Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 16, 1919, Page 20, Image 20

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    .: 20
Buy Seals Help Save
Jolly Old Santa Claus
Is Here Every Day
between 10 A. M. and 12 M., and 2 and 5 P. M., to
shake hands with the little folks and listen to their
Christmas wants. Santa has a souvenir for every
child who visits him accompanied by adult. Santa,
his house and mail-box are on. our Sixth Floor.
A lAlerchaiiuise
FREE Tickets to the
, Poultry Show
Show opens today at Municipal Auditorium. A limited num
ber of tickets admitting to the show today (Tuesday) will be
given free to persons calling for them ai. this store from 9:15
to 12 this morning while any remain. -
Meier & Frank's: 5porting Goods Dep't. Sixth Floor.
A Life
The Christmas sale of Red
Cross Seals is now being held
on our Main Floor under the
auspices of the Oregon Asso
ciation for the Prevention of
allowing the recipient to choose his or
her own gifts is a safe solution of the
Christmas problem. We issue orders in
any amount $1 or more redeemable
for merchandise in any department at
any time. Booth, Main Floor.
B'wV.f The Quality Store of Portland
'Days 'Till
. 4
p m
Morning Only
i i .
: ,i
Twenty Christmas Gifts
$ For That Dearest Baby
Puzzled aunts, cousins, sisters and friends can have the
most beautiful time in the world choosing Christmas
presents if they will come to the Baby Shop, second floor.
It is an easy place to find, quite close to the stairway.
It is just aglow with everything that a modern baby
needs. All the gifts are properly sanitary mothers will
be thankful for that, we know.
Celluloid rattles, 35c, 59c, 08c.
Rag dolls, 50c to $2.50.
Toilet sets, $1 to $8.50.
Feeding plates, 98c.
Feeding trays, $4.
Beads of colored glass, 59c.
Oilcloth tray mats decorated
with nursery pictures, 75c.
Fancy ribbon coat hangers, $1.25
to $2.50.
Baby coats, $6.95 to $22.50.
Baby blankets, 98c to $12.
Buggy robes, wool knitted, $6.50
to $15.
Infants' jackets, $1.75 to $10.50.
Infants' kimonos, $3.98 to $22.50.
Bootees, 98c to $4.50.
Shoes, $1 to $2.
Moccasins, $1.25 to $1.50.
A White celluloid toilet set
with pink and blue decorations,
B White wicker basket lined
with hand-painted oilcloth, con
taining toilet set, $8.50.
D Cunning stocking and bath
toweling dolls, 98c.
Novelty bath sets, $2.25, $3.9S.
Carriage clamps, $1.25, $2.50.
Hot water bottles, $1.50, $2.50.
Infants' fancy turkish towel
bath sets, hand embroidered,
special $1.95.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Warm white blanket baby
bunting, $6.50.
Perfumes and Other Toiletries Created
by a French Chemist in America
Fascinating Packages Reasonably Priced
French perfumes have always been famous. - They date
back hundreds of years. French parfumeurs early
learned the recipes of extraordinarily sweet combinations
of flowers. Some of their lore came to them from Persia
and the far east.
In 1914, at the beginning of the war, Monsieur Vivaudou set up an
immense establishment in America and put all the secrets of French
parfumeurs into the distinctive fragrances called "Vivaudou." These
fragrances are so delightfully original that they have already made
a tremendous success in New York and other large cities in America.
From the very beginning the MEIER & FRANK toilet goods store
featured these perfumes and toiletries because of their particularly
fine quality at the prices.
Some are arranged in gift sets, including extract, toilet water,
talcum, rouge or face powder in various assortments.
Sweet Vivaudou Gift-Fragrances
Mavis toilet sets, $1.60, $3.25.
Lady Mary toilet sets, $6.
La Boheme toilet sets, $13.
Violette Arly toilet sets, $13.
Rose Arly toilet sets, $13.
Lilas Arly toilet sets, $10.
Mavis toilet water, $1.25, $1.75.
Lady Mary toilet water, $1.50
to $2.50.
Mavis extract in original pack
ages, 50c, $1.25, $3.50.
Lady Mary extract, $1.50.
La Boheme extract, $3 and $5.
Vivaudou assorted talcum, 25c,
35c, 50c, 75c, $1.
De Vilbiss perfume atomizers, $1 to $12.
Plunger atomizers for spraying perfumes and toilet water, 65c.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
I Taffeta Petticoats $4.95
Santa Claus likes to give silk petticoats because they are always
greeted with exclamations of pleasure. These petticoats at $4.95,
to which we direct his attention, are of soft taffeta or messaline and
can be worn with straight or wide skirts. Changeable colors in
plain taffeta, also striped taffeta and plaid messaline in attractive
combinations. Mostly with deep flounces edged with narrow quilling.
Other silk petticoats, $10 to $15.
Extra size taffeta petticoats, $8.50.
Jersey silk petticoats, extra sizes, $12.50 to $23.50.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Ord-ers Filled.)
$8 Copper Wash Boilers
Heavy copper wash boilers that
are 22 inches long, 12 inches wide
and 13 inches high. Weight 8
pounds. With stationary wood
handles. Limited number at $5.99.
Meier & Frank's: Basement. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Cfjrt'gtmag JJotes
Better Order the Xmas
Tree Lights Soon
So far the Electric Shop has a
large supply, but as everybody
knows electrical Christmas tree
lighting outfits can almost never
be found on the last days before
Christmas. And in these days
electric colored lights are one of
Santa's mainstays for- Christmas
tree trimming.
8 lights $3.50, 16 lights $6.50,
32 lights $9.50."
-Meier & Frank's: Basement Balcony.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Kiser Oil Photographs
in Special Frames
Beautiful views of the Columbia
Highway framed in gilt and color
to correspond with the picture.
Each frame is different. Some are
gilt, with a warm touch of the red
sunset sky, others are colored with
the deep blue of Crater Lake, many
have a bit of the restful green
forest. Interesting gifts. $4 to $35.
Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
Have you remembered your
"shut-in" friends, whose Christmas
joy must come from unwrapping
surprise packages?
Triangle shaped woolen shawls
have been especially knit for con
valescents. They are hand-made in
white, white and blue, white and
pink, blue and white, lavender and
gray or two tones of gray and
have heavy warm woolen fringes.
Some are forty inches square to be
folded for added warmth. Either
shape $5.50.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor.
(Mail Orders Filled.)
As Ever, Bath Robes Will Be Among
the Most Popular Gifts for Men
Here's a Fine Bath Robe
Value at $8.50
Of course, there is hardly any
limit to the number of men's gifts
one can get at this store and ' in
bathrobes alone the assortment is
broad enough to insure many times
over the satisfaction of every pref
erence, every expenditure, but we
single out for special mention to
day these at $8.50 as being espe
cially entitled to consideration.
Made of Good Warm
Beacon Blankets
these robes will perform at most
practical mission throughout the
year, besides constituting a fine re
membrance of the donor.
' A great variety of .patterns and colors.
Made ,with heavy rope girdle and can be
buttoned at will. Large patch pockets.
Cuff sleeves. Some have contrasting
border and matching cuffs.
Other bathrobes $4.85 to $35.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
"Let's Be More
"Haste is Waste." "Do It in Haste
and Kepent at leisure" and other
such maxim discouraging heedless
haste are applicable now. The holi
day rush is on. People are In (greater
haste than usual. It is difficult at
times, walkinK or driving, to slow
down, one may neglect to watch
carefully before crossing thoroughfares.
But it is absolutely necessary for
each one to do this if travel on
Portland streets is to be made safe
for everyone and especially for
mothers and children.
When you find yourself walking
along, with mind on your errand
and the desire to accomplish it
quickly, recall "Hastp Is Waste" and
"Ko It in Haste and Repent at
Leisure." These axioms are un
fortunately too often rHOVUlt to be
true and they are particularly ap
plicable right now during the busy
days preceding Christmas.
If you would avoid accident for
yourself for mothers and the little
ones .who must come downtown be
fore Christmas for members of
your family and for your friends
and acquaintances take the ONLY
way: JOIN the Campaign to Make
Portland Streets Safe for "all whose
slogan is:
Lets Be More Careful"
Christmas Gift Books
Nine Interesting Stories
Just Off the Press
This is going to be a Christmas
of new books. There are literally
scores and scores of new novels.
And there is nothing quite like the
joy of a book !
'The Hfiin-fJirl. by the author of "Pa
tricia Brent. Spinster." A romance with a
silver lining, a love story which takes one
away from prosaic life and keeps one in
terested until the last sentence. $1.60.
IMkk1," by KlPanor Oates. A fantastic
parable in which human life is judged
through the clear, natural eyes of a. little
pig. This is a typewritten hook, one of
the first we have seen: possibly it will be
historical sometime for that very fact.
Christmas 3HjaugIj&
This is to be a 'wonderful
Christmas season the merriest,
happiest, most joyous Christ
mas imaginable coming after
more than a full year of peace.
The Christmas spirit is abroad
in the land. Everyone is buying
gifts. But the time that remains
is short and much Christmas
shopping is yet to be done.
This Great Christmas Store
With 11 Acres of Floor Space
with more than 70 great departments, stands ready to
supply the people of Portland with not only the most
bountiful stores of gift merchandise in the entire north
west but a Christmas service as well without a peer.
More lhan 2000 efficient will
ing sakespeople.
Fourteen passenger elevators.
Kisht escalators the only
Portland installation.
I". S. postal sub-station, express
office and accommodation bureau.
I'.asement Balcony. Money orders
issued, packages wrapped tor
mailing and parcels checked free..
(JSbop early in the day morii
ing hours are best.
Shop on a. transfer the most
convenient way.
IMuke sure that the sales-pcr-Js(in
repeats your name and ad
dress correctly.
fjl'se the escalators to the Fifth
"Floor and. when convenient,
stairways going down.
(J Please carry small parcels
fcwhcii possible.
"w Wine," by Agnes and Kger
ton Castle. A story of Shane O'Con
nor and Moira Blake with more or
less of Lord Kilmore and dear old
Ireland. $1.75.
"The World of Wonderful Reality,"
by K. Temple Thurston. A story of
John and of Jill and another man
that Jill's parents want her to
marry and of the romance that is
truer than fact. $1.75.
"The Strong Henrs. by Maud
Diver. Mrs. Idver's brilliant and
absorbing novels of life and of
military life throughout the em
pire have taken a definite place
in the standard fiction of the Brit
ish Isles. $1.90.
"Shop nnd llouara," by Frank
Swinnerton. An absorbing story
of modern life in an Knglish sub
urban town. $1.50.
"Rim o' tbr World. by T. M.
Bower. The most typical story of
ranch life in the west that this
popu-lar author has written. $1.60.
I.iirknur. by Jane D. Abbott.
About a little girl who keps a
diary, 'who adopts a French girl,
who does everything that every
girl wants to do. $1.35. .
"The Forbidden Trail. by Hon
ore Wiltsie. Telling of the efforts
of two young westerners to estab
lish a desert experiment station
and schemes of enemies to appro
priate their discoveries. $1.50.
Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Women's One and
Two of a Kind
Made of rich satins of the
quality which often goes into
dresses of twice this pric'b. Also
a few taffetas, lovely navy blue
silk jerseys, and some fine
serges and gabardines. Street
and afternoon styles. A number
with dainty collars, of lace or
net. Some are beaded. Prac
tically all sizes. Recently these
were $45 to $55. v
Meier & Frank's:
Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor.
Candy Special
Ideal Jar of Assorted
Christmas Candies at
a Very Special Price
59 c
A surprise indeed such a fine bit
candy special as this at 59c. Each jar
contains 20 ounces of satin pillows and
Christmas candy mixtures.
Regularly 75c
Clove, peppermint. i sassafras, lemon,
cinnamon flavors. Packed sanitarily in
Ideal glass fruit jar. Yuletide label, seal,
tied with ribbonzene. A delightful
Christmas package.
No phone orders. No deliveries.
-Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor and all Candy Sections.
Where Else Can Be Found Such Handbag
Gifts at These Reasonable Prices?
s ISP v iPfSSli jjr
A Hi BWu E jF
A A pretty bag of dark blue
chiffon velvet with turn-over or
"dropped;' frame, contains an extra
large mirror, $6.
B Unusual bag of black chif
fon velvet bordered with elaborate
beading and bead fringe; interest
ingly different, at $18.
C Bag of black chiffon velvet
with imitation shell top and chain,
trimmed with pleated quilling, at
D Soft fine pin sea envelope
having interior compartment fitted
with mirror and purse is lined with
moire silk, $7.
E Effective all beaded bag
made in America, lined with blue
moire and containing purse and
mirror, $18.
F Taupe chiffon velvet bag with
girdle of taupe colored wool and
bright colored chenille flowers, is
priced at $12.
Enchanting varieties of unusual bags at $6, $7, $7.50, $8.50, $12 and to $85.
Beaded bags from Paris. Beaded "miser" bags. Finest American leather bags.
American beaded bags. Surprisingly good leather envelopes and other bags at
$7.50 upwards. Fashionable velvet bags $6 upwards. Double velvet bags, to be
held by one person, $26. Elaborate chiffon velvet bags with wide gilt metal tops
carved with figures, $25. Concealed in their brocaded and silken interiors .are
the vanity mirrors and coin purses so necessary to the peace of mind of the
modern woman.
French Beaded Bags, $37 to $75
Leather Bags, $2 to $75
Beaded Miser Bags, $25 to $85
Velvet Bags, $6 to $60
Elegant Leather Bags with sterling silyer tops, $55 and $65
G A rich calling costume bag suitable for afternoon or even
ing, of black velvet exquisitely beaded with cut steel, lined with
brocaded yellow and lavender silk. Notice the ribbons paved .
with steel beads and the bead-balls. Exclusive, unduplicated, $60.
H Illustrating the many inexpensive novelties is this charm
ing bag of dark blue chiffon velvet with balloon sides held in
place by engraved silver-plated bars on which there is room for
monogram. Lined with plain taffeta, the velvet draw strings
are finished by tiny tailor bows, $8.50.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
In Time for Christmas Comes This
First Shipment of
New "Mohawk" Silk
Mohawk silk underwear has v
an enviable reputation for qual
ity and workmanship. Those
who are in quest of dainty inti
mate gifts will find 'this collec
tion especially appropriate to
their purpose. Silk underwear
affords a combination of the
practical and the fine that read- J
And these prices are special!
Envelope Chemise
Bodice style with hemstitched top J
and ribbon shoulder straps. Flesh.
Sizes 36 to 42. Special $5.95.
Heavy quality silk vests with plain
bodice top and ribbon shoulder straps.
Flesh. Sizes 36 to 42. Special $4.95.,
Suggestive of excellent wearing
qualities are these Mohawk silk bloom
ers, well reinforced. Sizes 5, 6, 7. Spe
cial $5.95. -
Meier & Frank's: Main FIo'or.(Mail Orders Filled.)
Girls' Dresses $12.35 :
One-piece blue serge regulation dresses trimmed with
red braid and red neckties or the new two-piece middies
combining flannel and serge. Some have serge middy
and flannel skirts, others blue serge middy and red
flannel skirts. Any girl would feel well dressed in one
for school. Sizes 8 to 14 years.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.. (Mail Orders Filled.)
$16.50 and $18.50 Silk
Breakfast Coats $12.45
Each one will make a gift
that some woman will like
very much.
A number are of bewitch
ing changeable taffeta in plain
effects with beguiling cordings
and gay little sashes which end
in silk balls. So pretty that we
had our artist picture one so
that you will be sure not to miss
the opportunity.
Another style is of pongee
printed with gay butterflies and
having a deep printed border
which is used very effectively
as trimming; this style also is
corded and has a sash.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
The Furniture
Gift Shop
'TH1S marvelous place of ideas is
away from the crowd, up on the
ninth floor, near the restaurant. A
man can come and easily find just
what he wants and quickly get
yiiway. Almost always a woman
can dincover gifts for six or seven
friends on her list in this one shop.
Book Ends $6.25
Gothic in de
sign, Italian
polychrome in
color, these at
tractive book
ends are sub
stantial holders
for the books
that one always
wants to leave on the library table.
Many other styles.
Candy Jars $3.25
The candy . jar
pictured is in a
lovely am ethyst
tone with engraved
designs and the
shape is .especially
decorative. To be
quite perfect it
should be tied with
properly contrast
ing ribbon and, of
course, filled with the very best
Meier & Frank candy.
Candlesticks $1.25
No house, no room is
quite complete without'
its candlestick. There is
a fortunate assortment
of one or two of a kind
polychrome candlesticks,
which are now specially
priced $1.25. All are nice
for gifts.
Candles 40c, 50c, 60c.
Door Knockers $1.50
" What so gay as a
parrot to lodge upon
your door-and gently
but insistently knock,
knock, knock, until
you open to admit of
your guest? On a
white enamel base,
these parrots are most brilliant in
color and, being of iron, ought to
last a lifetime.
Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor.
- (Mail Orders Filled.)
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