THE . MORNIXG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1919. 19 IC iu uiuim FEATURE OF MARKET Buyers Are Stocking Up and Supply Is Insufficient. ORDERS CANNOT BE FILLED tVheat Premiums Advance Despite Early Lifting of Embargo Gov ernment Receives Flour Bids. . A very strong demand for mill run has developed and the mills are unable to fill their orders. Th price has advanced to 142 for ton lota. This is 94 over the low price of the season. Buyers are ap parently stocking up against winter re quirements and the inquiries are greater than the offerings, notwithstanding that production la heavy, Wheat continues strong at all points. Spot margins, choice grade, at Minneapolis was worth $3 yesterday, which is equal to $2.75 bulk interior points or $2.87 Port land. This is a premium of 67 cents over the government base price here. Margins In transit was quoted 10 cents less than spot. Bluestem was almost unobtainable, and because of Ita scarcity it was dif ficult to gauge the premium on it. The grain corporation yesterday re ceived bids on export flour for December shipment. The bids were sent to eastern headquarters, where the awards will be made. It U believed the acceptances will be at the same price as last month. The coarse grain market was steady to firm. At the Merchants' Exchange. 200 tons of eastern yellow corn, December delivery, sold at $62.50 and 100 tons. Jan uary delivery, at $59. Oats bids were un changed. Blue and feed barley were up 00c and eastern bulk barley 25 50c. The Chicago barley market closed 1 &2Q higher at $1.47 for December ana vt for May. San steady. pany. Independent Meat company, all of Seattle, and Swift A Co. of Portland. The Bridges company purchased 22,5.0 pounds, white the other four firms purchases to taled about 650O pounds. The bulk of the turkeys will be brought to market for the Christmas trade, as it was a very back ward season here and hardly any gobblers were marketed. ' Bank C1eariii.cs. Sank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $,07U.'J4t $1,073,917 Seattle 7,675,301 " 1.S96.0H5 Tacoma 578.'J5tJ 153.14 Spokane 1,932.653 716.487 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS r.rain. Tlonr. rVed, Ktc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session : -Bid- No v. .. .$34.50 Dec. $54.75 67.00 67.50 Oats No. 3 white feed, Barlev Standard .feed ...... 67.00 No. 3 blue 67.50 uorn No. 3 yellow 7 sn Eastern oats and corn, bulk: 36-lb. Clipped 52.50 53.25 -WJ-ib. clipped ...... &4.50 66.00 Corn No. 3 yellow ........ 62.50 58.50 Barley No. 2 Jan. $55.25 67.00 67.50 62.25 58.50 53.50 55. 50 56.25 66.00 STOCKS UNDER PRESSURE! NUMEROUS 4 DEVELOPMENTS GIVE MARKET SETBACK. women who will wait on him during the week. Francisco barley was 14 3 1 R H 3 SI 116 1973 Sl! 793 611 36 517 1647 65 .".". "l07 494 19 .... 110 705 1 2 17 1 I 9 55 134 333 855 683 44 740 401 1501 Weather conditions in the middle west. as wired from Chicago: "Northern and central Illinois and western Missouri, east ern Kansas, Omaha district cloudy, cold: ' Ohio valley raining and cold; eastern Iowa clear, cold; Minnesota cold, zero at Du luth; Canada clear, cold." Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Kxchange as follows: Portland Wheat.Barley.Flour.Oats. Hay. Wednesday .. 12 Tear ao .. 3S fcea'n todate.4RSft Tear ago ..4737 Tacoma Tuesday .... 27 Year aKO . . 8 Sea'n to date.32"7 Year ago . .3076 Seattle Tuesday .... ln3 Year afo . . 40 Bea'n to date. 2914 Tear ago . 3299 WEATHER IN EUROPE FAVORS CROPS Rumsnis Will Give Belgium Wheat In Return for Coal. Reporting on- crop conditions abroad, Broom hall cables from Liverpool: "In the west and south of Europe the weather has turned milder and reports of the seedings are mostly favorable. How ever, some predictions have been made that the acreage to wheat in the United Kingdom will show a substantial decrease, owing to dissatisfaction being expressed over prices. Latest cable advices from Germany are to the effect that much snow has fallen. Oats in this country remain firm and are in smalt supply. The acre are to wheat In Rumania Is estimated at 1,600,000 acres; this figure- covers Ru mania alone and not the new additional country. Last year" a acreage to wheat amounted to 3,000,000 acres and a normal acreage approximates 5,000.000 acres. Ru mania has made an agreement with Bel glum whereby they will supply wheat to Belgium against return shipments of coal and the price of wheat will be about 25 per cent below that of competitors." Argentine The frost area appears to extend south of the center of the province of Buenos Ayres, where wheat is in the t milk .stage and consequently very suscep tible to damage. At present it is im possible to estimate the amount of the loss, but H Is feared to be grave, espe cially in wheat and oats. ONION VALUES ARE STEADY HERE Market Throughout Country Has Higher Tendency. Onions are holding just about steady In the marVet. Jobbers quote 4 U cents ' on Ore gone and 5 cents on California browns. Throughout the counvy the onion mar ket during the past week made further gains, eastern yellow advanced 25c on No. 1 medium to large, closing at $5.25 9 5.50 per cwt. f. O. b., sacked strengthening sharply In consuming markets to $5 S 6. Middle western yellows reached $6 in var ious middle western markets, ranging mostly $4.50 5.25. Red sold In south central markets at 04. 75 & 5. 50. Califor nia yellows and browns advanced 25c in Chicago, sold at $4. 504.75 In Kansas City and ranged $5.50)6.50 In small lots In southern markets. , Central California onions are mostly out of growers' hands. The condition of the California early crop is 83 per cent, ac cording to the bureau of crop estimates, compared with 70 per cent a year ago: Texas is 73 per cent, compared with 87 per cent a year ago. PLENTY OF POTATOES ON HAND Local Market Steady, With Good Demand. Shipments to late. There wae a liberal supply of potatoes on the local market and a fair demand at the old prices. A few cars are going out to nearby points. Shipments for the sea son to date are reported by the bureau of markets as follows Aft no Aft no. WHEAT Government hnjtin 20 n.r bushel. FLOUR Patents. $11.75; bakers' hard wheat. $12.35; whole wheat, $10.75; graham. $10.50; valley, $10.45. MILLFEEL) Mill run, f. o. b. mill, car lots, ton lots or mixed cars, $42; ton roiled barley, $70; rolled oats, Jf60; ground barley, $70; scratch feed, H0. CORK Whole. 72: cracked. $74. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland; Alfalfa, $28; cheat. $18; iclover, $22; oats and vetch, $23; valley timothy, $2628. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extra, 61616c pound; prime firsts, CO & 60 fee: prints, parchment wrappers, box lots, 66 64c ; cartons, 67 (& 6Uc; half boxes, hko more; less than ha J boxes, lc more; butterfat, Ho. L 6Vd7ow per puunu. CHLLSK Tillamook, f. o. b. Tilamook Triplets. 32c; Young Americas, 83c; long horns, 33c; Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets. 31c: Youna Americas. 32 fee. EGGS, job bin a prices to retailers Oregon ranch, candied. 73 to 75c: seleta. 76&ble; storage, No. 1. 60c. POULTRY Hens. 23 V 30c; broilers. 23 &30c; ducks. 303;40c: eeea. 25c: turkevs. live. 40c; dressed, choice, 48fe 50c per pound. VEAL Fancy, 21c per pound. PORK Fancy. 22 c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges. $5 fir 7 : lemons. 17.75 S. 5o per box ; grapef rul t, $3. 50 & 7 box : bananas, 10 11c per pound; apples, $14 per box; grapes, 10& 15c. per pound; ca sabas, 4c per pound: pears. $2.253.25 per box; cranberries, $4.'50(&5.75 per box, $13 Q-15 per barrel; huckieuerries, 18i&20c per pound. VEGETABLES Cabbage. 22c per pound; lettuce, $4.50 per crate; beets, $2.25 per sack; cucumbers. $1.75 2.50 tio. ; tomatoes, $4.50 & 5 per box; eggplant. 20c per pound; carrots. $1.50 per sack ; squash. 2fefe'3c per pound; pumpkins, 2 fee per pound; celery, $1,15 4? 1.25 per dozen; peppers, 20c per pound; horseradish, 15c per pound: garlic, 40 & 45c per pound; cauliflower, $3 3.50 per dozen; turnips, $2.75&.3 per sack. POTATOES Oregon, $2.75 & 3.25 per sack; sweet, 5feifi 6c pfr pound. ONIONS Oregon, 4Hc per pound. Motors, Oils and Other Specialties Chief Elements or Weakness. Bond Trading: Extensive. NEW YORK, Nov. 26. The Impending holiday, with its Industrial uncertainties and the discouraging tone of cables and other advices bearing upon the foreign financial situation, . combined to give to day's stock market a general though rela tively moderate setback. Other developments also played part In the reaction, the Mexican situation and reports of unsatisfactory wheat conditions in the middle west wnding reflections In the heaviness of leading oils and railway Shares. The shorts were not slow to avail them selves of these conditions, their activities being rendered the more successful be cause of the sharp rebound made in the early days of the week, by many specula tive issues. General Motors, Pierce-Arrow. Crucible, Mexican 4 and Pan-American Petroleum, Texas company. United. Fruit, Endicott- Johnson, American tobacco and Wortryng- luu r-ump represenieu me cniei eienienix of weakness at extreme reaction of 5 to almost 15 points. Sales amounted to 1.200,000 shares. Trading in bonds was extensive. Total sales, par value, $27,250,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. Seattle Feed and Hay. SEATTLE, Nov. 26. City delivery; feed. mill, $44 per ton; scratch feed, $80; feed wheat. $3; all grain chop. $72; oata, $64; siroutfn oats. $68; rolled oata $66; whole ci n, 72; cracked com. rouea oariey. o; clipped barlev. Hay Eastern - Waehingto timothy mixed, $3637; double compressed, $40; alfalfa. $3031; straw, $15 16; Puget sound. $31. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Nov. 26. Copper easier. Electrolytic, spot and nearby. laXc; jrst quarter, Jron. antimony, lead and June un changed. D ninth Liaeeed Market. DULUTH, Nov. 26. Linseed, $5.10. TRADES ARE EVENED UP COKX IS FIRM AT CliOSE OX COVEKIXG BY SHORTS. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit or berry. $9.77; best. $9.5: golden C. .27: pow dered, in barrel., $1U.37; cubes, in barrels. $10.(i-'. NUTS Walnuts. 2SIS40C: Brazil nuts, 30c; filberts, 33c; almonds, 37638c; pea nuts, loS16c; chestnuts, 2.c. SALT Half ground. 100s, $17 per ton; 50s, 1S.75 per ton; dairy. $26.508 per ton. RICH Blue Rose. 14 He per pound. BEANS White. 9i4c: pink. Stic; llm: 17 He per pound; bayous, bc; Mexican red. 7 He. COFFEE Boasted, In drums, 3950c. Provisions. t-oeal lobbtnr Quotations: HAMS Choice, 3oc pound: 34c; skinned, 2730c; picnic, 25 tage roll, 30c. LARD Tierce basis, 32c; compound, 2Sp ner Bound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 2631c; plates. 2427c; exports. 'IZt-n'lc. BACON Standard. 40 42c; choice. 37 if 39c . standard &'26c; cot- Sales. Am Beet Sug. 2,700 Am Can 4.500 Am Cr & Fdry 2.7UO Am H i L pid 1.3O0 Am Loco S.oOO Am Sm & Rfg 14.0o Am Suirar RfE 3.:iu0 Am Bum Too. Am Tel tc Tel. Am Z L & sm Anaconda Cop Atchison A O & W I S S Baldwin Loco. 77.9'M) Bait & Ohio . . 3.500 Beth Steel B. 19,700 B & S Copper. BilO Calif Petrol .. 3.H00 Canadian Fac. Cent Leather. Ches & Ohio.. Chi M ft St P Chi st N W . . Chi R I Pac C.'hino Copper. Col Fu & Iron. Com Products. Crucible Steel. 12, MK) Cuba Cane Suff u,200 U S Fd Prods. Erie Gen Electric Gen Motors 1B.9O0 Gt No pfd. .. . 3.000 Gt No Ore ctfs llltnols Central Insplr Copper. Inter M M pfd Inter Nickel.. Inter Paper . . K C Southern. Kennecott Cop Louis & Nash Mexican Petrol 13.G00 Miami Copper 2O0 Mldvale Steel. . 5, '.100 Missouri Pac. 4.5'MI Montana i-ow l.J'Hi Neada Cop .. 0O0 N Y Central.. 2.JOO N Y N H & H 10.2o Norf & West.. S00 Northern Pac. 3.7O0 Pacific Mail.. 1 Pan-Am Petrol 12,r.00 Pennsylvania.. 2.700 Pitts & vv v a. Pittsburg Coal 7O0 Rav Con Cop. Heading . ... 5. W0 Rep Ir & Steel 2!)."io Sin Oil Sc Rfg. 4:;.:loo Southern Pac. 20.9110 Southern Ry.. :l,."oo Stutlebaker Co 47.700 Texas Co S.IIOO Tobacco Prods 2.0O0 rnion Pacific. S.400 Unit Ret Strs. 31.7110 U S Ind Alco. r 700 U S Steel 62.KO0 do pfd 4O0 ITtah Copper.. 3.300 Westing Elec. 2.20 Willys-Overlnd National Lead Ohio Cits Gas. Royal Dutch.. - Hops, Wool. EteT HOPS 1919 crop, Rc per pound; 3-year .nntrnctM 4fC. 4(C. 3oC. MOHAIR Long staple. 40c; short staple. 20 ft 30c. TALLOW No. 1. 10ST12C per pound. CASCARA BARK New, 11c per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon, fine. 3 o (ft r.1 c ; medium. 40"o."i0c; coarse. 3'i'oiOc; val'ey medium, 4oiSiorc; coarse. g.j 40c. Hides and Felts. HIDES No. 1 salt cured hides funder 4 r.nunlt X7: Nn. 1 salt cured nldes lover 4.1 pounds). 25c; No. 1 salt cured bull hides. 20c: partly cured hides. 2c per 1.... c-e.n lilrl.. Ttf Tier tOUnd Ie!K No. 2 hides, lc per pound less; hair-slipped hirtM. one-third less than No. 1 hides: .No. 1 t.imma.l CD UaUini 11111 lO 1Q UOUUUhl 71.- No. 1 trimmed klD skins (15 to 30 i sno- Vo. skins. 2c per pound less; half slipped sklna. one-third less than i .i,in.. rirv ftinf hides. 7 uounds ana iip.' 35c: dry flint bulls. 24c; dry flint ralf vkins under 7 pounds. 7."c; dry talt nines. 7 pounds and up. 29c: dry salt bulls. 2ic: dry salt calf skins, under 7 pounds, 70c; drv cull hides and skins, half price. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, aO'USe per pound; drv medium wool pelts. 2" Si 2c per pound: dVy shearing pelts, 50c$l eaoh: bait long-wool peits. 2-''(2.50 each: salt medium wool pelts. $1,5042 each: salt shearing pelts. 50Ctt$l each. Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $2.06: raw. cases. $2.16; boiled, barrels. $2.08; boiled. CaT"'RPiiNTINB Tanks. $1.81: cases. $" 01 COAL OIL Iron barrels. 13Vilc; tank wasons, lS-c: cases, 24 & 31c. OASOLINE Iron barrels, 2SK0; tank wagon. 23 Vac; cases. 34c SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKETS Vegetables. Fresb 3. .1110 2.2O0 l.OOO 9,i0 1.7110 l.l 390 4.S"0 1,4110 8. 800 l.OOO 2,:uh) 1.1M10 200 s.r.oo 1.900 1.2O0 , lOO 400 4n0 2.3O0 4,100 3,0l0 3.3I0 soo 5,700 High- 95 55 hi 136 124 95 64 Vi 137 9314 H0 IK 60 ' 17414 111 "4 37 95 21 Vi 47 4 145. 7Vi 57-4 41 00 i 27(4 64 42 83 214 4Sti 14 '4 109" 361 82 T4 40 91 105 25 71 V4 17'-, 29 202 14 2314 51 14 27 'A 59 154 71 H 31 Vi 100 4S 36 107 42 i 2914 62 4 20 Si 7744 10S4 4!H 97 24 H 12S. SOO so. '4 127 i . 944 1054 104 114 7.-H4 .ri4 Low. 92(4 53 '4 134 V4 122"4 93 63. 136 91 99 17 & 81 170 los4 V.i y, 21 45, 145 95 K r34 39 89 "4 26(4 35 "4 42(4 81 205 46 73 14 108 V4 350 -' 39 90(4 51 104 24 69 ' 17 29(4 io.Vvi 23(4 r. 1 26 54-4 15 70 29 (4 100 83 4 36 103 42 2- 61 ' 11 76 105 '4 47 74 95 23 119 290 83 H 125 91 1(13 1 0:; 4 113 73 53ii 30 83 49 100 6.8O0 31 200 83 5.200 50 '4 10.700 102 BONDS. V S Lib 8 (4s. .100.0O1 A TAT cv 6s. do 1st 4s 94.1oiAtch gen 4s.... do 2d 4s 91.40.D & R G ref 6s. do 1st 4(4s. ..94.2lN Y C deb 6s.. lo 2d 414s. ..91.9I1N P 4s do 3d 4.s. ..94.101N P 3s do 4th 4 Vis. .91.70 Pac T & T 5s.. Victory 3s ...99.08 Pa con 4V4s do 4s mi.iu s f cv os Last Sale. 93 63(4 133 123 94 91 99 IT 59(4 S7 170 109 36 94 21(4 46 145 96 66 39 90 26 A. 42 81 46 74 14 168 3.'i 82 39 90 . 51 104 24 69 17 29 113(4 196 23 '4 51 26 58 15 (J 71 30 lOO 8.1 4 30 103 42 28 61 20 - 77 106 48 ,., 95 23 11" 293 HUH 126 92 1 O.I 104 113 73 53 31 8:i ."10 .101 100 100 U S ref 2s reg do coupon . U 8 cv 3s reg. .88 do coupon ..88 U S 4s reg 106 do coupon . .1Q6 So Ry 5s U P 4s .- U S Steel 5s. Anglo-Fr Ss . 99 77 52 9: 76 55 87 '91 8 86 84 (4 98 96 Strike Outlook Serves to Promote Caution December Strongest Option in Oats Market. CHICAGO. Nor. 26". Bvening-up of trades so aa to avoid open risks on Thanksgiving day occupied most of the ttention or dealers id corn toaay ana tended to make many changes. The close was ni-m: e to lc signer witn ueeem ber Sl.38 to $1.84 and May 1.29 to $1.29. Oata finished c off to o up and provisions at an advance ox oc to 00c. as a direct oearisn or ouuisn iniiuence today tbe strike outlook served only ti promote caution. Meanwhile, car ecar city reports offset advices that Iowa farm. era were disposed to ship freely. in oats tne outstanding leature was tne persistent buying of December and selling of Mar. rov!lona were governea almost wnolly by a setback, and subsequent rally lit bog values. Leading fnturea ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. ' Low. Close. Dec $1.33 $1.34 $1.32 XI. 33 Jan 1.29 1.30 1.28 1.29 May 1.2S 1.30 1.21. 1.29 OATS. Dec 73 .74 .73 .73 May .... .76 .77 .76 .76 TEN LOADS ARE RECEIVED t GOOD DEMAND FOR ALL OF FERINGS AT YARDS. Cattle, Hog and Sheep Prices Hold Steady Xo Trading at North " Portland Today. Ten loads of stock reached the yards yesterday. There su a good demand for II the offerings and previous prices were maintained in the several divisions. The yards will be closed today. Receipts were 92 catle, 2 calves, 447 hogs and 63 sheep. The day's sales were as follows: Weight. Price. I Weight Price. 1 steer ...750$ 8.50 24 hogs . 2 steers ...985 10.0OI 6 hogs , 16 steers ..1021 b.3Utl2hogs . 1 cow 810 4.331 3 hogs . 1 cow 990 3.251 2 hogs . 2cows....875 6.2.V15hoRS . 1 cow 830 G.25i 3 hogs . 1 cow 710 .50. 9 hogs , 1 cow 127 8.0014 hogs 1 cow 920 B.50I 9 hogs Icon. 1020 8.501 4 hogs 1 cow ....1140 6.25! 8 hogs 1 cow ... .1200 6.001 6 hogs 1 cow 770 S.OOl 2 hogs 1 cow 750 4.00I 9 hoes 1 cow 780 5.001 4 hogs 1 cow 81i fi.ooi 3 hogs 1 cow 880 6.25110 hots 26 cows ... .920 5.6o;71 hogs 11 cows 923 7 751 102 hogs 4 mixed ..486 7-OOil8hogs 1 calf ISO 13.0020.hoEs 1 calf ....910 13.01)162 hogs 1 bull ...-.610 4. 00! 51 hogs 1 bull ...10110 3.501 3 lambs 16 hogs 20S 16 OOI10 lambs . 86 9.50 12 hogs ....194 16.0(1: 10 lambs 87 12.3 10 hogs 196 16. (Nil 10 bogs .. 5 hogs 244 1H. 00; 12 hogs .. 6 hogs 213 10. out 9 hogs .. 2 hogs ....255 10.00168 hogs .. 4 hogs 200 16.1811 4 hogs .. 6 hogs ....142 13.80! 40 lambs . 77 hogs ....220 15.501 8 lambs . 1 hog 390 14. 001 10 lambs . 41 hogs ....205 16 OOI 3 ewes .. 1 hog .11)3 16.00 2 wethers Livestock prices at the local yards follow: Cattle Beef steers ..I Good to choice steers Pair to good steers ......... Common to fair steers Good to choice cows, heifers.. Medium to good cows, heifers r air 10 medium cows, heifers. Jan. Hay .166 $15 50 . .210 18 . OO . .220 15.00 . .240 14.00 I . .221 15.5" 1 . .273 15.75 . .236 15.75 . .152 15.25 . .202 16.00 . .217 16.00 . .217 16 00 . .247 16.00 . .171 16.00 . .185 16.00 . .175 16 OO . .232 15.75 . .215 15.73 . .195 I 6.00 ..ISO 15.75 . .213 16.00 . .250 15.25 . . 67 13.O0 . .105 15.00 . .145 13.50 63 10.00 6 14 50 -.T6H 14.90 .173 15.73 .217 16.00 .245 13.73 . 76 13 S3 . 96 12.00 . 87 12 35 .116 6.50 .166 8.00 MESS PORK. 34.50 ..32.50 82.35 32.40 32.45 LARD. Jan 23.30 23.72 23.42 23 72 May 22.95 23.30 22.90 23.2U SHORT RIBS. Jan 18.70 1.S0 18.70 H.TT May 18.33 13.3V 18.33 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 mixed, 1.4T; No. 2 yellow, $1.501.32. Oats No. 2 white, 7778c; No. 3 white, 7577c Bye No. 2, $1.46. Barley, $1.30 v 1.53. Timothy seed. $S.50'jJ 11.50. Clover seed, 135&48. Pork, nominal. Lard. $25.30. Ribs. $19.73S 20-50. Grain at San KrmncVM o. PAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 20. Flour. 8-Sa, $12 10. Grain Wheat. $2.20: oats, red feed, $3 3.10; barley feed, $3.35W8.60; corn, Cali fcrnla white. $3.50 3. 55. Hay Wheat or wheat and oats. $20 24; tame ats. 22!25; barley. $181.22; alfalfa. $2025; barley straw. 60S 80c bale. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 28. Barley, fl.21 01.43. Flax, $4.9596.10. Kastern Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Nov. 26. Butter Easier. Creamery. 58) 71c, Kggs Higher. Receipts. 14111 cases; firsts, 7172o; ordinary firsts. 7172c; at mark, cases Included, 62j71c; storage packed firsts, 73 & 74c. Poultry Alive, higher. Springs, 23c; fowls. 1S22; turkeys, 85c. - vbiw tork Nov. 28. Butter Firm; creamery higher than extras. 7474c; creamery extras. 7a78c; firsts. 62 72c; packing stock, current make No. 2, B050c. . . - .. Er Firm. 6101: fresh gathered ex tras. 734c; extra firsts, 8082c; firsts. 7 r. T!l. Cheese Easy. 4107. State whole milk tn.k. soeclals. 32 033c: i..o." run. S1V.&32: state whole milk twins, current make specials, 81 32c: ditto average run 31c. Canners Bulls Calves c, Blockers and feeders Hogs Prime mixed -. Medium m xed Rough heavies Pigs xneen Kastern lambs alley Iambs 'eeder lambs Tearllngs Wethers Bwes Bid. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Nov. 26. Closing quotations: Allouez 36 INorth Butte ... 10 Aril Com .... 134Old Dom S3 Calu & Ariz... 02:Osceola 50 Calu A Hecla. ..885 kluiney 59 Centennial .... 15 (Superior 5 Cop Range .... 44'Sup Boston.. 6 East Butte ... 14 Shannon 2 Franklin 4 Utah Con 7 Isle Royalle ... 31 Winona 1 Lake Cop 4 Greene Can ... 35 Mohawk 60 I SAN Current on Fruits, Ktc., at Bay City. FRANCISCO, Nov. 26. Butter, extra pullets, Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, Nov. 26. Mercantile paper, 5 5 per cent. Sterling, demand, $4.04(4; cables, $4.05. Francs, demand. 9.72; cables, 9.70; guilders. demand. 37; cables. 37. Lire, demand, 12.05; cables, 12; marks, demand, 2.46; cables, 2 50. . Time loans unchanged. Call money easy. High. 7; low, 6; ruling rate. 7; last loan, 6; closing bid, 6; of fered at 7. 1 Bar sliver, 11.35. Mexican dollars, $1.00. LONDON, Nov. 26. Bar silver, 75 d per ounce. Money, 4 per cent. Dis ccunt rates, short bills, 5 If 6 per cent; three months' bills, 574 -6 per cent. California ..... Colorado ...... Idaho Maine Michigan ...... Minnesota .... Montana ...... Nebraska . . . . . New York North Dakota. . Oregon Pennsylvania .. Washington ... Wisconsin Others Total to Nov. 24. .... 6.814 .... 6.416 . . . . 2.968 8.632 . ... 4.257 ... .14.842 ... 2S2 .... 1.232 .... 3.627 .... 1,843 .... 74 . ... 2.033 1.6.11 ....10.324 18.212 Last season. 19.350 13 1144 7.726 19.1126 1 1.(103 23.515 771 3.775 10.0S9 2.529 1.02S 2.HO 2.914 2". (153 4.073 .84.837 174.471 Totals FEW SHOPMEN'S OF TURKEYS IX Small Receipts- Wednesday Are AU That Retailers Want. Not many turkeys were received yester day, but It was all the trade wanted. The best sold at 48.tf50 cents. Live poultry was more or less neglected. Dressed meats wsre steady. " The feature of the egg market was the stronger demand for Oregon storage, which was firm on the basis of 60 cents for No. 1. Fresh eggs were in small supply and unchanged in price. The cube butter market waa quiet on the eve of the holiday. Former prices were reported. Oakland Turkeys Sere, South. OAKLAND. Or.. Nov. 25. The J. T. Bridges company of this place purchased for tbe San Francisco market the large bulk of the dressed turkeys that were re ceived here on Turkey day. They shipped one express carload and the price paid- to the grower was 42 c- Other buyers in competition with the local firm were Cars tens Packing company. Pacific Meat com- Egsrs Fresh extras. 84 c use. Cheese Firsts. 80c: Young America, 88e. Poultry Hens, 4100 Sic; roosters, young. 30031c; old. 18 a 20c; broilers, one: fryers. 32c- geese. 28c; pigeo-s. $2.733.25 per doren: squabs, 63.a70o; turkeys, dressed. 53 4 55c Vegetables Esg plant. 810c: pep pers, bell. $1.752.85 lug box; do chile. $1 tl.50: squash. Hubbard, $1.251 1.50 sack: do, summer. $22.25; tomatoes. 50c(&l lug; lettuce. 30c dozen; potatoes, rivers. White. 2.5U,; sweei., uiiiuna. $3 253.50 cental; peas, 126'30c lb.; cu cumbers. 22.50 small box; $393.50 larpe; string beans, 10&17c lb.; garden, 13m20c; llmas, 12 13c: garlic. 20c; tur nips. $1.756 2 trick; beets. $1.5001.73; carrots. $1.251.50. Fruit Oranges. $44.73 box: lemons. $4 ST3.50; grapefruit. 2.504; bananas, ii'n 10c pound; pineapples. $4$?6 dosen; pears, cooking, $l'?il.50 lug; apples. Spitz enbergs, 4-tler. $292.50; 4-tier Newtown Pippins. $2.506 8: quinces. 75c$1.23 box; melon!,, crate. Honey Dew. 75cv $1.25; cas aha 752$90c; figs, double layer black, $1,250-1.50;' strawberries. $1518 chest; huekieberries. 18'tf20c pound; grapes, $2.25 1 2.75 lug box; pomegranates, $2(2.25 box; persimmons. $1.302.25 box; Cran berries. $4. 23(11 3 box. Receipts Flour, 10.300 quarters: barley, 4402 centals: beans, 2845 sacks; potatoes, K9.3 sacks: hay, 357 tons;aldes, u; wine, 1800 gallons. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Nov. 26. Turpentine $1.36: sales lOo barrels; receipts 391 barrels; shipments 36 barrels; stock 13,039 barrels. Kosin quiet; sales SSO barrels; receipts 1843 barrels: shipments 646 barrels; stock 53.508 birfrels. Quote: TJ $16.23; D $16.30; B. F 118.6": G $10.6.1: H 16.75; I $17.50; K $1S25; M $19; N $19.80; WB $21: WW $22822,23. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW TORK. Nov. 20. Evaporated ap ples firm but quiet. Prunes strong. Peaohea scaroe. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 26. Raw sugar steady. Centrifugal. $7.26; fine granulated. t. MARKET LAW IS DELAYED HOUSEWIVES COCXCIL HOLDS DRAFT TJX DESIRABLE. NEW steady. Cotton Market. YORK, Nov. 26. Spot Middling, $39.43.. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Students to Join Legion. SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 26. DecUion to organize a post of the American Legion at the University of "Waahlng ton has been reached by the Rainier post. No. 1, American Legion, Seattle. Action May Be Taken Wednesday Following Conference Market' Master la Defended. Consideration of the proposed or dinance providins new regulations for the conduct of the public market was postponed yesterday by the city council for one week. The postpone xnent followed announcement by rep resentatives of the housewives couo cil. that the draft of the proposed ordinance did not seem to coincide with the general agreement reached at the public hearing several weeks City Commissioner Bigelow, In charge of the market, agreed to hold a conference at which time the repre sentatives of the housewives' council could go over the ordinance and check the various sections. During the discussion of the ordi nance, A- K. Mickey, attorney for the Producers association, drew fir from Baker by protesting against y in passage ot tne ordinance and hinting that pressure would be brought to bear unless the council took immediate action. Following this incident, Mrs, A. vv. Nicholson spoke urging the removal of Marketmaster Eastman, saying that he was unpopular - both with the producers and the consumers, and that since the market controversy, has discriminated against white pro ducers in favor of Japanese. City Commissioner Bigelow defend ed Marketmaster Eastman, spying that although he had received some complaints against him, he was cer tain the position was being filled honestly and welL It is expected the ordinance will be considered Wednesday morning, unless the proposed ordinance proves .to differ from the agreements made at the public hearing. A check on this phase of the subject now is befi made by Commissioner Bigelow for presentation to the committee of Price, t 9. (Hi f 10.00 9.OO'0 I Ml 7.00i 8.00 5 60C 6-5H 8.00 'v 9 00 7.00 8.00 5.50JD 6 50 4.0 fri B.r.o S.OO'r 7.00 7.OOi)14.00 8.UU4P tt.25 15 !.0M O0 14. M 15M 13.Rt4rl4.00 i4.504Ho.&0 ll.ROffl2.50 10.50fll.M 9 OO&10.O0 8 50 'i. 0.50 " 7..10'd 8. .10 5.0U& 7.00 ChIca-o Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Nov. : VtrB- Rin(i 40.0O0, lower. Bulk, $ 12.73 "V 13.10: top. 13.o; heavy, $12.65fc 13.10; medium. J 'S 13.25; liht. $12,634.13; light light, 12.2.Vfjl2.75; heavy packing bows, smooth. 121.i0: packing sows, rough. 11.6U 12; plga, fll. 75& 12.50. cattle Keceipts, strong. Beef Steers, medium and heavy, choice and is Day of Thanksgiving This is a day of thanksgiving a day when all of us should recall to mind the many things for which we who live upon American soil have to be thankful, and, more especially, those of us who find shelter and comfort in this promising land of plenty and oppor - tunity the Northwest. Behind us, the march of events has builded great American institutions, founded upon American ideals and consummated with that spirit of freedom and liberty which came as a heritage from noble fore fathers generations ago. To realize all this and revere it with solemn thank fulness is the purpose of this day. And in living its true spirit of thanksgiving, let us impress upon our hearts the fact that we are the people of a great na tion a nation which deserves to live as long as the ideals, institutions and purposes of its people stand for progress and the accomplishment of work well done. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Capital One Million Dollars Morris Building 309-11 Stark Street Between Fifth and Sixth Sts. Telephone: Broadway 2151 PORTLAND, OREGON Established Over a Quarter Centurj No. 3 Central Building, Ground Floor SEATTLE; WASHINGTON elation met in Salem today, and elect ed officers for the ensuing year. They are U. S. Dotson, Park school, Salem, president; I. K. Luthy, Kaiser school, first vice-president; D. A- Hoag, Ma rion school, second vice-president; El mer S. Stults, Jefferson school, third vice-president; Miss Luella J. Walsh. Woodburn, treasurer; Miss Clover B. Miller, Silverton; critic; O. V. White, Scott Mills, member of executive committee. DAILY METEOROI.OGICA1, REPORT. PORTIAND, Or., Nov. 26. Maximum temperature. 39 degrees: minimum tem perature. 33 degrees?. River reading, 8 A. M., 2.3 feet : change In last 24 hours, 0.7-foot fall. Total rainfall S P. M. to S P. M. ), none; total rainfall since Septem ber 1, 191U. 0 3$ inches; normal rainfall Prlrne' 18. 50 p 20.40; medium and good. , - -.if.ii' ,R.m.n.h.p, 1 ' lfll l 7ii .unnte, 7:i A. M. ; sunset. :ju total Funahine. 9 hours 3 minutes; Sll.Z5gS18.50; common, lUftjll.llS; lleht. good and choice, lii.75; common nd medium, I7."fft'14.l5: heifers. $tt.t5iv 1; cows, tf.50 13.f0; canners and cutters, $5.30 tt.50; veal calves. $1617; feeder steers. $7.75 (& 13: stocker steers, $63 11 : western range steers. 17.5015.25: cows and heifers. 60 SI 12. 75. Sheet) Receipts 11.000. firm. Lambs. $1315; culls and common. $9 ft 12.75; ewes, medium and choice, $7 & S.tti: culls nd common. S3&6.75: breeding. $6.50 4 11.25. possible sunshine, 9 hours 3 minutes. Moon rise, 11:41 A. M. ; moonpet. 8 P. M. Barom eter (reduced sea level), 5 P. M., 30.58 inches. Relative humidity: 5 A. M.. 8 - : noon, 34 per cent; 5 P. M.. 44 per cent, THE -WEATHER, j Mayor Bt ! delay in Marriage U censes. v.rt.inj.wHiTK E. L McClaln Jr. leaal. Congress hotel, ana Merdttir oni don White, lecal, 714 Ulinan street. cai. Kelso. Wash., and Mrs. J. o. mm nH iti "ss Heech street. TjLi.MAN-WiNlJL.lii jonn v ra.nn man, legal, HSj Syracuse siree, aim meleta Windle, legal, 10O0 Minnesota av KfHTTT.Z-WKTZLKK UllO ocnuil. " 504 East Washington street, and Ruth K. n.-o-iT- r7 :iu Clifton street. TOl N I NUMhiN -MAN.'Vl.-N'j K,a.n uuncan Touninesen. 22. La Fine, Wash., and HaiteJ TA I LUK-oilll" t-naiiun xajii, . i, Milwaukie. Or., and Marlorle l Hauui, Rn7 Ttnt"m street. chok. 20. 840 Grand avenue jNortli, attd :mma pnVi 3K same aaaress. EMLET-USBUKN fl.awra r. n.iniev. itj c&l. 3Wj"4 Broadway, and Alice u. Ue Knrn Iprral r a m A ftddress. K HI'SK- w H 11 M Ai timer Lt. ivniw, legal. 3i East Ninth street North, and Jtanne May Whitman, legal, 504 Rex. Arms apartments. cer. 83, Nap pa, Idaho, ana wi&rs jaciAuga Un, 20. Cornelius hotel. r jl ( n: w i A, Ward Lm1er Haines. legal, 1156 East Morrison street, and Laura Alar Ha I. leeai. iiid ami nyiw reei STONE-SIR VI DALY Peter Stone, 31, 83 Park street, and Buxana Birvldaly. 26, 808 CORNELL-KELLY Warren A. Coiiifill, 27. filo Clay street, and Mrs. Elga K.aUy, im 4.v. Kajtt Clav street. miFSS-KNAPP Thomas i. jsur- gess, legal, 333 East Seventh street, and ii n m. KntDD. lerai. same address. ruttver-staN lkV Clarence C. Gru ver. 27. Maple wood. Or., and Hasel L. Rtanlev. 20. same address. RHODES-LAUTERBACH William M, Rhodes, 4s, Sheridan, Or., and Hilda Lau terhach. 4.. lmoertal hotel. BHOWN-TAGGART Robert I. Brown, 23, Beilevue hotel, and 13 orris Elizabeth TiLffffiirt. 21. 505 Lexintrton street. GEARIN -GILBERT William E. Oearln. legal, 1212 Belmont street, and A. Ruth Ciii hert. letral. same address. RHUTHER-BKAMER-- Jacob Reuther, letal, Willard Hotel, and Etta N. Beamer, legal, Hammers! y Court apartments. OTT-PRICE James Ira ott, 20, Cash mere, Wash., and Rose Price, 24. Ulan wood hotel. McFARLAN-HART Fred W. MeFarlan, legal, 496 East Eighteenth street North, and Iva L. Hart, legal, same address. CHVRCH1LL-FVNK. W. W. ChurchllL. 21. 215 Fourteenth street, and Ethel B. Funk. 19, 435 Yamhill street. KEMP-FAWCKTT D. M. Kemp, 43, 84 North Twenty-first street, and Carol M. Fawcfit, 40, same address. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. BPRN'CER-WADE Ora L. Spencer. 2S. of Portland, and Ida Wads, 21, of Carsoa, Wash. 8CHANB-MALTMAN Richard Schane. 30. of Vancouver, Wash., and Anna Malt- man, 23. of Vancouver. Wash. ZIMMERMAN-BRODDIE Charles Zira- , merman. 25, ot Portland, and alinnle Brod dis, 26. of Portland. MOORE-MILLER Marviss Moore, 21. ! of Centralia. Wash., and NelUs Miller, IS. of Portland. i HAINES-MIDDLBTON Charles Hain-s, 21, of Oswego, Or., and Oladya Middle too, 19, of Portland. LAMB-CLANCT Kobert Lamb, legal, of Portland, and lelUah Clancy, legal, of. Portland. ABEL-HARRINGTON J. H. AbeL. le gal, of New berg. Or., and Mrs. Jennie liar- ring ton. letral. of Newberg. Or. KRAMER-TRAVIS IcR Iv Tamer. of Portland, and Lucy Travis, 20, of Port land. SPROULS-MOSHBERGER - Raymond Sprou'.s, 25, of Portland, and Hasel Mosh bergsr. 21, if Portlsnd. JORGENSEN-WTATT Vm Jorgenson. 25. of Portland, and Frances Wyatt, 10, of Portland. BSAUFORD-2AHARI8 Charles Beau-ford,- 26. of Portland, and Jeannetto Za haris. 27. of Portland. WTSONG-HUNT Carl P. Wysong. 27, of Vancouver. Wash., and Leatha Hunt 16, of Vancouver, Wash. SAARl-LARRELL. ivmil Saari, legal, of Portland, and Mary Larrell, legaU of Port land. JOHNSON-JOHNSON Iver Johnson. 34. of Portland, and Bslma Johnson, 2 ft, of jfortiana. TURNER-SEP ANGLE William Turner. 30, of West Port, Or., and Li Ulan fetpan gle, 27, of Portland. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Nov. 26. U. B. Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 11.000, general ly 75c lower. Top, $12. H5; bulk, $12.50 12.75; heavyweight, $12.25 12.75 ; medium weight, $12.30ttl2.R5; lightweight. $12.25 & 12.75; heavy packing sows, smooth. 'J 412.15: packing sows, rough, $11.70 lii; pigs, $121S. Cattle Receipts T500. killing grades 10 3 15c higher. Feeders steady. Sheep Receipts, killing ciasser 25c higher. Feeders steady. Seattle Livestock Market. e BATTLE. No . 26. Hogs Receipt 70L Low er.- Prime. C in. 75 t 16.25 ; me dium to choice, $14.75 15.7.1; rough heav ies, $13.75(14.25; pigs. $13, H. Cattle Receipts. 15. Mteaay. nest steers, $0 50 10.50; medium to choice; $SW9; common to good. 5.507.50; best Cows and heifers. $7,506? 8.75; common to good, $57; bulln. $5&7; calves, $714. Kansas City Li restock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 26. Sheep e- ceipts, 2000. Mostly steady. Lambs, $13 $15; culls and common, f h.tiv iz.7.-: year ling wethers, iorii.7o; ewes, sow now; culls and common. $3Jr5.76; breeding ewes, $7.50 f& 11.50; feeder lambs, $10.5013.85. STATION 8. Coffee Futures ler1Ine. NBW TORK, Nov. 26. Reports that Brazilian shippers were showing an in creased disposition to sell seemed chiefly responsible for a further decline in the market for coffee futures here today. The opening was 1 to is points lower and the market sold about 40 to 58 points below last night's closing figures during the cnrlv afternoon. with March touching 14. SO. making new low grounn tor me; movement and a decline of 23 points from the recent high level. The market was steadied In the late trading by cov ering with March cloning at 15.15. The general list closed at a net decline of 18 to 25 points. December 14.65c; January 14 85c; March 15.15c; May , 15.25c; July 15.35c; September 15 20c. Spot coffee dull and Irregular. Rio 7s 15c; Santos 4s 25' 2Ho. Baker Boise ....... Bon ton Calgary Chicago Denver De Moines. Eureka Galveston Helena t Juneau Kaunas City. Los Angeles. Marshfield .. Medford ... Minneapolis New Orleans. New Tork .. North Head. No. Yakima. Phoenix PocateMo . . . Portland . .. Roseburg . .. Sacramento . St. Louis ... Salt Lake .. San Diego . . S. Francisco. Seattle Sitka Spokane .. Tacoma Tatoosh Is Id. tVaidez Walla Walla. Washington Winnipeg Engineers' Scope Defined. SALEM, On, Nov. 26. (Special.) The state board of engineering exam iners is not authorized to register persons as architectural engineers, thtt term not beinff included in the definition of the act providing for the registration of engineers, according to a legal opinion given by I. H. Van Winkle, assistant attorney-general, here today. The cpinion was asked by O. Laugaard of Portland, president of the board of engineering examiners. Marlon Principals Elect. SALEM, Or., Nov. 26. fSpeclal.) The Marion- Coiinly Principal?' agso- Investors read Hie Wall Street Journal TWO DOZEN- Blanehard Evaporated FRESH EGGS $1.15 Aak Your Grocer HaiclwMd Company, Dlatrlbntora Portland, Oregon 2010.00' lNWClear 2S U.00;i SK Clear 4'1.9")il2LW (Rain tA. lnc d Clear Cloudy snow cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Snow Cloudy Clear Clear Snow Cloudy Rain C ear Clear loudy snow Clear Clear Clear :Cloudy Cloudy iCloudy uiear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear .Clear Clear Cloudy Ulear Rain ICloudy M. today. 'P. M. report ot preced- H- 12 0.001. .IN'W S'l 34io.O(M12:n 8) 80.a8;liJ 2'JI 2fi0.00'14jNE 4 4S:0.11O!24.V aill 88'O.SO . -IN ( 2 11.(11 ..SW 1S30 0.00!. .I.V ( 34 0.01118 NE B4 5rt0.14 14SW 420.01 i;n 44 :0.02 12 N 16 0.02,Hi!: 68 0.O0 13 E 5S O.tM) . .IK 44 0.OO. . N 36. D. 001 . . IKW 64'0.00112 SW 1210. 16 14 NK 88 0.00,12 SB 40 0.02il N S 0.00124 X S 0.12112 NE 30 0.10 14 NS 60 0. 00 12'S 58 0.00.38 -N' 40 0.00 . .INK 42 0. 00 . . 28'O.00 . . (K 40 0.OO 1C NE 38 42 0.0O.10 B 12"18 0.00. .SB 20i 28'O.OOil2 N 50 0;0. 00112 SW -10 . .. 0.00 12!SW .; 50 84 241 18 Bl LIBER-TY and VICTORY BONDS If yon ma.t aell Jour Liberty or Victory bond., aril to na. . I' you ean buy more Liberty or Victory bondx. buy from na. On Wednesday. November 26. lain, the closlnic New York market prices for Liberty and Ictory bond, were as given below. They are th governing plicea for United State. Government Liberty and Victory bonds all over the world, and th. hiphejit. We advertise these prices daily In order that you may always know th. New York market and the exact value of your Liberty and Victory bonds. 1st 2d 1st 2d 3d 4th Victory Victor-. Si 4s 4s 43 4 Vs 4H' 43 Ss 4.. Market ..1100.00 $94.10 (81.50 194. .'.0 yl.7S 4.10 yl.T4 tuu.vd wi.0 Interest 1.58 ISO .13 l.ttl .14 .85 .50 1.K5 2.4T Tota!.101.58 5.90 91.63 $96 41 $91. P2 $94.95 $92 24 $101.01 $101.53 waen Buying, we neauct Ate on a swu bond ana s-j.oo on a iiooo bono. V. a aell j- at ine iew iorK marKet pnee plus tne accrued interest, r Burglar and Fireproof ISafe llenosit Huxei for Kent. Open nntit 8 1. 31. on Saturday J'P rTn -- y-nn -jr - w oi'ti The Premier Mnnlrifml Bond Tloime Car.ltl One Million Dollars'.. K Mnrrla ltnllrtintr SlM.S I 1 K.mwr TL Mf.h MI--h 73 tTI Irirpionf- Brimdway 8151. Kthli-hr1 Over 25 Venn. (lion (fillip) u t4 n id slab III 1I51-H b o 1ft TOltBld iill JjJ a Jrls! sbnslri- ism rrt : off .n supervision) of the French National Government. All three cities are aoaec imnnrfrjinfr. rrrtwimr rpntpw nf inrltlsrTr rnmmpri'e nnrl nnn. 1 J' , 1" J? ; ? . . T 7 : , .ons-ts uiauon. oonas issuea in denominations ox ltiinj, $ouu (jio and $100 at i-uo-i aai . a v j a yz ana Accruea interesi To Yield about 6.80 3 Great French Cities Offer You Their Bonds pHE 15-year 6 Gold Bonds of Lyons, Marseilles an4"OJe Bordeaux are issued under the control and supervisiore nl ,isi Th Circular on request for OR-264 National City Company Correspondent Offices in over 50 Cities Portland Railway Exchange Building Telephone 6095 Main. Bonds, Short Term Notes, Preferred Stocks FORECASTS. Porilanfl end vicinity Fair, continued cold: moderate north to east winds. Oregon and Washington Fair, contia uk1 cold: moderate north to east winds. We Want a large amount of Liberty and Victory Bonds W huTp vnfilb-d ortlen for a lam amount and will par jou top prlc pay you more and tare our clients monf by liminaUnc abippizix chare, lou of time, exchange and commissions east. New Vert mart by wire dally. Ask us to ejuata yeu Freeman Smith Camp Co. comb ruxM peoai HWSJBI -sottt Bank Blo. C03EVIERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY Owns stud Offens. Subject to Prior Sale, 165,000.00 Moline 6 First Farms Company Mortgage Serial Bonds In denominations of $100.00. $500.00. 11000.00. $2000.00. $5000.00 Bemi-Annual Interest Payable May lst-Nov. 1st. Normal Federal Income Tax Paid by Borrower. Secured by First Mortgage on 8000 Acres Irrigated AGRICTTLTURAIi and FRUIT LAND in HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION. Situated in the famous SNAKE RIVER VALLEY, Malheur Co OREGON. The conservatively appraised value of the Security behind These Bonds is more than three times the amount of the loan. For Further Information, Call on or Address COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY Mala Floor Chamber of Commerce Blda No. 1 Xalrd Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. W'hea yoai ier aerrlce si a reliable agent C.DeYoung&Co. INSURANCE AND BtXTAL A GTS. 810 KpaldloK Bids. Main 7351. BO Government Municipal Corporation G. E. Miller & Company Investment Securities Phone Main 4195 203-6 Northwestern Bank Building; MUNICIPAL BONDS From the State of OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO To Net 4.90 to 6.50 Exempt From Present Income Tax F.l.neveroaux Company 87 Sixth Street " Broadway 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building GOVERNMENT, CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL BONDS TO NET FROM 57o TO 7 PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. H 5