THE MOItNIXG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, DECE3IRER 4, 1919. 21 V FOR RENT. HonKCf ping Hoon LAmiB umurnishea iront rooms wuo private bath ; heated ; electricity, gas, phone included in rent, $40; adults. 631 Hoyt. Broadway 41)46. - PERFECTLY cleau large two-room house keeping apartment for two adults, 6.50, or three adults $7.54); heat furnished; gas range. 3frtf 3d st. .LARGK. well lighted, front room and kitchenette, $2.r; fuel, light, hath and phone. 261 14th st.. near Jefferson. HoiiBfkeping Koonu In Private V axnlly. NEAT, cozy furnished housekeeping room with kitchenette; also one furnished housekeeping room ; will rent 1, 2 or 3 to parties employed; near car. Tabor 2743. 8 LARGE rooms and kitchenette, down stairs, partly furnished, modern home, private family, to party buying fuel. &VQ Clinton st.. Sellwood Z9. OR UK NT Three housekeeping rooms, furnished, on ground floor, near carline; free lights and water. 201 E39th et. LAR'iE clean housekeeping' room and kitchenette, light, heat, phone and bath. 'tt E. Washington. 3-ROOM apartments, kitchen privileges, fail 374 Victoria st. or phone E. 0503 after 5 P. M. THkKE furniMied housekeeping rooms, $1k . L-as, light and water. 7Uo Minnesota a vcnu.-. Font well furnished II. K. rooms: 2 beds; artults. 308 College, bet. 5th and 6th. FU RM.SHED housekeeping room, all con veniences. o87 Vi Mill. st. NICELY furnished housekeeping room; close in. 4.;u Yamhill st. l'Kl VATE f am ily, f urn ished II. K. room, 2(il Monroe st. 10T 2UTH. CCK. FLANDERS Neatly fur nl heel housekeeping rooms. Houneh. FO R REN T 4 rooms and bath upstairs: electric lights, hot and cold water; fine location on Hawthorne ave. ; elderly cnup)c : references. Call Tabor 9458. L 230, Oregonian. FOR RENT A fine 7-room house on East Flanders, convenient to car; will be thoroughly renovated ; consider lease to responsible party. H. C. Thompson, SUITA B LE fop couple desiring to live close to nature, small unfurnished slab bungalow in lare yard; water and gas; el'tse in: ren s nahle. V hUi, Oregonian. 12- b OU M liotise for rf nt, $40, close In, st-am li'tat, electricity, gas, garage, to pur t baser of furniture, real bargain for cash only. Thomson, 620 Henry bldg. FOR R KNT -rooin newly decorated in sido and out, Irvingtoii house, one block to Broadway car, near UUh et. ; rent $'0. tall owner. Tabor ;iiiSl. &-ROOM cotts we at Riverdale, very de irablo neig li horhood, earden plot, city water, gas. clctriei ty. no basement, uo f ui n ;n e, S25. 1'lione Main 7072. STORE building, livinis rooms. Union ave.; rTtt kill two birds with one stone; refrigerator built in. good for most any thing. AiexHiuier. Main 14M4. " WHEN YOU MOVR Use NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC light err ice, Broadway 580. A 674T. -ROOM house, Nartiila and West Mad l.s.n. 2 blocks from Multnomah club; old houso but in lair condition, $40 month. Apply 12J F'rst st. FIRST come, first served; 2 rooms, unfur nished; R!is, water, garden: rent $10 month. 141 West Killings worth ; open for inspection. LOCAL and long distance moving and haul ing; first-class equipment. Green Trans Co.. 202 Alder st. Main 1261. A 7261 MOVING riano. furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone BOwy. 5121. S-KOOM bouse, to rent, convenient, reason able rent; electric I iglit. 881 Front St. Call owner, ;4S College. 7- ROOM house. Phone Sell wood &72. or eall I2JU Holgate St.. or 4714 41st st. S. K., after H p. M. FO It KENT A good six -room house and all the furniture for bale. 9o3 E. 6th st. Nort h. city. FOR RENT 1 rvington fine modern 10 ruoiii house, hot water heat, $70. Phone East 2141. $22. 50 5 ROOMS, bath; 2 blks. car. In quire Modern Hentists, 2"3M Washington. 0-ROO.M modern house. 475 Holladay, $48. Fred S. Williams, 506 Panama bldg. V EST SILE modern ii-room flat. Wash., nr. isth; walking distance. 501 5-ROOM house for rent and furniture for sale. N. Itiih st. FOR KENT Small house. North. Mor.tavilla car. ail East 74th Ho' 'SI f"r rent, all modern. Ml EawL 7 2d tjl. S. Tabor S30o. Cl.uSE in on cust side, 6-rooiu house, Woodlawn 71.". $35. For REN T 0- room house. Phone East 2-l. Furnished lIoiMe. tn n)M, very modern, distinctive home, new furniture, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floor.', sleeping porch. East Yam hill, near HM h, close to car and park ; rent $70; lease 1 year. See Mr. Boone, with FRANK L. McGlUKK, To Kent Your Home. Ahingiou bld:. Main loflft. FURNISHED HOUSE ON CORNELL ROAD f..r rent from Dec. 15. 1010. to March 1 1 :20; 1 roi'ins, gas furnace, beautifully furnished. References required. Call Main HANDSOMELY furnished west side home. It rooms, 5 bedrooms and sleeping porch; wonderful view and garden; oriental rutin; $125. Marshall 1 S0 or Main 1S37. 6 - ROOM modern house. 5 rooms com pietelv furnished, with Victrola; rent $;;n month to buyer of furniture. 374 E, ::7t h .V , corner Broadway ; RC car. FOR RENT Two-story houtte for rent furnished .complete, all modern conven nces; S blk. from car. 10 minutes ride from town. Call East 2446. DESI R A RLE, well-furnished house, 9 rooms. 2 sleeping porches; close in, west side; 1 room reserved; $100 per mo. Main fioOl, between l-S. PARTLY furnished 4-room house, with bath, $1. Take Woodstock car to end walk east to tiOth st., and 1 blk. north to .Mt h ave. WEST SIDE modern, beautifully furnished 7-rom house. 3 bedrooms, large closet, grate, excellent furnace, $i5; long lease. Mam ltiso. KOU KKNT Nice 'J-room hous. furniture for .ale. K44 lnsly ave.; Scllwood cu. F'houe Sellw(Md JSlft. 5-ROM Xurni.-tifii hoimc, modern, 2 lots. Sruge, chicken run. bolo WoouutocK TOR RENT Furnished S-room modern I rvington home. jSP. Phone East 4tis BOlSK for rent, furniture for sale. -08 1'iianl st. Phono Main ilt7. 5-K(H.M hoUs for rent to party buying furniture. Ktwt 4'.'(il. $3 -5-ROOM fu rushed house , near Lincoln. 652 Front $35 5-ROOM fumUhed house, ton, cor. E. 15th. PORTIAND UTS. Swell 7 -room furnished house. Main 6989. Summer Keworta. SEASIDE. T have a lot of new furniutre and some other kind including a piano, some of which has been in use 2 months, all of which is for hale by the piece or all to one purrlKiser; tho above is at 212 12th avenue. Seaside. I will be at the house nftcr the arrivat of the 1 o'clock train f rom 1'ort land, Friday, the 3th. Office. MORGAN bldg.. tleslrabb office room with ro of furnished waiting room and girl to answer telephone; on third floor. Ap ply o27 Morgan bldg. Telephone Main 624. PEsiHABl-K offices, modern eonvnlnea Stark street, between 3d and 4th. Apply room 51 2 R :wv Exchan gs. $10 A MONTH, including desk, light, heat and phono. 324 Railway Exchange bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PARTNER WANTED For auto gariige with 50 cars steady storage; aiso sen gasoline, tires, -ji and do repairing: proiits are large: $15u0 cash required. Room 491 Dekum bldg. FOR SALEPt'omplete logging outfit. 15 ton Shay locomotive. 2 :r miles track. 4 logging cars, 39,000 pounds capacity, and all other necessary logging equlp ment. Inquire Bend Bulletin. Bend Or. 11 AN I V man with $590 can buy half in terest in auto repair business; also U gasoline, oils, tires, used cars, etc., prof its extra good. Room 401 Dekum bldg. CASH grocery, clean stock, low rent, fix tures very reasonable : will pay to in vestigate. 1415 E. Glisan. K'JK SALE Barber shop with 5 chairs, 3 baths ; central location : othr business reason for selling. M 825. Ore go n i a 11. AUTO repair business, euuipped with lathe, drill, etc.. profits large, will sell at Jnvoice. Koora 4dl Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Clean stock of dry goods and gents' f urnistilngs; no trades. L 15, ) re gonisn. WANT garace or br.ttcry proposition at As'oria. AM 2, Oregonian. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing shup 15U West Park street. BtSiNK& OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-619 S WETLAND BLDG. GARAGES. GARAGE. $4,500 East side, concrete building 70x 100; low rent and good lease; storage takes care of ail over head ; good machine shop with lots of work ; will invoice price asked ; receipts run 93000 to $4000 per month. GARAGE. $8,500 Well-located east side garage in dandy district : low rent, 5 year lease on reinforced con crete building: always full of storage; well-equipped machine shop and fplenty of repair work; good tire and accessory trade; this place is clearing $1000 per month. GARAGE. $12,500 Good east side location: price includes concrete building, 9Sx 115 lot, service car and livery car, complete set of small tools, electric charging plant, air com pressor; cylinder boring ma chine; lots of oils, accessories, etc.; well worth price asked. GROCERIES. $000 Hawthorne avenue location; good brick building; $20 rent, which includes steam heat; a dandy little place. GROCERY". $750 Grocery and dairy store on east side: average receipts last month were $30 per day; low rent. GROCERY. $1,000 Grand avenue location, on good corner; doing a dandy business; place will invoice price asked; low rent. GROCERY. $3,000 East side grocery, prominent lo cation; receipts run $:iut)0 per month; good brick building; low rent; will invoice. CONFECTIONERIES. $750 Soft drink, cigars and confec tionery stand; a fine place, doing a good business; price is right. CONFECTIONERY. $2,500 Kaht side location, doing a busi ness of $50 and up per day; low rent and good lease ; garage in rear of store building. BAKERY. $7,000 West side location, business sec tion, doing a fine business, elec tric ovens and every tiling that goes to make an up-to-date bakery; three-year lease on place at low rent. If you are looking for a modem bakery you cannot afford to overlook this. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514-H Shetland bldg. Marshall iiyfel). STAT K distributor wanted for automotuia ne-eesity. l nis ib tor n uit mau wi.u. and it ts a proposition in which an an nual profit to state man will easily be rtOO or more. If you have no ready capital do not consider the proposition. 1 want a man or company that has suc ceeded. 1 don't want your capital, but your effort. For particulars call in per son on Hallcr Fontaine. Cornelius hotel, from A. M. to 4 P. M.. Wednesday. Dec. S. OH.. l.KASKS. 50c per acre up. in shallow tieia or ssuniiii, Mnnliomcry, Dickson and Humphreys counties. Tennessee, between VJ. wells now drilling; HI wells contracted for and additional locations; all leases in ter ritory approved bv several oil field (ceol oKists of national reputation. Orders filled from 4i acres, 0. up to J 0 acres, fSoo. M. Matlson. 33U Ijinalilla ave. Phone Sellwood liiOo. OLD-ESTABLISHED DRUGSTORE. fLEAIU.NU $.-.00 PER MONTH.. Kast side. 4-year lease. U agencies for phonographs and records; one of the best locations in Portland; has one ot the finest record rooms in Portland: car ries all kinds of accessories; an up-to-date place: price for ail. 16..00. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. Broadway 41,'.3. ONLY picture show llvest small town in northwest; snows lo a ium .....u " V' iranrl nrnflts every nlBht: has to be sold. a ivr.n .nnl'lfipntiMllV. Call Oh O .u.. kt West Alder St.. Walla Walla, Wash. cfiTKHS Httention Have complete job plant stored in best town in eastern Oreson. population 10.000; worth l..0. $sno takes it it you nave ' , down vv r re ror jisi. j. - Abby st.. Fresno. Cal. WK HAVE excellent gravel hauling con tract for purchaser of 3'i-ton truck. This is all winter's work In Eastern Ore- 6DIAMOND T TRUCK SALES CO., 89-B1 North Ninth St. , . . . - .K-r. Tl' V FACTORY FOR SALE. Excellent location; good trade worked ,, r.rofiis Price S11.IMI0: a bargain for someone. A letter will bring torn- plete Information. Box H7. Dallas, tjr. MEAT MARKET. Biggest and best paying meat mar ket on tile east side for sale, netting S350 per month. See Graham. 3.C Kali v ay Exchange bldg. . - A I T m M BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Inter est in established real estate business set advice or portiana jteaivy cor .1. W. CROSSLEY, Secretary. FOR SALE Four continuous bowling al-iDV- now running and doing a nice business: can give some one a good buy. J. W. Hlaney, ovj pi oanv ny . IF YOU waut to buy or sell a business, see US' ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY. 7-'5-7'J7 Board of Trade Bldg. nxK of the best propositions in Portland: i.dnrv building, consisting of a stores and living rooms. $500 and terms; ( lease for $720 a year. 10112 Albina a uvi' i32."? Money secured; have a good proposition; you tend trie office. I do the work, we split. Call room 17. 42 Vj N. 6th st. a & r v. i.v- owner, a nuick lunch res tauraut with living rooms up-statrs at u husv corner, near R. R. depot. $375 cash. 441 Ulisan st. rrro A I .T.' Rowling alley, good location, no competition; will sacrifice for quick tale. Inquire evenings or Sundays. 321 MAIN ST., VANCOUVER. WAfrH. PARTNER wanted in auto repair and ma chine shop; concrete building has large steadv trade: 1350 will handle tins Room 511 Railway Exchangiv PilPrORN WAOOX. DMnrr HiwInoQR- f ,tV km I O OT rent. Own er. room 5 t'entra 1 RoomliiBT iiouse, ith and Wash. sts.. Vancouver. Wash. WANTED A man with $1000 to own and help set 10 acres to loganberries; income $5090 per year in 4 years. L 172. Ore gon iaru WANT a stock of hardware and furniture for mv $.iU0O equity in improvea 40-acre farm, "close in. What have you? AK 792, O regonian. $950. Restaurant, newly equipped, forced to sell, $550 down, balance easy; no agents. 545 Washington st. ' CLEANING and pressing shop; a good place, doing good business; must sell at once. 492 E. Morrison st. 22 SHARES Golden West Oil company, has 2500 barrels oil dally production (Texas), $15 per share. E 777, Oregonian. P4RmKR wanted in junk business with $29o; out of town work. Mt Tabor car. -mi K. t o'o L SkirTS To 36 Short Copy-right. 1919. by New. paper CSIXESS OPPOETl'MTlKo. OREGON BUSINESS AND f I NANCXAL AGENCY. 448 MORGAN BUILDING. MR. BUSINESS MAN. IP TOU ARB DESIRING TO GET INTO A GOOD PA TING BUSINESS. PICK TOUR CHOICE OP ONE OF THESE. THE! ARE ALL. GOOD. GENERAL. MERCHANDISE STORE. $12,500 Buys one of the best mercantile stores in Portland. Stock con sists of dry goo da. shoes and groceries; a clean, up-to-date stock, doing $.1000 per month business; rent $tt). Corner lo cation. . This is a Kilt-edge bus iness. COUNTRY GROCERY SPECIAL. $3,500 Buys a pood-paying grocery in country, one mile from Oregon City; the oid folks who own it want to retire Thia business can be made a growing success. if in willing hands; aoing iiou per month business; one acre of good land, fine orchard, 5-room house and one horse, light de livery wagon and buggy, all goes for $3500, terms; here Is your chance to get a good start in life GROCERY STORE $3,250 Buys a nice, clean grocery on Hawthorne ave., doing good business; rents for only $14 per month; invoice or lump. HALF INTEREST IN AUTO SALES COMPANY. $3,S50 Buys half interest in one of th best auto sales houses in Port land; have 10 cars on hand, ac cessories and tools; clearing $1500 per month, rent $'00, lo cation in heart of city; can show the goods for this business. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. $3,0U0 Buva u n up-to-date restaurant in heart of city, on Washington street: doing between $2750 to $3000 per month business; the equipment of thia place would cost price asked. If you are looking for a strictly good place, come in and look this place over. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. $1,000 Buys good restaurant, on Sixth st., near depot. The present owner has run this place for the past 10 years and can show profits of $400 to $.100 per mo. Kent $40. This in good. SOFT DRINK ANT POOL HALL. $2,500 Buys one of the best-paying soft drink and pool halls in heart of city; ower guarantees to show you profit of $300 to $400 per month; rent $35; sub rent lunch counter for $40, making $5 on rent; selling on account of other business; terms. This is right. LAUNDRY. $1,750 For a good union laundry handling overalls and jackets for mechanics exclusively; have more business than they can handle; turned down over $1000 worth of business last month. Rent $'25 per month, with lease. This is a busy little place; look it over. MULTIGRAPHING WORKS. SI, 500 Buys an established multi graphing business, with, full equipments; in down - town building; multigraphtng .school run in connection: clearing $325 per month; rent $35 per month. Terms. DOUGHNUT FACTORY. $650 Buys this paying dougnnut works, located on Yamhill St., In heart of market district: do ing good business; 3-year lease; good fixtures and all complete. A good money-getter. Terms. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY. 448 MORGAN BUILDING. A HIGH-CLASS STORE. Established 12 years ; good profitable point? husiness; annual sales over S70.0UO. located in one of Portland's best out lying districts: .excellent staple stock of groceries, hardware and paints, includ ing over $lo.000; fixtures abvut $20o0. new auto aeiivtry '.uu; tor sale by owner at liberal discount; spot cash, no trades. J. M. Hart Merc. Co.. 680 Lom bard street. ATTENTION! For sale, poolroom, confectionery and cigar stand ; good paying proposition : owner must leave city. If you want something that is a snap apply at 84 Grand ave. North. Don't miss this op portunity. CKUDK OIL. AND WATER Bl'KN. WK DEFY THE COAL FAMINE. WE BURN K SCRAP OIL, AND WATER. 0C PKK GAL.: 1C PER HOUR. WILL SELL SOM K KENTON RIGHTS. CALL AT FACTORY. :172 E. CLAY. COR. UNION- PARTNER WANTED to help hauling freight with auto truck In and out of Portland for merchants; can clear $40O month for each partner, $1200 cash will handle it. Call room 401 I'eKura bldg. $150I CASH GROCERY. No fixtures to buy; will lease store with or without living rooms, furnished or unfurnished : sales $3S daily, can be doubled Where can you do any better? C. K. TUGGLH, 212-213 Henry Bldg. CONFECTIONERY and grocery stores of all descriptions; we have a good list. toee us. NORD HAMPTON CO., Main R245. 4tl Stork Exchange. GARAGE FOR SALE. Concrete bldg., lease, 53 cars steady storage and good repair business; also sea gas. oils, tires, etc. ; sduu montn clear profit. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WANTED Partner to invest $175 in trav eling motion pictures. Holland Amuse ment Exchange, Strand Theatre bidg. I'ail between 11 and 2 today. SMALL auto repair shop in good loca tion; partner wanted; owner shows you can make good wages: small investment required. Room 511 Railway Exchange. CONCRETE garage, in good valley town, do storage, repairing, sell gas, oils, tires, etc., and car agency; price only $1500. Room 401 Dekum bldg. $00 CIGAR STORE. West side business corner; will sacri fice stock and fixtures. C. E. TUGGLE, 212-213 Henry Bldg. WANTED By a partner or rooming house, over 30, to 60 rooms: no agent; we paid cash. L 229. Oregonian. CASH grocery in good location, has liv ing rooms, $50 dsily sales; owner will invoice. Room 511 Railway Exchange. RESTAURANT, $U0O. $MK. cash: doing good business. N. 6th st. AK 799. Ore gonian. BARGAIN in furniture store and repair shop; would consider car on deal. Ad- d ress S 451. Oregon lan A FILL1 NG station : sell gasoline, oils, tires, HUto accessories, etc.; profits good, price $950. Room 401 Dekum bldg. 20 YEARS' established plumbing business, good downtown Jobbing trade; good rea son for selling cheap. L 171, Oregonian. POOL hall. 5 tables, good stock and fix tures. $3500: centrally located in city; will sell right: terms. Tabor 3987. TWO modern greenhouses, good condition, stock and equipment. P S03, Oregonian. PROFITABLE manufacturing business lor sale. Phone Main 3555 for appointment. TWO-TON truck and freight route for sale. V 792. Oregonian. WANTED Partner with $1000, in wood t '- ' J MUST sell cleaning and pressing business; gooq proposition. a m 4 . uregonian. Of AtiGiorzJzT y Feature Service. Inc. Great Britain BUSINESS O PPOBTCXmES. A. S. DeFOREST St CO.. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. CONFECTIONERY AND SOFT DRINK 8. One of the best equipped places, right in the heart' of the city; price only 7500, clearing $b0O & month. RESTAURANT. This Is a splendid place on the east eide where they are always busy; price $2ovO, clearing $400 a month. CAFE. First ti e offered, a. good money maker, located right on Washington. Price $35uo. GROCERY AND DELICATESSENS Best of stock and equipment, money maker ; price $1 550. GARAGE. $5800 buys this; has 50 cars steady storage; cheap rent, also sells gas. oils, tires and accessories ; profits $K0 m month ; chance for increase, ASK MR. FISH, $2150 Restaurant; rent $50; receipts $65- suau Jjuncn, tamaie ana chin, lor 2 people ; this is the place. $1550 Restaurant on Washington St.. good lease, fine business. $2250 Cafeteria on Washington st.; $100 business; lease. $2 ISO Restaurant, 3 years' lease. $85o Restaurant, receipts $55; rent $25; must sell. $2100 Dairy lunch, fine location, 2-yr. lease. $1950 Cigar store, corner location; heart of business district. $3000 Pool room, cigars and soft drinks well equipped, lease, rceipts $1000 per mo.; subletting from renting $40 per mo; terms. 30 Housekeeping rooms, modern and nice furniture; part cash; balance good terms. Have other A-l listings. See HAR PER before buying. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., 248 Stark St. Main 5429. $1000 BUYS west side cash grocery; three iivntf? rooms. $1750 buys east side cash grocery. 4 good living rooms. $2500 buys east side grocery or will invoice. $750 buys hotel and restaurant, eight furnished rooms, terms. $2000 buys country grocery or will in voice. $2000 buys new and second-hand furni ture store, west Bide. $3000 buys cigar stand, west side. $950 buys 12-stool lunch stand, terms. $1250 buys bakery and light grocery, west side, terms. SEE JOHN BROWN. 324 Railway Exchange Bldg. WANTED Reliable energetic man for the exclusive agency of the Master Car. ouretor ior Portland vicinity: sells on its merits of repeat orders and well- Known in this territory: this is a real opportunity for a live wire who knows the value of the exclusive agency for the most popular carburetor on the mar ket; $500 to $1000 required for sufficient stock to take care of immediate de mands. Representative will be here from 1st to the 10th. For appointment aaaress pox a v ptf, oregonian. GROCERY STORES. Rent $30, receipts to $65 per day. stock and fixtures about 2500 $2ooo Rent $25; 5 living rooms; re- vciji ? ju per aa v. $2too Rent $18: finest stock In city, receipts $40 to $o per day. Fruit stand in good location; rent $30; nrino '-t .0 Downtown hotel. 30 rooms: $2300. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY, 725-72H Board of Trade bldg. LI E man of executive and sales ability to handle factory branch and distribute several exclusive lines high -class motor car accessories to dealers in Spokane ttfrriLory ; win require some investment. ii mii o entirely unaer your con trol; this is not a set-rlch-nuick nrono. sition. but will pay a liberal return on me money mvesiea ana is an exception al opportunity to form a desirable con nection and build up a substantial busi ness for yourself. I, 194. Oregonian. G A KA'.iK with rullv equipped shop, includ ing lathe, welding outfit, vulcanier. battery outfit, blacksmith tooln; garage holds 35 cars, includes gus station, ac cessories. sto;k tiren. complete office fixtures; rent only $S5; lease This is one of best gara yes Grnvs II. ii -bor. Will invoice $;."! u; will pell $5,"oo if taken at once. Write or phone W. Warner. Grayport hotel, Hoquiam, "Wii sh. WANTED Men and women under 35, with some capital, interested in foreign trade, to join in developing export, import and shipping demands made upon us by nu merous foreign connections. This is a splendid opportunity for forward-looking, progressive persons to work into a rapidly-growing business. In replying, wive your most convenient time for interview and telephone number. BO 681. Ore go TAILORS, attention! Money-making prop osition for a capable party; tailor busi ness established for 7 years in Tillamook, the famous cheese center of Oregon, is now offered for immediate sale; shop equipped ready for work; good location; rent only $:!0 per month Including five living rooms and bath. Price $300; act at once. J. W. Edwall, men's and ladies' tailor. Tillamook, Or. 1 20 P?5r DA f RESTAURANT. ' Rent $75 per month; good lease: this place is close to Fourth and Morrison street and doing business all the time; no trouble to show you this place; price $25no. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. POOL hall for sale, best located place in Raymond. Wash. Room 25x130, fully equipped with stock and fixtures. There are 7 sawmills and 4 shingle mills in this town. Price $3000. $2000 down, bai. $100 per mo. 470 Wash. st. Phone Ta bor 39S7. $3000. Active Interest in legitimate, high-class going business, growth of business re q uires larger force : want man capable of grasping ordinary business proposi tions; $3000 investment required, fully secured. AR 952, Oregonian. FOR SALE. $350. Cleaning, pressing and tailoring estab- nsnmem; oniy snop in town; liberty bonds accepted at face value for gams. For particulars address Frank The lanor. .vi t . Angei, ir. BL iCK garage, has over 60 cars steady storage: does repairing, sells accessory lines, clears nearly $1000 month over operating cost. Call Roopi 511 Railway Eixcnange. $25O0 CIGAR STORE. Located center of business district, 3- year lease, sales average $60 daily. C. E. TUGGLE, 212-213 Henry Bldg. BuhineMtt Opportunities Wanted. WANTED HAULING CONTRACTS. Our hauling equipment consists of six 3 - ton trucks, with dump bodies and hoists, ready for road work; can also handle logging and lumber hauls. Write us and we will figure with you. AK 797, Oregonian. LIST yeur property or business, rooming house or hotel, garage or shop, with us. We can Bell it for you. BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry bUg., Portland. Or. WANTED HAULING CONTRACT. We have six trucks, three of them 3 4 -ton size, and three 2-ton size; would like contract hauling lumber, logs, wood or gravel. AK 796, Oregonian. WANTED Garage or automobile re pal shop, west side location preferred. Phone Marshall 1593. or Broadway 2270. Ask for Mallon. WANTED To rant furnished restaurant or small place for lunch counter. J -452. Oregonian. POLLY AND HER PALS 1 : 1 2Jr.S 61T r- Right Reserved. Rcgixtered in U. S. JUST WHAT VOl'D EXPECT A. I.AJfD lAifedHiHR,! ' r-7 I .. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels sad Rooming HouM. 25 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. CLOSE IN, WEST SIDE. New, and very neat and nice; give S ye&r lease with privilege of S more. Don't bother us unless you mean busi ness. An ideal place for light house keeping rooms, and a net income of about $300. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., $05 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4183. MRS. M. E. LENT. HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BROKER. If yon wish to buy or sell, come In and talk it over; 12 years in this business In Portland enables me to give you sat isfactory service. 723-24 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. RIERDON. "WATCH OUR ADS: WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE fk CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 44-ROOM HOTEL. Modern corner Irlck. building, central ly located ; rent only 1 25 p-r month with lease ; Income $650 ; $2500 cash handles it. A. J. DeFOREST A CO.. 33A-321 H-nry Bldg. Main 2090. ROOMING, 12 rooms and garage; nice modern place; all outride rooms; well furnished and clean ; fine location ; rent only $".5; rooms always rented ; clears $70 mo. and have three of best rooms for self. Snap. $900. Other bar gains. H. W. GARLAND, 201 3d 120-ROOM APT. HOUSE. Attractive brick r.uilding. contnlns SO 2 and 3-room apartments; rent $325; 4 year lease; clears better than $su0 a month profit; $sm"H cash can handle it. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2o90. ON ACCOUNT of Illness, will sacrifice my 2 1 -re-cm housekeeping apartment r. 2 blocks from Olds. Wortman A King; has income ab"ut $30O per month; $lb.".0 cash will handle; balance on terms. X 304, Oregonian. 1 7 ROOMS. $ 1 600. TERM S. Clean as can be, completely furnished, rent $50, income $220; good home, splen did location. This can t be beat for the money. Snap. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 Couch Bldg 14 ROOMS, sleeping, well furnished, com pletely: make good boarding home, equipped for same; hot water heat, elec tricity, gas, very desirable; price $1850, terms if desired. Mrs. Thomson, 60-21 Henry bldg. WEDNESDAY SPECIAL. 17-room rooming house, brick bldg., on one floor. In very heart of west side; full, turning away 20 people a day; for $SM5: $:;rn mill handle. PETERS. OF COURSE. 15 N. st. 30-ROOM boarding house, 2 years' leae, very low rent, large kitchen and dining room, all equipped; gas. electricity, very fine furniture, good clean beds, pisno; $ 1 S00. terms. Mrs. Thomson, 020-21 Henry bldg. FOR RENT 2 large housekeeping rooms on east aide, near car line, $20 per mo. to adults. NORD HAMPTON CO.. Main 245. 401 Stock Exchange MODERN hotel, lcrsre ground floor lobby all rooms conncrted with baths; very best or furniture and carpets, fveriect condi tion through it : lease: $30.O0; terms. MRS. THOMSON. i2-2l Henry Bldg. LEAVING city. will sacrifice 2S-room hotel, all full, one block from Broad way, permanent building. team heat, have lease. Price $:i"5o cash; good in come. E 411. Oregonian.. ROOMING HOUSES. We have any kind you want at right prices. Ne us. NORD HAMPTON CO., Main 8245. 4ul Stock Exchange. 12 ROOMS, some ants., some sleeping, good furniture. Pteam heat, eleo., gas. garage; tilts money-m:'.Ker iuvu casn. Thoi son. 620 21 Henry bldg. $1550 BUYS 21 -room apartment; rent $50; 1 vears lease: income J4 a mo. Have oi hers from $50 up. See John Brown. 324 Railway Exchange bldg. 14 ROOMS, elegantly furnished; house full witti rirst-ciass. sicaoy lenanis: tt- down town : nets above expense $159; $2500 cash. bal. easy. Owner, 215 12th st. SEVEN completely furnished housekeeping rooms, newly renovaten. gronn income HO: expenses $i5; price $425, terms. 254 Msrket st. MODERN apt. house, good lease, reasona ble rent, clearing nig money; ?voo win handle; sickness forces sale. i nomson 620-21 Henry bldg. FOR best bargains in rooming or apart ment houses ro memoer oi me any Board. Yates Realty Co., -tn st. 6-ROOM flat, well furnished, lit; lit and airy rooms, for $:;nu; casn; rent $u. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. Xlooo WILL.handle. 31 rooms, doing good business: a snap. See owner. 4hVi 3d st. N. 19 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in. rent Barney Johnston, 1 40 Jotu st., base ment.' LOST AM) FOUND. LOST Meier & Frank package, dropped from American Ky, Exp. wagon, 'lues day, Nov. 25. Anyone knowing or see ing same picked up advise cxp. office. Reward. LOST Between Alder st. on 1st and 3d and WilHumM ave.. one suitcase contain ing one I. O. O. F. Canton uniform. Return to 1101 Union a ve. N. Reward. LOST Saturdav. between 2 and 3 o'clock, on 2d floor Olds, Wortman &. King, lady's black purse. Will finder piease cau Marshall 41O0. or East 3283. Reward LOST By delivery boy, lady's reversible tan leather cravanetf coat. Return to Merchants. Parcel Delivery company, 127 11th st. and receive reward. LOST Monday night, black and white Llewellyn setter dog. 7 months old: lib eral reward for in ; ormation leading to recovery. Phone viain OJ9. WILL, lady who took purse off table gas office at 3:39 P. M. Wed. kindly return to gas office and take money she considers rewara. LOST Airedale dog. female, about eigh months ola ; tail bobbed long : answers name York. Reward. 57 East 22d N, Phone East 8189. LOST A sack of beans oetween 15th and Overton and S. P. freight shed : driver is held responsible. Please return to 28- Everett St. Reward. Bdwy. 1251 A DARK blue automobile robe, light plaid colored on one side. r inder please re turn to Carlton hotel and receive re ward. $5. LOST Silk handbag, Sunday eve., between 17th and Yamhill. King ana uavis; vai ued as gift. Miss Martin, Owl Drug store. LOST A brindle Boston Bull, larger tha ordinary : sore on right shoulder ;in right leg: no collar; reward. Tabor 620. LOST A silver filigree brace lute with blac cameo. Finder call Marshall 460O, book keeping qept. rtewara. OUN D Irish setter; owner can claim same by giving license number and pay mg ior aa. rasi iktttt. LOST Last Monday night, black fur muff r inder please- phone Kast 3646; reward LOST Two tails belonging to skunk fur, rewarq. eu re. i&tn st. fcJast 6971, LOST Masonic charm (square and com pass j ; rewara. labor 2972. LOST Staurday night, pearl brooch, shape 01 star. tiewaru. Aiar. o.u. LOST Black silk scarf, initials "J. H. Call Bdwy. .402. Reward. 1 X?AltD IF X I 0O IT ! Patent Office S tCBBER TO DO. BY CLIFF STERKETT. LOST AXD FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power company, Dec. 2. 1W19: 2 purses, beads, war service badge, keys. 2 baby gloves, pkg. collars, pkg. tooth wash, pkg. photos. 2 pkgs. clothes, pkg. gloves. 2 pkg. overalls, letter, screen wire. 4 books, ring, football cover, raincoat. 3 lunch boxes, grip, clarinet, 1 suitcase. Ov ner may obtain property at First ana Alder streets. . HAVE patent on small article used by all men. no expensive machinery needed to start; costs about 2c. sells for 25c; will trade for city property or sell on easy terms. Model and papers at office. 417 Abington. $20 REWARD for any Information lead ing to the recovery of 2 male Airedaie pups, bob tails, 3 months old. taken from Maoadatn et.. South Portland. W. C. Berreth. Marshall 217S. LOST Moith ago on train between Port land and Bend, two o0 liberty bonds. tu war savings stamps. Reward. Fitnier please notifv August Quintin. gen. deliv ery. Bend. Or. LOST Green silk umbrella, Sunday at cor ner East b!th st. N. Return to 172 c.ast ith and receive reward. SPECIAL NOTICES, Miscellaneous. REFEREE'S SALE Notice Is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of a de cree duly entered in the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Multnomah, ou October 31, 1919, in a suit wherein Albert Aston Harris, as trustee for Emma Wilkes. William Jos eph Symous, Ellen Ann Harris. Herbert John Symons, Blanche Maud Evans, Ar thur G. Stewart, Walter Stewart. Laura Mary Hudson, Thomas Benjamin Slo combe. Elizabeth Jane Lemon, Robert William S toco in be, George Henry Slo combe. Beatrice Mary Lawlor. Jean Stewart, Frank Stewart and Alma Stew art Allison, in plaintiff, and John Mc Donald, Mary E. McDonald. Arthur F. Davenport. Mrs. Arthur F. Davenport, Frank A. Davenport, Mrs. Frank A. Davenport, Henry C. Davenport, Mrs. Henry C. Davenport, William Slocombe, Janet Slocombe. Catherine Fisher Slo combe. Ivy Maud Stewart. Gordon Sur radgo Stewart, Doris Irene Stewart and Edward Harris Stewart are defendants, by the provisions of which decree th real property hereinafter described was ordered to be sold lor the purpose of partionlng the proceeds of sale between the plain tiff and deiendants according Liieir respective interests, ana the un dersigned was appointed referee in par tition to make such sale, the under signed referee will on Monday, the 8th day of December, 11, at the hour of lO o'clock A. M., at the front door of the county courthouse in the elt v of PnrtlnnH sell to the highest bidder the following described real property, situate in the county or Aiuitnomah and state of Ore gon, to-wit: Lot numbered seven (7) in block num be red fourteen (14 in the city of Port land, according to the duly recorded maps and plats thereof; The terms of said sain to be 10 per cent of the purchase price paid at tho time of hn sale, and the balance upon the confirmation of said sale by the above entitled court, and the sale to be uittuo suoject to sue ti confirmation. D. W. WAKEFIELD. Referee in Partition. REFEREE'S SALE Notice is hereby given .uui, (uiou.un 10 me provisions or a de cree duly entered in the circuit court ol the state of Oregon for the county of Multnomah on October 31, 1919, in a suit wherein Albert Aton Harris, trustee for Emma Wilkes, William Joseph Symons. Ellen Ann Harris, Herbert John Symons, Blanche Maud Evans, Arthur G. Stewart, Waller Stewart, Laura Mary Hudson. Thomas Benjamin Slocombe, Elizabeth Jane Lemon, Robert William Slocombe, George Henry Slocombe, Beatrice Marv J -aw lor. Jean Stewart. Frank Stewart and Aima Stewart Allison is plaintiff and William Slocombe. Janet Slocombe, i'alherlne Fisher Slocombe. Ivy Maud Stewart, Gordon Surradge Stewart, Doris Irene Stewart and Edward HurH Hrw. art are deiendants, by the provisions of winvn oecree me real property herein alter described was ordered to be sold lor the purpose of partitioning the pro ceeds of tale between the plaintitf and deiendants according to their respective Interests, and the undersigned was ap pointed referee In partition to make such bhic, me unaenugnea reteree will on Mon uay, mo nay ol December, 1919 at the hour of lo o'clock A. M.. at 'the front door of the count v cmir!hnni in the city of Portland, sell to the highest uoiuci me toiiowing described real prop erly, eltuate in the county of Multnomah mm mm; 01 refion. lO-Wlt: The north half of lot numbered three 3t in block "umbered thirteen (13 in the city of Portland, according to the duly recorded maps and plats thereof; Tho terms of said pale to be 10 per of tho purchase price paid at the time of the sale, and the balance upon the confirmation of said sale by the atHve entitled court, and the sale to be made subject to such confirmation, D. V. WAKEFIELD, Referee in Partition. G. L. MATTHEWS will not be resoonsihle for bill at 241 Washington st. beginning Dec. 1. 1919. G. L. MATTHEWS. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before Buying or Selling Get Our Quotations. E. L. DEVEREAUX & COM PANT. . Government and Municipal Bonds. 67 Sixth Street. Between Stark and Oak. BE YOUR OWN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your mortgage loan on the co-operative plan Loans for any aiujuut to run from 3 to 10 years, repayable in small monthly installments. Part or all of loan may be paid off at any time. Every bor rower participates in full profits of the association. Only purely co-operatlvo aavings and loan association in Portland UNION SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION. 2H4 Oak Street. WE BUY AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS, MAKE MORTGAGE LOA NS. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. WRITE FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY INSURANCE. EXILE BUKK1TT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO. 20S SELLING BLDG. Main 1600. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY, TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH MARKET PRICH. CASH for RECEIPTS. We LOAN money n BONDS. SAVINGS STAMPS. 7 int. 725 Gasco Bldg., 5th and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. HAVE for sale $'iOOt first mortgage, 7 per cent, on well improved residence property in desirable location and fully insured. AK 798, Oregonian. CASH paid for mortgsges and sellers' eon tracts on real estate In Washington. Or, gon. H E Noble. 316 Lumbermen bldg. ttliHfeAi r m 1 ill I I s ' 1 s '2 1 11 v rL . r.-T In II ssj 1 r FINANCIAL, Msay to Lass on Real EstatSw RESIDKNCB LOANS. 6 per cent to 7 per cent, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multi ple thereof account principal semi-annually and reduce Interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value of house and lot at 61 to 7 per cent. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example, $1200 loan, you pay $6 monthly and Interest. You have privilege of paying; $ IOO or any multiple thereof monthly. lnlerest reduces ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. WE RECORD MORTGAGE AND PAY OTHER EXPENSES. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 5 per cent and o per cent. Repayment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Main fcJuet. fcuiui 407 itou Bids. WE CHARGE NO BROKERAGE ON RESIDENCE LOANS, and positively the lowest rates of Inter est; also make business property and farm loans, liberal repayment privileges. Brokers and borrowers pi ace your loan where you can secure the best terms. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY, 91 Third street. Phone Main 3067 Ground Floor Chamber of . Commerce Building. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On improved property, or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $:i2.26 per month for ii6 months, or Jf-L-4 per month for GO months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pys a loan of $1000 and interest. Loam of other amounts in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. Z-k2 Stark st Portland, Or. MONEY TO LOAN. On improved city or suburban prop erty: $ 590 at 7 per cent. "1im9 at 7 per cent. $ 1 0OO at 7 per cent. S4U0O at 7 per Cent, 3O0O at 6 per cent. No delays. Will make Immediate in spection of your property and make tha loan at once if values arc satist actory See Multnomah Development Co., 204 Henry Diag. MONEY to loan on improved Willamette valley farms for such periods ana on such terms as to repayment as will suit the requirements oi borrowers. My long connection witn ana tnorougn knowl edge of ' tbe valley enables me to give prompt service, a o tommissions cnaised. Aaaress in. jaac-ii iter. i. x . tiona-i Bank bids-, i ortiand. Or. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan lowest current rates on Willamette vi ley farms. No commission. No delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COM PAN 1", ei ttn st.. roruunq. ur. $60,090 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city. su burban ana xarms. jsuiiaing loans specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BLDG., THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. hi. KJ.KUb.LL CO.. 217 Northwestern Lank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4 1 IS. MORTGAGE LOANS, Loans made on Improved city property. Prompt service: no delay. Call and see us lor terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OttJUGON, Northwestern Bank Blag. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rate of Interest. OTTO &. HARKSON REALTY CO 413 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also lm proved farm property. C'urreut rates. WM. MacM ASTER, 331 U. S. National Hank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 5 tfc PER CENT. 6 PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO.., Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and city property; favorable ro paying nrivlleses: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 596 Piatt Bldg. Main 00 1 1. SEE US TO DA. We loan money on real estate, o ana t long iime. taon time monthly payments or as you can; sums to suit. o u;iaco Ding., otn ana suaer. CELLARS-MU RTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. 80 Fourth st.. roruaaa. ur. $500. $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; favorable terms, no delay; no brokerage. Jshn Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 291 Board of Trade Bldg. $300. 400. $500. $659. $750. 1000 AND UP lowest rates: quick action. Gordon Mort ga ge Co.. 631 Cham, of Com. Main 1370. MON EY. in any amount, to loan on proved city property at going rate. Auto matic oio-n-. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1090 AND UP: low rates; quick action. Fred W . German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. MONEY on farm and improved city oron erty. K. K. Baxter. 704 Spalding bldg. REE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO. 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7e. Salomon 6c Co.. 40S Selling bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest rates. Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. flOOO AND UP; no commission or delay b H, DESHON. 615 Cham, of Com. bidg. $10,000. $7900. $25Mt Will divide, city o farms. i cnamncr or commerce Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QL'CK SERVICE YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS VICTROLAS. REAL KSTATB. BONDS. ETC If your payments are too large on vnur su torn obi lo or TUrniture contracts. we will pay them up and advance' you more money if neeoea. we make a spe cialty of these loans, and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can repay us in sman montniy payments. ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people, on their own note Rates reasonable. Private offices, all business strictly confidential. WE ALSO BUY DIAMONDS. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (LICENSED). 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3286. 8. W. Cor. Third and Washington. MONEY to loan cn diamonds. Jewelry; le gal rates: all articles held a year: estab lished Mince isss. uan Marx. x3 wash. GEO HARVEY loans money on househo; goods Legal rates. Tabor 3806. IM FINANCIAL. ftloPey to Loan Chattels anJPalaiirs, PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AfiSN. Phone Broadway 10. 34 Star. Street. Near Ta&tfc. Loans on diamonds, watches, vtetmtoa. pianos. koda ks, shot gu as, furniture musical instruments, and anytniag value. FSTABI.ISHED BT TTTrj TWl-T FORTU.ND TO PKOItCT 1111 r'i t y and oounty uce v.iue. CA-KKIE MTERS-HBRRMAJf. Manager. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTIIA WL LOAN MONT5T en ,hnrt notice to salaried or worklne men on their own notea. Weekly Mml monthly or monthly ptnnenu. .keofc transaction strictly confidential. I.O JIORTCAGEi NO 1XDORMR. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. e also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATft COLLA1BIA msCOfNT COiii'ANT. LICENSED. 818 railing bide V.. , A 1 Loans on pianos and furnl- wr. ieK; . rates. 208 U'.ihlntA km. mora! risk A-1. HI KK-CAREY CO.. 219 Ry. Exch. bids. Main 1SL LOAN WANTET t.Oorl. uninpiiii)hArAA real and Indus. Lr,'lrt-- ,h'' I"""nt of SU.W)0 L'r! w '" ra' 7 "or cent. -., CJNTAl KNT CO.. Main 1743 4i Hnr RM. AXTSD Loan of S9000 on ro.iri.n... ob Jlill; ir, minutes' walk from Broad-r,1'.-;' "l Washington: value of plac. fin. 000; desire to deal direct: no com missicn raid. Write V SOT. Oregonian. WANTED ti.vm. 7 per cent., three vp.n on new tjunsalow. just finished: eTc-1-lent security. Prefer to deal dlreoC 1 no'.e Eat 4000. IKST MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED PORTLAND FKOl'ERTT FOR SAUL F. H. DEoHON. -615 Cham, ot Com. bldg. WANT 1T.M) and S2OO0 from nrir.t. on S modern, first-class bungalows In Koort location. Tabor t;iS. 50.. TO JTO.l LOAN wanted on Imnrovid property from private, party, . Bdwy. -sm4. room trt. WANTBK SlLT.ll 10 J1.-.00 at RK. on dwell. lii house worth $;j;hio to $4000. L Orcgitnian. tisiKi. ,;.. to LOAN on modern residence. labor ti!41. WANTKIs -Kroni private party, .800. Call Wain S4-.'. security. 8KB OREGON JN'V. A MORTGAOB CO- iZi Cham, of Commerce. ti and Stark. PERSONAU DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Bell your diamonds direct to Diamond tmponers and receive Tbe his host cash market value. Willi out any disappointment. We pay from $100 to fS00 Per karat. We purchase pawn TicKeta. Gold. Silver. Platinum Any valuables, any amount. We buy War Stamps, Liberty Honda. Victory SoikdM, If you want money, see ua. Private otticea. iiuaineea nfifTlaf TUB AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan bidg., lid tiuor, corner Wash Ington tt. and isdy. Phone M. 4A4X. GRIND. The mill t ill never trrind Wit i the wrtter that lias pa seed , But must dfpiiid on ntorao Oi a. tliat's bound to last. No mind v. ill grow to greater tblnsa In Hioutrtitrt of lay crone by; We must lierMMid ju nwer thoughts jDi ikll good. tllOUgld appiy. Tue greatest storage in thin world Js in. the humuu brain; Vou cannot reach capacity, TiioujfU you uicty uy in vain. Wo cairy this idea, That you w ill iive much mor On your tall SUIT, COAT. DKES5 and HAT, At th PKTKIiSOX UPSTAIRS STORS -d Floor Pillock Block. FALSE TEETH I FALSE TEETH! U ighest caali prices paid for false teeth, crow ua, bndgca and all dental gold. -O0 TO $101.0 PER CARAT lor tuanionds. We buy watches. old jewelry and all valuables of every de- NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan Bldg.. Fourth Floor. is i n Nii Voir tsc al p troubles to our specialist. &he knows HER BUSINESS. THE EKDEE CO. S-.-O by mail, including war tax. Hhi Union ave. N., 4-0 tit. James place Portland. Oregon. Chicago. 111. AN VoN E knowing the whereabouts of l?enora Fiblier Pagan, who formerly re sided with tho family of Carnahan in New Oreans, ia requested to communi cate with her motner. Sra. Estabania Ortiz Pagan. Sabaua Grande. Porto Rico. WILLAMETTE BLVD SANITARIUM. A new sanitarium just opened; beau tiful viw and pleasant surrounding; maternity and convalescent cases taken. 1-U WiiiauieLte blvd., and corner of" AinsA ortU ave. Phone Woodlawn U1A0. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH and a scientific massage once a week wiii prolong both physical and mental efficiency. Dr. Ironside. iiOb-11 Broa-4 way bldg. Nurse in attendance. Main da. TAKAHA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a cleansing, heating, germicidal and lnvlg orating aoucne. A great aid in luoor rbea and lemale disordera dOc and 41 per box. Porilaud Hotel Pharmacy. FEB VET & HANNEBUT. leaaing wig and toupe makers, finest etocl: human hair gooda, hairdret-sing. maniuurlng. Isoe s,nd fccaip Lreaiment. a -id Alder. Main 64&. $1 WILL get both teet fixed up good atDr Eaton n the CHIROPODIST, who doevo't hurt you. 5 yrs. here; exam. free. Giobe tbeaier bldg., 11th A Wash. Bdwy. 2824. DR. RUTH OLSON. EDICAX. GYMNAST SwediaU graduate; steam, massage ex ere i sea. electricity. 66a WashLng-toa blag. Main tiS-k. Consultation tree. MISS E. ADAMS Treatments for dandruff and tailing nair, manicuring. 40 7 Morri son st., Tni'oru oldg. Otiice aui. Hours 11 to t, Sundas 11 to a. BODY MASSAGE, facial and calp Uet merits work done at your home by grad uate nurse; nervous cases specialty. Ap pointment, phone East 1147. DR. MATH1LDE ARNESEN, naturopath, ineuicai gymnast; graduated from Nor way. aoe Coiumbia bidg.. Main fTnT ELN'A. bORENSON, 6utt Panama bldg Urugiess meLiiods. Stomacn, kidneys, rheumausm. constipation, etc M, oodL " BEST tie am. bath, chiropractic, vibration and electric in city. Dr. Margaret AAay nie, -i- swetland bidg. Main 1 7 65. CORA YALE BELL. CHIROPODIST. " From Chicago- 0t-C07 S wetland bid, cor. WaamngLon and 5th. Main 144. LADIES' purses and handbag Vepatre, aiso made to order; traveling bags. a& up- Portland Leather Co.,2Z6 VV ash. st, SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by Id oeedies method; trial free. Josie Fin.ey. o!4 Bush A Lane bidg. Main 66. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, eta. Hours 2 to 5. or by appointment. Phone Main ll4tf. Office aub-C hird su He aRN oeauty culture work; we give you practical experience. Sanitary .Beauty parlors. 40u-4ia Dekum bid g. WOMAN Roinjr east to take 2 girls. Cwil aftr H:ot P. M., Main uUtf5, room 10, or write W M.!, tregouian. CAM'EUS succesijfully cured without patn. Write H, VV. Stump, 43T Larrabeo st.. Portland. Or. DTt. SAC RY, chiropody, manicures and shampoos. 0o-4, 3J7 Wash at. Mar. :;:!. pKlVATE danrina: lessons, 512 Couch l,l'.K., Fourth, near Wash. Phone Main ti;u. LADY B A li BE RS, shaves 20c. haircvU Zfms. face massage arte. 2S3 Everett, cer. 31. NER.VUS, luniVmgo treated. 10 to 9. 415 Buchanan bldg. Main tsi66. PK I MED A BALM, lormerly called Balm of Figs. b44 E. ttad. sell. 213, mornings. tiSRTRUDK DANIELS, superfluous hair manicuring, face, scalp. S22 Fliedner bldg! DOfiSN ' T Tom, Dick or Harry py you 7 See Viereck. collections. Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without aa operation Free booklet, p. O. box 1105 DR. WILKINSON removes) corns in 8 mm. ;;i 7, Flanders st., near 6th, Fil-t-a .AN BE CLihKU without op ra tion. Free bookleU P. O. box 1106. MSH BETH' S Swedish Electro-Hydro In !itute. &"3-r.:i5 Pittock blk. Bdwy. Sis. MRS. M Green J. J3R ORS, write River, Wy o. U- E. B. STUDY massage; a complete course. Phone Main 77o. ANNIE, won't you pi case write or phone T . i-oam TTmnreeL con tract. , v: Roso C,y bungalow ; moril J,,.X'e:;'n,: d'"-'nt S0. Also '50 morlsapo for sale, drawing 7: security kooq :