7 RESOLVE TODAY! That You Will Own a MACK TRUCK WHiNmmninHmitHiitttmmrmiNHtminmttroiiiiitHtirtmimttm MtumiuimummnuiiHimitmiiuiiiMMimiiuuiiHiHM - THE MOIiNIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1. 1920. THIS 'YEAR EXPERIENCE is the best teacher. You are wiser today than you were a year ago. Your judgment has improved. You may have had some experience as a motor truck owner. If your truck was any kind except a high-grade, thoroughly engineered, manufactured unit, you have learned that next time you should buy only the best That Means You Will Buy a MACK It is easy to say a truck is the best and with the MACK it is easy to prove. MACK proof is by performance. Performance counts. If you desire to learn what MACK performance means ask any MACK owner anywhere. WHAT ABOUT SERVICE-? . . The MACK truck has been established in Portland for eight years with . out a change. Service consists mainly in the truck owner being able to get what he needs when he needs it. We safeguard every MACK truck owner against liability of his truck being out of repair indefinitely by maintaining at all times a complete'stock of parts, immediately available. Eight years have proven our dependability ; the MACK truck proves it3 own dependability; therefore resolve today that you will own a MACK truck this year. Have You Attended the Truck Clinic? INTERNATIONAL-MACK CORPORATION Tenth and Davis Streets, Portland . D T7 AMONB "1 (FW Proved by Re-Orders The Diamond "T" Truck has an unusually high re-order record. Those con cerns who first tested Diamond "T" quality with small orders and are today using them in f lets would never have re-ordered unless Diamond "T" Trucks had been all they could expect Standardized Units y Originally selected as best in their lines rigorously tested under our stand ards of daily service and long life account for no Diamond "T" Truck having worn out under the hardest sort of mileage. Such Standardized Units as the following have remained permanent Diamond "T" equipment through performance alone. Continental Motor Smith Frame Brown-Lipe Clutch and Transmission Spicer Universal Joints Timken Axles Mather Springs Bosch Ignition No truck made contains better parts than these. Five Models, All Worm Driven 1-Ton, l-Ton, 2-Ton, 3Vfc-Ton, 5-Ton Capacity DIAMOND "T" TRUCK SALES AGENCY OF OREGON, Inc. IB OP a FIVE Velie Models are now available in the new style- a beautiful harmony of symmetrical, mirror-like planes. Closed cars cushioned in mohair velvet. Sport Model and Roadster have the snap and vim long: wanted in such body types. Touring; Car replete with new fea tures. Whatever your demand for family or individual use, you will find it in the New Velie Line. The new engine, which has made a sensation through out motordom, is built into all these cars. The engine that burns low-grade fuel perfectly reduces running, cost with silent, velvety power at all speeds. Big crankshaft held f irmly in four bearings bronze-backed bearings everywhere. D. C. Warren Motor Car Co DISTRIBUTORS 58-60 NORTH TWENTY-THIRD STREET BALLOU & WRIGHT PORTLAND SEATTLE SPOKANE Distributors of Automotive Equipment OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Racine Tires EXTRA TESTED Cord and fabric casings with treads for every need. Gray and red tubes. iinmiMnimnmiittnmmimuninRnitnHiuimiiutU"tf V L Cord The Lubricant That Resists Heat The life and action of your motor depend upon the lubricant after five .years of exhaustive tests we can recommend VeedoL Grades for all types of motors. ?C3J ft imtmnnmiuiiiio Fabric Distributors Indian, Pierce and Emblem Bicycles Bicycle and Motorcycle Supplies BALLOU & WRIGHT PORTLAND SEATTLE SPOKANE - Phone Broadway 476 89-91 N. Ninth St.