THE MORNING OltEGONTAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1919. 13 JiKW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Marshall 4114. A 4118 Inprovrd city and farm proprrtr. InataJI eat repayment privilege It preferred) prompt, reliable service A. H. BIRRELL CO. SI7-2IS Nortkweatera Buk Huilillaz. Ci nf Mortgage Loans O 72 OK ward L Goudey Co V. . Bank. BaildlaM REAL ESTATE. JorSale Flat and Apartment Property. NET INCOME $7500 PRICE ONLY $55,UOO. Fine brick and stucco apartment house. Has Bleeping porches, hardwood floors, etc.. in every apartment; fine oil a eat ing plant and every other appliance that goes with an up-to-date apt. house. KKLIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak Bt. Broadway 4133. FOR QUICK SALE. Three apartment fiats, west of Park street, in best district. 7 minutes walk from Portland hotel, 3 ami 4 rooms up fetalis, 6 rooms downstairs; good dry basement; now paying better than 10 pet cent on investment. For quick sale, x).-,.oun, K 80s, oregonian. FOR QUICK SALE. Three family apart, flats in best apart ment house district, with steam beat, hot water, well built, only 7 minutes' walk from poatoffice, present income $130 per month ; price for cadh $15,000. E. 802, Oregoman. tor Sale -Lot. FOR SALE Corner lot. 75x100. not far from school and car line; gas, electricity and water in front of place; over $300 worth of street lmprovments paid for. it 11 for $525. Owner. 278 Halleck st Phone Wdln. C7ri. FORSALE $450. lots 9 and 10. block 19. Warrenton addition to West Astoria, free from all incumbrance; furnish abstract j to pres nt pont;snoi-. Send all inquiries ! to A. H. Airih, 202 North 4otn st.. Se attle. Was'.x. UNIVERSITY PARK Lot COxlOO; corner Fiske and Oberlin stH. ; hard-surface pavement and cement walk. Price $500 cawh; $550 terms. 1'hone Tabor 5964. For Hale -nouses DO YOU WANT A BUNGALOW of five rooms with everything com pletely modern, furnace, oak floors, fireplace, built-in features in kitch en and dining room, all finished n white enamel? This Is a new place and you can have immediate pos session. Price, $.5U0, on terms. The location is the Laurelhurst district. Or would you need a 6-room house, bso!uteiy new and modern, with all tiie latest bui lt-ins, fire place, basement, furnace, station ary wash trays, entirely finished in white, with the latest electric fix tures. 4 rooms downstairs and 2 up? RenrJy for you to move into. Price $0500, on terms if desired. Another one is a 7-room house, entirely modem with furnace heat. This one is $7000, on terms. All three of these places are '2hk blocks from the Montavilla car line. SEE J. A. MILLS. 204 Corbett Bldg. VERY CONFIDENTIAL. Tf you are contemplating buying a home, I want to talk with you. I have for sale in Laureliurst a beautiful Eng liHh colonial home of 9 rooms. large corner Int. very - artistically finished, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, bilt two years ao. Cost $13, 5tin. Will produce the bills; mih'ht consider a small bungalow In Rood location as part pay men t ; prin cipals only. Phone evenings and Sun days, East 20bt. RUSTS CITY PARK. PRICE ONLY $4000. 5-oom modern bungalow with all mod ern improvements. Including hardwood floors, near Sandy blvd., below the hill. If you want something good you will buy this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak st. Broadway 4133. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into income ? We design and build apartments, ga rages, re-sidencfi, anything, furnish pl&ns and finance. Established . ten years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bailey Co , Inc.. contract ing architects. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. . BUNGALOW. Best In Laurel hurst, near park; six rooms and garage, modern in detail, artist lc and complete. This is a rea: bungalow. You should look it up at once. W. U. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. JUST A MOMENT. PLEASE. Brand new clasay 4-r. bungalow. Jus-, finished, near Union ave. north of Pied mont district : a few hundred dollars as first payment will handle it. Can ar range bal. to suit purchaser. Pnone owner. Baft 4000. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms Ilk .rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Mam 2035. Main 4477. FOR SALE or exchange. 50x100 with 5 room cottage, on car line; worth J20OO 15 minutes from center of citv Phone Wood lawn 2133 or call at 802 Michigan WEST side bargain, 7-room house, all fur nished, modern plumbing, 2 sinks, gas and electric, close in, the owner Is out of town and we are authorized to sell house and furniture 'tor $1800 and will give terms at that. Mrs. Florlan Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FURNISHED home. Alberta, $3500; mod- em, 6 rooms, furnace, fuel. Dutch kltch- en. 5uxino lot: $1000 down, balance like! rent. Wdln. 5028. 1103 E. 15th st. N. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas ana estimates. B. T. Allyn. 243 Sta-k st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Maip SMI Rea. phone. Tahor 114. BUNG A LOWS A SPECIALTY If you are looking for a bargain It will be to your interest to call up Mr. Stowell, Tabor QSM. BY OWNER 6 rooms, sleeping porch, fire place, on car line, corner view lot. newly painted throughout, terms. Main 2466. evenings. Wood la ffti 4508. 6-ROi M cottage; lot 75x100: fruit trees; chicken house. $1450. Terms. $300 down. Brondway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. IRVING TON HOME. EAST 1347. PRETTY COTTAGE, $1600: trade for larger house or acreage, assume differ ence 1800 Siskiyou, nr. Toth. R. C. car. 3 KUUMS, furnace, mJirfern, Overlook addt i ion. Price $;;5ort, terms. Address S. S. White. St. Marie-. Idaho. 1RVINCTOX HOMES R. T. STREET, 1RV. AGT. .Suburban Homes. ON K-HAl.P ACRE. 6-ROOM MODERN BPUN G ALOW. Full S acre, nicely fenced, all kinds of bearing fruit and berries, large chick en house. 3 ch icken runs : with 6-room modern bungalow; on good ail to road, joining city limits. 7c car f:tre. block to car. price only $3250, $1000 cash, bal ance terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak st. Broadway 4133. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME, and acreage, well located, .near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station .on Oregon City car line sign "Alder Brook." For Sale Acreage. FOR SALE OK TRADE 8 acres of fine land l1 miles of Tit-aril; all in cult. o'tl 4-room house, floored attic, cement bmemcnt. water system, good kitchen ruiiKe, Inlaid linoleum on living and kitchen floor, other household goods, winter wood In basement, good burn. 6 tons of bay. chicken house, farm tools. 1 good cow and heiter calf, some chick en. Price $4850: mortgage $1750. 6 per Ct-nt. 3 ears. Will .exchange my eq uity of $3050 tor modern home In Portland; not over 6 blks. of car. or will sell on terms. O. 1.. Adam. 507 rh amber of Commerce blug. M arsball 2575. 6000 ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only: easy terms, iow price. $5 oer acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEVERHACSER TIMBER COMPANY. Taeoma bldg.. Tacoraa. Wash. 3 ACRES, just off Base Line road; close to car line : oeautirui iir grove; $1500; terms. Broadway 165S 209 Oregon bldg. 4 ACRE'S, all cleared: very best of soil close to station: 2-room shack, $1700, terms. Broadway 1658 209 Oregon bldg. For Sale Farm. " YAKIMA valley garden and fruit, 10 acres, deep loam soli, all In cultivation, to garden and fruit, river front, nice 3 toom ho u so. sleeping porch, outbuildings, silo, good well, government irrigation; price $3000 Central Yakima Ranches Co.. 512 Selling bldg. Main 4W9S. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, good soil, H tillable ; employ ment; easy terms. Jesse R. Sharps, S3 Third st. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. ear Portiana. io to uuu per acre, easy terms; sizes. best soil. Farms for ?ale. idcFarland. 602 Yeoa bldg. REAL EST ATX. lor Sale STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 116 acres, all In cultivation except 70 acres of grub oak timber; this place is gently rolling land in a good locality. V mile from the west side highway and j 2 miles from the state normal school at Monmouth, buildings are good; the1 barn is not painted, but the paint is on I hand for this; all stock, machinery, hay 1 and grain goes with it: 60 acres are in -crop. 10 acres are in clover. The Valley A j Siletr. R. R. runs across one side and a station If) on the place. The stock con aists of 5 horses, 5 cows. 1 yearling, 1 2-year-old, 1 calf, a brood sow, 6 ehoats and a !ot of chickens. The price is $125 per acre. V cash. This is an excellent place and is at the right price. SEE ANYONE AT SPERLING A HANNA'S OFFICE. 204 CORBETT BLDG. DON'T FORGET THIS ONE. A good farm, two miles from Newberg, within 200 yards of the west side high way, gently rolling- land with about 7? or 80 acres In cultivation; 5 acres of j prune's, 7 years old; family orchard. ' spring and spring creek: some timber ' and some bottom 'land: this place has easy access to transportation and high school, also market; it can be had at $150 per acre, with part cash. SEE ANYONE AT SPERLING A HANNA'S OFFICE. -204 CORBETT BUILDING. APPLES AND BERRIES. 80-aere bearing orchard. 50 acres in apples. 10 acres in loganberries and rasp berries; a big paying proposition; at Molalla in the heart of Willamette val ley. Price $20,000. with desirable terms. If you are looking for this kind of a proposition you can't find better. Platted in 10-aore tracts for subdivision. HARRIS A MAXWELL, Main 2831. 304 Ry. Ex. Bldg. LAND FOR SALE 320 ACRES EXCEL lent farm land in southern Alberta. Canada. Peder P. Dahl, Crary. N. Dak. R F. D. 1. Box 1 WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT houses from $4000 to $6000. We are selling a number of houses in the better districts. Let us know if you have a house in a good restricted district in price from $4000 to $6000 and we can insure you a speedy sale. See or phone Mr. Oliver with Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 0th St. Bdwy. 4381. FINE HOME WANTED. Not to exceed $35,000 ; must have about an acre of ground and at least 1 0-room house; state location ; give full description: positively no agents. East 2080. WANTED PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY. Will pay cash to $30,000. Will take up foreclosure. 224 Oregon bldg., 5 th and Oak. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. . Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., Main 2035. Main 4477 WE have buyers for cheap , acreage. 10 or more acres close to Portland that can be sold on small payment down, rang lng around $100 to $150 an acre. HARRIS A MAXWELL. Main 2831. 304 Ry. Ex. Bldg. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO SELL 7 WE SELL THEM TRY US. MacINNES & PRATT. Main 3S68. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED Modern house in restricted dis tricts, or good building lot. G 667. Ore eoman. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE will buy exceptional good bargains. 325 Railway Exchange Bldg., 3d and Stark. TWO choice R. C. P. lots, $2000, and cash for bungalow. Marshall 4138. Farms Wanted. FARM OWNERS. Tf you furmshe us with farms we will furnish you with buyers. Send us com plete description of your farm, its price and terms. Small Improved farms in great demand and larger farms, if rightiy priced, are readily sold. Out-of-the-way places not considered. E. A. L1NDGREN. Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank bldg. SMALL FARMS WANTED. We have several buyers for small farms, with stock and equipment, from 30 to 50 acres, with half, or more under cultivation. We can guarantee you quick action on such places. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. FARM WANTED FOR CASH. 150 acres preferred, In cultivation, within a radius of 15 miles of Portland. Would consider more or less. Must be good soil and priced right. 224 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak. W A N T ED Small farms, 40 to 80 acres, along or near the paved highways, any direction from the city.- for waiting clients. No inflated prices considered. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange, HAVE YOU A FARM TO SELL 7 WE SELL THEM TRY US. MacINNESS & PRATT. 413 Board of Trade. Portland. Or. TIMBER LANDS. FIR timber, 5 to 20 million ft. Pay as cut. We have good mill. Address P. O. Box 2U47. Station A. LOGGING contract wanted, equipment must be furnished. X 329, Oregonlan. PILING timber wanted for winter work. O. V. Gamble. Couch bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. RANCH 190 -acres', for rent. , stock for sale; 50 acres bottom, tillable land; re mainder pasture; 2Vk miles to Toledo, Or.; small amount of money will handle. tosh box 170. Toledo. Or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. k c,, 7 J., LE or trade. 120 acres land. Lake near Lakeview. OUie Madi- Box 356, Angleton. Texas. i3xl43 LOT. Multnomah station, to trade for first payment on house. Address 29 Willamette blvd. or R 208. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. DOWNTOWN BUILDING. One of the very best business buildings In Portland; absolutely "CLASS A"; on Morrison street; all rented. This is a chance of a lifetime to get in on a down town IMPROVED property. Some good property will be accepted as part pay. W. H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. SOME TRADE. Some trade will be accepted on one of the finest residence properties in Port land; absolutely modern to the minute; hot-water heat, oak finish, double ga rage, very ample grounds. NO MORT GAGE. W. H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. IF YOU wish to sell or exchange your prop erty, either city or country, rooming house or business, see Richards & Peper. We have the goods and can handle your business promptly. We have a fine list of small homes and acreage. See us at 008 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, 50x100 with 5 room cottage, on carllne; worth $2600; 15 minutes from center of city. Phone Woodlawn 2133 or call at 802 Michigan ave. LAL RELHURST Will sell, or trade for St Paul, Minn., property, lot . block 19, 43d and Couch; 75-ft. front. R. S. Hubley, 841 Dayton ave.. St. Paul. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. PUBLIC AUCTION SALS. Dec. 18, 1019. at 10 A. M.. -mlle south Multnomah siation. Capital high way on J. Denley'a place, 50 high-grade Holsteins, 20 fresh, 8 springers, balance fresh last 3 months; 14 heifers, 1 to 2; pi; re bred Holstein bull, 2; farm imple ments, 3 horses, gas engine, feed cutter, root cutter, chickens. OWNER, H. SCHAFER, AUCTIONEER, J. C. KUTALLL NOTICE, dairymen: if in need of cows see us before buying ; 15 head of fresh cows. 40 head of springers, consisting of Jerseys, Durham. Holsteins and Gurnseys. can be seen at Union stock yards barn. Beef cattle taken in ex change. G. K. Howett. vidln. 2400. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. See us if you want to buy or sell. Camp bell- Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. 30-2 ("ouch bldg. SPAN blocky young mares. 5 and 6 years old. weignt aoout uo, souna ana well broke, extra good. lnq.uire 967 Wil lianis ave. FKBSH cows for sale or trade, 4 beef cattle. TaKe Vancouver car to Colum bia blvd. station, go 1 blk. north. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash oaid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Mflwaukie 69 J ror results. DEAD horses, animals hauled away. free. Port 1 a nd Rendering Co. Wood : awn 20. DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE 15 full-blood . Shropshire March rams. Hoi man Fuel Co.. 94 5th. HOLSTEIN cow. 6 or 7 gallons, fresh 2 weeks. B. W. Spang. Tigard. Or. DR. M. 6:.66. HOWES, veterinarian. 2 FINE cutters and 1 pair of sled runners for sale at a bargain. 1028 E. Alder st. 10 FRES.I cows and corning fresh In lew ubys; family cows, $oU, 751 , Ash, FOR SALE. Hor, Vehicles, Livestock. FOR SALE or hire 145 head of horses, ranging from 3 to 12 years old. from 1200 to 170O lbs.: some well-matched teams. These horses' are right in the collar, working every day. Will sell any one of them at any time purchaser comes along. Harness and wagons of all kinds. All horses guaranteed as represented. Three-year-old Jersey cow. about 7 weki fresh. PM1 Suetter. FrontsL. Crown Stables. ONE beef cow for sale. 39 N. Prescott, Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. &ECUR1TY STukaGK CO. CLOSING OUT Small upright pianos, $65 and $75 cash. Parlor organs, $18, $25. $28, $35, $55. Large upright pianos, $195, $235. $265. $475 new stored upright pianos, $290. $750 modern player Liauo and bench, 1435. " Pianos stored for 50c monthly. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 10ft 4tb St., at Washington st PIANO BARGAINS. $100 and up. good standard used pianos, -uch as Cblckering. Hard man, Fteher and others. All our used pianos have the one-year exchange proposition, which guarantees them. See our line. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st bet. Wash, and Alder sts. VOCALION ORGAN. Just the organ for church or moving picture use. Having 2-manual keyboard, base pedals, port levers with electric mo tor. Some bargain. SLIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO- 125 Fourrti st. US&D PIANO We have a targe assort ment of used pianos, player pianos and baby grand pianos. Standard makes and everyone guaranteed. Our prices ar low, our -"terms will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co.. 435 Washing ton St.. cor. 12th. Bdwy. 750. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE IN DECEMBER $75 Vilctrola and records (used)....$ 55 $250 Swlck A Co. (good upright).. 135 $4O0 Vose A Sons (fine condition) .. 238 Best piano repair shop in Portland. HAROLD GILBERT. 384 YamhilL SECOND-HAND PHONOGRAPH Several cabinet style phonographs of good stand ard maKe, only slightly used, at very low prices. Our terms will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co.. 435 Wash ington st.. cor. 12th. Bdwy. 700, DoN T sacrifice your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars. Fireproof Storage. C. M Oisea Transfer A Storage Co.. 248 Pine at. PLAYER-PIANO MUSIC." Roll sent out of town on trial. Full line of J. R. S. music carried in stock. Write for catalogue. Seiberling-Lucas music jq.. ju 4tn st. FISHER upright pla-no,. almost -new. at a snap. See this piano If you want a good piano. Selberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4i n st. REDUCED Christmas terms; $12,50 cash, $12.50 next pay day. $10 month, al ter January, 1920. buys new upright, im proves., up-to-aate pianos at tne SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill Fourth at. THADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records: our propositions will please you. Seiber-ling-Lucas Music Co., .125 4th st. Main 8586. CHICKERING, $100; old style. In the best of condition. Selberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. HARDMAN upright, just 'as good as new. Some piano at some bargain. Seiberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4yh st. WINSTON, mahog. case, latest style, lust used short time. Selberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos and player-pianos; get our prices. Seiberllng Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th at. Main 8586. 100 TO $150 CASH PAID for upright pianos. Phone Main 5323. Security Stor age Co., or call at 109 4th sU. at Wash ington st. COLUMBIA phonograph. Including records, used two months; will sell reasonable. Call Broadway 1819. WANTED AT ONCE Used baby grand piano : In A 1 condii ion c nly. Address C 388, Oregonlan. KREHLING. plain oak case, like new. Sei-berllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. SECOND-HAND piano, only $165, cash or terms. G. F. J ohnson Piano Co., 149 6th street. FOR SALE Edison re-creation phono graph, cheap , like new. Tabor 6808. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT 384 YamhiU SL PLAYER rolls you are tired of exchanged, 10c per roll. Harold Gilbert. 384 Yamhill. TWO three-quarter iron beds with springs. Call after 12. Marshall 1134. WANT a good piano at once: reasonable. Call Main 38G4 before 5. Cash. EXCELLENT heating stove. Sell. 1595. Furniture for Sale. t FURNITURE of 5-room flat In good con dition, altogether or by the piece. Call 217 Cherry. Phone East 2257. Poultry. PULLETS We offer you Barred Rocks, White Wyandottes, Black Orpington and Rhode Island Red pullets. $1.25 to $2.50, according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp., b2 St.. 73d to 74th ave. Southeast. WE WILL pay you highest cash price foi April, May-hatched pullets, any breed; Northwest Poultry Corp., Lents, Or. FOR SALE 26 white leghorn March pul lets, most now laying. A. A. A us ttpa. Bell Station. Estacada line. Launches and Boats. BOATS and barges nullt-and repaired, es timates and expert advice freely fur nished. Yard and ways at Albina ave. Phone East 2162. Marine Repair Const. Co. Machinery. AIR COMPRESSOR. AIR TANKS U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, couplings and automatic switches, every thing tor the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR d. EQUIPMENT CO., Broadway 3300. 329 Couch at. SPECIAL. We have in stock lath machinery, planers and upright shingle machines THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First Street. - Portland. Or. E. P. ALLIS 16-in. by 36-In. Corliss en gine, in good condition, also 48-in. bv 12-ft. FUchburg lathe. Portland Iron works, 14th and Northrup sts., Bdwy. 3113 and 528-22. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric noists, construc tion equipment. Standard Mach. Co., 55 First st. 16-HORSEPOWER new Foos engine at a reduced price. Paclflo Scale A Supply Co.. 48 Front st. Broadway 1966 Dogs. Rabbits, Birds. Pet Stock. O. T. STABLES. 17th and Kearney, 25 good young horses ana mares, some well matched teams; everything sold with a guarantee as represented. G. D. Will iamson. TOY black and tan puppies. 3 months old, $15 each for quick sale; fine Christ mas present for children. Take St. Johns or Mississippi car to Albina and Killings worthy 120 Kllllngsworth ave. THE PADEREWSKI CATTERY. Orange Persian kittens of quality. Eaft 3967. THOROUGHBRED English bloodhounds for sale. Box 67. city. St. Theresa tan atorium. St. Theresa station. Or. City car. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier pups for sale. Tabor 1217. 6230 26th ave. S. E Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly pay ments; send for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington st. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now. immediate delivery ; reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Co. FOR SALE: Entirely new and latest model No. 5 Underwood typewriter. Write BJ 170. Oregonlan. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th. Main 3668. XEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pea se Co.. 110 Sixth st. M Incel la nroua. FOR SALE A $600 diamond at $450 If taken at once Do not answer unless you mean business. AR 976, Oregonian. 1 NEED money, have a diamond Tiffany mounted, slightly over karat. Phone after 6 P. M. Main 2521. LARGE sled, made for Alaska; good for heavy hauling. Main 7472. PAIR lady's Fkates attached to shoes, size 4: worn about four times. Wdln. 957. PRACTICALLY new Ice skates, for $2. Sellwood 1P33. cost $5, FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st sc. near Ash. 1 DIAMOND dinner ring, also gentleman's d 1 amond stickpin. East 522. FOR SALE Suits, dresses, waists; no agents. Hotel Morris. 329. Fl LET crocheted sweater, turquoise blue Y 50. Oregonian. i ISTLETOE with berries. 50c lb. loth su Phone Main b!05. FOB BALK. Micel lane-ens. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamond direct to Diamond Importers and receive The highest cash market value. Without any disappointment. We pay from $10 to $809 Per carat. We purchase pawn Tickets, Gold, Silver. Platinum. Any valuables, any amount. We buy War Stamps. Liberty Bonds, Victory Bonds, If you want money, see ua. Private offices; business confidential. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. " Brokers and Diamond Merchants. 205 MORGAN BLDG., Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. PEERLESS PLUMBING FIXTURES. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES. HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS. IRON PIPE. WM. POWELL VALVE AND STB AM SPECIALTIES BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THaJ PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. 68-70-72 Front street. Portland, DIAMONDS WANTED. $200 TO $1000 PER KARAT. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex perts. We positively pay highest cash market values for diamonds, platinum, gold, silver, old jewelry and all valua bles of every description. We buy old false teeth and all dental gold, bee us before selling eles where. Private offices, business strictly confidential. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan Bldg.. Fourth Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. A CALCULATOR adding machine for $12.50; guaranteed for five years; add. subtract, multiply and divide; positive ly no errors; easily operated; makes bookkeeping. Inventory, invoicing, bal ancing ledger and all clerical work easier; can oe used In any business: com plete instructions accompanies this small, neat, well-built machine ; ideal Xmas gift: sent postpaid to any Oregon or Washington aa dress; something new ; positively a bargain. Order now. F. J. Mercier, 354 Yamhill St., Portland. Or. WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS ' At a Basis of Market Value. WAR STAMPS BOUGHT. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., Second Floor. FOR SALE A large assortment of art needlework, inducing lunch cloths and napkins, crochet corner and edging, buf fet and dresser scarfs, center pieces. guest towels, tray cloth, pillow cases, handkerchiefs, camisoles and yokes; also handsome sweater and slipover and cap. Every piece very attractive and neat. I also take orders at very reasonable price. Call Automatic telephone 31430 and I will call a. your home with my collection. CLASSY Christmas tree, any size at I reasonable price, delivered. Leave or' ders now at Nobby Cleaners, corner Park and Salmon sts. Phone Main 4306; open evenings, call and pick out your tree in person . iirst come, first served. Don ald K. Brown, salesman's residence, phone Main 2467. UNION ball-bearing skates, $2.45 a pair; kitty-kars. 95c and up. Santa Claus headquarter for bicycles, tricycles and wheel toys of all kinds. We deliver for Christmas. Select your toys now. The Evening Repair Shop, 340 N. 2a d, corner italeigh st. Broadway 3060. I HAVE several diamonds that have been left by outside parties to be sold. You can buy them for 25 9 less than the w holesale cost. Miller's Clearlng-Housa for Diamonds, 355 Wash, st., next to Majestic theater. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. bE WING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third, near Taylor St. SOME fo'.ks say diamonds are high, but one would hardly think so if they would stop long enough to compare my prices with regular prices. Miller"-! Clearing House for Diamonds, 855 Washington at., next to Majestic theater. CLOSING out sale staple and fancy gro ceries, Japanese kimonos, curios and fancy goods. . Visit us before you buy groceries or Christmas gifts. 565 Union ave. North, corner of Graham. OFFICE furniture from war dept., desks, tables. chairs. files, supplies. type writers, adding machines, check writ er. D. C. Wax, 109 2d bu. near Wash ington, Main 4031. WHILE THEY LAST PRUNES! First-class petite prunes In 'any quan tity at holiday prices; not a processed prune; tnis year's crop. Call at Nobby Cleaners, cor. Park and Salmon. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at Tight prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE A LOCK CO., 165 Second n. ' Phone Main 2045. HOT-WATER tanks, 30-gal., $7; 40-gal. $9. tested and guaranteed; stove and fur nace coils, gas heaters Installed; expert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams at. East 8616. WHY PAY RETAIL PRICES? When you can save 35 to 40 per cent by buying your raincoat, leather coat or combination coat at wholesale price di rect from United Rubber Co., 726 Mor gan bid g OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per plate; also crowns, bridge work, dental gold bought. American Biokerage, 20i Morgan bldg. WHY not a typewriter? A useful and ed ucational Christmas present for any boy or girl. Standard visible models at $35. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriting com pany, 800 Spalding bldg. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating. In deed. Why not a permanent and com fortable roof? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. M ai n 777 6 FOR SALE. CHEAP. Lareer size Reed electric bread mixer. all complete; can be seen in action 420 Chamber of Comm. bldg. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE &. SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1966 48 Front St. 3 BOOKKEEPERS desks and stools. 1 rolitop desk and chairs, l flat-top desk. B u p h on g & Co.. 91 Park t . BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables. show cases, wall cases, zixtures: terms. W. J. Quigley, 227 First. Main 5399. HONEY Strained and Comb. WARRANTED UNADULTERATED. Light, mild; delivered. Eaa t 1416. UNCALLED-FOR OVERCOATS for sale, cheap; large stock to choose from. Or pheum Cleaners. 355 Stark. CHOICE potatoes. $3.25 sack, delivered. Bishop Bros., 124 N. 5th at. Phone Broadway 454. ON E large and one medium-size fireproof safe for sale, cheap. AH 730, Orego- nian. FOR SALE Range, 6 holes, wood or coal, water colls, fine condition, cheap. Phone Tabor 5o'Jti. HANDSOME auto robe, 2 sets of chains, autograph kodak. No. 1; all very cheap. Call East 522. - BUSINESS men can save money by pat ronising private printing concern. For particulars address BJ 179, Oregonlan. BICYCLE for sale cheap, nearly new, $55 Dayton ; must be sold at once; leaving city. Phone E. BQOC. WOOD lathe, foot power., sell cheap; also steel block and tackle. Phone Tabor 71)06. LADY'S black plush coat, size 40: prac tically new, cheap. Woodlawn 3917. SMALL 1 RON SAFE FOR SALE, $75. MEDIUM SIZE. AE 748. OREGONIAN. GENUINE leather music fo!d, never used; rrmke lovely Christmas gift. Tabor 4169. PIANO lamps direct from factory to trade, wholesale prices. Main 1429. LADIES All kinds of wearing apparel; smart styles: slightly used. Tabor 2825. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4907. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 24-hour day $1. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. fi PAIRS of ice skates with shoes. 2 pairs ladies'; . all Al condition. Call Main 2937. FOR SALE Opera glasses, pearl neck lac, fine for gifts. Tabor 138. CEDAR posts for sale. H. Goodrich, R, ft, box 412, Lents, Or. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR PALE A Ford sedan, gun. Phone Main hhl 1918, a bar- FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WE ARE SELLING USED AUTOMOBILES at this time of the year because we are making price and terms on good used cars that make them sell. It's your time of the yar to do your buying of a used automobile. 191T Hudson Super Six, fine running condition. We put a 80-days' guarantee on It, the same as a factory standard guarantee ou a naw car $1150, 1918 Hudson Super Six, overhauled and repainted; guarantee the same as a fac tory guarantees a new car $1650. 1918 Hudson Speedster, overhauled, re painted and guaranteed the same guar antee as a factory gives a new car $1750. 7P19 Chalmers Hot Spot the latest light six; fine condition $1250. 1915 Chalmers Light fix: like nsw and with the Hoi Spot $1175. 1916 Chalmers Light Six, all In fln condition $785. ESSEX. Essex, traded In on a big car; it's just line ue w 9 i.tju. Liberty; good condition $1200. MAXWELLS. 1919 Maxwell; fine condition $845. 101S Maxwell; fine condition $625. 3917 Maxwell; fine condition $500. Before you forget just read over thess ws-im a-a xnen loos: them over. C. L' BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 615-617 Washington St., Portland. ATTENTION. SOMETHING NEW THE OREGON AUTO REPAIR COM PA NY wishes to announce to all repair men, garage and car owners that we have sec urea tne exclusive right for Oregon for the L. Lawrence patented fused elec trically, with silver nickel alloy, scored cylinder and cracked water Jackets. Makes no difference if pieces are broken out. we can repair them. No pre-heating wi enlarging oi oore. same pistons nt. All work absolutely guaranteed. We are tem porarily located at the N. P. Wagon works. 9th and Hoys sts. Phone Hdwv. 4477. Our new location will be at the corner of 16th and Glisan. about Feb. 1. 1920. Mr. Ernest A Oetzcn. who is president and manager, returned from the east a few weeks ago, where he went through some of the best auto mobile factories in Detroit to obtain all the new methods in machine work per taining to the automobile. We will have one of the best auto repair and machine shops in the city. CLEAN-UP SALE OF USED CARS. 1919 Cole Aero 8. Just overhauled, runs and looks like new. 1918 Chevrolet 1-ton. stake body. 1917 Hudson Super Sedan, overhauled and painted. 1919 Bulck, as good as new. 1915 Ford In fine condition. 1918 King eight sedan, newly painted. 1910 Pope-Hartford, self-starter and electric lights. 1914 Cadillac, in good condition. 1917 Cole eight, tan upholHtery. DANIELS SALES AGENCY. 84 S. Broadway. Opposite Benson Hotel. Open Evenings. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO., 68 N. 2;id. Main 70. Number of high-grade used cars, thoroughly overhauled, good tires and at prices that will interest you. Easy terms; we also trade. 6-cyIlnder, 5-passenger Chalmers, snap, $675; 6-cy Under. 5-passenger Velie. a good one ; 6-cy Under. 4-passenger VeMe. repainted: 6-cylinder, 4-passenger Velie, special aat $850; 4-cylinder Studebaker. late model; 6-cyllnder, 5 passenger Velie. maroon, $I3i0; '16 Saxon, '17 Saxon, '18 Saxon. 1917 Overland 6. 5-passenger; 85 Overland, 4 cylinder, almost new; Ford laundry wagon. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. A BARGAIN; GOOD CORD TIRES. RE FINISHED AND A 90-DAY GUARAN TEE. SAME AS FACTORY GUARAN TEE. CALL ADAMS. TABOR 630, OR MARSHALL 5342. FORD OWNERS. Ford overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled 6 valves ground, carbon removed 8 Magneto Recharged 5 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. Genukne Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 280 Front St.. Corner Jefferson. LEAVING city. Ford car. shock absorb ers, spotlight, speedometer, new Weed chains. 3 new tires, good mechanical condition, $300 cash takes It. Don t wait, it's going.- 565 Marshall, apt. 26. Phone Bwdy. 3117. WILL PUT STEEL TEETH ON YOUR FLYWHEEL WHEN YOUR STARTER STRIPS THE CASTIRON TEETH. H- B. BLACK. 634 ALDER BROADWAY 268L Big USED CARS Prices Stock. Right. , No misrepresentation. COVEY . . MOTOR . . CAR . CO. WILLYS six, 7-passenger. completely over hauled, in Al condition; a bargain at $1100, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. FO RD roadster. In good mechanicul con dition; good tires; will sacrifice at $425 and give terms. 80 Grand ave. North, near Burneide. FORD roadster, good knock-about car with light tail delivery; must sell; a snap, $250. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. 1919 FORD touring with starter, practi cally new, perfect condition; must sac rifice at once; cash or terms. x 2a8. Oregonian. CHEVROLET roadster, 1018, fme con dition, used privately; a bargain at $625. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnswle. ' MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck all makes 'of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. North Broadway and Fi an ders. OVERLAND touring; will "make a good knock-about car; in good mechanical condition. $275; some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. NEW FRANKLIN touring car at cost $2700. This car has never been run or demonstrated. Eastern Oregon Auto Co Vale. Or. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. fine mechan ics condition, newly painted anri tires; $650. terms. 30 Grand ave.. near Burnsiae. FORD touring. 1915. good mechanical con dition, good tires; a bargain at $350 terms 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. DODGE sedan. 1918. only run few thousand miles: 5 wire wheels, good tires. Owner must sell. A bargain at $17ik). terms 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. MAXWELL touring. 1918. In the best of condition, good tires: a bargain at $775, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Bum side. MAXWELL. 1917. touring. Al condition, newly painted, good tires; will sacri fice at $600 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burneide. BEST BUY IN TOWN 191 8model Chev rolet, $575: $400 cash, rest on terms. 916 East Morrison. Call Tabor 8104. WILL take good Ford delivery or touring as first payment on new 1919 Overland touring. Inquire. 448 Washington st. 1919 FORD sedan with starter and extras, cast $1100; good as new; driven 7 months in city only. 513 Lewis bldg. Main 298. iR CTiC ALL Y new Chevrolet, run 2000 miles; extra cord tire; $650. N 169. Ore gonlan. PAIGE touring. newly painted. 6 wire wheels; a real bargain at $1250. terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. GET that frozen radiator repaired Beasley Linqulst, 70 N. Hth at.. Lt Lt Everett. pruau way a -o-:. 1919 FORD ouring car. new tires, shock absorbers In perfect condition ; a bar-i-nin. Call Mr. Smith. Broadway 93 IK CHEVROLET in perfect mechanical condition. Bargain. Terms. Phone Tabor 3099. FORD touring. 1919, late type motor, run -very little; extras; car like new. Owner. Terma. E. 5552. AM LEAVING city, will se;i at bargain. Kissel roadster. Tabor 1237. FORD sedan, lot of extras. a,y term Atarah.aU 1617 afwr , iL - FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BUICKS! BCICKS! LOWEST PRICES AND TERMS. Guarantee and Free Serrice. B S BUICK roadster s $ 400 C 25 BUICK, -pasv touring ...... 0 " D 35 BUICK. 5-pass. touring ...... 750 C 55 BUICK Big Six touring O0 D 55 BUICK Big Sia touring 1050 1918 BUICK roadster". $560 down. 1918 BUICK Little Six, tour., $540 down. 1918 BUICK Little Stx. tour., $."i0 down. 191S BUICK Big Six touring. $640 down. Some of these cars are as good as new, all are In Al condition. These prices will move them quickly. We have many other cars, all makes, both open and closed, lowest prices. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO., 5th and Taylor. Main 6144. ' See our sedan ad In this issue. " FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1918 Coupe: new tires all around. 1917 Tourin electric starter. 1016 Touring; electric starter. m 1918 Delivery, express body. 1916 Delivery, closed body. 1916 Roadster, overhauled. BODIES OF ALL KINDS. Ford cars repainted. Ford radiators repaired. Ford cylinders rebored. Ford magnetos recharged. Ford tops msde and repaired. Ford bodies repaired. Ford work of all kinds. FORD CARS. NEW AND USED. ROBINSON SMITH COMPANY. Sixth and Madison sts. Authorized Ford Dealer. WE ARE OFFERING THE FOLLOWING USED CAUS AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES: 1919 Olds-mobile Six. practically new. Bulck roadster, model C 36. all cord tires. 1917 Velie touring car. perfect condi tion. 1913 Cadillac, 5-passenger. 191S Maxwell touring. 1918 Mitchell Six. new paint. And many others. Terms to suit. HAMILTON MOTOR CO.. 50-52 N. Bror.dway. Phone Bway. 3606, Open Sunday. USED CARS. ALL BARGAINS. LATK MODEL VELIE SIX. ELGIN SIX SEDAN. PAIGE SIX. NEW PAINT. EMPIRE SIX. overhauled and painted THB C. H. 8. CO.. 65 N. 23d st. Marshall 1428, 3540. Open Sunday and Nights. Terms on any ol 'he above cars FROZEN CYLINDERS. FROZEN CYLINDERS. REPLACE YOUR FROZEN CYLIN DERS F.ROM OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF CYLINDERS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. 3d and Glisan Sta. CHALMERS HOTFPOT A DANDY CAR AND A BARGAIN. DRIVE UNTIL SPRING OR NEXT YEAR AT VERY LITTLE DEPRECIA TION THIS CAR RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 630. OR MAR. 5342. DODGE SEDAN. Good as ncv. run Oimo miles, ecuipped with front and rear bumpers and other accessories; 5 tires and tubes; re;ir tires and tubes new; sell new for S2Ho; price $1500. Call or see owner. 680 E. Madl- son. East 1288. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Goodyear cord tires for Fords. $24.55. Authorized Wilard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE A BATTERY SHOP 486 Union ave. N.. cor. Sacramento. Phone East 1393. RADIATORS. RADIATORS. TAKE THAT FROZEN RADIATOR TO THE PORTLAND AUTO RADIA TOR SHOP, 635 ALDER. BROADWAY 641. MAXWELL, 1919, In the best of condition, used very little, good paint and good tires; a bargain at $975i with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burn side. GOOD touring Ford. Lots of extras; $150 cash or trade, first payment : balance torms. Answer quick. P. O. Box 2U47, Station A. Automobiles anteo. CASH FOR CARS We will pay cash for light model touring cars or roadsters. Bring them where you can get the money. 505 Alder st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS WK PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 127 Lowosdale St. 8. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. FORDS WANTED. I will pay cash for 20 Fords that run good; looks do not count. If you want money, come and see me. 505 Alder st RED FRONT USED CAR CO. NEW cores put In radiators; crown fen ders made and repaired. Beaslev A Linquint. 70 N. 11th at Everett su Broad way 1234. WI LL pay $600 cash for a good buy in Dodge oar; state year, condition and give phone number. AC 312, Oregonlan. WILL pay cash for Ford or Ford bug. 168 N. 21st st. Broadway 782. Motorryrle. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY 'US 204-2O6 3D ST. MAIN 6139. Auto Tire and Aort-nfeories. RADIATOR shell and hood. $7. Will modernize that old 1916 or older Ford. Also Pvrone extinguisher. $6.50. Wood lawn 3360. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS., A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS?. OVERLAND HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2408 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Ga rage, 86 10th st. Broadway 840. Alrro"s'iTiibl:'iDRivERs for hire. L I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 123H ALTHOF 74 BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 354 7. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. TRUCKS AT WHOLESALE PRICE. One 2-ton and one lVfe-ton Internation al trucks, never been used, at factory cost price. Genuine snaps on hlgh-grads stuff. Eastern Oregon Auto Co.. Vale. Or. 3Vj-TON truck with-log hauling job. will last over 2 years. Purchaser must have 1-3 cah. States Auto Sales Co.. 430 Burnslde st. AUTO REPAIRING. OAKLAND OWNERS. ATTENTION! Grinding valves $ 3.50 Take up all bearings...'. 7.50 Take up bearings, new wrist plus. new rings 14.0 New piston, wrist pins, new rings. . take up ail bearings, grind valves 30.00 Overhaul motor $30 00 to. 40 00 Overhaul rear end 14.00 Reiine brakes t material included. 11.00 Work done by expert Oakland men. MILL STREET GARAGE, B66 Second St- Main 0352. OLD R ADI TOR3 MADE LIKE NEW. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR SHOP, 535 ALDER. FIRST-CLASS automobile mechanic. . will take work by hour or job; guaranteed work - call ma to help or to do it all. Main 8490 LEA KY radiators repaired by experts: 20 vears" experience at Beasley A Linqulst, 70 N. 11th st. at Everett. Bdwy. 12:;4. DO YOUR brakes need relinfng. belts ground or any mechanical work done. Call East 1971. HAVE your Ford or Chevrolet repaired In your own garage. Tabor 9415. Call early; 80c an hour. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 5th. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx, 283 Washington DIAMOND wanted, U to 1U karats, pri vate party. Payne East 502, room 32L 1 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WS BUT DIAMONDS. Receive Full Value. Sell Di recto to Diamond Brokers. Get what your diamonds are worth. If you have to sell, don't sell for any old Drice. We pay full value in cash. If you have your diamonds In pawn, we will buy the ticket and pay you also full value in cash. This Is the place whera you can turn anything into- cash ewelry, old gold, watches. silverware, platinum at full vaiua. We buy your War Stamps, your Liberty Bonds, or any other vaiuao;es: mo If you want ready cash, come to us. Always diamond bargains on hand. 'We buy bargains and sell bargains. PRIVATE OFFICE FOR LADIES. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL AMERICA BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchants. 205 Morgan bldg. Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. DIAMONDS WANTED. $200 TO $1000 PER CARAT PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell Tour diamond to diamond ex pert a. We positively pay the highest cash market values for diamonds, plat inum, gold, silver watches, old jewelry and all valuables ol every oeacxipi-iou. We buy false teeth, crowns, bridges and all dental gold. ea ua beiore seu lng el sew here. Private offices, business strictly con fldentiaL . NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan Bldg., 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. WE BUY LIBERTY BONDS At a Basis of Market Value. WAR STAMPS BOUGHT. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., Second Floor. $12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MKYKit. THM TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city lor suits, overcoats ana snoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors. Call' Marshall 129 or 25S Madison near 3d st. Will call anywhere in the city, day or evening. W E BUY SECOND-HAND SLITS AND OVER COATS. Your old clothes are worth money. Bring them in; we will examine then and pay you the best possible price. SELL TO A REPUTABLE HOUSE. OKPHEUM TAILORS. 355 Stark St. Broadway 1666. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. t; l.iriHKTY BONDS OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG. SECOND FLOOR. JS-.TO UP TO 25. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3i32, 245- BL'KNSi DE, BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. FURS! FURS! FURS! I make them look like new; cleaning and alterations of any description ac reasonable prlcea See the LA FRANCE FUR MFG. OO., Main 6529. 163 West Park. Bet, Morrison and YamhilL VP TO $25 FOP. MEN'S SLITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d su N. W. cor. Wash. Main 944. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per plate; also crowns, orldgework, dental goid bought. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you wili get the right cash price lor your goods, 167 1st St., near Morrison. Main 738. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing ; highest cash prices paid; will tail day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. - 209 Madison. WANTED to buy. Star drilling machine, -size 25 to 2S. Give full particulars in first letter. S. 430, Oregonlan. TO BUY a fireproof safe; give price and size and where it can be seen. AH u, Oregonlan. ARE YOUR PIPES FROZEN UP? 1 thaw them out and replace broken ones; $1.75 per hour. Sel I wood i7 1. LAVATORY, bath, toilet wanted. wp enameled sink. Main 7164. 6 P. M. WANTED Diamond H-kt. to lV-kt. 248 Pine atreet. POTATOES wanted, state quality, kind and price. Blocker. 205 E. 34th st WANTED To buy trunk, large nUe, irong. .Address BJ 188. Oregonian. WANTED Trunk, in good condition and cneap. An ewi, oregonian. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURH CO, Marshall 598L OLDEST RELIABLE HOUPB I PORTLAND BUYS HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SPOT CASH. NOTHING TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL, FROM A BIG HOTEL TO ONE PHONE US. Marshall 89SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO 183 First St.. near YamhilL BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE SEE US. We are in need of all kinds of used furniture. rues. carpets. stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and oflice furniture, and we will pay absolutely the top prices lor Fame. call MARSHALL 587 and our buyer will call at once with the caf h. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 205 and 207 First St., Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. CALL MAIN SUA IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE, CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO, 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. ' MAIN 3o. BE SURE AND LET US" SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 2S First St. Main 7728. CALL MAIN 895L If you want to sell your furniture and Pok give ft away. Ask for Mr. Wolf, 191 2d st.. near Taylor. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call u for one article or a house full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Ma rs h all 203. Crow n, CALL MAIN 8878 We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8878. ft'E NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 166 First st. I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. 11. Calef. dealer. 540 Williams ave. HO H HOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used furniture, prices Main 5064. Will pay best ITELP WANTED MAU ALL-AROUND men wanted v, ho can drive trucks. Angela hotel, 625 Wash ington 0t- HELP WANTED MALE. YOUR BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY If you w ant to maa real money, big money, get Into the auto game; no other Una offers equal opportunity; no other tin paya as well; we will teach yon an to and tractor engineering under a plan no other school will match; com hero four weeks, pay not a cent In advance; if you are then satisfied that our train ing is the superior of any other Paclflo northwest auto schools, pay your tuition; if you are not satisfied that our school excels, we will pay you tor every hour you have attended class; this la the most startling offer any auto school over made; there is no red tape about It; we will gladly put it In writing; we ara willing to depend entirely upon your honesty and good judgment; only a dif ferent, unquestionably superior school could smake such an offer; if our train ing were just the ordinary kind, this otfer would be suicidal; but we know where we stand, know that the quality of our training wilt win you If given a trial; our loO-page catalogue Is free; ask for book No. 1-B. Ad cox Auto and Gas Engine School. Union and Wasco. Y. M. C. A. ADVISORY AND EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A. which a'ds ambitious young men in prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past 10 vars we have assisted 17.932 men la finding positions. Many of these men are now in executive positions and se cure tneir help through us. The standing this department has with employers is due to the discriminating service rendered them over a period of 15 years and they turn to the Y. M. C A. for men to fill the better sort of Jobs. acant positions in Portland at pres ent are scarce, and if you need assist ance in selling your service consult one of the employment secretaries, room 307. We can help Y O U. FORD SALESMAN WANTED. ST. JOHN A TITUS, CENTRAL1A WASH., HAVE AN OPENING FOR AN A-l FORD SALESMAN. GOOD OP PORTUNITY TO THE MAN THAT CAN DELIVER THE GOODS. STAT IB AGE, EXPERIENCE AND REFER ENCE IN FIRST LETTER ARE YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED T If so, learn the auto and tractor busi ness and earn from $ 1O0 to $300 a month. Southern California offers ex ceptional opportunities while and after learning; high salaries. Ideal working conditions, line year-round climate; no previous experience necessary. Learn in short time the National Way. Expert instructors, new, complete mechanical and electrical equipment, including Pack ard twin 6, Cadillac 8, Willys-Knight, etc. No age limit. Earn board and room while learning. 60O0 successful gradu ates GUARANTEE YOUR success. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 15 years in Los Angeles at 818 South Flguero. Write today tor free catalogue. boo INEXPRIENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene eld er and tire vulcanisera; only auto mobile and tractor school weat of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. 3. government war department for train ing soldiers auto mechanics; don't en roll In any other school until you have inspected this one; railroad faro re funded iZ after personal Inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school: biggest, best equipped and largest system of schools In tae world; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7. MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS, Third and Elm sts.. Spokane, Wash.; 700 Mercier kt. at tie. Wash WANTED SPINNERS. APPLY GOLDEN STATE WOOLEN MILLS, LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA, TWO experienced candy makers for night work; hours b f. M. to 3 A. U. Apply Employment bureau, 6th floor, Meier t Frank Co. TRAPPERS, $1000 to $5000 per month trapping silver gray fox. marten, fishers, minks, otters, coons and bears in Ore gon and Washington; a dozen good trap ping grounds; fur is high; season now on; close to railroads. Call or write Richard John, Room 48, North Sixt h street. WANTED Experienced salesmen for men s furnishing dept. Apply Dexween 11 and 12 A. M. and 1 and 4 P. M. ROBERTS BROS., Third and Morrison Sts. WANTED Estimator on sash, doors and mill work for permanent position in Se attle. Must be accurate at figures. Ad dress in confidence, stating experience and salaary. Address AV 258, Orego nian. EX-SERVICE MEN! The state allows you $25 per month while attending school. Why not come over and inspect our school. Adcox Auto & Gas Engine School. Union ave. and Wasco st. PRINTER WANTED For country office; steady job In good town to right party; good equipment, linotype, etc. ; stats wages- wanted, whether married or sin. gle. how long at trade. AV 929. Ore- jruiilan. . WANTED Storekeeper familiar with gen eral merchandise, married man pre ferred, to take charge of and run. a tor at mining town. Address P. O. box 697, Centralla, Wash. WANTED ONE MORE FIRST-CLASS REED BROS, 203 WIL- COAT MAKER, COX BLDG. OA K wood to cut at $3 per cord. Prefer man with family of boys able to do farm work. Must give references. Good bouse only article furnished. 20 miles from Portland. 228 Alder st. YOlTNG or middle-aged man to drive largt White touring car between 10 A. M, and 6 P. M. Salary $50 per month. Ad dress J. N. Barde. 240 Front st. W ANTED Sash and door machine oper ator for detail mill work; good wagea Write Taeoma Mill work Supply Co Tacoma, Wash. LIVE coarse paper salesman wanted, Se attle paper jobber, January. Good sal ary and territory. State age experience whether married. AV 930. Oregonian. 1 OR 2 GOOD machinists for automobile machine shop. If you cannot make th grade don't apply. Burns Machine Works, Inc., Pendleton, Or. WANTED, Immediately, men. 18 up, rail way mall clerks; commence $1300; va cancy list free. Franklin Institute, dept. 375 Y. Rochester. N. Y. JANITOR for factory; must stay In build ings nights; room furnished free; single man only, must be past 40; state age and give reference. A II 833. Oregonlan. WANTED Young man of ability who de sires to enter a business with a good future; age 21 to 45 years. Call 0 to 6. 834-5 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Agents, men and women; good pv. $S to $10 per day. Call and in vestigate, 209 Panama -bldg., s &n() Alder. $1300 FIRST year paid government rail way mail clerks; names wanted, men, 18-35. wishing positions. AV 928. Ore gonian. WE OFFER an opportunity for several high school boys to make good holiday money. Call immediately Wll Cbambei of Commerce. MAN to take good out-of-town lumbei haul or good wood haul In Portland ox 2 gravel hauls. Phone .East 7680, or C 120:1. WANTED A bass singer for male quar tette; apply evenings after 7. 2i.' North Front, corner of Burnslde. Room 1. A JAP or Chinese boy to clean up the rooms in private hospltaL 617 Kear ney et. TAILORS, ATTENTION. Strike still on in Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. WANTED Good, reliable sawmill man te operate mill on contract per M. basia Address P. O. box 2047. station A. HIGH-GRADE salesman as organiser; als county salesmen. 839 Chamber of Com- merce bldg. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, to take fuU charge of corporation books. State age, salary, references. S 80. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper; give refer ences. V 738. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED office man for temporary work : local references. V 74S. Oregonlan. WANT boy to work after school. Dailj Record Abstract. 92 1st st. WANTED LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. 6 P M. M 7164. CARPENTER work in exchange for law yer s service. 509-511 McKay bldg. EXPERIENCED pants Apply 8S. 3d st. preaser wanted. SOLICITOR for theatrical programme ad vertising. BC 63. Oregonian. WANTED A man to ' do chorea, axouna notet lJSi -Perby. worn L 102.0! A.