Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 22, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Loving Cup Is Presented
Imperial Potentate.
Major Baker and Governor Olcott
Voice Pleasure in Entertain
ing Distinguished Visitors.
Amonp the trophies carefully'
packed in the luggage of V. Kreeland
Kendrick, imperial potentate of the
A ncient Arabic Order, Nobles of the
Mystic Shrine, is another loving cup
that will be treasured as the reminder
of the unique burlesque with which
Al Kader featured its banquet to the
distinguished guest.
The banquet hall of the Multnomah
hotel was festooned with Oregon
frrape, mingled with the golden leaves
of the maple and rich hues of the oak
leaf, touched with the master brush
of time, each imprisoned ray of sun
shine brought forth anew under the
beams that fell from the replica of
the imperial emblem suspended above
the head table, set in the form of the
ecimiter and crescent.
Gathered around the festal board at
which the accompanying illustrious
potentates and representatives . of
many temples of the shrine of North
America who had journeyed to Port
land with the imperial council offi
cers, was a brilliant assemblege of
the nobles of Al Kader and their
ladies to bid Godspeed to the visitors
on their continued pilgrimage and
homeward way.
Histrionic talent of Al Kader was
drawn upon for a, burlesque repre
senting a session of the Imperial
council in which the mirror was held
up to each of the honored guests for
their appreciation and to the merri
ment ot the gay party. The grill was i
at white heat, but there were no !
barbs on the shafts that were shot.
Indeed, the tip of each dart was
touched with the nectar of affection
and love, and the tight-drawn bow of
Cupid in Junetime was never in more
devoted hands than those that di
rected the quips and wit.
Stnpleton Thanks Al Kader.
Noble George W. Stapleton ex
pressed on behalf of Illustrious Po
tentate Hofmann the pleasure of Al
Kader for the two days' visitation of
the imperial potentate and his party.
As representative to the council ses
sions, and especially to that held last
summer at Indianapolis when Port
land won the 1920 ceremonial, the
speaker had been brought intimately
into pleasant relations of the officers.
Mayor Baker, on behalf of the city,
and Governor Olcott spoke briefly,
each voicing his pleasure in having
the opportunity to welcome the visi
tors to Portland and Oregon and sat
isfaction that they will return in June
of next year with the hosts of shrine
dom. Many Notables Present.
Responses were heard from Imperial
Potentate Kendrick, Imperial Treas
urer Brown, Deputy Imperial Poten
tate Garret son. "Daddy" Silver wood
"of California," but whose home city
is Ios Angeles, who journeyed to Phil
adelphia to become the chaperone of
the off icial pi.rty for its western
tour, and the visiting illustrious po
tentates of many temples, among
whom were the following:
John D. Mcdilvray, lilam, San Fran
cisco; B. A. Foresterer, Aahtnez. Oakland;
J. Lee Cathcart, Al Bahr, San Diego;
I.. J. Foster, Ke Rek. Reno; I. . Mc
Laren, Al Asahr, Calgary, Alberta: John C.
Watrous, Nile, Seattle; Edward B. King.
Aftf!. Taeoma; Fred K. J one KI Katif,
Spokane, rt'jtreseiitinK Edward Pierce,
illustrious potentate of that temple; A H.'
Rowland. Kl Karultek, Shreveport. I.a.;
Representative Reed, Bella. Dallas. Tex! ;
A- B. Montgomery, Syria, Pittsburg, Pa!;
1,h E. Walton, Abou Ben Adliem. Spring
1teld, Mo.; Robert L,. Morton. Moolah, St.
1. out. Mo ; James Chandler, imperial
lirst ceremonial master, Ararat, Kansas
City, and Pilgrimaga Director Holluian,
Moilu, St. Joseph, Mo.
Crown Point chalet. Their praises of j
the scenic highway trip were still be-;
ing sounded this morning when they
departed for Ashland on the Southern I
Pacific train that left the Union eta- ;
tion at 1 o'clock, accompanied by a j
delegation of representatives of Al
Kader. who escorted them on their
southern trip.
The class initiated Thursday was
composed of the following members:
John E. Abrahamson, William Claude
Adams, Portland ; Hoy Frederick Alexan
der,. Pendleton ; Augustus Edward Adel
Kperger, Marahfield; Aifred Ernest Allen,
William Baird Allen. William Robert Ag
new, Joseph F". Alierton, William P. Allyn,
James Menziea Ambrose, Portland; Roscoe
Davis Ames, &ilverton; Allen T. Anderson,
Portland; August Anderson, Forest Grove;
Clifford C. Anderson, Hood Kiver; Fred
Anderson, James Edward Anderson, Will
iam H. Anderson, William Kenneth Ander
son, Arthur John Amundsen. Cecil G. Ap
piegath, Charles Morris Andrews, Port
land; Samuel Hubbeil Arbuthnot, Wasco;
Frederick Armstrong, Portland; George
D. Auld. The Dalles; Walter G. Attwell,
Hood Kiver; Herbert Basse 11 Augur, Port
land; Edward Wray Aylsworth, Gresham.
Harry Hosford Bailey, John Wesley
Baker, William Arthur Baker, Portland ;
Asa Wllber Battles, Prinevlile; Elmer Els
worth Barzee, Moro; m Max Earnest Bau
meister, Robert Gail " Baxter. Portland;
Thomas Erwin Bay lias, Kent: Victor Mickel
eazzei, Portland; Lake Macshali Been tell.
Prinevlile: Charles Chancellor Been told.
James Elsworth Benham. Jesie G. Bennett,
Portland ; Thomas Tanker vllle Bennett,
Marshfleld ; Charles Harold Benton, Port
land; Harry Alexander Bell, Nehalem;
Marion Richard Biggs. Prinevlile; Arthur
Sylvanus Bimrose, Portland ; Fred Henry
Black man. Hood River; Moses Monte f tore
Bettman. Charles Leonard Blakely, Ralph
Waldo Blakely, Felix Block, Axel Lewis
Bogan, Portland; Charles Emeral Bond,
Francis Willard Bond. Pendleton; Arthur
Rowland Boscow, Portland: George Edward
Boyersmith, Hillsdale; Tom Boylen Jr.
Pendleton; George Elbert Bradshaw,
Portland; Carl William Bragg, Scio; Paul
Robert Briedwell, Sherman II. Bralnerd,
Frank Martin Brooks, Portland; Raymond
Walter Brown. Oswego; "William Brown,
Oregon City; Frank H. Brown. Portland;
Lew Wallace Brown, The Dalles; Edd I
Este Brosius. Albert Henry Bryant. Ray- i
mond James Buckley, Everett Samuel
Bullock, Hazzard Samuel Bullock. Edward
Arthur Burt, Frank L. Burrell, George
Wilson Burt, William Henry Bruening,
Alvin Otto Binawanger, John Sldman
Buhite. Portland.
Carl Burdick Cad well. George Goodrich
Cadwell. Dewey L. Carpenter. Vernon Alex
ander Cart wright, Archie Chandler Cam
mack. Portland: Thomas Archibald Cath
ers. Wheeler; George R. Castner, Hood
River; Arthur F. Case. Portland: Wilford
Charles Cauthers. Beaverton; John Lang
Chandler, Portland: Ebner Arno Chapman,
Oregon City; Carl E. Chrlstensen. St.
Helens; John S. Charles. Portland; Earl
Clyde Chase, Reedsport: Claud C. Clark,
Arlington; Albert James Clarke, Portland;
Arthur Clarke, Corvallls: Charles Isaac
Clough, Tillamook; Winfield Scott Coe.
Walter Everett Conklin. Charles Paul
Copel, Portland : Benjamin Cohen, The
Dalies: Julius Cohen, Portland; Simon Co
hen. The Dalles; Fred Adolph Cook, James
Abram Coon, Portland: James Abram
Cooper, The Dalles; Arthur R. Coppach,
Athena; Walter Lavern Cornell, Portland:
George Herman Corey, Banks; Leslie E.
Crouch, Virgil A. Crum, Portland ; Virgil
Eugene Cushman. Moro : Dwight Bamford
Chown. Arthur Burton Cordley. Portland.
Joseph James Daley, Llyssus E. Daugh
erty. Adelbert John Davis, Portland: Rex
vvard Davis, Harrisburg; Emery James
Davidson, Fred Anson Dayton. Joseph P.
Deegan. Charles L. Deichman. William
Robert De Lay. Portland: John Luther Dil
lard. Eugene; Raphael Seth Dixon. Prine
vlile; Osman D. Doane. The Dalles: Will
iam Miller Dobbin, Vnion ; Henry El wood
Doherty. Alexander Donaldson Jr.. Elmer
A. Droste. William Solomon Dunagan
Portland: Robert A. Duncan. Hood River:
rtex t;jayton uunham, William Dubiver,
fortiana; James William Donnelly. ArlinE-
Portfand: Elmer L. Johnson. Hillsboro :
Jay Walter Johnson, Portland: Leslie G.
Johnson. Marshfleld; Thomas Fuller John
son, Hood River; James Johnston, Jef
ferson; Robert Arthur Josling, Hood River.
Walter Aaron Kanne. Milwaukie: Her
man Karate y, Portland; Albert cnaries
Kaseberg. Portland : Edward E. Kaseberg,
Wasco: Fred Katzky, Portland ; Edward
Kraenick. Portland ; Samuel Korn. Port
land; W. M. Killingsworth. Portland;
George Edward Keeler, Portland ; jonn
McCullough Keister, Portland; John u.
Kelly, Scio; Walter Henry Kelly. Port
land; Nathan Victor Keller, Portland:
Henry E. Kennedy, Reedsport; Wade Man
ning Kennedy. Portland: Roy Clion Ken-
ney, Portland ; Guy Thomas Ketchison.
Portland ; Thomas Kerr, Portland ; George
John Kinz, Pendleton; Glen Earl Kibbe.
Portland ; William G. Klitzae. portiana ,
Robert James Kirkwood, Portland; Walter
Rambo Knight, Corbett: Edward V. Knox.
Portland; George A. Kumler. Portland;
Charles Edward Kllngensmith, Portland.
James Henry La Moree, Portland; Clin
ton J. Landingham, Amity; Arthur Morris
Lara, Portland ; Morton D. Latourette,
Oregon City; Ervin George Leihy. William
Lawrence. John Leach, Gottlieb Lehnherr.
Arthur Napoleon Leisure. Hubert F. Leon
ard. Loren Mont Lepper, George McKay
Leslie, William Caird Leslie, Louis N. Lev
inson, Charles Henry Levis, Murray Morris
Levy, John Clarence Lewis, Raymond
Clayton Linton, Edward Robert Lipshutz,
Peter Livingston, William Jennings Lof
stedt, Portland; John Defo Lowry, Lion
ton; James Shore Loynes, Forest Grove;
Walter Edmond Lynch. Portland; William
George Lvnch, Salem; DeWitt H. Lyman,
Portland: Henry Walter Lyon. William Ed
ward Love, Portland.
Arihiii- fZ Marrinnftld
Anderson MacLean, John uron macpiiT
son. Karl Ransom Madison, Albert Lewis
Maeder, Portland ; Richard Brooke Ma
gruder, Clatskanie ; Ralph Arthur Mam
waring, Maurice Raymond Maney, Elbert
Grant Marsh. Portland; Glenn B. Marsh,
Hood River; Clyde Mason, Astoria; John
Norman Matschek, Robert Edward Mene
fee. Portland: Arthur G. Means. Vale,
George E. Merwin. Portland; Glen Ro
Metsker. St. Helens: Herbert Hirman
Metzger. Charles Ralph Meyer, Clarence C.
Mever. Danil Meyers, Portland; Autin T.
Mitsch, Gateway; Chester Arthur Miller,
Pnrti-nd- Ernest Miller Jr., Multnomah,
u-ofi w Mills. Cottage Grove; Orrin
Mills- Paulina: Abram G. Mink
Monette. Jay Smith Moltzner,
rthur Roland iioore,
Tiff t, Redmond ; Duane Clinton Thorns.
Scio; William Fuller Tipton. Oregon City;
Ralph Tomlinson, Portland; Charles Leroy
Towers, Rose burg; Gunder Theodoric
Trommald. Harrison Woody Trueblood.
Sidney A. Turney, Harry L. Turner, Port-
Carlos I'nna, Portland.
Robert R- Van Orsdel, Dallas, Jay Bacon
Van Alstine. Portland; Harry Allen Van
Giller, Wasco; John Peter Van Overn,
Portland; Walter Groeme Vassel. Dallas;
Fonntain Plttx Vaughan, Peter Venstrand.
Garrett Nicholas Versteeg, William Leslie
Vtrry, Arthur Jules Vial, Portland.
Harry Dennlson Waldron, Leroy Dear
born Walker, William Armstead Wall.
Portland; Paul B. Wallace. Salem: Ralph
Martin Walter, Portland; Fred Cecil Wal
ters, Eugene; Rialto L. Weatherford, Cor
vallls; Frank Weber, Linnton; Fred Dale
Weber. Frederick William Wehrs, Sanford
Samuel Wendel, Portland ; Samuel Milton
Wendt, Cottage Grove: Fred Marion West,
August M. West, William Frederick West,
Portland ; Hugh Aexander White, Wasco;
Henry Guy Whipple, The Dalles; Taylor
Charles White, G. B. WiggJn. George Delos
Williams, John Calvin Williams. Willard
Merrill Williams, Portland; Charles Marion
W tlson, Tualatin ; John Fremont Wilson,
George D. Williamson, Charles J. Winchell,
pearl tr. winKiebeck, Thomas p. window,
Meyer Wlnkleman, Charles Ambrose Wolf
gang, Tracy Abraham Wood. Portland;
William D. Wood, Hillsboro; Sidney Frank
Woodbury, Portland; Clyde Harold Wood
cock, Corvallls;" William Ellison Worth, J
D. Webster, Thomas R. Webster, Raymond
C Winter, Portland.
(Continued From First Paie.)
larence Moore, ponaia ; urr """"' K I Y. V KKll I ALL T LAIIM
iarrt Hnhprl MOrriB.
Hrrv A. Morrison, saiem; wmw
a, ia,.h Ti Mumma. John Homer i
Myers. Portland. w-,n
Leslie Grant jviconnen, " L
shall McConnell, Eugene io
Charles McCormiCK. james
Portland: Carroll Willis McCullagh, Hood
d t,.-. u'liiia m l -ester S1CV.UIIU-H,
onrt- William li. Mrranmiu, n...
A lavander HnWBrd MCOOWan, .
v. .., Vrank I.- McGuire.
lair Mclntyre, Hugn .l.----.
McKinlay. Edward Angus aicrucu...
Frank Earl McPherron. Portland.
r Kav nr. Ma or uuibc -
It was after the exchange of felici
tations and the serious features of
the programme that the burlesque of
tho imperial council session was put
n ty the splendid talent of the mem
bers of Al Ka ler. The imperial offi
cer taw themselves portrayed with
remarkable impersonations. The com
mittees on jurisdiction. time and
place, enacted to the enjoyment of
the assembly the scenes attendant
upon tne decision of the meeting
place ior tha io session, with liberal
interpretations and fine satire that
was best , appreciated by those who
bad a part in the meeting of last
J uii . at Indianapolis.
I her. as the climax of the event
ire imperial potentate was confront
crt with a striking impersonation of
himself, mounted on a hobhv horse
i.nd declaiming- himself as "The man
on horseback. '
Then came the announcement that
in -ecopritition of the hig:h place that
the imperial potentate holds as a tloff
lancier, a bench show had been ar-
ranged for his pleasure. For be it
known that when the international
bench show is held in New York, the
tax collector tf the city of brotherly
b-ve is called to judge the thorough
breds of the canine world. Charles
V. Berp: had been designated by the
bead cf Al Kader to stap;e this event,
and it was done in splendid fashion.
No one doubted as the entries were
brought into line of vision on a table
at the tr.d of the room that they were
dugs with a history, and had there
been any Missourians to raise an in
to rro vat ior. the master ceremonies
would certainly have put them at
There was evidence of a strain of
coyote crossed w ith catamount in
some of the visages that peeped from
frowzled fur. The owners came from
the select kennels of the Oregon Hu
mane society, to which are sent the
thorough bred wa it's that Chief Jen
kins' bluecoats gather in the byways
of the city.
Dean of How-wows Berg announced
the first entrant as "Bum Poetry"
da mned by everybody, t'ol lowed by
"?et-the-Ooin and Uniformly Great,
"Three-card Monty" and "Money
Money Boy." Imperial Potentate
Kendrick was cal led upon to judsre
the dops and awarded the cup to the
beaut if ul specimen that he charac
terized as "Mouse-hound."
Then the do&s held a conference
a nd Announcer Berg declared that
they had refused to accept the award
and instead insisted that it be pre
sented to the imperial potentate. It
was a copper loving cup. tin enam
eled, that had been intended to do
service as a container of milk. In
stead it had been provided with the
ornamental trio handles of a loving
imp, and on copper plate that adorned
the side was this inscription:
"W. Kreeland Kendrick,
A dog-gone fine thoroughbred.
"From the Shrine-Hounds of Port
land, Or..
"November 21. 1919."
Yesterday the imperial council party
attended the Pacific International
Livestock exposition and were en
thusiastic over the show. Then they
were taken for the drive over the
Columbia highway and lunched at
Earl A. Kchelberry. Portland: John T.ewis
Elwood. The Dalles; John Nicholas Edlef
sen, David Marcus Ellis. Portland; Will
iam Ross Ellis. The Dalles; William Har
rison Emrick. Alfred John Ersted. John
Tiiiora cuson. George Kates, Portland
Cecil J. Espy, Donald..
Harry elberbaum, Corvallls: Raymond
Jonn terry, Portland: Charles Sumner
neiu. noon Kiver; Arthur Lewis Fields,
Portland : Thomas Fisher, Hood River;
vv aner .Marion x looa, Portland ; Roy M
f orce. l.mnton : Otto Lee Fox. Albany:
r.uaii r raiey. William Edward
rrancis, Portland; John Washington Frost,
James Ernest Gaines, Portland: Alex
ander Cameron Galbraith, Portland
George F. Gates, Redmond; James Story
Gay Jr.. Portland : Rabin A. Gibbs Jr.,
Portland r Touls Gevurtz, Portland; Edgar
rmg uimert, Heaver: Clair John Gibson
Portland: Hugh Malcolm Glen, Portland:
Archie Lmery Graham. Portland : Robert
Lincoln Good. The Dalles; Samuel Her
man Graf. Corvallls; Charles Edward
i-ray, cortiana; uen Bruce Gray. Post
John Robert Grek. Portland: Edmund
Homer oreen, Lee; warren w. Green,
Portland; pearl Hayes Greene, Portland
William Greenberg. Portland: Gharles
Roger Griffith. Portland : Reginald r v
urunDs, roruana ; koss Newcomb Guil
ford, Wasco; Carl Wruenbere. Portland
Kdward Grenfell. Portland: Orville V
Gamble. Portland; Leon Clay Gibbs. Port
land: Graham A. Griswold, Portland; Rol
lie .Milton iiray, Portland.
Herman J. Harris. Portland: Oscar Hat
ton. Portland : William H or sly, Portland
carl ttobert Hallnerg. Portland ; Arthu
Leonard Haley, Portland ; Olaf A. Han
sen. Portland ; John Duncan Hamilton,
Portland : Wmthrop Hammond, Portland
John Clifford Harper, The Dalles; Luthc:
M. Harris, Portland; w illiam Isaac Har
ns. Portland: John Michael Hart. Port
land: Harry Erwin Harvey. Portland: Hu
bert Luther Hasbrouck, Flood River: Pete
William Havvkinnon, Portland; William
Lindsay Hay. Portland: W illiam Jo:
Hayner. Portland: James H. Hazlett. Horn
River: William Dennis Heath, Portland
Ernest Hrlvogt Jr.. Hillsboro; Marion K
Hedges. Portland; Thadcus Elmer Herider,
Portland : Orrin Aquilla Hess. Portland
Edgar Carl Hexter, Portland: Earl Hil
Cottage Grove; Floyd Michael Hillworth,
Falls City; Joseph Belknap Hoas, Port
land : Albert Louts HoKgreve, Portland ;
Edward W. Hoffman. Portland; George
Arthur Hopps, Portland: Clarence R.
Hotchkiss. Portland: Mervin Herbert Hor
ton. Bend; Olin James Hosford, Portland:
Augustus F. Howes, Hood River; Glen Le
land Hord, Portland ; Austin Sanford
Hughes, Portland; Lester Gilbert Hulin.
Eugene: Cecil Canova Hunt, Portland; Ray
Harmon Hunt, Portland ; Robert Reed
Huntei. Portland; Thomas Horas Hurl
hurt; Portland : Oscar Clarenden Hyde.
Prinevlile; Guy M. Harris, balem; Howard
A. Hahn, Portland.
Clarence Eugene Ingalls, torvailts; .Mor
ton H. Insley. Portland.
Robert Burns Jacks, Portland; Joseph
Jar vis, Portland : Augustus Hoge Jenkins.
Portland: Leon V. Jenkins, Portland; An
drew Jensen, Portland ; Albert bidney
Johnson. Waco: Arthur Henry Johnson.
Jay B.
Arlington; John
(Financial Aid Extended in
Months Totals $8,711,737.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 21. In
the past 10 months the American
l Red Cross extended financial aid total
ing $8,711,737 to families of men in
the service, national headquarters re
ported today.
The home service section assisted
the families of 360,241 soldiers, sail
ors and marines in August.
Increase of 31 Per Cent in
Wages May Be Compromise.
Albert Sin-
Reuben Sidney Noldeke. Maurice Augustus
Newby. Harold Nicholas. Walter D. N Icol
Portland; Marion Arthur Nickerson. Bridal
Veil: John Noce, porllana, J , ,
Norton. Coquille: Charles A- J?"";.1"'"-
Theodore Oimuna. nam . , ' .
Havtnn OrnQUIl. -Moru, xo.
unstau. r-u.i.-,..-. ,j. rrri.
Tinrnil ("line racsoru,
Clay Paddock, Hooa " ",r;
Parelius. Charles F. Parker. Harold lhe
r . Inhn HUnier r oii'-i vi -
... TT - c-Harrt Charles Peery. Scio;
rai.K fiustnve PecK. roruanu. ..j-..--..
. t" v. . ria II it
Franklin t enninBiou. ""'p.;::,
Harold Clarence Peterson. .HIme
Charles jonn rtinn'', " , T
Mike rerovitn, ia.,
inhn K. Pillman, John
Wharton Pierce,
rtaue reju-" Pnnl Vert
SndVctarence Leightor .Foley. Roy Powell.
Moro: Adolph Charles . Hal Hender-
Claude WcKInley Qulne,.
Mark W, Peterson,
George Quayie,
Portland. ,nn t?.1h-
Clyde Raaoe. wweiiji. - "" , "
hack Charles Arthur Kamey. J" r
Kcha.rdS"n. Vincent James Richards. John
Wright Richards. Haivor H Rasch Port-
W.mam August Riethmiller. Louis
Alexander Riffle. Peter .cn,
Riker. Elmer -y"arU r... - v
Rinehart, Portland.
vmi.horo: J. R. Koneris, 110,
Chu'rles Marshall Robertson.
EDhralm Thomas kodiusuh
Hfrllpv Jame
uel Henry Rogers. William jonnsiou
Portland; Ueorge . S.V
Adelbert Rose, lloro, ai u,iuo
CrTaries Rosen'feld. Robert Murray Ross
Po.tland: Ernest Aaoipo "
Orove; Matthew George Russl. Charles W.
RGunStaPverTanse,k. Charles H. So,.. Bend:
Henry T. Southara. ax. "J"
Sadilek, Portiana; ;1H "
Portland ;
Hood River;
Roake, Sam-
Portland ;
v,i.. rltv Knmnei 1-eiKn
James Van Clev hayre, rorunuu. ...w
Saint Clair Sayres, Pendleton Frederick
Jacob Schatz. Alfred Schllt Bert E.
Schoonmaker, Edmund August fechloth,
William Ronald Scott, Theodore T. Schul
piiis. Portland; Charles H. Schueller , Oraw
Valley Krnest IJnwood Scoble. Hood Riv
er" Robert 1- Schultz, David Balfour Se
eer Alfred Frank Sempert. Clarence Boh
flii cwalL Portland: Jame M. Shannon.
Wasco: Uwrence T. Sharinghousen
w.iifnm Vletcher Sharp,
James Walter Shearer. Jacob Joseph Shek-
t. RMhBri, Post Sheoherd. uavia no
Kur-t Kh-rman. Portland; Frank H. Sher
iood. Rainier; Fred Custer Short
H. Sichel, Carl Herman SiRKi.n,
iiou-in Hie-mnn. Dufur: Grover
Simmons. Ostrander: Lawrence Essen Sim
..,,,,0 t'nffpnp- Robert William Simpson
vinii-- crnvpr Paul Sinks. Portland; John
Roderick Sites, Salem: James Raymond
Smile v, Corvallls: Arthur Cunningham
smith" Charles J Smith. . Portland ; Simon
A. Sexpmith, Donald ; Oscar M. Smith,
Portland: Victor Hugo Smith. Wasco: Will-
im P. Snook. Leo John Spaniol, Morton
Ray Spauldins. Omar Corwin Spencer,
Jack Benjamin Spellman, James Henry
Sroufe, Portland; Tracy Staats, Dallas; H.
Wayne Stannard. Brownsville; Winfield
Daniel Starbird, Portland; Albert Charles
Staten. Hood River; Louis Rudolph Steel
hammer. John David SteVart, Seth Rob
ert Stockton, Guy Greenhill Stone, Clinton
O. Stone, Curtis Alfred Stowell, Arthur
Robert Stringer Jr., Howard B. Strow
bridge, Arthur Carl Stubbe. Portland;
Franklin Elmer Studebaker, Bend: Walter
Taylor Sumner, Portland; George Marquis
Sunday, Hood River; Sherman S. Swank.
AumsviMe; Lawrence Edgar Swan, Karl
Johann Swenson. Stanley Gerard Swenson,
E. Germain Swink, Thomas Johnstone
Swivel, Portland.
Oswald W. Taylor, Portland; William
Abner Teague. Vancouver: Harold Lee
Temple. Frank Temple ton, Ray Daie
Thomas. William Henry Thomas, Portland:
Walter Edsrar Thompson, Palmer; Winfrid
Franklin Thompson. Portland: Arthur H.
the country. False trails have led to
many cities and the authorities re
cently have been convinced that the
child was kidnaped in mistake for
rich man's son and had been taken
It is a pathetic teature of the news
that the place where the discovery
was made is one of the few places
in the woods and swamps in and
about Hammonton which was not
thoroughly searched by the numer
ous squads of citizens, ex-service men
and policemen who hunted with po
lice dogs and bloodhounds for days
after the boy was lost. The discov
ery of the skeleton was made by
George Eckhardt of Hammonton, who
was hunting for rabbits. He had been
tramping through the woods and
swamp lands with his dogs for sev
eral hours. About 3 o'clock he ar
rived near the farm of George Coons.
He began to beat back through the
scrub pines when his dog picked up a
trai'. leading into the brush. Sud
denly they stopped and began bark
ing. This was about 300 feet back
of the boundary of the Coons farm.
Hunter RecoRnlzen Clothing.
Eckhardt, thinking the dogs Tiad
caught a rabbit, rushed up and found
them running around the skeleton of
child. It had been partly covered
by leaves. He looked around and saw
the clothing strewn over the ground.
The clothing had been described to
him when he was searching for the
boy soon after the disappearance, and
he recognized it.
Eckhardt hurried , to Hammonton.
He went directly to the coroner. Dr.
Charles Cunningham, and started
back with him to the place of the
discovery. As they went to the woods
they spread the news, and within a
short time hundreds of persons from
the countryside were speeding to the
spot in all sorts of conveyances.
Dr. Cunningham took with him Po
liceman Prosper of Hammonton, and
had that officer rope off a 100-foot
section around the skeleton while he
made a preliminary investigation and
gathered up the clothing. Later he
removed the skeleton and clothing to
morgue in Hammonton, where a
thorough examination will be made.
Boy'i Mother Collapses.
All doubts as to the Identity of the
boy was removed when the clothing
was identified. first, by Charles
White, a neighbor, and then by Billy's
father, Hercules V. Pansey.- Mr.
White incidentally. Is the father of
the boy. Charlie, about the same age
and appearance as Billy, who it once
was believed, was to have been kid
naped for a ransom had not the kid
napers taken Billy by mistake. That
theory is dissipated by today's dis
covery. Mr. Dansey hurried back home after
making the identification and told
the news to Mrs. Dansey. The moth
er, who had kept up her courage
throughout the ordsal of waiting for
tidii gs by telling all of her convic
tion that Billy would be found safe
and sound some day. collapsed when
the truth was revealed
Conference With Sub-Committees
to Be Continued Today; Proposi
tion Withheld From Public.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21. Secretary
of Labor Wilson stepped to the front
again tonight in an effort to bring
miners and operators together after
a proposal by each side had been re
jected and the slate wiped clean.
Mr. Wilson is said to have formal
ly presented a definite proposal for
settlement of wage disputes which
would send bituminous miners back
to work before the country was in
the throes of a coal famine, but its
nature was not disclosed. It was
generally believed he suggested
wage increase of about 31 per cent.
Botn sides united in asking him
to join the joint sub-scale committees
after the miners had definitely re
jected a 20 per ctnt wage advance
and the operators-had finally refused
to agree to a counter-proposal from
the workers for a 40 per cent in
crease, a seven-hour day and six-day
week with half-holiday on Saturday.
Operator Withdraw Offer,
When the conference adjourned af
ter a six-hour session, Thomas T.
Brewster, chairman of the operators,
declared their offer had been with
drawn and that the slate was now
Secretary Wilson said that progress
had been made and that he would
meet the sub-committee again tomor
row afternoon.
Comparative? data on increases
the cost of living, and wage advances
to miners since 1914 was submitted
by Mr. WTilson, who declined to make
public his proposition. It was said
he proposed an increase of approxi
mately 31 per cent, the difference be
tween the cost of living and wage
increase figures announced by th
secretary at the opening of the con
ference last week.
DES MOINES, la., Nov. 21. Gover-
nor W. L. Harding of Iowa received
replies from the governors of eight
bituminous coal-producing states to
day to his suggestion that the states
take concerted action In an effort to
hane bituminous coal digging re
sumed. States from which he had
heard were Indiana. Illinois. Ohio,
West Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas,
Tennessee and Pennsylvania.
Governor Lowden of Illinois, said
in his message:
"Situation becoming serious in thii
state. Still hope authorities at Wash
ington will effect settlement shortly.
If not. will be glad to attend confer
ence with governors coal producing
states to consider ways and means
lor resumption of production."
Prompt Aetion Wanted.
Governor Cox of Ohio replied:
"Unless there is some adjustment
soon governmental interference in
shape of operating the mines will
be necessary. It ought to be done by
federal authorities, but if emergency
continues mucn longer the states
must act.
Governor Black of Kentucky simply
said :
"Miners of Kentucky gradually re
turning to work."
Governor Cornwell of West Vir
ginia telegraphed:
"Inasmuch as comparatively few
mines in this state are idle and pro
duction of entire state more than 75
per cent of normal, no such action aa
you suggest necessary here."
CHICAGO. Nov. 21. The daily in
creasing coal shortage today had be
gun to menace additional industries
and threaten the nation's food supply,
with the further prospect of a
sweeping curtailment of passenger
traffic within 24 hours. The two
Chicago packing plants "have about
two weeks' supply" of coal left, it
was announced today.
The immediate future of the steel
industry today was causing concern,
and in the Chicago district the corn
products plant at Argo, 111., an
nounced suspension. Its other plant
at Pekin, 111., already had been closed.
In the general situation as regards
the minps themselves but si ight
T ,. V ' i . w-" u. 11 - M -'
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HUf ! V
jr : - -sr v v - vr?v i
V Mir. y ;?
ABOLPIH zukue t
4B? sssms ttt? irrmn
In I i 6 t. i 1114 I i I i i i i I 1
U UEJli. U UnlJa u u u
1TBHE lJ U3 JUxi
Old man Forbes murdered! His young wife and her lover in the
hands of the police. Arsene Lupin, arch-crook, accused and missing.
No tangible clew but the marks of two rows of teeth.
Here in the "house of mystery," the trusted physician tying the dead
man's niece to a chair so that her "fool mouth" would be closed when
he blew the house to atoms.
Then suddenly that cold grim voice of the
an automatic!
and the click of
changes were apparent today. They
did not point to increased production.
The week's supply ration for Chi
cago and the northwestern region,
which extends to the Pacific coast,
was in effect today.
(Continued From First Papre.)
the union, having to seek flour elsewhere.
mand of bakers for flour made from
northwestern spring wheat Instead of
using the California winter wheat
product has been an important factor
m a aNix I a I I I a I -v -W a
State Would Prevent Court From
Forcing Return of Mines.
BISMARCK, N. E.. Nov. 21. Will- ;
iam Lemke, vice-president of the non- I
partisan league, filed an application j
in the state supreme court today ask- j
ing for an alternative writ of prohi-
court November 28 to show cause why
he should not be permanently re
strained from interference with the
stale's operation of the mine.
rrc - iadlc i re
in the increased prices of bread in this I bition and a temporary injunction to ;
state, said w . a. htarr. second vice
president of the United States Grain
corporation, tonight, in discussing the
removal of the government embargoes.
Because of the partial failure of the
northwestern crop this year, bakers
have paid as high as $15 a barrel for
flour, he said.' and unless the Canadian
of British government levies an em
bargo to protect the supply of the
British empire the Can ad ian w heat,
which is selling for 60 cents a bushel
less in Winnipeg than American wheat
in Minneapolis, should operate to
lower prices of flour. Whether bread
prices would fall, he did not know, he
This demand for northwestern pat
ent flour has resulted, Starr declared
in the anomaly or California, one ot
the leading wheat producing states in
- - - a r 'tv-j rt m a-vr 'm
, restrain District Judge W. L. Nuessle ;
i from attempting to enforce his order ij
; demanding; mat tne state return tne
I seized lignite coal mines to their
j owners.
j Governor Krazier, who issued the
I order taking over the mines, is not
j in the city Lemke, acting as attorney
tor him. petitions the supreme court
i to issue a writ directing Judge Nues
i sle to appear before the supreme
1 B H
am Mm av
mm 1
ep Your eves
Clear O I & a -,- Healthy
Where Can I Find Relief From
Itching, Terrifying Eczema?
This Question Is Ever on the
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Eczema, Tetter. Erysipelas and other
terrifying conditions of the skin are
deep-seated blood troubles, and ap
plications of salves, lotions and
washes can only afford temporary
relief, without reaching the real seat
of the trouble. But just because local
treatment has done you no good, there
is no reason to despair, i ou simply
have not sought the proper treatment,
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You have the experience of others
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it a fair trial to be convinced of its
Our chief medical adviser is an au
thority on blood and skin disorders,
and he will take pleasure in giving
you such advice as your individual
case may need, absolutely without
cost. Write today, describing your
case to Medical Department, Swift
Specific Co., 252 Swift Laboratory,
Atlanta. Ga. Adv.
.the truth was revealed to
YTff- nh 2
r. m m.
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-i si if r
5' " I
1 .BatJ" R
; 1
4 atW
When troubled with indiges
tion or constipation give Cham
berlain's Tablets a trial. They
excellent. Only 25 cents
per package.
Demi ask for
LonrX Distance
Saturday morning trio produce merchant cannot meet ;
bis trade's demands. He must have more fruit and
berries how can he get them?
Reaches for his phone (any phone) says "Northwest
em Long Distance!" and is talking to his country buyer
in a minute orders what he needs to be sent in by truck!
For that instant, courteous, accurate service
mwii i2ism
A sensible and extremely useful electric appliance to
have. Electric Percolators come in a great variety of
sizes and styles and all types make the most delicious
such as Waffle Irons, Grills, Toaster Stoves, Disco
Stoves, Chafing Dishes and Samovars make splendid
Christmas presents, because they are practical as well
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to visit our Electric Store and see for yourself the larg-e
line of appliances on display.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.
Electric Building
tru umiTE uti ij m ; n i i i i n i i n i i n it i ri i 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 r m n i n i i ii i n i mi 1 1 i n 1 1 n 1 1 1 n i r ri i jjiim j