THE MORNING OREGONUX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1910. 15 .I ': :.. :, - v IP'.-. V: ' r f : . - . , v..- j 1 i CITY N EWS IN BRIEF City Krlitor Mahl 707O, A""' Sunday E.litor Main 7IV70, A 6 5 .Advertising Department. .Main 707O. A '. Superintendent of bldr. . .Main 7070. UJi AMUSEMENTS. HETL1G (Broadway at Taylor) ''She Walked In Her Sleep." Tonight. BAKER (Broadway near Morrion Baiter Stock Company In -The Private Secre tary." ToniKht. ALCAZAR (Eleventh at Morrison) Al cazar Musical Players in "A Stubborn Cinderella." Tonight. LYRIC (Fourth at Stark) Musical com edy. "A Cloe Shave." Three shows daily. 2, 7 and 9 P. M. VANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude ville. Three shows daily. 2:30, 7 and tt-.Oa. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures. 2 to 5. 6:4.'. to 11 P. M. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M. I THRIFT STAMPS WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Sale at Business Office, Oregonlan. Thomas A, 'Woodruff Sentenced. Thomas A. Woodruff, former spe cial agent and watchman for the Southern Pacific at SparkB, Kev, was sentenced to two years at Mc Neil's island yesterday by Federal Judge Wolverton for having goods stolen In interstate commerce in his possession. Police inspectors' located $3000 of goods stolen from inter state shipments at Sparks at Wood ruff's home ,in St. Johns. Mrs. Woodruff swooned as she saw her husband being taken to jail by a deputy United States marshal. Police Ask for Help. "Don't scare a burglar out of your house, but call the police and let him be caught!" This is the request which Captain Leo Harms, head of the new automobile squad assigned to patrol the city in quest of criminals, is . submitting to the public. Captain Harms asks that the police be quietly notified whenever It is pos sible, bo that they may surprise the criminal redhanded. Burglaries Laid to Suspect. Albert Huber, arrested several days ago by Detectives Coleman and Alorak and turned over to the fed eral authorities charged with the rolsbery of the postofflce at Cath lamet, Wash., last year, is believed to have been responsible for several burglary Jobs in San Francisco, ac cording to advices received from that city yesterday by Chief of Police Jenkins. Church to Honor Pilgrims. The COngregationalists of Portland to night celebrate what they call.Fore . father's day. It is the 299th anni versary of the landing of the Pil grims at Plymouth Rock. The exer cises begin at 6:30 o'clock with a dinner and after the dinner Presi dent Robert Fay Clark of Pacific uni versity will give a brief address on "The Pilgrim in Education." Others will be on the programme. Woman Lobes Jewelry. About $50 in money and a large quantity of jewelry were taken from wie home of Mrs. Rose Thompson, 361 Free mont street, by burfrlars who entered the house, apparently, by the use of a pass key, according to a report she made to the police. The stolen jewelry included a watch, locket, ruby necklace, lavalier besides num erous other articles. "Safety First" Topjc Today. Talks at the noon luncheon today of the Progressive Business Men's club, in the crystal room of the Benson hotel. will deal with the safety first move ment. B. F. Boynton will, be chair- man and special speakers will convey tne message or the day. Musical num bers are promised and the "eats" will consist of a turkey dinner. Five Seek Divorce Decrees. Divorce suits filed In the circuit court yesterday were: Mabel against Earl J. Wood. Helene K. against Harold G. Waters, Alex J. againBt Mabel H. Hayes, L. S. against Nina Blanche .vimer. uertrude Florence against Claude F. Drew and Charles L. against Lora Norton. Posters to Be Shown. An inter .. esting exhibit of posters will be made at the Portland Art Museum today, when the students will pit on exhibition the posters they have made for the Portland Symphony Or- cnestra concert to be given T ednes uay nignt, jjecemDer 31, at tne Heilig tneater. Red Man Dance Postponed. On account of weather conditions the dance to be given by Oneonta Tribe, n t i j - . , iuiruvcu uraer or tea Men, tnis evening at W. O. W. hall. East ixtn and Kast Alder streets, has oeen postponed to Thursday evening, January id. o. L. Dlckel. committee cnairman. Adv. Free lecture on Christian Science to De delivered in the Heilig theater, Friday, December 19, at 12:10 noon , D.v wiinam w. Porter. C. s. n - New York City, member of the board or lectureship or the Mother church the First Church of Christ, Scientist, . in lioston, Mass. The public is cordial ly invited. Adv. i ixvrafla 1UDAT. Alter having been closed for more than a ween oecaUBe of the storm and in aomty to get fuel, the Brooklyn branch library will be opened to . patrons again today. It was an nounced yesterday that fuel for heat ing tne Duuaing nas been obtained. Mr. Riley Speaks Tonight. Frank Brancn rtuey is to appear before -oriiana DanKers and their friend - tonight on the eighth floor of th Oregon building at 8 o'clock and will lecture on -The Mad East." No ad mission charged. Miss Helen Hollister anu jusepn juuiaer win slngr. Election Warrants at City Halt. Warrants for services In the city election are being paid at the city hall, not the courthouse, announced County Clerk Beverldge yesterday, in answer to the large number of peo ple who have been calling at his office for their pay. The Hot Springs of Portland, Brown Hydropathic institute. Stevens bldg. Open every Thursday evening. Adv. Xmas Photos. Have your sitting today, finished before Xmas: open evenings. Davies Studio. Liberty the ater bldg. Adv. Wb grind skates, etc. Majestic Elec. trie heaters, special $9.S5. Portland Cutlery Co., 86 6th St., nr. Stark. Adv ai,LKB. attention: Big surprise Thursday night meeting. Don't miss this. Pep committee. Adv. Kibheheb Coal, Carbon Coal Cos. m4n agents. 321 liawttiorne ava. East 1188 AdY. Sign for membership in tb' Leonard Wood Republican club, 625 Corbett building. Adv. Dr. J. D. Fenton. physician and sur geon, moved 411-412 Selling bldg.-Adv. Moors Sanitarium lor the milk curs; Adv. ' Dr. H. M. Patton returned; 336 Pit- tock block. Adv.- Truck Meeting Today. A meet ing of men interested in transporta tion problems will be held in the as sembly room of the Portland botel at 4 o'clock this afternoon. L. J. Sparks of the Firestone ship-by-truck bureau will preside." The meeting is not only for men interested in truck transport, but in all forms of trans portation. Officers will be elected for the new northwest chamber of transportation. Among the speakers will be Julius L. Meier, regional chairman for the northwest of the highways transport committee; Fred A. Rasch, expert of the public serv ice commission and Mr. Sparks. This meeting was originally set for last week,f but was postponed on account of the snow storm. Pupils Attend Council Meeting. More than 20 pupils of the graduating class of Glencoe school were in terested auditors at the regular meet ing of the city council yesterday. The children were brought to the city hall under direction of Miss Darling, one of the teachers at Glencoe school. The only variance from the routine work of the council which tended to enliven the session was a hearing on the revocation of a garbage collector's license, in which three pupils of Dixon school were witnesses for the city. Miss Darling will request each mem ber of the class to write a composi tion on the hearing and the result which was the release of the garbage man with a severe reprimand. Zoning Hearing Scheduled. The final hearing on the zoning plans for the property on the west side of the, as provided In an ordinance presented to the city council by the city planning commission, will be held this afternoon at 2 o clock in the council chambers. The hearing will be before the council, previous hear- ngs having been held before the planning commission. Tomorrow afternoon a meeting - -ill be held for the consideration and discussion of plana for zoning of the east side. At both meetings committees identified with the work of preparing the plans for zoning will be present to present reasons for various restrictions Imposed. CONGREGATIONALISTS TO DlNB, Forefathers' day will be observed by Congregationalists of Portland today as it is the 299th anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock. A dinner will be served to night at the First church and Robert Fay Clark, president of Pacific uni versity, will make the principal ad dress. There also will be addresses by Mrs. Belle T. Hoge, Dr. W. T. Mc- Elveen. Rev. Edward Constant, Rev. W. Walter Blair and Rev. A. J. Sul lens. Walter Jenkins 'will be in charge of the music. The general chairman in charge of dinner is Mrs. W. E. Mcllhenny, assisted by Mrs. W. K. Royal and Mrs. W. H. Doane. Oregon Greeterb Elect. Officers elected by the Greeters of Oregon for 1920 are G. O. Madison, president; Al Holcomb, first vice-president; C. Y. Tongwald of Medford. second vice- president; C. M. Adams of Walla Walla, third vice-president; Ray w. Clark, secretary; Al Pierce, treasurer; T. R. Newman, sergeant-at-arms. A committee was appointed to r.rrange for a banquet when the officers are installed. The Greeters decided to provide for ten destitute families at Christmas and adopted resolutions supporting the enforcement of the traffic laws to reduce automobile ac cidents. Paving Plant Near completion. The municipal paving plant and bunkers, under construction at the foot of Jefferson street, are near ins completion, according to City Commissioner Barbur in charge of the paving bureau. The city council has authorized the expenditure of $7000, in addition to a previous appropria tion of $25,000, towards the construc tion of bunkers and plant. The pav ing plant also received an appropria tion of $4000 for purchase of an auto mobile truck owned by the United States spruce corporation. Kiwanis Club Entertains. The Kiwanis club will conduct the formal opening of the new Broadway dancing pavilion at Broadway and Main street this evening. Though the opening is to be formal, the party will be an in formal affair. Entertainment will consist of dancing, cards and spe cial amusements. Proceeds are to go to the 1920 convention fund of the Kiwanis club. Bazaar Will Continue. The Church of the Madeleine, of which Father Thompson is pastor, will continue its holiday bazaar, which was opened last night with a good attendance. A dinner will be served each night in the church-parlors. The bazaar will close Saturday evening. JUMllL mmmm "The Very Thing I Wanted !" That's what he will say if you give him one of . these handsome, luxurious Silk Shirts $10.00 They may be had in plain white as well as color com binations in fancy effects. See window display of furnishings. S. & H. Stamps Morrison at Fourth Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland Miiiuniiininniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMininuiHuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIllllllIIIIIIlIlillllllllllllllllllMlilllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllltllllllllllllilllllltllllllsltlllllllllllllllllllllt "College Night" scheduled. The alumni of the University of Wash ington and the University of Oregon are interested in staging an old time" college night in Portland on Saturday, December 27, when the University of Washington . glee club will appear in concert at the public auditorium. The glee club has Just closed a successful tour through Ida ho, where return engagements were demanded in the majority of places where the musical organization ap peared. Rainy-Day Shoes for Men. Men, buy our Boyden's or Banister's all leather wet-wearher shoes at today's wholesale prices. Best and cheapest. Rosenthal's, 129 Tenth street, bet. Washington and Alder. Adv. Dr. Delory, French lessons. Tabor 1617. Adv. r Buy Hazelwood Candy for - Christmas Gifts .And also a plenty for the Dear Ones at home. Home Made Specials, $1.23 and $2.50 per box Mt. Hood Chocolates, 50c to $5.00 per box Hazelwood Special Chocolates, Large and Creamy. 75c to $4.73 per box Individuals 6c Doubles 12c Oregon Chocolates, $2, $3, $4 and $6 per box Nut Center Creams, 75c, $1.50 and $3.00 per box Fancy Boxes and Baskets, $2.00 to $37.50 each fiiiniuiHiiuitiiuiinmmiNmiranira Candy for the Children's Stockings French Mix, 50c per lb., Mixed Xmas Hard Candy, 40c per lb, Davenport's Kiddie Kandie, 15c and 25c per package Kewpie Kandies, 25c per package Candy Canes from 2 for 5c up to $1.25 mitmimiinuil timfruimiiiirHmiiHfT1lintiiiiHiiMtirainiuiuimn(iMnKHiinui)M; THE HG ZJ zekoood CONFECTIONERY" & RESTAURANT 388 Washington St. NO MATTER WHERE YOU BUY BUY EARLY IN THE MORNINGS THEN A MERRY XMAS I,a Grande lias Short Rain. LA GRANDE, Or., Dec. 17. (Spe cial.) Today it rained. Three days ago it was 22 below zero, but the wide change is not unacceptable. The shower was short-lived. NO MATTER WHERE YOU BUY BUY EARLY IN THE MORNINGS THEN A MERRY XMAS Office Building Manager Experienced In Such Work is open for engagement. Fixed salary or per cent of net rentals. A-l local references. AH &34, Oregonlan. Wanted Chairs to Cane by School for Blind FOR PARTICVLAHS CALL Mar, Tabor r5r7r Mr . J. F. Myers S3 REPAIRED PIANOS, PLAYER PIANO. l'IIOt- OKAl'HS, fl Also refinished by a ic ar fr Slew etui. v.w.Qca I ILj leBS money. Tuning 4." and action resrulatinK. HAROLD S. GILBERT 884 Yamhill Street. Pianos llouxbt. Rented. Sold. NO MATTER WHERE YOU BUY BUY EARLY IN THE MORNINGS THEN A MERRY XMAS ?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiittiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf IIIIllll IlllllllllllllllllUllllIllIIIIItllllllllllllllllllllSIlllIIItllllltlll m mu I in mi Prescription Filling Is Our Specialty FR thirty years now the store of "Dependable Drugs" has featured its serviceability in the filling of prescriptions. And the fill ing of prescriptions has fea tured the store until the number of people who con sider our work second only in importance to that of the attending physician is legion. At any time of the day or night you can have your pre scriptions filled or refilled here. "WE NEVER CLOSE' . 6 E? A.oALDt5fC if 1 21 PORTLAND ORE. PHONE. MAIN 7211. Shipwreck Salvage Toy Sale A shipload of toys and holiday goods consigned to Portland and Seattle for the holiday trade was damaged by water and smoke. A large quantity of these goods, some of which are very little damaged or not at all, will be closed out at prices never heard of before. Celluloid Dolls that retail at 25c each will go at.... 100 Indestructible Toys that retail at 35c to 50c, now. ...50 Dolls that retail at $4 and ?5, now $1.00 Dolls that retail at $8 and $10, now $1.50 Doll Heads also will go at 500, 750, $1.00 IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY DO NOT MISS THIS 464 Washington St., Between 13th and 14th SPECIAL BUTTER CRUST -J:S hi ire, Give "Your Christmas Order to the Grocer Today 1 DIXIE Special 60e Mince Pies "went big-" for Thanksgiving because they were worth all they cost and more. They are Juicy and deli cious and there i art in the baking-, which produces a light, flaky crust that melts in the mouth then there is no soakinfr in of the filling: no sorriness, no indigestion and the fruits used are fresh and luscious. (Heat in the oven hefore serving.) On Sale Only Monday, Tues. and Wed. Dec. 22, 23 and 24 Order early from your erocer so that ha can make prompt delivery. HAYSES-FOSTER BAlvlXO CO., Portland rill ttf--- HAI.EM BAKING TO, Idtm. FfH uixig baking co, Atni. ) I r Be Your Own Plumber Give us measurement and we will cut pipe. All kinds pipes and fittings. WILL BE OPEN SUNDAY NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO. 187 FRONT STREET Bet. Yamhill and Taylor Call Main 5631 What It Means to Have Good Teeth GOOD TEETH MEAN OOOD LOOKS, GOOD niCESTIO.N AND OOOD IK A I.TlY HUD US ATI END TO THEM. Ol H WORK HAS BEEN SO M'SIEMATIZED THAT WE CAN ALWAYS GIVE YOU PHOMFI bKRV ICE. PLATES WITH KLEXIBLG SUCTION. The very best and latest in modern dentistry. No more falling plates. We extract any number of teeth without causing the slightest pain. Particular Attention Paid to Platea and Brluaework. SUCCESSFULLY TREATED. arECr 33 la In Portland. f VVlSli U iiiN 1 iVL KKJ. RELIABLE PAINLESS DENTISTS. 211 FA1LI.VU Hl.ln;.. '1HIH1J A.VU WASHINGTON, g. E. CORNER, ENTRANCE ON TlUltU STREET. PYORRHEA UAAMINA 1 ion imti. Honrss tiUI to S P. M. Pkon M. -1 1 NJj. li II W W I . ",- f X V v. . .... . L -O j- - - ii " ..' Kr Victor- W" M h-'V ! ' ' ' n !L Price ,1.50 'AV " J 'I'".; 11 ' Luisa Tetrazzini ' " J V.. vKxS5 i "- 1 i 5-' ; i-:'"-;'".' 1 1 I it--- It i: : i . I 1 1 l : ' I Dr Bor f 1! 1 . ' " -"T : ' ii ; m,... - Here It feSJ ' iV: :.Cv:'-';v;.ir;'tV m sijki . ; .. , f i . I At Wait, from C.rleg'n fjnl" t I- 1 H ' ' .'X VV Serenade ' ' - 1 '. lt'' ;. : V, Joseph C. Smith's J ?' - 1 . ' , - v Orchestra A ' v - - - : . . ' 1 -T2rS2-- in i . v r i . f- ;.' v u r ana ri, u - "- Sale, and Service. . gEHiSgg? iT':'-. II r .-. '''5;rv';52?5ST; . .' V I ; - ... ...J ' -HA Jl f- r,,t ... , ,- - i. , .- .. . . .... ' I i .Jj I IT 7 - - "Vi Blnw My Baby .v;'.,- ' j H-. II I V. - ' V. ' Knell to Me" , J- -.' -I .,'...-- ..--.; A-I7U6 ,X .f,-- - ' -, . i Si':-'-'" ii - w.wwwww"'. r 7'' . y , . . . A Place to Do Your Christmas Shopping. "Out of the Rush" "Dependable Mer chandise Only" "Well Selected. Well Bought and Sold Reasonably, in Some Instances at Pre-War-Prices." Von tnnnt are onr wonderful IIne of thrlntmna tarda tney convey a meaning." Dainty Box Writing Paper, nooks, lKO Dlarlen and Cnlen tlnra, Reautlful Lentker Hhk era. Pillows with Mount Hood and other designs. Sportlaa; Goods. Cutlery, Pocket Books. I I 345WasKSt. OPES EVENINGS Check-writers Iledman Mfg. Co. Phone rar. S422. 415 Railway Exchange Bldg. IIOTI.L8. i fyc tt; U-y Cl.t..3 Li r t PALACE HOTEL 446 Washington Street Large rooms, elegantly furnished, near theater and shopping district. Strictly modern. Rates reasonable. Broadway 1251. A Muderatelr-rrieed Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD f.nrx Murrlnon St. and Ea sixth. 91.23 I'cr 1bj. e Per Week Ca ush & LanePiano G o . Bush & Lane Bldg. Broadway at Alder Dealers in Vietrolas and Victor Records, Grafonolas and Columbia Records Exclusive Representatives in This Territory for the Famous Sonora Phonograph - r " . . - i , - ( :v -1 1