THESE AND MAST OTHERS AT ULll OFFICE. $2000 $2250 $3250 $3500 $3650 $3700 $4000 $4000 $4000 $4000 $4500 $8000 $9000 6-r. house, 50x100; bath, elect., basement; Emerson, nr. E. 10th: (300 cash. 6-r. nice house, E. Alder and 30th; $600 cash. Big: snap. 6-r. house, 62x100, Ivy St., nr. Union ave. Snap; 500 cash. Nice 6-r. house, garage; cor. E. 34th and Market; terms. Fine 6-r. house; furnace, fire place, 60x100, E. Taylor, near 2Sth. Big snap; terms. 6-r. nice house. 40x135. Stan ton, nr. Vancouver ave. 8-r. fine, modern house, fur nace, fireplace; E. 31st, near Main. Snap. Swell large bung-alow, fur nace, garage, 65x127 H; fruit; Rodney ave., nr. Piedmont; $500 cash. Nice 6-r. house, E. 6th, nr. Halsey, 50x100; $500 cash. 6-r. good house, 100x100, E. 13th and Leo. Sellwood. Easy terms. Fine 8-r. bungalow;, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch; jta raere; cor. lot, E. 38th and Salmon. Snap. Swell 8-r. strictly modern house on corner, 14 block; fine view; Waverlelgh Heights; terms. Swell 9-r. house, furnace, 4 fireplaces, 100x100, beautiful view; E. 53d and Morrison, ML. Tabor. Easy terms. GRUSSI & BENNETT 318 Board of Trade. Malm 7453. MORTGAGE LOANS Marshall 4114. A 4118. Improved city and frm property. laMtalltneat repayment prlvllefce 11 preferred; prompt reliable service. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-219 Northwestern Bank Building;. MOVING PICTURE EXTKRTAINMENTS ANYWHERE. ANY Tl.MK. SERVICE FILM & SUPPLT CO.. 393 OAK bX. NEW NEW TOI1AY. ESTABLISHED 1S)S7 F.V. " (F. H. V. AX DREWS) REAL ESTATE PROPERTY. MANAGEMENT GENERAL INSURANCE 603 - 4 PI ATT Hl'II.DISCi. TEL. MARSH. 8412.1. GARAGES For All Cars Prices on Application Ready-Cut and Portable Houses M2LLMADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ItlOl T'nloa Ave. If, Wdlm. 2413. RF.AI, ESTATE. 12..0 APARTMENT. Buys this 4-flat apartment. This is a modern and up-to-date bulletin. Wi.l make a Rood home wilh an Income. Lo: SoxlSO. Centrally located on Tillamook st. This Is a gilt edge realty Investment. On of the best ever ofered to the pub lic. Jf you uant -a good home. This is it. TermH best. $2O0 HOUSE. Let us show you this beautiful home. This building I" doubly constructed, and is a corner location. Lot 43x94. Three cherry tree?, one peach tree. If you are flfif Klnfr a nome. you will like this one. Located on Hawthorne Ave, $3250 HOliSK. "Will buy a nice home Sl-rooms. on lot 50x1110. One block oft of Union ave. car line. $iHlO down and balance like rent. This Is a wonderful buv. OREGON BUSINESS . ANL FINANCIAL AUK.CV. 44S MORGAN BUILDIN5. WHEN you come out west, come to city of Kujsene. Or., where Stat Unlverstiy of Oroson Is located. Ca-11 at my office, over the Hank of Commerce, and I will take you In my auto Hnd show you best residence property to be had: also some of bent fruit and datry farms in Lun Co. f. a. Miiuorn. hugene, Ore. CHEER I7P. We buy, sell or trade anything any- w nere. NOKD HAMPTON CO.. MalnSi;4y 401 Stock Ex. Bldg. 100x100 yOTl SALE Located in best apart ment district, west side; has income 77.r.O monthly: quick 'sale MAKE OFKKR V 7S.1. Oregonian. Kor Sale -Lots. IRVINGTON U BLOCK. 100x100. E. 20th St.. beautiful colonial homes across the street; 2 blocks to Broadway car; all Improvements in and paid; plenty of trees and shrubbery: price only f::,oo. $00 down, balance 3 years. 6 per cent. RITTEIt. LOWE A "CO.. 201-3-S-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SOME GOOD SITES. CORNERS. 1 00x210. berjt west side location, apt. site or garage. $r.i,IM)0, terms. Nob Hill corner, price $16.00. terms. East side, l:i.-,xlOil. price t.'tOOO. Hawthorne district. lOOxlOO corner, garage or apt. site. $4500. terms. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. iOO-FT. PRONTAGEon Villa ave. (paved county roail, OoxloO one end. 40x100 at other: 3 blocks over city limits. 6 to car; cleared and level; city water, light, gas. phone at hand: ' ust right slxe for chicken ranch or small farm. For cash. $475. Write or call on owner. H. P. McCoy, 1251 Belmont St. East 883. GOING TO BUILD IN LAT7RELHURST ? If so. see me at once a few dandy locations near the park at snap prices. Jrtve out today, 31th and Glisan-st. of fice, or phone. Tabor 3433. EvenlngB East 2086. liOxlOO LOT near Peninsula park, grade and high school: good car line, close to west side, convenient to Vancouver, St. Johns. North Portland Industrial dis trict: only .v0; so cash. $10 monthly. JOHXSON'-IHiDSON CO.. 6S2. ."t3, 0o4 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. I R V I NGTON-A LA M EDA CORNERS. Large sightly corner, face E. and S., Tillamook and 2Hlh. $10OO. liens paid. 100x100, same facing, in Alameda Park. Iunckley and 2flth, I25O0. .R. T. STREET. Agent. East 8I4. SOxlOO LOT. north of Peninsula parkT300, $:;o ra-h, $6 monthly; no building re strictions. .IOHNSON-DODSON CO.. fi.12. 033. 034 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. BUV your vacant lot from us before the advance that will surely come as build Wig activity starts this spring. JOHXSOX-DODSOX CO.. 632, 633. 034 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WEST-SIDE lot. near good car, very con veniently located; only $600. $00 cash, $10 monthly. JOHNSON-nODSON CO.. 632. 33, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. SEE OUR ad In "New Today" classifica tion. JOHNSON-nODSON CO., 632, 633, 634 N.VBank Bldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON lots, exceptionally attractive, must be disposed of Immediately; owner leaving; cash or terms. AV 077. Orego nian. FINE lot near Irvington car. $800; atreets In and paid: a bargain. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632, 633, 034N. V. Bank Bldg.Maln 3787. BEAUTIFUL BUILTJINO SITE $1300 70x170 ft- on Bancroft ave.. bet. 1st and 3d St.; imp, in. paid; terms. E. 2871. ALAMEDA "PARK lot. streets paid; $S0l JOHNSON-DODSON CO., ' 632. 633. 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 9787. BbXutTfUL I RVINGTON LOT $1900 Cor. E. 10th and Stanton; all imp. paid Dove & Gardner, 410 Board of Trade. "5 BLOCIC PORTSMOUTH, CHEAP. OWNER. AV 16, OREGONIAN. k tor Bale Iteacn Property. BAT end Ocean View cottages for sale. 1 10-r. bouse and 1 4-r. house, never empty; Income. $4.")0 per year; $2000. 100 acres, 2Vi miles from Newport. Or., has 10O0 cords of wood, splendid soil; $1600. A bakery for sale; a dandy op portunity; small investment: will ex- change property for auto. Information Kindly given by Lester Martin. New port. Or. OCEAN PARK. WASHINGTON. Five acres, 6-room well built house, almost new, fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases and coxy corners, cement base ment; chicken house and yard fenced: small , barn; place nearly ail fenced. Price $17. 10. Terms. MHri. THO.MSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. tor (Sale Flat and Apartment Property. 4 WEST SIDE FLATS. $12,000. . 4 flats, close In on west side. Couch addition; each flat with furnace and two (2) with fireplaces, all In first-class condition; will pay In rentals $150 per month. If you are looking for a good Investment and a fine place to live, see WAKEFIELD, FRIES A C.. 85 4th St. APARTMENTS. CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE. Good location, paying fiie income: price $18,000: would consider houses as part. J. ROBBINS. 801 Railway Exchange. Main 7031. Residence. Tabor S310. For Bale -House FOR SALE On Overton St.. west side. 4 8 room flat building. All flats rented: hardsurface street, no Incumbrance; price $7000. Will take good auto, city resi- aence. auouroan acreage wun iiiiiru ments as part payment. Photo in office. C. E. ADAMS, 507 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Mar. 2575. PORTLAND INCOME BARGAINS Paying $328 per month. Two-story apt. house. Lot 80xl.0. Eight 'apta. furnished, balance unfurnished. Close In. This Is a bargain and a good buy for someone. 224 Oregon bldg. Fifth and Oak. WEST SIDE BARGAIN". 50x100. Nob Hill. 6-flat building, cor ner; something choice; $10,000 payment down will handle. J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. Residence. Tabor 5319. WILL SACRIFICE FOR $25,000. Ready cash. Best Income apartment house in Portland, "$15,0OO; mortgage $10,000, like rent: income $13,000. Will soon pay for Itself. See our manager, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. THREE FLATS, steam heated, present in come $137.50 month, west side, only 7 mlnutea from postofflce. AR 988. Ore gonian. NKW ROSE CITY HUNGAT-OW Strlctly modern, swell location, close to Sandy. Reasonable price, good terms. I Owner, Tabor 0U2. ANDREWS &CQ BEAL riSTATE. For fcale Hollars. LARGE GROUNDS. IDKAL SUBURBAN HOME. Miniern 6-room bungalow; white enam eled throughout: ell rooms on one floor; there Is alito a very attractive sun-room, oompletly finished with Kr nch doors leading into dining room; all exceptional ly attractive rooms. A beautiful plnn; very large bedrooms: artistic buffet, book aes and fireplace: . cement basement, concrete fruit room, furnace and laundry trays; large and weil-built garaga with cement driveway; some bearing fruit trees and berries: lots of roses: also a few fir trees near house, which makes the surroundings exceptionally attrac tive. House connected with gas. elec tricity and pressure water. If you are at all Interested in a suburban home we aro sure that this place will apjeal to you as it is located a little less than 2 miles beyond the city limits on a macadam road and only 3 blocks from S indy blvd. (Columbia highway). Price J.iioO. Terms halt" cash. J. T.. HRT1IAN COM PANT, i Chamber of Commerce bids-. 4th and Stark sts. CLOSE TO SANDY" BOULEVARD. ROSE CITV DISTRICT. B-room bungalow, atrlrtly modern: hardwood floors throughout except In Kitchen; all nice, large rooms and all modern conveniences: full cement tisse menl: furnace; about 0 fruit trees, which Is something few Kobe. Citv Park homes have: full lot. paved streets In and paid; out-of-town owner, must sell. l'ric $4500. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOW E CO. 201 -3-5.7 Hoard of Trade bldg. NEAR IRVINGTON CAR. $3000 for a fine, modern, up-to-date 7 room bungalow, with fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, all In Ivory; with garage; H. S. streets on E. 16th. $1200 cash. Phone Marshall R2B. F. L. HLANCHARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. 52.".0 WEST SIDE $5250. A 6-room house, full cement base ment, hot water furnace, fireplace, etc.. everything in Al condition, 50x100 lot and garage; on Overton St., near L'lst; $1000 cash will handle, bal. reasonable terms: arant you can move rlKht In. RUM M ELL & RUM M ELL. 274 Stark St. walnut" park! $1500 for a fine 7-rooin residence, with pipeless furnace: lot 51xloo: H S streets. This Is on Cleveland, near Al berta st. $15i0 caah. balance terms. Phone, Marshall 820. F. U BLANCITARD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. ROSE CITY PARK strictly modern 6-room bungaJow: hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, cement basement, attic, garage. Ideally located and an Ideal home; one blk. north of Sandy: full lot. Price only $4950. all city liens paid: $looo cash, balance as suits you. 501 E. 47th st. n' $250 DOWN. $25 per month, buys lOOxlOO It. on 1'ekuni ae.. near Union ave; com fortable 3-room house, st. imp. paid; a real bargain. Price $2000. See Mr. lira ha in. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Main 1743. 410 Henry bid-. $3475 BUYS (-ROOM modern bungalow l:i Richmond dis!.: fireplace, elaborate buftet. bookcases, hardwood floors, in Al condition. WRIGHT & ROCK. Main 50SS. Tabor 3090. 417 Abington bldg. 50xlOO-FOOT lot. S small houses bringing $40 per month rent. A good Investment near a big industrial ptirt- of- .-ily. near the new Montgomery Ward plant and other big industries, offered for sale for the first time. Nord Hampton (., 401 Stock Exchange Hldg. Muiiv N245. 15 ACRES, fine soil, fruit. berrJes. 12'i acres In cultivation. S-room plastered house, barn and outbuildings. electric lights, phone, two car lities, close in; only $0000. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAWTHORNE 5-ROOJJ BUNGALOW $3300. Here Is a bargain: I want to sell this at once; 3 rooms, fireplace, etc.; full lot. assts. paid: requires tiooo cash; no agents, please. Phone Tabor S255. IRVINGTON HOME. Seven (7) room home in a very choice lot-atlon with hardwood floors all over, full cement basement and furnace, an extra well constructed home; we can sell for $3.S00. Terms. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & C, 85 4th st. $2t()0 FOR a fine 5-room bungalow. 1 block off Union and Killings'worth. with bullt-ln buffet, cement basement; all in fine shape: $500 cash. bal. terms. Phone Marshall 829. F. L. BLANCH A RD. 519-20 Railway Exchange. WE HAVE many homes to sell, some on very easy terms. Tell us just w-hat you want, price you wish to pay and terms you want to buy on: more than likely we have Just what you want. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632. 633, 634 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. . MT. TABOR" COLONIAL Rooms all large, reception hall. 3 bed rooms, sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen, living, dining rooms, fireplace, masslvs buffet, hardwood floors, furnace, floored attic, garage. It's- value can't be beaten. $4950; terms. Tabor 8824. $100 CASH, balance like rent: 5 room bungalow; 50x100 lot; near car. Tabor 322. ALBERTA DISTRICT. NEAR 17TH AND K1LLI.NGSWORTH. fi rooms and-entranceh all, 34x100 lot. eementb asement. wash trays, new ga rage, runway; $500 cash, bal. $25 month, per month. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. BUNGALOW. Irvington select 6-room, $5500, $1000 cash, balance $40 per month, including interest- Delahunt, East 1347. J2SO0 $250 CASH, BAL. MONTHLY. lOOxlOO, with some fruit, good 6-room house with full plumbing, basement; 2 blocks from car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632. 633, 634 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 93500 WELL-BUILT, new 5-room bunga low; full basement, wash trays, fireplace, bookcases, Dutch kitchen; f.ioo cash, bal. $25 per month with Int. No. 4328 Clin ton, near 43d St.. Rtcnmond car. Owner, .1. H. McMahon. Tabor 5361. NICE little four-room house on SOxlOO corner. 1 block to car and one block school: fruit: 1"0O with $c,ro cash. J. H. Little. 053 Alberta St. Phone Wood- NEW. well-built, 5-rootn bungalow, fire place, built-lns. full lot. large attic. 1 blk. to car and pavement, near 31st and Kllilngsworth. $3200: terms; $3100 cash. 734 EAST BURNS1DE $4500. 8-rooni modern home, having 4 bed rooms, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays, lot 45x100: a snap; good terms. E. 2871. Dove A Gardner. 410 Board of Trade. $750 FOR 3-ROOM HOME. On Woodstock car, house good condi tion, woodshed, gas. porch; must sell; terms. Weiss, East 8407. FOR SALE BY OWNER i-room house, easy terms. 1541 Oatman st. Take St Johns car, walk one block south from 1,ombard st. SWELL HOME CHOICE CORNER. On Sandy road. Rose City, close in; very handsome home. See It today. Owner Tabor 8202. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. $3150. 5 rooms, sightly lot. near car. fire place. Dutch kitchen, full basement. Ta bor 8S24. G ROY ELAND PARK BUNGALOW $4.-,00. 7 rooms a?1 modern. large lot, pnved ' street, exceptional value. Tabor S&lia, RF.AT, -KSTATE. For Sale Houses. SEvY I a; rki-hvrst BUNGALOY1 ..tc'Ied on Ankeny ft., one-half block from park and club house In ore of the best locations In Laurelhurst. This house was built to satisfy the exactiug purchaser who can appreciate quality of workmanship and material and desires the very bet in his home. There are rooms, all finished In real enamel with walls pal'ercd with imported papers; oak floors; tile fire-place; tile bath-room w-tth pede.stal lavatory and liled in tub; large sideboard in dining room: cabinet kitchen: built-in Ironing board. wood-lift, etc.: composition drainboard: electric fixtures and window shades In stalled; high-grade furnace: 12xlS garage with cement floor and driveway; full length cement front porch. Thia house was started five months ago and the price Is based on the cost of material st that time. Price $70oO on terms to suit. For further Information or appointment to Inspect call -Mr. Koehler. Main 17o. LAl'RKLHURST CO.. ZTOVs Stark St. STREET'S IRVINGTON SELECTS. 3S0O 776 Multnomah St.. at 24ih: 6 rooms, den. full cement basement, with Boynton furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, complete bathroom, fine large closets. Mix 100; price is a bargain, owner go ing east; beats high rents; easy terms; do not disturb occupant. 851 Bast 30th N.. $6S50, A buy! $7S00 All In Ivory, all hard wood floors. tile bath, garage, large living room, breakfast room, 2 large bedrooms, I or 2 smaller. South of Kjott. JI0.50O 'mahogany and Ivory home, 2 beths. 2 fireplaces, bil liard room, hardwood floors throughout. Many others we cannot adver tise them all. Seueral most beautiful homes. $16,000. f in.-toil, fls.oon. $25,000. etc.; exclusively listed here. STREETS IRVINGTON HEADQUARTERS. E. 15th and Broadway. East S94. BRUCE GOPDARD HAS THE HA RliAINS. $400 down and $15 per month: price $1.00: 5 rooms, two lots. 16 fruit trees, berries, grapes, etc.: .Sellwood district, sidewalks and streets paid: not a new house, but newly painted and papered; close to school r.nd business district QUIT PAYING RUNT-HUY A HOME. $HOO Montavilla district, easv terms comfortable house and large lot; new home started, tsoo, on terms IT CAN'T BE BEAT FOR PRU'E $250 DOWN AND $20 MONTH. Large 5-room house and lot covered with fruit; price $1300; pay $250 down and 'move Into your own home at once HURRY IF YOU WANT THIS. These are Just a few of the manv bargains we have in cheap homes: there Is no excuse for anyone paving rent when they can buy on such easy terms, hee .1. -. Moore. BRUCE GOD DA R D. 501-2 Couch Bldg Portland's Leading Broker. THE CREAM OF ROSE CITT. We devote the most of our energv in the merchandising of homes lo the busi ness of getting the real bargains. The actual s.-llliig of a house Is simple a real bargain sells itself. We have over 25 homes In Rose Clty Park ranging In price from S.Killo to $10. (Mill. Some won derful bargains. one of our demonstrators will be pleased to rule jou out and look them over. ou will not even he asked to buv See our wonderful bargains first, then try and duplicate them elsewhere. Call Main lobG for a demonstration. Bill R CAREY CO.. 219 Railway Exchange. Main 16. 'PORTLAND HEIGHTS." UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. MODERN. SIGHTLY. BEAUTIFUL DESIRABLE (NEAR NEWi. RESI DENCE. NEAR CAR. LOCATION ESPE CIALLY GOOD. A REAL BARGAIN" 9 ROOMS, DEN. SLEEPING PORCH. II. W. FLOORS. PLATE-GLASS WINDOWS. GARAGE, FULL BASEMENT. "SPECIAL BARGAIN. ' REASONABLE TERMS. PRICE FOR QUICK SALE $11.5HI i EASILY WORTH $I5.(IIHI. ADDRESS OWNER. NORTHWESTERN HilXl) & INVESTMENT CO 302 SELLING BLDG. A FEW bargains in modem homes. $4iiO) 9-rooin house with lot ,"Ox loo. on west side. $4200 7-rooni up-to-date House on west cide. $0250 A splendid home with large grounds: everything in ilrst-ciass condition, on Mississippi car line. $25O0 5-loom buiicalow with fire place and other conven iences. s:,200 S-room house on west side. 020u Flats, close in on east side; liberal tenua can be given. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO. 413 Cnatuber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON-HOLLADAY PARK." VERY DESIRABLE 'HIGH-CLASS" HOME. CORNER (2 LOTS) lo ROOMS AND S. PORCH. 2 BATHS. ETC. DOUBLE GA RAGE. SPECIALLY WELL LOCATED. 22D fc HALSEY. S. W. COR NER (E. F.I POSITIVE BARGAIN FOR QUICK HALF:. APPRAISED AT $22,500. OFFERED AT $17.IMMl.' TERMS ABOUT $500t) CASH. BALANCE REASONABLE. ADDRESS OWNER. NORTHWESTERN HON D 1VESTMETN CO.. 302 SELLING BLDG. ALBERTA SPECIAL. Folks, here la a snap: 2-story, "well kept home In Aiberta, 1 block from Unton ave.; 3 large rooms down and 3 light, airy bedrooms up; cement base ment, full 30X10O lot. fine lawn and roses: $3000, $sto down and small monthly payments. BIHR CARET CO.. 219 Railway Exchange. " Main 16S6. A LITTLE DREAM. Start the new year right by owning your own home. 5-room bungalow with floored! anex, every built-in feature, finished In old Ivory. Excellent gas heater Installed In fireplace, massive buffet reaching across entire dining room, hardwood' floors throughout. Ex cellent basement with an A-1 Fox fur nace. Good cash payment- J534O0. Who gets this? HAWTHORNE REALTT CO.. flth and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. MODERN BUNGALOW. $2250. Modern 5-room bungalow with all mod ern built-in conveniences, full cement basement, located on choice corner lot, SoxloO. Mt. Tabor district. 3 blocks from car. $500 cash, balance terms. J. L. KARNOPP CO.. Railway Exch. Bids. Main C7S. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3750 for a fine 3-rooni on E. 49th: 1 block from car; furnace, buffet and the finest white Dutch kitchen: full con crete basement. This is a fine home. Half cash. Phone Marshall S29. F. L. BLANCH A RD, 519-20 Railway Exchange. WHY PAY RENT 7 $100 rash, balance $20 per month. In cluding interest, buys good 7-room house and 2 lots. Lots of fruit and flowers. Hawthorne car line. Price only $1900. See Mr. Farnsworth. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. 14 Henry Bldg. Main 1743. $250 CASH and $23 per month boys cozv little 4-rooin bungalow on beautiful lOO xlOO corner paved street. Modern plumbing, electric lights and gas. Price Including Improvements only $2000. See Mr. Farnsworth. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. 14 Henry Bidg.. Main 1743. LAURELHURST MODERN HOME 8 large rooms. 50xl"0 lot; garage; full cement basement: furnace, built-in buf fet, bookcases, beautiful electric light fixtures, hardwood floors, two stairways. Price $.V75: terms. MRS. THOMSON. 020-21 Henry Bldst. fl (,-,0 4 -ROOM bungalow, large lot. 8 bearing fruit, lots of berries, n-ar Stew art's sta.. reasonable terms. East 6329. NEAR Laurelhurst park. 5-room m,1ern : furniture for sale; foel in. 104 K. 3Stb corner Washington. 30TH AND EAST BURNSIDE. 6-room modem house: newly painted, in good shape; well built garage. E. 71. EAST STH. COR. WOODWARD AVE. (5-room modern house, newly painted. In fine shape; garage. East 2S71. tsr77 T1PBBTTS ST. 5 rooms, modem, lire place. H.. S. atreets; liuOU. !. 2JL