TnE MORNING OIIEGOXIAN, 3IOXDAY, DI-CEMBER 1, 1019. K 13 1 1 HJiLP WASTED FEMALE. MEIER At FRANK COMPANY Requl-ia the services of girls be tween the nea of IS and 18 as wrappers and Inspectors. Apply employment manager. 6th floor. MEIER to FRANK COMPANY. TOUNG WOMEN WANTED. Permanent positions open 'or young womn as telephone oper ators, with or wUhout previous ex perience. , Call t room 601, 6th floor. Tele phone bid.. Park and Oak sts. THE PACIFIC TEL. & TEL. CO. WANTKD r. girls btwen the age of 16 and 25 years to operate power sewing machine. fcixperionced operators preferred, but will teach several inexperienced girls. Good waged paid, also large bonus in addition. NIip modern factory to work In with Saturday afternoons off. Apply AAIL-S-liA R K I S-N b VI I., LB. HAG CO., 15th and Hoyt sts. CHOCOLATE DIPPER. 'XKtBR &. FRANK CO. require the ;erv,ea of experienced chocolate dip- ip rs for the Ninth Floor Candy Kitcnen. Good wugta. Pleatant and permanent work. n! . Apply Empinympiit Bureau. Sixth floor. Meier &. Prank Co. fORMKR MKT EH & FRANK CASH1EIIS AND INSrKCTURS, oV.slring omployment are invited to ap ply at employment bureau, sixth floor. AIEIER & PRANK COMPANY. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 2 experienced candy saleswomen. Apply supt.'s office before 10:30 A. M. L1PMAN, WOLFE & CO.. Experienced Operators on Coats, Pants, Overalls, Play Suits, Etc We pay good prices and good opera tors are making from $20 to $30 per week. Liberal bonus in addition. Call at office of Mt. Hood Factory, 'J'X Couch st. FORMKR saleswomen and cashiers of Lip man. Wolle & Co. desiring permanent or temporary employment, apply (superin tendent's Of I ice before 10:30 A. M. Lll'MAN, WOLFE te CO. GIRL tor cooking and downstairs work, wages $(."; nmall family n girl for upstairs work nnd cm ro of 4 -yea r-nld child, wages i'lionc Main 7101 after 0 o'clock. J'MVB women to make lump shades. Apply to Miss K In ton. 4th Floor. Lli'MAX WOLFE & CO. IlNKRGETIC young lady to assist with filing. utc. ; pn-viona experience not necessary, but must be willing to learn. AppW at offi'e, isO Front St., between 0 and 11 A. M. "W ANTED Housekeeper for widower and 2 children, boy nearly 7, girl 5; widow preferred, not over 40 snd ono to make it homelike. Call at 32 E. Clay st. after 5 P. M. W N TKD Lad v elevator operator; must have experience opera i in g in public of fcH buildings: ntiort hours, good pay and Sunday Work. P HM2, Oregonian. W . TED EUl. rtv woman to care for little girl and assist with light work ; Hiod home; no washing. AV Si) 3, Ore gon 'an. LA PIES From 2 to 5 hours a day spent ir outside work will result in splendid financial gain; instructions free. P. M. S. 5M2 Corhttit bldg. WANTED M Id He-aged, motherly woman to ajtMi.H with housework and care of 2 -rr.-olu child. Mt. Scott car to Lenta. tiU Olst st. S. E. W A NT ED A hotel. chambermaid. White Hall Wanted Domesuca. $rtt I EH MONTH for n young woman for cooking and downstairs work, must have koo1 city references. Apply to Mrs. ' 'itarlcs Corcoran, 407 E. 16th N., tel. Ka-t 1?34. W ANTED A nurse irl with some experi ence preferred, re other help is kept; good htipiHnd wages. Apply 491 E. Ittth i . ill. East 2932. WAN ED Experienced gin for general hn.'ibcwork, n. washin o.'ibcwork, n. washing, every other Sun iuf free. Marshail 5039, 560 Elizabeth Portland Heights. UK woman housekeeper in small at Sitlem, no laundry; good place ht Party. ChII Tabor 2149. Port- laud. Sundays or after 6 weekdays. KI j to 8Kitt in light housework, small fa uiily ; good home and pay. 327 Col lc-:e st. LI BKRAL wages to girl who will do gen eral Housework. No Tires to attend. 243 Cornell street, head of Marshall st. G1K1. t r plain cooking and housework; no wash-ns or ironing: 2 aduits. 4 children; a y.'nt. t'al 1 mornings. Wdln. 3714. W A N TE D C. Ot D WOMAN FOR GEN KKAI. H H.SK WORK, NO COOKING. NO WASHING. PHONE EAST 74i:. OIKl. FOR GENERAL housework, good M.tK--s. ooa uome, no washing. 410 : ll!h yt. N. WANTED Experienced cook, good wapes. ivfm euct's; two in family. Portland H.-tp'us. Marshall 213. A ' K 1 1 . or woman f or general housework, ru washing, small family, good wages, til 7 E 2 1th st. N. E. 2249. (,'AI'Alil. E air for cooking and downstairs work, no laundrv. good wages; Portland Heights. Mar. 187U. ittOD wttges to competent cook, medium iz fauti.y. Marshall 3654. 1240 Thur- msn. for general housowork; Kood room with bath. no wash Call East EXCELLENT home for a jrirl willing to Hfsnt w iih general housework. Main W A NTF i--Experienced girl to assist with general housework, small family, $40. Mam k-jTI. 714 Lovejoy st. TV A N'T En Girl for general housework; will i,ay good wages lor girl that can Xlve ii"id references. East 411S. W ANTKD--conkinc. Girl for general housework. No t;.isi it)H. GIRL wanted to assist in general house work, no washing. 874 Korthrnp. Vc-R u-ok who will help with general (His-'worK. Main o.tju. WASTED- -A good plain cook. Call Mar. EXPERIENCED girl for housework: mod- ern conveniences. Wages .iU. Main 7t59. WANTED Experienced second maid. Call ?eiiwooa ioi. KOITATIONAL OREGON LAW SCHOOL. AUsky bldg.. 3d t ana ior. w k. rtichsrason. bee. Main 877 Iril E International Correspondence Schools an r.tise your salary. 191 Broadway. FiSK Teachers' Agency Journal hlrtg. Mn. 4835. Teaching position a, free regtbuaUoa. 1 1" I or w EDUCATIONAL. MOHLERS BARBER COLLEGE, Will teach you the trade in 8 wka. ; give you a set of tools and some pay while learning; positions secured; scholarships and transfer cards issued; 32 schoois in U. 6. and Canada, bend for catalogue. 2-'i4 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE uF BE HNKE- WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking. bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed: pay while l-araing; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute, 434 Railway Exchange building. Free booklet. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-astt- State Supt. mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set of tools free, position secured. 33 N. 2d st. UECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE. Aliaky Bldg.. 3d and Morrison. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Wash, at 10th. Enter now, day, evening, all com mercial branches. Broadway 1821. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel's private school: individ ual instruction. 122 Grand ave- E. 427. LEARN VULCANIZING & RETREADING. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, Inc. 402 HAWTHORNE AVE. YATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration. Main 6274. Broadway bldg. HELP WANTED MALE OR KEMALE. WE WANT brainy, ambitious people, men and women, who are not satisfied with their present income and position, who can not see anything ahead of them at this time, but the tame, old tread mill; to such people, to those who have the right "punch" and are merely waiting for the right opening to get busy, we have a message. Write or trail PACIFIC EXTENSION INSTITUTE, 000-ti Panama bldg., city. WATCH OUR ADS. BITTTATIOyg WANTED MALE. YOUNG man, 25, married, good educa tion, several years' experience repairing gas engines, traetors, farm machinery, pumps, etc. Good references. Write AN 14, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED shipping clerk, age 23, desires good position with reliable firm; 3Vi yrs. at present location; best reasons for, wanting change by first of year; best reference. AO 18, Oregon la n. MARRIED couplo will do few hours work every day in exchange for 2 or 3 unfur nished or furnished housekeeping rooms. Call before 4 P. M. Phone Woodlawn 40M. flat 0. EXPERIENCED ALL-AROUND CHEF. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. WOULD CONSIDER GOOD STEWARD POSI TION. MAIN S0-.0. HOTEL AMSDON, 2 THIRD ST.. ROOM 02. ALL kinds of work; ir you need help for long or short jobs, phone Bdwy. 6o2; will send you a man, or address Carters employment office, 246 Ankeny sL. Port- land. Or. YOUNG Japanese wants position as school boy who cannot speak English; wages no object. 25& Burnside St., next to Casino theater. ROOF leaks positively stopped with the famous Webfoot paint; best references; examination free. Woodlawn 3328. C 20.10 any time. PRUNING, SPRAYING OF TREES AND GARDEN WORK; EXPERIENCED MEN. GILROY, FORMERLY U. S GOV'T ORCHARDIST. BDWY. 1937- MAN and wife, first-class cook and wait ress or helper, want position in hotel or cafe out of town. E. F. Smith, call room :07 Alder hotel. JAPANESE man wants position general housework in private family : has long experience cooking, laundry. 28uVs Bura Ktde at. MARRIED MAN, good references, experi ence in garage and operating cars and trucks, wants work at once. 1460 E. P'ern st. AUTO MECHANIC, 15 years' experience, would lilte position as repair man. chauf feur for private family, or truck driver. Phone Main 8726, room 415. fTft KF or steward, hi eh class and eco nomical, desires position ; past records guarantee satisfaction. AR 048, Ore GET MY FIGURES on your carpenter and cement work, repairing, alterations, anu be satisfied. "02 Madison. Call Main 7or all day Sunoay or after 5 P. M. CARPENTER, finisher, A-l mechanic, at your service by the day: able, active, knows how; good tools. Broadway 71 K. HAVE 3-ton truck, suitable for heavy hauling, by hour, day or contract. Sell wood 1723. W A NT ED Position as Janitor for room and wages, or will fire night aud morn ings for a room. Mar. 2675. ' L. H. S. STUDENT desires work from 3 to 6 P. M. and Saturdays. Main 3730. BJ 113. Oregonian. WANTED Position by eiderly man to tend cigar stand; references. BC l'J, Orego nian. CHAUFFEUR with excellent city refer ence wishes situation. Call Main 0738, mornings. PHILIPPINE couples want hotel work or apt. house ; experienced. Phone Main 161, room i MOVING AND HAULING with 3 -ton truck. Call Sellwood 2004 evenings WANTED By experienced, reliable man, job as janitor or watchman. Woodlawn JAPANESE Experienced couple wish posi tions as cook and second work in private family. F. Okatomi. 307 Burnside. MAN desires light work a few hours a day for his board. Call Sunday East OSSS PA.PERHANGING. painting and tinting; good work; right prices. Mar. 24t3. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or houseman. K 790, Oregonian. CARPENTER or cabinet work of any kind and estimating. Phone Seilwood -525. YOUNG man a ttending trade school will work for room ana bcara. call fc.ast 744. CARPENTER work for less. BF 268. Ore gonian BA RBEK A-l union. wants steady job. Marshall nssi PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting. Ta bor 1116. YOUNG mechanic wants work in garage. It Itii. oregonian. PAINTING, tinting, fir fioor refinishing ii oak: very reasonable. Tabor 30j1. K A LSO MINING, painting. plaster-patch ing; reasonable. .Main 28o.. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting per hour. Tabor . FIRST-CLASS, all-around automobile man wants position. Wdln. 3046. Bookkeepers Stenographers. Office. "TO EXECUTIVES AND MGRS. OF BIG BUSINESS OR INDUSTRIES. R. C. HAGEMAN offers his services as Cost Specialist and Economist. Overhead, Depreciation, Inventory, Wage and other plans for greater efficiency or production. . Reterenees east a ml west. P. O. Nox 703 or Marshall 3200. KXPRIENCED ACCOUNTANT Wants small et of books to keep; will open aud close your books, prepare fi nancial statements and figure in com tax ret urns. Rates very reasonable. Phone Marshall 4262. E. Oberer. I WANT several small sets of books to keep. will prepare your statements. check cost!-, open new sets or close your old ones; will take care of your corre spondence and general oftice work. AL 20. oregonian. OFFICE manager, credit man, thoroughly experienced large corporation credits. best references; open tor engagement Jan. I. K 14, oregonian. YOUNG married man. bookkeeper, wishes about 2 hours- work evenings. Phone Taoor iwj. BOOKKEEPER wants work evenings; very reasonaDie; satisfaction guaranteed. AN 8. Oregonian. SMALL SETS of books kept, acounting svs terns installed; reasonable rates. M 831 Oregonian. Soldieni aim! Sailors. DRUG CLERK desires position in retail drug store; 3 years" experience: returned soltiter; satisfaction guaranteed; not reg istered. Ca:l Main 33u3. Dl SC HAKubu soiuier wants position as chaut reur. ca retui a river ; write M. J. rtescn. wooaouni, urfgon. CHAUFFEUR, ex-soldier, married, work: can do own repairing. Chas. 7107 43d ave. S. E. needs Lane. KX-SERVICE MAN desires Sunday work: expert t nauiieur; oesi oi reierences. BF oregonian. DISCHARGED soldier. first-class all around baker, can deliver the goods; ciean anu reuaote. vcmey notei, rm. 1 E A.-;? r. rt v i k man, auto meenanic. wains work as meciiar.ic or neiper; experienced. i aoor k to. ii ji ., Oregon lan. EX PERIENCED milker wants job with uuryt wifecu, urcgon. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Soldiers And Sailors. YOUNG MAN, married, 8 years' service pay department of the navy, will be re leased from service-about Dec. 1.1, desires position in accounting department of a large corporation where there is good chance for advancement; reasonable sa.1 ary xpeced. S 393, Oregonian. WANTED Position as garage man and general mechanic, or position as truck driver; can handle any -make car; eight months a truck driver overseas. Chiity, Mar. 739. R 14o. Oregonian, EX-SERVICE man, 21 yrs. old. now at tending business college, wants work after 4 P. M.. even ins a and Saturdays; must have work; willing to do anything; good references. Call East 6031. DISCHARGED army officer, single, ex perienced yard foreman lumber mill, will consider anything in any line. Phone Tabor 1639. YOUNG man. 23, desires work with local firm, inside preferred, not afraid of work; references if required; ex-service; must have good wages. Y 6, Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man, married, age 26. must have position of some kind. Can handle autos. What have you ?. Phone East I AM AN ex-sailor going to school and wteh to work evenings after 4 o'clock ; will do any kind of work. W S5L Orego nian. EXPERIENCED truck driver, ex-service man. married, honest, reliable, with best references; no objection to out-of-town job. L 205, Oregonian. WILL CUT your cord wood. 1000 to 3000 cords: will only consider good price; am experienced wood man. J 770. Orego nian. HAVE you a position for mechanical draftsman, timekeeper and shipping clerk, one year overseas ? Chiity. Mar. 73i. or R 136, Oregonian. EX-SERVICE MAN. 21. wants any kind of work. BF 236. Oregonian. SITCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE, woman, good cook, wants cook ing, ironing or light housework by day; give wages will pay and phone. -R Oregonian. WIDOW would like position as housekeen er in gentleman's home; must be mod ern ; no objection to one small child; best of references. BF 235. Oregon ian. LADY wishes to supervise a rooming house or clerk in a hotel; 3d and Har rison. Warrenton Apts.. second floor, room 48. Phone Main 7771. LADY wants bousec leaning, other work, hours, day; good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. WANTED A few more music pupils: will come to your home; 91 per lesson. Phone East 4053. EIGHT hours work in general housework; 162, Oregonian. home, "cooking ani home nights. N LA D Y with vacuum cleaner will call and clean carpet on floor, 1 a carpeL Main 3621. WOM A N of refinement wishes positiom to do light housework for home, modrrate wages. Tabor 1143. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, cooking dinners and cleaning; Wood lawn 1291. FOR good floor waxing, woodwork, kitchen walls or window cleaning call Hansen, Marshall 238. AN experienced telephone operator wishes position on private exchange; references given, Woodlawn 3880. LACE, scrim. Marquisette curtains hand laundered, called for, deli v. East G1O0. COLORED WOMAN wants day work. Woodlawn 2841. COLORED woman wants day work. 45 cents hour and car fare. Woodlawn 4330. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, ready to go to work, not seeking an easy posi tion but where responsibility and accur acy are required. AK 817, Oregonian. WANTED Position as assistant book keeper, ten years' experience In plumbing and heating business : can furnish ref erences. Telephone East 3361. POSITION by stenographer. automobile and lumber experience; salary $10. East 007. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Best of city references. Main 2817. . FOR bookkeeper or stenographer call Mar shall 202;,. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires tem porary position. Marshall 3521. Dressmaker. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alterations, housft aprons and dresses, hi Idren's clothes. Mrs. Kelly, 310 Fremont st. FOR BEST results in dressmaking, remod eling, relining and alterations1 see Mrs. Kinder at Emporium Dye Works. 54& Morrison st. Broadway 4259. DRESS MA KIN 1 and designing by experi enced dressmaker; work satisfactory. Call Broad w a y 1036. ALTERATION shop, relining ladies' coats and tailored button holes specialty, boa Shetland bldg. BEST dressmaking at the most reason able prices. 311 Central bldg. Main 348. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, chil dren s coats a specialty. East .128. DRESSMAKER wants sewing by the day. East 02O4. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out ty day. aiarsnaii ai. LADY would like sewing at home, chil dren s dresses; also altering. East 5626. Nnrses. PRACTICAL nurse wishes employment. confinement case, or to care for aced lady. Miss Wilson. 16th and Irving. 528. UNDERGRADUATE nurse solicits more cases, any kind, including elderly, con valescent. Mar. 200. Housekeepers, ENERGETIC lady, with boy 9. wishes H. K. for refined widower who has modern home ana willing to pay good wages: no objection to i or - cnuoren school age will consider out of city. Tabor 4125. REFINED, capable young woman wishes position as Housekeeper lor men on farm; wages $35 or $40; not afraid of work. Laura .Neson, lien. Del. EXPERIENCED and reliable woman with daugnter id, wants place as house keeper, rnone bast 521. Domestics. COMPETENT maid wants housework; good plain cook ; good wages. S 452, Oreponian. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED To rent small - furnished flat, apartment or house, between E.- 12th and E. 60th, Division and gulch, or west side apartment for 2 adults. Mrs. Eames, East 1322. BY FAMILY of three responsible adults. uomiormoty lumisnea name lor winter; with outlook and space about it; in good residence district, preferably Portland Heights. East 6188. WANTED To rent, by family of adults. steaoy ana rename, o or 6-room modern bungalow in choice neighborhood Tabor 2 '137. RELIABLE party wishes to rent strictly modern, unfurnished, six or seven-room house. Will pay a year's rent in ad vance. East 4118. WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room bunga low or cottage: will take long lease if suitable. East 3773. WANTED To rent by Dec. 6-room unfurnished house. t 6. 5 or Call Tabor WANTED, by Dec. 5, furnished 5 or 6 rootn house. Phone Seilwood 992. Apartment. FAMILY of 2 want to rent for 3 months, beginning January 12, desirable, well furnished . apartment or house (with servant preferred) on west side. BJ 161. OreRonlan. WANTED To rent 2 or 3-room well fur nished apartment in good district by business man and wife. Call room 580 Multnomah hotel. WANTED To rent by man and wife, two tr three-room furnished apartment, east or west side; state location and rent. Address Y W. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished 5-room bungalow apartment or flat, young couple, no chil dren; references furnished. Phone East 4591. 340 Ross st. WAN T E D To rent a furnished alTarf ment. Phone Main 3783. Ask for Mrs. High. TO RENT By refined couple, small fur nished apt. by Dec. 12. East 5073 o: Marshall 4246 Monday. WANTED 3-room apt. or flat with bath, unturnished; not far out. L 203. Ore gon ian. Rooms. YOUNG married couple wish 2 light house keeping rooms; reasonable rent; close in if possible. Y 10. Oregonian. Business Places. WANTED Office room bv reliable public stenographer. 8 462. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. WANT quiet, good home, suburbs pre ferred, to board elderlv widow State full WANTED TO RENT. Booms With Boaro. COLLEGE graduate, employed, will pay reasonable amount for home for herseif and 5-year-old son ; will require break fast and dinner and good, care of the child: refined atmosphere essential: no boarding houses considered. Member of O. E. S. Address H 304. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison st. at East Sixth. The principal east-side hotel; digni fied and refined; $L25 per day, double $1.75; $6 per week; $22.50 per month. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison St. at Tenth. Rates $1 day up. Weekly $4.30 up. Steam heat. Free phone and baths. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. sL. down town location, respectable and strictly modern rooms, large, clean. TWO large front rooms, also two large back rooms, well heated and lighted. Applv l. 5th st. PHONE Bdwy. 2202. Terminal Baggage Transfer Co., 6th and Flanders. Baggage stored 5 days free;. Checks called for. ANSONIA HOTEL 14th and Washington. Clean, respectable, modern; transient. $1 up; permanent $4 up; private bath $8. WANTED Man to room with young peo ple. 161 1 Vern st. ii on ta villa to 00th. 75c. $1 DAY; S2.30 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. I'll furnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED 3 or 4 rooms, including Kas range. 448 Hail. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. WELL furnished bedroom with use of kitchen, suitable for business man and wife or two men : reference reQUlred. Call mornings, E. 333. FURNISHED front room, electric lights, heat ami kitchen privilege; alto 2 or 3 room apt. and sleeping room. 061 Flan ders st. Bdwy. 2877. PRIVATE garage nd nicely furnished room for 1 gentleman In large, modern home; rent reasonable. 100 E. 30tn St. Tabor 5501. EXTRA large room and kitchenette. $18 per mo., including liKht, heat and phone. Walking distance. 464 E. Oak. MODERN room, always warm, nice home, for one or two employed; west side; walking distance. 174 N. 13th st. LARGE room, running water; sleeping porch; also warm basement room; 2 blks. to Central library. 213 12th st. FRONT room for young men, fine loca tion, H. K privileges, 351 W. Park, Mar. 4213. WELL -FURNISHED front room with fire place, for business people, walking dis tance. Mar. 2U03. 300 11th st. ATTRACTIVE room in Irvington home; reasonable; use of living room and piano. Phone East 4SH9. ELEGANTLY furnished room for gentle men, walking distance, modern. 721 Gfian. Marshall 3013. NICE large room for rent. Nob Hill, suit able lor two genuomeu or ladies. Phone Main 6182. reasonable rent- 707 Flanders. Main J 4551. $14 FRONT room in nice home for gent Mar. 609b, 34 Lucretia. nr. 23d and Wash. 269 14TH, near Jefferson, choice room. walking distance. Main 38113. NEAT furnished room, near Jefferson high school. Woodlawn 424. DOUBLE, nicely furnished rooms for gen tlemen. Nob Hill. 738 Hoyt. TWO nicely-furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water: close in. 194 N. I7th. FURNISHED attic room, Wdln. 424. Rooms With Board. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high -class family hotel; rooms en suit or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance ; $4.50 per week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th st. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 10th st. For business girls anfi students ; reasonable rates. Mar. 1251. HARRISON hotel, outside rms., $2.50; table board $6 week. Front and Harrison. Rooms With. Board In Private Family. NICELY furnished large room. suitable for two, with board; furnace heat. hower bath, good home cooking. 741 G lis; in street. RESPECTABLE lady in private flat will rent 1 largo front room and oneslngle room, wih board; 10 min. walk to P. O. Marshall 337H. liOOM and board for 3, gentlemen pre ferred, walking distance, home privi leges, only 3 other hoarders. Phone East 1147, or call at 584 East Taylor. WILL board and room two or three in my home ; all home privileges; piano. East 6223. LOVELY room, home privileges with or without dinner; gentleman ; references. Main 3749. LA RGE front room, suitable for 2: will board if desired. Van ave.. iiear Broad way; walking distance. Phone E. 2790. LADY would like to care for 1 or ; Uren In her home; mother's care, wood 3274. chil-Sell- BOA RD and room for 2 gentlemen in a private family ; business men preferred. Must be refined. Telephone East 2899. WIDOW will board two or three in her cozy home: piano, home conveniences. L 1 74. Oregonian. ATTRACTIVE room, hot water heat, with or without board, to refined young man or lady. St. Johns district. Col 978. WANTED One or two gentlemen to board, furnace heat. 712 Lovejoy. Tele phone Marshall 3h30. ROOM, with board, reasonable rates; fur nace heat, walking distance. East 44H2. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columoia Streets. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's ptore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern, and S-room furnished apts.; all outside with French doors and baicony. BACHELOR SUITE. Elegant suite and single room in hlgrh class Apt. house for gentleman or lady employed : reference required. Phone Marshall 2830. WANTED A young or middle-aged lady to share my 3-room furnished apart- ment; lovely neighborhood. For partic ulars call Bdwy. u'.'u. References. ENTIRE lower floor of 3 rooms to agree able couple. 2 people only. Call after 10 A. M., 369 E. 14th st. North, near Broadway. BANNER APTS., 4K Clay, near 14th; modern 2-room furnished front basement apt.. $18. TWO and 3-room apts., steam heat, very reasonable : 19th and Upshur. Peabody apts. Phone Bdwy. 1546. COMPLETE apartment, $21.50; concrete bldg. Union ave. and Killings worth. BRYN MAWR, 1S5 E. 13th- East 2154. Furnished 3-room apt. $4o. 5-ROOM furnished apartment, $16.60; adults. 877 E. Stark. East 7754. Unfurnished Apartments. LARGE unfurnished housekeeping ants. Gas. electric liht. bath, rent reason able. 7ir. Everett st. Fnrnished and Unfurnished Apartments. 4 ROOMS, private bath, steam heat adults. 840', Mississippi aye. " Flat.. UNFURNISHED flat of 5 rooms: hot-water heat; no cniiaren. 1 10 jonnson su .Main 470. 5-ROOM upper flat, Sunnyside; rent $35. Taggart. Main 27. House Keeping Rooms. TRUNKS. BAGGAGE delivered in down town district for 25c; checks called for. Auto Service. Phone EAST 6434. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single and ensuite ; hot and cold water, steam heat. ;"l Harrison st. EXTRA large, well furnished housekeep ing room, everything free, fuel included $4 a week. Main 371. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. $15 up per montn; clean n k. rooms, including e 1 e ctric lights, i.ot water, gas, range. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, large, clean airy rooms, reasonable, brick bldg. Mar shall a.'io. 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping, private bath, steam heat; adults. 3i'Q Russell st. 401 EAST Morrison, cor. E. Sth; completely furnished two-room H. K apts. Ad u Its. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap rent. .. wasningion, cor. da. 'Z FRONT rooms, housekeeping. West slue. $2o a montn. 4:mi t;ay. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family ii ROOMS and kitchen. 2 oeus and cot. bath, hot and cold water; children wel come. 369 Flanders. -Phone Bdwy. 277. TWO large basement rooms, gas range. 2 beds, etc, $4.5t per week. Call . after p. M. 535 i am hi II. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas. bath, ground noor, reasonaole. 6!: Front. FOUR furnifched housekeeping rooms FOR RENT. Housekeeping ltoomi In Private Family. 2 ROOMS suitable for couple employed. Nob Hill district ; electricity, gas. phone and bath, hot-water heat, west side, walking distance. 656 Glisan. $19 NICE, sunshiny corner. 3d floor front rooms;-newly papered: clean and neat. 734 Porter st. ; walking dis tance; adults. Phone Seilwood 1109.- WIDOW will share suburban home near carline to widow for company; room free to proper party; references. T 3i5, Oregonian. 4-ROOM furnished H. K. suite, two sleep ing rooms, very reasonable Main 70;;3. FRONT housekeeping rooms at 410 4th. Houses. 44u WILLIAMS AVE. 9-room house, newly decorated and painted inside and out. 3 toilets. 2 baths, electric lights, gas con nected for cookitiK upstairs and down ; hot-air furnace. This hous is wl suited for subletting furnished rooms; on a larce lot with barn, now used as garage for two autos. Will lease for one or more years. Phone East &u7 for appointments to gee the above. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. For sale or will rent 9-room "modern home. quarter block. Call evenings, Marshall 724; day,Broad way 42S0. 5-ROOM house to rent to plirties buying furniture. East 4962. Call Sunday morning between lo and 11 and any time during the week. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service, Broadway 580, A 6747. LOCAL and long distance moving and haul ing; first-class equipment- Green Trans Co., 202 k Aider st- Main 1261. A 7261 MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121 OLD 6-room house for rent, 23d and E Yamhill; rent $15. Call Marshall 5357 for key. 9-ROOM modern house, 475 Itolladav, $18 Fred S. Williams. ;OQ Panama bldg. ' 5-ROOM house for rent and furniture for sale. 23M- X. 16th st. MODERN 6-rooiii cottage, w eat side Mr Morris. 806 Northwestern Hank bldg. -ROOM modern bungalow, furnace and garage, $35 per mo. Hi 12 E. Caruthers. Furnished Houses. NEAR LATD ADDITION. $63 mo.. 8 rooms, nlcelv furnished, piano; will h ae ; possession at once. J- L. I1ARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. ROOM modern house, 5 rooms com pletely furnished, with Vb-trola. Rent J-30 mo. to buyer of furniture. 374 E. 37th N., corner Broadway. Rose City HANDSOMELY furnished west side home; 9 rooms five bedrooms and sleeping porch ; wonderful view and garden ; ori ental rugs, $125. Marshall i860 or Main WEST SIDE modern, beautifully furnished 7-room house. 3 bedrooms, large closet, grate, excellent furnace. $95; long lease. Main lh0. FURNISHED ntt-Mtre on rivor at Linriim.. Iodge. Phone Sunday. Oak Grove 126X Monday Broadway 3610. ELEGANTLY furniMied 7-room house. piano, fireplace billiard room, garage. Phone East 7070. 5-ROOM furnished house, ment, garage, telephone 0781. cement bnse Phone Tabor 5-P.OOM furnished house, piano, west side, 44). Main 5177. EXCLUSIVE 7-room house. 710 Kin km Court. $SQ.- All mahogany. Marshall OtiTo. 5-ROOM furnished house, 600 Clinton st corner E. 15th. 5-ROOM furnished house. 562 Front. Lincoln st. -ROOM modern bungalow. neVrly fur nished: with garage. Phone Tabor S3os. Stores. $ 1 3 STORE with 2 living rooms side, close in. Tabor 1114. FURNISHED torney. $13 front office adjoining at arrange lor stenographer. Stock Exchang' bldg. DESIRABLE offices, modern conveniences. Stark street, between 3d and 4th. Apply room 312 Railway Exchange $10 A MONTH. in ludingdcsKliZ-htThe7rt and phone. 324 Railway Exchange bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS, SEE US. Grocery stores. Confectionery and cigar stores. Hotels and rooming houses. GarageH and repair shops. Anything in the business line, large 01 small. ATLAS BUSINESS AGCY. & RLTY. CO., 725-727 Board of Trade bldg. Mam 5315 GROCERY SNAP. Account of other business I am forced to sacrifice this going business, doing $.0 a day cash and candy business; living rooms ; equipped for a butcher shop. This place is wort h $;;oio. Will take $225t for everything or take car or good lot its part pay. or make terms to responsible party. Phone East 2374 for appointment. FOR 6ALR N-w hospital in rich, desir able section ai-ur Los Angfles; eft pari tv. 40 patients; completely furnished and with hydro-therap ut ic apparatus, do ing profitable husiii'.-xN : best reasons for selling. A ba. gaf n and favorable terms to right party. Address J. D. Urunner, :;0 I. N. Van Kuya bldg., L03 Angeles, Ca 1. FOR RENT. TKADI-; OR SALE. 50-HBL. ROLLKK system flour and feed mill, located in good town on R. R. Water power. Will lake from if lT(M to $;;o)0 to stock mill. Fine opening fox someoe who wants a good paying busi ness: trade established over o0 years. Owner. A V SSi. Oregonian. POuL HALL and soft drinks; 5 pool and 1 uiuiaiu iHiie, it cara taoies, ail in Ii rst class condition, can show profit of fTou per month ; steam heat furnished ; long lease to responsible party: situated in one of the best towns in the vaiiey. AV e5, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS bakery and lunch, located on principal street or city, population of 800 people; a good supporting home In dustries town, no other bread shipped in town, must sell at once, $.0U without stork, llarrisburg Bakery, boa 200, liar risburg. Or. $3000. Active Interest in legitimate, high-class going business, growth of business re quires larger foree; want man capable of grasping ordinary business proposi tions ; $3000 investment required, lully secured. AR irJ, Oregonian. ARK YOU INTERESTED? Nice business, showing large profits; a business for man and wife, with unlim ited opportunities. If you have $:i0i0 before buying investigate, T 301, Orego nian. FOR SALE Two-chair barber hop; a nap If taken at once. Inquire Portland electric grind shop, cutlery and barber supplies. Ill Third St., between Wash, and Stark. BOX AND TRAY FACTORY FOR SALE. Excellent location; good trade worked up; big profits. Price $11,000: bargain for someone. A letter will bring com plete Information. Box K7. Dallas. Or CAUTION, BUTERa Before closing deal of co-called Inter est In established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Poard, J. W. CROSSLEY, Secretary. ONE of the best propositions in Portland; 1-story building, consisting of 2 stores and living rooms. ti..uo and terms; can lease for $7U'0 year. 10P2 Albina ave. FOR PALE First-class. well-established grocery business in one of the best town in the Willamette valley. $Ji0O cauu. AddresH AV st4. Oregonia-n. WANTED A man with S1000 to own and help set 10 acres to loganberries; income $.ooo per year in 4 years. L 172, Ore gonian. APPLES. 23 tons hand-picked winter apples on hard -surfaced road. A bargain buy. Inquire P. T. Hardesty. Hlllsboro. Or. FOR SALE 3 year and 4 month lease on 12 by 14-ft. booth in one of the best markets on Yamhill sL BF lioU. Ore gonlan. WB BUY WAR STAMPS. Spot Cash. Liberty Bonds Bought. American Brokerage. 20. Morgan btdg. FOR SALE On account of sickness, home bakery and delicatessen, also good stock of light groceries. Phone Tabor 7112. BARGAIN In furniture store and repair shop; would consider car on deal. Ad-dre-s S 431. Oregonian. glGOO fc-Y EARS-ESTABLISH ED restaur ant, doing good business; some terms. 271 Flnst street. . NEAT, clean, up-to-aaie. can -and-rarry grocery lor sa:e; oaiiy receims average $4.i to $.0. East 2i'M. fl.VS Williams ave. FRUITS, cigar and soft drink parlor for sale without agent; good location. R 132. Oregon iaiv - CANDY factory and store for sale, owners. 27 Grand ave. PA RTNEK wanted for good proposition; must have X 1. Oregonian. GROCERY stock and fixtures for sale; good location. Will invoice. Wdln. l,3l. TWO modern greenhouses, good condition. w.k and eg.uipa.euL P auJ, Oiefcoumn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Bel! your diamonds direct to Diamond Importers and receive T" "ighest cash market value. W itnout any disappoint ir-"- w Pay from $100 to $S0O Per karat. We purchase pawn Tickets. Gold. Silver. Platinum. Any valuables, any amount w otrr War 8 tamps. -Liberty Bonds. Victory Bonds. r "u want money, see us. , , Private offices. Business confidential. f THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE 205 Moritan bldg.. 2d fioor. cornet "vasn ington st and Bdwy. Phone M. 4840. $10 BUYS w living rooms bt sido cash grocery three $17.0 buvs east side cash grocery. 4 pood ltvinir rooms. $2.'oo buys east side grocery or will invoice. $75 buys hotel and restaurant, eight f urn ished rooms, terms. $'nui bus country grocery or will In- von e. !C2iHMt buys new and second-hand furni ture store, west side. $:;itoo buys ticar stand, west side. $;i." buys 12-stool lunch stand, terms. $1251 buys bakery and light grocery, "West side, terms. SEE JOHN BROWN. 324 Railway Exchange Bldg. THE undersigned will receive bids for the saie or a small vulcani::iug plant, cen trally located lu this city, together with all stock and machinery. This is a going concern. Inventory and a'l other information may be obtained upon in-i quiry. A certified check for 10 per cent ot the amount of each bid must accom pany same. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids must be in bv Tuesday, 11 o'clock A. M-, December 2. HMW. L. VAN BKHRKK, Trustee, 503 Fenton Bldg.. Broad way 67S. Port land. Ore. OLD ESTABLISHED DRUG STORE. East side, clearing $5UO per month: 4 year lease; 2 agencies for phonotraphs and records; one oi the best locations in Portland ; has one of the finest record rooms in Port land ; carries all kinds of accessories aitd up-to-date place, for all $1.3HI. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 303 Oak St. BEAUTIFUL furnished 0-room steam heated flat; ono apt. pays runt. Price $70J. Y 17. Oregonian. flu In ess opportunities Wanted WANTED To buy a meat market. M 826, Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Bnsiuess. Hotel. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, sea F. P.1ERDON. WATCH OUR ADS: WB GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 20;; -0-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. M RS. M. E. LENT. HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE BUOKER. If you wish to buy or sell, come In and taik it over; 12 years In this business in Portland enables uio to give you sat isfactory service. 723-24 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 60 ROOMS, apartment house. 2 and 3 room suites, some room for transient: running water every room; brick bldg; rooms always full; rent only $75 month; 21.s-year lease; no agents. 6473 First st., city. Phono Home 52274. HO T EL m pood wheat dist riot ; brick building, 30 rooms, well equipped; a monev -maker; $50iMi payment will han dle or niipht consider trade for ranch. W. E. Shrader, Harrington, Wash. 14 ROOMS, elegantly furnished; house ait f n 1 1 with first - el ass, steady tenants ; ri R h down town; nets above expense $150; $2.i0t cah, bal. easy. Owner, 215 12th st. WANTED 2l TO SO HOUSEKEEPING Rooms FOR CASH. NO AGENTS. MUST BE WEST SIDE, S 458, OREGO NIAN. 13 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clears $90 above expenses, $1000, terms; discount for cash. 240 Park st. Either phone. 317-32. 11 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in: rent $:i2. clears ; $03O, terms. Call 170 1 "! h si . Basement. V 5 Itt O.MS, rent income $235. Price $s3n. M yers. 325 Rail way Exchange, M list be sold by Wednesday. $ I (! WILL handle, 31 rooms, doing good bust tics ; a sna p. Sec owner, 4t 3 3d st. N. 10-HO - M . wU -furnished house ; fine for hoarding or rooming house; west side; Bdwy. 4111. lill best bargains In rooming or apart ment houfi, uce menibt-rs of the Realty Hoard Yates Realty Co.. -4t 4th t)L 30 F;iOMS, clean, well furnished, always full; good profits insured. Call at 146 Front st.. near Morrison. FOR SA LK- 1 price SlIOO, i rooms, transient, rent $40; iritis. Proadway SS'.to. KooMlNi; house for sale. No agents. Call Main 3079. LOST ANU FOl'XD. LOiST M' &: Frank package, dropped front American Ky. Exp. wagon. Tues day, Nov. 1.",. Anyone knowing or see ing same picked up advise exp. office. 1 ww rd. WILL the p:trty who took oven-oat In Waldorf billiard rooms about 4:UO P. M. sJundny kindly return it to coat counter of above place. No questions asked. Ho ward. . LOST Betw eon East 17th and ;i7th on Belmont. I4.r0 wn fox fur. between 1 and 1 Wednesday night. Call East 474. Re ward PAKTY that found Hart Schaffner & Marx oven oat on Pi vision st. is known. Return to U. 'JtM st. LOST Young woman's bundle of soiled laundrv. including heavy linen dress. Call Main ;?0t..'.. LOS TB lack handbag, with man's wear and razor. Call Main LOST t"n ion card and savins bank book. $." reward. Lamax. SM Stark St. LOST Toy Boston bull. Please call Bdwy. ;4tS. LOST Gold sunburet Pin with diamond in center. iiewaro. rnone cast jm. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE U SALE OF PROPERTY BE LONGING TO 'li-iB. ASSlUlllA fAfLil COMPANY Notice is hereby given that under authority of and pursuant to a vole of the stockholders of the Astoria Paper Company, approved and confirmed by the board of directors of said com pany, the following described personal property and assets of said Astoria Pa per Company will be sold upon th premises w here the same is situate or located, in the city of Portland, Oregon, at public sale to the highest and best bidder lor cash in hand, on Wednesday, the 3d day of December. 1119. commen cing at lu o'clock A. M- Uroup 1 All the property and assets of tne Portland Paper Package Com pany, a division of the Astoria Paper Company, located Holladay avenue at East oth street, consisting of machinery and equipment of said plant and busi ness, tne raw and manufactured stock, accounts and bills receivable, including all moneys due said Portland Paper Package Company division, and all otner property and assets that there may be connected with or belonging to said di vision. This property will be offered for sale In separatu and convenient parcels, and if the aggreKate of the bids oltered Is not tsatitoiaetoiy, tken the entire property and assets above described will be of re red as a whole and as a going concern, subject to the payment of the debts and obligations 01 said division, th amount oi which will be shown at the time and place of sale- Group 2 Sixty toO) shares of the capital stock of tho Portland Paper Slock Company, a corporation. Groups 1 and 2 will be sold at the Portland Paper Package Company at Boiladay avenue at East 25th street. Group 3 Three (3; barges belonging to the Astoria Paper Company, in the Willamette river at the loot ot Virginia street. Group 4 On- 150-H.. P. Babcock A Wilcox boiler, water tune, with all reg ular fittings, Dutch oven setting, grates, fronts, bar and 00 feet 4o-inch stack, storeu at 24th and Nicola! streets. Group 3 will be sold immediately after tne saie 01 groups 1 ana z. Group 4 will b sold immediately after the saie of group 3. ASTORIA PAPER COMPANY. By C D. fctruun. president. Dated. Portland, Or.. Nov. 10. 1W1U. FINANCIAL. WE BUY AUTOMOBILE CONTRACTS. MAKE MORTGAGE LOANS. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. WRITE FIRE. AUTOMOBILE. LIABILITY INSURANCE. EXILE Pf RK1TT, PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., Jim SELLING BLDG. Main lMiO. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH MARKET PRICK. CASH for RECEIPTS We LOAN money on BONDS. SAVINGS STAMPS. 7 Int. 722 Gasco Bldg.. 5th and Alder. CELLArtS-MURTON CO. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on reai estate In Washington, Ore gon. U, E. Noble $1 Lumbermaiui bi4ff FINANCIAL. BS YOUR OWN FINANCIER, Join this association and get your mortgage loan on the co-operative plan. Loans for any amount to run from 3 to 10 years, repayable in small month lv installments. Part or all of loan may be paid off at any time. Every bor rower participates in full profits of the association. Only purely co-operative aviags and loan association in Portland. UNION SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION. 284 Oak Street. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before Buying or Selling Get Our Quotations. K. L. DEVEREAUX & COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bonds. 87 Sixth Street. Between Siaxk ana Oak. ARB YOU IN DEBTT TUB INDUSTRIAL LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 297H OAK ST., LEWIS BLT0., OFFICERED AND MANAGED BY PORTLAND'S LEADING BUSINESS MEN AND LABOR REPRE SENTATIVES. IRAN'S MADE TO WAGE EARNERS ON THEIR CHARACTER AND EARNING CAPACITY IN SUMS OF $10 TO $500.uo AT 8 PER ANNUM. PAYMENTS MAY BE MADE WEEKLY OR MONTHLY. Money to Loan on Real Ftate. RESIDENCE LOANS. 6 per cent to 7 per cent, five-year penoa. 1 ou may pay i'o or any mum pie thereof account principal semi -an uually and reduce interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 00 per cent va.uu of house and lot at 0 to 7 per cent. You pay one-half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example, $1200 loan, you pay $6 monthly and interest. You have privilege of paying $100 or any multipe thereof monthly. Interest reduces ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. WE RECORD MORTGAGE AND PAY OTHER EXPENSES. BUSINESS LOANS. Five-year period, 5 per cent and 6 per cent. Repayment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COM FAN Y. Main &306. Suite 40 1'cou Bldg. WE CHARGE NO BROKERAGE ON RESIDENCE LOANS, and positively the lowest rates of Inter est; also make business property and farm loans, liberal repayment privileges, brokers and borrowers pi act your loans where you can secure the best terms. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third street. Phone Main 3007 Ground Floor Chamber of loinmerci Building. CITT LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On Improved property, or lor improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $;.J.6 per mouth for iiti months, or $'J1.4 per month for mom ha, or 15.17 per month for 00 months pays a loan of $l0uu and interest. Loans of other amouuta in same pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS V LOAN ASSN. til&rk st.. Portland, Or. l.oO(l. 10.lHrt'. To loan separately or entire amount on one mortgage at 0 per cent on improved city property by guard ian ; no com mis sion charged. To receive reply des ribs security. Address AK. bul, Oregonian. MONEY to loan on Improved Willamette valley farms for such periods aud on such terms as to repayment us will suit the requirements 01 borrowers. My long connection with and thorough knowl edge ot the valley enables me to give pr impt service. No i.ommlsstons charged. Address Win. MacM aster. 331 U. S. Na tional Bank Plug.. I'ortlanu. Ur. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms. No commission. No delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 6th St.. Portland. Or. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suouroan ana iaimt, Auiiuing loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-210 FAILING BLDG.. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BiuKELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall , 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. Loans made on improved city property. Prompt service; no delay. Call and see us for terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. Northwestern Bank Blag. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rate of interest. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. HON E Y TO LO A N ON 1 M P RO V E D CITY REAL ESTATE. Homes, apartments, business proper- ties; quick service, low rates, repayment privileges. H. P. Barnhart. Mar. bliO. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved city property and also Im proved larm property, current rates. WM. MacM ASTER, 331 V. S. National Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 5 PER CENT, o I'll. rt. c 1 . t x-r-rv a. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or aeiay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 500 Piatt Bldg. Main jJiL SEE US TODAt. We loan money on real estate, o and 7. long time, snort time; monthly payminta or as ycu can; sums to suit. 1-0 ijiisco uiug., ma ana &iar, CELLARS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS. rT'R OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. SO Fourth si., ir'oriiana, or. PRIVATE MONEY. $16.00 for im meditate loans; will di vide. City, Acreage or Farms. " 2 o Henr y builuding. Marshall 5S5S. $500, 11000 AND upward on improved reaV estate ; favorable terms, no delay; no brokerage. John Sain. 0O1 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201 Board of Trade Bldg. iiOO. $400. $-"r00. 1850, $700. $1000 AND UP; lowest rates ; quiua acuou. uuruun jh on stage Co.. 031 Cham. 01 Com. Main 1370. 30U. J4O0. $500, $750. $1000 AND UP; lo rates; quick action. Fre-d W . German Co.. 732 Cham, of com. Main b44j. MONEY to let in any amount on improved city property at going rate or interest no brokerage. P. Q. Box 4o:S. ftiaoo AND UP; no commission or deiav BL DEBHON. 61ft Chanu of Com, bidg. MONEY on farm and improved city prop- erty. K. K. Baxter, 104 bpaiding bldg. KKE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7. Salomon & Co.. 40S Selllug bldg. MONEY to loan at tt per cent. 7 per cent. C. A. Wagner Co., Main S150. 230 Stark. $10,000. 7000, $2500 WILL divide, on city or farms. fe21 Chamber of Commerce. $4.ih'. AND $;O00 on city or farm prop er ty. Webster Kincaid, 520 Henry bldg. Money to Lo- -Chattels and Salaries. .H ATHA WAY -Loans on pianos and furni ture; lea rates. 208 Washington bldg. GEO. HARVEY Joans money oa noueaa4 Sooda. -Lsffal ratss. Tabor obO. FINANCIAL Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICHT YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. V1CTKOI.AS. REAL ESTATBL BONDS. ETC If your payments are too large en your automobile or furniture oontweti, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans, and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can repay us In small monthly payments. ALSO WE MAKE SALARY LOANS to salvried people on their own noXa. Rates reasonable. Private offices, ail business strictly confidential. WE ALSO BUY DIAMONDS. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANI LICENSED , S06-S07 Dekum Bidg. Marshall S. a W. Cor. Third and Was M rig ton. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 910. 804 Stark Street, Near Taath Loans on diamonds, watches, vfcrrolaa pianos. kodaks. shotguns, nirnitm. musical lusLruouenta, and anyihuuE of value, ESTABUJtHED BY THB PTCOPLB OT PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE iOU- . City and county warrants cashed for tac value. CAJiKIB XITKRS-HERRMjLN. .Manager. ' SALARY. LOANS CHATTELS. Wi LOAN MOXII on short notice to salaried or warktn. men on their own note. Weekly, -semimonthly or monthly payments. Karh transaction strictly confidential. KO MORTGAGES. NO 1XDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household tumltorm plauof. nc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COiLFAJfT. LICENSED. 218 Kailins bld. MONET to loan cn diamonds. Jewelry: 1 f"' rates: all articles held a year: eatab. llt-hed sine l&aij, Pma Marx. 23 Wash. Aoans Wutes. ht.Mi'NMBLK parly would like to bor row Mini; will kivo moriftsBe on Faica ix aulu AR nm. Orcsoman. WOl l.Ii sumeb.dy be food enough to hel JUMV!."" Sman-'th a llOO loan for 3 months.' V!C ;.V Orrrnni.n FIRST MORTOAGES ON IMPROVED ?Ti.NS 'KOI'ERTY FOR saS WANT J1O.000. 7C. tor 5 yearn. Portland ranK slock a security. AN L, Orcgo- NJ lrHtl of S00; Js loan of $0000, -- -11 mui;,. .m. ana oak. :e OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO, 1-'- Chant, of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL w SUCCESS. The- man who meets w(th mn.h success Must travel some rouKli roads: For it takes treat sirenslU to push. AnU carry heavy loads. Tln bear that fears the bee sling Will never get the homy. T,j; JUM 'ho same in dally lite To wake gUL-custi or money. There's no such thine as failure Witli ambition. Xorco una nerve. For failure i but laziness And easy for to serve. We have that great ambition lliat we may save vou more " 'iivr "eW SU1T' COA'-T. KRESS and . At tin! P. terson tTPSTAIRS STORE. -d Floor fittock it lock. OIAUOND3 BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamonds direct to Diamond Importers and receive The highest cash market value, v ithout any disappointment. We ray from f 100 to R00 Per karat. We purchase pawn Tickets. Gold. Silver, Platinum. Any valuables, any amount. We buy War Stamps. Liberty Honda. Victory Bonds. If you want money, see us. Private ottices. .Business confidential. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 2i. Morgan bldg.. 2d floor, corner Wash. Ington st. and Bdwy. Phone M. 4340. MtKhohl cash prices paid lor false tecili, crowns, bridges and all denial gold. -JiHl TO Jlo.m PER CARAT for diamonds. We buy watches, old jewelry and all valuables of every de scription. V 1 TImV I 1 I . l - t - r r r .-. .... . .. ...... . ,i i.i.n l V., 44 1 Morgan lildg.. Fourth Floor. OLD FALSI-: TEETH BOUGHT W 1. T,,. .... , .-. THE OLOKlt THE BETTER. Crowns. Bridge Work. lienlal Gold lioughl. Bring or Mall. PRIVATE OFFICES FOR LADIES. American Brokerage. I'oo Morgan bids. I'd lloor. cor. Wash. Bdwy. Main 4o4u WILLAMETTE BLVU SANITARIUM. A new sanitarium just opened; beau tiful view and pleasant surroundings; maternity and convalescent cases taken. l-'To Willamette blvd.. and corner of Alnswonu ave. Phone Woodlawn J15u. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH and a scientitiu massage once a week wiil prolong both physical and mental efficiency. Dr. lrousiue. w0s-ll Broad way oldK. Nurse iu attendance. Main it. KEY. MRS. J. C. SCHORL independent Bible spiritualist, will hold meetlnc Sun "day and Thurs.. 8 P. M. 15 E. lath St.. cor. ljurnside. Public Invited. Other ta.cnt from the east demonstrated. UKA1.A ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a Cleansing, healing, germicidal and Invig orating aoucbe. A great aid In lucor rhea and lemale disoruera. 50c and st per box. PorUaoq Bole! Pharmacy. FEBVET & HASNtBUT. leaoing wis s.nd toupe makers, finest stocl: human hair (oods, bairdressing, manicuring, lace and scalp treatment. 3-iw Aider. Main 4d. WE BUY WAR STAMPS. Spot Cash. Liberty Bonos Bought. American B.-okeragc, 2Q. Morgan bldg $1 WILL get both feet fixed up good at Dr Eaton s the CHIROPODIST, who doesa't hurt you; 5 yrs. here; exam. free. Gioo, theater bldg., 11th st Wash. Bdwy. 2az4- DR. RUTH OLSON. MEDICAL GYMNAST Swedish graduate; steaxn, massage, ogl ercises. electricity. 6o2 Washingto, bldg. Main tJ4. Consultation ire HEALER from India cures nerves, lumba go, etc.. without steam, electricity or mechanical methods at 415 Buchanan bldg. Main e-3ttt. Come, be convinced. ALASKA FURS. Finest quality, ready-to-wear and ta. order at upstairs prices. The Pur Shon. Boo Swetlaad bldg.. 6th and Wash. MISS E. ADAMS Treatments for darvdrVff and tailing hair, manicuring. 407 Morri son sL, Tuford bldg. Olllce 3Ji. Hours 11 to 8, Sundays 11 to 3. DR. MATHILDE AKNSSKX, naturopath, medical gymnast; graduated from Nor. way. o- Columbia bldg.. Main 2t)3a DR. ELNil. SORENSON. 60s Panama bids" Drugiess metnods. Stomach. kidne,i rneumausm. constipation, etc. si. oosil BiiST steam bath, chiropracuc, vlbratloa and elecino in city. Dr. Margaret uw. pie. Zlo Swetiand bldg. Main 17& CORA VALK BELL. CHIROPODIST From Chicago. O0tf-ao7 Swetiand bldst cor. Wastiinglon jiud 5th. Main 1445' LAdTes purses snd bsndosgs repaired aiso made 10 order: traveling bags. ,0.8 up. Portland Leather Co.. Wash, st SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles. . a r ts rem o v ed by 10 needles method, trial ire J0.1. Finiey. 14 Bush St Lane Uidg. Main tiao UKADtATi. nurse treats lumbago. at& Hours 2 to 4. or by appointment. Phoaa Main 104a. Olllce 8ua-C Third st. ANYONE knowing the whereaboutsof John 11. Wilson kindly phone bis sister Broadway 2,40. DANCING Lady ballroom instructor wilt give private lessons at her home rea sonable rates. Tabor 6004. DR. SACRY Chiropody. marilcurLm'ajTH t.haniPooing. ooJ-4, 3".7 Washlngt.n su Marshall 33T6. ROLLER baling every evening and s.n day aiternoons at Midway rink; Vancou ver car to Columbia blvd. LEAKN besuty culture work; we g(v. TO practical experience. Sanitary HmM.ut w Parlors. 400-412 Deknm bldg. GOITRE, enlarged glands: cure yourself. A. ri. -runcit.,. ...c ... iiiiiomifo. r Ii.. rt. gtraciiaw. ,ome ninepciro. Or. 1MEDA BALM, tormerly called Ba.m of igs. 844 E. H3d. Sell. 22ia, mornings: Plr. Figs. GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair" manicuring, face, scalp. & Flledner bidg! DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you See Viereck, collections. Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without ai operation Free booklet. P. Q. box Hoi DR. WILKINSON removes corns In 3 mis. :tl5 Flanders St.. near tilh. LADY BARBER.-, shaves 0c, haircut Sac, face massage 35c. I'.SS Everett, cor. 3d. PILES' CAN BK. CURED without opera tion. Free booklet. P O. box 1105. il.-HRETH'S Swedlfli Electro-Hydro In- M-wow . . . .u k vm, sIA.JI, Big.