11 t Active . Jewelry aod Optical Business in Northwest J WE PTICIAM and THE MORNIXG OREGON'IA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1919. The Mos the r v""" itj-11' u-u,,it Fit t V STAP iLa iLj L F iztyA M L. w,.ffrflf -MH-mfmiirr t- twnWiftiW'a" 3V 1,3 FROST Ol'" THE STORE, 206 SIORRISOX STREET, BETWEEN 3D AND 4TII STREETS HKMtV KA11V Hfad of Jewelry I'actory Connected A itU Store Over 15 V ea r RAPHAEL TARTARO Head of Swtiua Vatrh Repairing Bern With Me 12 Years GUVOXM TARTARO SwUs W atchmaker A Returned Soldier f - - II. E. ILLSLEV Anirricnn Watrhmaker Returned Soldier S. E. I. SEARS American Watchmaker Hundreds of beautiful Diamonds mounted and ready for your inspection. 266 Morrison Street, Between Third and Fourth OPEN EVENINGS TILL XMAS Our idea is to give open credit to the many deserving helpers in our employ that have helped to build up this wonderful business. Looking over the names you will find many that have been connected with this store over a decade. They are still giving you the best of service. As usual, w;e come to you with a complete holiday line of Jewelry and kindred merchandise. It is without doubt the very best line of all kinds of holiday and staple goods that we have had the pleasure of presenting to you. Diamonds, Diamond Bar Pins, Diamond Rings, Diamond Earrings everything that the heart could wish. Over 40 years in business have never seen a time that diamonds were not a good investment. They are constantly advancing in favor and price. ISAAC STAPLES JEWELER AI OPTOMETRIST OVER 40 YEARS' EXPERI ENCE EOL-XDER OK TUIS BL SI NESS. The presents that stand out this year for ladies are Dia monds, Watches, Rings and Pearl Necklaces. There are thousands of other articles we have on sale and one can be easily satisfied. The Optical and Jewelry Factories of this store are in the hands and under the management of honorable, energetic and artistic workmen. Our force of watchmakers could not hold their positions with us for years repairing European and American watches if they were not high-class mechanics. Can you find a better and more sufficient present for a son, lover, father or husband than a reliable watch? He will carry it for a generation and his sons after him will carry it and show it with pride lor years and years, referring to it several times each day a constant and reliable companion. v 3f . . -n't This store is faiito its customers; Fair to its employes; Fair to union labor. : -. V rf i - v " ' ( I -V ff r K, -A-"-tr-tn frfiTf 'r'ri ir inTWg r AlWnrillWrtnvfc l::v.,v:v:.-::-. ..kMia. J Diamond Expert CARL J. GKEVK, Store Maaaier Learned tfce Bunlnenn Here 13 Tears With Me The largest stock of American Wrist Watches on the Pacific Coast for you to select from. The presents that stand out for men are Watches, Chains, Rings, Charms and Belts. But we also have complete lines of artistic and practical presents for gentlemen so that you can easily get what you want. It is right that a business built up by faithful and compe tent help should recognize and feel that they are part and parcel of that business. AH of our workers are working as if this store was their own and it is. The stock of Watches in this store is something marvelous. They are of the very best makes and styles. We buy the best - ... of these goods and you can rely on our - ' v judgment as to service and quality. We have been here a great many years and there are thousands of our watches in the pockets of satisfied neoDle in Oretron Elerin. Wal- V tham, Hampden, Hamilton and Howard A Watches a great assortment. DR. C. J. HIHI.EV, Optometriat Been With Me 8 Yeara Returned Soldier ' ' r '- i DIC P. V. MAIIAR Optometrfiit Returned Soldier AH of our watchmakers and jewel ers are union watchmakers and jewelers wm A. V. JORDAN, Head Saleama CORNER I JEWELRY FACTORY Your wants will be taken care of by hon est, competent, painstaking young men it will be a pleasure to know them. Pearl Beads, wonderfully beautiful real beads of taste and style. A single strand . about the neck will give a finish to your dress and person that cannot be acquired by any other ornament. Indestructible Pearl Beads, all shades and varieties of strings. Umbrellas in all colors and of wearing quality. Silverware, Toiletware, Tableware, Ther mos Bottles, Clocks to suit the most particu lar, Mahogany, Tambours, beauties for your mantel Knives, Forks, Spoons, Tea Sets. K. P. STAPLES Secretary and Caahler . T V 1 ' v 1 ; . . . :. . . .. : :.,v . : . : . '- ....'.yrt.'- ;;:s::.:::::::-x. . r.-:.: ::.::-...:-.- . : x -. - .AOS tti 1 r I "' f ; : r - 5 II i I 1.. ...... WAY' NT E IIODGDOM Auditor Returned Soldier II. CARPENTER STAPLES Saleaman - V ' - 1 : j 4 " - ' KARL J. KLEIN Maker of Gold and Platlnun Jewelry Returned Soldier OPEN EVENINGS . UNTIL XMAS r s V I PortaSnd 1 1 ! ' f i s t r : i n 1 - - i , v , ! V - ' v l.1 : W. A. THOMPSON Manufacturing Optician PAUL V. BLACK Diamond Setter and Jeweler II. L. HARPER Saleaman -4, 'S. ARNOLD SMITH Saleaman Vm,M,t.,m-nM.y f I Portland 1 ) EDWARD BORING TfltSOCUtiORf Salesman -iTVT' f 4 ' -V f 1 J f " 'lit' - CORNER IN OPTICAL FACTORY Our ideal is to make this store the best place in Portland for you to trade. Wrist Watches by. the hundreds, all styles, shapes and colors. We have a per fectly grand display of these wTonderful timepieces. Don't think of buying a wrist watcn until you look over our beauties. Something new in Brooches, Bracelets, Rings of all kinds, Watch Chains, Neck Chains and Pendants, beautiful stone, gold and pearl Beads, Belts and Belt Buckles, Beauty Pins, Collar and Cuff Pins, Stick Pins, Cuff Links, Waterman Fountain Pens and Ever-Sharp Pencils. OPEN EVENINGS . UNTIL XMAS 4 F. J. SIIOREY Saleaman ROOSEVELT RONNING Jewelcra' Apprentice HEDLEY GLOYN Saleaman W. K. MARTIN American Watchmaker ft. . A X - V ELLIS EWING Head Watchmaker 13 Yeara W Ith Tbia Stare .- , , J OTTO ROSE NTH AX. Salesman Returned Soldier ' I'-1 V'' - - B. G. FLEISHMAN Saleaman Returned Soldier U. A. BECKENDORF Fine Watchmaker HAL "W. PAINTER Mannfacturina; Optician Returned Soldier I - V (