TITC MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1919. ID REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVIXGTON COLONIAL. ' SACRIFICE $8000. Her la positively the best buy in Irr lngton; 8-room colonial with many un usual features; modern to the minute: hardwood floors, large glass un par lor; two fireplaces, two toilets; say, folks, we're not going: to try to describe this elegant home in detail; we can't do It justice. But we wilt say it couldn't be duplicated under $12,000 and the price Is only $000, $4700 cash. A positive sacrifice for quick sale. Owner Just must have the money. Located close in rear Knott street. Let us show you the biggest bargain In Irvington. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 "Washington St. Main 8220. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 rooms and sleeping porch $3250. Here is an ideal home, located near Bandy blvd.. hardwood floor, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, furnace, etc.; garage, street assts. jrald Terms. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Star st., near 3d. Main 3516. Main 30U2. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. ENGLISH COLONIAL. Large corner lot; improvements all in and paid. Will sell 2000 under cost and how the bills. Built two years ago. You .can't beat this. Call at Laure'ihurst of fice, 27o Stark st., or phone Main 1700; evenings. East 2fr6. MR. DELAHUNTY. $2000. 465 PELLEVUE AVE., WOOD LAWN. 6 rooms, also room, arranged for bath, double construction, Vne fruit and flow ers, large orchard, porch; toiiet. East i v o. $5800. Alameda bungalow, reception hall. llv- tug room, den. dining room, Dutch kitchen. 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs; many unusual oum-in effects, white enamel, hardwood floors. East 7076. BARGAIN SEE IT. 555 E. Sth St., cor. Woodward ave. 6 room modern house, newly painted and In fine shape; has new garage on con crete; price $2730; good terms. E. 2871. 3250 7 ROOMS, lot 50x100. smail cash payment, balance as we can agree This is a good buy; that's no lie. See J P McKenna. Belmont and 39th. Tabor 4l3 Sunnyside car. BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY HOME BUYERS. If you are looking for a bargain it will be to your interest to call up Mr. StoweiL Tabor C8S1. $4204h-- 8-room splendid home, lot 50x100, arranged for one or two families, best of neighborhood, one block of Sunnyside car. See J. P. McKfnna, Belmont and Kast 30th. Tabor 6493. Suburban Homes. NOTICE. HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOSE-IN ACRE AGE AND SUBURBAN HOMES OF MERIT. 1 acre, new 4-room plastered bunga low, 'a cement basement, gas, cement walks, good wired-in chicken runs: close to fe2d st. Price $2500. terms. 7 acres, all under cult. ; 5-room bun galow, good barn, chicken hse.. etc.: eiectriclty: facing Capital highway; near Tigard. Price $5000. terms. 2 acre, all under high state of cult-all- kinds -of choice shrubbery., grapes, berries, fruit and nuts; good 6-room modern Dutch-Colonial bungalow; gas, lee, full cement basement, own water system; all necessary outbuildings. Price $7000. terms. 7S acres, mostly all in cult.: all kinds f fruit and berries; modern 7-room plas tered hpuse. own water system: near Bell Ro.-e sta. Price $6800. $2800 cash will handle. acres, all In cult.; 5-room plastered house, cement milkhouse. large screened In porch, modern chicken house with wired-in runs. barn, etc.; 2 good Jer sey cows, about 50 chickens, all neces sary tools and equipment. including cream separator: close to Tigard. AU goes for $5000. term. These places and many more like them have all been personally inspected by us and will stand investigation. See GEO. P. HENRY, with FRANK. L. McGUIRE. Abington bldg. Open Sundays. NEW BERG HIGHWAY BARGAIN. 17 acres located just off cement high way on county road 18 miles from Port land, close to electric station. Woven wire fencing, fine creek, family orchard email fruit, 4-room ceiled house with bathroom; fine modern barn 30x48, mod em hog house, greenhouse, garage, run nine water in all buildings. Water sys tent could not be duplicated for $1500. Electric lights. You can buy all tm for $4.00. Eleven acres mostly in cul tivation aainining can be purchased. JOHN E. HOWARD, R1S Chamber of Commerce. t; ACRE. S-room cottage, in fine condi tion, gara.ee. barn, chicken house will care for 300 chickens, plenty of fruit, good garden. 2 blocks from Woodstock car; $1000; easy t-rms. Mam 1SG9; evenings Tabor SMALL DAIRY FARM. SIHLKBS OF PORTLAND. a-res. all in cultivation; modern B-room plastered house, fine barn with water piped in;' fine cement milkhouse and otliiT outbuildings: city water, gas and elect ric lights. Price onlv $7500. K-ccnt car fare; finest kind of soil; good auto roaa. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak st. Broadway 4133. ACRES. Good 5-mom house, centrally lo cated on eat side, soil the best; on 1 1 a rd - surface ft ree t : murp than y-Mi expect for $:'.!hm.i; terms. Main 6S69; evenings Tabor 322. -. ACRE. MODERN fi-ROOM IIOI'SK. PRICE $3 250. 4 acre with lots of fruit and berries'. modern 6-room house with bath, eleclri lights and gas. Dutch kitchen, etc; only 1 bloi.k to station; nice chicken house and yard. A Zinc buy; don't miss it. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 5 Oak st. Broadway 4133. MULTNOMAH STATION. NEW SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. 1U acres, all in cultivation; new room modern bungalow; garage: on good road close to Multnomah station; city water, eiectnc ngnts aiui gas. frio onlv $40(0. $2000 rHsh and terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak st. Broadway 4133. 3-ROOM HOUSE. Si 400. 1Oxl0O GROUND. A dandy little home, situated in th. iiburhs, bS-eent carfare. On Orego MW'tric. aii winds or nerrics and soni fruit. Fine garden. . Only 2 blocks to tat ion. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 805 OAK ST. B R O A PWAV 413 TIGARD DISTRICT. Four acres, entirely improved. Goo T-rnom house. 2. bearing fruit trees, applet, cnurnes. pears, peaches, quince ana pprru ; excellent boil, no r House is bet ter than the avera.ee fine condition; price $3750. terms $1750 ess ii, balance mortgage. ee ATCHISON 204 Henry bldg. CUT down the hih cost of living by pur chasing a nait acre at Jennings i.oilg1 unoer cultivation witn a -4-room hous goou won, cnicKen nouse. feed room c.w shed, small fruit, a fine cow an cmkkpih. Ail lor jn,.u; $:to 1 bundle: terms on balance. John Howard. 318 Chamber of Commerce. RIVE RD ALE. 350-ft. frontage on RiverdaTe road Briar ood station, containing 1U hi fr $5000 to close an estate. Phone or w rite 'HAS. B. "HUFFY. Administrator. VOti .East Glisan Broadway 1090. nWOlOB SUBURBAN HOVE snd acreage, well located, near car Hn from $1M)U up. inquire Jd house nort rt Kisley station, on Oregon City car i:nr. sijrn Aier rsrooK. $2400, TERMS. NEW BUNGALOW. NVarly V acre, 4 nice rooms. large au ir ; amsworm avenue, near Mathena. 12111 v . tsann Diag. 1 A., NEAT cottage, auto road. Lak 1. rove. Hou; terms. Mcrarland. Yeon bldg. CAPITAL highway, $2:.r0; $600 cash, bldg. 6 acres, old hous Met arland, 602 Veon For Sale Bunm Pro perty . T50t CENTRAL EAST PORTLAND louxloo corner on East 7th and Cou- ----- apartment or garage sue; worth $12,000. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. AMngton b:ag. 106?. FOR . SALE Close-in busiuess lot. suita ble for Karage. factory, fuel vard or con tractors' headquarters; easy payments. Bt. 3. Oregonian. l or Sale Acreag e. Iti ACRES large fir timber, some cedar close to Uillis station, on Bui! Run car n?vftne LIino ervl: $-20. terms. 2in Oregon bldg. Broadway 1058. FOR Oregnn City line acreage. Improved or unimproved, ses John Bruwn 34 Rail' a Exchan p b 1 dg Mar. 333 L W ACF.ES. 6-room houe. bam. chicken e. 2 blorks from station electric line. i-tow in;$2SOO, trmi. Call East 419. a ACRES, small house, near car- afl cleared ; barsatn account slcknesa." W 7M. Oregonian. t ACRF.S at Ruby junction, one-half cared. balance fir grove; $1100 terms. Rroa d way 1K.VS. 209 Oregon bid g. ACRES. $1100; cheap house; $200 cash, Main J 0.2. Mciariand. tk2 Icon bid-. REAL ESTATE- For Sale Acreage, JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 6-acre tract with a 2-story, 6-room. well- built bouse, large bam and other outbuildings, city water, gas as well as 3 cisterns, several large bearing cherry trees, other young trees will be bearing good in the next two or three years; plenty of berries, grapes, etc.. Just 7 miles from court house on base line road. Ideal chicken ranch. $0000 with. term. HARRIS A MAXWELL, Main 2-::i. 304 Ry. Exchange bldg. READY TO MOVE IN. $1950 buys a choice 20 acres, 30 ml from Vancouver, on good road. 1 mile to station, family orchard, 3 acres cleared, balance easily cleared, new 3-room fur nished house, small barn. 3 fine cows. 2G Leghorn chickens, all tools on place; spring and well water. $700 cash, long time on balance. See Swan, Scandinavian-American Realty Co., 24-8 Stark, at. Main 5429. LOGGED-OFF LANDS. Tracw, i acres up, located within 30 miles of Portland, on railroad; good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy on your own terms. LCEDDEMAXN COMPANY. 913 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. 20-ACRE SNAP. ONLY $100 PER ACRE. Just off paved highway. 19 miles from courthouse, 4 In cultivation, bal. open pasture; fine spring, no rock nor gravel. You will not get a snap like this often. Call 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. CLARKE COUNTY ACREAGE. 76 acres. 2 miles from Biiton electric carline, on good road; considerable tim ber suitable for cord wood; $00 per acre; terms. F. B. HOLBROOK CO.. 214 Lumber Exchange bldg.. Portland. 5000 ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers onlv: easv terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Diag., Tacoma, waan. OWNER'S sacrifice, beautiful 15 acres. near Vancouver electric and paved road; excellent for prunes and walnuts: cultii vated, except half acre standing tim ber: nlastered house with concrete base ment; $3500. terms. Evenings, Tabor 15, 141 East 00th North. Vt ACRES, cleared. 4-room house, barn. cnicKen nouse. juu oeanng iruit trees, close to Cottrell station, on Bull Run car line ; would take 5 or 6-room house in trade. 20tf Oregon Diag. uroaaway 165S. OR SALE 80 acres unimproved land in White Salmon valley. Washington; good orcnara ana grazing iana; price siruuu. $1200 cash, balance trade. Write Mrs. E. Crowe, Husum, Washington. BY owner, 1 mile north of Stevenson, $100 an acre; 30 acres, 10 in 12-year orcnard. Spitz.. Newtown, Jonathan; 5 in meadow. balance stump land. S. Sainton, Stev en so niasi ROOM house, 2 acres, 2-room house, '. acres: also fruit, garden, chicken ranch es, school, paved road, close to Portland; easy terms, uwner, 4oo loth North. Phone East 7088. TEN ACRES LAND $150. $50 cash, baiance 1 to 5 years: Hbertv bonds' taken at par, one quarter oil rights reservea. j. james, mo wasnington st. Fruit and Nut Lands. IF YOU are looking for an investment that includes- a nice home as well a better than usual return on your money, take advantage of this. 60 acres (platted in 5-acre tracts) Jo miles from Portland in Willamette valley; 50 acres set to o to e-year-oid apples; s-year-old bore a commercial crop this year; 10 acres set to raspberries, and Logan berries, which will come into bearing next year. If you stop to think that you rarely get a chance to buy a com mercial orchard just coming into bear ing you will investigate this. 8-room house, garage, 2 barns an(l other out- Duiiuing.s, an ior su.uuu. ierms. HARRIS & MAXWELL. 304 Railway Ex. bldg. Main 2531. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD .AT A BIG SACRIFICE. 40-acre apple orchard 8 years old good commercial variety: 8700 boxe this year; owner is non-resident, and has written me to accept any reasonable of- rer. will sell this way below the mar ket. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 8C5 Oak st. Broadway 4133. O. AND C. RELINQUISHMENT. $200 buys this splendid 40-acre tract 30 of which are nearly levels Fine black soil. 2 miles from ilhoit, 4 miles to fceott's Mills, about 400.000 feet of tim ber. Let this sink In. Fred W. German lo.. iJJ Lham. or com. Open Sundays. BEARING WALNUT AND CHERRY OR CUARDS. CASH OR INSTALLMENTS MAITHKWf PLANTING CO., 616 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. For Sale Farms. 50 MINUTES FROM PORTLAND. 54 acres of fine Clarke - county land to be had at a bargain: about oae-hal clear; ten acres of the finest swall iand This Is good black loam soil and will raise anything: the uncleared hlf can be cleared in a very short time. There is one house, bam and other outbuildings on place, also a small family orchard ; you can have this at your own terms or part trade. Phone owner. Wdln. 5:6!. F A R M N EAR TROUT DALE. ' 40 acres; 1j acres cleared, bal. easy to clear; about 2i0 cords of wood, 5-rm. fair house and barn, good orchard, well, spring, finest soil lays good. mile from Columbia .highway. $4500 takes this. $2000 cash. Land in neighborhood selling for tw ice this price. Would trade equity for good home in Portland. NURD II A M PTON CO.. 401 Stork Exchange. Main S245. FOR SALE By owner. 75-acre ranch. stock and tools: 5 H miles south of Sea side, on Palific highway good road: fine for dairying and berries: 7 cows. 2 heif ers. 1 bull. 1 horse, some chickens. 6 room house, big barn practically new; water piped to both from spring. Price, only $tooper acre. H- A. ALLEN. SEASIDE. OR. NEAR HILLS BORO. ALL EQUIPPED AND STOCKED. 2t acres, all in cultivation, fine set nf buildings, and all equipped and stocked, ready to move on. with income from tha start. On good winter auto road, and "Dirt Cheap" at $5750. $2000 cash down. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak st. Broadway 4133. FINE PRUNE AND DAIRY RANCH. SO acres close to railroad in Yamhill county : Oregon's best oounty; about 35 acres in cultivation, of which about six acres are in ten-year-old prunes, nmall family orchard; five-room bungalow with hath, good barn, fair drver: all for only $7500, half cash. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. NEAR COTTAGE GROVE. $2700: $100i cash, buys a 140-aere ranch. 100 acre tillable. 40 under cul tivation. 2.000.000 feet of saw timber, f am ily orchard, 6-room house. 2 large barns, chicken house, smoke house, hog house, all fenced. 7 miles to Yonca'la Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com Open Sundays. STOCKMAN'S IDEAL RANCH. 522 acres. lowlands and highlands, wa ter from springs on the hillsides, rich bottom and all good clover or corn land, 35t acres open. bal. timber that ha.n good value; only $75 per acre: about 35 mi. out. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange b!dg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. My farm of 160 acres in Sask.. Can ada. ; 6 miles from town and railroad 40 rds. from postofftce; schoolhouse on farm, plenty of wood for fuel, splendid water. Will trade for small farm near Port. and. Address W. W. Beat tie, 3S2 Va Hawthorne ave. FA KMlKOR A STOCKMAN. 140 acres this side Salem, one of the best valley farms. An immense spring that affords irrigation tor lartre por tion. Buildings and most! v cultivated only $100 per acre. B. S. Cook. 601 4t ALUfc.. cleared, located a few miies norm 01 vonams; aoout on-half ii young orchard, prunes and aDDlea: v- eral springs: no buildings: owner a non resident, will give a great bargain for c:isn. apii.y 10 tast Morrison st. 49 ACRES, about 30 cleared and cultivated fenced and cross-fenced, familv nrrhi S-room house, barn, cement cellar, school about 2O0 yards : running water; snap $4HK). Frank K. Stearns. 202 Wilcox umfc. .twh op!. ir-B.. .tiar. invj. 50 ACRES, 10 cleared, besides garden and on-uaiu, miii uniimr, near large sawmill, at: 11101 aiiu blwic, 11 u use o rooms, large barn, chicken and pig houses and yaids; well located, good soil ; bargain. $3U00. 257 -ACRE STOCK FARM. " 120 acres in cultivation, remainder kuou , iiwue, goou. barn, at-ns jvuiiR u, o springs, on gooa ronti, 1 iim' irom Jiccoy. $50 per 7V, ACRES ON CARLINE. Good soil, part in cultivation, close to Station; worn, nt-muy. more iana If yo want It: $75. $100 down. DP.APER. 526 Chamber of Commerce. C.Li k'KLN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCH km near Portland. $73 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, a.l sixes. Mef anana, 1 eon oi.ag. 62 ACRES 16 acres in cultivation: 14 acres rroP. oa;ance pasture, xir timber 16 miles west Kugene. 3 miles from R. R. station; easy taring, flox 66. E'.mira. Or. YAKIMA VALLEY 20 acres close to tow $1150; government canal. 512 Selling bc- Main 4093. Central Yakima Ranches o. LOGO ED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, tillable: employment; eay terms. J. R. Sharp, 83 -s 3d st. MONTANA farms for i-aie by ouer. 450 Lat 19th NurLh. Lut 7666. REAL ESTATE. For 6aJe Farm. 23 14 acres, all tillable; timber for family use; 18 acres in high state or cultiva tion; fenced and cross fenced; very best of soli ;. well at back door; 2 acres of bearing prunes; family orchard of as sorted fruits, walnuts, chestnuts and small fruits of all kinds; 7-room house, fair barn, large chicken house, together with team, 2 wagons, mower, hay rake, plow, harrow, cultivator. 10 tons of hay, 4 acres of potatoes, large patch of car rots and other vegetables, brooder, fine Jersey cow. Only short distance from school; only 5 mi. from Camas, Wash., on good auto road. Price $0000; half cash. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, 3d & Main sts., Vancouver, Washington. 40 AC RE S $ 2 25 0. $500 cash, $100 semi-annually buys a splendid 40-acre ranch, nearly level. 5 ucres fairly cleared, 5 acres more cleared and seeded to clover between the stumps; irrigating ditch right through the place, water from same costing $2.50 per acre per year; well-built large 2-room house, good barn, log storehouse and other buildings; good plow, stump-puller, table and block and other tools: located 6 miles north of Carson Springs, up the Columbia river. Photograph at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. ABOUT 250 ACRES About 125 acres bot tom land, on Nehalem river, clear and In meadow; G acres upland clear, balance timber; right at river; new cheese fac tory on place: 2 large barns and sleeping shed, large hog barn, silo 16x36. hay In mow. 30 Holstein cows, 4 purebred ; 1 purebred Holstein bull, S heifers, 2 pure bred, and 5 yearling calves; 45 hogs, whey piped to hog house, water piped to all buildings; 4 horses, all machinery to run place. Price $4000: $1000 cash: terms on balance. 6 miles to town. 4 miles to hltrh school on good macadam road. W. Kuppenheimer, Tillamook, Or. REAL SNAP 40 acres excellent land, 10 acres in commercial apple orcnard, rest in oak timber, for sale at, price of raw land; close to station. Western Oregon Land Company, Hout bldg., Corvallis, Oregon. WANTED REAL ESTATE. $2,213,000 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. 1019. 808 HOUSES. This organization - can sell houses. Every house listed Is inspected, photo graphed, and appraised by Frank L. Mc Guire personally, and report made on your house without charge. You k-now that 12 real estate salesmen, with auto mobiles, working in a well organized of fice, which spends thousands and thou sands of dollars annually advertising homes exclusively, must get results. We are in touch with the majority of buy ers. List your home with us for re sults. SEE FRANK L. McGUTRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME Abington Bldg.. Mam 106S. Office open evenings and Sundays. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. An opportunity to have your home in spected, appraised and photographed by an expert appraiser, who will tell you what it Is worth, and what it can be sold for. all this Is free service which goes with our business. List your home with us to seil, we are doing special high-class advertising, which will in sure results. For prompt attention call E. M. Padden. Sales Manager. Bdwy. 3644. METZGER-PA RKER-FKRGUSOX CO. 802 Oak St WANTED. FROM OWNER. A real, homey home, something out of the ordinary, colonial or Japanese bun galow style with French doors preferred, hardwood floors, breakfast room, etc Don't answer this ad unless you have a real artistic home at a reasonable price; not over $10,000. AO 71.3, oregonian. YOUR, house mleht suit m buyers. I ha them waiting. What have you? Ycur house wii be xlven proper attention. Watch, our ads. We get results. C. A. WARR1XER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HAVE sold more .west sldn suburban homes in the past year than any other Portland dealer. Must have more homes to sell on Oregon Electric or S. P. Red Electric within 15 miles of Portland. Will sell any place In this district providing It is on auto road. N. H. Atchison, 204 Henry bldg. CORDWOOD PROPOSITION. We have two clients who desire to purchase from 20 to 40-acre tracts with timber suitable for cordwood; must bi on road that trucks can navigate in the winter. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. of Com. bldg. Open Sundays. ANY FOOL CAN SELL SNAPS. Have you something hard to sell: have you a difficult problem for us? We can - perhaps solve yours. Improved property a specialty. Slain 4S03. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. Not a stra-nger in your miuet. "35 yrs." SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES. WANTED. Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 400 homes in the last year. If you want action 11 t with us. Fred W. German Co.. 73: Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays. WANTED Home in Kenton district; price must be right and easy terms. John Malone, with McClure & Schmauch Co. 306 Railway Exchange. Evening, room 26 View Hotel, Kenton. Main 1503. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Cash paid for bargains In improved farm or city property; also money to loan. A. K. HILL. 215 Lumbermens Bldg. WANTED To communicate with owners having for sale duplex or apartment houpe in good neighborhood who are willing to Fell at a reasonable price. Ad dress1 S C44. Oregonian. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalow in R. C. Park, Irvlngton or Murryniead up to $6000, party can make 'good cash payment. HENRY W. UODDARD, 243 Stark st. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO SELL? WB SELL THEM TRY US. MaclNNES & PRATT. Main SSftS. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT improved farm or acreage on good road, will give 1-3 in first-class unin cumbered lots and balance cash. Address owner. P. O. box 1074. CASH for installment contracts, $200 to $3i0, or equities In small houses. Call 309 Abington bldg. Marshall 4138. WANTED MODERN BUNGALOW UNDER $40O. HALF CASH. 1219 N. W, BANK BLDG. WANT good home, will give one or more unincumoerea 101s. wen iocatea and bal' ante cash. Owner. Tabor 2676. WANTED. MODERN BUNGALOW. NOT OVER $4006. HALF CASH. MAIN 1643. CASH paid for fractional and undivided interests In real property and estates. Frank T. Berry, 215 Railway Exchange. WANTED Modern houe in restricted dis- trict, or goou ouuumg 10 u OSt, Ore gonian. Farms W anted. FARMS WANTED. We have a splendid farm business: selling many farms, can f11 more if we can get the right kind at the right pricw. See me, or write me. about yours. We are the oldest and most reliable realty dealers In Portland. See Sam llewey at J. L. H artman Co., No. 7. Chamber of Commerce bldg. ATTENTION. FARM OWNERS! Pay casti for small farm, must be sacrifice. Owners only. N IIS, Ore gonian. SMALL FARMS WANTED. We have several buyers for small farms, with stock and equipment, from 30 to 5o acres, with half, or more under cultivation. We can guarantee you quick action on such places. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. WE are having calls every day for lm- provea iarrna, 00 tn large ana small. If your farm has merit, we can find you a buyer. We specialise in farms and give each listing our personal attention. STEWART & BUCK. SIS Northwestern Bank bldg. HAVE YOU A FARM TO SELL? WE SELL THEM TRY US. MacINNESS & PRATT. 413 Board of Trade, Portland,. Or. WANTED A small prune and dairy farm, must be in good district for prunes and in good repair, with bearing prunes. 615 Chamber of Comme rcebl d g. Wautd to Rent Farms. WANTED To rent or run on share basis farm or dairy by married man. ex pen enced. See me at 400 Vancouver ave. room 11. WANTED To rent, a farm of 60 acres. 30 miles zrom i-ortiana. can iaoor it2. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Between 5 and 6 million fi of timber, a to donkey engine: nest of Columbia City. Columbia county. J S miles to haul to river. F. M. Miies, 509 McKay bldg. Main L190. SECOND growth fir, about 2S million; clean as a grove : good road. 4 h -mile haul. Winter or summer chance. F. P. FAR R1NGTON, SALEM, OR. CORD WOOD stumpage for sale or would contract to have wood cut. See Ste- nhon Carver. Carver, Or. WANTED Teams to haul about 1. 000,000 feet of logs; will give con trace 376 Yam hill st- P1LLNG timber wanted for win tar work. V. V. Gamble, Couch bid. TIMBER LANDS. CONTRACTS WANTED. Lnmber or wood-hauling contracts suitable for trucks wanted; state par ticulars by letter. DAVE CRAWFORD, 71 N. Park L - BY OWNER 160 acres tn Lyle, White Salmon valley; 3.5O0.UO0 ft. timber, of mile to a new sawmill; good land and good timber! $4o per acre, S. Samson, Stevenson. Wash. SPRUCE."" PINE, CEDAR OR HEMLOCK. Small stumpage tracts wanted reason ably, near transportation. F 852, Orego nian. FOR RENT FARMS, FOR RENT 30 acres in cultivation. 5 acres prunes, modern house, barn, out buildings; near town. 15 jniles from Port 1 a n d. DuBols. S03 Spa 1 di n gb Id g . SMALL acreage and house within 20 miles of city, suitable for chickens, etc. Hen dricks, Rowell apts.. city. WANT reliable tenant for dairy farm and garden; hard surxace roaa, cioso in. r 850, Oregonian. TO EXCH-VyCE REAL ESTATE. 1452-ACRE wheat ranch, 500 In wheat at 20 bushels makes lO.uuu Dusneis at .u makes $22,000; simple, h-n't it? Fine buildings, 90 hogs, 21 cattle, 28 horses, tractor, auto truck, a fine place to raise stock as well as wheat; price $50.S20. Consider good valley farm to about $30,000, remainder your own time at 6 per cent. The above figures are not overdrawn a particle; in fact, 25 to 30 bushels per acre is more probable. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. ALFALFA FARM. Slocked and equipped, value $150,000; will exchange for Portland income prop erty. W H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. NICE LEVEL LAND close to cheese fac tory, cannery ana raiiroaa; miien out; 40 a., $4000. Take house and assume or good building lota. 324 Railway Ex change. WILL exchange 50 acres Just off paved road and electric line, ou '"'"" for city property. Will divide to suit deal. 224 Oregon bldg., 5th and Stark, 6,000,000 feet timber and 160 acres Yam- hiU county to exchange ior ummproveu land suitable for cultivation. Owner. 222 U. S. Bank bldg. FINE GROCERY with. 6 large living rooms; big business, low rent, dpbi id eation: $3500; want 20 acres near city B D 001, Oregonian. CLASSY home garage, large corner, .could ed for business, valued $25,000; want ranch. Johnson. 3.11 an-dufn CHOICE lot 100x100 corner, 23d and Haw thorne for house or close-in acreage. J 475, Oregonian, . 160 ACRES in Idaho trade for apartment house or hotel. Ah. TSi. uregonia.. NEAT 5-rm. close in. auto or lot aa 1st pay. 215 Abmgton oiog. . TO EXCHANGE MISCEIXAXEOrS. FOR SALE OR TRADE Will trade fuy equipped vulcanizing pmnt ior wic 1 nmll car in sood condition. Look this up; some trade. 839 Union ave. N. ! GOOD tent to exchange for shotgun. Phone Woodlawn 251X FOR SALE. Horses. Velilctea. Livestock. MARES AND HORESS, 4 to 6 years old. 1300 to 1800 lbs. These are an iow-uown blocky-bullt chunks, with lots of bone and quality: some well-matched teams, each and every horse sold with a guar antee. Trial allowed. 365 Union ave., cor. Stevens. L. GiaBS. OFFER big gray mare for sale for ' J cash; also loou-io. sorrei norse wuu Ib. team In good shape. Just from coun try; harness, farm wagon. Woodstock car to E. 36th and Gladstone, two blocks north to 1087 Francis. Phone Seilwood 1212. . U. S. STABLES Just a tew nones ieit. After Dec. 1 my location win n O. T. Co. stables, 17th and Kearney where I will be glad to meet all my old patrons. As always I will ctock the best horses money can buy. G. JJ. Williamson. 6 COWS, all just fresh. 1 and 2 weeks; th... are trniid familv or dairy cows, heavy rich mi'.kers: beef cattle taken in .vHnca l l t'.a Macadam St.. South Portland car to end of line. 3 blocks south to Richardson ave., 1 block east FOR SALE 170 pure-bred Hampshire ewes, 1 to 4 years old, bred to regis tered and imported bucks, lamb Feb. 5 will Bfii At fiacrifiee if taken soon. Ad dress J. V. Starkey, 1614 Washington st., Boise. Phone 212 M. tist mate will mI1 reasonable gray horse. weighing about 1500 lbs., sound, true nH in annd xhaDe. with nearly new - inch butt chain harness. 1087 Frances nvc. cor. E. 36th St.. tel. Sell. 1212. Woodstock car NEW shipment of fresh cows, heavy springers, several large Holsteins and pair Jerseys; price from $80 tn $Hio without their calves. J. K. Howitt, Portland Union stockyard bams. J UST IN from the farm, complete ranch outfit, an in gooa cunu " wir". for quick cash sale. Call 392 Eat Knott street. Vz block from Union avenue N. BIG bone, long, taii. foiana-cnma ooars for sale. 10 "u crated and transferred F. O. B.. Orid- ley. Cal. A. M. Lester. LIGHT orchard team, good harness, low chunks, both black, tifd to farm and or chard work, $125 takes them. Phone KaM 8701. WE BUY and sell cattle, sheep and goats. See us if vou want to buy or fell. Camp-bcll-Fholan Land & Cattle Co., 30-2 Couch blclg DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid Ur dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 69-J for results. DEAD horses, animals hauled away, free, Portland Rendering Co- Woodlawn 20. DEAD horses taken quickly, dead cows Tabor 4203. COWS for sale at 365 Union ave. Phone East 8778 FOR SALE 15 full-blood Shropshire March rams. Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th. GOOD pound mare, 1200 lbs. Atlas woodyard, 327 Front. Pinna. Oraan and Mimical Instruments. .TDinlVARl PHONOGRAPHS' Dlavall records perfectly; will take old machines in trade; expert phonograph repairing. Enke & Fields, 70M Couch bldg. Main 8273. ' TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on a new Victrola and records; our propositions will please jou. Sciner 11 ne-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th sC Main 8wS6 t T-Tcii-r cvllnder phonograph also flni oak cabinet containing over 2O0 recorcs; also (vduui ium Cheao for cash. East 4105. $550 VOSE & SON piano, in fine condi tion, will sell for $190 caFh; do not want to pay any more storage. Call Main 4120. after 10 A. M. . PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid for used pianos nd player-pianos; get our prices. Sieberling Lucas Piano Co.. 125 4th it Main 8586. WE ARE agents for Chickering, Mehlin. Packard, Bond. Llndeman pianos and player pianos. G. F. Johnson Piano Co 149 6th st $500. $150 buys fine upright piano, beauti ful tone ".easy terms. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bjdg LARGE slie Victrola. like new In general appearance, a splendid value, fully guar anteed by us. G. F. Johnson Piano Co, 149 6th st. GOOD values In used pianos, $173. $225. $275 and up. G. F. Johnson Piano Co, 140 6th st. KURTZMAN piano for sale, mahogany case and splendid tone; price $3uo. Cali C 2419. CASH PAID FOR USED RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. 128 First. Main 44W5. Tabor 6798. PIANO or gramaphone wanted as trade on (rood late model Ford touring. Ask for Mr. Heller. Main 2204. FOR SALE Trap drums and accessories, cost $05 month ago, sell for $70. 253 N. 16th. Bdwy. 3hl. STEEL guitars, ukuleles, saxophones and other musical merchandise. G. F. John son Piano Co, 149 Sixth street. WILL exchange my phonograph for your old piano: liberal value allowed. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. TRADE us your old silent piano toward a player piano or Cheney phonograph G. F. Johnson Fiano Co.. 149 6th at. EDISON phonograph, nice condition, bar gain price. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 14t tith street. FOR SALE Fine, large, brand new ma hoc any phonograph, cheap. 709 Couch bldg; ESTET chapel orran, $50; $50 Victrola out fit, $30. Harold 3. Gilbert. 384 TamhilL I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS." HAROLP S. GILBERT 3s4 Yamhlli St. WANTED Baby grand, slightly used, no dealers. BJ 143, ore gonlan. W A NT ED to buy player piano. Phont Marsha!! 1!SS. I WANT a good piano, must be bargain lor caib, Alain 3&04. before 5 P. M. FOB SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $825 Arlington upright piano for.... $14 $4."0 Haines Bros., mahogany 13 $.S50 Hallet &. Davfa, uprigni ebony.. 16 $3o0 Leland, oak upright........... 16 $475 new stored upright, .......... $750 Harte player pia&o.... 4J email upright pianos $65 and 71 Pianos stored, 50c month. Pianos bought and sold for cash only 1U3 FOURTH ST.. at WASH. ST. USED PIANO We have a large assort ment of used pianos, player pianos and baby grand pianos. Standard makea and everyone guaranteed. Our prices are low. our terms will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 435 Waahing ton st., cor. 12th. Bdwy. 750. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CAS1L EVERETT ebonired $187 VOSE 4 SONS (properly repaired).. 218 Kurtzman (like new) 0O Passed by the best repair shop tn the city. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 334 TamhllL PIANO BARGAINS. $100 and ud. We have several arood used pianos at prices that are right; step in and see for yourself; terms ar ranged. Sei ber ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. SECOND-HAND PHONOGRAPH Several cabinet style Dhonocraphs of good stana- ard make, only slightly used, at very low prices. Our terms will please you. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 435 Wash ington. St., cor 12th. Bdwy. 750 PLAYER PIANO ROLLS. We send player rolls out of the city on trial; get our proposition. All the latest rolls carried in stock. Write for catalogue. Seiberiing-Lucaa Music Co., 120 tn st. REDUCED Christmas terms: $12 50 cash. $12.50 next pay day and C10 month after January 1, 1020, buys new upright, Im proved up-to-date pianos at tne SCHWAN PIANO CO., Ill Fourth st. ORGANS. $25 and up; standard makes such as Bstey, Packard. A. B. Chase and others. Terms Riven. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. FISHER nnrichL olain walnut case, fin condition ; a snap. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. Furniture for Sale. SELDOM BEFORE HAVE YOU BEEN OFFERED AVYTHIVC I.I KE THIS. Simmon's continuous post steel bun- ptIt.w h.d in Ivorv. now but marred bit in transit, very special at $11.05 each. Rnai f n irif Rnrinii. euaranleed tax less for 25 years, reduced away down to $8.95. Forty-pound Success felt mattress that others ask $20 for, hero for $14.05 and $6.50; comforters reduced to $4.75 each. Easy terms. Mltll FURNITURE CO., 1SS-190 FIRST ST. FURNITURE HOSPITAL Cnrnmr 2d and Market. If your furniture Is broken down or discolored, call A 1028; we will call and get it, repair and return to your home Upholstering and reftniahinga BP laity. FOR SALE at 268 Broadway, dining table and chairs, china clot-et and buffet, li brary table, steel constructed davenport, dresser, kitchen cabinet. Acorn range with sax attachment; good condition. Tabor 5482. MUST SELL AT ONCE Furniture ior o rooms, including quarter saw eu ox um lng room set, 4 rugs. 3 rockers, 3 stoves. 3 beds, mattresses and springs; no rea sonable offer refused. 1527 FremonL Tabor !321. ; DoN'T facrlfice your furniture if going east or to cainornia, wo mvi money on your freight In our through cars. Fireproof Storage- C. M, Olsen Transfer Sc. Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. HAVE one baby grand piano, win an tique furniture and bric-brac. i;as stove, ice box, pictures, sell rea.souabie; Singer sewing machine. John E. Haynes, b5 N ort h l'J th street. FOR SAXJS Furniture of 6-room strictly modern house. . rooms cnmpieieu niched with Victrola; $573 cash : rent $;;0 to buyer. 374 E. 37th N cor. Broad way. R. C. car. , FOR SALE 1 marvel wardrobe, -new, $12; 1 Morris chair. $5; 1 rocker. $3.50; one a hfwi. fiDrloKs. mattress. $0; 1 magazine rack. 25c. 330 13th st- HANDSOME massive early English dining set. mahogany library table, living room featurefe-. brass bed, etc. feast 51 19. FOR Kitchen tables and chairs, in good condition; typewriter desks. Phone Maranati .iu.m BRUSSEL rug. xl2, white iron oea. poou springs, 4 solid oul aining cuair bargain. 1250 Hancock. ROLL-TOP oak W ood 1 a w n 600. couch, guitar. NEW china closet and buffet. Apply Mar. 3-154. Poultry. COCKERELS for sale. Brown Leghorns. White Leghorns. Barred Rocks, R. 1. Reds, $2.50 to $3 eacn. v-ia.-sy uirus, (mm this ad. Satisfaction guar anteed. W.e are now booking orders for baby chiCKs. J- R. Maffuire, 101 ur con st. ti'T t t-TM w offer vou Barred Rock White Wyandottes, Black Orpington and m.nrie Inland Red pullets. $1.25 to $2.50. according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp., 82d fcC, .oa io ma a Southeast. 50 BARRED ROCKS. 50 White Leghorns, 5 R I. Red pullets, ready to lay; $ each; 150 yearling White Leghorn hens hiirh duality hoganlzed stock. $1.35 each J. R. McGuire, 7t Oregon St.. near east 2th. u x wk.I) two turkey hens on corn wheat, weight about 36 pounds: using one myself, other for sale. $J0; nothing r.-n U t t- U Kiiut .".." WANT to buy Some laying pullets; write or phone V. o. vs uson, -ow - 00. bu Mam 5'-02. Marshall 5'.L. WE WILL pay you highest cash price for April. May - hatched pullets, any breed. Northwest Poultry Corp.. Lents. Or. Dogs. Rabbit . Birdji. Pet Stock. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Barred Rock cockerels ana puneis. bwus, uiy reasonable prices if sold at once. I... fc. Chase. Jenne station on Greg ham elec. PARTY leaving town Thursday will eell thnrouclibred Airedale uog cheap. Cal at 66 21st st. North. tuit. PinRRKlVSKI CATTERY. Orange Persian kittens of quality. East Si 67. ciT.i-' 4 Roston Bull pups'. 8 month nA. nediereed. perfectly marked. 304 Park st. Main 4016 COFFEE urn. gas plate dishea. 1 lorus pop corn machine. 113 2d at. FOR SALE Male Airdale pup, old. Call East 6905. FRENCH Taylor. bull pups, 200 Third st, cor. WANTED Cocker spaniel dog. Tabor 9279. Launch en and Boats. BOATS We buy. sell and build boats, barges, scows and engines; always large stock of engines on band. LIBERTY BOAT WORKS. 217 Main st.. Vancouver, Wash. Portland Phone, East 6403. BOATS and barges built and repaired, timates and expert advice freely ft niched. Yard and ways at Alblna a phone East 2162. Marine Itepalr Const. Co. FURNISHED 5-room modern cash or terms. Main 53 1 5. Machinery. SPECIAL. We have in stock lath machinery. planers and upright shingle machines. THE J. fci. ilAKll.N 0.. 83 First Street. Portland, Or. noon 6 H. P. Fairbanks & Morse ras en irine. wood caw on truck, all in first- cla.- shape. Call or phone Main 7306. 742 Kearney St. . HOISTING engines for rent or sale, coh f-rete mixers, electric hoists, construe' tion equipment. Standard Mach. Co.. 53 First st. DRAG SAW. two blades and other wood r-nttintr too s ior sale, cneap. O. Reeves, 3ul3 V street. Vancouver. Wash. HORFEPOwER new Foos engine reduced price. Pacific Scale & Suppl Co.. 48 front st. uroaaway lwa f-or SALE Star well-drlllinr machin with tools, complete. E. W. Simmons. Deer lslana, or., liox 00. Typewriters. MR.. MERCHANT 13. Brand new calculating machine. Rea machine, adds, multiplies, subtracts divides: has rapid self -checking key board; for rent or sale. J per mont Fully guaranteed. Remarkably low price. Marshall 2105 or G. L. Barry, Madison Parte apts.. Portland. Or. . I $3 PER MONTH to buy or rent brand new Rex typewriter. Remarkably low price. We furnish a very effective ad vertising service If you desire to ob tain business by mall. This service free. M anha II '2l or Geo. L. Barry, Madi son Park apts.. Portland. Or. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, A LL UAKES. sold on monthly pay ments; send for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington st. UNDERWOODS, Remingtons from U. S. government. D. C. Wax. 109 Second st. Main 4631. ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co, 94 5:h. Main 3668. NEW, rat rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut s. P D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1 407. v L' 1 T tviwuritprii a ti A MiitmlieR Cnrnn dealers, iu. W, Pea Co., 110 Sixth BL FOR SALE. Typewriters, KENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Kemington now, immediate delivery; reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Co. M bcel lancouB. DIAMONDS WANTED. $200 TO $1000 PER KARAT. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT. Sell your diamonds to diamond ex perts. We positively pay highest cash market values for diamonds, platinum, gold, silver, old jewelry and all valua bles of every description. We buy old false teeth and all dental gold. See ui before selling elsewhere. Private oiiieeis, business strictly confidential. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan Bldg., Fourth Floor. Corner Washington and Broadway. WHY PAY RETAIL PRICES? "When you can eave 35 to 40 per cent by buying your ramcoat. leather coat or combination coat at wholesale price di rect from United Rubber Co.. 726 Mor gan bide. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. soia ior ies; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 Sd, near Taylor st- ALASKA furs, finest Quality at upstairs prices; Eoxes, wolves, lynx. u to x-u special prices on chokers and collars; i few sample coatees at cost; natural blue fox, $135. The Fur Shop. 6lni S wetland Diag., oin ana wasn. TELL DAD Tou can ride any bicycle home for $2 down and $2 per week. We guarantee em. STRINE CYCLE CO., , SO Broadway. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof eafes. new ana secona-nana, at rignt prices, Dougnt, sola ana exenangea. NOKR13 bAFIS & LOCK CO., 365 Second st. Phone Main 2045. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating. deed. Why not a permanent comfortable root 7 we repair ana ttuboer uona au kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7776. 2 T. W. DEsKS, 1 table, 1 mahogany roll top desk, 2 oak roll-top desks. 1 arch filing cabinet, 1 safe, 1 bookkeeper's desk and stool, 6 chairs. Bushong A Co., 91 Park sU FULL LINE of millwright or carpenter tools, also draughting tools, shoemaker repair outfit, one saddle, curtain rods, cooking utensils, lamps, rugs, blue seigtt suit. 4208 53d ave. Sellwood 1!;J3. TOYS Mechanical toys, post cards, Xmas cards, revolving post card rack, calen dars; will sell entire lot at a bargain. 121 Third street. DIAMOND EARRINGS. ABOUT 1-3 KARAT EACH, PERFECT STONES. COST $250; SELL EOR $175. C 413, OREGONIAN. 100 PURE CHICKEN MANURE. Best fertilizer in the world, 5 00 per 100 lbs. Special pice in ton Iota. THE SAVIN AR CO., INC.. 100 Front St. CASH register, candy case, cigar cases, electric coffee mill, large Icebox, stools, chairs, marble slab, linoleum; low price If taken at once. 242 Salmon, cor. 2d st. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. FOR RENT. TRADE OR SALE. Newman's Exchange, 128 First. Main 4405. ECOND annual auction sale at the office of the Portland Remedial Loan associa tion. 394 Stark SU. Tuesday. Dec 1919. SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar ohetts, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1006. 48 Front st. WE BUY WAR STAMPS. Spot Cash. Liberty Bonds Bought. American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bid?. OT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand. 112 to su lnetaiiea: expert Doner re pairing, plumbing supplies cheap, 203 Adams st. East 8510. FERTILIZER. Rotted cow and horse manure deliv ered in truck loads. Main 4-15, S A. M. to 5 P. M. OR SALE One peanut grinder, one pea nut roaster, one Howe scale, one Toledo scale, all In good condition, bull cheap. 326 rioiiaday ave. ERT1L1ZER Best, well-rotted, delivered Lents. Kern Park. oodstock. Brent wood, $3.25; Seliwood, Ladd Addition, Sunnyside. $5. Tabor SSbt OR SALE Beautiful riding habit made by Pat Smith, worn once, site 36. worth $100; will sell cheap for cash. Marshall 230. FOR SALE Chea a. ono diver's suit and pump complete Oregon. N. Papargerea, Wauna, BEAUTIFUL new Alaskan fine fox fur set alto mahogany messaiine uress at bar' gain. Phone Tabor iJi. FOR SALE Dun t ley pneumatic cleane (barrel type); aajusiaoio obk araning table; steel wall bed, woodlawn 24iM. un bale 2 choice Arctic fox and 1 Alaska min" sKins. Lan at j- rx 7".t h st. N. Phone Tabor 544S. SEA RUNG kitchen range; 6-bole stee top; Al condition. ..rrice 4u. Knott st. reming-TON typewriter. No. 10. A-l con dition : has oniy oeen usen ior private correspondence. $.o. lall Mar. ori3. GAS RANGE Good condition. only $20 automatic gas water neater, at 1S7 West Park st. 4o. ca FOR PALEf-Carbon heating stove and ga ater heater cou. Newton Willamette Heights. Marshall 3197. v o R KALE 300 tons fine alfalfa hay. tons Utah steam coai. Auaress letters to Box 26. 89 N. 18th st. DOUBLE-BARRELED shot (run. -finest Huid steel, new, bargain, iv doj, orego nian. ' BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables. showcases, wail casB?, uiuns, ierms. W. J. Q.ulgley, 22 First. Main rf30 ni.n.PASHIOXKD brooch, amethyst wit a little pearl in center. mono waeaier bury Hotel, Broadway 5433. HONEY Strained and Comb. WARRANTED UNADULTERATED. Light, mild; delivered. East 1416. STORE shelving, counters, made by car nenters. save you muuj. juauu, oeu wood 242L HEATING STOVES FOll SALE OR TRADE. INi JiA.I 9 II.AV.IlAiXVlb, X FIRST. MAIN 4495. Trow k a r-E Hood River apples, direi from grower, si.ou io o a oox, ,ai cor. East 10th and East Mill sts. iTVPAi.I-KD-POR OVERCOATS for sal cheap; large siocs iu chooh irum. wr- pheum Cleaners, Joo btarK. EXCLUSIVE styles in hand-made mid inter nats; lane eirvaiur, bkv o $i0. The Bandbox. 20a Wash. why not eet those rooms tinted now $3 and up per rwn, a Euaran teed. Tel. E. SOtfU. r C-n tr. furniture, desks, chairs, table filing caDineia, supplies uum u. in. guv ernmc nt. W a x . 10l 2d at. Main 63L vnn sale Electric heater and Sin sewing maciune, v.an vrna Apts. No. 10. Lownsdale at Morrison. DIAMOND engagement ring, value $buu perfect stone, ieit ior o o. Oregonian. riwvTt.KMAVS diamond ring, about karats, will sacrifice, as I need cash ira mediately. AH 762. Oregonian. tt aw MY raincoats and Doncho.f. sligh lv used, at- salvage prices. street. B..VT pan-DT case, scales, shelving, saf other fixtures, must sen ioua. no ofr'TTnMil. hnnkrajie. 1 depk sectio chean. East 20b3. S94 East Flanders, GAS water heater, ra ;ood condition, $1 59 Washingtoa at. NEW fi'.et sweater. East 3217. reasonable. COLUMBIA Graphophone for sale. Call Tabor 73S. THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE." new, never been used. $Ja.seu wooa iyj.i 9x12 WILTON velvet rug, framed pictures. strong iron ucu. VETCH for sale, 9c per lb. rls. Oregon City. W. W. Ha 6rY SLABWOOD delivered .direct tne country In 4-cord lots. Broadwa fro ay 11 LA DIES All kinds or wearing apparl smart styles; slightly used. Tabor 2823 FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners. 24-hour dat lt delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 129. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentley CoMn4907. WHITE sewing machine; used very little. Price $30. 165 10th at. Apt. 22. JroR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. FOR SALE Fireproof safe. For particu lars. F 605, Oregonian. EXCLUSIVE co?'. and euita, nl:htly worn Mam 9.67. LARGE assortment of medical Instruments and medical library. Box 67. Orenco, Or. FOR SALE Fine cello and cover; reason able. Woodlawn 6249. DUCK shooting share on fine lake for tha balance of season. M 827, Oregonian. KITCHEN range for sale, coils. Seliwood 762. $20. including FOR SALE Russian sliver samovar. 485 W. Park. Mam 2293. WELL rotted manure. Tabor 6634. : feaO ITALIAN prune trees. Call fcitU. 15i5. FOR 8 ALE. MiMcellaneous. DIAMONDS BOUGHT. PAWN TICKETS. Sell your diamonds direct to Diamond importers and receive The highest cash market value. Without any disappointment. "vTe pay from $100 to $800 Per karat. We purchase pawn Tickets, Gold, Silver, Platinum. Any valuables, any amount. We buy War Stamps. Liberty Bonds, Victory Bonds. Private offices. Business confidential. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan bldg.. 2d Floor. Corner Washington and Bdwy. Phone M. 4340- PETER LESS PLUMBING FIXTURES. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES, HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS, IRON PIPE. Wr pnn-irT r vat vir a. vrr steam SPHriA r.Tivn n n s: t o N BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBM THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. 68-70-72 Front SU. Portland, SECOND ANNUAL AUCTION SALE. Diamond rings, gold watches, nugget Jewelry, lavallieres, silverware, furs, typewriters, musical instruments, ko daks and liberty bonds at 3i4 Stark St., near loth. Tuesday. December 2. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION. Carrie Myers Herrman, Manager. LOVELY diamond solitaire, beautiful white gold setting; a periect stone; win sac rifice lor J. so bast mn i. FOR SALE ACTOMOBILKS. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO., JiTH AND TAYLOR. DEPENDABLE USED CARS ONLY. GUARANTEE AND FREE SER1CE. You take no rlsK in Duying a uea car from us. our aim is to maae every customer a permanent ineua to out house. LOWEST PRICES EASY TERMS. 1914 Ford touring, good condition. . $275 litis Ford roadster, electric starter. 625 T.ate 1M17 Dmice tourintr 7! litis Ijodire roadster, fine condition 900 C55 Buick touring, fine condition... t.0 I 1!17 Buick 5-pass.. line condition., .uu i "'.. r.-nass. Buick to urine line con dition Stuta Toledo roadster 950 i.iit iui7 Miii-hell tour inc. new paint .-- v'M 1918 Oakland, like new, $520 down. 1918 Maxwell roadster, $320 down. 1017 Maxwell tourinc. $230 down. Brand new Maxwell sedan, never been used, big discount, $t80 down. 191 S Mitchell sedan, only 5000 miles; S40 down. 191 H hig 6 Studebaker. $440 down. 1!MH little 6 buick. S.40 down. 191S big 6 Buick, fine condition; $540 down. I 1919 big 6 Overland, Continental motor. new tires, new paint; -o a own. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO. The place where you get satisfaction. ATTENTION! $1000 buvs a 1918 6 cylin der Olrtsmobile in good condition, all rood tires and a new soare tire: spot light and bumper: car has only run, uooO I miles; small payment down and long I terms on balance to responsible party. I Call Knox at Broadway il.x. RANKLIN touring car, very latest model j series OK; this car looks ana runs iiks new; can be had at a saving of 4700, cash or terms. BRALY ACTO CO.. 601 Washington St. Main 48S0. ER1ES 9 A Franklin touring car; good tires, fair paint and good mechanical condition; a snap at $100. cash o terma BRALY ATJTO CO.. 6Q1 Washington St. Main 48RQ. SWELL Packard Cloverleaf roadster for sale by owner, SOO; terms If desired ; bring a mechanic to look it over for you; Al shape. Phone East 8090. 351 l nion avenue North. HERE is the speedster that fades them all. Burners racing body on llfc Chev rolet chassis, fenders and 'windshield; price reasonable. Burness & Martin, 15th and Alder sts. WINTON SIX touring car in fine condi tion; model 21 A; cord tires, extra tires; car has been newly painted and is fine mechanical condition : owner will sac rl fi ce for $1250. Phone Main 26tn. HUDSON Suoer Six. 7-passenger. llmou- zrne. late model; Jw. win sell iiwh; terms; all cord tires and extras, or will trade Mr, Keed. Boulevard garage. 42d Sandy N. AM compelled to sacrifice my 1916 model studebaker on account of my financial conditions, and will sell It for any reasonable amount. S. P. Arnold, :;05 E. Davis st., city. CHEVROLET roadster, 1918. in very best meclianicai conumon. must sen at a i bargain, $625. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnsiae. PAIGE. 1917, 7-passenger, best mechanical onniimon. coon iir"s anu new naini $1150, -itb terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near B.irn?idc! $425 191 S FORD $425. Perfect mechanical condition. de mountable rims: chains, etc. J. H. No- biitt. 424 Williams ave. STUDEBAKER four, 1918. In fine condi tion, gOOU. Hi , win r-TTii i '7t m U'l give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. BUICK. 3917, light six touring car. which. considering us gooa conumon. is snap at $1000. cash or terms. 1). M. Smith. Broadway 1130. VELIE, 1917 touring, just overhauled and repainted, gooa tires; win seu cneap or consider trade on smaller car. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. HUDSON super six, 191 8, in best of con dition, good tires; owner must sacrince; Borne terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. OVERLAND, model 83, in best of condi tion, good tires; win sacrmce at &25 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FORD TOURING. 1914, in best of me chanical condition; a oar gain at $2Ta, terms If wanted.- 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside HUPMO BILE, 1919, Sy owner, like new. ued 3 months on city pavements only. Bargain. East 4b4, ask for Mr. Bern hardt. FORD touring car, excellent condition; Strombcrg carburetor, spe-dometer, elec tric tall ight. Owner must leave town. Woodlawn 1958. DODGE SEDAN. Best buy in Portland: late model, fine condition, looks like new; $1200. can ar range terms. Tabor 7494. OVERLAND, model 85, 4-cy Under. $250. balance easy terms. A nice little car. Look It over and you will want it. 421 Burnside st. 19J S FOR D touring. like new : ail good tires, spotlight, tire carrier; guaranteed: Briscoe electric starter. Owner, Bdwy. 1764. FOR SALE 1916 Ford, new tires, looks like new. $450. 315 22d North. V 715, Oregonian $ 1 350 O LD S 8 $ 1 3 50. TTTTS is a perfect car. See It at 421 Burnside. FORD coupalet. first-class condition. late 1918 model. $000 cash or $050 easy terms. Phone Main 42"1. METZ 25. touring car for sale cheap for cash; good running order. J. F. Smith, Troutdale. Or . box 22. MAXWELL touring, 1920. only run a few tlavs; will sacrifice nd give terms. 30 Grand ave. Nortfi, near Burnside. tTpaSSENGER Reo; good order; Just tha thing for stage. 721 E. 57th N. Tabor 4422. 1914 BUICK tourtnr car. good mechanical condition, 5 good tires; snap buy fori $360. Frank Mnitn. nawy. ij.30. 191 S BUICK light six. Al condition, ' spe cial made top. Owner Main 6740. 1919 CHEVROLET, $650, terms. 421 Burn, side st. FOR SALE cheap. 1915 7-pats. touring car. In first-class condition. Phone East S464. FORD FOR SALE Touring, $315: a bar s' aln. Upies i c h Bros.. 23 dan d Thurmaa . REO roadster, $S50, terms; $250 cash, bal. 3 0 pa yments. Car at 421 Burnside St. FOR SALE A Dodge touring car; splen did condition. Call Main 545. OVERLAND. 1917 R5-4. A dandy car and right price. Cooper. East 52'3. 1 J 1 6 FOR D TOURING car. $325 terms. Fields Motor Car Co.. n and Alder. PRIVATE garage for dead storage, $2.50 a month. 328 Main st. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul- canlzefe, 25c; tire repairlng.207 Madison. IF YOU want a real Ford bug -e this one. $r.0O ca.h. Union Avenue Garage Co. liMO CHEVROLET to A-1 $625; a ral buy. R. 2M thape; must sell; ', Clyde hotel. D trunk for sale or trade. Phone Mil auki 10. rOW A T. E A C TO MOBILES. TRAILER BARGAINS. TRAILER BARGAINS. ONE-TON TRAILER. TWO-TON TRAILER. THREE-TON TRAILER. FOUR-TON TRAILER. FIVE-TON TRAILER. With dual wheels, slirbtly used, but as good as new. Our price is only a fraction o what new onea would coiu AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. 3d and Glisan sts. BIG BARGAINS IN OUR USED CARS. Reo roadster ( ci'0 Maxwell ueiivery, panel body, brand new jmo 191rt Briscoe touring lOoo 101S Bristoe 1917 Saxon 6,,o Mitchell. 3 passenger, newly painted, like new lO'.o Chalmers. 5 passenger looo 1919 Maxwell, 5 cord tires. Ilka new 10"U litlS Baby Grand Chevrolet 9"-tt 1119 Chevrolet, model 490 77. Buick roadster, newly painted 525 1918 Buick 6. 5 passenger, with, cord tires 145" 191S Reo touring 12;0 Studebaker, 7 passenger, newly painted, fine shape 1100 W. H. WA1.LINGFORD CO., 522 Aidur st. Broadway 24t2. Open Sunday. MITCHELL LIGHT SIX. !i passenger, 6 cylinder, 120 wheelbase, E-Z rider; overhauled and ref tnished : equipped with 2 cord tires en rer, front fabric, 1 extra tire, bumper and wind shield win;- Here is your chance :o secure a high-grad car lor only $1250. Terms given if destred. MITCHELL. LEWIS & FT AVER COl. Broadway and Oak sts. Phones: Broadway 515, A 334. JUST A FEW BARGAINS, 1917 Maxwell. 1016 Dodge roadster. 3 M 1 8 4 -passenger Moon. 1917 Chevrolet touring. 318 Mitchell touring. These cars are all in. good mechanical condition. GLOBE GARAGE. Main 206 60 North 20h, CHALMERS HOT SPOT. RUN9 AND LOOKS I.IKR NEW; GOOD TIRES AND A-l MECHANICAL SHAPE. CALL. ADAMS, MAR 5342 OK TABOR. 630. BUICK LIGHT SIX TOURING. This car haa Just been thoroughly overhauled and refmished; cord tires. 5 of them, 3 nearly new; new panta?ola top and at $12. i0 this car is a snap and would pay you to buy and store till spring if necessary as it will bring $140o in the busy season. Call Broadway 1130. How ard Au to Co.. 14th and lavis st. A VERY PRETTY Chevrolet sedu.n, th "49i" 1918 model, been driven abou. 55t miles, had good usage. Just the car to keep out the wind and rain. A new one now sells for $1450. I have no garauo nor convenient place to keep it and will sacrifice for $lloo. Call Tabor 2261. or see Matt Harris, cara of North wester a National bank. ' 1917 BUICK 6 TOURING. Has bad best of care and ia In ex cellent condition throughout: original paint; good tires, two new; Yale clutch lock, bumper and tools. Let any me chanic inspect it. $1000. TeL Broad way 7S2. HUDSON, 1117. super-six. in mighty good mechanical condition, looking almost like new, with extra tire; a rea.1 automobile for less than the price of an ordinary one; b- sure to see this car before you buy; pric $1500. C. J. McPherson, lOtij and Wlisoa sts. TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays, Goodyear cord tires for Fords. $24.55. Authorized Wilard sales station. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP. 4SS Union ave. N.. cor. Sacramento. Phone East T393. 191S LIGHT SIX Buick touring car. re flnUhed; ffVe cord tires, spot light, spe cial top. etc. You will agree that this car is a snap at $1250. See D. M. Smith or Montgomery at Howard Auto Co. Broadway 1 130. $11 CO CASH FOR QUICK SALE. 1919 Dodge, run 0O0 miles; 2 new tlrea this week; spotlight; 2 bumpers; point lock: side curtains, open with doors; A lamlte greasing system. Call Tabor 1050. Big Stock. USED CARS Prices RifiliL . CO. misrepresentation. MOTOR . . CAR COVEY MAXWELL touring, 1919. used very little; owner leaving town and must sell, a stiBi) at 925; will consider a smaller car in trad.e and give terms. 30 Grand ave. Nort h. near Burnside. FOR SALE Nash 6. 191S model, cheap for cash or some terma. This car ii in the best of condition. Call East 471 8 after 10 A. M. Sunday or after 5 P. M. - week days. AS I have to close up an account and have one 6-clyinder car. 7-passenger, with 5 new tires, new top and newly painted; car must be sold at once. I can. arrange terms. Phone Broadway 4840. 1918 FORD bug,- torpedo body, top and windshield, four speed transmission. F. . F. oiler. At water-Kent ignition. hub brakes, shock absorbers, spotlight, etc 7M Division. Seliwood 3755. SAXON, 191S touring, overhauled and re painted, looks like new; will fell at $aUU ana win conquer r ora touring in trade, balance terms. 30 Grand avenue North, near Burnside. FOR D touring car, 1916 model, equiiad with Yale lock, spotlight, epeedomet r, shock absorbers and trunk rack: in good running order. Price $375. By owner, 1531 Sandy blvd. Tabor 93M. LIGHT SIX Buick 1919 five-passenger, used only short time; looks fine and runs better than new: $1-M0. See D. M. Smith. Howard Auto Co. Broadway ILtO. NEW FRANKLIN touring car at cost. $2700. This car has never been ruu or demonstrated. Eastern Oregon Auto Co., Vale. Or. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. " David Hodts Co., North Broadway and Flanders. MAXWELL, 1917, in best of mechanical condition, gooa tires, gooa paint; will seil at $623 and give terms. 20 Grajid ave. North, near Burnside. MUST SELL AT ONCE. LATEST MODEL HUDSON. T ASHt,.M.t-K ; A BSULt l L LY NEW A BARGAIN FOR CASH. O R TERMS. AG 419. OREGO NT A N. i 1918 BUICK coupe, only run 8000 miies; looks like new; cora tires, one extra crd tire, tire cover and burnper; no trades. Call Frank Smith, Bdwy. 11 0'. BUICK 1919 runabout; cord tires, bumper, nearly new condition: $1550. See U. M. Km !th at Howard Auto Co. Broadway 1130. FORD touring, 1915, in fine running con dition, good tires; a real bargain at $3ud. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 5-PASSENGER 1919 Scripps-Booth ; sell for $1300. $704 down, or trade for aod Ford as part payment. J. C. McKlel. El ma. Wash. LEAVING the city, must seil my prettv late model Paige touring. Bt-st offer takes it. 2S1 Front, corner Jeff e ra on. FORD ton truck, 1918, in best mechaniral condition; a bargain at $575, with terms Si Grand ave. North, near Burnside. LATE 1918 Buick roadster, new Goodyear and V. S. cord, rubber; mileage Niou; leaving city; a sacrifice. Woodlawn 277. CLASSY 1920 Moon car. blue finish. Red Seal continental motor, some extras, a bargain, private owner. East 4935. 1914 FORD for sale cheap; In good condi tion. Monarch Motor Co.. 343 Vancouver ave, at Broadway. East 4136. MY BEAUTIFUL Willys-Knight car, just like new ; good terms, or take in good light car. Call Wdln. 2925 or Main 4557. EXPERT Chevrolet and Ford repair! n g, free towing, reasonable rate. 424 He. mont. East 191. DODGE touring, in good condition for $0oO cash. Room 508 Buchanan bldg. 5-PASSENGER Ford for quick iale $-0. 146 Hamilton ave..MarshaIl36'.4. FORD, $350, terms: new top, good tires. call at 421 Burnside t. 1918 SMALL Saxon roadster, e'.ectrif i'd. runs fine; $35t. Owner 471 Alder st. NASH fcix, feed as terms. This is ruu ran a new c l Burnside st. FOR SALE Ford sedan, 1918 mouel, $075. Phone Main &Uil.