THE HORNING OREGONTAN, WEDNESDAY, DECE3IBERr 10, 1919. 1 ADVANCE IS DUE "HIGH-GRADE COFFEE Best Grades Mostly Wanted in Short Supply. CHEAPER SORTS DECLINING Prices on Pacific Coast Average IiOwer Than in Middle West and East. The coffee market has been for the last few months In rather a peculiar condition, with a number of ups and downs. Low aVade coffees, such as Rio, have declined quite a little during the last two months Other low grades and ordinary grades have participated in this decline to a somewhat less extent. These sorts seem to be In . ample supply, but owing to the fact that the consuming public Is amply supplied -with money to buy the better grades, the low and ordinary grades are not going into consumption very fast. On the other hand, good grades and high grades and particularly the very . best sorts, are bringing extreme prices, regard less of what other coffees are selling at. The 8ne grades are at present In short supply and are selling to arrive in very large quantities at top prices. There has not been the slightest vrecession of prices in the fine grades during the last six months and they are now firmer and bringing stiffer prices than ever before. An investigation in ruling wholesole and retail prices shows that for the last six months high-grade prices on. the Pacific coast have been averaging and are now from 10 to 35 per cent lower than those ruling In the middle west and the east. A slight advance In fine roasted coffee was made by the principal roasters a few "ays ago, but even with this advance Pa cific coast roasters are not making their normal pre-war profit, nor will they be until furthed advances take place. Unless something now entirely unforseen occurs it may be predicted that high-grade cof fees will advance still further. At the same time. It must be noted, however, that the consuming public has not as yet paid for the high grades 50 per cent more than prices ruling before the war and even with the advance which seems sure to come about, prices should not rule more than. 73 per cent higher than pre war prices, as against a general average In foodstuffs of considerably more than 100 per cent. DECREASE IN BREADSTIFFS EXPORTS Movement to 1at Nearly Nine Million Bnshels Less Than Last 1'ear. The SOth weekly buletin covering the wheat and wheat flour movement through out the United States for the week ended November 28, In comparison with figures for the same period a year ago follows: 11)19 1018 "Wheat receipts from farms, bushels 11,101,000 15,516,000 Wheat receipts from farms previous week, bushels 13,531,000 13,311,00 Wheat receipts from fttrms June 27 to Nov. 28. bushels. .606,033,000 587,754,000 2.730.000 flour produced dur- inr week, barrels. 3,179,000 Flour produced dur ing? previous week, barrels Flour produced June 3,147,000 2,747.00 Xi to Aov. as, Dar- rels 61,897.000 Total stocks wheat all elevators and mills, bushels 274.412,000 Total stocks wheat all elevators and mills previous week, bushels 283.841,000 Change for week, decrease, bushels. 9,420.000 51. 104.004 253,022.001 271,485,000 17.563,000 Exports of wheat and flour July 1 to No vember 30 amount to 80,002.000 bushels of wheat and 7,584,000 barrels of flour, mak ing a total equal to 103.OJO.000 bushels of wheat compared with 70.006,000 bushels of wheat and 7.3S0.OOO barrels of flour last year to November 30, making a total equal to 112,859,000 bushels of wheat. PORTLAND LEADS IX SHIPMENTS Total of 152,757 Bushels Shipped Out in Past Month. Wheat shipments from the Columbia river in November were 151.424 bushels to Europe and 1333 bushels to California, a ctotal of 152.757 bushels. Puget sound shipped In November 8593 bushels to Cali fornia, 707 bushels to Hawaii and 3334 bushels to British Oofumbia, a total of 12,97 bushels. For the season to date, the Columbia river has shipped 1.247,608 bushels of wheat and Puget sound-373.048 bushels. Flour shipments from the Columbia river In November were 242,581 barrels to F.urope. 27,865 barrels to California and 758 barrels to the orient, a total of 270,702 barrels. The sound shipped 45.352 bar rels to Europe, 46,313 barrels to California, 10,781 barrels to Hawaii. 1502 barrels to the orient. 60U5 barrels to South America, 256 barrels to British Columbia and 1767 barrels to Alaska, a total for November of 514.976 barrels. For the season to date Columbia river flour shipments have been 1.2V1.371 barrels and Puget sound ship ments 1.344.052 barrels. Since the beginning of the cereal year totals shipments, flour Included, from all north Pacific points have been 13,481,030 barrels. 1JOHT LOCAL CALL FOR APPLES Oregon Ortley Bring Steady Price at New York Auction. The local apple market remains quiet with prices unchanged. Receipts were one car of Washingtons. Shipments of Ore gon apples on Saturday and Sunday were 46 cars. At the New York auction sale Oregon Ortleys, extra fancy, medium to large, (old at $3.2503.50; small mostly at :.7J. and fancy large at S2.7503.23. Market conditions at shipping points were wired as folows: Spokane, Wash. Few sales. Some rol lers reported sold. Carloads f. o. b. usual terms. wenatcnee opitxenbergs. extra fancy, $2.40; fancy, 12.25. Taklma Wine saps, fancy, $2.6592.75; choice, $2.15; Arkansas Blacks, choice, $2.15; Romes. extra fancy, $2.252.35: fancy, $22.10; choice, $1.50. Other districts Arkansas Blacks, choice, $2.10; Homes, choice. $1.30. Above quotations for all sixes. Most ship ments rolled unsold. Rochester. N. Y. Cold, snow. Light wlro Inquiry. Demand slow, movement raggy. market dull. Some ordinary quality. Carloads f. o. b. usual terms. Very few sales. Sales from cold storage, Baldwins, A2-lnch best, mostly $8. PRICES OF MILL FEED ADVANCING Mill run Will Be Quoted at S44 Today Oats and Barley fligher. The market for all kinds of mill feed Is .rong and advancing. MUlrun, the supply which Is not-equal to the demand, will listed by the mills today at $44 in ton flits. Rolled aud ground barley wero raised 'i and rolled pats $1 a ton. The feed grains were all firm and higher on the local board. Ots bids were raised 50c si $ I. corn 25350 cents and barley 50 cents. At Chicago barley closed l&l cents higher at $1,554 for December and $l.-0y for May. IXcamber barley at San r raucisco SJOld at $3.50 against $3.55 Vt on Monday and May at to.Oob against SU.53. Terminal receipts in cmrs ware reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: 'i Wheat. Bar. Flour. OaU. Hay. ! Portland Tues.- v 3 : Year ago '.. 14 Season to date.. 4S46 Tacomi Mon. .. 56 Year ago 64 Season to date.. 3480 Seattle Mon 6 Year ago is Season to date.. 3233 5 5 2106 3 ' 334 " - 2 12 523 C5 118 - 1 r 1 2 376 7 - 1 T22 KARY ADVANCE IN PRINT BCTTElt Market Will Be Raised Two Cents Unless 'Weather Moderates. With the city creameries again together On Print butter nripa. nnri th. rrtftrket StrOnZ. thPM la tallr nf a -r,t avanc I In the next day or two. Cubes were in de mand at unchanged prices. Eggs were firm, owing to the snow storm, but former buying and selling prices prevailed. A good movement la storage eggs was reported. Moderate receipts of dressed meats and live poultry cleaned up well. Light hens werejiigher at 2; cents. Corporation Buys Clear Hour. . According to its plan of announcing flour purchases, the United States Grain corporation advises from New York that it purchased, last week, at various points throughout the United States, 50,000 bar rels of first clear flour at prices ranging from $8.20 to S9.23 per barrel. Potato Trading Checked. There was but little doing in the po lnto market on- account of the Weather. One car of -Oregons arrived and prices were unchanged. Shipments Monday- were two cars each to San Francisco and Stock ton and one each to Oakland, Colma and Grants Pass. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland : . . . .$r.,6"i2,06O $1,058,613 Heattle 7,U.'i,288 2,047,401 Tacoma 772. 8H7 1X2.694 Spokane 1.783,007 390,514 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed. Etc Merchants' Exchanges noon session: . Bid. Oats tec. Jan. No. 3 white feed $57.50 $58.00 Barley Standard feed 63.00 69 50 No. 3 blue 89.50 70.00 Corn No. 3 yellow 63.00 60.00 Eastern oats and corn in bulk: Oats . - 36-10. clipped 56.00 56.00 38-1 b. clipped 57.00 57.50 Corn No. 3 yellow 60.00 - 58.50 Barley No. 2 68.00 68.50 WHEAT Government basis, $2.20 per bushel. s FLOUR Patents. $11.75; bakers' hard wheat. $12.35; whole wheat. $10.75; gra ham. $10.50: valley. $10.45. MiLLKEED Mill run, . o. b. mill, car lots, ton lots, or mixed cars. $44 ton; rolled barley, $75: rolled oats, $63; ground barley. $75: scratch feed, $S0. CORN Whole. $75, cracked, $77. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, $28; cheat, $18; clover, $23; oats and vetch. $23: valley timothy. $2628. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extra, 63 64c lb ; prime firsts, 62c: prints. parchment wrappers, box lots, 6Sc; cartons, 69c; half boxes, fee more; less than half boxes, lc more; butterfat. No. 1, 7072c per pound. CHEESE Tillamook, t. o. b. Tillamook Triplets. 32c; Young Americas. 33c; long horns. 33c: Coos and Curry, f. o. b. MyrUa Point: Triplets. 31c; Young Americas, 32 He. UGGS Jobbing prices to retailers: Oregon 'ranch, candled, 7475c: selects 76 & 70c; storage. No. 1. 56 & 60c. POULTRY Hens, 23jj.30c; broilers, 23 &30c; ducks. 30c; geese. 25c; turkeys, live, 35c; dressed, choice. 42c per pound, VEAL Fancy, 23c per pound. POKK Fancy, 21 He per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, $4.50l&6; lemons, $5.50106.75 per box; grapefruit, $3.5U06.50 box; bananas, 10 4 11c per pound; apples, $13.50 box; grapes, 12 H 4 15c pound, ca sabas. 4c per pound; peais. $2.25&3.50 per' box; cranberries. $'4,5045.50 per box; $13.50 tf 15.50 per barrel. VEGETABLES Cabbage, 2&3c pet pound; lettuce, 4.50&5.5o per crate; beets, $2.75 per sack; cucumbers, $22.50 doz; tomatoes, $2.50 per box;, eggplant, 2uc per pouud; carrots, $1.50 per sack; squash, 2H33c per pound; pumpkins. 2Hc per pound; celery, $i.50 per crate; pep pers, 20c per pound; horseradish. 15c per pound; garlic, 40 45c per pound, turnips, $2.75 per sack. POIATUts Oregon, I2.903.25 net sack; sweet. 4 ',2 GT5 c per pound. UAlUftS wreaou. jc per pound. Staple Groceries. Local lobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit or berrv. $9.77; beet, $11.27; golden C, $8.27; pow dered. In barrels. $10.37; oubes. in barrels, $10.62. Aula wainuia, oinuc; .Brazil nuts. 30c; filberts. 33c: almonas. 37(3tc; pea nuts. loHfrlbc: chestnuts. 25c SALT Half ground. 100s. $17 ner ton: 50s. $18.75 per ton; dairy. . $26.50 i 28 per ton. RICE Blue Rose, 14o per pound. BEANS White. 4c; pink, 814c; lima, 17 tec per pound; bayous. 8&c: Mexican red. 7 c. COFFEE Roasted, in drums, 3y50c Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS 10 to 14 pounds, 34c; skinned, 27 4I-30c; picnic, 26c; cottage roll, 30c LARD Tierce basis, 31c; compound, 2Sc per pound. DRY SALT Short clear backs, 250)310; plates, 24c . . BACON Fancy, 44 50c; standard, 33 34c - , Hops'. Wool. Etc HOPS 1919 crop. 83c per pound; 3-yeat contracts. 50c, 40c, 30c MOHAIR Long staple. 0o; short staple, 25 u 30c TALLOW No. 1. 1012c per pound. CASCARA BARK New. 11c per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon, fine, 35&55c; medium. 4Uu 5uc; coarse. 35t4uc; valley, medium, 45 (ft 55c; coarse. 35 & 40c Pelts. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, so 2 31. per pound: dry medium wool pelts. 25&;:8e per pound: dry shearing pelts, 5oc(s$l each: salt long-wool pells. $22.50 eaca; salt medium wool pelts, $1.502 each; salt shearing pelts. 00c eacn. - Oils. I.IXSEED OIL Raw barrels. 12 OK r.w rases, $2.16; bulled, barrels, $2.08; boiled, cases. $2.18 - TL REN TINE Tanks. $1.91: cases. I2.0L COAL OIL Iron barrels, 13 16c; tank waaons. I3c. cases, imc w UASOL1NE Iron barrels. 23C2 tank wagon, .atjc: cases: oc. Eastern Dairy Produce. NEW YORK, Dec 9. Butter easier; creamery higher than extras, i474c creamery extras. 73 c: flrats, 62&72c Eggs firm, unchanged. Cheese irregular, receipts 2482 pounds state w hole milk flats, current .make soe clals, 82632V2C; ditto, average run, 3li,c CHICAGO. Dec. . Butter lower; cream, ery. 57V,)70c Ecas Easier: receipts, 1026 cases: firsts. 70iib0c; ordinary firsts, 70S72c at mark. cases lnctuaea. tun tuc Poultry Unchanged; springs. 23c : fowls. lSa 25c; .turKcys. jc. Seattle Feed. and Hay.. SEATTLE. Dec. 9. City delivery: Feed Mill, $44 per ton; scratch feed, $80; feed whMt. S3: all-grain cnop. so: oats. S08 sprouting oats. $1S; rolled oats. $09; whole . . , ,7,. . . . corn. : t.-riv x,,,,. twneu oariey, T4? c.ltDDed barley. . Hay Eastern Washington ' timothy mixed.- $3Cjj 37; double compressed. $40: alfalfa, $32; straw, $16S17; Puget sound. $31. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec 9. Copper, iron and lead unchanged. Antimony. .2Vic. Zinc. firm. East St. Louis delivery, spot, 8.35c bid; 8.43 akeq. " Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK, Dec. 9. Evaporated apples, quiet, prunes, firm; Oregons. 18b23c; peaches, firm- New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 9; Sugar, unchanged. Duluth Linseed 31arket. DULUTH, Dec . Linseed, $5.13 5.20. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec 8. Spot cotton, steady iliuulins, $311.20. , STOCK MARKET REACTS PRICES FALL SHARPLY WITH RISE IX JIOXET RATES. ' Coal Situation and Break in For- elgn Exchange Are Also Fac . ' tors Bonds Are Heavy. NEW YORK, Dec. 9. The.moro ominous developments in the coal shortage, a 12 per cent rate for call money -and- furrhef crumbling of international exchange caused another reaction of pricea- on. the - stock market today.- ."From various industrial and railway cen ters came further advices telling of the paralyzing effects of the fuel restrictions, . these in a number of Instances resulting in complete suspension of business. The 12 per cent money rate came in final dealings, following, an 'opening quotation of 7 per cent. . In banking' . circles the flurry was regarded as a temporary affair, but tha advanco probably was . the most potent factor In the sharp reversal of the last hour. r Dealers in exchange accepted today's additional slump in bills on London, Paris and other important centers as a matter of course, but private - cables from across the water alluded with greater earnestness and apprehension to - the adverse move ment. Sugars and some of the distinctive food issues were steady to firm most of the time and United States Steel offered oc casional resistance to pressure. Sales amounted to 1.000,000 shares. Bonds were heavy on the lower trend of speculative rails, the liberty and vic tory Issues also- easing slightly. Total sales, par value, aggregated $26,850,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. 'CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last Sales. 1.S0O 13..VI0 5. ' 4.3110 0.6O0 4.400 2.2O0 7.2O0 8H0 2.200 5,600 High. 96 53 1404 119Vi 95 Vi 60 140-T, 96 99 17 .'.914. 86 174 107 32 94 26 Vi ,45 13S"4 85 Vi 67 37 ' 89 '4 25 '4 37 40 89 Low. Sale. P5 95 .13 53 Am Beet Sug. Am Can ..... Aro Cr & Fdry Am H ft L pfd Am Loco Am Sm sc Rfg Am Sugar Rfg Am Sum Tob. Am Tel & Tel. Am Z L. & Sm Anaconda Cop Atchison ...... 137 13S 118 94 V4 63 137 93 Vi no 16 57 85 171 104 i 32 92 244 44', 137 934 56 37 89 119 94 66 138 94 B0 17 58 85 ' 172 106 32 82 . 5 44 137 84 56 . 37 80 2.SOO 1.300 Baldwin Loco. 27.1O0 Bait Ac Ohio 6.4O0 Beth Steel B. 19.7O0 5.3O0 1,500 1,600 4. OIK) 3O0 B & S Copper. Calif Petrol . . Canadian Pac. Cent Leather., dies & Ohio. . Chi M A St P Chi & N W. . . Chi R I 4 Pac Chlno Copper. Col Fu & Iron. 4.700 2. 1 '10 700 1.200 1.500 36 30 85 - 206 52 78 13 167 32T 79 39 90 51 105 23 71 15 29 111 195 22 4 . 23 56 13 69 ' 28 99 80 108 41 27 65 20 76 103 36 39 87 207 52 78 13 167 328 73 39 90 51 105 23 15 29 111 197 23 49 25 56 15 69 29 99 81 10S- 41 27 65 20 77 104 12 45 103 22 107 291 89 124 89 103 103 114 73 88 53 30 80 50 101 98 78 411 90 77 54 87 92 105 60 'i 84 ' '97 "6 Corn Prods . Crucible Steel 37.0OO 211 ti Cuba Cane Sug 19.200 USFd Prods. 3.S00 54 79 t 14 ' 167 337 79 90 51 106 23 ' 74 15 29 111 202 . 23 Vi 50 25 56 -15 ' 70 29 911 81 109 41 27 65 21 77 107 12 47. 105 22 10S 291 91 125 92 106 104 114 74 88 Erie Gen Electric Gen Motors 8.300 100 18.600 ut No pfd . . .. Gt No Ore ctfs Illinois Central Inspir Copper. Int M M pfd.. 7.SO0 1.300 ou 3.200 3,900 5,700 17.200 100 Inter Nickel ., Inter Paper . . K C Southern. Kennecott Cop Louis & Nash. Mex Petrol . . Miami Copper. Mldvale Steel. Missouri Pac. Montana Pow. Nevada Cop... N Y Central.. N Y N H & H. Norf & West.. Northern Pac. 7.000 100 7.700 1.000 8.200 2.200 200 500 2.800 6.2O0 1,400 4.300 Pan-Am Petrol 10.400 Pennsylvania.. 7,400 fitts & w Va. 8MU Pittsburg Coal 1,300 Kay Con COD.. l.TOO Reading .,.xi0 Ken Ir & Steel 23..1U0 Shat.Arlz Cop HK Sin Oil & Rfg. 26.100 Southern Pac. 38.700 Southern Ry.. 3.500 Studebaker Co 15.400 Texas Co 500 Tobac Prods.. 8.500 Union Pacific. 5.0O0 Untd Rtl Strs. 20.4(10 U S Ind Alco. 5.HO0 U S Steel 52.600 11 45 102 22 107 291 89 124 88 103 103 113 73 88 32 29 80 50 100 do pfd 5O0 Utah Copper.. 3.2IM) W estern Union 100 Westiiis Elec. 2.300 Willys-Overlnd 3.600 30 SI 10 83 4.100 M 7.500 101 BONDS. national Leaa Ohio Cits Gas. Royal Dutch.. U S Lib 3s.. .99.601 A TAT cv 6s .94.001 Atch gen 4s... .94.12 D & R G ref 5s .91.92 NYC deb 6s. .92.08 N P 4s .94 08,; P 3s do 1st 4s.... do 1st 4s.. do 2d 4s. . . . do 2d 4s.. do 3d 4s.. do 4th 4s. 92.22. Pac T & T 5s. Vic 3s 9.10!Pa con 4s... do 4s 99.04iS P cv 5i U S ref 2s reg.loO S P 5s do couoon . ."loo tun P 4 U S cv 3s reg. S8 Un P cv 4s. . ao coupon .. 'S8I4 u s steel n U S 4s reg . .103S P cv 5s... do coupon . .105 V, Ana-to-Fr am Amer Smel 5s .... Mining Stocks at Boston. Alloucz . . . . . Ariz Com Cal & Ariz. . . Cal & Hecla. Centennial . . 33 49 58 5 4 10 8 20 Cop R Con Co. B B Cop M . . Franklin Isle Roy (Cop) mkq copper... Mohawk Nonth Butte. . . Money, Exchange. Etc. NEW YORK. Dec. 8. Mercantile nT. unchanged. ' Sterling, demand. J3.82H : cables 13 Mis Francs, demand. 11.50; cables, 11.45; guild ers, demand. 38;' cables. 38; lire, demand 12.95; cables, 12.90; marks, demand. 1 92: cables, 1.94. ' Time loans, unchanged. Call money, strong. High. 12; low 7; iling rate. 7V; closing bid, 11; offered 12; last loan, 12. Bar silver $1.31. . Mexican dollars, $1.00.' LONDON, .Lice. v. car stiver, 57d pel Ounce. Money and discount, unchanged. CORN CLOSE IS HIGHER REPORTS OF BLIZZARDS SEND CHICAGO PRICES CP. Advance Is Almost Steady Throng out Session Oats Firm in Spite of Resales. CHICAGO. Dec. . Blizzard reports gave a dsclded upturn to the corn mar ket today Prices closed nervous, lc to 1c net higher, with January $1.33 to $1.36 and May $1.34 to $1.34. Oats gained c to 1C. In provisions the finish varied from 25c decline to 4oc advance Onlv for a b.-ief period at the opening waa there any weakness shown by the com market. Despite gossip that foreigners were re selling, the oata market followed corn up grade. Provisions were Irregular. Leading futures ranged as follows" ; ' CORN. Open. High. Low. Close. $1.41 1.36 1.34 .7S -80 33.40 33.83 22.75 22.93 18.40 18.80 ' Dec. ... Jan. ... May Dec. May ... Jan. .. May .. .$1.39 $1.42 $1.39 . 1.33 1.37 1.35 . 12 1.34 1.32 OATS. . .76 ' .78 .76 .79 .81 .79 MESS PORK. 85.45 35.23 - 34.20 33.85 LARD. Jan .22.52 22.83 22.52 May 22.83 23.07 22.80 SHORT RIBS Jan 18.65 18.75 1 8.40 May 18.80 18.95 la. 80 Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec . Flour, 8-8s. 112.10. Grain Wheat $2.20; oats. rd feed. $8 63.10; barley, feed. $3.4293.47; com. California white. $3.603.65. ' Hay Wheat or wheat and oars, $21 0 25; tame oats. $23G26: barley. $19323; alfalfa, $216 26; barley straw. 50O80e bala Flax, J5.05fe5.17. Minneapolis Grain MlNMiAruLIS, Dtc 8. 1.49. Market. -Barley, tl.27 Naval SAVANNAH, Ga., Stores. Dec 9. Turpentine, . 64 Old Dom . 12 Osceola . 61 yuincy .380 Superior ....... . 14 Sup & Bos . 44 Shannon , 13 Utah Con 3 Winona I 3 Wolverine . 3 Granby Con,... . 59 Green Cananea. 15 firm, $1.55; sales, 168 barela; receipts, 385 barrels: shipments, 37 barrels; stock, 1439 barrels. Rosin, firm; sales,- 829 barels; receipts, 2751 barrels; shipments, 301 barrels: stock, 53.T59 barrels. Quote: B, D, E. $16.30; F. $16.35; G, $18.40; H, $1643: I. $17.15: K. $1S 25; M, $13.75; N, $19.75; WG. $20.75; WW, $2L7i SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKETS Prices Cwrrent Vegetable. Fresh Fruits, . - Etc, at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec . Butter. c Eggs- Fresh, extras. 85c; extra pul lets. 78C - Cheese Firsts, 80c; Young Americas, 89c Vegetables Eggplant, southern, S10e pound; peppers, bell, 8gi3c pound; chill, 8?10e pound; squash, hubbard, $L25i9 1.50 sack; summer, $1.502 Los Angeles lug;, pumpkin,. $101.25 sack; tomatoes, 60c9L25 lug; potatoes, rivers, white, $3 63.25; sweet, 4&4c pound; onions, yel low and white, $4.25 4.50 cental: Austra lian .brown. $4.755; cucumbers. $1.5019 1.7 'small box; garlic. 2224o pound; beans, string, 1017c pound; llraas, 10 WISc pound; celery. $87; turnips, $1.75 l2 sack; artichokes. No. 1, Jl.10ffil.25 dozen; cauliflower, $1.25(91.50 dozen; let tuce, 50&55C dozen; peas, 1017 pound; sprouts; 9c pound. Fruit Oranges, $4 94.75 box: lemons, $4 65.50: grapefruit. $2.5004; bananas, Si0 8c pound;, pineapples, $4s dozen: pears, cooking, $14j1.50 lug; apples, Spltz enberg, $2.5003.25; Newtown pippins, $1.75 2.25; quinces. 7bc6$l; melons, nominal: huckleberries.- 1620c; grapes, nominal; pomegranates. $242.25 half box; persim mons, $1.504j2 box; cranberries, $4.255 box. , Receipts Flour 1200 Quarters: barlev. 5197 centals; beans. 2295 sacks: potatoes. 2705 sacks; hay, 176 tons: hides. 270: onions, 400 sacks. Coffee Future Irregular. NEW YORK. Dec 9. After niwnlnr un changed to 3 points higher on a little buy ing oy brokers with Brazilian trade con nections, coffee futures turned easier under scattering liquidation. Lower sterling ex change rates and special cables reporting declines in Santos futures were unsettling features, but the market steadied around 14.3Sc for March and 14.90c for May. or about 15 to 18 points below last night's close and recovered part of the loss later on rumors of higher Rio exchange on Lon don. March closed at 14.92c with the gen eral market showing a nst advance of 5 points on the near month but doclines of 5 to 9 points on March and later deliv eries. December, 14.45c; January. 14.73c; March. 14.92c: May. 14.99c: Julv. 15.05c: September, 14.90c. Spot coffee, dull: Santos 4a 25 3 26c: Rio 74. 1515c London Wool Hale. LONDON, Dec !. At the wool auction sales today. 8803 bales were offered. Bid ding slackened. French buying caused a dropping in prices. Fine, crossbreds and merinos were unchanged, but medium and Inferior merinos were $ per cent down. GOLD HILL DEPOSITS UP Increase of Nearly 100 Per Cent Made in Last Year. GOLD HILL., Or., Deo. 9. (Special.) According to the financial statement of the local bank of this city, 1919 has been the most prosperous year since 1914. The deposits show an in crease of more than 100 per cent over last year's figures, wi.ile loans are made up principally of city, county. school warrants and short-term bonds. The farmers and fruit growers, who were formerly the borrowers, are now the heaviest depositors. It is estimated the population of Gold Hill has increased nearly 100 per cent the past year. The monthly pay roll of the cement plant in re-equip-pingr for reopening about the first of the year was more, than $6000. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage License. MORGAN-BELLER Lawrence M. Mor gan. 47, Yamhill. Or., and Roxie Seller, 41. 1915 East Madison street. DAVIS-BROSSEAU Ernest C. Davis. 21. Ockley hotel, and Loleta Brosseau. 18, 8013 Sixty-eighth avenue Southeast. McCLURE-BI DWELL George Washing ton McClure. 27, Dayton hotel, and Grace L. Bidwell. 24. 309 Clay street. HUFFM AN-CONROY T. A. Huffman, 32. 223 East Seventy-second street, and Mary M. Conroy. 23. same address. TH1 ESSEN-POTTER; R. Lee Thlessen. 23 Mllwaukie. Or., and Evelyn Potter, 18, 1083 East Eighteenth street. WISSEN BACK-KING John Wissenback, 48. 848 Syracuse street, and Anna B. King. 39. same address BERG-HELLEND O. W. Berg. 44. 1196 East Grant street, and Laura liellend, 32, same address. PETERSON-PEERS Lewis A. Peterson. 31. Montgomery apartments. and Lois Naomi Peers. 31. Brentner apartments. POLAND-VOGEL Wayne L. Poland, 22, Hood River. Or., and Gladys Vogel. 22, Im perial hotel. YEOMAN-CLOW Berlin Hamilton Yeo mans. 22, 188 North Seventeenth, and Ruby Reatha Clow, 21, same address. BLTLER-LINKLATER Lawrence But ler, 22. 349 East Seventy-sixth street North, and Nettie Llnklater, 19, same address. BECK-HUNT Emil Beck, legal, Pendle ton, Or., and Eleanor Hunt, legal, 5509 Sixty-seventh street Southeast. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. Dec. 0. Maximum temperature. 21 degreeB; minimum tem perature, 18 degrees. River reading, 8 A M , 3.0 feet: change in last 24 hours, 1.1 feet fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.). .31-Inch; total rainfall since September 1, 1019. 12.67 .Inches; normal rainfall since September 1, 14.16 Inches: deficiency of rainfall since September 1. 1919, 1.49 inches. Sunrise, 7:41 A. M. ; sunset, 4:26 P. M.; total sunshine, none; possible sunshine. 8 hour 45 minutes. llAonrim. 7:24 P. M. ; moonset. 8:44 A. M. Barometer (reduced sea level). 5 P. M 29.88 inches. Relative numlUity: a A. M. 91 per cent; noon, 84 per cent; 0 P. M,, 83 per cent. THE WEATHER. Wind e m BTATIOK3. Baker Boise Boston . . . .. -81 10 0.20)10 SE IHnow 0 2S;0.02,16:SE Snow 40 46 O.6O1. .lNW Raln Cslgary .... Chicago .... -26t 20,O.0O . . NW 181 2210. 00120 W -20) CO. 00. .N"E ( 0I0.12I. JSW . .1 44 0.00 IS SE T0I-26 0.04i32,N -2S.-14in.0lli.JsW Clei ear oenver Des Moines. Eureka Clear Clear Rain Galveston Cloudy Helena tjuneau . . .. Kansas City. Los Aneeles. hnow Clear Clear Clear lSi'SO O.OOl . .INK 4. 6 0.04114 NW 62IO.OQ!. .S 46 0.7S1101SW 40 0.0024 SE -2!0.02'l0 W SO 0.4810 N 52 0.3S 14 SW in'0. 24124 E 10 0.12il2,NE Marshfleld ..I 40 28 -8 74 42 24 10 36 Rain Medfqrd . . Minneapolis Cloudy Clear Cloudy New Orleans New York... North Head, rogay Cloudy No. Yakima. snow Phoenix .... Pocatello ... Portland ... Roseburg ... Sacramento. . St. Louis .. Salt Lake .. San Diego. .. S. Francisco. Seattle .... 62 0.00! . . NW Clear -12 16 O.OOI22 SE Cloudy 18 200.30il2E 301 460.10.. . SE 32! 4S O.00 . . 8E wnow Rain Cloudy 4 20,0.0Ol28iNW 24 0.00,20iSW 60 O.OOi.JNW (Jiear 2 48) 40 24l 18' 2?f 26 Cloudy Clear Cloudy PL cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudv 54 0.0OI..ISW 26i0.0010;E 38i0.0OJ. . 8 0.001. . N'E 24 0.02 10'NE 26:O.OOI52!NE Sitka Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Isld. tValdez Cloudy . . l .. 0j 10.0.14 . .IS 401 54 O.OOl.JS 261-16 0. 00). .IKE Walla Walla. Snow Rain Rain Washington.. Winnipeg . .. tA. M. Ini day. todaor. P. M. report or preced- FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Rain or snow; not so cold: fresh easterly winds. Oregon Rain in the south portion, rain or snow In the north portion: not so cold; fresh easterly winds. Washington Snow; strong- northeasterly winds. PAYMENTS monthly tuys outriaftt ami stock or bond, ftmimer ttcurrs oil dividends! vera lets our sfttialfy Writ torsrKttd list nod full particulars - FREE. CHARLES E. VAN RIPER Memser Onolisotsa Slock CicAsoe SO BBOAO ST, N FW VCPK . 1 ACTIVE THfJE AT KURDS IilBERAIi SUPPLY FROM MOX . DAY'S RCX AVAILABLE. Cattle Market Retains All of Its Recent Firmness 3fo. Fresh Arrivals. The snowstorm was held accountable for a lack of arrivals at the stockyards yes terdsy. but ther was a considerable sup ply held over from Monday, and the offer ings were sufficient to make a fairly active market. About 14 loads were disposed of during the day. Tae cattle market re tained all of Its recent strength and ateer prices were revised upward. Ther waa no change in the hog division. A large part of the offerings were light weight or poor quality. Sheep and Iambs were also un changed. The day's sales were as follows: Weight. Prlcel Weight. Price 1 oow j.-u.ix 8.251 4 hogs .... lr5$15.60 1 cow . . 6 cows . 1 cow . . 2 cows , 4 cows . 1 cow . . 5 cows. 6 cows . 35 cows , 3 cows , 4 cows , S4 cow . 1 oow . . - cows . 2 cows . 14 cows , 2 cows , 2 cowa , 24 cows , 1 steer. 5 steers 13 steers 42 steers 1 steer , 34 steers 35 steers 15 teer 1 bull... 8 calves 14 4.00 .8 hOKS .... 250 15.. "Ml 335 13.5U 153 14.50 55 14.00 62 14.00 U5 13. Oil 110 13.50 82 io. to: 175 11.U0 113 12.50 81)0 810 820 11115 730 .890 70S 5 880 900 773 0O 1045 970 9O0 950 755 020 .720 475 6.501 s hogs . ... 3.001 6 hogs ... 8.001 6 hOKS . ... 9 O'll 2 hogs T.uls hoes .... 7.0O 07 hogs ... 7 ooii7 hogs . . . . 8.751 4 hOKS 3.50 24 hogs .... 5.LWU hogs .... 8 75! 2 hogs 4.00 14 lambs 5.0O15 lambs ... 6.00ilC lambs ... 7.001 2 lambs .. . 5.75.11 lam be ... 7.50, 3 lambs ... 7.0U24 lambs ... 6.00 4 ewes .. . . 7.50' 5 ewe .. . . 8.23. 1 ewe 75 12.011 245 15.0.. 73 11.00 feS 13. OO 92 13.00 75 ll.OO 80 12.50 130 12.0.1 110 13.00 103 h.m 91 6.50 100 4 00 108 130 10.00 89 8.00 110 4.00 142 8.5V 30 880 10.00,25 yearlings -u 7. fill! 1 yearling . . 740 8.75,10 wether . 910 8 .751 1 wether . . 810 8.65; 5 wethers .1010 S.50 2 weUiers . 165 13.00 5 wether ISO 7.00 120 9.0J 130 s.nn 2 calves . . Livestock follow: 375 9.0O 5 wethers prices at the local yards Cattle Best steers Good to choice steers'! .$10.7511.25 . .25 10.23 . 8.25v 8.75 . T.00.-9 8.00 . 5.50 6.50 Medium to good steers Fair to good steers Common to fair steers......"" Choice cows and heifers Good to choice cows, heifers. . Medium to good cows, heifers. Fair to medium cows, heifers Canners Bulls . ..ll rt 9.00 7.00(a) 8.50 6.50 7.00 4.00 6.50 3.00 4.00 S.OOSjl 7.O0 12. 50 is.) 14.00 7.00i 12.00 8.00 tt 8.25 15.50W15.75 14. 50 15.60 1 3.50 14.00 12.30 ii 14.30 Prime light calves I J" Heavy calves Stockers and feeders......,!" noes Prime mixed Medium mixed ............. Rough heavies Pig .."!" Sheen Eastern lambs 13.0013.50 Vallev lamhs 11. 0OM 13.00 10.000 11.50 9.50W10.00 9.00 950 6.30 J 7.50 Feeder lamb Yearlings . Wethers Ewes Shlcago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dee n vr r mostly 00c t 5c lower. Ht.iu siom .80, top. $12.75: heavv. 1 ft, 1 ..' ,.i . ;t,1i!;i57-;8.5:."snt' $i-"25o: ught light. $11.75(& 12.25 heavv .. smooth. $11.60 li no: packing sows, rough! $1111.50; pigs. $1I&12. tame Receipts. 21 nan- t, . steers, medium Hnd heavy weight, choice and prime. $18.50,21.50; medium and good, $U.2518.50; common. SS 75'rf.ll 25- light weight, good and ,-hr,l, o n aain, 0.75; common and m,Hi..m man.: iu . sSVkhriTitUe' he,fe' $6 5015; cows. S6.35 18.73; canners and cutters, $5 3.1S 6.3o: veal calves. $16.5017.50: feeder steers, $7 12.25; stocker steers. $610 75; western range steers. $7.5015: ow. heifers. $6. 30 1 2.50. Sheep Receints. 55 000 tw r . - $14.2516.30; culls and common. $100.14: ewes, medium, good and choice. $7.75 9.40; culls and conimon. $467.25: breed ing, $7 & 11.23. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Dec. jit s n kets. ) Hogs Receipts. 5200: steariv to o ,. lower. Close weak. t tn k . ...,,' $12.7513; heavy weight. $12.756 18: me- t" i.' 1--"'"a'l 50; light weight v, . fieuvv nacKino. ain,D smooth. i -..u iz. fo: packina- sows. rough. $12 12.50: pigs. HO.7501273 "iT-:11'"'"' 8000: k"'""f grades 15 f 25c h tuner. Stockers and feeders steadv. Beef steers, medium nnrl i . choice and prime. $118.2,-.; medium and good. $10.i5S18; common. $8.75(ff 10 75 light weight, good and choice tlitsno 18.50; common and medium tfi tn.iV tk. butcher cattle, heifers, $6.2312.50: cows $0H.H0; canners and cutters, 83.75W6 veal calves, light and handy weight. $13 liDLr"''Ier mi9r"- $7 13: stocker steers $6.5011. Sheep Receipts. 4500: killing ri n higher. Feeders. steady. Umbs. 84 pounds down. $14.50 1 5.60; culls and com mon. S10.7.1-S14: yearlinr wethers ll ui ewes, medium snn run m $8 9.50; culls and common. 4. 50 S. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY. Dee. sh celpts. ROOO: steady. Lambs. 14ffll3B.V culls and common. $9r13.85: ve.rlln. wethers, $10.75013: ewes. Sdfinwoi'.- culls and common. $3.25(5 8.25: hr,iin wes. $7.50011.50; feeder lambs. $11 KANSAS CITY STOCKTHRDS, Nov. 2S The uncertain fuel situation, as it applies to the movement of livestock bv railroads has placed markets In an uncertain posi tion. The blir packing houses here are equisfied to use fuel oil. and keep oper ating for some time: provided railroads can keep livestock movlnir to them. Killers this week found fewer fat cattle offered than last week and bought them freely at strong prices. Receipts of 77.000 hors In Chicago Tuesday turned the market down sharply, but the local market remained rel atively high, and today regained 25c to 40c of the decline. Sheep were In scant supply and closed higher. Fewer fat cattle were offered this wef k than for some time past, and quality was the plainest of the season. No choice to prime steers were nere. and the short fed grades sold up to tin. the top. Grass fat steers sold up to S18.75. Cows brought 95.25 to 912.S0. Prices were strong to 25c higher than last week's close. Vea calves declined $1 to $1.25. and are quoted at fS to A15.&0. Killers say prime s;raln fat steers would bring $19 or better. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE. Dec. . Hogs Receipts. 1073 Stead. Prime. 1.1.751.23; medium to choice. $14.73 15.75: rough heavies. 13 73 614.25: pigs, tl3fc 14.60. Csttle Receipts. 32. Stronger. Best steers. $10till; medium to choice $S.50a &.50: common to good, foes; best cows and heifers. $Ri: common to good. S5 50 tr7.50: bulls. s.-7: calves. 17gl5. LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS If you most veil your Liberty or Victory bonds, veil t as. If you ran bay more Liberty or Victory toon da . buy from us. On Tuesday, December u. 191!, the closing New York market prices for Liberty and Victory bonds were as given below. They are the governing prices for United States Government Liberty and Victory bonds all over the world, and the highest. We advertise theee prices dally In order that you may always know the New York market and tbe exact value of your Liberty and Victory bonds. 1st 2d 1st 2d 8d 4th Victory Victory 3 H 4s 4s 4 s 4 him 4m 4Vs 3s 4s Market . . .JiV.t .".0 $93.98 $91. 8 $94.08 $9lM2 $94.o8 $9.24 $99.04 $99.04 Interest ... 1.70 1.94 .28 2.07 30 1.00 .05 2.0S 2.04 Total. $101.20 $95.92 $92.14 $6.15 S92.42 $95.08 $92.fi9 $101.12 'When buying, we deduct 37c on a $.10 bond and 92.50 on a SIOOO bond. at the New York market price mdi the accrued interest. Burglar and Fire-proof Safe Ueposit Boxes for Kent Open until I P. M. m Saturdays. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Tse PrrmlT Municipal Bond Houm Capital One Million Dollnro Morris Bulldins;. 300-11 Stark turret. Brt. Fifth and Sixth TELEPHONE: BROADWAY J1S1. Established Over m Quarter Century MUNICIPAL BONDS From the States of OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO To Net 4.90 to 6.50 Exempt From Present Income Tax f..pevereaux R(5mpany 87 Sixth Street Broadway 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building EXKMPT Three To The following issues of Canadian Provincial and Municipal Bonds give the investor the opportunity of obtaining unusually safe and attractive bonds at .prices that will yield &Srtco and 7. Better bonds than these are not obtainable. City Dated: December 1, 1919. Dated: July 1, 1913. Denominations: 1000 These are General Obligation Bonds MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL B0XD HOUSE Capital One Million Dollars MORRIS BUILDING; 309-11 STARK STREET BETWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH PORTLAND, OREGON Telephone: Broadway 2151 Established Over Quarter Century ANTI-REDS GIVE $22,000 Tacoma ns Freely Pledge Fund to Lepion for Campaign. TACOMA. Wash., Dec. 9. (Special.) Tacomans have pledged approxi mately $22,000 to the support of the American Legion campaign against, the I. W. W. and other radical groups and for the suppression of their prop aganda. The contributions were given freely, American Legion solicitors re ported. They said that workingmen gave to the cause with the same generosity as businessmen and that hundreds of dollars came in unsolicited from men and women in sympathy with the movement. Kx-Soldicrs' Applications Granted. ABERDEEN, Wash., Dec. 9. (Spe cial.) Applications of seven service men from Aberdeen and two from Hoquiam for special vocational train ing have been granted, according to notice received by the Aberdeen post of the American Legion. All wene incapacitated by wounds received during the war. The men are Swain Wright, John Alexander, Hulbert Farrell, Vern Hamilton, John Perry Lee Richard W. Hooker and Grover McElrate of Aberdeen, and Earl Toll man and Verne Sweanington of Hoquiam. New Potato Is Produced. ABERDEEN, Wash., Dec. 9. (Spe cial.) John Beck of Elma planted the seed from a potato top three years ago and produced a new variety of spud. Last spring William Moore of Elma planted four of this kind of potato weighing not more than three pounds and harvested S00 pounds. This has been figured out to be at the rate of more than 20 tons to the acre. The quality" of the potatoes raised is reported to be excellent. Aberdeen Farmers to Dine. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Dec. 9. (Spe cial.) The annual farmers' dinner, tendered by the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce, will be held Friday night at the Hotel Washington. Farmers and city dwellers of the county will get together on a friendly basis and discuss matters of mutual interest. TWO DOZEN- Blanefcju-d Evaporated FRESH EGGS $1.15 Ask Year Grocer Hsselwsed Company. Distributors Portland. Oregos $101.68 We seii FROM ALL DOMINION GOVERNXCNT Exceptional Yield ey2 $84,500.00 of North Vancouver (Province of British Columbia) 6 GOLD NOTES x denomination: $ouu PRICE: 97.34 and Interest to Yield $273,500.00 Province of Saskatchewan 4 GOLD BONDS ($4866.66) 500 ($2433.33) 200 PRICE: 92.87 and Interest to Yield 64 $43,000 City of Regina, Saskatchewan GOLD BONDS $31,000 69o Bonds. Due March 1, PRICE: 98.56 and Interest to Yield $12,000 6'i, Bonds. Due July 1, PRICE: Par and Interest to Yield Denomination: $1000 Canadian municipal BONDS Yielding 6.25 to 6.75 The securities listed below constitute a general obliga tion of the respective communities issuing them. They are exempt from taxation in the Dominion of Canada and all of them, with one exception, are payable in this country in American dollars. SECURITY MATURITY Province of Alberta 4!2 1924 (Guaranteeing University of Alberta) Province of Alberta 4s 1922 (Payable in Canadian funds) City of New Westminster, B. C, 6s. . . 1923 City of Regina, Saskatchewan, 6s 1923 Province of Saskatchewan 5s 1920 City of Vancouver, B. C, 4 'is 1 928 Our. current list includes also 37 issues of Pacific northwest municipal bonds, eight blocks of corporation securities and a selected group of foreign bonds. Circular literature gladly fumiiheJ on request. jj umbermers"p"us1" cx B o rvd s -Tr u ss - Acce p ta. nc e s Capit.l A Surplus) 6...o. . Sa.r rt-rciaco Isnssrnwi Bldo. Sevttl Porlarxd, Orcqorv. GOVERNMENT, CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL BONDS TO NET FROM 5 TO 7 PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. The Canadian Banking Service This Bank provides every facility for the prompt and efficient transaction of all kinds of banking business. Portland Branch Fourth and Stark Streets. 7asanBBssasassaB i mmm mm a snss. H is the f asctnating story of a man who accumulated SlO.QpO in en years, by systematic investing1 in high-grade, listed stocks and bonds. Amount in Tested averaged tiS monthly. "Get tins AM" contains artbKC forth, sssa who wants to gstrich ia a harry. bat will b. b.lpfcl to all wb wtah to sst. f rots K to S10O awnlhlr ana saisst by a eafa mhod. W ssB all Mil liah stocks snd koarfs BsHil a to. Naw York 8wca Liilum and otasr raiiafa-M sehaftg. . Mithlr p. j milts. MM for Ostnng shim " It esplajas tns pisa. x ; 149-S So. La Salle St., Chicago TAXATION Investments 7 . Due: December 1, 1922 ($973.33) Due: July 1, 1923. 100 ($486.66) 1923 1928 Price to Yield 6.25 6.75 6.25 6.50 6.25 6.2o Bank of Commerce 6 Net Mortgages 6 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ADVANTAGES Save and buy a high-g-ade mort gage at the same time. Mortgages do not fluctuate in value like stocks and bonds. Investigate our Partial Payment Plan WESTERN BOND AND MORT GAGE COMPANY 80 Fourth St. Portland Oregon