TIIE arORXIXG OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1919. S V TO Henry Drum Recommended for Federal Institution. FORMAL ACTION PENDING Democrat Who Finds Himself Serv ing Under Republican Governor to Be Granted Relief. OREGOXIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington. Nov. 24. Henry Drum, "Harden of the state penitentiary at Walla Walla, has been recommended by Attorney-General Palmer for ap pointment as waraen of the federal penitentiary at McNeil island to suc ceed O. P. Harrigan, republican. Mr. Drum's appointment will be formally announced shortly, and rep resents the first patronage victory for the democratic state committee of "Washington in many months. Heretofore the committee has been ignored by the administration, which usually acted on the recommendations of Hugh Wallace. As ambassador to France Mr. Wallace Is no longer in a long wait comes into its own. During the days when Mr. Wallace was passing around the plums demo cratic leaders of the state were un able to pry loose Warden Harrigan who, though a republican, had made an especially good record which for mer attorney-generals, Mr. Wallace . concurring, were not disposed to Ignore. Mr. Drum, an. appointee of Gover nor Lister, found himself serving un der a republican governor and heard rumblings that he was going to lose his job at Walla "Walla. He got friends on the state committee to board the president's train in his be half when Mr. Wilson was making his league tour, and later the state committee sent recommendations in writing to both the president and Attorney-General Palmer favoring Mr. Drums appointment. Mr. Palmer, who is more of a politician than his predecessor in the department of jus tice, consented to oust Mr. Harrigan and to reward a faithful democrat and in this way the change is to come about. Warden Drum, who is in Portland for a brief visit with relatives, de ciined to say last night whether or not he would accept the proffered position. He said he had received no word from Washington as to his ap pointment and wished for some defi nite word before making a decision on the matter. Representative Summers, of Wash ington, not only preaches the doctrine of back-to-the-farm; he practices it. Some time ago, when a substantial recess of congress was anticipated, Mr. Sumners declared he would put in "his vacation" on some farm in the east. Yesterday he drove over into Virginia, found a farmer who was short of help, and tendered his serv ices. This morning bright and early, arrayed in his working clothes, Mr. Summers showed up at the Fairfax farm and set to work butchering hogs and digging potatoes. For his week s labor he is to be rewarded with noth ing but room and board. Senator Borah's closing speech in opposition to the league of nations and peace treaty has aroused deep in terest throughout the east. Yesterday the New York Sun and Boston Tran script printed the speech in full, the Transcript commenting on it edi torially, saying: "Divided on the treaty, the senate of the United States is united today in the verdict that his contribution to the great debate marked William E. Borah of Idaho as the most brilliant debater of his day and time, a senator whose eloquence has been unequaled since Daniel Webster adorned the eenate." The postoffice department today notified Senator Chamberlain that at recent exam inatious. only one candi date appeared for the postmasterships at Pedee, Polk county, and Dry Lake, Crook county. In view of this situa tion. Senator Chamberlain concurred in the appointment, respectively, of A'irgil J. Love and Aubrey O. Bright, as postmasters. an answer to the f24H.YUi.btf aagage action filed against the district last February by Twohy Bros, company. In addition to this and the request that the pleadings of the plaintiff go for naught, the defense asks in the instrument filed yesterday to dc recompensed for the difference in cost in completion of the contract now and if work had been continuous. The defense contends that the work on the dam-was abandoned at a time of the year when the Ochoco river was liable to flood with irreparable injury to valuable farm lands below the dam. False representations as to the work required are charged by Twohy Bros. In their suit, which is said to have demanded a great deal of extra effort for which no compensation was allowed. They asked $536,170.99, of which more than $300,000 had. been paid. An accounting and judgment for the balance remaining were asked. U. S. WARNED KOT TO CUT DOWN OUTPUT Canadian Takes Rap at Plan for Eight-Hour Day. F00GH0W JAPANESE RIOT TROUBLE ARISES OVER BOY COTT LAID BY CHINESE. , American Y. M. C. A. Secretary Re ported Injured When Nippon ese Attack Students. PBKIXG, Nov. 20. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Many Chinese and an American Y. M. C. A. secretary were injured in the recent clashes between Chinese and Japanese at Foochow, ac cording to information received by government officials here. The Japanese consul at Foochow has warned the Chinese authorities that if the boycott against Japanese goods Is not lifted, trouble will ensue for which he refuses to assume re sponsibility. The advices to the government re garding the Foochow disturbances say that on Sunday last Japanese en tered a meeting place of Chinese stu dents who were advocating the pro motion of native industries. The Jap anese, it is alleged, attacked the stu dents, took one prisoner, strung him up and flogged him. WASHINGTON", Nov. 24 Native of Formosa, formerly Chinese but claim, ing Japanese citizenship since the an nexation of the island, were responsi ble for the attack on Chinese students in Foochow, China, on November 16, according to advices received in Jap anese circles here. Many islanders are in business in Foochow, it was said, and the riot was the result of the boycott which the Chinese stu dents have laid on all Japanese mer chandise because the peace confer ence had confirmed Japan's title to Shantung. The official account received here makes no mention of the injury to an American Y. m. C. A. secretary. Warn ing from- Japanese officials that strong measures would be adopted to stop the boycott are said to have been sent but the Chinese authorities pro fess their inability to control the situation PRODUCTION PUT FIRST ALASKA INDIANS UNITE Organization Intends to Work for Betterment of Tribes. SEWARD, Alaska. Nov. 24. (Spe cial.) The latest addition to the in numerable multitude of societies and organizations which have sprung up within recent years is the Alaska Na tive Brotherhood, composed of Indi ans. A four-days convention was held at Sitka recently at whichdele- gates from many interior points in addition to a much more numerous representation from villages along the coast were present. The articles of organization an nounce the chief purpose to be the uniting of the native people for co operative efforts for their own bet terment. Agents were appointed to solicit the affiliation of all tribes in southeastern Alaska; and, it was an nounced, when this is accomplished the effort will be further extended to include the Eskimos and Aleuta. Other Delegates From Xeighborin State, However, Favor Plan . to Shorten Hours. "WASHINGTON,- Nov. 24. Consider ation of the draft convention proposed by the committee to limit the hours of work in industry to eight hours day and 48 hours a week was begun today by the international labor con ference and enough progress made to indicate its adoption probably tomor row. The conference adopted the clause. defining the "industrial undertaking' to which the agreement would apply with an amenament which provided that questions relating to navigation on inland waterways be referred to a special conference. Opposition to the convention as a whole was expressed by S. K. Parsons, employers' delegate from Canada, who insisted the "general application of til shorter working day would, ac cording to actual experience, greatly lessen production." Now when the government of the country, he said, is calling on manufacturers to increase their output and exports in order to meet heavy national obligations nothing should be done which would tend to hinder them in their efforts. "The cost of living," he added, "couid be reduced only by increased production and to ignore this funda mental truth is to blind our eyes to the actual facts. 4It is generally recognized," Mr. Parsons said, "that unless the United States accepts similar extension it would be placing an unfair burden upon Canadian employers and the country at large to be bound by terms of the proposed convention. Newton D. Kowell, government dele gate from Canada, disagreed with Mr. Parsons, saying he "feared" the posi tion of Canada might be misunder stood as a result of Mr. Parsons' re marks. He announced that he and the other Canadian government rep resentatives would vote for the con vention. "The action of the government of Canada does not depend upon the ac tion of the government of the United States in dealing with these matters," he declared. Mr. Ko welt pointed out that the Canadian parliament already had ap proved the treaty containing the labor clause and the league of nations covJ enant, and that since it had approved them the government of Canada would "carry out the obligations it assumed in the treaty, in spirit as well as in letter." The conference admitted Luxemburg to membership. S3 It's Too Late to talk to your tailor about a new suit or overcoat to wear on Thanksgiving Day but don't fret, we can help you out! Some of our best customers have first been emergency cases, and it's always "Well, well, didn't know such good clothes were made!" Then, too, evening full-dress gar ments, are here, ready for quick service. Correct Ties, Shirts, Hats, etc. Winthrop Hammond Co. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN 127 Sixth Street Between Washington and Alder Formerly Buffum & Pendleton Established 1884 RIGID ECONOMY ADVISED Prices Mast Decline Before Wages, Declares Toronto Speaker. TORONTO. Ont, Nov. 24. Practice of rigid economy and the reduction of consumption to a minimum as means of lowering the high cost of living were urged by illiam P. G. Harding, governor of the federal reserve board, in an address before the Canadian club here today. If this is done, he said, the volume of credits and currency can be reduced and the healthy process of gradual defla tion begun. A check should be placed on the tendency to increase prices and wages but he expressed the opinion that prices must come down first before labor agrees to a reduction in wages. The American people, he added, could be relied upon to extend credits to aid European nations in their task of rehabilitation. The discount on Canadian exchange in me united states, he said was more detrimental to the United States than Canada because the Canadian exports across the border exceeded the imports by more than 1 250,000,000 yearly. Capitol Notes. GERMAN SAILORS DROWN Members of Crew of Disabled Bark Paul Washed Overboard. HALIFAX, N. S.. Nov. 24. Several members of the crew of the German bark Paul, reported Saturday in dis tress off the Nova Scotia coast, have been washed overboard and drowned, according to a wireless message re ceived today from an unidentified steamer. The Faul, with masts shattered by the high seas, is drifting1. Mint Employes Lose Appeal. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 24. The United States circuit court of appeals, in ses sion here today, affirmed the sentence of three years imposed on Enos Peter Schell, a sorter of coins at the mint in Denver in June, 1918. The testi mony in the trial was to the effect that Schell stole coins and took them out in his shoes. Farm Changes Hands. MOUNT ANGEL, Or., Nov. 24. (Spe cial.) Anton Schaffers has purchased the John Gilles ten-acre place ad joining his farm and will occupy the house on the newly acquired tract. John P. Schaefer has bought the re maining portion of the Al Keene a rreace. SALEM. Or., Nov. 24. (Special.) Members of the Oregon public service commission have sched uled two hearings for November 25. At Portland freight rates on lumber will be considered before the rail road traffic committee, while in Sa lem they will place before the state emergency board evidence tending to show why a deficiency appropriation should be made to continue opera tion of the grain department. Don Upjohn, private secretary to Governor Olcott, and Dr. R. Lee Steiner, warden of the Oregon state penitentiary, returned to the capital Sunday after a couple of days passed in Portland. They made the trip by automobile and report the roads in fairly good condition. E. K. Carleton, assistant state su perintendent of public instruction, has returned to the capital after a few days passed in Wasco and Hood River counties. W hile there he stan dardized the schools at Maupin. An telope, Shaniko, Mosier and Park- dale. Mr. Carleton will spend Tues day at Albany where he will deliver an address . before the teachers of Linn county. J. A. Churchill, state superinten dent of public instruction, left last night for Pendleton where he Is at tending the annual teachers insti tute for Umatilla county. He will attend a similar Institute In Benton county Wednesday. Will H. Bennett, state superinten dent of banks, this morning received formal notice of the death of Samuel E. Young, who died at Albany Sat urday. Mr. Young was president of the First National and State Savings banks of Albany and was well known in financial circles of Linn county. F. A. Elliott, state forester, re turned here Sunday from Portland, where he attended a meeting of the western forestry and conservation committee. The meeting was held to consider plan for the airplane for est firo patrol in Oregon and other northwest states next year. Horace Sykes. Gilbert W. Allen and George W. Stokes, deputy fire mar shals, went to Sllverton this morning where they will continue their fire prevention campaign. Last week th fire marshals passed several days at Lebanon where they discovered a number of hazards, including dyna mite carelessly stored in an old dwelling and large quantities of gas oline in unprotected containers. These hazards were ordered eliminated. H. J. Schuldrman, state corpora tion commissioner,, returned to Sa lem this morning after two weeks spent in Chicago where he was called as a witness tor the government in the case filed against the officials of the Pan Motor company of St. Cloud, Minn C. H. Gram, state labor commis sioner, went to Portland this morn ing to prosecute I. C. Clodfelter, pro prietor of a private employment agency. The, complaint was filed by Roush Brothers. Acknowledging receipt of Gover nor Olcott's recent letter urging th state, county and municipal officials ta co-operate in apprehending all dis loyal citizens, W. L. Campbell, sheriff of Tillamook county, has written the executive that the' people of that county are 99 per cent American and the other one is in jail. Percy Cupper, state engineer, who went to Salt Lake City last week, to attend the reclamation conference, is expected to go to Sacramento where he will join the officials of California in making a complete inspection of an irrigation project involving the taking of water from southern OreJ gon. WIT. ANGEL BUDGET FIXED RELOANS HELD LAWFUL WASHINGTON SUPREME COURT PASSES ON' SOLDIERS' FUND. Veterans' Welfare Commission Ac corded Right to Reuse Money That Is Repaid. OLYMPIA, Wash., Nov. 24. (Spe cial.) The Veterans' Welfare com mission of Washington may reloan to soldiers and sailors money repaid by borrowers from the soldiers wel fare fund established by act of the last legislature, the supreme court holds in denying a writ of mandate asked by the attorney-general to compel such repaid loans to be turned into the state treasury. Under the provision of the statute requiring all officers to transmit to the treasurer money collected for state purposes, the attorney-general contended that the commission had no authority to reloan money after it had been repaid to the commission. The court takes the position that the commission is not a part of the fiscal system of the state, and that the legislature did not contemplate the creation of a new department of state government for the collection of revenues. To require the return of for Ex- Town Will Spend $35 0 0 penses During Current Tear. MOUNT ANGEL, Or., Not. 2. (Spe cial.) At a meeting of the city coun cil held November 17 the annual bud get for the city -was adopted and a levy of 13500 was made for 1920. Jerry McCarthy has been employed as night marshal during the winter months, J. N. Windishar having re signed. Paul Schwab was appointed water and light inspector. Schwab was elected mayor, ing R. L- Young. the money to the treasury, the court ho'.ds, would make it possible for the fund to becovne exhausted before the wortc of the commission had been ac ccmplished. By act of the last legislature the veterans welfare commission was created for the purpose of assisting soldiers and sailors, and an appro priation or S5uu,000 was made availa ble for carrying on the work. Of money loaned from this fund the sum of $1425 has been repaid and the com mission claimed the right to reloan this money as provided by the act establishing the fund. The decision of the court sustains this contention Fred succeed- Three D's Heals Three "A terrft.1 Itchinr commenced on nf body. 1H bottle D. 1. D. completely on red ae. I aw remarkable u of a boy bars with Bcsema." A sincle bottle emred another can. Salt RhoiB of the baocU." Quoted from recent letter from Walter Rio ter. Elkhart, lad. Write htm for more feet. We too, bar nca racfa remarkable roaaTta accomplished by D. D. D. in beaiiar all forma of kin trouble from pimples end bteckbeeda to eeTre omose of orieme. that we feel It muat reach year cam. Come In and aafc i mbont it. We manatee the ant bottle. Sec. OOcjukd turn. ED.ED.HD. DiL lotion for Skin Disease Sold, by The Owl Drug: Co. and Skldmor Drug- Co. WASCO TAXES ARE FIXED Levy Will Be Made at Practically Rate of Year Ago. THE DALLES. Or., Nov. 2t. (Spe cial.) Wasco county taxes for next year will be levied on the basis of 72 per cent of the assessed valuation. This announcement was made offi cially from the office of the state tax commissioner following a conference at the state capitol, which was at tended by Mrs. Francis V. Galloway, deputy county assessor. "Practically no difference at all was made in the tax levy for next year as against that of the present year." said Deputy Galloway. "Last year the ratio was "5 rer cent, and with the assessed valuations unchanged in the county the amount of taxes will re main almost stationary." COUNTER SUIT IS FILED Ochoco Irrigation Company Replies to $248,701 Damage Action. One hundred dollars a day from May 1. 1919, to the day the big Ochoco dam. scarvcly heun. in co:tip!ftfl, as dam age? for breach of contract is asked by the Ochoco irrigation district In THE PEER OF ALL ALL DOUBLE BILLS WEEK "FATTY" ,z ARBUCKLE f yi in "THE HAYSEED" ANITA STEWART .X'V- in y wVt "Her i f f Kingdom I . V. Dreams" ffl 1 Saturday "V it A OF SOILS' V CHILEAN MINISTER QUITS vicuna Resigns Japanese Post After Arms Cargo Is Destroyed. BUENOS AIRES. Nov. ' 24. Dl patches from Santiago announce the resignation of the Chilean minister to Japan. Francisco Rivas Viouna. in connection with the destruodon by lire at aninagawa, japan, of a ship load of arms acquired in Japan for ignite. The shipment was valued at $3,000, uoo, and according to advices from Japan it is alleged that notwithstand ing the Chilean government had for warded funds to insure the cargo it was not insured, and the Japanese Get Them Today Your Hickman Dance Records No Phonograph Rec ord in the history of the music industry has created the enormous demand that have those of the Famous Hotel St. Francis Dance Orchestra, un der the magic leader ship of Art Hickman Saturday we delivered hundreds of sets and yesterday the same great interest was shown. The present supply will soon be gone and you will wait weeks or months for them. Hickman Sets Complete Include Four Double Faced Records (Eight Selections) "On the Streets of Cairo," One-Stepi "My Baby's Arms," Fox Trot J "Tell Me Why," Fox Trot ?mo "Peggy," Fox Trot . "Sweet and Low," Waltz. . . . oat if "Patches," Fox Trot J m ww m l -! m A. - ine nesiiaung uiues, rox iroi.. inose uraiung uiues, rox rui..j Get Your Set Today We will deliver them to Tour door," city or country. Sign this ad and send it with your remittance. Total Cost of Complete Set $340 Address . . RrVAYTRSQ vttcat an MORRISON ST AT BROADWAY yilgy-BAUen -MASON AND HAMLIN P1AN0S- TAUINf?? I HACHIKESl I RECOftDSy rs . rvAHCisco. Oakland. miHo, sabi diko SAM iOtK, lACMAWrilTO. LOS AMUS1 arms manufacturers have disclaimed responsibility. The Japanese govern ment Is said to have arrested the crew of the ship, the Alnan Maru. MAYNARD T0FLY AGAIN One - Stop Cross - Conn try Flight May Start Tomorrow. MIXEOLA, N. Y., Nov. 24. Lieu tenant Belvin W. Maynard, one of the winners in the army's recent transcontinental air race, will start from here Wednesday or Thursday morning on his attempted one-stor cross-country flight, it was an nounced today. He plans to fly from here to Dallas. Tex., where he will rest overnight, and then go on the next day to San Diego, Cal. Lieutenant Maynard will use a spe cially designed DeHaviland Four ma chine, known as the "Greyhound." All-Chinese Ahead. HONOLULU, T. H., Nov. 13. (Spe cial.) By defeating the Sraves 4 to 0, the All-Chinese took the second game of the series here for the island base ball championship. The Braves were champions of the Oahu-Service Ath letic league. Early next spring the Chinese will tour Manila, China and Japan. WH f StjWS- it Y Georgian O Like the Song of Birds The ; Cheney The voice of the Cheney Phonograph is as pure, se rene and satisfying: as the voice of the woodland song bird. Let it sing for you. It will delight yon. If yon are going to buy a Phonograph you owe it to yourself to hear the Cheney. It is created upon the same basic principle as the pipe organ and violin. Prices $90, $125, up to $600 Gr F Tohnson piano (Jo. 147-149 Sixth, Bet. Alder and Morrison ; Pianos, Phonographs and Records 'La - iiiiB.ini.Biimginmiiiinm.i .for-formal a.odl -informal wear unusual knox overcoats clever accessories men's furnisher and hatter exclusive but not expensive fc t 331 Washington street, near broad way,