Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 25, 1919, Image 1

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VOL. LVIII. NO. 18,408
Entered at Portland (Orfson)
PoFtofflce Aft Second-Class Matter.
65,000 U. S. SOLDIERS
Socialists Plan to Insult
King in Parliameat.
Stefansson Man Calls
Them "Throwbacks."
Men Held at Ellis Island
Make Demands.
Congressional Committee
Meets With Open Defiance.
t a&hington& Delay in Acting Upon
Cases Following tlrig.nal Ar
rests Is Blanu d.
NEW YORK, Nov. 24. (Special.)
A fair ike called by 66 singing, but
otherwise silent, Russian "reds" who
are awaiting deportation hearings,
turned the immigration service on
FUis island topsy turvey today and
left the officials wondering what they
Overtime Pay Granted to Some of
Workers After 8 Hours and
to Others After 10.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. A -new
wage and working agreement was
signed late today between the rail
road administration and officials of
the Brotherhood of Maintenance of
Way Employes and Railway Shop La
borers. '
While demands of the union were
not fully met, the eight-hour basic
day was established for track labor
ers and others of that classification,
and time and a half pay after
eight hours was provided. Most of
the other employes included under
the agreement will receive time and
a half overtime pay after 10 hours
Signing of the new contract by
Director-General Hines ended nego
tiations' Which have been in progress
since February. Approximately 400,
000 men are affected, railroad ad
min iat rat ion officials estimated. The
contract also provides that it shall
be applicable during the period of
federal control unless notice of 30
days is given of iCs cancellation.
"Specifically," an announcement by
Mr. Mines says, "the new contract
provides overtime for regular section
laborers and other employes in this
classification except laborers in extra
or floating gangs, whose employment
First White Explorers Held
Accountable for Markings.
James II. Cra ford. Out of Far
North First Time In 15 Years,
Wins Bride Starts Back.
are Koine to do next, if the service is is seasonal and temporary in Chirac-
not to become a perpetual joke.
In full view of the immigration j
committee of the house, which is in
vestigating conditions in the depart
ment of labor, the "reds" announced
at 11 o'clock today that they would
have, no more trials until their "de
mands" were granted. And after a
day of proceedings which were char-at-terized
by Congressman Sicgel a:s a
"farce," the "reds" still were main
taining their point.
In an investigation of the "strike"
which was immediately begun by the
committee, whose members, hailing
from the west, expressed frank aston
ishment that such things were pos
sible, several reasons were developed
why the problem that confronts the
present administrative officials at the
island is difficult.
In the first place, it appeared the
three leaders of the strikers and nine
others were men who had been ori
inally arrested by the department of
labor at periods ranging from three
months to two years ago. their trials
had and the papers " forwarded ' 'to
Washing-ton, where final action had
apparently been either forgotten or
neglected. Meanwhile the defendants
had been releasd on ball free to roam
about the country, until they were
again picked up in the recent raids.
NEW YORK. Nov. 24 I'ifty-nine
radicals went on strike against at
tending their deportation hearings at
Hllis Island today and forced the hear
ings to be suspended, despite the pres
ence oi me nouse immigration com
mittee investigating the deportation
proDiems. ney struck to have an
iron barrier removed when they have
The committee advised Commis
ioner Byron H. Uhl to use force if
necessary to compel the next men
scneauied tor hearing to attend, hold
ing that he had sufficient authority
under the interpretation of the law
by the United States supreme court.
ine commissioner sent to the de
tention cage for Nicolai Kuropata, ar
rested in a recent raid in Newark
in. j. mere was no response from
the cage and nobody at the Island
Knew wmcn of the men in the pen
was jvuropaia. The radicals contin
ued to play handball and mandolins
and a few sang "the Internationale."
while the inspector in charge of the
law division of the immigration serv
ice, Augustus P. Shell, returned empty,
handed to report to the committee.
Tent la I'romined.
N - " tuiiiiniK tnis island,
. the defendants or the officials" .airi
Miepresenutlve Raker of California, a
member of the committee, and forth
with the scrgeant-at-arms brought in
the counsel for the radicals, Issak
c-cnorr, wno emigrated from Russia in I
ISO! and was graduated from the New
York University la school in 1913.
He was about to leave the island for
the mainland.
At the committee's request he told
his clients the law required them to
attend their hearings. All but seven
of the 66 segregated radicals then
reiterated their refusal to attend the
hearing until the barrier was removed.
Mr. Uhl Informed Schorr that the
iron mesh would remain in place and
announced that the deportation hear
ings would be continued tomorrow.
Just how he would solve the puzzle
of identifying the radicals he did not
announce. Their counsel professed
not to know all of his clients by sight.
Word of the strike came to the
committee when Mr. Uhl. questioned
as to delays in deportations and In
appeals by debarred immigrants, was
testifying as to inadequate personnel
and accommodations.
Letter Is Presented.
He read the following letter he had
received Just after the law officers
had concluded one deportation hear
"Mr. Uhl:
"Dear Sir In view of the fact that.1
jour promise and word Which Isaak
Schorr, our attorney, brought over to
us aa to the matter of visits, to wit:
That no iron mesh or net or any other
barrier would be placed between us
and our friends at the time of their
visit to the island has been broken
by aomeone, we believe by your sub
ordinates; "We. the inmates of room 203. de
clare that we demand that you give
us a personal guarantee undersigned
by you to the cfect that at no time,
neither during the hearings nor after
4Coi.cluUed ua L'oluino 3-)
ter, and certain employes whose posi
tions do not require continuous
manual labor will be paid on the basis
of time and one-half after the eight
hours of continuous service exclusive
of the meal period, thus applying the
same principle which was established
last year for important classes of
railroad workers.
"Heretofore such maintenance em
ployes have been paid overtime at
pro-rata rates for the ninth and tenth
hour and time and one-half after the
tenth hour. Under the agreement
laborers in extra or floating gangs
whose employment is seasonal or
temporary in character will be paid
overtime at a pro-rata rate for the
ninth and tenth hour and time and
one-half after the tenth hour, where
as employes holding positions not re
quiring continuous manual labor, such
as track, bridge and highway cross
ing watchmen, signal men at railway
non-interlocked crossings, lampmen
engine watchmen- at isolated points
and pumpers, will continue to .be paid
for their present hours of work
monthly rate equal to their present
pay." ; .
Trigger Pulled as -Result of Vision
Wakes Shooter.
NEWARK, N. J.. Nov. 24. James
Sapienza. concrete block manufacturer
of Irvington. shot and killed his wife
in bed early today, but the murder
charge against him may be dropped.
He told the police he had been dream
ing of threatening letters he actually
had received and had shot at two men
he dreamed he had seen creeping
through the -window. The authorities
are inclined to believe his story.
toapienza said ne dreamed he saw
two men coming through the window
and that they were taking his little
son," said Police Lieutenant Godfrey.
"He said he dreamed he reached un
der his pillow to get his revolver and
that he was suddenly awakened by
'the noise of a shot. He found the re
volver in his hand and it was smok
ing. "I am convinced that this man is
telling the truth for this reason: The
bullet that killed his wife went
through the pillow before It lodged
in her head."
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 2V tSpe
cial.) James R. Crawford. Arctic
hunter and trapper and member of
the second Stefansson expedition, is
..f r.t v frnxpn north for the first
time in 15 years and expresses sur
prise that the general public credits
the existence of a lost tribe of .Scan
dinavians in the Arctic known gen
erally as Stefansson's blonde Eskimos.
The so-called blonde tsKimos un
covered by Stefansson, he says, ana
he declares that Stefansson docs not
disagree with him, are nothing more
than a "throw back" as he terms n,
of the first white explorers that went
into the north. Crawford was witn
Stefansson when he across the
blondes" and had an opportunity to
tudy them and discuss them with the
great explorer.
Only Few Are Fund.
Mr. Stefansson himself will tell
you that- mere is lime pi
of these natives being descendants
of Eric the Red or any other of the
ancient Vikings." Mr. Crawford said
tonight. "On Victoria Land there are
probably three tribes or villages of
natives at least in which these quaint
Eskimos are to be found. There are
less than a dozen so far as we were l
able to learn in the whole land.
They had gray eyes, light eyebrows,
reddish brown hair, and their skin
was slightly lighter than , thtir
brethren, but the skin color would
not be noticed at first. It is so like
the color of the other natives.
"The natives made it known that
they had never seen white men be
fore and it is very probable that
they did not, as Mr. Stefansson's party
was undoubtedly the first in that
nart of the world in their time. Their
r.sinm. however, did see white
men. probably men looking for new
land, who did not live to get back to
civilization. Such expeditions are not
infrequent in the history of the north.
The recurrence of the features of the
whites in different villages is rare.
"There was one little girl who pos
sessed the most pronounced marking
of all. She was the daughter of two
old natives who were as dusky as any
of the northern natives, whose hair
(Concluded on Page 15. Column 3.)
Average Weight 'Is 10 Pounds;
Priee 1 1 Vi Cents; Farmers Said
to Be, Hold ing Tor Christmas
ROSEBURG. Or.. Nov. 24. (Special.)
The supply of Thanksgiving turkeys
from this county was considerably
under the number usually disposed of
by growers here for the holiday sea
son, as the aggregate results demon
A careful survey of the market in
dicates that something less than 5000
birds were marketed by producers at
this point last week, against a total
number of approximately 10,000 sold
during the same period last year. The
total weight of the turkeys was in the
neighborhood of 50.000 pounds, as
buyers . state that ten pounds each
would be a fair average.
It is believed that as many more
were marketed at Oakland, while
probably 2000 more were sold at other
railway points in the county.
The -birds were pronounced excellent
quality and the prevailing price paid
to producers was 41 ii cents per
Many farmers are said to be hold
ing their turkeys for the Christmas
market, and It is believed that fully
as many will be sold at that time as
were disposed of for Thanksgiving,
High Cost of Labor Also Assigned
as Cause of Wholesale Jump
From $27 to $36 an Outfit.
Chance to Study for Commissions
Has Little Appeal Now.
Nov. 24. (Special.) Appointments to
the military acedemy at West Poin
and tho naval academy at Annapoli
are failing: to attract Oregon men
Representative Hawley has asked fo
applications from men in tho first
congressional district.
Two principals and six alternates
are to be recommended to Mr. llawle
for appointment to the naval academ
and one principal and two alternate
for the military academy.' The
sponso thus far has been so slight
that it is feared there will not be
enough candidates to fill the varxou
The examinations are to be held
I here December 5.
Reply to Mexican Note
Not Yet Received.
BOSTON, Nov. 2. Retail clothiers.
n accounting for the prevailing hih
prices of men's clothing, at a hearing
today before the ' commission on
necessaries cf life, said that spring
suits would cost even more.
Federal excess profits taxes, passed
along by each handler of the goods.
were said to "be iarirely responsible
for the increased prices, with ad- '
vancing costs, including that of labor.
in added factor. The clothiers
in several instances claimed to be
running their business at a net loss.
The representative of a wholesale
and retail clothing house told the
commission that Increasing costs
would compel the company to charge
at wholesale next spring 36 for suits
now selling at J27 and 28.
Portland Price Kise to Be Followed
by Other Parts of U. S.
J.BW YORK, Nov. 21. The high
cost of smoking is going higher. One
of .the largest retailing concerns with
branches in all parts of the country
announced today that the retail price
of various popular American "blends'
or cigarettes, now retailing at IS
cents a package of 20, would be ad
vanced to cents about December 1.
The raise, it is declared, is neces
sary to make up an increase of 80
cents a thousand in the wholesale
price. High cost of cigarette tobacco
is blamed for the advance. increase referred to above was
put into effect by Portland retailers
several .weeks ago. The rise now wil
be effective in other parts of the
United States.
Secretary Baker Orders Exhuming
of 18,000 Bodies Outside of
"Zone of Armies."
(By the AsjocUted Press.
PARIS. Nov. 24. The 65,000 Amer-
Trial of Jenkins Before Action
by State Planned.
Carranza Hastens to Take Part in
Discussion of Case-; 'Washing
ton Ignorant of Evidence.
Eight Are Sentenced for Part in
Boston Disorders.
BOSTON, Mass., Nov. 24. tight
sailors were sentenced today to six
months in jail for rioting as a result
of an early morning disturbance in
Scollay square. In which police and
state guardsmen battled with a
Burglars in Helena Have Keen An-ycrrwd of 100 bluejackets.
ine trouble started last night when
police frustrated an attempt to rescue
sailor who had been arrested for
drunkenness. Later reinforcements
from battleships at the navy-yard
marched to the square, where 25
policemen and 100 guardsmen met
and routed them with clubs and took
eight prisoners.
prcciation of Values.
HELENA, Mont.. Nov. 24. With
eggs at 85 cents a dozen, burglars
passed up the cash in a till at a
grocery store early today, taking 22
dozen eggs.
The police are endeavoring to lo
cate the eggs.
News Print Problem Serious, Say
Southern Publishers.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala.. Nov. 2. The
Southern Newspaper" Publishers' as
sociation, meeting here to consider
the whrte paper problem, agreed to
day that consumption must be cur
tailed. Otherwise, it was declared, the
smaller newspapers could not survive
John H. Arfnian Loses Prize Anl-
inal in Peculiar Way.
M1DDLETOWN, X Y., Nov. 24.
King: Segis Pontia Alcarta, $50,000
prize bull, owned by John H. Arfman.
was killed by swallowing- a nail, ac
cording to the report of veterinarians
made today.
The animal died Saturday.
Miss Mabel McCulloch Becomes
Bride of Bert G. Bates.
ROSEBURG. Or., Nov. 24. (Sp
cial.) Bert G. Bates, associate editor
of.the Evening News, and Miss Mabe
McCulloch, a popular Roseburg girl.
were married here last evening at the
home of the bride's parents "on Mill
The bridegroom saw active service
from the time the United States army
entered the field until the armistice
was signed, and after arriving home
accompanied the trophy train
throughout Washington, Idaho and
Oregon during the last liberty bond
Ex-Emperor Charles, Needy, .Say
He Has Not Called on France.
GENEVA, Nov. 24. The former
Austrian Emperor Charles denies the
report that he has asked the French
government for a pension, but it is
known here that the royal family and
the archdukes are greatly embar
rassed financially.
Unless funds arrive from Vienna
the former Empress Zita. it is said.
will be obliged to sell some jewels in
order to meet necessary household
Florencio Constantino Reported to
- Have Succumbed In Mexico.
LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Nov. 14.
Florenclo Constantino, famous tenor,
for years a star in grand opera, is
dead in Mexico City. News of the
tenor's death came In a telegram from
his son, Ricardo Constantino of New
York, sent today from the Mexican
capital to his father's attorney. Joseph
M. Bernstein, in Los Angeles.
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WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. There was
no word today from the Mexican gov
ernment in answer to the sharp note
from the state department demand
ing the immediate release of William
O. Jenkins. American consular agent
at Pucbla. All day officials waited
for a note they thought might be
handed to them by thB Mexican em
bassy here, in view of reports Sunday
night that a long dispatch relating
to the Jenkins case had reached the
embassy from Mexico City.
So far as the ft ate department was
able to learn, Jenkins still was
and in the Mexican penitentiary on
charges that he had conspired with
rebel bandits who kidnr.ped him and
'orifd hir.i to ?ay a ransom of ap
proximately $150,000.
Note tliNunsied In Mexico.
The department was in constant
communication today with the Amer
ican embassy in Mexico City and was
advised that the cabinet has discussed
the American note and called Gover
nor Cabrera into conference. Gover
nor Cabrera is a brother of Luis Ca
brera, secretary of the treasury Ii
Carranza's cabinet, and known to be
one of the most bitter anti-Ameri
President Carransia. aai found the
situation to be so acute that he has
returned to Mexico City from Qucre
taro to take part in the consideration
of the Jenkins case, reports today
Mexican officials have caused re
ports to be circulated that the gov
ernment waB amply ijuatif ied in hold
ing Jenkins. No report has been
made to this government or its rep
resentatives, however, as to the na
ture of the evidence on which the '
American consular agent was locked
up a second time.
Reply Not Vet Received.
"The department has not yet re
ceived the answer of the Mexican
government to the American note
calling for the immediate release of
William O. Jenkins, the American con
sular agent at Puebla, Mexico, who
was re-arrested and put into the pen
itentiary shortly after his release by
kidnapers near Puebla. It is un
derstood that the Mexican cabinet
had the note under consideration Fri
day and that Governor Cabrera of
Puebla was called in from Puebla for
LAREDO. Texas, Nov. 24. While the
ican dead in France must be left
the graves they now occupy until the
French are ready to exhume their
own dead, which it is hoped will be
before January 1, 1922. Tho foreign
office has promised to consider the
latest request of the American goy
ernment for the return of its fallen;
soldiers, but ter the following offi
cial announcement was made:
"It has been definitely decided that
the allies who fell together for the
same cause should remain together in
death until circumstances permit of
the returning of the bodies to the
families for whom they sacrificed
The proposed law forbidding the ex
humation of soldier dead for three
years did not pass at the last session
of the chamber of deputies, but the
foreign office expects that it will be
adopted soon. This bill specifies
delay ' in exhumation of three years
from the promulgation of the law, but
it is expected that this period will be
shortened. At the foreign office it is
said to be probahle that the exhuma
tion will commence considerably be
fore January, 1922.
The French government is anxious
to hasten matters, as French families
are also pressing, but there are thou
sands of unidentified dead and trans
portation facilities are utterly inade
quate to move the 1. 500,000 bodies in
local cemeteries.
The British and Belgian govern
ments also are urging for the return
of their dead, but France considers it
only fair to treat all countries alike.
Cabinet and Reigning House
Both in Danger.
QUERNSTOWN, Nov. 24. The
bod ios of the American? who fell in
tho war who are interred in the cem
etery here are to be sent back to the
United States. They will be exhumed
and placed aboard the U. S. S. Yank
ton next week.
WASHINGTON. No. 24. Instruc
tions that soldier dead, interred in
France outside the so-called zone of
the armies," be brought home as soon
as arrangements have been completed.
have been issued by Secretary Baker.
About 18,000 bodies lie outside the
zone. lie turn of those within it de
pends upon action by the French gov
ernment, which has been asked to
withdraw Its restrictions.
Killing of Premier and Overthrow
of Monarchy Frustrated.
ATHENS. Nov. 24. A plot to as
sassinate Premier Venizelos an.1 over
throw the monarchy has been dis
covered here.
Many arrests have been made by the
The Weather.
YliSTKKDA V'S Maximum temperature. 51
degrMs : minimum. 40 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair and colder; moderate
winds, mostly northerly.
Foreign Minister Tiltoni IVsisns.
Abdication of Ruler Is Sug
gested by Some as Keracdy.
ROM K, Nov. 24. The reopening of
the chamber of deputies has been
postponed for a tew days. This has
been madi necessary by delays con
nected with the election formalities.
Tomasso Tittoni, Italian foreign
minister, has resigned and Viterio
Scialoia, m in is ter without portfolio,
has been named to succeed him, ac
cording to the Kpoca.
Rumors of the wildest character
regarding the possibility of a serious
crisis, involving not only the cabinet.
but also the reigning house of Italy,
arc in circulation as the opening of
parliament, set for December 1, ap
proaches. SocialinBt Are Aggrensive.
The socialists, proud of their recent
victory, ara eager to continue what
they call t'lcir "march forward." The
older, more authoritative members of
the party, however, such as Deputy
Turati. leader of the intransigeants;
Deputy Trcvcr and Signor Madigli
an ia, a re against any excesses.
The new elements which have- en
tered the socialist parliamentary
group are declared to be animated by
revolutionary sentiments and to favor
an extreme policy which in their
opinion will inevitably lead to the ad
vent of bolshevism in Italy.
This section now is undoubtedly the
most numerous. If not the most im
portant one in the party. It is con
sidered that it will almost certainly
assume command of the party because
of the audacity of its members.
HImmIdr of King Planned.
Leaders of 'this section are quoted
as declaring that, comprising as they
do more than 150 "live wires" among
the 550 deputies, the remainder will
not dare oppose them and that they
will be able to accomplish "some su
preme act ' of rebellion which will
overthrow the tottering government
of the bourgeoise."
Formerly the socialists never at
tended the opening of parliament,
absenting themselves so that they
might avoid being present when the
king delivered his speech from the
throne and to escape taking the pre
scribed oath in the king's presence.
The newly-elected extreme socialists,
1 however, now insist that the entire
I sioup should attend
the ceremony.
.Sixty-rive thousand dead must stay awhile) hiss the king, insuii nun me mumuu
in France. Page 1. ne appeared and prevent him from
Italian socialists threaten revolt in par- j SDeakjn
liament. Page I. v
Premier Xitti confident Italy will survive. 'llBl wr-M...
Page 3.
Mexican foreign office has given an j Settlement In coal situation is now up to
opinion that the Carranza govern- I cabinet. Page 4.
ment should await action by the Mex- 1 Navy finds quicker way to bnild guns,
ican courts in the Consul Jenkins casa J g of3 alien, held at Kliis island de
before final disposition of the matter, I lays congressional inquiry. Page 1.
the government has decided to answer i Director-General Hines and railway men
the American note rea-ardine the case. dispute over m age scale, I age 1.
according to information received here
today from Mexico City.
The advices indicate that the Mexi
can government will reply tentatively Labor part
to the American government s note in
reference to the kidnaping and arrest
of Consular Agent Jenkins, postponing
final action in the matter until the
Mexican courts have disposed of the
The Mexican foreign office, accord
ing to these advices, had given an
opinion that the government's final
decision in the matter should await
action of the courts, "as to hasten
the decision of the Judge would vio
late the law."
EL PASO. Tex., Nov. 24. The trial
by courtmartial of General Filipe
Angeles, the Villa leader who was
captured recently near Parral, began
today, according to an announcement
by Andres G. Garcia, consul-general
at El Paso. No details of the- pro
ceedings had reached Mr. Garcia up
to a late hour today.
American Flar Lowered 1 roin
Masthead of Liner lmpcrutor.
LONDON, Nov. 24. Control of the
international mercantile marine has
been definitely placed In the hands of
England and Englishmen, according
to the Liverpool Post.
NEW YORK, Nov. 24. The former
Hamburg-American liner Imperator.
which was held in Germany during
the war and later served as an Ameri
can transport, today was turned over
by the United States shipping board
to the Cunard line for service be
tween New York and Liverpool, De
cember 10 has been announced as its
i sailing date.
, r, j-ntsSn Ti (IracA Whit h r
American commander, had read to the
crew the orders turning her over to
the Cunard line, the American flag
was lowered from the masthead and
the inter-allied flag raised.
S. warned by Canadian against eight
hour day as step toward slowing up
production. Page 6.
new national political or
ganization, ia formally launched. Page 2. Jew. march in parade of protest
against Ukraine murders. Page '2.
U. S. consul held prisoner by Mexico des
pite demands. Page 1.
Coal mine operators profits shocking and
indefensible, Kays McAdoo. Page .
Price of men's clothing to soar. Page 1.
rati fie Northwest.
Henry Drum, warden of Washington pris
on, recommended tor McNeils island po
sition. Page 5.
Fewer turkeys are sold at Roseburg.
Page 1.
John McCourt appointed to succeed Judge
Oantenbein. Page 7.
Washington state prosecutors plan action
attain tt radicals. Page 4. j
Blonde Eskimoe held racial "throw
backs." Page 1.
Boxers are ready for Milwaukie bouts.
Page 17.
Multnomah club tries for game with Notre
Dame football team. Page lti.
Coast mitt stars to mix at Winged M
smoker tomorrow night. Page 17.
Jefferson high eleven defeats Hill academy
0 to 3. Page 1.
Swimming fans are divided in dispute over
Multnomah junior event. Page 17.
Commercial and Marine.
Higher premiums do not Induce farmers to
rage a.
They have even gone so far as to
threaten that he would be attacked
on his way to the chamber or upon
his return.
All this, it is pointed out, may be
much more than is possible of ac
complishment. Nevertheless, it has
had the effect of making the respon
sible authorities restless and anxious.
It has been conceded among them ,
tii at there is no measure which it
would be possible to take to prevent
150 members whistling and shouting
and making it impossible for the
king to be heard.
The rules of the Italian parliament
do not provide for any such contin
gency as is thus threatened, for it la
stipulated that no police or armed
force can be employed in the hall
where the senators and deputies meet,
Situation Dlacnsaed Dally.
There would be no means of apply
ing concern, as the meeting Monday,
December 1, will be the first gather-
ins of the new parliamentary body
and the rules of the new chamber ttfr
maintaining order will not then have
been formulated.
The council of ministers ha been
meeting almost daily to discuss thk
grave situation, as well as the Adri
atic complications. Foreign Minister
Tittoni's friends represent him as of
the opinion that it would be better
for the cabinet to resign because trae
ministers, through neither their fault
nor any on the part of Premier Nltti,
of whom Signor Tittoni is a strong
admirer, have failed to realize the
oil nhniL
Corn at Chicago recovery part of last counirj o c i.iauU0,
week s iosn. page
Portland and Vicinity.
Young woman and odd pin worn By mur
derer Identity uave omitn as stayer oi
J. N. Burgess. Page 8.
Norman V. Coleman is president or Loyai
I e;lon OX coggers ana Liuiuoeniieii.
Page 13.
Immediate drive on criminal element in
Portland held present neea. ruga .
Charles Winn talks aelf into federal pris
on. Page id.
Removal of Dr. C. J. Smith as adminis
trator ot (jUiiuoru esuio Mftcu.
Page 14.
Smallpox hits five In Alameda school.
Job for every
ex -service man in Oregon
biect of campaign now organizing.
Page 11.
Mrs. C. B. Simmons elected president of
suffrage alliance. Page 12.
jews of city meet to mourn oppreaked race
of Europe. Page 14.
Strike of pupils at Vernon school Is settled.
Page 6.
Coroner's Jury lays madhoune murders to
6m Uli, Ogle and Bacastcr. Page 1.
Nittl Firmly Confident,
premier Nittl. on the other hand,
is declared by those close to him to
be of a firmly confident attitude and
us considering that to abandon power
at such a moment would be equiv
alent to a general deserting his sol
diers on the battlefield almost trea
son to the king and the country.
Presupposing that the cabinet will
present itself to the parliament on
December 1 unchanged, or with an al
tered personnel if Foreign Minister
Tittoni persists in his determination
to resign, the question is asked in
political and government circles;
"What should -the king do?" The
problem is being considered whether
he should be permitted to risk going
to the chamber to be insulted there.
There have reen some suggestions
Concluded on Page 2, Column l.