THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1919. y V STATE IN GRIP OF , RECORD ICY BUST Cold Wave Sets Many New Low Temperature Marks. POWER LINES BADLY HIT Hall Communications Being He ctored, but "ot Enough I'uel Can Be Moved to Meet Demand. frrmtinne! From First Pap?.) noon today becauee of inability prop erly to heat, the grade buildings. 2 3 BELOW, PENDLETON MARK a Coldest Night in 2 5 Years Hegls- tered in Konndup Town. PEXIibETON', Or, Iec. 12. (Spe cial.) With the thermometer 23 de crees below zero last night, Pendleton experienced the coldest night on rec ord since weather records have been kept, covering 25 years. Pioneers, however, recall the winter of 1883-84. when the mercury dropped to 40 de crees below and remained there for ;'.6 hours. By order of Mayor Vauhan, because of the condition of the pow er srt-neratinir plant, the business dis trict is lightless after 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Restaurants, hotels, drug stores, hospitals and) the newspapers are the only exceptions. Two restaurants each night will remain open all night. "Which two these will be is to be de cided each night by lot. Streets are practically deserted, as the weather has been above the zero marlc but a couple of hours during the day. The telephone exchange has recorded 15,000 calls during the day. deliveries from the stores and dairies have been cut to one a day and in some sec tions of the city eliminated alto gether. Taxlcabs have suspended operations. ABERDEEN COLD AT 6. ABOVE low Record Broken on Grays Har bor Power Service Falling. ABERDEEN, Wash., Dec. 12. (Spe cial.) On Grays Harbor, the govern ment thermometer fell last night to 6 degrees above zero, breaking all low records. The Chehalis river is frozen at Montesano and the Wlshkah river at Bundy flats, about seven miles north east. Below zero temperatures are reported from Elma. McCleary. Stlm on's camp and Oakville. At Oakville the thermometers recorded 12 below. Oil-drilling operations at Moclips well have been stopped Montesano Power & Light company bepran curtailing service today and may be forced to close down entirely because of inability to secure wood fuel, the management announced this morning. Upper county raills are closed be cause of cold. thermometer registered 26 degrees be low zero early this morning and at noon 1 degrees below prevailed. It is expected to drop to 33 below before tomorrow morning. At 2:30 o'clock this afternoon both city reservoirs, from which The Dalles receives its supply of drinking water, were declared to be dry by J. T. liorick of the water commission. A snow plow pulled by 10 horses and manned by five men cleared a 10 foot wide road from Dufor to this city, breaking the Dufur isolation. ICE THICK AT VANCOUVER Snow Cleared From Interstate Bridge; Ten Beltw Reported. VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 12. (Special.) The Columbia river at this point is packed with ice that has been carried down the river. Although the jam extends across the river, the ice at a late hour tonight was not eolid. The. lowest temperature in several years was recorded here at 3 A. M. today, when the thermometer dropped to 10 degrees below zero. After fluc tuating during the day. the mercury rose to zero by 8 o'clock tonight. Snow has been cleared from the In terstate bridge and the Portland Vancouver road is open to traffic again. The public schools are con tinuing to maintain classes. GRANTS PASS IS ABOVE ZERO City Still iu Darkness Hotel Patrons Get Candles. GRANTS PASS, Or., Dec. 12. (Spe cial.) Grants Pass is still in dark ness, although there is faint prospect that power and light will be available by tomorrow night. The power lines ivent down late Wednesday night and there arc breaks from falling poles and trees at many places. All lines of business requiring elec tric power have been t a standstill tflnce Thursday morning, but gasoline engines are In temporary use in many places. At the hotels a tallow candle is given patrons with their room key. There is no wire communication with the south, but the Western Union wires are open northward. The minimum temperature for the pnst 24 hours was 13 above. There is freezing again tonight. The total snowfall was five and one-half inches. PLANTS AT SALEM ARE CLOSED Temperatures Ranging From 5. to 15 Below Reported. SALEM. Or.. Dec. 12. (Special.) All available records for low temper atures in Marion conuty were shat tered early today when thermometers stationed in different parts of Salem registered all the way from 5 to 16 degrees below zero. The sudden turn In the weather, following a dav of moderating temperature, found many persons unprepared and not a few water pipes burst as a result of the intense cold. Several industries have been forced to suspend, while the operations of other enterprises have been badly hampered.: ASTORIA REPORTS 9 ABOVE Increased Ice In Colombia Prevents Navigation. ASTORIA. Or. Dec. 12. cardial Nine degrees above zero was the low point recorded by the local govern ment thermometer at an earlv hour this morning, showing last night to be not oniy me coldest for many years, but within 2 degrees of the minimum of which there is any record. At ia o clock last night the mer cury stood at 13 degrees above and Derore morning it dropped 4 degrees. Increased amounts of ice are float ing in the river and no boats are -un-ning between Astoria and Cathlamet or other points along the Columbia. HOOD FRUIT MEN ALARMED Mercury Drops to 2 4 Below Ze ro; Fuel Census Taken. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Dec. 12. (Spe cial.) While unofficial instruments registered as high as 30 degrees in valley points last night, Leroy Childs. co-operative weather observer, re ported a minimum of 24 degrees be low zero. The maximum today was 1 degrees above zero. It was colder by 10 degrees at nightfall than last night. City officials took a fuel census to day, preparatory to apportioning coal and wood among the unsupplied from bins and cellars of residents well stocked. CENTRALIA 16.5 BELOW ZERO Rivers Frozen People Stay la doors; 2 Kitchen Ranges Explode. CENTRALIA, Wash., Dec. 12. (Spe cial.) Centrallans. in spite of intense cold trere loath to believe it when I. S. Turner, local weather observer, an nounced that the thermometer reg istered 16'4 degrees below zero at 8 o'clock this morning, 63 degrees colder than at the some hour yester day. Schools remained closed today and citizens generally remained indoors, Chehalis and Skookumcuuck rivers today were frozen over. called out where the country roads were not broken yet, engaged one of the small caterpillar type tractors from a dealer and bad it propel his car and break the trail. Tractors have been used In cleaning the accu mulated snow from the streets. ST. HELENS REPORTS ZERO Fall of 18 Inches of Snow Closes Logging Camps and Mills. ST. HELENS, Or.. Dec. 12. (Spe cial.) Twenty-five hundred employes of logging, camps in this county are out of work, business Is at a stand still, a fall of 18 inches of snow has been registered, the Columbia river at this point is expected to be frozen over by morning, and sawmills are closed as a result of the spell of winter that has prevailed during most of the week. The mercury reached the zero mark tonight, with indica tions for a yet lower level. floating ice has interfered with river traffic all day and but one steamer made the passage, that being routed via Columbia slough.' 2 0 BELOW AT COIDEXDALE Some Points in Klickitat Valley Re port 3 3 Below. GOLDEXD4LE, Wash., Dec. 12. (Special.) The government thermom eter at Goldendale registered 29 be low zero Thursday night, the coldest weather experienced In the Klickitat valley since 1883. Other parts of the Klickitat valley report as low tem perature as 35. The intense cold came after a severe storm of two days in which two feet of snow fell, tying up train service and putting the water power plant out of commission. Farmers and stockmen Jn the Klick itat valley, however, are well prepared for extreme winter weather. WALLA WALLA TRAFFIC HALTS Official Temperature of Four Be low Zero Is Recorded. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Dec 12. (Special.) Not since December. 1884, has Walla Walla had as cold a De cember day as this morning, when the official temperature was 4 degrees below zero. The record for December is 17 below in 1884. At Dayton last night. 18 below was re corded. With this cold weather Day ton had a $30,000 fire early this morn ing. ROSEBURG HAS 11 ABOVE Coldest December Day Since 187 9 Is Registered. . ROSEBURG, Or, Dec 12. (Special.) With the mercury at 11 degrees above zero. Roseburg today expe rienced its coldest December day since 1879. A heavy snowfall on Tuesday night was followed by a cold day and on Wednesday night the mercury be gan falling rapidly. According to records, December 21, 1879, was colder by 4 degrees, when 7 above waa registered. in all parts of the city are frozen and plumbers have been kept busy all day. Added to the cold weather the deep snow, which makes delivery by the local stores impossible, is add ing to the discomforts of citizens. The snow, which was the deepest ever experienced here, measured 26 inches. The roof on the pavilion at the Polk County Fair grounds partly collapsed and the stock shed was laid flat by the weight of the snow. CANYON CITY 3IAKES RECORD Minimum Temperature of 2 6 Be low Zero Registered. CANTON CITY. Or., Dec 12. (Spe cial.) The minimum temperature was 26 below zero at 7 A M. today. Old inhabitants say the temperature is the lowest within memory, and the cold weather to have begun earlier than ever before. Deep snow and) extreme cold de layed train service of the Sumpter Valley Railroad. Mail is 24 hours late. Bear Valley reports- 40 below and snow in the mountains six feet deep. The temperature fell six degrees be tween 4 and 5 this afternoon. Stock Is suffering and hay and -wood rising In price. Kelso Coldest for Thirty Years. KELSO, Wash., Dec 1L Kelso peo ple were shivering today in the face of the coldest weather in 30 years. The temperature was Just 4 degrees above zer6 this morning and ice is forming in the Cowlitz river. It was in January, 1888, that the Cowlitz river froze over so that it could be crossed on the ice and a few years earlier the Columbia river was frozen so hard that a team crossed from Kelso to Rainier. This city is with out light and water. All mills and. logging operations are shut down and camps will probably not re sume until spring. The schools were also closed yesterday until Monday morning. 1 1 Below Touched at Lewiston . LEWISTON. Idaho, Dec. 12. (Spe cial.) Snow has been falling steadily and continuously for more than 24 hours. Automobiles are continuing to keep the roads broken within the city but outside travel is practically lim ited to the reduced train service to Spokane and Portland. There is 20 inches of snow on the ground. Never In the history of Lewiston has there been as much snow as this and only on one occasion before, has the weather bureau recorded as low a temperature as the 11 degrees below zero of Tuesday. Ashland Mercury Drops. ASHLAND, Or.. Dec. 12. (Special.) The mercury dropped from 34 to 15 above between 4 and 6:30 P. M. All indications point toward a record breaking low temperature tonight. Power lines to the municipal plant are repaired and the power came on this afternoon after 40 hours without lights. Fifteen Inches of snow fell. It Is feared that orchard ists will suf fer heavy . loss, as the damp, heavy snow broke down hundreds of fruit trees. EUGENE OFFICIALLY 4 ABOVE Private Thermometers Show Zero In City 8 Below Outside. EUGENE, Or., Dec. 12. (Special.) Today was the coldest day in Eugene Kince the winter of 1S98-99. The mini mum temperature this morning was 4 degrees above zero, according to the government thermometer, but private thermometers in the city registered as low as zero and some in the rural districts went as low as 8 below. NEWPORT TRAINS RESUME Mcrcnry 15 Above Zero; "Little Snow Is on Ground. NEWPORT, Or., Dec 12. (Special.) Rail communication between New port and the outside world was re numeri today. Heavy snow on the summit of the Coast mountains pre vented tho arrival of trains until last night at midnight one reached Taquina t'lty eicrht hours late, the first one nince Tuesday evening. There is very litfle fiiow at Newport, but the mer cury dropped to 15 degrees above zero last nisrht. The coldest wave struck here at 10 o'clock Tuesday night and a mixture NVf snow, rain and sleet fell all night. "Water pipes and house plants have suffered severely. 13.5 BELOW AT CORVALLIS Mncli Damage Caused by Roof Cave-Ins and Pipes Bursting. CORVALLIS. Or., Dee. 12. (Spe clnl. ) The coldest weather since 1S?9 was registered in Corvallis this morning when the thermometer went to 13.5 below zero. A dense fog per vades the city this morning making it impossible to see more than half a block. Several thousand of dollars' worth of damage has been done by the caving iu of roofs caused by 23 inches of snow. Mar.y pipes froze. College boys and day laborers have been taking advantage of the situa tion, in many instances fixing price of a dollar an hour for shoveling snow. STORM ISOLATES JACKSON Med ford 9.5 Above Snow Puts Out Power and Phone Lines. MF.DFORD, Or.. Dec. 12. For S6 hours Medford and Jackson county have been 'cut off from the rest of the world by thi most severe snow storm and cold weather in its history. A minimum of 9 degrees above zero this morning broke all records at the local weather bureau, while the foot of snow which fell Wednesday night put all telegraph and electric power lines out of business within a radius of BO miles. 16 BELOW AT McMIXXVILLE Physician Uses Tractor to Break Trail on Country Call. McMINNVILLE. Or.. Dec 12. (Spe cial.) Winter has gripped Yamhill county with a severity that breaks all previous records for this section. The temperature at 6 o'clock this morning was 16 below, and at noon it had varied only slightly. Nineteen inches of badly drifted snow makes travel throughout the country dis tricts very difficult. One of the local physicians, when BOISE RECORDS ZERO MARK All of Southern Idaho Suffers From Cold Wave. BOTSE. Idaho, Dec. 12. The official weather report for Boise at 9 o'clock tonight was zero, and the prophecy is that the mercury will fall to & below, and probably lower before morning. All of southern Idaho is suffering from a cold wave with clear skies and no wind. Some mountain districts report tem peratures of 20 below. COOS MERCURY IS FALLING 18 Degrees Above Zero Registered at Marshficld. MARPTIFIELD, Or., Dec. 12. (Spe cial.) The thermometer registered 18 above zero- last night, the lowest temperature in a number of years. There was a big demand today for plumbers for 'repairing burst pipes and fixing residence water systems. Indications tonight were that the weather will be colder than last night. 31 Below at Frlnevllle. PRINEVILLE, Or., Dec. 12. (Spe cial.) With two feet of snow on the ground, temperature here this morn ing was 31 degrees below zero, the lowest temperature recorded for many years. Traffic was demoralized. Stockmen were caught -unprepared, although hay is plentiful. Construc tion work on the highway Is delayed. This evening at 5 o'clock the ther mometer registered 20 degrees below. 13 Below at Dallas. DALLAS, Or, Dec 12. (Special.) Dallas awoke this morning to the coldest weather experienced In this city for more than a quarter of a cen tury, the thermometer registering 13 below zero- at 7 o'clock. Water pipes Baker Reports 1 7 Below. BAKER. Or., Dec. 12. (Special.) The coldest December weather ever experienced in this city was registered at 7 o clock this morning, when the local weather observer's station regis tered 17 degrees below zero. The absolute minimum record for this city is 20 degrees below, registered Feb ruary 4, 1899. On February 1. 1393. to day's rcord was equaled. North Pow der and Haines report 22 and 13 de grees below, respectively. Spokane 15 Below. SPOKANE, Dec 12. Sharp drops m temperature were reported from eastern Washington and northern Idaho towns, ranging from 15 below at Spokane to 32 below, reported un officially from Lind, Wash. Reardan reported 20; Colfax, 22; Rosalia, 24 and Newport Zs below. St. Maries, Idaho, reported 24 and Clarkia, Idaho, 27 below. above zero, a fair of 6 degrees from the temperature of the same hour ' Thursday. At noon Friday the tern- perature was 21.- With no relief from the cold snap in sight Seattle has turned its attention to blanketing its water pipes and conservation of its fuel and gas supply. Bend Mercury 25 Below. BEND. Or.. Dec 12. (Special.) Although an official minimum of 25 degrees below zero was reached here early this morning, an even greater degree of cold for tonight was Indi cated. At 5:30 o'clock this aftrnoon the mercury went to 16 degrees be low, while at the same time yesterday the government thermometer showed only 10 degrees below. The 25 below minimum eclipses all official records for winter cold. A fuel shortage is menacing Bend. , Molalla Reports 22 Below. MOLALLA, Or.. Dec 12. (Special.) At 5 P. M. today the mercury fell to 22 degrees below zero, the coldest temperature ever recorded here. The city, unprotected from the east, was swept by Icy winds. The hourly tem peratures follow: Midnight, 12 be low; 1 A. M, 15 below; 2 A M-. 14 below; 8 A. M, 15 below. 4 A. M , 17 below: 6 A. M., 22 below, and. 6 A. M, 18 below. Iloqiiiam Registers 6 Above. HOQUIAM, Wash, Dec 12. (Spe cial.) With the government ther mometer registering 6 degrees above zero early this morning the lowest temperature for the Grays Harbor district since 1889 was recorded. The weather has been clear with no more snow, but so far there is no indica tion of a break In the cold snap. Damage has been confined to frozen water pipes. Ten Below Reached at Chehalis. CHEHALIS. Wash, Dec. 12. (Spe cial.) Ten degrees below zero this morning, the coldest ever known lo cally, was reported in numerous parts of the city. fc.arly today from every part of Chehalis came rush orders to plumbers for hurry-up repairs, tew homes have escaped damage. Several cases of hot water coils bursting were reported but so far as known no serious damage was done. Three Feet at White Salmon. WHITE SALMON, Wash, Dec. 11. (Special.) The heavy snowfall, amounting to three feet in 24 hours in White Salmon. Is almost unprece dented for this early in the winter. The Wyers line of stages for Trout Lake, 25 miles north, and Glenwood. 36 miles, left Wednesday morning, expecting to force their way through. Hillsboro 4 Below Zero. HILLSBORO. Or.. Dec. 12. (Spe cial.) With no official record, re ports of temperature during the past 48 hours vary. The mercury stood at 4 below in front of a Main-street drug store at 9 A. H. today, and the watch man at the Bergen greenhouse at 3 A. M. says that 14 below was touched during the Evight. Carlton Temperature 11 Below. CARLTON. Or, Dec. 12. (Special.) Temperature this morning was H below, although the weather moder ated slightly later in the day. Carlton has 22 inches of snow and all mail service has been suspended. Tacoma Shivers at 6.9 Above. TACOMA. Wash, Dec. 12. (Spe cial.) Tacoma shivered today in the most bitter cold of Its history. The government thermometer registered 6.9 degrees above zero at 7:30 o'clock this morning. 2 4 Below at Wasco. WASCO. Or, Dec. 12. (Special.) Continued cold prevails. The tem perature was 24 below zero last night. Tonight promises to be even colder. This is the coldest weather on record here. Stevenson Coldest In Years. STEVENSON, Wash, Doc. 12. (Special.) The weather here is the coldest known in years, the ther mometer having reached two degrees below zero at 7 A. M. today. The Co lumbia river has been ice-blocked for three days from shore to shore. Schools have been dismissed until weather changes. Seattle Cold at 12.2 Above. SEATTLE, Wash, Dec 12. (Spe cial.) The coldest December weather ever recorded in Seattle in 35 years came this morning at 8 o'clock when the mercury dropped to 12.2 degrees Yakima 2 2 Below Zero. YAKIMA, Wash, Dec 12. The tem perature here early this morning dropped to 22 degrees below zero, the coldest December weather of which there is any record. 31 Below at Ellensburg. ELLENSBURG. Wash, Dec. 12. Government thermometers here early today registered 31 degrees below zero, the lowest on record. Treasurer's Mother 111. SALEM, Or, Dec 12. (Special.) Joseph Richardson, deputy state treas urer, left here Monday for California, where his mother is said to be quite 111. She only recently underwent a serious operation. - RECORD SET IN CLACKAMAS 6form Reported to Be Worst in More Than 4 0 Years. OREGON CITY. Dec. 12. (Special.) According to the oldest settlers of Clackamas county the present snow storm is the heaviest in many years. Mrs. Max Ttamsby, residing in the Dickey Prairie, for more than 40 years, dcrl.irerl the storm to be the worst storm she has ever seen. Dickey Prairio is a few miles beyond Molalla and is somewhat protected from the cale. The snow fall measured about 5 inches. In Molalla business is practically l a t.audf till. SO BELOW AT THE DALLES City Reservoirs Go Dry In Coldest Spell on Record. THE DALLES, Or, Dec II. (Spe cial.) The Dalles today is suffering the coldest temperatures ever record ad officially or ever remembered b,y tlie oldest residents. The government NEW SHOW TODAY 'tWt) FEATURE &&Wttt DE LUXE 'The CURSEofEVE" What has Eve's expulsion from the Garden of Eden to do with a story of life in these days? "The Curse of Eve" answers this. COMEDY 'BABIES IS BABIES" Itfii ii -j r! - i NEW SHOW TODAY :r Hi! "IT PAYS TO fill f ADVERTISE" ' t - A All-Star Cast JK ' 1 II ' i:- !;:.i.i'..:;:v 't Hi All-Star Cast He started with a bad repu tation and two bull pups, but he showed dad what a regular pep, punch and pushinality guy can do with brains and advertising and "13 SOAP" (Unlucky for Dirt) Other Pictorial Attractions COLUMBIA . ORCHESTRA Afternoons and Evenings V. C. KNOWLES, Director. STARTS TODAY vGPSStelvV f&L Make It a ((Pcrfend)) PX Universal 4 Have You a Man Who Will Be Looking for A Gift From You? F YOU have, buy his gift in a store -where men go to buy their own things; then you'll be pretty certain to please him with your gift. These are some of the things that this man's store has for men: Suitcases and Traveling Bags $10 to $50 Bath Robes and Dressing Gowns $6 to $40 House Coats $8.50 to $16 Shirts $3 to $13.50 Neckwear $1 to $5 Hosiery 50c to $2.25 Handkerchiefs 25c to $1.25 Umbrellas $2 to $10 Gloves $3 to $20 Mufflers, Scarfs $2.50-$10 Pajamas $2.50 to $13.50 Come and choose leisurely and carefully eilto Morrison Street at Fourth? MmmJm WAS jSS Starting Today For Four Days Gay Old DogT Reflecting an everyday human heart story which by its absolute simplicity and fidelity to the imagination, holds the interest, makes the pulse beat just a little quicker at times and causes roars of merriment. THIS "GAY OLD DOG" IS NO STRANGER TO YOU He's the fellow who works next to you at the office, or the lonely chap who runs the tailor shop down the road, or maybe he's the friend whom you stigmatized as "close" and "stingy" because you didn't know ! Liberty Hearst News Digest And a Dog-Gone Good Cartoon I 1 fGH 1 06.0