( f 20 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1919. J i ! FOR SAI.K TRICKS AND TRACTORS. FEDERAL 2-ton chassis only; a dandy; HMO. Pan hard Hi -ton chassis only; guaran teed; Siaso. 8 Packard 3-ton dump body: a buy at .Standard 3-ton: take It for J850. Jeftery 1-ton body and ton, only $3."0. Peerless 2-ton wood truck, only $1:00. .-ton log trailer. $5iH; terms. One Packard heavy duty motor; price One-third down, balance 10 payments on any of the above trucks. Your car taken as part payment on some of them. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 421 liurnside Ptreet. Ask for Jones. PORD 1-TON TRUCKS. lyjy Ford, worm drive, used very lit tle, wave over $1U0 on this. 1 11 N P'ord, worm drive with good body, ttJ7." complete. 191! Ford worm drive, body, $600. 1917 Ford with chain drive attach ment and furniture body: motor. com pletely overhauled. 1017 Ford, chain drive, attachment, take body and cab. EASY TERMS. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO.. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 32L Authorized Ford Dealers. Parts Service. GOOD USED TRUCKS. 1 Grarnm 3-ton, overhauled. 1 Reo --ton, good shape. 1 Ford 1-ton utility truck. 1 Federal lVs-ton. a bargain. See thse trucks and get our terms. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., East Morrison and East First sts. WINTER work for 45 to 60 h. p. cata pillar tractor and operator: grade work near town. Apply 803 Henry bldg., between 4 and o P. M. AITO REPAIRING. SAVE MONET : HAVE YOUR CAR OVER HAULED AT HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL. 707 HAWTHORNE AVE. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. WHE1CL WORK of all kinds, automobile btacksmlthing : skilled workmanship; moderate prices. Willamette Wheel Works. 40 Union ave.. cor. Pine. Phone Broadway H'J. OLD RADIATORS MADE I.IKE NEW. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PORTLAND AUTO RADIATOR SHOP, oU5 ALDBtt. FIRST-CLASS automobile mechanic, will take work by hour or Job; guaranteed work- t-all me to help or to do it all. Main 84l0. MAXWELL SPECIALIST. Some parts. Sell. 3755. 757 Division St. GARAGES. BUSINESS LOCATION WANTED. I am looking for space in some fire proof garage in automobile district, to operate a high-clas automotive elec trical repair and service station: also a firm-class battery repair and sales sta tion. Wayne uuayie, Trinity apart ments. Phone Main 75G1. GARAGE, ready-made, in sections, bolted together. Portable Garage & Cottage Co.. cor. Hood and Wb.itau.er sts.. South Portland. FINE garage and very attractive room in modern home. 196 East 30th. Tabor 5501. WANTED M IHC'ELLANEOl'S. DIAMONDS WANTED. SiiOO TO $1000 PER CARAT. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. SslI your diamond to diamond ex perts. W. positively pay the highest cash market values for diamonds, plat inum, gold, silver watches, old jewelry and ail valuables of every description We buy false teeth, crowns, bridges and all dental gold. See us before sell ing elsewhere. Private offices, business strictly con fidential. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan Bldg.. 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. 12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEVEH. THE TAILOR. He pays mort; than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors. Call Marshall 1229 or 253 Madison St.. near 3d si.; will call anywhere in the city, pay or evening. CLEARING HOUSE FOR 2D-HAND CLOTHING. WE SELL YOUR CLOTHES ON COMMISSION. We have customers for second-hand clothing. Leave your clothes with us, we sell at your price and charge a rea sonable commission. Orpheum Tailors, 355 Stark at. Phone Bdwy. 1666. UP TO $25. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We will pay any price lor men's clothes. OREGON CLEAN E'KS AND TAILORS, 117 2d St.. N. W. cor. Wash. Mala 9344. $8.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S ISUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 245 BUKNSIDE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. FURS! FURS! FURS! I make them look like new ; cleaning and alterations of any description at reasonable prices. See the LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. Alain 6529. 163 W est Park. Bet. Morrison and Yauuhill. SHOWCASE Would like showcase 33x3 inches, nearly 7 incnes deep, and cash register, to rent until a: ter Xmas. Cail basement Ma.iestic Theater. X ift Shop, 351 Washington st. 1 WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used ults and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods. 167 1st St.. near Morrison. Main 738. PRIVATE party will pay cash for Per sian. Kernianshah or other oriental rugs: Westminister chimes clock; must be good condition and reasonable. Wood lawn 34S7. OUR SPECIALTY is buying men's cast-off clothing ; highest cash prices paid; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. " WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shotgun and kodaks. Hochfeld. 85 Third street. Main 35SL NATIONAL cash register, style 1054G pre ferred; must be good and price right Maxwell Service garage, Centralfa, Wn- JUNK, rags, metals, old clothing, tools, furniture, carpets; good prices. East 5171. SPOT CASH PA1 CABINET TALKING 12S First. Main 4405. D FOR MACHINE. Tabor 679S. WANTED 75 feet 1 -inch and 35 feet 1 inch asbestos covering lor hot water p I pe,s. East 8554. WANTED To buy slightly used Under wood. A No. 1 condition. Main 4it; BATH, laundry tub. toilet, lavatory, sink wanted. 505 Swctiaud. Alain 7164. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx, 2S3 Washington. "WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 14 5th. WANT GOOD PAY CASH. VISIBLE TYPEWRITER MAIX 4435. TABOR ,".S WA NTE I Reed cheap for cash. babv bt Wood. ; Ky a: i WANTED Hirh chair, pay cash or trad good cot. Main 2124. WANTED Diamond ' - kt. Pine street. to l'-kt. 24a WANTED To rent a piano. Main 361S. Furniture Wanted. BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods be fore you sell. We are in the market for Nine ivii win pav I'lnen prices PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, .va r iibi ji. i a 1 a i I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a housefull, and a competent, court om buyer will call. Marshall 2i3. Crown, CALL MAINSS7s7 We pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you selL CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORK. MAIN S878 WANT to buy furniture. We pay a good price. Phone A 120 and we will cail Immediately. WE NEED SECOND-HAND KURS ITU RE of any description: have the ready caah. Phone today. Main 4627 or 1 tkJ First etu I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay. East 6417. M. H Calsf, dealer, 540 Williams ave. WANTED MISCELIAXEOCS. Furniture Wanted. GEVCBTZ FURNITURB COL. Marshall 698L OLDEST RELIABLE HOU9B ITt PORTLAND BUYS HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SPOT CASH. NOTHING TOO BIO OR TOO SM ALL, FROM A BIG HOTEL TO ONE PIBC& PHONE LS Marshall B9SL' GEVURTZ FURNITURB CO. 188 First L. near YamhllL BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURB SEE US. We are In need of all lcmds of used furniture. rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges; all kinds of gas stoves and offlcs furniture, and we will pay absolutely ths top prices for same. Calt MARSHALL 5S7. and our buyer will call at once with th cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURB STORK 205 and 207 First St.. Between Taylor and Salmon 8UL CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CAR PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. CALL MAIN 895L If you want to sell your furniture and no. give it away. Ask for Mr. Wolf, 191 2d at., near Taylor. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Used furniture, prices. Main 50i4. Will pay best HELP WAXlED MALE. ARE Vol' MECHANICALLY INCLINED 7 If so. learn the auto and tractor busi ness and earn from $100 to $300 a month. Southern California offers ex ceptional opportunities while and after Jearnine, high salaries, ideal wording conditions, fine year-round climate; no previous experience necessary. Learn in short time the National Way. Expert instructors, new. complete mechanical and eiectrical equipment including Packard twin 6, Cadillac 8, Willys Knight, etc. No age limit. Earn board and room while learning. 6000 success ful graduates GUARANTEE YOUR success. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 15 Years In Los Angeles at 818 S. F!guero. Write today for Free Catalogu. HAWTHORXE AUTO SCHOOL. INC. 432 HAWTHORNE AVE. AUTOMOBILE. TRACTOR AND AIR PLANE MECHANICS. EXPERT VUL CAN17.ERS. ACETYLENE WELDERS & MACHINISTS THAT HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN OUR SCHOOL ARE IN DEMAND EVERYWHERE AT BIG WAGES. WE TEACH THESE TRADES IN A FEW WEEKS' TIME. 80 PER CENT PRACTICAL WORK. WITH CLEAR. UNDERSTANDABLE LECTURES AND DEMONSTRATIONS BY EXPERTS. CALL OR WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. WANTED Motor and ignition men to take charge of classes In auto and gas tractor schools. Apply 124 N. 6th at., city. FREE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU U. S. co-operating), now open for busi ness. Men's division, Flat-Iron building, 6th and Pine, upstairs. Telephone tame as before. Main 6776. Women's division, 02 Beck bldg., Broadway and Oak. Telephone Broadway 4369. Employers, send in your orders. TWO experienced candy makers for night work; hours 6 P. M. to 3 A. M. Apply Employment bureau, 6th floor. Meier e Frank Co. STENOGRAPHER wanted wno is good at dictation and typing, by daily newspaper in live city outside Portland; permanent situation to right party. Reply in own handwriting giving references and sal ary expected- AV 002, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school; new building; modern equipment: best in struction; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 416 Y. M. C- A bldg. Phone Main 87UO. branch 2. WANTED Young man with high school education, age IS to 21. unmarried; good opportunity for young man living at home who desires to begin with large concern promising good future. Answer in own handwriting. V 797. Oregonian. COAI. miners wanted in southern Oregon, 25 pick coal miners, married men pre ferred; no trouble steady work, new min8. coal 6 feet. Take train to Co- t,uille, boat to Rtverton- John-Jones Coat Co . Riverton, Or. WE HAVE excellent gravel hauling con tract for purchaser of 3V--ton truck. This is all winter's work in Eastern Ore gun. DIAMOND T TRUCK SALES CO., N9-91 North Ninth St. WANTED Hood, all around salesman: must be reliable, for tailor shop; good wages to rig lit party ; don't answer un less you mean business. Address 117 Third avenue, Seattle, Wash. CHARACTERS for Charlie Chaplin con test, movies ball and entertainment at Auditorium. Tuesday, Dec. 9. Call 2o7 Goodnougli bldg., 5th and Yamhill, daily, 12 to 1. OA K wood to cut at $3 per cord. Prefer man with family of boys able to do farm work. Must give references. Good house only article furnished. 20 miles from Portland. 228 Alder st. WANTED 5 energetic men who have backbone, to drive truck and haul lum ber: must have some capital. See Barnes, 71 ltroadway. WANTED Names men, 18-35. wishing be come government railway mail clerks Commerce $1100 year. Answer AV blS. Oregonian. $117 MONTH average, railway mail clerks; hundreds wanted ; list positions free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute Dept. 376-W. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Two men experienced in solic iting for newspaper or magazines; per manent positions; 9 to 11. 301 Wilcox building. FI KST-CLASS cabinetmakers in factory making high-graie mill work and fix tures. Steady work. The A if red Bloom Co.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED A second tenor lead singer, lor male quartet. Appiy evening, arter 7. 22 North Front st., corner of Burn side, room 16. WANTED Several good Texas stock sad dle hands; plenty work, highes-t wages. Write or wire. The Schoellkopf Company, Dallas. Texas. SINGERS wanted, contraltos, tenors and bass for select church choir. Apply Fri day. 7:45, First M. E. Church. 12th and Taylor. 60 JOBS for trucks with small payment down: can pay for truck in short time. Call East 1207. TAILORS. ATTENTION. Strike still on in Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. 16 for light office work : one lr home preferred: wages J12 o start. H 394. Oregonian. week WANTED Men to sell hominy and horse radish. 525 Division, across from Ford Motor works; long job, good pay. BARBER, .steady job; two Saturday men. Apply Sam H. Howard, sec. Master Bar- t-ers Assn.. no rourtti st. NEAT appearing young men. IS to 22. with wiles ability; give phone number. Y 111. Oregonian. PRINTER-OPERATOR for country office lor ten da s to two weeks ; possibly Ioiig-r. Flione .News, t anby. Or. WANTED Experienced bank teller: fat, accurate, go'd address; must be hustler. M S44. Oregonian. K.N T SAWYER Ueft handed) for shingle 11 out of town. $7, 8 hours: ste.- dy vvotk. I'oriiHiKi iixoor Agency, u .n. EXPERIENCED mens furnishings Lowey & Co.. 286 Washington st. W A NT ED Good lady coat maker. Pheasant Tailors. 92 Broadway. The APPRENTICE, with experience, for com- posing room, r . V . Baites & Co. SEE our violet ray display adv. this iseuc and get busy. A perfect A. mas gut. WANTED Boy 13 or 16 for work in in surance office. Apply 317 Corbett bldg WANTED Job printer. Printing Co., 208 Alder s Independent HOCSE-TO-HOLSc canvassers, easy Xmas seiier; can qtiica. -i-a L-umoer Exchange. MACHINIST for ; nery in Alaska. one-line salmon can AM 1. Oreg o n i ajj. TAILOR on ladies Pheasant Tailors, suits, must be 12 Broadway. WANTED 6 P. M. LICENSED M 7164. ELECTRICIAN CYLINDER and job pressman and feeders wanted. . w ,aites &. o. WANT, at once, man with works. 516 Williams ave. tuto for dy MAN to do some janitor work cuante for room. 32b Mill tU HELP WANTED MALE. NOTICE. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN TAK ING A COURSE IN ANY BRANCH OF THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY WHERE STUDENTS ARE TAUGHT BY PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IN CON STRUCTION, REPAIRING AND TROUBLE-SHOOTING ON ALL MAKES OP GAS ENGINES, THEIR IGNITION SYS TEMS. STARTING AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS. INCLUDING GENERATORS. STARTING MOTORS OR ARMATURE WINDING, AND BUILDING. CHARG ING AND CARE OF STORAGE BAT TERIES: ALSO ACETYLENE WELD ING AND CUTTING; ENROLL FOR WINTER TERM AT HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. OUR SCHOOLS ARE APPROVED BY THE U. S. GOV ERNMENT. HEMPHILL'S OPERATE THE LARGEST CHAIN OF PRACTI CAL SCHOOLS IN THE WORLD AND HAVE SCHOOLS IN THE FOLLOWING CITIES: PORTLAND, OR.; TACOMA AND SEATTLE. WASH. : VICTORIA, B. C; VANCOUVER. B. C: CALGARY, EDMONTON. LETH BRIDGE, SASKA TOON. REGINA. WINNIPEG. AUTHOR IZED CAPITAL STOCK, $150,000. THE STATE OF OREGON ALLOWS DIS CHARGED SERVICE MEN $25 PER MONTH WHILE ATTENDING OUR PORTLAND SCHOOL. APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED AT OUR MAIN OFFICE. 707 HAWTHORNE AVE.. COR. EAST 20TH (TAKE MT. SCOTT OR HAWTHORNE CAR AT SECOND AND ALDER TO 20TH). OR OUR DE POT OFFICE, 124 N. SIXTH ST.. 2 BLOCKS FROM UNION DEPOT EN TRANCE. WANTED TAILORS ON OPEN-SHOP BASIS. TAILORS $40 PER WEEK OPERATORS $45 PER WEEK BUSHELMEN $36 PER WEEK PIECE WORK: $19 CHEAPEST SACK COAT ON FIRST CLASS BILL. 17 "cheapest sack coat on sec- oxd class bill. free shop ftjrmshed. for further information write mr. geo. h. reed. secre tary, portland merchant tail ors' exchange, 203 wilcox bldg.. portland. oregon. Y. M. C. A. ADVISORY AND. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Is not an employment agency, but a de partment of the Y. M. C. A. which alas ambitious young men in prying open the doors of opportunity. In the past 10 years we have assisted 17.932 men in finding positions. Many of these men are now in executive positions and se cure their help through us. The standing this department has with employers is due to the discrimin ating service rendered them over a peri od of 15 years and they turn to the Y. M. C. A. for men to fill the better sort of jobs. Vacant positions in Portland at present are scarce, and if you need assistance In selling your service consult one of the employment secretaries, room 307. We can help YOU. 300 INEXPRIENCED men wanted to qualify as automobile, truck and tractor mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld ers and tire vu lean! zers; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by XJ. S. government war department for train ing soldiers auto mechanics; don't en roll in any other school, until you have inspected this one; railroad fare re- funded if after personal inspection you find any misrepresentation regarding the school : biggest, best equipped and largest system of schools in the world; four large school. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7. MODERN AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm sts.. Spokane. Wash. ; 700 Mercler St., Seattle. Wash THREE bright boys between the ages of 15 and 17 tor our special delivery de partment. Apply Employment bureau sixth floor, Meier c Frank Co. WANTED Demonstrator, one who has had experience with Hoover electric suction cleaners. Ask for Mr. McLance, rug de partment, o.as, w or t man iving. ADVERTISING SOLICITOR wanted by one of the 11 vest evening aa.iy news papers in Oreeon as assistant adman steady job to right man. Reply, giving experience, references and salary ex pected. AV 901. Oregonian. WANTED Men, as firemen, brakemen colored train porters; $lu0-$2OO per montn; no experience necessary. Oregon roads. write Inter-Kail way, Dept. 12, Indianapolis. Ind. RELIABLE middle-aged man for shipping department; also boy for wrapping; both jobs steady: state salary expected; rei erences required. J 438, Oregonian. YOUNG man stenographer for lumber of fice out of city. A good job and a good future. Call at 530 Railway Exchange nidg. WANTED Isinotypo operator at once. Tel ephone Silverton Tribune. Kilverton, Or. OFFICE BOY, energetic, good appearance, with best of references. H. Liebes &. Co. ADVERTISING MEN, money daily. 501 McKay bldg. LI VE man for our sales force. Call 333 Everett St., 9 to 12. Mr. Hart. JANITOR wanted. Call 715 Thurman st. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMAN Salary and all expenses, for Portland and all Oregon and southern Washington, to work grocery and drug trade on a nationally-advertised product. Apply by letter only. iS. C. Casey, Ben son hotel, giving phone number. IDEAL side line, nationally advertised every trade; no samples: staple as sucar exclusive, permanent repeat business: city or road. Factory representative at 324 Ry. Ex. SALESMAN wanted. wide-awake sales man, one used to caUing on the public. Apply 114 First st. WANTED One or two good stock sellers entirely new nanufacturlng line. H 396. Oregonian WANTED 3 salesmen for out of town; good proposition; must be experienced. Call East 361. SEE our violet ray display adv. this issue and get busy. A perfect Xmas gift. SALESMAN as distributor representing factory; exclusive ter. ot4 fepaiding blag, WANTED AGENTS. CANDY Earn S25 to $50 weekly: ADVER TISE. MEN. nomen; start one of our Specialty Candy Factories in your home, small room, anywhere: grand opportuni ty: we tell how and furnish everything. CAN DIMAKK KH HOLSfci. 181V Ka stead st.. Philadelphia. Pa, CANVASSERS wanted for several coun ties in Oregon ana w asnington; steady work; good commission; some of ou: men are selling over 500 weekly; we want workers who desire to make money. Oregon nursery pp., orenco. or. SEE our violet ray display adv. this issue and get busy. A perfect Xmas gift. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month bos pltal tickets corbett Oldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. BOOKKEEPER for city. Rood salary; si ofrraDher for city, good beginner will io good glove fitter and hosiery saleslady. Call at Railway hxenange oiag. WANTED Stenographer for Portland of fice; permanent position If satisiactory, with advancement ; to start, 960 month .103 Oak st., near lotn. WANTED Experienced manicurist hair dresser. A ppiy mezzanine floor, Lipman. vVolfe A Co. JEFFERSON H. S. girl who wants to earn extra Christinas money can at 181 KKimorc YOUNG LADY attend store and keep ligh works. Piedmont fciectric Co. Wood U 1325. HEAD girl for restaurant, aiso several ex perienced waitresses. 108 otn st.. after noons. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Best of city references. Main 2S17. GIRL for general housework; no wash ing: good room witn Data, roons East 4 1 59. WANTED A competent chambermaid. Netherlands Hotel. I3tn and Washington. WANT a girl waitress, restaurant. J ersey St.. St. Johns. Or. KITCHEN helper wanted at Baltimore res tau ra nt. 303 Hawthorne avenue. WANTED Kitchen helper; good wages, room and board. Sellwood 347. WANTED A competent waitress at the Old People's home. East 32d and Sandy. SEE our violet ray display adv. this is and get busy. A perfect Xmas gift. MISS MATTING LYS Shorthand. Typewrit ing School. $6 mo. 269 14th. Main 3893. WANTED -Woman to assist in alteration room. Simons store. First and Alder. GOOD schoolgirl, light work, cloe in. Tabor 6286. good pay. WOMAN, living at home, for assistant in pantry. Alexandra Court, 53 Ella ts. EXPERIENCED cafeteria girl, good hours and good pay. 430 Washington. WANTED Skirt hand, ladies' depaxunent R. M. Gray, 366 Washington. . HELP WASTED FEHALS, LUMBER STENOGRAPHER WANTED. Opening 'competent lumber stenog rapher and invoice cleric Must figure lumber rapidly with comptometer and be experienced stenographer. Salary to commence. $140 per month. This is no position for beginners. NORTH BEND MILL LUMBER CO.. NORTH BEND. OR. MEIER & FRANK COMPAKT Requires the services of girls be tween the ages of 16 and IS as wrappers and inspectors. Apply employment manager. 6th floor. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED. Permanent positions open for young women as telephone oper ators, with or without previous ex perience. Call at room 601, 6th floor. Tele phone bldg.. Park and Oak ata. THE PACIFIC TEL. & TEU .CO. WANTED 5 girls between the ages of i ana -a years to operate power scw.ua Experienced operators preferred but will teai'h n-vera.1 inexoerienced girls. Good wages paid, also large bonus in addition. Nice modern factory to work in with Saturday afternoons orr. Appiy AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE BAG CO., 15th and Hoyt Sts. ALL former MEIER & FRANK employes not now engaged desiring to assist u during the holiday, season please report to employment bureau at 9 A. M. this morning, ready to go to work. There are vacancies in several of our departments for those having exprience in other stores. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier fe Frank company. FORMER METER FRANK CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS. desiring employment are invited to ap ply at employment bureau, sixtn xioor. MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. WANTED. SPINNERS. APPLY GOLDEN STATE WOOLEN MILLS. LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA. WANTED Three neat-appearing, active girls for waitress work. Experience not necessary. Work S hours per day. six duvi nr wo ok and as late as 12 P. M sa lary $-"5 per month and boa rd first month, $65 per month and board second month and thereafter. Good chance for further advancement to girls who apply themselves to their work. Apply at of fice Washington-street Haielwood, 388 Washington St., after 11 A. M. FORMER saleswomen and cashiers of Lip- man. Wolfe & Co. desiring permanent or temporary employment, apply Superin tendent's Office before 10:30 A. M. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. LADY combination waitress and cashier. $63; room ana Doara, ranroaa e.Lins house, east, free fare. Call Skinner & White, 35 N. 2d. Bdwy. 3205. MME. PATTENEAUDE. hair and skin specialist, mex. noor Benson noiei, w in accept a limited number of puplis to learn the profession, enabling them to enter business for themselves; unlimited opportunities in this line. FIVE young ladies of good appearance and some salesmanship to make some big money from now to Christmas; out side work. 324 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WEneed experienced operators on shirt machines, overalls and waterproof gar ments and pay the best wages in city. Apply Hlrsch-Weis Mig. Co., 205 Burn side st. WANTED For insurance office, expe rienced stenographer and office woman, must have knowledge of bookkeeping. F 741, Oregonian. WA NTED Experienced dictaphone oper ator for bank; 50 miles from Portland: salary $90. Apply The Dictaphone, 420 Spalding bldg. WANTED Refined Scandinavian, Finnish or German girl for general housework in small family who can help take care of a small store. 12 7 H Belmont st. WANTED Experienced ladies' clothes lroner; must be a good ironer and able to make good wages from a piece basis. Union laundry, 2d at Columbla. WANT a young girl to assist with house work; experience not necessary if will ing: good wages. Cail Tabor 2290. 1320 Alameda drive. WANTED Neat-appearing med!um-sise girls between IS and 20 years of age, as ushers. Apply Star Theater after 1 P. M. WANTED Stenographer with clerical ex perience, nave permanent, position open for one who can qualify. K. fell. Orego- nian. WANTED Experienced, even tempered child's nurse, good home, expect to spend winter in California. AR 925. Oregonian. GIRLS wanted. Apply factory, 31 North First at WANTED A nurse to take care of an elderly patient in her own home. Call morninss. C 120T. LADY, experienced in hand laundry, to invest $50 for half interest in final I laundry : good proposition. Sell. ;4-35. SCHOOL girl to assist with house work for room, board and small wages; small family. V SI 7. Oregonian. WANTED A school girl to care for chil dren for board and room, small wages if com pe t ent. Sellwood 2945. WANTED Refined motherly woman to car for 15-raonths-old boy. Call East 784S. room . jl GIRL to assist with housework and care of baby. Call Woodlawn 6064 after 9 A. M. THE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help any girt in uisiress. voa a. Glisan. "MV" car. East 316. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply t the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 392 E- 15th st. N., or phone East 123. WANTED Several ladies for outdoor sell ing; $35 weekly; excellent chance for a d vancement. AO 742. Oregonian. MILLINERY makers wanted to start work Jan. 1. Call Main 4402. East 5ofe8 evenings. BOOKKKEPER8 SlOO to $125. Stenog raphers. 175 to $10O. Elliot Fisher biller. f S3. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Experienced girl to do cook ing in private family: reference re quired. Phone Main 2168. WANTED Girls to learn chorus steps; evening cU.wi. 610 mers Musio bids. HELP WANTED FEM ALE. FREE COURSE IN SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. If Ton will give us an hour or so each day we will give you a course in short hand and typewriting without one penny of cost to you. We want one bright young lady in each district of Portland, and in each school district outside the city to do a little work for us securing names, etc No "agency.' Nothing to seli. To each one selected we will give free course as advertised above. Call, write or phone. Pacific Extension Insti tute, 605-6-7 Panama Bldg.. City. Main THE OLDS, WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of experienced candy saleswomen. Apply superintendent after 9 to 10:30 A. M. TYPISTS Beginners or experienced, for sxraignt copy work and addressing; file your name with us for temporary or permanent employment; state experience, age and phone number In your applica tion. J 446, Oregonian. SALESWOMAN to work during the month oi jecemoer; iiDerai salary. Lennon a, 309 Morrison at. WANTED A girl for general housework in small iamuy; best wages paid; no Thursday dinner and Sunday dinner in middle of day. -1153 Thurman st.. W'ili amette Hts. : take W car. Mar. 338. GIRLS for longhand addressing: must be accurate, rap to. ana write clear, plain hand. Apply in own handwriting, giving age and phone number. J 447. Ore gonian. WANTED A lady presser. 542 H Will- lams avenue. WANTED Chambermaid. 269H Everett st. WAITRESS wanted. 30 North Third st. Wanted Domestics. WOMAN for general housework in small iamuy. z adults, 2 children, 10 and 14; must be fair cook ; work not heavy ; comfortable room: a nice Dlace for a good woman; will pay good wages. Take Broadway car to Bryce avenue, walk two 2) blocks east to U61 Bryce or phone t uuum nil . l . WANTED Girl to assist with light house- worn; gooa nome. gooa wages. Phone Marshal! 1321. 230 N. 24th st. COMPETENT girl for general housework; gooa wages; o jn ramiiy. Main 5!94. 80 Cornell st.. bet. Everett and Flanders. COMPETENT stenographer and dictaphone operator aesires position; lour years ex perience. Tabor 167. WANTED Young girl for general house- worn ; experience in coOKing not neces sary. Woodlawn 3137. GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, good wages, gooa nome. no washing. 410 E. Uth st. N. GIRL or Japanese boy for general houae- wora in small iamuy. inquire ti. j. W i n ters. 6567 6th s t. YOUNG girl to assist with general house work; good home. East 5273. Irving ton. GIRL, experienced in cooking and general nouseworic; no cniiaren; no washing; 2 meals; good wages. Phone Main 21&5. MAID for general housework, no washing. smaii iamuy, gooa nome ana wages. 4b7 E. 21st st. North. East 2547. WANTED Housekeeper for wife. Home in St. Johns, lumbfa 787. man and Phone Co- CAPABLE girl for cooking and downstairs work; no laundry, good wages; Portland Heights. Mar. 1870. GIRL for downstairs work and plain cook ing; big wages. Call 48i East 17th st. North. GOOD wages to competent cook, medium size family. Marshall 3654. 1240 Thur man. NEAT GIRL" for general housework: good wages. 351 32d st., WU lamette heights. WANTED Girl for cooking or young girl to assist. Main 1723. 6J 1 Washington st. GIRL to assist with housework; good wages. Mar. 486'.. 747 Glisan st. GIRL to assist with housework, lng. Apply 674 Everett st. WANTED Girl good wages. for general housework; Phone East 2580. COMPETENT GIRL for small family; good nome ana wages, bast au.d. GIRL wanted. $40 a month, no washing. Tabor 3038. WANTED Experienced second maid. Call seiiwooa loi. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. TELEPHONE OPERATORS. Prepare yourself In spare time for a more pleasant better-paid position, "WILLIAMS SYSTEM" of shorthand gives you the opportunity. Easily and quickly learned at home. Call or write PACIFIC tL..X'l't;iNSiON i N STATUTE sixth floor Panama bldg.. city. PA RTNER wanted for tumbling act. Ed wards. 14W0 E. Burnside. EDUCATIONAL, MOHLERS BARBER COLLEGE Will teach you the trade in 8 wks. ; give you a aet of tools and some pay whils lea ruing, positions secured . scholarships and transfer cards issued; 32 schools in XJ. S. and Canada, bend tor catalogua iurnsiae st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE oF BE HNK.E-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enrol! any time, leieeraony. stenoaraonv. bank ne. bookkeeping, secretariat Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools tree; position guaranteed, pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph institute, 434 Railway Exchange building. Free booklet. ROCKY MQUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGCY. Frank K. Wei lea ex-asnt- State Supt mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set of tools free, posit ion secured. 8 j N. 2d st. DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE. Alisky Bldg., Sd and Morrison. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wash, at 10th. Enter now, day, evening, all com mercial branches. Broadway 182L EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school; Individ ual instruction. 1 22 Grand ave. E. 427. LEARN VULCANIZING & RETREADING. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. Inc. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. ELOCUTION, dramatic art taught: enter tainments furnished. 512 Couch bldg.. 4th near Washington PR I v atk teacner accepts pupils of any age. grade or nationality. Woodlawn 5221. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Mam 62 4. Broadway bldg. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg.. 3d and Mor. W E. Richardson. Sec. Main 977 THE International Correspondence Schools oan raise your salary. 191 Broadway. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mo. 4645. Teacning positions, tree registration. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. 15 YEARS' experience, carpet and drapery work; open for position after Dec. 6; first-class work. A E 737, Oregonian. YOUNG man wishes work ; don't expect high wages, but chance tor advancement. AE 740, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, good at figuring costs; 12 years' experience. Marshall 6045. PRINTER with six months' experience on linotype wants position. W 46, Orego nian. WANTED A job as watchman or private detective; can give best of reference. V 14, Oregonian. L. H. S. STUDENT desires work from 3 to 6 P. M. and Saturdays. Main 3730. B.I 113. OreEonian. CARPENTER. Al mechanic, rough or fin ish, able, active, reasonable. Broadway 716. YOUNG man, seven years sel ling expe rience, wants position with manufacturer jobber. J 443, Oregonian. TRUCK Hauling contract, job or hour. Sellwood 1723. WANT work with my Ford car, city or country. X 302, Oregonian. ELDERLY man wants position ss janitor or houseman. K 790, Oregonian. CARPENTER or cabinet work of any kind and estimating. Phone Sellw ood 25 25. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting. Ta bor 1116. GOOD Ford mechanic wants position. G. Laurent. 6323 63d S. E. A JAZZY trap drummer would like en gagement. Call Broadway 2100. MEAT cutter and butcher, young married man ; references. 4925 Powell Valley. CARPENTER contracts for building, store fitting or alterations. Manny. Sell. 2421. MIDDLE-AGED, all around baker. want position. X 309, Oregonian. WANTED Position by middle-aged man. watchman or janitor. Tabor 9lo5. YOUNG husky, 25, good salesman, desires work, any kind. AE 742, Oregonian. YOUNG man, age 39, wants work, any thing, 5oc an hour. AJS 743 Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. COMPETENT YOUNG MAN WITH STX YEARS EXPERIENCE WISHES TO DRIVE CAR AFTER SCHOOL AND SATURDAYS. BEST OF REFERENCE FURNISHED. CALL EAST 674. MANAGER. Horticulturist and agriculturist of practical and scientific training and ex perience requires position. Have been manager of large orchard for 10 years; understand all phases of farming; good salary expected. Address AV 810, Ore gonian. I WISH to find employment with a good and honest party where I can take ac tive interest later; I have from $2000 to S5UOO to Invest and $20OO every year for rive years. Write N. Shermer, Sell wood. 440 Bidwell ave. PRODUCTION clerk who has had 17 years experience with the largest of eastern companies desires position where there are opportunities for advance ment: salary at present no object. M S4S. Oregonian. YOUNG man. married, steady and not afraid of work, with some selling and clerical experience, desires position on selling or shipping end of wholesale or retail concern by Jan. 1. K S24, orego nian. NIGHT work wanted by responsible mar ried man. age 33; not afraid of hard work; experienced in Janitor work, also garage work ; best of references. M 850. Oregonian. AN experienced orchard is t and rancher, wants a job running an orchard or a ranch ; can give references and guar antee the best of results. V. O. West fall. 146 Hamilton ave.. Portland, Or. A-l CHAUFFEUR. 2 years experience, wishes employment in private family or firm, consider truck driving ; can give reference; wages no object. M. D. M box 32. Jenn i n gs Lod g e. O re gon. ALL kinds of work ; If you need help for long or short jobs, phone Bdwy. 652: will send you a man. or address Carter s employment office. 246 Ankeoy sL. Port land. Or. DO YOU want an Oregon ex-service man. 3 years college, 5 years business exper ience? will work for interest of employ er; best of references. Y lo9. Oregonian. FOR six or eight hours a day by young man attending school, prefer confection ery or elevator work; could begin at 4 P. M. Phone Broadway 4128. TREES, grapes, berriese, roses, planted. prunea, fertilized, etc. Tree surgery, grafting; landscaping, lawns attended to Evenings. East 5131. MR. RBSTAURANTMAN Could you use a good cook who is scrupulously clean? Bake better pies than mother. Good meat cutter. H 217, Oregonian. PRUNING. SPRAYING OF TREES AND GARDEN WORK; EXPERIENCED MEN. GILROY. FORMERLY U. S GOVT ORCHARDI8T. BDWY. 1937. WANTED Work in machine shop or garage. Worked one year at machine installation; one year on autos. H 402, Oregonian. SALESMAN, married ten years, experi ence, wants position with reliable firm, road or city; best references. J 455. Ore gonian. MILLWRIGHT with 8 years' experience wants position out or town or in city; give details In answering. H 305. Ore gon ian. STRONG, healthy elderly man wants job as caretaker, choreman, city or country: can uiila; will bach.; small wages, refer ences. X 312, Oregonian. CONTRACTOR seeks contracts for grad ing, sewer, ditches, clearing, excavating work. Frank Campbell, Main 50O3. 223 First street. YOUNG man wants position as milker oi farm hand : past experience, litetime O 215. Oregonian. YoUNG man, high school student, wants any kind of work ai ter 2 :30 and Sat urdays. Mar-hall 423J. GOOD, clean, serving cook wants position in private iintei tor w inter. it. i-i. Wood, roo m 234 Foster Hotel. YOUNG man wants position as elevator operator or delivery boy ; experienced East 5364. E. A. Miller. CARPENTER New or repair work, day or job contract: estimates free. Call phone Woodlawn 5 3 5 U . BANK stock wanted up to SS000. carry ing position of cashier. AV 005. Oregonian WANTED By middle-aged man. job on farm or ranch: work in the house or in the held. Y 10. Oregonian. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. " EXPRIENCED ACCOUNTANT Wants small set of books to keep: will open and close your books, prepare fi nancial statement and figure income tax returns. Rates very reasonable. Phone Marshall 4262. L. E. Oberer. 10 YEARS' experience transportation com pany, clerical work, cashier, agent, in spector, aud itin g, clean record, de.sires pilsitlon with private concern account better field. V hlo, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT La Salle student with good experience wishes position as junior w Ith accountant or auditine department of progressive tirm; $25 per week. E 76S, t Oregonian. ENERGETIC young man wants position; experienced timekeeper: some knowledge of bookkeeping and salesmanship. Bdwy 2266. BOOK K EEPER. thoroughly practical, ex tensixe experience, good penman; in or out of clt y. I j 233, Oregonian. 8oldiorn and bailors. YOUNG MAN, married. 8 years service pay department of the navy, will be re leased from service about Dec. 15. desires position in accounting department of a large corpora t ion where there Is good chance for advancement: reasonable sal ary expected. S 393, Oregonian. SA LESM AN Ex-service man. married, well acquainted with wholesale and re tail grocery trade in northwest ; best ot references and can furnish bond; prefer city selling. S 457 Oregonian. A YOUNG MAN. married, wishes employ ment at anything: has had six years' steel work experience; also have had some experience with automobiles. Call evenings, automatic phone 324-53. EX-SERVICE MAN wants employment, truck driving or private car preferred : will guarantee satisfaction; will consider any proposition offering advancement. Phone East 1 952. EX -SOLDI ER wants a position on a chicken ranch where he could get more experience in handling chickens: reason able wages; can give best of references. X 365. Oregonian. EX-SOLDIER, college graduate, wishes a position with a firm where hard work count. and where thrre is a chance for advancement. L 228, Oregonian. EX-SOLDIER wants a position on farm, can handle horses or run tractor or ma chinery oi all kinds; can give references, X 37, Ore go nian. WANTED By ex-service man. work morn ing and evenings for room and board or small wages while attending day school. AM 4. Oregonian. AN ex-service man with 3 years' exper ience In truck driving and repairing de sires work. Phone B 2168 or 322 50th YOUNG MAN. ex-marine, wishes position as truck or private car driver; have ref erences. Phone East 2912. OVERSEAS first-class work by day or job. carpenter wishes Phone Col. 674. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAIK. YOUNG LADY employed out of town part time, wishes home In Cat holic family where, she can assist with housework in exchange for board and room when un employed. AM 3, Oregonian. COMPANION'S position to lady of means, desired by refined, capable, congenial lady. Phone East 4935. or write W 797, Oregonian. M A RR1ED woman wants apartment or housekeeping rooms where can work for rent of same. Call after 6. Wdln. 1126. GtOD hand laundress wants a few steady Pisces: full day s work. Can mornings and evenings after 6. Main 3 ISH. HAVE your Xmas crochet work done by me. reasons ble. made In a nhort time. Woodlawn 1205. Ruth Nester. WANTED A place to take rare of chil dren evenings while mother is away; references Woodlawn 1611. CAPA BLE young woman would like work from 10 to 6. store work or sew ing. V 810. Oregonian. REFINED lady will stay evenings after 6 as companion In exchange for sleeping room. Y 112, Oregonian. KITCHEN walls washed, windows cleaned, floors waxed ; reasonable. Phone Mar shall 258. LADY with vacuum cleaner will call and clean carpet on floor. $1 a carpet. Main 8621. AN experienced telephone operator wishes position on private exchange; references given. Woodlawn 3880. THOROUGHLY experienced woman wants day work, any kind. Phone Sellwood 5SQ WORK wanted: days preferred. good laundress; Woodlawn 3o46. DAY WORK, washing and Ironing, after 7:3Q A. M., Broadway 2487. LADY wishes to sweep and dust by hour, 9-4. Call after 5, East 8062. EXPERIENCED typist desires position. Phone Broadway 4433. Bookkeeper-.. Stenographers. Office. BY STENOGRAPHER of 5 years' experi ence. Phone Marshall 1993. tMTCATIONS WANTED FEMALE, Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. STENOGRAPHER, with five years' ex perience in law, loan, abstract, insurance, traffic and collection business, desires po sition at once. Good references. Salary iQ. M g54, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cashier and ticket seller, neat and rei ined ; Just returned to Port land, desires position at once. Phone 3-163S. WA N TED Position ss stenographer; ex perience In law office; can operate dic taphone, tabulate. Phone East 8031. STENOGRAPHER, wishes position; salary to start. 3 years experience, will accept moderate Sell wood 1835. YOUNG girl wishes position doing clerical or general office work; one year's expe rience. M J 19. Oregonian. EX P BRIEN CKD q ual I f ied bookkeeper typifct desires position. Excellent ref erences. V 804, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED switch-hoard operator and typist wishes position ; references. X 303. Oregonian. YOUNG lady, having had bookkeeping ex perience wants position. Can give ref erences. E. SoS3. YOUNG LADY, experienced, wants clerical P OKi t ion, mailing or filing dept. Tabor EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position. Marshall 3521. COM PETE NT, educated stenographer de sires employment. Woodlawn 2825. A GOOD beginner wants a stenographer's position, $65. Tabor 759. Dremaker&. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alterations, house aprons and dresses, children's clothes. Mrs. Kelly, 310 Fremont at. East 7307 FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will make en gagements by day tailoring, remodeling, alteration. Main 479. ALTERATION shop, relining ladies coats and tailored button holes specialty. 6u5 Swetland bldg. BEST dressmaking at the most reason able prices, 311 Central bldg. Main 3408. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes en gagements by day. Phone East 47S2. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, chil dren's coats a specialty. East 712S. GOOD sea.mstre.nM wishes sewing, by hour, !-4. Call after 5. East SO2. EXPERIENCED dreanmaker wants work by the day. Wdln. 6250. LADY dressmaker wants position, L 16S. Oregonian. Nuntee. BOARD and mom, and nurse old people at the Carolina Convalescent home, 472 Sell wood boulevard. Phone Sell wood 3 him. : WANTED Position as nurse to infant, ex perienced, excellent re Terences ; out of town preferred. L 231. Oregonian. UNDERGRADUATE nurse will give mas saging or general nursing or companion. Marshall 260. YOUNG practical nurse would like work by the week in or out of town. V bud. Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wants case, housekeep ing. mo. if necessary. Main 1520 after 10 A. SI. EX-ARMY nurse desires position in doc tor's office. Call East 433. room 10. Housekeeper. HOUSEKEEPING wantou by a neat, i liable woman with son 16 years old; no nhiriion to man with one or two chii i rcn : business man with modern home preferred ; wagca $25 per month. AE 7 Oregon ian. WIDOW with child 2 years- old wishes po sition as housekeeper in small family. no widower need answer this ad. Write or cail at 5S06 44th ave. to. fc.. WANTED Work as housekeeper for small family, preiVrably on ranch, but will consider work in town. Write X. care Bend Bulletin. Bend. Oregon. EXPERIENCED nuudle-aged lady wishes housekeeping for widower, employed couple or adult family; fair wages; per manent. O 216. Oregonian. A GOOD manager would like to cook and tidv up lor a couple of quiet men. Room and board and small pay. AE 741, Oregonian. WANTED By middle-aged lady, position as housekeeper in plain home of working people. AM 5, OregoniaiK COMPETENT woman with girl. 6. wants housework or housekeeping in city or country. O 201, Oregonian. LADY, with boy 0. wishes H. K. in widow er's family; will leave city. Tabor 4925. J 441. Oregonian. EX PERI ENCED housekeeper wants posi tion for hotel, city or country. AK fcuO, Oregonian. HOl'SKK EEPER. one child, wants position. W ood lawn 539 7. COOK First-class lady cook is now ready to make engagement for dinners, lunch eons or banquets. Will care for lodge suppers, best of references- Main 5521, room J. WOMAN wants day work. Call mornings or evenings. Main 512. A GIRL wants a good place for general housework. Phone Tabor 7080. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED 4 or 5-room furnished house, responsible people. Broadway 4135. room 303, before 10 A. M. or alter 5 P. M. Apartments. WANTED To rent by man and wife, two or three-room furnished apartment, east or west side; state location aud rent. Address Y 9, Oregonian. Rooms. WANTED 3 housekeeping or furnished rooms, near Gladstone and E. 26th st., Woodstock car line. Phone East 4694. Rooms With Board. YOUNG man wants board and room In private family, near Capitol and Shaffer st. on north side. Furnish best of references. K S20. Oregonian. MOTHER and daughter want room and board in refined home, close in; must be reasonable. Broadway 115-U, room 561, after 6. WANTED Room and board for elderly ladv in Jewish family, living in the northwestern part of the city. H 399. Oregonian. WANTED Rao n and board, also house keeping room in the vicinity of Union . avenue and Watco street. East 7445. LADY with well behaved child would like home with sma1 fam i ly where i could have my piano. 5farshall 4374. HoAKD and room in private family by elderiy lady. Must be near Irving ton school. Phone East o02. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED 3 housekeeping or furnished rooms, near Gladstone and E. 2bt st. Woodstock car line Phone East 4694. WANTED by young couple, unfumisbe If. K. rooms, convenient to MA car. 2 E. Lombard st. FOB KENT. Furnished Rooms. NETHERLANDS HOTEL, 13th and Wash ington, has a tew exceptionally nn rooms with private bath at reasonable rates. A real home lor discriminating people Respectable, homelike and clean. Look u-n up. Mrs. Mary Phillips, prop. A. G. Lambie. mgr. HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison st. at East Sixth. The principal east-side hotel; digni fied and refined; S1.25 per day. double $1.75; $ 6 pe.r week: $22.50 per month. HOTEL TA IT. 11 N. 1 2t h. between Stark and Burr.nido; all outbid1 rooms. stri-t!y modern. quil. very desirable: phone in ;ill rooms. flates $5 a week and up. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrir-on St. at Tenth. Rates $1 day up. Weekly $4.50 up. Steam heat. Free phone and bat ha i'ALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. et.. down town location, respects ble and strictly modern rooms, large, clean. 1 HO.nTk Bdwy. 2-02. Terminal Baggage Transfer Ot.. 6th and Flanders. Baggage stored 5 days free Ch-cVs called tor. AN SON I A HOTEL 14th and Washington. Clean, respectable, modern; transient, $1 up: permanent $4 up; private bath $8, 75c $1 DAY; $2.50 week up: outside rooc .Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. BEAUTIFUL sleeping room, good heat. private bath. Broadway 2266. FURNISHED room. $4 a week. 293 H Stark, room 9. Main 5414. turn ihed Rooms in Priva te Family. FPONT room in home, congenial, refined family: garage If desired. Marshall 3169. FINE garage and very attractive room in modern homeJ96E. 3uth- Tabor 5501. SLEEPING room, private family, one or two gentlemen. Close in call Mar. 2790 69 14TH. near Jefferson, choice room. -Hiking distance. Main 3893. WARM sleeping room for one or two gen tlemen. 474 Salmon st. LA RGE front room including heat and bath 347 13th st- FURNISHED sleeping rooms, furnace heat. 147 N. 17th st. IRVINGTON Room, twin bed, breakfast, 1 block, car. East 419. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family, EXTRA large, modern front room kitchenette, suitable for 3 men or and wife, near North Pacific dental col- icgc. r-none t.ast 8021. FURNISHED sleeping room suitable for lady or gentlemen employed. house keeping privileges. Tabor 3310. ELEGANTLY furnished room for gentle men, walking distance, modern. 729 Glisan. Marshall 3613. YOUNG lady to share home with lady living alone, west side, walking distance. Phone A 1&9. 334 14th street. FURNISHED rooms for rent, reasonable furnace heat, bath, walking disLaaoe, Bdwy. 2142. or 166 N. 21st. NICE L Y f urn ish ed. reasonable rent. 4551. well heated 707 Flanders, rooms Main FURN ISH ED sleeping room, bteam hea. west side; gentlemen only. Te lev home Broadway 3405. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms for one or two people, close in. 300 Hancock. East 6110. LARGE modern room, walking distance, gentlemen only. $15. 343 13th st. Main BEAUTIFUL front room, running water for two. $30; 2 blocks to central library. 215 12th st. LOVELY room, must be seen to be ap preciated. 7S1 Hoyt. Main 2941. PLEASANT sleeping room Irving on. walking distance. East 7K. TOU R 1 STS will find elegant uite. private residence, central, modern. Main 4864. $14 FRONT room in nice home for gent. Mar, cows. 54 Lucretia. nr. 23d and Wash. Rooms With Board. ONE of finest modern homes in city, now Demg utilized to provide home accom modations for discriminating people, of fers 2 double rooms, each with fire place, outside entrance, running hot and cold water; excellent home cooking: ga rage available. Shown by appointment o n : y . East S0S9. NORTOMA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or singie, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comfort of a home. Reasonable rates. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance; $4.50 per week East 4732. 12 E. 7th st. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. SS0 10th st- For business girls and students: reasonable rates. Mar. 125L HARRISON hotel, outside rma., $2.50; table board $6 week. Front and Harrison, Rooni With BusrJ Im Private Family. ESPECIALLY good chance to get room, with board at once: room for man and wiie, also single room; furnace heat and best home cooking. Phone Main 4254, CO.MKuKTABl.K furnished room with board; privileges of private home; one or two people. $40 per month; close in, west side. 424 4th st. Mar. 3378. N I'LY furnished large room. suitable for two, with board ; furnace heat, shower bath, good home cooking. 741 Glisan street. ATTRACTIVE room, hot water heat, with or without board, to refined young man or lady. St. Johns district. Col 978. ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen, in beautiful home. 5 minutes walking dis tance. west Kide. Main 7095. ONE warm room with board suitable for 2 gentlemen or working couple : walking distance. Bdwy. 142. CAN accommodate a few more people with 2 well-cooked meals a day. East &&60. 423 E. 16th st. N. LARGE front room for one or two. with or without board. Main 1539. 746 Irving. C. S. family m ill board little girl, school age, near school. Tabor 2743. BOARD and room for gentleman. 680 E. Ankeny. ast 4Hio. A REAL home and mother love for small girl. Wdin. 6329. Furnished Apartmenta. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier St. Frank store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, and 3-room furnished apts. ; &U outside with French doors and balcony. STELWYN. HIGH CLASS. Furnished 2 and 3-room apts, ;. also single rooms for bachelors; reference re quired. 51arshall 2S3Q. . FURNISHED 2-room apt. and drersine room, modern, fine location, west side, to party buiJnff furniture; a bargain. Gall Marshall 2121 after 9 A. M. Ref erences required. FOR REST Three-room furnished apart ment, including phone, water and elec tric lights, for $35 per month. Phone East 5K3 FURNISHED apt. with kitchenette, also sleeping room, both steam, heated, w est s t i o . garage for rent. Bdwy. 1717. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 3-room apt. to adults that are employed, Bdwy. 2105. Call 12 to 2 P. M. ON E 3-rooin and one 2-apt. nished : quiet, orderly home, hams ave. well 1157 fur-Wil- COMPLETE apartment. $21.50: concrete bldg. Union ave. and Ktlllngswortn. 4-ROOM furnished apartment. $65; children. Call Broadway 4b61. WELL-FURNISHED apt.. 2 bedrooms. we?t side. Call Main 4484. FOR vacant apt. Phone Main 60fS. Unfurnished Apartments. FINE 4-room apartment", choice location; rent $60; no children; references. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Com merce. Main 3026. MERLIN Broadway and Grant st. Nice large 3-room apts.; 2 dressing closets and bath; $36.50 per month; references. FOUR tons briq uets for sale, for rent. Mar. 2431. -room fiat MODERN flat for in ; adults. East rent, east side, close 259. FOR RENT 5-room flat, 30. Main. DESIRABLE close-in 5-room, Phone East Mi0v Furnished Flats. FURNISHED 5-room flat, on car line. eloM in. $30 month. Home phone B 2342. furnished references. flat. heat. janitor, 616 Commercial st. 6-ROOM fla furniture. L, conditioned on purchase of 330 13th et. 5-ROOM upper flat, Taggart, M aln 27. Sunnyside ; rent -i5. 5-ROOM modern, well furnished; with ga- rage. 84 E. 16th. 5-ROOM furnUhed flat for rent. East 5178. HouekeH)i ng Room. TH REE furnished housekeeping rooms, cooking, -gas. garbage, hot water in eluded. $32. 6 East 7th st. South. TRUNKS, BAGGAGE delivered in down town district for 25c; checks called for. Auto Service. Phone EAST 6434. 1 LIGHT H. K. room, convenient and rea sonable; wit h in walking distance. 63 N. 2th st.. near Wash, st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; hot and cold water, steam heat. 5Q1 Harri-on. 3-ROOM fiat, close in; bath and tol'et, light, good furniture, $-5 month. bee Utters. 15 N. 5th st. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, bath, phone, heat close in. Mai 6142. ONE modern housekeepluc room, rent reasonable: children allowed. Phone Bdwy. 4016. GOOD single housekeeping rooms, com pletely furnished, newly renovated. 254 Vs Market st. 3 UNFURNISHED IL K! rooms, private bath. heat, light. water, furnished. Bdwv. 4IU1. 4 FURNISHED bath, phone Bust 1311. housekeeping rooms, gws. and electricity, garage- FURNISHED IL K. rooms, large, clean, airy rooms, reasonable, brick bldg Mar shall 3216. m FU RN ISH ED housekeeping room with or without garage. 321 E. Sth sL N. East 2619. VERY sraail front H. K. room, gas, elec tricity, free ; employed person; $4 per week. 466 Main St. NEAT and clestn 2 -room housekeeping su i te . 3? 4 Pa rk. at. 2 LA RGE furnished housekeeping rooms. 171 N. 17th st. Phone Broadw ay 3229. BIG unfurnished housekeeping rooms, with water. I n q u ire 163 First st.. room 12. t 2 LARGE front housekeeping rooms. 95 N. 13th. cor. Flanders. fctdwy. 3068. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single and double. 10 17th st. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 36J Yamhill. 1 LARGE steajn-heated sleeping room. 469 Jefferson. COZY large furnished H. K. rooms. Broad- way 976. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms. 846 Division. SMALL H. 1 1 th. K. room suitable for one. 291 HOUSEKEEPING suite. 154 N . 18th S t. TWO HOUSEKEEPING at liOl lOth street with I xnan s I 4 s