Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 26, 1919, Image 1

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VOL. LVIII NO. 18,409
Entered at Portland (Oregon)
Potoffice a S?eind-C!a5? Matter.
5300,000 IS ADDED
Wilson's Aides Seem
Hopelessly Deadlocked.
Mexican Difficulty Now
Up to Carranza.
Relations Between Countries
Admittedly Strained.
Covernmcnt, Afler Investigation,
Declares Jenkins' Public and
Private Record Good.
F.t, PASO, T., IVov. So. Fifty 150-
niillimrter, or Snyder howitien, Mid
to be the blesrat sons ever brought
to the border, have been added to the
ordnance atorea nf Fort Blisa, It ml
aflTlelallT- annonnced here today. The
snna coat $45,000 each.
MEXICO CITT, Nov. 25. There was
a rumor in newspaper circles this
evening that the Mexican govern
ment's answer to the American note
demanding the release of Consular
Agent Jenkins would be given Wednes
day. The American embassy announces
that it has received no information to
this -effect.
At the embassy it was stated to
night that no word has been received
indicating that Mr. Jenkins had been
set free.
Lower Quotations Regarded Im
probable Unless Large Supply
of Birds Comes in Today.
Turkeys climbed to 60 cents a pVund
in most of the retail stores yesterday.
only a few dealers asking 60c to 55c
for good birds. The supply was iar
horp of what was expected, and it is
not likely the stocks will be material-
y increased today. On Front street
wholesale prices advanced 3c to 5c
during the day and the Diras were
sold as fast as they could be unpacked.
Dealers were somewhat at a loss
to account for the scarcity of turkeys.
The Oregon crop this year was as
large as usual, but it is known that
many of the flocks were not fattened
up to the customary Thanksgiving
standard, and these will be held back
for the Christmas trade.
Retailers reported a good business
in spite of the high prices and unless
any late shiprnents come in today
they do not expect the market to be
cheaper. There was the customary
proportion of second grade turkeys
offered, and these could be had at 45
Other kinds of dressed poultry were
plentiful. rucks sold at 45 cents,
geese at 40 cents and fat hens at the
same price.
Emergency Board Makes
Study Fund $500,000.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. The new
flareup over the Mexican problem
growing out of the Jenkins case was
given serious consideration today at
a meeting of the president's cabinet.
There was no intimation as to
what this government might do In
the event President Carranza re
fused to answer the note from the
state department demanding immedi
ate release of William O. Jenkins,
consular agent at Puebla, held on a
charge of conniving with bandits
who kidnaped and held him for
1150,000 ransom.
No attempt was made to conceal
the feeling that the situation wa
serious and that relations between
the United States and Mexico were
strained. Officials said the three de
partments, state, war and navy, were
ready to meet any eventuality and
deal with any situation arising out
of a more defiant attitude by the
Carranza administration toward the
United States.
Jenklna' Record Held Good.
In the absence of advices from the
embassy at Mexico City, officials
were not inclined to put much faith
in' reports coming by way of La
redo, Texas, that the release of
Jenkins "was momentarily expected
There was no word to the department
from the Mexican embassy here, and
while nobodv seemed to know what
the next day might bring forth, of
ficials said they would not bo sur
prised to hear that Jenkins had been
Meanwhile, the government h
checked up on the official and privat
record of Jenkins and has given him
a high-class rating. Officials declared
there was no foundation for the
charge that he had conspired with
the bandits, and that information
from every available source showed
that his statement of his capture, and
the methods employed by the bandits.
was correct in all details.
Conaular Agent Is III.
The latest report from the Ameri
can embassy showed that Jenkins was
still in the penitentiary and ill and
that bail had been refused him.
In looking into the various features
of the consular agent's predicament
officials pointed out today that under
the Mexican constitution state courts
had no Jurisdiction over cases involv
lr.g diplomatic or consular officers,
such jurisdiction being lodged specif
ically in the federal courts. It was
contended that the federal court of
Mexico could settle the question with
one stroke of the pen simply by as
suming Jurisdiction as its right.
LAREDO, Tex., Nov. 25 Release of
William O. Jenkins, American con
sular agent at Puebla. Mexico, "was
expected momentarily," according to
a dispatch from Puebla to Excelsior,
a Mexican City newspaper, under date
of Sunday, November 23.
neleaae of Conaael Ordered. ,
Jenkins has been in prison on
charges of collusion with the bandits
who held him for J150.000 ransom.
The Puebla dispatch said the dis
trict judge had ordered the immedi
ate release of Licud Mestre. counsel
for Jenkins, as he held Mestre was
not implicated in any way as a go
between in obtaining Jenkins' release
from the bandits.
The court investigating Jenkins" case
now is examining employes of the
Chavarria, Chihuahua, electric plant,
where Jenkins was set free by the
LitTinoff to Discuss Peace on Be'
bait of Bolsheviki.
REVAL, Nov. 24. (By the Associat
ed Press.) The Baltic states alliance
is a fact and will be publicly declared
when the governments which partici
pated in the negotiations at Dorpal
have ratified the preliminary agree
Peace discussions will begin when
Maxim Litvinoff, bolshevik represent
ative, returns from Copenhagen. Lit
vinoff has full power to negotiate
peace with the Baltic states on behalf
of soviet Russia.
The bolsheviki are continuing to
attack in the Tamburg district with
strong forces in an endeavor to crush
the Russian northwest army.
World Several Times Traversed
Under Management of P. T. Bar
num; Large Fortune Amassed.
Confession Says Dozen Killings
. Were Result of Resistance Of
fered by Victims of Outlaws.
Appropriation Is Put at Dis
posal of Governor.
$10,000 Authorized to Carry on
Work University's Petition
for $5600 Is Granted.
PRIATIONS. Emergency appropriations to
taling $323,600 granted at spe
cial session of state board.
The allotments were as fol
lows: $30,000 increase in ex-service
men's educational fund, raising
total to $500,000.
jl 0,000 to carry on operations
of state grain inspection de
partment. $10,000 to be used by the of
fice of governor in apprehen
sion and prosecution of crim
inals. $5600 for use by the medical
department of the University of
Doctor Says 16,000,000 in United
States HaTe Health Defects.
NEW YORK, Nov. 25. Approxi
mately 75 per ceriJwor 16,000,000, of
the school children in the United
States have health defects, and where
health work with attention to vision
has not been inaugurated, 25 to 35
per cent have eye defects, according
to Dr. Thomas D. Wood of Columbia
university, principal speaker at the
armial meeting today, of the national
committee for the prevention of blind
Dr. Wood declared that only a small
proportion of the 5,000,000 to 7,000.000
children with defective vision have
had these defects recognized.
SALEM. Or.. Nov. 25. (Special.)
The secretary of state today was au
thorized to issue certificates of in-
ebtedness in a sum not to exceed
300,000 as of date of January 1,
1920, to care for the claims of ex-
service men attending tne various
educational Institutions of the state
nder what is known as the soldiers'.
sailors' and marines' financial aid law,
passed at the last session of the leg
islature. This authorization was the
outstanding feature of the special
ession of the state emergency board
ere today.
The board also pledged itself to
grant a deficiency of $i600 follow-
ng the exhausting of present funds
pf the medical department of the Uni
versity of Oregon to meet an increase
in salaries and cost of maintenance.
It also authorized outright deficien
cies of $10,000 to the Oregon public
service commission to carry on the
operations of the grain department.
and $10,000 to the executive offices to
employ special agents for the appre-
Fortune of 116,000 Pounds . Left
by Prima JJonna.
LONDON, Nov. 25. Adelina Patti,
famous prima donna, who died faep
tember 27 at her castle in Wales, left
a fortune valued at 116,000.
She bequeathed her entire property
to Baron Rolf Cederstrom, her hus
band, with the exception of special
bequests of jewelry to Alfred de
Rothchild, Marienne Eisslner, Clara
Elsslner and Mabel Woodford, and a
PoDe Leo XIII ' stole 'to' Herbert
Vaughan. a nephew of Father Ber
nard Vaughan. ,
Emoloves of Six Milwaukee Con
cerns Go Out on Strite.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Nov. 25. Meat
cutters, packers, butchers, drivers an
laborers numbering approximately
3000, according to an estimate of a:
official of one of six affected plants,
went on strike here today.
Recognition of the union, an
crease of '25 cents an hour and an
eight-hour day are the men's d
mandB. .
Emma Goldman's Case Now Under
Consideration in Washington
WASHINGTON. Nov. 25. The Immi
gration bureau's recommendation that
Alexander Berkman, by his own ad
mission an anarchist, be deported, wa:
approved tonight fcy the departmen
of labor.
The record in the case of Emm;
Goldman, it was stated, has reache
the bureau "and is proceeding rapidly
to a decision."
Miners Declared to Have Disobeyed
Strike Injunction.
SHERIDAN. Wyo.. Nov. 25. Six
miners were arrested here today
charged with violating the strike in
junction of Federal Judge Anderson
of Indianapolis.
PRESIDIO, Tex.. Nov. 25. Jesus
Renteria, the bandit who obtained
915,000 ransom for the return of the
L'nited States army aviators. Lieuten
ants Davis and Peterson, was killed
by another bandit at Carrisos Springs,
Mexico, in a fight over division of
the ransom money, according to ap-
( Concluded on 6, Column
MIDDLEBORO, Mass.. Nov. 25.
Countess Primo Magri, known to the
general public as Mrs. Thomas Thumb,
and on of the best-known lilliputians
in the world, died at her home today
after a long illness. She was 77 years
of age and had traveled around the
world several times under manage
ment of the late P. . T. Barnum.
Countess Magri was the daughter of
James S. and Hulda Bump. Count
Magri, her husband, survives.
One of the world's most famous
dwarfs. Mrs. Thumb measured only
inches in height. She weighed only
29 pounds. Born in Middleboro. Mass
about 1844, she outlived all the pro
fessional associates of her generation.
Her first husband. General Tom
Thumb, has been dead for 30 years.
Her sister, also a dwarf, still smaller,
died 35 years ago.
The, parents were of large' stature
and numerous children born to them.
with two exceptions, were of normal
size. At birth Lavina Warren, for
such was Mrs. Thumb's maiden name.
weighed six pounds and at the age of
1 year she was of normal size.
Mrs. Thumbs first public appear
ance was at the age of 17,- under the
management of a cousin who operated
a "floating palace of curiosities" on
the Ohio and Mississippi rivers before
the civil war.
She met P. T. Barnum in 1862. Then
began her great career under his man
agement. It was a tour of triumph
through the camps of the civil war
and in foreign capitals.
Mrs. Thumb's public career occupied
56 eventful years. During this time
she traveled over the civilized world
and had been introduced to nearly
every crowned head and eminent per
son in every country she visited.
"It has been asserted," said this
remarkable little woman, "that Gen
eral Tom Thumb had kissed more
women than any living man. I can
with equal assurance assert that I
have shaken hands with more human
beings in all stations of life than any
bther woman in existence. My trav
els have embraced Europe, Asia. Aus
tralia, Africa and America."
Accumulating a large fortune, Mrs.
Thumb made her farewell tour in
1912. Her second husband. Count
Magri of Italy, is also a dwarf. He
became a naturalized citizen of the
United States shortly after his mar
rlage to Mrs. Thumb.
CHICAGO. Nov. 25. Eight more
murders, bringing the total to 1
were confessed today by the Cardin-
ella A. Campioni gang. "Black Hand
bandits of the south side underworld.
Police say most of the victims were
killed when they attempted to frus
trate robberies.
The capture of the gang is rated
as one of the police department's
greatest achievements.
A flimsy plot on the part of the
leaders led to the downfall of the
gang. Victims of a poolroom holdup
told police that a young Italian
named Thomas Errico was unmo
lested by the ' three bandits who
robbed the place.
Detectives arrested Errico and se
cured a confession: He was a re
cruit and acted as "advance agent."
Members of the gang, police say, de
clare that Santa Orlando, one time
leader of the clique, whose body,
with 14 bullet wounds was found
floating in the drainage canal, was
slain because he was "double-crossing"
his "pals."
Sixteen detectives armed with
rifles covered every window of the
home of Frank Campioni, former
leader of the gang, and arrested him
without a fight. The home was a
regular arsenal.
Court Asked to Outlaw Slovcnic
Workers' Organization.
HARRISBURG. Pa., Nov. 25. Attorney-General
William I. Schaefer to
day brought action in the Dauphin
county court to forfeit the charter of
the Slovenic Workingmen s Benefit
union of Johnstown.
The charter, it is said, contains
a provision which permits the expul
sion of any man who becomes a
Cleveland Conference Is
Said to Favor Tieup.
Bc.-t Man and Bridesmaid Arc
Placed Under Arrest $600
Turned Over to Officers.
Kansas City Asks Permission
to Go Out Today.
Brotherhood Chairmen Accept Part
of Working Hours Proposal
But light Overtime.
(Concluded on Page 2, Column S.)
Letter From Cottage Grove Radical
Contains Threat.
CHEHALIS, Wash., Nov. 25. (Spe
cial.) Joe Knizek, .chief of police of
this city, an ex-service man. who has
been active in rounding up the I. W.
W-, has received a letter threatening
his life. The note is postmarked at
Cottage Grove, Or., and pointedly
"If you value your skin, leave the
I. W. W. alone." The chief, who saw
service In France, says he is not
worrying over the matter.
Majority of Population Sow Back
in Devastated Regions.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 25. Of the
pre-war population of 5.230,000 in the
devastated region of ranee, four-
fifths have returned to their former
homes, according to a report Issued
by the American Red Cross in 'Paris.
French authorities expect a re-
turn of the majority of the remainder
within the next few weeks.
Apex Reached Twice In Two Months
in ban Francisco Market.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 25. For the
second time in two months the re
tail price of eggs reached 1 a dozen
in San Francisco.
The wholesale price was 91 H cents,
a 34 -cent jump over yesterday's
., ,.
Sharp Earthquake Shocks Felt in
Early Morning Honrs.
SAN FRANCISCO, Not. 25. A sharp
earthquake shock was felt here and
in this vicinity.
The tremor occurred at 3:07 this
i :
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CHICAGO. Nov. 25. National lead
ers of the four great railway broth
erhoods held a, secret session today
at which the insistence of many local
unions that a general strike of all
railway workers in the United States
be called by December 1, to enforce
demands for a general increase in
pay, was given serious consideration,
according to information obtained
here tonight from union railway men.
It was said by one union official
that many of the delegates who are
now in Cleveland went there with
the specific purpose of forcing the
ger.eral committee to call the nation
wide strike.
It became known tonight that the
Kansas City local of the Brotherhood
of Railway Trainmen had tele
graphed national officers of their or
ganization asking permission to call
a strike of trainmen and yardmen
tomorrow. .It was reported that the
national officers replied in such a
way as to leave the question entirely
open and subject to the decision of
local officials.
Tle-Lp l Favored.
The union officials' In Chicago from
wnom the information was obtained
stated that so far aa they were aware
the secret conference"1!! Cleveland had
not yet reached the point where
resolutions' or motions. for the strike
actually had been presented but that
the discussion concerning it today,
according to their information, was
favorable-to the project and that the
tie-up could be expected within threo
days. A similar announcement was
made late today at the convention of
the newly organized labor party here.
Buffalo. Detroit, Pittsburg and St.
Louis were declared to- have -been
among the cities whose locals were
particularly Insistent that a strike be
called in view of recent govern
mental statements to the effect that
general advances In the pay of rail
way workers could not be considered
at this time. The 14 locals of Chi
cago railway men. it was said, had
voted unanimously in favor of the
strike, and that a resolution asking
for a strike decision had been sent
to W. G. Lee, president of the
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen.
Official. Fear Injunction.
In some union quarters It was stat
ed tonight that the real reason why
the national officials now in Cleve
land hesitate to make an announce
ment of the strike or to be placed in
SEATTLE. Wash., Nov. 25. (Sve
cial.) While Captain and Mrs. Ben
jamin Jacobson. v.-ho were married
in Tacoma Monday night, were at
j their wedding dinner with friends kn
J a downtown hotel here last night.
uuitit&is iiiMiuKPa ine nnaegrooin g
trunk and obtained J .".CO and at an
early hour this morning Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Denny, who stood up .with the
newly-married couy-le at the cere
mony, were lodged in the city jail
pending an investigation into their
alleged connection with the theft.
The party returned to Seattle in
the evening and Captain Jacobson in
vited the attending pair to have sup
per with him at the Builer. They
left the Jacobson apartments, the
bridegroom said, and started to the
Butler, where Denny excused himself,
saying he had to attend to some
personal matters. He joined them
All went merrily until midnight,
when Captain Jacobson and bride re
turned home with their guests and
decided to see if their money was
intact. To their astonishment they
discovered that the trunk had been
broken into and inspection showed
the $560 was gone. Then Captain
Jacobson called Denny, who said
among other things he had gone to
see Mr. Bonner when he left the wed
ding party on the way to the supper.
The officers could not find Bonner.
but being satisfied that Denny knew
something he was not telling, they
took him and his wife to the citv
The officers then sought Mr. Bon
ner, hut were not successful until 4
o'clock this mornir g. when he walked
into the police station. He said he
had not seen Denny all night, but
that Denny had left S00 In his place
for safe keeping while he was out.
The money was turned over to the
Division of Burden Between
Owners and Public in Doubt.
San Francisco Housewives Hefuse
to Pay High Prices.
housewives league of San Francisco
organized today at a meeting of sev
eral hundred women, adopted resolu
tions pledging the members to re
fuse to buy 16-ounce loaves of bread
t 12 cents and 24 ounce loaves at 17
Ten and 15 cents were declared suf
ficiently high prices to pay.
OAKLAND, Cal., Nov. 25. The
housewives' league of Oakland today
adopted the slogan "omit the turkey"
and decided to make a house-to-house
canvass tomorrow to urge each house
wife to do without turkey Thanks
giving because of high prices. Plans
to reduce the price of milk, bread
and eggs by limiting consumption
were made.
Thf Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature.
A'.i degrees; minimum, degrees.
TODAY'S Rain and colder; fresh north
erly winds.
Execution of three Mexican bandits utayed
by appeal to supreme court. Page .
Russian army of General Yudenitch now
practically disorganized. Page 2.
Apprehension over general European sit
uation is growing daily. Page 2.
Germans will renew war as food as they
are able, says Marshal roch. Page 16.
the position of directing the proposed j MinB 8tl idie, while cry for coal grows
strike call Is their fear of strike in- 1 daily louder. Page 9.
junctions, and that it is their ouroose t u- s- may "tend time for payment by
irom tne action or tne rank and f ile ( issue. Page 1.
of railway union men.
The main demand of the railway
men, as reported by union men here.
is that of a general increase, inde
pendent of all overtime questions. In
the rate of pay for firemen, engine
men and trainmen. It was said that
a quick strike would be justifiable i
because of the situation produced by
the mounting cost of living and the j
length of time during which the rail
way men's demands had been before
the railroad administration, made un
necessary the enforcement of the 30
day notice rule, which normally
would precede a strike.
It was said that the secret con
ference would continue In Cleveland
tomorrow, but that there was every
assurance that nothing of a concrete
nature would come from the discus
sions for at least three days.
general chairmen of the four great
brotherhoods called In conference
here by the four chief executives to
consider the offer of Director-General
of Railroads Hines granting time
and one-half for overtime in slow
freight service and a uniform 16-hour
rule for crews held away from home
terminals, today voted to accept the
away-from-horae rule," but did not
reach a vote on the overtime proposition.
Discussion of the overtime propo
sition occupied most of today's two
sessions, many delegates bitterly op
posing the overtime proposition.
From an authoritative source to
night it was learned that in all prob
ability the delegates will reject the
offer of time and one-half for over
time in slow freight service at to
morrow's meeting.
Wa;e Resoeit Bring; Offer.
The director-general's offer Is in re
sponse to the brotherhood's request
for a general wage increase of ap
proximately 60 per cent, and grants
time and a half for overtime in slow
freight service, provided arbitrary al
lowances now given in rntny of the
schedules in effect. which create
iCou eluded, ya Page Column l.i
U. S. ready for whatever may develop in
Mexican situation. Page 1.
Prohibition is put up to local officials.
Page 1.
Senator Jones exposes democratic smoke
screen. Page 4.
Blark hand bandits confess 12 murders.
Page 1.
Shipping board to expend 7, 000. 000 in
remodeling ex-German vessels. Page 22.
Prohibition iFaue causes fight in meeting
of labor party. Page 5.
Ellis island reds on silence and hunger
strike. Page. 7.
Soviet ambassador admits cash payments
for aid in New York City. Page 4.
Governor urges Investigation of use of
North Dakota funds. Page 4.
International labor governing body formed
under treaty. Page 9.
Mr.. Tom Thumb, famous dwarf, dies.
Page 1. ,
British soap king adopts six-hour day.
Page 6.
Kail strike topic In secret session of of
ficials. Page 1.
Psvclfic Northwesx.
Geographical lines will cut little fijrure in
coming Washington primaries. Page 3.
Emergency board adds :i00,000 to soldiers'
educational iunu. Jtage 1.
George A. "White to resume Oregon Guard
command within six months. Page 8.
Seattle best man and bridesmaid charged
with theft or oou irom newiyweds.
Page 1.
O. A. C. -Notre Dame football game re
garded, highly prob&oie. page 14.
Four big turkev day clashes billed for
northwest. Page 14.
Farmer-McCormick bout ends In draw.
Page 13.
Van Court, grand old man of ring, has
two proteges here for fights tonight.
Page 15.
Commercial and Marine.
Turkey receipts are not equal to whole
aalers' orders. Page 22.
Corn higher at Chicago on probability of
large exports, rage ...
Motor stocks advanced sharply by Wall
street pools. Page
Portland and Vicinity.
Kr-hfwt board to investigate before acting
in case of teacher who allowed boy with
smallpox to attena classes. -age s.
Seattle would give democratic convention
to Portland, rage ij.
Mayor finds city can't pay reward for mur
derers. rage x.
Woman still has hopes for voters league in
Portland. Page 12.
Retail price of turkeys soars to 60-cent
mark. Page 1.
Smith, Ogl and Banaster indicted for
tavern murders. Page 17.
M-U-r warn-, then tires la cal shot- Page .
xx-Seorctarys Basis for 1 ijjurini:
Taxes Held l-'alse Attempt to
Fix Scale to Be Made Today.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. Like the
miners and operators whose troubles
it was trying to adjust. President
Wilson's cabinet tonight seemed hope
lessly deadlocked on the question of a
wage increase in the bituminous coal
After a six-hour session, the cabinet,
which took up the wage scale agree
ment where operators and miners left
off last week, adjourned until tomor
row when another attempt, with the
aid of Kuel Administrator Garfield,
win do made to agree upon a pay
scale that will satisfy the minework
ers and owners and the people in all
sections of the country who are
clamoring for normal production of
Calculation BhhI at Imuc
The proper Da.sis of calculating the
proposed wage advance and the ratio
of dividing the consequent increase
in-cost of production of coal between
the operators and the public, are
understood to have been the points of
difference among the cabinet mem
bers. Dr. Garfield, who took a lead
ing part in the discussions, took issue
with aecreiary of Labor Wilson as to
the method of applying the figures
accepted by both.
No statement was forthcoming after
the meeting except an announcement
by Mr. Garfield that the cabinet
would meet again '.omorrow and that
he would not see either the miners or
operators meanwhile.
He declined to ay whether prog
ress had been made, but one mem
ber of the cabinet declared prospects
of an agreement were "not hopeless."
W ilscn'a Katlmate Accepted.
Secretary Wilson's estimate that the
cost of living had increased 79 per
cent over 1914 was accepted, it was
understood, but a difference of opin
ion arose as to the application of this
and other figures in computing an in
crease in wages.
Secretary Glass said tonight that he
might have "some very interesting
figures tomorrow," emphasizing that
they had been compiled for the pub
lic and not for the cabinet. He de
clined to say whether they were the
income tax returns received by the
treasury department on excess profits
from the coal industry.
Significance was attached to this
announcement in view of the fact
that the amount of profit made by the
coal companies during the last two
years and the percentage of increase
in any possible wage advance which
the operators might be asked to bear
have been the most bitterly disputed
McAdoo Statement Topic
The statements of Former Secretary
of the Treasury McAdoo, charging
that some of the coal concerns made
enormous profits during his incum
bency, came in for discussion at the
cabinet meeting, it was learned, but
no one would say what form the dis-
cussion took.
The Lever food control act was not
mentioned at the meeting, it was said.
Director-General Hines attended the
session, but declined to say what took
Before the meeting Attorney-Gen
eral Palmer said that if the figures as
to operators' profits given yesterday
by Mr. McAdoo were correct, it was
not likely Dr. Garfield would permit
an increased price for coal.
In a statement bearing on this
issue the operators said "that con
ditions in 1917 were abnormal," but
that as Mr. McAdoo was "Ignorant" of
conditions in 1918 and 1919, his mes
sage "carries no weight and requires
no answer." The operators said they
welcomed an investigation of current
tax returns and that they had been
urging a board of arbitration or a
tribunal of investigation, but that the
miners refused to agree to it.
Sub-Scale Committee Meets.
The sub-scale committee held a per
functory meeting today, at which Dr.
Garfield's statement of principles was
discussed. Pending word from the
cabinet, adjournment was taken until
Neither operators nor miners were
hopeful tonight of a settlement before
next week. While the sub-scale com
mittee plans to remain In etttsion
many operators have arranged to
spend Thanksgiving day at their
Charging that former Secretary Ma
Adoo had been "studiously malicious,"
George H. Cushing, managing direc
tor of the American Wholesale Coal
association in a statement tonight
explained that the 2000 per cent of
which the former secretary com
plained was figured on either volume
of business or capital stock. This,
percentage, he said, was made In the
case of abandoned mines worked on
a co-operative basis, where the only
capital consisted of tools and supplies.