TUB 3IOIIXISG OREGONlATf, SATURDAY, DECErBER 6, 1919. 13 HABEAS WRIT WON EMMA GOIDMI Petition for Berkman, Also at Ellis Island, Granted. FINAL FIGHT IS BEGUN One Claims to Be Citizen by Mar riage While Other Relies on Right of Free Speech. NEW YORK, Dec. 5. Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman. Amer ica's two most notorious anarchists, Bjjent tonight at Ellis Island. They were surrendered to the immigration authorities at noon upon demand of the department of labor to await de portation to Russia after preaching their doctrines in the United States for 30 years. While on their way to the Island their counsel, Harry Weinberger, was appearing before Federal Judge Mayer with a petition for a writ of habeas coups in a last effort to nullify the deportation decree. The writs were granted and are returnable Monday. Weinberger said he would insist that his clients be produced in court before Judge Mayer, who sentenced them to two-year terms for obstructing the draft law. Departure Yet Uncertain There was no way of determining tonight whether the legal proceedings would delay the departure of Berk man and Miss Goldman for Russia. The government has not announced when it expects to have a ship avail able and Weinberger declined to Btate whether he would take their cases to the United States supreme court if the lower courts decide against them. Itrvaa pointed out, however, that the J30.000 in liberty bonds used as bail for them would be available to carry on a legal battle. The habeas corpus petition was based upon the contention that Miss Goldman is an American citizen by marriage; that the constitutional right of free speech has brought with in the pale of the law any radical ut terances they may have made and that deportation to soviet Russia would be Illegal because the United States tias not recognized the bol shevik.. I'nlr Held at Ellis Island. Meanwhile, Berkman and Miss Goldman will be held at Ellis Island with 82 other radicals awaiting de portation. After they were surren dered today, searched and inspected by doctors, Bergman was put in a room with seven ringleaders of the recent hunger and silence strike against deportation hearings, while Miss Goldman was sent to the quar ters of two girl anarchists, who had participated in the hunger strike. Fearing immediate deportation of the two anarchists, half a dozen wom en radicals," accompanied them on the trip to Ellis Island and kissed them both farewell. Miss Goldman's "farewell" message to her followers was: "Love and comradeship to all lib eral and revolutionary people." .Involution Is Predicted. Both predicted a revolution in this country within five years. "The great change will come," she said, "when the government takes violent action against those working for progress. The United States is now doing the very things that the c.ar did before the people overthrew his regime in Russia. Such actions on the part of the government will not kill but only tend to increase the spirit of unrest now prevalent in the United States." Miss Goldman declared that she "had great faith in the American peo ple, especially the younger genera tion." Both Are "Well-Groomed There was nothing in the outward sppcaran.ee cf the anarchists when they boarded the ferryboat at 11 oVlock to indicate their radical be liefs. Miss Goldman, wearing golii rinimed spectacles, had a set of furs over a tailored suit. Berkman wore ;l flowing black tie, a dark suit and heavy tortoise-shell spectacles. Berk iu;in also had several suitcases fillod with clothing purchased in Brooklyn yesterday in anticipation of his deportation. Berkman also wore a green water proof overcoat, silk muffler, light (rem hat. and carried a cherry-wood raue. Miss Goldman's hat was trimmed with yellow and red and she wore a purple plaid scarf over her furs. Berkman predicted a revolution In the United States within five years, and said that he did not mind being- deported so long as he was Bent to soviet Russia. Both Berkman and Miss Goldman appeared to be in a Jovial frame of mind. WASHINGTON. Dec. 5. The gov ernment will contest habeas corpus proceedings in New York instituted with the purpose of preventing the deportation of Alexander Berkman iiul Knima Goldman, Commissioner General of Immigration Caminetti said today, nnd Is satisfied that It can support its deportation order. Mr. Caminetti at the same time made public a telegram ho sent to day to Harry Weinberger, counsel for the anarchists. In which he denied that the immigration bureau had ruled that it would permit the familj of a deported alien to accompany him. DAILY MKTKOHOLOtilCAL KKI'OKT. PORTLAND. Op.. Tec. 5. Maximum tnipcraiur-, it dsroe; mintmum tem-p-rn t m . dt'in-PB. ltl ver readineT. S A. M., o.2 feet ; chiint in last -4 hours. 0.4-foot full. Ttiil mint h11 o P. M. to & I. M.I, none; total r Inlftll (ilnce Sep tmbfr 1. 1;H, .12. is inchrs; normal rain fall since Sptenibtr 1. 1:1. ti inche; defi rlonev of rainiall since September 1, 19U, 1.0 1 inrhf Sunrise. 7 :"7 A. M. : sun-t-t, 4: 'Jit P. M. : total sunshine, - hours 10 niinuie.s; pct-Ihl sunhino. S hours 41 minuies. At onrit, V,:0:i 1. M. : moonaet, 6:nr A. M, Ititrometpr red ticfi sea lev-), ti P. M., oO.lS ino!i'. telUv humidity: 5 A. M., 47 i'pr cent ; noon, id per cent; fl r. M.. 44 per cent. THE WEATHER. T ATX ON S. linker , ivlft Tioston . . . . f htoapa .. . . lt, C0.00,..iW Pt. rlouuy o. . . N snow 4OO.00"12iW iClear iSi :;o o.oOi. .isW t'lou-ly 1 J) '22 0. 4' . . ; IZ Snow 401 oJ O.OOt. .iN'WiCiear 64 7rt0.ot!l4 SK K'lear an o.it . . :sw iPt. cloudy 24; ;to it.Oli . . !NE jotoudv rJ! oi'O.im'io K loudy 4S: r.'O.r.nl . .!E Rain 3' its o.on' JN w uioudy 44 n.O-y. . sV (Cloudy SO, 4rt0.00'li E Clear 41 'J.H 0 . OOi . . ISFT IClfgr adi 4 0.1-'..'N'W-Rain ' . . .1 r4 O.04 . . IS Rain Ie Moines.. Kureki .... I liaivrnton .. 1oiena I tJuneuu . . .. Kansus City. Los Annlre. Manthffeid. .. Mdiord North Hatl. Ko. Vaklina. Borbur(t . . -Pnormnento.. S- Frnuciico. 44; rt.as 14 Pl ciouay AMCSEMESTS. --i LAST TWO TIMES - T-TJJTT T Broadway at Taylor - tljlljlVj Phone Main 1. -SPEri.iL PRICE- I Mat. Today, 2:15 I ma TONIGHT, 8:15 A. If. Woods Present THE FR011C80ME FARCE OP FEM1I.M3 FOIBLES, ' OP EL'S SPLENDID CAST. SUPERB PROBICTIOS. MAT. Floor, $1.50: Balcony, $1, 50c TO.MGHT Floor, S2; Bal cony. J1.50. $1; Gallery, 75c. &0c. TICKETS KOXV SELLIXG. Tonight, All Week. Wed Sat. Mats. ALCAZAR In th American-Japanese Comic Opera. PAN TANA. SOO Seats Floor. 75e; All Bal., 50c NEXT NOBODY HOMK. BAKER STOCK COMPANY. Mat. Today Last Time Tonight. POLLYANNA, Sweeten Story Ever Written Buy Your Beats Now. Next Week: "Cheating Cheaters." M A N T A G E MAT. DAILY 2:30 s A Study In Royal Blue BEATRICE MORELLE SEXTETTE Ths Musical Treat of the Season. 6 OTHER. BIG ACTS 8 Three Performances Dally. Night Curtain at 7 and 9. LYRICs OMEIIY Mat. Dally. 2; Nights, 7 and 9. DIU)N FRANKS. Eccentric Comedians, and the Bosebnd Chorus in The Hypnotist Nonsense, Burlesque and Pretty Girls. Next Week: "The Bounders." OA c TO-NIGHT New Broadway Hall Broadway and Main. WOXDEUKCL BROADWAY NOV ELTY ORCHESTRA. Cotillion Hail Fourteenth and Washington Streets. Bl'TTERFIELD ASD COTILLION OR CHESTRA. Pl'HLIC DANCING EVERY EVENING AT BOTH HtLI.S ABSOLUTE LY FIRST - CLASS. Nothing: of an Objectionable Nature Tolerated. SPECIAL AFTEB-THEATKR PRICES FOR LATE-CO UHUS. Under Management of Montrose M. Hingler. I.EAItN TO DANCE HERE. Best Professional Instrnctors Class .ind Private. BROAUWAY 33KO. Don't Be ted isappoin Get your tickets Saturday, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M., at Sherman-Clay Co. for Movies Ball and Entertainment Auditorium Tuesday, Dec. 9 DANCE Sunday Evening Riverside Park at Mihvaukic Butterfield and Cotillion-Broadway Orchestra No dance at Columbia Beach closed for season "CINDA LOU" (FI Tmtl A SLOW SHIMJ1IK Mow Being; feature by The Ble Dance Orchestra DrLaxe, Moose Hall K very Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Nlgrhts. Ren.. SO Eafct 26' h st. Phone East 5315. Sitka Spokane ... Tacoma . . . . Tmoofih lsld. tValdex Walla Walla Washington. Winnipeg . gOi 42-O.0OI..IK ICloudy Oi 20 0.00! . w- k-iear SO, 41 0.00 .Ink near 4J! 4S.0o!20E ll'lear 22 22 0.22;..ISW ;Snow ml is-o.no . .w tpt. cloudy 2l aao.no!.. INW Clear , .1 14 0.OOI. .(8 ICloudy tA. M. today, ceding day. P. M. report of Pre- FOHECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; moderate wind, mostly northerly. OreKon and Washlnrton Fair; moder-. ate winds, mostly northerly. Idaho Fair in north, rain or snow la aouUi portion; coldec In aoutu soxUoo. MAR 001 ,J AMC6EMBNT9. THS BESTg IN VAUOiVILLB S Nlshts Snn-Mon-Tae 16e te HI Mats Sun-JIoo-l ne-Wed 19e7Sc Hyms & Mclntyre James H. Cullen: Watts & Hawley: Cartmell & Harris fos & Warrf- ThA v- Sinograms (Exclusive) Topics of Day: vnaries ana Henry Rigoletto nLjs!1" Tb1" Show Closes with the afy Matinee Wednesday. Dee. 10. CIRCLES FOURTH AT i ASULVG'IO.I Dorothy Dalton IN "Other Men's Wives" Also Charlie Chaplin la "Shoulder Arms- . . n'l lathe News. Open from 9 o'clock In th ... 4 O ClOGlC rf tha uuua ing morning. UNCALLED . FOR ANSWERS A 833, SJ. 8S8. 837, 730 619; Ml" 21' 8S- 123- 279' 82. 2sf, 412. 448. 884. J 0..5. 2S5, 8r.5. 9.-7 K 411, 771. 709, 773. 77S. Tl. 806. 764. ITT, o3& o??' 1'sr- 3S- Bia- ec3- a iSZ 8839-8M-8Ta-!: Hi: VS. 39- 44: 4S1-42T- B- J92. ?86. 784. 729, 790, 811, Oil. o.S. H. "i, ',r7?'i84- 1a, 232, 207. 195, 1T3 127 L?7409-47- 208' laa' i"s ' 68, es. 149 139, 1BU. 833. 103 (29. 197. I!t0. 803, 11. ' 893. 831. 8H4, 88. 144. 123, 8: 2 2i- 2J- 0. 197, 1T4. 188. ' iiv. .-a, 793. K 13-. 1-44. 154, 159, 802. 141 124 14.1 1o7- V III' !. .is. Tii: tit: 74o: ?& 429- 170- 28S-3se-4sa- 7o-7i 7i80jL7M':!- 708- g13- T2S- 80S. 791. Z?2-iaiSu0- 849' T54, 63. 873, 901, S?aA Sh iR2- 84S' 383- 802- 8361 ? ?i3-.2OS- 804i 12. 304. 3113. AB8923'3' Xt 19- 4- 3- 207 12- 1L AC- i46. 273. 61. li42!,2-155' 8T- 115 1S3- 158- 160. 114, 117, 116. 103, 145 AF 266, 471, 743, 609. AO 432. 416. AH 781, 738 806. 77S. 761, 92S. 607 SO"8 ' U" 810, 810' 813' 719' 'i' AL G33, 8.' . 24. AM 7, 8. 8. 6, 625. 15. 25. 9. J. . 13 lii. 19. 21, S96, Sll. 8. 5. 10. AO 742, 21, 9. 740, 6, 693. 738. 722, 719. AK 925, 802, 592. 941, 802, 931. 937. 945. 947. BC 14. 36. 31. 26. 80. 29. 9. 27. BD 093. 698. 704, 688. 297, 709 699. 707. ltP 297. 285. 283. 259, 283, 28. 279. 117. 707. 262. 135. 205. 300. 296. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. CLEAN furnished housekeeping room and kitchenette for bachelor. $4.50 week; ugnt. Path. 68 4th. opposite city hall MEETING NOTICES. ALL MASONS AND FRIENDS ALKADER SHRINK BAND will entertain at an lnfor mal dance and card party Monday evening. December 8, 8:45 o'clock, t'h risttnsen's nan, nth and Yamhill sta Excellent music assured. Ad mission $2 per couple. Tick ets may b obtained st Brady & Oliver cigar stand. j con oiag., anu me lor- bids. CARL B. WILLIAMS, Chairman. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 85, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Saturday) afternoon, 3 o'clock. Masonic Temple, to conduct funeral servicAn nf I... v. . i Ernest E. Tressler. Members please bring ?ito?; visiting brethren welcome. By order W. M. H. J. HAUGHTOK B.. OREGON LODGE, TO. 101 A.- F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Saturday) evening at 8 o'clock. Annual election and Installation of Officers and navmen. .1 Visiting brethren cordially invited. v order of the W. M. USbLlB S. PARKER. Secretary. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO 4. A. P. AND A. M. will make a fraternal visit to Hood River thla (Saturday) evening. Autos will leave East 8th and Rurnside at P At the accommodation for 33. Those colng by train will leave Union station at i:-u. Order of V. M. J. II. RICHMOND. Secretary. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication today (Satur day) at 2 and 7 o'clock P. M. Work in the master mason dejsree. VisitinK brethren wel- W. M. DE LIN, Secretary. SUN.NVB1DK LODGE. NO. ltfii, A. P. AND A. M. Special communicaton Saturday, a P. M. and 7 P. M. Work In M. M. degree. Visiting brothers welcome. Tty order of W. M. JOHN R INKER. Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO 4. A. K. AND A. M. Specia.1 communication this lHaturday) P. M. at 2 o'clock sharp. Work In F. O. degree. Visitors wel come. W. S. WEEKS, Secretary. PALESTINE LODGE, NO. 141, A. V. AND A. M. Special communication Saturday. Dec. 6, 7:30. M. M. degree". Visitors welcome. Arleta station. Mt Scott caf. By order of W. M. W. 8. TOVVNSEND, Secretary. OREGON SHRINE NO. 1. O. V. v I S.at.d MmmnnlcitloR this G Saturday evening, Dec. 6. at 8 o'clock. Election of officers and payment of aues. ay oraer oi W. II. P. CLARA B. JORDAN, vv ortny bcrioe. EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new detiisus. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6tli at. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblem, class pins and medals. 310 Washington St. KELLY Kate, daughter of William and Julia Kelly of Astoria. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 807, A 1311. l,ady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Wanii. t., bet. 2th-aiit.( west side. Main Lady Assistant. A ?bo. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Broadway and Pine st Phone Broadway 43U. A 45ab. iaay Attenuani. J.P.FINLEY&SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at 5th. A 1R McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all th privacy of a home, 16th and Kverett st. Telephone Broadway 2183; Home, A 2138. F. S. DUNNIXG. INC.. 414 . Alder. Phone East R2. Perfect service, personal direction, free ope of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson Ros, Multnomah at K. 7th. East 54. Irvlngton district. fTlTlerch E-EWt'CBTd FilI- ERICSON Twelfth and Morrieat sts., Broadway 2534. A. D. KENWORTHT CO.. 5S02-04 62a St.. Lents. Tabor 5I6T. A. R. ZELLAR CO. 1 East 10S8. C 10SS. BREEZE & SNOOK t0 SKEWES UNDBRTAKTNGCOMPANTnd and. Clay. M 4102. A 2221. Lady asslslanu come. n'XERAL NOTICES. EAUILTON At Marshfleld. Or.. Dec . 1919. Rev. c. L. Hamilton, pastor of Marshfield M. E. church, aged 64 years 10 months and 26 days, beloved husband oi fanny Hamilton, father of Dr. R. utonaof "coqu'fif 0oV"frDc. Xv.HamTiI I ton of Dristal, Pa.: Mrs. M. B. Everett and John Hamilton of Portland, Miss Frances Hamilton at home, Mrs. C U. Snyder, wife of Lieutenant Snyder, at Camp Lewis; son of Mrs. W. H. Hamil ton Sr.. brother of W. H.. E. D.. S. E.. E. E. and Walter H. Hamilton. Mrs A. E. Whiteside and Mrs. C. A. Cook. Body Is at R. W. Gable A Co., successors to w. H. Hamilton Undertaking Co., East 79th and Gllean. Services Saturday. De cember 6, at 2 P. M. at Flirt M. E. church. 12th and Taylor. Rev. Stansfleld officating, assisted by Portland Ministe rial association. Bodv will lie In state from 1 to 1:45 at the church. Inter ment ML Scott Park cemetery. APLANALP The funeral services of the late Elisabeth Aplanalp, who died In this city at her residence. 448 East 11th street. December 3. 1919. will be held to day (Saturday) at 2 P. M.. from the chapel of the Skewes Undertaking com pany, corner 3d and Clay. Friends and member of the Swiss Ladles' Aid Society, and Aster Circle. No. 152. Neighbors of Woodcraft, also Germania Sister lodge. No. 3. O. D. H. F.. invited to attend. In terment Host City cemetery. ROBERTS At her late home. 1034 Mac adam St.. Clara Roberts, aged 53 years, beloved wife of James A. Roberts1 and mother of Mrs. Reta Hull. The funeral services will be held from the above res idence Saturday, Dec. , at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment In the fam ily plot in Riverview cemetery. Arrange ments In care of F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 East Alder st. BENNEHOFF In tht city. Dec. 6. Albert A. Bennehoff, aged 50 years, beloved husband - of Bell Bennehoff. father of Opal, Leotle and Eagle Bennehoff. all of Richland, Or. Remains were forwarded Friday at 5 P. M. by Miller at Tracey to Richland, where services and Interment will take place. Deceased was also mem ber of the Knights of Pythlaa for the past 20 years, PETTY Alonzo L.. beloved husband of Mrs. Sylvia Petty, died at the family residence, 13S0 Atlantic St., Deo. 4. Fu neral services will be held at 10 A. M. today, Saturday, at the Evangelical church, corner Gay St. and Willamette blvd. Interment Riverview cemetery. Chambers Co.. directors. MILLER In this city. Dec. 4, Jane Miller, aged 82 years, beloved mather of William Albert Miller of this city: the funeral services will be held today (Saturday), at 11 A. M. from the conservatory chapel of the F. S. Dunning. Inc.. 414 E. Alder. Friends Invited. Interment ML Eoott Park cemetery. OLSON At the family residence, 9623 Six tieth avenue 3. E., Earl M. Olson, aged 23 years. Funeral services will be held Monday, December 8. at 2 P. M., at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy com pany, 3802-04 Ninety-second street S. E., In Lents. Interment Multnomah ceme tery. CHYNOWETH At the residence, 432 12th St., James Chynoweth, aged 69 years, beloved brother of Mrs. Thomas Wlthy combe and the late William Chynoweth. Friends invited to attend the runeral services at Foster Prairie Cemetery at 3 P. M. today (Saturday), Dec tt, 1919. SHEPHERD In this city. December 4. Elizabeth Agnes Shepherd, aged 64 years. Funeral services will be held to day (Saturday). December 6. at 10:30 A. M.. at the chapel of Breeze & Snook, Belmont at 35th. Remains will be for warded to Springfield. Illinois. SARR1S The funeral services of the late John sarrls will be neia Saturday, uec. 6. at 2:15 P. M. at the Greek Orthodox church. 17th and East TIbbetts sts. In terment Rose City cemetery. Arrange xnents in care of Miller & Tracey. TRESSLER The funeral services of the late Ernest E. Tressler win be held to day (Saturday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. al Finley'a. Montgomery at 8th. Friends In vited. Incineration at th Portland Crematorium. DE LORNE The funeral service of the late Vernon DeLorne wll be held Satur day. Dec. 6. at 2:30 P. M. at the chapel of Miller Sc Tracey. Interment Multno mah Park cemetery. BORUFF The funeral service of the late George A. Boruff will be held Saturday, Dec 0. at 1 P. M- from the chpl of Miller & Tracey. Interment Multnomah park cemetery. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTOMOBILE LIVERY. Marshall 114.- FLORISTS. LUBLIN ER, FLORIST. 323 Morrison St.. Portland hotel. Mar. 753 843 Morrison, bet. Bdy. and Park. Mar. 257' Portland's Leading Flower Shop. MARTIN & FORBES CO., f lorlts7-S54 Washington. Main 269. A 1209. Flower for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BSCS., florists. 287 Morrison St. Main 7709. Fine flower and floral de signs. No branch store. IKVINOTON PARK FLORAL CO., 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers; lowest prices. MAX M. SMITH, Main 7213, A 3121. Sell lng building. Sixth and Alder sts. tONSETH FLORAL CO., 287 Washiri gtoil St., bet. 4th and 6th. Main KI02. A 1161. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE YCRKS t6 4th ftt., Opp City Hall. Nea Bma rfb BLAESING GRANITE CO. I LT THIRD AT MAOISCM STREET I Eatea for Classified Advertisements in The Oregonian. Dally and Sunday - Per Una. On line , Two consecutive tlmee. ,2Se Three consecutive timee. ......... .90a (Seven consecutive times 63e The following clsvattlf .cations except i, the rate oi w fa leu Is 7c per line per day: Situations Wanted Male. Situations M aiitredri''emale. Ho ad taken for less than two line. Count six words to the line. Advertisements (except "Person als") will be taken over tne telephone if the advertiser Is m subscriber to either phone So prices will be quoted over the phone, but statements will be rendered the following day. Adver tisements are taken tor The iaily Ore sunian until 7:30 P. &L.; for The Sun day Oregonian until 6 P. At. Saturday NEW TODAY. Portland Rug Company MANUFACTURERS Of FLUFF RUGS THEKE'3 A DlITERBNCii." WE WEAVE ALL fl.LS IN BOTH FLUFF ANU K AG RUGS. It ta Call fev Tour Old Carcwts. Work Will Be Returned "Promptly." Mail Orfler (.Wen Prompt Attention. WE CLEAN CARPETS. Portland Rug Company 167S Bast -Seventeenth Street. Phone a 1324. Kither Psvcino or Home. WB CALL FOR TOUR OLD CARPETS, Rnsra mmA Woolen ClothtB;. We Make Beautlfal Hand-Waves FLUFF RUGS All Work Turned Ont Promptly. Rag lines Woven All Slaea Hail Orders. Send for Booklet, larneta Cleaned. Lai a nnd Ue fitted. KORTHWE9T RCG CO. lHH Kmrnt Btk St. rkes t 35tM STORAGE SPACE Inveatlsnte Onr Plant and Rates Why assume expensive leases under present high costs CLAY S. MORSE. INC. Drnynge nnd Stornse. 13th and Gllaan. Pkoae Bdwy. 3470k MORTGAGE LOANS Marshall 4114. 411. Improved etfy mnA farm troiimT. taJImeat repiymeit prtvilese1 It preferred i prompt reliable aerviee A. H. BIRRELL CO. ZI7-X1 Korth wester Bank UuUdlsg. Ci nf MortgageLoans O720 Edward L Goudey Co. C S. Btuak BnUdias Portland Business Bulletin A &iTctoTy of business firms and professional men condensed and clas- suiea ior reaay reierence. nor rates information, telephone The Oregonian, ACCOUNTANTS. ULIUS R. BLACK, accountant, auditor, specialist on involved accounts. Modern systems Installed, maintained. 738-9 Plt tock block. Telephone Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. REMODELING, refitting and altering jaaiea garments; prices reasonaDie. work guaranteed. I. Reubina, ladies' tail- or. 4U8 Bush 4Lanebldg. ASSAYER8 AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second oolfl, silver and platinum bought. CARPET WEAVING. pngCThe kind that wear the beat are llUUOrnade from tour worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress 153 Union ave.) Rag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and reslslng. Mall orders solicited. 188 E. 8th st. Phone East 8580. B 1280. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Mall order prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned, 11.60. . FLUFF RUO CO.. 54-58 Union ave. N. East 6518. B 1475. fEi.i.rioro BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Broadwryy 434. A 12.14. CHIROPRACTOR, 800.000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chlroprac- iur. inrongs pronounce treatment eapl est. best, permanent. 81 "treats" $15. Tel. C-Hinol'OnlSTARYSPECIAl.IST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello Do Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists In the cltv. Parlors 302 Ger llnger bldg.. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist: corns, bun ions, foot arches made to order. 311 Shetland bldg.. 6th and Wash. Main 10S1 CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall 5822. Multlxraphlng. mimeographing and mall advertising. COLLECTIONS. NBTH CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1799 No collections, no charge. Bstab. 1900 DANCING. Mrs. Summers Berkeley dancing academy, 129 4th st.; 3 firs.: lessons day, eve. class. Thur. Ladles $3. gouts Main 8318. MRS. BATH'S DANCINO ACADEMY. 3d floor Dekum blflty., private lessons, day and eve.; class Tues. eve. Main 1843. ELNORA FLECK Ballet, technique, toi nature oriental dancing; babies a spe cialty, law 4tn st. Main 3318. DANCING Lady ballroom Instructor will give private lessons at her home; reason able rates. Tabor 6004. PRIVATE dancing lessons. 612 Couh hldir Fourth, near Washington. Phone Main noun. DANCE. W. O. W. hall No. 3 Sat, eve. Everybody come. 50o and 25c. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss norotr.y nasmussen. 610 Eilers bldg. DOO AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 415 East Seventh. East 1847. B 11)62. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO 861 N. lt, Portland, Or. Re- wlndli:; and electrical repairing a specialty. See us about new or used motors. Bdwy.1045, A 1040 HARDWOOD FLOORINU. GET estimates for new or old house. Port- lanuriaruwooa ioor Co.. 187 W.Park st HEMSTITCHING, iv. ninriisn, nemsutcninj;, scalloping, ao cordion Ride pleat, buttons covered; mail vmcia. .xiri-iLLoca dik. .tiroaaway 1020. WHOLESALERS AND GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bide. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. S3-S5 Front st. HIDES, WOOL AND CASCAKA HARK. KAUN BROS., 1U3 Front st. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-S6-S7-8B Front st. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY, "S-70-72 Front sL. Portland. PAINTS. OILS AND CLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN A CO.. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. Build Your Own Garage We will deliver a Sectional Garage to you anywhere In the northwest. You can set it up in a few hour. Send for circular REDIMADE BUILDING CO. 815 E. 11th St. i'kose Uaat Sll-i. Portland. Or. THREE - STORY BRICK BUILDING 25x100 189 FIRST ST. BEWEE.H YAMIIILI. AXD TAYLOR, .WILL BE SOLD at auction at the County Courthouse, uecemDer sth. at 10 A. AL. to tha nigneet Didder. THREE - STORY BRICK BUILDING 50x95 164-166 Second Street BETWKE MORRISOX AND Y A. 11 HILL. - WILL BE SOLD at auction at the County Courthouse. December 8th. at 10 A. 1L. to th highest Mdder. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old Ran nnd Woolen dotting; We Hike Reversible. Hand - Woven FLUFF RUGS Tier Wear Like Iron. Hall Orders. Send for Booklet. Bk Bin Woven. A 11 Slaea. Carpet Cleaning a 13 Hnars. Steam cleaned. SI. AO. WEIIKH.t rXliFV 11 1. ti CO. 4 Union Ave. M.. klast 3.. w I47S REAL K9TATE. WILL TRADE MT FOUR-TON TRUCK FOR PROPERTY. WHAT HAVE TOUT GIVE DESCRIPTION IN FIRST LET. 1EK. J 300. UUUMAN. rlPl 3 If 71 IT Htl IN no dj tne montn or year, or owier Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZER. About hundred loads horse and eow manure, delivered. $8.5v truck load. Tabor 8735. M 4 I 1 A( I I KINO JEWELERS. W. F. ROBS & CO., INC. M. MUSCOV1TZ. MANAGER. Manuf acturlnff jewelers. aate cutting, diamond setting, designers. Wholesale. 61t Mohawk bids., 3d and WashlnKton. JEWELRY. WE MANUFACTURE genuine lade Jew elry In 24-ltarat Bold aiountlnlfs; w. also manufacture Chinese character sia het ring's; repair watche and other Jew elry l our prices are reasonable and our work Is guaranteed. Oriental Jewelry Co.. 423 Washington treet. ' OPTICIANS. NO PROF1TEKR1NO ON SPECTACLES. Dr. Ueorge Rubensteln. the veteran op tician, still fits the best eyeglasses at very moderate prices. Tories, Kryptoks, also the cheaper grades. HJO Morrison. OI-TOMKTRISTI4 AND OPTICI AN !. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on tha basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial wlH convince you. Charles W. Wood man, optometrist, now Morrison. M. 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C WRIOHT 22 years' experience U. 8. anoioreign patents. eui UfKum piqg. GOLDBERG. 620 Woroester bldg. M. 2525. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomaoh. bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, akin affections, blood pressure. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Starke-Davis Co.. 212 3d. M. 79T. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbein. Manager. Printing and linotyping. 10i Front st.. corner l-Hark. Main or A 1418 PRINTING?; BALTES & COMPANY, d Oak sts. M 105. A 1165. FAINTING. C H. TERRILL, house, sign painting, pa perlng. tinting. Tabor 2ull. 810 15. 44th, RE FINISHING FLOORS. ARE your floors just what you want? I reflnish old floors and guarantee to please. A. Garrom, 768 . Seveuth St. Phone Sellwood 202. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE V FURNITURE CO.. 21 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything in the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 970, A 7174. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 01 I'ekum bldg. U. S. foreign trademarks TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." MOV IN G-P AC K'O-STOR AGE-BAGGAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch GStfc Bdwy, PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glian st.. corner l.'Uh. Phone Broadway or 1 vv e own and operate two lar, claM MA" warehouses on terminal tracks. lowest Insurance rates in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO. 24S Pine. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. 10 a PARK ST. MAIN 5105. A 1051 WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid, old -watches and Jewelry, eonditlcn no object. Reiner jewelry Co., 448I Wash. t. MANUFACTURERS MILL SUPPLIES. PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY 0S-70-72 Front st.. Portland. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. I.. KLINE. 84-S6-E7-89 Front St. THBJ PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. i i r ront st.. Portland. PRODUCE CMMISSION jlERCHANTg a..aftui.'.u - r AttKfJl.1,. 140 Front at. ROPE AND BINDKB TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrun. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLKR jfcep.. Front and Morrison. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. oia. lots in Portland, flrst-claes property. win sell chxap or trade: have two lots In Fredericks. Okla. ; 1 lot In Moore. Montana, with shack. 3 rooms: cheap for "-'v j.iif.gir.Bii.ii ave. uwner. LOTS FOR SALE. 40-foot lot on K. 2".d st. N., i Mason, in Alameda Park, so0. JOHN RAIN. S07 Spalding bM(f For Sale Flat and Apartment ProprrtT. ABOUT 10 PER CENT NET A larg-e 6-flat buildinit. west side first-class condition. lr.t K-iu.oi. baths, total pri.:e J6.100. 350( o'ash. iial- w ou.fc, HruxB income 9 i-ii yearly leesee. however, aublets for 1152 yearlv. red W. German Co.. 132 Cham, of Coiil. IRVINOTON APT I-.'.nnn Reel map. 13 apts.. all outside rooms, sleeplnr porches, hardwood floors, beau tiful court entrance, real m ...... w -., no trade, but give terms: never chanced owners. Suit McDnnell. For Sale TV'EST SIDK hOSIE. tS00 DOWN. Ou Savier street, near 28th. Is a . room modern home; full cement base- meni, rurnare and flreolare, white F'umuin;, eienrio UgntS and lu unusual bargain. SEB FRANK L. MoGTJTRE. To Buy Your Home. Abincton bide. Jlsln 106S. open Evenlnga and Sundavs. FOR SALE IN HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, r-ozv furnished B-room bunealow hsrdwood floors, bath. Dutch kltohen fireplace, beautiful buffet and .11 hunt' In convenlen.-fa; cement basement, laun. ulJ vi.vu, Mu new xurniiure, ivory bed- .-.u... ...... mjiiBiflr ruKI, also Winter wood, all street Imp. In, block to lit o-on cur, an at k. Sherman. WESTMORKLANU RlRnil' A VCrV &rtlStlC mno.m .'..rnnm hi.... low; fireplace, bonkcaes. buffet. Dutcn kitchen, hardwood floor, full cement basement, cement floor; hard-surface St.. ooxion lot: no Incumbrance. Price et-t.r. .ivtiv casn, Daianca month, iiicmuias siiicrest at l per cent. C E. ADAMS, B07 Cham, of Cam. Marshall 2375. WEST SIDE RlTN'llA I1W J'isni A well-built B-room plastered bunca low. full concrete foundation nn.l h... ment with cement floor, modern nitn.h Ins:. In a first-class condition, on paved street, at lot4 In St.. street wortt all paid for. Splendid view, touo casn. 125 monthly. Fred W, German Co.. 732 .iiain. pin. open aunosyi. READ THIS Practically new bungalow living room, dinlnr. kitchen, 2 bedroomi with bath between; hardwood floors fireplace, furnace, cement basement. 'cffini pwicu. fta-raze. x lots; also coras wooa, a-as range, other articles, al i-jr .t.v. -J . J3. Liuit, o.j Alberta itt v nome just rinlhed. semi bungalow. 8 rooms, tiled bath, 17th an. Klickitat: Just something different, bull for a home, 110.000. See Ned Biirb. to B P. M.. at house, or phone iuain i Hurt ior appointment. VACANT BUNGALOW. Owner must sell 5-room bungalow with concrete oasemeni. trays, electricity an gas. s-rice tor quics aaie, itfitv. easy MtGUIKB RBILS. 545 Union ave. V VACANT ROSE CITY HOMK. To clo estat will sacrifice 7-room K. nome witn narawooa floors, fire place, furnace and paved street. Prlca ior qoirs sai- easy terma McOUIRB A REILS. 65 Union ave. N. IRVINOTON. H1.500- COST SIS.OoO Perfect, corner south and east facing large living room, central hall, mirrors artistic ugnting, roar large . K., two bath, double garage. Alcuonell. as LEAVING CITT, must sell new five-room bungalow, most complete home In Al berta district: sacrificed at S3 100. 101) East 22d st. N. Terms. Owner. GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas and eatimatea B. T. Allyn, 243 Stark st. Offioe hours t to B P. M. Phone slain 31. Res, phone. Tabor 194. BEAUTIFUL HOME. ROSE CITY PARK, NEAR RANDY BLVD. 6ACRIFICB PRICE 7350. -41S B. 42D N. TABOR 907S. . " IRVINOTON BEST HOMES. llcDONELU East 41S. REAL KSTATR. For ale Hsnwa. PIHR-CARET CO.. Main 1S6. lt Ry. Etch. bldg. Buy Her a Home tor Christmas! Brand-new 6-room bungalow In Alberta: cement basement, full lot; will be worth many dollars more in spring; SJ700: wr terms. One of our salesmen will show you this property any time. S2125. $2125. $2125. Can you ' heat this 4-roora bungalow, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full lot: very attractive: Mt. Scott district. Phone us if vou ara Inter ested; we'll do the rest. S2500 buys a B-room cosy cot tage, full lot; many roses, trees and ehrubbr. terraced lawn, full cement basement. double brick walls; mi 3l!d street, near Division: terms easy, small pavment. bal ance like rent. Experienced sales men ready to show this property any time of day or evening. $3B00 buys a classv Rose City oungr.low; hardwood floors, beau ttful fireplace: buffet. Dutch kitchen, garage, full lot. cement basement. A real bargain In a home or an Investment. Experi enced salesmen with autos will show at any Unie. day or evening. 14350 buys a beautiful 8-room home on a corner lot; paved street, sewer, garage, full cement base ment. S bedrooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace; excellent condi tion throughot t. Must sell at onto a bargain; experienced salesmen with autos at your serv ice any time of day or evening. $4850 buys one of Rose City- rholcest B-room bungalows, prac tically new, hardwood floors flrerlace: very artistically finished Inside and out seeing is buying. Paved street In and paid. Ex perienced salesmen with autos at your service any time, duy or even ing. BIHR-CARET CO.. . Real Estate. Main 1686. 219 Ky. Exch. bldg. $3S50 UNPARALLELED HOME BARUA1.V. On E. BSth street, near Stark, Just east r Laurelnurst and tha "Ureen Gables." Jf Practically new. unusually well built double-constructed home. with DUlldlns- HMOer hBtu-An ...a -.ii- Tt.i. house was built by the owner for a home. Contains music room. living V ",L" 'menace ana outlt-in leaaea glass bookcases: very pretty solid pan e.ca caning room with plate rail and built-in buffet; a light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas; good cement basement: lOox B'i'uitua. wnn xv assorted bearjni fruit trees, grapes. Walnuts and ber rles. This I a real home and the housi could not be built for the monev. Cln. to Mt. Tabor car and chool. Street liens lnc:uded. Owner leaving the city. Terma. SEE FRANK L. McGUTP.B. TO BUY IOUH HO.Mli. Ablngton bldg. iain Office Oren Evenings and SunJavs. IRVINSTOV A most attractive residence nf n rnnmm modern In all lto appointments and nearly new; hardwood rloors. tiled fire place In living room and front bed room, tiled bath, with shower: also bath for maid room: conservatory, extra large sleeping porch, which can be heat ed If desired: complete burglar alarm system and double electric lighting and heating svstems: located in ih. vAPw best district of Irvlngton. on 100x100 corner, surrounded by beautirul homes. This house has cost the owner be tween 1S,000 and $2U.00U. but an at- trwctviR price win oo made in selling. ui- -uuiu accept aesiraDie vacant or im proved Po.-tland property for the eaul-'y SAMUEL R. NORTON. 010 Henry Bldg. $2100 MONT. WILL A BUNGALOW. This Is an exceptional bargain. Con tains 3 light, airy bedrooms, white por celain plumbing fixtures, electric lights ana gas: cneery living room with lire place, pretty dining room, convenient Dutch kitchen, good cement basement. This is a typical bungalow with very pleasing lines: house like new: full lot: closo to car and school: easy down pay ment, entire balnnce at $no per month at 6 per cent Interest: no mortgage or street liens. SEE THIS TODAY. IT CA-N I LAST. SEE F HANK L. McGTJI RE, TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington bldg. Main 100.'?. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. Jlno $xr,r CASH. HO.M ESEEK ERR' K.VAP. HERE 13 YOUR CHANCE: 5-ROOMS. NEAR UNION AVE. ND BROADWAY. L'SxH'O: plumbing, basement, electric lights. gas, no debt, balance monthly. Main 4P03 G. C. Gul.hENBERO, Abingt6n bMg. "35 Years In Portland." BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. 4-'" E. J ESS UP. $4000 T Kit MS. $40UU TERMS. Just completed, ."i-room bungslo sleeping porch, also large room plastered in attic; lot 4SX11M.; u en v built-in ef fects, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen. etc A dream bungalow. see this to day. Near Lnion and Klllingsworth block 2 car lines. Tak Wood lawn car to Union and Jessnp sc., then go 1 block east. Phone East 6.10 during dsy. o C 1192 evening. Open for Inspection 1 to 5 dally. SOME LAITRELHURST BARGAINS. Two 0-room houses, both vacant, ready tor immediate occupancy; built about 4 years. Location the very best. Will positively be sold this week If we get anything like a reasonable offer. There are 5 bedrooms In each and hardwood floors throughout. If you will drive out to Laurolhuret office, E. HUth and ciisan Bis., you can nave tne Keys an inspect them at your leisure. There, i some easy money to be made on these nouses, li you want me to can tor you. phone Tabor .14.1:1: evening. East 20b6. MK. 1 f. I . A (1 1 1 1 . $2fl"0 AL8GRTA BARGAIN. On Kast 18th street, near Gofnir, In a. very substantial 6-room modern home with attrartlvw lines; cheerful living room, pan-ioa aimnjc room witn Doumfa 4 winR ana pi ate ran, coitveniont Kitch en, full cement basement with cement floor and laundry trays, 3 Utrht, airy bedrooms, whit enamel plum Muff, elec tric light a and teas, atrcet lins paid. Thla is an unusual value. PEJfl FRANK I McCJTTlRiC TO BIT YOLK liUME. Ahlnjtton Buildii.K. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. LAUREUU'RPT BUNGALOW. GARAGE A GENUN1S SACRIFICE. Finished in old Ivory; hardwood floora, Krench doors, fine Rarae, locnted In choice part of Laurelhurnt ; look this over, and make ub an offer; if It in within reason you will have the buy of the year and one of the claatiiest bunga lows In Portland. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752. FOR SALE 8-roora modern bungalow, oil Karragut at., lot 100x100, fireplace, gaa radiation, Dutch kitchen, good barn and chicken, house; all kind of fruit on pine, Thla Is a snap, $36uo. $400 cash down, balance at $30 per month including in terest ; 3 blks from fit. Johns- car. McCLLRE & HCUMAUCH CO.. 306 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1508. " " $350Q Beautiful modern bungalow, corner lot, 50xlu0, just off Sandy boulevard; nice, clean district; a snap at 1 3 .',00. It is brand new; terms, $300 down, $30 per mcnth. WESTERN CO?JSTRrCTION CO.. 621 Morgan B.dg. Main 2035. Main 4477. ROPE CITY BARGAIN. New, modern 5-room bungalow; full basement, hardwood floors and built-in conveniences; lot 50x1 ou, facing the east; 1 block south of Sandy. Going east Iec. 10, must sell on or before that dale. It's a bargain. Phono Tabor 305. H. 1. Wilson. ttio E. 44ih st. V. PLEASE com out to 1135 E. Morrison and see my cozy 6 rooms and bath. 1 floor, cement basement, electric lights, gaa, garage, on macadam paved street, fine corner, lOSxlOO: lots fine fruit, berries. Price $205O, your own terms. "Mt. T." 88th car to 76th, X block north. Tabor &54. SPLENDID (1-rootn home, Hfehland ad dition, very substantially built, furnace, modern, large lot 7x100, about two feet above sidewalk, beautifully ter raced with concrete blocks, fine lawn, fruit trees; worth $700. take $4600 for quick gale. East 273. Herd man. CLOSE IN. west side. 50x100. two cot tages. Income $35 per month; price $4.o, terms. Graham, 3-5 Railway Exchange building. BY OWNER rooms, sleeping porch, fire place, on car tine, corner view lot, newty painted throughout . terms. Main 2460, evenings Wood. awn 4LfJH. guKOOM hou.e, close in. good residence district, worth $10,000; will take $Hr.O If sold within next few days. F. S Privett, Tabor 240. IRVINGTON HOMES. $VH0, 14200, $7300, I'jovO and up. iu-ast 4l. iicUoneli. SEAL ESTATE. 600 HOMES FOR SALE. real opportunity for yon to fJJ modern well-built home oa easy ..T.. Evry- one ot 'hese homes hav "P-""""'Jy, Inspected and appraised. nrLS ;d"tul liargalna. A photograph time hAmH', W,1Ul dt regarding ? a,",ti. alsP- tor your Inspection, ha. l your "ervloo. This system has sold over 800 homes this year and J '.'"I can be of service bo you Ing Tor" Iek' llom ott ' FRANK L. McGUIRE AblnT tPVii". YO,-H HOME. t-v xmngs and Sundays. Modern 1Q BT OWxIr! aelected J.; m rMill,n' finished In ?Zr.rZi 1. rnahogany and oak. spacious toilet ,.. ... . wa.nrooms, three iaiTi . !fte8t sanitary plumbing, full JuT ninoVmfnt-. ,Rrg" t'nished attic. ?o?m P .- ' -'wPlng Porch, breakfasj hSs! P?? .1 th f,nMt "nlshed ',,for,,',anu: elegantly furnished. .'"f"'1' e" "Ith or without furni Oregon"an renabi terma. O 1. TO lCJinAhMe..ri ,h""!, houses and lot: lot Place fr,.lt , car "ne- n"" nouse ., '. bprr,r? "-: 4-room 1000.' Pa"i: ': crt,J-SJ""- r,od '-'oeni house. cn-br8,enient- ;idewnlks in and paid; corner lot. close to car. Jlioo terms. wa'lahn60'-; 6-r0Om h""" "mer-t Sk"3 p""J for: clo'", ear: lllo terms. Phone owner. Woodlawn 6'M. WH.'I.-AMETTK HEIGHTS. A REAL SNAP AT 3tM)0. r.0"ms- hardwood floor In dlnlnc and I living room.: fireplace, furnace, ce ment basement, paved street- fine view ?ormm,I'..',t'- Toi2 Cannot -P'"a?o thS Heights money on Willamett. ,s H. DESTION A CO., "15 Chamber of Commerce hldg. H .'.5!iEeE5KKK.S-rGrab ,hl !: must bath f.,ii 1 "u"K:ow. o rooms, large oath, full basement, floored attic, all nicely painted tinted. Fruit. walnut tree, roses, lawn, berries. "Wbberv! EJ-Voartreet- "9l1 furnished with $4-0 piano. Easily worth $2700; taki Siar'rn :er- li23 E- "h"" 7rR mu."t, money immediately. .niuvs: nose city district. ?.S-r".bu,1,taloWi Improvement paid; J-H..0; S-rnoui attractive cotlage. East iV, V''-, t. paved. 27.lO?Yroni nifty hungalow-cottage. glnssed sleep. Ing porch, paving paid. $2500; easy pay. !?Kta:,'?.radi' Poeion. liveningn. 1 a nor 7 U..5. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. k,, Jl'J,JOUrChr,3,!n"" ln a "",8 "-room. Bungalow, all yjur own. Has fireplace. ..c,klt.ch.n:.Fo!Lfurn"c-. Jnl off th ave.. west of 43d. Tou can look the Cltv over and cannot duplicate this: good caah payment. $2730 1 a HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. S"th and Hawthorne. Tabor PSnfl. , ; moaern bungalow, completely Xur- " ,,,eu- "v'ng room and dining room in so, 1,1 mahogany; Wilton rugs on floors; fine furnace and full basement; la fact, this is as nif;y a piac as any you havo een, and we are only asking $4200. If you want It come down and see us. ' WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO.. Fourth st. $2000 MODERN HOME $2000. 5 rooms. 3 blks. of car line; 50xlOH lot; some bearing fruit trees, berrlea and grapes: also bearing English wal nut tree; cement basement and bath room. A good buy with easy terma. cl E- ADAMS. 07 Cham, of com. Marshall 2,!T. FINE BUNGALOW. $3500 for a 7-room, on H. lflth ' N paved street, garage, built-in bufTet. fireplace, concrete basement, onlv -J block from Irvlngton car; $1000 cash, balance ensy. F. L. BLANCH A RD. B19-20 Railway Exchange. ROSE CITT PARK. $0500. Beautiful, new, modern B-room and sleeping porch, breakfast room, store room, garage, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, house finished in ,ia ivory and strictly up to date; all city Improvements paid. Terms. Marshall gag. THAT VACANT LOT. ' Why not turn a burden Into IncfmeT We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten vears We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bailey Co.. Inc.. contract- "'B arvnuects. I'.s 11. Y . uanK bldg. BEAT the rent profiteer. Why pay rent when you can buy a flat bldg.' from owner in beautiful Irvlngton; strictly modern, that will pay you 7 1 per cent interest and give you a beautiful home free: easy terms! ideal investment for lanv: absolutely safe. C. C. Coulter. 40.". Esst Mh st. N. FINE new English cottage. 6 rooms, din--Ing and sleeping porches. hardwood floors, open fireplace, all modern con veniences, with large wooded lot. at Mount Zton, the most beautiful view suburb of Portland. Price $0,".oo, easy terms. John Bsin owner, 5U7 Spalding bldg. Teiephone A 7442. $2SS0 FOR a fine S-room with garage an! good barn, llMixlno In berries, hearing fruit trees, ground 132x2u;t, on K. ;::ttlt. fine place for poultry as well as par dening: will give good terms. l'hon Marshall 8i'. . V L. BLANCH Attn BIH-20 R:ilvav KNchsnge. IIIVI NC1TON REAL IJII.MK. $linu. TERMS. Senii-burtgalow. living room, tiintns room, kitchen, two nedroeie, l.afh first floor; two bedrooms, sleeping porch, balh second: all large nmnirf, hardwood floore. concrete porches, fine gar-ige, grounds 7Vxl0O. fine ahruUa; $2,100 cashj $72." 0 lilVl.V'lTON DISTRICT $72.-.ii 7 rooms. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch. (1 tslieii In Wltltc; extrn l:irR lot: tifr rase. Tliia is m fin buy nnd has not I'en offrrr-rl fur sale i-fforo. t'ati Pien only by spe.-il appoint. nout. Ciii K. u. Holmea Tp., Stnrk at. Muln S0M, Five-room buna-Blow; brakfat room, hath, full bHinont, t urnm-e urn! f Ire p!ft e, hardwood floor. This fine tvnmi in Hob City I'ark.'Outli N. Price $Jmm. $?oon c!i. blrn.- easy terma. Ca.il CMvtifr, Tabor 4!4. $4401 NRW HOMIt. 7-room hounct. near lrvinpcton carlln, corner lot. IOUxIOO, pu street-f. hrtl oorJ floors, Krrnch luiiH-in fat urcw. fireplace, tc, full basement. Woodlawn 3245. BUii.n now. Tf you own a lot we will furnish th money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and s us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main 05. Main 447T. " IRVINGTON. Closing n estate, wll! 1! nttractfv modern resilience and corner lot in b-st part of Irvlngton at a v-ry ressonable price and good terms. Donald Macleod. 10O1-2 Spalding Mdg. PRT'"KD TO PEr.Ta THIS WEKIv. J1u0 taofl DOWN, BAT. $10 A MONTH 7 PKR CENT lNTKRKS'P. fi-rooin hoUs-e. basement, on car line; lot ."Ox l m; at 7u E. 2 1st st. Phone Bell. ir0 1. FINK corner home, 4 Inrge bedrooms, atr age, hard-surface prild, close in, cwrveta and linoleums lnrludeI. Price $5mio. in come $45 monthly; $1000 will handle. "Woodlawn 1 1 1 . DANDY, well-built, 4-room house. be sides bath and full cmnt basement ; i. Mock car. Price -4uo. j. u. Little, ftr.rt Alberta st. . , $2T5A 6 ROOMS. Hawthorne dlst.. 4Ox100 lot. modern plumbing. BY OWNER. Terms ar ranged. Day. Main SPSS. KesEell. inr5. BY OWNER 5-room modern bunpcaKiw. with or without furniture, large cement garage; near Alberta car line;- terma. W 777. Oregonian. r-. t --v- 1 a i i o A. ODcril A r r.r If you are looking for a bargain It will be to your Interest to call up Mr. StowclL, Tabor 6Rl. A SNAP AT $01.10. TV ne modern 5-room buncnloW, :" fnTl ent bament. sightly location, elose r; $rt.o down. Tabor I cemei $3000 for 6-room, lot 00x122, garare and poultry pens; easy ternie. h L. Ulanchard, gH-2 Railway Exchange. BY OWNER Strictly modern home, Irv lngton. onk floors, cement basement, r.0 ft. lot; $4200. E. -'T7 or 722 Selling bldg. 4-ROOM house with bath, fiOxlOO lot: terms. Tabor 737. 212 E. 63d N. M V car. m PRETTY COTTAGE, $1800; trade " for large house of acreage, asnume differ ecce. 1800 Siskiyou at., nr. 70th. R. C. car. $27.'0 BUY 3 $4G0 furnished house now renting for $45 per month: must have SIQuo quick, cash. 32Q Morgan bldg, " IRVINGTON HOMK. EAST 139. 0-ROOM cottagt. Tot 75X100, fruit trees, chicken house, $1450, terms $3(K) down. iu Oregon bldg. Broadway 1608. FOR RENT A "-room hou4e, furniture for sale. Including piano. West more land olstrlct. Phone Sellwpod 712.- -ROOM house; sell cheap for cash, or will rent: 1 block Union ave. car. 402? 74th st. g. E. SNAPPY Irvlngton houe. owner leaving city, bargain. Phone rast frOtS. 8 ItOOM house, furnished. Fine loatioj. For sale, call Tabor t14f. IRVINOTON HOMES. EAST 1L T. STREET XRV. AUT.