'TUB 3IORNINO OREGOMAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1919. 17 STOCK TRADING LIMITED SMALLEST FULL DAY'S DEAL INGS SINCE SUMMER: Coal Stride Situation and Exchange and Money Conditions Are Leading Factors. NEW YORK, Dec. 10. Dullness char acterized today- a stock market, the tr over of 605.00U shares representing the smallest for a lull session since the sum mer months. , . The same causes which have Influenced the ourse of recent markets were again operative, notably the coal strike and further depression of foreign exchange. TbK were supplemented by greater un certainty respecting money conditions over the year's end and the question of rail road financing. . Call money, which opened at 7 per cent, advanced to 10 per cent fti the later deal ings, but few loans were reported at that rare. . The coal shortage was reflected In the November statement of unfilled tonnage by the United States Steel corporation, which disclosed an increase of more than 66U.00U tons, the largest gain of any month this year. The bond market continued to lose ground, domestic and war issues easing with standard Industrials and utilities. Sales, par value, aggregated $2.650.000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last Sales, l.ouo 3,000 1.100 1.000 800 2.600 oo 7.DOO 5,000 1.700 7.100 2. TOO 5110 Cattle Receipts. ll.OOO. strong.- Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice -and prime, 21.50; medium and good. 11.5019; common, $911.50; lightweight, good and choice. S14.25&20.75; common and medium, $8.2a'& 14.25; butcher cat tle, heifers, $6.70 j 15.50; cows, $6.65 14.25: canners and cutters, S5.50&6-65; : veal calves. 15. 75 & 17.75; feeder steers, j 7&12.50; stocker steers. $6?10.75: west-: ern range steers. $7.50 415; cows and belt- i era. 6.5012. I Sheep Receipts. 10.000. strong. Lambs, 1 14. .o& 10.75; culls and common. $10,500 14.50; ewes, medium, good and choioe. 7.759.75; culla and common, $4.23 7.50. Am Beet Sug. Am Can .... Am Cr A Fdry Am H & L. pfd Am Loco Am Sra & Rfg Am Sugar Rfg Am Sum Tob. Am Tel & Tel Am 55 L & Sm Anaconda Cop Atchlron A G t Wl S S Baldwin Loco. 13.H00 Halt & Ohio. . Ti.huo Beth Steel B. B & S Cop ... Calif Petrol .. Canadian Pa a. Cent Leather. Ches & Ohio.. Chi M ft St P. Chi & N W . . Chi K I & Pao chlno Copper. Col Fu A: Iron Corn Products 17.500 Crucible Steel. 6.800 Cuba Cane Sug V S Fd Prods. Erie Gen Electric. Gen Motors .. Gt No pfd Ot No Ore ctfs llllnolj Central Insplr Copper. Int M M pfd.. Inter Nickel.. Inter Paper .. K C Southern. Kenntcott Cop Louis & Nash. Mexican Petrol Miami Copper. . Mldvale Steel. MliHouri Pac. Molilalia Pow. Nevada Cop . . X Y Central . . N Y X H & H Norf West.. Northern Pac. Pan -Am- Petrol Pennsylvania. . Pitli y Va. Pittsburg Coal Ray I'Oii Cop. Heading .400 Rep lr & Steel 20.100 Sin Oil & Kfg. Iti.SuO Southern Pac. 17.H00 Southern Ry.. S.oOO StiKlebaker Co 12.000 Texas Co 2.400 Tobao Prods.. 5.11U0 Union Pacific. S.dou Until Ktl Strs. S2.DO0 V S Ind Alco.. 2,200 V S Steel 31.D00 do pfd boo Utah Copper.. 2.400 Western Union 20O Westing Elec. 1,200 "Wlllvs-Overlnd 5,00 National Lead 100 Royal Dutch.. 7.40O Ohio Cits Gas. 2.100 6,800 5,500 l.noo a.ooo 800 2O0 2.7O0 3.900 l.OOO 2. loo 400 a.ioo 5.900 4,o0 300 8.700 6,000 200 400 1.200 400 8.700 4.000 2O0 4.100 100 6,5"0 200 5.00O 2.0OO h(IO 600 5.H00 2,000 200 4.7O0 5.OO0 11,0(10 l.OOO 200 l,5(IO High. t5 54 vi 13U 111M4 04 Vl 66 13814 U7 ' 90 17 58 Vi 85 4 1724 100 5, 32 93 hi 27 4414 13714 4?j 56 ' 37 89 i 36 40 87 210 53 80 Vi 134 16? "?! li 3S74 90 li 51 105 23 73 15 V4 29 110 190 54 22 4 It 14 25 Ki 5614 1.-.V4 Hi MK 90 Vs 81 10711 . 41 14 27 4 64 4 20 77 10614 4li 103 107'i 200 91 12414 93 105 104 114 73 'i 8S 5314 301 81 101 50 Vi Low. 94 534 13714 11814 94 6514 136 9414 9914 17 5714 84 , mis 103 31 9214 24 14 431m 13314 93 5614 3614 8814 25 35 14 39 Vs 8614 206 51 14 78 M 13 '4 104 325 14 78 38 "4 90 4 50 K 105 2214 71 K 154 28 110 196 'A 22 494 25 56 15 69 2814 99 8014 105 40 27 64 2014 7614 104 45 10214 10614 2S5 8914 123 14 8S14 1(14 103 114 73 88 53 29 81 99 49 Sale. 95 54 14 13814 11914 94 66 13814 96 99 17 58 ' 85 172 106 32 9314 27 43 136 94 5614 36 89 14 25 3614 40 8714 209 V4 . 52 79 13 166 333 78 38 901. 50 103 22 72 1514 28 no 199 22 49 25 5614 15 69 28 . 99 SO 106 40 27 64 20 77 105 46 103 10714 289 90 124 93 104 103 114 7314 88 5314 30 81 100 50 Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Dec. 10. (United States bureau of markets.) Hogs Receipts, 8000, mar ket steady to 15c higher. Top, $13.25; bulk. tl2.90fe 13.15; heavy, $12.908 13.15; me dium weight, $1313.25; light weight. $12.90(&) 13.25; heavy packing sows, smooth, $12.65 a 12.90; packing sows, rough, $12.25 612.65: pigs. 10.7612.75. Cattle Receipts, 8500. generally steady. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. $16.25 18.50; medium and good. S11&16.25; common, $911; light weight, good and choice, $15,509 18.50; common and medium, $8.50 15.50; butcher cattle, heifers, $6.50 12.75; cows, $6.25rl2; canners and cutters. $56.25; veal calves, light and handy weignt, uv 14.25; feeder steers, $7(813; stocker steers, $6.5011 Sheep Receipts 9000. Iambs 40c higher. Others mostly 25c higher. Lambs, 84 pounds down. $15.25 18.25; culls and common, $U.50&15; yearling wethers. $12 413.75; ewes, medium and choice. $8.25 69.75; culls and common, $4.758.25. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Dec. 10. Hogs Receipts, 108; market steady. Prime. $15.5016: medium to choice, $14.508H5.50; rough heavies, $13.5014; pigs. $12.50(&14. Cattle Receipts. 10; market firm. Best steers, $1011; medium to choice. $8,604 9.50; common to good, $68; best cows and heifers,. $8&9; common to good, $5.50 Itt 7.50; bulls, $5fi 7; calves. $7 15. CORN OFFERINGS LIGHT COLD WEATHER STIMULATES BUYING AT CHICAGO. Small Receipts and Upturn in Hog Values Tends to Strengthen Market Oats Higher. CHICAGO, Dec. 10. Severe cold weath er assisted today to strengthen the corn market. Prices, although unsettled at the close, were up 14 to 1C net. Oats gained to c. Provisions finished unchanged to 20c higher. Smatlness of today's receipts of corn tended to stimulate buyers and so did a 'material upturn in hog values. After mid-day demand for corn slackened and speculative selling led to a reaction. Com mission house support rallied prices be fore the finish. Oats duplicated the firmness of corn. Country offerings were light. Provisions were higher, with hogs and grain. Winter slaughtering of hogs showed a decided falling off compared with a year ago. Leading futures ranged as follows: Open. Decern ber.$l .42 14 January . 1.37 '4 May .... 1.34 Low. December. May .... .78 .80 35.70 34.00 $1.42 1.37 1.34 78 .80 35.30 S3.U0 U S ref 2s reg.'ioo do coupon ..100 V H cv 3s reg.."8 do coupon ..88 V S 4s reg....105 do coupon ..10ft A T T CV 6s. 99 Atch gen 4a 78 D & R G ref 5s 48 NYC deb 6s. 89 X P 4s ..i 76 N P 3s 54 Pao T & T 5s. .. 87 Pa con 4s 91 S P ov lis. . . . . .104 So Ry 5s 85 U P 4s 84 U 8 Steel 5s... 97 Anglo-Fr 5.... 95 Bid. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Deo. 10. Cloning quotations: Norm Butte ... 15 Old Dom 33 Osceola 49 iQulncy . 68 superior ....... 5 Sup & Boston.. 4 Shannon ....... 10 Utah Con ...... & Winona 1 Wolverine 20 Alloues 64 I Aria Com 12 Calu & Ariz ... 61 Calu & Hecla..380 Centennial .... 14 East Butte ... 44 Franklin 814 Isle Keyalle ... SI Lake Copper... 3 Mohawk ...... 58 Money Exchange, Etc NEW TORK, Dec 10. Mercantile paper unchanged. Sterling, demand, $3.78; cables. $3.78, francs, demald, 11.62: cables, 11.60; guild ers, demand 38; cables, 8814; lires, de mand, 13.37; cables, 13.35; marks, demand, 1.96: cables. 1.9a. Time loans strong, unchanged. " War sliver. $1.30. ' Mexican dohara, $1.00. LONDON. Dec. 10. Bar silver, 75 lid. Xloney and discount unchanged. OFF DAY IN HOG TRADE PRICES DROP 50 TO 75 CEN'TS AT LOCAL YARDS. Little Is Doing In Other Lines. Business Is Checked by Snow Storms. The hog market had a bad .day ot it at the stockyards yesterday. Ttie run was light, but the snow storm delayed buyers aim this gavo the market a poor start, from which it barely recovered. At the opening the ruling quotation on top-grade nogs was ait), or 10 cents under Tuesday's price. Later in the day the buyers went as high as $15.25 for a few small bunches. There was but little doing in other lines. Kuceipts were 11 cattle, 385 hogs and 475 sheep. Tho day's sales were as follows: . Wt. Price ! wt. Price. 11 cows.. 984$ 7.501 2 hogs. . 220 (15.00 a nogs.. 10. o, noKs. . 0 lions.. 390 13.001 5 hogs.. 7 1uKS.. 175 15.00! 5 hogs. . 3 licss. . 242 13.001 ShOKS.. 7 Iiuks. . 152 15.001 6hiKy.. :tlliK3.. 136 13.00 2 hOKB. . Olio.-.. 215 15.0O.' IIjok... -S lloKt.. . 236 15.O0' 5 hoqs. . 8 hogs. . 200 l.VOO'21 hons. . 1 lions.. 202 15.00 42 hogs. . 22 1iuk.s.. 173 15.001 6 hogs.. (hogs.. 181 1.1.001 Ohog.. .!li..gs.. 346 15.0O1 I hoc... 11 hugs.. 139 15.001 4 hoBs. . :: hogs. . 2d6 15 00:2s hogs. . (1UK.. l.f.uu! Livestock prices at fol:ow; t'attle Hxt steers ., K((1 to choice steers . Me, Hum to good steers ...... Kalr to good steers 'Ntnimon to fair steers ..'bolce oows and heifers lui'd to choice cows, heifers.. Modium to good cows, heifers. Kair to medium cows, heifers, aimers High. CORN. $1.44 1.38 1.35 OATS. .79 .81 MESS PORK. January .35.50 May LARD. . January ...22.80 22.97 22.80 May 23.05 23.15 23.00 SHORT. RIBS. January 18.65 18.30 May 18.90 18.95 18.70 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 mixed, old, $1.51; No. 2 yel low, old, $1.58(011.59. Oats No. 2 whits, S36S4c: No. S white. 80 a 83c. Rye No. 2. $1.63S1.64. Barley Jl.50ad.67. Timothy seed S. 30 11.50. Clover seed $30(48. Close. $1.4314 1.37 1-34 .78 .81 35.50 . 84.00. 22.85 23.15 18.43 18.85 1S5 174 15.O0 13.00 240 15.00 215 13 00 2r,o 15.00 220 14.00 400 14.00 138 14.00 175 15.25 212 15.25 221 1.1.25 200 13.25 loo 13.2.1 HO 14.00 175 15.25 Grain at San, Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 10. Flour, 8-8s. $12.10. Grain Wheat. 13.20; eats, red feed, $S 63.10: barley, feed, $3.428.47; corn. California white. $3.60 3.65. Hay Wheat or wheat and eats, $21 5: tame oats, 2326; barley. $19(o23: alfalfa. $2126; barley straw, 60 30c bala 'lax. $u.ooo.t. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec 10. Barley, $1.28 1.50. SAN FRANCISCO PRODICE MARKETS Prices Current on Vegetables. Fresh Fruits, Etc, at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 10. Butter, 68c. Eggs Fresh, extras, 80c; extra pul lets, 73c Cheese Firsts, 30c; -Young Americas, 89c Vegetables Eggplant, . southern, 9 11c pound; peppers, beil, S13c pound; chill. edfioo pound: squash, Hubbard, si. 234s 1.50 sack; summer, $1,5042 Los Angeles lug; pumpkin, $1)1.25 sack; tomatoes. 60c 1.25 lug; potatoes, rivers, white. $8 6-3-25; sweet, 44c pound: onions, yel low and white. $4.25 4.50 cental; Austra lian brown, 4.7o(a.5; cucumbers, $1.5049 1.75 small box; garlic 224r24o pousM: beans, string, 10 17 14c pound; llmas, 16 $15c pound; celery, $67; turnips, $1.75 2 sack; artichokes. No. 1. 1.101.25 dozen; cauliflower, si.25wl.50 dasen; let tuce, 50g55o dozen; peas, 10 ($17 pound sprouts, 9c pound. Fruit Oranges, $44.75 box; lemons, $4 5.50; grapefruit, $2.50(a4: bananas, 8ti 9c pound; pineapples, $44j)6 dozen; pears, cooking. $11.50 lug: apples. Spltz enberg. $2.50p3.25; Newtown pippins, $1.75 CP-.-A; quinces, .cn-il; melons, nominal huckleberries, 16 20c; grapes, nominal pomegranates, $24t2.25 half box: Derslm moil, $1.6002 box; cranberries, $4.2505 box. . Receipts Flour. 5200 quarters; barley 2030 centals; beans, 600 sacks; potatoes. US3U eacas; nay, Jil toiu; hides, 33; on ions, 312 tons; wine, 600 gallons. Coffee Futures Higher. NEW YORK, Dec. 10. The market for coffee futures v.as higher-today on reports of a firmer tone In Brazil. The opening was unchanged to 13 points higher and ac tive months sold 35 to 57 points above yesterday a closing figures with Marca touching 15.25 and July 15.45. The close was a shade off but showed a net advance ot 15 to 35 points. December. 14.69; Jan uary. 14.90; March. 15.19; May, 13.30; July 15.4.1: September. 15.20. The business in eluded exchange of March tor May at 10 points. Spot coffee quiet: Rio 7s 15 15; San tos. 4s 25 26,. Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE. Dec. 10. Feed, city deliv cry Millrun. $44 per ton; scratch feed. $SO; teed wheal. $83: all grain chop, $75; outs, $66: sprouting oats. $68; rolled oats. $08; whole corn. 14: cracked corn, $76 rolled barley, $74; clipped barley, $7u Hay Eastern vl'ashlngton .timothy mixed, i3baJi; aouoie compressed, $40; alfalfa, $32;slraw, $1617; Puget sound, 31. the local yards .$10.7.1C 11.23 . 9.2.1SI 10.25 . S 25 4l 8 75 . 7 00 8.00 . 5.50 (a 6 50 . 8 50-tjt 9.00 7.Ullql 8.50 6.50 7.00 4.00 9 5.50 3.00 jj 4.00 Eastern lairy Produce. NEW YORK, Dec. 10. Butter easy: creamery, higher than extras, 7374c; creamery extras, 73c: firsts, 62 72c. Kegs steady, unchanged. Cheese steady, unchanged. 10. Butter lower. CHICAGO. Dec creamery. 57M8c. I Errs lower. Receipts, 837 rases: firsts, I 774-78c: ortiiniiry firsts, 70fr72u; at mark, t cases Included. 7041 77c. , Poultry, alive, unchanged; springs. ' 23c: Bulls 3.001 7.00 I tow la, 18ltf2jc; turkeys, 32c. Prime light calves..... 12 5iicli4on Heavy calves 7.0012.00 Stockers and feeders. 8.OO4 9.25 Hogs Prime mixed ................ 15.00(6 15.25 Medium mixed. .. 14. .lO IB 00 Rough heavies 13.503 14 00 PK 12 50 3 14. do Kastern lambs 13.0013 50 Valley lambs 1 1 0(1 ft 13.00 Kceder Iambs. 10.004 11.50 Yearlings 9.50610.00 Wethers 8 00 9..10 Ewes .60 7.M Chk-sgs Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec 10. Hogs Receipt. 22.0OO. 25c to &OC higher. Bulk, $12.65( 13; tup. $13 05: heavy. $12.50 IS; medium, S12.7511. 13.05; light. $12.5H3: light light. M2.25 12.75; heavy packing sows, smooth, $12 4; 12.50: packing sows, rough, $11,500 U; Plga. 1X0 12.50. 1 'Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Dec. .10. Turpentine .Firm; $1.57; fales, 132 barrels; receipts, ' 3211 barrels; shipments. 904 barrels; stock, ; 13.904 barrels. I Rosin Firm: Sales 801 barrels; re 1 ceipts. 788 barrels; shipments, 3U bar 1 rels: slock, .11,5.19 barrels. (Juote: B . D. E, 16.30; K, $10.35: G..M6.40: H. $16.45 . 16.5U; 1. 117417.13: K.- J18.10; M. : 1S.30; .N. $19.17; WG, $20.73; WW. $21.60. I m Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Dec. 10. Evaporated ap ples, dull; prunes.. n demand; peaches, quiet. . Kunsas . City XJvestock Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec 10. Sheep receipts 70ou, market 25c. Lambs. $14,254; 16; culls and common, $0 414; yearling weta- 510,000 Shares Montgomery Ward & Co, Incorporated (Illinois Corporation) Common Stock (Having no Par Value) Dividends Exempt front Federal Normal Income Tax Exempt from Personal Property Tax When Held by Residents of Illinois 1.000,000 .shares Common Stock authorized. Of this amount 150,000 shares are reserved for employes of the Company; 340.000 shares are held by new interests in the Company ; and 5 1 0,000 shares are already applied for or ar to be sold to the public. Transfer Agents Registrars Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank First Trust and Savings Bank Chicago Chicago Bankers' Trust Company, New York City First National Bank of the City of New York . Listed on the Chicago Stock Exchange Application yviUbe made Id list on Ner Yvrk Stock Exchange i ' -. )" BUSINESS. ' Montgomery ,Ward & Company was established in 1872 as the first catalogue and mail order house in the United. States. It was incorporated in Illinois in 1 889 and reincorporated in New York in 1913. Because of the passage of the new Illinois Corporation Law, the company has been reincorporated in Illinois, thus making all of its stock exempt from personal property taxes when held by residents of Illinois. SALES TERRITORY. Since the organization, of the company its volume of business and sales territory have constantly increased until now' orders are received from every state and outside territory of the United States, as well as foreign: countries, the sales to date for 1919 being approximately $90,000,000. , ; ;;V ;. .' 1 . ' "- - " ., V; :. i ' "" Salient Features From the letter of Mr. Robert J. Thome, President of the Company, and the report of Messrs. Arthur Young & Co., Certified Public Accountants, we summarize as follows: 98 OF THE COMPANY'S ORDERS are accompanied by cash in advance. ; MERCHANDISE IS BOUGHT directly from manufacturers and sold by mail directly to consumers, largely eliminating all intermediate profits. The company itself operates factories and is interested in many others. IN VIEW OF THE FACT that company has been in business nearly 50 years and that millions of dollars have been v expended in advertising and distributing catalogues, ana that hundreds of thousands of customers have dealt with it continuously, it is clear that the Good Will, catalogues and lists are of immense value. It is believed that the Good Will is equal to entire net assets of company, although neither these nor other intangible values are carried on its books as assets. SALES FOR 1918 were over $76,000,000. an increase of over 100 in the past six years; and the estimated sales for 1919 show an increase of of almost 150 during that period. . NET PROFITS have shown an increase from $1,653,481 in 1913 to $6,390,181. before taxes, in 1918. .... THE ASSOCIATION with men who, have recently become large holders of this new stock will greatly benefit the company in broadening its merchandising field, and the company, continuing under the same manage- . ment, will be greatly strengthened. -- THE COMPANY has specific plans for large developments, which will balance its facilities for' new warehouses and distribution covering the entire , United States in the most economical and eiscient manner. THIS FINANCING of the company is ample to carry out these projects and to maintain a generous cash reserve, the balance sheets showing cash on hand. $29,701,495.16; Liberty Bonds. $1,609,443.25. The legality of this issue has been approved, by Messrs. Winston Strawn & Shaw of Chicago; Messrs. White & Case of . New York City, and Mr. ; Henry L. Moses of New York City. For subscription, subject to allotment, we offer this stock At $45.00 Per Share ' When, as and if issued and received by'us. J ohn Burnham & Go. H. P. Goldschmidt & Co, 41 S. La Salle Street, Chicago 37 Wall Street, New York The statements in this advertisement. Tvhile not guaranteed, are based upon information and advice Tvhich. we believe to be accurate and reliable. Exempt from all Domlslus GeTersaest Tstxattaau $52,000.00 Greater Winnipeg Water District 5 Gold Bonds Dated July 1st, 1917. Drnomlaatioa f l.OOO. Hue J aly 1st, 19S These bonds are a direct obligation of the Greater Winnipeg; ater District, a corporation constituted by Special Act of the Manitoba Legislature, with powers to construct and operate a water works system to serve Greater Winnipeg. Price: 97.06 and Interest to Yield 6.25 LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS If you must sell your Liberty or Victory bonds. to as. IT cu cu bay more Librrty or Victory bonus, buy from n. On Wednesday. Derember 10. 1919. the opening ."pw York market prices were as liven below. They are the governing prices for Liberty and Vlctorv bonds all over the world, and the highest We advertise these prices daily in order that you may always know the New York market and the exact value of your Liberty and Victory bonds. 1st 1st 2d 1st 2d Sd th Victorr , . ? 4s 48 4vs 4v,s 4 He 44s b B Market ... 88.58 S8C.84 91 70 Sm 18 $92.12 194 04 S92.1A ,89.04 S99.08 Interest ... l.l 1.8 .28 S.0S .31 1.02 .66 3.09 2.65 Totals . S101.29 J9.V90 $81.99 96 24 S92.43 $95.08 $92.82 $101. IS $101.71 VVhen buying we deduct 37 cents on a S0 bond and $2.50 on a S1U00 bond. We seal at the New York market plus the accrued Interest. Burslar avnd Fire-proof Safe Deposit Boxe for Rent Obcb Until 8 P. M. on Saturdays. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House Capital One Million Dollars. Morris Bulldlns, 3O0-1 1 Stark Street, Bet. Fifth and Sixth. TELEPHONE: BKOAliVVAY tlol. Established Over a Quarter Century. We Own and Offer $40,000 Out of a New Issue of American Gas and Electric Company One-Year and Two-Year 6 Secured Gold Notes Company second largest of its type in United States, supplying electric light and power to 115 communities. The net earnings for year ending October 31, 1919, were three times total interest charges. These notes secured by pledge of $6,667,000 Ohio Power Company First and Refunding 5s, pledged at 60 of par. D 99.05 for one-year notes yielding 7 1 riCCo 98 for two-year notes yielding over 7.10 Telephone Broadway 951 umbermerxs " I-. 1 -r- I A J Borvds -Truss- Acceptances Capital a. Surplus sboo.oos Sar fVarxctsco lW.r-r,. Blda. Por-l arvd. Oreqorv. S.sv-H-t The Wise Investor Seeks Counsel SELDOM does the experienced investor "take a chance" in investing his money. Unless he has the facts of the case he makes inquiry of an individual, or preferably an institution, that can advise him as to the merits of the offering. Clark, Kendall & Co., Inc., make it a business to give information, sug gestions and advice regarding investments as well as handle the very best class of securities. f CLARK. KEN DAU 6 CO. INC.- Ill BONDS Government Municipal Corporation G. E. Miller & Company Investment Securities Phone Main 4195 205-6 Northwestern Bank Building era. U1.50O13.25; ewes, J.T5.95; eulls and common. 3S09 50; breedins ewes. iSnl 12; feeder lambs. HI 91. Metal Market. NSW TORK. Dec 10. Copper and lren, unchanged. Antimony, 8.75c Lead, firm; spot and January. 9.90a bid, 7c asked. Zinc, strotrs; East St. Louis delivery, spot. 8.45c bid; 8.55 asked. Cotton Market. NSW TORK, Dec. 10. Spot cotton Steady; middling, $39.45. New York Surar Market. KW YORK. Tc. 1Q.-frugar unchanged. 'Lieutenant Hansen Quits Guard. SALEM, Or., Dec. 10. (Special) First Lieutenant Hichard Hansc -., battalion adjutant in the Third Infan try, national ruard of Oregon, has tendered his resignation to Adjutant General fitafrln. Mr. Hansen, who is secretary of Capitol Post No. 9. Amer ican Lesion of this city, Informed Mr. Stafrin that he was unable to prive proper attention to both , organiza tions. Ray Attebery, present battal ion supply sergeant, will be appointed to succeed Mr. Hansen. . Phone yourVant ads to the Orego nian. Main 7070. A 6096. Investors study1 TkeWaflStrKtJiBl GOVERNMENT. CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL BO N D S TO NET FROM 5 TO 7 PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. 6 Net Mortgages 6 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ADVANTAGES Save and buy a high-grade mort gage at the same time. Mortgages do not fluctuate in value like stocks and bonds. Investigate our Partial Payment Plan WESTERN BOND AND MORT GAGE COMPANY 80 Fourth St. Portland Oregon MUNICIPAL BONDS From the States of OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO To Net 4.90 to 6.50 Exempt From Present Income Tax ..evereaux cxiompany 87 Sixth Street ' Broadwaj 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Buildmg TWO DOZEN- Blaacaara ETssiste FRESH EGGS $1.1 5 Ask Vrar Grostr Haaelwood Concur, Dlatrlbvtora Portlaad. Qreg.a Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095