- ' s ' -".-' ' IT THE MOKXIXG OREGONIAX, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1919. APPLE SALES LIGHT I India- 5,4ei.OOo( Total 318.95S.U00 223.975.000 AT SKIPPING POINTS Business Is Too Small to Es tablish Values. JOBBING MARKETS STEADY Oregon Jonathans and Wtnoaapn Quoted at $4 at I -i tjhmjI . Barreled Stock Holds. Ylflible Wheat Supply Decreaaefl. The American visible wheat supply com pares as follows: Bushels. Dec. 2. 1H19 77.708,000 Dec. 30. 1918 117.225,000 Dec. 31. 1917 18.9:;4.000 Jan. 2. 101ft 59.534.000 Jan. 3, 1915 67,321.000 Decrease. 4, .(. OOO 3.422.000 SK4.01H) 2. 506.0O0 5,483.000 Increase. The corn visible Is 1,595.000 bushels, a decrease of 579,000 bushels. The oats visi ble la 13.478,000 bushels, a decrease of 826,000 bushels. The rye visible decreased 222.000 bushels and the barley visible increased 104.000 bushels. Bunk 1 carina. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Po rt is n 6 $5. iWirt. 676 $ 1 . 7 2i, s .'.2 Seattle 6,545.000 1,786,011 Tacoma : . . 610,289 33.443 .Spokane 2.354,594 847,831 m In the local apple market there is a moderate call for medium priced fruit, but the demand for h igh grade apple continues limited. Prices are holding steady. Rome Beautye are quoted at $3 for fancy and 93.25 for extra fancy. New towns are held at 12. 25 3, according to grade: pltxenbergs at $2,501? cook ing Ortlej-s at $1.50 and other common grades at 91.25 t. 70. Shipments of Oregon apples reported at the close of the week were 29 boxes. At the New York auction, 750 boxes of Oregon Spl tsen bergs wer sold at $1 .90(3 2.10, an average of 91.95, the grades not separated. There Is but little business passing in the shipping sections, sales being too few to establish prices. Northwestern extra fancy Wlnesaps went at $2,201 2. 6.". at auction at New Tork, and extra fancy Jonathans brought $2.75 3.25 in east ern jobbing markets. Shipments of boxed apples in th past week wf re 323 cars, "Washington leading with 171 cars. The barreled apple markets were also quiet and fairly steady. Eastern Bald wins. A21. ranged '$7&7.50 per bar rel for best lots In pastern markets and 8&9 in middle western cities. Con siderable stock of Inferior color ranged 95.505 6.50 and some partly frozen as low as 95. New York Greenings, A grade 2l-lnch, continued steady at 9849.50 jobbing range for best stock, and middle western Ben Davis were also steady at $7?7.50 in the middle west. Southeastern York Imperials weakened slightly, rang ing $7.258.50 for A 2 W -inch. Middle western Jonathans were firm at $910 in Chicago. Shipments of barreled apples for the week were 282 cars. Northwestern storages on December 1 held 1.527,306 boxes. I Aver pool advices of December 12 quoted extra fancy Oregon Jonathans and Wlnesaps at 94 per box. Washington Jonathans were quoted at the same price at Glasgow. The Nova Scotia apple crop is estimated at 1,500.000 barrels against 825.000 last yesr and 700.000 barrels two years ago. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed. Etc. Merchants Exchange, non session: STOCKS HAVE SETBACK - FLURRY IX CALL AND TIMK MOSEY IW.SETTLES MARKET. Oats Xo. 3 white 1 Barley Standard feed Xo. 3 blue . . . . Ka.tern oat I Oats 38-lb. clipped . US-lb. clipped . Corn Xo. 3 yellow . . Barley No. 2 Bid rec. Jan. Feb. . -(KJ. 50 $04.00 $64.25 . . 7.1.O0 73.00 73.50 . . 73.50 73.50 73.50 corn in bulk: . . 60.50 G1.00 61.50 . . BO. 75 61.00 61.50 . . 57.50 57. OO 57.50 . . 71.00 71.50 72.00 per v ticAi uovernment basis. $2 0 bushel. " FI-OLR -Patents, bakers' hard wheat $12.11..; whole wheat. $11.25; gra ham, $11; valley. $11; straights, $10.70 per barrel. - MILLFBBD Prices f. o. b. mill, city cartage $2 extra. Hill run, car lota or mined cars. $46 ton; rolled barley, $77; rolled oats. $65.50: ground barley, $77; scratch feed. $80. CORN Whole. $74: cracked. $76. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa. $31.50: chtat. $20; clover, $25; oat, and vetch. $25; valley timothy, $26928. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extra. 60c per lb., prime first, 65c; prints, parchment wrap pers, box lots, 70c; cartons, 71c; half boxes, tc more; less than half boxes, lc more; butterfat, Xo. 1, 71 & 72c per pound CHEESE Tillamook, f. jo. b. Tillamook; Triplets. 32c; Young Americas, 33c; long horns, 33c. Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myr tle Point: Triplets, 31c; Young Americas. 32Vc EGGS Jobbing prices to retailers: Ore gon ranch, candled, 5Sfo00c: selects. 65c. POULTRY Hens. 28 0 33c: springs. 28c; ducks. 35040c; geese, 20ig25c; tur keys, live, 35c; dressed, choice, 45(&47c. V xAL Fancy, 25c per pound. ' PORK Fancy, 20c per pound. Many Recent Gains Are Wiped Out. Further Advances In Interest and Discount Rates Predicted. NEW YORK, Dec. 29. With call money jumping from 12 to 25 per cent and back to 15 per cent and S to per cent bid for short time loans, the stock market to day experienced another general setback In which many recent gains were wholly extinguished. The stlffer money tendencies occasioned little surprise despite last Saturday's fav orable bank statement. It was as generally anticipated that local and interior banks would find It necessary to strengthen their reserves to meet January interest and divi dend payments. In conservative financial circles it was freely predicted that the early weeks of the new year would witness further ad vances in Interest and discount rates with attendant stiffening of quotations for com mercial paper. Other developments which gave momen tum to the day's extreme declines of two to six points included the publication of numerous unfavorable statements of rail roads for November and further unstable conditions in foreign exchange. Incident ally the Bank or England's weekly state ment revealed a heavy decrease in liabil ity reserves and the American dollar went to a higher premium in Paris. Metal shares were relatively strong with a few specialties, notably American Wool en, the entire list rallying Irregularly In the final dealings when shorts covered hur riedly in United States Steel and a raw other leaders. Sales amounted to 1,225,000 shares. Bonds were hesitant on the changes shown by speculative rails, liberty and International Issues also Inclining slightly downward. Total sales, par value. $33. 250.000. Old United States bonds un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. (closing Al l. FEED GRAIN BIDS ARE HIGHER Local .Markel Advances 25 Cents to si With Eastern Strength. The local grain market responded to ad vances In other markets and bids were higher all around at the Merchants Ex change. One hundred tons of 38-pound December clipped oats were sold at $61, or 50 cents over Saturday's bid. Sacked oats were up 25.050 cents add December and January corn were 50 cents higher. Bsrley bids ranged from 50 cents to $1 ver Saturday. At San Francisco May barley sold at $3.71 fci as against $3.67 at the close of last week, but Chicago barley options closed 1 0 8 cents lower at $1.5 for December and $1.40li for May. Weather conditions In the middle west, al. wired from Chicago: "Northwest cloudy, 28 to 48. Canadian northwest cloudy, 24 to 34. West generally cloudy. 24 to SO; southwest clear. 28 to 38; Ohio valley cloudy. 14 to 20." Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Portland. Mon 24 34 1 8 Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges. $4.256: lemons, $5. 50 'if 6.50 per box; grape fruit, $4.50't 11.25 box; bananas, lOrfrllc per pound; apples, $1.25413.25 box; grapes. 15c pound: pears, $1.50'tt-2.50 per box; cranberries. $5.25 per box, $17 & 17.50 per barrel. VEGETABLES abbage. 5'4tfl'6c per pound; lettuce, $4.25 per crate; beets, $3.B04 per sack; cucumbers, $202.23 dozen; carrots, $2.50 per sack; celery, $80 8.75 per crate; peppers, 20c per pound; horseradish. 15c per pound; garlic, 40c per pound; turnips, $3.50Ci4 per sack; cauli flower, s2tx9fr.7o per crate. POTATOES Oregon,' $3.75 IB 4.50 per sack: sweet, 6 'z (it 7 r c per pound. ONIONS Oregon. 508UC per pound. Salsa. High. Am Beet Sugar UN 04 Am Can 4.700 54 7i Am Car & Fdy 3.000 141 H Am HAL pfd 2.100 121 Am Loco .... 11,200 102 Am Stg & Rfg 14.70O 70i Am Sug Rfg.. 400 138t Am Suma Tob 2.500 97 V, Am Tel & Tel 7.O00 06 V Am 7., L & 6.. 2.6O0 1714 Anaconda Cop 10.5OO 62ii Atchison 11.30O 831. At. G W I 8 11.000 1741, Baldwin Lop. 17.200 11314 B A 0 15.700 321 Beth Steel "B" 10.500 961, B & Sup Cop. 2.1O0 26 Cal Pet 1.400 44 Cun Pacific... 3.1O0 131 It I'en Leather. . 7.200 09, Ches & Ohio 4.400 56 C, M St P.. 11.600 3714 C N W 5.600 8614 C. R I & P. . . . 1.1O0 26I Chlno Copper. 4.70O 3814 Colo F & Iron l.OOO 4114 Corn Pdts ... 8.900 86 '4 v.rucinie wteel tt.NOO 217 t uba cane Sgr U B Fd Pdts. . Dlst Sea Corp. Erie ,. Gen Electric. . CORN UP WITH RUSH MARKET STIMULATED l!V RISE IK CANADIAN WHEAT, Year ago 88 Sea n to date. .(.! Year ago..?.. 5090 Taooino. Sat. 16 Year ago 41 aea'n to dale. 3724 Year ago 3S60 Seattle. Sat. 1 Year ago Sea'n to date. 3561 Year ago 40'.4 180 61 19 174 4S 34 15 L'L'sn 14S8 (17 S70 35 1 550 1 'l23 122 136 455 941 2003 1 900 1 761 1904 LOCAL POTATO MARKET WEAKER Few Cars Are Going South Idaho Dealers Speculating. A few carloads of Oregon potatoes arc going to San Francisco and Stockton. The local market is better supplied and the feeling is weaker. Frost-free Burbatiks are selling mostly al $44.25. Two cars of Washington potatoes arrived yesterday. Idaho Falls. Idaho, wired: "Practically ne hauling. Detnand active, prices advancing. Market excited. Dealers speculating. Wagonloada. cash to grocers. Rurals, most ly $3.25:- Russets, $3.5003.65, mostly $3.60. Carloads, I. o. b. cash track. Rus sets, $3. 75 & 3. 85; mostly $3.75." TURKEYS TAKEN FOR NEW YEAR'S No. 1 Stock Mores at 45 to 4. t ents Eggs Cleaning" Vp. There was a fair Inquiry yesterday for dressed turkeys for the New Year's trade and several good sized lots cleaned up at 45 to 47 cents. Dresseo geese sold at 36 cents. Live poultry receipts were small 'and prices were unchanged. Dressed ratals continued weak. There was a firm feoling in the egg mar ket with light receipts and some outside demand. Most of the local, accumulation has been worked off. The cash buy.ng price to shippers was 55 cents and Jobbers offered candled ranch at 58060c. Butter was steady with sales of cube ex tras at 66 cents. Provisions Are Bulllslily Affected by Same Action Independent Strength Displayed by Oats. CHICAGO, Dec. 29. Corn prices went up with a rush today, stimulated by notice that quotations on wheat in Canada had been suddenly elevated 50 cents a bushel. The close here In the corn market was firm. ISc to 3c net higher, with Jan uary to $1.31 and May $1,294, to $1.29?.. Oats gained P.r to 2Se. In provisions the outcome varied from 22c decline to 40c advance. For a brief time before it was gener slly known that the Canadian government had given a big lift to wheat values, the corn market here was Inclined to sag During the rest of the day, however, ex cept shortly afiermldday, the bulls were in control. Oats displayed independent strength. Provisions, as well as grain, were bull Ishly affected by the hoisting of Canadian prices of wheat. Leading features rsnged as follows: en Mtors . . . K.l Gt NdT nfd . . 12.31 lit No Ore ctfs 111 Central . .. Insp Copper. . Int Mer M pfd In ter Nickel . . Inter Paper. .. Kan City Sou . Kenn Copper. L & Nash . . . Mex Pet Miami Copper. CORN. Open. High. Low. Close. Dec ....$1.3S, $1.88 $1.S34 $1373. Jan 1.276 1.81 1.27', 1.301, May 1.27V 1.29 T, 1.27'i 1 29. OATS. May 804 .82 .8614 .82", July 74 .764 .74", .76 .MESS PORK. 'jnn 37.25 37 35 37.15 37 15 May ...35.00 36.50 35.75 36.40 LARD. Jain 21.30 '23.45 23.10 23.22 May 24.10 24.42 24.05 24.22 SHORT RIBS. Jan 18.50 18.77 18.50 18.70 May ....19.30 19.45 19 05 19.S2 5.6O0 1.1O0 4.70O 1 .000 6.91H) 6.80O 7.7O0 800 600 7, COO iri 8.100 no .800 1.70O 1O.400 3.200 12.600 2. SOU 1.100 18.300 600 12.700 3.8O0 Mldvale Steel. 13.0OO Missouri Pac. 4.SOO Mont Power. . 800 Nev Copper. . 2.9O0 N" Y Central .. 7.800 N Y. X H H 6.100 Nor It Westrn 4.800 Nor Psc 10.900 Pac Mail oon Pin-Am Pet.. 11.800 Pennsylvania . 16,000 Pitts W Va 2.600 Plttaburg Coal Too Ray Con Cop. 3.40O Reading 7.10O Rep I Tteel 40.6OO Shat Ariz Cop 1.500 Sin Oil & Rfg 4O.200 Sou Pac 17,100 Ptudebkr Corp 47.O0O Texas Co 7.300 Tobacco Pdts. 5.100 Union Pac... 7.700 l'n Retail Strs 14.40O U S Ind Ale. . 5 0OO U S Steel. . . . 56.40O U S Steel pfd. Utah Cop West Union . . Westing Elec. Willys-Over Nat Lead . . . . O Cities Gas. R Dutch N Y. 13 78 39 8614 60 109'4 24 4 76, 15 29 4 1 10'4 218 2414 51 Low. 91 .-.::- 139 116 99 4 691, 137 9514 95 K lf.i. 6074 82 172 11014 31 9314 25 42 74, 13014 9714 54 44 35 T4 85 1. 26 4 37 i 401, 84 14 211 50 J. 761, 761, 12i, 1 332 -76 38 86 14 58 14 107' 23 14 74 H 15 SS 109", 210i 22 491,4 Bid. 91 5314 1 311 . 11914 100 694 137 9514 96 164 61 4 98 19214 11014 3114 9514 26 43 1304 97 '4 354 37 83 V. 264 88 41 84H 21414 51 7614 7614 1314 161114 336 H 761, 3814 864 59 107;. 24 U 75 15 29 1094 21014 23 X. Diversify Your Investments As to Maturity How to "catch the market" to best advantage has .always been a problem confront ing investors. Our experience in investments prompts us to advise a happy medium or average between short-term and long-term obligations. By placing his funds in short-time securities the investor may profit by the present rates of interest and look forward to a time in the near future when he may also be able to reinvest on favorable terms. On the other hand, investment in long-time secur ities offers the prospect of a material increase in the market value of bonds. The safest course is to strike an average on maturities and yield, by purchasing some short-term, some long-term securities and some that run for an intermediate length of time. Investment suggestions diversified as to maturity : , Price to Security Maturity Yield Maxwell Motor Company Notes 90 days from 6.00 (Agreement stipulates quick assets cannot go below 1 times date current liabilities ; Company has no funded debt.) City of Klamath Falls, Oregon 6s December 1, 5.125 (Klamath Falls ranks eighth among the cities of Oregon in any year from 5.25 bank deposits.) 1920-1929 Brazilian Traction Light & Power Co. 6s 1922 7.00 (Notes secured by pledged collateral ; Company has excellent record of earnings.) Province of Ontario, Canada, 5y2 s 1929 6.20 (Debt of Canada's wealthiest and most populous province.) Greybull, Wyoming, General 5s 1949 5.35 , (For every dollar of net debt there is $333 of estimated value.) (Opt. 1934) Ask for our circular on diversified investments. Sar Francisco 20H 25 14 25 1. 6014 5914 60 154 14"4 15 68-4 6R 68 27 26 26 974 9314 95 '4 80 79U 79, 3714 36 3714 101 994 100 404 40 40 29 27U 27 4 62 62 62 214 21 214 764 75H 76 118 1144 115 13 12 18 3S 424' 42 4 1034 1914 1021, 108 105 10614 226 220 223 93 H 9114 92 V4 1221, 1214 1 22 1- 92 904 1104 109 109; IO6I4 104-4 1054 115S 113 1134 76ij 75 7514 871, S7i. 8714 54 14 63 , 54 284 274 28 S014 got, rov; 471, 4i 464 100 '4 98 14 9814 Bords -Trus s- Acceptances Capiial Surplus $600,000 lumbermen! Bld. Porlrd, Oreqorx. Under supervision banking department State of Oregon. tiftnpt from all French Government Taxation. Bordeaux, Lyons and Marseilles DENOMINATIONS: $100, $500, $1000 Dne November I. 1934. We own and offer the followlne; bonds of the three French cities and recom mena intra as very uesirable investment securities: Amount. Rate. Maturity. 49.00O Bordeaux. City of. France , 6 MAN 1934 S8.0OO Lyons. City of. France MAN 1984 43 000 Marseilles. City of. Franca UnN 19S4 Rrice. J92 5i 92. 50 2.50 PRICE: TO YIELD 6.80 c-r LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS If you must eell your liberty or victory bonds, sell to ua. If you can buy more liberty or victory bonds, buy from ua. On December 29. 1919. the cloalnE New York market prices were as given below. They are the coverninr price for liberty and victory bonds all over the world, and the hl8he."t. We advertiae these prices daily in order that you may always know the New Tork market and the exact value of your liberty and victory bonds: 1st 1st 2d 1st 2d 3d 4th Victory - 34a 4a. 4a 414 44a. 4 14 s. 4.s. 34s. 44s. Market ...190.54 9S. 29 $91.70 $93 36 $91.rtO $94.32 $91.64 $9W.20 $99.20 Interest ... .15 .17 .50 .18 1.24 8 .16 .20 Total . $99.69 $93. ST $92.20 $93.54 $92.13 $95.30 $92.43 $99.36 $99 4rt When buylna we deduct SOc on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $10OO bond. We sell .it the Now Tork market, plus the accrued interest. Burglar and Fire-proof Hafe Deposit Boxes for Bent Open until 8 P. M. on Saturdays. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Tbe Premier Municipal Bond Rouse Capital One Million Dollars. Morris Moil. line. 309-11 Stark Street. Bet. Fifth and Sixth. TEIXPHON K : BROADlV.lV 2151. Ksrabllshed Over a Quarter Century. $66,665 Vancouver, B. C. Short Term Bonds to yield 7 DATED March 2, 1914 DUE December 15, 1923 hogs mm PRTEfl BUTEBS PAY S 15.25 FOR BEST OFFERINGS AT YARDS. 5.700 8.20O IOO 3.30O 14.800 SOO 13,400 4. too BONDS .99.52 A T T rv 6 .93.20'Atch Ken 4s .91. 70 D ft R O ref 5s 9.!.3-6iN T C deb 6s. lo 2cl H.s. . .91.621N P 4s . ilo 3d 4 Us . . . 94.38' N P Ss .91.84 Pac T ft T 5s. .99.22 Pa con 4i,s... .99.30 8 P ev 5s 100 8o Rv 5s 100 m p The day's sales Wt. Price 14(1 13.50 433 8.50 1 1.50 9.00 12.50 9.50 6.00 7.00 5 50 7 25 D S Lib 314S. do 1st 4s . . do 2d 4, do 1st 414 s do 4th 4is. Victory 34s . do 4 4s D S ref 2s reg no coupon Cash prices were as follows: Corn No. 2 mixed, not quoted: No. 3 mixed, new, $1.3614 ; No. 2 yellow, old, $L4S0)L44. Oats No. 2 white, 8385; No. 3 white. 820834. Rye No. 2. $1.7801.7914. Barley $1.38 1.56. Timothy seed $9 12. Clover seed $30 48. Pork -Nominal. Lard $23. 12 & 23. 22. Ribs $1H19. World's Wheat Shipments Lighter. World's wheat shipments in the past and former weeks were: Week Week Week ending Dec. 27 1'. S. Can 4,232,000 Argentina ...2,778.000 Australia .... 752,000 ending ending Dec. 20 Dec. 28, '18 5,524,090 9,175,000 4,411,000 499,000 1.580.000 690.O00 Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 20. Flour. 8-8s, $12.10. Grain Wrheat, $2.20: oats, red feed. $3.103.15; barley. feed. $3.37 14 3.45 ; corn. California white, nominal. Hay Wheat or wheat and oats., $23 27; tame oats, $25028; barley. $21024; alfalfa, $23028: barley straw. 50bOc bale. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 29. Barley, 1-52; flax, $4.604.65. Total .7.782.000 11,465.000 10.364,000 Shipments for the season to date com pare as lollows: Same Period. Total Since. July 1, '19. Last season U- S. and Canada. .177,563,000 145,237,000 Argentina 85.819, OOO 55,132.000 Australia . 55,570.000 18.125,000 .......... . . . . . . . . ...... w' E 8 cv Ss reg..-88i;c S Steel 5s. do coupon . ,SR Ane 'i-Fr 5s 1" S 4s reg "lOSiii do coupon ..105ii! Rfd. 99 . . 80 14 00, 79 i 354 8514 9014 102'. 871, 84 li 9614 95 S Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Dec. 29. Closing quotations. Alloues Ariz Com Calu ft Ariz . Calu Heel Centennial Cop Range . Kast Hutte Franklin . . . Isle Royalle Lake Copper Mohawk . . . 34 14 1 North Butte 15 Old Dom 65 Osceola 385 Qulncy 1414 Superior 47 Sup ft Boston... 3 414 Shannon 314 Utah Con 341, Winona 4 Wolverine 65 174 35 60 514 3 1 4 9 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK. Dee. 29. Bar silver, $1.31. Mexican dollars. (1.004. Mercantile paper. 6 per cent. Sterling, demand, $3.79; cables, S3. 80. Francs. demand. 10.70; cables, 10.68. Guilders, demand 3714: cables, 371j. Lire, demand. 13.15; cables, 13.12. Marks, de mand. 2.06: cables, 2.08. Times loans strong: 60 days, 90 days and six months. 8(0814 per cent. Call money strong. High, 25: low. 12; ruling rate. 12: closing bid, 20; offered at 20(4 : last loan, 20. LONDON, Dec. 29. Bar silver, 76i4d per ounce. Money, 34 per ce.it: discount rates, short bills and three-months bills, 54 per cent. san francisco' produce market Cattle Are Steady With Good Steers Going at $10 to $ 1 1.25. Day's Receipts Moderate. The over-Sunday run at the stockyards was 51 loads, only about half the usual supply. There was a good market through out the day. Hogs were firm and a quar ter higher, top grade selling at $15.25 with the bulk of sale, at that price. The cattle market was steady and $19 to $11.25 was paid for the best steers. Feeder sheep comprised most of the arrivals in that line. Receipts were S56 cattle. 176 calves. 1110 hogs and 1088 sheep were as follows: Wt. Price' 5 steers. 968 t 9.001 1 calf . . .. 36 steers. 1019 1 0.IK) 18 calves. 25 steers. 1058 1 1 OOI 9 calves. 24 steers. 1049 10.50' 8 calves. 25 steers. 1095 10.50 3 calves. 18 steers. 975 9.00 3 mixed. 2 steers. 855 9.0O, lbull... 2 steers. 970 7.0Oi lbull... 2 steers. 1255 '" lbull... 23 steers. 1087 10.56' lbull... 2 steers. 645 8. 00 2 balls. . ISsteers. 925 ft. 25 lbull... 8 steers. 763 10 00 lbull... 2 steers. 910 8.501 6 bulls.. 11 steers. 1060 10.25 ; 2bulls.. 3 steers. 960 9.00 85 hogs.. 101". 10.50 4 hogs. . 763 9.25; 7 hoga. . 1 090 1 1 .25' 52 fcngs . . 913 10.35181 hogs. . 768 8.501 4 hogs. . 8.50 02 hogs . . 8 501 3 hogs. . 9.30' 3 hogs. . 9.50' 8 hogs . . 8.50 4 hogs . . 8.00 68 hogs. . 0 50' 19 hogs . . 430 111.011 33 hogs 923 7.50 89 hogs. . 829 8.50 54 hogs.. 903 6.65' 4 hogs. . 1350 9.0O 23 hogs. . 950 6.25 8 hogs. . 1024 8.25' 9 hogs. . 1090 9.501 2 hogs. . 978 7.30: 6 hogs . . 1080 9. on-28 hogs. . 1074 6.0O135 hogs. . 840 8.50110 hogs. . 87T 6.50121 hogs. . 952 7.501 4 hogs. . 1713 9.50i 7 hogs. . 995 7.00 6 hogs. . 1015 8.80IS1 hogs. . 1 142 9.551 8 hogs. . 1110 8.00:11 hogs. . 990 lO.OOi 4 hogs. . 1250 9.50; 75 hogs. . reau of markets. 1 Hogs Receipts 13. OOO. steady to 10 cents lower. Top, $13.70: bulk. $13.30 13.50: heavy weight. $13.36 13 55: medium weight. $13.40013.70: light weight, $13.20013.73: light light, $1$ $13.25; heavy packing sows, smooth. $13.10 4t 13.35: packing sows, rough, (136 13.10; pigs, (lie 12.75. Cattle Receipt 11.000. killing classes 15 to 25 cents lower; feeders steady. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. $13.26 18.26; medium and good. $11.23016.26; common. (9.50 iQ 1 1 .25; light weight, good and choice. (1618.25; common and medium. $9 16. Butcher cat tle: Heifers, (6.75 18.25; cows, (6.50 IS: canners and cutters, ':..;:. veal calvea, light and handy weight, (13014.25: feeder steers, $7.25 13.25; atocker steers, (6.75 11.25. Sheep Receipts 14. OOO, lambs 25 cent lower; sheep and feeders steady. Iambs, 84 pounds down, ( 1 6.75 1 7.40: culls and common. (12 16.25; yearling wethers, (14.15813 75: ewes, medium and choice, $ 10.25: culls and common, $5.2509.25. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Dec. 29. Hogs Receipts 146. strong. Prime, $15.5010; medium to common. $14(g15; rough heavies, $13,500 14; pigs. $1314. Cattle Receipts 128, weak. Best steers. $11.50 12: medium to choice. $9.50(9 11: heifers. $8.759.50: common to good, $6 8.25: bulls. $6.508: calves. $715. Kansas City LWeatork Market. KANSAS CITT, Mo.. Dec. 29. Sheep Racetpts 10.000, steady to weak. Lambs. (lOflf 17.50; culls and common, (0.73 15.75: yearling wethers. $12.75016: ewea, $7,500 10.50; culls and commons. $47.25; breed ing ewes. $8 11.60; feeder lambs. $11.75 14.50. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Oa.. Dec. 29. Turpen tine, firm, $1.5014: sales, 300 barrels; re ceipts. 314 barrels: shipments, 304 bar rels; stock. 13.615 barrels. Rosin, firm: sales. 1008 barrels; re calpts. 1165 barrels; shipments. 1587 bar rels: stock, 53.748 barrels. Quote: B, D. SS, $10.40016.45: F, $16.4016.471: O. $16.401 10.30; H, $16.456 16.5214; I. $17. 0O 17.15; K, $18.4518.50; M. $19.00; N. $19.75: WG. $20.-25; WW. $21.25. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Dec. 29. Evaporated ap ples, quiet; western. 18024c: state. 20 22e. Prunes, firm: Callfornlaa. 1432c: Ore gons, 18 4425c. Peaches. firm; standard. 2S.W21HC. 343 273 570 480 16SO 960 1 340 1215 1610 1480 1480 128." 12 steers. 8 steers . 3 steers . 19 steers. 3 steers . 5 steers . 3 steers . 24 steers. 2T steers. 1 steer . . 1 steer. . 11 steers. 1 steer . . 3 steers . 1 steer . . 29 cows . . 1 cow . . . 4 cows. . 7 cows . . 1 cow. . . 6 cows . . 3'cows. . 5 cows . . 5 cows. . 14 cows. . 11 cows. . 3 cows . . 2 cows. . 2 cows. . 9 cows. . 6 cows . . 1 cow . . . 1 cow . . . 1 COST. . . 3 COWS. . 6 cows . . 2 cows. . 20 cows. . 2 cows . . 22 cows . . 13 cows . . 4 cows . . 2 oows. . 2 calves. 1 calf. . . 3 calves . 2 calves. 25 calves. K calves. 15 calves . 54 calves. 5 calves 924 996 938 1075 102O 1040 1070 common to good. $7-5009.50; cows and choice. 21 1-t?22i,-c: fancy, 2423e. 1390 10.00 5 hogs. Duluth Linseed Market. DULUTH, Dec. 29. Linseed. $4.65 0 4.68. Rally In Coffee Futures. NEW YORK. Dec. 29. The market for coffee futures was quiet and somewhat irregular today, but prices ruled generally hlgher' on scattered covering and a little buying by brokers with European and domestic trade connections. After opening unchanged to 7 points higher, prices eased slightly under realising or liquidation which may have been influenced bv the I advance in call money, but later rallied j with March selling at 14.97c and July at 15.80c, or 4 to 8 points net higher. The close was within a point or two of the best, showing a net gain of 3 to 18 points. December and January, 14.60c; March, 14.96c: May. 1511c; July. 15.29c: Septem ber. 15. 12c. Spot coffee, dull; Rio 7s. 15c; Santos 4s, 2414 (8 25c. FACTS JfO. 88V Look to the Future In building roads, the fact should be borne in mind that the country has 500.000 motor trucks and that the estimate for five years hence is 4,000, 000 or more. For roads that will stand the strain of every con dition there Is rrothing- equal to BITULITHIC WARRE.N BROS. COMPANY. Eastern Dairy Produce. XEW YORK, Dec. 29. Butter. firm: creamery higher than extras, 7114 72c; creamery extras (02 score), 71c; firsts, 61ir 61114 c. Kegs, unsettled: fresh-gsthereu extras, 7475c; extra firsts. 7273c: firsts, 70 71c. Cheese, steady: receipts. 590: state whole milk flats, current make specials, 3114 32c; auto, average run. juvataaic. CHICAGO. Dec. 29. Butler. lower; creamery. 54rtJc. Eggs, higher: receipts, IO86 cases; firsts. 68 w 60c; ordinary firsts. 5.11 62c; at mark cases Included. 6568c. Poultry, alive, higher; springs, 30c fowls. Sic: turkeys. 40c. Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE. Dec. 29. City delivery Feed mill. $49 per ton: scratch feed. $84: feed- wheat. $88; all grain chop. $76; oats. $69 fi'70; sprouting oats. (72: rolled oats. $72; whole corn. $75: cracked com, $77; rolled barley. $81: clipped barley. $85. Hay Eastern Washington timothy mixed. $38fli39 per ton; double compressed, 11918, 60d?65c: Pacific coast. (42: allalta. (35; straw, $17 18i i'ugellSOc: 1918. 601 65c. sound, $33. I Hides and wool, unchanged. Prices Current on Vegetables. Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 29. Butter. 66c. Eggs Fresh extras, 71V4c; extra pul lets. 571-C. Cheese Firsts nominal; Toung Amer icas, 37c. Poultry Hens. 3233c; young roosters. 3132c: old, 20c; Sryera. 34O30c: broilers. 38c; squabs. 6070o lb.: pigeons, $2,730 3.25 dozen: geese, 2830c; turkeys, 43 48c .extra fancy, 49 50c. Vegetables Eggplant. . 1 0c ; peppers. bell. 101214c; chile. 1015c; squash, cream. 90c$l. large lug: Hubbard. 214 Sc lb.: pumpkin. 2214c: summer squash. $1.25 1.75 lug; tomatoes, southern, (1 1.75; potatoes, rivers. 5 1 1 t cental: sweet. 414re lb.; onions, yellow and white. $4.255 4.50; Australian brown. $4.75 W5.25: cucumbers. II.50VT2 ua: srarllc. 2224c; beans, string. 151714c: llmas. 101oc; celery. "..-i"o.0; artichokes. No. 1. $1.50 dozen; turnips. $1.251.75: cauli flower, $1.251.50 dozen; lettuce. $2 2.25 crate; peas, small. 121401714c; sprouts. 89o. Fruit l.emnns. Mf.i: oranges. 44.75: grapefruit, $2.25.1.T6 box; bananas. G14 714c lb.; pineapples. $46 dozen: pears, cooking. $11.50 lug: apples, Newtown Pippins. $1.752.25; Oregon Spttzenberg. $2.503.25: pomegranates. 1.501.75 box; persimmons. $ 1 . 50 2 box; cranberries. $3.504 box. Receipts Flour. 14.400 quarters; barley, 7814 centals; wheat. 7500 centals: bean's. OOO sacks; potatoes. 1127 sacks: hay, 280 tons; hides. 352; wine. 32.490 gallons. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 28. Raw sugar, steady: centrifugal. 7. 28c; refined, steady; cut loaf. 10.60c: crushed. 10.25r; mould A. 9.50c: cubes. 9.75c ; XXXX powdered. 9.20c : standard powdered. 9.16c: fine granulated and diamond A, 9c: confectioners'. 8.90c; No. 1 soft sugar. 8.85c; all old-crop prices. 883 7.50 7 hogs 708 S.O01 9 hogs 989 nJESM 8 hogs. . . 976 9.00122 hogs. . . 975 8.O0 32 hogs. . . 980 8.00 25 hogs .. 875 8.00 6 hogs. . . 815 7.00 98 hogs. . . 1213 7.50116 hogs. . 490 8.501 3 hogs. . 120 14.00,18 lambs. 886 12.50 29 lambs. 185 14.001 S ewes. . 244 18.25i 2 ewes... 227 12.0O' 1 yearl . . 395 8.0OI 125 yearl. 284 11. 50 185 yearl . 0? HO 30234 vearl . Livestock prices at the local yards fol ,ow: , Cattle Price. n., teere $10.756 11.2 Good to choice steers 10.00 a 10.50 206 15.25 345 13.25 192 13.23 225 15.25 213 15.00 387 13.00 210 15.00 163 14.00 246 18.00 340 13.041 252 15.00 214 15 25 173 13.30 187 15.00 IOO 15.25 143 13.23 182 13.50 124 13.no 256 14.60 136 18.00 255 14.50 228 15.00 165 15.0O 219 15.00 392 13.00 283 14.00 232 14.50 218 15.00 274 1.1.00 165 15.00 296 13.O0 168 15.00 180 13.0O 240 15.00 262 13.00 162 15.O0 296 14.50 446 13.00 186 18 00 126 12.50 175 15.0O 181 15.25 106 11.511 230 15.00 173 14.00 69 12.25 82 12.25 184 7 00 103 3.00 120 10.5O 94 10.50 53 10.50 90 10.50 9.00 6 9.75 s ,10 .1 9 oil 7.00 8.00 9.OOO0.75 7.75 9.O0 5.75 4.75 5 26 3.23 H 4.25 6.00'a 8.00 12.50 14.O0 7.00 0 12.00 8.00 0 00 14.50 15.23 14.0O4i 14.50 1 2.00 & 18. OO 11.50 13.00 13.00G 13 50 11.30 12.60 10.50 1 LOO 10.00e11.00 9.0O ra. U.JVfl I v.oti vr : 6.00 7.00 Hops. Etc.. at New York. NEW YORK, Dec. 29. Hops, quiet; state, medium to choice. 1919. 7585c: 1919, 84 Medium to good steers. . Fair to good steers Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers.... Good to choice cow, heifers. Medium to good cows, heifers. Fair to medium cows, heirers. Canners Bulls Prime light calves Heavy calves Stockers and feeders Hogs Prime mixed Medium mixed Rough heavies Pigs Sheep Eastern lambs Light- valley lambs Heavy valley lambs , Feeder lambs Wethers Yearlings Ewes Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Dec. 29. Hogs Receipts 26, 000, active, 10 to 20 cents higher. Bulk, SI 3.90 14. 10; top. (14.20; heavy. (13 90 14.15: medium, (13.95 1 4.20 : light. (18.85 14.10: light light. (13.50 18.90: heavy packing sows, smooth, $1S.2513.7$; pack ing sows, rough, $12.30 13.25; pigs. (12.75 13.75. Cattle Receipts 28.000. unsettled. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. $18.7520: medium and good. $11 18.73: common, (8 75011: light weight, good and choice, $14 19.50; com mon and medium, $8014. Butcher cattle: Heifers. (6.400 14.75: cows. $6.25j' 13.50: canners and cutters, $5.2506.25; veal calves. $15.50 0 16 50: feeder steers, (7 12.25: stocker steers, (610.25. Sheep Receipts 32. OOO. firm. Lambs. (1618.50; medium and good. (1215.75: common. (12016.25; ewes, medium and good, $811; culls' and common. $4.50 8.25. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Dec. 29. t United States bu- Reduce Your Normal Credit Losses The primary function of the American's Unlimited Policy of Credit Insurance is to provide absolute protection against abnormal, unforeseen credit losses. But so thorough and complete is the service we render that very frequently a client's normal credit loss is reduced, and he is saved many times the moderate premium paid for the policy. If you are a manufacturer or wholesaler, we can tell you precisely the normal insol vency loss resulting from sales of any volume for your particular line of business. Surely it is to your every interest to get such valuable statistics. An inquiry will bring them to you without any obligation. AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. or NEW YORK E. M TREAT, prcsidcnt H. T. MACRILL, General Agent, Board of Trade BJdg. Portland, Oregon Phone Main 1179 Principal and interest coupons (June IS nd December 15) payable in New York without any deduction for Canadian taxes. These are old seasoned bonds the direct general tax lien t-pon all the taxable property of the City of Vancouver.. 412 bonds at 91.41 to yield 7 Wire orders collect Freeman Smith & Camp second floor orthwest ern bank buh-di Main 646 Wiun tea rsi sssiss Review Your Old Investments and Anticipate the New OREGON MUNICIPAL BONDS YIELDING ABOUT 6 FREE FROM INCOME TAXATION would make splendid securities in which to invest. Call Main 715 and we'll tell you about them. CLARK. KENDAil 6 CO. INC. Hs"" GOVERNMENT, CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL BONDS TO NET FROM 5 TO 7 PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. MUNICIPAL BONDS From the States of Ask for January Investment Offerings A wide range of securities. A wide range of maturities. A wide range of yields. A carefully selected and broadly diversified offering of securities giving much valuable information as to the various issues listed. Circular will be sent upon request for OR-017. The National City Company Correspondent Offices in More Than 50 Cities. Portland Yeon Building Telephone Main 6095. Bond Short Term Notes Preferred Stocks OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO To Net 4.90 to 6.50 Exempt From Present Income Tax F. L Pevereau SiQmpany MUNICIPAL BONDS B7 sixth Street Broadway 104 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building HALL & COMPANY BUT AND SKI;. Railroad Public Utility Industrial Municipal BONDS TIEIJ3INO 5 to 7 Foreign Government Loans Local Securities Preferred Stocks Lewis Bldg., Portland, Or. Wilson-Heilbronner Co. BROKERS RailTray Exchange. Direct Private Wire, to All Ex change.. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIX, COTTOX SERVICE, THATS ALL Telephones Main 283. Main 2S4 Correspondent. K. F. Hutton & Co.. New York: Clement Curtis & Co.. Chicago; Hayden Stone & Co., Boston. Investors read Tkc Wall Street Jfnnal