NT" i ( r 17 THE MORNING OREGOXIA", THURSDAY, DECE3IBER 4, 1910. K a rrn if mcicT II ft l IV flHI.I IU Hi UPON MnDlFIUTlOHS Elimination of Objectionable Protocol Clauses Asked. LITHUANIA ISSUE RAISED Opposition Expressed to Paragraph Permitting Invasion of Country in Time of Peace. PARIS, Dec. 3. (By the. Associated Prss.) Germany is willing , to sign the protocol putting the peace treaty into effect the moment certain clauses objectionable to her in the protocol are eliminated. Baron Kurt von Lers ner, head of the German delegation here, told the Associated Press this afternoon. Full Power Granted. When the German plenipotentiary was shown the statement given out this morning that on Monday he had informed Paul Dutasta,- secretary of the peace conference that Germany had decided not to sign the protocol. Baron von Lersner said: "I have full powers to sign the pro tocol and am ready to sign it at any moment when the question of Scapa Klow is eliminated and referred to The Hague and when there also are eliminated the paragraph relating to the evacuation of Lithuania, which we consider already settled and final, and the paragraph which would per mit the invasion of our country by armed forces in times of peace on any trivial pretext. "We have represented to the su preme council," he continued, "what we consider ample proofs that the German government is not responsible for the sinking of the shiDS at ScaDa Flow, and yet in order not to delay the final conclusion of peace we will submit the matter to The Hague tribunal." Additions Painted Ont. The German plenipotentiary pointed out the paragraphs of the protocol to which his government ob jected were additions to the protocol as provided for in the peace treaty. The question upon which the Ger man representatives here appear most sensitive is the insistence upon the trial of German officers accused of the commission of crimes in France and Belgium. Thus far, it is said, no indications have reached Paris of any disposition on the part of the Germans to modify their attitude. The supreme council today ad dressed a note to Germany protesting against the increase of Germany's armament, contrary to the provisions of the peace treaty. MI D.I ID PLEADS FOR PEACE Prinoe Places Reliance on Wilson ian Principles. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 30. (By the Associated Press.) Abdul Medjid Effendi. son of former Sultan Abdul Aziz, as heir presumptive of the Ot-J toman throne, in an interview given the Associated Press today expressed the hope that the United States would ratify the treaty of Versailles and made an appeal in behalf of his own people. "It is a fine opportunity that America has to help us," he said. "It was not our fault if we got into war but because France and Great Britain sided with Russia against us. I warned the French and the English before the war that they were forc ing us to Germany's side. It would have been a shorter war for them, with the Dardanelles open, if I had been listened to. Also 1 realized that a German alliance would ruin us. What should be done now? It will be remembered that Alsace and Lor raine were one of the causes of 'the great war. Well, if Turkey is par titioned it will make new problems of the same kind. "For the sake of the whole of hu manity, let the nited States of Amer ica continue its fight for an honest peace. The Wilsonian principles are based upon eternal peace for all the world. Let the United States continue fighting until a real,' victorious peace is achieved. If the United States quits now it will mean new disasters." Prince Medjid is nearing his 50th year. For 33 years he was a prison er under the late Stilton Abdul Hamid. He has one wife and two children. WESTERN HERDS TESTED Bureau or Animal Industry Makes Report, for October. WASHINGTON, D. C, Pec. 3. (Special.) The bureau of animal in dustry, department of agriculture, has just issued its monthly bulletin riving a summary of the bovine tu berculosis eradication work for the month of October. This shows that the test was applied to 57.270 animals in 3251 herds in the country during October, and that 2S21 animals re acted. In the state of Oregon the test was applied to 534 animals in 46 herds with 23 readers. In Washington the test was applied to 3865 animals in 362 herds with 83 readers. In Idaho the test was applied to 936 animals in 56 herds with 3S readers. The per centage of readers in the Pacific northwest states is small as com pared with that in other sections of the country. Oregon now has a total of 24 ac credited herds. Washington 11 and Idaho 3. OAKLAND I.W.W. CONVICTED Offender Cutter Xew Male Law tiels Prls-on Sentence. OAKLAND. Cal., I'dc. 3. James McHtigo. former local secretary of the Industrial Workers of the World, was fouiM guilty iate today of crim inal syndicalism, the first conviction in California under the new state law making distribution of revolu tionary literature a felony. The Jury deliberated five minutes. The penalty is a prison sentence of from one to 14 years, which is to be Imposed Decem ber 6. I. W. W. leaders throughout the United States were said to have re garded this a test case, and an eastern attorney was sent here to de fend McHugo. LINES PREPARE FOR RUSH Regional Director Orders Larger Force Put On for Holidays. In preparation for an exceptionally heavy ChrtBtmas holiday travel the regional director haar advised railroad UbHA UIUI traffic and operating officials to ar range to handle the business with the greatest possible degree of efficiency. Requirements of business are to be carefully estimated and sufficient equipment and power provided to handle the traffic without overcrowd ing or delaying movement of trains. It is anticipated that the movement i of mail, parcel post and express will exceed that of any previous year, and that there wiil be an unprecedented i passenger traffic. Instructions have been issued for additional employes in ticket offices, baggage and parcel rooms, information bureaus, and if necessary in the number of depot pas senger representatives. Ticket hours will be changed dur ing the period of heavy sales, and persons intending to make trips are urged to make their reservationsand procure tickets well In advance. WAGE ACT OUT OF PLACE POBTLAJfD KRAMER- GETS OP POBTUXITV TO MAKE CHAXGE. Article 1, Oregon Constitution, Sow f. i . Carries Liquor and Death Penalty Amendments. SALEM, Or. (Special.) Because J. , E. Medley, of Portland, author of the j proposed constitutional amendment ; fixing the minimum wage for men in j Oregon, at $4 a day of eight hours, and the salaries of women at 20 a week of 8 hours, apparently became I confused regarding the sections of j the' constitution he desires to amend, Attorney-General Brown today in- , formed Mr. Medley that It would be I permissable; for him to submit an- I other proposed constitutional amend ment before the ballot title could be completed. The attorney-general's letter to Mr. Medley in part is as follows: "The intent of this letter is to call your attention, to a proposed bill for an act to amend article 1 of the con stitution of the state of Oregon by adding thereto a section to be known and designated as section 36. "You are advised that there are already two sections 36 of article 1 of the constitution of the state of Ore gon. One section 36 oi article 1 pro hibits the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors. A second section 36 of article 1 or the constitution pro hibits the death penalty within the state of Oregon. "It seems to me that you would not wish another amendment to the con stitution designated as section 36 of said article. While it is not an official duty of this office to call your atten tion of the fact, nevertheless it is within the law for me to do so. "If you care to submit another pro posed constitutional amendment in lieu of the one you designate article 1. section 36. you have that privilege. In the meantime I will withold writ ing ballot title for a few days." Aged Brooks Resident Dead. SALEM, Or., Dec. 3. (Special.) R. H. Vibbert of Brooks died at his home there last night at the age of 87. He' is survived by the following children: Mrs. Robert Hays, R. D. Vibbert, Brooks; J. G. Vibbert. Hood River; L. J. Vibbert. Salem; Mrs. Vir gil Loomis, Ray Zosel and Mrs. Carl AspinwaU. all of Brooks. Seattle's Oldest Resident Dead. SEATTLE, Wash,. Dec. 3. Claim was made here yesterday that Henry Mead, who died Sunday at his grand son's home here, aged 97, was Seat tle's oldest resident. Mead was the oldest member of the Seattle Bor rowed, Time club, an organization of men and women well advanced in years. Louisiana Oil Goes TTp. SHREVEPORT, La.. Dec. 3. The Standard Oil company today posted an increase of 25 cents per barrel on all grades of Louisiana oil. Peruvian Cabinet Resigns. WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. The Peru vian cabinet has resigned in a body, the state department w as advised today. CHENEY "Let the Cheney sing ror you. It has a voice of matchless sweetness. It Is clear serene satisfying. We give daily demonstrations. Come in. Ask to hear the Cheney. It will delight yoa. Write for Catalogue. GJFJ0BHS0HPlAN0Cft.t 14 Sixth Street, CbU'l&erlnir Planoa Cheney l'honograplil. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFT. BEAUTIFCL. ermine coat, will lell for 1ms than ha.it it. cost. More than 200 .kin. were usd to maku this coat: never been worn, a'ibo 2 beautiful new white plumes, cost $40. wiil sell for $0. Marshall S6rfU. RIDING HABIT, size 36, made by best habit maker in Portland: worn once; cost $10: will sell for $."S0. Marshall 2Kt0. X-OST Gold crescent pin set with pearls. Reward. SSO Salmon st. Main 3732. 6-ROOM modern bungalow Rose City Park. Phone Tabor 84S1; 30. AM t'SEMENT BROADWAY HALL DA1SCB Brerr Evening; Except Sunday Broadway Novelty Orchestra Publlo Invited. Broadway and Main gpa g! ESP' ! 111111 AMUSEMENTS. - TICK ET OFFICE SALE- Now Open TJt?TT Tp Broadway at Taylor AJ-XJUXVJ Phone Main 1. 3XIGHBTesK,na,nJ0NIGHT,8:l5 SPECIAL PRICE MAT. SAT. A FROLICSOME FARCE OF FUlIMiE FOIBLES WILL BE "TOWN TALK" A.H.WOOD5 presents The Play thab start.ed N.Yor? a Paiama Jag A SUPERB COMPANY, Including Julie Ring, Dorothy s I a y t or, Cnrewe Carvel. Dorothy Blackburn, Jeanette Bergead, Saerer Midarley. Jamea orval, Nicholas Judr la, Fred erick Clayton, Joseph A. Bingham. j Identical Slew York Production EVES. Floor. $2; Balcony. ,1.60. H; Gallery, reserved, 75c; Adm. 50c. SAT. MAT. Floor. $1.50; Balcony, 1, 50c. ' BAKER pTOCK COMPANY. Tonight All Week Mat. gat. POUV'ANKA, Sweetest Story Ever Written. Buy Your Meats 'ow. Next Week: "Cheating- Cheaters." Tonight, All Week. Wed., Sat. Mats. ALCAZAR In the American-Japanese Opera, FASTA.VA. 500 Seats Floor. 75c; All Bal. 50c. NEXT NOBODY HOME. ItJBHrMWfciirni m.n ,fMTrnTin.?r A N T A C E MAT. DAILY 2:30 A Study in Royal Blue BEATRICK MORELLE SEXTETTE The Musical Treat of the Season. 6 OTHER BIG ACTS Three Performances .Daily. Night Curtain at 7 and . LYRIC UUSiCAX CO.Ui.lJl Mat. DHl'ly; Nights at 7 and 9. UILLHN FRANKS. Eccentric Comedians. aiiU Uie Bosebad Chorus in The Hypnotist jVoneense, Burlesque and Pretty Girls. Chorus Girls' Contest Friday Night. VAUDiVILLE 3 Mchta Sun-Mon-Tuep 15 to 1 4 Mats Sun-Mon-Tues-Wed 15c 75c Hyms & Mclntyre James H. Cullen: Watts & Hawley: Cartmell & Harris Kut Ward: The Van Cellos: Sinograms (Exclusive) Topics of Day: Charles and Henry Rigoletto This ShoTr Closes With the Matinee Vedneday, Dec 10. Af T T "C FOURTH AT X J 11 Hi WASHINGTON ENID BENNETT IN "THE LAW OF MEN" Also big V comedy, "Tootsies and Ta maliet," and the Ford Weekly. Open from 9 o'clock In the morning until 4 o'clock of the following morning. "CINDA LOU" Trot) SHIMMIE The Bis Dance Orchestra DeLuxe, Mooae Hall Every TueNday, Thursday and Saturday INtxbta. Res.. 80 Eart 26th at. Fhone Kast 5545. nuu GUARANTEED In eight lessons ladles $2.50. gentlemen $6.00 at De Honey's Beau tiful Academy. 23d and Washington. N ew Clnae fur Begrlnnera start Monday and Fri day e v e n i n gs. Ad vanced classes T u e s day and Thursday e v e n i n gs, 8 to 11:30. this week. AH latest and popular dances taught in eight three-hour lessons. LtOIES 2.SO GENTLEMEJi 5.00 Plenty of desirable partners and practice. No embarrassment. Sepa rate step room and extra teachers for backward pupils. My latest book de scribing all dances free for pupils. Our classes are large and select and the social feature alone is worth dou ble the price. Other schools derive their rjrozits from public dances. We cater to teaching alone and conduct our classes the entire evenings. No doubt one lesson rrom us is worth i six in the average school. Private lessons afternoon and evening. Lvarn in a real school where they guarantee to make a dancer of you. Phone Main 7sa. Learn the new rocker waltz, latest and beautiful waltz creation. SUNDAY AFTERNOON DECEMBER 7TH. AT 3 O'CLOCK, AT ALCAZAR THEATER WINIFRED BYRD "AMERICA'S WONDER PIAXIST" Seats " ow oi Theater Sale at Ah Boi Office. PRICES 3, Sl-SO VI. 7.1c and BOe. Tfider Management of WESTERN MVMCAL BIREAt, IXC Laurence A. Lambert, Gen. Msrr 2S7 Washington Street. THE BE ST IN (Fl.I A SLOW Noif Belnar I'catnred by AMUSEMENTS. .THE BEST DRESSED SHOW OF THE SEASON nrT in r?r SHOWS DAILY ! THE SEVEN RUSSELLS Comedian. Singers, Dancers), In strumentalist. Earn Per former an Artlat. "THE LOVE CHEAT" JUNE CAPRICE SEVEN ATTRACTIONS SEVEN TWOINCNE VAUDEVILLE - PHOTOPLAYS TWO BIG SHOWS MATINEES EVENINGS 17c 25c Movies Ball mud Entertainment Auditorium Tuesday, Dec. 9 Something- doing- every minute from 8:30 P. M. till 2 A.M. There will be Twelve Big Vaudeville ' Acta and a Twenty-Iive-Plece Orchestra ST owelty Stunt Feature Comedy Movies and a (rand Dance. Tou can come early and stay late and be as sured of a good time all the time. Get your tickets at IHERMAlf-CXAT CO., TODAY. Gentlemen 81. OO WAR Lad lea, 50c TAX ii.iurtiin i air niir- AUCTION SAI.K8 TODAY. At th Baker Auction House, Yamhill and West Park streets, gale at 10 A. M. MEETING NOTICES. OREGON COMMANDBRT, NO. 1, K. T.. announce their formal card and dan cing .party tonight (.Thurs day) evening, Dec. 4. C. F. W1EGAXD. Rec FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. 160, A. F. AND A- M. Special communication, today (Thurs day). Dec. 4, at 1 P. M for the purpose of conducting fune ral services of our late broth er. O. E. Buttertield of Elma lodge. No. 6-", F. and A. M.. of Klma. Wash. Fune ral from Miller & Tratey's at 2 P. M., to Riverview cemetery. Plea bring auto. By order of W. M. H. F. CHAPIN. Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. Ill, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thurs day) afternoon at 1:45 for th purpose of attending the fu neral services, of our late brother, George B. Wright, of Philadelphia Lodge. No. 72. A. F. and A. M. of Philadelphia. Pa. Services will be htM at Fin ley's at I': 30. Please bring autos. C. K. MILLER, Sec. EASTGATE LODGE. NO. 155, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication Saturday even ing, Dec. 6. 7:30 o'clock. Work in M. M. degree to be con ferred by team from court house. Eant 80th and till nan nt. Visiting brothers cordially invited to at tend. E. P. MERTZ, W. M. C. P. NELSON. Sec. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Thurs day) evening at 8 o'clock. Ma Konic Temple. Annual meet inc. election and innta lint ion or orricers. ViHlting brethren always wel come. By order W. M. FRED L01.SON, Secretary. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. Ill, A. F. AND A. M. Spe clai communication this (Thursday) afternoon at 4:30 ana t o ciock in the evening. Work in the K- A. Hiroa y tciiiuH uiciiireii wwicnm". C. E. MILLER, Secretary. SUNN YS1DK LODGE NO. 163, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thursday) evening. 7 PM. Work in the 1M vr hw. j Visiting brother welcome. By order of W. M. JOHN JUNKER, Bec SELLWOOD LODGE, NO. 131. A. P. AND A. M. Special meeting this (Thursday) even ing, r o'clock. Work K. A. degree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. BUTLER. Sec. MARTHA WASHINGTON benefit bazaar tonight, east side Masonic hall. E. 8th and Burn side. All members of the order and their friends most cordially Invited. Good time assured Re freshments; musical programme. .Admis sion free. MARTHA WASHIVQTON CHAPTER NO. 14, O. E. S. Members requested to attend funeral services of Sister Stella W. Johnson today - (Thursday) 2 P. M. at F. S. Dunnina. Inc.. parlors. E. 6th and Alder. By order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Sec B. P. O. ELKS NO 143. Regular ntttlaf this (Thursday) evening-. Elks temple, 8 o'clock; visiting brothers welcome. M. R. SPALDING. Sec STAR LODGE NO. 19. I. O. O. F. Regular meet ing tonight at Baker ball, Klllingsworth and Albina vpr The Initiatory de gree will be conferred on a large, class. Visitors welcome. . i E KEN WORTHY. N. O. C E. WILSON. Sec. MINERVA LODGE NO. 1, I. O. O. F. All members requested to meet Thursday evening. 7:80 P. M. sharp, at Oddfellows' Temple. -6 Alder st. Business of impor tance and Grand Master K. L. Hubbard will pav us an off leal visit. FRED S1EBENTHAL. N. Q. pro tern. PETER WIEDEMANN. Sec. ONEONTA TRIBE. NO. 2," IMPROVED ORDER OF P.ED MEN Regular council this venlng at 8 o'clock at W. O. W. hall. East Ath and East Alder streets. -Nomination and election of chiefs for ensuing term. Members urged to attend. Visiting broth ers welcome. L. B. SMITH. C. of R. GOLDEN RULE ENCAMPMENT NO. 28. I O. O. F. Special meeting and enter tainment this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. East 8th and Alder sts. Royal Purple degree. All patriot and subordi nate members cordially invited. S. H. STARR, Scribe THE MACCABEES. PORTLAND TENT NO. 1. Regular review every Thursday. 409 Alder street. All members urged to be oreaent. Visiting sir knights welcome. GEO. B. BAKER, R. K. CARD PARTT and dance. Woodmen temple. 128 11th St., Thursday. December 4, .i...n !i v Portland Council. K. a L. of S. Cash D riles, good music: admission 25 cents. P. C. ANDERSON, Chairman. THE1 LADIES' AUXILIARY OF THE B. OF R T. have postponed their silver tea from Thursday, Dec 4 to Friday. Dec 6. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plna. new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-8 8th st. PRIEDLANDEH'S for lodge emblems. class pins and medals. 810 Washington st. DIED. j APLAXALP In this city at her residence. I 4S fc-ast 11th street. Peceniber a. 118. Elizabeth Aplanalp. aged 07 years 1 month 11 days; deceased is survived by J iiuoumiu. reicr, ana two non. eruei ShHd.0l2u member of the RwIkm Tdi-.' Aid ciety and Aster Circle, No. l.VJ. NiKh bors of Woodcraft, a,lo Germania Sinters. Loci no No. 3, O. D. H. K. Remains are at the parlors of the Skewe Undertalt insr Co., corner Third and Clay. unerai notice later. PALM In this city, Dec. 2. Charles Palm, aired 74 years. Remains are at the Dunning: & McEntee funeral parlors, Broadway and Anlteny st. funeral no tice later. FINtBAL NOTICES. PATTERSON At the residence at Multno mah station. December 1. Mrs. Kate Patterson, aged H3 years: beloved wits of James Patterson, mother of Mrs. Kate Bergen ot this city and Mrs. J. Robinson. Farmington, Or., and Mrs. Hattie Younger, also of this city.' Funeral services will be held Thursday. Decem ber 4. at 2 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller Ac Tracey. Interment at Rose City Park cemetery. KENNEDY In this city. December 1. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. S. W, Rosebrook. 50 East 3Sth street North. ' Martha Ann Kennedy, aged 61 ears; mother of Hazel D. Kennedy of Se attle. Wash., and Mrs. S. W. Rosebrook of this city. The funeral services will be held this (Thursday) morning at 11:30 o'clock at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. ALLEN In this city. December 1. J. C. Allen, 949 East Salmon street, died at Portland sanitorium. aged 69 years; native of Culpepper, Va. ; beloved hus band of Mrs. Jennie Allen and Father of L. M. Allen of Los Angeles and Mrs. R. E. Gamble of Chicago. 111. Funeral services conducted by Sannyeide lodge of Masons, December 3. at 3 P. M.. at the Breeze A Snotfk undertaking parlors, CHAPMAN In this city, December L. Sarah Jane Chapman, aged 72 years; survived by a niece and nephew, Sadie and Peter L. Laurence. Funeral cortege will leave the chapel of Miller Tracey. Thursday, December 4. at 9 A. M.. thence to th Pro-Cathedral. 15th and ' Davis streets, where requiem mass will be offered at 9:15 A. AL Interment at Alt Calvary cemetery. JOHNSON At the family residence. 571 East Ash.. November 30, Stella Walling Johnson, wife of Walter Johnson, mother of Eva and Klva Johnson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jesse D. Walling. Funeral services will be held Thursday, December 4, at 2 P. M.. from the con servatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc. 414 Last Alder, r riends invited. DEARIAULT At Seattle. Wash.. Novern- Der u, lwiv. iouise u. Deariauit. agea 47 years; beloved mother of Joe W. and E. R. Geisler of Portland. Or. Friends invited to attend the funeral services at Ho! man funeral parlors, Third and Salmon streets, at 10:30 A. M. today (Thursday). December 4, 1919. Interment .Riverview cemetery. NELSON In this city. December 2. 1119 941 Mississippi avenue, Anna J. rveison. aged 75 years. Friends invited to at tend the funeral services t the Port land crematorium. 14 th and By bee sts. at 3:30 P. M. today (Thursday), be cember 4. 1919. Remains at llolman's Undertaking Co., Third and balmon streets. WESTPHAL The funeral cortege of Bernhardene Westohal will leave th residence, 1695 Corbett street, Thursday. Dec-ember 4. at 8:30 A. M .. thence to fcL Clare's church, at Capitol Hill, where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Interment at Mt. Calvary cemetery. Ar rangements In care of Miller Ac Tracey. BUTTERFIELD At Grangeville. Idaho November 27. Otis E. Butterrtm, agea 89 years, beloved husband of KUa but terfield. father of Bernice Butterfield Funeral services will be held Thursday. Dec. 4. at 3 P. M-, at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Riverview cemetery. WRK1HT The funeral services of th late George B. Wright will be held to- dav (Thursday), at l!:U o clock p. m at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Incineration at the Portland crematorium. SPIVEY The funeral service of the late riara SDivev will be neia today i i nurs day), at 3:30 o'clock P. M., at Finley's, Montgomery at tilth. r riends invited Interment at Mount Scott Park ceme tery. ' FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTOMOBILE LI VERY. Marshall 114. FLOKISTS. LUBLIN ER. FLORIST. 328 Morrison St.. Portland hotel. Mar. 753. 4S Morrison, bet. Bdy. and Park. Mar. 2o, Portland's Lead tug Slower bhops. MARTIN "& FORBbS CO., florists, 3 Washington. Main 269. A 120U. Flowers for all occasions artisticany arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 2S7 Morrison iL Main 7 TOU. Fine fioweis and floral de signs. No branch stores. 1KVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO., 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers; lowest prices. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 3121, Sell Ing building. Sixth and Aiaer sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington t bet- 4th and 6th. Main aiUJ, A Ubi FUNERAL D1KKCTOIW. Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Ktreeta Main 507. A 1511. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY ' perfect Funeral Service for Iess. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. Bt.. bet. 20th-lt.. west side. Main ttl. 1-a.dy Assistant. A TSS3. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL. DIRECTORS, Broadway and PinA at. Phone Broadway -430-. A 4oS. Lady attendant. J.P.FINLEY&SON PROGRESSIVE KUInkkal uinjutto Main 9. Monigomcry at 5th. A 1599. McENTEE & EILERS ir- ...t n.rlnrR Wirh all tho DflVtcy Of home. 16th and Everett fits. Faona Broad way 21S3; home. A laS. F. S. DUNNING. INC., At a c il1pi Phone East 62. --ort service, personal direction, free u,e of floral chapel and auto equipmen DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wllbon at rw. jiuiviiwiii.u at E. "h East 64. Irvington district. P. L. LERCH K 11 til and Clav East 781. T 18.13. ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison Broadway 23o4. A. D. KEN WORTHY CO.. 6802-04 02d st.. Lents. Tabor S28T. a n TTI I TD Pfl 692 Williams Ave East 10SS. C 108S. rTnT7iT7"7T7i P. CMnnf 1047 Belmont. DXVUiXZJXJ on wa. T. 1258. B SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. JU 4102, a z-'zi. i-auy assistan AtTLTB AND CBKMATION. Vault Burial lion Disinterments for either. Hell. 911 MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS tM rh Bt., Opp City Ha lalL Ken Bra. 6LAE.SING GRANITE CO THIRD AT WADI5QN 3TWEET Baiten for Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian. Dally and Sunday Per line. One line :2e Two consecutive tlnaea. .t-e Three consecative time. .803 Seven consecutive times. .......... .83c The following clnsalf lmtlons except 1, the rate of which la 7c per line per day Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. No ad taken for lews than two line. Count six words to tbe line. Advertisement (except "Person nia") will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser la n subscriber to either phone No price will be quoted over the phone, but statements will bo rendered uie 101 lowing any. Adver tisement nr taken for The Dally Ore gonian nntil 7:30 P. M. 1 for The ban day Oregonian until 8 p. M. fentarday Portland Business Bulletin directory of business firms and professional men condensed and claa- suiea lor reaay reierei.ee ror rates information, telephone The Oregonian, ACCOUNTANTS. ULIUS R. BLACK, accountant, auditor. specialist on Involved accounta. Modern ystems Installed, maintained. J28-9 Plt- toca block. Telephone Broadway n. ALTERATION'S. RK MODELING, refitting and altering ladies garments; prices reasonaDie. work guaranteed. L Reuoins. ladies tail or, 408 Bush &. Lane bldg. AMSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second joio, silver and platinum bought. CARPET WEAVING. DlIQCThe kind that wear the best are llWiJi) made from vour wnrn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress 153 Union ave.) Rag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mall orders solicited. 188 E, 8th st. Phone East 3580. B 1280. LUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Kag Rugs, all sixes Mall orders prompt. - , Bend for Booklet. WI13 rugs steam or dry cleaned. $1.60. ka FLUFF RUG CO. 64-68 Union ave. N. Fiast 6518. B 1.45. JTELLCXOID BUTTONS. THR IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. -S7 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 800,000 KNOW McMahon. 100 Chlroprac- . i nronsa pronounce treatment easi st, best, permanent. 81 "treats" $15. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Bstelle and Florello De Veny. in oniy scientific chiropodists and arch specialists- in the city. Parlors 802 Ger linger bldg.. S W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot soerialist: corns, bun iwot arcnes made to order, pwetiand bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main 108L CIRCULAR LETTERS. VKAIMS Lr.TTER CO. 1510-11-12 Rnv.l uing. Marshall .Ifii? Viiltl.mnhinr "'"''"graphing and mail advertising COLLECTIONS. NETH CO.. Worcester bid. Main 1 T96. No collections, no charge. Katab. 1900. DANCING. Mr. Summers Berkeley dancing academv. 129 4th st.; 8 firs.: lesson day. eve. class. inurs. i.soies a, gents Ji. Main 831 S. MRS BATH'S DANCIN-o ArAn'tiiif si floor Dekum'bldg.. private lesson, day : class lues. eve. Main 1.145 ELNORA FLECK Ballet!" terhnlnue. toe: natur oriental dancinir: babies a spe cialty. 129 4th at. Main 3318. DANCING I.ady ballrooni Inst ructor will give private lessons nt her home: reason- able rates. Tabor 8004. DANCE. W. O. W hsll No. S. Sat. 60c and "J-'.C- Kverj-body come. BALLROOM and stage danrlna. ' Miss Dorothy Rasmussen. 610 Ellers bldg. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITT VETERTXART HOSPITAL. 41.-. Kast Seventh. East 1S47. B 1962. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. II.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. V : 1 ' " ve- ) VS)1V3e winding and electrtcal repairing ? a specialty. See us about new or - used motors. Bdwy.1045. A 1046 HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwoou Floor Co.. 187 W.Park at. HEMSTITCHING. K. STEPHAV. hemstlich'.ng, scalloping, ac- co-aion side pleat, buttons Covered; mail oraerK. 21U Pittock alk. Broadway 1U20. WHOLESALERS AND GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg HATS AND CAPS. THANIIAL'SEK HAT CO.. 03- Front sL Hll )KS. WOOL AND CASCARA BAR K.. KAHN BROS.. 1H5 Front St. -w PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. KLINE. 84-S6-87-89 Front st. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. HS-70-.2 Front St.. Portland. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. P.ASMUSSEN A CO.. Second and Taylor. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Office room, 153 courthouse. Phone Main 37S from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of th city pound at Its home. 635 Columbia boulevard. roona any umr, w uuu lawn 7S4. Dogs for sale. Horse am hnlance for sick, or disabled horse. Small animals painlessly electrocuted when necessary, ana stray animata cared tor. NEW TOD AT. GARAGES For All Cars Prices on Application Ready-Cut and Portable Houses MILLMADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY l01 Union Ate. Bi Wdla. 2413. af. lajjssaasfiU SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old Roars and Woolen Clothing. We Matte Reversible. Hand - Wove FLUFF RUGS Tkey Wear Like Iron. MaU Order. 'o' Booklefc . Baa Hues Woveu. All Siaea. Carpet Gleaning zl3 Knar. Steam Cleaned. l..Ms, WEs'ikRK FA.liFK BLG CO, 4 Lnioa Ave. H. iSnt S.6. M Id. Apartment House Building for Sale Bl rooms and store, centrally located. In Nob Hill district. Part cash, bal- term. No trade. Inquire of ... . nd 7 Bri.adwiv, bctrreea Oak and AnWeny. STORAGE SPACE l.e. titrate Our Plant nd Hate wkv unm exDenslve lease uuuur CLAY S. MORSK, IXC Drayase and Storase. .".i. h -lim. Phone 11 aery, mg, MORTGAGE LOANS Marshall 4114. A 411S. Improved city and farm propertr. btatallment reaayment privtlea M referred l airompt. rcUable ervlc A. H. BIRRELL CO. (17-21 Worthweatera Mash Mnlldlni DO YOU REQUIRE MONEY? ! WE HAVE FROM $2000 TO $50,000 'tll Loan on Modem Hwellliici ur Baatnea Property. Apply to J 437, OHEOO.VLA..V. oy wie mo nun or jex, ur Main 7070 or A 6095, Honse 29. FKRT1I.IZEK. FERTILIas R. About hundred loaus horse and cow manure, delivered. o.i0 truck load. Tabor 8735. MAM'l'AC TV RING JEWELERS. W. F. ROSS A CO.. INC M. Ml'SCOVlTZ. MANAGER. Manufacturing jewelers, agate cutting, diamond setting, designers. Wholesale, 61 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Washington. JEWELRY. WB MANUFACTURE genuine jade jew elry In 4-karat gold mountings; we also manufacture Chinese character e net rinss; repair watches aud other Jew elry; our prices are reasonable and our work is guaranteed. oriental Jewelry Co.. 4 Washington streeu OPTICIANS. NO PROKlTEERlNii ON SPECTACLES. Dr. George Kuucnstein. the veteran op tician, still fits the best eyeglasses at very moderate prices. Tories. Kryploks. also the cheaper gradeaL 2i Morrison. OFFICE ITKMTl'RE CLEANING. DOES your office furniture . need cleaning? Call Main charge for consultation and desks 4::10. No OPTOMKTK1STS ANO OPTU'LANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. 1 solicit your patronage on the basis ot cat ahie service. Thou sands of satisfied cutomers. A r - Lid. trial will oonvinc you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist, iron Morrison. M. -1-4. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R C. WRIGHT 22 V ears' experience V.S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. GOLDBLKG, 620 Worcester bldg. M. aSL'tt. PHYSICIANS. BR. R. A. PHlLLiPS. Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, luug. liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, remal disorders, ekin affections, hlood pressure. PLIMB1NU SI PrLlES. PL111B1.V1 SUPPLIES AT WHOLKSALB prices. Btarke-Lavls Co.. 212 JJ. M. 7M PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. K. Oantenbeln. Manager. Prinliug and linotyping. 100 "j Front sL. corner titark. Main or A 1418. DPIVTWP'F. W. BALTES & COMPANY. I lllil I lilU 1st ana Oak sts. M. ltis. A una SECOND-ILAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE A Fl'RNITURE CO.. 21 FRONT ST. We buy and sell everything In th hardware and furnltur line. Phono Main S'.'TO. A 7174. "painting! JOHN P. NEWELL A SONS, painters and ri.....r.mr. v tnuke a snectaltv of re finishitiz hardwood floors. Res. 7611 Belmont st East 6611. 7- ir rKHRllJ. house, sien Dalntlng. p nerinif. lintlna. Tabor 2611. 310 E. 44th. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU, not Dekum bldg. U. S.. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OK EGO;. AUTO DESPATCH "The Service With a Reputation." MOViNG-P AC KG-STOR AGE-BAGGAGE 1.11a and Kearney. Branch Bdwy rrtJNc BDWY. 3303 OREGON TRANSVER CO., 474 Gllfnn St corner 1 3th. I'hone Broadway lHt o llfil. We own ttnd eft-erato two larea u m "A warehouses on terminal tracks. UwMt Insurance rates In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 24S Pine, PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE TKANSFFR CO.. 105 PARK ST. MAIN 5111... A lost WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid, old watches and jewelry, condition no object. Heiner Jeweiry Co., 441 V- asn. st. MANUFACTURERS MILL SUPPLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 6S-7U-72 Front St.. Portland. PI.l MBTN'G AND STEAM Sl'PPLlF.S. NB. 84-86-87-89 Front at. PEEIiI.ESS PACIFIC COMPANY, 68-70-72 Front St., Portland, PRODffE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. E VERDI NO A FARKELL. 140 Front su ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. Build Your Own Garage Sectional Garage to you anywhere In the northwest. You can set it up in a few hours. Send for circular. RED1MA0E BUILDING CO. 315 E. lltb St. Phone Kast 6114. Portland. Or. THREE - STORY BRICK BUILDING 25x100 189 FIRST ST. DETWEEX YAMHILL AXO TAYLOR, WILL BE SOLD at auction at the County Courthouse. December 8th. at 10 A. M., to the rug nest bidder. THREE - STORY BRICK BUILDING 50x95 164-166 Second Street BETWKKN MORRISON A.MJ YAMHILL WILL BE SOLD at auction at the County Courthouse, December 8th. at 10 A. M.. to the highest bidder. WB CsXl FOR rOCB OLD CARPETS. ft n trm a4 Wool, fTlotafas;. W Malt Beautiful Hand-Wos-r FLUFF RUGS All Work Tmi Out Promptly. R( Ran Wotci All Slse Hall Order. Send for Booklet. Carpel Cleaned. Laid aad Be fitted. OBTRWKST RTJfi CO. 188 East 8th 9C Pkoae aCaat We will deliver a PEPIMADF. 'EW TOP AT, Portland Rug Company MANrrACTiRrRs or FLUFF RUGS -THFatK'S A DIF i.sU.'CJi. WK V ICAt ALL flLa IN BOTH FLUFF AND KAU KIGS. Let Is Call for Tour Old Csrvets, Work Will Be Returned "Promptly. stall Orders t.ivea Prompt Attaauoa. 1V CLEAN CAk.1 ETS. Portland Rug Company 167 Cast Seventeenth Street. Pnone B 1K1, Lither Pmcifia or llesne. 51 &f BlortgageLoans 720 E-ward E Gondej Co. V. a. Bank Balldlasj REAL ESTATB. 10h CASH 100. UIO CASH $100. -10O 6-room cottage: full plumping, tiast.. elect, and gas. fruit; lien pd. ; near 74th and Gllaan; non-res. Main 4sOi. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. ARINGTON BLDG; "35 YRS. IN PORTLAND." WILL TRADE MY FOUR-TON TKUOaC Knit PROPERTY. WHAT HAVE VOH? GIVE DESCRIPTION IN FIRST LET TER. H 306. OREGONIAN. For Sale Lota. STEAL THESE. Two Rose city Park lots, 1 block to car, level, 400. See Mr. Rhode, with THE K RED A. JACOBS COMPANT. 104 Fifth Street. Main H6. ALAMEDA PARK LOT 2i00 Lot 80xSO in best location la Alameda Park, on front facing city; on th Ala meda and Regoata drive; unobatruot view. HENRY W. GODDARD. 248 Stark at. MUST BE CASH Som big snaps In Laureihurst lota. No locations given by phone. Call on m at office. East 39th and Gllsan sts., today. It will repay you. MR. DELAHCNTY WILL sacrific Laurelhurst lot. all lien. paid, tiooo: term if desired. Would consider exchange. V 783. Oregonian. EAST SIDE 60x100 corner, fin buildlne- alte. Sell at sacrifice. Call 111 E. 87th St., near Alder. Owner. TWO lots on and Going .;12. East 14th. between Prescott sts.: terms to , suit. Main tor Sale Flat and Apartment Property. ABOUT 10 PER CENT NET. A large 6-riat building, west side. In first-class condition, lot 52x92W; 5 baths, total pric 165O0. 13500 cash, bal ance to suit: gross income $720 yarlv; lessee, however, sublets for $1162 yearlv Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chain, ot Com. Open Sundays. For Sale -House ROPE CITT BUNGALOW. Tnis $oOOO bungalow for $45u0 on very easy terms. Six large rooms, living and dln inir room across th front of h.tuse; artistic fireplace, beau iitul buffet, hardwood flours. Dutch kitchen, two good-sisd bedrooms and bath and break fast room: floored attic, ce ment basement. Every room is well enameled either In white or Ivory. This Is an ideally arranged home and ha every convenience. Call Ever son. Main 6869. $-'-'ll. SOUTH OF LAURELHURST. Here Is a real home bargain. On E. Morrison street, near 31st. Just south of Laurelhurst park and close to Mt. Tabor and Sunnlle cars, is a modern 7-room home with sleeping porch, white enamel plumbing fixtures, electric lights and pas. This is close In. Can be handled on terms of $50O down and i2o per month. We have over 600 photo graphs of Inspected homes In our office lor .al. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUlRK. TO BUT YOUR HOME. AbinKton Building. Main 1068. Qfln-e Open Evenings and Sundays. XBAR WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL, it-room house with large floored attic, f ull r Aenient. furnitce. on & beautiful lot. fai-lng east; no mortpajce to asaume nd con vonient terms cap be arranR-tl; w r hoiicve this to be a rarge bargain.; COB A. MrKENNA A CO., ti-J Fourth Street, Main 4X22. 1RST-CLASS duplex house, Irvinpton; fine income, modern, hardwood floors. til'd baths, furnace and fireplace. New modern bungalow in St. Johns, 7 block; from main buBine&a district, on car Hue. Fine bungalow, flrnt-cl&ss home, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace. I am owner and will deal with buyers only. Phone East 7S.5. WEST SIDE HOME. 9 AOO DOWN. On Savier su, near :'Kth. -room mod ern liome, full cement basement, furnace and fireplace, white enamel plumbing, electricity and ks; unusual bargain. We have over GOO home for vale. .SlOfi FRANK L. MctiUlRB. To Buy Your liome. Abington Bld- Main 103$. 00 WILL. HANDLE. Nice r.-room cottage on a weH-Im-proved lot. which is 00x135, with fruit, bt-rries and shrubbery, on a hard-sur face itreet, with improvements in and paid for. Price only $1700, ?200 cash, balance monthly. Main 3767. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632, ;33, 634 N. W. Bank Bldjr. A REAL. SNAP. 7-room. strictly modern; fireplace, Oerman-Dutch kitch. etc.; full cement basement, hardwood floors In living and dining room: alL, Improvement in and paid. Price $..-.-0, terms. STEWART & BUCK. aJ15 N. W. Bank bldg. WEST SIDE HOME. 6-room house, hot-water furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, full cement base ment. wash trays, Karaite, 50x100 lot, hard-surfaced sts. and sewer in and paid. $j00. Overton st. Vacant. Rl'MMBLL 3c RUMMELL, 274 Stark st. HOUSES at cost price, on rental pay ments, S. E. cor. Mississippi and Wlo rhell; Kenton car: one has 3 rooms with fireplace, full plumbing, also toilet and laundry in basement; the other has 3 rooms, no plumbing, but furnished for housekeeping: price $3'.'K0, on monthly pay men ts. AH 8-8, Oregonian. NIFTY home of 4 rooms and bath, fully furnished; paved st., sew tar all in and paid ; interior finished In cherry and white enamel. Price $2700. $1000 cash bal. eay. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSOV CO.. 632. 63, 634 X. W. Bank bldg. " ALBINA. Good 4 -room shingled house, large lot. 5-v T 2,r, close in, also has garage; price $2250: down, balance to suit. Ask. Mr. Kellogg. A. J. DePOREST fc CO.. 320-321 Honn- bldg. Main S6W. " VACANT ROSE CITY HOME. To close estate will sacrifice 7-room R. C. home with hardwood floors, fire place, furnace and paved street. Price for qulr-k sale $45O0, easy terms. MlGUIRB A REIL.S. 545 Union ave. N. THREE HOMES. Laurelhurst, Irvington, Portland Hts. Each the last word in Interior and ex terior construction, for less thnn cost Fix vears ago; your opportunity. See Mr Ma goon by appointment. Main 6127. R. C. HOME PATS FOR SELF. $1000 down will take my double house. Bnt of 67 will pay the balance ot .;W. Nice bldg. Rose City dlatrlct 2"4 Oregon bids. Broadway 533. BI'NOAIjOW leaving; city. Fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, room for jra rl(. ("all 81 Division street.. Price i:iroo. terms. Owner. BV OWNSIi. 27 0. V, block from Kl'.llnin roonia nd batb, cement wonn " ........ . ... iu cm basement; good place to keep boarders. Terms, half cn. l-'"j uay St. OWN BR is forced to sell his beautiful mod ern home in Alameda through -reverses; rooms; prlc JOuu. B 21. Orego nian. M ' TOU MOVE IN this nice clean 7-room house with fur nace for f.Vio; balance like rent; close in. Only 3'H). Kast B13S. GOlNLf to build or repair? Get my idea and estimit.s. B. T. Allyn, 243 Slant st Office hours 8 to 5 P. M. Phon Main. fcol. Res, phone. Tabor 194. BUNOalOWS A 6PKCIA1.TY. If you are lookins for a bargain it will be to your Interest to call up Mr. StowslL Tabor p!. BV OWNER 6 rooms, sleeping' porch, fire place, on car line, corner view lot, newly painted throughout; terms. Alain 2406. evenings Woodiawn 4598. 8-KOOM house, furnished. Fine locatios. For sale, call Tabor 5140 IRVINiiTON HOMK.S. )00, t200. .7300. $mm0 and up. East 41H. McDonell. IRVINOTON BOMES. . EAST 8B4. II I. STREET. 1RV AGT. 9 ACRES. J.50. Capital hiahway. 30 min utes out. McFARLiANO, Ri2 loon bide. 1 fit G: 106.0