7. fl T3 V7 2A THE MORNING OREGOMAX,. MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1919. VEf! With This Week's Number The Literary Digest Resumes Its Regular Method of Publication 120 Trft MM irages iv namy E utertaieie ID aerair ABOUT nine weeks ago the pressmen employed in the publish ing business in New York City presented demands to their employers for increased pay, and other conditions so radical that they were necessarily refused The employing printers offered a temporary increase of $6.00 a week in wages, instead of the $14.00 asked for, and expressed a willingness to submit all demands, in cluding that of wages, to arbitration. This was refused by the press men and a general walk-out ensued; A few days afterward, the type setters, in sympathy with the striking pressmen, left their employ ment ostensibly upon a "vacation." The result was a tie-up of prac tically every magazine published in New York City with the excep tion of THE LITERARY DIGEST, which, as an emergency measure, resorted to the photo-engraving process of publication, and the mag azine has appeared ever since in typewriter type face. Now, the compositors and pressmen have returned to work upon the terms originally offered by the employing printers the submis sion of all demands to arbitration. Consequently, THE LITERARY DIGEST, commencing this week, December 13, resumes its old familiar appearance. It is interesting to know that the "Digest's" experiment in type less printing has started more than two score inventors to work along this line to perfect methods that may make typesetting superfluous and render Guttenberg's famous invention of moveable types an outworn device. .Some of the interesting news-articles in this week's "Digest" are : OUR NEW GRIEVANCES AGAINST MEXICO The Full Light of Public Opinion as Shed by American Newspaper Editors on the Imprisonment of Consular Agent Jenkins President Wilson on Labor Unrest The Outstanding Facts in the Coal Fight The Gates Ajar at Ellis Island The New Labor Party Turkey at the Coming Peace Conference Czecho-Slovak Republic Follows American Model Science's Job to Help the Workers How We Catch Cold A New Substitute for Sugar The Psychology of Late Hours Chances for Inventors London Sees a "Shylock" From the Ghetto Something New in Journalism in Paris Protestant View of the Catholic Forward Movement To Save German Children When East Prays Against West Going to Church in Russia Rest of the Current Poetry Persia How She Emerges From the War German Financial Position Summarized Lady Astor, From Virginia, 1st WomanM. P. Personal Glimpses of Men and Events Send 10 Cents for a Copy if You Can Not Buy It on the News Stand f For a Single Dime I at the 1 News-Stands J V Each Week FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary) NEW YORK 1