Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 22, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Army of Intervention Topic at
Fate of Peace Treaty Rests
State Department.
in President's Hands.
Immediate Release of Puebla Con
sul Is Demanded Lack of
Protection Charged.
Anti-Strike Provisions Counted
Necessary to Save Roads From
Designs of Brotherhoods.
mm mkl" w fft
X6A A'i' x WO I: VOX T
"AA. A 7.
"WASHINGTON", Nov. 21. State de
Bartment officials still awaited to-
nicht a reply to the note warning the
Mexican government that any further
molestation of William O. Jenkins,
American consular agent at Puebla,
who has been arrested twice in con
nection with his recent abduction, by
bandits, would seriously affect the re
lations between the United States and
While the text of the American gov- j
ernment's communication has not been1
made public, the summary publication
by the state department indicated
that it was one of the sharpest ever
sent to the Carranza government. It
said the United States was both "sur
prised and incensed" to learn of the
reim prison men t of Jenkins, and de
manded his immediate release.
So far as was made known, no re
port regarding Jenkins reached the
department today from the embassy1
at Mexico City, but officials believed :
that if he had not been released he
soon would be as a result of the state
department's demand.
Discussing . the general Mexican
situation today, state department of
ficers revealed that before the world
war the army general staff estimated
that complete intervention in Mexico
by the American government would
require 450,000 men operating over a
period of three years. Prevent esti
mates were i.ot made available, but .it
is known that army officials hold that
the forces necessary would be much ;
less because of the increased army I
equipment, such as motorized trans
port, artillery and airplanes.
Discussing the case of Jenkins, of
ficials .aid because of the Mexican
government's laxity in trying to put
down the revolution it had failed to j
give proper protection to Jenkins and j
that consequently he might have
ground for claim against the Mexican
government for the ransom money
paid to his captors.
Many officials and private citizens
of Washington and other cities have
sent cablegrams to friends in Mexico j
urging them to persuade President
Carranza to save the life of General
Filipe Angeles, who is reported to be
on trial by court-martial today in
Chihuahua City.
The messages pointed out that
Angeles served the allies with distinc- i
tion during the European war as in
spector of munitions for France
this country.
n -
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Photo Copyright by Underwood.
Miss Marguerite Smith, at the age of 25, becomes the only woman repub
lican to sit in the New York state assembly. She was elected from the 19th
Manhattan district, defeating Martin J. Healy, democratic incumbent, and
iiso a socialist candidate.
Miss Smith is the daughter of Dr. J. Gardner Smith, president of the
Harlem board of commerce, and is well known as an athletic and social
worker. She is a teacher of hygiene and physical training and supervisor of
club work at the Horace Mann school, Columbia,
"I am an American first, last and all the time," was the principal talk of
her platform.
will test the scope of the powers of
the state public service commission
for the first time in Oregon courts.
Driver Who Fatally Injured Chil
Gets 6 Months and $500 Fine
for Reckless Driving.
Officers Wait for Operators, Who
Fail to Appear.
TWIN FALLS, Idaho, Nov. 21.
(Special.) Sheriffs deputies yester
day confiscataed a . private whisky
still in a deserted cabin on the Will
iam Beckwith dry farm eight miles
south of Rock Creek town. The outfit
was brought to Twin Falls and is
now on exhibit at the eheriff'e office.
The capture was made by Georgre F.
Huffman, deputy sheriff, assisted by
A. Holland, especially deputized for
the adventure. The pair, with a pri
vate citizen, lay in wait for the oper
Ernest K. Ball, Noted Composer,
. With, Maude Lambert, la
Heralded as Headllner.
An Orpheum show praised generally
along the circuit as a sure-fire bill
and extolled by the Seattle newspaper
reviewers as being "particularly
strong in comedy and music" will
open at the Heillg theater tomorrow
aiternoon for an engagement or seven
performances. This show will close
Joe Mielke, driver of the automobile
which killed 7-year-old Viola Cum-
mings last Monday and frequent vio
lator of city ordinances relating- to
bootlegging and disorderly conduct,
was indicted yesterday by the grand
jury on a charge of manslaughter.
Bonds were fixed at $2000. Mielke
Still in jail.
The cae was turned over to the
grand jury after the county coroner
had conducted an inquest and ascer
tained that the child had died from
a fractured skull. Witnesses said
Mielke had not sounded a warning
and that there was nothing to ob
struct his view of the children.
In the municipal . court yesterday
morning Mielke was fined $500 and
sentenced to six months in jail on
charge of reckless driving.
"This is the kind of an accident
that is going to keep on .occurrinj
as long as every Tom, Dick and
Harry, regardless of qualifications,
is permitted to drive an automobile,"
declared Judge Rosjman in pronounc
ing sentence. "Here is a man who
couldn't get a job as engineer of
locomotive, motorman of a streetcar.
or operator of an elevator. yt he is
permitted to drive a machine.
That the machine, which Mielke
was driving at the time of the acci
dent, had defective brakes, was de
clared by both Captain Lewis of the
traffic department and Motorcycle
Fa t ro i m an Kelly.
Captain Lewis and W. J. Cum
mings declared that they smelled
liquor on Mielke's breath at the time
of the accident.
Bond for appeal in the reckless
driving case was placed at 5 1000 by
juage Kossman. bond in the man
slaughter case was made $5000. -
Veterans of Foreign Wars Pledge
Aid to Centralia Post.
EUGENE, Or., Xov. 21. (Special.)
.Resolutions expressing sympathy for
the families ot the ex-service men
killed by the 1. W. V. at Centralia
and pledging all help possible were
adopted by the newly-organized post
of Veterans of Foreign wars in this
city last night.
II. S. Huston is commander of the
post and other officers are as fol
lows : M. Vernon Parsons, adjutant
and patriotic instructor: John B. Pat
terson, senior vice-commander; Bol
ton Hamble. junior vice-commander;
Harold Welts, quartermaster; George
James, hdward Jrtonne and J. K. Stew
art, trustees.
The post went on record for
memorial to the Lane county service
men such as a home for disabled
i wa.ii lur liic? upcr . . - " --
ators two Mays and three nights. The w"n ine 5?a"ne ?ext Wednesday.
mnnnRhlnprs failprt tr arrPMr . xx. udu, lamuua aa me com
The still is probably the most crude
outfit ever brought to the prosecutors
of prohibition law in this section. So
crude is it that every indication
points to failure of the attempt to
manufacture contraband liquor with
the apparatus- The mash container is
40-gallon iron gasoline tank. An
old-fashioned coffee mill and stone
jug were found with the outfit and
there was an arrangement to grind
the corn used for the "moonshine."
Alaskan Animals to Be Taken to
Hudson's BajCoast.
WINNIPEG. Man.. Nov. 21. Offi
cials of the North American Reindeer
company announced here today that
the company is planning to drive a
herd of approximately 1500 reindeer
overland from western Alaska to the
west coast of Hudson's bay. The
route selected for the drive is said to
be difficult of passage and largely
The company recently obtained
lease from the Canadian government
for 75,000 square miles of land north
of the Churchill river to be used for
grazing purposes. Reindeer raised on
the land will be butchered for the
world meat markets. The company is
to pay the government an annual
rental of $192,000, according to the
poser of "Mother llachree," "Till the
Sands of the Desert Grow Cold," "A
Little Bit of Heaven Called Ireland."
"Love Me and the World Is Mine" and
other ballads that are internationally
popular, is the headllner, with Maud
Lambert, musical comedy favorite.
Mr. Ball in addition to singing many
oi nis own songs plays the piano ac
companiment for the singing of Miss
Lambert. In Broadway's list of doou
lar headliners Mr. Ball is close to the
top and he is noted for the grace and
good feeling with which he responds
to encores, the applause won by his
oaiiaas putting him in the "show
stopper" class.
The extra added attraction of the
incoming snow is "Indoor Sports."
comedy based on the methods adopt
ed to bring about "popping of the
question" and the third feature is
Georgie Price, the juvenile protege of
rus .cowards, the celebrated p
The other acts are Ralph Dunbar's
salon singers, Chris Richards, eccen
tric i-nglish comedian: the orie-inal
Conine ana Mart in their comedy nov
elty, and Phina and company In i
high-class singing and dancing act
Crowd Takes Captured Fugitive
From Posse and Hangs Him.
Legion Organization Is to Be Ef
fected Xext Sunday.
MORTON, Wash., Nov. 21. (Spe
cial.) The' preliminary steps toward
the organization of an American Le
gion post will be taken in Morton
Sunday, according to N. M. Fairhurst,
recently discharged from, military
service. Mr. Fairhurst was decorated
with the croix de guerre. ,
It is at the instance of Mr. Fair
hurst that the American Legion post
will be formed. It will embrace all
of eastern Lewis county. Mr. Fair
hurst, on his arrival here to visit his
brothers, finding many ex-service men
but no Legion post, requested state
and other officers of the legion to
come to Morton Sunday to assist in
the organization.
FORT SMITH, Ark., Nov. 21. Ac
cording to a long-distance telephone
message received last night from
.Mountain Home, Ark., Baxter countv,
a crowd of 25. citizens met mpmii-
of a posse who were en route to Cot
ter witn x. x., captured yesterday
icnowm a nunt through the moun
tains of Arkansas and southern Mis
sour, for several days, and hanged
mux to a tree, was arrested in
connection with the killing several
aays ago oi iv. v. Loba, a farmer.
Washington, Nov. 21. Railroad leg
islation and other domestic problems
are to receive first consideration in
the new congress which convenes one
week from next Monday, republican
leaders in both houses are agreed.
As to the peace treaty, their posi
tion is that the fate of the document
rests in the hands of President Wil
son. He can secure its ratification
within the space of a few hours. Just
as he could have achieved Its accept
ance in 15 minutes at any time last
Wednesday, by one simple command
to those senators whose consciences,
convictions and movements he con
trols. There is even a readiness to make
some concessions to his wishes so
long as he does not seek to nullify
the Americanization features of the
reservations. It will be left with Mr.
Wilson to decide whether he will
have the treaty ratifed without delay
or wage another hopeless fight. The
two houses of congress through their
leadership are determined to com
plete the programme of reconstruc
tion legislation for which the coun
,try so patiently has been waiting.
Railroad Legislation First.
The first business before the senate
will be the railroad bill and an effort
will be made to get It out of the I
way before January 1, when the roads
go back to private ownership. The
senate, however, will ignore the Esch
bill, which has just been passed by
the house. The plan is to pass the
Cummins bill, which is a much
stronger measure, and then save as
many as possible of its best features
the conference agreement with
he house.
The railway executives are not
satisfied with the Esch bill because
of its rate-fixing and its labor pro
visions. They are opposing it and
will favor the Cummins measure.
which is said to be framed more in
he interest of the public than the
Esch bill, which represents a lot of
compromises and surrenders.
It is realized that only such anti-
strike provisions as are contained in
the Cummins bill can save the rail
roads from the designs of Glenn E.
Plumb, counsel for the railroad
brotherhoods, author of the Plumb
plan by which the public would buy
the railroads, turn them over to the
railroad workmen and meet whatever
deficits might follow.
More Strikes Expected.
Frequent strikes and renewed wage
demands are expected to follow im
mediately upon the turning back of
the railroads unless some form of
compulsory arbitration is written into
the new railroad law. Unreasonable
demands are regarded as a necessary
part of the campaign to make pri
vate ownership and management im
As has been said before, the Esch
bill in this respect is impotent. The
labor provisions of the Cummins bill
make strikes unlawful pending arbi
tration and an award, and make it
mandatory alike upon railroad offi
cials and employes to submit their
disputes to tribunals set up for that
But Senator Cummins, as an
nounced, intends going much further,
He will offer an amendment extend
ing the same form of compulsory
arbitration to all basi industries,
including fuel, iron, steel, lumber,
foodstuffs and clothing. Around this
proposal will center a struggle which
may equal the treaty battle in the
extent of the pressure that will be
directed toward congress, for enact
ment and defeat of legislation.
LesiftlatJon Only Solution.
Legislation alone, it is felt here,
can solve the growing difficulties
between capital and labor and it i
hard to find" anyone here who re
poses any confidence in the outcome
of the new industrial conference
called by the president to meet in
this city December 1. Of the mem
bers of the new conference, Herbert
Hpover is looked upon as the man
with the most thoroughly practical
vision of all the questions to be con
sidered. There is considerable com
plaint that Stanley King, who wa
formerly - secretary to Secretary of
War Baker, represents nothing bu
radical theories of the parlor variety,
. mm m
California-Oregon Company to Test
Powers of Commission.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Nov. 21.
(Special.) An injunction against fur
ther construction of a transmission
line to serve Klamath Falls and
vicinity with light and power is
asked in a petition filed in the circuit
courr by the California-Oregon Power
company against the Keno Power
company. Plaintiff alleges it is able
to provide ample service and its $325.
000 investment in plant and distrib
uting facilities is entitled to pro
tection from the loss that would en
sue were a competing service es
tablished. Attorneys for the California-Oregon
Power company say that the action
Feed Scarce In Lew is ton District.
LEWISTON. Idaho, Nov. 21. (Spe
cial.) Winter has set in on the moun
tains and the plateau country sur
rounding Lewiston. Predictions are
being made by old timers that the
winter will be severe. Feed for stock
is high and scarce and fancy prices
have been the rule of late. Oat hay is
selling at $35 a ton on Camas prairie,
while straw went for $16 a ton.
Position of League of Nations Post.
pones Statement on Treaty.
LOXDON, Fov. 21. Officials here
decline to comment on the prospects
of a renewal of the Anglo-Japanese
treaty, which expires in 1921.
It is pointed out that in the ordi
nary course the treaty would have
been submitted to the league of na
tions, but that In view of the present
position of the league, it is impos
sible to predict the course of future
Lane Farm Loans Approved.
EUGEXE, Or., Nov. 21. (Special.)
Loans amounting to J65.900 were ap
proved by the directors of the First
National Farm Loan association of
Lane county this week, this amount
to be divided among 20 applicants.
One of the loans was for 910,000. an
other $7500. one for $6500 and several
for $5000 each. There were several
smaller loans ranging up to $500.
To Fortify tbe System Against Grip
ids, whieh destroy germ, act as a Tonic
and Laxative, and thus prevent Coldy, Grip
and Influenza. There is only one "BROMO
QUININE." E. V GROVE S aignatura on
the box. 30c Adv.
The Dalles Man Held Up.
THE DALLES, Or.. Nov. 21. (Spe
cial.) With a revolver poked against
nis vest ana wun hands high in the
air, E. D. Hosier was last night held
up and robbed of $5 in cash. Mosler
is an employe of the O.-W. R. & N.
He was on his way home about 9:30
o'clock last night when the robber
boldly commanded him to stick up his
hands and keep quiet. The street
where Mosier was robbed is one of the
darkest spots in the city. Police to
day looked for the hold-up man.
Alleged Bootleggers Arrested.
PENDLETON. Or.. Nov. 21. (Spe
cial.) A peep by Traffic Officer Roe-
der A- Milton into the car of two men
waiting for a receipt for fines paid on
charges or speeding caused the pre
ferment of a charge of bootlegging
against the men. Several quarts of
liquor were found in the car and
brought with the men to Pendleton.
The men gave their names as F. Carl
son and J. H. Moore.
Efforts to Get Explosive for Use in
Blasting 'Abandoned Road
Work to, Get Excess.
KALISPEL, Mont.. Not. 21. (Spe
cial.) The activities of Colonel A. A.
White In connection with obtainin
from the government several carload
of T. N. T. explosive to be used by
the farmers of northwestern Montana
to clear timber lands for agricultural
purposes are well known through
out the state. Reports were current
that the government had in its pos
session $50,000,000 worth of this high
explosive, which was to be dumped
into the Atlantic ocean. Colonel
White telegriphed President Wilson,
Senator Meyers and other Washington
officials offering to pay all trans
portation charges. The reply from
Senator Myers satisfactorily explains
the governi'.eul's inability to furnish
the explisives, und as a result r.o
blame attaches to Senator Myers or
the war department. No further ef
fort will be made by Colonel White
to obtain the explosives. The reply,
in part, follows:
"To begin with, the report that the
government lias a large amount of
explosives is erroneous. All that is
not needed by the war department
will be turned over to the states for
road work."
Charge Purchases for Remainder of
November May Be Paid Jan. 1, 1920.
. "Select Today"
Christmas Blouses
From This Important
Prior to Christmas Sale
While the selling of these blouses has been enormous
there still remains hundreds f o your choosing, con
sisting greatly of new arrivals which have been
added as they came in. A new beginning today
with practically all the possibilities of the first day of
the sale.
Georgette and Silk Blouses
$2.95 $3.95 $4.95 $5.95
$710, $850, $10.
Lingerie Blouses
$1.95 $2.95
No exchanges, layaways or approvals during this sale.
Prior to Christmas Sale
Silk Underwear
as a gift from sister to sister, friend to friend, mother to daughter or
daughter to mother pretty silken undergarments are most pleasing.
Envelope Chemise
Priced $3.95
crepe de chine in flesh and
white, tailored, hemstitched and
elaborately trimmed styles; sizes
36 to 44.
Silk and Satin
satin bloomers tailored with
elastic knee or with hemstitched
and pecot points good quality
glove silk; flesh color, a limited
number only. Sizes 5, 6, 7.
Envelope Chemise
Priced $4.95.
of crepe de chine and satin in
tailored and fancy trimming ef
fects, either in flesh tint or white.
Silk Top
Union Suits
flesh color union suits with
glove silk tops and mercerized
bottoms; well made with rein
forcements. A very effective gar
ment at a low price. Sizes 36 to 44.
9 SI
Centralia who escorted the new mem
bers to Tacoma were Guy Williams.
W. H. Copping. F. T. DeSilva. Dr.
J. H. Dumon, John Ward, James
Schuffert, A. T. Lillie and R. J.
Army Desertion Admitted.
THE DALLES. Or., Nov. 21. (Spe
cial. A deserter from the United
States army, Quentos L. Elmore, was
apprehended here Wednesday by C. H.
Price, recruiting officer, when he en
deavored to re-enlist, and was taken
by Price to Vancouver Barracks,
where he now awaits courtmartial.
Centralia Masons Make Pilgrimage.
CENTRALIA. Wash., Nov. 21.
(Special.) Six Centralia Masons jour
neyed to Tacoma where they crossed
the burning sands to the Mystic
Shrine Wednesday evening. Those
who became Shriners are Sidney
Plummer. Byron O. Oyster, O. H.
Brasier, Lloyd E. Dunn, H. L. Frye
and C. H Cobb. The Shriners from
Elmore, according" to his confession
to Prtof escaped from a casual ri1-
cisco Or
tat the
trther 1
e Presidio of San Fran-
fi. 1919. Th deserter
gave a
i his reason for quitting
he was "fired of it."
L-iuticura Soap
ana ointment for
Skin Troubles
AD I di I u lift Jm. Ofcrtmwrt a 60. Talons 3E
:Buy Your Furs From a Furrier.
The Fur Gift Beautiful
Hudson Seal
Seal Dyed Muskrat
rich in appearance, yet not so expensive can be
worn with good taste on any occasion always pro
ducing a dignified and refined effect.
Chokers, $42.50 to $60
Cape Collars, $35 to $135
Throws with Pockets, $150 to $285
Smart Cape Effects, $190 to $300
;impressive gifts with their contrasting collars of
taupe squirrel, natural Siberian squirrel and mole
skin beautifully silk lined.
Send for the Liebes Fur Book, Beau
tifully Illustrated and Descriptive.
Liebes Furs cost no more than other good furs.
Buy Gifts Now
4, :.- .vs. i." r
1 1 j
Vi 21
If You Ddn't Know Furs
You Do Know Stores