Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 25, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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Young Woman Also, Points
Out Murderer of Burgess.'
j opening1 sessions of the annual Linn
'county teachers institute here today.
The institute, which will continue
through tomorrow and Wednesday, ia
meeting in the Albany high school,
and is in charge of Mrs. Ida Maxwell
Cummings, county school superintend
ent. This Is the strictly first county in
stitute held in Linn for several years.
For the pasf few years Linn and Ben
ton counties have held joint institutes,
alternating rthe annual sessions be
tween Albany and Corvallis. This
year - it- was decided that a return
would be made to the custom of
strictly county gatherings.
Leading speakers at the opening
sessions of the institute today were
Dr. James H. Gilbert of th6 University
Bandits Seals Own Fate When He
Admits Ownership of Clasp
Xoticed on Murder Xijrlit.
Positive identification of Dave Smith
s the bandit who shot and killed N. J.
Burgess and George Perringer,
wealthy Pendleton land owner, at
Claremont tavern Friday night? was
made- yesterday by Lora Hastings, a
clerk' at the Benson hotel, who was a
member of the supper party.
The identification of Smith was
made doubly certain through careful
detective work on the part of City
Police Inspector Moloney, who fol
lowed a clew given by Miss Hastings.
tmui nis chain or circumstantial evi
dence had been completely welded.
"The man who did the - shooting
wore a peculiarly shaped' stickpin,
which ho used to fasten his coat to
BCther," Miss Hastings told Moloney.
T could never forget the shape or
design of that pin if I ever saw it
Peculiar Pin Identified.
The detective then gathered from
the effects of the three self-confessed
bandits the several stickpins which
were found on them when they were
arrested Saturday afternoon. Taking
these to the jail he asked Smith to
Jiick ! out his pin from among the
proup. Without hesitation Smith im
mediately selected the pin of peculiar
"This one Is mine," he told the de
tective. Moloney then took the stickpins be
fore Miss Hastings, and she wu Just
as quick in picking out Smith's stick
pin as had been the owner.
"There can be no mistake; I am jnst
ns positive that the man who did the
hilling wore this stickpin as I am
that I was there." she is said to have
told the detective.
This identification bears but the
contention held by Richard Deich,
deputy district attorney, who has con
ducted the investigation of the case
fcince the men were first captured at
the home of Vincent Murphy, 163 West
Emerson street. Mr. Deich said that
the young woman also identified
Smith as the slayer when she con
fronted him yesterday. The other
women with the Burgess supper party
silso identified Smith as the -man who
did the shooting.
The three highwaymen were taken
before Mr. Deich, Police Chief Jen
kins. Detective Captain Circle and a
number of inspectors, where each, in
turn, dictated signed statements of
the Claremont tavern holdup. These
statements are, with a few minor
changes, identical to the oral confes
sions made by the trio Sunday night.
Kach of the three continues to deny
doing the shooting. James Ogle, first
of the three to confess, infers that
Smith is the man who did the shoot
ing, while Smith, who insists h was
not nresent when the snots were
fired, seeks to connect Ogle with the
actual murder.
Murnhy'a Part Not Determined.
As soon as the men had completed
t,if siirned statements they -were
taken in turn before the Multnomah
muntv grand Jury, which laid aside
its other work yesterday to give at-
"tentlon to the double muroer. no
grand jury's investigations are ex
pected to be . finished today, after
which it Is deemed certain that all
three will be held for second degree
Police detectives yesterday bent
their efforts toward seeking to un
fnfhnm the connection of Vincent
Murnhv with the crowd of bandits
lTom the coniessions 01 mo uira
men held as principals in the Clare
mont holdup and murder it is appar-1
ent they had free access to the Mur
phy home at all hours, and it is
likewise as certain that the Murphys
had knowledge of the moonshine op
erations of Harry Travers, who was
arrested with the three bandits at the
Uurphy home Saturday afternoon.
Mayor Baker yesterday announced
lie would go the limit in attempting
to get the reward for the police de
tectives and others who were respon
sible for the arrest of the bandits.
"I have asked Chief Jenkins to
check carefully the names of the men
who paiticipataed in the capture of
the murderers." he said. "When he
has recommended the men to whom
credit Is due I shall take the proper
steps to get the reward for them.
"Nothing could be more discourag
ing and so disheartening to police
men who gave up their sleep and rest
as to withhold this money from them.
The public undoubtedly wanted these
murderers caught. I do not believe
1 exceeded my authority when I took
the responsibility of offering $1000
reward for the city, and if my col
leagues on the commission will not
assist In voting this sum I will go
before the public and get it. I think
officer should be encouraged in run
ning the risks that they must run by
a little material assistance such as
l.inn Institute to Continue Today
and Tomorrow.
ALBANY, Or., Nov. 24. (Special.)
More than 2"0 teachers attended the
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Mr.: Vincent Dv Murphy, In
? - whoe home three Clarrmoot
J -tavern' handfUAvere captured
4 Vi"raay, - - v -
Committee of Public Safety
' Held Pressing Need.
Cse or Services Offered by Amer
ican Legion Held Feasible.
Danger Seen in Delay.
Crusade Is Being Started
Against Violent Sneezing
in Public.
of Oregon, Eugene; J. H. Ackerman,
president of the Oregon state normal
school, Monmouth; Blanche R. Blu-
mauer of the Portland public schools',
S. V. Smith of Albany, county agricul
tural agent, and A. E. Shumate of
Published Photograph of Clare
mont Tavern Bandit Recognized
by Eaat Side Victim.
Evidence which tends to connect
"Dutch" Herman, alias Walter Ban
aster, one of the three highwaymen
who perpetrated the Claremont tavern
hold-up Saturday :' night, with rob
beries committed on. , the east side
lately was advanced yesterday in a
statement made by Theodore Leaf,
high school student who was robbed
early ilonday morning, November 17.
Leaf expresses the conviction that
Herman was the man who held him
up a. week ago.
Leaf was accosted by a masked man
with a gun about 12 A. L as he was
n earing: his home. The robber re
lieved him of $3.35, a fountain pen'
and a silver pencil, but allowed Leaf
to keep his watch when he protested
that it belonged to his mother.
Leaf was stopped at East Ninth and
Skldmore. Miss M. A. FVies, usher at
a - local theater, was held up two
blocks away, 438 Going- street, at 1:40
A..-M. Mrs; J. O. Armstrong, 993
Mississippi avenue, was met with a
demand for her money a few hours
before, a Blanclenastreet and Albina
avenue. In each case the robber wore
a handkerchief over his face and car
ried his gun in his left hand.
"I am certain Herman is the man
who held me up," stated Theodore
Leaf yesterday. Arvltf Leaf, the stu
dent's father, corroborated this state
ment, as he had made a reconnaisance
after Theodore Leaf reported his ex
perience, and is now certain that he
saw Herman in the vicinity. On see
ing the photographs of the Claremont
tavern robbers in The Sunday Orego
nian both father and son identified
Herman as the prowler whom they
met on November 17.
Mrs. L. K. Camp
Tells How Cuticura
Healed Her Baby
"My baby broke out m a rash that
ran into her hair, and caused her to
want to scratch all the
time. It was very painful,
especially in the evening
when ae tried to put her
to sleep. Sbe was in this
condition for aboot two
months, and we tried sev
eral things, bat without success.
Then my mother wrote me about
Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and
we used two cakes of Cuticurs Soap
and one bos of Cuticura Ointment,
and now sbe is completely healed."
(Signed) Mrs. L. K. Camp, Box 662,
Kayden, Aris.
Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal
cum promote and maintain skin
parity, skin comfort and skin health.
The Soap to cleanse and purify, the
Ointment to soothe and heal, the
Talcum to powder and perfume.
Boast 2Se, Ointmmt ZS mmd SOc Talcia
ZSc Sold throuprhout the world. For
sample eac free address : Cutieu-m Lj
-ori. UtH. H. MakUm. Mmm."
UfeCaticura Sm, aksvaa without warn.
Drastic Action Taken Against All
Radicals Shows Good Effect in
Retter Labor Conditions.
BOISE Idaho, Nov." 21. (Special.)
. VV. W.'s In north Idaho are begin
ning to capitulate to the great wave
of popular indignation against them
and to the demands of the state de
partment of. law enforcement that
they cease their operations in the
state, according to a report made to
day by telegraph to- Robert O. Jones,
law enforcement commissioner, by
Jack Foster, north Idaho constabulary
"Indications are good," Foster tele
graphed. "Some of the I. W. W.'s
have torn up their cards and others
have turned their cards in to the of
ficers. Operators repoF-t the highest
efficiency and best labor conditions in
years eiuce drastic steps are being
taken with the radicals."
Charles Wilson. considered the
worst "wobbly" in Shoshone county,
got five months for robbery in the
federal court here yesterday and
Frank Rojala. suspected "wobbly"
orRanizer at Knaville, has been ar
rested with a moonshine outfit in his
possession. Thirty "wobblles," in
cluding two organizers, with inflam
matory literature and considerable
ammunition and guns, are awaiting
trial at Sandpoint.
$33,000 Being Placed in Hands ol
County Treasurer.
KIGEXE, Or., Nov. 24. (Special.)
More than $33,000 of county school
money is being placed in the- hands
of the county treasurer by E. J.
Moore, Lane county superintendent,
to the credit of- the different school
districts of the county. Each district
gets S100 and in addition the sum of
$1.50 for each pupil between the agres
of 4 and 20 years in the districts.
Under the new law the county treas
urer is now the custodian of all school
funds and instead of turning- the
money over to the district clerks she
handles it and pays it out on war
rants. One advantage of this system is
that each district gets the benefit of
the interest on the daily balances in
the bank.
Immediate organization of ' a com
mittee of public safety from the mem
bership of the American Legion, to
investigate police conditions and
formulate a broad and comprehensive
plan for public co-operation with of
ficials in eliminating crime in Port
land was recommended yesterday by
the council of the civic leagues and
clubs of this city.
The suggestion was offered bv A.
C. Newill, president of the Oregon
Civic league, and received unanimous
support from the heads of the H
Qivic. organizations following a gen
eral discussion of the need of action
to check the crime wave which is now
sweeping Portland.
..Increase in the quota of proposed
n embership in the civilian reserve
of the American Legion from 10,000
o &0.000 citizens is urged by the di
rectors of the Portland Ad club who"
met yesterday and discussed ' the
Portland crime situation. This body
aiso went on record in favor of a
special session of the state legisla
ture for the restoration of capital
Lesion Ready For Action.
The American Legion stands ready
at all times to do all possible in co
operating with public officials In
eliminating crime," said Cassius R.
Peck, commander of Portland post
No. 1, American Legion. "For two
months we have been at work organ
izing the civilian reserve. We will
welcome the assistance of civic bodies
in the completion of this organiza
tion. Jusl what steps the American
Legion will take toward organiza
tion of a public safety committee will
be decided at Us meeting next Mon
day night."
Crime and the duty of the indi
vidual to aid in its suppression is a
subject wh ich is being discussed on
all sides. Dr. G. H. Douglas,, presi
dent of the Rotary club, said yester
day that he would request members
of that organization at noon today
to suggest original ideas for public
co-operation with law enforcement
"The police force is to be congratu
lated on its work in connection with
the Claremont tragedy," said Dr.
Douglas - yesterday. "The boys did
splendid work. The public should
follow by giving them solid support.
The action of the league council in
recommending a public safety com
mittee from the membership of the
American Legion is a good fcdea.
Through such a committee we can
not only obtain information as to the
best plans to pursue but we will also
get results. The Rotarians. I am sure,
wHr'tak decisive steps today to join
in the campaign to stamp out crime
in Portland.
Capital Punlaivmrnt l'rg:ed.
" Storage of all valuables in safety
-deposit vaults and the banking of all
moTiey during banking hours ia the
suggestion offered by Herman von
Borstel, president of the Realty board.
Mr. Von Borstel also urged restora
tion of capital punishment and the
extreme penalty for highway robbers
convicted in court. He said:
4If every person in Portland would
store his ' valuables and bank his
money, carrying only sufficient
change to pay car fare, the robbers
would have no incentive to continue
operations in Portland. Bandits and
petty thieves are encouraged by the
carelessness of the average citizen In
leaving valuable personal property in
unlocked houses where it can be
picked up without difficulty."
Immediate roundup of suspicious
characters by the police and careful
investigation of all persons not em
ployed is suggested by Circuit Judge
Gatens as an effective measure for
the prevention of crime. Judge Gatens
insists that if men are not working
they are liable to get into trouble and
if men refuse t,o work Judge Gatens
believes they should be placed where
they cannot harm society.
General Clean-up Advocated.
"Law and order must prevail," said
Judge Gatens. "I believe a clean-up
of suspicious characters in Portland
should be made immediately, and
every idle man be forced to give an
accounting. Such a roundup would
bring some crooks to the police head
quarters' where the inspectors could
determine whether they are members
of a particularly dangerous element.
"Quick action on the part of indi
viduals frequently will prevent
crime." said Mrs. R. K. Bondurant,
prominent clubwoman who has been
active in. child welfare work.
"If the -people of Portland will be On
the alert, ever watchful for action of
the criminal element, much can be
accomplished to keep the denizens of
the underworld out of Portland,'' saia
Mrs. Bondurant. "People should not
only lock their doors when they leave
their homes, but snouia aiso iuu .
them when they are at home. Thieves
often walk into a house which is oc
cupied and pilfer without being de
tected." Nicht Vis-luce Vrged.
Strict enforcement of the after
hour law is urged by Dr. Joshua
Stansfield. pastor of the First Metho
dist church, who believes that any
person walking the streets aner me
midnight hour is subject to suspicion
and should be forced to explain his
reason for being on the streets. tr.
Stansfield favors the appointment of
committee to formulate a aeiinite
plan for public co-operation witn oin
cials to curtail crime.
Restoration of the capital pumsn
ment law with the right of review of
facts by the supreme court of the
state is urged by John F. Logan,
member of the state parole board. Mr.
Logan also believes that any person
who attempts to rob another person
by the use of a deadly weapon should
The epidemic of colds which is now
sweeping the country has led health
officials to start an educational cam
paign showing the dangerous effects
of violent sneezing in public.
"Check your Sneezes" "Every pub
lic snetfze is a public danger" "Think
twice before sneezing once" are
slogans which are being emphasized in
the effort to check the epidemic and
the results it threatens.
A prominent feature of the cam
paign is the education of the public
to the necessity of treating every case
of cold in the head promptly. If
taken at once It is declared that sim
ple treatment will give relief in a
single night, and the patient can re
main steadily at work.
The treatment recommended for
colds is a compound of Aspirin.
Phenacetine. Quinine, Salol, Caffein
Citrate, Cascara and Camphor Mono
bromate. This is now offered the
public under the name of Reid's Grip
i ix. Hi very nome snouia nave a dox
on hand while the epidemic of colds
prevails. It comes in capsule form
and acts quickly. Two capsu lea.
taken two hours apart, over a period
of six hours gives effective results
with one capsule at a time thereafter
to complete the work.
Grip fix is not a patent medicine,
but when getting It be sure to ask
for Reid'B Grip Fix as there is no
home treatment for colds which
equals it. On sale at 35 cents per
dox at an nruKpiKis. a a v.
be sentenced to life Imprisonment.
The possession of a deadly weapon
by a bandit or burglar, Mr. Logan as
serts, is proof that .such a man is dan
gerous to society.
"In the present era the chance for
a quick getaway from the scene of a
crime by the use of an automobile."
said Mr. . Logan, "in reality gives the
bandit two valuable instruments, one
the revolver and the other the auto
mobile. To handle the situation stiff
sentences are necessary for persons
convicted, and realization on the part
of every citizen that he has a duty to
perform In co-operating with the of
ficials is essential.
Public Must Be Roused.
"A committee of public safety would
bring good results. The people should
arise and insist that Portland be rid
of all crooks and criminals and if the
citizens by concerted action will
evince the proper interest Portland
can be made an undesirable place for
criminals. Portland must arouse
itself. Police officers cannot do all.
Every law-abiding oitizen can help,
and this help will bring the desired
Public Appealed to for. Gifts
Clothing or Toys at Once.
The Red Cross shop Is making an
earnest appeal to Portland people to
donate bundles of clothing, household
goods, jardinieres, vases, toys or any
thing that will enable the shop, which
is at 70-72 Third street, to keep open
its doors.
Miss Helen Whitney, secretary of
the shop, asks that those havins;
bundles call the shop. Main 6689. when
truck will be at once sent to call.
'The need is desperate." said Miss
Whitney. "I wish I could impress on
I'ortlanders how much we need do
nations of goods. We are besieged
by poor people for clolhlng, but we
have to turn them away. It seems
incredible that Portland people will
let the shop close, especially when it
has been contributing 91000 a month
to the Red Cross."
. - ' . '
. ... - . . -
aw x
Work Continues on Prospect Well
Near McMinnville.
McMIN'NVILLE, Or.. Nov. 24. (Spe
cial.) Work at the prospect- well of
the Portland syndicate at the Newman
farm, nine miles south of this city.
which has suffered many delays on ac
count of difficulty in obtaining cas
ing, is progressing under supervision
of the contractor, George K. Scott.
The well is down about 1200 feet in a
formation of blue shale which has
been encountered for almost the en
tire depth of the well. Twelve-inch
casing has been used, but this is now
reduced to ten-inch-
Gas was struck during the first few
hundred feet and stronger flows of
gas are in evidence as greater depth
is attained. This prospect, in miners'
parlance, is a dry hole, no water hav
ing been encountered in its entire
EVERY AGE needs a generous diet of
pure, wholesome milk.
BABIES must have milk. They would die
of mal-nutrition without it. There is no
substitute for babies' diet.
Growing CHILDREN need milk as fre
quently and as plentifully as babies do. It
supplies all the nourishment necessary for
the proper development of teeth, flesh,
bones, blood and brain.
AGED men find milk palatable and easily
assimilable, putting no heavy tax on the
digestive organs. Milk has kept many an
ageing body healthy and disease resistant.
But MEN in the prime of life frequently
overlook the value of milk as a tonic and a
food. They should drink a quart or at
least a pint of milk every day for lunch.
1 . -lnn' " "1 1 i Iff A Mai hain
1 r--
Indian Girls Barred.
Because the law holds that children
under 16 years of ape cannot enter
the United States without their par
ents, and because the Indian schools
in this country are authorized to
train only Indians of the United
States, Maimie "Wilcox and Annie Do
lan, two full-blooded Indian girls,
both 15 years old, must return to
Canada without the opportunity of
education at the Chemawa Indian
school. The girls, according to the
story told Immigration Inspector
Bonham. after finishing the fourth
grade In the Canadian Indian school
near White Rock, B. C, worked in
canneries to obtain money to come
to the Chemawa school. . They be
lieved the Oregon school offered
greater educational advantages than
the Canadian institution and desired
to attend here.
1 Thousands of men have learned I - ' ' :
the value of doing this they are P :i . t-.: .". ' '
the strong, clear-eyed men of af- J VT"'' "V''r '?-
Milk costs less than other food of yjvSLV'
' equal food value, and has a tonic fax&r 'SC".-.-
f "I quality found in no other food. '''-' J -
" '"?AtJ D yffe :
ment contemplates the appropriation
of water through the Tuinalo Irriga
tion canal and a development of this
power by two plants on Tumalo creek
under a total head of 745 feet. There
also will be constructed two pipe lines
approximately three miles in length,
power houses and other works, ag
an estimated cost of
Californlan Raps Salem Council.
SALEM, Or.. Nov. 24. (Special.)
Kxplaining the traffic regulations of
California and incidentally rapping
the local council for its fight agiiinst
additional police protection. F. L.
Lskward addressed Salem business
men at their weekly luncheon here
Portlandcr Weds Salem Girl.
SALEM. Or., Nov. 24. (Special.)
Phillip Holden of Portland, who came
to Salem ostensibly to form a tim
ber workers' union, put one over hi
friends here Saturday night and
formed a matrimonial union instead
with Miss Emily Phillips, relief tel
ephone operator at the Bligh hotel.
Mr. and' Mrs. Holden will make their
home in Portland.
Tumalo Water TTse Sought.
SALEM. Or.. Nov. 24. (Special.)
The Bend Water, Light Power com
pany today filed an application with
the state1 engineer to appropriate 50
second feet of water from Tumalo
creek for the development of 5225
theoretical horsepower. This develop-
What Is Rheumatism?
Why Suffer from It?
Head The Oregonian "classified aae.
Sufferers Should Realize That It
Is a Blood Infection and Can
Be Permanently Relieved.
Rheumatism means that the blood
has become saturated with uric acid
It does not require medical advice
to know that good health is abso
lutely dependent upon pure blood.
When the muscles and joints become
sore and drawn w'th rheumatism, it
is not a wise thing to take a little
salve and by rubbing it on the sore
spot, expect to get rid of your rheu
matics. You mut so "deeper Uxan
that, down deep ln.o the blood where
the poison lurks and which is not af
fected by salves and ointments. It is
important that you rid yourself of
this terrible disease before it goes
too far. S. S. S. is thi blood cleanBer
that has stood the test' of time, hav
ing been in constant use for more
than fifty years, fl will do for you
what it has done for thousands of
others. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely
vegetable, it will do the work and
not harm the most delicate stomach.
Write the physician of this Com.
pany and let him advise with you.
Advice is furnished without charge.
Address Swift Specific Co., -253 Swift
laboratory; Atlanta.-(la. Adv.
Through the Eyes
of a Bank
INDUSTRIAL leaders are creative.
Creative eyes see the goal a
bank's eyes see also the pitfalls along
the way.
The National Bank of
Commerce in New York eon
tributes to progressive busi
ness, not only its vast financial
resources, but also a trained
sense of what to avoid
Speed in business depends
largely on not stumbling.
National Bank of Commerce
Capital. Surplus and Undivided Profils
Over Fifty Million Dollars
: i
-L UUiui
It Soothes and Relieves Like
a Mustard Plaster Without
the Burn or Sting
Musterole is a clean, white oint
ment, made with the oil of mustard.
It does all the work of the old-fashioned
mustard plaster does it better and
does not blister. You do not bave to
bother with a doth. You simply rub
it on and usually the pain is gone ! .
Many doctors and nurses use Muster
ole and recommend it to their patients.
They will gladly tell you what re
lief it gives from sore throat, bron
chitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neu
ralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheuma
tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the
back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of
the chest (itoften prevents pneumonia).
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.
today. .Mr. Kskward Is the author of
the motor vehicle laws of California
and is spending a few days in Salem
stiMvine (trfenn traffic regulations.
For All Inflammation
From Pneumonia to Burns
May be Overcome by Lydia
. Pinkh&m's Vegetable
Compound This
Letter Prove It
WMt Philadelphia, Pa. "Durtrw
thirty yra 1 bave been marriwl, I bav
Dean in os ocio
and had Mverml at
tacks of nervous
prostration until it
seemed aa if tha
organs in my whole
body were worn
out. I was finally
persuaded to try
LydiaE. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Com
pound and it made
b well woman of
me. I can now do
all my housework
and advise all ailing women to try
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
txund and I will guarantee they will
derive great benefit from it." Mrs.
Frank Fitzcexald, 25 N. 41st Street,
West Philadelphia, Pa. .
There are thousands of women every
where in Mrs. Fitzgerald's condition,
suffering from nervousness, backache,
headaches, and other symptoms of a
functional derangement. It was a
grateful spirit for health restored which
led her to write this letter so that other
women may benefit from berexperieaeo
and find health as she has dona.
For suggestions in regard to your con
dition wriu LydiaE. Pinkham li edierna
Co.. Lynn, Has. The result of their
40 ysars axperisnca is at your Berries. -VVH fir$E5-