TITE MORNING OltEG ONf AX,' WEDNESDAY," DECEMBER 10. 1019. JUl' si SKELETON OF BOf GARR ED TO SWAMP Little Billy Danzy Removed After Brutal Murder. DETECTIVES MISS BODY Prosecutor Indicates Mystery Is Solved Man and Housekeeper Are Facing Charges. Jnst returned from the south after having attended a conference in San Francisco of the chrome miners of the Pacific coast, at which plans wen outlined for a movement that It is be lieved will result in resumption of operations In the mines. During the war the owners of chrome or prop erties, in response to the requirements of the government, made extensive development and attained a consider able output. At the close of the war the government cancelled its orders. It is the purpose to secure the es tablishment of a tariff of 60 oents a unit, which would be equivalent to $24 a ton, which would make chrome ore command a price of about $60 per ton. Secretary Lane is said to be favorable to the enactment of a neas- COST OF LIVING iW Material Advance in Nove'm ber Is Reported. WHOLESALE PRICE BASIS PRIMA DOXJf A OP "ALrASKAX" 19 AT FAKTAtiES. Copyright by ths New TorX World. Pub lished by Arrangement.) ATLANTIC CITY. N. J Dec. 9. The body of Billy Danzy was concealed at some other point, there reduced to a skeleton before It was carried to the Kolsom swamp, where It was found by George Eckhardt, a Hammonton hunter, November 21. six weeks after the boy disappeared. The metal parts of the child's clothing" found strewn about the skeleton were not even tarnished. The spot where the skele ton was discovered had - been trav ersed by detectives between October 8. when the child vanished, and the day it was found. Examination of the clothing- by experts, under strong glasses, showed it had not been ex posed to the weather for any extended period. II and Woman Accused. These were the most significant statements gleaned tonight from Prosecutor Edmund C. Uaskill, Jr., of Atlantic county, at whose Instance Charles 8. White, well-known Dahlia farmer, son of Edward White, head of the Law and Order society and a former member of the common coun cil of Hammonton, and Mrs. Edith Jones, his housekeeper, were taken Into custody last night in connection with the boy's death. White is charged with murder and the woman is charged with being an accessory after the fact. Mr. Gaskill refused absolutely to reveal the method, by which he ex poets to prover Billy met his death. The nearest admission was his state ment: "It's a very sad case sad for the Danzys and sad for the White fam ily." Later he said: "It's a puzzle to me why people Won't come out and tell the truth. I can't understand why they should make the terrible mistake- of holding things back." This was a general statement, but came after Mr. Gaskill had been asked if any confessions had been made today; if the boy had been killed by gunshot wounds by accident when the weapon was discharged at his dog and the boy threw himself in front of his pet to save it from in jury, or whether death had come from a kick or a blow on the head with a stone. Solution Believed Found. Prosecutor Gaskill tonight refused to affirm or deny the reports that his detectives had found their first lead under the floor of a barn on the - White farm. Asked if he did not think the statement of Mrs. Susanne White was significant, he said: "Well, a guilty conscience usually talks." Mrs. White told reporters Bhe was Under arrest and the only reason she was not taken with the two now in jail was because of her illness and that of her two children. Her hus ', band. John White, corroborated this. Mr. Gaskill said he would not deny or affirm these statements. His answer was the same concerning other - arrests reported pending. The prosecutor and his men are tsatisfied they have the solution of the baffling mystery in their hands. "Is your evidence enough now to obtain indictments?" Mr. Gaskill was askvd. "I can think of no more serious charge than murder. This has been lodged against Charles S. White, Mrs. Jones is in jail on the charge of be ing an accessory after the fact. We are. not arresting people for fun," he replied. V Agnes Cain Brown. When "The Alaskan" went eastward a few years ago, the first musical comedy to be dis tinctly western from its staging to Its plot. It marked the up ward trend In the fortunes of Oliver Morosco, the Los An geles producer, who has estab lished himself as one of the foremost producers in the United States. . Agnes Cain Brown, prima donna of the original "Alas kan" company, and now co-star with Harry Girard in "The Luck of a Totem," the feature at Pantages this week, told this bit of interes'ting stage history the orher evening. .Since the days of the "Alaskan," Morosco has sent many of the most suc cessful productions and best liked stars on their way to fame . and fortune. Bradstreet Statement Shows Rise of 1.3 Per Cent In Month, 131 Per Cent Over Pre-War Level. NEW YORK, Dec. 9. The cost of living' as based on 90 staple commo dities, advanced 1.3 per cent during the last month and now stands at 131 per cent above the pre-war level, or the highest ever known, according to figures made public today by Brad- treets. Textiles, provisions and groceries constitute the bulk of the commodi ties. The basis of the computation is the total wholesale price of a pound f each of the articles Included. This total was J20.17656 on December 1. which was eight-tenths of 1 per cent above the previous high level of Au gust 1 last. It is an advance of 6.1 per cent over December 1, 1918, three weeks after the armistice was signed; 14 per cent over December 1, 1917, and 131 per cent over August 1, 1914. There were increases from Novem ber 1 to December 1 last in 46 of the commodities. Building materials reached new high price levels Decem ber 1. Price advances In England have been much greater than in the United States, however, for at the close of November they were 2.8 per cent above those for the end of October, 12.4 per cent above those of a year ago, and 172 per cent above August 1, 914. ure by congress that will aflord pro tection to tne chrome industry. GRANTS PASS GENEROUS Citizens Plan Wide Distribution o Cliristmas Cheer. Christmas spirit is to be carried to every home in Josephine county this year by the (Grants Pass chamber of commerce. There is no abode so hum ble or so remote that the self-ap pointed impersonators of the patron saint of yuletlde will not find the way to its portal. With this worthy purpose in view the body has divided the county into districts and constituted a genera committee embracing" all of the bus ness men, ministers of the variou; churches and citizens who have joined in the movement. Motor trucks will be ready to cover all of the main roads the day before Christmas, and motorcycles will be nsed to reaclt places where heavier vehicles could not make the trip. V. S. Bramwell, pcesident of th Grants Pass chamber of Commerce devoted several days to getting the committee organized, and details are being worked out by business men o the city. DESCHUTES ASKS WARDEN Illegal Killing of Deer and Ante lope Is Alleged. BEXDr Or., Dec. 9. (Special.) In the neighborhood of 600 deer and an telope are killed annually in central Oregon out of season, or by unli censed hunters, is the declaration of A. J. Moore, district attorney of Des- , chutes county, who ha3 just written to the state fish and game commis sion, urging the appointment of paid game warden for this section of the state. Mr. Moore asserts that without a warden constantly on the job to de tect law violators and bring them to justice, the statute is a dead letter. Many homesteaders depend on their rifles for the winter months' meat supply he said today. KIWANIS HELP IS ASKED Captain of . Traffic Bureau Urges ' Fewer Accidents; Mfembers of the Kiwanis club were urged yesterday by H. A. Lewis, cap tain of the' traffic bureau, to co-oper ate with police officers in reducid the number of accidents in Portlan Captain Lewis addressed the noo luncheon of the club at the Benson hotel. Ward Irvine of the Journa also spoke. Several new members were take into the organization and especial musical numbers featured the enter' tainment programme. The Portland made phonograph which will be given to some civic club member for Christ mas w-as displayed at the luncheon and furnished some lively music 16 S T I McAlexander, for several years sta-1 -i ttoned in Oregon, but who as colonel i of the 38th United States infantry, won the title of "Rock of the Marne" in the second battle of the Marne, will ba the guest of- honor of the National Press club Friday night, at which time he will give an account of what history records as one of the most glorious performances of the Amer ican' soldiers in France.' Maps and battle plans not heretofore made pub lic will be. shown by General McAlex ander, who won . the distinguished service cross, the dictinguishad serv ice medal, the croix de guerre with two palms and the Italian war cross. Senator Chamberlain delivered an DIEGO MAN GAINS 25 POUNDS Was in Poor Health Twelve Years, Six of Which He Couldn't Work "I have gained twenty-five pounds In -weight and am just aa full of energy and as strong as I ever was since 1 began taking Tanlac, said address before the Oldest Inhabitants i Q. L BlcfeelL who resides at 5548 association of the District of Colum- Louisiana street. San Diego, CaL, re bia last night; In which he advocated cently. Mr. Bickell Is the father of the right of suffrage lor tne residents the publisher of the Faulkton Advo of the district. He will speak at Car- cate, at Faulkton, S. D.. in whloh lisle, l a., on December 12 ana oeiore state he resided before coming to Give Her the Chicago Association of Credit Men on December 16. RILEY PRAISES TOURIST LECTUKER CALLS TRAVELER CREATOR OP POPULATION'. NELSON TO TEST ACTION Pilot Commissioner Files Suit Charging Removal Illegal. ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 9. (Special.) A suit to test legality of Governor Olcott s action in removing Thomas Nelson, as a member of the state board of pilot commissioners and ap pointing Frank M. Sweet to fill the vacancy, will be filed in the local cir cuit court tomorrow. The suit is en titled State of Oregon upon relation of Thomas Nelson, against Frank M. Sweet. The complaint avers that the governor appointed Nelson as a pilot commissioner for the term ending March 16, 1921. but on September 22 last the governor removed Nelson without cause and appointed Sweet. The complaint says a pilot commis sioner can be removed for one of two causes, incompetency and negligence ana inai neitner or these was charged against Nelson. The court is asked to declare the appointment of Sweet invalid and U remove him from office. NEWBERRY DEFENSE BUSY Counsel for 135 Accused of Elec tion Fraud Begins Action. GRAND RAPIDS. Mich.. Dec. 9. The first move of counsel for the 135 defendants in their trial on charges of corruption In the election of Sen ator Truman H. Newberry, It was announced tonight, will be a formal request on Thursday for a complete list of witnesses who testified before the grand jury which returned the indictments. WASHINGTON. Dec. 9. Chairman Dillingham of The elections commit tee today took up with the republic an pleaders in the senate plans for the Ford-Newberry election contest from Michigan, which will be Inves tigated under a pending resolutioun. The committee probably will author ize a sub-committee next week to conduct the inquiry and Senator Dill ingham said the first step probably would be a recount of the Michigan ballots. East Commences to Take Notice of Oregon Beauty Spots, Ora tor Tells Audience. EUGENE,' Or., Dec. 9. (Special.) An audience that crowded the armory last night attended the lecture by Frank Branch Riley of Portland and viewed the picture! used in Mr. Riley's publicity tour of the east last summer. After the lecture Mr. Riley was guest at a luncheon given by the chamber of commerce, of which he is an honorary member. Illustrating the value of tourists to a country, Mr. Riley declared tnat Pike's Peak was worth 150,000.000 a year to the citizens of Colorado. He said he .had once attended a picnic given in Los Angeles, Cal., by 40.000 ex-residents of Iowa and had learned that 98 per cent of them first went to California as tourists. Mr. Riley declared that the east had exhibited the most profound ignorance of the west, but the easterners were beginning to take an interest in west ern affairs. On .the cast coast, he said, they consider Pittsburg the far west, and know nothing ox the land beyond. "With scenery that is mud compared with that of Oregon," said Mr. Riley. Colorado shows 'em Pike s Peak and takes 50,000,000 a year away from them. No, it isn't taking It away, for thev give it up freely and gladly. The tourist is the freest spender on earth. 'In Oregon, God has done nis choicest work of creation. He nas brought his efforts here to the super lative. And my observations have convinced me that the tourist is not fly-by-night, here today au,d gone tomorrow. He is a creator oi new population FRANCS AND LIRE DROP New Low Levels Reached at Open ing or Foreign Exchange. NEW YORK, Dec. 9. Francs and UrA wpnt to new low levels at the opening of the foreign exchange mar ket today. Francs sold at 11.37 for $1, off 21 centimes from yesterday's closing quotations. Lire dropped to 13.04 for SI, off 7 centimes. Demand sterling eold at $3.84 'i, off c from yesterday's closing. The" decline in foreign exchange rates continued in the early afternoon dealings. Demand bills on the Eng lish, pound sterling dropped to $3.82, francs went down to 11.80 for the dollar and Belgian francs broke" 32 centimes to 11.20 for the dollar. Lire checks were quoted at 13.10. California. Continuing, he said: "Twelve years ago while In Mitchell, H. D., 1 suffered a general breakdown, It Just seemed that my whole physi cal machinery went wrong all at once. I lost in weight very rapidly, and, of course, my strength went also. I had scarcely any appetite and be came so nervous I could get but little sleep. I was also badly constipated, and had to be taking some kind of laxative all the time. I finally be came so weak and run down I just had to quit work entirely and for six long years I was unable to do thing. "I had tried lots of different kinds of medicines, but none of them did me any good, and I went to Denver, Colo., In search of health, and while there 1 began to read about the good Tanlac was doing, and one case I read of was so similar to mine I de cided to try it, and shortly after -1 began taking it I began to feel stronger and to pick up in weight. and my appetite began to improve. In all I took eight bottles of Tanlac while In Denver, and the way it built me up was remarkable. I was soon able to go to work again, and I worked steady for sixteen months, and then came here to San Diego, and am working every day, and feel fine and strong and am not a bit nerv ous, and am never troubled with con stipation any more. It is a pleasure to recommend Tanlac, when It did so much for me and I advise every one to take i who is in the same con dition I was." Tanlac is sold in Portland by the Owl Drug store. A Rc&yal for Christmas Don't! let her break her back with a broom. That's what she's doing now when she sweeps. Get her a Royal Electric Cleaner Eliminates all of the drudgery of house cleaning and makes it easy to do occa sional brushing up with the least possi ble effort Made of best aluminum, light in weight, nothing complicated, easy to operate. Just press that trigger switch and presto ! the dirt disappears. Sold on Easy Terms Reach for that phone, call Broadway 1 696 and allow, us to send one out today. A free trial if you desire. A Flash Light A Percolator of Professor W. C. Bagley. noted edu cator of Columbia - university. New York, has been delayed. President Ackerman announced today. Professor Bagley was invited west by the Ore gon Normal school in co-operation with the normals of the state of Washington. The professor's mission west is to advise methods for im provement of normal school courses. it is understood. TRAFFIC HEARING DATE UP City Council May Take Action at i Meeting Today. Efforts will be made to bring one-way traffic regulations up for discussion today at 2 P. M. In the city council meeting when a date for a formal hearing on the matter will be definitely set. Although this consideration is scheduled only as part of the rou tine business, a number of business men will be present to set forth their opinions regarding the need for such traffic regulation. Phone your want ads to the Orego nian. Main 7070. A 6ti95. I SIM m : .'j ;;$ A present for any member of the family. They turn the darkest nooks into bright daylight. Just the thing for that boy or dad. Keep one in the auto; it's es sential. $1 Up Comp lete stock of fresh Bat teries jvst received. for wife, sister or mother. Make delicious coffee right on the dining-room table. Starts to percolate in 310 seconds. Attaches to any lamp socket. Price $10.00 Up 00 ELECTRIC SIXTH AT PINE. ALIENS TO STOP HERE Two Parties to Be Sent East To gether for Dcrorlation. Portland will have within the city for a brief period today a large party of aliens sentenced to deportation. From San Francisco comes a party ot 0 who are obliged to return to the lands of their nativity for the best nterests of the United States, and from Seattle there will be a party of 12. The two groups will be joined here and depart for the east on Oregon- Washington train No. 18. due to leave at 9 A. M. They will go through to New York direct, where they will be put aboard ship for European ports. TRAFFIC SECRETARY HOME S. J. F. S. BRAMWELL IS BACK Move to Protect Industry Is F. S. Bramwell, vice-president of the State Chamber of Commerce, has Clirome Mining Furthered. HOT WATER FOR S1GKJHEADACHES Tells why everyone should drink hot water with phosphate in it before breakfast. CLERGYMEN TO CONFER Meeting of Oregon Pastors Sched uled to Open Today. Oregon clergymen, 200 strong, are scheduled to meet in Portland today for a training conference of the inter church world movement of North America, which will hold sessions in the First Methodist church, Twelfth and Taylor streets. The session will last three days, closing Friday eve ning. The aim of the school is to be to give ministers and laymen of the state intensive training in the pur pose and programme of the inter- church world movement and to fit them for leading similar schools later in their home counties. Henry Returns From East to Run Into Winter. . S. J. Henry, secretary of the Port land district freight traffic com mittee, has just returned from a trip to Washington that kept him away from home for three weeks. He was called to the national capital to pre sent matters on behalf of the com mittee to the interstate commerce commission and for conference with officials of the railroad administra tion. During the time of his sojourn Washington the weather was de lightful, with some rainfall, but he got home just in time to experience eal winter. Railroad men with whom Mr. Henry talked were anticipating going back to the employment of the companies the first of the year, as officially an nunced heretofore. Headaches are caused by auto-intoxication which means self-poisoning. Liver and bowel poisons called toxins, sucked Into the blood, excite the heart, which pumps the blood so fast that It congests In the smaller arteries and veins of the head, pro ducing violent throbbing pain and distress, called headache. You become nervous, despondent, sick, feverish and miserable, your meals sour and almost nauseate you. Then you resort to acetanilid. aspirin or the bromides. which temporarily relieve but do not rid the blood of these irritating tox ins.. A glass of hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In it drank before breakfast, will not only- wash these poisons from your system and cure you of headache, but will cleanse, purify and freshen the ali mentary canal. Ask your pharmacist for' a quarter Bound of limestone phosphate. It is Inexpensive, harmless as sugar. If you aren't feeling your best, if tonarue Is coated or you wake up with bad taste, foul breath or have colds. Indigestion, biliousness, constipation or sour, acid stomach, begin the phos phated hot water cure t- rid your system of toxins and poisons. Adv. White and Shannon Draw. SEATTL13, Dec. 9. Charley White of Chicago and Eddie Shannon of Los Anareles, lightweights, boxed six rounds to a draw here tonight. The men fought in the main event of smoker at the Northwest club, the last card to be billed at the club for this season. W hile the fight was ad judged a draw, Shannon seemed to be the favorite among many ringside critics, who declared he had the bet ter ot the Infighting. Oil Stock. Buyers Warned. SALEM, Or.. Dec. 9. (Special.) Many persons of the state are said to be purchasing oil stocks without first making Inquiry or tne corporation ae partment whether the companies are licensed to operate in Oregon. in many instances these selling agencies are said to be operating under what is known as the common law and are not organized under the laws of any state. . Warrenton Delegates XametJ. WARRENTOX, Or.. Dec. 9. (Spe claL) The Warrenton Commercial club selected its president, George A. McGuire, as delegate to vie annual meeting cf the Oregon State Chambe of Commerce to be held in Portland, December 15 and 16. Another repre sentative will be J. Clifford Barlow of this city, who is the director for the. port of Astoria territory, on. the state chamber board. M'ALEXANDER TO SPEAK National Press Club Will Hear "Rock of the Marne." OREGONIAN NEWS BUREATJ Washington, Dec. 9. Brigadier U. G Professor Bagiey's Visit Delayed. OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, Mon mouth, Dec. 9. (Special.) The visit IllllSlI New Show Today SESSUE HAYAKAWA in "A HEART IN PAWN" The Knife and Fork Brigade Dyspeptic Soup Eaters Can Change Their Spoon for a Knife and Fork and With Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets the World Smiles Again. Ask a former dyspeptic who tried the- Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets plan what wonderful relief they afford. In stead ot the grouchy bowl of soup at home and the abject terror at the sight of good things to eat at a party supper, the soup spoon has been re placed by the knife and fork. This comes from giving the digestive proc esses required assistance. These tab lets digest food. They stimulate nat ural digestive secretions. Thus the food keeps on digesting, doesn't lie in the stomach to sour and create all sorts of distresses. And they act as soon as they enter the stomach, hence relief even in dyspepsia may be Iookcu for almost at once. If you have been troubled with gassiness, sour stomach, water brash. heaviness arter eating and such trou- bles, try these tablets. You will find I Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets on sale in ! any drug store in -the United States) and Canada. Adv. ! 250,000 cars faulty brakes T kHERE are 250,000 automobiles in use in public streets and roads whose brakes are in a dangerous condition a quarter of a million cars which" are a positive menace to every motorist and pedestrian. Make sure of your car by timely inspection. Don't wait for an emergency. Then it may be too late. It is your duty to know positively before you take your car out of the garage, that your brakes will hold and stop your car instantly. Why'Thermoid Brake Lining is safest and wears longest If your brakes need relin ing, your garage man will tell you so. Have him in spect them without delay. SPtkL) pea hour In each square inch of Thermoid Brake Lining there is 40 more material than in ordinary , brake lining. This additional body gives a closer texture which is made tight and compact by fiy draulic compression under 2,000 lbs. pressure. In addition to this, Thermoid is Grapnalized, an exclusive process in manufacture which en ables it to resist moisture, oil and gasoline. Have your brakes inspected to-day. Remem ber that every foot of Thermoid is backed by our guarantee: Thermoid will make good or WE WILL. Will your car do this ? wan m OaleiBS lis itr Ihermofd Robber Lompaoj Factory end Main Office: Trolon, n J. New York. Philadelphia, Boston, Pittsburgh, Cleveland. Detroit, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago London, T urin, Paris) Canadian Distributor: The Canadian Fairbanks-Morse Com pany, Limited Montreal Branches in rn.lt principal CsuiMdimV Citi This chart has been worked out br leading automobile engineer. It shows how quickly mn automobile going at various speeds, should b able to stop if the brakes ay efficient. errnoTQ Brake L Hydraulic Compressed Maker of "Thermoid-Hardy Universal Joint and "Thermoid Crolide Compound Tire A