FORD COMMERCIAL BODIES Complete Line of Henney and Bamett Hercules Commercial Bodies for T Chassis and One Ton Trucks No. 415 for Ford One Ton No. 410 for Ford One Ton No 405 for Ford One Tor -No 401 f orJFord OneJToit 4 Our New Home Now Under Construction at Grand Avenue and Hawthorne No. 22S for Model T Chassis Immediate delivery. We can have you. on the road in a few hours. Write for catalogue and prices. No. 200 for Model T Chassis QHfl No. 220 for T Chassis No. 260 for T Chassis n No. 225 for T Chassis Francis Motor Car Company Wholesale and Retail East Thirteenth and Hawthorne Avenue V t Ltt- f- f . . i .1 aVT t vr - St One of Marion County's Fleet of 5 GMC Truck Investigate G M G Service You will find GMC Dealers and GMC Service Stations in all large towns of the State of Oregon. We carry an almost unlimited stock of parts in order that GMC Trucks may give uninterrupted service. We are in a position to make immediate delivery on all models of GMC Trucks 34 1, V2, 2, 5-ton capacity, including pneumatic tired GMC's up to 5-ton capacity. Buying a GMC is buying service. WENTWORTH & IRWIN, Inc., 200 Second Street, Comer Taylor Perfection Asbestos Protected Tires THE ACME OF PERFECTION f rJ' i I ji III t c5"f wl 1 1 ' j ' j-r- f .1 : L i K:. ! : f J If1 J I f l fi r P E R F E C T I O N Sold on a Real Mileage Guarantee of. 8000 Miles on All Non-Skids 6000 Miles on All Ribk'd ERFECTION ASBESTOS PROTECTED TIRES have everything that other high-grade tires have in their construction and in addition thereto have an e x t r a p 1 y of the strongest Sea Island, fabric, also an AibLS 1 U5 tSKrAKER STRIP of our own weaving. VERY TIRE is built by the careful HAND-MADE process, by expert f;. u.,:Uo 3 i -j : .it.. it uuuutis, uuuci uic must iJgiu inspecuon at an nines. UBBER TREAD has a tougher wearing, road-resisting quality than com- moniy used, due to the tact that our exclusive open weave ASBESTOS BREAKER STRIP protecting the fabric, enables us to subject the tires, in the curing process, to the degree of heat necessary for a thorough cure. AMOUS for their mileage, and FULLY GUARANTEED by one of me worm s largest organizations IN.MUUK5 1KADING CORPO RATION. New York City. LIMINATES tread separation. More than ninety per cent of tire troubles are caused oy loose treads which eventually spells blowouts. The ASBESTOS BREAKER STRIP prevents this and the cotton fabric is unaffected by moisture, acids pr grease, and particularly by heat generated from road friction. ANDIDLY speaking, we do not see how it is possible to build better tires or give Deuer value tor the money. fc.very ounce of material entering into the construction of PERFECTION TIRES, from the tread rubber down to the bead stock, is of the best quality the market affords. ,0 PROVE the economy in buying PERFECTION TIRES figure actual Fi uuc nunarea miies and you win readily see that rJtHr C.CTION TIRES cost no more than other high-grade tires and in the majority of instances much less. TiREiPUIRES sixty Pounds to 1116 inch to separate the tread rubber from uie ljdu i kjz dKLAKLK 1 Klr and fifty-eight pounds to the SFDrtrVAxr fc ker "triP from Ae outcr f fabric on PERFECTION TIRES. This test proves, without doubt, that the union between tread and carcass on PERFECTION TIRES is fifty to one hundred per cent stronger than the best quality all-cotton fabric tires. UR TIRES are made by the PERFECTION TIRE & RUBBER CO. or ron madison. lowa. and Wabash. Ind., and are a proven success. I hey are properly balanced and resilient, yet tough enough to resist the wear of rough roads, built in every way for a career of wonderful service. Our red tubes are also unsurpassed. OW that we have told you about the PERFECTION ASBESTOS fKO I hjCTED TIRES, why not start the New Year right by trying say one tire and test it out with anv nthrr malro W- t l c:j -n . J w.w. uuxv, TfS bUilllUCUl jruu will not only be satisfied but more than pleased. AN ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION OPEN TO DEALERS PERFECTION TIRE CO., Inc. Distributors for Oregon Washington-Idaho Montana PHONE BDWY. 1641 72 SIXTH ST. PORTLAND, OREGON ' or 433 Stark St. BJni?. 3943 r see:it ' , ;; ' Custom Fashioned Bodies. Longer, Lower Body Sides. Warm, Rich, Non-Fading Colors. Nickel Trimming. Non-Rattling, Non-Squeaking. American Type Seating Capacity. Combined with the Famous Stephens Perfected Orerhead-Valve Engine that Burns All the Gas, No Matter What Grade, Without Lessened Performance. More Power Per Charge. More Miles Per Gallon. More Speed Per Hour. Longer Life Per Car. The Stephens Has Everything. HAMILTON MOTOR CO. Distributors ' i 5Q NORTH BROADWAY v- 102.0v