Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 24, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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Psychic Talent Brings Mes
sage From Ben Franklin.
Crystal "Water and Rosy Fluid
Pronounced to Be Wine Are
Poured From Same Pitcher.
"I am pleased, indeed, to see such a
lare:e and representative gathering
here tonight it affords me an op
portunity to communicate with you."
Three thousand Portland folk, gath
ered at the auditorium last night to
peer at spirit land through the lensea
of Dr. C. M. Kddy's psychic talent,
heard this message read from a card
bearing the astral chirography of the
late Ben Franklin. Any doubt con
fer nins the authenticity of the note
from beyond the Styx was swallowed
up in amazement at the method in
which it was delivered. For it came
from the cabinet, under test condi
tions, in which Dr. Eddy sat tied as
ii f rlv ms a Svrlan hnnrii t bund Ifts his
vic-tirn. 80
Dr. Eddy, a merry-mannered little
man, somewhat bald, with an enter
taining and breezy line of chatter re
garding the occult, defied the law of
gravitation by waltzing heavy tables
over the stage, his palms pressed
against the top, and lifting them
clear the tables presumably with
the aid of his spirit colleagues.
One Committeeman Touched.
"When the committee of toix, select
ed from the audience, had bound the
medium hand and foot and seated him
in the calico cabinet, showers of tam
bourines, bells and small hardware
.sprang over the curtains anJ down to
the stnpe, the committeemen dodging
the ghostly bombardment. As the
curtains whisked back there sat the
doctor, smiling, still fast in his ropes.
And in proof that the cabinet held,
in addition to the medium, certain
folk no more tangible than a whiff of
summer wind at least two of the com
mittee seated themselves within its
folds beside the bound medium. One
of these was reft of his coat and the
disconcerted volunteer assistant
emerged in his shirtsleeves. The doc
tor, still hound, wore the filched gar
ment. The other came from the cab
inet witli a perplexed look on his face,
search in g his vest pocket. The nim
ble sprites had "touched" him for his
watclt. And both the assistants, who
were named from the audience, stout
ly averred that while in the cabinet
they felt dozens of hands touching
them, even while they held the roped
palms of the imprisoned medium.
MMaglt. IMtoher Demonstrated.
The spirit of a bartender and a car
penter seemed to be at the beck and
call of the medium. For he poured
from the same pitcher, at will, the or
dinary crystal of cold 1 ull Run and
a rosy fluid that he pronounced to be
wine. It looked like a fair grad-i of
"dago red," but ere the thirsty com
mitteemen cou Id tip a glass to sam
ple it the fluid waned to plain, dis
appointing aqua pura.
A st for the carpenter, while the doc- j
tor bossed the job in the recesses of
the cabinet, bound fast, that visitant i
from another shore drove a very sub
stantial spike through an exceedingly
material fir board and thence through
the bottom of a pine chair.
For the greater part of his enter
tainment, which is spiritualism with
a flair for vaudeville, the doctor op
erated in the full glare of the elec
trics. But when the materialization
scenes were announced the lights
w ere dimmed to a ghostly glow. An
assistant had been seated in a chair,
bound to its rungs, and sealed with
. cotton sack that compassed him
head and foot.
Drnperlea Waver a tie.
Perhaps the rear draperies wavered
a bit or it might have been a va
gran t draft but at any rata the
lifted curtain disclosed a shrouded
figure that may or may not have been
L nele John in his grave robes. If it
was the good old chap gave no sign.
And the lights came on to show the
sack and chair vacant of mortality,
while the assistant strolled leisurely
back to the stage through the audi
ence. "With or without the aid of spirits,
Tr. Eddy is undoubtedly clever, far
more so than most folk. Houdini, himself,-
could give the doctor a few
pointers on how to achieve the im
possible while beset with knots that
would defy teeth and temper so far
as ordinary people are concerned. But,
as Dr. Eddy pointed out, the psychic
friends who accompany him to the
cabinet are surely worth while in a
pinch. He didn't say it in those pre
cise words, but such was the purport.
Portland Finds One Fault.
Portland will have one fault to find
with Dr. Eddy. He handles the sen
sibilities of a drought -stricken city.
facing centuries of arid-years, with
lack of feeling that is not humane
to say the least. If the accomplished
doctor can transform a white earthen
pitcher of city water into ruby claret,
by an airy wave of the hand and
a click of the glass, what couldn't he
do with a score of hogsheads? Of i
course he could! Talent that rises I
to such transcendent heights is utterly
wasted and misspent in frivolous en
tertainment. Anyway, the doctor's most recent
Portland appearance he has been
visit in g this city for many years
was an unqualified demonstration of
ability to perplex the reasoning facul
ties and to cause the brow to furrow
over things that are behind the veil
of the cabinet.
"Billy" Pangle. who sponsored Dr.
Eddy's appearance last night, an
nounced at the close of the evening
that the medium will appear at a re
turn engagement in the near future.
at which American Ambassador Mor
ris was present. Viscount Ishii said :
that he had consistently endeavored
to explain to his countrymen some-
thing of their ignorance regarding
America and Americans. "While he
deplored the "indiscreet utterances"
of some American newspapers and
some Americans concerning Japanese,
he had repeatedly warned the Japa
nese, especially the press of the mis
chievous effects which were likely to
grow out of hasty, inconsiderate
criticisms of the United States, and
especially of its president. The Japa
nese, he declared, deprecated nothing
more strongly than the altogether un
deserved attacks upon the personality
of President Wilson.
After congratulating Americans
upon the "remarkable and conspicu
ous part their illustrious president"
had played in the struggle for the
world readjustment, the viscount ex
pressed regret that the Paris confer
ence had not incorporated some guar
antee in the league of nations cove
nant against racial discrimination, rie
believed that the omission of the just
proposition made by Japan would af
fect the prestige of the league, but he
was confident it would prevail ulti
mately and without undue delay.
He emphasized his belief that all
countries are confronted by a new and
imminent danger, namely, a war of
the classes, or a war against the state
and other established institutions.
12,000 Picked Serbians
Oppose D'Annunzio.
Rear Admiral Millo Said to Have
Exceeded His Authority in
Joining Expedition.
Admiral Milio. Admiral Millo
' nnin,a4 V. a t h, a harf cant- t l.lficrQm
o Rome accepting the governorship of
Dalmatia in the name of the king of
Italy. In the afternoon, D'Annunzio
again spoke to the people.
D'Annunzio said in the course of his
"Here today we celebrate divine
service. We came from Fiurae, where
the motto is 'Italy or death. Arriv
ing at Zara we are greeted by the cry
'Italy or death!' and you will once
more join me as the brothers in Fiume
The narrator says the entire crowd
took the oath amid great enthusiasm.
The narrator explains that D'Annun
zio's aim in going to Zara was to pre
vent the evacuation by the Italian
troops of territory included in the
pact of London. He reared this be
cause of the arrival at Zara of a war
ship which he supposed might be in
tended to take away the Italian forces
and he desired, the eyewitness added,
to precipitate events by acting along
the lines of the motto: wnat is done
cannot be undone."
GENEVA, Nov. 23.--Gabriele d'An
nunzio is preparing for the occupa
tion of the whole of Dalmatia, ac
cording to Belgrade disDatches. The
"The defense, he said, 'should be eiIt ejegation 10
common, as the danger is common 10 , "
all countries. All petty and selfish
considerations of a racial and eco
nomic character should be merged
into the vaster consideration of this
common defense."
Harry P. Coffin, Judge Ro&sman
and Marshall N. Dana Speak
on Safety at Forum.
Public Safety" was the subject of
addresses at the Church of Our Father
evening forum yesterday by Harry P.
Coffin, director of the Columbia sec
tion of the National Council of Safety
Jud-ge George R. Rossman of the mu
nicipal court and Marshall N. Dana of
the Oregon Journal.
"The modern gospel of safety first,"
said Mr. Coffin, "is an answer to the
ancient question, 'Am 1 my brother's
keeper? 'Speed is the slogan of
present-day industry, and it is the
business of industry to protect people
against accidents due to speed."
Judge Ross man spoke of accidents
due to automobiles. He said that only
a small part of such accidents were
due to speeding. .Most of them are
due to the impatience of pedestrians
or the incompetence of drivers. Traf
tic congestion also increases acci
dents; over one-half the accidents
Portland occur in the down-town
west side district, said Judge Ross
Eighty per cent of auto accidents,
the judge estimated, are due to pedes
trians. The "jay-walker," the man ir
a hurry, trying to "beat" an approach
ing machine ; the absent-minded per
son, the middle-of-the-street con ver
sationalist, all these help swell the
Mr. Dana spoke of the vigilance
committee, of which he is chairman.
to be composed ultimately of 300 of
Portland's leading citizens, who will
band together to aid in the enforce
ment of traffic laws.
(Go ii omnslhitt:
ergetic measures by the Serbian gov
ernment against d'Annunzio's projects.
i ne Jugo-siav population of Zara
is reported to be in revolt. Many
fled from the town on the entrance
of the Italians.
VENICE. Nov. 23. A Serbian divi
sion 12,000 strong and composed of
picked men has been concentrated at
Spalato. on the Dalmation coast.
ready to oppose D'Annunzio if he ap
proaches that city, according to infor
mation reaching Admiral Andrews,
commander of the American forces in
the Adriatic, on board the armored
cruiser Pittsburg.
The American commander is in
wireless communication with the
entire Dalmatian coast. Since the
Z-ara expedition of D'Annunzio. ac
cording to reports, tranquillity has
prevailed everywhere.
ROME, Nov. 22: Disapproval of Cap
tain d'Annunzio's exnedition aeainst
Zara is expressed by the entire press
or Italy. Major Giuriatl. an Italian
officer who had been with the forces
along the Dalmatian coast, has ar
rived here and has distributed to the
press a statement saying that D'An
nunzio's act was necessary because he
feared Italy would withdraw her
troops from Zara and leave the city at
the mercy of the Jugo-Slavs.
Millo Course Condemned.
The course pursued by Rear-Admiral
Enrico Millo, commander of
the forces of occupation in Dalma
tia. in joining d'Annunzio in his en
terprise against Zara, is condemned
in a semi-official statement issued to
day. The statement in part says:
"The government disapproves of the
action of Rear-Admiral Millo, which
was entirely of a political nature and
exceeded hfs authority. He will re
main at his post, pending decision by
the government, which will do its ut
most to prevent other contemplated
"Recent searches at Ancona. Turin
and Milan show that some exalted
personages are endeavoring to profit
by the situation in Fiume and secure
territorial advantages. The govern
ment is adopting all necessary meas
ures and regards as criminal all at
tempts to disturb the country's in
ternal peace."
The statement says that "evidence
is not lacking that other expeditions
are being prepared against Sebenico,
Spalato and other Dalmatian towns."
Prospect of Eurtlicr Suspension in
Industry Faces Chicago
and Middle West.
CHICAGO. Nov. 23. A prospect of
more suspensions in industry as a re
sult of the coal miners' strike con
fronted Chicago and the middle west
tonight. Conservation continued to
be emphasized by regional coal offi
cials and applications for release of
coal continued to be received from
many communities, especially in the
central western region, extending to
Illinois Coal Operators association,
returned from Washington and ex
pressed the belief that the operators
would not accept Secretary of Labor
Wilson's compromise proposal for a
35 per cent increase in wages. He de
clared this plan would mean an in
crease of 75 to 80 cents a ton at the
mines. The only way the proposal
would be accepted, he said, would be
in the form of government action.
The operators are willing to turn
over their properties to the govern
ment any time it will take decisive
action to resume production, he said.
Dr. Honnald said the present sup
ply of coal probably would not aver
age more than one week's necessities.
D'Annunzio at .Head of Invaders
Received by Admiral Millo.
ROME. N'qv. 23. (By the Associated
Press.) Now that details of Gabriel
d'Annunzio's recent exploit on the
Dalmatian coast are being permitted
publication in the Italian press, after
the lapse of nearly a week, some
graphic accounts of the progress of
the insurgent poet's adventures are
coming to light. One narrative by
an eye-witeness who accompanied
d'Annunzio on the expedition to Zara
describes the events picturesquely.
D'Annunzio, says the account, at the
head of a band of 1000 men, set out
from Fiume at midnight on Novem
ber 13, the torpedoboat destroyer
Xullo leading the vessels of the little
At about 8:30 o'clock Fridav morn
ing, the narrator relates, as d Annun- 1
z:o ajid his staff stood on the deck
of the Xullo, eagerly scanning the
Dalmatian coast for a first glimpse
of Zara, a destroyer was observed
approaching. The craft was identi
fied as the destroyer Indomito.
Her commander, speaking through
a megaphone, said:
"His excellency. Admiral Millo, asks
where you are going."
Elimination of Duplication of Ef
fort, Expense and Organization !
to Be Duty of Members.
SALEM, Or., Nov. 23. (Special.)
Studying charitable organizations of
the state with a view of recommend
ing such legislation as may be neces
sary to bring about needed consoli
dations, or at least greater co-operation
so as to eliminate much dupli
cation of effort, overhead and waste,
is the purpose of a voluntary com
mission appointed by Governor Ol
cott Saturday.
The personnel of the committee
R. W. Montague, Ben Selling, Rufus
Holman, W. P. LaRoche, Mrs. W. B.
Ayer, Mrs. C. Lewis Mead and John
F. Daly, all of Portland.
"Inasmuch as this is a voluntary
commission, with no fund provided
for expenses, selections were made
from Portland alone," said Governor
Olcott in announcing the personnel.
"Making the selection entirely from
one community also will allow the
members to get together frequently,
and give more of an opportunity for
full attendance at the meetings.
"An effort was made, in determin
ing membership of the commission.
to have all of the varied interests
connected with charitable work rep
resented as nearly as possible. T: e
personnel includes representation of
the county, of the city, and of the
various classes and kinds of char
itable organizations with due regard
being paid to various se-?ts which are
strongly engaged in this class of ef
fort, as well as of women's organiza
tions which have thrown themselves
in a whole souled manned into causes
representative of service to human
"The people of Oregon have been
mercilessly deluged with 'drives of
every kind and description. A cen
tralized organization should be per
fected to do away with the great
waste which is apparent in the man
ner the gathering of these funds is
now conducted. I have said nothing
to any of the people I have appointed
on this voluntary commission as to
my plan In this regard, nor have I
asked them yet if they would serve,
They were selected because they rep
resent In the main all of the various
interests coming in contact with the
leading charities."
Manchester Martyrs Honored at
Anniversary Celebration.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians
observed the anniversary of the Man
chester martyrs, Allen, Lark in and
O'Brien, at a meeting- at Hibernia
hall, 340 Russell street, last night.
An entertaining1 and appropriate pro-
ramme was given, Thomas G. Ryan
Singring: of "The Star-SpanRled Ban
ner" by the audience opened the pro
gramme. A soprano solo, "Y hen Irish
Lyea Are Smiling. ' was given by
Miss Bertha Gardner; a contralto solo.
"Mother Machree." by Miss Velma
MacMasters; a violin solo by Miss
Frances Schniederjost; a bass solo,
"An Irish Song of Songs," by Arthur
D. King, and a whistling solo by Dave
Fuller. Two recitations. ' The Fight
ing Race," given by George Hennes
sey, and "Frin's Flag" by John D.
Walsh, elicited particular apprecia
tion. Judge Peter H. D'Arcy gave the ad
dress of the evening. He recounted
the early history of Ireland, and paid
tribute to Irish martyrs who fell
fighting for their principles. The
meeting closed with the singing of
"God Save Ireland."
Indiscreet X'tterances of Some
American Newspapers De
plored by Speaker.
TOKIO, Nov. 19. (By the Associat
ed Press.) Representative Japanese
are expressing the fear that the re
curring criticism in the United States
of "everything Japan does." as they
put it. is likely to create the impres
sion that there is some basis for the
idea of deliberate unfriendliness.
They say that any economic advan
tages which Japan obtains in Shan
tung are duplicated by other coun
tries in other parts of China.
At a dinner given in honor of Vis
count lshii. ex-ambassador to the
United States, by the Japanese &ocUt,
Invitation for Testimonial Concert
at "New York Accepted.
LAWRENCE, Mass., Nov. 23. Fritz
Kreisler. who gave a concert here to
day, announced that he had accepted
an invitation telegraphed to him by
General Robert Alexander, of the New
York branch of the American Legion,
to appear in a testimonial concert at
the Hippodrome in New York on De
cember 28.
General Alexander said that John
McCormick was to sing at the con
cert which -was to be under the aus
pices of the American Legion.
S. & H. Green stamps for cash.
Holman Fuel Co. Main 33, A 3303.
Poet Thunders Response.
"I, Gabriele d'Annunzio, commander
of the city of Fiume, am going to
Zara." was the thundered response.
"All right," quickly came the reply.
At the same time the sailors on the
destroyer Indomito waved their arms
and caps, shouting, "Viva Italia! Viva
From the Xullo came answering
voices shouting "Viva Italian Zara!"
"Banners were frantically waved from
both vessels, and the voice from the
other destroyer continued:
Admiral Millo sent us to tell you
he will meet d'Annunzio."
The news soon spread in Zara that
a vessel flying the flag of Fiume was
approaching the port. All the church
bells started ringing, and the popula
tion flocked into the streets.
Demonstration Is Noisy.
"Some of the people." continues the
narrative, "could not believe their
eyes." A It hough nobody knew what
Admiral Millo's course would be, no
body seemed to have the least fear
of the possibility of a conflict, and
the landing of d Annunzio and his
officers gave rise to a noisv demon
stration. At the sight of d'Annunzio
the crowd seethed with excitement.
Women cried incoherent words. Old
people wept unrestrainedly. Nothing
was heard, it is alleged, but cries of
joy; nothing was seen but waving
hands, hats and tricolored handker
"D'Annunzio appeared absolutely
transfigured. His followers were
obliged to protect him from the pop
ulation who otherwise would have
suffocated him. Finally an automo
bile succeeded in carrying him to the
seat of the government, where Ad
miral Millo awaited him. He re
mained talking for half an hour -with
the admiral, after which the latter
ordered his chieT of staff to send a
telegram to the government at Rome
announcing the arrival of the Fiume
volunteers and adding that Admiral
Millo had sworn not to allow a single
Italian soldier to leave Dalmatia.
D'Annunzio Reviews Troops,
"When D'Annunzio. accompanied by
Admiral Millo and Mayor Zilliotti and
other notables appeared on the terrace
overlooking the sea where a body of
800 Zara volunteers had gathered, he
received a notable ovation, the out
burst lasting 10 minutes. Then in a
loud voice D'Annunzio gave his "first
greeting to Holy Zara." concluding
by solemnly presenting Admiral Millo
as the first governor of Italian Dal
matia. the witness further relatee.
"After a review of the troops D'An
nunzio called all his officers to him
and placed them under the orders of
Proportion of Unmarried Women
Gains; Maidens Offered to
Americans as Gifts.
the Associated Press.) The high cost
of living is badly hampering the
Turkish households, especially with
regard to wives. The sultan has re
duced the size of his harem; Pashas,
who formerly were rich, also are re
trenching in this respect and not
withstanding the Koran's authoriza
tion of four wives to a man, the pro
portion of unmarried women is said
to be increasing as the men are find
ing more than one wife too expensive
to maintain.
Turkey's loss in population has re
sulted in there being three women
for every two men. In the interior
of the country maidens are so numer
ous that well meaning natives have
offered them as gifts to Americans
and other officers engaged in relief
One angle of the present situation
is the creation of a race of bachelor
maids who are taking part in politics.
Legion Men and Police Break Up
Gatherings in Denver.
DENVER, Colo., Nov. 23. Two
meetings of alleged radicals broke up
in this city tonight when police and
members of the American Legion vis
ited the halls in which speeches. were
The first meeting was scheduled to
be held at a hall in the business cen
ter, but as the crowd was gathering
a police squad took up guard duty at
the entrance. The place emptied hur
riedly before the speakers had
reached the platform. At another hall
on the outskirts of the business dis
trict the crowd fownd a delegation of
legion members and a force of police.
The meeting was called to order and
adjourned without radical utterances.
Nearly 150 members of the Ameri
can Legion had held a meeting behind
closed doors and deputized 75 mem
bers to attend each of the scheduled
made are
n w
M 8:15 P. M. the curtain at THE ALCAZAR, Eleventh
and Morrison, will rise pn "THE MIKADO," Gilbert and
Sullivan's most popular light opera.
Renew your acquaintanceship with the yummiest of
Yum-Yums, with the bluff old Lord High Executioner,
with Pooh-Bah and the rest!
Laugh at the funniest of situations. .
Marvel at the wonder of the scenery and the beauty of
the costumes.
Probably you'll say this is the most pretentious of the
Alcazar Musical Players' presentations.
Forget the High Cost of Living
"The Mikado" is outdrawing- all.our previous successes
judging- by the advance sale. We'd advise you to get
your seats today, and for the best seats go tonight, to
morrow or Wednesday. Mabel Wilber, Detmar Poppen,
Henry Coote, Lee Daley," George Natanson, James
McElhern Edward Sedan, Eva Olivetti, May Wallace,
Marie Horgan and all the rest have parts that fit them
like gloves. We want you to have good seats and we hate
to have to say: "Standing room only," as we have many
times recently that's why we say: Go Monday, Tues
day or Wednesday.
Hear the Best Music and
The Most Tuneful Songs of
The Past and Present
The Alcazar Musical Players present successes weekly.
There is a cast of a dozen fine principals, nearly all of
whom have starred in original productions. The chorus
looks well, sings well, dances well and is well worth a
visit. We have the whole balcony at 50 cents; 500 down
floor seats at 75 cents and but 10 rows at $1. Our friends
say they rarely, if ever, have seen better road shows.
We'd like to get YOUR viewpoint.
But Please Remember This!
The advance sale for Thursday (Thanksgiving)', both
matinee and night, and Friday and Saturday is already
tremendous. If you want to get the best seats, go TO
NIGHT, TUESDAY or WEDNESDAY. The show is just
as good! Mail or phone for reservations. There will be
no Wednesday matinee this week We won't wear out
our principals. There'll be one next week.
Every Week the Alcazar Has the Best, Funniest,
Wittiest and Latest Success Presented by Its New
York Star Cast and Beautiful Chorus of 4Q Excel
lent Voices Go Every Week It's Worth While!
PRICES: Lower Floor $1 and 75 Cents.
Balcony 50 Cents.
Box Office Hours: 10 to 9:30.
Call Today 07
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