THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1919. 23 HIGH WHEAT BIDS Extreme Premiums Have Not "Increased Selling. TRADE IS AT STANDSTILL Stocks Remaining in first Hands Are Only 20 to 25 Per Cent or ' Crop Coarse Grains Firm. Only about 20 to 2. per cent of th wheat crop of the northwest is left In farmers' hands, according to statistic collected by dealers here. There is very littl buylne, as farmers refuse to accept the premiums that are offered, which are 50 cents over the government price for Marquis-and bluestem, 4."i cents for Turkey and from 7 to 12 cents for soft wheat, the latter price prevailing at interior points. The approaching rvnoval of the embargo has had no effect .as yet in depressing wheat values in any part of the country. , The demand for miilrun continues strong In the local market. Feed grains were generally firm. 'At the exchange, 100 tons of eastern yellow corn, December ship ment, were sold at (58.75, or a quarter over Saturday's bid. Offers for November corn were 50 cents higher. Clipped oats and eastern barley were up 25 cento. At Kan Francisco barley sold lVi 4Vi cents higher at $3.50 for December and $3.49 for May. Chicago barley options closed unchanged to Vz cent higher. Crop conditions in the northwest were reported as follows: Oregon 'Seeding continues in a few lo calities. Idaho Winter wheat doing well. Washington Moderate raina during last hlf of week favorable to winter wheat, iaome plowing and seeding winter grains during Intervals between rains. Terminal receipts, in 'cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay prices have been advanced V cent a pound. The new quotation on white lead in tons in 13 cents and on red lead and litharge, 13 j cent?. PORTLAND . MARKET QUOTATIONS Grata. "Flour, Fed Merchants' exchange, noon session. Bid- Dec. $04.50 67 00 67. OO Jan. $55.00 7.00 67.50 53.50 55. 25 5S.23 65.75 per Oats Not. No. 3 white feed ... $54.25 Barley Standard feed 66. SO No. 3 blue 60.50 Corn No. .. yellow 6.50 62.00 59.00 Enxtern oats and corn, bulk: Oats 3rt-.b. clipped J12.50 53.00 oS-Ib. clipped 54.50 i4..5 Corn No. 3 yellow 62.50 58.50 Barley No. 2 65.25 63.50 WHEAT Government basis. $2.20 bunher. FLOUR Patents. $11.75; baiter hard wheat. $11.7512.33; whole wheat. $10.75; graham. $10.45; straights. $10.70. MILLFERD Mill run, f. o. b. mill, car lots, ton lots or mixed cars. $40: ton rolled barley. $70: rolled oats. $60; ground barley. $70: scratch feed, $80. CORN Whole. $72; cracked. $74. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland; Alfalfa. $2S: cheat. SIS: clover, $22; oats and vetch. $23: valley timothy, $26023. Tai ry and Country Prod ne. BUTTKR Cubes, extra. l01c pound; prime firsts. 60r60Hc: prints, parchment wrappers, box lots. 66ft 6Sc; cartons, 67 69c: half boxes. Jie more; less than half boxes. 1c more; butterfat. No. 1, 697uc per pound CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. D. Tillamook: Triplets. 32c: Young Americas. 33c; long horns, 33c: Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point; Triplets, 31c; Young Americas. 32AC. EGGS Oregon ranch, candled. 73 1$ 75c. selects, 76&blc: storage. No. 1, 50&60c POULTRY Hens. 23 & 30c; broilers. 23 30c: ducks. 30fr40c; geese, 25c; turkeys, Uve. 37c; dressed. 47c. VEAL Fancy. 21c per pound. PORK Fancy. 22'c per pound. STOCK RISE CONFIDENT LOWER HATES FOR MONET" AND ' FIRMER EXCHANGE FACTORS. Portland. Mon 24 1 2a .... " 7 Year ago 33. 24 45 1 17 Sea'n to dato.4lo 110 194I 310 7-VS Year ago 4t7 603 807 513 10O3 Tacoma, Sat.. 22 t .... 8 Year ago l.'i 1 3 Sa'n to date.3t',4 55 107 4S1 Year ago 3U44 1 . 110 b8 Seattle. Sat.. 2 17 2 4 Year ago 15 : .... Sea'n to date. 2345 14 351 35H 603 Year ago 32o6 43 717 3D2 1421 HOME GROWN APPLES FLKNTX1XX Stocks of Extra Fancy Fruit, Eight on Lo cal Market. While stocks of extra fancy apples are light there i a plentiful supply of the 1 lower grades on the market and this is about the only kind selling. Prices are Unchanged. Shipments of Oregon apples Friday were 45 cars. At the New York auction Ore gon apples sold as follows: SCO boxes Spitzenbergs. extra fancy, $2.603.15; fancy, $2. 25 & 2.65; 250 boxes winter ban anas, extra fancy. $3.35; fancy, $2.9U 3.15; 250 boxes Ortleys, extra fancy. $3.60; fancy, $3&3.15. Conditions at shipping points were tele graphed aa follows: Spokane, Wash. Few sales. Carloads t. o. b., usual terms. Wenatchee. choice medium and large Spitze-aberge, $1.00$i2: Winesaps. extra fancy medium to large, $3.10; fancy. $2.00; Newton, fa-ry me dium to large, $2.40. Yakima. Winesaps, extra fancy, medium to large, $3; small to large, $2.90; fancy large Delicious, $3.15; Homes, fancy medium to large, $2.15. Othr districts, no sales reported. Rochester, N, Y. Modern wire Inquiry. Demand and moving moderate, market steady. Som ordinary quality. Carloads f. o. b. tnrua.1 terms. Barrels, sales from cold storage. A 2Vi inches Baldwins, wide range prices $7.50 ti 8.30, mostly MXQ$.Z0. Sales storage. A 2t inches Baldwins. $7 7.50. B 2l4 Inches and up Baldwins, '$6.30. Mostly common storage shipments, all grades consigned or joi?u account. TtRREY PRICKS ADVANCE 2 CENTS Receipts to Date Are Much Lighter Than Expected. Receipts of dressed turkeys on Sunday and Monday were lighter than expected. Am a result, prices advanced and sales were made yesterday afternoon at 47 cents. It was thought the lightness of arrivals yesterday was due to the unwillingness of farmers to work on Sunday, as in. former years, in preparing the birds for market. It that was the case, receipts today should be large. Most of Sunday's arrivals went to fill out-of -town orders. The local de mand was stronger yesterday when It was seen the supply on the market was small. Retailers followed the market upward, most of them asking 55 cents for choice turkeys. There was a good stock at live poultry on hand and moat of it cleaned up at firm prices. The approaching holiday caused no Im provement in the demand for eggs and buying and Jobbmg prices were unchanged. The cube butter market was steady. Prints continued to sell at two prices. CORN FIRM IN GREAT BRITAIN More Offers for Distant Shipment From Argentina. The corn situation in Ureat Britain still retains a firm tone, cables Broomhail, al though offers of distant shipment from Argentine are in good supply at 63s per quarter and continue to meet with a fairly active aemana. fiate lor nearby ship. ment is not being ottered except in very meager quantities. At present the maxi mum price prevailing in the United King dom does not permit of a profitable busi ness being done at or under this level. owing to tne excessive nign treight rates. There has been some trade Ln American mixed sorts at 80s per quarter for De cember and January shipment. Arrivals into the United Kingdom have been on fair scale and practically all Plate sorts. Oats continue to rule firm with good demand from feeders in evidence. Market remains firm and Plate for No vember and December shipment quoted 53s Od to 54s per quarter An London, while tor February and March shipment 52s 6d to 62s 9d Is quoted. , Japanese Orange Received. Japanese oranges made their appear- on tne maricet yesterday and wen lMOted at $4 per double box. In former years they sold at $3 and $3.30. Another car of figs and two cars of lettuce also ar nd. There was a moderate local demand for potatoes and prices were firm and changed. Decrease in M beat Stocks. ' The American visible wheat supply com pares as follows: Bushelf. Increase. Mcvfmbfr 24, lnlft... !.(.uO0 "3.230.uuo ovembcr 25, HUs. , .127.351.0u0 0.257, 0t0 November -, 1 . 1 T . . . 21.213.Oo0 1,4'J.0M1 November 2. 1Mb... 63.2ti2.0o0 (Ui2.0no November -9, 1U1.... ti,b20,OUO 6.176.0UU uecrease. The oats vUible is IT. 273.000 bushels, decrease of 1.317.0O0 bushels; the corn visible is LJO.OOO bushels, an increase of 62,000 busneis. s bank. Clewing. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were aa follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $a.t2 1.14 $:t. l9ti.4O0 Seattle 6,Sit.6 1.3JS.OH4 Tacoma . , , . TS.uf.S 1 i tf . t . tj Spokane !.012,424 l,5ol,ts62 Lead Prices Advanced. . Cry whit lead, red It ad aad lit bare t Fruits and Vegetables. FRUITS Oranges, $5(&7; lmnns. $7.75 8.50 per box: grapefruit, $3.507 box; bananas, lOllc per pound; apples. $lzx4 per box ; grapes, 10 (q 15c per pound ; ca sabas, 4c per pound; pears. $2.25(&3.25 per box ; cranberri es, $4. 50 tfj 5. 75 per box ; $ 13 r(?ir per barrel; huckleberries, 1820c per pound. VEGETABLES Cabbage, C2e per pound; lettuce. $4.50 per crate; beets. $2.25 per sack; cucumbers, $1.75'gi2.50 dor.; tomatoes, $4.50 & 5 per box; eggplant, 20c per pound; carrots, $1.50 per sack; squash, 214f'3c per pound; pumpkins. Hc per pound; celery, per aozen, peppers, 20c per pound ; horseradish. 15c per pound; garlic, 4045c per pound; cauliflower, $3 & 3.50 per dozen; turnips, $2.75S 3 per sack. rOTATOES Oregon, $33.25 per irk' wppt. rj; 61 fc oer pound. OXIONS Oregon. 4V4ftHc Per pound. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: Pl'GAR Sack basis: Fruit or berry, $0.77; beet, $9.95; golden C. $9.27; pow dered, in barrels. $10.37; cubes, in barrels, $10.62. NUTS Walnuts, R40c; Brazil nuts. ROc; filberts, 3c; almonds, 8738c; pea nuts," 15 16c; chestnuts, 25c. SALT Half ground. 100b, $17 per ton; 50s, $18.75 per ton; dairy, $26.50;28 per ton. RICE Blue Rose. 14c per pound. BEANS White. 9 He: pink, 8c: lima. 17 lit c per pound ; bayous, s 3t c ; Mexican red, 7 lie. COFFEE Roasted, m arums, stftffowc Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS Choice, 35c pound; standard, 34c; skinned, 27(&30c, picnic. 2326c; cot tage roll, 30c. LARD Tierce basis, 32c; compound, 28c per pound. DRY PALT Short, clear backs. 2G31c, plates. 2427c; exports. 25&2$c. BACON Standard, 4042c; choice, 37 39c. Sharpest Advance Are Made by Specialties, Which Featured Re cent Reaction Bonds Weaker. NEW TORK, Not. 24. Developments dealing with the financial market ever the week end and those reported In ths course of today's slow but confident ad vance of prices were almost -wholly favor able. Call loans opened at 7 per cent, the month's lowest initial rate, and held at that quotation throughout, large sums being available. Time money also, re laxed, but was in scant supply at 7 4 per cent, the maximum bid. Foreign exchange Inclined to greater steadiness, despite the new elements of uncertainty injected by the Italian situa tion, and reports from Washington re garding the coal conference were viewed with more encouragement. For the first time in many weeks tran sactions for the full day fell considerably short of 1,000,000 shares. Stocks, which featured the recent re action, were the strongest features, im pelling additional covering of contracts. In this rrouu General Motors. Plerce- Arrow, Crucible Steel and high grade oils j and shipping were conspicious at ex treme advances of 3 to 8 points. Sugar, textiles, leathers, and tobacco owed much of their strength to excellent trade relations. Rails and coppers were the only laggards, the latter being de pressed on intimations of another drop in the orice of the refined metal, due to the abesence of domestic and foreign demand. Sales amounted to 850.000 shares. Weakness of Liberty issues and local tractions featured the active bond market. Total sales, par value, aggregated $16,500. 000. . Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. STATEMENT OF CONDITION The Bank of California National Association San Francisco Including Its Branches in Portland, Seattle and Tacoma At Close of Business November 17, 1919 ASSETS Loans and Discounts $ Bank Premises (San Francisco and Branches) Other Real Estate Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit. J .... . Sundry Bonds and Stocks United States Bonds to secure Circulation Other United States Bonds, Certificates of Indebt edness, Contracts, etc ....... Redemption Fund with United States Treasurer.... 68,580,187.51 1,106,650.72 645,630.45 8,998,317-.38 4,968,115.04 2,150,000.00 5,906,830.55 107,500.00 Cash and Sight Exchange 38,215,455.90 Sales. Am Beet Sue. 4.D0U American Can 4.700 Am Car & F. . 1,800 Am H L, pfd o0 Am Loco 10.BO0 Am Sm A Ret 6.100 Am Sug Kef. . 3.HOO Am Sum Too. l,4io Am T & T 30 Am Z L 4 S. . 100 Anaconda Cop 8,9oo Atchison 1,300 A U & W I S S 1.4HO Bald Loco.... 83.300 Bait & Oliio. . 3.100 Beth Ste-1 B 9.aoO Butte & Sup.. 200 Cal Pet 2.000 Can Pacific 4110 Cen Leather.. l,fl"0 Ches & Ohio.. ttoO C M i St P. . 2.3O0 Chi R I & Pae 1.3O0 Chino Copper. 4.DOO Cc l F & I SOO Cl.rn Produ... 3.5KO Cucib!e Steel. ID.OO Cuba Can Sug lo.loo U. S Food Prod 5.2O0 Erie 700 Gen Electric. . 700 Gen Motors., ll.ttoo Gt Nor pld 4,200 Gt X Ore ctfa 1,200 Illinois Cen.. 100 Inep Copper. .. 4,900 Int M M pfd. 1.800 Inter Nickel.. 3.100 Inter Paper. . . 3.2O0 Kan City So.. 100 Kenn Cop 8,800 pound; 3- stiort staple. High. 7 54 137 125 07 V4 67 141 4 00 V, lOO V4 1S54 63 lUHii 112 '4 38 S 08 21 n 48 148 '4 . ik 42 li 27- 38 42 84- 218 48 77 15i 170 338 & 40 Vt 02 10614 25 71 17 30 Va Low. 05 r4 13.) 124 14 05. 83 138 . 89 100 184 60 88 168 107 37 04 . 21 43 146 06 67 ,t 41 27 88 42 83 212 47 76 14 1 S!l 333 83 40 02 5 10.-. 24 Total $130,678,687.55 - LIABILITIES Capital $ Surplus and Undivided Profits. Circulation Letters of Credit. Other Liabilities 8,500,000.00 8,845,780.92 2,150,000.00 9,086,063.69 17,055,974.71 Deposits 85,040,868.23 Total $130,678,687.55 W. PORTLAND BRANCH, THIRD AND STARK STREETS A. MAC RAE, J. T. BURTCHAELL, Manager. Asst. Manager. 70 17 20 Hops, Wool, Etc. HOPS 1010 crop, 8.',c per year contracts, 45c. 40c, Joe, MOKA1K Long sutpie. TAI.I.UW Io. 1. iwwiitz per pouna. CA!CARA BARK New, 11c per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon, fine. 3555c; medium, 4O30c; coarse, 35i)40c; valley medium. 45W55C; coarse, 35&40c. Hides' and Pelts. HIDES No. 1 salt cured hides (under pounds), 35c; No. 1 salt cured hides over 4i pounas,, u. u. a sail turea bull hides. 20c; partly cured hides, 2c per pound less; green maes, oc per pound less; N'o. 2 hides, ic per pouna ie&; nair-suppea Aides, one-third less than No. 1 hides; No. trimmed callsKins tup to 10 pounas), c. No. 1 trimmed kip skins 15 to 30 pounds), 40c; No. 2 skins, 2c per pound ess; hmr-sLippeu skins, one-mira less tnan No. 1 akina; dry runt niaes, i pounds ana up, 35c; dry llinl ouns. -c; ary Hint cair skins.'under 7 pounds, 75c; dry salt hides, pounds and up. zuc; ary sail Dulls, 20c; drv salt call skins, under 7 pounds, 40c; dry cull hides and skins, half price. PKLTS i.'ry ions-wool pens, duni:c per pound; dry medium wool pelts, 2528c per pound; dry shearing pelts, 50c $1 each; salt ions-wool pelts. $22.50 each: salt medium wool pelts, 1. 5032 each; salt shearing pelts, 50cia'$l each. Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, J2.08; raw. cases, 52.16; ooneu, oarreis, a. .us; Dolled, cases, $2.18. TURPKNliNis lanits, ti.u; cases. S2.01. aeons. l'lc; cases, 24-931C GASOLINE Iron barrels, 23c; tank wagon, 23 c; cases, iwc SAN FRANCISCO PBODICE MARKETS Prices Current n ejfetablea, tresh Fruits, Etc., tat Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 24. Butter. 6Sc. Kegs Fresh extras, bSc; extra puliets, 3 c. Cheese Firsts, 30o: Young America, 38c. Poultry Hens. 30 31c; roosters, young. 30((i31c; old, IS'u-Oc; broilers, 3Sc: fryers. 82c; geese. 28c; pipeons, f2.753.25 per dozen; squabs, Iwaioc. Vegetables Ens plant. 10(471.-0; pep pers, -bell, S1.752.S5 lug box; do chile, 1 ft1. 50: sutiasn. nuouaro, i.-oa 1. 1 . suck; ao. summer. j.iu iug. luumiuc, uwwi.ju lug; lettuce, 30c oosen; potatoes, rivers, whit. $2.50ti3; sweet, 3a4ttr4c; onions. t:t. 25(ti 3.50 cental: peas. lo&20c lb.: cu cumbers, S2(&2.50 small box; $3:t?3.5C large; string beans. Jl12c lb.; garden, 15-B20C; llmas, 12ni;c; garlic. -;oc; tur nips, I1.75a2 sack; beets, 1.00(B1.75 carrots. II. 2a Ccffl.oO. Fruit Oranges. 4t4.7r dot; lemons, 94 41-5.50; grapefruit, 2.50w4.2u: bananas, SS10c pound; pineapples, S3 9 4 dosen; Dears, cooking, 1'(J1.-ju lug; apples, apnx- enbergs, 4-tler, S2fci2.o0; 4-tler Newtown Pippins. S2.50v;3; qutnees, lac box; elons. crate. Honey Dew, 7oc(j-1.25: abas. 75-9 00c; figs, double layer black. sl.251Tl.50: strawberries, 816-ulS chest huckleberries. 18t&20c pound; grapes, S2d 2.75 lug box; pomegranates, S2'o2.25 box; persimmons. $1.50 2.25 box; cranberries. S4.50'iio.uO box. Receipts Flour. 8700 quarters; barley, 5505 centals: - beans, 572S sacks; potatoes. 17.261 sacks; onions. 020 sack; hay, 403 tons; hides, 114: wine. 64.000 gallons. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Nov. 24. Hogs Receipts 226, steady. Prime, S 16.50 i 1 7 ; medium to choice, $15.2516.25: rough heavies. $14.50(rria: pigs, f 14 15.00. Cattle -Receipts 64. steady. Best steers. $0.50 4T 10.50; medium to choice. $80; common to good, $5.50497.50; best cows and heifers, $7.508.75: common to good, aoayj; ouns, 401. caivsi, 4'0;i. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Nov. 24. Evaporated apples, quiet; western. 1024c; state. -o L fo - ic. Prunes, firm; California s. 1432c; Ore gon s, -u C Peachee. firm, standard, 2121c choice. 21 4 22 '-c: fancy. 24g25c. Mex Pet 8,3O0 205 201 Miami Cop... 5O0 24 . 24 Mid vale steel. 5.300 52 51 Mo Pacific... 800 27 27 Mont Power.. 3oo 60 50 Nav Copper... 2.400 15 14 N Y Central.. 1.400 73 72 N Y N H & H 1,500 32 31 Nor & Wedt. .. WOO 100 1001 Nor Pacific.. 3,200 85 84 Pacific Mall Pan-Am Pet.. 10.600 100 107 PennKvlvania. 3.6O0 42 42 Pitts & W Va. 600 3o 30 Pitts Coal 3 62 Ray Con Cop. 1.800 21 20 Heading S.xoO 70 77 Hep Iron & S. 17.5110 107 1U5 Sin Oil & Ret. 30.700 30 50 So Pac 13.7O0 00 07 So Railway... 600 25 24 Stude Corp 26, GOO 110 116 Texas Co 3,700 301 205 Tob Products. 1.300 84 83 Union Pacific. 5. 700 120 126 Un Retail St. 24.800 01 8 U S In Al 1,700 106 105 U S Steel..,.. 31.500 105 104 do pfd Utah Copper.. 3,100 77 74 West Union... 2O0 8S 87 West Elec... 2. loo 63 53 Wlllys-overl.. 3.80O 31 31 National Lead 10O 81 81 B O Cities lias.. 2.0O 511 50 Roy JJ S Y... 7.U00 1022, 101 Sale. 06 54 137 125 06 66 140 00 100 18 61 88 168 112 38 05 21 46 146 07 67 41 27 36 42 83 217 47 77 14 1 60 337 83 40 07 54 106 25 71 17 20 112 203 24 51 27 50 15 32 1O0 " 85 I 37 108 42 30 63 20 70 107 40 07 24 118 2M6 84 120 01 105 105 114 75 88 53 31 81 50 101 7 per cent: ruling rate T per cent: closing bid 6 per cent: offered vt 7 per cent; last loan 7 per cent. Bar silver $1.36. Mexican dollars $1.04. LONDON. Not. 24. Bar silver Td per ounce. Money 3 per cent. Discount rates, short bills 5 6 per cent; three months 60 per cent. Coffee Futures Close Lower. NEW YORK, Nov. 24. The market for coffee futures was lower today, owing to declines in Santos and further scatter ing liquidation. After opening unchanged to 10 points lower, prices steadied up a few points on covering by near month shorts, but soon eased off again owing to easier later cables from Brazil. Decem ber sold down from 15.25& lS.OGc ana March from 15.700 15.55. with the mar ket closing at a net declins of 6 to 20 points. December. 15.08c; January, 15.23c; March. 15.58c; May. 15.65c; July. 15.80c; September, 15.50c. Spot cotree quiet; nominally unchanged: Rio 7s, 15i15c; Santos 4s. 26 26c Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Oa., Nov. 24. Turpentine firm, $1.5791.57; sales 311 barrels re ceipts, 44 barrels; shipments, 722 barrels; stock. 13.143 barrels. Rosin firm; sales, 1420 barrels; receipts, 177 barrels; shipments. 2804 barrels; stock. 52.501 barrels Quote: H, $16.1525; D, $16.25630: E, $16.3550; F. $16.50; G. $16.56060; K. $18.60065: I. 17.30w.',0; K, $18.3550; M, 1910; N. $18.83; WG, WW nothing dolr jr. EXEMPT FROM ALL FRENCH GOVERNMENT TAXATION 3150,000.00 FIFTEEN YEAR 6 GOLD BONDS Lyons, Marseilles and Bordeaux DUE NOVEMBER 1, 1934 DENOMINATIONS: $100, $500, and $1,000 We own and offer $150,000.00 of these bonds of the Cities of Lyons, Marseilles and Bordeaux, France, and recommend them as very desirable foreign investment securities. These are coupon bonds and are payable in GOLD COIN of tha United States, in New York, both as to interest and principal, with out deduction for any French government or municipal taxation. Each issue is a direct tax obligation of the issuing city and will be the only external loan outstanding. The Cities of Lyons, Marseilles and Bordeaux are three of the largest and most important trade and industrial centers of France. They were a long distance from the war zone and did not suffer from the hostilities. In our judgment these three issues of bonds offer clients and investors every element of safety and very profitable interest yield. PRICE 92.50. TO YIELD 6.8 MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. XJIK PREMIER MVMC1PAL BONO HOISB CAPITAL. 0K IMIULIOX DOLLARS Morris Bolldlns. 309-11 Stark Street. Between Fifth and Slith TELEPHOE BROADWAY 2131 PORTLAND, OREGON ESTABTJSHED OVElt A ULARTLR tESTIRr Bid. BONDS. U S Lib 3s.l00.1rtl Atch gen 4s -73 do 1st 4s 94.SO D & R G ref 5.tS274 do 2d 4s . . . .02.00. N YC dwb 6n... 3 Vi do 1st 44s...'.4.40iN' P 4s 77 do 2d 4. ..'J.30iN P as ball do 3d 4''i8...fl4.:4iPac TAT 5s.. 87 do 4th 4V.s...S.3 Pac con 44s... 81 Victory 3is . .U9.(iS P cv &s 101 i uu 4s Ky as 86 U S ref us reg.'loo do coupon ..Hm U S cv 3s reg..8H do coupon ...bTJ U S 4s reg. .10ti do coupon . 108 AT&T cv 6t. U P 4s U S Steel Anglo-fr'r 5s s. 84 i bid; toffered. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Nov. 24. Closing quotations: 18 Allouez . Ariz Com . . . Calu & Ariz. & Ariz Centennial . . Cop Range . hast .Butte . Franklin ... . . Isle Royalle Lake Cop 4 Mohawk o 34 . . BO 3o I Vorth Butte 13; Old Dora 63 osccola . iQuincy 15 (Superior 4tf Sup & Boston 14'Shannon 4 iL'tah Con 304 Winona 1 lureene can .... 3 Mortgages DO TOU GET SERVICE IN ADDITION TO YOUR MORT GAGE MONEY? OUR CLIENTS DO. We stand ready to advise and assist our clients in all financial and legal problems that may arise. WESTERN BOND AND MORT GAGE COMPANY 80 Fourth Street Portland Oregon Irrigation of this favored district of ti lower Yakima Valley was undertaken, in a large way, thirty years ago. . A complete irrigation system has been in continu ous operation for nearly twenty years. This year. 1000 more acres were placed under cultivation. Cash sales 'of crops amounted this year to more than $1,000,000. COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT Benton County, Washington GOLD 6 BONDS These bonds, in the opinion of counsel, are a direct obligation of a municipal district of 11,500 acres; a prior public lien running ahead of any mortgage lien, including mortgages securing Federal farm loan bonds. ' Exempt from, all Federal income taxes. PRICE: Par and Accrued Interest to Yield the Full 6 Bords-Truss- Acceptances lapitai m. ourpius fto.oao PorI erd. Oraqorv. LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS If Voo Mnst rr.LL Tour Liberty or Vlctorr Bond. Srll to TS. If You Can BUY More Liberty or Victory Bonds, Buy- From VS. On Monday, November 24, 191M. the cloning New York market prices for liberty and victory bonda were as given below. They are the governing prices for United States (tovernment liberty and victory bonds all over the world, and the hicrhest. We advertise thise prices daily In order that you may always know the New York, market and the exact value of your liberty and victory bonds: lt 2d 1st 2d Rd 4th Victory Victory Stts 4s 4s 4s 48 449 38 4s Market . .$liU.09 $94. SO $J2.0S $'J4.5 9.S2 $J42? $uf Sun. 2ft Interest.. . 1.56. 1.76 .11 1.89 .12 .47 l.t3 . 2.44 Total. $101.04 $96.08 $92.19 $96.39 $92.44 Sft.05 92.S:t $101.15 $10l.fi4 When buying, we deduct 37c on a $50 bond and S2.50 on a $1000 bond. We well at the New York market plus the accrued interest. Burglar and fireproof safe deposit boxes for rent. Open until S P. M. Saturdays, MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond Honae Capital One Million Dollars) Morris Building;, 30U-311 feUirtt (Street ltctnren Mb and 6 tlx. Telephone Broadway 151. Established Over S3 Years. 63 Good Ways to Invest Your November Funds 5 8 Money. Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Nov. 24. Mercantile Da. oer 3 Per cent. Sterling 00-day bills $4.01 H: commercial GO-day bills on banks $4.01 ; commercial 60-day bills, $4.00; demand $4.06: cables 1 4.0b 34. Francs, demand 9.u2; cables 8.50; guilders, demand 37S ; cables 37i ; lire. demand 11.84; cables 11.60; marks, de mand 2.50; cables 2.55. Government bonds and railroad bonds heavy. Time loans strong; 60 days, 90 days and six months 64 per cent bid. Cat! money easy. Hiph 7 per cent; low Bordeaux Lyons Marseilles 15-year 6 Gold Bonds At 922 to yield over 6.80 Call or phone Freeman Smith a CAMP CO. aaccMO noon Nuoinwnr"- -w Bm isv Maui a WILSON-HEILBRONNER CO. BROKERS 201-2-3 Railway Exchange Direct Private Wires to All Exchanges STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON SERVICE That's All TELEPHONES: MAIN 283 MAIN 284 . Correa pondenta E. F Huttoa &, Co.. New York; Clement Curtlsj &. Co.. Hay den Stone & Co.. Boston. Chicago; OUR INTRODUCTORY IMMODESTY In establishing an office in Portland for the purchase and sale of investment securities, a few words about ourselves and our policies may be permissible as an introduction to the Oregon financial public. We began business in 1891 with straightforwardness and a capacity for hard work as our principal assets. Although we have not "set the world afire," we have paid our bills, treated our employes well, done some kindnesses and gradually extended our business into all of .the leading cities of the Coast. We are the oldest and perhaps the largest investment house in the Pacific North west, though our bid for patronage is based wholly upon our willingness and ability to be USEFUL, and not upon size and prestige. We finance firms, corporations and municipalities in a position to secure us with bonds, mortgages or preferred stocks safe enough for the large and growing clien tele which confidently entrusts its investments to us. While we try to be of service to the community and do not, therefore, despise small transactions, we are more particularly interested and adept in the larger loans involving $100,000.00 and more. We have one unyielding standard in making loans 'and buying bond issues, large or small SAFETY from which neither desire for profits nor ambition for gi-owth diverts us. We- have never lost money for a client, and if care and conscience will prevent, we never shall. We have a wide knowledge of men and affairs', of communities and values, in the Pacific Northwest, and while we believe implicitly in the country, we have a prop erly tempered enthusiasm for matters not yet proven and are not optimists WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY. - We invite sound, non-speculative borrowers to avail themselves of our modern and extensive facilities for making loans upon adequate security, promptly, on fair terms, and with careful regard to the needs and abilities of the borrower. We offer to investors exceptional and not wholly selfish service ; particularly will inexperienced investors find us useful and dependable. We regard our vocation as an honorable profession, and our clients to be protected, not exploited. We are grateful for patronage but not so insistent upon it as to carry solicita tion beyond the limits of good taste, nor are we so ambitious to do a large business as we are to do a FINE business. We are satisfied to be spoken of in other communi ties as "thoroughly reliable." Our experience, facilities and advice in matters financial are freely available to client and stranger alike. We count good-will an asset, and work a fundamental necessity. Our policies require a selected "and carefully trained personnel, necessitating a gradual rather than a sudden growth. We hope in the course of time to build up in Oregon, as we have done elsewhere, a clientele that we can confidently face twenty eight years later. CARSTENS & EARLES, Incorporated Government, Municipal and Corporation- Bonds U. S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ROY A. JOHNSON, Resident Manager XTTAIT until you have consulted this critically selected list of November Offerings. You will find that it includes bonds, short term notes, or preferred stocks uncommonly suited to your own investment needs. This list, containing descriptions of 63 attractive issues, sent on request for OR-262. The National City Company Correspondent Offices in over 50 Cities Portland -Yeon Building Telephone 6095 Main. Bonds Short Term Notes Preferred Stocks SEATTLE SPOKANE -SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES GOVERNMENT, CORPORATION AND MUNICIPAL BONDS TO NET FROM 57 TO 7 PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. MUNICIPAL BONDS From the StaU of OREGON WASHINGTON IDAHO To Net 4.90 to 6.50 Exempt From Present Income Tar f.j.neverQaux 5i(5mpanv 87 Sixth Street Broadway 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building XX. FACTS XO. 480. TRUCK It is almost lmpoBsi ble to visualize the vast extent to which highway transport service will develop in the next decade: p a r t I c u 1 arly so If they are paved with BITULITHIC WABREX BROS. CO. 2 - n - 8 HALL & COMPANY BUY AND EF.T.T. Railroad ' Public Utility Industrial Municipal BONDS YIELD INO 5 to 7 Foreign Government Loans Local Securities Preferred Stocks Lewis Bldg., Portland, Or. -TWO DOZEN- Blaachard Evaporated FRESH EGGS $1.15 A alt Your Grocer Haselwood Company. TMatrlbatora actlaad. Urtgoi Investors read Hie Wall Street Journal V