T1TE 3IORXTXG OlfEGOXTAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1919. 13 shut onn.wj.is goju IXJOCTION TO EXCLUDE JLLJj SOIGHI AT SPOKANE. Sweeping Action Proposed to Cnrb Radicals Sixty in Jail Men tioned as Defendants. SPOKANE. Wash., Dec. 10. An in junction to restrain all members of the Industrial Workers of the "World from continuing their practices and I avuvmea in wpoKane couniy wao sr.usht here yesterday by Prosecuting Attorney LlndBley and a hearing will be held before Superior Judge Web- j ter tomorrow morning. I The proposed injunction, which is j a sweeping one. is believed to be the j first of its kind ever used to curb the activities of any men or group of men. It mentions as defendants, 60 j aliened I. W. W. now in jail awaiting j trial on charges of criminal syndical ism under a state law "and all oth ers not now known whose names and identity may hereafter be disclosed, associating-, confederating, affiliating and acting in concert with said named defendants, as members of an organization commonly known and called Industrial Workers of the World." Under the injunction's terms any man who advocated the principles of the I. W. W. by word of mouth or by circulating literature of the organi zation would be adjudged in con tempt of court and punished accord ingly. The complaint refers to the Armi stice day tragedy at Centralia. Wash., when four members of the American Legion wpre shot down and killed, and alleges that continued preachings of the Industrial Work ers of the World will result in fur ther lawlessness and destruction of life and property. 1918 STATE TAX LARGER KIsc Iron) $3,02 1,402 to S4,3l, 2 08 Reported. SALEM. Or.. Dec 10. This year's state tax, as computed by Frank Lovcll. Ux commissioner, will be ap proximately J4.3S1.208. as again.t $3, 021,402 last year. The increase in this tax, according to a letter now being sent to county assessors of fhe ptnto by Mr. I.ovell. is due to the ad dition of $181,283.44 allowed by the per cent limitation act. Snno.4rt5.47 for market roads, and $198,087.09 for operation of the soldiers', sailors' and marines' educational aid law. The lust two levies were authorized by the voters a. the special election held last June and are not subject to the 6 per cent limitation act. The increase in this year's tax over last year will be $1,3G9,806. MEMORIAL BONDS SOUGHT Spokane May Finance Hold election to Auditorium. SPOKAXK. Waeh., Deo. 10. An 1n Illcbtivo election to vote bonds tor rection here of a memorial auditor ium In honor of the men and women who lost their lives in the war is to be sought by the executive commit tee of the memorial auditorium asso ciation, it was announced today. Plans for an initiative campaign to this end were discussed at a meeting of the committee Monday night, it was stated. The auditorium would cost approx imately $1,000,000, as planned, and funds for its erection would be pro vided from a tax levy to be spread over a term of years. Support for 'the plan is to be sought of local or ganizations, it was stated. FARMERS' GROUP URGED Advantages of Community Life Pictured at Convention. SPOKANE. Wash., rec. 10. Organ ization of farmers to bring to the farm home the advantages of com munal life was advocated by Dr. E. H. Li mi ley, president of the University of Jdaho, in an address before the annual convention of the state farm era union of Washington and North ern laalio Tuesday. About 150 dele pates from the two states were in at Vcndn nee. Efforts at nationalization of farm property of the United States were condemned by State Senator E. T. Coman of this city in welcoming the farmers to the city. JAPAN TERMED MENACE Harry Litmlcr Warns America' 3ot to Trust Orientals. TACOMA. Wash., Dec. 10. (Special.) "Sir Harry Lauder sees a menace in Japan and warns America against trusting: her far eastern tieishbor. The Scotch minstrel voiced his alarm at a luncheon given in his honor by Ta coma Kotariann. He declared that in the case of Japan America was about to repeat her performance in building Crennany. "Uermany rose," he Baid. "because America believed in her and helped her. Don't do the same thing lor Japan." He declared that Japan is buildintr battleships w ith the money eho is receiving: from the enormous amount of goods sold to Knglish epcakiiig peoples. CURB ON MAYOR FAILS The? Dalles Council Rejects Plan to Limit Appointments. TUB DALLES. Or., Dec. 10. (Spe cial.) The civt council Monday nignt rejected an amendment to its recently-adopted resolution cutting the present library directorship from nine to five members. The amendment sought to limit the authority of the nmypr and rnuncilmen in choosing board members. The proposed amendment was of fered by Malcolm Moody, not a mem ber of either the council or the li brary board, and the reading of the rider was the cause of a storm of ptote.-t. not only hy Mayor Stadelman. but by practically the entire council. TANK EXPLODES; 1 KURT Fire Started WitU Water Pipes Frozen Causes Blowup. TACOMA, Wash.. Dec. 10. (Special. - An explosion tn the home of Samuel Carr her-; early yesterday broke one of Carr s lees. The fire department was called by neighbors when the water tank and pipes In the Carr home burst after the morning fire had been kindled. Carr did not know the water in the p.ipes had frozen during; the night. Oregon Synod Incorporates. SALTM. Or., Dec. 10. (Special. 1 Promotion of knowledge, the Chris tian religion and religious worship Is the purpose of the synod of Oregon Incorporated, Presbyterian church ii the United Plates of America, accord tng to articles filed with the corpora tion department yesterday. The In corporators are: Eevt Boutlinot Seeley and ReT. John A. Townsend ot Port land and A. O. Condit of Salem. The property of the incorporation has an estimated value of 2O00. . Astoria Masons Bny Site. ASTORIA. Or., Dec. 10. ( Special. 1 The local Masonic lodge has pur chased a tract 150x150 feet from the Colonel Taylor estate at corner of Sixteenth and Franklin streets. The consideration was $15,000. The prop erty is to be the site of a J50.000 Masonic temple. AMUSEMENTS. Ticket Office Sale NOW OPEN HEILIG Q NIGHTS, Bdwr at Taylor Phone Main 1 TONIGHT, 8:15' Beginning SPECIAL, PRICE- Matinee Saturday : A. L. ERLAXf.ER Present CHAUNCEY IN IRISH THE BEAUTIFUL COMEDY IN 4 ACTS ii MACUSHLA" By Rlda Johnson Young;. BEAR OLCOTT SING "That's How the Shannon Flows" "Macu&hla. Asthore" (Pulse of My Heart). "I'll Miss You. Old Ireland. God Bless You, Good Bye." "'TIs an Irish Girl I Love and She's Just Like You." Eve's:Floor $2; Bal. 1.50, 1; Gal. 75c, 50c Sat. Mat.: Floor 1.50; Bal. 1. 50c. LYRIC MtSICA 1. CU.UEDV Mat. Dally: Nlirhts at 7 and 9. DILLON FRANKS Eccentric Comedians, and the Rosebud Chorus in The Rounders Konnfne, Burlesque and Pretty Girls. Chorus Girls' Contest Fri. Night. TEMPERATURE 72 mmm ALWAYS GOOD! TODAY, TOMORROW, SATURDAY 7-Attractions-7 4-JOHNSONS-4 IXSTBIMEXTALISTS. mm M LEO ROSE AND HALEY ADAMS Nothing Serious. Bits of Sunshine. 3-ACES OF HARMONY 3 Song and Piano. LINO ER MAN SELBiNI & CO. Gymnast. Great Mizpah. E. K. LINCOLN Fighting- Through. CIRCLE FOURTH AT WASHINGTON Marguerite Clark IN "GIRLS" Also big Capital comedy. "Honey Moon- in;." and the Ford weekly. Open from o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock of the following mornlnfi. DA C TO-NIGHT New Broadway Hall Brnsdnsy and Mnln. WOXDEHKC1, BROADWAY SfOV ELTI ORCHESTRA. Cotillion Hall Fourteenth and Waalilnsrton Street. BVTTERFIKLD AND COTILLIOX OR CHESTRA. PUBLIC DAriMi EVERY EVEMXG AX BOTH II VLLS A BSOL.UTE- LY FIRST - CLASS. Nothing of an Objectionable Nature Tolerated. SPECIAL AFTER-THEATER PRICES L'nder Management of Montrose M. Hlsgler. LEARN TO DANCE HERE. Beat Professional Instructors Class ind Private. RROAOWAV 3.tSO. "CINDA LOU" (Pot Trot) SLOW SH1MSIB The BIk Dance Orchestra DeLuxe, Moose Hall Every Tuesday. Thursday ana ssiuraiy .taints. Rea.. SO East 28b at. Phone Kast 554A. DANCING GUARANTEED In eight lessons-j-ladlet J2.E0, gentlemen $5.00 at De Honey's Beau tiful Academy. 23d and Washington. Classes for Beginners eian HunaaT and e rt day innings. Ad vanced classes T u . day and Thursday e v e a t u b&. e to ll:3(j Plenty of desirable partners and practice. No embarrassment- Private lessons all hours, t-earn from profea iunal dancers. Phone Alain, 7658, A sow Being: Featured by AMfSKMUMg. A K E R STOCK COMPANY. Tonight AH Week Mat. Sat. CHEATING CHEATERS. Tint Week. THE PRIVATE SECRETARY. AN T A G E MAT. DAILY 2:30 S The Musical Comedy Snccese of Tw Continents. "THE Lt'CK OF THE TOTEM With Harry Girard. Aidm Cain Brown and an All-Star Company. 6 OTHER BIG .ACTS 6 Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain at 1 and 8. r VAUDEVILLE 3 Xigrhtu San-Mon-Tt.cn IBe to 91 4 Mats Sun-Mon-Tum-Wed 15c to 75c FORD SISTERS Howard's Spectacle: Frawley & Louise GRACE DE MAR Barber and Jackson; Sterling: and Margruerite; KinogramB Exclusive) ; Topics of the Day. ... STUART BARNES This SHow Clone. With tn. Matinee Wednesday, Dec 17- ONE WEEK BARGAIN DANCING Ladies 16c, Gents 31c Plus Tax TEMPLE ACADEMY Second and Morrison TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED Room in apartment. Cl 6:30', MiM Moodle. Main MEETING NOTICES. . " OREGON COMMANDER Y No. 1. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Rejrular conclave this Thursday) evening; at 7:30. Annual election ot officers ami visit by grand commander. Your at tendance win be appreciated. C. F. WIEOAXD, Recorder. BIO DANCE for benefit decree staff of Eurekn Council No. 204. Security Benefit Association, Mon day evening, December 15. east side W. O. W. hail. K. 6th and Aider sts. Fine music, refreshments free. Captain T. C. Frieberg and staff as floor committee in sure, ail a good tim. B. P. O. ELKS. NO. 142 Regular meeting this (Thursday) evening. E!ks Temple. 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers welcome. M. R. S PAULDING, Secretary. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this o'clock. Masonic Temple. Iabor ! in trie M. M. dfigree. Visitinx brethren always welcome. By order W. il. FRED L, OLSON. Sec SUXJiValDE LODGE, NO. 10:i, A. F. AND A. M. -Stated communication and election of officers Thursday evening at 7:;10 o'clock. Bv order of W. M. . JOHN R INKER, siecretary. WASH1.NUTON LODtlE, NO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication thia (Thurs day) evenlns, 7:30, East Stri and Burnside. M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. K1CHMOND, Sec. ORKOON SHRINE. No. 1. WHITE SHRINK AT JERUSALEM, have posl- pcued their dance and card party owing :o weather conditions. Watch papers lor ater date. SET of Dual truck chains. 36x5; uspd twice. First 1 geta them. BD 731, Oregoaian. PORTLAND TENT. NO. 1. MACCABEES. -Will have their recular monthly smoker 1 liursrfay evening, December 11. at their hall, 4iiy Alder street; an address on Amer icanism by Judge George W. Slapieton: music, cards, smokes and eats. Come and bring a friend. It s free. COMMITTEE. ONEONTA TRIBE. NO. 2. I. O Tt m On account of weather conditions the C F. will not be kindled this evening. Notify Chief of Records, 120 Grand ave.. East 640, concerning matters requiring lmmeai ate attention. L. U. SMITH, C. Of R. MASK BALL AT V. O. W. HALL NO. . 31th, between Washington and Alder sts., Saturday evening. Dec. 13. Special prize waltz and prize turkey; also six other prizes. Admib&ion, 50 centa. Best music Everybody come. UTOPIA REBECCA LODGE. NO. 62 I. O. O. F. On account of bail weather and inability of members to attend, the preecnt sit to this lodge has been canceled until further notice. ANNA HOLT. Secretary. THE MACCABEES. PORTLAND TENT NO. 1. Regular review every Thursday, 40& Alder street. All members urged to be preseut- visiting sir knights welcome. EMBLEM Jewelry, suttona. charms, plna new deiugna. Jaeger Bros.. 131-8 6ta st. FRIEDLANDKR'S for lodge emblema class pins and medals. 310 Washlozton at. DIED. NOLAN In this city. Dec. . Michael J. Nolan, aged 57 years, husband of Mrs. M . J. Noian. 3U4 Weidler st., and step father of Kdward Scherfan. brother of Airs. Kate Ryan and Mat hew Nolan ot this city, Mrs. Frank Flinn. of Los Ange les; Mrs. William Meeban. of San Pedro; airs. Kobert Marshal 1. of Willapa har bor. Funeral notice later. McEntee A Kilers. directors. HUTCHINSON The funeral service of the late AuRLutta Francis Hutchinson of 440 East tioi h street, which was announced to be conducted Wednesday, Dc. 10. at 2 P. M.. in the Mt, Tabor Methodist cliurch, has been indefinitely postponed. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the luneral parlors of A, D. Kenworthy & Co., y-d st. iS. E., in Lents. BORDERS In this city. Dec. 10. at her iHte residence, 13t3 East .Stark street. Sarah F. Borders, aged 81 years, mother of C. W.. J. W. and H. P. Borders and Mrs. M. C. Davis, this city, and sister of Emma Holman and Will Webster, ot Luj. Antreles. The remains are at Fin ley's. Montgomery at 5th. Notice ot fu neral hereafter. PtDERSEX Did Dec. . 1919. Mrs. Anna B. Ptdersen, aged" M years, late of 70- Oswego st. ; beloved mother of Hans. Edwin, Apnea and Beatrice Peder en. Remains at Pearson's undertaking parlor. Russell st. at Union ave. Notice of service hereafter. HOLMES In thi city, at Selwoo1 Gen eral hospital, 3S7 Harney ave., Sellwood, E.fa Holmes. Dec. 9. aged 17 years; daughter of W. B. Holmes, Bell sta tion. Miiwaukie, Or.; R. F. D 2. box 107. Notice of funeral hereafter. BUCKBEE In this city. Dec. 10. Annie Buckue. aged 43 years, mother of Law rence. Lillian, Leo and Laura Buck bee. Remains are at McEntee at tilers' par lors. 16th and Everett sta. Funeral no tice later. HOLMES At Miiwaukie. Or.. Dec. 9. Eifa Holmes, aged 17 years and 12 days. Remains are at the residence funeral parlor of Walter C. Kenworthy, 1532 1034 E. 13th st.. Sellwood. Funeral no tice later. MILLER At San Francisco. CaL. Dec, 9, Edward H. Miller, beloved husband of Fannie A. R. Miller, fcrmeriy Fannie Euciev of Oregon City. Interment at San Francisco. LUTHI Samuel Luthl. aged 53. at San Francisco. Dec. 6; beloved brother of Mrs. Mary Zenker. Mrs, Anna Crummer, F. Luthi and. Js i-uiiu. Fiuifcral no lie a . YiiXl be later THE BESTtt IN Jm Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS ' K. i!L,.VCK. accountant, auditor. specialist on involved accounts. Modern systems installed, maintained. Plt-foi-k block. Telephone Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. REMODELING. refitting and altering laaiejr - - garments; prices reasonable, work guaranteed. I. Reubtns, ladies tail or. 483 Bush ar Lane bids. ASSAYER3 AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. CARPET WEAVING. DlffiPThe kind that wear the best are liuUu made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Hug Co. dormer ad dress 153 Cnlon a vs.) Rag rUgs woven all. sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 188 K. 8th st. Phone East 35S0. B 1280. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS. Rag Rugs, all sizes Mail orders prompt Send for Booklet. X12 rugs steam or dry cleaned. $1.50. FLUFF EUG CO.. B4-S8 Union ave.N. East 6516. B 1475. CEItrLOli) BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 37 Washington. Broadway 434. A 12M. CHIROPRACTOR. 30O.0O0 KNOW M Marion. 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment easi est, best, permanent. 81 treats" $15. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM, Estelle and Florello De Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists In the city. Parlors 302 Ger linger bldg.. s. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, bun ions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg.. 6th and Wash. Main 1081. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1310-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall 6822. Multtgraphing. mimeographing and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1706 No collections, "no charge. Eatab. 1900. DANCING. MRS. SUMMER'S Berkeley dancing acad emy. 129 4th. I.fxsons dav. eve.; class Thura. Ladies 2.50. Gents S. Matn 3318. MRS. BATH. .108 Dekum bldg. 10-elas lesson, f.v Beginners Mon. eve. Private leons day and eve. Marin 1345. EI. NOR A FLECK Ballet, technique, toe: nature oriental dancing: babies a spe cialty. 129 4th st. Main 3S18. DANCING Lady ballroom Instructor will give private lessons st her home; teason able rates. Tabor 60O4. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss Dorothy Rasmutsen. 610 Ellers bldg. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 415 East Seventh. East 1847. B 1862. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. saw H M ti it.t vrTTfrr1 rr I . '.'w vv.. j f at-ra 31 N. First. Portland. Or. Re WeSiftil winding and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy.1043, A 104U FERTILIZER. FERTILISER. About hundred loads horse and cow manure, delivered. $6.50 truck load. Tabor 8735. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 187 W.Park st WHOLESALERS AND GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg. HATS ANO CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 53-65 Front st. HIDES, WOOL. AND CASCARA BARK. KAH.N BROS., 195 Front St. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. L. KLINE. 84-88-87-t Front St. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY, 6S-70-72 Front St.. Portland. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. KASMU8SEN & CO., Second and Taylor. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Baker Auction House. Yamhill and West Park streets. Sale at 10 A. M. FUNERAL NOTICES. COLLINS In this city. Dec. 0, 1019, Mrs. Hazel D. Collins, aged 24 years; be.oved wire of Fred E. Collins and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Peters, and sister of Corbln Peters. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral services at 9:tr A. M. todav (Thursday). Dec. 11, 191 a. at St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, loth and Davis sts. Interment at Klverview cem etery. TAYLOR In this city. Dec. 8. 1019. Mrs. Jemima Taylor, aged 64 years; beloved mother of Elizabeth W. Howard. Friends are Invited to attend the funeral services Monday. Dec. IS. t!ll. st U::0 P. M., at the llolman parlorn. Third and Salmon sis. Interment lioi-e City Park ceme tery (Postponed trom Thursday, Dec. 11. to Monday. Dec. 15. lUla.J SAMARD The funeral services of the late Louise Stanard are Indefinitely post poned on account of weather conditions. Funeral announcement later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Mller & Tracey. KINDZ The funeral services of the late John W. Kinds have been postponed un til further notice. The remains are at Flnley's. Montgomery at 5th. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTO LIVERY. Mar. 114 FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 07, A 1511. Lady Ajsaibtant. ' MILLER & TRACEY pTf.ct Funeral Service for Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. St.. bet. 20th-lst., west side. Main 6W1. Lady Assistant. A 7665. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Broadway and Pine st Phone Broadway 430. A 455b. Lady Attendant. J.P.FINLEY&SON progressive; funeral directors. Main . Montgomery at 5th. A 150ft McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, 16th and Everett sts. Broadway 2133; Home. A 2138. xeiepnone F. S. DUNNING. INC.. 414 E. Aider. Phone East 62. Perfect service, personal direction, free .-re of fiorai chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson A Ross, Multnomah at E. 7th. East 54. Irvington district. Pt T TT,T PTT E- 11th and Clay sts. lJ. J-OliXi-V-'-tl East 781. T 1833. ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison sts. Broadway 2534. A. D. KESWORTHI CO.. 8S02-0 82d st-, Lents. Tabor 526T. A. R. ZELLAR CO. 692 Williams Ave. East 10S8L C 1088. BREEZE& SNOOK jl, BKEWE8 UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 8d and Clay. M 41o2. A 2221. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Office room. 1SS courthouse. Phone Main S78 from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home. 635 Columbia, boulevard. Phone any time. Wood lawn 74. Doss for sale. Horse am huisnc for siclc or disabled horses. bmall animals painlessly electrocuted wbeu necessary, ana sirajr v - cra lot. Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. HKMSTITCH1NO. K. STEPHAN. "hemstitching scalloping, a: .cordion side pleat, buttons covered; me. I orders. 21U Pittock blk. Broadway 1020 JKHELKI. WE MANUFACTURE genuine Jade Jew elry in 24-karat gold mountings; we . also- manufacture Cblnew character sig net rings; repair waicnea and other Jew elry; our prices are reasonable and our work ia guaranteed. Oriental Jewelry Co. 422 Washington street. OPTICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. George Hubenstein. the veteran op tician, still fits the best eyeglasses at 'very moderate prices Tories. Kryptoka. also the cheaper grades. -26 Morrison. PTOMISTKISTS ANO OPTICIAN ti. GLASSES AT A SAVING. 1 solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sanae of satisfied customers. A triai will convince you. Charles W. Good mau, optometrist. 20i-Morrison. M. 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C WRIGHT 22 years' experience TJ. S. and foreign pa tents. 6U1 Dekum bid g. GOLDBERG. 620 "Worcester bldg. 1L 2326. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. - PHli-LlPS. Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kluney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female dlaoruere. akin affections, blood pressure. PLU&LB1NG SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Starke-Davis Co.. 212 ad. M. lui. PRINTING. itEY STONE PRESS,. J. E. Gantenbeln. Manager. Printing and. linotyping. 10u Front at., corner Stark.. Main or A 141a pOlMTIUft F. W.BALTES & COMPANY, mil 1 iiiw 1st and Oak sts. M. lua. A una PAINTING. C. H. .TERR1LL, house, sign painting, pa pering, .tinting. Tabor 2U11. 310 E. 44th. RE FINISHING FLOORS. ARE your floors Just what you want? refinish old floors and guarantee please. A. Garrow. 708 &. Seventh Phone Sellwood 26S2. SECONU-HANU STORES. LEVIN HAROWARE A FURNITURE CO 21 FRONT teT. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Slain 9970. A 7174. ' THAUlvMAKkS. OREGON TRADEMARK. BUREAU. 601 bekum bldg. U. S. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." MOV1NG-P AC K'G-STO RAGE-BAGGAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch 68 Bdwy. mane dJYVT. 3303 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllean t. corner 3-ttla. Phone Broadway 12SI or 1189. We own and operate two large class "A" w&rehouMi on terminal tracks. Luweit Insurance rates In the city. fiHfcrfiOOf STORAGE C M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 Pine. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE. PECUR1TY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 10.1 PARK ST. MAIN Sl'JS. A 10S1. HOOD AND COAL. OREGON FUEL, CO. Block and mixed; partly dried. Wdln. 4to2. MANUFACTURERS MILL. SIPPLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 6K-7U-72 Front at.. Portland. PLUMBING AND STEAM SIPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86-87-M9 Front St. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 6S-70-73 Front st,. Portland. PROnUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EV Eft DING A FARRELL. 140 Front st. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. POORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. front and Morrison. FLORISTS. LUB LINER, FLORIST. S28 Marrison St.. Portland hotel. Mar T5S 343 Morrison, bet. Bdy. and Parle Mar. 2J7 Portland's Leading Flower Shops. UAKTIM & iTOKBES CO. florists. 854 Washinxton. Main 289. A 1200. Flowers an oci-asione artiscicaity arranaed. CLARKE BROS., florists. 28T Morrison sc. Main 770i. Fine flowers and floral de- signs. No branch stores. 1KVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers; lowest pricea MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 3121. 8.11- us uutiums. ciKin ma Aiuer sia TOXSETH FLORAL CO., 2S7 Washington sw. uu . sou ecu. Alain oiua A llol. MONDMETiTfi. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS tS 4th St.. Opp City Halt. Neo Bros. (tTb BLAESING GRANITE CO. t I IJ THIRO AT MADISON STREET Rates for Classified Advertisements In The Oreqonian. Daily and Hnnrisy Per linn. Ooe Hne .......Tc Two consecutive times. ........ .."Mo Three consecutive times. ......... .8Uo Seven consecutive times 63o The following; classiiirations czceptc i. the rate of which Is 7c per Hue per day: situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted iemaie. No ad taken tor leas than two line. Count six words to the line. Advertisements (except "Person als") will be taken over tile telephone If the advertiser is a subscriber te either phone Jio prices will be quoted over the phone, but statements will be rendered the following day. Adver. tisements are taken for The Dally Ore (onian until 7:30 p. M-i for The Sun day Oregon ian until t f. M. baturday NKW TODAY. WB CALL FOR TOUR OLA CARPETS, Bin auad Woolea Clothlas;. We Make Beautiful Hand. W uvea FLUFF RUGS AH Work Turned Oat Promptly. Res; Rin W o ven All Slses Vail Orders. Head for Booklet. Carpets Cleaned. Laid He. fitted. tORTHAVEST RCG CO. 1HX East 8th SC. Phone aat 3580 Portland Rug Company MAMTArTlRERR OF FLUFF RUGS l THERK S A mFTFRENCE." WE WKAVE ALL SIZKS IN BOTH KLI r r ASD RAG RVOS. Tt V f all for Yar Old Cmrrt. Work Will Be RtuniMl "Prompt. r.' MsVil Ordrrn iiiven Prompt Attention. UK CLJSAN CAKFETS. Portland Rug Company 167t Fat fVvmtrfnth Street. Phone B 1324. Either Pacific or Home. STORAGE SPACE InTestisrmte Our Plant avn3 Rates Why assume expensive leases under present high costsT CLAY S. MORK. IXC. Drayage and Storagre. 12tm and Gllaatau Phone Bdwy. S470. Phone your want ads to the Oregro plan iUin 20704 A, 6035, NEW TODAY. Build Your Own Garage pecuonai uarajfo o yoo anywhere in the northwest. You can set it up iu.A few hours. Send tor circular REDIMADE BUILDING CO. SIS K. Xlth St. i'kone feast 5114V Portland. Or. GARAGES For All Cars Prices on Application Ready-Cut and Portable Houses KILLMADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 101 I'ntoB Ave. Ji Wdln. S41S. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old Rnsra and rilra Clblnsj W Make Reeeralble. Band - Wo Tew FLUFF RUGS Tfcey Wear Like I row. Msifl Order. Sasid fur BookJcfc Has It a are Wovea. All Slaea. Carpet Cleaning ill Rags. Steam Cleanod. S1.5. wESW.HH niff It L G CO. 64 Isles Ave. N. ICaal 5.. U 1479 MORTGAGE LOANS Marshall 4114. A 4118. Isnproved elty mad farm property. Installment repayment privilege It a referred I pninpt, reilabla aervlea A. H. BIRRELL CO. ZIT-21B Northwesters ttank UuilUlai Cl 9 MortgageLoans 0720 Edward L Gondey Co. V. ft. Baak. Botldlmat REAL F8TATE. For tSale -Lota. FOR SALE Corner lot, 73x100. not far irom scaool ana car line; gu, electncitv and water in front of pla.ee; over 3O0 worth or street lmprovnienui paid for. an ior a. uwner, t iiaiiecu st rnone wain. diau. SELL OR TP A DE. Portland Heights, eoj.lou lot. fine view 01 Hooa. nign-ciftss section, price $1600. which is $400 below value; will taKe auto as part or all. T. 1&. Speirs Tabor 4-la after 6 P. M. THREE lots at Gearhart Park; 100 feet from big hotel grounds; for 900 and new 4-room house on Alberta car, furnished; garage and chicken house, llua E. 110th st. N. Woodiawn 43b2. LOTS FOR SALE. 40-foot lot on 1 3d st. N near Mason, in Alameda Park. $S00. JOHN BAIN. 507 Spalding bldg. For bale Flat and Apartment Property. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT. $S0O PER MONTH INCOME. My wife is not dead, neither is my mother-in-law, nor any other member of my family, hut 1 will sell my apartment house property, located in the finest dis trict in Portland at the very low price of $4J,5O0; 25.000 caeh and easy terms. See my agent, but don't bother htm un less you have the cash and mean busi ness. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. FOR QUICK SALE. Three apartment flats, west of Park street, in bent district, 7 minutes' walk from Portland hotel. 3 and 4 rooma up stairs. 0 rooms downstairs; good dry basement; now paying better than 10 per cent on investment. For quick sale, $15,000. E SOW. Oregnnian. . FOR QUICK SALE. Three family apart, flats In best apart ment house district, with steam heat, hot water, well built, only 7 minutes walk from poatofflce. ' present Income $ t:0 per mouth ; price for cash $15,000, E. 802, Oregon t a n. IRVINGTON APT.. eoB.Oun. Real snap. 15 apts., all outside rooms, slppinff porches, hardwood floors, beau tiful court entrance, real money-maker, no trade, but give terms; never changed owners. East 419. McDonell. 37 COM PLETKLT furnished apartments, $3u,0u0. A golden opportunity for party with $20,ooo or more cash. Evenings, Main 1177. APARTMENT HOITSB. UP TO DATE, SHOWI.M; PINB IN COME. 42,."00: TERMS. EAST 5438. For Kale Busine. Property. IP TOU ARE TH1NK1NO OP LEASING OR WANT A BtlLW.Nli FINANCED JOHN WEI ST CO.. 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. FOR LEASTS OR SALE AT LOW FIGURE. 3 STORIES AND BASEMENT. KAIL ROAD TRACKAGE. JOHN WEIST CO.. 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. For Sale -House DECIDE BEFORE CHRISTMAS BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH COLOMAT Larg corner lot. built only two years at a cost ot 13,5O0; can show you every bill; I am determined to sell this beau tiful home this month and will refuse no reasonable offer: phone me evrnings for further particulars. t-ast zusa. BEAT the rent profiteer. Why pay rent when you can buy a flat bldg from owner in beautiful Irvington; strictly modern, that will pay you 7 per cent interest and Kive you a beautiful home free; easy terms! Ideal investment for lady; absolutely safe. C C. Coulter. 403 East 8th lL N. $3500 Brand new 5-room modern bungalow, near Sandy blvd.. $300 cash. $30 per month. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 20S.1. Main 4477. JUST A MOMENT, PLEASE. Brand new classy 4-rV bungalow. Just finished, near Union ave. north of Pied mont district; a few hundred dollars as first payment will handle it. Can ar range bal. to suit purchaser. Phone owner, Eaft 40O0. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW 7 LARG3 ROOMS. FINISHED IN IVORY ENAMEL; HARDWOOD FLOORS; FINB PLUMBING ; PRICK S65C0. IN CLUDING ALL ASSESSMENTS. OWN ER. TABOR 3828. ASTORIA PROPERTY. 9 -room house on paved afreet; also 6 room house on same lot; three minutes walk from business section. Address box 1 4 7, Seasid e. Or. $ -jr.no 5R OOM BUNGALOW $,0 Full BOxlOO lot to alley, with garage; white enamel plumbing; do, to car. WRIGHT A ROCK. Main SO". 417 Abington bldg NEW BUNGALOW, combination dining and living room, two bedrooms, bath, electricity, gas, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, full lot, elope to Peninaula school. S2850. terms. East 5779. ( BY OWNER 6 rooms. sTeeping porch, flre- I place, on car !lne. corner view lot, newly painted throughout; terms. Main a 466, evenings Wood. awn 4598. " ATTRACTIVE o-room cottage; screens. . water heater, linoleum ; fruit ; garage; paved; extraordinary value. $27uO; va cant. Owner, evenings. Tabor 7055. FOR SALE Modern 6-rocm bungalow, good ss new, by owner, cheap if sold at once. Owner leaving; city. Call East 4S. IRVINGTON HOME. EA6T 1347. PRETTY COTTAGE. $1600; trade for larger house or acreage, assume differ ence, ibuo Siskiyou, nrt 7Qtfu K C car. We will deliver a. ' ..MM.,.,,.,......, Ml . "! fcil.rwri-rtf Mtf.tfilfl RKAL F.STATR. for S(Ue -Uouie. 3 BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS IX LAURELHURST TJon't buy a home elsewhere until you hive seen me; 10 years selling Laurel hurst property exclusively; that is why people anxious to sell list their property with me exclusively. thy uret action; I have now three large homes. S and 9 room places; vacant, ready to move in on rent -like terms and away below value; tt will nay you to see ine. Call at Laurel hurst town office, 270 4 Stark t st.. or phone me day or eveninic. Main 7on or Kast 2S. MR. DELAHUNTY, 5-ROOM RUNG A LOW If you are looking; for a most con venient. Al-constructeii,5-room bungalow, don't fail to see this one. located in Laurelhurst, 1 block from car line. FMU cement basement, laundry trays, fur nace, flrepiace, hardwood floors in liv ing and dinlns rooms. 2 bedrooms, large attic A snap at $4S.'0. $15u0 will han dle. See J. A. McCAUTY. at Laurel hurst Tract Office, .E. 3th and GUsan. Tabor 3433; evenings and Sunday. Tabor 5o57. HOLLA 13 AY ADDITION 7-room housa in excellent condition, on 50x100 corner, 1 block from Broad way car; Siberian oak floors in living, dining room and den. fuil basement, fine furnace, fireplaoe, double garage. Property cost SuiK, will take $7500 if sold at once. This will be an exception ally good buy for someone. See J. A. McCarty, at E. 3th and Glisan sts. Tabor 433; evenings and Sunday. Tabor 5007. VACANT HOUSES. X am the owner of several - vacant houses which 1 have purposely refused to vent ocause I wish to sell. They range ali the way from 3 to 6 rooms and in price from $1000 to $4000. These are good buys, because I need the cash and will give you a bargain if you have real money. For particulars see owner at 404 1'iatt bldg., 12t Park at,, cor. Washington. LAl'KELHL'RST BUNGALOW 6 rooms and beautiful breakfast room all hardwood floors; finished in oid Ivory throughout : magnificent fireplace. In fact. It is one of the mopt comolete bungalows in Laurelhurst. Yes. it has a largo sieeping porch and garage. Price . $70O0. $40u0 will handle. This is a dan.iy buy. See J. A. McCarty. at K. 3ith and Glisan sts. Tabor 3433; evenings and Simoay, Tabor 60o7. MY HUSBAND has been transferred to Pendleton ; must sell our home, fur nished, this week if possible. 7-room moiiern house, on Willamette boule vard, near Columbia university; with all the furniture for J-Soo. some term to responsible party if desired. Will call for you with auto for inspection of property. Mrs. Prick, owner, Columbia 1 $SO0. Large living room, dining room, den, kitchen and breakfast room first floor, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, baih necond floor, hardwood Iloors, full-size concrete haemen t. furnace, gsrage. all fine con dition : baif cah. balance five vears. POIXDEXTRR. SELMNG BLDG. MAIN lSQo. RESIDENCE B 7120. HOW TO HEAT OI-D HIGH COST. Owner leaving for farm : will 6 room house, bOxlOO lot, abundance of fruit. Price $2500; $50 cash. bal. $20. in cluding 6 p-r cent. We have homes In all parts of the citv. WRIGHT & ROCK Mnln SQgft 417 Ablnirton bldr. FINE new English cottage. H rooms, din ing tud sleeping porches. hardwood floors, open fireplace, ail modern con veniences, wit h large wooded lot. at Mount Zion. the most beautiful view suburb of Portland. Price $HO00. easy terms. John Bain iownr), 507 Spalding blrig. Telephone A 7442. 10O DOWN,- monthJy and interest at 6 per cent buys a two-room, weil-con-srructd house with patent toilet, on a beautiful east-facing lot on east -9th st. N., one block from Alberta car; price of $1050 included improvements paid, except paving. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. Main 8529. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furn'nh pinna and finance. Established ten years. We Otter SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. contract ing architects. 94 N. W. Bank bldg. WEST side bargain, 7-room house, all fur nished, modern plumbing, 2 sinks, gas and electric, close in, the owner is out of town and we are authorized to seli house and furniture for $ isoo and will give terms at that. Mrs. Florlan Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVIXCTON REAL HOME. J'.MIOO. TERM S Seml-bunpfllow, living room, diniuic room, kitchen, two bedroois, bath first f lcor; two bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath second; all large room." hardwood floors', concrete onrcnes. line irarise ground 75xlOO. fine shrubs; $250u cash. t-ast no agenis. HAWTHOhNE 2750 DISTRTCT. ft-rooni bungalow, 40x100 lot. paved ptrret; irun unu inrnes; a.i ref urnisaed, for sale, liberal terniH. Owner W. A. WRIGHT Day phone 5SS. Res., Sel. 1RV1NOTON. 1 1.600; COST SIS.OOO Perfect, corner south and east f acinic; large living room, central hall, mirrors artistic lientlng. four larjje B. R., two baths, double garage. AlcDonelL ast BUILD NOW, If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. an ana Fte us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO Main i:u35. Main 4477. FrriNISHEU 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 1117 K. .rant st. ; vacant now; co?t owner $3fWt; will sacrifice for ouick sale; 40x100 lot; fruit and berries; paved street touts icr OWNER .SELLWOOD 1355 IRVINGTON. 8-rooms: hardwood floors; furnace. flrepiace; nearly uew. This is far below va.ue at 4"t W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldff. $1450 4-ROOM HOUSE. Full sized basement, on paved street S minutes walk to Broadway; working mans oppnruiruy io sv a noma WRIGHT A ROCK, Main M. Res. Tab 30r0 $3150 NEAT, modern little 5-room house. nearly two lots, an improvements na Id E. 47th, near Belmont. Owner transferred from city; priced ior immediate nale, W10 Ch. of Com. Phone Marshall 155. $3M0 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. On Francis ave... ptved street; fireplace, i a unary irajf. an duiii-uik: terms. WRIGHT A ROCK Main SPSS 417 Abington bldg ROSE CITY'S bigset bargain ; desirable bungalow; improvements paid; JmmedJ . ate possession ; 'h.0; terms; worth more. uwner. evenings, labor 7035. BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY If you are looking for a bargain it will be to your interest. 10 can up air. & to well. Tabor btL FURNISH ED home. Alberta, $3.0O; mod ern. fi rooms, furnnre. fuel. Dutch kitcn en. 50x1 OO lot: $10u0 down, balance Iiki rout Wdin. 5nJS. 1103 E. 15th st. N. $20,000; WEST side home; real sacrifice" V rooms, moaern , oeaunrui view ; must be sold; leaving city Jan. I; $15,000. By owner; lermi. o-o, ureKonian. GOING lo build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn, 243 fctara at. Oiiice noun a io o m. fhone Maiu 831. K.fS. pnone. i aoor iu-i. 5-ROOM cotage; lot 75x100; fruit trees chicken houye; $1450. Terms, $300 down. Broadway Oregon bldg. FOR RENT A 6-room house, furniture for eaie. inciuaing piano. west more lnnd ott-trict. Phone Sellwood 762. $2750 tiU -mw rumianea nouse now renting ior per monin; must have $ 1MU0 q nick cash. 30 Morgan bldg. H1LLSBORO Quarter block with modern bungalow and fireplace, on S. P. car. BI 72. Orcgonian. 7-R( K iM house, fruit $KoO cabh. balance 31 3-36. and like flowe rs. rent. S350O, Phone IRVINGTON BEST HOMES. McDONELL Ea-:t 419 BA UGA IN Snappy Irvington home. owner beio i e e a y jn g t it y. East S01 5. WOODSTOCK bunaalow. $1600: large liv ing room, fireplace. 51 a in 12fr3. Suburban Home. 3-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISHED, $lort0. At Maplewood, on Oregon Electric. SO minutes from Portland, a 3 -room bun galow, gas, electric lights, water, base ment full of wood; completely furnished and rejdy to move tnto, all for $10o; pay $500 cash, balance $10 month. See owner, L. C. Grimm. Maple wood. Main f414. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. ONLY $15O0. With two acres of black loam soil, small barn, located 30 minutes out on Oregon electric. Reasonable payments. Call 5M) Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME and acreage, well located, near car line, from $lts0G up. Inquire 3d house north of Ristey station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." WILL pa y good rent for a sma 1 1 hou&e with 1 to 6 acres not over 10 mites from Portland. Give full particulars in first letter. W hi 4. Oregonian. CAPITAL HIGHWAY 6 acres, near Ti gard $2350: house, well, fine scenic lo cation. Main 3672. McFarland, 6u2 Yeon bldg. For Fale Acreage. 4 ACRES, all cleared; very best of soil; lerai. Broadway lOoS, OU Oregon bid! close to station; -'-room snacK; j uu, REAL ESTATE. For & -Acrsair. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 acrea of f:n land 11 U miles of Tigard; all tn cu.t Goort 4-room house, floored attic, cement basement, water system, good kitchen range, inlaid i,nolum on living and kitchen floor, other household roods. winter wood in basement, good barn, 6 tons of hay. chicken houe, farm tools, 1 good cow and heifer cail, some chick ens Price $40; mortgage S1750. 6 per cent 8 years. Will exchange my iatty of $.O50 for modern home in Portland ; rot over 6 blka. of car, or will sell n terms. C. E, Adams. 507 Chamber o Commerce bUlg. Marshall 3J75. KINK BERRY AND CHICKEN RANTrL Close to highway, elec. R R. and. Portland; 15 beautiful acres, in cultivation, balance pasture; good S-room plastered house, nearly new barn, all 2 e need, som e wove n w ire ; $ oo0, ternx, F. H. DESHON A CO., tlB Chamber of Commerce Building. LOGGED-OFP LANDS, Tracts 5 acres up, located within 3ft miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; ark nearby; buy on your own terms; prici $20 to $6R per acre. LU DDE MANX COMPAN"T. PIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 5000 ACRES In vouthwestern Washington for tale to settlers only; easy terms, low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing; location, terms, etc. WE YE RH AUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma bldg.. Tacoma. Wash, IRV1N G TON 520 EL 34th st. N. ; corner lot 53xlOO; moiiern house, 8 rooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, two fireplaces, furnace, laundry, etc.; garage; for Bale by owners. F. E. Bowman A Co., ;ut Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 3026. 2-0O buys S acres, 6 miles east of city limits; all set out to cherries, 11 years old, jut commencing to bear; Lamberts, Royal Annes ; 4-room house, barn, some small fruit; fine land, no gravel: snap. Tahor SU. SAVE $500 Beautiful 15 A. near Vancouver electric; nearly ail cultivated; piastered house, with concrete basement ; special immediate sale, $3500, terms ; worth $4000. Owner, evenings. Tabor uo. 141 E. Hth st. N. ChO;cS 2-ACRE TRACT with good house, barn and chicken house; lots of truit a nd berries, on improved county road near Multnomah station : 4.00. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 17 Park st.- CRANBERRY MARSH. 30-acre cranberr- tract, excellent lo cation; fully equipped; 12 acres im proved and bearing. Address Box 1-47. Seaside. Or. $75 DPVN ON H ACRES' Good soil; no rock; park In cul.: 5 min utes' walk to station, store, school; work near by; price $11H); $75 down. .Draper. 526 Cham Her of Commerce. CRANBERRY LAND, will produce iT&O p-r acre; once planted lants a liletime. For sale, 10 acres; will develop, p o box 155. Sea view. Wash. 10 ACRES, short distance out of Mon la- villa, uncleared land but a bargain at $J,50. Hart, 910 Chamber of Commerce. 1 hone Mart-hall 15S5. ACHES, just off Base Line road; co to car line; beautiful fir grove; $1500; terms. Broadway 165S. 200 Oregon bids Fruit and Nat La nets. BEARING WALNUT AND CHERRT OR. CHARDS. CASH OR INSTALLMENTS MATTHEW PLANTING CO. 619 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG Homesteads. Relinquishment. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 160 acre. near Multnomah Falls; no improvements; for sale or trade. J. M. D.. 356 44th st. S. For Sale A MODERN. FARM. EQUIPPED Situated on good road, one mile "from school, 13 miles from Vancouver, 4H from river and railroad town ; 60 acres of fine soil. 85 acres cleared and in cul tivation. 25 acres timber and pasture; S-roora house with hot and cold water, water furnished by spring, large root house, nearly new barn and alio, large chicken house, work shop and machine shed and hog houst; personal property consists of 7 cows. 1 heifer. 3 horses, fi hosts. 100 chickens, wagon. 2 racks, one hack, one buggy, all hay in barn, about 200 bushttls grain, cream separator. 2 plows, 2 harrows, mower, rake. 2 cul tivators, hay fork, reaper, wood on hand and also a full set of furniture consist ing of bedroom suites, dining room set. carpet, rugs, draperies, couches, tubs, etc.. in fact, all furniture excepting bed ding and wearing apparel and keep sakes; am selling on account of poor health; price for quick sale. $HS00. terms. Thompson, Swan A- Lee, Front and Main sts . Vancouver, Wash. A MoDEL 40-acre farm home, located near 7ttM Line road, a little northeast of tires ham. all In high state ot cultiva tion; good soil - and lies perfect, well fenced and cross-fenced into 6 fields with woven-wire fencing, family orchard, ber ries, natural fir grove, gravity water ss tem piped to house, barn, mllkhoue. The houA is a new 7-room bungalow, type, with modern plumbing, full concrete basement, fireplace, hot and cold wa tfr. etc.; built-ins In kitchen and pun try ; a concrete root cellar 24x36. with machine shed above; large dairy barn and silo, granary 1 2x 16. garage and workshop and other outbuildings. A well kept iarm home, all in first-clans con dition in a beautiful location and will stand close inspection. Price $12,500, terma half cash. KRIDKH KLKINGTON, GHKSHAM, OR. A GOING. PRODUCTIVE PRUNE RANCH. Consisting of 1 13 acres. 50 acres In full-bearing orchard, 25 acres in reen wood timber, very vaitiahle for dryer put poses, balance in hiph state of cul tivation; all very best of best, rich clav loam soli ; situated wit h in 11 miles of Vancouver, S mile from Columhia river, overlook ing Vancouver. Portland and the surrounding country; the Improve ments consist of 18-tunneI dryer. 27-ton ch pac i t y. won 1 d cost $ 1 5. 000 to rep; ace : one shed, chicken house, prune ware house and ail necessary outbuildings. Personal property and equipment con sists of 2 learns. 2 wagons, 3 plows, har row, disc, mower, rake, spraying out- fit. 3 cows, some young stock, chickens and alt small tools, in fact, the place is fully equipped; price $40,000. terms. Thompson. Swan A Lee. 3d and Main sts.. Vancouver. Wash. WE HAVE more than 600 farms listed for sale or trade ranging from 1 to 5O00 acres, some extra choice propositions. If you contemplate locating In Oregon or Washington It will pay you to investi gate our list. 10 autos st your disposal. Ralph Arkley Land Co.. 527 Corbet t bldg. Main 7141. YAKIMA valley garden and fruit. 10 a ere a deep loam soil, all in cultivation, to garden and fruit. river front, nice S room house, sleeping porch, outbuildings, silo, good well, government .rriaatlon: price $3000 Central Yakima Ranches Co., 512 Selling bldg. Main 40D3. BIG money to be made raising wheat, get in the real game and write M. Fitx m an rice, Condon. Oregon, for prices on wheat farms. Mention what money you have to invest and the number of cr-a you want, the first letter. M- Fita maurice, Condon, jOregon- 10H ACRES ON S. P. ELECTRIC. Good soil, part In cult.; 4-room house, all furnished ; 5 minutes walk to sta tion, store, school; work near hy. Price J2ix0; $500 down. Draper. 526 Cham ber of Commerce. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $2o0 per acre, easv terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all siges. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. 100 ACRES of land, 20 acres in cultivation. 2 houses, 2 barns; one mile from town; price $4500. terms. Write box 852, Kalama. Wash. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil. S tillable; employ ment; easy terms. Jesse R. Sharpe. bZhk Third -it. LAND FOR SALE 320 ACRES EXCEL lent farm land in southern Alberta, Canada. Peder P. Dahl, Crary. N. Dak. R. F. D. 1. Box 1. WANTED REAL KSTATF. WILL PAY GOOD RENT FOR A SMALL HOUSE WITH 1 TO 5 ACRES. NOT OVER lo MILES FROM PORTLAND; GIVE FULL PARTICULARS FIRST LETTER, W 814. OREGON! AN. QUARTER BLOCK WEST SIDE, north ot TAYLOR. EAST OF lth North and south of Hovt; NO INFLATED VAL UES. Poindexter. 208 Selling building. Main 1 00. WANT BMALL ACREAGE. M ust have more to sell ; customers waiting; list with us for quick sale. LL'EDDEM ANN COMPANY. in:; Chamber of Commerce. HAVE client looking for good investment, west side business property; must show either good income or have K reat f u ture. Poindexter. 208 Selling building. Main 1S0O. AM wl'ling to pay $200 down, $45 per month on a modern 5-room bungalow, good district and bargain. AM loS. Oregonian. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO SELL? WB SELL THEM TRY US MaclNNES A PRATT. Main 3868- 413 Board of Trade BTdg. WE HAVE buyers for Improved places, close to Portland, from 20 to 200 acres, 324 Railway Exchange. 4 OR 5-room modern bungalow in good district; easy terms and a bargain. O 23 s. Oregonian. WANTED Modern house In restricted dis tricts, or good building lot. G 6S7. Ore gonian. rrxxn- hAt.A Tl C "P. lot 4? 000 a nd nsmah I tot bun alow. ALarshaU 414. r i