TTTE MORXIXU OHEGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, DECEMDET1 10, 1919. 17 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Beach Property. SEASIDE PROPERTY. Three lota and cottage near Seaside "hotel. Vacant lot 60 feet from Board Walk; business lot near depot. Address box 147. Seaside, Or. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT. $80O PER MONTH INCOME. My wife Is not dead, neither Is my mother-in-law, nor any other member of my family, but I will sell my apartment house property, located in the finest dis trict In Portland at the very low price of $42,500; $25,000 cash and easy terms. See my agent, but don't bother him un less you have the cash and mean busi ness. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. " FOR QUICK SALE. Three apartment fiats, west of Parle street, in best district, 7 minutes' walk from Portland hotel, 8 and 4 rooms up stairs, 6 rooms downstairs; good dry basement; now paying better than 10 per cent on Investment. For quick, sale, $15,000. E 80S, Oregonlan. FOR QUICK SALE. Three family apart, flats in best apart ment house district, with steam heat, hot water, .well built, only 7 minutes' -walk from postoffiee, present income $130 per month; price for cash $15,000. E. 802, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON APT., $58,000. Real snap, 15 apts., all outside rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floors, beau tiful court entrance, real money-maker, no trade, but give terms; never changed owners. East 419. McDonell. 87 COMPLETELY furnished apartments, $50,000. A golden opportunity for party with $20,000 or more cash. Evenings, Main 1377. APARTMENT HOUSE. Tp TO DATE, SHOWING FINE IN VTME. $42,500; TERMS. EAST 6438. 4750 A CHOICE Rose City bunga low, very neat and attractive; hardwood floors, 8 full rooms, beautiful fireplace, furnace, many built-ins; paved street and sewer, lawn, roses and trets; located on 8th street; $1000 down. B1I1R-CAREY CO., S19 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 1686. 3 BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS IN LAURELHURST Don't buy a home elsewhere until you "have seen me, 10 years selling Laurel hurst property exclusively; that Is why people anxious to sell list their property with me exclusively, they ret action ; I have now three large homes, 8 and 9 room places; vacant, ready to move in on reut-like terms and away below value; it will pay you to see me. Call At Laurelhurst town office, 270 Stark mt., or phone me day or evening. Main 170(1 or East 208a. MR. DELAHUNTY. $2150 BUYS another real home at an unheard-ot price; 5 full rooms and payment, full lot, bath, toilet, very modern convenience ; paved tr!ot and aewer paid up; 1! blocks smith of Ladd's addition; $u00 dowu, balant e like vent. BlUR-CAREY CO., 210 Ry. Ex. bide. Main 1686. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW If you are looking for a most con venient, Al-construct;d 5-room bungalow, don't fall to see this one, located in Laurelhurst, 1 block from car line. Full cutnont basement, laundry trays, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors in liv ing and dining rooms, 2 bedrooms, large attic. A snap at $470. $1500 will han dle. Pee J. A. McCARTY, at Laurel hurst Tract Office, E. 30th and Glisan. Tabor 34o3; evenings and Sunday, labor B057. 5000 BUYS a 2-story 7-room bun-palow-type liorne on 37th street, in Hawthorn;; corner lot. paved sts., hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, elaborate bult-ins: roses, vines and Shrubbery; $2000 down. This home can't be built for $0000 today. BlllH-CAltliY CO., 219 Ry. Ex. bldff. Main 16S6. 1IOM KBUYEUS. ATTENTION. Looking for a home ? Let us show you a home at your price which we will defy competition. We upend all our time finding homes that are priced right. uhun we Invito comparison. Could any thln be more fair? Over 12 years' ex perience in Portland real estate makes us a good Judge of values. W e have modern hornet from $2200 up; terms to suit. Let. us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange. Main 5S3. VACANT HOUSES. I am the owner of several varant houses which 1 hav.e purposely refused to rent because I wish to sell. They range ali the way from 3 to 6 rooms and in price from $1000 to $4000. These are good buys, because I need the cash nd will give you a bargain if you have ral money. For particulars see owner at 404 Piatt bids.. 127 Park at., cor. nshington. LAUHELH L'KST BUNGALOW 0 rooms and beautiful breakfast room all hardwood floors ; finished In oid lvoiv throughout; magnificent flret'lace. In tnct. It is one of the most complete bungalows In Laurelhurst. Yes. it has a la rue sleeping porch and garage. Pric e $7000, JM00O will handle. This is a dandy buy. see J. A. Mccarty, at E. 3!th and a Hssn :. T bor 3433; evenings and tMimiay, Manor u.f. VINE new EngMsh cottage, 6 rooms, din ing and Bleeping porches, hardwood floors, open fireplace, all modern con venienepB. wit h large wooded lot, at Mount Zlon, the most beautiful view uouro 01 i-'ortiana. Tice Joono. easy tvrms. .lohn Ba in t owner), 507 Spalding Diug. icicpnoue a t DECIDE BEFORE CHRISTMAS BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH COLON! At Large corner lot. built only two yars t a cost of $13.r00; can show you every 0111; 1 am Qciermineu to sen tills beau tiful home this mouth and will refuse no reasonable of fr: phone me evenings 1 or iun nrr parucu tars. r.aSt BEAT the rent profiteer. Why pay rent when you can buy a flat bldg. from owner in beautiful Irvington; strictly modem, that will pay you 7 per cent interest ana give you a beautiful horn free; easy terms! Ideal investment for J any; absolutely safe. C. C. Coulter. 403 East sth st. N. $3; 500 Brand new 5-room modem bumralow. near Sandy blvd., $300 cash, $30 per mom n. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. 021 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. Main 4477. JUST A MOMENT, PLEASE. Brand new classy 4-r. bunealow. 1u finished. nar Union ave. north of Pied mont district; a few hundred dollars first payment will handle it. Can ar range ha I. to suit purchaser. Phone owner. kifi tniu. MOW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW - LARGE ROOMS. FINISHED IN IVORY ti IN A M ti 1,; HAKOWOOl) FLOORS X 1 .N fi f'l-L -M HLNU; PRICE J'. 500. IN CLUD1NG ALL ASSESSMENTS. OWN Kit, TA HUK iit-S. ASTORIA PROPERTY. fl-room house on paved street; also 5 room House on same lot; three minutes' walk from business section. Address box hi, tseasiue. r. SPLENDID 6-room home. Hlehland Add., very substantial iy out:t ; large lot. mo, terraced lawn: fine, worth 17000 take $4S50. See this property. East 273. MaKe oner. . 11. neraman. PRICED TO SELL THIS WEEkT$10P J300 DOWN. RAL. $10 A MONTH. 7 PER CENT INTEREST... 5-room house, basement, on car line; lot 50x119; at 7 00 E. 21st st. Phone Sell. 1504. $ 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $ 650 Full 50x100 lot to lley. with garage; white enamel plumbing; close to car. WRIGHT & ROOK. Main 5PS3. 417 Abington bldg NEW BUNGALOW, combination dining and living room, two bedrooms, bath, electricity, gas, Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, full lot. close to Veninsula sm-MooI. $iirtrrt, terms. East 5779. $:Mto 5-RCOM BUNGALOW. On Frnnrix ave., paved street; fireplace, laundry travs; all bullt-lns ; terms. WRIGHT & ROCK Main SPSS 417 Abington bldg. gi .-.- 5-ROOM house. lot 50x100, St. Johns district, only $500, balance easy terms, garden, fruit, berries, garage. M. BILLINGS. 509 McKay Bldg. Main 1300. BY OWNER 6 rooms, sleeping porch, fire place, on csr Mne, corner view lot, newly painted throughout ; terma Main 2460, evenings Wood: awn 4508. ATTRACTIVE 6-room cottage; screens, water heater, linoleum : fruit: garage; paved: extraordinary value, $2700; va cant. Owner, evenings. Tabor 7055. FOR SALE Modern 6-room bungalow, good a new, by owner, cheap if sold at ono. Owner leaving city. Call East 40S. IRVINGTON HOME. EASt 134T. KICK 6-room modern home; well built; with fruit trees, etc.; $U700; terms, $500. Columbia 80, St. Johns. t.- rTTV "( ITT AO E. lltlOO: tr-aci far larger bouse or acreage, assume differ- I uce, IbOO Siskiyou, w, loth, R, C, car. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hodma. NON-RESIDENT WANTS TO SELL FINE HOME. Seven' large rooms, besides a finished room In attic, every modern convenience built In, 3 fine fireplaces, full cement basement and furnace heat. Present owner paid $5500 for this home only a few years ago and on account of having to return east is offering this magnifi cent home for $7000 and on terms, and most any business man or anyone else desiring a fine close-in home can eas ily afford to own. If you want a rea home value see this one. E. M. HUGH.ES, COT Journal bldg. Main 2858. $3O00 BUYS dandy bungalow of 5 rooms and brtaklast nook, fireplace, fin ished in enamel; an attractive home Inside and out; lot 151xl0u; has 21 full-bearing fruit trees, large chick en house; terms. $3500 buys a full acre, close in, with good fl-room house; over 30 fruit trees, chicken houses, berries, etc. You will find this a remarkably good buy; on hard-surface street and close to car, just south of city lim its g- on east side. Requires $1200 cash. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange. Main 583. $4350 BUYS beautiful 6-room home, on a corner lot; paved street, sew er, garage, full cement basement; 8 bedrooms, sleeping porch, fur nace, fireplace; excellent condition throughout:, must sell at once; a real bargain. Experienced sales men with autos at your service any time of day or evening. BIHR-CAREY CO., 219 Ry. Ex. bid. Main 1688. HpLLADAY ADDITION 7-room house in excellent condition, on 50x100 corner, 1 block from Broad way car; Siberian oak floors in living, dining room and den, full basement, fine furnace, fireplace, double garage. Property cost $ooo0, will take $T500 if sold at once. This will be an exception ally good buy for someone. See J. A. McCarty, at E. 30th and Glisan sts. Tabor 3433; evenings and Sunday, Tabor 5057. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. $7500 Let us show you this absolutely modern home on that ridge north of Rose City Park car, where you get that remarkable view of city and mts. Has hardwood floors throughout, beautifully fin ished, hot-water heat. Let us show you. J. A, WICKMA CO., 204 Railway Exchange. Main 5S3. FOR SALE A 5-room bungalow, practic ally new, cement basement, fireplace, 3 polished floors, ivory enamel woodwork, built-in buffet and seat, Dutch kitchen with inlaid linoleum; lot lOuxlOO, witn 10 fruit and walnut trees, grapes, lilacs beautiful roses, chicken house and yard; terms, $500 down and balance monthly payments. 80S W. Russett St.; Wood lawn 3293. No agents. PuRTLAND, east side home, fine loca tion, close to cars and Jefferson high school, restricted, refined neighborhood, hard-surface streets and walks in ; prounds 50x100 ; house 9 rooms, also basement; cement billiard room, all con veniences including large combination range; price SiOO", leased short time; might consider going business. Box 71, H.IK city, uregon. $3G50 -7-ROOM BUNGALOW $3000 ONLY. This place Is on a 50x100 lot, corner. and on paved street and everything paid, nice fireplace, beamed and pan eled dining room, iota of built-in fea tures, modern in every way. We will be delighted to take you out to this place, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4133. 305 Oak St. HAVE a strictly modern and desirable 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors and all the lixings. it is on paved street in (rood district. Will sell at a real bargain or will lease for a term of mouths to desirable family, but shall require a reasonable advance payment of rent to secure lease. 509 McKay bldg. Main 1300. $6000. Large living room, dining; room, den, kitchen and breakfast room first floor. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath second floor, hardwood floors, full-size concrete basement, furnace, garage, all one con dition; half cash, balance five year POINDEATKK, 2U.X S!:;i.Ll.NU ULUli. MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE B 7120. HOW TO BEAT OLD HIGH COST. Owner leaving for farm : will sell 6 room house, 80x100 lot, abundance of iruit. Price $2500: $650 cash. baL $20, In eluding 6 per cent. We have homes in all parts of the city. WRIGHT A ROCK Main BOSS 417 Ablncton bldg. HOT-LAD AY ADDITION BUNGALOW. $3200 6-ROOM bungalow. fireulac nice new garage. Thin place only built 4 years ago, and Is a real sacrifice at this price. Owner going away. It must be sold in next few days. RELTA RLE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4133. 305 Oak St. 100 DOWN. $13 monthJy and interest at 6 per cent buys a' two-room, wen-con struct od house with patent toilet, on 1 beautiful east-facing lot on east 29th st N., one block from Alberta car; price of $1050 includes1 improvements paid except paving. John Ferguson, Ger- llnger bldg. Main 8520. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything: furnish plans nd finance. Established ten years. V offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R. i3aiiey t'n inc., contract Ing architects. 024 N. W. Bank bl d g. WEST side bargain. 7-room house, all fur nished, modern plumbing, 2 sinKs, gas and electric, close In. the owner is ou exf tnwn itnd we are authorized to set hniion nnrt furniture for SI S00 and wil cive terms at that. Mrs. Florian Fuclis, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1RVTNGTON REAL HOME, $0000. TERMS. Semi-bungalow, living room, dinins room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath first floor; two bedrooms, sleeping "porch, bath second; all large rooms, hardwood floors, concrete porcnes. 11 ne garage, grounds 75x100. fine shrubs; $2500 cash. Eait 4iv; no agenis. TTAWTTTORNE 2750 DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow. 40x100 lot, paved street; fruit and berries: all reiurmsned, lor sale, UDerai terms, uwiier W. A. WRIGHT Par phone BOSS. Res.. Sel. 1355 IRVINGTON. $11,500; COST $15,000. "Perfect, corner south and east fur-in ar large living room, central hall, mirrors artistic lighting. four large B. R., two baths, double garage. AlcDonell. Eas 4l. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish th money and build for you. Terms. Ilk rent. "Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., Main 2035. Main 4477. " FURNISHED 5-ROOM BUNGALOW." 1117 E. Grant St.; vacant now; cost owner $3000: will sacrifice for quick sale: 40x100 lot: fruit and berries; paved street. Yours fcr 929.111. OWNER SELLWOOD 1355 IRVINGTON. 6-rooms; hardwood floors; furnace, fireplace: nearly new. This la far below value at $4200. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bids. SI 4506-ROOM HOUSE. Full sized basement, on paved street, 5 minutes -walk to Broadway; working ' man's opportunity to get a home WRIGHT & ROCK, Main BOS. Res. Tab 3090 $3150 NEAT, modem little 5-room house, nearly two lots, all improvements paid. E. 47th, near Belmont. Owner transferred from city ; priced for immediate sale. 910 Ch. of Com. Phone Marshall 15S5. ROSE CITY'S biggest bargain: desirable bungalow ; improvements paid; immedi ' ate possession; $-050; terms; worth more. Owner, evenings. Tabor 7055. FOR $500 YOU MOVE IN " this nice, clean 7-room house, balance like rent; close In; only ,-$3000. East 6438. BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY. If you are looking for a bargain it will be to your interest to call up Mr. StowelL Tabor 6881. FURNISHED home. Alberta, $3500; mod ern, o rooms, furnace, fuel. Dutch kitch en 60x1 00 lot; $1000 down, balance like rent. Wdln. 50S. 1103 E. 15th st. N. $20,000; WEST side home; real sacrifice? V rOOmS, lliuucui, weciui.ii.u( -irn , IQUII be sold; leaving city Jan. l; $15,000. By owner; terms. F 83. Oregonian. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn. 243 Stark st. Office hours 8 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 831. Res, phone. Tabor 194. 5-ROOM cotage; lot 75x100: fruit trees chicken house; $1450. Terms. $300 down, Broadwav 1058. ' 2Q9 Oregon bldg. BY OWNER Strictly mouern home, Irv ington. oak floors, cement basement. 50 fu lot: $4200- E. 2377 or 722 Selling bldg FOR RENT A 6-room house, furniture for sale, including piano. Westmore land district. Phone Sellwood 762 $2750 BUYS $4000 furnished house now renting for $45 per month; must have $1000 quick cash. 320 Morgan bldg. 7-ROOM house, fruit and flowers, $800 cash, balance like rent. 313-36. $3500, Phone IRVINGTON HOMES. EAST 894 IV T. STREET. I RV AG?. IRVINGTON BEST HOMES. AlcDONfeLL. feast 419. REAL ESTATE, For Sale House. $4550 BUT 3 one of Ross City's choicest 5-room bungalows, prac tically new; hardwood floors, fire place, very artistically finished in side and out seeing Is buying;. Paved street In and paid. Experi enced salesmen with autos at your service any time of day or even ing. BIHR-CARET CO., 219 Ry. Ex. bids;. Main 1686. FURNISHED BUNGALOW SNAP. LOCATED IN HAWTHORNE. Has 4 rooms, good basement and floored attic, modern bath, toilet, lights and gas; neatly furnished, including fine piano; beautiful lot, with bearing fruit, flowers and garden, paved street, city sewer: all liens paid; bandy to car. convenient to schools, stores and churches; owner leaving city and desires quick sale; only $2050 for complete out fit; immediate possession. See this snap at once. My auto Is at your service. E. W. Hug-hes. 507 Journal bid. Phone Main 2S5S. - $2000 5-ROOM cottage, small lot. bath, toilet, gas. electricity, small basement, sidewalks, sewers and -paved streets in and paid for; one block from car; $400 down, bal ance like rent; east side south. Can't be duplicated. Let us show you. BIHR-CARET CO.. 219 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 16S9. MT. TABOR ACRE HOME. Just a most beautiful 6 -room bunga low, with oak floors, fireplace, full ce ment basement, fine furnace, all the built-ins. delightful large living room. A real home with almost an acre of ground, lots of fruit, finest garden soil; $60 00, half cash. Hero is your oppor tunity to beat the H. C. L. located on 7lst st.. S. of revision. Be sure and see this. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6915. LOOK AT THIS. $500 for a choice view lot on Fair mont drive on Portland Heights; the owner paid $1000 for It less than a year ago, but needs some money. See M. BILLINGS, 509 McKay Bldg Main ia90. BARGAIN Snappy Irvington home. See owner perore leaving city. East 8015. Suburban Homes. HAVE SEVERAL GOOD VACANT xiujuis wnicn 1 will sell. One is brand new and never been lived in: 4 rooms. These places range from $1000 to $3000 and will be sold at a bargain to anyone having a good-slxed first payment. I am the owner and you will avoid paying commissions by dealing with me. For particulars call'at my office. 404 Piatt PKig.. jiw rarK St.. cor. Washington. 3 ACRES AND BUNGALOW. ONLY" $1800. $100 down gives possession of 3-acre ranch with three-room well-constructed buneal ow : lies on pount v mni ikiiu short distance from Oregon electric sta tion; good soli, fine view; remember the price is only $1800 and $100 gives possession. Call 500 Concord bldg 2d CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME end acreage, well located, near car lln from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house n-th of Rlsley station, on Oregon City car W11..L. pay good rent for a small house . o not over j.u miles from Portland. Give full particulars in first tt on, ureganian. 1.25 ACRES, 4-room cottage, electric! ty . 1 , tmwuo, fiiow, jucj ariano, (02 ' "lug. For Sale Business Property. IF YOU ARE THINKING! OF LEASING OR WANT A BUILDING FINANCED JOHN WEIST CO., 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. FOR LEASE OR SALE AT LOW FIGURE o o x vj i 1 la A.U aA.tiXiM.IHXT. RAIL ROAD TRACKAGE. JOHN WEIST CO., 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. QUARTER block with trackage, close in, west sme, 1 oiock q a., P. 6c S S. depot. S32,0O0, cash, terms, 6 per cent. T 00, wregonian. For Sale -Acreage. COWS. CHICKENS AND EQUIPMENT. Nearly 5 acres, located on good road, ciose 10 roniana; mile from station all under cultivation; everything in the way of fruit, all bearing; also walnuts and other nuts; good 5-room house, barn, fruit cellar and other buildings; price $2050 with cows, cream separator, bees, rabbits, chickens and everything; large cah payment; no better soil anywhere; personally inspected. Photo at office. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlin ger Bldg. 37 ACRES BLACK SOIL. , MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. All under plow, large house and barn, about 7 acres young orchard. The soil is of the highest quality and most Ideal for loganberries; only mile from Clack amas, 12 miles from Portland on paved road. This tract Is worth $12,000 if it s worth a dollar. You can buy it today for $!J0o0; $4u00 cash. This is worth In vestigating. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett. bldg. Main 6915. 10-ACRB SUBURBAN HOME $4000. Near Beaverton on the Shoals ferry road, Is ten acres of fine land, good 0 room house and outbuildings, one acrs assorted fruit ; price includes 3 tons ot hay. 1 harrow, 1 plow, 2 cultivators, cider press and small tools; owner paid $4.j00, but he is willing to sacrifice foi quick sale at $4000; one-half cash re quired. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg $5000 11 i ACRES within 7 miles of the city, near .Multnomah goii links; best of land; good 5-room plastered house, nearly new ; 5 acres cultivated, all can be; 14 acres good timber, would make fuel for years. Finest kind of berry land. Terms. M. BILLINGS. 509 McKay Bldg. Main 1300. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE. 4 acres, located 16 miles from court house, at electric depot, on Salem high way; all under cultivation; orchard of apples, pears, plums, peaches, 6-room house, barn, chicken house, fruit cellar; price $2000, $500 cash down; a fine piece of land; good productive soil. John Ferguson, Gerllnger b 1 d g. IMPROVED ACRE. $800. All under cultivation, located conven ient to Oregon electric depot; 9 miles from center of the city by auto; good soil, 25 assorted fruit trees, small house, barn and chicken house; $400 cash, monthly pay men rs on balance at 6 per cent. John Ferguson, Geriinger, Bldg $100 LOCATES YOU on 20 acres logged-off land, located one mile from railroad, 2S miles from Port land, rolling but all tillable, easy clear ing; in settled neighborhood. Price $1200, terms $100 cash, balance $15 monthly. LUEDDEM ANN COM PAN i 913. Chamber of Commerce. $100 CASH PRICE $900. Near the Oregon electric station of Loganvll'.e. 35 miles from Portland and 18 miles from Salem, is 10 acres of black productive soil; enough cordwood may be cut to pay for the clearing; person ally Inspected. John Ferguson, Ger llnger bldg. FIVE ACRES ON PAVED ROAD. Five acres facing ther Powell valley road, 2 H miles from city limits; lies level, fine surroundings, no better sub urban home site out of Portland; price $3000, terms. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. 5000 ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price. $5 oer acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERH AUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Ta co m a bldg.. 1 acoma. w tan. $2250 buys 3 acres, 6 miles east of city limits: all set out to cherries, 11 years old, just commencing to bear; Lamberts, Royal Annes; 4-room house, barn, some small fruit; fine land, no gravel; snap. Tabor 811. SAVE $500 Beautiful 15 A. near Vancouver electric; nearly all cultivated; plastered house, with concrete basement; special. Immediate sale, $3500, terms; worth $4000. Owner, evenings. Tabor 7055. 141 E. 69th st. N. $75 DOWN ON 11 ACRES. Good soil; no rock; park In cul.; 5 min utes' walk 0 station, store, school; work near by; price $1100; $75 down. Draper, 526 Chamber of Commerce. X ACRE, 6-room house at Metzgar station, price $1750; will exchange for diamonds, stones averaging from $300 to $500 pre ferred. Call East 7572 after 6 P. M. CRANBERRY LAND, will produce $750 per acre; once planted lasts a lifetime. For sale, 10 acres; will develop. P. O. box 155. Seaview, Wash. 5 ACRES on Oregon Electric: ottage, barn, extra large chicken houses. Address owner, R. D. Schmidt. 702 C.aus Spreck els bldg., San Francisco 10 ACRES, short distance out of Monta villa, uncleared land but a bargain at $2760. Hart, 910 Chamber of Commerce, Phone Marshall 1585. 8 ACRES, Just off Base Line road; close to car line; beautiful fir grove; $1500; terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. 4 ACRE'S, all cleared; very best of oregonian. close to station; 2 -room shack; $1700, 1 WANTED Modern house In restricted dis terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. tricts. or good building lot. G 687. Ore- t $3000 KLICKITAT valley, 160 acres grain sronian. 1 land; 60 acres cleared ; good soil ; $6u0 CASH for sellers' small Installment con 1 casn McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. ' tracts. 309 Abington bldg. Mar. 4138 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acremgew FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 acree of fine land 11 miles ot Tlgard; all in cult Good 4-room house, floored attic, cement basement, water system, good kitcaen range. Inlaid linoleum on living and kitchen floor, other household goods, winter wood In basement, good barn, 6 tons of hay. chicken house, farm tools, 1 good cow and heifer calf, some chick ens. Pries $4850; mortgage $1750, 6 pei cent 8 years. Will exchange my equity of $3050 for modern home In Portland; not over 0 blka. of car, or will sell on terms. C E. Adams. 507 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Marshall 2575. 1400 CHICKENS. T acres, located near Clackamas sta tion. All under cultivation, good graveled, close to pavement; 2 acres of berries, 1 acre orchard, 7 years old; good soil; 7-room house, barn, 2 chicken houses, 50x100 and 24x100, 2 brooder houses, water piped to buildings; one mare colt. 1 cow, 2 wagons, 1 mower, 2 Cultivators, 2 sets harness, 1 harrow, 1 hay rake, 5 Incubators of 1900 -egg capacity; $3000 cash, terms on balance; personally In spected ; photo at office. John Fergu son, Gerllnger bldg. CRANBERRY MARSH. 80-acre cranberry tract, excellent lo cation; fully equipped; 12 acres Im proved and bearing. Address Box 147. Seaside, Or. FOR SALE 20 acres for $6000; 12 cleared. good orcnara, nouse, barn, outDuiidings and well, by owner, A. J. Hall. Boring, Oregon. - Fruit and Mai Lam a. BEARING WALNUT AND CHERRY OR tHAKUS. CASH OR INSTALLMENTS MATTHEW o PLANTING CO., 616 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. Homesteads, ReUnquishments. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 160 acres. near Aiuitnomah J? alls; no improvements; for sale or trade. J. M. D., 356 44th at. S. For Sale Farms, A MODEL 40-acre farm home, located near Base Line road, a little northeast 01 Greaham, all in high state of cultiva tion; good soil and lies perfect, well fenced and cross-fenced into 0 fields with woven-wire fencing. family orchard, ber ries, natural fir grove, gravity water sys tem piped to house, barn, mllkhouse. The house is a new 7-room bungalow. type, with modern plumbing, full concrete basement, fireplace, hot and cold .wa ter, etc. ; bullt-lns In kitchen and pan try; a concrete root cellar 24x36, with machine abed above; large dairy barn and silo, granary 12x10, garage and workshop and other outbuildings. A well kept farm home, all In first-class con dition In a beautiful location and will stand close inspection. Price $12,500, terms half cash, KRIDER A ELKINQTON, GRESHAM. OR. ONLY $35.10 PER ACRE. 842 acres, located 1 mile from town; Douglas county, Oregon; 120 acres un der cultivation, of which 50 acres are creek bottom ; 170 acres can be culti vated, balance of the land Is pasture and timber; joins lot of outrange; creek and, springs; good 7-room house with fire place, barn, granary, hog house, separa tor house, fruit house ; good orchard: with this place goes 10 head of cattle. 7 horse, 9 young sows, 90 turkoys. chick ens, hay,- grain, mower, plows, harrow, wagon, rake, cream separator. feed grinder and lots of tools; $5000 cash; personally inspected ; photos at office. Anderson, with John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. WE LL- IM PROVE D RANC II WITH MODERN BUNGALOW. 80 acres, 39 acres under cultivation, balance pasture; new 6-room bungalow with plumbing, riew modern dairy barn, modern hog house, 2 chicken houses; fine soil; located on good graveled road; east of Estacada; 1 hi acres orchard, bearing; lots of berries; price $7500 with 4 good Jersey cows, 2 heifers. 1 Poland China sow, 7 pigs, 40 chickens, ma chinery and tools : this a' so Includes cream separator and feed. This place all fenced with woven wire and cross fenced. A high-class place, well lo cated; $3808 cash. John Ferguson, Ger Unger bldg. FINE PRUNE RANCH. 40 acres, located 14 miles from Sher idan. Oregon. Yamhill county; 1500 Ital ian prune trees, 4 years old ; also ap ples, peaches, gooseberries, currants, lo ganberries, black and red raspberries, strawberries, pears, sweet and sour cher ries, plums, quinces and walnuts; all bearing and In fine shape; good 5-room painted house, good barn and chicken house; all well fenced; 10 acres nder cultivation, besides what Is In fruit: spring and creek price $5500 with good team of mares. Jersey cow. chickens. i tons of hay and machinery; half cash; balance af 6 per cent. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. 120-A MIDWEST FARM, $6000. To close estate, with stock, machinery, crops thrown in by heirs to hasten pro ceedings; on Improved road, near hust ling R. R. town ; productive tillage. 1:0 cow wire-fence pasture, home-use wood ; variety fruit. Good 10-room houne, stock barn, granary, corn, hog houses. Ad- ministrator ordered to Include if sold now pair horses, other stock, grain bind er, drill, corn, potato planters, long list implements, fodder, feed : $ftooo. easy terms, gets all. Details page 79. Strout's Fall Catalogue Farm bargains U3 states; copy free. E. A. STKOUT F KM AGENCY, 208 B. K. Plymouth bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. CLOSE TO MILWAUKIE, EVERGREEN STATION. Quarter acre, all under cultivation, nice" grounds. Young fruit trees Just beginning to bear: some berries, nice 4- rooni bungalow with fireplace and bath room, no tub; gas, electric lights; this Is on an improved road and close to car: chicken house and other buildings: price $1900, $600 cash; this la only Kc car fare. Photos at office, uohn Ferguson, Gernnger Diag. WALK FROM DEPOT TO PLACE. 30 acres, located close to Sherwood all fine land, 27 acres under cultiva tion: no waste: 4 acres commercial or. chard, . new 3 -room house, barn and other buildings; this place has recent ly been fixed up and put In first-class shape, by the owner; price sooo with $1750 cash; this is on fine road, close to the pavement. Personally Inspected. John Ferguson, oeriinger, mag. BEARING ENGLISH WALNUTS. 40 acres .located 5 miles from New berg, Oregon; on good graveled road; 35 acres under cultivation; all can be cul tivated; 15 acres In bearing walnuts; 11 years old. witn apple tillers, some berries, cherries and plums ; 4-room tinuHR. barn and rural conveniences price $S500, $3500 cash. John Ferguson, Gerimger otag. WE HAVE more than 600 farms listed for sale or trade ranging rrom 1 to 5000 afTn- some extra choice- propositions. If you contemplate locating In Oregon or Washington it win pay you to investi gate our list. 10 autos at your disposal. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 627 Corbett bldg. Main mi. YAKIMA valley garden and fruit. 10 acres. deep loam soil, all In cultivation, to garden and fruit, river front, nice 3- roora nouse, siecymg yorcn, ouiDunaings, silo, good well, government Irrigation: price $3000 Central Yakima Ranches Co., 612 Selling bldg. Main 4093. BIG money to be made raising wheat, get In the real game and write M. Fitz- maurice. Condon. Oregon, for prices on wheat farms. Mention what money you have to Invest and the number of acres you want, the first letter. M. Fitx- maurtce, Condon. Oregon. "104 ACRES ON S. P. ELECTRIC. Good soil, part in cult,; 4-room house, all furnished; 5 minutes' walk to sta tion, store, school; work near by. Price $2000; $500 down. Draper, 626 Cham ber of Commerce. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. 160 ACRES of land. 20 acres in cultivation. 2 houses. 2 barns: one mile from town; price $4500. terms. Write box 852, Kalama, Wash. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, H tillable; employ ment; easy terms. Jesse R. Sharpe, 88 Third st- LAND FOR SALE: 320 ACRES EXCEL lent farm land In southern Alberta, Canada. Peder P. Dahl, Crary, N. Dak. R. F. P. 1. Box 1. $3600 GOOD 16-acre farm, house, barn, orchard. 2 large hen houses: near elec tric. Main 8672. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAVE client looking for good investment, west side business property; must show either good income or have great fu ture. Poindexter. 20S Selling building. Main 1800. AM willing to pay $200 down. $45 per month on a modern 5-room bungalow, good district and bargain. AM 158, Oregonian. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO SELL? WE SELL THEM TRY US. MaclNNES A PRATT. Main 8S63- 413 Board of Trade Bldg. I WILL pay spot cash modern 5-room bun galow In Hawthorne. Sunnyside or Rose City. Phone Broadway 421, ask for Hill. No agents. WE HAVE buyers for improved places, close to Portland, from 20 to 200 acres. 824 Railway Exchange. 4 OR 5 -room modern bungalow In good d istrlct ; easy terms and a bargain. O WANTED REAL ESTATE $2,264,000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD SINCE' JANUARY 1, 10W. 827 Homes. This orrtnliatlnn rn houses. Every house listed Is inspected, photo graphed and appraised by Frank L. Mc Guire personally, and report made on your house without charge. You know that 12 real estate salesmen with auto- ' mobiles, working in a well-organlxed of- , fice, which spends thousands and thou sands of dollars annually advertising, homes exclusively, must get results. We are io touch with the maiorlty of buyers. LIST YOUR HOME WITH US FOR RE SULTS. SEE FRANK L. McGUTRE. TO SELL YOUR HOMS. Abington Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. NOTICE TO PROPERTY. OWNERS. An opportunity to have youi home In spected, appraised and photographed by an expert appraiser, who will tell you ' what It Is worth, and what It can be sold for, ail this Is free servloe which goes with our buslnees. List your boms with us to sen, we are doing special nign-ciaa advertising, which wlU In sure results. For prompt attention call SL L Padden, Manager. Bdwy. 3644- METZGEft-r AKKEK-t tRGUSON CO. 502 Oak SI WE HAVE more customers than houses. We need good, comfortable homes. We need real fine homes on our list. If your price and terms are right we never quit till sale Is made; mall us Jour list today. E. W. Hughes, 507 ournal bldg. Main 2358. ROSE CITY. Best buy there today. Strictly mod ern, hardwood floors, all built-ins, full sized basement, furnace, 5 rooms, large attic; J5 Too, third cash, balance easy. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 160O. RESIDENCE B 710. 62D ST:. NEAR POWELL VALLEY RD. 5 aciea, all In cultivation, good build ings, fine soli; price $12,000; clear, want good farm near Portland or income city property. No Inflated values. Mar. 413V R. F. Feemster, 309 Abingtonbldg HAVE A CASH BUYER FOR 5 OR, 10 ACRES OF REAL BEAVER DAM, LASitt MUST BE UOOD. c. h. woodward. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-8-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., Main 2035. Main 4477. FINE HOME WANTED. Not to exceed $3500; must have about an acre of ground, and at least 10-room house ; state location ; give full descrip tion; positively no agents- V 758. Ore gonlan. X MODERN G-room house with two lots on paved street near car In exchange for 45 acres cleared a short distance beyond city limits of Corvaills; about hall in young orchard, prunes and apples; no buildings. S 427, Oregonlan. WILL PAY GOOD RENT FOR A SMALL HOUSE WITH X TO 5 ACRES. NOT OVER 10 MILES FROM PORTLAND; GIVE FULL PARTICULARS FIRST LETTER. W 814, OREGON IAN. QUARTER BLOCK WEST SIUB, north of ta j LOR, EAST O 10th -North and south of Hoyt; NO INFLATED VAL UES. Polndoxtor. 2i)& Selling bulldlug. Main 1S0O. WANTED y or 1-acre tract near Mult nomah station or Parkrose. Must be right price. Want to build house. See M. BILLINGS. 509McKay Bldg. TWO choice R. C. P. lots, $2000, and cash for bungalow. Marshall 4138. farms Wanted. WANTED FOR CASH. 140 to 150 acres choice land, half In cultivation, half good timber, within 20 miles Portland ; prefer something In Gresham district; quality la what we want; can get quick action if you have tne ngnt piace. K. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 105Vj Fourth Street. WANTED FARMS. We want to list Willamette Valley farms, within 50 miles of Portland, we have buyers looking for 'Maces to buy now; If your tarm is offered at a rea sonable price and terms we can sel quickly. Write us or call at office. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 105 Fourth Street. SMALL FARMS WANTED. We have several buyers for small farms, with stock and equipment, from 80 to 50 acres, with half, or more under cultivation We can guarantee you quick action on such places. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. HAVE A CASH BUYER FOR 6 OR 10 ACRES OF REAL BEAVER DAM LAND .MUST BE GOOD. C. H. WOODWARD, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-8-5-7 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. WANTED Small farms. 40 to 80 acres. along or near the paved highways, any direction from the city, for waiting clients. No inflated prices considered, B S. Cook. 601 Stock Excha n g e. HAVE YOU A FARM TO BELLI WE SELL THEM TRY US. MacINNESS & PRATT. 413 Board of Trade. Portland. Or. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER. 166 seres, containing 10,000,000 ft., about 50 per cent of each fir and spruce; one mile from railroad. 3 to 4 miles from four sawmills and deep harbor; only 65 cents per M. E. A. LI NOG REN, Savon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank bldg. TIMBER land Have 20,000 mill with 40. OO0.OO0 timber, close; want logger fith machine to contract; will pay top price or split 50-50 on car $22 per 1000. En quire desk clerk. Imperial hotel, after 10 A. M. , 200,000.000 FEET GOOD FIR. Near railroad and Columbia river; fine logging or milling proposition; $2 per M. Exceptionally easy terms. TIMBER-LAND BUREAU. Board of Trade bldg., Portland Or. FINE LOGGING PROPOSITION. 60.000.000 feet big yellow fir, on rail road, $2 M pay as cut. TIMBER-LAND BUREAU. Board of Trade bldg., Portland. Or. FOR SALE 25-M capacity sawmill on R. R.. In operation. 16 million feet timber, farthest from mill 1 mile. E. Joalyn. Cherry Grove. Or. LOGGING contract .wanted, equipment must be furnished. X 320. Oregonian. PILING timber wanted for winter work. O. V. Gamble. Couch bldg. FOR KENT FARM. HIGH-GRADE DAIRY. 102 ACRES DYKED LAND. NEAR ASTORIA. ON PAVED ROAD. Best soil in the state; family orchard, good 6-room house with spring water piped to same, mail delivery, telephone, etc.; large barn 40x130, 2 silos and full set of outbuildings. Personal property for sale consists of plow, harrow, disc, ensilage, cutter, 8-H. P. gas engine, hay tedder, rake, mower, garden plow, culti vator, hay forKs ana small tools, regis tered Holstein bull. 43 Jersey and Hoi' stein cows, 2 2-year-old heifers, 8 long ToarllnRs. o belter calves. 1 yearling, Holstein bull, 75 tons red top and clover nay. 10 tons oat nay, 4 acres rutaDagas. Personal property -will run about $5'0. Rent is $100 per month; $3500 will han dle. Will meet buyer at train with auto. A big money-maKer act quick C. H. WOODWARD, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, 5 ACRES In Clark county, all cultivated. 6 room plastered house, good barn and chicken house; assorted family orchard, half mile to station: price $2100; will take good lot on paved street to $1500, balance mortgage. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. $14oO EQUITY In modern 6-room bouse for good Ford or other light car; lot SOxloO, all improvements in and paid; price $4500. bal. $25 plus 6 per cent in terest; house renting for $35. Hedges, 171 West Park, ground floor. Not open Sunday. DO you wish to sell or trade your city property or farm land? If so, list It with us; we have 7 offices in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho and can handle your property if price Is right. Pyramid Land Co., 603-4 Title & Trust bldg. WANTED A modern 7 or 8-room nouse in walking distance from city; have a new ton Ford truck and 1000-lb. trailer on first payment, bal. as rent. Address Frank Foster, 762 hk Savier st.. or gen. del. WANTED To exchange a beautiful res Hnr fnr 15 or 20 acres, hlsrhly im proved, on paved or hard road, about 13 j UilieS roriiaiiu, iiu J t-uuniueiiu, value of residence $12,000. Brokers In vited. T 461, Oregoniam X HAVE a stock ranch (313 acres) In central Oregon, on Strahorn survey; will sell on easy terms or exchange for bouse and lot in Portland. Call E. M. Peck. 4 North 6th st. Phone Broadway 12. $1900 EQUITY 7-room house. 1671 E. Mor rison. Want auto. Apartment site. 25th and Saa-ler. price $3500. What have you? Woodlawn 6260. 6() ACP-CS No. 1 saw timber, 1 mile to town, on rock road and logging stream; trade for residence. F 826, Oregonian. 20 ACRES loganberry and prune land. Polk Co.. 1 mile from, station, for auto. Call Main 3317. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, S-ROOM bungalow, 1 year ola; Dutch kitchen, nice electric Oxturos ath and plumbing; first class party going awij and will take vacant lot or good car up to $6000; equity In house $S40; price $1000. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO., 85 Fourth St. I HAVE 1914 model Overland, well pre- served; will exchange for lH-ton truck; will give or take difference. W. F. Ben- ett, Camas. Wash. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Standard typewriter; have linen, silver and piano lamp and ahade. Main 4403. FOR SALS. Horse. Vehicles. Livestock. - PUBLIC AUCTION SALE. Dec 18, 1019 at 10 A. M.. H-mlle south Multnomah station. Capital high way on J. Denley's place, 50 high-grade Holsteins, 20 fresh. 8 springers, balance fresh last 3 months; 14 heifers, X to 2; purebred Holstein bull, 2 ; farm Imple ments, 3 horses, gas engine, feed cutter, root cutter, chickens. OWNER, H. SCHAFER, AUCTIONEER. J. C. KUTALLL A NEW bunch of cows Just received, fresh and coming fresh In a few days; a lew large dairy cows, some large jer seys and Guernsey-Jerseys, some 5 to 6 per cent Dutteriat testers, a 10 o ptais. Will sell or take beef cows In exchange. W. C. Berreth. 1128 Macadam st.. South Portland car to end of Una, 1 block south. 1 block east. AUCTION SALE. DEC. 13. 1 P. M. 10 cows, 1 brood sow and several small pigs. 2 horses, harness and wagon, dairy equipment and farm implements, also wood range. S2d st., south of Ken dall station. Thistle Dairy. Auctioneer, Frank McClellan.' FOR SALE Two Shetland ponies: one 7 months old and one S years 01c ; miles north of Gear Station, on Orchards and Sifton Una William Faley. Route 2, Box 139. Vancouver. Wash. JUST OFF THE FARM 4 nice young cows; 2 small horses, years 01a, me two for $40. One block south of S. P. depot, Milwaukie. Phone 29 J, MH waukle. Henry Smith. TEAM, about 2200. heavy spring wagon. heavy harness, ail lor iou. or ienm for $100. wagon $30, harness $25. 200 E. 8rtth st. South. O. T. STABLES, 17TH AND KEARNEY 25 head first-class good horses: will be for sale Monday. Dec 8. G. D. Williajn son. WK BUY and sell cattle, sheep and oat See us If you want to buy or sell. Camp-bell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co., 30-2 Couch bldg. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 69-J for results. JERSEY-GUERNSEY cow. 3 yrs. old. Star Stable, be 1. jeiierson ana Loiunioii, on Fron t. DEAD horses, anlmais hauled away, free. Portland Rendering Co. Woodlawn 20. DEAD horses taken quickly, dead cows Tabor 42U3. FOR SALE 15 full-blood Shropshire March rams Holman Fuel Co.. 94 5th. AT FANCY one-seated cutter at a sacrifice. Call. Marshall 2013. J E RSE Y cow and calf for sale. Woodlawn 5508. DR. M. ::. II O W ES, v e terl nar ian. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. USED PIANOS. Offered at prices to sell them quickly rnu innnhlA t Arms: Decker & Son 125 New York upright, now $140 $;'50 Stewart imah.), now $.H75 Brewster (oak) now, $400 Johnson (wal.) now $373 Prescott (like new) now.... $450 H. M. Cable, now $550 Crown (oak), now "$375 Wellington, now 7-"0 Pianola piano, now $875 Kimball player piano, now.. FOLEY & VAN DYKE. 106 5th St. 150 2; 250 25 325 3-15 25 425 550 THESE USED PHONOGRAPHS. All guaranteed and in fine condition. Columbia. 110, mah $S5.O0 Vlctrola, 110, mah 9;.00 Stradivara, 100, mah fc..oo Brunswick, oak 87. 5U Victor. 8th. mah 5;.no Columbia. Fav. oak 4, Cecilian, mah 60.00 Pay $10 or more cash, balance reason able terms. FOLEY A VAN DYKE. 106 5th st.. Just below Washington. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. Paths, used .. - 35 Columbia and handsome record case 4;i Pathe. like new 100 Pathe, used -- Pay only $10 down and we 11 send one to your home. Hurry! theso are all bargains. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO., 427 Washington St. BANKRUPT PIANO SALE. Immense Ellers music house stock of upright and player pianos bought by us from the trustee In bankruptcy will be thrown on the market at real bankrupt prices. Sale begins Thursday A. M. See display advert isemenj, or telephone Main 122 for particulars. FOLEY & VAN DYKK. 106 Fifth street, just below Washington. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT Small upright pianos, $65 and $75 cah. Parlor organs, tin, -:i, -o, Large upright pianos, $105, $235. $2ba. $475 new stored upright pianos, $200. $750 modern player piano and bench, $435. . Pianos stored for 50c monthly. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 109 4th st., at Washington st. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE IN DECEMBER. $73 Vlctrola and records (used..$ $250 Swlck & Co. good upright).. 13a $400 Vose & Sons, (fine condition ).. 233 Best piano repair shop In Portland. HAROLD UlLJJKiriT. as lamnni. USED PIANO We have a large assort ment of used pianos, player pianos and baby grand pianos. Standard makes and everyone guaranteed. Our prices are low. our terms will please you. Reed Frenc h PI ano Mfg. Co. . 43 5 Washing -ton st. cor. 12th. Bdwy 750. FORCED to sell my beautiful Pathe phono graph, oak cabinet case, permanent needle and 24 selected, all high-class records, just been In sse a few weeks; a sacrifice at $03. Must sell quick. Am moving. Phone Tabor 5704. SECOND-HAND PHONOGRAPH Several cabinet style phonographs of good stand ard make, only slightly used, at very low prlcea Our terms will please you Reed French Piano Mfg. Co.. 435 Wash ington st.. cor 12th. Bdwy. 75 0 WANT to sell my beautiful mahorany Vlc trola, style XI; would pass for brand tiew; with 20 extra fine records: real class; a sacrifice at $90. Phons Tabor 8850. REDUCED Christmas terms; $12.50 cash. $12.50 next pay day. $10 month, af ter January. 1020, buys new upright, im proved, up-to-date pianos at the 6CHWAN PIANO CO.. Ill Fourth St. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Vlctrola and records: our propositions will please sou. Selber-ling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. Main 8686 $100 TO $150 CASH PAID for upright pianos. Phone Main 5323. Security Stor age Co.. or call at 109 4th at., at Waah ington st. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used planbs and player-nianoe: get our prices. Sleberllng- Lucas riwno 1.0.. i-j n.u t. main oaoa BEAUTIFUL colonial mahogany piano regular $450 style, for $3U5t pay $20 msh and we'll send It to your home. Wakefield Music Co., 427 Washington st. COLUMBIA phonograph and golden oak record case. 4o: pay oniy o rasn ana we'll send It to your home. Wakefield Music Co., 427 Washington sL EDISON disc phonograph and oak record case with 50 records, only $23, pay $5 cash. Wakefield Music Co.. 427 Washing ton street. PIANO WANTED. SPOT CASH PAID; NO DEALERS. Tabor 6798. Main 4495. 128 First. WANTED Good-toned piano; must be bargain; cash. Main 3864 before 5 P. M. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. H A ROLP S GILBERT S4 Yamhli: St. FLAYER rolls you are tired of exchanged, -10c per roll. Harold Gilbert. 384 Yamhill. PIANO wanted from private party If reas onable. Pay cash at once. Marshall 5709. SAXOPHONE Good condition; will cheap. Phone East 4301. Furniture for seUe. FOR SALE Office furniture for two rooms, 1 safe cabinet, 1 Underwood typewriter; all In excellent condition. Inquire room 1336 Northwestern Bank bldg. Wednes day and Thursday between 9 and 12 A. M. , WILL sacrifice elegant ivory enameled bedroom est, twin beds, dresser, toilet table, lowboy, night table; this Is a very high grade suite. Call today, 346 H Alder sL. room 38. STOVE cheap; sewing machine, excellent Buck range, sacrifice; spring cot, etc.: going away: trunk wanted exchange. Rear 826 Hood st.. S. Portland car. partt coins: east. 1 sewing rocker. $4: 1 library table. $10: mahogany table. $12: Jewell range, wood and coaL $35. 9C4 Garlieia ave.. upstairs. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sale. DON'T sacrlfict your furniture If going easf or, to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars. Fireproof Storage. C M. Oleea Transfer & Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. C ROOMS practically new fumiTure for sale, house for rent. 5312 41st st. S. K. Poultry. PULLETS We offer you Barred Rocks White Wvandottes, Black Orpington and Rhode Island Red pullets. $L23 to $2.60. according to ags and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp.. oiid st.. 744. to 74th ave. Southeast. WE WILL pay you highest cash price for - April. May-hatched pullet, any breed. Nortnwet Poultry Corp., Lenta, Or. Dokh. Rabbits, Bird. Pet Stock. THOROUGHBRED Encllsh bloodhounds for sale. Box 67, city. St. Theresa san- atrium. St. Theresa station. Or. t uy car. TRAINER roller canaries. St. Andreasburg stock; 20 to choose from. Ideal Xmas gift. 410 Stanto n. East 4 9 . 1 WANT to buy 20 head of Belgian hares. femaie, and males. J. 1. 1. nomas, x N. 5th -t. THE PADE KEWSKI CATTERY. Orange Perian kittens oX quality. East 3H07. NO. 1 cattle dog- Will do !. Oregon is n. two men's work. J 44: PEDIGREED fox terrier puppies, beautl- luiiy marKea. 2ta iL'tn st, Machinery. STAPLES PFEIFFER OIL-BURNING FETS AX A KAKUA1.N. One No, 2 from 5 to 150 horsepower; three No. 8. from 25 to 250 horpower; two No. 7. from 25 to 300 horsepower. These machines In absolutely good as new working condition, having been used but a short time and are being sold very low. Hallidie Company, N. oJ Division iU Spokane. Wash, AIR COMPRESSOR. AIR TANKS, U. a TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, couplings and automatic switches, every thing tor the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO., Broadway 3300. 329 Couch st. ONE Scotch marine water back boiler. 75 H. P.; 1 Fteam marine engine. 7x!S, two cylinder, 6u horsepower; 2 oil tanks, 50 barrels each ; 3 duplex duoble-actlon pumps. Phone Columbia 43, K. L. Smith. WE HAVE for sale two 25 -horse no wer Y engines. These engines are practically as good as new and will be sold for $soo each at Umatilla, Or. Umatilla Sand & Gravel Co., Penci le-ton. Or. SPECIAL. We have In stock lath machinery, planers and upright shingle machines. THE J. ii. MARTIN CO.. 83 First Street. Portland. Or. HOISTING engines for rent or sale, con crete mixers, electric hoists, construc tion equipment. Standard Mach. Co. 65 13-HORSEPOWER new Foos engine at a reduced price. Pacific Scale fc Supply Co., 48 Front st. Broadway I960 DRAGS A WS for sale, E. 0122. $100 each. Phone Launches and Boats. LIBERTY BOAT WKS. 217 MAIN. VAN COUVER. WASH.. OR CALL PORT LAND. EAST 6808. Towboat, 40ft. by 8 ft., 48 h. p. Winton electric lights, $350. Glass cabin passenger boat, 35ft.xSft.. 4 cvl. 4 ci-c. $250. Launch. 22x5, canopy top, completely equipped. 2 cyl.. Eclipse. $1.75. A large stock of marine and auto en gines from 1 h. p. to tiO h. p., $15 to $.150. Clutches. shafts, propellers, water pumps, dynamos. self starters, Bosch magnetos, storage Datteries, and any thing for the boat or engine at less than nail price, we our, sell, trade and bulid anything, call us up. BOATS and barges built and repaired, es timates and expert advice freely . fur nished, iaro ana ways at Albina ave. Phone East 2162. Marine Repair 4k Const. -o FOR SALE: 1 ao-foot launch with cabin over an, wiin gooa lu-norse power en gine, brand-new. Inquire Marshall 1056. Typewriters. REBUILT AND SLIGHTLY USED. Underwood, No. 5, over million. ... $75.00 Underwood, No. a, 14-in mi.oo I nuerwood, IN o. O 50. Of. Reminirton. No. IO. latest model 7' Remington, No. 6 25. tw Remington, No. 7 25. ou Remington, No. 2 15.O0 L. C. Smith. No. 2, 2-color and B. & S 60.00 L. C. Smith. No. 8, late model.... 75.m Smith Premier. No. 2 25. 00 Smith Premier. No. 10, visible.... 37.50 All Machines Guaranteed. Ribbons, Carbon and Bond Paper. Typewriters Rented and Exchanged. Exclusive f'orona Agents. K. W. PEASE COMPANY, 110 Sixth st. OLa KAN TEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly pay ments; send for price list. The Whoe sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington st. RENT a Remington: special rates to stu dents Buy your new Remington now immediate delivery; reasonable terms! Remington Typewriter Co. $45 FINE Smith-Premier. No. 10. visible typewriter; pericci conaicion. Mar. 32b3. STANDARD visible typewriters as low as 3ft. it. kj. amun & 5ros. Typewriter comnany. 806 Spalding bldg. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co, 04 5th. Main 3668. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth st. Miscellaneous. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures: terms. W. J. Quigloy. 227 First. Main 5399. HONEY Strained and Comb. WARRANTED UNADULTERATED. Light, mild; delivered. East 1416. UNCALLED-FOR OVERCOATS for sale, cheap ; large stock to choose from. Or pheum Cleaners. 355 Stark. CHOICE potatoes. $3.25 sack, delivered. Bishop Bros.. 124 N. uth it. Phone Broadway 454. FERTILIZER 100 loads of horse and cow manure $6.50 truck Toad delivered. Tabor 2704! UNIVERSAL steel range, hot water coil and gas attachment. Hunt Transfer Co 45 No. 5th st. HANDSOME auto robe. 2 sets of chains, autograph kodak. No. 1; all very cheap. Call East 522. BEAUTIFUL mink fur; cost $150; will sell for $75: a lovely Xmas present. Call a t 234 E. 2Qth . co r. Mai n. A LARGE number of second-hand type cases and cabinets for sale by Bushong & Co.. Park and Stark sts. FOR SALE Pair of men's ice skates and electric heater, cheap. Call at 271 Broadway West, apt. 8. VACUUM CLEANER. Eureka, some attachments, $15. 2309. HOTEL and restaurant range for wood and coal, cheap. Phone Marshall 602. $10 MIRRORSCOPE magic lantern. $5; dress form, size 40. Broadway 3782. FUR coat, mink, 40 Inches, worth $1500, sacrifice for $500. Main 1658. FOR SALE One large bobsled. 573. BEAUTIFUL Alaska seal collar and muff, slightly used. J 4t0, Oregonian. FoK SALE Beautiful large mounted deer hrad cheap. Inquire 014 Powell st. 1 DIAMOND dinner ring, also gentleman's (iiamond stickpin. East 522. FOR SALE A child's cot. Lake. Broadway 1003. Call Mrs DO YOU want your little girl's doll dressed? Call East 1971. MONARCH steel range, used 10 months; price $40. 314 E. 47th st. LADIES All kinds of wearing apparel smart styles; slightly used. Tabor 2825. VACUUM cleaners sold repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4001 HOLLY HOLLY HOLLY, isle. J. M. Lykes. Oswego. SECOND-HAND SAFE FOR SALE; ME. D1UM SIZE. AE 748. OREGONIAN. HOTPOINT electric heaters, $fleach; these are new. Wood. 379L LICENSED electrician will save you money on your house wiring. Wood. 379L MAJESTIC electric heaters. $9 each; these are new. ooa. o i. r ree delivery. CEDAR posts for sale, box 412, Lents. Or. H. Goodrich, R. a. U. S. ARMY raincoats and ponchos, slisht. y used, at salvage prices. 247 Davis st. PAINTING, tinting. enameling: prices rlgnt; get an cgmnmg. &sbi oouu. EXCLUSIVE coats. gowns alight I v worn Main 9567 nd suits. FOR SALE Large-sized ermine muff. 1S2. Oregonian. ALMOST new beautiful baby buggy, $25 Marshall 22C6. FOR SALE Opera glasses. pearl necklace. line 'i si a. ouui aoo. MISTLETOE with berries, 50c 13th st. Phofie Main 8105. BOX trimmings for sale. $4.50 per load. ' ; FOR RENT Call wain. loav. Vacuum cleaners. 24-hour $1. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. DIAMONDS GHT. PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamond direct to Diamond Importers and receive The highest cash market value. Without any cueaypointment. Wo pay from $100 to $SO0 Per carat. We purchase pawn Tickets. Gold, silver, PlAtinum, Any valuables, any amount. We buy War Stamps, Liberty Bonds. Victory Bonds, If you want money, see us. Private offices; business confidential. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Brokers and Diamond Merchants. 205 MORGAN BLDG. Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. PEERLESS PLTTMBTXO FIXTURES, PEERLKSS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS PLUMBING SUPPLIES. HOCSS-HEATIXO MATERIALS. IRON PIPK. WM. POWELL VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. 68-70-72 Front strset. Portland. DIAMONDS WANTED. $200 TO $1W0 PER KARAT. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex perts, we positively pay highest cast market values for diamonds, platinum, gold, silver, old Jewelry and all valua bles of every description. We buy old false teeth and all dental gold. SeS us beiore selling elsewhere. Private oUicea, business strictly confidential. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan Bldg., Fourth Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. WB BUT LIBERTY BONDS At a Basis of Market Value. WAR STAMPS BOUGHT. AMERICAN BROKER AGR. 205 Morgan Bldg., (Second Floor FOR SALE A large assortment of art neeaie worx, inciuaing luncn ciotns ana napkins, crochet corner and edging buf fet and dresser scarfs, center pieces, guest towels, tray cloth, pillow casc, handkerchiefs, camisoles and yokes; also handsome sweater and slipover and cap. Eery piece very attractive and neat. I also take orders at very reasonable prices. Call Automatic telephone :il4;;o and 1 will call at your home with, my collection. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com pleie line f parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 8431. SisVVING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 110 3d, near Taylor st. SOM E folks say diamonds are high, but one would hardly think so if they would stop iong enough to compare my prices with regular prices. Miller's Clearlng House tor Diamonds. 355 Washington St., next to M a j estict heater. I HAVE several diamonds that have been left by outride parties to be sold. You can buy them fur 25 less than the wholesale cose Miller's 'Clearing-Houiie for Diamonds, 355 Wash, su, next to . Majestic theater. HOT-W ATK R tanks. r.O-gal.. $7; 40-pal. $0, tested and guaranteed ; stove and fur nace coils, gas heaters installed; expert plumbin g, repairing. East Side Welding Shop, 2u3 Adams st. East Sold. WHY PAY RETAIL PRTCES? When you can save 35 to 40 per cent by buying your raincoat, leather coat or com ui nation cost m-1 price ui rect irura United Rubber Co.. 726 Mor gan bldg CHRISTMAS TREES. CHRISTMAS TREES. Choice trees delivered to your home. Order early. Phone East 6540. Grand ave. and Belmont. OLD FALSE TEETH BQUOHT. We pay up to $25 per plate ; also crowns, bridge work, dental gold bought. American Brokerage. 2Uo Morgan bldg. WHY not a typewriter? A useful and ed ucational Christmas present for any boy or girl. Standard visible models at $35. L.. C. Smith fe Bros. Typewriting com pany. 800 Spalding bldg. LEAKY roof, eh T Very aggravating, ln- doed. Why not a permanent ana com fortable roof? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7776. SAFES Fire end burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORR1S SAFE A LOCK CO., 165 Second st. Phone Main 2045. DUNTLEY VACUUM CLEANER, CHEAP. WDLN. 2409. Ml X K fur cape, mink stole and muff, Japanese sable stole and muff, bargain ;; will take liberty bonds. Mrs. Iterrmau, Portland Remetiial Loan Assn., R!4 Stark. BARGAIN One 12-ft., two 5-ft, plate glass floor candy cases, wall case, regis ter, large Icebox, scales, desk, double gas plate. 22 Salmon. 1 ACRE. 6-room house st Metzgar elation, prire $1750; will exchange for diHrnondi, Ftones averaging- fmm $:00 to $500 pre ferred. Call East 7572 after 6 P. M. SEVERAL large platform trucks for sale, suitable for paper or other heavy ma ierlsls. Apply Bushoug & Co., Park and Sterk sts. STEEL WALL BED. reasonable. 2409. Wdln. SAFES New and second-hand; some wlta burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE A SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1066. 48 Front st- J2 AND 8-foot floor cases, wall case, stools, gas plate, scales, csndy case. numbr of other features. National registers; act quickly. 242 Salmon. Main 342. SBOOKKEEFERS desks and stools, X roll top desk and chairs. 1 flat-top desk. Bushong Co.. 91 Park St. SEE my selected stock of midwinter hand made hats. The Bandbox. 286 Wash ington, take elevator, save money. BEAUTIFUL Australian opal dinner ring set In platinum with 10 small diamonds. $500. AK 902, Oregonlan. SMALL steamer trunk, used very little. 473 Alder from 2:30 to 4:30 P. M. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st el, near Ash. FOR BALK AVTOMOBILK3. NEW WESCOTT six. Continental motor. Delco equipment, i uhkiu aiics, at a bargain. E. E. Sochler, 307 Glisan iL Bdwy. 404. FORD panel delivery. 17. overhauled and repainted. 4u, guarameeu; one io, gooa nape, $335, terms. 126 E. 6th, near Mor rison. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts st ha.f price, David Hodea Co North Broadway and Flanders. FORD touring, '15, crown fenders, new body, $340, terms: '15. good shape, $300, terms one 17. overhauled and repainted. $440, terma 126 E. 6th. near Morrison. HUDSON 640, completely overhauled and oewly painted. A real car at the right price, $900. with terma 30 Grand ave. N orth. near Burnslde. FORD roadster, in best of mechanical con dition. with light tail delivery. Heal bar- gain; $250, terms. SO Grand ave. North, near Burnside. - MAXWELL, 1918, in best of condition, sood tires; must sell, a bargain at $750, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near B u t nslde. ' kjAP Will sacrifice my series 5 Franklin car in Al mechanical condition; price $550 if taken at once. S. Johnson, 120 13th street. - CHEVROLET roadster, 1918, in the best of condition, good tires; will sacrifice at $625 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N near Burnslde. FOR SALE 5-passenger Overland touring car, A-l condition. 284 McMillan su Phone East f37. FORD touring, 1915, In best of condition. Will sacrlfics at $300 and give terms. $0 Grand ave. isortn, near purneiuc. MAXWELL touring, 1017. used privately; owner's sacrifice. $550, some terms. &0 Orand ave. North, near Burnside. IMMEDIATE delivery Brand-new Ford sedan, wire wheels, oversize tires, shocks; not run: terms. Mar. 3210. MAXWELL, 1917 touring. In fine condi tion, good tires; $525. some terms. i,0 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. I FORD roadster. In good mechanical con 7 Th dition; a bargain at $250, some terms. iD- -4 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. 'ELw0.ltourin body- 120 E" 6lh Pkon c-".. . MUST sell my late monei roaosier; make m9 ftn OIIer