4: . t J , ; MORXIXG TIIE t ; .1 -"J 'A , 1 ". 4 . ' 'A t- " 17 REAL KSTATR. I n . - ) ' f ' ' "" ' I ' '""'"- VMel... Livestoek. 1 ' Do,,. KahbitS, BlrtTISX i!,,!! fOB S.UB-A.TOi.OBILK,. f KOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. I TVAXTKM.X KL1.ANKO, f HEIJ, W AN TEDMALK. 12 ACRES -Will sell or trade for city property; good land; good school find best future for community; most ai: fenced; water and wood on place; $.S0 per aura; some money down, bal. terms. 200 acres; (rood land; some timber; not far from school; near largest sawmill In country; $75; sale or trade; soma money. Dal. terms to suit. 215 acres: 100 oats, 20 wheat, vineyard, orchard, 9-room house, 3 barns, plenty outouildlnc". spring in yard; all in lence; S.ouu.ooo ft. timber; $13,000; some cash, bal. long time. 80 acres, near Corvallis and Albany. $3500; $500 cash. bal. terms; 2 houses, near R. It.; plenty timber for small mill. 01 acres, nearly all In cultivation; H JYille to H. R. on good graveled road; good house; all stock and Implements Ko with this: best bargain in the coun try. So00; Hoouo cash, bal. 6 years, 6. Have several small farms for sale; come In and lt me talk with you If you want to buy a farm or ranch. See Mr. aker. BUSINESS SERVICK, 317 Henry blug. Main 679T. ItO YOU WANT A KICK HOME AND 20 ACHEfi OP GOUD U.NU! We have 20 acres near Kalama.. "Wash., 10 acres cleared, 10 acres timber, nice up-to-date bungalow of six rooms, with fireplace, chicken house, barn full of liny: party who owns this traded $4500 worth of Portland property for it thfee years ago; reverses compel them to sell i -niie ior j.'jwj; tins will make a good berry farm or chicken ranch, can keep 4 or 5 cows; the house and buildings are w price or me property alone. ana you will have everything right at juui nui, stores, postoJfice. R. R. sta tlon. boat landing. In fact, evervthinf one could ask for. hleh and trade school. ie a snap you won't get again. STEWART & BUCK. SIS N. W. Bank bldg. NO SNOW HERE. 8.75 PER ACRE $8.76. "0 acres, all In one body Jn Lane county, foothill land, logged, burned and seeded: no rocks; well watered by creek end 20 springs; key to extensive out range. 8 miles to good town and high chool. R. R. station right on the prop erty; good roads, rich pasture; no snow, stock still grazing on the range; a great place for stock or sheep, rough but rich must sell this place before January 1 need money; $4000 cash will handle -it. W rite or wire a-.-, t, MacINNESa A PRATT. 413 Board of Trade bldg.. Portland. Or Wi? wN,..I,"Ri,IT GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to 200 per acre, easy terms: best soil. Farms for sale, ail sizes. McFarland. 6(12 Yeon bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. .WANT houses from $4000 to JUOOO "We selling a number of houses In the better districts. Let us know If you have a house in a good restricted district In price from J4000 to tOOOo and we can Insure you a speedy sale. See or phone r?,r: liver wUh Hargrove Realty Co.. l-'J N. 6th st. Bdwy. 4aSl. FINE HOME WANTED Not to exceed J3J.0OO; must have bout an acre of ground and at least 30-room house; state location; give full description; positively no agenta. East WANTED PORTLAND INCOME m PROPERTY. will pay cash to 30.000. Will take op foreclosure. 21 Oregon bldg.. 6th and Oak. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main 203i. Main 4477 WE have buyers for cheap acreage, 10 or more acres close to Portland that can be sold on small payment down, rang ing around $100 to $150 an acre. HARRIS &. MAXWELL, Main 2S31. 304 Ry. Ex. Bldg. KEAP. Alberta or Piedmont districts. Wanted, from owner, 4 or 5-room fairly modern cottage or buniralow, 2 blocks of car; 5.1250 to $2000; J2,-0 cash; balance terms. Possession 10 days. AE 635, Ore gonian. HOME WANTED I want to buy a bunga low or house: $5000 to $0o00. State lowest price ana terms. No dealers need ai'piy. rt jo::, ciregonlan. I WILL pay cash for a home in a good district in Portland; the price must be right and not over $0500. li 183, Orego- HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO SELL? WE SELL THEM TRY US MaclNNES & PRATT Main 3S(iM. 413 Board of Trade Bldg MODERN 7 or 8-room Irviiirton hnma around $7000, half cash, for client. Poin dexter. 208 Selliing bldg. Main 1S00. WANTED Modern house in restricted dis tricts, or good building lot. G 687. Ore.' goman. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE will Duy exceptional good bargains. 825 "tt"wy -cxenange Biag.. ad and Stark. "WANTED West side income property up to $0000 cash. Mrs. Florian Fuchs, 420 fhamber of Commerce. HOUSES BOUGHT. G. C. GOLD EN BERG, Abington Bids. Farms Wanted. SMALL FARMS WANTED. We have several buyers for small farms, with stock and equipment, from 30 to 50 acres, with half, or more under cultivation. We can guarantee you quick action on such places. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FAtM WANTED FOR CASH. ' IfiO acres preferred, hi in cultivation, within a radius of 15 miles of Portland. Would consider more or less. Must be good soil and priced right: 224 Oregon bldg.. Oth aad Oak. WANTED Small farms, 40 to 80 acres, along or near the paved highways, any direction from the city, for waiting clients. No inflated prices considered. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange. WANTED Farm with buildings; not to exceed 35 acres; give all particulars and priie in first letter. I am ready to buy. R 181, Oregonlan. HAVE YOU A FARM TO SELL! WE SELL THEM TRY US. MacINNESS & PRATT. 418 Board of Trade. Portland. Or. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Saw mill or half interest In same, including buildings, one mile planked wagon ror.d to railroad sldinir logging tools: 8.000.000 old and second growth fir timber at $2 per M; timber p-tid as cut; plenty timber available. AV 1142, Oregonlan. FIR timber. 5 to 20 million ft. Pay as cut We have good mill. Address P. O Box 2(147. Station A. LOGGING contract wanted, equipment must he furnished. X 329. Oregonian. 1 ni iiaiDer wanted for emur tmn,i O. V. Gamble. Couch bldg. FOB RENT FARMS. RANCH 190 acres, for rent, stock for sale; 60 acres bottom, tillable land" re mainder pasture; 2Va miles to Toledo, Or.; small amount of money will hanule A I'-rc-ss h'.v 1 Tu, Toledo. Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE or trade. 120 acres land. Lake Lo.. Or., near Lakoview. OUie Madl son. Box 350, Angleton. Texas. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ROSSMAN OPPORTUNITY $0500. Beautiful 8-room home with furnace fireplace, hardwood floors, the finest of lighting fixtures and built-in effects, five Eiueping rooms and glassed-in sleeping porch; paved street, H. blocks to Bandy Wil( exchange for smaller house. See Mr. Rhodes with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 5th st. Main 6869. DOWNTOWN BUILDING. ' One of the very best business buildings In Portland; absolutely "CLASS A"; on Morrison street; ail rented. This Is a chance of a lifetime to get In on a-down-town IMPROVED property. Some good property will be accepted as part pay W. 11. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. SOME TRADE. Some trade will be accepted on one of the finest residence properties in Port land: absolutely modern to the minute-lxit-water heat, oak finish, double ga rage, very ample grounds. NO MORT GAGE. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. 3-ROi'M bungalow, new. with Dutch kitchen, fine electric fixtures and plumb ing: party going away, will take car or good lot. clear, up to $500; equity in house $S40: price $1800. WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO.. Main 14. 85 4th ,t. IF TOU wish to sell or exchange your prop erty, either city or country, rooming house or business, sen Richards & Peper. We have the goods ssid can handle your business promptly. We have a fine list of small homes and acreage. See us at &08 Buchanan bidg. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE. uec. is, luio. at 10 A. M., -mlle south Multnomah mgtion, Capital high way on J. Denley's place. 50 high-grade iu iresn, a springers, Da.ance Iresh last 3 months; 14 heifers, 1 to 2; purebred Kolstein bull, 2; farm imple- uiouko, a nurses, gaa engine, teed cutter, root cutter, chickens. OWNER, H. SCHAFER. AnCTIOXEER, J. C. KUTALLI. tU BALK or hire 145 heart nf hors.es. ranges from 3 to 12 years old. from 1200 to nuv 10s.: some well-matched, teams. i hese horses are rie-ht in the collar. working every day. Will sell any one of wieiii at aTiy time purchaser comes along. Harness and wagons of all kinds. Ali horses guaranteed as represented. Three- ear-oia jersey cow, about 7 weeks fresh. I'hil Suetter. 285 Front St.. Crown Stables. FIVE cows, milklne 4. netting nn Ath- lished route $140 roo. Lease on place for goou o-room nouse; must sell, R uregonlan. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheen and trnatm See us If you want to buy or sell. Camp- bell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. U0-2 couch bldg. SPAN blocky young mares, 5 and G years old, weight about 2700, sound and well in uivo, ejLtra gooa. inquire usi w 11 Hams ave. 7 i-'KESH cows for sale or trade. 4 beef catiie. ifljte Vancouver car to tolum- nia oivq. station, go 1 blk. north. DEAD stock removed aulckly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone -Mliwaukie J for results. DEAD horses, animals hauled away, free. roruanq rtenaering Co. wooaiawn 20. DEAD horses taken quickly, dead cows. Tabor 4203. Cash for FOR SALE 15 full-blood , Shropshire March rams. Holman Fuel Co.. 1)4 oth. DR. M. (.-!0. HOWES, veterinarian. Tabor 10 PRE33 cows and coming fresh In icw cays; ramuy cows. s;ju. lot ti. Ash. i'ianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STOHAGE CO. CLOSINC! OUT Small upright pianos, J 65 and 175 cash. Parlor organs, $18, $25. $28, 135, $55. Large upright pianos. $195, $235. $265. $475 new stored upright pianos, $21)0. $750 modern player piano and bench, $435. Pianos stored for 50o monthly. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 10S 4th St.. at Washington st- PIAXO BARGAINS. $100 and up. good standard used pianos, such as Chlckerlng. Hardman. Fisher and others. All our used pianos have the one-year exchange proposition, which guarantees them. See our line. SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder sis. VOCALION ORGAN, ust the organ for church or moving Picture use. Having 2-manual keyboard, base pedals, port levers with electrlo mo tor. Some bargain. SEIBERLINCJ-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth st. USHD PIANO We have a largo assort ment of used pianos, player pianos and baby grand pianos. Standard makes and everyone guaranteed. Our prices are low. our terms will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 435 Washlng ton St., cor. 12th. Bdwy. 7B0. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE $75 Vllctrola and records (used).... 65 50 Swick & Co. (good upright).. 135 $400 Vose A Sons (fine condition) .. 238 Best piano repair shop in Portland. HAROLD GILBERT, 384 Yamhill. SECOND-HAND PHONOGRAPH Several cabinet style phonographs of good stand ard make, only slightly used, at very low prices. Our terms will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co.. 435 Wash ington st.. cor. 12th. Bdwy. 750. PLAYER-PIANO MUSIC. Roll" sent out of town on trial. Full line of J. R. S. music carried in stock. Write for catalogue. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St. FISHER upright piano, almost new. at a snap. See this piano It you want a good piano. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th st. REDUCED Christmas terms; $12.50 cash, $12.50 next pay day. $10 month, af ter January. 1020. buys new upright. Im proved, up-to-date pianos at the SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill Fourth St. TIRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our propositions will please you. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main 85S6. CHICKERING. $100; old style. In the best of condition. Seiberllug-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St. MASON & HAMLIN grand, size A, ebony, three years old, but used only summers; exceptionally fine tone", $1000. East 1512 evenings or AV 941, Oregonian. HARDMAN upright. Just as good as new. Some piano at some bargain. Seiberling I.ucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. WINSTON, mahog. case, latest style, lust used short time. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player-pianos; get our prices. Seiberllng Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th St. Main 8586. $100 TO $150 CASH PAID for upright pianos. Phone Main 5323. Security Stor age Co., or call at 100 4th st.. at Wash Ington St., COLUMBIA phonograph, including records, used two months: will sell reasonable. Call Broadway 181!). FOR SALE Valuable old fiddles, violas, cellos, basses; fine repairing. Cremona Fiddle Co., Boardman, Or. FOR SALE Mahogany upright $250, $150 cash, rest on terms. 7007 58th ave. S. E. piano. Write FISHER PLAYER PIANO, used one year. 75 up-to-date rolls. Phone 27137. 148 East 23d North. WANTED AT ONCE Used baby grand piano; In Al condition only. Address C 388. Oregonian. KREHLING. plain oak case, like new. Sei-herling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. SECOND-HAND piano, only $165, cash or terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co . 149 0th street. FOR SALE Edison re-creation nhono graph, cheap, like new. Tabor 6808. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT 3S4 Yamhll. St. PLAYER rolls you are tired of exchanged 100 per roll. Harold Gilbert. 884 Yamhill! WANT a good piano at once: reasonable Call Main 3SB4 before 5. Cash. Furniture for Sale. DECEMBER CLEARANCE SALE All kinds of floor coverings, kitchen utensils, heaters, furni ture and toys. We can save you money on Xmas gifts. OKI FURNITURE CO.. 209 Second st. 61209. $100 GRAFANOLA and 50 records; case for records; 1 velour wing chair. 1 wick er settee, 1 wicker rocker, 1 mahogany davenport. This furniture was purchased before the war and will be sold 55 per cent below purchase price. Call evenings or Sundays, 635 East Couch st. DON "J tfacriflcb your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars. Fireproof Storage. C. M Olsea Transfer &. Storage Co., 248 Pice at. FURNITURE of 5-room flat In good con. dition. altogether or by the piece. Cail 21TV4 Cherry. Phone East 2257. FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale; place can be rented ; fine location; cheap rent no dealers. 561 Everett st. - ' MODERN house, furniture for sale, must sell at once; going east; no dealers 483 W. Park. SINGER SEWING MACHINE, used six months, $3Q. Call after 6 p. M.. Main TWO three-quarter iron beds with sDrini-a Call after 12. Marshall 1134. FOR SALE Flat-top desk, cheap Call 413 Corbett bldg. ' " 4 Poultry. PULLETS We offer you Barred Rocks White Wyandottea, Black Orpington and' .Rhode Island Red pullets, $1.25 to $2 50 according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp., 8J St., 73d to 74th ave Southeast. ' WE WILL pay you highest cash price for April. May-hatched pullets, any breed; Northwest Poultry Corp.. Lents, Or io-r. RabbiVa. Birds. Pet Stock. TOY black and tan puppies. 3 months old, $15 each for quick sale; fine Christ mas present for children. Take St. Johns or Mississippi car to Aiblna and Killingsworth. 120 Killlngsworth ave THE PADEREWSKI CATTERT. Orange Persian kittens of aualitv Eaat 3907. r' THOROUGHBRED English bloodhounds for sale. Bo 67. city. St. Theresa sen atorium. St. Theresa station. Or. City car FOR SALE 10 choice singers. Phone Main 468. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier pups for sale. Tabor 1217. 6230 2tith ave. S. E BIRDS for sale Tuesday. R00H4 33 381 Yamhill. J. T. STABLES. 17th and Kearney, 23 good young horses and mares, some well matched teams; everything sold with a guarantee as represented. G. D Will iamson. WANTED Good intelligent dog, prefer Marshae,t,t4r!s6BOOd """ Ut 0t CUy' C AIREDALE XMAS PUPPIES B. NORTH RUP, GRESHAM. OR. Machinery. SPECIAL.! We have In stock lath machinery. p.an.rSTHandjUprigR.h.ngl.omachines: F3 First Street. Portland. Or. LIGHT wood-turning lathe, 4 speed shifts also Ford wind shield and cowl O B ?33nda11 312 EaSt Me-dlon- Rhone East 'OR SALB? 6x16, 4-eide, heavy duty wood planer; bargain price and term-L Great Western Tin Co.. 210 Chamber tt Commerce. HOISTING engines for rent or sale con crete mixers, electric hoists, construc tion equipment. Standard Ma.cn. Co 55 First st. " 16 .HORSEPOWER new Fooa engine at a reduced Price. Paclflo Scale A Sunni Co.. 48 front st. Broadway 1968 Launches and Boats. BOATS and barges built and repaired, es. tlmates and expert advice freely fur nished. Yard and ways at Albina ave. Phone East SUttli. Marine Repair 2 Const. Co. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. all UAaEa, eold on monthly pay. ments; send for price nt nr.. ; - sale Typewriter Co., 321 Washington st. "Hi' OALli Entirely new and latest model .No. 5 Underwood typewriter. Write BJ 10i, Oregonlan. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon J " ii. , o.. uin. Alain 3668. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand r.r.1,1. . .... rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Coro dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 11 tf Sixth . Miscellaneous. FOR SALE A larxe assortment . . needlework. Including lunch cloths and napkine, crochet corner and edging buf fet and dresser scarfs, center pieces guest towels, tray cloth, pillow cases' handkerchiefs, camisoles and yokes; also handsome sweater and slipover and cap Every piece very attractive and neat I also tak orders at very reasonable price. Call Automatic telephone 31430 and I will call at your home with my collection. L,ASSV KRI8T.MAS TREES! ' " HOLLY, MISTLETOE, N'EVER i'THIKQ Call or phone your order to NOBBY CLEANERS, cor. Park and Salmon, Main 4308. Donald E. Brown, salesman. Reg. Main 2407. 1 PAV? "veral diamonds that have been ieii oy outsiue parties to be sold. You can buy them for 25 less than the wholesale cost. Miller's Clearlng-House for Diamonds R r. Aialu . . ? 7 MaJestlc theater. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. .uiu ,u. ie; no agents employed: torn Plete line of pans for all makes: ma- .iiitr repairea ana rented. Main 0431 SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. lo Third, near Taylor St. SOME folks say diamonds are high, but one would hardly think so if they would stop long enough to compare my prices with regular prices. Miller" Clearing. House for Diamonds. 855 Washington t. next to Majestic theater. 1 .. ......... . , . OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per plate; also crowns, bridge work, dental gold bought. American Brokerage, 203 Morgan bldg. CLOSING out sale staple and fancy gro ceries, Japanese kimonos, curios and tancy goods. Visit us before you buy groceries or Christmas gifts. 585 Union ave. North, corner of Graham. OFFICE furniture from war dept "desks tables, chairs. files. supplies type writers, adding machines, check writ ers D. C. Wax, luu 2d St.. near Wash ington. Main 4631. WHILE THEY LAST PRUNES! First-class petlie prunes in any quan tity at holiday prices; not a processed prune; this year's crop. Call at Nobby ( leaners, cor. Park and Salmon. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE & LOCK CO.. 16.1 Second St. Phone Main 2045. HOT-WATER tanks, 80-gal.. $7; 40-gaI, $9 tested am. guaranteed; stove and fur nace coils, gas heaters Installed; expert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st. East 8516 WHY not a typewriter? A useful and ed ucational Christmas present for any boy or girl. Standard visible models at $35. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriting com pany. 800 Spalding bldg. FuR SALE One penny register, 1 small one. 12-foot floor case, ail plate; candy case, other cases, wail case, large ice box, restaurant gaa plates. 242 Salmon. Main 342. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating, in deed. Why not a permanent and com fortable roof? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7776. FOR SALE Full dress suit, size Sfi; best material, tailor-made, silk-lined ihrmmh. out, absolutely no wear-; worth $150; will sacrifice for $25. Mr. Wilson, 241 Mor rison st. FOR SALE. CHEAP. Larger size Reed electric bread mixer, all complete; can be seen in action 420 Chamber of Comm. b 1 d g. SAFES New and second-hand; some withJ burglar cheats, at reasonable prices. 1 rAUriC L'AUIi it SUPPLY CO.. Broadway latiu. 48 Front St. BEAUTIFUL oak cabinet phonograph, like new, $80. professional banjo, $2U; 5x7 camera, like new, $35; visible typewriter $12. Marshall 686. 593 Jefferson. KITCHEN range and small heater for sale; also canned fruit. Call 1045 E. Lincoln. CARACUL or aBtrakhan coat and muff $85. 411 Glenn ave. Tabor 350 after 9 A. M. FOR SALE Gas heater for 10x12 room; 3-burner gas plate, both slightly used. S4Mi E. 24th St.. N. RANGE, wood or coal, with coil and fan, cet; good condition; rubber boots, size H, reasonable. 624 Pettygfove st. JEWEL range, wood and coaH used only short time: like new; a good bargain 064 Garfield ave. LADIES' APPAREL. Stylish coats, suits, dresses, evening gowns, slightly used. Tabor 2825. 3 BOOKKEEPERS' desks and stools 1 rolltop desk and chairs, 1 flat-top desk Bushong & Co.. PI Park at. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables showcases, wall cases, fixtures terms' W. J. Quigley, 227 First. Main 5380 UNCALLED-FOR OVERCOATS for sale, cheap; large stock to choose from Or pheum Cleaners. 355 Stark. DIAMOND stick pin, over half carat n.r. feet brilliant, $200; value $300. b 971. Oregonian. . FOR SALE A $000 diamond at $450 If taken at once. Do not answer unless you mean business. AR 970. Oregonian. CHOICE potatoes. $3.25 sack, delivered' Bishop Bros.. 124 N, 8th au phone Broadway 454. rnone ONE large and ene medium-size fireproof safe for sale, cheap. AH 730. Oreao nian. a WOOD lathe, foot power, aell cheap also steel bloyk and tackle, -hone Tabor 7000 WASTE paper baler. $16. Allen's Press Clipping Bureau. 267 Oak st. CASH register, showcases, wall case acale-i safe, stools. T13 2d st. ' JAP-MINK muff and scarf; 2 ladles' Mat, cheap. East 800. room 28. ' PLUMBING wprk dona promptly East 8725 or East 4852. FOR SALE Fur overcoat, $50, cost $100 worn twice. East 6864. ALL-WOOL boys' suits, slightly worn fof boys 13 years old. Wdln. 2061. io1 FOR SALE A fox fur. perfect condition. Call Main 6546 after 8 P. M. ,'""'---'--n- BEAUT1FUL mink fur for $75; naid 'tisn Call East 2299, or 234 E. 20th, por. Main. LADIES' new $10, size 414 shoes skate. SMALL IRON SAFE FOR SALE T ttAui.i.-i learner music fold, never used make lovely Christmas gift. Tabor 4169-. PIANO lamps direct from factory to trade? . wholesale prices. Main 1429. LADIES All kinds of wearing apparel smart styles; slightly used. Tabor VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired rented exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4907! FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 24hour daTy $1, delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. CEDAR posts for sale box 412. Lents. Or. H. Goodrich, R. 3, FOR SALE Cash register, safe, addlnc machine. nhowea-s. 43 1st St.. pear ArT FILET crocheted sweater, turquoise blue Y RO. Oregonian. MISTLETOE with berries. 50o Jb. 13th st. Phone Main 8105. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamond direct to Diamond Importers and receive The highest cash market value. . Without any disappointment. We pay from $100 to $800 Per carat. We purchase pawn Tickets. Gold. Silver. Platinum. Any valules, any amount. We T)U War Btamps. Liberty Bonds, Victory Bonds, If you want money, see us. Private offices; business confidential. AMERICAN' BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchant, 205 MORGAN BLDG., becoud Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. PEERLESS PLUMBING FIXTURES. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS. , IRON PIPE. WM. POWELL VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. 68-70-72 Front street. Portland. .DIAMONDS WANTED. $200 TO $1000 PER KARAT. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex perts. We positively pay highest cash market values for diamonds, platinum, gold, silver, old Jewelry ana ail valua bles? of every description. We buy old false teeth and all ueulal gu.d. See us before selling eleswhere. Private offices, business strictly confidential. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan Bldg., Fourth Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. WE BUT LIBERTY BONDS At a Basis of Market Value. WAR STAMPS BOUGHT. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., becoud Floor. UNION ball-bearing skates, $2.45 a pair; kitty-kars. 05c and up. Santa Claus headquarters for bicycles, tricycles and wheel toys of all kinds. We deliver for Christmas. Select your tovs now. The Evening Repair Shop, 340 N. 23d. corner Raleigh st. Broadway audi. WHY PAY. RETAIL PRICES? When you can save 35 to 40 per cent by buying your raincoat, leather coat of combination coat at whole.sale price di rect from United Rubber Co., 726 Mor gan bldg FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BUICKS! BUICKS! LOWEST PRICES AND TERMS. Guarantee and Free Service. B 86 BUICK roadster $ 400 C 25 BUICK. 5-pass. touring 675 D 35 BUICK, 5-passb touring 750 C 55 BUICK Big Six touring 800 D 55 BUICK Big Six touring 1050 1018 BUICK roadster, $000 down. 1918 BUICK Little Six, tour., $540 down. 1918 Bl'IUK Little Six. tour., $520 down. 1018 BUICK Big Six touring. $640 down. Some 0 these cars are as good as new, all are in Al condition. These prices will move them quickly. We have many other cars, all makes, both open and closed, lowest prices. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO., 6th and Taylor. Main 6144, See our sedan ad In this Issue. ATTENTION. SOMETHING NEW. THE OREGON AUTO REPAIR COM PANY wishes to announce to all repair men, garuge and car owners that we have secured the exclusive rlKht tor Oregon for the L. Lawrence patented fused elec trically, with silver nickel alloy, scored cylinders and cracked water jackets. Makes no difference if pieces are broken out, we can repair them. No pre-heating or enlarging of bore, same pistons fit. All work absolutely guaranteed. We are tem porarily located at the N. P. Wagon works, Oth and Hoys sts. Phone Bdwy. 4477. Our new location will be at the corner of 16th and Gllsan. about Feb. 1. 1920. Mr. Ernest A. Oetzen. who la president and manager, returned from the east a few weeks ap-o. where he went through some of the best auto mobile factories in Detroit to obtain all the new methods in machine work per taining to the automobile. We will have one of the best auto repair and machine shops in the city. CLEAN-UP BALE OF USED CARS. 1919 Cole Aero 8. Just overhauled, runs and looks like new. 1918 Chevrolet 1-ton. stake body. 1917 Hudson Super Sedan, overhauled and painted. 1919 Bulck, as good as new. 1015 Ford in fine condition. 1918 King eight sedan, newly painted. 1910 Pope-Hartford, self-starter and electric lights. 1914 Cadillac, in good condition. 1917 Cole eight, tan upholstery. DANIELS SALES AGENCY, 84 S. Broadway. Opposite Benson Hotel. Open Evenings. xHUPSON SPEEDSTER. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW, A BARGAIN; GOOD CORD TIRES. RE FINISHED AND A 911-DAY GUARAN TEE, SAME AS FACTOR Y GUARAN TEE. CALL ADAMS, TABOR 630. OR MARSHALL 6342. FORD OWNERS. . Ford overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 valves ground, carbon removed. .... 3 Magneto recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, "etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. Ail work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO., 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. WILL PUT STEEL TEETH ON YOUR FLYWHEEL WHEN YOUR STARTER STRIPS THE CAtt-TlRON TEETH. H. S jBI ACK BS4 ALDER ' BROADWAY 2681. Big block. -USED CARS Prices Right. No misrepresentation. MOTOR . CAR COVEY CO. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Latest model still carrying factory guarantee; run only 600 miles: spare tire and motometer; $2450. Main 6442. CHEVROLET. 1919. touring, almost newj-4 only run aooui iuou mues. owners sac rlflce. $800, some tarms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. 18 BUICK roadster in A-l condition, by owner, 2 spare tires with covers: all rub ber nearly new, 3 locks, spotlight and bumper; cash. Main 8384. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck all makes of care and sell their parts at half price. David Hodea Co., North Broadway and Flanders. . PAIGE-Late model, newly palntedj 5 wire wheels; owner will sacrifice and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. jnEW FR.-CNKLIN touring car at coat $2700. This car has never been run or demonstrated. Eastern Oregon Auto Co Vale. Or. ' FORD delivery. 1918. express body. Just like new: lots of extras: a bargain al $500. terms if wanted. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. 1919 FORD sedan with starter and extras, cast $1100; good as new; driven 7 monttis In city only. 512 Lewis bldg. Main 298a. PRACTICALLY new Chevrolet, run" 2000 miles; extra cord tire: $050. N 169. Ore gonian. F( I HI) roadster, with light tail delivery bargain at $250. terms If desired, '30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. GET that froxen radiator repaired ' at Beasley Linqulst. 70 N. 11th st. at Everett. Broadway 1234. ' FORD touring. 1914, in good mechanical condition; bargain at $300. some terms SO Grand ave. North, near Burnslde 11.19 FORD ourin car. new tires, shock absorbers, In perfect condition- a har CHEVROLET, 1918, best mechanical CT dition: good tires; b2a. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. FORD seil-in. lot of extras, .easy term Marshall 1)7 after O P. AI. "rms. FOR SALE A Ford sedan. ' gain. Phone Main S3oL 1018, baT- WE ARE SELLING USED AUTOMOBILES ' at this time of the year because we are making pricee and terms on good used cars that make them sell. It's your time of the year to de your buying of a used automobile. 1017 Hudson Super Plx. fine running condition. We put a Do-days' guarantee on it. the flame as a factory standard guarantee 0.1 a nsw car $1150. 1015 Hudson Super Six. overhauled and repainted; guarantee the same as a fac tory guarantees a new car -$1600. IMS Hudson Speedster, overhauled, re painted and guaranteed the same guar antee as a factory gives a new ur $ W50. 1919 Chalmers Hot Spot the latest light six; tine condition $1250. 1918 Chalmers Light Six: like new and with the Hot Spot $1175. 1016 Chalmera Light 6lx. all In fine ESSEX. Essex, traded In on a big car; If lust like new $1350. Liberty; good condition $1200. MAXWELLS. 1919 Max well; fine Condition $843. 1913 Maxwell; fine condition $625. 1917 Maxwell; fine condition $500. T? . , . . - ,UIKoi jdbi reaa over tnese " .... man uiui toe 111 over. C. L BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., Blo-017 VNshington st., Portland. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. 1918 Velio, 6-pass, 6-cyl 1918 Mitchell, 6-paoa.. 6-eyL 1019 Mitchell. 7-pass.. -cyL 1917 Mitchell. B-paas.. -cyl. 1916 C hevrolet. 5-pass., 8-cyL Studebakers, Maxwells, Overland. Cad iliac. Saxon. . Used Car Department. MITCHELL. LEWIS & BTAVER CO East First at Morrison St. Phone East 7272. Automatic 212-18. West Side Salesroom. Broadway at Oak Street. Phone Bdwy. 615. Automatic 888-48. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1019 Coupe: new tlree all around. J917 Touring: electric starter. 1916 Touring; electric starter. 1918 Delivery, express body. 1916 Delivery, closed body. 1916 Roadster, overhauled. BODIES OF ALL, KINDS. Ford cars repainted. Ford radiators repaired. Ford cylinders rebored. Ford magnetos recharged. Ford tops made and repaired. Ford bodies repaired. Ford work of ail kinds. FORD CARS. NEW AND USED. ROBINSON SMITH COM PANT," Sixth and Madison sta. Authorized Ford Dealer. WE ARE OFFERING THE FOLLOWING USED CARS AT EXTREMELY . LOW PRICES: 1019 Oldsmoblle Six. prsctlcally new. , Bulck roadster, model C 36, all cord tires. llilT Voile touring car, perfect condi tion. 1018 Cadillac. S-passenger. 1018 Maxwell touring. 1918 Mitchell 6lx, new paint. And many others. Terms to suit. HAMILTON MOTOR CO.. 50-52 N. Broadway. Phone Bway. 3606. Open Sunday. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO 58 N. 23d St. Main 780. GOOD USED CARS, RIGHT PRICES. Bulok 4-cylinder; new tires; $300. Olds 8. 7-pass. ; 6 good tires; A-l con dition; repainted like new; $1400. Il-eyllnrier Chalmers. A-l condition. Late 1919 Velle; new tires;- $500. 1917 Studebaker; 4 cylinder; $650 6-ryllnder. 7-pass. Mitchell; cord tlrea: f 11 (5. t 1916-17-18 Saxon Six. 6-cylinde.r, 5-pass. Overland. $730. Model .85 4-cyIindea Overland, $900 1918 Veiie, repainted, $1300, FORD ROADSTERS. 1918 Ford roadster. like new. 1917 Ford roadster, good shape. Ford -one-ton trucks, worm and chain drive. CUT PRICES. EASY TERMS. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO.. (80 N. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 32L Authorized Ford Dealers. OTT ALMERS HOTSPOT. A,AN,Py- CAR AND A BARGAIN. DRIVE UNTIL SPRING OR NEXT YEAR AT VERY LITTLE DEPRECIA- 71 w?" x.-T-'A,18 CAR l4U-NS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR B30, OR MAR. 6342. DODGE SEDAN. Good as new, run oouo miles, equipped with front and rear bumpers and other accessories; 6 tires and tubes; rear tires and tubes new; sell new for $2100; price $1.00. Call or see owner. 680 E. Madl son. East 1288. 1918 CHEVROLET; owner leaving for Cal ifornla, will sacrifice this car for $600' cord tires and car better than new; can be seen at Red Cap Garage, 408 S;ark st. Mr. Marshall, care Lincoln hoieL Broadway 3633. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays, Goodyear cord tlrea for Fords. $24.55. Authorised Wllard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE A BATTERT SHOP. 488 Union ave. N.. cor. Sacramento, Phone East 1893. RADIATORS. RADIATORS TAKE THAT FROZEN RADIATOR TO THE PORTLAND AUTO RADIA TOR SHOP, 635 ALDER. BROADWAY 64 1. MAXWELL, 1918, in best of condition. Bell at Smm ttn.i good tires; will terms. side. 80 Grand ave. North, near Burn- GOOD touring Ford. Lots of extras; $150 cash or trade, first payment; balance terms. Answer quica, r. o. Box 2U47 Station A. FORD touring. 1918, almost new. only run lioo miles; owner must sell; some terms. SO Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. FORD, '17, Just overhauled; good tires, lota of extras; must sell. Phone Broad way 4070. Automobile WANTED LATE MODEL. CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale St. a W. Cor. 15th and Washington. NEW cores put In radiators; crown fen ders made and repaired, tteasley A Linguist. 70 N. 11th at Everett at. Broad- way uai WILL pay cash for Ford or Ford bus;. N. -1st st- Broadway 7bit. Motorcycles, FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY UH 204-206 BP ST. MAIN 6139. Auto Tiree and Accwwwriea. RADIATOR shell and hood. $t7" " Will modernize that old lOlti or older Ford Also Pyrena extinguisher, f 6.&0. Wood lawn o.ttlO. Automobiles 'or Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HLRE L. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAOE Mar. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1L'36. ALTHOF 76 BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687, i;-P ASS. Dode for hire, touring, ca I ling. auuyvnitt. uiKuwuy. xsroaaway 30-17. 1 NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. li. N. SMITH, THIRD AND GI.ISAN 6TS.. A 229, BKUAUWA 1 2620. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 240S I5TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Ga- rge, on iutn st. Broaaway &4u. FOB SALE TRUCKS -AND TRACTORS. UJSED TRUCK BARGAINS Hauiing contracts furnished with the xonowing trucks: 2-lon Atterbury. 2-ton Reo. 2-ton Diamond T. Diamond T Truck Sales Agency of Ore- gon. 80-01 North Ninth Street. TRUCKS AT WHOLESALE PRICK One 2-ton and one Its -ton Internation al trucks, never been used, at factorv cost price. Genuine snaps on high-grade aaiiwD uregoD Auto Co., vale. Or. PANHARD lH-ton truck, used less than six months; full electric equipment, fine uuuy anu cao. w in. Broadway at Davis. AUTO REPAIRING. OLD RADIATORS MADE LIKE NEW. ALL WORK GUARANTEED PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR SHOP. 6.15 ALDER. FIRST-CLASS automobile mechanic will take work by hour or Job; guaranteed ii me 10 neip or to no It ail. LEAKY radiators rerjalre hv Hn.rt,' years' experience at Beasley Linguist. J j j 1 u st. at r.verett. rsawy. 104. GARAGES, FOR RENT Storage space 10 car. Way side Garage, 421 E. Clay. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUT DIAMONDS. Kecetv Full Value. Sell Dl recto to Diamond Brokers. Get what your diamonds are worth. If you have to sail, don't ell for any old price. We pay full value in cash. Tf you have your diamonds In pawn, we will buy the ticket and pay you aWo full value in cash. This is the place where yoa can turn anything into cash ewelry. old gold, watchea. silverware, platinum at full value, We buy your War Stamps, your Liberty Bonds, or any other valuao.es: so tf you want ready cash, come to us. Always) diamond bargains on hand. We buy bargains aud sell, bargains. PRIVATE OFFICE FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchant. 208 Morgan bide, becond Floor, Licensed by the City of Portland. DIAMONDS WANTED. $200 TO $1000 PER CARAT. FAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. . Sell your diamond to diamond ex perts, we positively pay the highest cash market values for diamonds, plat inum, gold, silver watches, old Jewelry and ail valuables of every description We buy faute teeth, crowns, bridges and all dental gold. Sea us before Bail ing elsewhere. Private offices, business strictly con fidential. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 441 Morgan Bldg.. 4tn Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. WE BUT LIBERTY BONDS At a Baala of Market Value. WAR STAMPS BOUGHT. AMERICAN BROKERAGE.' 20ft Morgan Bldg., becoud Floor. $12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone In the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors. Call Marshall 129 or 253 Madison St., near 3d st. Will call anywhere in the city, day or evening. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. - - .-'. IBiSHTt BONDS. OREGON BOND St MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG. SECOND FLOOR. $8.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3932, 245V4 BURN SIDE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. FURS! FURS I FURS1 I make them look Ilka new; cleaning and alterations of any description; at reasonable prlcea See the . LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. Main 529. 163 West Park. Bet. Morrison and YamhilL UP TO $25 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d at. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per plate; also crowns, brldgework, dental gold bought. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods, 167 1st St.. near Morrison. Main 738. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off ciottiing; uigiiesi caii it prices paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3226. 209MadUon. WANTED One 20-lb. tailor's electrlo Iron, uim Miigra piuboi sewing machine. must be cheap. Phone Sellwood 2315 or 8S05 42d St. So. TO BUY a fireproof safe; give price and ue miu tin a ,v i.au we seen. All I''.l Oregonian. ' ARE YOUR PIPES FROZEN UP' 1 thaw them out and replace broken ones: $1.75 per hour. Sellwood 57 i LAVATORY', bath, toilet wanted. bwaa enameiea sina. aiain HB4, 6 P. M. WANTED Diamond fe-kt. lo Xtt-kt. 248 Pine street. - WANTED Trunk, In good condition and WE will huy your old typewriters and pay you ca.Ti. Oregon Typewriter Co.. it 4 6th, H1UHEST BPOT CASH prices paid for dia- monds. Dan Marx.b3 Washington. PRINTING PRESS wanted, size 8x12 Ad. dress 183 East CSth st. N.. Portland. CEMENT, brick, block outfit, etc, BF S2L W ANTED 1 child's drum and 1 train. GOOD gasoline woodsaw, no Junk. BF 822, Oreeonian. Furniture Wanted. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a house full, and a competent, courte oni buyer will call. Marshall 2tH3. Crown CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8878. CALL MAIN 8lftl. If you waat to sell your furniture and not give It away, aak for Mr. Wolf, 191 ?d st., near Taylor. SVE NEED SECOND.HAKD FURNITURE of eny description: have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4i'J7 or lQti Flrat st. HOl'SBBOUD FURN IT V n E WANTED WILL PAY CAHH. MAIN 8332. SECOND-HAND furniture wanted to shin to eastern Oregon: no dealers. Main 6403. WANTED Used furniture.- Will pay best Furniture Wan ted. GEVUBTZ FURNITURE- CO, Marshall 6981. OLDEST RELIABLE HOffE IN PORTLAND BUYS HOUSiiiiOiJ GOODS FOR SPOT CASH. NOTHINQ TOO BIQ OR TOO SM LL. FROM A BIG HOTEL TO OSS P1HCS. PHONE CsV Marshall 6 SSL CEVURTZ FURNITURE! CO. 185 First St.. near Tamp 11 L BEFORE TOU SELL TOUR FURNITURE SEE US. We are in need of all kinds of used furniture. rugs. carpets. stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and office furniture, and we win pay absolutely the top prices for raine. Call MARSHALL 587 and our buyer will call. at once with the cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 2o5 and 207 First St., Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. CALL MAIN 3H9 IMMEDIATELY WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. - YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NKAR TAYLOR. - MAIN 3(19. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 208 First St. Main 772S. 1 WANT used furniture; will pay as much es any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. 11. Calef. dealer. 640 Williams ave. WF.I.P WANTED MALE. WANTED SPINNERS. APPLY GOLDEN STATES WOOLEN MILLS. LONG BEACH. CALIFORNIA, WANTED Salesman In gents' furnishing and slice aepurtment Simon's store. Is: and Alder. WANTED AT ONCE First-cisss experi enced open-shop pattern makers, core makers, molders, bolier makers., black smiths, forgers (heavy , macliin 1st s, cop persmiths and sheet-metal workers, also shlp fitters, rlvolen. caulkers (wood and eteel), pipe fitters, ship joiners and ship carpenters. All for out-uf-towu work For further information apply at 52" Oregon building. 5th and Oak sts. TAILORS wanted we have places now open In our new shop for about 3 men and women, only reliable people who want steady positions will be con sidered; no reds or agitators need ap ply; flrst-cluss wages and splendid working conditions. Cail for Mr. Bow man al the Brownsville Woolen Mills store. WANTED Man with selling ability to han dle correspondence school proposluon ; a knowledge of accounting will help, but Hot essential. Headquarters in west. Give age, telephone number and two reference first letter. AE 627, orego nian. TWO experienced candy makers for night work: hours 6 P. M. to 3 A M. eApply Employment bureau, 6th floor, Meier Frank Co. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school; new building; modorn equipment; best in struction; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For Information ad dress or Inqure at room 410 Y. M. C. A. :ck. i-imne alatn S7QD. branch 2. WANTED Estimator on sash, doors and milt work for permanent position In Se attle. Must be accurate at figures. Ad dress in confidence, stating experience and aalaary. Address AV 2uS. O re to il mn. EX-SERVICE IlEN! The state allows you yi? per month wni.e attending ecnooi. ny not enme over and inspect our school. Adcox Auio at uai zunine facnool, U nioa ave. and Wasco st. WANTED Experienced stockmun with some capital to take charge as general manager of large cattle company. At tractive proposition to rfsht party. Ad dress P. u. box 1114, Boise, Idaho. WANTED ONE MORE FIRST-CLASS COAT MAKER, REED BROri. 1.U3 WIL COX BLDG. OAK wood to cut at $3 per cord. Prefer man witn iamuy or hoys able to dJ farm work. Must jjlve references. Good bout only article furnished. 2u miles from Portland. 22S Aider et. WANTED Young optometrist to take ci.urgo 01 m optical department in a f trst-class Jewelry store ; a good chance for the ritfht mun and a good futuro AV i'4i, Oregont:tn. WANTED Two solicitors, those experi enced tn newspaper or maazine work preferred. Leslie-J uflge Co,, 6lW Wor cester bldg., 3 P. M. WANTED A man to clear 3 acres and split fence post!; comfortable quarters for man or family; must go out Satur day. A 867, Oregonian. WANTED Sash and door machine oper ator ror detail mill work ; pood wanes. Write Taconia Miliwork Supply Co., Taroma, Wach. X OR 2 GOOD machinists for automobile mite mi no an up. n ou cannot make the grade don't apply. Burns Machlna Works, Inc., Penuieton. Or. WANTED, immediately, nTen, IS up. rail way man c.ertte ; commence 1 3u0; va cancy list fre. Franklin Institute, deot. 375 Y, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Young man of ability who de- vi res io euier a ij us in ess with a good future; age to 40 years. Call U to 5 83-1-5 Northwestern Bank bldg. LEA UN oxyacetylene welding; we teach complete course; write lor circular W-O Welding Works, 105 E. Water t., Port land, Or. ia"0 FIRST year paid government rail way man uicriis, names wanted nien, lt-3ft. wishing positions. AV ys. Ore gonian. WE OFFER an opportunity for several high school boys to make good holiday money. Call immediately Ull Chamber of Commerce. MAN to take good out-of-town lumber haul or good wood haul in Portland or gravel hauls. Phone East 7Geu, or C 12:i. WANTED Delivery boy not over 10 years oi iHt, gjou ciiaiue to icarn typewriter business. See Foreman. 3Ui) Stark st. WANTED Paperhanger and painter to figure on contract for f iulsning inside of a house. Call Tuesday at 3 o'clock. 1 1 04 Yecn bldg. C V 1-1 NDER preiktinian wanted at once for night stint. uoiumDia Paper Box Co East 2Tth and HoKaday. " FL'KNITL'KE finUher to take charge of nmnning room. naaiy jvi i j. lo3 L water St. rnonc t.a.si tyj i . A JAP or Chinese boy to clean up th rooms in private hospitaL 617 Kear- n-v fit. WANTED Man and wife, janitors for of fice building; no Sunday work. Cull at 210 Alij-ky bldg. WANTED Firs-claBS Inside house wire man. If you cannot do the work do not answer this. Cail East 4Lsr,. TAILORS. ATTENTION Htriko still on In Portland. r'lRSf-CLASS coatmakers and pr.-ss.er. 403 Commonwealth bids. Assn. Taiors Worn: WANTED Good, reliable sawmill man to . operate mill on contract per M basis. Addre!8 P. p. bo 2047. station 'a. WANTED oung man, experienced In so llctllng; good pay for right man: 9 to 11 015 Wilcox bldg. WANT boy to work after school. Dally Record Abslratt. 02' 1st st. WANTED LICENSED P M. M 7164. ELECTRICIAN. "WANTED A man to do chores, i.lel. 1751 Derliy. work NURSE girl, over 18. to assist with house work. $2.1 month. Main IJTbl. SHOEMAKER wanted. Goodyear Shoe lie pair Shop. 10o7 Main. Vancouver. Wrn. WANTED An experienced hall man. Xor tonia hotel. 11th and ttark. DRIVER for Ford turck. Alaska Herring & Importing Company. 227 Yamhill Kt. WANTED Dishwasher. Apply Cilealer Luiy hotel, 201 N. 20th ft. lOUH BiGGfcl.-T OPPORTUNITY If von want to make real money, big money, get Into the auto game; no other line otters equal opportunity; no other line Pays as well; we will teach you auto and tractor engineering under a plan no other school will match: come here lour weeks, pay not a cent In advance: it ou are then satisfied that our train ing is the superior of any other Paciflo northwest auto schools, pay your tuition; you are not eatlntied that our school excels, we will pay you for every hour ?U,Ve atlPIied class; this is the most startling offer any auto school ever made; there Is no red tape about it: we will gladly put it In writing; we are wining to depend entirely upon your honesty and good Judgment: only a dif ferent, unquestionably superior school could make euch an offer; if our train ing were Just thee ordinary kind, this oiler would be suicidal; but wo know where we stand, know that the quality of our training will win you If given a trial; our 100-page catalogue la free; ask for book No. 1-H. Adcox Auto and Gas Engine School. Union and Wasoo. ih.,?I'V A- ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT is not an employment agency, but a de- LrKn,,e"t of the y- M- c- A- which aids ambitious young men in prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past 10 Jwfi" w hBV 'ted 17.932 men in i Hiding positions. Many of these men are now in executive positions and se cure tlielr help through us. i "linltnif this department has with f "'"' i" to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of a ,,ears and t hey turn to the Y. M. C. A. tor men to fill the better sort of Jobs Jacant positions In Portland at pres- nLaf carce- and if you need assist- ? selling your service consult one ox tne employment secretaries, room, 307 IV e can heln YOU. ARE, YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED? it so. learn the auto and tractor busl mS.K u eTn rroIT 100 to $300 a !?,?' " .1hern California offers ex ceptional opportunities while and after c.'ndniV,',''- ''if 11 "'"-riea. Ideal working f.revi. ' "w-round climate: no short .TmeXP,eHrlBn "et:.ary. Learn in snort time the Natlona Way. Expert InT: ,"ew', "plete mechanical -itlLi-NAL AUTOMORII.K KCunrvr. ' years In T ,,, .i ....... . . .. . . . . Flcuero. Write today ror free walogua 5oo INEXPRlENCED men wanted to 2,ua Hfy automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ".,,ana tire vulcanlzers: only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U a fer"P;enl "ar f'"'-"nU for train ing soldiers auto "mechanics: don't en roll In any other school until you have JnHte?. l?U OM; railroad far. re funded i. after personal Inspection you iL. y . ""lTMtitUon regarding the school: biggest, best equipped and largest system of schools In the world: four large schools. Write nearest brancb. ?HPit4i10DEKN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm !i V.. po,t-an!" wan.; 700 Mercler at. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILL EM PLOYH, ONE FAMILIAR WITH CAR RIAGE WORK OR AUTO BODT CON STRUCTION PREFERRED. TO THK RIGHT MAN AVE OFFER THE BEST OF WAGES. PACIFIC CAR A FOUN DRY CO., 219 K. 60TH ST. NORTH. CARRIERS wanted for lanre routes In Laurel hurst and Grand ave. districts. Apply City Circulation Dept., 203 Oreco niun bltis. Help Wanted Salesmen. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. Manufacturer of several na tionallv advertised products with almost perfect distri bution among hardware and house furnlshi ng trade, wants several men capable OREGON of increasing this busineaa. also to complete distribution on new advertised line. Ex clusive territory. Write fuily SALARY home address, age. exoeri- ience, acquaintance, health, habits, salary expected. Salesmen calling on hard AXD ware trade preferred. Send photo we'll return It. In quiries held confident laL Ground -floor chance for EXPENSES right man. Address Box A V 25, O regon i a n. SALESMAN f.r one of our branches in eastern Oregon as manager and w&ffon talesman, felling tea. coffee, etc., direct to trtde; liberal sr.lary aud commission from start; man must be of good hab its and furnish best of references and bond; pe-manent work and rapid ad vancement to workei and producer. Ap ply in person only. Jewel Tea Co., Inc. 1' 1 S o. G rand a ve. . ask for Mr. Baker. BOOKMAN, high class, wanted for new proposition from Roycroft Shops; card leads. Write W. D. Harney. 40u-o White bunding. Seattle. Wash. WERE YOU ever offered a business of your own? 8a Cham, of Corn, bldg.. 4th and Stark. DOOR-TO-DOOR salesman wanted, one who knows how to close aalea. App.y 114 First st. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted In each town In Oregon and Washington to represent liberal old line company writing general fir and am omobile Insurance. B Hti. Oregonian. At.hNTs al once. Sell 50c per month ho pital tickets 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TEN TRANSFER GIRLS, experience not necessary, but best references must be furnished. Apply superintendent's of fice, before 1U:30, ready to go to work. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. YOl.'NG lady for clerical work; must be able to operate typewriter; one with ex perience preferred; salary $10 per week. Call today between 1 and 4, 406 Ore gonian bldg. EXPERIENCED Salesladies for notions, dollt. ladies' and children's hosiery ,ud underwear. Apply at Levitt's Store cor nT Fourth and Washington. WANTED 2 experienced dictaphone operators; permanent position. good salary. Apply the Dictaphone. 420 Spalding building. WANTED Experienced woman for cham bermaid. Hotel Dei-Mae-Joe, 14U lat st. ANY GIRL In need of a friend, apply to the Sal vation Rrmy Rescue Home, 89 East 1 5th st. N., or phone Eat 123. WANTED Trimmers and makers for both city and out-of-town positions MuliT fr Raas company. Royal bldg. OOoD omaD to take care of two girl and o. wnere motner can be with them at night. M S0, Oregonian. WOMEN IS up. Railway mall clerks f 1300. Franklin Institute. Dept. 704 v' Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Middle-aired lady housekeeper oniwlio Isn't afraid of. smallpox. Tabor WOM EN. 18-35. wishlnir government rail way mall office positions; 11300 year AV P27. Oregonian. r. WANTED An active. Intelligent woman to do general housework: no cooklna 1411 7M1 lUth ave. S. K. " PIANI.-ST wanted to demonstrate sheet music: steady work. Inquire Remick Sont; Shop. 3-4 Washington St. WANTED Six energetic women who can meet the public: a good paying business to the right woman. 6-7 Corbett bldg 10 GIRl.S for messenger work; good pav Call Tuesday A. AL, room iu2 Beck building. WANTED stenographer. 75 month state experience If any. own band wrltlng. B f5. Oregonian. W ANTED A girl for Davis confectionery 4M Washington street. WANTED Cook's helper. Chesterburv hotel. 2il North 2 th street. fcliss MATTINGLVS Shorthand. Typewrit ing School. $6 mo. 269 14th. Main 8893. CHORUS U1RLS, experienced, big engage ment Apply Casino theater. GIRL for small hotel, good wages lor right party. 1773 Derby st. WANTED Salesgirl tor bakery store, 2S9 Yamhill street. WANTED A dining room girl, 17ol Derby st. Woodlawn 291.1. EXPERIENCED pants operator wanted. SSu Third st. Jiul'SEKEBt'tR for young ladies em-n;.;v-ci; no washing. 415 Hroadv ;y bldg. WANTED Dining room girl. Campbell hotel. WAN TKD Assistant cook. Wdln. 278$. o-t impmeni. including Pack ard twin 0. Cadillac 8. Willys-Knight, "'? aP '"nit. Earn board and room , h ,,,l.a,rnlnK- B0"0 successful gradu v?t ,v'fNTf:ii YOUR success. NATIONAL AUTOMORII.K s:i'ho-.t. 1 . r -- i . is ' !'