3 TILLAMOOK I. W. W. HELD PEACEFUL MEN FACTORY Shirt Sale Extraordinary! 5000SHIR TS-5000 Governor Gets Explanation of Light Sentences. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1919. SAMPLE SHOP 286 Morrison Street, Between Fourth and Fifth, Next to Corbett Building MEMBERSHIP CHARGED County Attorney Says in Xo In stance Was Advocacy ot Crime Shown at Trials. The opinion that men -who hold membership In the I. W. W. society may be found not guilty of advocating violence and crime according to the tenets of the society is expressed in a letter to Governor Ben W. Olcott from T. H. Goyne, district attorney of Tillamook county. The district attorney's letter was in answer to a request from the governor of a state ment relating to the sentences im posed upon I. "W". W. in the Tillamook county court recently. On December 8 six I. W. W. pleaded guilty to violation of the criminal syndicalism act before Judge Bagley at Tillamook. Three were sentenced to serve ten years In the penitentiary, but were paroled after two had paid ' fines of $100 each and the third a fine of $150. Two others were re leased after paying $100 apiece, and the sixth, fined $100, was paroled after promising to pay $250 at the rate of $25 a month and agreeing not to leave the county until the money is paid. The Tillamook court's disposition of the cases teemkngly failed to meet with approval, and a prominent fig ure in the American Legion called the attention of the matter to the gov ernor. The governor's request brought forth a statement from District Attor ney Goyne. Men Held Minlrd. "It was the universal opinion," stated District Attorney Goyne, "of all who had anything to do with those cases, after a careful investi gation, that the persons charged with a violation of the syndicalism and sa botage laws of Oregon, were, in near ly every Instance, Induced to Join this society without realizing that such society taught or advocated syndicalism or sabotage. They were a bunch of men who appeared to be no worse than the average man, and were merely joining the society be cause they were led to believe that It was going to be the means of bet tering their conditions, both as to wages and as to the surrounding circumstances; and, in no instance, so far as we were able to determine, unless it might be one or two ex ceptions, did the parties agree with any doctrines advocating violence, crime or destruction of property. The officers, including myself, of course, took careful means to Inquire dili gently into the character and beliefs of these men, and to find out how they came to join the society, and after a great deal of cross-examina tion, we concluded as above stated. A'iolence A'ot Advocated. "Tn all of the cases, we failed to find a single instance of where 'any of them in any wise advocated vio lence or crime, or the destruction of property for the purpose of accom plishing their political ends, or for profit, and. after much examination it was agreed by the officers and others, who were Instrumental in the prosecution, that, while these men be longed to a society which we all know as a matter of fact teaches and advocates criminal syndicalism and sabotage, it would have been a diffi cult matter to prove even that the society taught such things under the technical rule of the introduction of evidence, and as to the individuals themselves, tt would have been im possible to convict them of such ac tions and the only thing we could convict them of, if at all, was of be ing members of a society which taught and advocated such acts. "Yet. we all felt that as an ex ample they should receive some pun ishment, and they have all promised to renounce I. W. W.lsm, and have received the sentences' and been pa roled as set forth in the item. We all feel that more has been accom plished than if these men had been sent to the penitentiary, when, so far as we could discover, they were in duced to join this cociety without realizing the menace which it meant to our country, and without Intending In anywise to advocate what in the indictments we set out that the so ciety was guilty of teaching." Offered to Men on Friday and Saturday at an Economy Price! $3.50, $4 and $5 Shirts $2.95 Three for $8.50 THIS big lot of shirts was secured by our men's furnishings buyer on a recent trip to New York. Great concessions were made by the manufacturers in order to close out the lot. I propose to give my customers the benefit. All are first-class fabrics and patterns. The lot includes woven .color madrases, Anderson madrases, silk stripes and cords. These shirts are the kind that gentlemen like to wear. Thousands of Men Can Save Money by Buying Here Now Main Floor IBS enSellind r Morrison-Street at Fourth! 91 m Ha? 9m9bk - 9 sHsssBBsnssBaB tBSBSs .BscsaflSttsssiB Eg I L B&o Beware of imitators and imitation sample shops. Look for the Big Sign with the hand pointing at 286 Morrison street. FACTORY SAMPLE SHOP. STORIA SAYS BRITISH SOAP KIXG SOT INTERESTED. lord Lcvenhnlme Makes Trip of Inspection; California Plants to Be Visited. ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 25. (Special.) B. F. Stone returned last night from Portland, where he went to meet Lord Lcvenhulme, the British '"soap king" and party. Asked about the conference today. Mr. Stone said: "I met the party by appointment as the men had let ters of introduction to me from our salmon agents in London. The re port that the conference was rela tive to the purchase of canneries by Lord Levenhulmo is erroneous, as not one word was said concerning such a matter. 'Lord Levenhulme was in the fish business at one time, but Is not in terested in it now, devoting all his energies to the management of his soap factories. So far as I know, his present visit to America is not one of any special business import. Angus Watson, one member of the party, is a merchant at New Castle and is a heavy dealer in fish. Re is visiting the coast to make a thor ough investigation of the canned salmon situation, as well as the con ditions in connection with the mar keting of California fruits. "Another member of the party was Mr. Creighton of the royal navy. He is one of the British fish commis sioners and is inquiring into the methods of fish culture in this coun try. The party will go to California to look into the sardine and fruit canning industries before returning to England." ard, alias Albert Johnson, alias Whltey, safe blower and burglar. Six men visited the jail and said "Merry Christmas" to the three dep uties on duty. While one of the dep uties was returning the salutation the men attacked the guards, locking them In a cell. Leon Noonan, a dep uty, was shot in the shoulder. Grecian Premier Visits Rome. ROME, Dec. 25. Premier Venizelos of Greece arrived here from Athens yesterday, remained in Rome 12 hours and then departed for Paris. Signor Sclalola, Italian foreign minister, will go to Paris Saturday, and Premier KitU early in January. Special SALE! On the most up-to-date ladies' apparel in Portland. Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists and Sweater Coats. They'll be the gossip of Port land. Many garments in this sale are reduced LESS than HALF PRICE. Nebraska. Judge Dies. LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 25. Judge Samuel H. Sedgwick, for 15 years a justice of Nebraska supreme court, died suddenly here tonight from heart disease. He was a pioneer lawyer, 71 years old. The United States employment bu reau in Milwaukee, Wis., announces that they have more jobs than there are workers. NOTORIOUS 4 BREAK JAIL Six Visitors Say "Merry Christ mas" and Attack Guards. TOLEDO. O.. Dec. 25. Pour men with police records all over the coun try escaped from jail here today dur ing an attack by six men upon deputy sheriffs, one of whom was shot. The four men at large are Edward Mehan. alias D. E. West, 30. widely known as a iafe blower; Albert Loach, store burglar, known to police under six aliases; Leo Mitchell, with 11 aliases, safe blower, and Frank How- ROAD JOB MAY BE SUBLET Good Progress Made on Walker Cottage Grove Stretch.. EUGENE, Or., Dec. 24. (Special.) The western Construction company, which has the contract to build the section of the Pacific highway be tween Walker and Cottage Grove, has made application to the Lane county court to sublet the job to Contractor Corson, who is surfacing the highway in that locality. Members of the county court drove to the roadway yesterday to inspect the work done before agreeing to the proposition. They found that three short stretches of the new highway are yet Incom plete and that Contractor Corson Is making satisfactory headway with the surfacing work. This has been one of the most dif ficult pieces of construction on the entire highway this year, and the contractors have made slow progress. It was around this section of the. road that a bad detour, which motorists declared to be the worst In the state this fall, was necessary. By taking stretches of the old highway cars are now able to make the trip between Walker and Cottage Grove with ease. Editor to Address City Club. Eugene E. Smith, legislator "and ed itor of Labor Opinion, will address the City club at noon today on "Les sons to Be Learned From the Labor Conference In Washington, D. C." Mr. Smith recently attended the Wash ington conference and his address at the club's meeting at the Benson ho tel will be enlightening. Barge E. Leonard, J. M. Main and David F. Morrison were elected members of the club at last week's meeting. Cannery Pack Heavy. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., Dec. 25. (Special.) The Cottage Grove can nery. In casting up its business for the year, finds that during the sea son it paid out $50,001.02 for produce, labor, cans and supplies. The total pack for the season was 289 tons, of which several cars have not yet been disposed of. The blackberry pack alone was 145,000 pounds. . Governor Spends Day at Home. SALEM, Or., Dec. 25. (Special.) Governor and Mrs. Olcott passed Christmas day at their home here, having as dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. OswMld West and two daughters of 1 oitland. THINK OF A PRETTY WOMAN, A MAN-HATER, AND A HANDSOME MAN, A WOMAN-HATER, CAST UP BY THE SEA ON A DESERT TROPIC ISLE JUST THOSE TWO! SOME STORY STARTS SATURDAY i The Liberty's New Year's Eve MIDNIGHT FROLIC TICKETS NOW SELLING! COMING TOMORROW: ANITA STEWART IN HUMAN DESIRE An entirely new and unsus pected part for Miss Stewart. LAST TIMES TODAY: A LADY'S TAILOR The Mack-Sennett Knockout ALL WOMAN Mae Marsh's Pet Picture Always THE COLUMBIA ORCHESTRA Always I 4 I 9 i i NOTICE Any garment bought at the Factory Sample Shop during this sale and not entirely satisfactory your money cheerfully refunded. "HONESTY IS OUR POLICY." Suits In all sizes. Many samples to be closed out. Many reduced from $46.00. Extra special at $26.95 and . . . . ...... Stylish Silk and Serge Dresses! $18.95 95 We Take Liberty Bonds at Full Value Priced up to $45. Very special at only........ Dresses Dresses Cut to bedrock prices. o AJ Priced special at q)0.i0 Coats $ Crepe de Chine and Georgette Waists Reduced from much higher J0 QJJ prices, at only $3.95 and tJ)i.i3 Sweater Slipovers! These will not last long. d Extra special at .J) X 3 In most beautiful styles and in up-to-date shades. Priced up to $65.00, at ex tra special $36.95 and . . . . ....... MONEY BACK ON ALL SALE GOODS WITHIN THREE DAYS COMING TOMORROW! mSMXEiimOF LOVE Coming- tomorrow: MERRY MINSTRELS 20 PEOPLE 20 MIRTH MUSIC MELODY The picture feature is "THE RANGER" LAST TIMES TODAY THE BRAMBLE BUSH "The Miracle of Love" is an Artcraft special production. It's Big!- LAST TIMES TODAY: Madge Kennedy and Tom Moore in I THE DANGER GAME I A 100 per cent picture. I IpeoplesI I Direction of Jensen & Von Herberg Lady Grateful for Help Received "For 15 years I suffered Increasingly with stomach and liver trouble. Bloat, ing with gas distressed me very much and caused serious heart fluttering. All medicine only relieved temporarily. I gave up hope of ever being cured. My druggist advised me one day t try Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. I am feeling like a new woman sine and can now eat anything with no ill results." It is a simple, harm less preparation that removes the ca tarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation, which causes practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments, includ ing appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. At all druggists. Adv. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 For Bad Breath Coated Tongue, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Bloating, Gas, Constipation, or other result of Indiges tion, no remedy is more highly recom mended than FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS They cause no griping or nausea. Cleanse the bowels, sweeten the stom ach and benefit the liver. Never, dis appoint. Mra. Elizabeth Slau.on. 137 So. Main St.. So. Norwalk. Coon: "I can honestly say Foley Cathartic Tableta are wonderful." SOLD EVERYWHERE, THE MILK OF MAGNESIA BORADENT TOOTH PASTE PREVENTS AOO MOUTH SOLDI