THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, NOVE3IBER 24, 1919. V OVER PEACE TREATY u. s. Senate's Action Raises Serious Problem. NEW PACT IS SUGGESTED Assembly Is Much Concerned Over Change in Relations With Ber lin Now Threatened. "BY ARNO DOSCH-FLKUROT. (Copyright bv the New York World. Pub lished by Arrangement.) PARIS. Nov. IS. (.Special cable.) The newly-elected French assembly has before it the possibility of nego tiating a new treaty with Germany. The assembly as elected must sup port the treaty as it stands, and the restrictions placed by the United States senate materially change the treaty, according to the French view point. The restrictions regarding ar ticle X., to the moderate French view, nullify the treaty and bring the whole situation bark to the point before President Wilson came to Europe. From a French statesman rising rstoidlv in prominence who is closely connected with America and President . W ilson. T get the following view point, which will unquestionably pre vail in the new assembly when it con venes on December 8. He said France and Kn eland had agreed before the arrival of Mr. Wilson that it necessary to hold the left bank of the Rhine and separate the Rhine people from Prussia. W I In on Proposal Accepted. Belgium wa.s to go to Cologne and France to hold the rest of the river to Switzerland? with wide bridge heads on the right bank. The Rhine country wks to be divided into buffer Mates, making France and Belgium safe against invasion if Germany had another attack of megalomania like that of 1914. The agreement was already iron clad when Mr. Wilson reached Kurope and convinced the French and British statesmen that a league of nations was more effective to keep peace, and gradually induced the European statesmen to accept a treaty basis which limited occupation of the Rhine for indemnity purposes, but made it sufficiently long to give the league of nations a chunce to become a living .reality, so that the French troops could safely withdraw from the Rhine, regardless of what the political changes were in Germany. The French always suspected Ger many would become her reactionary old self again as soon as she recov ered from defeat, but thought the danger point could be passed within 13 years with the new era in inter national relations. To accomplish this they counted absolutely on the United States. They regarded the league of nations only safe if the United States continued to maintain the place in world politics it showed when it en tered the war. Senate Chan gen Situation. They had implicit faith in Mr. Wil son, and have yet. but see that the senate has undermined the president's posi Hon. The new French assembly will t hus be faced with a different situation from that when the peace t reaty is signed. The assembly will have to accept the senate's word that France can not rely on the United States to u phold the position of America when she signed the treaty. This being the. case, the assembly must consider means to re-establish French safety without counting abso lutely on the league of nations. A new treaty with Germany, forcing Germany to relinquish all claim to the Rhine provinces and establishing a buffer republic economically allied to France will be "the trenc1 of this pol icy. The assembly was elected in sup port of the treaty as written, not as modified by the senate, and will be expected to protect French interests before everything. There is little press comment on the senate's action, partly on account of t he newspaper strike, which contin ues, and also because the editorials written by the various newspapers in the single organ at the present time being published still discuss the elec tion results. Hope 'ot Yet Abandoned. But an important official in the French foreign office, in commenting on the senate s stand against the treaty, still hopes that some means of reaching a compromise exists. This politician is an optimist, and. no doubt, because the information ceived here is not ample enough throw a clear light on the matter, he believes there is still hope for ratifi cation. "If one reads the text of article X, which, by the way, is very imprecise and loose, it is difficult to believe that not one person of good faith could see in it irreducible opposition purely V the reservation adopted bv the sen ate," he remarked. "Everywhere pas sion is a bud adviser, and in politics more so. We want to think that those passions which have arisen during the long debate in Washington can be restrained so as not to let questions of persons or parties finally carry all before them above the high interests of civilization at a time when a vote is to be cast which is to assure or mar the peace of the world." have the means of settling disputes and of restoring order in all the dis turned recrions of the world. Neve theless. America's refusal to join with Kurone in these great tasks will be the greatest disaster of our time. Moral Effect Feared. "It is not so much that America's abstention will involve us in practical difficulties, though these difficulties raav be serious enough. The nations of South America may be reluctant to join whole-heartedly in the league; the smaller European nations may be discouraged; even our own statesmen may become lukewarm. But all of these difficulties can be overcome if public opinion is alert and energetic. The great disaster is the moral one. Kurope needs the United States. Lord Percy points out that the war broke down the barrier between America and Europe. "Not only did America come to the help of Europe with . men, material and money; she came to realize that she had great moral responsibili", not only in Europe but also in the east, and she proved that she was fully capable of living up to those' responsibilities Is all this to be thrown away? Are we to return to 1914 to build up the old barrier again between east and west? 'America cannot do this even if she would. She is in the midst of a great era' of expansicm; both her commer cial and her intellectual interests are carrying her people into every quarter of the globe. She may remain out side the league, but she cannot disin terest herself in what it does. Hav ing refused to enter it. her present suspicion will deepen, first into jeal ousy andthen into hostility, and when real hostility develops between Eu rope and the United .States the col lapse of the whole structure of mod ern civilization will be inevitable. Hasty Judgment Dlscourased. "This is the danger. If it is to be averted, we in England must refrain from all hasty judgments on Amer ica's present policy and must go steadily on with the duty immedi ately before us the building up of the league in the interest, not of our selves, but of the world at large. Time is on our side, for. whatever suspicions the American people may entertain today, the time will come when they will realize that the cove nant was not born of any diplomatic game at Paris, but was the fruit of an earnest and wholly disinterested effort to construct a practical, work able international system to safe guard the peace that we have so hardly won." The marquis of Crewe, formerly colonial minister, in an article in the Pall Mall Gazette, after pointing out various circumstances which should be considered in judging the senate's action, says: "Last, but by no means, least; a great many Americans feel that we have all descended together from a high plane of idealism on which the league of nations came into being. If there has not been an actual scramble for material gains, there has been something not far removed from it. America, too, it might be argued, must be sternly practical in a practical world, and most practical of all in holding aloof from the strug gles and jealousies of a society so imperfectly purified by the furnace of war. ilfllLIES THANKED FOB AID AT VLADIVOSTOK Revolution Thwarted, Rus sian Chief Grateful. REBEL MAKES STATEMENT Sympathy Jm Extended. "Such are some of the factors in what at first sight appears to be the great refusal of America, but there is no sort of need to despair or even to be greatly disheartened. The league of nations indeed is a resil ient body, and.jthough the action of the majority of the senate is a hard blow, the damage is not irreparable. It is the duty of all of us to sympa thise with the difficulties of America in discussing and deciding these great issues and to comprehend them as far as we can. Our own political future is not so sure that we can afford to adopt an attitude of lofty criticism." SHIFT OF POWER PROPOSED Movement Xot Bolshevistic, Says Czecno-Slovak Commander; Jap anese Bitterly Censured. VLADIVOSTOK. Nov. 21. (By the Associated Press.) General Roanoff, in a proclamation dealing with tfae recent attempted revolution here, said: - "Congratulations to land and naval forces and deepest gratitude to our noble allies for the services they have rendered. In the name of the gov ernment, I thank the allied troops who protected the property and the dignity of the Russian state." General Rudolph Gaida, Czecho Slovak commander and leader of the revolutionary forces, was interviewed today as he lay in bed suffering from a wound incurred during the fighting, and guarded by Czecho-Slovak sol diers. "The revolutionary movement was purely of the people," he said, "its supporters being of the Russian dem ocratic classes and its leaders includ ing members of the czar's duma, three figures in the Kerensky government and many young Russian officers. That was not bolshevistic. Its rec ords and its leaders' programme, out lined to the people, are all the proof that is necessary. Japanese Action Denounced "As commander-in-chief, I led the military forces, which included 100 of my personal guard. 500 deserters from the government's forces and 1500 workmen and civilians. The ; fighting started when a company of Russians fired on another company which was coming over to us. I made every effort within my power" to pre vent fighting. "I believe we would have won had not Japanese troops prevented our sending out raiding parties from the railway station. These parties were turned back, placing us In a trap. Unable to spread our activities, we were surrounded, but held out until the government forces brought up artillery." General Gaida will be deported to Czecho-frHovakia soon, but he, nounced that he will continue to work for the Russian cause. He bitterly arraigned the policy and activities of the allies in Russia. Mppon Avows Neutrality. The Russian official news agency has issued a note of thanks to "the allies, and particularly the Japanese for services to the Russian cause." The note adds: "Admiral Fedeoro- vitch states the Japanese warship Hizen aided our flotilla by illuminat ing the station with its searchlights.' In reply Admiral Kawahra issued a statement from Admiral Fedeorovitch authorizing him to deny the news agency statement. The Japanese naval force conformed to its attitude of strict neutrality, he declared. The Japanese press bureau also has asked for a correction of the statement that the allies, and especially the Japa nese, aided the government forces in the overthrow of the rebels. erty In Linn county on the 19X9 tax roll, exclusive of that of public serv ice corporations, to be Messed later by the state tax commission, is $-6.-568.160. When the assessment is made by the state commission the total of the roll probably will be about $30,-000.000. -The total valuation of the various kinds of property is as follows: Tillable land $ 7.342.170 Non-tillable land lO.S-MM'.tu Improvements on deeded lnd.. 1,o1,4j Town- and city lots 1,507, St0 Improvements on town and city lots l,9r9.."05 Improvements, land not deeded 9.0o0 Logging roads, rolling stock, and water ditches 7.870 Machinery, etc 2t:-.745 Merchandise and stock in trade Farming implements, automo biles, etc 812,770 Notes and accounts.....'. " 23.1.605 Shares of stock a Hotel and office furniture 41,S05 horses, 10o 524.215 Cattle. 21.417 530.2M5 Sheep, 35.. 108 205.460 Swine. 7704 75,6u5 Dogs, 1263 7.350 Total - 920,568, 160 YAFD PLANTS TO REOPEN BAY EMPLOYERS TO SUPER SEDE UNION RULES. Wage Scale to Be Same as in Effect Oct. 1; -Increased Production Aim of New Plan. SAX FRANCISCO. Nov. 23. Shop practices in the shipyards, foundries and metal trades plants of the San Francisco bay district which under union demands to the employers tend ed to limit production, will be super seded by rules drawn up by the em ployers themselves, it was announced here today, when the gates open to morrow after an interval of almost two months due to a strike. These rules provide that the wage scale, which is to be the same as that effect when the men walked out, October .1, is a minimum, to be ad vanced in the case of men who shall ncrease production. Each plant is authorized to put in effect machinery for the adjustment of disputes and grievances within the plant itself by co-operation with employes. MARTENS MAY BE OUSTED Stale Department to Be Asked . "Deport" Ambassador. NEW TORK, Nov. 23. Transcripts or-tne testimony or l.udwiK c. A. K Martens, the soviet ambassador," given before the Iusk investigating committee last week, will be submit mitted to the state department with request for deportation, Samuel A. Bergrer. deputy attorney-general, an nounced toniprht. Martens will be examined again by the committee Tuesday, and S. Nuor t;va, secretary of the embassy," will also be asked questions. JOHNSON" WANTS DEPARTMKM OF JUSTICE IX CHARGE. Senator Working for Legislation to Take Task Out of Hands of Bureau of Labor. SEMITE DELAY ALARMS BKITISH HOPE FOR AMERICAN APPROVAL. OF TREATY. SEATTLE, Wash., Xov. 23. (Spe cial. ) Determined to put an end to the legal differences that for many months have flocked the efforts of the federal authorities in the state of Washington to rid the commonwealth of the I. W. W. and other anarchists. Representative Johnson is working for federal legislation that will take the task of deporting undesirable alien radicals out of the hands of the department of labor and place it in the hands of the United States de partment of justice. Representative Johnson yesterday telegraphed Chief of Police Harry Smith of Tacoma, declaring his pur pose to work for the departmental change and expressing the hope that the necessary law would be obtained by the first week in December so that "deportation may really deport." Mr. Johnson's telegram was in an swer to one sent him by Chief of Po lice. Smith urging the immediate de portation of the alien I. W. W. and other radicals now filling the city jail in Tacoma, most of them arrested as a result of the round-up of anarchists made by the federal and state offi cials following the assassination of four returned soldiers by I. W. during the Armistice day parade at Centralia. Refaxal Bring "Protewt. The Johnson telegram added new interest to the fact that Attorney General L. Ij. Thompson had tele graphed Senator Miles Poindexter pro testing against the refusal of the de partment of labor to hold for deporta tion 13 of the 14 alien I. W. W. ar rested at Centralia and demanding that an immediate change be made in the deportation CATHOLICS GET WARMING Pastoral Letters Against Radical ism Issued for Mexicans. MEXICO CITT, Saturday, Nov. 22. Catholics throughout Mexico were warned today against the danger of radicalism as represented by "social ism and communism" in collective pastoral letters signed by eight'arch- bishops and 20 bishops. These letters will be read in all Catholic churches -Sunday. TYPOS TO RESUME WORK Mandate of Executive Council Accepted .by Strikers. NEW YORK, Xov. 23. A mandate issued by the executive council of the International . Typographical union ordering the striking members pf Typographical Union No. 6 back to work, was accepted by a vote of 3 to 1 at a meeting of "Big Six today. Leaders of the Insurgent element announced they would decide tomor row whether to defy the International or return to work. Buy Gifts Now From This Sale PURS (STABL ISHED 55 YARS 9 St-BROADWAY Positive Savings in Every Department Your first duty this morning should be to attend H. Liebes & Co.'s A great collection of the season's fashionable high-grade apparel at disposal prices. The first Sale of its Kind Ever Held at This Store. November Sale "Liebes" November Sale "Liebes" Dresses Suits $21.65 $28.65 $38.65 $48.65 $28.65 $38.65 $48.65 $58.65 for evening;, business or street. Sizes for women and misses. and finer qualities reduced. Sizes for women and misses. November Sale $19.65 $28-65 $38-65 $48-65 $78-65 Liebes Coats All sizes for women and misses. FAMOUS ALIENIST DEAD Dr. Hamilton, Who Testified at Trial of Garfield Assassin, Pusses. GREAT BARRIXGTOX, Mass.. Xov. 23. Dr. Alan McLane Hamilton of New York, widely known alienist and specialist on nervous diseases, died suddenly Rt his summer residence to day. He was a grandson of Alexan der Hamilton. He testified for the government as an expert in the trial of Guiteau. as sassin of President oarlieia. born in 1848. He was UNIVERSITY HIT BY FIRE .Montreal Buildings Burn; Los Is Estimated at $400,000. MONTRKAL, Xov. 23. The main buildings of the University of Mont real, better known as Laval uni versity, containing the medical de- were destroyed by fire last t $400,000. partmen t, niprht. The lost is estimated 39 Hurt in Street Car Crash. CALK.VA, Kan., Nov. 23. Thirty nine persons were in.iured, none dan gerously, when two electric crashed in a head-on collision here today. cars near Teachers Meet at Cloverdale. TILLAMOOK, Or., Nov. 23. (Spe cial.) A local teachers' institute was held at Cloverdale yesterday. It was attended by a large number of teach ers from the southern part of the county. County Superintendent Lamb. Pnnfessor Turnbull, superintendent .of Tillamook city school, and Mrs. Berge were the instruct(-s from this city. LINN VALUE26 MILLIONS Assessment on Non-Tillable Lands Totals $10,359,495. ALBANY, Or.. Nov. 23. (Special.) The total assessed valuation of prop- l.onjiue ot Nations Must and Will lie Formed. Says Lord Eustace Percy, Late of Embassy. (Copyright by the New Tork World. Pub lished by Arrangement. I LONDON, Nov. 23. (.Special cable.) Lord Eustace Percy, lately -of the Hritish embassy at "Washington, in an article in the "Weekly Dispatch on the United States senate's action con cerning the treaty, expresses the opinion; "There Is every reason to hope that quiet discussion and study will enable the senate and President W ilson tc come to a reasonable agreement as to the wording- of reservations and that the United States soon will enter the league .on conditions which will not Mdversely afreet jts working and cTe veiopmeni as an agent ot interna tional peace. If, however, the suspicions of the republicans prove too strong and the United States decides to stand aside irom the league, at least for a time, Lord Percy declares: "One thing is certain, the league must and will be formed In any case. e must have an organized system ot carrying on international relations Lurcpe, Asia and Africa. "We iusl START T AND KEEP IT UP EVERY MORNING Get into the habit of drinking a glass of hot water before breakfast. Millions of folks bathe internally now instead of loading their system with drugs. What 8 an inside bathT you say. Well, it Is guaranteed to perform miracles according to hot water enthusiasts. There are vast numbers of men and women who, immediately upon arising in the morning, drink a glass, of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it. This is a very exc - tr nrovont s.ih i lent health measure. . It is intended miscarriages of justice. Since the Centralia murders, indig- 1 nant protest, especially in this state. has been made against the failure of the department of labor to take swift steps to deport all alien 1. W. W. on the ground that no evidence other than their membership in that or ganization was necessary to prove their undesirability. Comment has been made on the fact that the de partment of justice apparently has reached the conclusion that the I. W. W. itself is an anarchistic organiza tion, membership in which -is suf ficient proof of anarchistic views, the holding of wnich is a legal ground for deportation under the immigration act of October 16. 1918. Investigation I Continued. Immigration Commissioner White said today that his office was still continuing the investigation of the alien I. W. W. held by the police in both Seattle and Tacoma in the hope of finding sufficient grounds to justify the issuance of warranjts to deport aliens. "There are half a dozen Russians among them whose cases have been closely looked into but these men are not seeking to avoid deportation. They are seeking it, in fact, and sev eral of them have applications for oassnorts to Russia on file, but the government at present is not grant- 1 ing passports to Russians who desire to return to their country." to flush the stomach, liver, kidneys and intestines of the previous day's waste, sour bile and indigestible ma terial left over in the body, which if not eliminated every day, become food for the millions of bacteria which in fest the bowels, the quick result is poisons and toxins, which are then absorbed intO-the blood, causing head ache, bilious attacks, foul breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trouble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, impure blood and all sorts of ailments. People who feel good one day and badly the next but who simply cannot get feeling right are urged to obtain a quarter pound "of limestone phos phate at the drug store. This will cost very little, but is sufficient to make anyone a real crank on the sub ject of internal sanitation. Adv. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070, A 6095. PA7V DAIRY LUNCH & CAFETERIA 323 Washington St. (Near 6th) Choice Roasts, Steaks, Chops, Chicken. Fish, Eggs, etc 15C, 20S 25 RICH HOTCAKES CRISP WAFFLES and all short orders, any time of day or night Excellent Chicken Dinner Sunday ' H I 111 4gbA I'll lip H teki' r MM MA ' W Have That ! , i VirTROT A ! r': v a a a -s u jl a. va t ' iff at th ' . k ! . t sg -i Mf-I rni i r m- H n.ff I hnnlrpfrnnnrr Kovfr m l . IB fMi liaiitiogiv -L V tit 1 BJ Uon t wait until v-nnsimas, u-ui gei mai it- jail H II trola now get it in time for your Thanks- lajj B Hi .m. e u : :. tar I II Ej - giving reunion jusi mum ui nic jujr ii. rsa; h t give on that occasion and for years to come. Is!; H ral We have Victrolas for every purse from 1 - Szo urjward. tB i i a m tm a lfel Convenient Payment Terms M;1 Al ' Mi I . Sherman, play & Go. m 1 : - , ' & . J M Sixth and Morrison Sis., &? B .'X'" ' NX Portland M' g VtlVV (Opposite Postoffice) M' f Vv''- l Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane jfyy I ROLLED OATS Electrically Toasted , I , . -, Are a staple that builds ROLLED GATS s?nd ho-Ids up a sp,en- JLtmJr JJt-uam X-a a. a did vigor in men, women ; '. . and children. Oats are what they have been for centuries, but scientifically and mechanically knowing how to produce Rolled Oats for the table has greatly developed. Through long and searching tests made in our laboratories, every detail required to produce Superior Rolled Oats was completely and originally determined. In our mechanical and experimental rooms was created a method for electrically toasting our Rolled Oats which gives them a rich, rare and superior flavor. Ask for 5&3r ROLLED OATS at your grocer's. He has them or can easily obtain them; or telephone our Portland office, Main 4240, 704-5-6. Lewis building, and we will see that you are supplied." " FISHER FLOURING MILLS COMPANY