14 TIIE "MORNING OREGOMAN. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1919. DOCKS HELD FIRST NEED .OIXEER TELLS GRAYS HAR BOR TO START BCILDIXG. Covernment Help Can Only Come After Much Agitation, He Says, J i and Start Must Be Made. J ABERDEEN". Wash.. Xov. 26. (Spe- cial.) James E. Blackwell, consulting j engineer of the United States ship- ping board, in a speech here unaer the combined auspices of the Aber deen Chamber of Commerce and the Grays Harbor Realty Board, urged energetic Sevelopment of port facili ties on a scale sufficiently large to attract the attention and interest of the federal government and assure its assistance. A plan of construction to be carried out a unit at a time, while the ques tion of federal aid is being agitated, was suggested by the speaker. Such a plan would provide for the building of docks, to be followed by ware houses, coal bunkers, dry docks and elevators. Describing Grays Harbor and its I tributary country as a storehouse of i wealth, the resources of which have j hardly been touched. Mr. Blackwell reminded his audience that other ' communities have been able to enlist j federal aid for their port improve- i ment projects only after years of con- j sistent agitation, and expressed the ; belief that Grays Harbor might have i to travel the same road. : He emphasized the necessity of a I comprehensive plan to be put in effect I locally a the surest way to the final j development of a first-class port. ttOODEX STEAMKR IS WKKl'K All Members of Crew ot 1'lusli Re ported IvOt. LONDON, Nov. 26. The wooden steamer Flush has been wrecked south of the Aland islands, off the east roast of Sweden, with the loss of all the crew, according: to a Lloyds dis patch. The Flush registered 1474 gross tons and was built at Slidell Louisiana, in 1917. ROSE DRIVE OPENS TODAY BOYS TO PLACARD PORTLAND WITH POSTERS. "Plant u Kose," Will Be Alluring Comma ml to Citizens us Means to Beautifying City. The first step in the campaign for more roses for Portland will be taken today, when the Portland Rose so ciety and the Boy Scouts of Portland will co-operate Lo remind residents of the city that the flower which has given it its name among cities is crying- for greater attention. Ten thousand posters, showing a beautiful Caroline Testout, port land's favored rose, in colors, and the message. "Plant a Hose!" will be distributed over Portland this morn ing and afternoon by hundreds of Boy Scouts. Automobiles will be halted by the youthful advocates of j a more colorful city and vehicles, i store windows and bulletin boards win be ongntenea oy tne posters. The campaign which is beginning today will be continued right up to the next Rose Festival. The first concern of the Rose society in launch ing the movement is in beautifying Portland in anticipation of the coming of the Shriners next June. Portlanders may expect to hear daily reminders that there is room for more rose blooms in' their gardens and on their lawns. Citizens are urged to familiarize themselves with rose culture, and are asked to call on the Portland Rose society and on local florists for guidance. "Between now and the first of the year is one of the best times to plant roses." said II. J. Blaesing, president of the Portland Rose society and a loader in the present campaign, yes terday. "November is the best month of the year, and December is a good month, if the ground is not frozen. Roses can stand cold weather, and plants bedded now will be in bloom next Summer REDMOND REJECTS BONDS Issue to Buy JDescliules Towns! te JDcfeated, 352 to 3 8. RKDMOXP. Or., Nov. 26. (Special.) The bond issue of 9222.300 to enable the central Oregon irrigation district to purchase the townsite of Deschutes from the Central Oregon Irrigation company was rejected today by a vote of 3T.2 to 3S. Thq vote in the six precincts fol lows:' Terrebonne. 69 against. 9 for: Redmond, 94 affainst, 14 for; Powell Huttes. 72 ajrainst. 2 for: Granpe Hall. 55 asrainst. 9 for; Deschutes. 18 pirainst, 3 for; Alfalfa. 42 against, 1 for. BKND, Or., Nov. 26. Special.) Settlors on the central Orepron irriga tion district rejected the proposal for a $240,000 bond issue to purchase the holdings of the Central Orepron Irri gation company, by a vote of 323 to 39. it was ascertained today when the final count was completed. The elec tion was held yesterday, based on a rontrcrt nearly a ear old, made ne- DELCO -LIGHT I The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Makes farm workers cheerful, con tented and more efficient producers. MODKKN APPLIANCE CO., Seattle U. A. lunurr, No. 3 N. Olo St. Portland. Or. Ferris Hull Offered for Sale Bids will be received for one 3500-ton (deadweight) wood hull, No. 2524, partly completed, now on the ways at Sommerstrom Shipbuilding Company's plant, at Columbia City, Oregon, to be opened at 10 A. M., Thursday, December 4, by Supply and Sales Division, Emergency Fleet Corporation, at Room 509 North western National Bank building, Portland, Oregon. Hull to be sold in its present condition and its inspection by bidders will be arranged for. Right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Proposal blanks and detailed information provided on request. AJIISEMEMS. -THANKSGIVING ATTRACTION- HK. INS THIS A FTK R 0(. TICKETS NOW SELLI.NU. HEILIG Broadway at Taylor Phone Main 1. -E1GE)1ET BElilXS ! Mat. Today 2:1b ! 3 BeIn"a.K TONIGHT Alao Special Price Mot. Saturday John Cort Present M'JSiCAL COMEDY KIT ASr HER FAMOtS PERFECT 36" CHORUS TIXKFIL MELUUIKS STlM(i SUPERB PRODUCTION EVE'S Floor, $2: Bal., J1.50. SI: Gallery. 75c, 50c. BOTH MATS. Floor, $1.50; Balcony. $1. 60c. j i -WARNING ! ! !" SfPorc 'ticket Early. 'ow. if - i ou Expect to t.et In 1 beater 1 PITY pitv mail oen n unui I UN I ORDERS IlLUUIlUlf OTE- -! Not Order .1 Seats Evenins All Sold. HEILIG NEXT WEEK WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3 2C; Y HARRY JLAUDE AND HIS B!3 VAUDEVILLE CO. -- I Hnvr to SwniT Tickets by .Mall Address letters, make checks and postoffice monev orders pavable to W. T. Panple. OI 10 WAR TAX TO PRUK T1CKKTS UKSIRKU. Inclose self-addressed stamped en velope to help insure safe return. STATU MA TlX EE OR SIGHT, EYK. floor. II rows $3. 7 rows $2.50; Balcony. 5 rows $2.50, 9 rows $2, 8 rows $1.50; Gallery, 7 rows, reserved. $1.50. SPECIAL. PRICE MAT. AVKIJ. Flor, 11 rows $2.50, 7 rows $2 ; Balcony, 5 rows $2, 9 rows $1.50. 8 rows $1 ; Gallery, reserved, 7 rows $1. DON'T FORGET WAR TAX. OEEICE S1,K OPENS NEXT MON. tween the directors of the district and the irrigation company, for the purchase. TRAVELERS' GLIDE. Great Britain-Continent KKOM iT. JOHN, N. B., on ar rival C iJ. K. train from tht- west steamship. Iiite. To j Mrtajcama !. 4 Liverpool I iriii)iun Dec. H I In v.-1 .on. I'retciriiin le. lfMilaHeow CorNican ler. Liverpool Siciliun lee. IK (.ltiri;uw Ktup. of France Dec. lit Liverpool Tuiiiroiuit lec. til) Antwerp SeaiiUinaviun lee. 'A I Liven tool TO J A I A X -CHI A-M A N I LA . liiickt Time Arrows the ltfific J-ROM VANt'OLVKK, It. S t tn r. h i p I te. KM I'KKSS OF JAPAN.. 1ec. 11 KMI'KKSS OK ASIA . . . . lee. Z KMPKKSS OK KLSSL..Jan. MOTKA(.LK .Ian. 24 KMI'KKSS OK JAPAN"... Feb. . KMI'KKSS OK ASIA .... Fell. 19 KMI'KKSS OK JAPAN ... Apr. 1 All information from CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES Phone Bdwy. DO. 55 3d St.. Portland m kXTEAKSrilP , vac ADM IRAIi LINS. S. S. CTTY OF TOPEKA. Sails from Portland i P. M.. Novem ber 2'J. for Marshfield. North Bend. Eu reka and San Francisco, connecting with steamers to Los Angeles and San Diego. S. S. CtKACAO. For above ports. December 5. TO ALASKA FROM SEATTLE. S. S. ADMIRAL KVAXS. To Ketchikan. Wrangle. Petersburg, Juneau and uka, November !:. S. S. CITY OK SEATTtB. To Juneau. December 5. TICKET OFFICE, 1I THIRD STREET. Main 1466, A 3332. Freight Office 4331. PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO S. S. Rose City Depart 12 Noon SUNDAY, NOV. 30. From Ainsworth Dock Fare includes Berth and Meals. City Ticket Office. 3d and Washington Phone Main 3530 Freight Office. Ainsworth Dock Phone Broadway 268 SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. LINES HONOLULU Suva, New Zealand. Australia The Palatial Passenger Steamers B. M. S. "MAUAKA" K M. S. "MAKL-RA" 20.000 Tons 13.50U Too Sail From Vancouver. B. C. For Farea and sailings apply Can. Pac Railway. 65 Third st., Portland, or Canadian-Australian Royal ilail Line. 440 Sey mour il. Vancouver. B- C FLO FLO CP11I OS W DIRECT TO by AMUSEMENTS. TWO BIO SHOWS FOR THR PRIC E OF ONE. 1PP0DR0ME TWO BIS SHOWS THREE TIMES DAILY TWO SHOWS MATINEES 17c -ONE PRICE EVENINGS 25c VAUDEVILLE PICTURES BABY MARIE OSBORNE WINMMi GRASDMA." JULES HELD AND COMPANY "CHILDHOOD DAYS." SEVEN F,NE tJLILU ATTRACTIONS SEVEN BRING THE KIDDIES SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS, HOLI DAYS CONTINUOUS Tonight. All Week. Mats.. Thurs., Sat. ALCAZAR In a Sumptuous Revival of THE MIKADO." Special Thanksgiving Mat. Thurs. No Mat. Wed. NEXT "tANTASA." BAKER STOCK COMPANY. All Week. Mta.. Wed.. Thur., Sat. Great Cohan & Harris Comedy yit. "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE." Next week "Pollyanna.' P A N T A C E MAT. DAILY 2:30 VAUDEVILLE'S SUPREME SENSATION "DANCING AKOUND" With Slatko's Miiinieht Kollickrr. and the World". Fuhtewt Whirlwiod Dancer.. Sleril Augmented Orchestra Albert B. 1'louKh. Director. B OTHER HIG ACTS Three Performances Dally. Kight Curtain at 7 and 0. LYRIC vsxttf Mat. Iailr at 2; Nights at 7 and t. All this week, the hilarious fun show. "Money to Burn" With Dillon & Franks and the Rosebud Girla. Country store textra) Tues. Night. CIRCLE FOURTH AT WASHINGTON Special Thanksgiving Day Attraction OH, BOY 99 Also a big Capitol comedy. "He Did and He Didn't." and the Ford weekly. Open from y o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock of the following morning. llnlrlMzhhi Sa-Jlon-Tse-15e to U Onl)3)lal SBn-Mon-'Ints-lSc to 7?c EL1ZABKTU MIUC'K in the OVEli SKAS HBVVE with WILL MOKRISSET & CO.; Frank Jerome and "Big" Her-i bert; Meredith & Snoozer: "The Be ginning of the World"; Musical Hunt ers; Kinograms (exclusive); Topics of Day, AL and FASY STEDXAX. I'him Show CIoNen With the Performance Toe day Icht. Opejiing Number Portland Lyceum Course PANKHURST England's famous suffrage leader MONDAY EVENING December 1st 50c-75c-1.00 War tax extra AUDITORIUM Pankhurst seat sale opens Friday, Nov. 28th, at Meier & Frank's. Tickets still on sale for entire course of seven numbers at $1.50. War Tax Extra. Reserved Seats Extra. ELLISON-WHITE LYCEUM BUREAU BROADWAY HALL DANCE , ETery Cveslnc Except Sosdsr Broadway Novelty Orchestra Public Invited. Broadway and Main Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN . Main 7070 A 6093 TOO LATE" TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE Here it is; 58 acres as smooth as a paved street: sandy loam, no Improvements: close to Crabtree. Or. berries or dairy; aome terms. F. S. Farrington, Alder hotel, evening's. LOST Meier & Frank package, dropped frum American Ry. Exp. w aeon. Tues day. Nov. JO. Advise bxp. office. Reward. FOR SALE Ittltt Ford touring car. new tires. $473; 1-3 cah. Phone Tabor 4WJ or 124U Division st. WANTE D W oode n Main 54S7. decoy ducks. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Baker Auction House. Vumhi: and West Fark treats, bale at 10 A. AL riA3.! THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE1, EMMELINE MEETING NOTICES. SUXNYSIDE LODGE. NO. 163, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Thurs day) evening, 7:U0. Visiting brethren welcome. By order of W. M. JOHN RICHER, Sec . A HARMOVT LODGE, NO. 12. . r and a. m. special communication this Thurs day at 10 A. M. Work in the Master Mason degree. Visiting brethren welcome. V. M. D LIN. Sec THE MACCABEES. PORTLAND TEXT NO. 1. Regular review every Thursday, 409 Alder street. All members urged to be present. Visiting Mr knights welcome. GEO. & BAKER. R. K. DAUGHTERS OF NORWAY will give a bazaar, good programme and lunch at the Masonic temple. West Park and Yam hill, Saturday evening, November 29. Ad mission free. UTOPIA REBEKAH LODGE NO. 62, I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Thurs day) evening, E. 6th and E. Alder. Visit ors invited. ANNA HOLT, Sec. EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 ttth at. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems, class pins and medals. 310 Washington st. BIG DANCE every Saturday evening. Id time dances; good music. 109 Second st. DIED. FORD In this city. November 26, Mrs. R. A. Ford, aged 04 years, late of lOol Kast Morrison st. The remains are at Fin ley's. Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. S LATTERY In this city, November 26, Mary Matilda Slattery, age 7i years. Remains are at the parlors of Breeze & Snook, Belmont at 30th. Notice of fu neral later. FUNERAL NOTICKS. SHEFFIELD At the famllv residence. 041i 57th ave. S. E.. William Sheffield, age 50 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Bessie Sheffield, father of Uullford. broth er of Mrs. J. P. Howe of Seattle. Wash.: Mrs. Frances Fundwall, also of Seattle; -Mr Carrie Cook of Spokane. Wash., and Frank Sheffield of this city. The fu neral services will be held Friday. No vember 28, at -:30 P. M. from the fu neral parlors of A. T. Kenworthy Ac Co.. 5H02-04 !:M st. S. K.. in Ionts. Inter ment Mount Scott Park cemetery. SHEFFIELD At the family ridpnef. 6042 57th avt. S. K., William Sheffield, age 50 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Bessie Sheffield, father of Guilford, broth er or Mrs. J. P. Howe or feeattle, wash.; , Mrs. Francis Fundwall, also of Seattle; Mrs. Carrie Cook of Spokane, Wash., and Frank Sheffield of this ctty. The fu neral services will be held Friday, No- j vember 28, at 2::V0 P. M. from the fu neral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 5802-04 i2d st. S. K., In Ients. Inter ment Mount Scott Park cemetery. FTLTO.V In this city November 26, at her late residence, li:t:t Garfield ave.. David Fulton, aged 64 years, husband of Lulu B. Fulton, rather of David, John F. and James Fulton of this city and brother of James Fulton of Wasco Co., Oregon; John Fulton of Sherman Co., Or., and C. F. Fulton of Portland, Or. The funeral services will be held Sunday, November Go, at Wasco. Sherman Co., Or. The remains are at Finley's. Mont gomery at 5th. CROSIER At the family residence. 04 E 35th street, November 24. Rev. Halbert H. Crosier, aged 81 yeurs 11 months 24 days. Funeral srvh-es will be held Fri day. November i!8 at 1 :3 P. M. at the Sunnvside Methodist church. corner Yamhill and 35th street. Flease omit flowers. Services at the grave private. Breeze & Snook in charge. RICHARDSON The funeral services of the Ii.t' Vivian Eugenie Richardson will be htld tomorrow (Friday)', November 28. at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th st. Friends Invited. Interment at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. MILLER The funeral services of the late Sarah E. Miller will be held tomorrow (Friday), November 2S. ut It o'clock A. M.. at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Friends Invited. Interment at Lone Fir cemetery. FA RR IX At Siletz. Or.. Nov. 21. Jesse G. Farrin, aged 4'.1 years. Funeral serv ices will be held at chapel ot Miller & Tracey at 10 A. M. Interment at Ruse City cemetery. FCNEKAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services. JONES AUTOMOBILE LIVKKV. Marshall 1X4. FLORISTS. LUBLlNEIt, FLORIST. 328 Morrison at., Portianu hotel. Mar. 7."3 S48 Morrison, bet. Bdy a.id fark. Mar. 20 Portland's Leading Klowet Shupa. MA RT1N & FORBES CO.. florists. 304 Washington. Main 200, A 12U0. Klowen tor all occasions artisi ically arranged. Cl.AHKE BKuS., florista, 27 ilorrison Main 77oO. Fine flowers and floral c signs. No branch stores. IKVlMiTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th ana V a m h ill. Funeral designers; lowest prices MAX M. SMITH. Main 7210. A 3121. 1 ii g Dull ciing. anui aim n-mi qi-q. TONSET H FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington - st.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1161. FINERAL OIltECTORS. Holman Undertaking Funeral Directors Established 1S77. Third and Saimon Street.. Mair- 007. A 1511. L.ady Assislant! Co. MILLER & TRACEY Pertect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral .Directors. Wash st.. hot. 20th-aiat., west aide. Main 2til. Lady Assistant. A TSSo. Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. Broadway and Pln at. Phone Uroadway 430. A 455S. Pine v. La u y attendant. J.P.FINLEY&SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Main y. Montgomery at 5th. A 1599. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlor, with all the privacy of a home. Kith and Everett ls. Phone KrnaQWay - F S. DUNN1NO. INC.. 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Pertect service, personal direction, free u8e OI iig... w DOWNING & McNEMAR Successor! to Wilson & Ross, Multno mah at E. 7th. East 54. lrvington diet. I pTlTlerch fc. llth ana Clay sts. East 781. T 183a. ER1CS0N Twelfth and Morrison St. Broadway -054. A. I. KENWORTHY CO.. mo"-04 2d St.. Lents. Tabor 5267. BREEZE & SNOOK Tlig'TSi, A. R. ZELLAR CO. IIs 592 Williams Ave. ;tKWt;S UNDEKTAKLl.NO COMPANY. 3d ."t:lay. M 412. A Lady assistant. VAULTS AND CRKMATION. Vault lit) rial ( rfina tton Pislntrrmfnt. for flthfr Xrtl. 1 MOXtMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS (M tb St.. Opp City Hall. fin Bram. PS BLAESING GRANITE CO. A IP "Hm5 AT MADISON STREET j NEW TODAY. STORAGE SPACE Invrstlcate Our Plant ud Ram Why assume expensive leases under present hih costs? fLAY S. MORSE, IXC. Dr.riKC and Slonure. ISth and Glinan. Phone Bdwy. 3470. MORTGAGE LOANS Marafcall 4114. A 4118. Improved city and farm proppn r In.tnJ lm-at repayment privilege it preferred! prompt, reliable aervieo A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-111 1 Northwcttrra Bask UullfUng. GARAGE SITE 100x100 N. E. Cor. 21st and Mar shal! Sts.. west sidf. For bargain price see R. J. O .NEIL, 717 Bd. of Trade Kids. Portland Business Bulletin directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas- " . . iniormation, telephone me uregonian, ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK., accountant, auditor. specialist on involved accounts. Modern systems installed, maintained. 72b- Pit tock block. Telephone Broadway L ALTERATION S. REMODELING. refitting and altering ladies' garments. prices reasonable, work guaranteed. I Reubtns. ladies tail or. 40s Bush & Lane bldg. ASSAVERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second -iold. silver and platinum bought. CARPET WEAVING. DjlfiOThe kind that wear the best are nUUO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. t former ad dress 153 Union ave. ) Rag tuks woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. lbS E. bth st. Phone Eait 35S0. B 12S0. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Mail orders prompt. Send lor Booklet. 912 rugs steam or dry cleaned. $1.60. FLUFF RUG CO. M-56 Union ave. N. East 6516. B 1475. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 30O.000 KNOW McMahon. lOWfc Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment easi est. best, permanent. 31 "treats" 113. TeL CHlKOPODISTAKCn SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Esteli and FloreJlo De Veny. the only scientific chirodopist and arch specialists In the city. Parlors 3u2 Ger linger bldg.. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Alain 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corn, bun ions, foot arches made to order. 311 bwetland blda.. 5th and Wash. Main 1081 t'IKCl LAK LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO. bldg. Marshall ft 822. mimeographing ana in 1510-1 1-12 Royal M ulligraphlnE. l 1 1 advertlbing. COM.K( TIONS. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg.. Main 17. No collections, no charge. Ktab. 1100. OANCIXG AA( HEN.Nt, M. ROWN EUiirantecs teach all latest dances In 12 private les wins; 1 lessons, 5; 4 lessons. Hours. lo A. M. to in p m . r.o:; Filers bldg., bet. 4th and 5th. on Wash. at. Main 50I. MRS. SUMMERS BERKELEY. dancing academy 129 4th st. 3d floor: lessons day and evening class Thursday; ladies tickets f3. gents' .. Main 331S MRS. BATH'S DANCING ACADEMY. 3d floor Dekum bldg.. private lessons, day and eve.; class Tues. eve. Main 1345. DANCING Lady bal I doom Instructor will give private lessons at her home; ver reasonahle rates. Tabor 004. ELNOHA FLECK Ballet, technique, toe; nature oriental dancing; babies a spe cialty. 11TJ 4th st.. Main 3318. DANCE. W. O. W. Every bod y come. hall No. 3. Sat. 50c and 25c. BALLROOM and stac;e dancing. Miss Dorothy Rasmusscn. Hin Filers bldg. IXXi AND CAT IIOSI'ITAU RORK CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, 415 Kaft Seventh. EaM 147. B i:t'. Fl'RMTl'RK RKPAIRIXi, 1-TRMTIRK and Rrovf s rr'fird. car furniture parked. W. V. Savui;e. jiptH anl linnieum iail. hfit-WHter coils made. Tabor 1 1 41. KI-KCTRICAl. RFPAIRINO. fif, H.M.ILELECTRICCO. J VrOT winding and electrical repafring g-j,. i specialty. te ua abrut new or trz - Jsed motors. Bdwy. 1043. A ltUti II A KDWOOI) FLOOR I Ni. GET estlmatM for new or old hout Fort land Hardwood Floor Co.. 187 W. Park st. WHOLESALERS AND GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CATS. THAN HA USER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front t. I11D K wT W OO I. AN I C AHC A K A BA K K. JiAHN BROS.. 195 Front at. I'll'K. I-H'E FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. U KUNK. 84-SU Front t. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY, e-70-7 Front Portland I'AINTS. OII.S AM) GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSriEN & Co.. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. GUARANTEED 6 Real Estate Gco Bonds and Mortgages We offer for sale 6c;l first mortgage real estate se curities, the highest rate of interest consistent with absolute security. These securities will be accom panied by our usual writ ten guaranty of the full payment of principal and interest. Pacific Coast Mortgage Co. Established over 2o years 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675 This Willamette Heights Hore for sale. 393 Aspen St. Main 2505. Portland Rug Company MAXITACTI KERS OF FLUFF RUGS "liltlitS A DIKFKKfc.NCt." WE UtAVt AI.I. Sl.Ks IN BOTH ltlT ANU KAti BIOS. lt i,. tall ltr Your Old t.arpeta. Work Will Be Returned "roitly." Uail Order, diven Prompt Atteution. WE CLEAN CAKFETS. Portland Rug Company 1672 l-lmt Seventeenth Street. f Phone B I'-iH. tither Fkveiftc or Home. SEND US Y0U8 OLD CARPETS Old Rdk, and Woolen Clotnlnr. We Make Reveralble. Hand - Woven FLUFF RUGS Taker Wear Like Irosi. icll Order. Sod for Booklet. Bate Hum Wovew All Si sea. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Ha its. Steam Clean cd, f l.Mk. H t:vl fc.il KLLFK HI G CO, 4 Union Ave. at. Kant Ha6. itt 147a Ci Mortgage Loans -J y20 Edward L Goudey Co. 9 Baali Bail dias 1 r i : : ft s 3 Zf . A- n oa wain uju or a ouo, nuusc HEMSTITCHING. K STEPHAX. hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord Ion sule pleat, buttons coverea. ms.i orders. 21U Piltock blk. Broadway 10 20. M A C FA CT IH1NO JEWELtR S. W. F. ROSS & CO.. INC., M . MUSCOV1TZ. MANAGER. Manufacturing Jewelers, agate catting, . diamond setting, designer. Who.esale. 619 Mohawk bldg.. 3d and Washington. JEWELRY. WE MANUFACTURE genuine jade jewei ery in 24-karat goid mountings; we also manufacture Chinese character faignet rings; repair watches and othr jewelry; our prices are reasonable and our work m guaranteed. Oriental J owe. ery Co.. 42J vV auingtoa stieeL OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. iSiZS 1 soiicit your patronage on the 4jjT tmsia of capable service. Thou sands of sauslied customers A tria.1 w:ll convince you. Charles W. Guod man, optometrist.. 20'J Morrison. M 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreieu patent tiul Dekum bldg. GOLDBERG, t20 Worcester bldg. M, 25-5 1IYSIC1ANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bldg. Hheumausm, stomach, bowei, lung, liver, kiuney. uladder. rectul. prostatic, female aisorders, skin affections, blood pressure. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Starke-Davis Co., 212 3d. M. t9t. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbeln. . Mgr. Printing and linotyping. loos Front St.. corner Stark. Main or A 1418 . - j iu l a r . v . BALTICS & COMPANY. rniJllll'iU 1st and Oak sts. M.lttt. A lltti. SKt'OND-IIAND STOKES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 21 Front St. We buy and ll everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 0170, A 7174. PAINTING. GENERAL roof repairing, tarring and palming; men who know how. Woodlawn 4SuO. C. H. TERR1T-L, house, sign painting, pa pering, tinting. Tabor '011. 310 E. 44th. JOHN COMJ.':K, painting and paper bunging, 133 lith. Phone Bdwy. 2H45J T KADEI ARKS. ORtXJON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 De kum bldg.. U. s;'.forgiBn trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH , 'The Service With a Reputation. Movrxii-pu'K'ii-sri :iiiA& baugags ltu and Kearney. Branch V Bdwy. OKECOX TRANSFER CO.. 474 Giisan St.. corner Kith. Phone Broadway lL'Sl or 1 1 ttt. We own and opera te two' larfte class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks Lowest Insurance rates In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE OI.SEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 Pine. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STOKAGE & TRANSFER CO., 1 0. PARK ST. MAIN ."il!5, A JO.M WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO.. Renernl transfer and forwarding agents, 14 North Fifth at. Broadway 454. TYPFAV KITING. MANCSCRIPT typewritten. 10 cents I puKe for double space ; -O cents per page for sinRle siMice. r or particulars au drefs hox Portland. Or. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid, old watches and jewelry; condition no object. repairs sjeclHlt y. Kainler Washington at. Jewelry Co.. 44y MANUFACTURERS MILL SlI'PLIES. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY .S-70-7J Front Ht.. Portland. TH.MBING AND STEAM SH M. L. KLINE. 84-6 Front Bt. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC C1PAXT. tls-7t-7J Front -t.. Portland. FKODUK CUM MISSION MERCHANTS. LVERD1NG & FA KUELL 140 Front .t. KIII'K AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14lh and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. NKW TODAY. Build Your Own Garage We wil! deliver a Sectional Garage to you anywhere In the northwest. You can sej it up In a few hours. Send for circul r. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. 3IS I lib St. 1'bonr baMl 3114. Portland. Or. GARAGES For All Cars Prices on Application Ready-Cut and Portable Houses M'.LLMACE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IHOI Cnlon Awr. .1 Wdln. 241. WE CALL FOR YOUR OLD CAKI'ETS. Roea Mil Votlea Clothing;. We Make Heautlf ul ;iand- uvea FLUFr itUGS All Work 1'nraed Out l'r-ropy Raic Hdrs Woven All Slsea Mail Order. Send lor Booklet. Carpel Cleaned. Latd and He fitted. JVOK'I H tS I HP. to. IHH East btli t Pboae Laat UA0 LIBI-JK AI,t,OA S. We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. K. E. BOWMAN 3t CO.. TZIO Cham, uf Com. bids- 32 a in 3026 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lots. A TRUE SACRIFICE, big corner, center Laurel hurst, will pay up $142 city liens and sell for JlHTtO. good title, you can borrow J76U at tf per cent on lot Main M'.tit WILL SELL at a barpain, toria: 1 lot in Seaside. Konin. S lots In Ai BF JjI. Ore- CORNEH lot. Rose City Park, cheap; easy terms. Rhone Wood law n ONE coiner lot for aale. $-00. Call B. 18-8. - 45fi: I IL; REAL EST A TK. DURING THE DATS TURMOIL, when thoughts are given to business cares, and the sears of Industry are ask ing: your whole attention, little toler ance is paid domestic affairs; but when dusk comes, brinping: with it the tumult of hurrying throngs and impatient traf fic, fancy takes fught to the comfort of home, wherein lies peace and sanctuary. Follow this thought: Is it secure? Are jou me possessor or this shrine wnere the sacred intimacies of a lifetime are being spent? Or is your happiness a chimera founded on the sands of "Rooms for Rent." with its consequent gypsy in g in moving vans and assurance oi an un stable future? The spirit to build will eventually seize you; the laudable desire to control your own destiny so far as your home life is concerned will lay warm, welcoming hands on you and whisper "Gft busy." Let is find you prepared. Crystallize your resolve by obtaining a lot in some ap proved district. We enter the picture here. We will give more than a com mercial interest to your problems, and the properties we offer will meet with your unqualified liking. .nth st., south of Broadway, facing east, 50xlOO, $MH; terms. L'.'tth st.. north of Klickitat, facing east, 50x100, J750; terms. Cist st., I H Mocks south of Sandy blvd., facing west, rvoxioo: IWO. S. W. corner Oberiin and Alonteith, lOoxllo, $7ro. N. W. corner Westanna and Amherst, OtixllO, $1100. 51 ft st.. north of Stanton, facing west, 50x100, $750. N. W. corner 5Mh and Tillamook, facing south. UtOxlOO. Jl.iOO. S. K. corner lGth and tfkidmore, 100X 100. $1700. And Hundreds of Others. SEE ME MAHONET, COB A. McKKX.N'A & CO., 2 Fourth, at Main 6S71. SACRIFICE. 750 ROSE CITY PARK. Paved street and sewer In and paid Level with sidewalk; near car; excel lent tot-Mtion. This must be a quirk fale; look at this ut once and you will buy. J. L. UARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com men-e bldg. Main 20 S. ttranch office 4.t h and Sandy. Tabor L'1U4. Open Sundays. CLOSING OUT A FEW LOTS LESS THAN HALF PRICK. Some fine corner Included ; near a beautiful park, high and grade scboots and st reel car. Whi ! fWe is on only f.'tOO. $.o cash, $10 monthly. You should investigate at once. Main 37S7. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 632-31i-l:;4 N. W. Rank bldff. AMONG THE FIRS. $S down. $S monthly buys splendid 100 xlOO covered with beautiful fir trees, opposite Alberta playground : price $S00. or will sell separately for $425 each. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays-. "CAPITOL HILU" Bargains For sale at a sacrifice to close up an estate, lots 5. 8. block 15; lots 18. 21. block lti; lots 8. 9. lu. block 20. No reasonable offers refused. P. C Gibbons. Powell st.. Vancouver, B. C. NEAR 4T1I AND YAMHILL. 921. OMO. lot with big frontage; a rare opportunity; "here if a chance to clean up ; assessed at $ 1 .h o. G. C. GOLD E N BE RG. Abington bldg. "35 Years in Portland. BUILDER S CHANCE. lOOxlOU, corner E. 15th and Skldmore. lrvington car, all imp., lie.-i fine, low price. Phone ow ner. Wood lawn 206i. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property, $235,000 APARTMENT BUILDING. $235.000 FIVE-STORY CONCRETE MODERN APARTMENT BUILD IN;. COVERING -JOMx.10 FEET ON WEST SIDE. IN HEART OF CITY; HAS IH4 APARTMENTS. E 1E ; AN TLY FURN 1SHE l. IX- "O M E $42,000 I' E R Y E A R : TH IS CAN HE EASILY 1 N CREASED TO $54.UOO PER YEAH; THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST REAL ESTATE INVEST M ENTS EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC: THIS APART M ENT BUI LDING IS FOUR Y EARS OLD. AND IS ARTIS TICALLY DESIGNED AND . CONSTRUCTED. AND IS CON SIDERED ONE OF THE BEST A PA RTM ENT BUILDINGS IN PORTLAND. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY. 448 MORGAN BUILDING. LOOK HERE! INVESTORS. $55.000 92H.OH0 CASH. 15 complete up-to-the-minute flats with oak floors, sip. pr., court ent.. steam heat, buili-ins, 12 5-r. 3 smaller, 3 stories, on lOHxlOO. most attractive structure of its kind close In; paving paid; walking distance. NETS NEARLY 97000 PER YEAR. G. C. GOLDEN BERG. Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4su:t For Sale House. ROSE CITY PARK. Five-room bungalow, with breakfast room, attic, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, buffet, beveled -pi ate mir ror door, built by day labor and of the best materials; block from Sandy. This is a very up-to-date bungalow, sold on terms. Phone me for further Information. Main 6SS2; res. Main 5450 A RARE CHANCE GRAB IT. 555 East Hth st., cor. Woodward ave.; 6-room modern house, newly painted and in fine shape: has new garage on con crete; price $2750. good terms. East 2871. EAST SIDE $07.00. Verv attractive home in good neigh borhood, within walking distance; six; rooms, den and sleeping porch on lot I 40x128; full bearing orchard and the : above price will also Include winter fuel and gas range; owner sacrificing; make 1 us an offer. , HENRY' W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St ! HOME FOR-LARGE FAMILY. Splendid home for your family, well i located; hard-surface street, good school. and neighbors ; absolutely clean and in excellent repair: now vacant; 8 rooms with 4 bedrooms. fireplace, furnace, laundrv travs; $4."on, $ 1 rOU cash, bal ance like rent. 734 E. Burnside. East 2h"l.- 40OO N IFTY BUNGALO W f 40O0 On Kerby St., near Mason, c'.ose to Thompson and Jefferson high: strictly modern, 5 rooms, nicely arranged, all built-ins, fireplace, full lot. nice lawn and f ru it trees, paved streets ; owner is non-resident. som terms. HOAGL1N & BIRD. East 3595. 5lW. V, Williams ave. THAT VACANT LOT. Whv not turn a burden Into income? C'e desiiin and build apartments, Ra rases, residence?, anything: furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We ol fer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. I.. K. Builey Co.. Inc. contract ing architects. J "J 4 N. VY. Bank bids. j3,ti.O MODERN Bl'NCALOW 3(WM. Fireplace. hardwood floors. Lutch kitchen, built-ins. 5 nice rooms with deeping iwreh off each bedroom: full cement basement with laundry trays garage inxloo lot. Main 1UH. Mutual W. Bank bldg. Realty Co.. 119 X. BUYS 6-room home, finished in "white enamel, full Sxloo lot, on paved t , paid: for easy term. Our autos at your service. Today call Tabor 9317. J. A. W'ICKMAN CO.. 2Qj Ry. Exch. B 1 d K . Main 5S3. V AVER-LEY HEIGHTS SNAP J3000. Five rooms, modern, nreplace, buffet, j large floored attic, clean and In fine hape, hard surface in and paid; cash ;.-,. like rent. b77 Tiboetts at.. East 1 STL PORTLAND HEIGHTS 4-room modern j cottage, close to car. for $3500: 5uU cash, balance to suit. See ATCHISON, I b4 Henry bldg. -d BY OWNER 6 rooms. Bleeping porch, fire- ' place, on car Mne, corner view !ot, new!) j " painted throughout: terma. Main 1:4 16. evenings Woodlawn 4."1S. j jSgO HARD-SURFACE street, garage, 5 rooms. hardwood floors, Dutch 1 kitchen. built-ins, fireplace, fur nace, wash trays. Main 6127. IRVINCTON HOME. 7 rooms and sleeping por-h ; bargain at tJ(XH. See this Call East 41W or Main Ja!M. this is a at once. " 30TH AND EAST BURNSIDE. 6-room modern house, newly painted. In fine shape, will build garage. East A SNAPPY California bungalow for sale. 5 rooms, bath and breakiast room, full basement- Call owner mornings. Tabor 4V.4. 9-A-2TM EAST HAWTHORNE 13250. Bungalow, 6 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, paving. Tabor 824. IRVINCTON 26 of last 30 listings sold. Few good buys left. McDojiell. East 419. HOUSE and some furniture lor sale. Phont Woodlawn 5S41. SUNNY SIDE house. 3 rooms, price reason able, terms easy. Owner. Tabor o77a. REAL ESTATK. For Sale -House. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING VOUCH. LAKC.K garage. $G5tl EAST 47TH ST. $1250. Htre is that out-of-the-ordtnary. classy bungalow you have been trying to find. Six large rooms and finished sleeping porch; larpe parage with full cement drive ; large living room, 'dining room, Uutch kitchen, bedroom and extra toilet on ground floor; two large bedrooms with full bevel plate mirror doors, fin 1? 1 '?I,inR porch and unusually good bath room on second floor. Automatic, se.f-starting. self-regulating gas furnace. In this bungalow you have every built-in convenience, hardwood floors, of course; front and back stairwav. The price is IG0 cash, and it's really worth $1500. Let us chow you todav. G. G. McCUKMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main 8220. HERE IS A SNAP! $3450 PARKROSE BUNGALOW. Just outside the city limits on Craig road; 5 rooms and bath; both bedrooms-, bath and kitchen in white enamel; large living room and dining room; ti replace and built-in bu::et; Dutch kitchen; base ment, woodlift and laundrv tray; ground 100x150; all cleared except a ftw tir trees in yard, lie tw eon and 4M fine strawberry plants. This is oniy 3 blocks from the Car lino and on a hard luriace road to the city. Terms $ 1O50 down; balance like rent, Quick possession. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2U8. KENTON. PORTLAND INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. $21oU :(-room furnished bungalow, lot 5ux 1 uo. Cement sidewalk and r-ved street. I1-. blocks from Kenton car. JC'iU casli down. Ualance at $25 per month. $22.0 5-roo:n bungalow, corner lot. 4 blocks from Kenton car. $5u cash down. Ra.ance at $30 per month including i n t e rest. $3600 ,s-room bungalow, lot 100x100. 3 blocks from street car. Fireplace, gas radiator all connected. 4 bedrooms. Ow nor leaving c!t v. I A KG A IN. $.U0 csh dwii. Dalance $o0 per month and in tcresr. JOHN MAT.ONR M.-CL1 HE i SCHMAI CII CO. it W l!aiiwy Exi-liango Itldg. K rniims. Room 2ti. View llmci. Ken? t . a m e r . pmv r. . KlH CITY PARK. A NEW HOME, occupied only a s.h.r. 1 inio. 7 very at tractive rooms ; 1 b( t -room and lavaicry on first floor. 1 1 -tori'-r design of this beaut if ul hom niust bo wen to be appreciated: gas healing siom : full cement basement . extra lame l-t . 5'xlll feet. Short dis tance from car. Price JMH'O. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce lIdg. Mam 2ne. Branch Off;ce 45th-Sa-ndy. Tabor 2'J04. $.'V.tOO. IftTH AND STARK. EAST rict4v modorn 6-room house, and w it one of the best constructed Imhimh in the city and also one of the nios-t com tor table. Throe hod rooms and bath on the second floor, with hall, liv ing room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor ; ail modern built-in con veniences. Without a question one o the best buys in the city. J. L. KARNOPP A- CO., 3.19 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main H7.Y . SUBURBAN HOME THAT'S DIFFER ENT PA RK RvSE. Just oulMde city limits, n-'tr Sandy blvd. 6 rms. and sun roo m , all on one floor; very attractive Interior; white en ameled throughout; cement basement; concrete fruit room and furnace; gas and elect noit ; ground IHHxl.'iU it. On Craig road. Attractive garage. Fruit trees and berries. Price onlv $5750, half cash J. L. HA RTM A N COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2US. BRAND-NEW BU NG A LO W. f4M.lo TE 11 MS. 4J E. JESSUP ST. Vacant six -room bungalow, adj. Pied mont, strictly modern, hardwood flours. sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, bookcases, dresser, commode, ironing board, cooler, etc.; full cement basement, attic plas tered, nicely arranged; corner lot, 4Sx lOO; one block to car linos, near Union and K i i I in gs worth ; take W ood ia wn car to Jessup st. Phone Main f474 daily or C 1 12 evenings. OWNER ON PREMISES 1 TO 5 DAILY. ROSE CITY PARK. TERMS. $.i.0 down; a brand new 4-rooin bun gaio w .with breakfast nook, ba t li ; hard -wood flours and fireplace In living room, two bedrooms, all rooms- old ivory enam eled. paed street and sewer in und paid: lot 5t-x 1 ou . price includes elect ric fix tures and window shades, price $:t."V0. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY. 7 Cham ber of Com merce biug. Bi anch of t ice. 45th and Sandy. IRVINGTON'S B E A UTIFUI Living room 1 . 3tt, ivoi any. niahouany dining roo $10.5Ol BUY. y h nd mahog n. ttak library, billiard room. uen or urea k fast room gur;ige. near IMh and Thompson: sec ond floor all ivory finish, all oak floors, suite with white tiie fireplace, triple plate glass dressing mirrors, tile bath room v it h pedestal tub. lavatory and shower: two other good bedroon? and slvepinu porch: third floor complete ba t hroom and two bed rooms : terms R T. Sireet. irv. agent. East M4. IN LAURELHURST. Two extra fine large homes of 9 rooms each, located in the very choicest part of the district. There are five bedrooms ii oauh. ail hardwood Hours throughout One with good garage. Price JftOOU and $75nO. respectively. You surely won't call this profiteering when you see these houses. Ready to move in. See M K DE LAHUNT Y, 270 H- Stark st. Main 1 7 OM ; evenings East 208 (. (i-HUUM HOUSE, SNA!. JJ.'.U CASH. Nice 1 " -story house. 3 bedrooms, nice bath, electricity, goud basement, no cil v iienti tit assume : line location on M in ne sota avenue and Simpson, near o-k ley tire en school and Peninsula I 'ark. 1'rice a snap. --(H) ; i '50 casti and per niontn. CtRl'SSI & B ENN ETT. 31 S Board of Trade Bldg. Main 74".::. NEAR S. P. CAR SHOPS. $1 750. 1 .".0 cash. JlT mont hly. buys this old-fashioned. well-built. 6-room plastered house, bath and toilet, elec tric lights, "small basement, lot 4."xlo0; sttreet woik ail In and included In price. Fred W. ilerman Co.. 7o2 Cham, ot Com. Open Sundays. N E A R IRVINCTO X . FURNISH ED OR 1?N FURNISHED 6-room bunga-low. Has fireplace, fur nace, garage, etc. Lot .""0xll'l. 1 bloik to car. l'rif-e $"175 unfurnished. r lo.'tjri furnished. This sure a BAKGA1N. RELIABLE INVESTMENT TO.. Z 0 5 O A K S T . B K O A U VV A Y 4 KVX 'ACANT. Special until December. J2!00; modern .Vroom bungalow. Beaumont, improvements paid. A iso 6-roo in rot tace. East 10th. near Mason. t'J7int; garage, fruit; each excellent condition, lari;e lots, basements, immediate pos session. $1M)0 cash. Owner, evenings. Tabor 705.". " BRAND NEW S1P00. $150 cat-ti, "- monthly, buys this new 4-room pl.istered cottage, concrete foun dation, complete modern plumbing; 1 l,iock from St. Johns car line; a splendid buy. -Fred W. Oermun Co.. 73 Chaan. of Com. Open Sundays. CKOVELAND PARK. Modern tt-ruom house, :t bedrooms up stairs, living room, dining room and kit hen lower floor, with built-in con veniences. WILY. MARSHALL 30K1. Mornings 9 to 11. evenings 3 to ' KAST T AY LO R ST. BIG S N AR Fine -rurn house, furnace, firepl-ac. lot r.ux 1 oil, house in first-class cond it ion iusitle and out: on E. Taylor, near ilSih; a big snap at iar.."o, some terms. tlKl'SSI & BENNETT. Board of Trade Bld. Main 74T.L' "MAKION A V K . . IN SELL WOO D. $1 .ti $ron cash and i-ti monthly, i per crfl In teres t. no mort ge : line Jot ami very eood ti-room l-story bouse. Consult t'.albraith, tSEO. E. EN'- .EHART Co.. -4 Iltnr.- Btdv Main BRAND new Dutch colonial bungalow. 12.-.2 E. 1 7t h st.. 5-room, cobblestone porch and fireplace, garage, liard-wur-fue West Moreland district. S45Ml: half cash. Harry M. Huff. ItiL'U E. l.'Uh tit SU. Iftl office hours. SelL 90 evenings and Sundays. SPLENDID BUY $:iuuo. Dandy 5-room bungalow, full Cement basement, fireplace and all modern coft eniences; also shades and icre-n; fine view lot at ion close to car; (5ou down. Tabor 1RV1NGTON CA R J4JOG. 8 rooms, modern plumbing, full lot, half block from lrvington var; terms wa H. ROSS. 11 00 N. W. Bank b'dg. COINO to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates- B. T. Allyn. 243 Stark Ft. Of I ice hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main s;tl. Res, phone. Tabor 1U4. SOUTH PORTLAND SNAP 6-room mod ern house, p.i rtiy furnished ; Karaite; on carline; $20U; terms John Singer, Chamber of Commerce. inVIXGTON HOMES. EAST T. STREET. IRV. AQT. 8&4.