i: THE MORNING ORKGONIAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1910. 23 m r . ' - -. 4 . ( , - J '. .-.J ' .! -1 ': LOSS OF POTATOES IN NORTHWEST HEAVY Frost Caught Stocks Transit and in Storage. in PITS EVEN DID NOT ESCAPE Efforts to Dispose of Damagefl Potatoes Prevents Rapid Rise In Prices, Yet Markets Move Up. Local stocks of potatoes were light and there was a good demand for guaranteed frost-free with some sellers asking $4.50 for the best Oregons and Yaklmas. The unprecedented cold weather In the northwest, particularly In the potato pro ducing sections of Oregon and Washing ton, has caused considerable loss of stocks of potatoes both In storage and tn transit. The temperatures fell so low that even stocks In the pits were damaged and the extent of the loss cannot be determined until they are opened. Serious as It seems In this section, tho damage will not be sufficient to affect the general potato mar ket of the country, because In the larger producAig sections no extraordinary dam age was done The cold snap caught many potatoes In transit in box cars and stored in inadequately protected places, with the result that practically all of th murkets now have a large supply of frost damaged potatoes, the disposal of which Is preventing a rapid rise in prices, which might have resulted because the shortage , of refrigerator cars Is preventing a heavj movement to replace the frosted stock. "While prices in the western markets have advanced sharply for frost-free stock, there has been only a very moderate ad vance in the eastern markets and produc ing sections since December 1. At Greeley, Colo., producers are now receiving $2.80 per cwt., as against J2.60 on December 1. At Idaho Falls, Kurals were quoted at J2.73 in carlots and are now bringing $3.33 4, because the weather prevents lire marketing of anything except that stored beside the railroad tracks. In Minnesota, Rod River Ohios have advanced from fiw 3.10, and at Waupaca. Wis.. Round Whites have gone up from $2,308-2.65, and simi lar advances are shown In Chicago. Carlot shlpmtnts of potatoes to date Shipped Total This Shipped l.at Season. 10,350 13,044 7,7211 19.020 H.OM3 23,513 771 3.7T5 , 720 10,089 1,085 2.110 2,014 20,055 27.1 SO Season To Date, . 0,775 0.05 5 3,220 10,200 - 5.054 15,250 294 1.208 320 6.304 331 ' 2,258 1,814 11.212 20.8:19 shipp'g 1S.380 States California Colorado ....... Idaho Maine .......... M tchigan ....... 2k1!nuesoLa ...... Montana ....... Nebraska ...... Nevada New York Oregon Pennsylvania ... Washington .... Wisconsin Others Sections through Totals 110,312 170,480 The four northwestern states ef Oregon, Wasnlngton, Idaho and Montana appear to be 3210 carloads short of their actual Shipments of last year, and Colorado, which suffered heavily from the drouth the past "summer, is short 3644 cars. The markets normally supplied by this sec tion will probably draw their supplies from the states around the Great Lakes. BIO INCREASE IV APPLE HOLDINGS Boxed Stock in Storage 65.2 Per Cent Greater Than Last Year. Statistics on apple holdings in cold storage, issued by the bureau of markets, show 'a gain of 55.2. per cent in stocks of boxed apples, while holdings of barreled apples are practically the same as a year ago. The figures follow: 1919. 1918. Boxes 7,672.(162 4,845.47? Barrels 3,282,593 3,270,820 The local apple movement continues al most at a standstill. One car of Oregons was received. No shipments from this state were reported. Oregon apple sales at New York were telegraphed as follows: 3225 boxes Spit zenbergs, extra fancy, $2.452.60; fancy, $2,054 2.45; choice, $1.854j 2.15; also, Splt aenbergs, large, good condition, $33.25; poorer, $2.502.7S; fancy best, $2.763; poorer, $2.252,50. Market conditions at shipping points are wired as follows: Spokane, Wash. Carloads f. o. b. usual terms. Practically no sales reported. Few sales of. rollers reported. Most shipments rolled unsold. . Rochester, N. V. Very light wire In quiry. Almost no demand; market very weak. Too few sales to establish market SHARP ADVANCES IN KEEIJ GRAINS Bids Are Raised 50 Cents to $1.50 at Mer chants Exchange. V Coarse grain prices continued to climb yesterday at the Merchants' Evchange, bids on sacked oats were advanced $11,50 and on clipped oats 50c&$l. . December and January corn were 50 cents higher. Barley offers ranged from unchanged to 60 cents up.. At San Francisco, December barley sold at $3.77 and May at $3.75. At . Chicago, May barley was 5 cents higher, at $1.60, and December was unchanged at $1.63. -Local millrun prices were advanced $1, to $46, In carlots at mill. Weather conditions In the east were wired as clear and cold. Chicago had a London cable saying Austria faces an im mediate famine. Terminal receipts. In cars, were report ' ed by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley.Flour.Oats.Hay. Portland, vV ed u Year ago S3 Aeason to date. 4874 Year ago 5392 Tacoma, Tues 14 Year ago 34 Season to date.3578 Year ago 3590 . Seattle. Tues, 13 Year ago :!3 Season to date.34l6 Year ago 3750 2 1 ... . 15 28 1 23 123 2130 341 888 744 1348 C37 1957 5 , 8 58 .... IIS 538 19 .... 116 783 2 3 4 2 1 24 166 894 414 745 40 782 436 1750 TURKEY MARKET IS UNCERTAIN Dealers Can Get Word of Only Small Sup plies in Sight. There is more uncertainty as to the Christmas turkey market than there was at Thanksgiving. Dealers have seut many Inquiries Into the country, but Jiave received few responses. From the present looks of things turkeys will again be scarce and that means high prices. With their Thanksgiving experience, however, retailers do not seem disposed to pay ex trome prices, and at the probable market quotation of 47 or 48 cents a small supply may be sufficient for the local trade. A few dressed turkeys are now coming In and are moving around 48 cents, while 88 cents is quoted on live birds. Hens were firm at 3033 cents and springs at 30 cents. Ducks were quoted at 35 940 cents and geese at 23 30 cents." Farm-dressed meats were strong and higher, fancy veal selling at 25 cents and pork at 23 cents. : EGG MARKET DECLINES AGAIN Cash Buyer Will Offer. 65 Cents Delivered Today. The egg market was weak, rather "be cause of the pressure of Australian and other foreign eggs in the north than owing to any increase in local receipts, though a moderate gain in arrivals is expected now tha the storm is pver. The Seattle trade Is evidently preparing for a drop, as a car of fresh eggs was shipped east yesterday and. 'another Is ready to go. The larger local buyers will eat their cash buy ing price 3 cents today, to 65 cents, and will offer candled ranch t the retail trade at 70 cents. The movement In fresh stock was - limited yesterday, but there wars fair sales of Oregon storage at 57 cents, case count. Some dealers are quot ing a Jobbing price of 62 cents on candled storage. The butter, market wag firm.' Bids of 63 conta were made for fresh cubes. Prints generally sold at the advance heretofore announced. Decline in Wheat Exports. Wheat exports In past and former weeks were: ' Wk End.' Wk. End. Wk. End. Dec. 13. Dec. 6. Dec. 14, '18 U. S., Can..$7.4ri!l.ooo $S.5:i4.ooO $14,5ss,0u0 Argentina. 1,8.1S,0U0 4,377,000 410,000 Australia.. 1.72S.000 2.20U.OOO " 870,000 Totals. $11,023,000 $15,111,000 $15,808,000 Shipments for the season to date com pare as follows: Total Since Same Period July 1, "19. Last Season. .167.S07.0O0 12o,08.0O0 U. S. and Argentina Australia India .... Can., . TS.UU.uoo . 53,204,000 53,430,000 16, 7 05,000 6,461,000 Totals .. .200,731,000 201,470,000 ' Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Portland $3,820,555 Seattle 15,439.009 Tacoma 798,014 Spokane 2,088,346 Balances. $1,578,304 2.322,492 175.414 811.245 rOBTLAAD MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, FeJ, Etc. Merchants' exchange, noon session: -lilU.- Dec. ....$02.00 Jan. Feb. $62.73 No. 3 white feed $62.50 Barley Standard feed 73.50 73.50 No. 3 bine 74.0O 74.50 73.73 74.50 Corn No. 3 yellow -. 64.00 61.00 60.00 Kastern oats and corn in bulk: Oats 86-pound clipped .... 58.50 59.00 o-pound clipped .... 81.00 . 61.50 59.00 62.00 59.50 72.00 D per corn No. 3 yellow 61.00 60.00 Barley No. 2 71.00 71.50 WHEAT Government basis, bushel. " FLOUR Patents, til. 73; bakers' hard- wheat, $12.35; whulo wheat, ' $10.75; gra ham, $10.50; valley, $10.45. M1LLFEBD Mill run, f. o. b. mill, car lots or mixed cars. $46 ton; rolled barley, $76; rolled oats, $64; ground barley, $7U; scratch feed, $80. CORN Whole, $74; cracked. $76. HAY Buying prices, f. o. t. Portland: Alfalfa, $28; cheat. $18: clover, $23; oats and vetch, $23; valley timothy, $26e28. Dairy and Country . Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extra, 656Gc pound; prime firsts, 64c; prints, parchment wrap pers, box lots. 70c; cartons, 71c; half boxes, ltc more; less than half boxes, lc more; butterfat. No. 1, 71 72c per pound. CHEESB TUlamooK, I. o. d. uiuamooa: Triplets, 32c; Young Americas, 33c; long horns, 33c Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myr tle Point: Triplets, 31c; Young Americas, 82 c. EGGS Jobbing prices to retailers: Ore gon ranch, candled, 7075o; selects, 760 7Uc; storage. No. 1, 005i02c. - POULTRY Hens, 3u4j.33c; broilers, 30c; ducks, 35 fa 40c; geefc. 25 & 30c; turkeys, live, 38c; dressed, choice, 48c per pound. VEAL Fancy, 25c per pound. PORK Fancy; 23o per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. $4.50 6; lemons, FRUITS Oranges, $5.506.75 per box; grape fruit, $3.oO6.oO box; bananas, 10llc per pound; apples, $l(l-3.60 box: grapes, 12l416c pound; ca sabas, 4c per pound; pears, $2.253.50 per box; cranberries, per box, $10 per barrel. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 5c per pound; lettuce, $4.5o5.50 per crate; beets. $3.50 per sack; cucumbers, $2)2.50 doz. ; tomatoes, 3 per box; eggplant, 20c per pound; carrots, $2.50 per sack; squash, 5c per pound; pumpkins, 3fcc per pound; oelery, $8.50 10 peV crate; peppers, 20c per pound; .horseradish. 15c per pound;' garlic, 40 45c .per pound; turnips, $3.50 per sack; cauliflower, $2.25 dozen. POTATOES Oregon, $3.75&4.50 per sack; sweet, 4V4Bc per pound. ONIONS Oregon, 5c per pound. Staple Groceries.' Local - jobbing quotations! SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit or berry, $9.77; beet, $11.27; golden C, $9.27: pow dered, In barrels,. $10.37; cubes. In barrels, $10.62. NUTS Walnuts, 2840c; Brazil nuts. 30c: filberts, 33c; almonds, 37 'u-38c; pea nuts, lft i3 10c; chestnuts, 25c. SALT Half ground, 100s, $17 per ton: 50s, $18.73 per ton; dairy, $26.50i&28 per ton. RICE Bine Rose, 14 6 per pound. BEANS White, 014c; pink, 814c; lima, 171o per pound; bayous, 8c; Mexican red, 7 Vic. COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 39 50c. . Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 34c: skinned. 27SOo; picnic, 2c; cottage roll, doc LARD Tierce basis, 31c; compound, 2Sc per pound. . DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 2531c; plates, 24c BACON Fancy, 4450c; standard, 839 34c , Hops. Wool. Etc. HOPS 1019 crop. 85c per pound .nn(.rlH RP 4()V 30C. 8-year MOHAIR Long staple, 40e; short (ta pie. 25 80c. TA I. bU W . O. A, ivc;. iiw oi. per pound. " CASUAKA BAltrw H ("l 11 ""- WOOL Eastern Oregon, fine, 85w55c: medium, 4050c; coarse. 3540c; valley, medium, 45 4y 53c; coarse. 35 tip 40c Hides and Pelts. HIDES Salted, all weights: 20c: green. 17c: calf, green or salted, 65c: kip, 35c; ...l(a anltort 17- rreen. 14c: horse hides. small. 13: medium. I4.B0; large. $6;- dry hides, SOo: dry salted. 20c; dry calf. 70c dry salted calf. 65c. T1T.I.T Drv Inner-wool DeltS. 30ST3J( A -t m,((tiTTi vaaI ielts. 2n$f28c per pound'; dry shearling pelts, 60c6$1 v. --it Innff.vnnl nelts. S2(u2.50 each: salt medium wool pelts. $1.50fe2 each: salt shearling pelts, oucsti eacu. Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, raw. cases, $2.16; boiled, barrels, $2.06: $2.08 boiled, cases, 2.is. TURPENTINE Tanks, eo in $1.91; cases, COAL Oil. Iron barrels .1314 16c; tank wagons, lS'-c; cases, 24W31C. GASOLINE Iron barrels, 25c; tank wagon. 25c; cases, 3514c. Switching in Cofiee Futures Market. kw YORK. Dee. 17. The feature in the coffee futures today was the switch lng from March to later months, supposed to represent transferring of hedges to May, July and September by one of the larger importers. Otherwise trading . was-com paratively quiet and fluctuations Irregular. March sold up from 15.08 15.30c and closed at 15.28c, with the general list opening at a decline of 8 to 13 points and closing net unchanged to -a points nigner. There were exchanges of March for May at 20 DOints. July at 41 points and Sep temper at 26 points; also or May for July at 20 points. December, i.BBc January, 14.98V. March, 15.28c; May, 15.45c; July, Rfntemhar. 1B.UUC. Spot coffee quiet; Rio fs, 13c; Santos 4s, 24 tf 2514c nominal. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec. 17. Turpentine, steady, $1.55; sales. 50 barrels; receipts, 87 barrels; shipments, 889 barrel; stock 14,143 barrels. .Rosin, steady: sales, 1105 barrels ceints. 558 barrels; shipments, 1502 bar rels: stock. 50.119 barrels. Quote: B, E F, $1611214; G. H. $16rui 16.15: I. $16.75'ffil6.S7!4: K, $13.25; M, $19; N. $20; VG SJ0.50- WW, 21.(V - NO MATTER WHERE YOU BUY BUY EARLY, IN THE MORNINGS THEN A MERRY XMAS STOCKS GH AT CLOSE ? MARKET HELPED BX IMPROVE MENT IX FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Continued Ease of Money Is Also Strengthening Factor Ralls Only Hold Back. NEW YORK, Dec 17. Several develop ments contributed to the Irregular strength of today's stock market. The most note worthy in potential value was the move ment of British exchange. Bills on London continued to rally to the point where they canceled the greater part of the recent severe decline, strengthening the imprsslon in many quarters that steps are really being taken to negotalte large international credits. , The reviews of steel and iron Industrial conditions were favorable and were sup plemented by advances in -quotations for fuel oil and virtual consummation of large contracts, foreign and domestic, for rail way equipment. Coal loans were freer at 7 per cent than at any recent period, interior banks offer ing round amounts at that rate and later at per cent. Time money ruled firm, eager bids of 8 per cent for two and three months eliciting little response. Shippings, tobaccos, textiles, coppers and leathers helped to sustain the advance, with miscellaneous Issues, Including chemi cal shares, at extreme gains of one to five points. The only division to hold back was rails, which moved within a very narrow radius, hardening slightly at the firm close. Sales totaled l.poo.000 shares. Totat bond sales, par value, aggregated $28,750,000. pid United States bonds were unchanged. CLOSING "STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last Low. Sale. 04 94 5414 54l 13814 139 134' 11414 0314 4 034 0014 136 Is 130 V. 9614 904 99 's 99 . 15 '4 1(1 Lj, 5614 BBv4 82 8314 10914 173 10714 10814 2914 29 94 4 2514 204 44 44 13314 1:!.1T4 94 14 04 14 53 53 3614 3714 85 '4 86 24 4 23 35 14 35 4 39 8(1 14 S44 8614 209 209 51 51 7B14 774 12 12', 'lrtn 327 32714 76 T4 7714 37 37 87 874 r.014 r.0-4 106(4 l&j, 21 21, 7514 75 15 16 27 '4 28 10914 10 202 '4 207 21 2214 484 49 25 -4 2514 5714 57 H 144 14 67 "4 68 4 254 2(1 7'4 97 S 784 79 i 10314 1064 4014 40 '4 24 '4 2414 624 63 19-4 . '(l4 75 '4 7014 10014 10914 11 1 1 14 " 434 44 '4 102 10.V 21 V, 21 14 1044 1044 192 297 884 884 122-4 12314 904 014 10214 102 4 1 03 1 OS Ti 112 112 704 73 8SI4 ff'i. 53 53 2814 2ST4 70 79 484 484 8414 864 Sales. 2O0 3.800 4.0O0 2.4(10 9.800 5, KM) soi) 900 2.70K 1.2(10 H.KMt 6.0(10 2.4(H) High. 94 ,53 S 1 3!) 115 93 60 '1 136 - 97 DO '4 1614 57 8314 173 llOft 30 94 T4 2 44 4 134 95 S 53 4 37 '4 35 -4 39 4 86 14 21214 52-1, 77 1314 33014 7714 37 V, 88 50 74 108 i 21 S 76 10 2814 110 210 2214 49 54 2.1 n 68 14 20 - os 7954 106 4014 2514 63 20 7'i 1124 1114 45 lo.Hi 2H4 1 07 4 ' 20714 no n 123 91 10314 104 14 113-4 73 89U. ' 5314 2 7I 40 96 Am Beet Sug. Am Can Am Cr & Fdry Am H L pril A m Loco Am Sm Rfg Am Sugar Rfg Am Sum Tab. Am Tel & Tel. Am Z L & Sm Anaconda Cop Atchison a g jt w i s a rvaiawin Loco Bait & Ohio. 40.0(8) lo.noo 14,71)0 2.7O0 1.3O0 2.(MK) 6.100 1.5(10 fi.K.H) Beth Bteel B, B & S Copper. - aur r-ecrol . . Canadian Pac Cent Leather. Thes & Ohio.. Chi M & St P. Chi & N W . . Chi R I Pao Chlno Copper. Col Fu & Iron. Corn Prods . .. Crucible Steel. Cuba Cane Sug U S Fd Prods. Erie Gen Electric. Gen Motors .. Gt No pfd Gt No Ore ctfs Illinois Central Insplr Copper. Int M M pfd.. Inter Nickel.. Inter Paper. .. K C Southern. 3.100 1.800 1.100 1.000 9.900 7.700 5,300 3.2"0 3,500 6.50O 7.200 3.3(H) 1,900 1.300 9.1(H) 5.2(H) 7.5(H) 4(H) Kennecott Cop 10 R0 Louis & Nash. 200 Mexican Petrol 34.3oo Miami Copper. 2,400 .nuvaie fcteel. Missouri Pac Montana Pow. Nevada Cop... N Y Central . . N Y N H & H Norf & West.. Northern Pap. 7.000 2, 5O0 500 1.HO0 8. 3O0 8.200 600 0,000 Pan-Am Petrol SO.lno r-ennsyivanla.. 18.0(H) Pitts & Vf Va. 3.OO0 Pittsburg Coal Koo Ray Con Cop, 2 200 Rending 7.0OO Rep lr & Steel 44.000 Shat Ariz Cop nno sin oil & Rfg. R2.rt.Hl Southern Pac. 22,4()0 Southern By.. 5.700 Rtudebaker Co 28,foo 1 exas Co . . S 'rtft Tobacco Prods 5.800 Union Pacific. 6(H) Untd Rtl Strs. 13,5(10 U S Ind Alco 1.90O U S Steel 43.700 do pfd 1,000 tah Conner.. 1 son Western Union '400 Westing Elect a inn Wlllys-Overlnd 6.0OO National Lead 800 Ohio Cits Gas. 4.600 Royal Dutch.. 14,100 Bid. BONDS. P0.501A T & T cv 6s. U S Lib 3!4s no 1st 4s. . do 2d 4s. . . do 1st 414s do 2d 414s. do 3d 4 '4 s. do 4th 4i'.s 93.521 Atch gen 4n. 7514 47 90 . 75 i 53 91.58 D & K G reg 5s. 93 601 N T C deb 6s. . 91.62IN P 4s 03.541 do 3s 1.50lpc T . T K 4 Victory 84s do 4is .. OS.flH Pa con 414s 'sn u B ref 2s reg.100 .".,!(, .1 x- CV US ((4 So Rv fis 61U do coupon . .100 ITJ P 4s 82 Z u o con os reg.-nxwiu s Steel 3s 97 1, 0 raupon Mi Anglo French 5s 9514 TJ 8 4s reg. ...I054j . uo coupon . ."105141 Bid. Boston Closing Mining. MUSI UN, Dec. 17. Closing Quotations: Allouez 83 North Butte 144 3214 47 58 514 4 '4 14 614 114 18 34 ArizoiiiOom 1214 Old Dominion. . Osceola Qulncy Superior v.Hi ae Aria ti Cat & Hecla...383 Centennial .... 1414 Cop Ranee Con 43(, .sup & Bos Min. East Butte C M 13 14 Shannon Franklin 8 14 I Utah Con. . Isle Royale Cop Sid Winona ... Lake Cop 3 Wolverine . Mohawk 58 Greene Can Kitra Shipbuilding Dividend. CLEVELAND. Dec. 17. Director, of (h. American hlnbullding comnanv totrtav dit. i;juivu tue regutar aiviuena oi i per cent I ana an extra aiviaena or x per cent In cash on the common stock for the quarter ending December 31. 1919. payable Feb ruary 2, 1920, to stock of record Jan uary 15. 1 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, Dec. 17. Mercantile paper, unchanged. Sterling, demand, $3.86: - cables. $3.87. Francs, demand, 10.40; cables, 10.38. Guild ers, demand, 374 j cables. 38. Lire, de mand, 12.90; cables, 12.85. Marks, demand. 2.12; cables. 2.14. Time loans, strong, unchanged. Call money, easy; high, 7 per cent: low, 6 per cent: ruling rate, 7 per cent; closing v & i s n4 0 0 This Bank Offers a Small Block of Portland General Obligation 5 BONDS , . Amount. Maturity as follows. S 2,000 December 1, 1923. 9 2,000 December 1, S 2.000 December 1. 1924... 1926. . . 1928... $29,000 December 1, 3.000 December 1, 1930... 1932. . . 1934. . 1936.. . 1938... 3,000 December 1, 3,000 December 1, 3,000 December 1, 8,000 December 1, Denomination $1000.00 These bonds are a direct and general obligation of the city of Portland, Oregon, and at the prices listed above yield 4.70 per cent. Under the rulings of the Treasury Department these bonds are . exempt from all Federal Income Taxes, Surtaxes, and Excess Profit-Taxes. We recommend these as a safe and attractive investment. V Bond Dept. LADD & TILTON BANK Oldest in the Northwest Washington and Third "MEMBEff "FEDERAL .SYSTIM, 4. 6 per cent: offered at T per cent; last oan. e per cent. Bar stiver. $1.3314. Mexican dollars, $1.0214. LONDON, Dec 17. Bar silver, 78d per ounce. aioney and dlecount, unchanged. SAN FRANCISCO PRQDCCK MARKET Prices Current n Vegetables. Fresh Fruits, Etc, at Umr City. BAN FRANCISCO. Dec 17. Butter, solid cubes, 0814c. Kgge iresn. extras. 7bc; extra outlets. 74c. Cheese Firsts, 3114 c: young America. 38c. Poultry Hensi 3233c lb.; young roost ers, 31 to 32c; old, 20c; fryers. 34V3UC-, broilers, 38c; squabs, 6070c lb.; geese. 28'f30c; turkeys, dressed, 50 52c; live. 42 to 45c. Vegetables Eggplant, southern. 71 ; pound; peppers, bell, 1214c pound; chili. 12130 pound; squash, bubbard, si.zov? , 1.50 sack: summer. $22.25 Los Angeles , lug; pumpkin, $141.23 sack; tomatoes, 50c . &I1.25 lug; potatoes, rivers, white, $437 4.50; sweet, 4 4 14c lb.; onions, yellow and white, $4.25(4.50 cental; Australian brown, I liidio-oO; cucumbers, $l.o04tl. tt small box; garlic, 2214&2.JC pound: beans, string, 10pl71c pound; limas, lOijploo pound; celery, $5&6.50; turnips, $1.752 sack; artichokes. No. 1. $1.101.25 dozen; cauli flower, $1.251.50 dozen; leutuce, 50&55o dozen; peas, 121s&1714c pound; sprouts, 9c pound. Fruit Oranges, Valenclas. $44.75; na vels, $43; lemons, $45; grapefruit, 2 5li4 box: tanirarlnes. $2. 50(8" 3. OO; bananas, 7&8c per pound; pineapples, $4G dozen; pears, cooKlng, sicfl.ou tug: winter Nellls, $2.503.50 box; apples. Newtown pippins, - $1.75(2.25; pitzenberg, $2.25 8.25: Baldwin, $23.25; huckleberries. 16 tr20c pound; grapes, nominal; pomegran ates, $22.25 half orange box; persimmons. $1.50ft2 per 20-pound box; cranDernea, 44.50 box. . Receipts Flour. 10 00 quarters; barley, 5277 centals; beans. 2012 sacks; potatoes. 6932 sacks; onions, 2900 sacks; hay, 303 tons; hides, 29; wine, 14,500 gallon. FRESH UPTURNS III CORN GAIX OF NEARLY FOUR CENTS IN CHICAGO MARKET. Prices Strengthened by Big Ad vance in Sterling Exchange Rates. Active Export Deiuand for Outs. CHICAGO, Dec. 17. Steep advances In British exchange aided today to bring about fresh upturns In the value of corn. Closing prices were nervous. l43T4c net higher, with January $1.4054(8-1.404 and May $1.36 1.37. Oats gained 214c In provisions th outcome ranged trom 20 cents decline to a rise of $1.40. The initial strength in corn was as cribed largely to the stimulus given by the passage of the Edge .foreign finance bill. Difficulties in obtaining railroad cars to move the crop tended also to lift the market. Bhorts bid up December to the highest point yet of the present upturn. Oats at first were easier, but developed much strength, owing to active export de mand. Pork offerings were scarce. There was considerable scattered selling of lard and ribs: - , . Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. Dec $146 $1.48 $1.4514 Jan 1.3914 1.4114 1.3S May 1.33 Vi 1.3714 1.33 OATS. May S3 .844 .82 Jan 7714 .78 1 .761, MESS POKK. Jan 37.10 36.S0 May ' 37.10 36.03 LARD. Jan 23.35 23.45 23.00 May 24.00 24.03 23.70 SHORT RIBS. Jan 18.67 18.45 Mav 19.13 19.30 19.03 Close. $1.47-4 1.40. 1.3614 .84 1.4 .7oi 37.10 36.03 23.10 23.80 18.52 19.10 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2, mixed, old. $1.53; No. yellow. $1.53. 2, Oats No. 2. white. 85 9 88c; No. 3 8414 47 14 c Rye No. 2. $1.68 1.70 H. Barley, $1.00 1.6(1. Timothy seed, $S.50& 11.50. Clover seod. $3013 48. Pork, nominal. Lard, $23.10. Kfrbs, $16 (u 19. white, Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dee. 17. Flour, $12.10. 8-8s. Grain. Wheat. $3.20; oats, red feed, $3,104( 3.15: barley. feed. $3.87 14 3.45; corn, California white. $3,604(3.70. Hay Wheat or wheat and oats, $21$ 25; tame oats, $23tc26; barley. $19(y23; alfalfa, $21(20: barley straw, &obuc bale. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 17. Barley, 1.S7. Flax, $4.1)8 eg 5.08. $1.35 Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 17. Copper, iron and antimony, unchanged. Lead, firm. Spot and January, 7.20c bid; 7.30c asked. Zinc, firm. East St. Louis delivery, spot, 8.16c bid: 8.25c asked. . New York Sugar Market. NEW steady, ed, 9c. YOKK, Dec. 17. Rw sugar, Centrifugal, 7.28c; fine granulat- Cotton Murket, NEW stendy. YORK, Dec. 17. Spot cotton, Mldrilines. 3l.2.-,r. NO MATTER WHERE. YOU BUY , BUY EARLY IN THE MORNINGS THEN A MERRY XMAS 'w W 'w w w O O wO''C! Price. .100.83 .101.08 .1014)5 .10248 .102.55 .102.89 .103.20 .103.49 .103.74 RESERY1 ALL CLASSES if DEMAND STROXG MARKET AT NORTH PORTLAXD YARDS. Hogs Again Sell at $15.75 Tear ling 'Wethers Higher With Sales at $10.50. All classes of livestock were firm yes terday. Eight loads were received and there was a good demand for the limited offerings. Further sales of hogs at $13.75 were reported and choice cattle also sold at full prices. In the sheep division year lings were quoted up to $10.50, with sev eral good-sized bunches going mx that price. Receipts were 82 cauls, 1 calf, 228 hogs and 621 sheep. The day's sales were as follows: Wt. Price. I Wt. Price. 27 steers. 1034 $12.231137 yearl. DO $10.50 29 steers. 1035 12.25:176 yearl. 89 10.50 9 steers. 3084 10.50HO cows. . R10 3.00 1 steer.. 810 9.0l 7 cows. . 954 7.23 Scows., looo 8.251 2 cows.. 870 8.00 lcow.. H.-.0 7.23! 2steera. 815 8.O0 lcow.. 10"O 6 001 lcalf... 150 14.00 lcow.. 9.10 S.r.() lbull... 550 6. no 18 cows. p:io S.OOl 4 hogs.. 157 15.73 lcow.. DdO 6 00 24 hoKS.. 252 15.73 2 calves. 275 12.()rti72 hogs. . 01 13.73 4hOKS.. 425 18.751 M bun. . 141 14 00 ilOhoes.. 116 13.80! 11 hogs.. 136 14.00 iji lamoi I I. o . 61 hogs.. 119 14.00 125 yearl. 63 10.501 Livestock prices at the local yards fol- Cattle Best steers Good to choice steers.... $10. rswn.25 9 r.ftr 10.23 Medium to good steers....... Fair to good steers Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers Hood to choice cows, heifers.. Medium to good cows, heifers. Fair to medium cows, heifers. Canners Bulls 8.25 W 8.73 7.(H)W 8.00 it.no- 6.50 8.5(1 9.23 7.0Oii 8.50 550ff 7.00 4.00W 5 50 S.OO 'jl 4 UO B.OOfr 7.00 12.50 ft 14. OO 7.0O'7'12.no 8.00 0 9.25 15.25 Wl.1.75 14. 75'oi 15.25 13.25fi 13.75 .12. 75 13.73 13 00 13. 50 ll.KOffi 12.50 10.50JT 11.50 10.0011.50 9. 50 or 10.30 B ona 9.50 6.50 4f 7.50 Prime llsrht calves Heavy calves Ctockers and feeders Hogs Prime mixed ................ Medium mixed .............. Rough heavies Pigs Eastern lambs .............. Light valley Iambs Heavy valley lambs Feeder Iambi leanings Wethers Ewes Chicmro Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 17. Hon RerelDts. 50.. mo. slow, about 2oc higher. Bulk. tl4 14.80; top. $14.45: heavy, f 13.K514 35; medium. $14 "j 14.45; . liitht. X13.UO a 14 35: light light, J13.50'ffil4: heavv oacklna sows, smooth. 13.25fil3.75: parkins: sows. rough, 1-J.504il3.5; plus. 75 ffi 13.75. Cattle Keeelpts, 11.000. unsettled. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. tlS'aO: medium anil mod. f 10.50 13.75; common. fS.Wl(l Ml- llgnt weight, good and choice. $12. 753 19.25; common and medium. 7..r.Oi 12.50: butcher cattle, heifers, .25'B14 25; cows, $t&13: canners and cutters, $4.75(7? 5.75; veal calves, $10 17; feeder steers, $712; stocker steers. 10.25. Fheep Receipts. 2O.000: slow. T.smh $15t 17.50; culls and common. tll.50f 14. ; ewes, medium, good and choice, $30 10; culls and common. $4.50 7.75. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Dec. 17. (United States bu. reau of markets.) Hogs Receipts, 10.000. 15c to 25c higher. Top. $13 05: bulk. IIS "5 (g 13.60: heavy weight. 13.30 41 13. so? llum weight, M3.40 1 3 Q5 : ltirht wpfcht. 13.15 13.50; Usht ll(fht. $1L 75 13.15; heavy packing; ow. smooth. 13.ln 13.ls ; packing; sows, rough, $12.l)0tf 13: piss. 10.4i312.25. Cuttle Hfctpt. n.".00. killtinir crn(T steady to 23c lower. Stockera and feeders. flow. Beef steers, medium nnd heavy weight, choice and prime 15.75 18: me dium and good, $10.75$ r3. 73; common. $910.7r; light welRht. good and choice. $1 5.30 j 18.2:.; common and medium. J8..r0 15.30: butcher cattle, heifers, $.;J5S 13; cows, 6fjil2.25: canners and cutters, 4..r,0 6; veal calves. Mirht and handy weight, M31S 14.Q0: feeder steers, $7ff 13; stocker steers. $3.50(i 11. Pheep Receipts. 11.000. steady. Lambs, 84 pounds down. $1316.25; cults and com mon, $11.3014; yearling wethers. $12 14; ewes, medium and choice, $8.250.50; culls and common, $38.25. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 17. (U. S. Bureau Making the Great Northwest a Better Place to Live In The funds made available by the bond issues enumerated below are being employed to finance the development of prosperous com munities of the northwest. These bonds represent old. well-established agricultural sections which have sure and permanent tax-paying ability. Banks and careful investors invest in county bonds because they carry extraordinary mar gin of security, high collateral value and ready marketability. Expe rienced investors always own some county bonds. KLICKITAT COUNTY, WASH 6 Road Bonds, due serially from 1920-39. Actual value, $28,400,000. Assessed valuation, $14,201, 730. Bonded debt, $12,500, or 9-100 of 1 of the assessed value. Selling at prices to net 5. LINCOLN COUNTY, WASH. 5 Road Bonds, due serially from 1920-39. Actual value, $50,000,000. Assessed valuation $27,665, 545. Bonded debt, $153,000, or five-ninths of 1 of assessed value. Selling at prices to net 5. ADAMS COUNTY, WASH 6 Actual valuation, $45,000,000. Bonded debt, $246,000, or 1 to net 5. DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASH. 54 Road Bonds, due serially 1921 38. Actual valuation, $30,000,000. Assessed valuation ,$12,297,072. Bonded debt, $242,000, or less than 27 of assessed value. Sell ing at prices to net 59o- WALLA WALLA COUNTY, WASH. 5 Road Bonds, due 1939, optional 1924. Actual valuation, $65,000,000. Assessed valuation, $32,139,717. Bonded debt, $211,000, or about five-eighths of 1 of-assessed value. Selling to net 4.70 to optional date, 5 thereafter. BINGHAM COUNTY, IDAHO 5 Road Bonds, due serially 1930 38. Actual valuation, $35,000,000. Assessed valuation, $14,678, 498. Bonded debt, $600,000, or about 4 of assessed value. Sell ing at prices to net 4.95. WASHINGTON COUNTY, IDAHO a Road Bonds, due serially 1927-S7. Actual valuation, $50,000,000. Assessed valuation, $8,837,707. Bonded debt, $100,000, or lco of assessed value. Selling at prices to net 4.809o. WASHAKIE COUNTY, WYO. 5 School Bonds, due 1944, optional 1934. Actual valuation, $13,000,000. Assessed valuation, $6,282, 924. Bonded debt, $50,000, or five-eighths of 1 of assessed value. Selling at prices to net 4.90. . " Circulars giving complete information covering each of the above issues furnished upon request. We sell bonds 1o investors on the PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN. The interest on these bonds is Free from all Income Taxes. i ermerxs B o rd s -Trusts upiTai M. surplus Iboo.eoo S&r fr-.rClSCO lumkr-mrs Bldq. PorI and. Oreqorv. I of Markets.) Sheep Receipts. 0OO: ' ....... .1 .. 1 ,ix mia co 11 Id ana common, $.25e'l3; yearling wethers. $12 13.75; ewes, $7,50110.25; culls and com mon, $3.5007.25; breeding ewes, $3911.50; feeder lambs. $11314. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Dee. 17. Hogs Receipts, none. Steady. Prime, $15.50 016; medium to choice. 14 50 15.50; rough, $13.50 414; pigs. $12.50 914. Cattle Receipts. 131. Steady. Best steers. Ill wll.50; medium to choice. t9it 9.50; common to good. $7.509; cows and heifers, $8.759.50; common to good, SV 8.25; bulla, $6.50 U 7.50: calves, $.7 013. Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE, Dec 17. City delivery r"eed Mill, $47 per ton; scratch feed, $82; feed wheat, $85; all grain chop, $75; oats, $68, sprouting oats. $70; rolled oats, $70; whole corn. 75; cracked corn. $77; rolled bar ley. $80: clipped barley. $85. Hr Eastern Washington timothy mixed. $86&$37 per ton; double com pressed. $40.- alfalfa. $34; straw. $16317; Puget sound, $3:v Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Dec. 17. Evaporated ap ples quiet Prunes fltm but quiet. Peaches quiet. Dulutli Unseed Market. DULCTH, Dec. 17. Linseed, $5 it 5.19. Barley on track, $1.24 $1.52. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or., Dec. 17. Maximum temopraiurp :t7 decrees: minimum tem perature. 30 degrees. River reading. 8 A. M . 2.1 feet: change in last 24 hours. O.S-Joot rise. Total rainfall 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. ). .44-inch: total rainfall since Sep tember 1, 1919, 14.28 Inches; normal rain fall since September 1. 15.90 Inches; defi ciency of rainfall sine September 1, 1019, 1.0S Inches. Sunrlxe, 7:4s A. M.; sunset, 4:27 P. M-: total sunshine, none: possible sunshine. 8 hours 39 minutes. Moonrtse, 3:31 A. M.; nioonset. 1:24 P. M. Barom eter reduced sea level). 5 P. M., 30.21 Inches. Relative h umidtty: 5 A. M., 93 per cent; noon, 93 per cent; 5 P. M.. 91 per cent. , THE WEATHER. - 2. -c o a -2. s. ? c o z o S a c on " 3 : To ho . D . a STATIONS. Wsathor. i iiiKi-r Rome Boston . . f'aigary ... Chicago Denver Des Moines Eureka . . . . (ialventon H tilena t J uneau . . . 4 u . iKii . . iSK ,rt. clouay is o.ikiI. .iNW Cloudy lxO.r'lSXWiear 4S O.ooil4 NW Pt. cloudy 14 O.02. .INW Snow (14 0.0l . ,SB Clear 14 0.0O . .:ti Clear 04 0.00 . .IK Cloudy 6-' o.ool. ,!E leioudy 5(1 0. (III. 12 HV 'Clear 44 0.5212 NK IHaln 4( O.OO; . .NK ICiear 401 50 3V 1SI Kansas Clly. Isos Angeies. 521 74 0.0(i. .iS Clear 21 52 0.44.. .ISW Cloudy 34! 30 O.Ooi . .Is C'louuy -2 OO.ltUlPR Snow Marshiieid Mfdford . , Mmneapolii New Urleansj 4(1, 62 o.oo'. .!sk IPt. cloudy New York (l o.imi :i(5 v itjlesr 44i 4S 1 .xi 14 SB Raio North Head. No. i aklmi Phoenix Pocatello . Portland . Kosetmrg . lOI 24,0.00). .INWICloudy 50 ! 0! Sol 3S Sl 201 10! 4SI 44! 4o; 42 2Sl 3S 72 0.0. . NWiCloudy Ho O.ool. .W Clear 37,0.441.. INWICloudy 4SO.Oii..lM ICUludy 52 O.ooi . . N cloudy 2i,0.OOj. ,R (Clear 20 0. mh. . ISB Clear 7( O.oo' .iNW'Ctenr 5rt o . 00 ..INK K-loud Sacramento. . St. Louis . . . Salt L,ake . . San DleKO . . S. FVancisco. Seattle Sitka Spokane . . . . Tacoma Tatoosh laid- 5i'l.(i;..iSW Pi. cloudy 4,o. (.i .. j-ts iKatn Hli 0.401.. S Cloudy 52 1.2o..N Cloudy .1 ..ol.sslos ICloudy 8 O.02I. .1. . ..!Snow S! 34 O.OJl. .iSW (Cloudy !2; 22 O.OO',. .:NVClear :2 -2 0.0012 E Isnow tvaldez Walla Walla, Washington . W I n n i peg .. IA. M. today, day. P. M. report of preceding FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Haln southeasterly winds. moderate Oreson Itain in the west portion: rain or snow in the east portion; moderate southeasterly winds. Washington Haln In the west portion, rain or snow in the east portion; warmer in the seautheapt portion; moderate winds. mostly soutneriya Idaho Fair south, rain or snow north portion. The world's product of lead pencils probably amounts to nearly 2,000,000.- 000.000 a year, half of which are made from American-grown cedar. Road Bonds, due serially 1920-34. Assessed valuation, $24,109,661. of assessed value. Selling price ljrUir(o. - Acceptances Exempt from mil Dominion Government Taxation $17,033.00 City of Vancouver, B. C. Due: December 15, 1923 DENOMINATIONS: $973.33 and $486.66 These are 4 Bonds and are general obligations of the entire City of Vancouver, B. C, all of the taxable property and resources of the entire city being pledged to pay inter est and principal as they come due. We recommend these bonds as unusual investment securities. PRICE: TO YIELD 7?o LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS If yon mnst sell your Liberty or Vlrtory Honda, sell to no. If you out boy more Liberty or Viotory Xiunds. buy from on. on Wednesday, December 17, litl.i. the closing New York market prices were as Riven below. They are the governing- prices for Liberty and Victory Bonds all over the world, and the highest. We advertise these prices daily in order that you may always know the -eff Torlt market and the exact value of your j-ioeriy ana victory uonaj. ist 1st id let 8'- Market ...Jll;i.20 Interest .. .03 $03.52 91.0 J03.O .03 .37 .04 Total . . .$i)'.).'j.t iri OO jyi.'.t. 593.04 he-n Miying- we deduct 7c on a ."0 A nr rhn Va ..r V t . 1 . . . $91 07 $93. fH ' W "e jell at the New York market, me iew orK market, plus Burglar and Fireproof Safe tun .. 1 1 W II VI v a was a 1 11 o a. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond Hons. Capital On- Million Dollars. Mnrrin Building, 300-311 Mark St.. Between 6tu and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2151. EKtablishrd Uvxr a Wtmrter Centnry. FINANCE OFFICIAL PICKED Drlggs Broter to Succeed Guy E. Boncrman in Idaho. BOISE. Idaho. Dec. 17. (Special.) C. B. Walker, a young broker of Dripgs, Idaho, was today announced by Governor D. W. Davis as the suc cessor to Guy E. Bowerman, state finance commissioner. Walker was tendered the position about ten days ago, but did not accept until after a conference with Governor Davis this morning, at which the policies and functions of the finance department were discussed. Mr. Bowerman will leave Thursday nlglit for St. Anthony to wind up his private business before going to New York to take up his new duties as secretary of the American Bankers' association, for the purpose of which he tendered his resignation. The new commissioner comes with recommen dation of Air. Bowerman, having been associated with him In the banking business at St. Anthony several years ago. Rain Ends Pendleton Cold. PENDLETON', Or.. Dec. 17. Not the end of the world, but the end of the coldest spell ever experienced, was Pendleton's record today. The maxi mum thermometer registration today was 28 above zero, with a minimum of 8 above last night. The expected " Investors study Ik Wall Street JcsikI Selection of Safe Securities fT IS not too early to beg-in planning- the invest ment of that interest, dividend or other profit money which you will receive January 1st. Nor is it amiss to go over your investment list for the past year and see if adequate returns are being received. For selection of new investments or conversion of the old we are certain Clark, Kendall & Co., Inc., service will be satisfactory. Don't overlook our Oregon Munici pals, exempt from Federal Income taxation, which ClARK. KENDALL 6 CO. nrra am rtAJtx tmx rr-FotrnA OND Government Municipal Corporation G. E. Miller & Company Investment Securities ' Phone Main 4193 205-6 Northwestern Bank Building. GOVERNMENT, CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL BONDS TO NET FROM 57 TO 7 PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. MUNICIPAL BONDS From the State of OREGON WASHINGTON-IDAHO To Net 4.90 to 6.50 Exempt From Present Income Tax fcl.Devereaux company 87 Sixth Street Broadway. 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Farsro Buildinjr 4th Victory 41.1 Ss 4t JK1.5S JUS.PO JDS. 86 .74 .03 .04 4 4 s 4 'i s 391.60 $93.52 .39 1.10 1191.99 94.i $U".WV bond and S.oO on a SlUOO bond. .1 a 1 . plus the arc-rued interest. the accrued interest. IeMNit lioves for Kent fc.a. vu vu oiui uoj f3h,eekct7jn0fyn0 yet come- but Rain Melts Astoria Snow. ASTORIA, Or.. Dec 17. (Special.) As a result of the snlftlng of the wind to the southeast last night, and the heavy rain which continued all night, the greater portion of the snow has disappeared. The weather Is still unusually warm for this season and the remaining snow Is melting quite rapidly. Phone your want ads to the Orego- nlan. Main 7070. A 60?5. I 1 67o Net Mortgages 6 Net Take advantage of advantages. Save and buy a high-grade mort gage at the same time. Mort gages do not fluctuate in value like stocks and bonds. Investi gate our Partial Payment Plan. Western Bond and Mortgage Co. 80 Fourth SL Portland Oregon -TWO DOZEN- Blanchard Evaporated FRESH EGGS $1.15 Ask Your Grocer HaxerfTOod Company, Distributor Irtlnnd Ongoa yield about 6 INC. okmom 2d 3d i ' - i. f v 1 - w ... r I. " is- 1