TITE MORNING OKEGOXIAX, TIIUKSDAT, NOVEMBER 27. 1919. 17 V K V -A CTOMOBILES. SALT LAKE , CITY, UTAH, . will be my permanent address after Dec 3 at. Before leaving 1 want to dispose of my Forde coupe. Note the descrip tion: It has only been driven 6000 miles And la in practically as good condition as the day it came from the factory. I have had the cur revarnished and added over $400 worth of extras, including white wire wheels, cord tires, electric starter and lighting: system, bumper, spot light, clock, speedometer, Klaxon horn, shock absorbers, etc. Only six weeks ago I refused $1000 for It, but on account of leaving the city 1 will sell it for less than this, but it must be all cash. Call Frank Leigh ton, Broadway 1400, or East 6876. BOMB CAR Hupmobile touring, new ton, refinibhed inside and out. best buy In town, $975; small payment down, bal ance easy. Portland Electric garage, 11th and Hoyt. SPECIAL Allen roadster, equipped, a private car. good tires, fully $660: $250 down. balance to suit. See Lavelle, Portland . Electric garage, 11th and Hoyt. (:5u, TERMS 1115 Ford, good condition. This Is very cheap, but have no use for it. Eat 7840. IMMEDIATE delivery on this year's Ford touring, can't be told from new, $575, including $50 extras. Phone Col. 605. ID 1 8 SAXON 6, 5-passenger car; new top, spotlfght and lots of extras. Price $850. Call F. C. Allen, Bdwy 476. W UO WANTS a Cadillac, old, but runs like new, 0 good ttrea and only $250 catih. Phone Col. 605. FORD, late IS, round; leaving $425. Bast 3o9. oversize new tiies all town; for quick sale. 111S si AXON six. 5-passenger car; new top, spotlight and lots of extras. Price $850. Call F. C. Allen, Bdwy. 4 76. MUST seil my series 9-B Franklin touring at once; driven only 700 miles; will give sotTie terms. Phone East 8137. $1350 OLD S 8 $ 1 3 50. THIS is a perfect car. See it at 421 Burnside. 1110 MAXWELL, just like new, $850, easy terms. See Tom, Oregon Auto Top Co, 14th and Couch. FIAT delivery. In good mechanical con dition: a real bargain at 250. 3u Grand ave. North, near Burnside. LATE 1019 Maxwell touring, cannot be told from new car; guaranteed; $950, terms. 109 11th, bet. Stark and Wash. LATE MODEL. DODGE, just out of repair hop; guaranteed; hurry; $750. terms, low 11th St., between Stark and Wash. SAXON six touring, newly painted, good tires; a classy car at the right price. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. Automobiles v anted. CASH FOR CARS. Bring your light late model touring earn or roadsters to the RED FRONT USED CAR CO. for the top price and cash in vour hand: no waiting; drive in. walk out. We will buy any kind. 505 Alder at. Red Front Used Car Co. WILL, oav highest snot cash price for Butck. Dodge. Overland or any good light or medium weight car; bring your car here and get the cash in your hand, bo red tape or waiting. Al AUTO WORKS 525 Alder St. CASH FOR CARS. I will pay cash for any light late model touring or roadster, must run good. Bring your car to the Red Front Used Car Co., fiOo Alder st. No talk. we pay cash. GLOBE garage, 50 North 20th. recently chan aed hands, we are now in a posi tlon to give first-class service, repair- in if. A-l mechanics, auto laundry, gal vnnlKing, storage, day and night service. fJaln 206. VAN TED Late model car; trade good 6 room house, 2 lots, in Rainier, Or. ; Chandler or Bulck .light 6 preferred; consider set garage tools. W hat have you? F. V., 402 E. 41at N. Portland. r Tabor 5262. . WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAT CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale St. S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. WILL PAY $1000 and smalt roadster for light six touring car. preferably Bulck. Please offer no car that is not In per fect condition. AV 837, Oregonian. PRIVATE party will pay $200 cash for Ford. 331 '-a Larrabee. East 6043. Motorcycles. STRINE SAYS: PLAN NOW AND ORDER THAT BI CYCLE FOR CHRISTMAS. $2 DOWN, $2 PER WEEK. STRINE CYCLE CO., 86 BROADWAY. $10 BUYS twin Indian motorcycle with presto tank; $10 buys bicycle; $15 buys bicycle with electric light and horn; all In good condition. 1649 Gilbert St.. at Lambart. next to cut. St. Johns car. ELECTRIC Harley-Davidson motorcycle nd sidecar, spare tire and D. tandem sacrifice for quick sale. Inquire 960s 60 th ave. S. E.. or pnone Tabor jmk. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US 204-2Q6 3U ST. MAIN CI 39. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT. WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. THIRD AND GLISAN" STS. BROADWAY 2629. SMITH. A L'tUB, NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLANDS HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE, BDWY. 240S 13TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Ga rage. 86 lotn st. Broaaway em. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L, I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 2n2. idth au iamhill a mac. .ALT H OF A BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AND TAlUK. J1A1J UK)!. fi-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, callln shopping. - highway. Broadway 8547. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. REPUBLIC TRUCKS. REBUILT AND GUARANTEED. 11T &. -nn HallvAPV wllh nnsUITIfttlC tires $ 850 1Q1A 1 tnn wit K tAI DVr &11 tnd wid shield - 1000 lOIK t.t'in hmiii nnlv : f actorv used 1800 iqi 4 "i-ton with atv wind shield and 10-foot body 2500 1H(J ITnrrl -a. r.rm rfHvA trunk. bodV and car complete 700 ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. Park and Everett Sta. Broadway 1369. TRUCKS AT WHOLESALE PRICE. One 2-ton and one 1-ton Internation al trucks, never been used, at factory cost price. Genuine snaps on high-grade stun, eastern Oregon Auto -0., ale, or, REPUBLIC one-ton cab and body. $250 cash, balance easy payments. See Jones at 4Jl isurnsiae street. JEKFEKT, 1-ton body and top. only $330. $130 down, balance easy terms. See Jones at 421 Uurnsiae st. Jl DANDY 2-ton Federal, worm drive. In perfect shape. $400 cash, balance terms. See it st 421 Burnside. 8-TON Standard. $1100. $350 cash, balance terms, tee Jones at -i turnsiae st. TRUCKS. . all sUaa. for general hauling. A GOOD TRUCK, for sale or trade. Mllwarkle 10. Pbon ArTO REPAIRING. WHEEL WORK of all kinds, autoraobil Dtacksraithtng: skilled workmanship moderate prices. Willamette Wheei 11 K ST-CLASS automobile mechanic, wll UKt worn oy nuur or job; guarantee work; call me to help or to do it all. Alain 94iu. HAVE your Chevrolet or Ford overhauled at home : work guaranteed, contract or GARAGES. BEST GARAGE AND ACCESSORY AN REPAIR BUSINESS ON EAST SIDE V ILL SELL AT INVOICE: W1LLTAK ABOUT $5000 CASH. O 192. UKLuO WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamonds direct to Diamond importers and receive The highest cash market value. Without any disappointment. We pay from $100 to $SOO Per karat. We purchase pawa Tickets, Gold. Stiver. Platinum. Any valuables, any amount We buy War Stamps. Liberty Bonds. Victory Bonds. If you want money, see us. Private offices. Business confidential. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Bids;., 2d Floor. Washington and Bdwy. Phone Corner DIAMONDS WANTED. $200 TO $1000 PER CARAT. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamond to diamond ex perts. We positively pay the hlghea: cash market values for diamonds, plat inum, gold, silver watches, old jewelry and all valuables of every description. We buy false teeth, crowns, bridges and all dental gold. See. us before sell ing elsewhere. Private offices, business strictly con fidential. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan Bldg., 4th Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. SPOT CASH PAID FOR. SHOWCASES, CASH REGISTERS, ADDING MACHINES. DESKS, TYPE WRITERS, SEWING MACHINES. FUR NITURE, SCALES, RESTAURANT FIX TURES AND JfiVERYTHLNG UNDER THE SUN. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 128 FIRST. MAIN 4403. TABOR 6703 $12.50 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone in the city for suits, overcoats and shoes. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors. Call Marshall 1220 or 253 Madison St.. near 3d st. ; will call anywhere in the city, day or evening. CLEARING HOUSE FOR 2D-HAND CLOTHING. WE SELL YOUR CLOTHES ON COMMISSION. We have customers for second-hand clothing. Leave your clothes 'with us, we seli at your price and charge a rea sonable commission. Orpheum Tailors. aoi otartt si. rnune nawy. ltmo. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. THE OLDER THE BETTER, Crowns, Bridge Work. Dental Gold Bought. Bring of Mail. -PRIVATE OFFICES FOR LADIES. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg. 2q floor, cor. Wash., Bdwy. Main 4340. WANTED Second-hand safe or safe caoinet; must De at least so inches high; oak. finish preferred; green finish will ao. nu- zo-i, oregonian. $8.50 UP TO $25. GOLDSTEIN THE TAILOR PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC. BROAD W A Y 3132. 245 BURNSIDE. BETWEEN 2D AND 8D. CALL ME BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off ciotning; nignest cash prices paid; will can nay or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225. 209 Madison. UP TO $23. FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. w win pay any price for men s clothes. OREGON CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d at, N. W. cor. Wash. Main 9344. FURS! FURS! FURS! I make them look like new; -cleaning and alterations of any description at reasonaoie prices, bee tne LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO.. Main 0529. 163 West Park. Bet. Morrison and Yamhill. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for- men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get tne rignt casn price ior your goods. lt7 1st St., near Morrison. Main 73s. WANTED 2 6C-in. diameter. 16 ft. long, rire-tuoe Doners, without domes; must De outt-strap seams, eood for 1' pound pressure and suitable for Dutch oven fir ing. H JtKi, oregonian. THE, TOP MARKET PRICE for your raw tuns. ncnu liieiu iu tne uoiaen rtme Fur company, 603 First ave., Seattle, Wash. Write for price list and tags. WANTED A load of household goods for 2H-ton truck going to Seattle: will haul very reasonable. Call East 291, ask for Mr. Schubert. WANTED RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shotgun and kodaks. Hochfeld. 85 Third street. Main 30SL WE BUY WAR STAMPS. Spot Cash. Liberty Bonds Bought. American Brokerage, 203 Morgan bldg. SECOND annual auction sale at the office ot tne fomana itemeaiai uan assocla tlon. 394 Stark St.. Tuesday. Dec. 2, WANTED Double oven, Lang or Majestic. amoKeaier rwniuniui range. K. Hi. i,flli- xnan, Eugene, Or. JUNK, rags, metals, old clothing, tools carpets, rurniture; goo a prices. East 5171. WANTED Used wardrobe trunk : price must be reasonable. BJ 130, Oregonian WANTED To buy fireproof safe, give size and price. F C03, Oregonian. BATH. laundry tub, toilet, lavatory, sink wanted. 304 S wetland. Main 71C4. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds, uan juarx, i:J Washington. WANTED Cash register with penny keys nu tape. v eoer s garage, vin) ueimont WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you casn. uregon 'typewriter Co., U4 oth. WANTE D 8x12 printing press. Printer, 5 FOR RENT Small cash register for lunch counter. ti fine st. WANT TO BUY few stands bees at res. AL 11, Oregonian. sonable price. WANTED Cider press. Phone Woodlawn 1234. j Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURH CCX. Marshall fifiSL OLDEST RELIABLE PORTLAND BUYS HOU8B IN HOUSEHOLD OUOUS JTOrt SPOT CASH. NOTHING TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL, FROM A BIG HOTEL TO ONE PiJiCK. PHONE US. Marshall S9SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 395 First st.. near YamhUL BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR FURNITURE SEE US. We are In need of all kinds of used furniture. rugs, carpets, stoves end ranges: all kinds of gas stoves and office furniture, and we will pay absolutely the top prices for same. Call MARSHALL 387. and our buyer will call at once with the cash. GEVURTZ FURNITURE BTORB. 205 and 207 First St.. Between Taylor and Salmon Sts. CALL MAIN S95L If you want to sell your furniture and not give it away. Ask for Mr. Wolf. 101 2d st., near Taylor. BE SURE AND LET US SFE vour furniture and household arvDrl k fore you sell. We are in the market for same ana win pay nignest prices PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 208 First St. Main 772S. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseiuu. ana a competent, court ous buyer will call. Marshall 2tll3. Crown CALL MAIN SS7S. We pay the highest prices for. used furniture, eee us Dfioro you sen. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN SS7S. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: nave tne ready caih Phone today. Main 4627 or ItSd First st. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAY CASH. M A l IN a..i J. WANTED Used furniture. prices- Main B0fi4. Will pay best I WILT, pay the very best prices for used xurniture. -none a xuvl WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furnitnre Wanted. call main 309 immediately. wh pay the highest cash prices ever paid by anyone in th b city for furniture. car PETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO., 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 3u9. I WANT used furniture; will pay as much as any dealer can pay. East tiilt. al. x Calef, dealer, 540 Williams ave. HELP WANTED MALE. ACCOUNTING. COST--C. P. A. OR EXECUTIVE. Demands' are urgent for men and women accountants at salaries ranging from $2000 to $10,000 a year; we give you a practical, thorough training in a scientific way ; no previous bookkeeping experience necessary. i . NO CLASSROOM ANNOYANCES. Our new home-study method pre pares you thoroughly and quickly; no argumentative discussions no interrup tions because of holiday recesses or emergency closing orders. Hundreds of our students are C. P. A. a, successful cost accountants and exec utives. Our elective feature enables you to specialize, without extra fee. NO SCHOOL IS STRONGER THAN ITS FACULTY. We ask you to investi gate ours. For information call, write or phone INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTANTS SOCIETY, 614 Panama Bldg. Marshall 4262. C. M. .Massey and L. E. Oberer, District Managers. WANTED An accountant or law-trained man with selling ability. Applicant must be high grade in every respect. Give full Information concerning your self In first letter, slating salary ex pected and previous earning ability. Preference will be given a La Salle univeralty or Alexander Hamilton trained man. O 193, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED man that can sell vacuum cleaners or washing machines. Phone Broadway 4024. LEARN AUTOMOBILE. TRACTOR AND AEROPLANE MECHANICS. Vulcanizing, acetylene welding and machinist trade. Call or write for cat alogue. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, INCI, 402 Hawthorne ave. SALES engineer wanted, permanent posi tion to engineer with sales ability, com petent to estimate and design structural steel and concrete reinforcement; state age. experience, education, eatary and when avallaVe. Apply by mail to Min neapolis Steel ft Machinery Co.. S. 114 Monroe st.. Spokane. Wash. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN. Those familiar with hardware and house furnishings preferred; scate ex perience and references. BD 70U Orego nlan. AUTOMOBILE and tractor school; new building; modern equipment: best in struction ; practical work. laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or Inquire at room 410 Y. M. C. A bldg. Phone Main 8700, branch 2. WANTED A first-class masseur and a gentleman of high class, a man who knows the business and will attend to same: others need not apply; a personal interview required. See J. J. Wiikins, mgr.. Shlphards Springs, Carson, Wash. COAL miners wanted in southern Oregon, -7 pick coa miners, married men pre frrred; no trouole steady work, new inins. coal 6 feet. Take train to Co cuille. boat to Riverton. John-Jones Coal -Co., Riverton, Or. WANTED FIRST-CLASS TAILORS. COAT, PANTS AND VEST MAKERS. $40 PER WEEK. REED BROS, 203 WILCOX BLDG. WANTED Man to work nights in gar age; janitor work and wash and polish I or 2 cars a night; must be active and willing to work; give full particulars; references. L 200, Oregonian. WANTED Men: prepare as firemen, brakemen, colored train porters, $l.".0 200 month ; no experience necessary. Oregon roads. Write Inter-Railway, Dept. 132, Indianapolis, Ind. WA NT ED Experienced. competent wire drawers for nail mill; continuous work. Communicate vith the Morrison Stel ft Wire Co., Ltd., Granville Island, Van couver. B. C. EXPERIENCED man for fine point spray ing. Apply Mr. Tichner, 32 N. 10th st, city. , 2 MEN to work country towns with hominy and horseradish, with or without car; also 2 men to work hotels and boarding houses in city. See me at 025 Division st. Money-making job. PERMANENT position for competent lino type operator-printer at good salarv; one with country experience preferred. Write or wire Willapa Harbor Pilot, nomn ena, w asn. WANTED MEN to prepare as firemen brakemen, colored train porters. $ir0 $20(1 month, no experience necessary Oregon roads. Write Inter-Railway, Dept. ! j, ino lanapoiig, in a. WANTED As partner proposition, a young energetic and refined, to invest. Reference lf4, Oregonian. In a first-class man. intelligent Must have $3O0 i exchanged. ' O OAK wood to cut at $3 per cord. Prefer man with family of boys able to do farm work. Must give references. Good house only article furnished. 20 miles from Portland. 22 S Alder st. WANTED Young man for office work, large company; state age, experience. salary expected ana pnone number 829, Oregonian. $117 MONTH average, railway mail clerks; nunareos wnmea; list positions Iree. Write immediately. Franklin Institute Dept. 370-W. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED AT ONCE First-class experi enced open-snop patternmakers. Applv 320 Orogdn building. Fifth and Oak streets. WANTED Names men. 1S-35. wishing be come government railway mail clerks Commerce $1100 year. Answer AV felS, Oregonian. ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced onlv. weekly publication; official organ for organizations; good endorsements. Clyde, 210 Stock Exchange bldg. YOUNG man stenographer, must fnmisTi references, one with knowledge of music preierrea, eiate eaiary ana experience. at? .9, uregonian. lso inuLiun ior auiomooue school, one wno can ieu.cn eieciricai class; wonder fui future for right person. Apply 14 w a.n i n. lj t-ariy witn sawmill to saw two or three million feet fir timber, $1 per mousanu. t&ivm jonnson, Cornelius Or.. R. No. 2. yaiic.u a macmne Kneeooiter tor large uoucunare mtiury in ciiy ; ,..U Up, hours, steady work. Portland Labor Awncy, ji sortn becona. V ANTED Laundry driver: good aieadv position for a live hustler; no experience necessary. Appiy uregoji Laundry Co. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, fine oppor tunity ior young man with ability in wnoiwaie nouse. tjyj -jh. oregonian. Ui1 1 lt-b ooy, opportunity for advancement in esiauisneu wnoiesaie nouse. BC 22 Oregonian. CARRIERS wanted In Alberta and Irving, ton districts. Apply city circulation de partment, room 203, Oregonian bldg. BARBER, steady job; two Saturday men Apply Sam H. Howard, sec Master Ear ners Assn., r ourtn st. LLDhKLi man to wash dishes; stead v .... luuiii ana ooara. rnui iui.mih, rxmania, ash. ADVERTISING solicitors. theater grammes, steady work; Investigate jnson. 207 Stock Exchange bldg. v -rt . i l r ..ui HU'iuuira, experienced in . X X . r " - Leslie juage uo.. thj.s Worcester Qldg.. 4 p j-l WANTED At once. Printer-operator must have man Dy December 1. Eesi wages. ic- "ura. "eppner. Or. WANT Hi D r irsi-ciass cabinet makera "J-.. V . -"-""ciuring Co. TAILORS, ATTENTION Strike still on in Portland. LOCAL NO. 74. GARDENER wanted; only man with perlence need apply. 410 Prescott after D f. JOU MEN to sell hominy and horseradish; money: steady. 323 Division st. LICENSED or dally. piumuer. electrician, contrac. FIRST-CLASS cabinetmaker; also machine man. ai. WANTED A boy with a wheel for d ery; must be 16 years old. 3u9 Morrison MEN to sll hominy and horseradish; big pay: long Job. 525 Division at. BOYS over 16 for box factory work. Ap ply ' 1 144 Macadam st.. Friday morning. SH EET metal worker to erect furnace. 6u3 Swetland bldg. Main 7104. LICENSED electrician will save you money on your wiring . W oodlawn 3 701. LADY ARBK wanted. 313 Davis street. HELP WANTED MALE. Y. M. C. A. ADVISORY AND. EVPi.nvyrT nv. V A RTii ENT Is not an employment agency, but a fle- I panment of the Y. M. C. A. which aids 1 nmhitinm vmins- man In nrlnf ODen the doors of ODDortunitv. In the past 10 I years we have assisted 17.932 men In finHfncr nn.itlnn. X a n V nt these IIieD are now in executive positions and a- cure their help through u. Th st.ndlnr this department Ot with employers is due to ths discrlmln- finer panilareH thTTl OVAf a Peri od nf !. v.ar. and thev tum tO the I Y. M. C. A. for men to fill the better 1 Vacant posit lor. s In Portland at present T Rtarco anrt Yf vnn n.i a&KlStance In I selling your service consult one of the I employment secretaries, room 307. We can help YOU. 300 INEXPRIENCED men wanted to Oimlifv am nulnmnhilii truck and tractor I mechanics and drivers, acetylene weld- I ew and tire vulcanisers; only auto- I mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government war department for train ing soldiers ft ut n mechanics: dont "en roll In any other school ontil you have Inspected this one; railroad fare re funded if after personal inapeotion you find any misrepresentation regarding the school: biggest, best equipped and laigest system of schools In the worm; four large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7. MODERN .fUTUMUmLl!. A.Lf TRACTOR SCHOOLS, Third and Elm I sts Spokane, Wash. Seattle. Wash 700 Mercler st.. ARE YOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED? If so, learn the auto and tractor busi ness and earn from $100 to $dO0 a month. Southern California offers ex ceptional opportunities while and after learning, high salaries. Ideal working conditions, fine year-round climate; no previous experience necessary. Learn In rhort time the National Way. Expert instructors, new. complete mechanical and eiectrical equipment including Packard twin 6, Cadillac 8. Willys Knight, etc No age limit. Earn board and room whila learning. 6000 succei ful graduates GUARANTEE YOUR success. nation T- atttomobtlp: school. 15 Years In Los Angeles at 818 8. Figuero. Write today for Free Catalogue. CARRIERS WANTED FOR ROUTES IN SOUTH PORTLAND. APPLY CITY CIRCULATION DEPT.. ROOM 203 OREGONIAN BLDG. WANTED AT ONCE. Two or" three young ladles to introduce our home-study shorthand course locally and in nearby towns; can make good money with opportunity for permanent position. Call or write PACIFIC EX TENSION INSTITUTE, 603-G-7 Panama Bid g. , city. WANTED A good milker and wife foi dairy in town; 16 cowl Marshall 3712. ' Help Wanted Salesmen. AN experienced overall salesman to work 1 citv of Portland and nearby towns with a splendid union-made line; must be I experienced and have good record. Com mission basis. HAMPTON. Main 8245. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. SALESMEN, agents. If you want to earn over $10 per day, call me immediately. Nothing can be easier to sell. Auto owners or drivers buy on sltrht : exclu sive territory, county or city. East 7307. NOTICE TO STOCK SALESMAN. If you want to sell stock in an Oregon corporation and earn $100 and up per 1 week, report at 40 W 3d st. No.. Ssk for Mr. McLean. WANT man to travel for manufacturing company, Oregon and Washington. Call Saturday, 1 to 5 o'clock. 2GS Park st. A. H. Stone. BOOKEEPKR and stenographer, single man, member of the h-lks oraer pre ferred. References required. AM. toA, Oregonian. . EXPERIENCED tire salesmen for city work: fine income and permanent posi tions can be made by hustlers selling Federal tires. Oregon Vulcanizing Co. SALESMAN and organizer, good prot sition, big money to rignt Washington. WANTED AGENTS. DYE SKAT. Skat, a new product. Dye Skat is being offered under this well-known name; It will go big; we offer exclusive territory with liberal salary and com missions to salesmen who meet our re- ; qutrements. Write us immediately. CANDY Earn $23 to $50 weekly: ADVER TISE. MEN. wumbia; start one oi our Specialty Candy Factories in your home. mj.il mam. anvwhere: grand opportuni ty ; "we tell how and furnish everything. CAN D YM AK ERS HOU SE. lll Kan- stead at.. Philadelphia. Pa, c. a WARSERS wanted for several coun ties in Oregon anu hbiiih8ioh, sicauy work ; good coram lssion ; some of our men are selling over $300 weekly; we want workers who desire to make money. Oregon Nursery Co., orenco. Or. AGENTS at once. Sell 30c per month hos pital tickets. 2Qg domett oiag. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WILL room, board, help clothe and send to nehool vouna rename gin .oetween the age of 16 and 21, for exchange for Hc-ht nervices morning and night; pre fer one without parents. This is a fine home for right party; none under 16 need apply: state age, full particulars in first letter. B W10. Oregonlan! wavtrd Names girls, women. 18-50, uiuh n snvornmeni census uohiliui.o. : 4000 needed; $1140 first yar, AV 820. Oregonian. r WANTED Experienced lady bookkeeper n nx nnt in ornce. permanent ioi- tion; give references and state salary I expected. E 703. Oregonian. WANTED 3 experienced waitresses fu Iiiaho, $2.30 and Doara, b nrs. ; transpor tation paid. The Ladies' Employment, 401 Royal bldg. I. AT) Y Good personality, with dramatic Holland Amusement Agency, 201 Strand theater blda-. it v- -r i v -r ncrt i vnlst. permanent posi tion: salary io per monui. i Board of Trade bldg., 3 P. M. vvDK-DiPvrv.n flttr with good reference wan tea. Aypj " A i tier st. GRL for filing and general office wrk; State age ana salary eAcuicu i-o BF 203, oregonian. THE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to heip any gin Glisan. "MV" car. East 316 956 E. ANY GIRL in need of a rriena. appiy to tn Solvation Army rvcntuu E. 15th st. N., or phone East 123. MILLINERY Wanted, makers, to start wnrK Jan. A. J. ouo e P. M. East 08feS. WANTED Waitresses; must be ex perienced. 3 dale. , . T7- v i.t-o i K"s:r,R.r nurse for healthy baby. i vpar oiu. uiu3i cvuim. - 1341. . STENOGRAPHERS. $75 to $125; book keepers. SOO H'""11 " hand. $50. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Several first-class experienced waitresses; no otner neu bmpij. v"vu3 Marshall 5906 between 6 ana 7 f. m. WANTED Experienced tobacco ' strippers nnd bander. Mildman oigar Co., lie i: r. i on ave.. cor. East Alder. PHONOGRAPH department saleslady; run typ- writer. AL 18. Oregonian. MARKER and good wages. P. M. sorter for out of town; Call 860 Park St. after S STENOGRAPHER, comptometer operator; state experience on both, salary required, age. BJ 142. Oregonian WANTED G ladies for outdoor sailing. $.".J weekly; excellent cnance for advancement- S 347. Oregonian. AN experienced marker and sorter wanted Ht tho Dayton steam laundry, Dayton, W ash., box 483. WANTED Good housekeeper, no objec tions to one small child. Call Saturday, 1 o'clock 280 N. 16th. vTvtT3D Nurse for sanitarium; prac tical or some hospital training. Tele- phone East 4.. WANTED Girls evening classes. ;o learn chorus steps; BIO Eilers Music biug. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School. $6 mo. 209 14th. Main 8893 WANTED Two women tion. Main 57. helpers; institu- CKORUS GIRL with specialties. 201 Strand theater Ptcg. tilRL wanted for soda fountain; experience unnecessary. Call 12 la 2, 392 E. Morrison. WANTED Dining room girl. Wdln i915 HELP WANTED FEMALE. cJtP. MEIER ft FRANK C 'ANT Requires the services of girls be tween the ages of 18 and 18 as wrappers and Inspectors. Apply employment manager, 6th floor. MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED. Permanent positions open for young women as telephone oper ators, with or without previous ex perience. Call at room 601. 6th floor. Tele phone bldg.. Park and Oak sts. THE PACIFIC TEL. ft TEL, CO. WANTED S girls between the ages of 16 ana 3 years to operate power sewing machines. Experienced operators preferred, but will teach several inexperienced girls. Good wages paid, also large bonus in addition. Nice modern factory to work in with Saturday afternoons off. Apply AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE. BAG CO., lfith and Hoyt sts. CHOCOLATE DIPPER. MEIER ft FRANK CO. require the services of experienced chocolate dip pers for the Ninth Floor Candy Kitchen. Good wages. Pleasant and permanent work. Applv Employment Bureau, Sixth floor, Meier ft Frank Co, GIRLS wanted for cracker department. Apply Tru-Blu Biscuit Co, last otn and Davis. FORMER MEIER ft FRANK CASHIERS AND INSPECTORS. desiring employment are Invited to ap ply at employment bureau, sixth floor. MEIER ft FRANK COMPANY. FORMER saleswomen and cashiers of Lip man. Wolfe & Co. desiring permanent or temporary employment, apply burerin tendent's Office before 10:3O A. M. LIPMAN. WOLFE ft CO. FIVE women to make lamp shades. Apply to Miss Elston, 4th Floor. LIPMAN WOLFE ft CO. WANTED AT ONCE. Three young men of good education to Introduce our home-study shorthand course locally and in nearby towns; un limited field and opportunity for ad vancement to permanent position. Call or write PACIFIC EXTENSION IN STITUTE. 603-6-7 Panama Bldg.. City. WANTED Housekeeper for man. 4 small children; one that wants a permanent position and a good home and will take an Interest In the home and children; wages $:t.T. Write by Dec L J. Need ham. Piedmont car barn. MME. PATTENEAUDE. hair end skin specialist, me, floor nenson notei. win accept a limited numoer ot pupus learn the profession, enabling them enter business for themselves; unlimited opportenitles in this line. 1 WANTED An elderly lady for housework and companion, good nome and small wages to right party. Address T. A Lang, 4841 both sL S. E., or phone Tabor 3G03. WANTED Experienced lady masseuse In doctors orrice; must oe in good health and able to furnish satisfactory reference; give particulars and phone number first letter. al ij, oregonian WANTED Office girl, lumber. some tvoewrlting. no shorthand or filing, ad vise speed on typewriter and give tel ephone nnmber; salary $60. AL S, Ore gonlnn. LEDGER clerk, salary $00 per month, must be able to use typewriter; answer in own hand wrwt ting, giving experience and pnone ntimoer. l. uregonian WISH a housekeeper, permanently; more for home than wages: have two boyi and 6 years of age. Address Peter Lu cler, Oregon City, Or. Box 3i6. WANTED Young lsdy large company; statt for office work age. experience, salary expected and telephone number BI 60S, Oregonian, EXPERIENCED young lady to make and serve coffee in exclusive coffee and tea selling booth. Good recommendations required. H 264, Oregonian. YOUNG girl or middle-aged woman to help with housework. 401 Hassalo St. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Cheerful, neat, first-class maid. downstairs work and cooking tor three adults ax.d two children. $u. jt 2HU, Oregoni in. ' WANTED Dependable girl to assist i housework, mall family; no furnace good home and wages; must be fond children. Main lOrtl. 782 Kearney st WANTED Experienced girl for general hnnwwnrk' nn wniihinK: SOod home, Marshall 5039. 360 Elizabeth st. Portland Heights. WANTED Competent maid for cookin and downstairs work; good wages; no washing. Bell wood 179. W A 'TRD Maid fnr reneral housework small ramiiy. sau. tin rtuena v isia drive or jtall Marshall 154. WANTED Experienced cook when ond maid employed. Mrs. F. H. 614 Jackson. Portland Heights. i sec' Page, WOMAN for general housework; prefer one not under 23. honest and reliable good home for right party. Wdln. 66. GIRL to assist in light housework, sm family; good home and pay. 327 Col lege st. COMPETENT woman for cooking an general houseworK, no launary. ouu tian cock st. iL.ast ojyo. WANTED Experienced cook and t downstairs work: no washing. Call &4T3. 800 Pettygrove at. LIBERAL wages to girl who will do gen erai no use worn. .n o iires 10 auenu. Cornell street, head of Marshall st. WANTED Woman for cook and house keeper. AK 818. Oregonian. j WANTED A girl for general housework good pay to right party. East 579. GIRL wanted to assist in general house worK, no wasning. ei-i r-ortnrup. GIRL for housework in flat; East S no cooking ri7. ior family washing YOUNG girl housework. list with cooking and 1190. 324 E. 21st N. GOOD WAGES to experienced cook. 3654. 1249 Thurmao. WANTED An experienced second SeTtwood 151. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. DON'T WASTE these lonjr winter evenings. If rightly used you can make them worth hun dreds of dollars; a couple of hours each evening devoted to the study of the -WILLIAM.S SYSTEM" of shortharul will put you several rings up the larssv-r of success. Simple, practical, easily learned at home and capable of" the highest speed. INVESTIGATE. Call or write. PACIFIC EXTENSION INSTITUTE, 605 606 Panama Bldg., city. WATCH OUR ADS. MEN AND WOMEN to sell eccident and health Insurance in every part of Ore gon. Cail before 11 A. M. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. EDUCATIONAL. xTlfc! International Correspond en ce Schools can raise your salary. 191 Broadway, EDUCATIONAL. NOTICE. TF YOU ARE PLANNING TAK ING A COURSE IN ANY BRANCH OF THE AUTOMOBILE, TRUCK OR TRACTOR BUSINESS. WHERE STU DENTS ARE TAUGHT BY PRAC TICAL EXPERIENCE IN BUILDING, REPAIRING AND TROUBLE SHOOT ING ON ALL MAKES OF GAS EN GINES. THEIR IGNITION SYSTEMS, STARTING AND LIGHTING SYS TEMS, INCLUDING GENERATORS, STARTING MOTORS AND THE BUILDING, CHARGING AND CARE OF STORAGE BATTERIES. MAKE APPLICATION BEFORE DECEMBER 1, SO YOU CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR PRESENT RATES, WHICH WILL BE ADVANCED $2o ON THAT DATE. Ot R SCHOOLS ARE AP PROVED, BY THE U. S. GOVERN MENT. 11EMPH1LLS OPERATE THE LARGEST CHAIN OF SCHOOLS IN THE WORLD AND HAVE SCHOOLS IN PORTLAND. OR.; SEATTLE, WASH.; VICTORIA, B. C; VANCOU VER. B. C; CALGARY. ALTA.; ED MoNDTON, ALTA. ; LET H BR IDG E, ALTA.; SASKATOON, SASK.; KEGI N A. SASK-, AND WINNIPEG, MAN. A L'THOKIZEl) CAPITAL STOCK. $130.100. STATE OF OREGON ALLOWS DIS CHARGED SOLDIERS AND SAILORS $25 PER MONTH WHILE ATTEND ING OCR PORTLAND SCHOOL. AP PLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED AT OUR SCHOOL OFFitE, 7UT HAWTHORNE AVE., COR. EAST 2UTH ST. TAKE MT. SCOTT OR HAWTHORNE CAR AT 2D AND AL DER STS., OP. OUR DEPOT OFFICE. 124 NORTH HTH ST.. TWO BLOCKS FROM UNION DEPOT ENTRANCE. HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, 707 HAWTHORNE AVE. AT E. 20TH. VOHLERS BARBER COLLEGE. Will teach you the trade in 8 wks.; give you a set of tools and some pay while learning: positions secured; scholarships and transfer cards issued; 32 schools in U. S. and Canada. Send for catalogue. 234 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College. Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping. secretariaL Free catalogue. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the traJe In S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; position guaranteed: pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Lxchange building. Free booklet. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. t?tate bupt. mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you set ol tools free, position secured. 38 N. 2d st. DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE. Alisky Bldg., 3d and Morrison. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Wash, at 10th. Enter now, aay, evening, ait com mercial branches. Broadway 1 S21. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Buckel's private school: Individ ual instruction. 122H Grand ave. E. 427. LEARN VULCANIZING & RETREADING. HAWTHORN E Al. 1U irH;M UUL. inc. 402 HAWTHORNE AVE. FISK Teachers Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4S35. Teaching positions, tree registration. Y ATES-FISHE R Teachersr Agency Free registration. Main 02 1 . Hroanway oiug. OHKCION LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bidg.. 3d and Mot. W. K. Klcharason. t-ec. Mam Ui i SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MAN with drarr saw wants contract to small place saw cordwood. also wants with house, of five acres or more, on shares preferred for term ff years grow berries. Address R. r . box 811, Lents, Or. No. EXPERIENCED ALL-AROUND CHEF. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. WULM.U CONSIDER GOOD STEWARD POSI TION. MAIN B039, HOTEL AMSDON, 20K THIRD ST.. ROOM 52. FIRST-CLASS highball, hooktender and camp foreman, now employed, wisnes po sition where wife can be with me; Ore gon, Washington experience; references. N 203. Oregonian. . ALL kinds of work; If you need help for iuiik or Biiuri juui, nn will send you a man. or address Carter s employment office. 246 Ankeny st-. Port land. Or. . STEADY, reliable young man witn oias- mobile, would like woric in or aruunu citv. Call mornings between 8:30 and 10 30; evenings after 6:3U. Phone Last 4101. . YOUNG MAN with garage and driving ex perience wants position driving iruiK u tractor; references. Brown. 841 Kenil- wort h ave. sell wood oi VTKINO. SPRAYING Ol Sellwood 810 Duri-ivi: PniVTVr. OF" TREES AD GA RDEN WORK ; K A klkh.i' MEN GILROY. FORMERLY U. B. GCV'T ORCH ARDIST. BDWY. 1937. VOI-'il married man desires position in earaee: eood car wasner, or f stir mechanic ; can Call Main 1140. apt. furnish reference TRUCKING contractors wanted ior woou. cob , lumber, etc.: iocai or Calf Tabor 8679. Write 900 E. Salmon St.. Portland. JANITOR and wife want situation, expen tion; 'references. C. Smith. 331 Salmon street, room 11. WANTED By married man with IamJ'e full charge. E. Brewer, Camas. R. R. No. 1. Wash. DISCHARGED officer, married, college ed ucation, desires oince " ' n-.wi tvnist. best of local references. Mam 4UU. A YOUNG man attending wnnw-m wants position school, Saturdays wood 1020. and Sundays. en MARRIED man, S5. wants awav: have full kit tools; work right own do car- penter. pipe lawn 5704. or any repair work. Wood- t t a Dfvn handv. middle-aged man, of good appearance and address, wants wnrk best of references. Main 13S3. room 4. EXPERIENCED man and wife want hotel or apartment house work; best of ref erences. Main 13S5. room 4. . r,-,;. r-v a nncitinn n x vard foreman ot i.'iivman: married man. L 211, Orego nian. YOUNG man. married, wants work of any kind: garage preierrea. ute gonlan STUDENT desires work from 3 ir, a P. M. and Saturdays, juain oju. BJ 113. Oregonian BOY 10 wishes place to work for board and room while attending college; pre fer private home. A-N uregonian. CAPABLE .married man would accept po sition on rancn or inivc wu v-umu contract. H 35, Oregonian. r.nrpRnvtAN wants work. I have h 3 years' experience. Phone Sell. 3219, ask fr White. , M1DDLE-AC.ED man wants work as j; itor. elevator operator or restaurant work. O 15, Oregonian. VOt'NG MAN. asst. pharmacist, wishes permanent position; can turnish A-l ref erences. N 205. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted by experienced wait er; can begin at once. AH 759, Orego nian. DRUGGIST, graduate eastern college. 37. single, will go anywhere. 415 Cornelius hotel. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor or houseman; terms reasonable. &I b2. oregonian. STORE shelving, counters, made by car penters, save you money. Manny, Sell wood 2421. MAN with 3-ton truck wants a hauling job. Call East 7004. or 695 Oregon st PAINTING. paperhanging and tinting. Ta- bar 1116 C A RPKXT f-7R, Al mechanic, remodeling or new work. Phone Tabor '9049. BRICK contractor. fireplaces. mantles, ga i ages-. 487 Ankeny. Phone IS. 335 7. YOUNG MAN wants to learn automebile repairing. Phone Tabor 7o80. FOR housecleaning. etc., phone Carl, East 150S. . MAN and wife want work on dairy ranch. BF 281. Oregonian. WANT hauling for Oregonian. 3-ton truck. BD 6S9, YOUNG houses JAPANESE wants position i-ork. N 197, Oregonian. EXPERT pneumatic hammer and drill re pairer want position. 6323 t3d su S. E. PAINTING, tinting, fir floor refinishlniTln oak; very reasonable. Tabor 3o51. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER. ready to go to work, not seeking an easy posi tion but where responsibility and accur acy are required. AK 817, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, typist and general office man. accurate. rapid ana errtcien t; young man. married; references. T 431, Oregonian. CAPABLE bookkeeper wants evening work or temporary wum uurins vacation. zj 14S. Oregoman. SMALL SETS of books kept, acounting sys tems installed; reaonauie rates. Al bl, Orcsonian, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkrepern, Stenograph era, Oflice. EXpRI KNCED ACCOUNTANT Wants small set of books to keep; will open and elope your books, prepare fi nancial statements and figure income tajt returns. R.ites very reasonable. Phone Marshall 4i:t2. L. K. Oberer. ACCOUNTANT and auditor will open or close your books, prepare financial statements; Will write books monthly or periodically; income tax reports. Phone Main ltitlT. Bowman. YOUNG ex-service man. experienced bill ing clerk, typist, general office man. wants position. Can assist on books and handle correspondence. BJ 149. Ore gonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper desires position; operate typewriter, i'hone Marpnaii it. EXPERT bookkeeper wants good place, hours per day. C. Tyle. Tabor SS04. bolflim and NMiinrs, WANTED Position as assistant office manager, carhier. bookkeeper or clerk by an ex -service man who is able, energetic and ambitious and wants to connect with a firm where these qualties will bring advancement; also country bank expe rience : will consider position. H i-&4. Oregonian. DISCHARGED from armv as an expert tractor engineer, understands all types of gas and steam engines, 2 years' expe rience with electric power: have tools; can furnish references: will guarantee woric. cnas. v imams, ziu lta Phone Main 31S6. m YOUNG MAN. married, 8 years service pay department of the navy will be re leased from service about Dec. 13, desires position in accounting department of a large corporation where there Is good chance for advancement: reasonable sal ary expected. BJ 132. Oregonian. RETURNED soldier wants job as first class auto repair man or chauffeur; can drive any make of car or truck ; also have motorcycle and sidecar for light delivery. H 3S6. Oregonian. EX-SERVICE, 22. married, wants work, hotel clerk or any kind of car driving. or what have your Know city wen ; references. Let me have an interview. Call Main 3712. EX-SERVICE MAN Toung man. 23. at tending school, desires employment from 11 A. M. till 2 P. M. and after 4 P. M. dally, including Saturdays. Phone Sell wood 812. RETURNED soldier. married man. SI yearn of aire, with S years general oiiice work, desires position: good typist; first class references. Marshall 42S2. EX-SOLDIER wishes to learn to drive a Ford or a Chevrolet car with come party, the hours between 2 P. M. and 6 P. M. Phone A 1913, Hans Theodoi YOUNG MAN going east having good busi ness experience, desires position of trust; can give good references. C 370, Ore gonian. EX-SERVICE man. 26 years old, wants place to learn commercial show card writing; have had some experience. BC 40. Oregonian. YOUNG man. experienced g-eneral mer chandise clerk, wishes position; will go anywhere. L 210. Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man wants any kind light work. Good education. Appearance. High est references. BJ 156. Oregonian. MARRIED, want position, anything: not afraid of hard work or long hour. F. Harris. Main 5157. SITUATIONS WANTKI -FEMALE. WANTED -Position as apt. -house keeper or will do practical nursing. O 1W0, Oregonian. WAITED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away; references. Woodlawn 1611. KITCHEN walls and woodwork washed by expert window cleaner. r loom waxed. Call Hansen, Marshall 258 EXPERIENCED girl wants position as ele vator operator; - night worit preierreo. Tabor 5246. CHRISTIAN girl war.ts a nice home for general housework; sunaay iree. rnuu Tabor 7080. A YOUNG GIRL wants position caring tor children and assisting witn nousewora. BD 7u2. Oregonian. BwvivKn lHftw. colleen bred, wants po sition: anything legitimate; no niei answered. H 370, Oregonian. BARBER towels laundered on short notl.e Called for and denvereo. ouy y-t Ask for Mrs. Allen. LA DY wants bousecleaning. other work, guaranteed. hours, day ; good wui a W oo d 1 a wn 0305. WOULD like to hear from moving picture photographer. . V rite u. oox , v an couvtr. Wash. tr-v- ir t n.'ri-: r woman wishes place serve Thanksgiving dinner. seiiwoou 1M32. u-ivti-'H A fw morn muslo PUDils: wll come to your home; $1 per lesson. Phone East 40.3. WOMAN will assist with Mrs. Chrlstnsen, Thanksgiving dinner. Main 9;iT. WA NTED Position Marshall 1165. as waitress In camp. YOUNG girl will care for small children out of school noura. Woodlawn 629 W A XT ED W ork by day or hour. Call Last 9o. WANTED Work by day or hr. Mrs. Har- rison. rnone cast. a- EXPERIENCED woman wants day work Wdln. 17'J(i. , Huokkeepers, Stenographers, Office YOUNG lady experienced in general of f ice, timekeeping, payroll ana aistriou tinn work wishes position; use comp tometrr. typewriter snd adding machine. East S057. Av 6-U, uregonian EXPERIENCED stenographer would Ilk nositiun in small office ; permanent tpmnarnrv: not afraid of work or over time ; desires opportunity of advance ment. H 387. Oregonian. STENOGRAPH ER with year's experience wants to begin with some good firm and learn the business ; can give refer ences. BC 229, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER 12 years experience, can open, close and audit books ; use ty pe wrl ter ; w ish work afternoons. Broad way 2732. EXPERT bookkeeper, experienced in all lines, will work by day, week or month. Phone Main 2817. LADY with several years' office experi ence desires position, not stenographer, use comptometer. BJ 123, Oregonian. SETS of books to keep wanted; also tem porary stenographic wjrk. Phone week days. Main 0718. GIRL wishes office position, graduate, business college. 4320. high school Phone East WOMAN, experienced In office work, seeks b u sine ss openin g. O 187, Orego nia n GIRL with 10 months' stenographic ex perience wishes position. East 32. EXPERIENCED office assistant and typist, references. Marshall 518s. STENOGRAPHER wants typing to do to day. Tabor 2678. ANY KIND of copying or typewriting. 200, Oregonian. Dressmakers. FOR BEST results in dressmaking, remod eling, relining and alterations see Mrs. Kinder at Emporium Dye Works. 549 Morrison st. Broadway 4259. ALTERATION shop, relining ladies' coats snd tailored button holes specialty. 605 Swetland bidg. SEWING taught by experienced hand. $1 a lesson ; 7 h-asons for $5. 737 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 530. DRESSMAKING dren's coats a and plain sewing, chll specialty. East 7128. FASHIONABLE dressmaking. prices rea- sonable. 4,sr is. tsurnsiae. DR ESS MAKER wants sewing by the day. East U2t4. Nnrsen. TRAINED nurse wishes position In doctor's or dentist's office or in institution. Miss Newton. 515 Royal Arms. Morrison st. Main 4321. A RELI ABLE, practical nurse would care for invalid, convalescent cr elderly, in or outside city. AN 22, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse, companion to invalid or elderly people. Phone Marshall lCns. EXPERIENCED nurse, nursing or caretaking. care Mar. Hon sek eepers. A REFINED and reliable woman with dauehter. 15. desires place as housekeep er ; prefer motherless home, but would consider others. C 414, Oregonian. POSITION WANTED Middle-aged widow experienced In housekeeping for widower or bachelor ; best of references. give phone. BJ 1J, Oregonian. WANTED Situation by middle-aged wid ow. housekeeper for widower on a ranch wish to be my own boss; no triners. Phone Marshall 197. Mrs. A. WIDOW, unincumbered, would tke charge of widower's home, or any position wbere honesty and ability are rewarded. AN 20, Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper in widower's borne; good wages expected.! Phone A 37U. CAPABLE, refined widow wishes H. K. grntleman's home. P. O. box 3729. ELDERLY lady wants position in small, refined family. BJ 1 2.', Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeping. Cail 490 South Grand avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED FTMALE. H onsek eepera. MUD LE-AG ED housekeeper, good cook, wishes position in respectable business man's modern home: no children ; no laundry; no triflers; wages $i0. Minn Schoenerger, i;0 W. Watt st. Kenton. LADY wants to manage apt. or room in g house; experienced, Broadway llbO. room 361. Do mew tics. MIDDLE-AGED ladv desires light house work for 2 or 3 adul in plain familv, good ref., salary $:;5 mo. Tabor 230, 819, Oregonian. WANTED By experienced middle-aged woman, cooking in email camp or coun try hotel. Address 704 Washington U Vancouver, Wash. WANTED TO RENT. Hoi WANTED Furnished modern trungalov with garage, by responsible covple; pre fer location within reasonable distance from town. BJ 130, Oregonian. WANTED To rent, by elderlv brother and sister, a furnished bungalow with small garden space and a place to keep a few chickens. M b8, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE couple, best references, wa.nt 6 or 7 room modern furnished house; furnace; by Dec 13; permanent. WANTED To leae modern 5 to 7 -room bungalow with fireplace. Address N. C, Miller. North Pacific College. Phone East 2471. WANTED To rent by Dec. X or 6. 5 or 6-roora. unfurnished house In Richmond, school district. Call Tabor 5185. RESPONSIBLE party wishes to tease f or one year fairly modern 6 or 7-room un furnished house. East 4118. ANTED To rent 9 or 10-room unfur nished house in Irvington district. Call East 5477. WANTED without 3 or 6-room house, with garage. Marshall 3236, Apartments. WANTED 2-room apt., not over $30; west side, between 10th and 16th, Taylor and Couch; married coup.e. -both employed. Phone Edsi &150 all day Thursday or 6 to 9 A. M.. or after 6 P. M.. Friday. WANTED TO RENT New $20 appliance for information leading' to my renting unfurnished apartment, west side; young couple; references. Phone Broadway 2333, -ROOM apt. or housekeeping rooms, adults, references; private garage with or close by; west side or Irvington pre ferred. Phone Mrs. Murry, Main 3505 WANTED Furnished 5-room bungalovc. apartment or fiat, young couple, no chil d ren ; references furnished. Phone East 43H1. 340 Ross st. WANTED By Dec. 1, 3-room apartment Where 9-year-old boy will be looked after in afternoons, close to K. 17th on Pine. East 2134. WANTED To rent by adults, between now ana iec i, a or 4-room apartment house or flat, reasonable. Call Tabor 5043, after 6 P. M. Rooms. IF YOUNG gentleman of refinement would De interested in sharing his room, apart ment or hotel qarters with another voung gentleman of clean habits. 1 would ap preciate communication from him. Ref erenceg exchanged. AV SS7. Oregonian. YOUNG C. S. gentleman of refinement and clean habits would appreciate at tractive room in home, apartment or bachelor quarters In good neighborhood. References. AV SSS, Oregonian. WANTED Light housekeeping room or smail apt., close in. by business woman; best references. Phone Wdln. 5635. TWO rooms, kitchinctte and bath, by man ana who on or aoout Dec. x. Address 203 Twelfth st. C. S. Howe. LACY would like furnished warm room. vicinity Campbell hotel. BD 704, Ore gonian. . PROFESSIONAL man w,ants furnished room in Jewish family. N 216. Orego nian. Rooms With Board. WANTED Room and board by man and wife, private home "with few boarders preferred ; close In and up to date, but reasonable. O 1S8, Oregonian. COUPLE want room and w ife to board In private family, or housekeeping room, close in. E 780. Oregonian. WANTED Rooms and board for 3 adults, in private family, west side preferred. AL 9. Oregonian. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. NETH ERLANDS HOTEL 13th sL at Washington: have a limited nnmber of very desirable rooms, with or without private bath; all rooms have steam neat, electric lights and telephone; clean and central location. Permanent or tran- sient. Reasonable rates NEW " PERKINS HOTEU Fifth and Washington Sts. ROOMS $22.50 A MONTH UP. Washington st. suites with bath, $30 a month up. HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison st. at East Sixth. The principal east-side hotel; digni fied and refined; $1.25 per day. double ? 1.75 ; g per week; $22.30 per month. TWO single sleeping rooms in steam-heated flat, walking distance, home privi leges, reasonable rent. Phone Broadway 3921. - I'HONE Bdwy. 2202. Terminal Baggage Transfer Co., 6th and Flanders. Baggage stored 5 days free. Checks called for. ELEGANTLY furnished rom, steam heat, private bath ; will have to be seen to be appreciated. Phone Bdwy. 2260. 475 MORRISON, newiy furnished front room, conveniences, also cheap base ment. ANSONIA HOTEL 14th and Washington. Clean, respectable, modern; transient, $1 up; permanent $4 up; private bath $8. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison St. at Tenth. Rates $1 day up. Weekly $4.50 up. Steam heat. Free phone and baths. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St., dnwn- town location, respectable and strictly modern rooms, large, clean. HI LLC RES T HOT E LBath. phone. $25 mo. up; without bath, $1S up. 733 Wash. 75c, $1 DAY; $2.50 week up: outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac,. 3d near Jefferson. Unfurnished Rooms. LA KG E t wo-room housekeeping suites reasunabl-; running water. Inquire room 12. Ulo First UNFURNISHED 3 or 4 rooms. Including g.is range. 44 West Hall. Fumlshed Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED room, private family gen tlemen preferred; reference required. SS4 E. Burnside st. Call between 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. CLEAN warm room, furnished In ma hogany, in modern home. Nob Hill, dis trict, also smaller room; C. S. preferred. Marshall 1019. BEAUTIFUL large room, running water. sleeping porch; a:so warm basement room; 2 blocks to Central Library. 215 12th st. ONE light housekeeping and sleeping room. not and coia water, steam heat. 147 Park st., between Morrison snd Alder sts LARGE, handsomely furnished front room. also smaller room. Tor young men. Fine lication. 831 W. Park. Mar. 4213. ONE nicely f urniehed room sui table for lfidv or gentleman, use of Isundry and kitchen if desired. Marshall 2863. WARM room, sleeping orch, suitable for one or two gentlemen: vacant Dec 1; $20. 309 11th st. Marshall 2O03. WELL-FURNISH ED room, private house, all conveniences, walking distance, west side; gentleman only. Main 8341. IRVINGTON Beautiful room, twin beds, new home, employed persons; break fast: 1 blk. car. East 419. FURNISHED room, furnace, phone; suitable for 1 or East 6093. 3ti2 Morris. bath, shower, 2 gentlemen. LARGE airy room for gentleman ; bath, phone, heat, closet: walking distance. 569 E. Main East 1300. ATTRACTIVE room In Irvington home; reasonable; use of living room and piano. Phone East 4809. FURNISHED room In private family; fur nace heat. Corner 22 d and Kearner. Ca 1 1 Main 4347. TWO clean rooms, close In, furnace heat, gas. electricity, furnished, $30 adults. S16 E. Bdw v. WALNUT PARK, furnished room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. 1099 Garfield. Wood lawn 2020. NICELY furnished room and garage, mod ern home, nice location. 196 East 30th, Tabor 5501. NICE room for gentleman, man club. $12.50; quiet 2741. near Multno famlly. Main CLEAN. comfortable furnished room, modern conveniences, 1139 Cleveland ave. Wdln. 6002. HEATED room, with or without board. 409 Stephens st. Phone East 8056. 269 14th. nei.r Jefferson, walking distance. Main choice 8893.' ROOM for gentleman in quiet home, near Cnmpbell Hill hotel. Main 467. FURNISH luD sleeping room, $3 per ' 4"'t l. Washington. FRONT room, Irvington- East 7800,