THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, T919. 23 BOXED APPLE CROP EXCEEDS ESTIMATES Oregon Production Is Now Figured at 5385 Cars. FRUIT HIGHEST QUALITY Commercial Yield of United States Overruns Most Liberal Predic tions, Especially in West. The commercial apple crop for the United' States, now estimated at 26.174.000 barrels by the fruit crop specialists ot the federal bureau of crop estimates, has overrun even the most liberal estimates, particularly In the west. There has been an increase of 1.758,000 barrels over the November 1 estimate and this increase has occurred principally In the box apple district. It i now estimated that the western or box apple states will produce 35.463,000 boxes, or an increase of 2.085,000 boxes over the November estimate, and 14,154.- 000 boxes over the crop of 1918. The de tailed report by states follows: Oregon The state Is now estimated at B3S5 cars. The fruit was of the highest quality, particularly in the Hood River valley. The Hood River crop it Is es timated will exceed 2,000.000 boxes as compared with 1,350.000 boxes last year. Washington The crop Is estimated at 19.320,000 boxes or 26,556 ears. This Is an increase of 2282 cars over the November 1 estimate and 8508 cars more than last year. The Wenatchee north central Wash ington district is now estimated at 11,500 cars. On December 6 about 8500 cars were still left to be moved. Yakima val ley. Including Yakima and Benton coun ties, is estimated at about 10,500 cars, with 3000 cars yet to move. Spokane district is estimated at 1500 cars. 190 cars yet to move. Walla Walla district. 1100 cars. 50 yet to move. The White Salmon district bad over 400 cars, while the coast district produced about 500 cars in scattered lo calities. The crop In the sTate generally was of the highest quality, particularly In the Wenatchee vaney, where Winesaps ran nearly 90 per cent extra fancy. It was necessary to load considerable of the fruit in box cars in some sections, in whtch case the load often exceeded 756 boxes. At the present time all fruit not moved is safely in storage or protected. In addl tion to the fresh fruit movement from Washington it is ' estimated that about 70,000 tons of fresh apples went to the by-products plants within the state. About 85,000 tons of the fruit originated in the Yakima valley. Idaho The crop Is now estimated at about 4702 cars, or an Increase of 1298 cars over the bumper crop of 1917. California The crop is now estimated 98 per cent of a full crop, or 4,533,000 boxes. few sales to establish market. menta consigned. Some ahip- CAKXED M1I.K PLAINT FOB ECGEJfK Large Condenser? Will be Built by Mutual Creamery Company. A milk condensery. that will have a capacity of 60,000 to 75,000 pounds of milk dally, will be erected at Eugene by the Mutual Creamery company. It will be In operation by early summer. The plant will employ between 80 and 40 men. It was announced that the people of Eu gene will not be solicited for stock but the farmers of the countv will be asked to take shares In the plant. Trucks will be used to haul milk to the plant from points as far north as Harrlsburg and as far south as Cottage Grove and It will be shipped In by express from the dairy sections along trm Coos Bay branch of the Southern Pacific. One of the objects of the company will be to develop a market for aweet cream to be shipped to Portland and a plant for the manufacture of cheese as well as but ter will be added to the condensery. The Eugene plant will be the second condensed milk factory owned by this company, the other being located at Toppenlsh, Wash., but the one at Eugene will be much larger. Good Potatoes Are in Demand. The potato market was firm with an actiVe demand for frost free stock. The best Oregon Burbanka were held at $3.73 if 4.50 and Yakima Gems at 4 04.30. Frosted potatoes are being distributed by peddlers at cut prices. Flour Purchases Very Small. The United States Grain corporation an nounces from Ne York that its pur chases of wheat flour this week were very small and at prices averaging about 110.25, Baltimore basis. Bunk Clearings. Bank Clearings of the nnrthvulnni cities yesterday were as follows: Portland 4,45.103 i 9K1.904 Seattle 7,97(1,502 2.931.397 Tacoma 659.107 157.740 Spokane 2,147.101 esO.496 PORTLAND MABKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour, Feed, Ete. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: -Bid.- STRONG MARKET AT YARDS X EARLY A IX CLASSES OF CAT TLE ARE HIGHER. Best Grade of Hogs Advances Quarter Sheep Prices Are tJnchanjjed-j Receipts Light. There was a. strong market all around at the stockyards yesterday. Only four loads of cattle were received and there was a brisk, demand for the offerings. Cattle prices were higher throughout al most the entire list. There was also a quarter advance in the hoe; market with prime mixed hogs selling at $16. No changes were announced in the sheep division. Receipts were 119 cattle and 2 calves. The day's sales were as follows: weight. Price. Weigh t.Price. 11 steers. 12 steers 15 steers. 12 steers. 13 steers 4 steers 8 steers. 5 steers. 6 steers. 2 steers 1 steer.. 8 steera 2 steers.. . 23 cows 6 cows . 2 cowi . l cow cows.. 6 cows, . 1 cow cows.. 1 cow. . . 1 cow.. . 2 cows . 2 cows.. 2 cows. . 1 cow 1 cow 2 cows. ... o cows. . b cows. IMU S10.00 1 rlf .!Of6 10.001 1 calf . 942 10.751 2 calves .1082 11.50! l calf . . .1020 11.50 32 mixed .1175 10.50124 mixed . 8118 8.00 28 mixed . 772 6.501 1 hog . . . 951 9.501 4 hogs . .1305 11.501 t hog . . ; 930 tf.UOl 8 hogs . .1090 11.00! 2 hogs . www iu.uui i hog 8.75 27 bucks .. .14 9.501 2 cows ... .9H5 8.001 1 cow 70 7.00i 1 cow 920 8.25115 cows ... .884 5.75i 3 steers ...753 7.501 1 calf 140 15.00 9.001 3 bulls ....750 7.00 9.00165 hogs ....118 16.00 8.O0I 1 hog 220 11.00 9.0OI 9 hogs 126 14.00 K iUll ft Ytrxtra 1 Mil 1 U lf .ivestocK prices at the local yards follow: C&ttl Best steers sivoofljir RO Dec. . .SG2.50 73.50 74.00 Feb. $63.50 74.00 75.00 64.00 61.00 60.00 Jan. $63.00 73.50 74.50 Oats No. 3 white feed. Barley Standard feed No. 3 blue Corn No 3 yellow Eastern oats and corn In bulk: ais 36-pound clipped 38-pound clipped Corn No. 3 yellow. ... Barley No. 2 59.25 61.00 69.25 61.50 59.25 61.50 61.00 60.25 59.50 71.50 71.50 Government basis, $2.20 72.00 per hard- ra- LACK OF CARS HINDERS GRAIN TRADE Coarse Cereals Are Steady Despite Check to Eastern Advance. The car shortage Is seriously interfer ing with operations in the grain trade and dealers are finding It almost impossible to get supplies in from some parts of the country. Although grain markets east suffered check, local prices were quite steady. Oats bids ranged from 50 cents lower to 75 cents higher. January corn was up 25 cents and barley averaged 25 50 cents higher. The San Francisco barley market was steady. Chicago barley options closed 2 cents lower to 2 cents higher. The California state crop report es timates the winter wheat acreage at 781. 000 against 1,100,000 last. Conditions on December 1 was 77 per cent. The absence of rain and consequent lack of moisture retarded seeding and explains in a meas ure the falling off in the acreage sown. The same weather conditions explain the low condition ot the crop. California grain stocks on hand De cember 1 were: Flour 188,102 barrels versus 205,835 barrels last year; wheat 2,420,780 centals versus 4,752,700 centals; barley 7,719,320 centals versus 4.604,640 centals; corn 202,140 centals versus 218, 580 centals ; oats 465,460 centals versus 453,160 centals; beans 2.8U2.952 sacks versus 2,544,985 sacks; rye 54,580 centals versus 34,720 centals. 'Weather conditions in the middle west, as wired from Chicago: "Clear, slightly warmer, snow in Illinois last night; Min nesota snow last night; central Canada cloudy, cold. Forecast: Illinois, generally unsettled, tonight and Friday colder, else where generally fair tonight and Friday, not much change In temperature." Terminal receipts, in cars, were re ported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Portland Wheat.Barley.Flour.Oats. Hay. Thursday ... 11 1 1 1 Year ago . . 47 9 7 fiea'n to date. 4885 123 2131 342 889 Year ago ..5439 744 1357 537 1964 Tacoma Wednesday .. 10 2 1 Year ago .. 24 .... Sea'n to date. 3588 GO 113 539 Year ago ..3614 19 .... 116 783 Seattle Wednesday .. 9 2 3 .... 1 Year ago . . 5 14 1 2 Sea n to date. 3115 168 3i7 414 746 Year ago .-3755 46 706 437 1752 APPLE MOVEMENT IS RESUMED Local Trade Continues Quiet Sales of Oregon Fruit In East. A single car of Oregon apples was i ported out Tuesday, the first to move since the cold snap began. Total ship ments of northwestern apples to date have been 22,873 cars. The local market con tinues stagnant. Sales of Oregon apples in the east were reported by telegraph as follows: At Philadelphia, Homes, extra fancy, $2.502.80; fancy, $2.50. At New York, 800 boxeJonathans, com bined extra fancy and fancy, $2.15&2.40 average, $2.30. At New Orleans, Delicious, extra fancy, $4.50; fancy, $4.25; Spitzenbergs, fancy, $3; choice, $2.50: Jonathans, fancy, $2.95 Winter Bananas, fancy, $3.50. - At St. Louis, Spitzenbergs, fancy, all lzes, $1.95 42. Market conditions at shipping points ere wired as follows: Spokane, Wash. Warmer; very few sales. Carloads f. o. b. usual terms. Yakima Winesaps, extra fancy, small, $2.50; fancy, $2.25; most shipments rolled unsold. Rochester, N. T. Cold, partly cloudy. Very light wire inquiry. Practically no demand, account market conditions and approaching holidays. Market weak. Too WHEAT bushel. FLOUR Patents, Ji.T3; bakers- wheat, $12.35; whole wheat, $10-75 "am, iu no; valley, S1U.45. MILLFEED Prices f. . b. mill, city cartage $2 extra. Mill run, car lots or mixed cars, $46 ton; rolled barley, $77; rolled oats, $65.50; ground barley, $77; scratch feed, $80. CORN Whole. $74; cracked, $76. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, $28; cheat, $18; clover, $23; oats and vetch, $23; valley timothy, $2628. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER CubeB, extra, 6566c pound; prime firsts, 64c; prints, parchment wrap pers, box lots. 70c; cartons, 71c; half boxes, He more; less than half boxes, lc more; butterfat. No. 1, 7172c per pound. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook. Triplets, 32c; Young Americas, 33c; long- norns, 33c Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myr tle Point: Triplets, 31c; Young Americas, 32 c. BOGS Jobbing prices to retailers: Ore gon ranch, candled, 70??72c; selects, 74 77c; storage. No. 1, 59 62c. POULTRY Hens, 30433c; broilers, 30c; ducks, 35(&40c; geese, 2530c; turkeys, live, 88c; dressed, choice, 48c per pound. veal Fancy, 25c per pound. PORK Fancy, 23c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, $4.506; lemon $5.506.75 per box; grape fruit, $3.50g6.50 box : bananas, 10 11c per pound; apples. $1 3.50 box ; grapes, 12 15c pound ; pears, $2.2t!&3.50 per box; cranberries, $6 per oox, per oarrei. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 5c per pound lettuce, $4. 50(g: 5.50 per crate; beets. $3.50 per sack; cucumbers, $2 2.50 doz. tomatoes, s per oox; eggplant, 20c per pound; carrots. $2.50 per sack; squash, Sc per pouna ; pumpKins,, 8fea per pound; celery, $8.50 10 per crate ; peppers, 20c per pound; horseradish, 15c per pound: garlic, 4045c per pound; turnips, $3.50 per sacK; cauimower, $2.25 dozen. ruTAiotiB uregon, 93.70 & 4.50 per sacK; sweet, ogzoc per pouna. ONIONS Oregon. 6c per pound, Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit or berrv. xu.; oeet. goiaen (J, S9.27; pow dered, in barrels, $10.37; cubes, in barrels. NUTS walnuts, 2S40c; Brazil nuts. 30c ; f 1 1 berts, 33c ; almonds, 37 & 38c : pea nuts, io & itc; chestnuts, 25c. SALT Half ground, 100s, $17 per ton Os, $18.7o per ton; dairy, $26.50 28 per ton. . RICE Blue Rose, 14e per pound. BEANS White, 9c; pink. 84c: lima. 1 7 H c per pound ; bayous, 8 c ; Mexican red, T'ic COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 39 50c. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 34e? Wfnt.A l 'it nifc , picuiv, -toe; cottage roil, 30c. LARD Tierce basis, 31c; compound. 28e per uouiiu. .Lmx hali snort, ciear backs, 253lc piates, Z4C BACON Fancy, 44 50c: starfdard, 33 t Hops. Wool. Etc zii crop, sac per pound; 3-year tun Lracta, ouc, twz. auc, MOHAIR Long staple, 40c; short sta pie, z&n'ooc. x a vv n o. x, loc ; No. 2, 8c per f UUliU, OA SCAR A BARK New, 11c per pound w uui eastern Oregon, fine. 35i55c medium, 40 (q 50c ; coarse, 35 40c ; valley, meaium, 4Dwooc; coarse, 35 40c Hides, and Pelts. xtiums saitea, ai weights; 20c: green, grecii or saitea. tjoc: kid. c bulls, salted. 17c; green, 14c; horse hides small, $3; medium, $4.50; large, $6; dry ii iues, auc ; ary saitea, zuc ; dry call. 70c ary saitea cair, ooc. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts. 3032i per pound: dry medium wool pelts. 25r&28o per pouna; ary snearllng pelts, 50c $ each; salt long-wool pelts. $2 fu2.50 each salt medium wool pelts, $l.50(&2 each; salt sueariing pens, aucfi each, Ciood to choice steers. Medium to e-ond RtArr. Fair to good steers Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers Oood to choice cows, heifers Medium to good cows, heifers Fair to medium cowa, neifers Canners, Bulls Prime light calves Heavy calves tockers and feeders Honrs Prime mixed Medium mixed Rough heavies Pigs : SheeD Eastern lambs Light valley lambs Heavy valley lambs Feeder lambs Yearlings Wethers , Ewes NO MATTER WHERE YOU BUY BUY EARLY IN THE MORNINGS THEN A MERRY XMAS Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels, raw. cases, $2.16; boiled, barrels, boiled, cases. 12.18. TUBPEMTINti Tanks. $1.91: 2.01. COAL OIL Iron barrels ,13V&816c: tank wagons. 13 c; capes. 24 & 31c. GASOLINE Iron barrels. 25c; tank wagon, Zac; cases, iSattc. 2.06 cases, 1015 10.10 KI00 1010 . U15 . bul .1340 . b'Jl . 6110 . 1)30 .1043 . 840 . 1130 .1170 .1000 8110 010 -(',() Q lambs 7---:21 lambs 6.715.88 lambs 8. Sill 5 Iambs 5.(101 4 lambs 130 $15.00 ..40 9.50 . .3S0 9. SO ..320 8.00 ..875 9.65 ..802 9.65 ..840 9.65 . .170 13.75 . .1S5 15.75 .. .140 13.50 . .203 15.75 . .100 12.75 ..600 13.75 . . 66 12.50 . . 92 10.50 . . 92 13.50 .. 68 10.50 .119 11.50 C.00I21 yearling 146 8.50 6.00 9.50 7.50 6.50 7.50 8.00 but th demand was light. Sellers on th i street asksd 7072 cents - for candled ranch. I Cube butter was steady with a fair In quiry. Soma cutting; of print prices by city creameries was reported. Poultry and meat receipts wers small and prices firm and unchanged. SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Price Current an Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 18. Butter, solid cubes. 08c. Egg's Fresh, extras, 77c; extra pullets, 68c. Cheese Firsts; SI hie: young America, 8814c Poultry Hens. 82 083c lb.; young roost ers. 31 to 32c; old. 20c; fryers. 34 e 36c; broilers, 38c: squabs. 60 70c lb.; geese. 28 & 30c; turkeys, dressed. 60 & 02c; lire. 42 & 45c. Vegetables Eggplant, southern. 7 0101 pound; peppers, bell, 10P14c pound; chili. 10&12HC pound; squash, hubbard. $1.25$? 1.50 sack; summer, $1.752 Los Angeles lug; pumpkin, $101.25 sack; tomatoes, AOo tt$1.25 lug; potatoes, rivers, white, $4 9 4.50; sweet, 44VaC lb.; onions, yellow and white. $4.25 04.50 cental; Australian brown. I5f5.50: cucumbers. tl.50iil.76 small box: garlic, 22&25c pound: beans, string, 1017c pound; limes. 10 (pi 5c pound; celery, $66.50; turnips, $1.75 4f 2 sack; artichokes. No. 1, $1.10ul.25 dozen; cauli flower, $1.2361.60 dosen; lettuce. 5055o dozen; peas, 100170 pound; sprouts. 9c pound. Fruit Oranges, Valencias. $4 4.75; ns Tels. $4 & 8; lemons. $45; grapefruit, I3.75W4 box; tanparlnes. $2.50'crS: bananas, 7&8c per pound; pineapples, $44(9 dozen; pears, cooking. $11.50 lug: winter Nellie. $2.50 3.00 box; apples. Newtown pippins. $1.75 to 2. 25; Spltzanberg. $2.25 3.25; Baldwin. $2 ft 2. 25; huckleberries. 16 G20c pound: grapes, nominal; pomegran ates. $2to2.25 half orange box; persimmons. $1.50(2 per 20-pound box; cranberries. $4 4.50 box. Receipts Flour, 1648 quarters; barley, 8804 centals; beans, 8981 sacks; potatoes. 8783 sacks; hay, SO tons; hides, 830; wine, 24,000 gallons. STOCK MARKET BHBSnLIHtiifJ' PART OF 'WEDNESDAY'S GAINS ARE WIPED OUT. Decline in Exchange and Labor's Attitude Toward Railroads Lead to Selling. 9.50 8.75 7.50 &.00 4.00 7.50 10.00 10.75 9.00fu10.00 8.00f 9.00 6.50 7.50 9.00W 7. 50 W 6. 50 U 4.00 4V 8.00 W 5.00 (it 12.50 & 14.00 7.0O'a 12.00 8.00 to 9.25 15.2516.00 14.754tl5.25 13.25U13.7S 12.75 to 13.75 13.00 13.50 11. 50 "it 12.50 10.50O 11.50 10.00 11.80 9.50 V 10.60 9.00W 9.50 6. 50 to 7.50 NEW YORK. Dee. 18. An unexpected reversal In British sxchangs and the atti tude assumed by organized labor in con nection with the return of the railroads caused today's dull market to yield some of the ground gained during the previous session. The decline in bills on London, wnlch fell about 13 cents below yesterday's lally, was attributed in some quarters to the de cision of the British court removing the ban on Imports into England. Rails, especially low-grade issues, were depressed one to five points, but some cf this loss was recovered later. ' Call loans ruled at 6 per cent, the lowest rate of the week, but it was generally understood that the banks would not re lease time funds, except in moderate amounts, for the balance of the year. The stock market became almost stag nant after the first hour. Metals and sugars were among the few sustaining features, the former hardening as a result of better trade prospects, while sugars strengthened on opposition In the senate to the extension of government con trol. gales amounted to 7O0.0O0 shares. The feature of the bond market was the activity of convertible or speculative rail way Issues, mostly at moderate concessions, several high-grade industrials also easing fractionally. Liberty bonds also shaded with several of the international wir is sues. Total sales, par value, aggregated $23,450,000. Old United Suites bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK Centennial Cop KKnge . East Butte . Franklin Isle Royalle . I.uke Copper. Mohawk .... 1 North Butte ... Old Dom ..... Osceola ...... Qulnoy ....... 14Mi Superior 431 Pup A Boston. 13 'Shannon 3. SIS 68 I'tah Con .. Winona . . . Wolverine .. Greene Can 154 S2 46 60 S 4 1 7 1 19 . 34 Money, Exchange, Ktc NEW YORK, Deo. 18. Mercantile paper unchanged. Sterling demand, $3.75; cables. $3.76. Francs, demand, 11.20; cables. 11.15. Guilders, demand, 37 'j: rabies, 37H. Lire, demand, 13; cables, 12.75. Marks, de mand, 2.03; cables 2.03. Time loans strong, unchanged. Call money easy. High 6 per cent; low S per cent; ruling rate 6 per cent; clos ing bid & per cent; ottered at 6 per cent; latt loan 5 per cent. Bar silver $1.34. Mexican dollar, unchanged. Dec. 18. Bar silver 78d Meney and discount un- LONDON, per ounce, changed. Dried Frnlt at Nw York. NEW YORK. Dec. 18. Evaporated ap ples dull. ITunes firm. Fasxhea firm but quiet. BEARS RULE CORN PIT as COURSE OF PRICES DOWNWARD DURING MOST OP DAY. Eastern Dairy Produce. NEW YORK, Dec. 18. Butter steady. unchanged. Eggs steady, unchanged. Cheese steady, unchanged. CHICAGO. Dec. 18. Butter lower. Creamery, 57 66c. Eggs, unsettled. Receipts 748 cases; firsts, 75&-77c; ordinary firsts. 60C&70C: at mark, cases Included, 6076c Poultry, alive steady. Springs, 24c; fowls, 18&23c; turkeys. 40c. Extra Dividend on Feed Products. NEW YORK, Dec. 18. The United Food ' Products company today declared an extra dividend of 1 per cent in ad dition to the regular quarterly dividend of per cent. Julius Kessler, president ot the com pany, announced today that' it has 1.000. 0O0 gallons of whisky on hand.. One-half of this amount has been sold for export, he said. Lead Price Advanced. NEW YORK. Dec. 18. The American Smelting & Refining company today ad vanced the price of lead from 7 to 7.1S cents a pound. Other metals unchanged. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Dec 18. Sugar un changed. Cotton Market. - NEW YORK, Dec. 18 Cotton Spot steady. Middlings, 39.25c. Dolnth Lin need Market, DULUTH. Dec. 18, Linseed, 395.10. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 18. Hoes Receipts 58,000; slow, 10&20C lower. Bulk. $13.75 14; top, $14.15: heay. $13.756 14; medi um. $13.8514: light, $13.6013.85; light light, $13.25fc 18.75; heavy packing sows. smooth, $13)13.60; packing sows, rough. $12.50jl3: pigs, $12.50 13.80. Cattle Receipts- 13,000. firm. Beef teerB, medium and heavyweight, choice nd prime, $18to20; medium and good. $10.5018; common, $.25to 10.50: light weight, good and choice, . $12.7519.25; common and medium, $7.3012.50; butch er cattle, heifers, $6.25 14.25; cows, $U 13; canners and cutters, $4.855.78; veal calves. $16.25ftol7; feeder steers, $712; stacker steers, $610. Sheep Receipts 20,000. lower. Lambs, $14.7517; culls and common, $11 & 14.50; ewes, medium and good, $ i.50(u D.50; culls and common, $4 7.25. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Dec. 18. (United etates Bu reau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 1000, steady to 10c lower. Top, $13.65: bulk. $13.2513.50; heavyweight, $12.2513.60; medium weight. $13.40to13.05; lightweight. $13.10to 13.60: light light. $12.7513.10; heavy packing sows, smooth, $13.10'y) 13.25; packing sows, rough, $12.autol3.10; pigs, $10.50to 12.20. Cattle Receipts 4200. Beer steers low 25c higher. Butcher stock and feeders steady. Beef Bteers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $io. i io; medium and good, $10.75 to" 15.75 ; common. $a10.75: lightweignt, gooa-ana cnoice. $15to'18.25; common and medium. $8.o0y 15.111: butcher cattle, hellers. iO.;jlfi.i; cows. $6tol2.25; canners and cutters, $4.50 (fi6: veal calves, light and heavyweight. $13Q14.o0: feeder steers, $7tol3; stocker steers, $6.5011.- av,Aen RecelDta Killers steaay. Feeders 15to25c higher. Lambs. o nnundi down. 1 5 HD 1 . ; cuiis ana com mon, $V1.50tol4.Eo; yearling weinere. o P14; ewes, meaium ana cnoice, 9.60; culls and common. $5to8.25. Kansas City Livestock Market. . KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dec. 18. (United c ..,., of AlarKet8.J Eineep i-ninta 2000: steady to weak. Lambs, $15 G16.50; CUllS ana common, vvx-. ...nn. wxlhers. 111.75 413.50: ewes. $7 ' - . . ... T -7 - V ....... 4 &10; culls ana commwu, o. , . inz- ewes. $8411.00; ieeaer iamos, i4.oo. Seattle Livestock Market. BElTTI.B. Dec. 18. Hogs Receipts. oks Kirrvnir. Prime.; meuiuui to choice. $14.50M lii.ov; rouHu uevc, tlnlA- nlim 12.i)U(ul4. pttio RceiDts. none. Steady. Best mtra fllll.iU: meaium to cuoice, irv 9.50; common to good, tl.sIPi cows ana heifers. $8.75 (HI9.50 ; common to Koou. 8.25; bulls, $6.50S 7.30: calves, $7 tola. Coffee Futures Ease Off. mw.w YORK. Dec. 18. The easier ruling nf Rrazil as Indicated by the early cables r,A renewed weakness of sterling exchange led to scattering liquidation and some trade !linir in -the marKet lor conee luiures 10- day. The opening was 19 to 25 points lower under selling which came largely from commission house sources and after very quiet middle session prices eased off fni-ihar under offerings by spot house brokers who were believed to have lower offers from Brazil, although no definite Quotations were mentioned. March de clined to lo.Ooc ana cioseu at j.uoc. nun the general list showing a net loss of 23 to 31 points. December. 14.65c; January, 14.70c; March, 15.03c: May, 15.19c; July, 15.40c: September. 15.18c Spot coffee dull and nominal; Rio 7s, 15c; Santos 4s, 25 ic. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Dec. 18. Turpentine steady, $1.50; sales, 300 barrels; receipts, 120 barrels; shipments, 24 barrels; stock, 13.248 barrels. Rosin firm: sales. 843 barrels; receipts, 830 barrels; shipments, 453 barrels: stock. 81,406 barrels. Quote: B, D, E, F, $10.054 16.15: G, $10.101016.10: H, $16,10116.20; I $16.75i'16.U0; K, $18.25 18.35: M. $18.80; N, $19.8520; WG, $20.20: WW, $21.5. Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE, Dec. 18. City delivery: Feed Mill, $47 per ton: scratch feed, $82; feed wheat, $85; e.11 grain chop, $75; oats, $6S; sprouting oats, $70; rolled oats, $70; whole corn, $75; cracked corn. $77; rolled barley. $bO: enppea oariey, so. Hay Eastern Washington timothy mixed, $36&37 per ton; double compressed, $40; alfalfa, $34; straw. $1617; Puget sound, $S3. Egg Trading Is Slow. There was very little movement In the eprtr market. Recelpra are of moderate size. Fresh Breaks in Sterling Exchange Have Depressing Effect on Market; Close la Heavy. CHICAGO. Dec 18. Renewed weakness in British exchange and In hog values had a depressing effect today on the corn market. Closing quotations of corn were heavy, Tfc13tc net lower with January $1.30 1.40 V and May $1.35 4 1.35 V4. Oats finished unchanged to He lower with provisions varying from 20c decline to 10c advance. Bears ruled the corn market throughout the day except during a sudden transient bulge after noon. A majority of traders acted on the idea that the market had been overbought and that a reaction from the recent advance '-was due. .This posi tion was 'especially emphasized by the fresh breaks In sterling and by accom panying reports that owing to the uncer- in condition or exchange. Canadian in terests were trying either to cancel or de fer shipment of corn bought in the United States. The temporary late upturn In corn quotations was ascribed to foreign buying of one million bushels of rye. Oats were governed chiefly by the ac tion of corn- Provisions averaged lower, leading futures ranged aa follows: CORN. ' Open. High. Low. Close. $1.47 $1.40 $1.464 $1.47 1.40 1.43 "4 1.38 1.35 54 1.3514 OATS. .85 1, .83 .83 K .77ft Am Beet Sug. Am Can .... Am Ch A Fdry Am H & L pfd Am Loco Am &m & Rfg Am Sogar Rfg Am Sum Tob. Am Tel 4 Tel. Am Z L 4c 8m Anaconda Cop Atchison A G lc W I S S Baldwin Loco. Bait s Ohio.. Beth Steel B. B 6 Copper Calif Petrol . . Canadian Pac Cent Leather. Ches 4t Ohio.. Chi M & St P. Chi at N W Chi R I & Pao Chino Copper. Col Fu & iron Corn Prods . . Crucible Steel Sales. 2.5iK 6.0O0 MOO 4'H 70O 7.200 3.3KO 1.800 7.1O0 l.SOO 7.5D0 4,3'icl 600 1S.4O0 0.000 10.1O0 4.5'H 2110 2.000 2.6KO 500 3.800 6,100 700 2.100 1.100 3.300 4.11)0 DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or., Dec IS. Maximum temperature. 44 degrees; minimum tem perature, 36 degrees. River reading, 8 A. M.. 2.8 feet: change In last 24 hours. 0.7-foot rise. Total ralnrall 5 P. M. to 3 P. M.), .20-Inch: total rainfall since Sep tember 1. 1019. 14.73 Inches: normal rain fall since September 1. 16.18 inches; aen- ciency of rainfall since September 1. 1U10. 1.4o inches. sunrise, 7:4W A. ju.; sunset. 4:27 P. M. ; total sunshine, 2 hojirs 40 minutes; possible eunhsine, S hours 38 minutes. Moonrise, 4:32 A. M.; moonset. 1:54 P. M. Barometer (reduced sea level), 30.01 Inches. Relative humidity: o A. M.. 77 per cent; noon, 62 per cent; 5 P. M-, 95 per cent. THE WEATHER. Cuba Cane Sug 10.7OO Dec. Jan. - May. May. July. L3014 .83 .77-4 MESS PORK. Jan. May 37.00 86.85 36.45 87.00 3e.62 23.05 23.87 18.47 18.97 36.S5 LARD. Jan 22.95 23.20 21.89 May.... 23.70 24.00 23.50 SHORT RIBS. Jan 18.50 18.30 May 19.00 19.10 18.85 Cash prices were as lonowa: Corn No. 2 mixed, not quoted; No. 8 mixed. $1.81 1.52: No. 2 yellow, not quoted; No. 3 yellow, $1.51 V 1.54. Oats No. 2 white, Btils AO. o white, 84 87c. Rye No. 2. $1.74 1.75. Barley $1.62 1.67. Timothy Seed. $8.80 11.80. . Clover seed $20 48. Pork Nominal. Lard $22.90(6)33. Ribs $18.25. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. 18. Flour, $12.10. Grain Wheat. $2.20; oats, red feed, $3.10&3.15; barley, feed. $3.S74 $8.45; corn, California white. $3.608.70. Hav Wheat or wheat and oats, $21 9 25: tame oats. $23$ 26: barley, $19 & 2.1: alfalfa, $214j 20: barley straw, 50 Sue bale Minneapolis Grain Market, MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 18. Barley, $1.38 1.60. Flax, $5ia5.10. U 8 Fd Prods. Erie Gen Electric. Gen Motors . . Ot No pfd. . . . Gt No Ore ctfs Illinois Central lnspir Copper. lnt M M pld.. Inter Nickel.. Inter Paper . . K C Southern. Kennecott Cop 12.400 Louis 4t Nash Mexican Pet... Miami Copper Midvale Steel. Missouri Pac. Montana Pow. Nevada Cop . . N Y Central. . N Y N H Jfc H Norf & West.. Northern Pac. Pac Tel & Tel Pan-Am Pet. Pennsylvania. , Pitts & W Va. Kav Con Cop Reading .... Ren Ir steel si.noo Shat Ariz Cop 6O0 Sin Oil & Rfg. 24.0IMJ Southern Pac. 12.400 Southern Ry.. 3.8n0 Studebaker Co in. ("hi Texas Co ... 7.2O0 Tobacco Prods 7.1IOO Union Pacific. Untd Rtl Strs. U S lnd Aloo U S Steel do pfd Utah Copper.. Western Union Westing Elect Willys-Overlnd National Lfau Ohio Cits Gas Royal Dutch., 8-83, CAMAS REPORTS ROBBERY Billiard Parlor Looted by Men Who Hid In Building. CAMAS, "Wash.. Dec. 18. (Special.) Thieves who evidently had hidden In the furnace-room in the basement of the TJrie building- last night en tered Cross & Powers' billiard parlors in the eame building: when the place had been closed up for the night and made away with nearly $300 in cash. Though the police have no clews to the robbers, they believe the rob bery was committed by someone fa miliar with the place, as a sacK con taining: more than $200 In silver, which was secreted under a counter, was taken. Over $60 was In the cash register, but the robbers overlooked a $10 bill there, which is all that the proprietors have to show for their late receipts. The thieves evidently escaped through a basement window that was found opened this morning:. NO MATTER WHERE YOU BUY BUY EARLY IN THE MORNINGS THEN A MERRY XMAS 1.500 l.eoo 3i id 4.1IIO l.SOO l.sno 1.2IH 3,700 3.7O0 5.JMI0 3.S00 1.100 17.8O0 l.SOO 4. 5O0 l.SOO 4H0 7O0 4.2H0 4. OHO 1.600 2O0 9.SOO l:t.8"0 5.7M 1.PO0 3.4O0 3.000 12.4'M) 1.000 2S.6HO 1.4DO 3.700 2O0 i.r.oo 3.60 400 2.4O0 10.800 QUOTATIONS. Last High. Low. Bale. 03 v, 03 t."i 54 a, 54 54 13Si 137 137 115 115 115 84 04 84 60 65 i 67 13H ir6V 137 'a U04 '. 96 Vj loo imvs loo Vj 174 16VS 17Vi 58 56n 57 Kl4 82 i 63 173i 172V 173 1011 107 H 107 30 211 Vs 29 V4 9.S va 27 ',4 26 1, 20 1 75 73 7 75 134 132 -t 133 V.. 04 e:i V 3 ' 53 h 53 B3 U 37 V. 36 K0S 80 83 85 25 24 4 24 V. 36 35 35 3!) 30 30 85 85 85 200 2O0l 207 S. 52 50 51 77 76?. 77 13 12 12 16 166 166 82S 323 324 77 76 77 37 37 57 87 86 87 51 50 31 107 loji 105 21 20 21 75 74 74 14 14 14 28 27 2 10 200 206 ' 2oS 22 1i 22 22 40 48 4K 25 24 24 67 57 67 15 1 4 15 6S 67 67 26 25 25 7is 86 H7 70 37 36 37 106 1(K 105 40 40 4i 25 23 25 20 20 20 76 73-T4 7514 111 loo 100 11 11 11 44 43 L 44 102 101 102 21 20 21 104 103 10.1 231 222 228 ttlVi 00 0 123 122 122 01 KO 0O 103 102 102 104 102 103 112 112 112 74 72 73 B0 89 80 53 52 52 2S 29 2S 80 70 80 4S 48 48 97 92 96 STATIONS. P 0 Wind Weathax. Aaker Boise ....... Boston Calgary .... Chicago Denver Ilea Moines. Eureka Galveston . . Helena tJuneau . . .. Kansas City. Los Angeles. Marshfleld Medford . Minneapolis .. New Orleans New 1 or k . North Head No. Yakima. Phoenix . , Pocatello , Portland . Roseburg , Sacramento.. St. Louis . Salt Lake San Diego S. Francisco. Seattle . Sitka Spokane . . . Tacoma Tatoosh Isld tValdez .... Walla Walla Washington. Winnipeg 12 3o.O.OO,..S Cloudy b 22 O.OOj. iNB ICloudy .. 12 0.00 12 W Clear GOiO.OO . . W Pt. cloudy 20 0. OS 12 K Snow 50i0.O0..jB Clear 2O0.00I..N Cloudy 64 0.56 . JSR Kain Kain 36 0.00 . . NW Pt. cloudy 46 .'B iKaln 50 0.0O16N Clear 72,O.OOi . ,'SW Clear 56 0.72 12 SW Cloudy 34 0.00! . . SW Rain 8 0.20!.. N Cloudy o.Ool . . IsK !Pt. cloudy 14 O.OOI. .'NVt , Clear 52 0.16 36 SK ICloudy .14,0.011 .. Sli Kain 6,o.oo. . w Pt. cloudy 32 0.00 . . w Clear 44 0.18!. . NE (Kain 4 O.VJI. . NWIKaln 62iO.OO..N Cloudy 40 0.00 IS NE Cloudy 24 0.00!. . SE 'Clear 70 o.ool. JNWU'lear 66 0. 001. .!NW 381 48 0.1210 SW 38! 48 0.821. .ISW 321 42, 0.OOl . .IS 4 rtl 46 rt.lrt;. .W 441 52,0.38,62 S 10"14 O.SSl. . ,SW ldl so o.ool. ,isw . .1 16 0.02'. . . I NE 4 60.02I12SE Cloudy Kain Rain Cloudy Cloudy Kain Cloutl v Cloudy Snow Snow A. M. lng day. today. P. M. report of preced Bid. U S Lib 3s. , do 1st 4s... do 2d 4s... do 1st 4s. , do 2d 4s.. do 3d 4s.. do 4th 4s. Victory 3s . do 4s U S ret 2s reg. 00 coupon . . TJ S cv 3s reg. do -coupon . TJ s 4s reg. do ooupon ; . BONDS. .!!. 24IA T & T cv 6s. 98 .03.461 Atch gen 4s 76 .wi., 10 u : k ii rer OS.T47 .93.541 N Y C deb 6s. .01.56 N P 4s .92.34! N Pla .91.58i Pac T & T Bs.. .98.94 Pa eon 4 Vis... .08.U0.3 f CV OS. . 100 100 .88 .88 103 105 So Ry 6s U P 4s U S Steel 5s. . Anglo-Fr 6s. . 90 . 711 , 63 , S.M-, . 80 .103 . 85 . 82 . 97 . 83 Bid; toffered. Mining- Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Dec 1. Clo-tng notation FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Kain and warm er: strong southerly winds. Oregon and Washington Rain In the west portion, rain or snow In the east por tion: warmer except near coast: moderate southerly gale on coast, strong southerly "--',: n tne interior. NO MATTER WHERE YOU BUY BUY EARLY IN THE MORNINGS THEN A MERRY' XMAS EXEMPT FROM ALL FEDERAL. IXCOME TAXES Special Assessment Bonds The following list of "special assessment" bonds are from very prosperous and enterprising: cities; are very desirable Investment securities. They have behind them the taxable property of the particular district benefited b the improve ment for which the bonds are Issued. They are exempt from all federal income taxes and yield the very attractive return of 6. These are "special assessment" bonds. by us as such and are offered as such. Amount 2,600 Ridsefield, City of, Wanh, Improvement Ridgref ield. City of, 'Wash.. Improvement Ridjsefield. City of. Wash.. Improvement Rideefield. City of, Wash., Improvement Rldgrefield, City of, "VVash Improvement Ridsefield, City of, Wash., Improvement Buhl. City of. Idaho. Sewer Dis. 4 Sewer Dis. Sewer rls. Sewer Dis. Sewer Dis. They were bought 3,000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 1.000 2.000 4.000 3.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 4,000 1.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 12.000 5.000 9.000 1,000 7.000 6.000 9.000 S.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3,000 Rate Maturity ,". 7 F&A 124-29 F&A FoiA F&A 4 4 4 M..-::::.x-c-..::-:-:":":" HO MATTER WHERE YOU BUY BUY EARLY IN THE MORNINGS THEN A MERRY XMAS :- f FACTS NO. 4S8. A PRACTICAL OPINION General T. Voleman Du Pont says that "good roads do more pood than the usual forms of philanthropy." This is the observation of a practical man of affairs. To further this great thought good roads should oe paved with BITULITHIG WAR RE V BROS. CO. -: -: M$8--4-ks- .......... ... ... .. ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... . ... .. ... . .. ... vir New Trial Denied, Appeal Taken. PASCO, Wash., Dec. 18. (Special.) A new trial was denied to Zach and Bob McChesney, the two brothers who were convicted of grand larceny at the recent jury term of court and sentences of from one to 15 years wera imposed on both. An appea was taken to the supreme court. INSURANCE WE WRITE ALL LINES" C. De Young & Co. Main 7351 810 Spalding Bldp;. ftlklKNAL errv BSI Send for This Useful Primer for Investors Our handsome. Illustrated, vest-pocket booklet. "What Tou Should Know About In vestment," is just off the press. Contains answers to many im portant questions aboat secur ities. This valuable little handbook for careful investors sent free on request for OR-269. THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY Correspondent Offices In over 50 Cities Portland Yfon Building; Telephones 6095 Main Buy a Safe Bond as That Christmas Present Reinvest Your Year-End Funds ' Now NEW ISSUE - We ovvtj, offer and recommend $97,031.22 City of Klamath Falls, Oregon General Obligation 6 o Bonds Maturities December I, 1920-1929. Klamath Falls, a city of 7000 people, is the trade center for the rich agricultural lands of the Klamath Basin and has an indus trial payroll jof more than $300,000 a month. Klamath Falls ranks as the eighth city of Oregon in bank deposits, having advanced from tenth place since September. On November I 7 the three banks of Klamath Falls showed combined deposits of $3,904,702.18. a gain of $862,749.86 in two months. Prices to yield 5.125 and 5.25, Income Tax Exempt Full details on request. jmbermepsr"rus-l" (cx Bords-Truss-Acceptances upmi m surplus Doo.o oo Sun fT-ivrxcisco " tumW.r.ntBId. Z-m. r ard. Oreqorx. Scatttt Buhl. City of, Idaho, Buhl. City of. Idaho, Buhl. City of, Idaho, Buhl, City of, Idaho, Buhl, City of, Idaho. Paving.. Buhl. City of, Idaho, Pavint? Buhl, City of, Idaho, Sewer Dis. 4 Buhl. City of, Idaho, PavinR- Rupert, City of. Idaho. Sidewalk Imp. ris. Xo. 4 Rupert, City of. Idaho. Sidewalk Imp. Dis. No. 4 Rupert. City of, Idaho. Sidewalk Imp. Dis.Ko. 4 Rupert, City of. Idaho. Sidewalk Imp. ris.Xo.4 Rupert. City of. Idaho. Sidewalk Imp. Dis. No. 4 Rupert. City of. Idaho. Sidewalk Imp. Dis. No. 4 Rupert, City of, Idaho. Sidewalk Imp. Dis. No. 4 Rupert.City of. Idaho. Sidewalklmp. Dis.No.4 Rupert. City of. Idaho. Sidewalk Imp. Dis. No. 4 Rupert, City of. Idaho, Paving Imp. Dis. No. 1. Rupert, City of, Idaho, Paving Imp. Dis. No. 1. Rupert, City of. Idaho, Paving Imp. Dis. No. 1. Rupert, City of, Idaho, Paving Imp. Dis. No. 1. Rupert, City of. Idaho, Paving Imp. Dis. No. 1. Rupert. City of. Idaho. Paving. Imp. Dia. No. 1 Rupert, City of, Idaho, raving Imp. Dis. No. 1. Soda Springs, City of, Idaho, Sidewalk Imp.. Soda Springs. City of, Idaho, Sidewalk Imp.. Soda Springs, City of, Idaho, Sidewalk. Imp.. Soda Springs, City of, Idaho, Sidewalk Imp.. Soda Springs, City of. Idaho. Sidewalk Imp.. Soda Springs, City of, Idaho, Sidewalk Imp.. Soda Springs, City of, Idaho, Sidewalk Imp.. Soda Springs. City of. Idaho. Sidewalk Irnn.. 3.000 Soda Springs. City of. Idaho, Sidewalk Imp.. 4,000 Soda Springs, City of. Idaho. Sewer Soda Springs, City of. Idaho, Sewer Soda Springs, City of. Idaho, Sewer.. aoaa springs, city of. Soda Springs, City of. Soda Springs, City of. Soda Springs, City of. Soda Springs, City of, Idaho. Sewer Soda Springs. City of. Idaho. Sewer St. Anthony, City of, Idaho, Improvement St. Anthony, City of, Idaho, Improvement St. Anthony, City of, Idaho. Improvement St. Anthony, City of, Idaho, Improvement 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 2.000 1.000 3,500 600 00 Idaho, Sewer.. Idaho, Sewer.. Idaho, Sewer.. Idaho, Sewer., 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 F&A K&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A l25-29 1926- 29 1927- 29 F&A 1928-29 F&A. 1929 F&A 1923-29 F&A 1924-29 F&A 1925-29 F&A 1926-29 F&A 1928-29 F&A 1922-29 F&A 1923-29 F&A 1929 1929 1921- 29 1922- 29 1923- 29 1924- 29 1925- 29 1926- 29 1927- 29 1928- 29 1929 F&A 1921-29 F&A 1922-29 F&A 1925-23 A&A 1926-29 F&A 1927-29 F&A 192S-29 F&A 1929 F&A 1921-29 F&A 1922-29 1923- 29 1924- 29 1923-29 1926- 29 1927- 29 1928- 29 1929 1921-29 192 229 1923- 29 1924- 29 1925- 29 1926- 29 1927- 29 1928-29 F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A F&A 1929 J&J 1922 J&J 1923 J&J 1926 J&J 1928 Price 104. S7 104.9 105.65 106.28 106.88 107.44 103.51 104.27 104.98 105.65 106.88 102.71 103.51 107.44 107.44 101.86 102.71 103.51 104.37 104.98 105.65 106.28 106.88 107.44 101.86 102.71 104.98 105.65 106.28 106.88 107.44 101.86 102.71 103.51 104.27 104.98 105.65 106.28 106.88 107.44 101.86 102.71 103.51 104.27 104.98 105.65 106.28 106.88 107.44 102.71 103.51 105.85 106.88 PRICE: TO NET Gtt Markr t Interest 1st 1st .StfU.0 SDo.3S l1.40 .ot .04 .as Victory- Sfc3.8 .04 .Oo LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS If you must Mil your Liberty or Victory Honda, wll to ua. It toii can buy more Liberty or Victory Hondo, buy from ua. On Thursday. December IS. 11. the closing New York marfeet prices were as given below. They are the governing- prices for Liberty and Victory Bonds all over the world, and the highest. We advertise these pricea daily In order that you may always know the .New York, market and the exact value ot your Liberty and Victory Bonds. 1st 2d 3d 4th 4ts i8 4V.I 4Vs SUo.40 $11.40 $M.nH SU1.68 .Oi .40 1.11 .70 r-1-24 "3 :178 S93.51 191.90 P4 67 $92.32 $!S.6 J'JS.93 hen buying we deduct 37c on a $50 bond and (ISO on a $lui0 bond. e Sell at tile New York mflrk.l n;n, ih. in,.,! ,,.,.., 1 Hurglar and Fireproof Safe Uepoalt iioxea for Open Until 8 1". M. on Saturday a. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Tha Premier Municipal Bond House. Capital Un Million Dollars. . . Morrti Dulldins, 300-311 Stark St.. Hetween Sth and 6th. xeiepnone uroauway 210I. L.talllhed over a Quarter Century NO INCOME TAX TO PAY A California Municipal Bond TO YIELD 5.25 Get details by calling Main 715 CLARK. KENDALL 8 CO. INC (sraiAMS rtuMrrarra-feirrtAte cniaoi fflfflHFB WILSON-HEILBRONNER CO. BROKERS 201-2-3 Railway Exchange Direct Private Wires to All Exchanges STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON SERVICE That's All TELEPHONES: MAIN 2S3 MAIN 284 Correspondents C F. Hutton & Co.. New York; Clement Curtis & Co.. Chicago; Harden Stone & Co.. Boston. GOVERNMENT, CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL BONDS TO NET FROM 5 TO 7 PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. MUNICIPAL BONDS From the State of OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO To Net 4.90 to 6.50 Exempt From Present Income Tax J. Devereaux R(5mpany 87 Sixth Street Broadway 1042 Ground Floor We Us-Fargo Building nrus lor Snsakf Tm mi fries ti1 SULLIVAN HIDE & WOOL CO 14 Front SU Portland 1 1 MM -TWO DOZEN- Blanchard Evaporated FRESH EGGS $1.15 Ask Year Groeer HsKlwasd CsniiuTi Distributor 1'ortland, Oregon