Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 10, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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City Editor Main T00. A 6095
Sunday Editor Main 707O. A 6095
AdvertiBinp Department. .Main T070. A 6093
Superintendent of Bids. . .Main 7070. A 09j
ORPHBUM (Broadway at Taylor) Vaude
ville. Thin afternoon.
ALCAZAR (Eleventh at MorrUon) Alca;
zar Musical Players in "Nobody Home.
This afternoon and tonight.
BAKER (Broadway near Morrlson Baker
Stock Company In -Cheating Cheaters.
This afternoon and tonight.
AUDITORIUM (Third and Clay.) Amer
ican Syncopated Orchestra and Singers.
This afternoon and tonight.
HKILIG (Broadway at Taylor) Duncan
Dancers. Tonight.
LYRIC (Fourth at Stark) Musical com
edy. "The Rounders." Three shows daily.
2. 1 and and 9 P. M.
FANTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Three shows daily. 2:30. 7 and 9:05.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and moving pictures, 2 to B.
6:45 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays and
holidays, continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. M.
On ftale at
Business Office. Oregonlan.
Social Rally at Y. M. C. A. Under
the auspices of the Portland Y. M.
C. A. service department, a social
rally in connection with the member
ship drive for 1000 new members will
be given tonight In the auditorium of
the main building at Sixth and Taylor
streets. The public is invited. Musical
and literary numbers will be given,
solos and quartet singing being In
terspersed throughout the evening. A
feature will be the presentation of a
prize by Professor George Morris to
the woman present having the best
shaped head. W. H. Chatten, "gen
eral" In charge of the drive, will
preside. Refreshments will be served
during the entertainment.
Fruit Merchant Convicted. Alex
Varsomls, fruit merchant at Fourth
and Yamhill streets, was found guilty
in the circuit court yesterday of a
vicious attack on J. S. Blankenship,
a. patron who was assaulted by the
vendor when he complained of the
condition of a watermelon. Varsomis
refused to give him his money back
and when he turned away with the
threat that he would inform the food
inspector, the fruit dealer struck him.
The assault occurred at Fourth and
Yamhill streets August 22. Deputy
District Attorney Bernard conducted
the prosecution.
Hill. Janitor Found Dead. Peter
Gibson, janitor at the Hill Military
academy, was found dead in the
engine room of the school yesterday
morning. The body was turned over
to Deputy Coroner Leo Goetsch, who
announced that death had apparently
been due to heart disease. The man,
who was 50 years of age, had been
employed at the school only two
weeks. Consequently nothing was
known there concerning his rela
tives. The coroner's office was work
Ins yesterday in an effort to learn
location of the man's relatives.
Diver's Skcll Not Fractured.
Results of an X-ray taken at Good
Samaritan hospital yesterday showed
that Arthur Anderson, 1107 East
Washington street, did not suffer a
fracture of the skull a week ago
when he struck his head on a spring
board at the Portland swimming tank
while executing a fanoy dive. Mr.
Anderson sustained a cut on the
head and this became infected. Dr.
Russell Keizer made an X-ray yes
terday. Dr. Keizer reported that his
patient ws.s feeling better yester
day. Cavein Injures "Workman. Swan
51. Swanson, workman for the Utah
Construction company, is in the Derr
Sanitarium, 617 Kearney street, with
a possible broken back, a fracture of
the right leg and six broken ribs as
the result of a cave-in Monday even
ing of a tunnel on the new Portland,
Astoria & Pacific line now being con
structed out of Scofield. Mr. Swan-
son arrived in Portland yesterday
morning on the 11:20 train and was
taken to the sanitarium by the Arrow
Auto Driver Charged With In.
toxication. D. P. Argo, who is con
nected with a concern at Fifth and
Taylor streets handling second-hand
automobiles, was arrested by Patrol
man McMahon on a charge of 'driving
an automobile while intoxicated, after
he is said to have run into a Twenty-third-street
car. He was released on
$2 50 bail and will be tried in muni
cipal court today.
Health Lecture Tonight. "Foun
dation Principles of Spiritual Health,"
first in a series by William R. Reece,
on "The Principles and Method of At
taining Spiritual Health" will be
given tonight at the central library,
room It at 8 o'clock. These lectures
are based on the teachings of the
preat philosopher, Emanuel Sweden
bore;, who presents the subject as a
science of efficient living.
Pharmacists Will Entertain.
Portland members of branch 9, Ameri
can registered pharmacists, are ex
pecting to entertain J. S. O'Callaghan,
Krnnd president of their .association,
tomorrow night at a session to be
held at 8::!0 o'clock at headquarters,
room 325 Morgan building. The visit
ing president has just completed a
tour of the east In the interests of
the association.
Liquor Violators Fined Because
ho possessed 16 gallons of liquor Au
gust Zonich was fined $200 by Muni
cipal Judce Rossman yesterday.
Xonich will be tried by the federal
authorities, it was announced. James
K. Carroll was fined J 100 on a charge
of violating the prohibition law.
$500 Reward.
For the arrest of the robbers and
recovery of the merchandise stolen
from the store of Mrs. T. Grossman,
149 Third street, on Dec 5. A pro
portionate amount will be paid for the
recovery of part of the merchandise.
I. B., II. H. and M. L. llolzman Adv.
Protect Your Feet. We sell lead
ing makes of men's all-leather shoes
Hoyden's, Banisters and others at
today's factory prices. Buy the best
it pays you in health, appearance
and satistactlon. Rosenthal's, 129
Tenth St., bet. Washington and Alder.
The Milk Cure. Provides the
necessary elements for the supply of
deficiencies in the blood and in
creases the quantity of blood to a
standard essential to good health. The
Moore Sanitarium, phone East 47,
office 90$ Selling bldg. Main 6101.
The 3d anniversary ball of the
retail clerks' union will be held tomor
row (Thursday) evening at Christen
sen's hall. 11th and Yamhill. Special
jazz orchestra will provide the music
Doing you laundry work the new
way means no unfinished work. Give
our family finish work a trial: 12c
Per pound ready to wear. C S.
Laundry Co. Adv.
Oriental R u o e repaired, wash
cleaned, stored. Cartozian Bros. Inc.,
oriental rugs and carpets. Washing
ton, near 10th. Adv.
Women to Meet. The ladies' aux
iliary to the Master Plumbers' asso
ciation will meet tomorrow night in
the Builders' Exchange.
Hotel Seaside opens for the holi
days. For reservation phone Xortonia
hotel or write Hotel Seaside. Adv.
Kemmerer Coal, Carbon Coal Co,
mine agents. 321 Hawthorne avs. East
1188. Adv.
Fine selection Xmas gifts. Port
land Cutlery Co., 86 6th at,, nr. Stark.
Lucas hand decorated art gifts. 402
. 53d N. Tabor 92S2. Adv.
Moors Sanitarium for the milk cur.
Fob Xkas trees, Edwy. 3536 Adv.
Three Suspects Arrested. When I
Charles Bosler, John Wemberg.Mathew
Anderson were Been looking an auto
mobile over in a suspicious manner
at East Sixty-sixth and Burnside
streets Monday night Patrolmen
Florence and Jewell made an In
vestigation. At sight of the officers
the three men ran into the bushes
nearby, according to the report. They
were arrested and found to have a
quantity of liquor, some burglar tools
and two revolvers, the police say.
Bosler was charged with having
burglar tools in his possession and
carrying concealed weapons. Weinberg
with carrying concealed weapons and
violating the prohibition law and
Anderson with violating the prohi
bition law. They will be tried In
municipal court Thursday.
Divorce Suits Are Filed. Divorce
suits filed In the circuit court yes
terday were:- Arlene against Charles
Wells, Mary against Charles D.
Kegley, Esther against Herbert Ket
tle. L. M. against Etta Hesse, Ruth
against Emory Raney, Alexander
against Edna H. KItterman, Claire
against J. R. Johnson, J. D. against
Lillian B. Pierce and Rosie against
Albert Wyschi.
Mayor's Congratulation Acknowl
edged. In answer to a telegram of
congratulation sent by Mayor Baker
upon announcement of the birth of
Quentin Jr., Lieutenant-Colonel Theo
dore Roosevelt in a letter said as fol
lows: "Thank you so much for your
telegram of congratulations. You will
be glad to know that Mrs. Roosevelt
and little Quentin are doing splen
didly. Hope that he grows into a
sturdy American like you."
Portland Mat Get Torpedo. Port
land may get a German torpedo from
the navy department. Yesterday
Mayor Baker received a letter from
Josephus Daniels, secretary of the
navy, in answer to his request for
the token of war, in which Secretary
Daniels said that he has the request
under consideration and if possible
will grant it.
Statutory Crime Charged. A. R.
Wright was arrested by Deputy
Sheriffs Christoff erson and Schlrmer
yesterday on a statutory charge. Bail
was fixed at $5000.
Hyams and Mclntyre Topliners on
Bill Pretty Swanson Sisters
Sing and Dance.
The Orpheum's three-star show
will close its Portland engagement
with the matinee today. This show
will go to San Francisco in entirety
and open there next Sunday in con
Junction with the "Overseas Revue,"
which was the headline attraction
here last week.
John Hyams and Leila Mclntyre,
who are established as pets of big
time vaudeville, are the topliners of
the current show in "Maybloom," a
playlet which has been classed as one
of the , bright little gems on the
American stage. Comedy predom
inates in this act and Miss Mclntyre's
portrayal of a demure maiden in an
artist's studio is so artistic that news
paper reviewers have praised her a3
being "as delightful as a rosebud."
The extra added attraction of the
show is the act of Charles and Henry
Rigoletto, who are a show in them
selves in presenting magic, juggling,
singing and dancing, posing and ac
robatics. They are assisted bv the
Swanson sisters, two pretty girls,
who sing and dance.
The third big-type feature is the
effering of Charles Cartmell and
Laura Harris, who have a brand-new
act called "Golfing With Cupid." in
which lively dancing is the principal
entertainment, interspersed with
Drignt comedy.
Another hit of this show is James
H. Cullen. the perennial Orpheum fa
vorite, who is making his eighteenth
tour of the Orpheum circuit, with a
monologue that is keenly humorous.
Mr. Cullen is obliged to respond to
several encores at every show.
Other acts are George Watts and
Belle Hawley In "Laughs Coated With
Melodies"; Fox and Ward, the record
minstrel and vaudeville team of the
world, these entertainers having been
on the stage together for more than
52 years, and the Ven Cellos In amaz
ing foot-JuggHng.
Amateur Photographers.
The Berger Studio makes a spe
cialty of high-quality enlarging for
particular amateurs. Berger prints
have an international reputation.
Avail yourself of this service. Out-of-town
orders promptly filled. Berger
Studio, 108 Tenth St., Pittock block.
Kad The Oretronian olassifl-d als.
Baked Spitzenberg Apple and Cream 20c Stewed Spitzenberg Apples 10c
Florida Grapefruit 15c and 25c
Fried Ham Hazelwood Style 50c Head Lettuce with Roquefort Cheese Dressing 50c
Cracked Crab Mayonnaise 40c Hazelwood Welsh Rarebit 50c
Pork Tenderloin 85c Hot Chicken Tamales 50c
Crab Louis Thousand Island Dressing 25c, 50c
One Lamb Chop, 3 Eastern Oysters 50c Chicken a la King on Toast 75c
One Lamb Chop, Calf's Liver and One Strip Bacon 45c
Roast Turkey $1.00 Hot Roast Turkey Sandwich 50c
T-Bone Steak (for one) $1.25 Special T-Bone Steak (for two) $2.00
Porterhouse Steak (for two) $2.00
French Pastry 15c English Plum Pudding 15c Hot Mince Pie 15c
Hazelwood Coffee Cake 10c Butter Horns 15c Toasted English Muffins 15c
Eastern and Olympia Oysters
Raw Blue Points on Half Shell 50c Olympia Oysters on Plate 50c
Fried Eastern Oysters 50c Fried Olympia Oysters 60c
Eastern Oyster Stew 40c Olympia Oyster Stew 50c
Eastern Fancy Pan Roast 50c Olympia Fancy Pan Roast 60c
Fried Olympia Oysters with Scrambled Eggs 80c
Eastern and Olympia Oysters Are in Their Prime
and we are featuring them every day at reasonable prices
served in your favorite style.
388 Washington St.
Search for Holdup Men Results in
Explanations in Court Satisfac
tory to Judge Rossman. -
When Police Officers McCutcheon
and Schaffer went out in plain clothes
Monday night looking for holdup men
they struck what looked to be a warm
trail In the vicinity of Thirteenth and
Mill streets. Three suspicious looking
individuals were seen walking down
the street and the officers Imme
diately began to follow.
The three men, constituting the
"chase," apparently became discon
certed as the result cf being followed
and one of the three took to his heels.
This made the officers still more
certain that they had "flushed" some
holdup men so they pressed the chase,
overtaking the two in front of the
home of John D. Mann, United States
deputy marshal.
About this time the two men who
had been overtaken were re-enforced
by three more "hard looking" individ
uals coming from the direction of the
B'Nai B'rith clubhouse and the officers
and the suspects eyed one another like
strange bulldogs. One of the suspects
had his hand in his overcoat pocket
and, suspecting gun play, the officers
told him to remove it. That started
the argument.
When the excitement was at Its
height John M. Mann noticed the
wrangle in front of his house and.
taking the police officers for holdup
men, rushed to the rescue.
Officers McCutcheon and Schaffer
finally rounded up Jacob Gurian. Hen
ry Pander, Meyer Tubinsky, Abe Gold
stone and Sam Tessler and took them
to the police station charged with dis
orderly conduct.
"We didn't know they were police,"
they told Judge Rossman yesterday.
"We thought they were holdup men,
there has been so much of that in
that vicinity lately."
"I don't think you boys are holdup
men or want to cause any trouble,"
said Judge Rossman to the five
charged with disorderly conduct. "I
have seen you go by every evening on
the way to the B'nai B'rith clubhouse."
They were discharged.
Rev. W. J. Beaven Leaves Pulpit
of Third Baptist Church.
Rev. W. J. Beaven, for nearly ten
years pastor of the Third Baptist
church of this city, tendered his resig
nation last Sunday, to take effect
within 30 days, in order to accept a
call to the Logan Heights Baptist
church of San Diego, Cal.
Mr. Beaver is a conscientious hard
worker, of exceptional ability, and it
was with deep regret that his people
accepted his resignation.
No one has been mentioned to fill
the vacancy. Mr. Beaven has been
pastor here for several years and has
been prominently Identified with
church work in Portland.
Douglas County Farm Sold.
GOLD HILL, Or., Dec. 9. (Special.)
Mrs. William H. Childers of Gold
Hill has sold her Douglas county farm
near Glendale to Albert Cummlngs
and Walter Frank of Sams valley. The
tract consists of 63 acres of choice
Ye Qregon (jriM
Noon Lunch
11 to 2 50c
a smoking; hot lunch,
abundant and appetizing;
properly prepared and
faultlessly served;
may we not serve you?
Broadway at Stark Street
jHoSt popular
ajeltooob 2Mjes
The Christmas Store
For Men
Snug and warm in a woolly
new sweater, you won't
mind the cold.
V-Neck Sweaters
Special Values $6
Light and dark gray; also
khaki. They're always use
Wool and wool-lined Gloves,
50c to $8.50.
Cashmere Hose, 75 c a pair.
Black, natural, and ox
ford gray.
S. & H. Stamps
Morrison at Fourth
bottom land and lies alongside of the
Pacific highway.
Isadora Duncan Dancers and
George! Copeland, Pianist.
Tonight at 8:15 at the Heilig the
Isadora Duncan dancers and George
Copeland joint recital, direction
Steers & Coman. Floor, 12.50; bal
cony, 2.50, 12, $1.50. $1; gallery, re
served 7 rows, $1; admission, 75c. Gal
lery doors open 7 P. M. Adv.
We wish to thank our friends for
their many acts of kindness during
the sickness and death of eur son
and only child, James Francis An
drews. Also for the many beautiful
floral offerings.
For small homes
Pacific Junior
Gas Furnace
See it demonstrated In oar
Portland Gas & Coke Co.
Alder, near Fifth.
127 Broadway
Q Gorgeous &rraj of
tElje J2ortIjuest S?as Cotr gten
is being featured at Feldenheiraer's. From the
inexpensive to the costly every article is of ex
quisite design and distinctive in its line.'
Every possible preparation has been made for
your Christmas shopping. You will find also
A Beautiful Display of Prac
tical Gifts and Attractive
in Gold, Silver, Glass and Leather
Now is the best time to make selection. Assort
ments are complete, and there is ample oppor
tunity for leisurely inspection, not always pos
sible in the last days before Christmas.
MAIL ORDERS receive prompt
and careful attention.
A. & C. Feldenjieimer
Jewelers Silversmiths Opticians
Established Since 1S68
Tttse appetizing beam are sold
C. Bavs
A. Pern pert
Golden West Creamery
Is. T. Iewis
Peterion & Reed
A. Ij. LannTfaui
A. IT. Rowing
Pensel "!- Son
James Prnder
G. K. Smith
T 1 1. Muenster
C. A. Johnson
J on & Co.
lj Multnomah Hotel l
l- Where Home Comforts Abonn f
g I Portland, Oregon I g
f: E .. Elegance and comfort combine
' i t j-jF m' ; to make enjoyable your stay at j 3
r- F O ' m fift0ffmf9 tho Multnomah. 600 cozy rooma, g -
- I t 1:Si5ilE4li5 beautiful mezzanine floor and g
F fl l iSi'Sil 'ralfl 1DD' a"d superior service at p 23
r- I f r i -g rKj3 J-JJ FH t i reasonable rates. H 135
11 I f -4"fH? ' " -j! Garage in connection. m gj
k P temffiS?5ffifS& Erie V.Haiiaer, President. s
I l"fcV A. B. Campbell. Manager. i 3
rr? M The Palace Beautiful tgj Hrgg
Are Ready
for You
Pierce's Pork and Beans hap
pily solve the hurried meal
problem. It takes only 5 min
utes to heat and serve them
and you can be sure that
everyone is nourishingly fed.
by ths following dealers:
L.. I Duer & Son
Fleck & Goodwin
Genamer A Wolfram.
Gen. A. Collins
G. W. Broat
and others.
Manufacturer of several nationally advertised ;
products with almost perfect distribution among
hardware and house furnishing trade, wants
several men capable of increasing this busi
ness, also to complete distribution on new ad-'
vertised line. Exclusive territory. Write fully
home address, age, experience, acquaintance,
health, habits, salary expected. Salesmen call
ing on hardware trade preferred. Send photo
well return it Inquiries held confidential.
Ground floor chance for right man.
Address Box AV 259, Oregonian
An Electric Washing Machine
Choose wisely when you select a gift for wife
or mother. Glive something that will add to her
happiness and subtract from her labor.
No household task is so irksome or so strenu
ous as the weekly washing. Your gift of an Electric
Washer will bring sunshine into the laundry every
week for years to come. To your wife or mother it
means more leisure youth health happiness.
What gift could do more?
Let us show you the various models and ex
plain our plan of convenient payments. $10 puts
one in your home.
Electric Store
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.
Electric Building.
'ZJ'r Xrs'-r sy w
that intangible thing which we all
feel, but cannot put into words;
which represents either friendli
ness or indifference; service or
We -want every customer of Ladd
& Tilton bank to feel that the at
mosphere in this institution is one
of helpfulness, of conscientious
service to all, from the young man
just beginning his business life, to
the representative of the biggest
Portland firm that banks with us.
We want you to look upon this
bank as your banking home, equip
ped by facilities and resources to
help you meet your financial prob
lems. It is our business to serve you
and we are endeavoring to do so in
both big and little ways. Call upon
us when we can give you informa
tion or advice.
"Bonds for Christmas Gifts"
the "JINX"
Saturday, 13th
Finest Gift
in the World
for Mother
W W- XaX W' 'v- -w xx
Oldest in the Northwest
Washington and Third
, 4tt; ifcji 'fflrv w-i;iJ5-- 5s' yojssyi '' S a
6eary Street, iut oB Union Square
Famous tor good service, comfort and excellsat
cuisins at reasonaoie prices.
Rates from $1.75 a Day
Breakfast 40c snd 75c Lunch 60c: Sundays
76c Dinner $1.25; Sundays S 1 .50.
Municipal Car tin direct to door.
Motor bus meets trains snd steamers.