TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1920. 13 A MULTNOMAH TAXES m I FiP IIP IN 19911 iiuui.ni Ul III IULU Budget Shows Increase of 23.2 Per Cent Over 1919. LEGAL LIMIT IS REACHED Millage) of S6.80 Reeded to Raise 912,060,559 levies Sub- . mlttcd to Assessor. SEW TAX RATH FIXED FOR CITY OF PORTLAND. The new tax rate established for the city of Portland will ag gregate 36.8 mills on each 1 valuation. This 1920 levy, based on the 1919 valuation, com pared with, that of last year, follows: 1919 1918 Purpose Mills. Mills. State . 4.71 3.20 County 6.10 6.00 Market roads ...... 0.30 none Rose festival 0.09 none County schools ...... 1.86 1.70 County library ...... 0.74 0.50 Port of Portland ... 1.40 2.10 City of Portland ....12.80 11.00 Portland dock com mission . 1.20 1.00 School district No. 1.. 8.60 6.30 Total mills. .......36.80 80.80 Ninety-three per cent of the county valuation subject to local taxation Is la the city of Port land. " Multnomah, county taxpayers may reflect on the high cost of living: when they note the sum of 1 12,060.659.21, which they will pay In taxes during 1920, the largest amount ever levied In the county, a sum greater than the levies of all the counties of Oregon In 1911, when the grand total was $11,960,278.11. This is an Increase of 23.2 per cent, or $2,270,553.81, over the tax roll collected during the current year. To raise 93 per cent of this sum, which Is the city of Portland's share, s. millage of 36.80 is necessary, an in crease of exactly 6 mills over 1919 taxes assessed on the 1918 roll. The final act In the annual estima tion of governmental expenses came yesterday when, after a budget meet ing at which Interest taxpayers suc ceeded in boosting the proposed ap propriation for county purposes to the bounds allowed under the 6 per cent limitation amendment, the board of county commissioners approved the budget and made the usual order en tering the levies of all other taxing agencies. The levies were turned over to County Assessor Reed, who will begin extending the roll tomor row morning and deliver it to Sheriff liurlburt for collection about Feb ruary 1. Legal Iilmlt Reached. In determined assault on the coun ty commissioners, citizens interested In the Mount Hood Loop road and in the improvement of the Greeley street extension of St. Johns river road, suc ceeded in raising the budget $100, 879.03 over the tentative budget pro posed by the commissioners, reaching the limit permitted by law, and In creasing the proposed millage of 4.8 to 5.1 for county purposes. The tentative budget was thereby Increased from $1,607,888.14 to $1,708, 267.18. This does not include $886, 022.80 needed to run county affairs, which will be received by the county from sources other than taxation. Of the increases granted, $85,000 was thrown into the county emer gency fund to apply, presumably, on a stretch of the Mount Hood Loop road between Sandy and Zig Zag in Clackamas county, provided that the state highway commission furnishes a. like sum from state road funds and the United States government fur nishes $170,000, or an amount equal to both the county and state appro priations, for the construction of this strip of road. It was put Into the emergency instead of the road fund, however, because of the anticipation of the commissioners that $22,000 more might have to be paid during 1920 for rental of the O.-W. R. & N. railroad bridge across the Willam ette, thus furnishing available funds. Vote la 1 nanimoiii. - George Joseph Introduced the reso lution asking for a pledge of support to the loop road about Mount Hood to the extent of an $85,000 appropri ation, with the provisos listed. W. M. Davis seconded the adoption and It was passed, as the sense of the budget gathering, by unanimous vote. The county commissioners explained that they had never been opposed to the loop road, but desired only to see financial co-operation with Multno ham county. After listening to arguments of C B. Hegardt, dock commission engi neer. JT. C Knapp of the Peninsula Lumber company, R. W. Montague, E. L. Thompson of the Portland Wool en mi Ha, and others, the commission ers agreed to widen the proposed 20 foot strip of macadam on the Greeley street extension of St. Johns road to 36 feet to accommodate heavy arte rial traffic it was asserted the road would be forced to bear. Mr. Mon tague explained that the cost of sew ers, grading, gutters, sidewalk and drainage would be the same for either width. The increase in cost was from $47,018.71 for 20-foot macadam to $63,513.23. Festival Item Retained. Chairman Hoyt of the commission ers announced that they had decided to retain in the budget the $30,175 provided for the 1920 Rose Festival. Commissioner Holman explained the problem presented in the continued rental of the steel bridge. The county has been paying $48,000 a year for use of the upper deck of the steel bridge, but the railroad company now says, before renewing the lease with the county, that it is entitled to an Income of 4H per cent net on its in vestment in the bridge. If the com missioners should agree to Its value of the investment and the income that is justified, the yearly rental would be increased to approximately $70,000. Though the raise of $22,000 Is nearly 0 per cent, the railroad company has the option or closing the bridge to general trafflo and collecting tolls If the commissioners do not meet their terms. Levies Climb Steadily. Tax levies in the county of Mult nomah, according to the ctatistics in the office of County Assessor Reed have been climbing steadily since 1901, there, having Deen lew years when declines have been noted. The peak load, following the boom of 10 or more years ago, was registered in 1913 when the increase over the pre ceding year was 25.2 per cent. The next year, due partly to a radical change in the method of computing state taxes, there was a sharp drop. With the outbreak of the European war. coincident to the loss of mu. Removal Before Moving to 101-103 Tenth Street, at Washington and Stark Streets. I - .-v" mmjrr It XV ' - - IjVJi Bit Player piano S -VV2I Br Sfcv 1 8675 I A f 50 cash. 20 tnt ' I . monthly. Removal to bu Our T Jhf m.e,r edyC,l,PZ.-c,J!l.than. 'I11,1 P"11 " the new stock when it arrives. Owing to considerable 'na'hne J" ?tol5tJT t.1I.Torkm,al,BhiP,,and owin.S coa-l shortage, eastern factories were rises closed down . The Most Valuable Pianos in the World Including new, 1920 models, new factory samples and discon tinued models chiefly the best and most expensive styles at prices you need pay for cheaper pianos. ISteger $750 8 4 35 2 Stegers 750 4 8 5 2 Stegers 850 535 11 Stegers 750 562 2 Stegers 800 5 60 4 Stegers 800 595 2 Stegers 900 675 New Grand Pianos 1 Steger $1050 877 2 Stegers 1150 682 ISteger. 1300 9 75 Prices are for cash or $50 to $100 cash, $12 o $25 monthly. 1920 Model Players are the wonder of this age. You must see, hear and play our "Natural Player Pianos" to appreci ate the wonderful progress In player pianos. 6 Steger -$1150 8862 2 Reed&S 1050 7SO lReed&S" 900 675 15 Singer $950 4 Singer 900 675 12 Th'ps'n 900 675 10 Th'ps'n 900 6 45 tiM'd'n'l 800 5 95 Used Player Pianos Weber... $750 8 3 95 Stark Co 750 495 Singer... 950 675 Reed&Sn 1000 675 B'rryWd 1750 . 595 Prices are for cash or $25 to $50 cash and $12 to $25 monthly, including a combination player and piano bench and $10 worth of player rolls. New 1920 Models Containing latest im provements, fully 60 per cent more tone and efficiency than found by comparison in older models yet before removal, we are offering the best styles at prices as low as the cheaper pianos ore sold in Portland. 11 Reed&S $675 8495 & neeasa nib 1 Reed&S 6 Reed&S 6 Singer 4 Th'ps'n 3 M'nd'll 650 750 625 625 625 TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING T.hlS 8.t.r? this sale nuiLIIIIOlilU Sincerity is PRICE IDENTITY hy houli Pianos not have a price identity? Why should market values not be observed? Why monthlv ehould you pay inflated prices? Let us finance your piano purchase. $15 or more cash, $8 or more NO FOLLOW-UP SALESMAN f fU"y S0T' ,n SUr COBt of B,slUn- "Wo- are not Interested in your address If our for a piano now. l0Wer pri nnent do not sell you. There is no need to pay $500 to $760 LIBERTY BONDS 7, otner ""i?,8 taken P ru payment of Pianos or Player-Pianos during this sale. '"H)' ..A,!2u.,i0V.r.?.ld p'ano. Organ or Talking Machine. S . ORDER YOUR PIANO BY MAIL "I"d; "tudy "d "T "T. Prl and terms, . .dTertlwd. ul you " " ' !, " w1u le why . we ! hundreds ( mail-order buyers. OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS VJ A,l.AyD MA,,KE1E DJBL,7iIlv OF piai to your home within 200 7! ' ' w " " mtles, and the piano will be shipped subject to exchange within one vear .i.i. the full amount paid. This virtually trives von a on-v2r trii f th.L,n ,.J. lu on" year- we allowing n.-.TIZ.P 0 or. Playr-piano purchased carries with it the Schwan Piano Co. guarantee of satisfaction . .l.n the usuaf guarantee from each manufacturer of these new musical instruments. Bua"""eo 01 "attraction, as also Manufacturers 'oat DiMtrlhutors, 111 Fourth Street. at W'ashlngrton. - nlclpal revenues from sources other than taxation, the levies began to mount again, the Increases for 1918 and 1919 being especially noticeable. County comparisons with recent years are made below, the year in all cases being the year of the valuation: Pet. Year Total taxes. Inc. 1019 ....... ......... ..$12.0H0.5r9.21 23.2 118 0,790,005.40 15.5 1917 .................. 8. 475, 773. 8 4.4 1919 8.118.713.58 1.7 1019 .................. 7.BH1.937.S2 B.5 1914................... 7..-.H3, 310.28 IR.C 1918 8.946,676.15 25.2 'Derrfftw. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Bker Auction House, Yamhill and West Park (treats. Bale at 10 A. M. MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. Masonic temple, for the purpose of con ducting tha funpra.1 of our lutA brother, N. A. Collamom, Utte of Laurel Lodge, No, 13. A. F. and A. M., of Kosa burg. Or. Visiting brethren fraternally re Qutsted to attend. By order of W. M. FRKD L. OLSON, Sec COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. F. AND A. M- 'Stated communication this (Thurs day) evening. Jan. 1, 1920. at 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Visiting- brethren always wel come. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON. Sec STTNNYSIDE LODGE. NO. 16S. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication Thursday, Jan. 1. at 2:00 P. M. Work in E. A. decree. Afternoon and evening sessions. Visitors welcome. JAMES 8. GAY, Jr.. Bee. KENTON LODGE. NO. 145, A. F. AND A. M Stated communication this (Thurs day) evening. Jan. X. Visiting brethren welcome. By order ox worsmpxui Master. F. M. ROBINSON, See. KENTON LODGE. NO. 145, A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Thursday) evening. 7:30 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. K. F. GE1ST. Sec PORTLAND TENT, NO. 1, THE MAC CABEES, will, give their annual grand ball New Year's evening. Jan. 1. at their hall, 409 Alder street. All are cordially in vited. This will be a grand affair. Ad mission, Including war tax. 50 cents. Tick ets at 310 Oregonian bids'., or at dance. By order of Committee. P. C. ANDERSON. Chairman. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMP MENT. NO. 28. L O. O. P., r irtL S meets this (Thursday) evening SUL-lW&at 8 o'clock. East 6th and Al vo. e.'S' er streets. S. A. STARR, Sec. t V FRED J. MEINDL, C. P. AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF MULT nomah County Drainage District No. 1. will be held at 61T Corbett bldg. on Satur day. January 8, 1920, at 2 o'clock P. M. J. O. BLROD, Prea. THE MACCABEES. PORTLAND TENT NO. 1. Regular review every Thursday. 409 Alder street. All members urged to be present. Visiting sir knights welcome. GEO. S. BAKER. R. K. PRIVATE SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' LEGION meets .Monday evening, Jan. o, W. O. W. Hall, 128 11th st, . EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, eharma. piss, ew designs. Jaeger Bros.. Ul-a 6th n. nUEDLANCER'S for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. 810 Washington at. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Office, room 153 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of the city poirna at its nome, ooo uoiuraom boulevard. Phone any time. Wood lawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse am bulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted wnere necessary, ana stray animals cared for. Tomorrow Morning Begins Our Inventory Sale 1 sso qnnllry 9395 920 912 monthly. Sale Offers the Last .vi,0vu UCULIV UriCEB Will TT1 11 r II h 8712 3 Th'ps'n $550 8395 6 Th'ps'n 600 375 2 M'nd'll 500 3 75 lOSchM'r 475 356 2 D'visS'n 475 335 $25 cash, $10 or more monthly. Factory Rebuilt and reflnlshed pi anos, some as good as new, now sold at but a fraction of their original prices. Steger ...$750 8 4 35 Steinway 760 4 35 Cable.... 475 295 D'vls&S'n 600 345 Leland... 450 2 45 Singer... 475 295 St'ry-Cl'rk 600 3 95 Kingsbury 450 265 Singer... 600 435 Bush-G'rtz 475 2 90 Cramer.. .425 275 Gay lord. 476 315 Vose&S'ns 476 235 Christie. 375 2 35 Resale Used Pianos Farrend. $425 8265 Steinway 760 . 34 5 m mpson 625 Steger ... 750 Thompson' 550 Th'mpson 600 Aut'matlc 650 Haines... 653 335 485 395 365 165 265 315 245 235 465 487 562 468 468 468 Kilers. , 47 5 btarr. ... J.P.Hale.. 450 360 home. Lakeside . . satlsf,? h PeIe through Its unprecedented values. Truths fully named, our chief business policy. We tell you now. prices are oing higher aftei Scliwae Piano Go. ' "PORTLAND'S LARGEST PIANO DISTRIBTTORS." DIED. LEACH In this city, at her late resi dence, osu is. elst St. N., Dec 81. Elsie Hare Ieach. aged 72 years, mother of Mrs. Grace Leach Green of this city and sister of Mrs. Sarah N. Wood of Ottawa, Kan. The remains are at Fin ley's, Montgomery at 6th. Notice of funeral hereafter. MacCLEMANS At his home. T48 E. 79th N., Dec. 80. 1919. Robert M. MacClemans. aged SO years, beloved husband of Gloria M. MacClemans. The remains are at tha conservatory chapel of the F. 8. Dun ning, Inc. 414 E. Alder. Funeral notice later. NELSON At the late residence, 412 Alle gheny St., Deo. 31. Jacob Mason Nelson, aged 85 years. Remains at the parlors of Breeze & Snook, Belmont at 35th. Notice of funeral later. THOMPSON In this city. Dee. 28. 1919, CharJes Thompson. Remains at Hol man' s funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Notice of funeral later. BARTHEN In this city. Deo. 27. Nlclc Barthen, aged 60 years. The remains are at Flnley"s, Montgomery at 6th. Notice of funeral hereafter. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND GARBLE WORKS r 4th Bt.. Opp City RalL Kan sna Sfb BLAESING GRANITE CO. I ITj THIRD AT MADISON STRCIT AMUSEMENTS. Start the Yestr Rfarht. Get the Beat Pay Little ODROME TODAY TONIGHT PHOTOPLAY VAUDEVILLE , "ON MANILA BAY"- With Fanny Teddy MeXnnuirn ind Other Formrr Members of the Fuou Pollard Javeniles. CLEVELAND AND FAY, Oh. Doctor!" KD AND ROJTA FEXTOX, On the Roman Rings. CHARLES BARNEY A CO. FRANK GOUXD "Kathryn's "Sweethearts I Birthday." Have Met." DEVGHEAVX WILLIE TRIO BOWMAIf Singers, Instru- Character and mentalists. Descriptive Comedians. Melodies. "SINBAD THE SAILOR" "THE ETERNAL TRIANGLE" If the Kiddies See This Show They Will Sorely IjiBxk. LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY Vat. Dally; Nights at 7 and . DILLON FRANKS, , Eccentrle Comedians, and the Boaebnd Chorus in THE GLOBE TROTTERS Midnight Matinee. Dec 81, at 11:30. Chorus Girls Contest Friday Night. CIRCLE FOrRTH AT WASHINGTON Louise Glaum in 'SAHARA" Also a Mack Sennp-tt comedy, "All mt Rea." and the Ford TVeekly. Opn from o'clock in the morning until 4 tfcloek mt tlie Xoi lowing morning. mm f fil! i mm. r -mm if ODoortunitv rhr nn oil VlAur HfnmAn,. H. Bord.. $375 8 75 H'l't&D'vis 450 195 Collard... 250 65 Sterling. 475 2 65 $15 or $25 cash, $6, $10 or more monthly. Used Grand Pianos' NT PTte $1000 8 2 65 Parlor Organs Sold now at but a fraction of their original prices. Sterling... $ 95 8 25 Piloubet.. 116 25 Clough&Co. 100 28 Packard.. 125 28 Sterling... 135 35 Schweninger 146 35 Packard.. 135 35 Needham.. 125 38 Sears-R'b'k 115 38 Needham.. 145 45 EsteyCo... 160 48 Kimball. .. 145 48 Chi. Cottage 165 58 EsteyCo.. 165 58 Beckwith. 175 65 Ms'nH'mlin 176 65 $10 cash, $3 to $5 monthly. New and Used Phonographs $5 or $10 in Records purchased sends one Edison .....$60 82O Edison 50 15 Columbia . 25 15 Victor 60 45 Lewald .... 75 58 Domestic ...100 65 Victor 100 85 HOI: NEW 191 TYPES Table Type 825 Table Type. 832. 50 Table Type 50 Table Type 875 Cabinet 8120 Cabinet 8125 Cabinet 8140 $3, $6, or more per month. $20 810 WARRANTEE BACKED BY MANY MI I, LIONS IN CAPITAL AMUSEMENTS. TICKET SALE OPENS TOMORROW 10 A, ML. PUBLIC AUDITORIUM Week Commencing; Jan. 5 . DEVEREUX and his company. Including Zinita Graf in the following comedies , d-. Thurs. and- Sat. Nights "The School for Scandal" By Sheridan Tues. Night and Sat. Matinee ' She Stoops to Conquer" By Goldsmith Wednesday Matinee "Romancers" By Rostand "The Proposal" By Tchekoff PRICES: !M-hts 1.B0, 1, 76c and !Ve Matinees $1, Toe. 60c and 25c. Seat Sale Friday, Jan. 2, at Sherman, Clay & Co.'s Sixth and Morrison Streets Blail Orders Now SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S ATTRACTION Oaks Rink "Give the Health Pink" GRAND Hockey Match Band Music With Grand March, Fun and Frolic Healthy, Pleasurable and Clean Sport The Oaks Rink Always Good, Something Extra Best Place in Town to Spend New Year's Night Prices as Usual. Phone your want ads to the Orego nian. Main 7070, A 6095. mi fssTlf AMrSEMKNTS. NEW YEAR'S ATTRACTION BEOIS THIS AFTERNOON, 21S heilig B;.r.VM.M-xror TONIGHT, 8:15 dtT SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE TODAY, 2:15 (Jfew Year's Day) AXD SAT. A FASCINATING COMEDY Stuart Muker presents Boom .art NEwYoRxConPANr APLAYcYOUTlland LOVEJ SUfinERTinfl EVE'S Floor. $2; Balcony, $1.50, $1; Gallery. 76c, 50c TODAY AXD SAT. MATS. Floor, $1.60; Balcony, $1, 60c Tickets Now Selling-. CITY orders REC'D NOW , 3TEXT WEEK HEILIG JK"."??: NIGHTS, JAN. V SPECIAL PRICE 3IAT. SAT. Aagrnstus Pltoa Presents THE FAVORITE QOMEDIENNE MAY ROBSON IN THE MELODRAMATIC FARCE, TISH 55 , Prom Mary Roberts Rtnehart'a Stories In the Saturday livening- Post. HOW TO SKCT'HK TICKETS NOW Address letters, make checks and postoffice money orders payable to W. T. Panfrle, Mgr. Heilig- Thea ter. ADD 10 WAR TAX TO PRICE TICKET DESIRED. In clude self-addressed stamped en velope to help insure safe return. EVE'S Floor, 2; Balcony, five rows $1.50, 17 rows Jl; Gallery, reserved, 75c. SAT. MAT. Floor, fl.SO; Balcony. 8 rows tl. 13 rows 50c OFFICE SALE NEXT HOT, TNI BSStH IN VAUOiVILLI 3 "llg-hts Sun., Mob., Tues.. IBe te 1 4 Mats.. Sun., lion.. Tues.. Wed. 15c to 75e THE FOTO MOKTOM Black A O'llunnrll. IluUler, Stela Phillips. BILLY MASTER McDKKMOTT - OABK1EL A CO. James Dutton Co.. Klnosrams (Exclus ive) Topics of Lay. MARMEIX SISTERS and DAVID SCHOOLER. This Show Closes With the Matinee. Wednesday. Jan. T. Special ' Kevr Year Mat. Today. ALCAZAR In the Bis; Joy Show, "OH, BOY! " MAT. SATl'RDAT. JVerf- RtH1oi! of Wife. At the matinees Alice Sterllns; will addrese the ladles on the "Duel of the Sexes." concerning; marriage, divorce and love. Prices yights. for all ever 16 yean, dOc, 75c, $1, plus tax. BAKER STOCK COMPANY. All Week. Mats. Tbura. mad Sat. "Please Get karried" Special Midnight Matinee rc. SI. t 1 1 :30 e'Olock. AN T A G E CL MAT. DAILY 2:30 O ALL THIS WEEK THE FAMOUS MID-WINTER CIRCUS BIX OTHER BIO ACTS. Three Performances Dally. Night CtirtmJn at 7 and 8. Midnight FTolIcs. New Year's Eve at 11:U0 o'clock. GRAND CONCERT ALICE NIELSEN "America's Favorlte Soprano." With THOMAS CRISELLE. PIA7C1ST. AUDITORIUM, SAT., JAN. 3 AT 8UU P. M. In Joint Concert With Portland ORATORIO SOCIETY IJT HASTDEIS ti nnrnnini n Special Orchestra C horus of 200. AIS'H.Vl SOLOISTS. Goldle Petersen. Soprano: Mary AdelVanna, Contralto; J.Mac Millan Muir, Tenor; John C. Monteith. Baritone. At the Organ, Edgar H. Coursen. PRICE"" S1.50, $1, 75e and SOc Box Office Mow Open at Sher man, Clay & Co. Management WESTER3I MLSICAL BCREAC, Inc. Laurence A. Lmbrt Osn! Mg-r 287 Washington tit. I With the fcJJil.W- ALCAZAR MOX. MAT., JAN. J I ISO Bally Matinee ZSe for Indies 50e Only. 50e "Not a Wrtnre." mum FUNERAL NOTICES. EMMEL At Mllwaukle, Or.. Dec. SO. John Conrad Emmel, aged 61 years 1 month 3 days; beloved husband ot M&rgaretha Emmel and father ot Emma K. Hurt and Mlnnetta R. Emmel, both of this city; Harry B. Emmel In Siberia and Bertha M. Cauller of Hood River. The funeral services will be held today Thursday). January 1, at 11 o'clock A. M.. from the Evangelical church in Mllwaukle. Friends invited. Interment at Middle ton. Or. The remains are at the resi dential funeral parlors of Walter I. Kenworthy, 1532-34 E. 13th SU. Sellwood. DIRK6EX Deo. 18, at the family resi dence. 030 Rodney ave., John Dlrksen. age 83 years, beloved husband of Hanna Dirksen. father of Rev. H. J. Dlrksen of this city, John Dlrksen and Mrs. Eva " Rex In, Sykestoo. N. D. ; Mrs. Agnes Rem bold. Dowden. N. D. : Justina Dlrksen. Woodworth. N. D. Euneral services will be conducted Saturday, Jan. 8. at S P. M., from the Adventlst church, cor. Skldmore st. and Mallory ave. Krlends Invited. Interment Mt. Scott cemetery. Remains at Pearson's undertaking par lors, Russell st. and Union ave. LINDEN Cells Staples Linden of Chicago. III., the daughter of Isaac E. Staples of this city, died December 29, 1019, at her home in Chicago. Her death was sud den and unexpected. She Is survived by her parents and four brothers and three sisters, as follows: Mrs. Dr. Luther Da vis of Wadena, Minn.; Dr. Edwin Forest Staples and Mrs. Dr. Robert Matthews of Minneapolis, Minn.; George W. Staples of Reedsport, Or., and Carpenter H. sta ples. Pearl A. Staples and Isaac E. Sta ples Jr. of Portland, Or. Minnesota pa pers please copy. LAURISCH In this city, December SO. Mrs. Lena Louisa Laurisob. aged 61 years, late of S4U Hancock st.. beloved wife of William Laurisch. and mothel of Lens, Mildred, Charles Laurisch. Fu neral services will be conducted Friday. January 2, 1920. at 1:30 P. M.. from Pearson's undertaking parlors. Russell at Union ave. Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. . Dec eased was a member of the Thus Nelda lodge No. ln Sons of Herman. BOOAHMIS At Myrtle Creole. Or., Dec. 29, 1919, Jane Bogardua, aged ntl years, beloved sister of Mrs. 8. E. Blakeway of Walla Walla. With.. Joseph A. e k et of Ooldendale, Wash., and the late David Beckett of Portland. Or. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at 10 A. M. tomorrow (Friday). Jan. 2, 1920. at Holman's parlors. Third and Salmon streets. Interment Mu Scott cemetery. . FRANK Dec. SO. at the residence of her daughter, 390 E. 86th N Mary Elizabeth Frank, age SO years, mother of Mrs. Mary Goodman of this city and Edwin A. Frank of Sllverton. Or. Remains, are at the residential funeral home of Down ing A McNemar. successor to Wilson st Ross. E. 7th and Multnomah sta Funeral services will be held today (Thursday) at 11 A. M. Friends invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. KETCKEN, In this city. Dee. 29. 191 Helen Neycken of Hillsdale. Or., aged A8 years, beloved wife of M. H. Neycken. Funeral services will be held at the Dun ning 6c McEntes parlors, Broadway and Ankeny street. Friday. Jan. 2. at 8:30 A. M., thence to St. Joseph church, 15th and Couch streets, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Friends In vited. Interment Ml Calvary cemetery. LIN DO REN In this cUy. Deo. 29. Mrs. Anna Lindgren, aged 33 years, beloved wife of John Lindgren and late of TOO Williams ave., mother of John Curtis and William Florantin Lindgren, sister of Ockert and N. E. Foreman, Grandy, Minn.; Eric Foramen, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. H. Bettaln. Boston, Mass. Remains at Pearson undertaking parlors, Russell su at Union ave. ROELFS At Long Beach, Wash., Dec 28. Frederick Roelfs. aged 82 years, husband of the late Mary McLaughlin Roelfs. Fu neral will be held from McEntee S: Ellers parlors, 16th and Everett sts Friday, Jan. 2. at 8:SO A. M., thence to St. Patrick's church. 19th and Savler sts at 9 A. M.. where requiem mass will he offered. Friends Invited. Interment at St. Mary's cemetery. HATS In this city. Doc. 80, Charles Hays, aged years, beloved son of Martha L. Hays, brother of O. W. Hays of this city: Mrs. Smith Evernham. Mrs. Carrie Bush and R. L. Hays all of this city. Funeral services will be held today, (Thursday). Jan, 1, at 2:30 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller A Tracer. Incineration at the Mt. Scott crematorium. REINHARDT In this city. Dee. 81. Nor man Richard Relnhardt, age 2 years 7 months 30 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Relnhardt. The funeral services will be held at the home. S33 Bldwell ave., Friday, Jan 2. at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. F. S. Dunning, Inc., in charge of funeral arrangements. Inter ment Roee City cemetery. BECKER The funeral of Robert Wra. Becker, beloved Infant son ot Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Becker, will leave the resi dential parlors of Miller & Tracey Thursday. Jan. 1, at 12 o'clock noon. Then to Cedar Mills, Or., where services will be held at the Union church. In terment at the Union cemetery. CURLISS The funeral services of the late Jennie Curllss, who died in this city De cember 30, 1019, will be held tomorrow (Friday), Jan. 2, 1920, at 11 A. M. from the Damascus church. Friends Invited. Interment Damascus cemetery. Remains will be at the parlors ot the Skewes Undertaking Co. until Friday, 9:80 A. M. HUTCHINOS In this city. Dec 29. 1919. George Hutchlnga, aged 60 years. Friends Invited to attend the funeral servtces at 8 P. M , .Saturday. Jan. 8. 1920, at Hol man's parlors. Third and Salmon sts. In terment Multnomah cemetery. KELLY In this city. Dec. 2. (Teorge Kellv. ae-ed 47 years. The remains win be forwarded Friday. Jan. 2. by J. P. Fin ley se Son to Haines, Alaska, where services will be held and interment made. ' COLLAMORB The funeral services of the late Nail A. Collamore will be held Fri day. Jan. 2. at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at F1nleya. Montgomery at ftth. Friends Invited. Interment at Rose City ceme tery. CUTHILL The funeral services of the lat Jessie Cuthlll will be held Friday, Jan. 2, at 1 o'clock P. M-. at Finley's. Mont gomery at Gth. Friends invited. Inter ment at Rose City cemetery. BELIETJ-BELIEU The funeral services of the lata Mr. and Mrs. John W. A. Be lleu will be held Thursdsy. Jan. 1. at 1 ' P. M.. at the chapel of Miller fc Tracey. Interment at Troutdale. Or. BETNON The funeral services of the late William Beynon will be held Friday. Jan. 2, at 11 A. M.. at the chapel of Miller A Tracey. Interment at Rose City cemetery. FLORISTS. LUB LINER, FLORIST. 82S Morrison st; Portland hotel. Mar. 75S. 848 Morrison, bet. Bdy. and Park. Mar.257. Portland's Leading Flower Shops. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists, 8S4 Washington. Main 269, A 1200. Flowers for ali occasions artistically arranged. (CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st, Main 7709. Fine flowers and floral de signs. No branch stores. rOKTLAXD ROE NURSERY, shrubbery and landscaping; telephone your order. Tabor 6790. IRV1NGTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers; lowest prices. MAX M. SMITH, Main 721S, A 3121, Sell ing building. Sixth and Alder sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washington sc. bet. 4th and 6th. Main 6102. A 1161. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Holman Undertaking Co. . Funeral Director Established 1877. Third and Salmon sts. Main SOT. A 1511. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Lees. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. at-, bet. 20th-21st, west side. Main 2691. Lady assistant. JL 7883. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL" DIRECTORS. Broadway and Pine st, Phone Broadway 440. A 4118. Lady Attendant. J.P.FINLEY&SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at gth. a 1.199. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy ef a home. 16th and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2188. Hornet A 2188. F. S. DUNNING, INC. 414 K. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral cnapei ana auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors te Wilson A Ross, Multnomah at E. Tth. East 64. Irvlngton district. T3 T. T.TT'.Tjr'.TT E- 11th and Clay sta J. AJ East 781. T 188a ERICSON -Twelfth and Morrison sts. Broadway 2534. A. D. K EN WORTH T CO., B 802-04 B2d St., Lenta. Tabor 526T. . AD 7CI I CD Pfi 692 William Ave, tl. LLLlUl llUl East 1088. C 1088. BREEZE & SNOOK j0fi.yg;g. 8KEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. U. 44.2. A 2231. Lady assistant. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. PORTA BLE AND STATIONARY.' ALL MAKES. Sr.RVlCE FILM & SUPPLY CO., 3W8 OAK ST. FURNISHED rooming house, lot 145 feet deep, full cement basement, business lo cation, pay well: want to) exchange. Hall. 211 Washington. 2i ACRES, city limits Chehalls. Wash., about 9 blocks to depot end of bitulithic street, all cleared, level, barn: exchange for good car. Hall. 211 Washington. I WANT a Ford; have good piano and cabinet Vlctrola to trade as part pay ment. Hall. 211 Washington. MOVING PICTURE ENTERTAINMENTS. ANYWHERE. ANY TIME. SERVICE FILM b SUPPLY CO.. 893 OAK ST. FORD roadster, 1917, dandv tires; bargain. 325. terms. Phone 313-1'2. DODGE. 1018 touring, in perfect condl tlon; will take Ford In trade. East S.V2. EXPERIENCED woman as chambermaid. Hotel Del Mae Joe, 149 North 6th. LATE model touring, lots of extras, fine shape; tluo. balance monthly. East 8552. TWO large front rooms for rent. Glad stone Apts., 71 Grand ave. North. NEW TOD AT. Real Estate To Our Customers and . Clients of 1919 and Previous Years We desire to express v our appreciation of the business extended to us and congratulate you and ourselves upon the success attending our efforts. For the year 1920, we have some especially good offerings in the way of Residences, Suburban Acreage, Portland Income Property; also Vacant Lots in the IRVINGTON DISTRICT Our experience of over forty years in Portland has enabled us to accumulate much valuable inform a t i o n regarding city prop7 erty. This information is at your service. DOWNTOWN CORNER TO LEASE We wish you a Happy New Year, and may it be prosperous as well. HENRY W. GODDARD Preceding and Succeeding GODDARD & WIEDRIQC 243 STARK STREET FOR THE WELL-INFORMED INVESTOR The well-informed investor appreciates that the pres ent low prices for con servative investments are due primarily to the un usual conditions now prevalent throughout the world, and not to any im pairment Of the true value of the properties. As a matter of fact, he realizes that property values are, in most instances, even greater today than ever before. Values have with stood the tests of war, but prices are still low. I offer selected business property, conservatively valued under present con ditions, that will warrant closest investigation. Prices ranging from $30, 000 to $1,000,000. If you have funds to invest or you are interested in a business location, I shall be glad to advise with you in making selections. Philip V.W. Fry Batmfaa Property Specialist, 311 LEWIS BUILDING PHONE MAR. 2964 OPPORTUNITIES NEW TODAY. Fine Earm Home SO acres of the finest prune and walnut land In Clarke county and located In the best orchard district: about 22 acres In cultivation, balance is erreen timber worth several thousand dollars; very fine, new 9-room absolutely modern house, full basement, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, etc; fine barn. 4 - room tenant house; fine pres sure water system and out buildings. The improvements alone ou this place cost $15,000. Located 4 miles from Vancou ver and has one of the finest views In the northwest. THIS IS SOME FARM 24 acres, all fine, deep soil, no rock of gravel; all in hlsh state of cultivation except 14 acres green timber; Rood or chard of aesorted fruits; very good 6-room house, fine large barn, new silo, wash house, chicken house, tiog house, pa rage. The personal property consists of 7 very fine cows, 3 heifers, 3 horses, 9 hogs, 80 chickens, hay. ensilage, etc.; . wagon, mower, rake, tedder, drill, ullage cutter and blower, plow, harrows, disc and all small tools; also good as new 5- passenger auto, worth $800; located only 12 miles from Van couver on main auto road and h. mile from small town. This place is a real snap and must be seen to be appreciated. Price only $7600. Uood terms. SNAP 130 acres fine land: 50 in cul tivation: fine orchard; good buildings; well located; less than 30 miles from Portland. A. real snap at $8500. Very easy terms. A MONEY-MAKING DAIRY FARM FOR RENT 450 acres, all fine river bot tom land, excellent dairy barn, room for 100 head of cows and 200 tons of hay; very good 7 room house, old barn, silo, etc; fine spring water piped to all buildings; only 7 miles from Vancouver, mile from R. R. station, boat landing on place; rent $100 per month. The fol lowing personal property on place for sale: 40 good dairy cows, mostly Holstein; 1 bull, 16 heifers, 3 horses, 40 tons hay. wagon, harness, disc, plow, mower, rake, harrow, cultivator, ensilage cutter and blower. 3 gasoline engines, cream sepa rator, milk cans, etc.; good as new milking machine, which cost $1000; owner of this made $30,000 the past 6 years; you can do as well. Price only $8000; $3000 cash, balance your own terms. The R. S. Thompson Co. 10 WASHINGTON STREET VAXCOUVKK, WASH. Build Your Own Garage We will deliver a Sectional Garage to you anywhere In the northwest. Tou can set it up In a few hours. Bend for circular. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. SIS K. UU St. 1'ks aCaat (lit, Fortlaad. Or. STORAGE SPAGE. We have 20,000 ft. of floor space to rent. Also offices in our fire proof building, with trackage at the door. Call Pacific Storage & Delivery Company 312 East Madison Street WE CALL FOR TOCR OLD CARPETS, Ragi and Woolen Clethlng. FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Out Promptly. Kk It uk Woven AH Slsea. Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned, Laid and Re fitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO. lfS East 8th St. Phone Ennt 35MO. BRUCE GODDARD WISHES YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR A Lrr Share In the Certain Prosper. ity That 102O Is Sure to Bring. I buy and sell everything: Hotels, rooming-houses, grocery stores, res taurants, ga,ragee. cafeterias, automo biles, houses, lots, farms, bonds, se curities. I appraise properties, care for estates, expert advice In commer cial law given. You'll alwavs get a square deal when yoi deal with thn old reliable. J. BRUCE liODOARI), SOl-2 Couch Bids;.. Portland's Leading Broker. Portland Rug- Company HAM TACTL KF.KS Of FLUFF RUGS "-THERE'S A DIrrKKtC." WI VVKAVK ALL SIZES IN BOTH FLUFF AMD KAU RUGS. Let Cs Call for Your Old Caroeta. Work Will Be Returned "Premotly? Mall Orders Given Prompt Attention. UK CLEAN CAKPETB. Portland Rug Company 187C East Seventeenth Street. rnone a r.ttner acute or 11 STORAGE SPACE Investigate Onr Plant and Rate. Why Assume Expensive Leases Under Present High Costs? CLAY S. MORSE, INC. Drnyngn and Storage. 12th and Gllann. Phone Bdwy. 8470. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, PORTA" BLE AND STATIONARY, ALL, MAKES SERVICa FILM . BUPPLY CO.. Sit OAK 8T.