IS THE MORNING OREGONTAX. .WEDNESDAY. NOVE3IBER 26. 1911). KKW TODAT. Build Your Own Garage Sectional Garage to you anywhere in the northwest. You can set it up in a few hours. Send for circular. REDIMADE BUILDING CO. SIS K. 11th St. Phone tut 5114. Portland, Or. r : MANUFACTURERS OF FLUFF RUGS THERE'S A DIFFERENCE." WE WEAVE AI.I. M.ES IN BOTH FLUFF AND HAU RUGS. I.t Us (all ffr Your Old Carpet.. Work Will Br Returned "I'rompdy." Mall Orders ;lven Prompt Attention. WE CLEAN CARPETS. Portland Rug Company 1672 Kant Seventeenth Street. Phone 14 1324, Either Pacific or Home. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old nnici mud Woolen Clothlntf, We Make Reversible, Hand - Woifi FLUFF RUGS They Wear Like Iron. Mall Orders. Sand for Booklet. Rig Hues Wo vet.. All Sizes. Carpet Gleaning x12 Ron. Steam Cleaned, Si. so, WESiKRM FLUFF HIG CO, C4 Union Ave. N. Hast A5.8. tt 1471 barages Call for Illustrated Prlc List- SOS 1I1XK BIDR., -utkiLS Uroaly and Oak phone Broadway 14 Sam Connell Lumber Co. STORAGE SPACE Inveattarate Our Plant and Rates Why assume expensive leases under present hisrh. costs? CLAY S. MOHSK, INC. Ilrayaare and Storage. 1-th and Gllfnn. I'hone Bdvry. 3470. GARAGE SITE 100x100 X. E. Cor. 21st and Mar shall Sts.. west side. For bargain price eee It. J. O'fKIL, 717 Bd. of Trnde Bldfr. REAL ESTATE, For Sale Lota. SACRIFICE. $750 ROSE CITY PARK. Paved street and sewer in and paid. Level with side wa Ik ; near car ; excel lent location. This must be a quick nale; 'look at this at once and vou will buy. J. L. HARTM AN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. Branch office 45 th and Sandy. Tabor 29U4. Open Sundays. CLOSING OUT A FEW LOTS LESS THAN HALF PRICE. Some fine corners Included; near a beautiful park, high and grade schools and street car. While Ue is on only $5oo. $50 cash, $10 monthly. You should investigate at once. Main 37S7. JOHXSON-DODSON CO. 632-033-634 N. W. Bank bldg. PARKROSE ACRE TRACT $200 down; 1 b'ock to Sandy blvd.. school and car ground all cleared; easy month) v pay ments. $15 a mo. J. L. HARTM AN COM PA N Y, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. Branch office 45th and Sandy. Open Sundays. LOOK AT THIS. $.00 for a choice view lot on Fair mont drive on Portland Heights. The om cr paid 1000 for it loss than a year ago. but nei'rtg no 111 e money. See M- BILLINGS. 6Q9 McKay bid . Main 1390. AMONG THE FIRS. $S down, ss monthly buys splendid 100 xlOO covered .with beautiful fir trees, opposite A Iberta playground ; price JS00. or will sell separately for 5425 each. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays-. "CAPITOL HILL." Bargain?) For sale at a sacrifice to close up an estate, lots 5. 8. block 15; lots IS. 21. block 16: lots 8, 9. 10. block 20. No rt-asonable offers refused. . P. C. Gibbens, "1111 Powell st., Vancouver, B. C. CORNER lot. Rose City Park, cneap; easy terms. Phone Wood la wn 1916. ONE coiner lot for sale. $2U0. Call For ule Flat ' and Apartment 1 B. 1S2S. Property. INCOME S275 A MONTH. Large H. K. apt. Best local inn, on corner: house above average: apts. al ways full WITH WAITING LIST. Com pletely lurniHhed. Price is right. $2700. Call Main 5l!9. 1 or Sale Houses ROSE CITY PARK. 6 it ov m s $:;5k. Here is a bar train 6 room?, full ment basement, furnace, fireplace, buf fet, etc.: 100 feet from JSatidv: assis. paid. You will have to go some to . beat thU. Very reasonable terms. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark, nr. Third. Main 3516, Main 3092. Brmich Office. 50th and Sandy. MODERN ALBERTA BUNGALOW. Thin is juRt one block, from car; full lot; rarase and all; 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in conveniences, full cement basement: all ' street im provements paid. Price $3300, $ 1000 cash will hand le. ba lam-e easv. C. A. WARRlNER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 2"l-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE 'MTV PARK CAR. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $:.,.00. Here Is a nifty little bungalow, located 100 fvet from Sandy, facing est; hard wood tloors. fireplace, burfet. bookcases, garage, etc. Let us show vou. A. G. TEEPE CO., 2b4 Stark, nr. Third. Main 3516. Main 3092. Blanch OflU'e. 50 th and Sandy. BUN GA LO W S T have several bargains in 5 and 6-1 00 in bungalows located in various parts of the city, ranging in price from 43150 to $10.0o0; also several fine houses at snap prices. can ond see me at Laurelhurst Tract Office, E. :9th and Gllsan sts. Tabor JJ433. Evenings and una ay. iaoor ouoi. j. a, aicUAKTV G 6 T 6 PA Y $300c A S H. New bungalow. 4 rooms and bath white enamel plumbing, cement base ment. Dutch kitchen, dlmng alcove, elec tric rixtures. tin tea walls; move right in. 789 Kelly street, near Glbbs: key next door: balance of $4!650 at $35 a month, includes interest at 6 per cent. LATHKuP, 516 Abington Bldg. 11 WTHORNE BUNG A LO W B A R G A IN. $4200 buys bungalow of 6 rooms, all on fir&t floor ; large attic. hdwd. floors In three rooms, furnace, fire place, buffet. Dutch kitchen. 1 ull basement, wash trays; paved st. pd.; terms. ,1. A. WICKMAN CO.. C4 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main .5S3. 06O0. Large living room, dining room, de-n, kitchen and breakfast room first floor. 3 bfdro'min. sleeping porch, bath second floor, hardwood floors, full size con- I crete basement, furnace, garage, all fine I .1 l,i. Half ,-ti V. hoi POINDEXTER. 2iS SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1HOO. RESIDENCE B 7120. ROSE CITY PARK. Mv iiioil-rn 6-room bunealow ; price $3350. 120O down : rent $30 a month. Come see. tn3 E. 6rtth ft. North. IRVINGTON EAST 94. T. STREET. IRV. ACT. v:5-?3 1 f "J -' We will deliver a E5E1 M AP1E1, f- T vflsT- KE.IL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses, IRVINGTON COLONIAL. SACRIFICE $S00O. Here in positively the best buy In Irv ington; .S-ruoni colonial with many un-u.-ual features; modern to the minute; hardwood floors, large glass sun par lor, two fireplaces, two toilets: say. folks, we're not going to try to describe this elegant home in detail; we can't do It Jusilce. Hut we will say it couldn t be duplicate under $12,000 and the price is on! v $oo0. S4700 cash. A positive sacrifice for quick sale. Owner just mut have the money. Located close in near Knott street. Let us show you the biggest bargain in Irvington. O. i MoCOUMIC CO.. 242 Washington St. Main 82'-0. ATTRACTIVE HOMES. ' 5 -room house, lot 50x100. garden, chicken house and yard, beautiful ligni fixtures and plumbing, full cement base ment; extra good furnace. Uunary trayf. gas and window screens; price $J3..0: only $s50 cash; balance flat $2 per month. .ci-ft 1 extra good 6-room house f "-,' 1 extra good 4-room house .LoOO These homes all close to junction or Alberta and Piedmont districts, see R. C. Oeder, corner Mason and Union avenue for keys. ' ATTR ACTIVE PIEDMONT HOME BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS. This is in the choice location of the district; 7 rooms, music den and sleep ing ixirh modern from Stem to Stern and nicely arranged. The ground is most beautiful with abundance of slirubberv ; garage and alley ; paved trt !,n njiirf for. Just V block, from car. Price S05O0. terms. Quick pos session can be had. C. A. WARRIXER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ut'PvT! VOT'R CHAN'CE. A 2-room houseboat with porch all ai-ouna: white enamel finish trimmed in niii'.iocany ; con.pietely rurmsiiea witr first-class willjw furniture: also prac tically new motor boat. 21 ft. long, with cyl. engine, wt'. make 20 miies per hour; owner is so situated tliat he cannot use these and will sell the whole outfit that would cost about R2U00 for $950. M. BILLINGS. 5o9 McKay bid g. fc i m 1 oOO. $ - s t m p ENINS U L A BUNG A LO W S 2 SOU. CAHACK AND ALL. Five rooms. Dutch kitchen, fireplace. built-in bookcases, good basement: full Tttt: lust w. block from paved street; 1 2 blocks to car; close to school. Clear of all incumbrance; $500 cash will handle. Balance easy monthly pay ments. C. A. WARRTNER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. MOVE right In. 5-room, modern, double constructed bunealow for sale, close in. N. E. Irvington; newly painted and tinted throughout; radio heating system, furninricrl with niw htch-erade furni ture; street improvements in and paid 1 Tor; price $37o, 9l?o flown, oaiance jj, including interest 6 oer cent, per month. Phone after 1 P. M.. Automatic or Pa- i cific, C 3820. By owner, no agents. HAWTHORNE VACANT HOME. S4250 CORNER $4250. Eight rooms. all strictly modern except hardwood floors. 2 toilets; every thing in fine shape throughout; paved streets all oaid for: StooU cash will handle ; balance reasonable terms. This I is a good buv. .You wl I ! say so. C. A. WARRINER. R ITT EH. LOWE & CO.. 2ni-:;-5-7 Board of Trade hldg. ' BEAUMONT. Our client needs the money. It would cost S5000 to build this house today. Lot Is worth $1200. Completely modern O-room bungalow, on rirst noor wnn sleeping porch, nursery and sewing- room upstairs. Built less than 4 years; garage. A bargain at ?4vJO. Terms. , HARRIS & MAXWELL. r04 Railway Ex." Bl d g M ain 2S31. IN LA URKI.H URST. $4850. Modern 5-room bungalow, three blocks from car, good condition. 3 years old. ANOTHER ONE FOR $3750. .lust east of Iaurelhurst on E. Ei'erett. near 60th. I have several others. See me at Laurelhurst office. 2705 Stark st. Main 1700: evenings East 2086. MR. DELAHUNTY. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Fine 8-room; corner lot. 53x100; 1 Htreet Mens all paid: 2 fireplaces, nird- wood floors, eleeping porch, tile bath. Will sell this ine home for 5.n0 on easy terms' Could not b duplicated today for 512. mw. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 C. of C. bldg Main 3026. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 2 blocks from car. good basement, bath and electric fixtures, gas, fine full size lot. near Franklin high. This placw Is in excellent shape and will surely suit you; $uU0 cash down, balance suit. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 X. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. IRVINGTON. Verv large living room, dining room. kitchen. 1 bedroom and bath first floor. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath second floor, hardwood floors through out, full size concrete basement, furnace. garage: $10. W0. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE B 7120. TWO HOUSES FOR PRTCE OF ONE. Located on 80x60, with the walk in and paid: corner lot: one 5-room lath and plastered, with good plumbing; one "-room, lath and plastered: some berris and 1 fruit tree; 2 blocks from car. Price $2250, $400 cash. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, tierlinger blag. DOLL HOUSE FOR NEWLY WEDS. .lust finished, everything new. built In breakfast room, fireplace; one of finest views in city, full lot, fine neigh borhood, on hard surface and block to car, 2 blocks south of Division, looking Into 48th St.. for $3500. very easy terms. O. V. BADLEY. East 84117. ROSE CITY PARK $5000. classy modern 5-room bungalow finished in white enamel, French doors, fireplace. furnace. full cement oase- ment, 1 blk. from Rose City car: terms can be arranged: owner leaving city. See us to da. v. This is a good buy. H EN RY V. GODDARD, 243 Stark st. F" YOU are looking for an . Income and comfortable home, just ready to step into, look up this i block. 100x100, close in. containing 2 furnished houses of and 8 rooms, every convenience, fully occupied, with vacant jcorner for addi tional UUIIlnngs. I v. 01, vi rsuinan. ROSE CITY. "Rest buv there today. Strictly mod ern, hardwood floors, all built-l7is. full size basement, furnace. 5 rooms, large attic: sr.Too. third cash, bai. easv. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. M AIN lh-0. RESIDENCE B 7120. SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE. Nicel v si tun ted 4-room. modern cot tage, completely furnished throughout. :: blocks to school. 2 blocks to car; , street improvements all In: will take car as part pnyment; act quiculy. Owner, apply at 425 Shaver after P. M. I.iKOO MODERN BUNGALOW $3600. Fireplace. hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, built -ins, 5 nice rooms with 1 sleeping porch off each bedroom: full moment basement with laundrv travs: caraee; 50x100 lot. Main 1643. Mutual Realty Co.. 1219 N. WV Bank bldg. iir.OO FOR 8-room on East -list ft., near H:iwtnor e ave. ni 1 1 iui t down ai.d bal. '.ike rent. Owner out of city and w;;nts to close out property. SCU M. BILLINGS. 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. ENGLISH COLONIAL. corner lot; improvements all end Will sell S2500 under cost and show the bills. Built two years ago. You can't beat this. Call at Laurelhurst of- ri.-e 571 Stark st.. or phone Mam 1.0O: evenings- East 200. MR. DELAHUNTY-, 4750 Modern 7-room house. Hawthorne dist. : paved tts. : cor. lot, near car and schoo': walking distance to city; an ,ex- cellent buv. 800 cash. bai. like rent. M. BILLINGS. 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. SPECIAL Nifty bungalow, near Twohys, numerous conveniences, linoleum.) glassed sleenina porch: basement, lull lot. pav ing paid, immediate sale, $2500. $5oO cash. $20 monthly includes 6 per cent interest. Owner, evenings. Tabor iQ.u. BY OWNER 5-room modern bungalow. full baseinant. tubs, uutcn kitcnen. nre place. ouiit-ins, good district, improve ments in. car 2 blocks, $3250. terms. Man -od points not described. Call Tabor 2 123. S265 FINE five-room bungalow. ment basement, trays and many built- in conveniences, some rruit. must hs $1000 cash, balance terms. 615 Chamber oi commerce mag. AT 940 E. 1STH ST. N.. near Prescott. le a well-constructed o-room nuue. now vacant. lot oOxlOO. A bargain $2950, $50O cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY HOME BUYERS. If you are looking for a bargain It will be to your inrcresi 10 can up .vir. fetoweil. Tabor (iSl. S2350 SUNNY SIDE COTTAGE. 5 rooms, basement, porch, fine fruit. iiO-foot lot. nam suriace. everything good condition: ?5oo down will handle it o. BAU1.L1, cast 4Mi. $35o0 QUEEN ANN seven-room modern home with 1 00x1 OO corner, can you beat it? $1ihn) cash will handle. 615 Chamber of commerce mug. $2101 FIVE-ROOM ottage and nice lot. on paved street assessments paid: this fine buy and S2riO cash wili handle I bid chamber of Commerce bldg. REAL. ESTATE. For Sale -Hoi ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. LARGE GARAGE. $6250 EAST 47TH ST. 16250. Here is that out-of-the-ordinary, classyt oungaiow you have been trying to una. Six large rooms and finished sleeping porch ; large garage with full cement drive; large living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, bedroom and extra toilet on ground floor: two large bedrooms with full bevel plate mirror doors, fin ished sleeping porch and unusually good bath room on second floor. Automatic. self-starting, self-regulating gas furnace. In this bungalow you have every built-in . convenience hardwood noors, oi course, front and back stairway. The price is $6250 cash, and it s really worth $7500. Let us show you today. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington SL Main 8220. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $5850. On 5 2d st.. best part of Rose City Park, we have a 7-room complete bungalow on a full corner lot. st. Improvements all in; extra large living room with fireplace and built-in bookcases, hardwood floors, dining room with built-in buffet; full Dutch kitchen with breakfast room; 3 large, airy bedrooms, large bathroom with white enameled plumbing, full ce ment basement, laundry trays and fur nace. This house lias never been occu pied and you can move in today if you like. For Particulars, See E. M. PADDEN, Sales M ana ger, METZGER-PARKK'R-FERGUSON CO., Ground Floor, 302 Oak St. Bdwy. 3644. IR VINGTOX BARGAIN. Fine colon in I residence, 8 rooms. In excellent condition and neighborhood, 511 2oth, comer B razee, immediate pos session can be given. 1RVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW. Attractive new six rooms, large living room, fireplace, dining room, breakfa room, .Dutch kitchen, '2. bedrooms, hard wood Tloors, furnace, cement basement. 1246 Glenn are., near Alnworth; key at 124S. BELMONT. NEAR EAST 17TH. 45x126 feet, comfortable 7 -rrtnm reni- dencQ. excellent condition; bargain at $4250. terms. EAST 16TH. NEAR DAVIS. Modern seven-room residence. S5250. terms. DONALD MACLEOD, 1O01-2 Spalding Bldg. NEVER buy till you see that house at 17th aim i. ucKiiai. Even thmifh vmi Ikinl . ( .Does not pay to overlook this Irvington Before vou venture for vmi win Lndoubtedly the handsomest house, just finished. Remember it has 8 rooms with billiard room. Koine inspect the latest Lvery day from to fi; Thanksgiving all day. Main 1003 for appointment at any time. CLOSE TO MULTNOMAH CLUB till. A. 1 KAl H K PR Here Is a lursre corner lot Srinft onH two goo a nouses in short walking dis- v-ti wesi siae. une y-room house. the other 11 rooms, with full- cement uueement, rurnace, fireplace, paved sts, clear of all Incumbrance. The whole thing for $50(J0. The lot alone i woi Lii mucn more. immediate posses sion can be had. Easv terms. C. A. WAItHINKH RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade b bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. TERMS. $500 down; a brand new 4-room bun gaiow with breakfast nook, bath; hard wood floors and fireplace in living room. two bedrooms. roomn olrt Ivnrv nnm- eJed;paved street and sewer In and paid; ioi ouxmmj: price includes electric fix tures and Window Sh:. rl- nrlrA shrift J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Branch office. 45th and Sandy. $22tK) CLOSE TO BROADWAY BRIDGE $2200. Neat U-roOin COttasre. living rnnm bedroom, kitchen. pantrv and bath: basement : electricitv anrf " f h rov 1 u lot; just 1 block from east Broadway; 5 blocks east of bridge. Ground alone worth more than we are asking. This is in short walking distance to busi ness center. You can save all carfare. Watch our ads. We get results. C. A. WARRlNER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. I R VI XGTON 6 ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH, GARAGE. Here is a genuine bargain. We want you 10 see this, so that vou. too. ma appreciate the real downright value in mis oeaUUlu buneu ow hnrrn-. Prnh- ably never again an opportunity like t nU5. Every convenience. Get busy. riurry. L,et us snow you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. !64 Stark, nr. Third. Main 3516. Main 3092. Branch Office. 5uth and Sandy. Evenings. Phone Tabor S255. IRVINGTON'S BEAUTIFUL $10,500 BUY. Laving room l.Sx30. Ivory and mahog any, mahogany dining room, oak library, den or breakfast room, billiard room. garage: near 18th and ThomDson: mp. ond fioor all ivory finish, all oak floors. suite with white tile fireplace, triple- plate glass dressing mirrors, tile bath room with pedestal tub, lavatory and shower; two other good bedrooms and sleeping porch ; third floor complete bathroom and two bedrooms: terms. R. T. Street. Irv. agent. East S94. IN LAURELHURST. Two extra fine large homes of 9 rooms each, located in the very choicest part of the district. There are five bedrooms l.i each; all hardwood floors throughout One with good garage. Price $7000 and respectively. You sure v won't call this profiteering when you see these nouses. Kfauy to move in. see MR. DELAHUNTY, 270 ifc S tark at. Main 1 00 : evenings East 2086. WELL! WELL! well: HEKE IT IS A BARGAIN $3500 buys an 8-room modern bungalow; iurnace. nrepiace. hd wd. floors, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, paved st. paid. Our autos at your service. .1. A. W1CKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Kxch. bldg. Main 5S3. FNE new English cotlage. 6 room, din ing and sleeping porches. hardwood noors. open nrepiace. all modern con veniences, witn large wooded lot. Mount Zion. the most beautiful vUw suburb of Portland. Price 6500. easy terms. 'john Bain (owner. oOt tipaldiag Diag. i eiepnone a. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? w e aesign ana nuna apartments, ga rages, residences, a nyt hlng ; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years We Offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contract- ing architects, 94 x. w. Bank bldg. NEAR S. P. CAR SHOPS.. $1750. $150 cash. $25 monthly, buys this old-fashioned. well-built. 6-room plastered house, bath and toilet, eiec trie lights, small basement, lot 45x100; street work all in and included In price. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open hunaaya. IRVINGTON HOME EXCHANGE. Owner of classy 7-room bunealow with 4 bedrooms, si. pch., garage, 2 balhs. 75x1 00 lot. In best section, near car. will take in modern wll-oca,ted 5 room bungalow, bal. easy terms. It. IL Torrey. Tabor 40". BRAND new Dutch colonial bungalow. 12..2 Hi. lttn st.. o-room. cobblestone porch and fireplace, garage, hard-surface. West Moreland district. $4500- half ca.-h. Harry M. Huff. 1629 K. 13th st. S-H. 161 office hours. Sell. 2958 evenings and Sundays. SPLENDID BUY $3000. Dandy 5-room bungalow, full cement basement, fireplace and all modern con veniences: also shades and screens; fine view location close to car; $500 down Tabor 3082. $2450 4-ROOM house with bath, gas, elec tricity, z oea rooms, large living room built-in kitchen, 2 lots, bearing fruit trees! up-to-late chicken house: 5oo cash, bal ance terms. Owner, Sellwood 1925. IRVINGTON CAR $4200. S rooms, modern plumbing, full lot. half block from Irvington car; terms WH. ROSS. HOP N. W. Bank bldg. fi-ROOM MODERN LARGE LOT. Splendid home, corner, bearing fruit ana wainut ue, naru suriace street close to car, 24u0; good terms. Tabor 8292. 5-ROOM house, sleeping porch. 12x:i4 well improved, very convenient, lull lot, garage: bargain for $2&o0. J. J. Fisher, iaoor joi. jtsi compieu, isc iuuiu, run con crete basement, garage, at cot, $5o'J or late auto first payment. 162U Wil liams. A SNAPPY California oungalow for sale. 5 rooms, nam auu ureaaiast room, full basement. Call owner mornings. Tabor 4V.'4. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimates. o. 1. Aiiyn, L'43 Stark st Oftice hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 831 Res. -phone. Tabor 194. SOUTH PORT LA N D SNA P 6-room mod em nouse. paru lumisaeu; garage; on carline; $2600 ; terms. John Singer, $2750 BUY S S4000 rurmshed home now renting oi 10 ihhi. must tiavt $1CH0 quick cash. 30 Morgan bidg. BY OWNER strict. y modern home, Irv ington, OHK nooi. cement oasement. 50 ft. lot . $4200. E 2377 or 72 Veiling bldg PRETTY COTTAGE. $160O; trade for large house or acreage, assume differ ence. 18 OO Siskiyou at, nr. 70th. R. C. car. REAL ESTATE. BIHR-CAREY CO., Real Estate. Main 16b6. AEJRM THAT LIVES UP TO A HIGH STANDARD OF COURTESY, SERVICE, EFFICIENCY AND INTEGRITY. following are a few homes of the I many good ones we have that we offer I you today and any of which we recom- j men a very Btrongly: 5000 ROSE CITY. A desirable 5-room bungalow. Living room. dining! room, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms I ana oath; hardwood floors; fire place, gas, electricity, screens, shades and linoleum: caraze: full lot; 2 blocks to car; 5 years old. 1 very attractive. $450-rROSE CITY. Livin room, dining room, Kitcnen. '2 bedrooms and oatn ; harow.od floors ; fireplace; trays; full lot; paved street, cement! sidewalk and sewer. Interior finish I white enamel. This place is on oJd st.. and is right up to the min ute. J4S50 ROSE CITY. A nice home. Recep tion hall, living room, dining room, I kitchen, music room and dm on I first floor: 3 bedrooms with bath I and sleeping porch on second. Hard- wood doors. furnace. fireplace. trays, gas and electricity; screens I and linoleum; full cement base- ment; garage: full lot: 3 blocks to I car. A-l condition. Near schools I and. churches. $5250 ROSE CITY. Reception haH, living room, dining room, buffet, Dutch kitchen, bath: 3 bedrooms up with sleeping porch. Full cement base- I ment: hot-wates heating pla trays, etc. Full lot; paved street, cement sidewalk and sewer; garage. A-l condition. Very line. $5500 ROSE CITY. This" home la 2 or 3 years old. and is strictly modern. ! Reception hall, living room with J fireplace: dining room with built-j in buffet. Dutch kitchen on first I floor; 2 bedrooms with sleeping 1 Dorc 1 and bath on second : hard wood floors: full cement basement; one of the best working furnaces I ever put In a home: laundry "trays; 1 paved street, cement sidewalk and 1 ewer: 50xl00-ft. lot : solid con crete garage; block from Sandy j blvd. No Incumbrances. A pretty I p:ace, unusually well located. $6100 ROSE CITY. Reception hall, living! room, dlnlntr -room, kitchen. Datn. music room, downstairs: 3 bedrooms I up with sleeping porch. Rector I heating system; trays, etc. Many bullt-lna. Interior very elaborate. 1 Full lot. At this price, the place is furnished. The buyer is getting about $1500 worth of furniture here, for between $300 and $400. 14 blocks to car. ' nis is a oeauiy. BIHR-CAREY CO.. .219 Railway Exchange bldg. JUST EAST OF LAURELHURST $2650. Cozy 5-room bungalow, newly painted and kalKomined: living room has fire- 1 nl ace that does not smoke, dining room 1 ha. solid naneled wall with plate rail; inrcro- airv hedmami. bath between; con venient kitchen, floored attic, cement basement, concrete foundation. laundry travs: 5Oxl00 corner lot. abundance of 1 roses "and shrubbery, -children m play hmme. traraire. improved sts., some st. im provements to assume. Can arrange terms. For Particulars, See E. M. PADDEN, Sales Manager, METZGER-PA R K ER-FERGUSON CO.. Ground Floor, 302 Oak St. Bdwy. 3644. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson K.o. Sunday Phone Tabor 2399. a.tnon S500 CASH. BAL. EASY. Cosy 5-room bungalow; fireplace, built- I In features; gas ana eiecirmuy, iuii 1 ment basement, nice lawn, goou view. Main 37s (. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. fi5't3:i-tL4 V. W. Bank Bldz. inn 4. in CASH. BAL. MONTHLY. 4-room cottage, gas. bath and elec rritv hvine room, kitchen and two bed rooms, convenient to two suwu vo-i imc-. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-C33-034 N. W. Bank Bldg. S.ROOV TU7NGALOW SNAP. Fine bungalow. 6 rooms downstairs, 2 bedrooms and uleeplng porch upstairs, r. i.eHr-nnm. Jiimnre. fireDlace. buffet. china closn. bookcases, cabinet kitchen, I full cement basement. launary irajs, , - . rnor lot 43 A. xlOO. DEVed St., Iiejis all paid, corner East Salmon and 1 3h. close in. 3 blocks to 2 carllnes. 4 hiocks to school: price $4o00; some) terms. r.RI'KST BENNETT. T.I ft Board of Trade bldg. Main 745 -v f W I ATRFI.HFRST HOME. & hminsti mnvM comoels me to sacri fice my beautiful Laurelhurst home, built I by the owner at a cost of $12.0o0, and nnntTiv with overv modem con-l venience. solid mahogany woodwork, fine hardwood floors, elegant tile bath, ex- I cntion-kllv lovely dining room and I irftchen: hot-water heating plant. I will .hi. hum. incliidine biz choice cor ner lot with winter supply of fuel in I basement considerably below original cost of house. Terms. Call Tabor i09. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Located on 15th street North, near Mason, on paved street and carline: all Improvements paid : 100x100 lot. some nice fruit: living, dining, kitchen. 3 bed rooms, bath and toilet, all one floor, part cement basement; all newly painted and tinted; roof has Just bee.n newly shin gled : a nice home and remarkable value at' $3600, $1200 cash TH E LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. AN EXTRA well-built !Vi-"tory home on Broadway. Portland's best district: 5 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet; cement basement, laundry trays and furnace, sewer, sidewalk and paved street all paid. Price only $3750, bal. like rent. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-C33-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. BRAND NEW NOW READY. JUST THE FINEST FOR TWO PEOPLE. Large living room with hat closet, good-sized bedroom with clothes closet, also fine bath with toilet and lavatory; cabinet kitchen with breakfast alcove just off kitchen. A flue big lot 90x100. everything paid; $2450. $300 cash. SEE THE YELLOW SIGN. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. FINE BUNGALOW. NEAR PIEDMONT. 5 large airy rooms; room for 4 rooms In attic, furnace." cement basement; bath, elect., gas; garage, barn, 65x127 lot, fruit trees, small fruits, etc: on Rodney ave.. near Portland blvd . Price $4000. $500 cash, no Hens to assume. GRUSSI & BENNETT. J18 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452 VERY classy new bungalow. 5 rooms and breakfast nook ; harawooa xioors. nre place. bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, white enamel and old ivory finish; price $4200. $1400 cash. bal. terms. Ms-in 3.s(. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632-633-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. 82100 CLOSE IN. !i rooms and attic bungalow, nice bath and electricity and gas; good basement on extra large lot, sewer, sidewalk and curbs, graded street; $350 cash, balance like rent. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. NEAR IRVINGTON. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED j 6-room bungalow. Has fireplace, fur- j nace. garage, etc. Lot 50x121. 1 block I to car. f frice .tio umurmsnea. or 23525 furnished. This sure a BARGAIN. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. B R O A D W A Y 4 133. VACANT, Special until December, $2900; modern 5-room bungalow. Beaumont. Improvements paid. Also 6-room cot tage. East 10th, near Mason. $2700; garage, fruit; eaclt excellent condition, large lots, basements, immediate pos session. $900 cash. Owner, evenings. Tabor 7055 BRAND NEW $1900. $150 cash, $20 monthly, buys this new 4-room plastered cottage, concrete foun dation, complete modem plumbing; 1 block from St. Johns car line; a splendid buy Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. ' GROVELAND PARK. Modern 6-room house. 3 bedrooms up stairs, living room, dining room and kitchen lower floor, with built-in con veniences. WILY. MARSHALL 3081. Mornings 9 to 11. evenings 3 to 8. $I!200 BUYS 6-room home, finished in white enamei; full 50xloo lot, on paved t. pd. for: easy terms. Our autos at your service. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 5i3. NEAT 6-room bungalow, 3 bedrooms, fire place, paneled dintngroom . SOxloO lot. near car; price $31oO, $1000 cash. $30 monthly. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-633-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. REAL KSTATB. NEW RrT,AI)WS COMPLETE IN ABOUT 30 DAYS. MT. TABOR CARLINB the only car- line in the citv that runs from the east side to the west Ilde library without transferring. One bungalow when com pleted will have 5 very attractive rooms, leeplritr norch and attic. The other 1 a delightful 5-room bungalow.- Both bun- guiows will be complete old ivory nn- isn tnrougnout: modern: rurnace nx- tures and shades: hardwood, floors in the main rnom n imnt basement. Should you desire a garage, the cost will be only S25-0 extra. These attractive nomes are being built rn a restricted part or mi. Tabor and just an easy valkmc distance to the nark : 6-room bungalow $5040: 5-room bungalow $4mK, lerma. Plans are at our office. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. IRVINGTON. A most attractive residence of 8 rooms, modern in all Its aoDolntments and nearly new: hardwood floors, tiled fire- Places in llvine- room and front bed room, tiled bath, with shower; also bath ior maiai room; conservatory, extra large sleeping porch, which can be heat ed if desired ; complete burglar alarm system and double electric lighting and heating systems; located In the very oest district or irvington. on louxiuu corner, surrounded by beautiful homes. rnii house has cost tne owner oe tween $18,000 and $20,000. but an at tractive price will be made in selling, or would accept desirable vacant or Im proved Portland property for the equity. SAMUEL R. NORTON. 610 Henry Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Strictly modern tt-room bungalow, close In near Hawthorne ave. ; hard wood floors, fireplace, beautiful built-in rmffet. 2 nice bedrooms, large bathroom. very large Dutch kitchen, all on firirt floor, with one finished room In attic, I and you can make two additional rooms also In attic. Full .cement basement with laundry trays and furnace. This house is double constructed and well built throughout. On paved street ; all improvements in and paid for. Price $4250; $650 cash, balance $35 per month including 6 per cent Interest and house will easily rent for $40 per month. Good Investment If you do not care to live in It. For particulars see E. M. Padden. Sales Manager. METZGER-PARK KR-FERGUSON' COMPANY. Ground floor, 302 Oak St. Brdy. 8644. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. CHARM. COMFORT and CLASS all combined in this HOT-WATER HEATED LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 7 well-arranged rooms on one floor and beautifully finished in old Ivory; every modern feature. The lot is extra large, finely land scaped and located In the best part of Laurelhurst near the park. The garage has concrete walls and floor and har monize with house, A home that you will be delighted with and worth more than the price, $7500; half cash. MaclNNES A PRATT. Main 3868. 413 Bd. of Trade Bldg. . $6350 LAJDDS ADDITION $6350. Close to the park is a modern home of 6 rooms and sleeping porch, reception hall, living room with fireplace, built-in bookcases, plate-glass windows, glass doors he t ween living room and dining room, built-in buffet with mirror doors, beamed ceiling, oak floors, kitchen has maple floors, laundry room with white enamel trays, choice white enameled sink, handy pantry; second - floor: 3 bed rooms, large ' bathroom, sleeping parch; full cement basement, plastered ; fruit room, fine lawn, roses, shrubbery, fruit trees and berries; all Imps. In and paid. For Particulars, See E. M. PADDEN, Sales .Manager, METZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON CO., Ground Floor, 302 Oak St. Bdwy. 3644. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. POSE CITY PARK TERMS NOW VACANT. $750 down. 1 rms. and sleeping porch. This is not a new houne, but a great big bargain; full cement basement; fur nace and fireplace;- corner lot; paved streets on both sides; lot, level with - sidewalk; only 2 blks. to ear; 4 blks. to school. Price only $3950. All im provements paid. J. L, HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. Branch office, 45th and Sandy, Tabor 29U4. BRAND-NEW BUNGALOW. $4000 TERMS. 428 E. JESSUP ST. Vacant six-room bungalow, adj. Pied mont, strictly modern, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, bookcases. aresser.. commoae, ironing uoaru. cooier, ; etc.; full cement basement, attic plas tered, nicely arranged; corner lot. 4sx 100; one block to car lines, near Union and KtlUngsworth ; Aalcfe Woodiawn car 1 to Jessup st. Phone Main 8474 daily or C 1182 evenings. OWNER ON PREMISES 1 TO 5 DAILY. ROSE CITY PARK. NIFTY BUNGALOW $4SO0. Here, truly. Is a splendid home, locat ed 1 block irom Sandy, close in; hard- wood floors, fireplace. buffet, Dutch kitchen, etc. You will have to hurry If vou get this. The owner is leaving Portland and must sell at once. Don' t delay. Hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark, nr. Third. Main 3516. Main 3092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. FOUND A REA L IRVINGTO N S N A P . First time offered for sale, handsome 2-story 7-room residence located on E. 2 1st st, N., near Thompson; nice en trance hall, large living and dining rooms, den. convenient kitchen, 3 well ventilated bedrooms and large sleeping porch, beautiful hardwood floors and fixtures, full cement basement. Im proved yard, trees, room for garage; price. $9000. Is away below market value: terms. R. H. Torrey. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. $5250. You win appreciate tne real down right value in this splendid home; hard wood floors,, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, garage, etc.; assts. paid. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark, nr. Third. Main 3516, Main 3092. Branch Office. oOth and Sandy. 5-ROOM plastered cottage with full plumb ing, electric ngnts ana gas. sidewalk, sewer and paved street in and paid for: close In ; H block to car. A wonderful buv at $1700, $550 cash, bal. like rent. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-633-634 N., W. Bank Bldg. $2600 6-ROOM HOME. Nicely located. It minutes from Wash ington St., good basement, gas. good plumbing, sewer, sidewalks and curbs, fine lot, with bearing fruits. Can take low as $250 cash on this. . A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bidg. Marshall 4114. $1800 $200 CASH. 5-room house, city water, electricity, gas. In best of repair with two lots. large bearing cherry, apple, pear, etc.. trees, also berries, three kinds--, all fenced; 2 blocks to car. Main 3787. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-633-634 N. W. Bank Bldg. - GOOD. ROOMY HOUSE. BPTLT 4 YEARS, NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH: HARD WOOD FLOORS. FI REPLACE, DUTCH KITCHEN. SLEEPrXG PORCH. HALF CEMENT BASEMENT. LAUNDRY TRAYS; PRICE $3350. TAKE GOOD AUTO AND CASH FIRST PAYMENT. PHONE TABOR 18. VIEW PROPERTY. Buy from owner: 5 minutes from Wash, st.; 8 rooms, all H. W. floors. 4 bedrooms, large living-room, fine garage, lot 75x100; house nearlv new. Will fell on easy terms for $7500 ; well worth $95QJ. Main US. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE and I will quickly and cpmfortably show you the best buys in homes in Portland; any terms you want. MOORE. WITH GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. MODERN 7-room plastered house, 'good barn for cow and chickens. 2-stall ga rage and woodshed. 3 Vz lots. 3 blocks from P. O. ; fine view to the bay. Will seU for $3500. By owner. P. O. Box 424. Newport. Or - VACANT MOVE IN TODAY. Modern house. large living room, 2 bedrooms, sun porch, Dutch kitchen ; paved street, corner lot: almost new. Price $2700. $1000 cash. Sellwood 27o6. EXTRA FINE MODERN BUNGALOW. Six roonss. finished attic, garage. 1 block RC car; close in. street imps. paid. JSR250; terms. Tabor 8292. 9-ROOM house 1247 Wilbur; lot 100x100; bargain Owner. FOR SALE Moder -"iruralow. $3oo. terms or S340O fa' cash". Phone D 1139. HOUSE and sov, 'rt Woodiawn 5841. . for aaitf. BL'NNYSIl'K h' .s' . .able. teru A. R EAL KST ATE. For Sale House. BUNGALOW AND TWO LOTS. $3150 Dandy double-constructed 5-room bungalow, fireplace. bookcases, built-in buffet, white enameled x Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. N large bedrooms, fine bath, cement basement, large floored attic, lot 80x100. with alley, faces eU ga rage. 19 bearing fruit trees, ber ries, located blocK irom roweii 1 Valley road near 64th st.. close to Joseph Kellogg school and Franklin high, Hawthorne car; terms; a big bargain; phone for appointment. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE, $3250 Vacant ft-room bungalow, good condition, fireplace, den. built-in buffet. large white enaraaled Dutch kitchen. 2 fine bedrooms, good bath, full cement basement, laundry trays, furnace. SuxluO lot. facing east, among fine houses near 45th St., 3 blocks Woodstock car, close to school. This is one of the best bargains we have. Be convinced. Let us show you before -tx is too late. Terms can be ar ranged. ON E-HALF ACRE. EIGHT-ROOM RESIDENCE. $4000 Located two blocks Hawthorne car near 71t st.. which Is hard surface, 2 -"story residence, good condition, large rooms, built-in uf f et, 4 fine bedrooms, good bath, dandy kitchen, lull cement basement, laundry trays. V acre, good garage, barn. 1 block new brick school. A wonderful bar gain. Only $10o0 down- call ior appointment Autos always at your convenience GEO. T. MOORE, 1007 xeon Bldg. HOME BARGAIN. $3850. 7-room house on East Washington street, near 3'Jth; only one block from Laurelhurst park, and 8 biocks from Mt. Tabor carline. Reception hall with French doors leading into living room, large airy dining room, beautiful built in buffet: hardwood floors; large roomy kitchen. 3 bedrooms second floor; with large bathroom; white enameled plumb ing: full basement, cement foundation ; lots of fruit and flowers- This is an extra well built house, hard surfaced street, improvements all in and paid for. This is absolutely the best buy on the Mt. Tabor car line. $loi0 will handle. , . For particulars see E. M. Padden, Sales Manager. METZGER-PAR K.E R-FERGUSON COMPANY. a Ground floor, 302 Oak St. Bdwy. 3644. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. HERB IS A SNAP! $3450 PARKROSE BUNGALOW. Just outside the city limits on Craig road: 5 rooms and bath: Dotn oeuroon.. bath and kitchen In white enamel: large Mvit,. onri Hi nine room i firep:ace and built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen; base ment, woodllft and laundry tray; ground m.- 1 1 ctrpnt a few fir trees in yard. Between 300 and 400 fine strawberry plants. This is only 3 blocks from the carline and on a hard surface road to the city. Terms $1050 down balance like rent. Quick possession. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commeice Bldg. Main 208. ROSE CITY, modern. 5-room bun galow on 42d st., near Sandy blvd. This location Is in the very best part of Rose City park, where the Improvements are all in. Hard surface streets and walks. re stricted district; large lot, 84xlOO feet, with abundance of berries and shrubbery. The bungalow-' has fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases and china closet, full cement basement and garage. Price. $4200: $louo down, $3o per rionth. Smook. phone Tabor 5214. - ALAMEDA DRIVE. ROSE CITY PARK. A NEW HOME, occupied only a short time. 7 very attractive rooms: 1 bed room a-nd lavatory on first floor. In terior design of this beautiful home must be seen to be appreciated; gas heating svstem; full cement basement; extra large lot. 50x111 feet. Short dis tance from car. Price $SOA)0. J. L. HARTMAN. COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main -08. Branch Office 45th-Sandy. Tabor -904. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. , $55lH. At least $500 under value. A new 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch, targe living rooms, fireplace. dining room, built-in buffet, hardwood floors, good sized kitchen with all the bullt 1ns. large bathroom, white enameled plumbing, cement basement, furnace and laundry trays, garage. Street improve ments all in and paid for. Full lot. We can arrange terms to suit you. or particulars see E. M. Padden. sales mETZGER-PARKER-FERGUSON COMPANY. Ground floor. 302 Oak St. Bdwy. 3644 Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. BEAUTIFUL home in Laurelhurst on Laurelhurst ave. This place is absolutely modern, has 2 fire places, furnace, fine buffet, Dutch kitchen, bookcases, sleeping, porch. 3 large bedrooms, breakfast room and large porches. Beautiful grounds with shrubbery and lawn. Garage. improved streets and highly restricted district. Will sell at an exceptional good bargain to reliable parties on easy terms. See C. V. Smook, at 107 E. 37th st. Telephone Tabor 5214. J4000 EASY TERMS. A REAL HOME. 1 50 X 1 1 10 C LOSE IN. 8-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Five bed chambers, built-ins. fireplace, enamel plumbing, tine cement basement, fruit, berries, etc.. of choicest variety; now vacant: balance like rent at 6 per rent ttenr 30th. street. 15 minutes 01 You could not build the house for price niL-.H Owner rointr to Goldendale. See this for big value now! Small amount cash, remember. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. Main 4S03. "35 Years In Portland." ROSE CITY BUNGALOW S4UOO. 6 rooms, living room, with fireplace; dining room, 2 nice Dearooms. oainroom uhliP enAtneled rlu 111 bine. Dutch kitch en, on first floor; one room on second Door. Full basement, cement lounua tton,' garage, full lot, on paved street, near bandy boulevard: $1000 will handle. For particulars see E. M. Padden, Sales Manager MET55ER-PA R K KR-FERGUSON COMPANY. Ground floor, 302 Oak St. Bdwy. 3644. E. M. PA DDEN, Sales Manager. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. $21110 5-ROOM, 50x100. paved, $250 cash 2850 Hunc. S-rm.. f irepl., mod. Haw $3O0i Typ. bung., firepl.. mod. MT car, sai.-io Waver v. snan. modern, vacant. $2950 fi-rms. Alberta, snap. $450 cash. S32H0 Irvinrton PH.. new bungalow. $3500 Sunnyside. ideal creaii home. $3,Vt 7-rm. bung., near 4 2d and E. Har. $3700 7-rm. cor., eleg. home, pvd, ga rage, close in. $3750 9-rm., vac. 50x100. nr. Bdwy. br. $4500 S-rm.. furnished, modern. close in. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." .Alain 4&03. REAL SNAP SSVi acres, located in Clack amas county, mile to the town of Barlow and Pacific highway, has 43 acres In cultivation, of which 18 acres are in hops, balance easily cleared. About 30 acres of this soil is beaverdam. Land around this place is selling from $200 to $300 per acre and this can be had for $123 per acre with $1000 down, balance very easy terms. Would consider good house or apartment house in trade. F. R. Jesee, 527 Corbett hldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, with china closet. Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases, hall, basement, laundry trays. lot 50x100. ce ssment sidewalks, paved sts.. fruit trees, oerries. shrubbery, etc. Near two car unea in the Sellwood district. Price $3200. $S00 down. F. R. Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg. Phone Main 7141. , 3150 HAWTHORNE. Five-room bungalow in fine condi tion, finished in natural and Ivory, built-in features, fireplace, cement base ment, corner lot. Terms. See Mr. Abraham. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth St. Main s69. $400 DOWN AND EASY PAYMENTS buvs good 5-room house and 2. corner lot's. Frice $1500. Lots of fruit and ber- ri6S' MOORE WITH GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. $300 50xlO0. NICE 7-room house, fur nace, wash trays, very convenient, cheer ful rooms, easy walking distance. 20tn st SS car; .u casn win nanote. -ow vacant. For appointment call Bast 538. 7-ROOM modern house, near Irvington. od ivorv finish, large living room, three bedrooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, street work in; price $5500. owner, Tabor 22SQ. BY OWNER 6 rooms, sleeping porch, fire place, on car 'in, corner view lot, newly painted th roughout ; terms Main 2466. evenings Wooda wn 45'f8 FOR SALE -5-room modern bungalow, walking distance, by owner. Phone East 6890. REAL ESTATE. For 81 e Houses. ALAMEDA DISTRICT $3200. ON TERMS. 5-room bungalow, newly painted: re- ceptjon hall with seat and attractive hall tree; living room with good fireplace and built-in bookcases: dining room conveni ent and well lighted: 2 bedrooms, win dows in clothes closets; bath, Dutch kitchen, floored attic, cement basement. laundry trays; 50x100 lot, fine garden spot, iruit, wainut trees. For Particulars, See E. M. PADDEN. Sales Manager. METZGER-PA RKER-FERGUSON CO., Ground Floor, 302 Oak St. Bdwy. 8644. Formerly Stanley 3. Thompson Co. $5500 7-ROOM BUNGALOW $5500. Located in Eastmoreland, near Reed college, 2 biocks from car. An excep tionally rine buy. House built last sum mer. Full basement, laundrv travs. fur nace, fireplace, built-in buffet, hardwood floors In music, living and dining-rooms. Garage with cement floor and runway. Beautiful view of surrounding country. See J. A. McCARTY at Laurelhurst Tract Office. E. 39th and Gllsan sts. Tabor S433. or phone evenings and Sundays. iaoor duo. 6-ROOM WEST SIDE HOUSE. very best residence district of west siae; everything in first-class shape. Rent is $55. SM TTH-W AGONER CO.. STOCK EX. Suburban Homes. U ACRE. S-room cottage, in fine condi tion, garage, barn, chicken house will care for 300 chickens, plentv of f rul t. good garden. 2 blocks from Woodatock car; $1600 ; easv ternj. Mam 6868; evenings Tabor 322. hLBLRBAX i TO 1 ACRE WANTED. CASH WILT. "RK Pin Must front on paved or macadamised road, pa moderately high land with koou view, ana not be rar from an terurban station. Bull Run water and uiuer moaem conveniences required nuyer waiting io make immediate pur GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO.. Main 7266. 624 Henry bldg. 1U ACRES. Good 5-room house, centrally lo cated on east side, soil the best: on hard-surface street: more than you expect for $3000; terms. Main 6869; evenings Tabor 322. SUBURBAN S ACRE. OREGON CITY CAR. Near station, 6-room bungalow, mod ern conveniences: good barn or garage and chicken house, bearing fruit trees. Lot la long suitable for large chicken jmu at rear. nce 3WO. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO., " Main 7266. 624 Henry bldg. MULTNOMAH STATION. NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. li acres. a.l in cultivation: new . room modern bungalow; garage; on good road close to Multnomah station; city water, electric lights and gas. Price oniy finuo SIMM mi cash and terms. RELI ABLE I N VESTM ENT CO.. 305 Oak st Broadway 4133. DANDY CHICKEN RANCH CmSR IV V acre land all In cultivation, 6-room douse, steeping porcn. toilet and bath oasement. chicken houses, good barn cow, hay and wood in for winter: mile from station, 5 miles from Port tana, gooa roaa. frlce $3HOO. term: This Is worth 450O. Mr. Henry, Aldei 3-ROOM HOUSE. $1400. lOOxlOO GROUND. A dandy little home situated in the suburbs. 6H -cent carlare. On Oregon Electric. All kinds of berries and some fruit. Fine garden. Only 2 blocks to station. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO, 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. IDEAL country home In city.. 2 acres beau tifully wooded and secluded, yet on paved street and carline. Near Reed college. All kinds fruit, shrubbery, flowers, ga rage. Modern 8-room house, hardwood floors fireplace and hot water ' heat. $16,000. terms; might take some trade. Sellwood 7G1. SUBURBAN HOMESITE ONLY $475. 210x100. over 4 city lots; rocked road, fine spring brook, piped water. elec tricity close to electric station: ' fine view, cedar, dogwood, maple: swimming ana ooating; .(u down and S10 per I month. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and sHark. FORCED SALE. One acre near electric station; fruit will pay place out In three vears; good barn. 3 chicken houses; concrete base ment, built , for home; must sell at once. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. . RIVERDALE. 350-ft. frontage on. Rlverdale road at Briarwood station, containing 1 acres for $5000 to close an estate. Phone or write CHAS. B. DUFFY. Administrator 990 East Gllsan Broadway 1690. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME i and acreage, well located, near car line t from $1S00 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." $2400, TERMS. NEW BUNGALOW Nearly acre. 4 nice rooms, large attic; Ains worth avenue, near Mathena. 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. COMB, SEE Beaut if uT 22 t acres, best soil, all improved, close In, paved road, less than cost. Sellwood 2706. CAPITAL highway. 6 acres, old house, McFarland, 602 Yeon S2350; $600 cash. ' bldg. For Sale Wu at news Property $7500 CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND 100x100 corner on East 7th and Couch Ideal apartment or garage site; worth $12,000. SEE FRANK L. McGUTRE. Abington bldg. Main 106$ FOR SALE Close-In business lot, suita ble for garage, factory, fuel yard or con tractors" headquarters; easy payments, BC 38. Oregonian. For Sale Acreage. 5C00 ACRES In sou in western Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. W E Y ERH AEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. 11 ACRES, 1 mile from Tigard. H mile from payed highway and on rock road: 81.- acres under cult fair house and barn, good well and pring. This Is a nice little weil-localed farm and fine soil; price $3700, terms. Mr. Henry, Alder hotel. OWNER'S sacrifice, beautiful 15 acres, near Vancouver electnjc and paved road: excellent for prunes and walnuts: culti vated, except half acre standing tim ber: plastered house with concrete base ment: $3500. terms. Evenings. Tabor 7055. 141 East 69th North. 4 ACRES, 2 acres cultivation, 1 fine five room house, costing $2200; good barn, store and warehouse, also store fixtures, show cases; good portion of store snp plles; fine farming community, 18 miies from Portland: price $3200, terms. Mr. Millcfship. Alder hotel. B',4 ACRES, cleared. 4-room house, barn, chicken house. 300 bearing fruit trees, close to Cottrell station, on Bull Run car line; would take 5 or 6-room hous in trade. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. 1 BIG acre, right in the city, 3 blocks from car; 3-room plastered house, ce ment basement, barn ajid chicken house, fruit trees and berries; price $1 750, terms. Mr. MUlership, Alder hotel. Main 5275. ONLY $400 PER ACRE. OREGON CITY LINE. Acre tracts, half mile east Rothe sta tion, county roaa ; nice ouilding place one-third cash, easy terms on balance. JOHN niKULSU.N, oeriinger bldg. FRUIT FARM, ADJOINING CITY. 3 S acres, all In bearing fruit, some prunes, creeK runs tnrougn ; 4 rooms, house and barn; small fruit dryer, $2700, term's. Mr. Mlilershlp, Alder hotel, .Mam o.ia. FoR SALE 80 acres unimproved land in White Salmon valley. Washington; good orchard and grazing land; price $2000. JlliUO cash, balance irade. Write Mrs. E. Crowe, Hugum. Washington. BY owner. 1 mile north of Stevenson, $100 an acre: uu acres. iu in i-year orcnard, Spitx.. Newtown, Jonathan; 5 in meadow. balance stump tana. a. samon. stev enion. Wash. 6-ROOM house, 2 acre., 2 -room house. : acres: also fruit. Karden. chicken ranch es, school, paved road, close to Portland; asv terms, owner, iou fa. 19th North Phone East 76B8. , 16 ACRES large fir timber, some clear, close to Gillis station, on Bull Run car line; fine soil, no gravei : S32UO. terms. 209 Oregon bldg., Broadway 1658. TEN ACRES LAND $150. 50 cash, baiance 1 to 5 years: liberty bonds taken at par. one quarter oil rights reierveu. J- James. -o Washington FOR Oregon City line acreage, improved or unimproved, see John Brown, 324 R a 11 w a Exchange bldg. Mar. 3331. 2 ACRES at Ruby Junction, one-half cleare-i. bain nee tir grove; $1000. terms. Bruadmaj 1658. 209 Oregon bldg. 40 "ACRES. $4400. Reedvllle district; leve"; $1000 cash. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. REAL TESTATE. For Sale Acreage. acres, 14 mi Capital highway, ja from Portland; about H cultivated, living stream across place: fine soil, house, barn, family orchard: 1 mile to Sherwood station; $4500, terms 3,? crs V mile to Sherwood; 26 acres we.i cu.ltvated. 5-acre bearing orchard, apples, pairs, cherries and berriee; road ?o ide5- ter piped to buildings; $0000. terms. You know these are bar gains, I have others. J' G' DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. RIGHT AT STATION, GRESHAM LINE. - T9' l ood deD 8oU- gravel or rock, fine for loganberries; 2 acres under cultivation. 2 acres in stump pasture good well, 5-room house, chicken house, fencing. The new highway la being bui:t past this place. This is close to Gresh am. Price $1100. large cash payment required. Personally inspected JOHN FERGUSON. GerUnger Mdg. RIGHT OFF PAVED HIGHWAY TO NEWBFKO. IN WASHINGTON CO. 5 acres, 5-room plastered house, barn, bricked-up well; 3 acres In prune., plums and apples. 2 large English walnut tsees; this is a nice home for someone in the edge of a good, live town; about 600 ft. to S. P. e:ectric station; alee view. A dandy. Price $3000, terms. STEWART A 815 Northwestern Bank bldg. BUNGALOW WITH FIVE ACRES. $3250. Modem, cute, cozy 5-room bungalow with 5 acres of fertile laud. Raises everything for table and more. 10 minutes walk to car station, $800 cash. 2MLUiIVB YOU A HOME OF WHICH .BFLPROUl AND ABSOLUTELY . MT. Hutton. SKOTHEIM-BROWN COMPANT, 33Q-1-2-3 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main I 6199. 10 ACRES, ONLY $3000. On main road, close in, best of soli; about t acres oleared, balance easv to ciear; fine well and pump, old shack house: an ideal berry tract and cannot be beat for only $3000, $500 down, balance to uit. 1 I-LEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber o: Com. Main 696T. ONLY S5 MINUTES OUT. - acres. located on the electric line and county road, near the station, in. Bonita Meadows; fine garden land all under cultivation, tiled; new lath-and-piastered house 14x20. Price $1050 cash, or $1100 on easy terms. Personally in spected. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger bldg. A MODEL HOME. " We have a fine 5-room bungalow, full basement and large attic, garage, chick en houses, cement drive and sidewalk; on 1 acre of ground, close In; price onlr $3250. $1500 cash. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Com. Main 697. $100 CASH. PRICE $900. Near the Oregon Electric station at Loganvllle. 35 miles from Portland aad 18 miles from Salem, is 10 acres of black, productive soil; enough eordweod may be cut to pay for the clearing. Per sonally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger blflg. AT NEWBERG. 1 acre, with new 4-room house, plas tered bungalow; !! under cultivation; good orchard. strawberries, chicken house and runways, woodshed and barn; place all renced with woven wire. Price $16t0. $20O cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger bldg. $250 CASH, $20 per month buys acre, good 6-room plastered house, near school and Maplewood station, 6c fare, on S. P. elec. ; price only $2000. See Mr. Faras worth, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT Cfe., Main 174.1. 410 Henry Bldg. 10 ACRES FOR $4200. On paved highway. About ten miles from court house. Highly recommended as good proposition. Mr. Hutton. SKOTHEIM-BROWN COMPANY. 330-1-2-3 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 5199. 2 ACRES. $1100; cheap house; $200 cash. Main 3672. McFanand. 602 Yeon bldg.. Fruit and Nut Lands. IF YOU are looking for an Investment that includes a nice home as well a a better than usual return on your money, take advantage of this. 60 acres (.platted in 5-acre tracts) 35 miles from Portland in Willamette valley ; 50 acres set to 5 to 8-year-old apples; 8-year-old bore a commercial crop this year: 10 acres set to raspberries and Logan berries, which will come into bearing next year. If you stop to thlnkT that you rarely get a chance to buy a com mercial orchard Just coming into bear ing you will Investigate this. 8-room house, garage, 2 barns and other out buildings, all for $20,000. Terms. HARRIS & MAXWELL, S04 Railway Ex. bldg. Main 2831. - HOOD RJVER ORCHARD AT A BIG SACRIFICE. 40-acre apple orchard 8 years old good commercial variety; 3700 box this year; owner Is non-resident, and has written me to accept any reasonable of fer. Will sell this way below the mar ket. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3C5 Oak st. Broadway 4131. BEARING WALNUT AND CHERRY OR CHARDS. CASH OR INSTALLMENTS MATTHEW PLANTING CO., UIO 1 . CYl i?. U .VI E . S BLDG. Homesteads. Relinquishments. O. AND C. RELINQUISHMENT. $200 buys this splendid 40-acre trsH. "", of which are nearly level. Fine hlattk soil, 2 miles from WMhoit. 4 miles to Scott's Mills, about 400.000 feet of tim vber. Let this sink In. Fred W. German. Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. For Sale Farms. A REMARKABLE OFFER. 752 acres of alfalfa and pasture land; 225 acres of which Is rich. Irrigated bot tom land. b. lance good pasture: 3S cows. 5 are fine registered Holsteins. 25 2-year-olds. 20 yearling;-, 18 calves, eight horses. 8 hogs, 75 chickens. 40 turkeys, 1C0 tons hay. and complete set of farm machinery; fine 15-room residence, also good tenant house, barns and numerous outbuildings : near railroad, town and on Pacific highway. Owner will sell this place very reasonable to reliable parties or he will sell a half Interest in the farm and stock and go into the regis tered Holsteln cattle business and guar antee the party purchasing the H in terest 2o per rent yearly profit on his investment. For further Information see Ralph Ackley. 527 Corbett bldg. 36 ACRES. 20 acres in high state of culti vation, spring stream through place. 1O0 bearing Italian prunes, family orchard in full bearing. 5-room house, barn. etc. 3 acres seeded to client, (V acres in clover. 4i acres of clover meadow plowed ready to seed, all fenced and cross-fenced, the v verybest of loam soil, together with team, harness, wagon, mower, rake, cul tivator, plow, harrow, and all small tools. 4 tons of hay. 10 sacks of cheat, and all household f u rn ' t u re and very close to good town on Pacific highway, on good auto road; price for quick sale, $4500. ha if cash. Thompson. Swan A; Lee. 3d and Main sts., Vancouver. Wash ington NEAR PROPOSED NAVAL BASE SITE at Astoria. 40-acre diked, ttueland dairy ranch: on Columbia highway, new bard surface pavement to the .city; three miles from the city limits: less than 5O0 feet from the proposed naval base sit. Mostly bottom and tide lands, enough high land for building site. One of the finest ranch propositions In this district and a wonderful speculation account nearness to the city and proposed naval base site. Price $250 an acre. Would sell part or all of tract. G. C. .PAULING. I. O. O. F. Building, Astoria Oregon. FI-E PRUNE AND DAIRY RANCH. 80 acres close to railroad In Yamhill county: Oregon's best county; about 35 acres In cultivation, of which about six acres are in ten -year-old prunes, small familv orchard; five-room bungalow with bath, good barn, fair dryer; all for only $7500. half cash. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1 NEAR COTTAGE GROVE. $2700: S1000 cash, buys a 1 40-acre ranch. 100 acres tillable. 40 under cul tivation, 2.000.000 feet of saw timber, family orchard, 6-room house. 2 large barns, chicken house, smoke house, hog house, all fenced. 7 miles to Yoncalla. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. , Open Sundays 90 ACRES. 35 acres cultivation. 55 acres easilv cleared, finest 01 oiacK 10am son. 5-room house, good bam. outbuildings, creek and fine spring, near bam, family orchard. 19 miles from Portland on hard surfaced road; price $125 per acre, terms. Will consider some trade. Mr. MUlership. A.der hotel. Main 5275. STOCKMAN'S IDEAL RANCH. 522 acres, lowlands and hlrhlands, wa-. ter from springs on the hillsides, rich bottom and all good clover or corn lend. 350 acres open. bal. timber that has good vaiue: only $75 per acre; about 35 mi. out. B. S. Cook, 601 Stock Exchange bidr. FARM FOR A STOCKMAN. 140 acres this side Salem, one of the best valley farms. An immense spring that affords Irrigation for large por tion. Buildings and mostly cultivated : onlv $100 per acre. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 to -$200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. HOUSE for sale. 10 rooms. 2 bedrooms, suitable for 1 or 2 families, in At con dition, $3500. $1000 cash. Owner leaving city. 1181 E. 17th st. N. 70-ACRE farm. 20 acres- cleared: houpe. barn and chicken hoirse: running1 water through place; very reasonable. G. II. ZelHler. 513 21st. S. YAKIMA V ALLEY 20 acres close to town. j : $1750; government canal. 512 Selling hldg- Main 4WS. Central Yakima Ranches Co.