Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 25, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Successor to Late Judge
Gantenbein Named.
Selection ot Ex-TT. S. district At
torney Is Lauded by Multno
mah Bar President
ALFM. Or.. Nov. 24. (Special.)
John McCourt, of the law firm of
'urit M.-Court & Veazie, and for
merly United
States attorney irom
this district, today was apponuea
circuit jude in Multnomah county to
succeed the late C U. Uantenbein,
whose death occurred in Portland last
In making the ' appointment Gov
ernor Olcott said that Mr. McCourt
was not an applicant for the judge
cliip and had no intimation of his se
lection until so informed today.
"I have known John McCourt for
many years," said Governor Olcott to
day in announcing his selection. VIn
fact, many years agro and soon after
my coming to Oregon in 1891 we were
roommates for over a year, while he
was a struggling: young lawyer and I
a cub hank clerk, and our associations
and friendships have been close ever
.since. As a result. 1 am in a position
to know that he will make a strong,
virile and admirable addition to the
personnel of the bench of the state.
"Mr. McCourt made an exceptionally
excellent record as United States at
torney, is a highly successful prac
ticing lawyer, well balanced and level
headed and of high integrity and
standing. During the war period he
served under appointment by the war
department on the Fosdick commis
sion, which had to do with the social
hygiene of army camps. In this ca
pacity he served withovit salary, his
jurisdiction extending over the states
of Oregon and Washington. He was
appointed by me a member of the sol
diers' and sailors commission and
was the personal representative of
the executive office at the funeral of
Governor Ernest Lister of Wash
ington. "Mr. McCourt was not an applicant
for the judgeship and knew nothing of
my intention to appoint him until I
apprised him of it. In his acceptance,
Multnomah county and the state at
large, I believe, may have reason for
congratulation, securing the services
of a man of his ability for the posi
tion. "1 wish to express my deep regret
at t lie passi ng of Judge Gantenbein.
He was a jurist of ability, a patriot in
the high est sense of the term, and
in his death the state has lost a citi
zen of the type which it can ill afford
to lose."
Had Suffered From Rheuma
tism Most of His Life.
Praises Tanlac.
"I had been troubled with rheuma
tism practically all my life, but when
I began taking Tanlac all signs of it
disappeared," said I. S. Wilson, a car
penter, who resides at 80 Elm street,
Portland, Or., to a Tanlac represen
tative a few days ago. Continuing,
he said:
"Yes, sir, I suffered with rheuma
tism in practically every part of my
body, but it was especially bad in my
right leg. It pained me something
awful all the time and I had hardly
any use of it at all, and it was all I
could do to get about. It was im
possible for me to raise my-leg and I
could pot step up on a curbstone or j
go upstairs without a great deal of
effort. I could get but very little j
sieep as the pain was so bad it would i
wake me up at all hours of the night, j
When I did manage to go to sleep if;
I happened to turn on my right side ;
my hip would hurt me so I would i
jump nearly out of the bed. I had
suffered so much pain my nerves
were completely shattered and I was i
badly run down. '
"Alter reading so much about j
Tanlac I decidedto try it, and 1 be- j
gan to get better after I had taken :
only a small amount. By the time I1
had taken six bottles I could go up- j
stairs and use my leg as good as'any '
15-year-old boy. The rheumastism j
entirely disappeared and has never j
bothered me since and I can sleep on j
my right side or in other position !
without ever waking up once. I have j
gained in weight and strength and i
while 1 am HO years of age I feel as ;
good as a man of 35. I take a little
Tanlac now every once in awhile, as I
I believe it will keep me in good j
health. I never fail to recommend j
Tanlac for I know what it will do."
Tanlac is sold in Portland by the
Owl Drug company. Adv.
o i
O i
Served 12 Noon to 9 P. M.
$10 per Plate
Table d'Hote Turkey Dinner
Served in Courses
$1JD0 per Plate
Turkey Dinner Served on Combination
Plate, Including Soup, Turkey, Vege
tables, Dessert and Coffee
huge fellow with blandishments and
declared that so sterling an animal
ought to belong to the Red Cross.
The impromptu plea, made in jest.
fceleetion of Mr. McCourt Lauded
by Bar President.
"A splendid choice. The county of
Multnomah is to be congratulated."
The comment of Uarge 1C. Leonard,
president of the Multnomah Bar as
sociation, on learn in g yesterday of
the selection of John McCourt by Gov
ernor OKott to fill the vacancy on the
circuit bench left by the death of
Judge Calvin U. Gantenbein was
echoed throughout -the city among
lawyers and judges yesterday. j
The excellent record of Mr. Mc- j
Court as federal attorney in Portland'
made the choice an exceptionally pop
ular one.
Joh n McCourt was born in Canada,
hut came to California a few months
after that event in 1S74 and went to
Salem, Or., in 1S90. He graduated
from the law department of the Wil
lamette universi ty at Salem in 1896
and became associated with Jay Bow
frmaii. In 100 he left Salem for
He was city attorney at Pendleton
In March, 1 90 8, when first appointed
United States district attorney at the
nd of a long and bitter patronage
fight. He succeeded W. C. Bristol.
During his term of office he con
ducted all suits for cancellation of
patents to public lands wrongfully
acquired in land - fraud eporations.
a mounting to the recovery of $1,730,
000 and approximately 215,000 acres
thrown open to litigation. Almost an
equal amount of land was thrown
open to settlement voluntarily follow
ing his successful prosecutions.
Mr. McCourt was reappointed Unit
ed States district attorney by Presi
dent Tafl on May 22. 1912. serving un
til the advent of the democratic ad
ministration in 1913. when he re
signed, to be succeeded by Clarence
L. Reames.
Since his retirement from public
life Mr. McCourt has been in tlje law
firm of Veazie, McCourt & eazie.
During the war he served under ap
pointment by the war department on
the Fosdick commission.
r t
r;5Rr X 'I
:,', .;-.J ' t
I y s
o I
d r
O 1
Plum Pudding Fruit Cake
Mince Pie Pumpkin Pie
Cheese Straws
Assorted Thanksgiving Dainties
Tutti Frutti Ice Cream with
Cranberry Ice Center
(PA Qts. in roll) $125 per Roll
Tutti Frutti Ice Cream, bulk, $1 Qt.
Cranberry Ice, bulk, 75c Qt.
Sweetmeat Box containing
Glace Fruits
Chocolate Dipped Fruits
Assorted Mints
Creamed Nuts
Assorted Salted Nuts v
Sugared Dates
John MrCourt. nearly appointed
judtt'e of the circuit court.
was overheard by A. E. Smith, owner
of Pontiac.
"Put him down for a membership,"
said Mr. Smith, tupBirifC out a pleth
oric wallet. And the records of the
membership drive will show that the
pride of Chinacum Spring Farm is a
duly accredited member of the Red
Music at the Washington St. Hazelwood
5 to 89:30 to 11:30
388 Washington
127 Broadway
Spokane Itiiildin Contractors'
Action Is K.vpecteil.
SPOKANK, "Wash.. Nov. 24. (Spe
cial. Buildine contractors of this
city are expected to take action De
cember 1, declaring all work on the
open-shop basis.
This prediction is based on informal
statements ot leading contractors
made at a meeting of master builders
last week, at which time the unani
mous sentiment was in favor of a
complete open-shop policy. Sigr Jloran,
president of the Spokane Master
Huilders' association, would make no
statement today concerning the con
templated action of the contractors.
The Hurley-Mason company is de
clared to have gone on an open-shop
basis on the coast, and is ready to
come out for this policy in Spokane.
lloviiic Majesty at Stock Show
Admitted to Kcd Cross.
tndoubtedly the only pedigreed
bull, or plebeian, for that matter, to
hold an annual membership in the
Red Cross is that royalist of the Hol-stein-Kriesian
line. "Chinacum Spring
Kami Kinp: Pontiac."' of Sumas, Wash.,
who visited recently at the Portland
stock show. And C. S. F. K. Pontiac,
to abbreviate his title, is assuredly a
member in good standing.
Mrs. K. X. Howe, lieutenant in the
Portland Red Cross canteen, was
seeking1 members at the exposition
grounds when she encountered his
nibs, Pontiac. munching hay. Forth
with lieutenant Howe flattered the
Standard Oil Company to Have
520,000 Warehouse and Tanks.
ST. HELKNS, Or., Nov. 24. (Spe
cial.) v ork has begun on the new
distributing plant which the Standard
Oil company will have in St. Helens
Recently t he company acquired an
acre of land in the north part of the
city, which adjoins the S. P. & S.
The improvements, which will entail
an expenditure of approximately
000. will consist of a warehouse 20x60,
garage 30x32 and three tanks 10x
30 feet. The capacity of the tanks
will be about 20.000 gallons. A side
track w ill run alongside the ware-
hoirce and tanks, and have storage
room for six cars.
Heretofore the 'company has deliv
ered its products to St. Helens via
auto tanks from their Portland plant.
Thousands of women have kidney
and bladder trouble and never sus
pect it
Women's complaints often prove to
be nothing else but kidney trouble, or
the result of kidney or bladder die
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition they may cause the other
organs to become diseased.
Pain in the back, headache, loss of
ambition, nervousness, are often times
symptoms of kidney trouble.
Don't delay etarting treatment. Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician"
prescript ion, obtained at any drug
wtore, may be just the remedy needed
to overcome such conditions.
Get a medium or large size bottle
immediately from any drug store.
However, if you wish first to test
this great preparation eend ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton
N. Y., for a sample bottle. When
writing be sure and mention The
Circuit Judge -Wilson Says He
Xceds Help Because of "Wave
of Crime in County.
HOOD RIVER, Or.f Nov. 24. (Spe
cial.) The prelude to a new chapter
of judicial history may have been
written here today by Circuit Judge
Wilson of The Xalles. who appointed
committee of three prominent citi
zens to investigate the case of Albert
McHenry and Peter G. Alexander,
charged with larceny from a dwelling
and .or whom a parole had been
Judge Wilson, in a statement fol
owing the plea of guilty from the
young men, McHenry aged z-J ana
Alexander 21. declared that it was not
his aim to sidestep responsibility.
"But." he declared, "courts have
reached a crisis. A wave of crime has
been sweeping the country. The con
dition is true of Hood River county
as elsewhere. I have been keenly
disappointed in made by this
court in the two years that I have
"The court has to consider measures
for the reformation of such prisoners.
but it also has resting upon it the
responsibility to society, and I "have
determined that hereafter applica
tions for parole, before being consid
ered by this court, must first have
the commendation of the seven men
who returned the indictment."
The committee appointed to inves
tigate the case of the boys consists
of W. H. Boddy, pastor of the River
side Community church; Truman But-
rtt irn t I
Jjj 9!J. in 'imp IM"- 1 1 Kjm
--""i in ? r :'? fcv m
I III I -.-p-V-Yd
lot i
iimHmtmiiiinmMnimmmii Q ft ' i
at I
Hundreds Have Profited Already
A Staiger Sale means more than just lower-tnan-usual prices it means savings
on good shoes and such savings that it will pay you to anticipate your shoe needs
for spring. Broken lines of the season's best sellers and in many instances new
Women's Fancy Shoes Worth up to and Including
$16 Especially Featured at Qso
French and military heel styles with welt and turn soles. Smart patent leathers
with buck tops, patent with gray kid tops, patent with fawn buck tops, all gray kid
and all brown kid. A particularly well assorted group.
Women's Shoes, Worth Women's Shoes, Worth
Up to $10.00, Fea
tured at
Up to $12.50, Fea
tured at
Extra Special!
Women's Shoes
Tan calf, rray kid. brown
kid with cloth top, gunmetal
with gray buck tops, black
vamp with pray kid tops,
etc., etc. Lace style with
military heels.
Button and lace styles In
this group ; high and low
heels, black kid vamps with
prray cloth tops, all black
kid, etc. But little more
than half price.
An unheard of lo-w
price at which, you
can secure shoes
worth up to $9 dur
ing this sale."
Men's Dressy Shoes Worth up to and Including $12
Especially Featured at $Q80
Class KnRrlish la.t shoes in black or tan stock, with light or heavy soles. For men who prefer them this gronp
includes round toe shoes of gunmetal calf stock; Blucher lace style. High grade in every particular.
Stout Calf Shoes Worth up to and Including: 10
Featured at $ E40
Black calf, gunmetal calf, tan calf shoes, stoutly built over good heavy soles. Blucher lace style with, easy
fitting round toe. Splendid wt.rk shoes.
Boys' 6 Army Last Shoes Now
The lowest possible price on these heavy tan and
gunmetal shoes. Comfortable round toe shapes;
heavy service soles. The best of winter school
shoes at a final reduction.
Men's Shoes Worth up to $9 Now
Substantially built, durable calf shops in both lace
and button styles. ledium and wide toe snapes
and dressy English last. You'll never pay les3
for shoes as good.
10 Discount on Children's Shoes Finest Makes
Laird Scbober, MelanaoB, J. Edwards, Holland, Kxcelalor and Others.
ler. local banker, and Mrs. A. G. Lewis,
ex-president of the Hood River Wom
an's club.
Young McHenry. son of a promi
nent Corvallis contractor, served two
years in the army. The boys, accord
ing to the indictments, stole tools
and farming implements frrfm the
east side ranch of Ivan Williams.
Contest in April Will Be Held
Forest Grove.
lem. Or., Nov. 24. (Special.) A
called meeting of the executive com
mittee of the State Intercollegiate
Oratorical association was held here
Saturday to lay plans forthe coming
year. Representatives were present
from University or Oregon, Oregon
Agricultural college, Pacific college,
Eugene Bible school, McMinnville col
lege. Albany college. Oregon Normal
school. Pacific university and Wil
lamette university.
Heads of the English department
of the universities of -Montana and
California and Bellingham Normal
school were selected as judges on
thought and composition for this
year's oratorical contest.
The annual contest will be held
Best Makes
292 Washington Street, Between Fourth and Fifth
next April at Forest Grove. Officers
of the association for 1919-1920 are:
Miss Dorothy Hall. Pacific univer
sity, president: Abram Rosenberg,
University of Oregon, secretary, and
Ralph I. Thomas, Willamette univer
sity, treasurer.
Demand for Restoration at Spokane
Is Expected.
SPOKANE. .Wash., Nov. 24. -(Special.)
Demand for the restoration of
the 5-cent fare on Spokane's street
railways will be made March 2 by
the city, it was indicated at an in
formal meeting of the city council to
day. "If conditions in Spokane remain
as they are now for the next 90 days
the city will be justified in asking
that the fare be reduced to 5 cents,"
said Mayor Passett.
Corporation counsel was instructed
to draft a resolution for the exten
sion of the ti-cent fare to March 2,
90 days from the expiration of the
presen t agreement between the city
and the street railways, which ex
pires December 2.
Notables Among Speakers at County
Teachers Institute.
SALEM, Or.. Nov. 24. (Special.)
Addresses by A. K. Lee of Salem, H.
D. Sheldon, dean of the school of edu
cation at the University of Oregon
and H. C Seymour, state industrial
club leader, featured the opening ses
sions of the Ararion county teachers'
institute which opened here today.
Mr. Lee outlined the county library
plan to the visiting educators, while
Mr. Sheldon and Mr. Seymour spoke
on State Teachers association and in
dustrial club work.
Old Fashioned Herb Tea Often
Relieves Chronic Cases
Albany Pays Tribute to Prominent
KuiiH'-s Man.
ALBANY. Or.. Nov. 24. (Siiecial.)
Hundreds of persons paid tribute to
day to one of Albany's most promi
nent business men at the funeral of
the late Samuel K. Young, president
of the Klrst National bank of Albany
and a leader in the business life of
the community for more than 50
years who died at his home here Sat
urday. The funeral services were held
from the United Presbyterian church,
of which he was an active and promi
nent member, and were conducted by
Dr. IV. P. White, D. D.. pastor of the
"You can't afford to be constipated..
If your kidneys, liver and bowels fail
to carry off the waste matter it soon
poisons your entire system. It lowers
your resistance against disease.
At this time of year, 'when the air is
filled with influenza, colds and grip,
yoti should keep in the best condition.
Any phvsician will tell you that most
ills could be avoided if people would
keep their livers, kidnevs
and bowels in good worst
ing order.
Are yon constipated,
bilious and sluggish!1 Does
vournead acber lton t neg
lect Nature's warnings.
Just get a package of Lin
coln Tea and take a cup
before retiring. It soon
cleans you out and makes you feel fine.
Does not create the physic habit.
This famous herb tea is an unex
celled remedy for colds, grippe, in
fluenza, chronic constipation, rheuma
tism, etc. Nothing is better to keep the
children in fine condition. So cents at
inland Empire Fuel Searee.
SPOKANE. Wash., Xov. 24. Pre
dictions of a serious coal shortage in
the inland empire in case of a pro
tracted cold snap were made today
by fuel men of this city. Three days
was the estimated period that present
supplies would keep Spokane people
warm and other cities of this sec
tion were said to be in a worse plieht.
The principal supply for this city, it t
u i il 4"i'l j rH la pftmino- in tnm
all druggists. Lincoln Proprietary
Uo., x L wayne, ino.
i m ici in
'holesome-aeansing -Refreshing
When tour Eyes Heed Car?
are attempting to practice economy
it's a good thing if it's done the
right way.
There's no sound economy in mere
"cheapness" usually such economy is decided
True economy concerns itself more with what
you get than what you pay here, you get the
utmost possible value.
We Accept Liberty
Bonds at Par Value
Bond Tax Ratio Changed.
BEND, Or.. Nov. 24. (Special.)
From 42 per cent, the assessment
ratio first set by the state equiliza-
tion board for Ieschutes county, the
proportion to be used was advanced
to 58. Assessor W. T. Mullarkey was
informed this morninjr in a com
munication received from Portland.
He had asked for 4 per cent.
Agents for
For Young
Men and
Fathers, Too
Washington at Sixth
Doesn't it seem reasonable
that sound, which is vibra
tion, would be truer, sweeter,
clearer, when produced by
wood -than when produced by
metal? That is the secret
of the Cremona tone the
sound chamber of long fiber
spruce, which is the special
Cremona feature.
Come in and hear your favor
ite record on the Cremona.
Try the blindfold test: let
your ear select the phono
graph with the perfect tone.
A purchase of a Cremona NOW
will insure your getting the
model you have in mind, at
Christmas time. If preferable,
we will deliver the Cremona just
before the holidays.
Write for our beautiful booklet
showing the new Cremona mod
els. Sent free on request.
? Ml ii
':;flHS ft
' 'tj:iiluiiltii-.;:y.,H,,,..,rl 1. f J'J ;1
I J?tZJi jnfTFrnrr,ri j ; i
:f!!l f
Play the same rec
ord on different
makes of phono
graphs. Listen
blindfolded so you
cannot know which
machine is being
played. Pick the
tone you like best
and nine times out
of ten Cremona
427 Washington St.
Portland Oregonian. Adv.
I Ca nada.