Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 01, 1920, New Year's Edition, Section 4, Page 2, Image 26

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uuuHHiinHitiiiiaiimiiuuHiiuuiiiiiiHinuiufiuiiiiiiuHnimiiiuiiiiiiiui WHWuiuuifHUMMHiiiiMinmiiiwiinuHwunnnfiMif
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Magnificent Touring Trip of 250 Miles Takes in Varying Scenery and Lures the Traveler Through Charming Stretches of Rugged Country, Into Primeval Forests and to Where One May Glimpse the Pacific Ocean I
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if par ttti'sr &
By L. H. Gresory
fjjivtied ffoff fleer Sfrelfz
woods at night, after a supper cooked turtiing up the valley of Gales creek, feet on each side of H, are not saved lowing: the beach but over a road that stream, here much more rapid than end of the hiifnw&.
fiugdy Loop
TOURIST who motors to Oregon over a campfire. to the town of the same name eight from destruction.
will not misa seeing: the Cplurn- ne trip may pe roaae in either or miles up tne stream. There it
bia river highway But having wo wa"s- One is to journey to As- plunges into the Coast range xnoun
seen that, he has just begun. Oregon
is verily a land of touring oppor-
parallela the coast several miles in-
.ur camp or firewood.
From Tillamook to Portland is &p-
toria over the lower Columbia river tains. " " through heavy timber mostly
highway, which is second in scenery Its great charm lies in the trees. hl tent lnoBt anywhere, and have wruce
ouiy 10 me upper nisnway, mougn 11 the way to Astoria, about 100 cola running war ana jjieuiy .
sotnWaremaedTunltrundr rL F" ttUrS e-od W The whole coun- roTTTZ? 2? 17 & Z
TJlf, iTZllrJ.Sr S L'ZlJZ''iJZ- one of beautiful ecenery. Not plunges immediateiy into the timber. . c. LUB
nvm -rv oyvuu - c v.. Along here
covered country to the tourist mul
Poor roads were largely respou
above, for several miles. There are 'the 'liiiaiuuuk country is one of
All alone: tills n lrn wav are laeai -v Miauiu.JB, wo muca vuutu lauuBunua oi piuces niouf nere maoe:. ine musi interesting Dari oe urecon. . ... . i nr ; i v j i
places for the camper. He can pitch fj" Seaside. This road, too, goes to order for the eummer camper. Tillamook cheese s famous, the ;ng- through the Grand Ronde Indian
The road emerges at length on Til- orana oeing Known an over me reservation, where General Philip H.
lamook bay. and follows the shore of United (States. sc,riyiu . nrw.a cinn- hona
It leaves the Seaside-Cannon beach the bay to the city of Tillamook, cen- This Portland-Astoria-Seaside-Til- to Sheridan and McMinnvllle'. In the
famous Tillamook dairy mook loop le one that can be made in rich agricultural and orchard coun
try, two davs. but the motorist who real- Irv of the Yamhill vallev. and to
There is now a first-clas all-year iy would enjoy hje outing had better 1'ortland over the west side highway.
to Port-
Tnlont hlo'kurair anH CAriitin V -r a n v
sible for that. But th era of poor f iTL n ur
route by driving to Astoria over the Wltn lon vistas of river gorge or r ZnZi rn H to IK. " . proauctlon aivision ot tne roaa from TiUamoolc to Portland. Jn pian to take three or four day. or The drive from Sheridan
wteu iwuui4iiia. j. ma i mo quioi .;-i s-i ""' v wfivoi lunuvi mi i u.u iiuyeo- even a wcck to it. mere is muca ta iana its tnrouen a truly beauurul
an in w h r nnvn rt cat Ainr iipo
1913...J4. 662,881
roadfi has passed in Oregon, giving The Columbia river highway has f"KUU
way to one ot broad, paved highways, the present advantage of being an s
The roadbuilding programme is not all-year road, which the Inland high-
yet completed, to be sure, but it has way as yet is not. Of the 106 miles
a $20,0OU,00O start already, with much' to Astoria over the Columbia highway
more to follow. And now that the B a-re now paved and the remainder
paved highways have come and are will be hard-surfaced this coming
extendine from end to end and from spring and summer. The Inland high-
side to side of this state, Oregon can W is 120 to 125 miles long, and
no more hide the light of its scenic mostly good gravel road, though not
attractions under the old bushel bas- paved.
ket of isolation than can the United The two are vastly different. All
States revert to a policy of keeping the way around the loop the scenery
to itself. . is so varied as never to tire one. The and restful urenerv rt fnrl an yu.-rs nvor a hin.iimhraii nu
1906...J 510.000
1907.'. 807.000
1908... 1,031,000
1909... 2,432.000
1910... 4.400.000
1911.., 7,398,505
1912 4.30U.449
1914... 1,600.596
1915... 928,086
Gearbart. adjoining it, are seaside - irr,
resorts where many oregonians ana Every foot of the war to Tillamook state hava lust comoleted a macadam
increasing numbers of tourists spend u interesting. About SO miles from highway which will eventually be
their summer vacations. Seaside the road enters the lower paved. There are many miles of hard
Oppos. the beach at Seaside is the Nehalem valley and follow that surface pavoment on the Tillamook
ble through the Grand Ronde Indian ee. and no landlords to charge rent farm country of rolline- hills.
reservation, out tne government ana
familiar from thousands of picture
postcards, a lonely light on a rock
a mile out to sea.
From Seaside it is an easy drive
of 10 miles to Cannon Beach, one of
the fineet beaches in Oregon. The
road does not follow the shore to
Cannon beach, but swings in many
"Doctor Spark", Says:
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any time at
Gibson Storage Battery Company
12th and Alder Streets
Distributors for VESTA and EDISON Storage Batteries.
There are few Oregonians, even, lower Columbia river highway fol- wooded hills, of great trees, fir. cedar tain ridge. It is a picturesque drive,
who begin to realize the scenic and lows the Willamette and Columbia and spruce, towering by the roadside: and once at Cannon Beach, the mo
playground resources of their state rivers. It traverses now a rich farm- of silent places deep in the woods; of torlst can drive for miles up the
the vastness of its forests, its in- ins- country, now swings up a cliff green meadows along a elowly-mov- shore at the right stage of the tide
numerable fishing streams, its snow to a grand vista of the great Colum- ing stream, the Nehalem, in its fer- on firm, hard sand. Cannon beach,
peaks and wooded mountains, its sea bia, here vastly broader than above, tile valley, one of the important with its huge Haystack rock. Jockey
beaches, all forming an Immense nat- Now it turns inland and for many dairying district of Oregon. Cap, and other rocks and reefs ris
ural playground for the people. The miles passes through a logged-off Everywhere the great woods. Trees ing from the breakers along the
population of little, old New York country from which the glory of the of great height and huge girth. e- coast line, is most scenic. -could
camp out for the summer In one trees has departed. A drive through rene in the majesty of their hun- There is a variation of the Port
small corner of the great Oregon a wilderness like this of stumps and drede of years. The logger is in- land-Astoria loop tour worth the mo
playground and feel little and old and whitened snags is not ordinarily vading this country, but he has not torist's while to take 4f he has time
lonesome, indeed. scenic Yet this is the exception to yet ruined it. It will be a crime in- to .spare. This Is the loop tour from
It is hard for the visitor from the the rule. The highway here follows deea jf the trees along this beauU- Portland to Astoria. Seaside and
east to realise how very close he is a rushing stream, along whose can- ful road- at least for a few hundred thence south down the coast, not fol-
to the wiids, even in Portland. Let yon it winds and curves, sometimes , , . . Ti1j .
mm oui witn me tamiiy Dy motor iar up tne siae or tne gorge. A lone
car and see for himself. Having ly drive through this, especially in
viewed the grandeurs of the upper the night, with the white snags like
Columbia river highway, there Is an- the ghost9 of slain trees,
other tour he should make without On goes the highway, the scenery
fail. This 13 the loop tour from Port- ever changing, logged-off country
land te Astoria and return, going by giving way to stands of timber and
one route and returning by another, the road much of the time following
with a side trip from Astoria on to lhe river. It reaches its scenic cli
the sea. max rn the ascent of the Bugby loops
This loop tour covers approximately to Clatsop Crest, 700 feet above the
250 miles. The side trip to the beach broad Columbia. From thia point, 25
at Seaside and return to Astoria adds miles from Astoria, the traveler has
another 36 miles. The loop can be a view for many miles of the great
made in a day by hard driving, but river,
that is not the way to travel it. To The Inland highway Is reached
appreciate it at its fullest the motor- from Portland by way of the new
1st should take camping equipment paved highway to Hillsboro, thence
along and pitch his tent in the deep by good road to Forest Grove, there
4 and 6-ton
63 N." Twenty-third
Automobile ' Supplies
Vulcan Springs
Specialties for Fords
65-67 Sixth Street Portland, Or.
Established 1909
Vacuum Cup Cord Tires
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Have you Heard about tlie
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Phone C 1943