K V v SITCATIQys WANTED MALE. Sold tern and Sailorm. i.X-SERVICE man, formerly of 91st divis ion, H. Q. troop, wishes position aa chauf feur for private party; can give refer ences as to character and ability. E. D. Atkinson, care of Knights of Columbus Soldiers' and Sailors" Employment Serv ice, Multnomah hotel, room 8 A, Bdwy. 39t5. tOUNG MAN, married. 8 years' service pay department of the navy, will be re leaned from service about Dec. 15 desires position in accounting department of a large corporation where there is good chance for vanceerant; reasonable sal ary expected.--a Oregonian. DISCHARGED soldier wants work, pre fers trunk driving, has his own tools and understands repairing any kind of ma chinery. C. Williams, l!lu 13th St., city. Phone Mala city. YOUNG man, ex-soldier, desires position; experienced driver of trucks or pleas ure cars, commercial, high school and Y. it. C. A. auto school diplomas. I litO. Oregonian. lAPUHIEXCED man can drive truck or do repairing, wants Work, is married; will do any kind ot work. J. G. Kirk. 4 Ml East Morrison St. East 851. SALESMAN desires position; five years experience in clothing; references; ex arnileryman. X 355, Oregonian. fcX-SOLLIER oxy-acetylene welder, three years' experience. Call Sellwood 5S. between S A. M. and 12 M. HOKE than two years" service, high school. '1 years college; accurate sense of duty. M b.ti, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. MIDDLB-AGED couple to look after an old couple and take care of them for a home and some wages; Christian people preferred. Phone Alain 57a. O 235. Ore- Eonlan. THOROUGHLY experienced woman wants Housework or cooking in exchange for elf and husband's board and room. Call guar u f. ji.. uroadway 1U58. LADY wishes position in small family ho tel where- room and board is included small town excepted. Phone Sellwood . -iw. Bo TBgijert at. WOMAN Experienced in hotel cookln wouia worn with good chef; experienc muie man salary. i- ei, oregonian. CONGENIAL young lady wants nice place to work lor board and room, private lamny. r. out, oregonian. WANTED Light work by elderly woman ana care or not over 3 children. Broad way ltttto. CLOAK AND SUIT saleslady. New Tork experience, aeslres position. L 187,' Ore LADY wants house cleaning, other work hours, day, work guaranteed. Wood lawn ojut. JAPANESE woman. Good cook, wishes po sition in private family. M 882, Ore- woman. WANTED Day work. 6 to .8 hours Pre set iau. x-Jluil. VOL O O. LADY wishes to sweep and dust by hour. I-. can alter o, i.ast suii. PLAIN sewing and mending done. E. Madison. Tabor 7808. 1355 Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wants to keop books for firms having insufficient ui lo employ neip ion time, will open "U,"I". expert worn, .Kates reasonable. ivmin nuts. BOOKKEEPER, years' of experience, will "'tk y me nour at your orrice or mine. Broadway 2732. afternoons. YOUNG lHdV WisheR offw- wi.rU- r,T- .mlf.l. board position; can operate typewriter. '.""ft'i, -narsnau 1201. POSITION by experienced stenographer rnpid In shorthand aMd typing. Phone jjunaaway 4JI4U. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires tem- poiary or permanent position. Mar. 3521 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenos rapner; pest of references. Main 2S17. Dressmkers. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alterations, house aprons and dresses, children's clothes. Mrs. Kelly, 310 Fremont st. East BEAT the II. C. L. : have vour clothe. r modeled at home by first-class exper- i-iiceu aressmaaer. Main 6360, after noons LAIN and fancy sewing, silk underwear a specialty. Call Marshall 284 or 201 inn St. COOD seamstress wishes sewing by hour -4. Call after 5, East 8062. DKKSSMA KING and tailoring, also reuiod eiing. 374 3d. Apt. 74. Main 110. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the i ...... . . tio.T.nn.ic hi ii.es. x,asi a-. IM'LRILNCED dressmaker would like worn uy tno day. wain. 62.10. Nurnes. I ICAL nurse, hospital experience. uouny nursing; references. M 8S4, Oregonian. Housekeepers. i 1 1 , . . ...... 7Z . . . . ii,,.v witn . small children wants po- "ii""" a nouseaeeper 111 respectable lunne. more for home than wajres. R lsil. Oregonian. liOLSEKEEl'ER wants position with re spectablo widower with children; out of town. Phone East 2209. S 143. Orego- nian. CAl'ABI.K woman desires position as housekeeper in first-class home at once goiMi relerences. Broadway 3860. HOUSEKEEPER for city, clean, middle-ai-ed. Phone, evenings. Sellwood 3113. lomeHti's. CiOKING, helping serve, cleaning up in hoarding house or big family. Mar. 40?s. WANTED TO BENT. Iloifcr MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of deslrahla vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite information pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this uureuu oi great value In helping them property ana quickly located. Eighth Floor. KKroSlBI,F. gentleman bachelor, wants iiictMy furnished modern home in weal J ortlami, somewhere on Heights, from peopm leaviujr city for winter who wish sonuione to care for their.home. E. He iock. 071 Alhina ave. 2 TO 4-ROOM house. gas. electricitv water, bath and near car: moderate rout ; $5 for information if accepted 33 1. Oregonian, V ANTED To rent 4 to 6 -room house, a part ment or flat, furnished or unfur nished. Oal D. R. Shoemaker. Mult noniith hotel. 4 Oil 5-room furnished bungalow or flat. reierence ; win advance 3 months rent. Oregonian. "W ANTED TO RENT House in Rose Oil Park before the 13th. Call Star Grocery Tabor MO. MODERN unfurnished house. WesT s7del Mrs. John KloV terman. Marshall 6070. "WANTED Furnished hcuse or apartment, with garage. Phone Marshall 679. A pa rtxu en to. TWO or three-room neatly furnished apartment with private bath. L, 214, Oregonian. . LADY employed, with daughter 11. wants room In plain family where there are children, near that age; price must not be high; mention conveniences and full particulars. E 807, Oregonian. ONE unfurnished room with kitchenette or gaa plate in room; give telephone. Q 70S. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. JAN. 1. mot he i by mother employed. and schoolgirl of 6; X 2S3. Oregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED One neat H. K. room and kitchenette by single man of middle aije. employed; state price. L 183. Ore gonian. 23 V bach., H. K room or board and room with place to keep car, close, ln. 350 Harrison st. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. St.. down town - locution, respectable and strictly modern rooms, large, clean. FHONE Bdwy. 2202. Terminal Baggage Transfer Co.. 6th and Flanders. Baggage stored 5 days free. Checks called for DENVER furnished rooms, open December 10. at 208 Washington at First. Un. furnished apartments in suite. T5o. $1 DAY: $2.50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac. Sd near Jefferson. HILLCREST HOTEL Bath, phone $-7 ".6 mo. up; without bath. $20 up. 733' Wash. THE LANDORE 1 steam-heuted sleeping room, $15 per month. 288 loth su ! FOB BEST. Furnished Booms. HOTEL CLIFFORD " East Morrison at. at East Sixth. iV" 5rlnSipH' east-side hotel; dlgnl. tl.75; 6 per week; J22.50 per month. HL OCKLEY Morrison St. at Tenth. Rates 1 day up. Weekly $4.50 up. Steam heat. Free phone and hatha Furnished Rooms In Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room lor or J: 16 per week Rnsrrilnr tin,. SO if. lth. Bdwv. 1218 "" rent front room with piano in apartment, close in, for one month be ginning Sunday. Bdwy 4145 LARGE, airy room for gentleman; bath. Phone, heat, closet: walking distance. 56 L. Main. East 13B0. NICELY furnished, furnace heated room, electric lights, suitable for two men. 147 North Seven teeh st. VERY desirable front room with break Main srea' nome close in- 469 Clay. BEAUTIFUL sleeping room with bath, west side, walking distance. 84 N. 21st. L-K5E" front room including heat and ncm. m ( .loin El. NICELY furnished large front room. 6S9 Savier st. L"A?GJHi, warm room; running water; also third floor and basement room. 215 12th. FR,OXT ROOM. rent reasonable, nice lam- 'or may, car line. 208 E. 37th st. ONE neat furnished room, 1 employed. 403 H 12th st. or - 2 ladies. SLEEPING room. J10 per mo. Parle 321 W. Rooms With Board. ?TOI?IA HOT,EL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite ? ?fPgle' ?ltn or without board, for ramllies and business men and women. We give VOU all th onmfnr. . Reasonable rates. ROOM and board for business girls: all modern conveniences; walking distance: $4.5Q per week. East 4732. 12 K. 7th St. !lGHE,o?iARTUA WASHINGTON. . 5 .lotn st- For beslness girls and students; reasonable rates: Mar. 1231. HARRISON hotel, outside' rms., $2.50; table board flS week. Front and Harrison. Booms With Board In Private Family. 1 S r?om in our home for 1 young man, wVd" i?,S' S" and Mt- Tabo" cars! . " . ' ' , 1 " wesi siae. 046 n;asl ,CL. i.li ana l.itn. Wkeen eMMT L.mDwJth "akfast and Unon chld" .48S Rodney ave., 1 block NURSE wonts a baby girl under 5 weeks to VJke own home for comDanv nll ll flr V141 rnn. II F1;S3 ?Trdand room for two Moid ' iayior street. Main R moM.nd,0ardr1'h home privileges In ivi wa. iviarshall 3374. Wi.KaiS nlldren by the day. week or Rm?'rJ? Christian home for business R 7?50" board toT 'ady, employed. E. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five mirnites' walk to Meier A Frank's etore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern and 3-room furnished apts.: all outside with French doors and balcony iT '-,c-r'L'a apartments, one. two and . apartments, nicely furnished. ev;erytning modern: 2o and calls laraet street, no phone PEABODY hotel and apartments, 19th and , . ' 0,,s- two ana three-room apts.. steam heat, free telephone. Prices -.j icaeiiiianni. tiroaaway 1546. DENMSON apartments, corner 34th nrt Belmont, furnished 3-roora apartment Talbor548atU and phone; Drice BJlK'AP apartments. 2-roora apartment. J.l.. including light, steam heat. 187 17th. near Yamhill. ONE modern 2-room furnisher! onn-t. ment, splendid west side location. Tele- PARK APTS. (-room apt.. 2 beds. hard. wood rioor; all outside; adults only; 55. Marshall 133. . COMPLETE apartment. S21.50: rnnrrat. bide. Union ave. and Killlngsworth. 6-ROOM flat. well furnished. ri-mmrf floor, walking distance. 330 13th st. Unfurnished Apartments. FINE four-room apartment, choice loca tion, $60, no children, references. F E Bowman & Co.. 210 Chamber, of Com merce bldg... Main 3026. LORENZO APTS., 427 Salmon st. Phone main sins. cnrurnlHiied 2-room base ment apt.; water, light, phone: adults. FLAT for rent, cheap, as caretaker must u.v some lurmiure. J401- Williams ave. Apt. 4. PARTIALLY furnished 5-room flat. East i--tn. Main 72112 or Marshall 1402. Furnished Flats. FOR RENT t-room modern furnished flat tire front porch, walking distance, $40 a month; adults only. Phone East S46. ATTRACTIVE f-,rn(cl,ori J1 ern, aauita; relerences. 616 Commercial MODERN furnished 5-room flat, near Woodlawn O.-W. R. & N. car shops. OR RENT 5-room furnished flat; close in east side; $40. 567 E. Davis. Housekeeping Rooms. -ROOM. 3-room furnished H. K. suites. clean and desirable. $18 to $20. Includes electric liphts. hot and cold water, phone: west side, close in. 4S0 College st.. Main 6lM.. or Mar. 3843. L'RMSHED 2-room fronL suite for house keeping, including heat, gas. etc., $7 weekly to couple employed. 427 Main st. SINGLE house keeping rooms, iight gas furnace heat. $12 and $10. 054 East Madison. NICELY furnished housekeeping room steam heat, walking distance. 146 16th st. N. BIG unfurnished housekeeping rooms, with ' waker- Inquire 163 First st., room 12. OR RENT 2 light housekeeping rooms; rem o. ui'- Aioina ave. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 292 Auasen si., fiasi j.;t. 1 AND 2-ROOM apartments to let. 461 E. Morrison st. 2 LARGE H. K. rooms, close In. 471 Alder. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family- 1 SMALL room and kitch entette. con venient to bath, suitable for young man Home privileges. 546 East Alder, bet. 12th and 13th. SINGLE usekeeping rooms In steam heated apartment, $15 month. Call at Mrs. Harper's apt., 414 10th st. CLEAN, comfortable front 2-room apart ment. 12 minutes out on Fulton car child not objected. Main 6309. FURNISHED room with housekeeping privileges, modern, close In. near Union ind Holladay. L 185, Oregonian. VERY small front H. 1C. room; heat, eiec - tricity ; for man or woman employed. 46-5 Main. $20 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 127 E. 1 6th st.. between Morrison and Alder. East 5.",rn. Copyrighx. 1919, by Newspaper F - ,- J"-;?s rro f, FOR BENT. Housekeeping hoonm In Private Family. frnt furnished. H. K. rooms at 410 - uu) m pireet. j-none Marshall 258. Houses. when ion unci Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light Broadway B80. A 674T. -ROOM house. Nartllla and West Mad ison, 2 blocks from Multnomah club: old C i , . . lair cuuojuod, S4U IQODtlL tJH'J' " rirHi at. LOCAL and long distance moving and haul- ing; first-class equipment. Green Trans Co.. 202 Alder at Main 1261. A 7261 MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. sc w. Truck rnone Hqwy. 512L SEE ME FOR HOUSES TO RENT G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR. I 301 PANAMA BUILDING witn irult. toilet, bath, laundry trays, $10 month. Inquire 163 1st st room 12. ituuiia upstairs and 2 rooms down stairs. 1565 Front st., near View Point FOR RENT 7-room house. 31'd and Raw Liiorne, aauits; rent j&tf. Tabor 5195. 9-ROOM house, suitable for two families, flip Clay at. Inquire 512 Clay st. 6-ROOM house. 424 East Grant, near 6th St.: $24 per month. 5-ROOM. $20 per month. Main 5804. 615 Overton. Furnished Ho TO . -ESE 'or 1 year, completely fur nished modem house at Waveriy Heights; 20 min. from town; conven ient to car-line; also paved road, large living room, fireplace, sun parlor, three bedrooms, 3 sleeping porches, maid's room. 2 bathrooms. Rector furnace. Ruud neater, gas range, city water, electric lights, garage. Telephone Sellwood 541 or address Mrs. M. B. Biddle. Milwau kie. Or. FURNISHED 10-room house, 2 baths. 2 sleeping porches; west side: $100 month. .....mn naun, notel jviaiiory. WELL-FURNISHED house, west side; ref erences required. X 354, Oregonian. WILL share home with couple or lady alone; reasonable. Main 0750. 6-ROOM houss for rent to party buyins furniture. East 4'.'62. 18 Winter Resorts. SEE THE beautiful winter surf. Ecola Inn, Cannon Beach. Wrlt for . ervations for week-enri ho.,.. .! Jazz dance, pool and billiards free to -.a. r,iijgu. aigr., fcicola. Or. Office. u ouuijui, unfurnished warm, light of -V;.T' 1. -' ciass bunding near """'"r 01 uommerce; private entrance; no phone service; rent $17.50; reference umvaujr application, o 236. Ore JBLB offices, modern eonvealeaeea Btark street, between 8d and 4th. Apply room 312 Railway Exchange. . Miscellaneous. riov T ??"ton aut to10 or one JUiSINESB OPPOBTCNITIEa. $-400 BUYS retrr7 ... -.rrrr: -, .. ,. . . .... n tot piua, terms. o0 buys 12-stool lunch counter, west side, term j. district bUy" erocery Btn ln "-Partment Him1' r wl" ,nvo,ce cash grocery, 4 i.?ko ' ""-vear tease, rent $23. (IIS00 buvs clear mor. ,.-,n , 1 ,10.00 buys V, interest in new and sec- ut lurniture store, west side. ""'" buys light grocery and bakery, $2600, or will invoice blcvcle null r- pair snop garage; wlll consider exchange for 6000, OT Will Invnlfj. . or will exchange for close-in acreage or City 1)1(1 OP rt V Sa. T i. T, , a , . . ..... ,AUliailgO Oldg. WANTED Men ana women under 35, with some capital, interested in foreign trade, to join in developing export, import and uaiiiiiu-jd maae upon us by nu merous fore --n connections. This is s splendid opportunity for forward-looking progressive persons to work into a ran. icuy-growlng business. In replving, sive yo"J moBt convenient time for interview - : - icicviiuuB uumoer. ii u 681, Orego- J LOS E IN. WEST SIDE. UNFURNISHED CORNER BRICK. anfl i Vm. cver room. Also gas -v...,.,j. "ever nas oeen uvea In. Will give long lease. Don't bother us juu in:aii ousiness. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. WORK FOR YOURSELF IN 19"0 Under STATE LICENSE and build j-iaoiico nanming- NEW POLICIES of -.-" i.nc. uver l,UUO,OOO,UO0 as- ..v eciicrai agent to share your u,iwa, npiciiuia opportunity. J. w Day. agency director. 610 Board of Trade TT.r.ORNKR ROOERY STORE. LIVING ROOMS IN CONNECTION" Corner grocery in a fine east side lo cation; nice clean stock and doing eood an casn Dusiness; rent free. Hurry if v v uij (. tii is. rnce I t(M?. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO . 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closinsr deal of sn-faiiPri int.p. est in established real estate business get o.u 4i i-5 ul j-uruana nai'V Board. J. W, CHOSSLEY, Secretary. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per plate; also crowns, bridgework, dental gold bought. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg. AUTO filling station and accessory store: account ill health owner will sel. Show you can clear $300 monthly. Room 511 Railway Exchange. SELLING restaurants, business bouses and hotels is our business, Ofve us a ca.il BUSINESS SERVICE Main 6707. 317 Henry Bldg. PARTNER wanted ln safe cash business: owner- snow you pay good wages; only $250 required. Call 511 Railway Ex change. IF YOU want to buy or sell & business, see us. ATLAS BUSINESS AGEVOV 725-727 Board of Trade Bldg. $1250 BUYS 3 chair barbers-hop; rnt $3 doing $140 to $150 per week; terms. See renjn. o- t ranway exchange bldg. LIGHT and power plant, serving four towns: fine water power. For details write W. H. Zinter, Deer Park Wash GROCERY WITH LIVING ROOMS, $1000 Fine location, good business, a winner G. C. MOORE. 502 Couch bid CANDY FACTORY and store for sale doing wholesale and retail business An ply owner. 542 Washington st. RESTAURANT BARGAINS. SEVERAL OF THEM, from $400 up to $2200. Moore with Goddard. at 502 Couch bldg. GARAGL for sale. .13 cars storage, also sell gas. tires, repairing, etc.; profit $500 month. Room 401 Dekum bldg. ESTABLISHED mfg. plant needs more capital to expand. This is worth your while to investigate. S 42S, Ore gon ian. FILLING STATION for $950. sells gas, olla tires, auto accessories, etc.: good profira Room 401 Dekum bldg. CASH grocery. In good location: has liv ing rooms; $50 daily sales: owner will invoice. Room 511 Railway Exchange BARGAIN In furniture store and repair shop; would consider car on deaL Ad-dress-S 451. Oregonian. TWO modern greenhouses, good condition, stock and equipment- P 803. Oregonian. PA'S TITE BIORNIXG OREGOXIAN, WEDXESDAT, DECE3IBER - 1 1 BrsiEss orpoBTcyiTiES. 5000 GARAGE. Doing: fine business, in good location In city. 3850. AUTO SALES CO. One-half interest in established busi ness in automobile district on west alde. 2750, . RESTAURANT. .Qr'cate? h "Washington st. and doing it over" y usine8"i tui eood. look 3000, GROCERY AND CONFECTION ERT STORE. JnB.Bood buless. on east side. S3..00. COUNTRY GROCERY. Located one mile from Oregon City, good stock and business, also 5-reom Soesitf It.0"6 a"e 00,irian1- a11 $2500. POOL HALL Located on one of the busiest streets In Portland, corner location. 1750, LAUNDRY. Good-paying laundry on east side, do ing a splendid business, look this up. If you don't find what you want here. can at our office and we will show vou otners. we have a good list to pick OKS?,SX, BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY. 448 MORGAN BLDG. LARGE general marrhatirt!.. fffrn .r?e,0n wheat belt desires the Mrainan experienced in shoes, " f ""' i!", cioining: permanen luimeiiiai position with good salary wiin lamuy preferred: give full ii oof W1,n PPl"catlon. Address WE BTTY LIBERTY BONDS A t a Basis of Market Value. WAR STAMPS BOUGHT. oAJIERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bldg., Second Floor. IF YOU ARE SEEKING TO GET INTO A good business come to us; we have what you want. ,,Irfyo" wanl to buy Kood home, see ukvo mem. If you want auari mpnt AiiAfl T 1oom,n houses, we will show them . I OIJ want Immediate resulta, we Ca get It for you. Vregon Business A Financial ftgency. 448 Morgan Bldg. tiTfSN"??RFUT PROPOSITION. $1200 takes one-half interest In -Zll vaym manufacturing business you fnT" eab'ished business, money roUIng in over 200 per cent have youreh.a?2 can w theooda. If J?" ..ve, the money, referencea and wl H"f'ne" see us once, other i. i.7 j' con?: w mean business, thla l??''t-edS?-. . f ora. Hampton. 401 Stock imrq anu Yamhill. J11.750 Buys one of the be's't established s.utdy mores in Portland. Do- '"B 000 per month business: mm store has been established iu yeara ana can show re- OREGON BCSIXKSS & FINANCIAL AGENCY. 448 MORGAN BLDG. HOT-WATER HEAT. NOB HILl." DISTR1HT "! ,ms; nlc"ly furnished and very f .J"? clean; 'Hied and bringing i,n?.h lncoe: new 2-year lease at rea- lLIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 0i. OAK bT. BROADWAY 4133 11250 PART TERMS POOL HALL AND okjp 1 1K1.KS. k. S ta21 in good shape. Wall case, back and front bar rant soft drinks. 4 nice living room's. Good . . f""y west side loca tion. A fine looking place RELIABLK INVESTMENT CO. 30S Oak Street. CORNER DRUG STORE. PRICK nvi.v r. Fine east side location. '2 phonograph agencies old established business. If uTATt . ""nurl w" can show you. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO 30 OAK ST. BROADWAY 41.3.1 POOL. CIGARS Avn KnpT nuivvo Washington st. location; well equipped, large place, practically new; cheap rent with lease clearing S0O to 6U0 montn. A. J. DeFOREST 4; CO.. 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 21590. ' GROCERY STORE FREE RENT. fixtures and stock with 2 living rooms k, i " ,r," a" Ior io- Doing a good business. Free rent. Come In and we diiuw jou mis place. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO . 305 OAK ST. ATTENTION! ror sale, poolroom, confectionery and biuiiu, gooa paying proposition ""r. mut.t leave city. If you want something that is a snap apply at 84 Grand ave. South. Don't miss this op- GENERAL mdse. store for sale; will sell "i m iiu.Duu stock; a good business in a good farming section. There Is a cheese factory, flouring mill here and an electric light plant going in; good reasons for selling. Balsiger & Son. Lyons, Or. IT. V Pt'PI I.' ' V F-V 111.- . . . "'luinery man to open jur uiu estaoilshed Chicago trim- L, h,i na- . letory. Portland business established Net riKht party $10,000 Via c Vx k . ,T, caP'tal. vogue, 218 So. Wabash, Chicago. "'-" GROCERY $!195. Neat little place, good clean stock and equipment Hurry. It s a real snap: rent tli) with living room. Ask Mr. Fish. A. J. DeFOREST & CO. 320-321 Henry bldg. Ma;n 20no. SMALL apartment or rooming house, close OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO X0H Selling bldg. Main 1S00. Fire and Auto Insurance. FOR QUICK SALE Half cash, balance own terms, price xiliuo. country bakery no competition; you cannot find better outlook anywhere; Just the thing for man and wife. AV 19. Oregonian i,OOD-t-AING general store business, do ing ?.-.ui.ii yearly, ror sale; in product ive Ncz Perce county. Ida.: stock In voices $25,000 to $30,000. AV 865 Ore gonian. SODA fountain dispenser Yoiir r-v,...- do you want to have a business of your ?WJ?. ,5.nni.t0"u old-c!tablished loca tion, $2000 cash necessary; investigate quick. AV 925. Oregonian. lves"Sale FOR SALE Cafeteria doing good business t-kes ba beat ln ihe city, $5000 cash "BUSINESS SERVICE 317 Henry b'dg. Main 6707. PARTNER wanted to sell gas. accessories etc., and be generally usriul In auto ga- rage; have 60 cars stead? storage and 3 men busy In repair shop: profits lartre y2200 required. Room 401 Dekum bldir I WOULD like to sell my cleaning and pressing outfit: one American first class presser and complete outfit fine location. Call attorney Richardson. Board of Trade building. Main 1391. $600 CASH restaurant, well located, doing a nice business; rent $45; must sell be fore the loth on account of operation Eee Harper, 248 Stark St., Main 5429 CARPENTER with money to invest ln good business. 549 Mllwaukle st. POLLY AND llr- - 1 11 " I F - ... n . . I , . t . ... 1 . . I . o : U : U CLCstffJJ.tnr; "tl" K-rr-Hi. R.rist.red in U. S. Patent Office. ACTIOXS BEAT ASHCR-J MIXD-READIXG FOR MA- business oppobtcxities. west side pool hall. price only s1250. ir,u-iZe room, very nice and clean -fabfes and .sood lease; 2 good p" 1 I Imoieum on floor; good clean N?r.C.kl,C5' clKa" a"J soft drinks! rear in.V VWL .Z. . Datn ana toilet li PFf il m ? Vl'-n,K.'0,r man n 305 OAK ST. i ,-aif "'"f . BWIAUWAl 4133. fAKfAER wanted for hauling freisht Slioo roTH alS"z" "r."0? Partner; - wm iwi uekum bldg. Bualne Opportunities Wanted. WANTED HAULING CONTRACTS " uf'il"iU"n,K 1uiment consists of'slx ?,:.t0n -,ru,ckV wlth Hump bodies and hanViu. ;,:., lor Jroaa work; can also ui nj 'umoer hauls. Write !' a"a we , wU figure 707, Oregonian. Willi you. AK WANTELV-HAUL1NG CONTRACT m s,ze-VVH tf,UCkS' .,hree of """ ini- or gravel. AK ,06. Oregonian. WANTE eive r.lrti.!.. "Jni.r..-,B. v. Ill PortlaH i '"caiea, clear, east side, n", A """". residence Dronerf v city. br. ' 'ouo- Box 7L Elk W.1E . "v 10 iuui) services to Invest In fm0.n P?yi"ff b""ness in Portland or Wh. h""- ..reI,?r.mv'"B Picture. jm . rt. ja. oregonian. l(,.t, . ' ' witn small means rooming house or restaurant. Wiii James Berry, care Y. '. M. C. A. i If lease sawmill from 20 h.- X ouacny. with available tim ber on or close to R. R k xiia gonlan. I WANT A BUTCH KR shod Have two cash buvera w.nin ' k. placed. rnone Main 4557. "WANTED To buy cleaning and tailor Oregonian. snop. J 4tu HAVE about $.100 to InvesL you offer? Main 17;3. What can Hotels and Rooming Houses. $1500 HANDLES ing: lease ing; brick building, west lrt. o.Zl.Z 5; income $2S5: price S'ViOO 44-ROOM iii ,niiv . Corner modern brick building In easy walking distance; rent $125 with lenTe income $650; $2500 down, baTance eaaV monthly payments. A. J. DeFOREST A. CO 320-321 Henry bld & ?Hin 26f. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS: WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. .8H:ROOM APT- HOUSE. ,.t!?MJ,andl,' li- 28 Partment. all -.1. Y!?," bath and Phone, corner ;Jnk building, close-ln location: rent C.10O a month; Income over $000, with chance for Increase; full price only $S500. A. 3. DeFOREST &. CO. 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 2690. MRS. M. E. LENT. HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSB BROKER. If you wish to buy or sell, come In and talk it over; 12 years ln this business in Porrland enables me to give you sat isfactory service. 723-24 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $1550 BUYS 21-room apt.; rent $50: 2- year lease; income $240 per month. $1250 buys 10-room apt.. Including piano and auto; rent $35; west side. See John Brown, 324 Railway Ex change bldg. FOR SALE Hotel in live town, runnlr,. full, paying 38 per cent on investment: forced out on account of health. Part cash will handle. Address box 433. Reedsport, Oregon. 2S ROOMS, STEAM HEAT. HOT and cold 'r i" an rooms; rent $75, Including heat; on one floor; $2000 takes it: $1U00 down. GODDARD. no: Couch bldg. 20 ROOMS, 1 and 2-room auts.. verv cen tral, good furrrlFhtng.. etc.. steady net income, price reanonable. 201 kith ST HAVE OTHER HOUSES ALL SIZES. 14-RoOM elegantly furnished house; full .hoi-limb si(?auy tenants; right down town; nets above expense $150; $2500 casn, uai. easy, owner 215 12th St., cor. oaimon. 7-ROOM FLAT. $450. Close downtown, good place to make nee rem ana cut your expenses. i Couch bldg. OR SAIjI-j JO-room apartment house do ing s.ioo buslnes per month; rent $50 mourn, price -'iiwi. part casn, balance easy terms. Phone Eaat 1705. room 8 40 ROOMS. $:1200. Rent $00: clearing $250 month. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch bide- oesL uargains in rooming or apart. ment houses see members of the Realt. Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th st BRAND NEW SMALL TRANSIENT " Very central. $1700 Is price. BRtCE GODDARD. 502 Couch bldg. FOR SALE R-room house; low rent, nice Income. 587 Wash. LOST AND FOUND. LOST automatic auto lock. No. innsiiu in front of Pierces sanitarium. Just this ',d of Bertha station, on Terwilleger blvd. Phone Broadway S105 or leave at Oregonian office. LOST Between 121 E. 27th N. aurt s,.". ond and Burnside. following Rose Citi car line gray velvet bag. Finder pleas call Ladd & Tlllou bank. Main 710L Nina F. Cleveland. Reward. LOST Gentleman's black traveling bag uliai'i aiso iaay s raincoat; 20 re ward will be paid for return. E 6130- no questions asked. LOST Brindle dog. short hair. sn right shoulder and right leg; soldiers mascot; disappeared- last week. Tabor 02H0. Reward. LOST Boston bull, color brindle. llh stripe from back of head down right wde of neck: 3 while toes on each foot. Reward. Wdln. 2303. LOST Small beaded nurse rnninini... check and currency, on Oregon St.. or Union ave., Tuesday morning. East 2749 Reward. 1 NE pair of Weed chains, 30x3 y.. lost bet. Broadway and Oak st. and Couch and 4th. Return to Fobes Supply Co.. 2S0 Couch st. L,??.Tr"Sunday evening, near E. Bth and yveiaier sis., mack silk bag, containing watch and money. .-Reward. V 844 Ore. gonlan. ' LOST A black silk nurse, silver han.li containnig money and pawn ticket Re ward. Phone Main 4G95. Mrs. Selies LOST Brown bill book, small amount of ...v..,w, a,,? uiotimrKH, otner valuabl. papers; reward. r m, oregonian. LOST Lady s silk and leather black bag between 23d and Flanders or Washing ton st. Phone Main 2926. Reward LOST A platinum diamond lace pin in fnes" district. Reward. ' Call Main LOST Black mink shoulder cape turn 1310 Yeon bldg.. Main 387 ward. Re-Re- LOST; Gray spat between E. 7th and 8th sts. on Broadway. Call E. 5444. Reward. FOHND Angora cat on East 12th and Morrison. Sunday night. East 1923. FOUND Black-and-white male setter; no HER PALS -BY CLIFF STERRLTT. 1919. LOST AND FOt'ND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.: Dec. !i 1 purses. 2 hand bags, bank book, brooch, W. O. W." pin. 2 pr. gloves. 4 packages, 2 pr. overalls, basket, oil coat. 3 lunch boxes, axe. coal scuttle, traveling bag. 2 suitcases. Own ers may obtain property at First and Alder sts. LOST- Decfmhur n c, l.i.nL- I'emeen loth and G:an and H5:h and jsumsiae, or between iiurnsi.ie and Mult- ..uiuiii emu, contains standard Oil gaso line book. 2 rinv nn.1 'nder kindly call Wdln. 4781. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. Ml-tJi. . - -SALE OF MALHEUR TION BONDS 1SAl?P.ar value and accrued Interest ', J- X., la HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the county court of Malheur county, state of i me county courtroom in the mouse at vaie. in Aialheur countv .utie oi Oregon, on December 22 lolli up to the hour of 10 A. M. of said day. jV .j SQ' or one Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) bonds, par value, of , ,,. in ni-ritB as lOliOWS, tO-Wlt J1OO0 of series "A" to run and be pay able four years from December 1. lulu ..ooo of series "B" to run and be pay- ii.r.n . irom uecemner 1. lyia $oo0 of series "C" to run and be mv V?., .ne'ePl 'ear from December 1. 1H1: ssooo of series "D- to run and be pav. 5f .nfen yar" from December 1, llt- I7 c xo run and be pav f,Ien.?,- jears from December 1, l19 $1.1.000 of series "V to run and be pav year fom December 1 1919: $16,000 of series "G" to run and be pay-5?-l years from December 1. 11U; J. 2? ?l series "H" to run and be . , 8 'ears from December 1. 119; $10,000 of series "I" to run and be pay. years from December 1. lillil ,i, 1 i ?illd b9"''" to be in denomina tions of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or mul tiples thereof, up to OiM Thousand Dol lars (luoo. at the option of bidder and bear interest at the rate of 5V4 per cent per annum, interest payable seml- ...... i me oirice of the county . treasurer of said onuntv J Each bid must be accompanied bv a c,1fck Payable to Malheur county cer- niiea to Dy a reputable, solvent bank In an amount equal to 5 per cent of iue amount or the par value of the bonds bid upon in said bid; such check to be returned if said bid is reieetcd ..... .u ,B ejieu. sucn cnecK will be returned upon payment for and de livery of the bonds included in said via, it saia Did is accepted and the So JT '"u 1,141 ,s not paid within .10 days after the acceptance thereof, such check shall be cashed and the pro reeds thereof shall become the prop erty of said Malheur county. Bids will be received for any amount or said bonds of the several inrlD. exceeding One Hundred Thousand Dol- nlB avo,uuvj, par value and accrued interest. The right to relect any and alt bids, or to accept part and reject part Is kT2 ? i?y county court. Address A. M. MOODT. COUNTY CLERK. ale, Malheur county. Oregon, and in dorse on the envelope "Bid for Malheur county road bonds." Citixens of Malheur county will be rV5n. J preference right to purchase said bonds. A. M. MOOOY County clerk, Malheur counfr. Oregon Dated November 26. 1U19. (County Court S.. recelve. sealed bids at my office. 40 Morgan building, up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday. December 16. 1019 for a stock of groceries or the Inventory valuation of lhS.S!) and fixtures of the ine,ot-'iryva'lLatio,l of 55.20: located at 1.H Hawthorne avenue, city: terms cash; certified check for 10 per cent of amount ollered must accompany each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and property inspected by appointment only. R. I SABIN COMPETENT man going to San Francisco ovuu nm transact uusiness lor parties not having time or sufficient business to go themselves. F 824. Oregonian. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sola. Before Buying or Selling Get Our Quotations. E. L. DEVEREAUX 6c COMPANY. Government and. Municipal Bonds. 87 Sixtn street. Between Stark ana Oak. WE BUT AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS. MAKE MORTGAGE LOANS. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. WRITE FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY INSURANCE. EXILE BURK1TT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. BE YOUR OjVN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your mortgage loan on the co-operative plan Loans for any amount to run from 3 to 10 years repayable in small monthly Installments. Part or ail of loan may be paid off at any time. Every bor rower participates in full profits of the association. Oniy purely co-operatlvo savings and loan association in Portland UNION SAVINGS & LOAM ASSOCIATION. 24 Oak Street. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH ilAHKET PRIC. CASH for KECEIPTF We LOAN money en BONDS. SAVINGS STAMPS. 7 Int. 725 Gasco Bldg., 5th and Alder. CELLA33-MURTON CO. BE3ST cash offer takes our capital stock In Liberty foundry. Phone Main b431. Address X ;t;j:, Oregonian. WANT to sell $15410 three-year mortgage. aecuniy, saiase vameo at -iUOU; Interest 6 per cent. S 426. Oregonian. CASH paid lor mortgages and sellers' eon tracts on real estate In Washington. Ore gon. H. B Noble. H16 Lumbertnens bldg. WANT to borrow $2500 three years r.14 per cent, on residence valued at $5800 S 425, Oregonian. FOR SALE 100 shares Johnson Auts Signal stock. Apply 1:1X5 Mallory ave. Money to Loan on Real Kstate. MORTGAGE LOaSs OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATFS WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO 80 Fourth St.. Portlaad. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. ' City or farm property from $500 up W. H. BRITTS. 3L8 Chamber of Com merce, Tel. Marshall 2549. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate RITTER. LOWE & CO " 201 Board of Trade Bldg $300. $400. $500. $650. $750. $1000 AND UP" lowest rates: quick action. Gordon Mort gage Co.. 631 Cham, of Com. Main 1870. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP- low' rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Alain 6445. $500. $1000 AND upwaid on Improved real estate; favr-rable terms, no delay no brokerage. Jehn Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. MONEY, ln any amount, to loan on 7m- c(i cnjr yiuperiy at going rates. I . . F1XANCI.4L. Money to Loan on Real Estate. RESIDENCE LOANS. " Pr eent to 7 per cent, five-year Z. VI' , "lay pay siou or any muiu- I, account principal seml-aa INSTAT.fMFVT Will loan 00 per cent va.ue of house Ddlot t 61 to 7 per cenc You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal niontll-y- For example, 12oo loan, you T " j uu interest. lou nai privilege of paying iluu or anv mulnn thereof monthly. Interest reduces ic NO COMMISSION. WE RECORD MOP. 'f GAGE AND PAY OTHER EXPENSES. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period. per cent and per cent. Repayment privilege. , MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Vlain s3ua. Suite 407 ieou Bid. WE CHARGE NO BROKERAGE ON RESIDENCE LOANS. and positively the lowest rates of inter- ii aiso make business property and farm loans, liberal repayment privileges. nroker8 and borrowers piace your loans jrwu tan secure tno Dest terms. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES (.UsrA.M, 91 Third Street. Phon. Main ROM Uround Floor Chamber of Commerce -Bul.aina. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION On improved 'property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying m luciii is our mommy pa ment plan. $32.26 per month lor 36 months, or $21.24 per momh for OO mnn'hi nr $15.17 per month for t6 monLhs pays m. iuau vi imuu ana interesu Loans of other amounts in same pro- Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN, -42 stark su. Portland. Or. money to loan lots of it; quick action low rates EITHER STRAIGHT MORTGAGES OR BUILDING LOANS. ACTION AND SKKVICB la OUR AIO'lTO. v JOHN WEIST CO.. h07-o-9 Lewis Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security; any amount from tiw 4 wu uuiirvteu city or larm prop- THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 205 Coroett Bldg. Main 6915. a. 2815. LIBERAL LOANS. e loan our own muney on real estate first and second montages, contracts! Co., -iO Chamber ot Commerce bldg FARM LOANS Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val- iej -o commission. io delays DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO-MPAN V s7 0th at.. Portland. Or. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, uwu umi .u laiuiA umiujuK loans specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215-216 FAILING BLDG.. THIRD AND WASHINGTON MORTGAGE LOANS Loans made on lmoroved city property. f iumii dci iv.. ueiay. Call and see us lor terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO OF OREGON Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Aiiiauu v reps lug privileges. A. 11. B1KHELL CO., 217 Northwestern liana Bldg. Marshall 4114. a 4118. MONEY TO LOAN en real estate security at going rate of uneresc Ol'XO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also im proved larm property, current rates. WM. MacMASTER. 331 U. S. National Bai.k Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 5,4 PER - . - . " ..... ------ . . . - -. l a. UNION ABSTRACT CO. Corbett Bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm ana city property; lavorable lepaymg pi 1 v ucstro , iim .viiiiiii-aiuii or oeiay THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD 506 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. EEE US TODAlc. We loan money on real estate, 6 and 7. long time, short time monthly payments or aa you can; sums 10 suit. 10 iiiiBco oiug.. otn and Alder CELLARS-MURTON CO. HAVE $lo0o to loan on good Portland resiuenuai properij, t per cent lnierest- IUIO iMU, MONEY erty. on farm and improved city prop. K. K. Baxter. 74 Spalding bldg. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE (-0 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th anu Stark MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and Tm. Louis Salomon & Co.. 40S Selling bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest rates. A. E. Harding, rfia hallway Exchange. $1000 AND UP; no commission or delay F. H- DESHON. 615 Cham, ot Com. oldg $1iwj0 ON CITY or country property. 7ll itwenana oiug. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. CHRISTMAS MONEY. WE LOAN MONEY To salaried and workiugmen on their personal notes. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER NO PUBLICITY ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pdanos. etc., without removal. CALL AND SEE ITS TODAY Investigate our modem money-lending methods. It will cost no more now thau 11 jou wan unin a icw uays before CHRISTMAS. OPEN 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. UNTIL XMAS. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., Licensed. 218 FAILING BUILDING. S. E. corner THIRD and WASHINGTON STREETS. OPEN EVENINGS. OPEN EVENINGS DO YOU NEE MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QU'CK SERVICE YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS VICTROI.AS. REAL ESTATE BONDS, ETC If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans, and leave the se curity in your possession, and you caa repay us ln small nlontnly payments ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people, on their own note Rates reasonable. Private offices all business strictly confidential. WE ALSO BUY DIAMONDS PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (LICENSED). 808-307 Dekum Bldg Marshall 8289. 8. W. Cor. Third and Washington 4 I : J il FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND EEMtOiAL LOAN ASSN Phone Broadway 910. M Stark Street. Near Tenth. -.iff" ?J'mt"111'- watches. Tlctrolas. pis no kodaks, shotguns. furniture, musical instruments, sad wuSf .( pSrt? AT?P-r ?,T THB PEOPLE OF KOWs& TO ROTIiCX THJi BOR. fafJ'v-aTu1 COUntT """rants caahed for CARRIS MYEnS-HERRMAJJ. isusr. MONEY to loan J -tab. rates. 208 Washington tla a !oAEey r. lSg xonus Trantea. W.fnfT-??.?.RTAGE LOANS. h'ave r.SV""7, y -yiilkeylt:oodig: I""?00- Bcl"l" '""bTraie0- 2' ro 1S' '''a8 ..: Portlande5o,,..n,'2"n -""Use. Hger blvd. M-Trshri, t"-?"""- Aerwll- security: no. ZL, l"l.T?K- d gonian. M 08I. Ore- PORivD iAGES ON IMPROVED " . aasam. m, DIQf ' comr'tDn '"'Proved acreage; no X 357. OreKonian. N? .n,PMa,,VnE7r77n.U' Pt 222 Cham- MORTGAGE Co7 wj cnam. of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PEBSOXAL. -DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamond direct to lmZ?A'?""' -5 -"civ. Without . . "- maraet vs u ny disappointment W Per Ticket. ?i .,.'"":""s,'. Pn Any valuables. any"amounLnUm- " We buy War Stamps. If 7 Bonds, Victory Bonds. If you want money, see a Private offices; business confidentiaL- AMERICAN BROKERAGE " Brokers and Diamond Merchants. 20o MORGAN BLDG Second Floor. - Mcensed by the City of Portland. Thi ur fr'en.1s may think of you That makes your reputation y And not what you may think of self From self-infatuation lnmK or ,e,r Man is his own creator of the lif h 11. i- . He makes himself rweakllnR : " maaes nimself a power. FTaLhes J't" ?r le He is no benefit to i.i.,'ni.-i'H And helps retard the race. We make our reputations And we wm . On each NEW SUIT. COAT. DRESS d At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STOE 2d floor. Pittock block. " OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We Pay up to $25 Per Plate. Bridgework. Dental Gold Bought. , Bring or Mall. F? ZV? Offices for Ladies. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. . ..0 Morgan Bldg.. Second Floor. i1-;? TEETH! FALSE TEErT? ' Highest cash prices paid for false teeth, crowns, bridges and all dental $200 TO XIOOO Tvo rAin. uiaiuuiiuB. we nuv .eriP,i.and " every Old ds- NATIONAL JEWELRY CO. 44. Morgan Bldg.. Fourth Floor. "ILL Persons seein towlns- l-...i "".""" ---0 - " . iiriihe no. ore. ,19764 away from Taylor below Broadwav at' cat L t if l" CVT- plpase communl f,Hi . . s- C- y- s'fM. bookkeep- g adjustments. Ml Frank Klnr. or 54 10 :i7th ave. ,S. E.. city ? BRING YOUR SCALP troubles '--BPtiWh. knows . , THK EKDEE CO. kii.i iT,?i y malli- includlng war tax. AilC MASTER will show vou th.l rnea can be cured. Soft teeth will hard en and decay can be prevented. Learn to mauler these conditions yourself with a lilue help Horn the dentist. Dr. C Smith Long. Bush - Lane bldg WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD SANITAlit .. luttiiicue oouievard, worth avo. : phone Wdln. 21.-.11 Ains- " attention given confinement and conv-al li-scent cases; trained nurses, courteous treatment; rates moderate AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH -and a scientific massage once a week will prolong both physical and mental enlciency. - Dr. Irouaide. 308-11 Broad way bldg. Nurse in atlendance. Main .-.it DR. MATHILDE ARNESEN. medical gym--" ... . A-.orway. violet ray electricity, scientific massage. Medical Gymnastics. 305 Columbia bldg.. Main TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER 72 - cleansing, healing, germicidal and invls orating douche. A great aid in lucor. rhea and female disorders. 50o ana tl per box. Purtland Hotel Pharmacy " FEBVET st HANNEBUT. leading wig and f. - . i uuman nalr goods, hairdreeslng. manicuring, lace and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 846. WE BUY WAR STAMPS Spot Cash. Liberty Honda - Hooch American Brokerage. 205 Morgan Bldg. M1S!?E- AL,A1S -Treatments for dandruff - - ' iniiu.ui inj. -iu t Morrl- 11 to 8. Sundays 11 to 3. "ouis ALASKA FURS. Finest quality, ready-to-wear and to, order at upstairs prices. The Fur Shon QUO Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash REV. and Mrs. J. Schorl. Bible ,,,r.i " lsts; meetings Sun.. Tues.. Thurs. nights 8 o'ejock. 15 E. 15th st. N.. cor. E" - Burnside. LADY will dress' your dolls for Xmaa. Win j i use your materials Hats, coats, fur sets a specialty. Mar. $1 WILL get both teet fixed up good at Dr" T.- - (ha I'll I 1, , 1 ,11 ., . , .- U r J " - uLijot. wno doesn't f:","1;,i1"t1'K'"li.:??' lre- Glob. DR. RUTH OLSON. MEDICAL OYUNakt ercises. electricity. 653 Washington bldg. Main 6J4. ConBultaUon (reef Drugiesa melhods. Stomach. kldn.t" rheumatism. constlpaUon. eti M BEST steam bath, chiropractic, vibraiir.. " and electric in city. Dr. Margaret hAw nie. zio ewetiand blag. Main 1760. ' I.'X" r " "r ., warts ramovee ' uj ucw10" mciiiou, u-iai tree. jnal. Finley. 614 Bush Lane bidgjin 5!r J-1 tss.is lumbago. mtn. Hours 2 to 6. or by appointment. phTr. Main 1049. Office 8QS-C Third stT LEARN beauty culture work; we give erlence. Sanitary ISeaiitS 412 Dekum bldg. Beut' . Parlors. 400- CANCERS successfully cured without on In' Write H. W. Stump. 437 Larrabee st Portland. Or. - su. HAIR CUTTING. 36c Macieay bldg Ws.lT - St.. between 4th and 5th. Expert work Children specialty. MANICURING, shampoo, face and scain treatments. 733 Morgan bldg. pliiilEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. b44 E. 83d. Sell. 2213, BloriSi (AEKTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous ha.? manicuring, tace. scalp. 822 Filedner bid DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay vou? ' , llBr.U .nllard... I ... , . .'UUI - - , .. . cnum Oldg. . - - - -r -. . . . wnnout aa operation h ree booklet. P. O. box llosT ' DR. WILKINSON removes corns In 3 mini 315 Flanders st., near Cth. 1 -1 1 1 ;.- r A M I ,-i o l- : Pi CAN HE CURED without opera, tlon. Free booklet. P. O. box 11057 N1SHBETHS Swedish Electro-Hydro In stitute. 533-535 Pittock blk. Be ivy. 518. NERVES, lumbarTO treated: hours 10 to 9 415 Buchanan bid a. Alain toatiti. LADY BARBERS, shaves 20c. hairont SSe. lace matsage c vertt, cor. 3d.--