TITE MOKNIXG ' OKECOXIAN, SATURDAT, NOVEMBER 22, 1910. T8 Marshfield Sergeant Tells Conditions in Siberia. of ARMY'S MISSION CLOUDED .Lack of Social LJfe Declared One of Greatest Drawbacks for Men of Expeditionary Force. MARSHFIELD, Or.. Nov. 24. (Spe cial.) "Siberia for a year is suffi cient for any American and anv American who is not obliged to go there would best stay away," is the way Sergeant Ray Shannon, just home from service with the American expeditionary forces, sizes up the Situation over there. "Nobody knows just why the American troops are in Siberia," said Mr, Shannon, "but most who are there Relieve it is to block Japan's known intention of exploiting the country, fc-nd to protect the American Red Cross tworkers, who are doing a wonderful ork." Sergeant Shannon was in a depart ment of the service where he was for tunate enough to take observations n many different districts of that fvast territory and was cognizant of ft hat was going on in most of the sec tions along the Trans-Siberian rail iway. He was as far west as the next large anti-bolsheviki headquar ters to Omsk. He saw Irkutsk, Har bin, Vladivostok and many other im portant centers, and tells some inter testing things about the attitude of the various armies toward one an other, and with others who have re cently expressed opinions upon the putcome of the occupation, believes it is Japan's policy to contrjl Siberia, at least that portion east of Lake JSalkaL Germany to .Profit. Sergeant Shannon had means of learning much of the inside of the Tolit ica.1 intpnt ion a and n mhitinn r of the various nations. He is convinced that Germany is going to eventually profit through the bolsheviki move ment, and thinks that bolshevism will not only triumph in Russia and Si beria, but will be the fuutre control ling power. He is not prejudiced to ward bolshevism, but his observations have led him to that conclusion. "Every peasant and many of the other classes are adherents of the Lenine and Trotsky government and belief and nothing can change their minds," he says. According to his ob servations the Siberian territory is anti-bolsheviki simply because the Kolchak regime has the military power and is in the saddle. The anti-bolsheviki armies of Si beria have nothing to do because they are in control and there is no or ganized opposition. They take what they want and if anybody disputes their rights, he is disposed of in much the same way President Madero was in Mexico. "The cossacks are the plague of Siberia," Sergeant Shannon said, "and nothing is safe where they covet it Women are considered r.s chattels by those rough riders of the plains. "The cossacks are individually and collectively vicious men and hard fighters. Most of the cossacks are picked men, selected for their stamina and, I sometimes thought, cruelty. Sot-fill Life Laokins. The lack of some social life for the American soldiers is the impelling cause of so many being dissatisfied with service in Siberia. There is little of this for our men, although in the large cities where men are quartered they manage to keep in better spirits than out on the lonely patrol of the railroad or in quarters in isolated sec tions where there are no metropolitan amusements. Two cities, Irkutsk and Harbin, are up-to-date and supply all the follies and foibles of a Paris or !New York, but most of the other cities are unsanitary, gloomy and unattrac tive. In discussing the political features (n the Siberian service, Sergeant Shannon said the American public should know that their representa tive there. General Graves, is a man (for that difficult place. "In particular," said Shannon, "Gen eral Graves has the greatest solici tation for his Red Cross and army nurses, and several times has shown ; p. remarkable foresight in having I them removed from zones which af terwards developed into dangerous lo calities." Some day, according to Sergeant Shannon, a deplorable secret will b revealed regarding the health of the American forces in Siberia, but the conditions cannot be laid at the doors of the officers, but where it belongs, jlo the carelessness and abandon of ' jthe men who suffer. tBAER SEEKS ERROR WRIT Confessed' Forger Said to Be In sane at Some Times, w niter Baer. who was sentenced Wednesday to lour years in the peni tentiary after pleading sruilty to for trery. was examined as to his sanity jit a very Inopportune time, is the statement made in a petition for an alternative writ of error filed yester day by Paul Dormitzer. This states that Baer suffers from periods of transitory insanity and that at the Fame time he was given an intelli gence test by Dr. Samuel Kohs, psy chological examiner for the court of domestic relations his mind was not in the same state as when he wrote the checks. rormitier sets forth that Baer's family is willing and anxious that he should have plenty of money and would have supplied it to him if he had asked. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriaire IJene. SllATTVCK - PETERSON Edward S. Fhattuck. . Los Anpeles. Cal., and Airs. lav Peterson. SO. Henson hotel. lTRT!SS-:irXI.KY O. W. Curtiss. 41. I .e tits. Or., and Ida Louise Huxley, legal, Jents. Or. HARNETT - VRESSER Paul Barnett. ft. 'Prvad. Wash., and Varien Dresser, 27, HoO Kitrht-rtth street North. PRlCK-WIBl'KWITSt'H John H. FHoe. 17. 4... Alder street, and Florence Wlede witst'h. H. 107 Iowa street. - 11 ATF1 BLD-ODOM C. L. Hatfield, 32, Xallas. Or., and Dovie E. Odom. :iti. 414 J eff'Tnon street. Hl'BBAR P-G ARPNER Edward Shel- on Hubbard. 30, Mannor. Or., and Mary Vranres l.ardner. 24. liijtl Wisteria avenue. WrOEE-LONG John E. MoGee. 3:1. 3SS Falmnn street, and Mary Cecelia Long, 32. Z- Thirteenth street. m k Y K R- BP R RE LL Francis G. A. Mey er. 5."0 Gideon street, and Mabel Grace Rnrr.l letral. 41S Tenth street. BELL-ELIKRLE E rrol C. Bell, 30. 570 "Williams avenue, and Teresa Eberle, i.3. 74 Haisrht avenue. nnv.KTKl'FFER -HELLER William G Oberteuf fer. 25. 415 Sixteenth, and lvron Heller. 10, 372 Fourth street. HRNBE'I-H ALL Richard Graham Hornbeck, 21. 4224 Sixty -second avenu Southeast, and Lena May Halt, IS, 2til Sast Fortv-sixth street. LASEL.L-MAL1K.-Ai D. Lasell, 20, 406 1 Twenty-sixth street Xorth. and Frances Malik. :, 301 Albemarle. Vancouver Marriage IJcenses. TRIPLETT-MARKESON C. W. Trtp lett, 21, of Portland and Anna -Markeson. 17. of Portland T1TTORISGTON-LCGISBCHL John Tittorinston, 45, of Portland, and Mar garet Lueinbuhl, 40. of Portland. SMITH-HOSEXEY James L. Smith, 22. of Battle Ground, Wash., and F. N. Hoa eney, 17, of Portland. TAKAKI-OL'CHIDA Andrew M. Ta kaki, 21', of Gresham, Or., and Kino Ouchida, 18, of Gresham. Or. FOSTER-UNDERWOOD Minor A. Fos ter, legal, of Portland, and Myra Under wood, legal, of Portland. VIX1NG-HE.VDERSO.V Frank Vlning. i ad. or Ban j ranoisco, ana Jotiann Lm. iien ' derson, 32, of Vancouver, B. C. MILLAR-MILLER Howard Millar. 24. of Vancouver, Wash., and Margery Miller. 23, of Vancouver, Wash. SODERSTRAN-PATTES G. H. Soder stran, 27. of Portland, and Myrtla R. Patyes. 19, of Portland. SEAMSTER-CAMPBELL W. H. Seam ster, 24, of Portland, and Virginia Camp bell, 24, of Portland. ARNOLD-WALSH Ira P. Arnold, 3, of Salem, Or., and Margaret C. Walsh, legal, of Portland. THOM B-JEFFERSOX Vinton S. Thome. SO. of Indianapolis, Penn., and Elizabeth Jefferson. 64, of Pittsburg, Penn. BAUER-BRUCE Gottfried Bauer, 50, of Vancouver, Wash., and Elma Bruce, 50. of Vancouver, Wash. HASSOX.JOHXSON Carl Hanson. 32. of Bend. Or., and Carrie O. Johnson, 37, of Bend. Or. GOODMAN-RYAN W. A. Goodman, 65. of Gaston, Or., and Susie Ryan, 40, of Hillsboro, Or. LINQUIST-BANTZ E. B. Llnqulst, 32, of Portland, and Muriel K. Bantz, 21. of Portland. BURIAL CAUSE OF SUIT Tacoma Man Seeks Disinterment ot Body of First Wife. TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 21. (Spe cial.) John B. Manaray, first husband of Mary Brady, and their children and Mrs. John B. Manaray No. 2, have started suit against Willard Brady to compel him to disinter the body of his wife and have it reinterred in the Brady lot. Mrs. Brady was Manaray's first wife. She died in April. 1918. four years after she married Brady, fche had expressed the wish, so the complainants say, to be buried beside her son, Clark Manaray, age 10, and her expressed desire was carried forth. It is now alleged that Brady, after being satisfied with that arrange ment, had the body disinterred this year and buried in ground" which he himself purchased. The plaintiffs want ?200 damages also. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Nov. 21. Maximum tem perature, 57 degrees: minimum 40 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M.. :-t.2 feet; change in last 24 hours. 0.1 foot rise. Total rain fall 5 P. M. to 5 P. M.), none; total rain fall since September 1, 19lvt. 9.31 inches: normal rainfall since September 1. 9.97 inches; deficiency of rainfall since Sep tember 1. 1919, 0.66 Inches. Sunrise. 7:20 A. M. ; sunset. 4:34 P. M. Total sunshine November 21. 7 hours: possible sunshine, 9 hours 14 minutes. Moonrise. 6:41 A. M. : moonset. 3:52 P. M. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M.. 30.3S inches. Rela tive humidity at 5 A. M., 88 per cent: at noon, 72 per cent; at 5 P. M-, 72 per cent. THE WEATHER. 3 Wind 3 Mn, - 3 S a- c o a 3 g c p Ji C So - a s 5 3 - : : 0 . P . - . c : : : 3 : : : STATIONS. Weatfcs Baker . . Boise . . . Boston . . 2SI 4810.001. .IE (Clear 32 4810. 00f.. IS Clear 4( 50;0.0012!SW Cloudy Calnary 1 i8i 500.001..IW ft. cluuay Chicago 40 46 0.10I20 SW Rain Denver si! U2;u.uo . . w Clear iClear Cloudy Cloudy Des Moines. . Eureka Galveston . .' 4610.04 . .W fiS'O.OOl, . W 6SO.CO'10'.NE 42 0.00! . . iS 44'1.64l..E 52I0.0OL .W S210.O01101NE Helena Cloudy Juneaut Ram Clear Clear Clear Kansas City Los Angeles. Marshfield . . Melford Minneapolis 64 0. 00. .jNW 48 0.001 . . W 40'0.00!l0 sw 72 0.00I10IE 52iO.O0l20;SW 5S0.01!. . INE Cloudy IClear New Orleansi IClear New York. .1 28! Clear North Head. N Yakima.. Phoenix . . .. Pocatello . . . Portland Roseburg . . . Sacramento . St. Louis Salt Lake... San Diego. . San Franc'o. Seattle Sitka Spokane Tacoma Pt. cloudy . .1 SI" 0.00 1. .IX 521 80 0.O0'14E 20 40 O.OOl. . W sni r.fiin nni rvw (Jiouay Clear Clear Cloudy Clear 34 MtO.OOl. -INW 48 KS'0.001. .1. . (Clear 40 58 0.00 34 460. 00 52 82 O.OO 60 72 0.00 10NWCIoudy NW Clear CI. NW SE S Pt. cloudy 4jl 46 0.46!. -I 32! 42 O.OO' .! 42 52 0. 0l. . 461 48t0.76ll4 2'3S:o.02i . . 3S 5SI0.00I.. Ctouny Cloudy Cloudy N Pt. clouay Tatoosh Isld E N Rain Snow Cloudy Clear v aldezt Walla Walla Washington Winnipeg 30! 54 0. 00!. . )S 22 36;0.00116!SE Pt. cloudy tA. M. today. P. M. report of preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; gentle east erlv winds. Oregon Fair? gentle easterly winds. Washington Probably rain in the west portion, fair in the east portion; gentle easterly winds. Salem Has School Hearing. SALEM, Or., Nov. 21. (Special.) Arguments were heard by the su preme court here today in the case of Mr. Pullen against school district No. 3 of Multnomah county. The action was brought by Mr. Pullen to restrain TRAVELERS' GUIDE. UTEAHSTilP S. S. CrRACAO Sails from Portland 9:00 P. M., No t ember 23, for Ma rah fie Id. Xorth Bend. Eureka and San Francisco connecting with steamers for Ltom Anriei and Sao DIcro. S. S. CITY OF1 TOPE K A Sails at 9:00 P. M November 29. for the above ports. The steamers Curacao and City of Topeka will alternate on this run to San Francisco, giving a eix-day service. TICKET OFFICE Main 1466 1U1 Third St. A 3331 Local Freight Office, Kast 4331 PACIFIC SXKAMSU1F COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO S. S. Rose City Depart 12 Noon. FRIDAY, NOV. 30 From Ainsworth Dock Fare includes Berth and Meals. City Ticket Office. 3d and Washington Phone Main 3530 Freight Office. Ainsworth Dock Phone Broadway 268 SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. LINES AUSTRALIA EV ZE.1LA.VO AND SOITH SEAS Via Tahiti and Raratonssu Mail and ps eenrer service from bau Fraocico every 3 days. tMON s. a. co. or new zeaiand, 30 California St.. San Francisco, or local steambip uid railroad agencies. the school directors and district from levying a tax to meet the obligation resulting from the sale of school bonds for improvement purposes. At the time the case was heard in the circuit court for Multnomah county It was held that the bonds were regu lar and legally authorized. MOON SHADES SUN TODAY Annular Eclipse Will Xot Be Vis ible in Northwest. NEW YORK. Nov. 21. The moon will shut off some of the sunlight from most of the United States to morrow morning, when an annular eclipse of the sun will be visible in the United States for the first time since 1908 and the last time until 1930. Western Texas and southwestern Louisiana will get the best view of the eclipse and the most darkness. They will be in a shadow path 225 miles wide. The states of Washington, Oregon, most of Nevada and Idaho, the west ern part of Montana and the extreme southern part of California will get no view at all of the phenomenon. Seeding Xot Prevented by Rains. ALB AX T, Or., Nov. 21. (Special.) During the heavy "ins early this month fears were expressed by many farmers that they would be unable to sow grain in fields which had been prepared but not seeded, but under recent weather conditions a great deal of seeding haa been done. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS A 794. 664. 821, 756. 764, 702. R15. X 70S 790. SI.",. 829. 7, 2S0. 831. 714 74!)' 796 805. 817. 820. SOfi. SOI, 0,-s", 82 S07. 80' B 933. 924. 1137, 935. 247, 934. 3S1. 708 92.V C 376. 368, 374, 362. 378. 7U4. 358, 1C0, 353 D 872. 880, 871, 873. 875. 813. 850 837. 874 860, 868, 825, 879. 743. 304. 856. 259 878 783. 88H. 811. 881. S72, S27 S29 SI- E 322, 6S0, 661. 687. 62, S78. 602. 677. 686 690. r 723. 663. 8. 670. BBS. 734. 735. 648. G 687, 707, 694, 70S, 609, 6S3. 517, 696, 646 695. 6S9. 688. 704. If 269, 346. 822. 2U0. 345. 226. 349. 347. J 406. 418. 416, 419, 412, 417. K 724. 708. 777. 706. L So. 108. 6. 82, 109, 137. 156, 165, 79, 356, 110. M 57S, 799. 417, 666. 137, 789. 798. ' 97. 137. 104. 140, 9S, 27. 606. 107 50. 246 138. 113, 714, 75, 34. 70. 117, 96, 141, 13S 0 140, 169, 164, 172. 135. 1- 3l5. 778. 779. K 777, 116. 112, 85, 115, 11. 116, 187, 106, 111. S 3S0, 376. 360. 378. 379. 366. 835, 306. 377. T 374, 363. 375. 338. 409. 371. 372, 336. 362. 383. 735. 373, 341, 367. 360, 342. 365. 333, 340. V 707. W 713. 771, 760, 648. 346. 750. 666. X 223. 263, 217, 268, 242, 238, 262. 270. 264. 225. 216. 265. 267. 226. Y 374. 365. AC 295. 218, 228. 294. B.I 88, 111. AE 593, 602, 592. AF 139. AG 351. 350. 347. 204. 345. AH 793. 716. 725. 712. 726. 669. 671, 670. 668. A.I 373. AK 754. 742, 736. 742. 770, 772. 1 69, 746. rjO. 673, 03. 728. 731. 721, 727, 06, 744. 774. 704. AL 8S. 693, 66: 680, 707. 654. 6 664. 701. 607, 677. 692. 637. 681, i, 699, 696. 600. 669, 706, AM 574, 610. 63S, 637. 609, 639. 623, 608, 568, 63S, 540. 578. 056. 612, 939, 850, o77, 623. WOO. 627. Bil, 2 1 , t4U. AN 948. 947, 8Si. 88H. 610. 963, 965, 954. 595, 955, 8S7. 8oL 58. 673, U64, 43. Woo. 944. 942. !70. AO 764, 705. 691. 713. 685, 752, 720. 635, 5W, 726, 671, 636, oU, 6bo, 714, i4j, t-0, 01. 746. 634. Al 428, 445, 427. AK U07, T28. b'J8, W21, kJ4, VVS, 41. Di 1, 820. 736. 90G, 917. RC 190. 2S4. 246. 270. 187. 247. 265, 560. 290, 331, 307. 256, 303, 295. 342, 318. 313, 242. BI 669, 678. 672. BF 23S, 2U5, 247. 240 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. LOST Brown dog. Weight about 75 side. Main 5369. white bellv and toes. lbs. Reward. White- 1H19 DODGE roadster. A-l condition, cord tires, extras, will sacrifice. East 6593. AMUSE ME NTS. THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE 3 Niffbtn Sun., Mon., Tum., 15c to fl. 4 Mat. Sun., Mon.. Turn., Wed., 15 to 15c MAUD LAMBERT and ERNEST R. BALL Dunbar's Salon Singers ; Chris Richards. "GEORGIE" PRICE The orieinal Collins & Hart; Pbfna & Co.; kinogranu (exclusive) ; Topics of the Day. "INDOOR SPORTS" A Comedy. i-fcThis Show Closes with the WE Matinee Wednesday. Nov. 26. Tonight, all week Wed. & Kai. Mas. ALCAZAR Victor Herbert's Latest Comic Opera "Her Regiment" 500 Seats Floor 70c; All Bal. 50c "THE MIKADO" Seats Now Selling Buy Thanksgiving Mat. & Eve. Now Matinee Today Last Time Tonight. The comedy hit of the season "THE KAl'GUTX WIFE" Next Week: "It Pays to Advertise" Starting Tomorrow Matinee. ANT A C E O MAT. DAILY 2:30 G. B. Brown Prwontw ON THE BOLT LI.VK8 A Sparkling Muxical Comedy. With Cirls. Gowns and UiffKlea 6 OTHER BIG ACTS a Three Performances Daily. Night Curtain at 7 and 8. T 17 FOtBTH AT J. A. 14 1 J WASHINGTON WILLIAM RUSSELL IN "THIS HERO STUFF" CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN "A DOG'S LIFE" A1m Path. News. Open from 9 o'clock In the morning until o'clock ot the following afternoon. Portland Opera Association Presents "MARTHA" at the AUDITORIUM Tonight . Box office at Sherman, Clay & Co Sixth and Morrison, now- open Prices $1. 75c 50c. No War Tax. BROADWAY HALL DANCE Every Evening Except Sunday Broadway Novelty Orchestra Public Invited. Broadway and Main AMUSEMENTS. LAST TWO TIMES . Today 3:15, TonlKht 8:13 1 "I HEiLiGBT.do;-yM':j"1ro' -SPECIAL PRICK- Mat. Today, 2:15 t?me TONIGHT, 8:15 Cohan & H-jrrfa Prenrnt GEO. M. COHAN'S FASCI.ATIXi COMEDY JAMES GLEASON New York Cast and Production. TODAY'S MAT. Floor. 11.50; Bal., $1. 50c. TONIGHT Floor, $2; Bal., J1.50, 1; Gal.. 50c. LYRIC MIMICAL COMEDY MAT. DAILY at 2; NIGHTS AT 7 and 9 This week the popular eccentric comedians, Iillon and Pranks, In THE MILLIONAIRE With tha Rosabud Girls Th Hip Hip Hooray Show NEXT WEEK, "MILLIONS TO BCBN" MEETING NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE, A. A. O. N. M. S. Stated ses sion Saturday, November 22, Masonic Temple, West Park and Yamhill sts., 8 P. M. Social and entertainment. Visiting: nobles cordially In vited. By order of the Po tentate. HUGH. J. BOYD, Recorder. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 46, A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication this (Sat urday ) afternoon, 1 o'clock. East Sth and Burnslde, to conduct, the funeral of our rate brother, Calvin U. Gantenbein. The lodge will join in the funeral procession trom the church. All M. M. fraternally invited. Autos needed. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. OREGON LODGE, NO. 101, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Saturday) evening at 7 o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren cordially invited- B order of the W. M. LESLIE S. PARKER, Secretary. SUNNY SIDE LODGE NO 163. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication Saturday. 2:30 P. M. and 7 P. M. Work in F C. degree. Visiting orothers welcome. By order J OHN RINKER. Secretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. 14, O. E. S-, will visit Martha Washington chapter at Vancouver, Wash., this (Saturday) evening. Taka car at Broadway and Washing ton at 7:13. By order of W.M. BELLE RICHMOND; Sec. EMBLEM Jewelry, button, charm, plna. Sew designs. Jaeger Bros., 131. -3 0th st. FRIEDLANDER'8 tor lodge emblsnu. class pins and medals. 310 Wubingtoa st. DIED. BELDING The remains of the late Nate Belding of H312 84th. Court street, aged 1'J years, will be forwarded to Belding, Mich., today at 5 P. M. by the A. D. Kenworthy Co., 5802-04 9lid St., where interment will be made. HOOIS In this city, November 21. 1919. Mrs. Harriett H. Hoge. wife of Richard Hoge. Remains at Holman's Funeral Pariors. Funeral notice later. FUXERAL NOTICES. DEMARTIXI Carmelinl Demartlnf, of 80 Tenino ave., age 26 years 3 months 19 uays, beloved wife of Fronpero Demar tini, daughter of Mary Bartano. De ceased also leaves five children, two sisters and one brother. Funeral serv ices will be held Monday, Nov. 24, at 9 o'clock A, il. from St. Agatha Catholic church, corner of 15 th st. and Miller ave. Friends Invited. Interment Mult nomah cemetery. Remains are at the residence funeral parlors of "Walter C. Kenworthy, 1532 and 1334 East 13th St., Sell wood. A BR A At the residence. 14S0 Macadam street, November 21, Hattie Cummings Abra, aged 5tt years, mother of Mrs. W. R. Morrison, Arlington, Wash. ; Mrs. W. Bierce, Tacoma. Wash.; Mrs. M. L.egTln. Albert and Roy Silodean and Melvin Abra. this city: and sister of Viola Hane, George and Harry Cummings. Friends are invited to attend the funeral serv ices at McEntee & EHers" parlors. Six teenth and Everett streets. Monday. No vember 24. at 2 P. M. Interment Mult nomah cemetery HAMLIN November 20, at 3716 fioth st S. E., Charles Oliver Hamlin, atfed 65 years. Funeral services will be con ducted Saturday, November 22. at 10 A. M., in the mortuary chapel of A. I Kenworthy & Co.( 08H2-5JsO4 92d st S. B., in Lents. Friends invited. In terment Mount Scott Park cemetery. HAMLIN November 20. at 3716 65th st. S. E., Charles Oliver Hamlin, aged 65 years. Funeral services will be con ducted today, November 22, at 10 A. M In the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 5S02-5,s4 92d st S. F.., in Lents. Friends invited. In terment Mount Scott Park cemetery. H1LLERUD At the residence, 6ft Skid more street. Nov. 20, Grace Hlllerud, age 14 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hillerud, sister of Pearl Hillerud. Funeral services will be held today, November 22, at 2 P. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at itose wity cemetery. BROWN At the residence of her daucrh ter. Mrs. E. L, Sayres, 325 Marguerite ave., .ov. v, .narriei Lumby Brown, age 63 years, formerly of 504 East uaK street. Funera . services will be iieiu iouay i aiuraay , JNov. 22, at 2 P. M. at the chapel of Breeze & Snook, Belmont at 35th. Friends Invited CARLSON In this city November 20, John P. Carlson, aged 46 years, husband of Minnie Carlson, father of Alma and ieien Carlson. The funeral services win oe nem at tne conservatory chapel November 24. Friends invited. Inter ment Rose City cemetery. GANTENBEIN The funeral services of the late Calvin U. Gantenbein will be held today (Saturday) at 1:30 o'clock P. M. at the Unitarian church. Broad way ana lamniii street. Friends in- vjifU. nuuici auon ai me fortland LOVELACE At Dallas. Or.. November 20. Briton Lovelace, ag-ed 77 years. The iunerai services win oe neid Monday November 24. at 3:30 o'clock P. M. mi ruiicj , jiuiugomery at Fifth I-riends invited, interment at Lone Fir teiiieiery. BRANNIN The remains or the late Rob ert j urannin, beloved husband of Rachel C. Brannin, were forwarded Fri- .-iti. ai ii t-. 31. unaer the di rection of Miller & Tracey to Miltnn rr- where services and interment will take piace. GALLAGHER The funeral services tne late Michael Joseph Gallagher will De neid today Saturday at 2:30 o'clock r-. m., at rmieya, -Montgomery at Fifth '""leu. iuiciuit;ai at Kiver view cemetery. HENZE The funeral services of the late tari m. nenie wju oe neia .Monday, No vember 24. at 1 o'clock P. -M. at Fin ley's. Montgomery and Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. THROCKMORTON-Funeral service of the late Margaret A. Throckmorton, late of 1222 Mall St., will be held at P L Lerch undertaking parlors today at 2 P. M. Friends invited. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral services JONES AUTOMOBILE LI VERY. Marshall 114. FLORISTS. LUBLINEH, FLORIST. 32S Morrison St., Portland hotel. Mar. 753 S48 Morrison, bet. Bdy and Park. Mar. 257. Portland's Leading Flower Shops" MARTIN &. FORBES CO., florists, 354 Washington. Main A 1U09. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged CLARKE BROS., florists, 2S7 Morrison st. Main 77l. Fine flowers and floral d- s;k- No branch stores. IRVIXOTON PARK FLORAL CO., 4th and Yamhill. Funeral designers: lowest prices. MAX M. SMITH, Main 721.V A SIl'L ins building. Sixth and Alder sts. TuXSETH KLORAb .CO.. 2S7 Washinitto au. bat. 4tn and 6th. Main (102. USL. W. M. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R, BLACK, accoununt, auditor, specialist on involved accounts. Modern systems installed, maintained. 72S-W Pit tock block. Telephone Broadway 1. ALTERATIONS. REMODELING, refitting and altering ladies' garments; prices reasonable, work guaranteed. I Reubins. ladies' tail or, 40M Bush & Lane bids. ASSAYKK3 AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, stiver and platinum bought. CARPET WEAVING. pllftOThe kind that wear the best are nUuO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress 153 Union ave. Rag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. IbS K. Sth st. Phone East 3580. B 1:180. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Raff Rugs, all sizes Mail orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry. cleaned. $1.50. FLUFF RUG CO. 54-S6 TJnlon ave. N. East 6516. B 1475. CELLl LOID BUTTON'S. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 300,000 KNOW McMahon, 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment easi est. best, permanent. 31 "treats" J15. Tel. CHIROPQOIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florello De Veny. the only scientific chlrodopist and arch specialists in the city. Parlors 302 Ger- Unger bldg.. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corn, bun ions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg.. 5th and Wash. Main 1081. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 1510-11-12 Royal bldg. Marshall 5822. Multigraphing. mimeographing and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg.. Main 1796. No collections, no charge. Estab. 1900. DENTISTRY. PREVENT DISEASE OF GUMS. Do yon know that tartar scales, im perfect fitting crowns and bridges, over hanging fillings irritating gums, all con tribute to pyorrhea, pus of gums, in flation of gums, lossening of the teeth and finally loss of teeth. I specialize in first-class dentistry. DR. A. W. KEENE.. Majestic Theater building. 351 Vfc Washington street. DANCING. MRS. SUMMERS BERKELEY. dancins academy. 19 4th st, 3d floor: lessons day and evening rlasa Thursday; ladies' tickets $3. gents' $5. Main 3318. MRS. BATHS DAN'CING ACADEMY. 3d floor Dekum bids., private lessons, day and eve.; class Tues. eve. Main 1345. DANCING Lady ball doom instructor will give private lessons at her home; very reasonable rates. Tabor 6004. ELNORA FLECK Ballet, technique, toe; nature oriental dancins;; babies a spe fialty. 1211 4th St.. Main 3318. DANCE. W. O. W. hall No. 3. Sat. eve. Everybody come. 50c and 2."c. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITT VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 415 East Seventh. East 1S47. B l!!ti2. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. Jl N. 1st. Portland. Or. Re winding and electrical repairing t ' specialty. See us about new or lsed motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1046 HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floor Co.. 187 W. Park st. WHOLESALERS AND GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. HAT AND CAPS. THANH A USER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL AND CASCAKA BAKK. KAHN BROS.. 195 Front st. pipe, riPE Sittings and valves. M. L,, KLINE, 84-86 Front et. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. 6SS-iO-(2 f ront si., roniana. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. RASMUSSEN & Co.. Second and Taylor. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Saimon Streets. Mair 507. A 1511. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Ser'Tlce for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. St., bvt. 20th-'Jlst., west side. Main liti'.U. Lady Assistant. A 7S80. J.P.FINLEY&SON PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main !. Montgomery at 5th. A 1599. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. ltUh and Everett sts. Phone Broadway 21S3: Home A L'lifS. F. S. DUNNING, INC., 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel and auto equipment. DOWNING & McNEMAR Successors to Wilson & Ross, Multno mah at E. 7th. East 54, Irvington dist. DUNNING & McENTEE, funeral directors, Broadway and Pine st. Phone Broadway 4;j0. A 45.TS. Lady attendant. . PT T TTT fTT E. llth and Clay sts . Ji. LiiLrcLil Eas 7S1 T 1S;I3. ERICSON Twelfth and Morrison Sts. Broad way .j.4. A. D. KENWORTHY CO.. rS02-O4 92d St., Lents. Tabor 5267. BREEZE & SNOOK 5. A. R. ZELLAR CO. 5k 592 Williams Ave. Cast 10SS. C 1088. SKEVVES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M 4152. A 2221. Lady assistant. VAULTS AND CREMATION. Vault Burials tion Disinterment for either. Sell. 967. Rates for Classified Advertisements in The Oregonian. Daily svnd Sunday Per line. One line -c Two consecutive times 22c Three consecutive times 3r Seven consecutive time 63c The following classification excepted, the rate of which is "c per line pr day: (Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. No ad taken for it than two linen. Count nix words to the line. Advertbtemento (except "Pergon als') will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone No price will be quoted over the phone, but statements will be rendered the following day. Adver tisements are taken for The iily Ore gonian until P. M. ; for The fun day Oregonian until 6 P. 31. (Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigatea all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Office room. 153 courthouse. Phone Main STS from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society haa full charge of tha city pound at its home. 535 Columbia boulevard. Phone any time. Wood lawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse am bulance for sick or disabled horsea. Small animals painlessly electrocuted El when necessary, aua Lruy auimais cared for. Main 7070 or A tiouse tv. HEMSTITCHING. K STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pieat. buttons coverea . orders. 219 Pittock blk. Broadway lu.O. JEWELRY. WE MANUFACTURE genuine jade jewel ery in 24-kdrat gold mountings: we also manufacture Chinese character signet rings; repair watches and other jewelry; our prices are reasonable ana our work is guaranteed. Oriental Jewel ery Co.. 422 Washington street. ( MAN VFACTL" RING JEWELERS. W. F. ROSS & CO.. INC.. M. MUSCOV1TZ. MANAGER. UflnfuLirinir iowolori. ft cate cutting. diamond settine. designers. Wholesale. 619 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Washington. Ml SIC. VIOLIN, taught. Piano, Harmony; Kol Ken beck, 409 all strings Yamhill. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIAN'S. r.l.lF.S AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers, A trial will convince you. Charles W . uooa man, optometrist. 209 Morrison. M -1-4. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U.S. and foreign patents, 601 Dekum bldg. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bide. M. '-': PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway bld. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostatic, female disorders, skin affections, blood pressure. PUMBCiG SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE prices. Starke-Davis Co.. 212 3d. M. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. K. Gantenbein. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 30H Front St.. corner Stark. Main or A 141S. PRINTING F. W. BAX.TES & COMPANY. 1st and Oak sts. M.IBS. A 1165. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 21 Front St. We buy and sell everything In the hardware and furniture line. Phone Main 9970. A 7174. PAINTING. GENERAL roof repairing, tarring and painting; men who know how. WoodlawD 4SO0. C. H. TERRILL. house, sign painting, pa pering, tintrng. Tabor 3611. 310 E. 44th. JOHN CONLISK, painting and paper hanglng. 133 10th. Phone Bdwy. 294S. TRADEMARKS. OREGON Trademark Bureau. 601 Dekum bids.: l. S.. foreign trademarks and litigation. ; TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH "The Service "With a Reputation." OVING-PACK'G-STORAGE-BAGG th and Kearnev. Branch 6SVfe B PHONE BOWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gliaan St.. corner 1.1th. Phone Broadway 181 or ! lltJ9. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks, j lowest Insurance rates In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 Pine. FACKING. MOVINli. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 105 PARK ST. MAIX 51D5. A 1051. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO., general transfer and forwarding agents. 124 North Fifth st. Broadway 454. CLAY S. MORSE. Inc.. . TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 44S-154 GLISAN ST. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid, old watches and Jewelry; condition no object: repairs sjecialty. Rainier Jewelry Co.. 440 Washington st. MANUFACTURERS MILL SUPPLIES. PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. OS-'O-TJ Front st.. Portland. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-S8 Front st. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC COMPANY. BS-70-72 Front St.. Portland. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL. 140 Front st. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 1-tth and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. lw. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS l6 4th St.. Opp City Hall. Nea Bra. (ifb BLAE5ING GRANITE CO. I 1J THIRD AT MADISON STPE ET I NEW TODAY. Portland Rug Company MANUFACTURERS OF FLUFF RUGS "THERE'S A DIFFERENCE." WE HEAVE ALL SIZES IN BOTH FLUFF AND BAG KUGS. lt Us Call t(r Your Old Carpets. Work Will Be Returned "Promptly." alail Orders Oiven Vrvmnt Attention. WE CLEAN CAKPETS. Portland Rug Company 1672 East Seventeenth Street. Phone It 1324, Either Pacific or Home. INCOME PROPERTY HALF VALUE 30 acres commercial orchard. 10 years old, 40 acres choice unimproved. Cord wood will pay for it. Near Lyle on Columbia river. Under peculiar cir cumstances l orrer this at J17.600. Terms. Might consider some city ex change. D. L. McLEOD, Principal, 204 Porter Street. City. WE CALL FOR YOCB OLD CAHI'KTS, Rnira Mid Woolen Clothing. We Make Beautiful Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS All Work Tnrned Out Promptly. BK Run Woven All Sixea Mall Orders. Send for Booklet. Carpels Cleaned. Laid and He fitted. WORTH WEST RUG CO. 188 East Sth St. Phone laat 35tM SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old ftair aud Woo lea Clothing;. We Make Re-veralble Hand - Wove FLUFF RUGS They Wear Like Iron. Man Order. Send Cor Booklet. Rajc Km Woven. All Slsea, Carpet Gleaning xll Rna-a, Steam Cleaned, 91..o. WESItHSI KLIFK RUG Cu. 4 I: nlon Ave. N. Hast as.. U 1 .73 MORTGAGE LOANS Marshall 4114, A 4118. Improved elty end farm proper! r. 1 natal I meat repayment privilege It preferred I prompt, reliable service A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-210 ft ortB. western Bank Building-. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our own money on real estate, first and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, etc. V- E. BOWMAN A CO., 21U Chan of Com. bldg. Alain 3024 NEW TODAY. If You Are Thinking of Leasing or Want Building Financed SEE i ,aTg?:--.a.4ji.3.I.: ,i( . Build Your Own Garage We will deliver a Sectional Garage to you anywhere in the northwest. You can set it up in a few hours. Send for circular REDIMADE BUILDING. CO. 315 U. 11th St. Phone Uaat 5114. Portland. Or. No. 1 Wheat srood for chicken or duck feed, $3.50 A HUNDRED $70 A TON SIMON'S STORE First and Alder Cl ftf MortgageLoans 0720 Edward L Gondey Co. V. S- Bank Baildlii REAL ESTATE. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. This is to inform the public that so called real estate agents advertising that they sell real estate for less than 5 per cent commission (the regular Realty Board rate) are NOT MEMBERS OF THE PORTLAND REALTY BOARD and we cannot vouch for such agents as being reliable. PORTLAND REALTY BOARD. J. W. Crossley. Secretary. ONE of the nicest building sites in Lau relhurst. 75-foot front, 1 Va full lots, frontage on Hazelfern place; $-50. util McKay bldg. Phone Main 10U4. For Sale -Lota. FINE building site, southwest view. Mt. Tabor ; cement driveway and entrance ; sidewalks, hard-surface streets, artistic shrubbery, all kinds of fruit and berries, 1 1-3 acres ground. F. M. Miles. 5u ilc K a y b 1 d g. X la i n 1 3 : i 0. CIRCUMSTANCES compel me to sell my choice corner. 23d and Hawthorne. lOOx 10O ; snap for cash or migh t t rade lor house or close-in acreage. Address A SI 4, Oregonian. WESTMORELAND lot. 50x100, 1, block from car line, all improvements made. Sacrifice for cash. Owner. AO 425. Ore gonian. CORNER lot. Rose City Park, cheap; easy terms. Phone w oociiawn 1 !!(. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. FOUR-FLAT building, modern, fine loca tion. 1 fiat turnished : yearly income 1 .120 ; can be increased. Price SS.tO terms $2."i00 cash, balance monthly, ti' This nets about 33 per cent on mon. actually Invested. Going1 to California, must sell at once. Owner. 3US Henry bldg. jso commission at tins price. LIV E in your own homo and receive an income; owner will sell modern 2 -a part ment building. Nob Hill district, above 23d, practically new, heated, lots of ground; reasonable; naif cash; no agents. J 407, Oregonian. For Sale Houses. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW, $47."iO. Strictly modern 5-room buncalow floored attic and music room : hardwood floors, firepiace, built-in buffet ad bookcases; Dutch kitchen; full cement basement: furnace, and dandy garage; price $4750; terms. $1050 down, balance like rent. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce Main 6067 MODERN 6-room house on west side : good bedrooms and Oath upstairs, living room, dining' room and kitchen lower floor, with built-in conveniences. Call forenoons. 6S:i Kearney st. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. On Dunckley ave., near HGth ; 6 rooms. new and strictly modern, garage and furnace; ready to occupy in a week. Owner. Woodlawn 5013. EXCHANGE. 6-room house, modern; paved street; Improvements paid : will take lot worth $700 and $1000 cash, balance terms Tabor 8t;!S. KENTON BARGAIN. New. 4 -room bungalow. painted plumbed and plastered. $17."0. 24." Kirk patrick, blocks west of Kenton bank. Terms. Owner on ground. 5-ROOM bungalow, one block from Ana nrtce ..u. lerms. 4-room cottage; lot S0x90: $1350. $350 cash. bal. easy terms. Phone Tabor 210. F. I. -Mitcneitree, AnaDei. GOOD 5-rm. house; lot 100x200; fruit, ber- Ptes garaen. " eii.tue irees ; blocks to car. an ideal home: $4om half cash. loo E. 40th st. SeU 408 no agents. MODERN 7-reoTi nouse witri sleeping t- rch, lot i'sr sinaii cann pay me and easy terms. nar gond school. Owner 443 "W'. Faragut, call Wdln. 4413. $100 CASH. $25 per month buys neat 5 room cottage, bath, toilet, gas. elpr- trieity. 1 blocic to car. Hock, 110 li.it n st. SOUTH POKIWAU .-ak e-room mod ern house, partly iurnisnea; garage; carlin; Jbuo; terms. John Singer, IRVINGTON, beautiful 8-room home, all in ivory and manogany; oeauuiul lot; a rage; cnMii.-r. $T.iU BUia iiirnisnpo nome now renting ior -to per montn; must hav $10ui quick casn. ,t:u 31 organ bldg. 12TH ST., near Jefferson. 12 rooms garage, all modern conveniences, quire owner. 286 12th. and In- COMFORTABLE 7-room house, partly fur nished; good location; sewer paid; $1550 $1050 cash. 1714 E. Ninth. Sell wood. FOR SALE House and lot. 100x45. 10S(J E. llth st. N. Take Alberta car. $13t5. By owner. IRVINGTON HOME. DE LA HUNT. EAST 1347 EY OWNER Strictly modern home, Irv ington, oak floors, cement basement, 50 ft. lot; $4200. E. 2377 or 722 Selling bldg SNAP Very neat 3-room house, fruit trees, berriea. lot 50x10-; terms, $S0O. cash $750 Owner. 5012 84th at. S. E. PRETTY COTTAGE. $1000; trade for large house or acreage, assume differ ence. 1800 Siskiyou st.. nr. 70th. R. C. car. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow, ga rage and chicken house; deal with own er. Phone Tabor 3Wti2. BROOM house, strictly modern; very rea sonable. Inquire at 867 Corbett St.. evenings. IRVINGTON 7-room home, near 17th and Braiee, $55o0. East 119; snap. J Tor Salt Uuiura. oo.F.!5ANK T' McOVlRE. T, ,'AL HOME BARGAINS. .T , 1 2lns homes have been In spected anrt appraised hy Frank l Mc t.uire personally ar.d oniy homes of eood .iL, ,and n"'r" aro oifered for your con- metauon. Oxer ii.ul homes io select from. A photograph of every home is on dls 1" " respective district in our i,-.?, H,"os your servioc. $ 1 IHO-CO MFOItTABl.E HOM E ni -lMl"-fool lot and c ose to the ? t- "-room modern home; modern p.umhins; iivms room with fireplace. &y&"lTe?.Ll,en"g rru,t- 2V-"7TAH T1STK" H' N-OALOW HOME. H,LJrt; cU"e lo cr: cement basement; bunt-in conveniences; aisep porch. -:t-HAWTHORXE BUNGALOW, on tf.tn st., on a corner lot, is a neat 5-room gray bungalow cottage: modern plumbing; electric lights and gas. liay terms. J 2525 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW HOME. ery homelike gray bungalow with low ram bung tines; modern p.umbing; elec tric lights and gas; good cement base ment. House like new. On Campbell st. near St. Johns car. $2S. KENTON DISTRICT. Inucua.iy attractive .-room verv Kome like bungalow; very practical floor pian; large, light, airy rooms: best white por.-elain plumbing fixtures; fuil cement Lavement; 1 block to Kenton car. Close to school. Unusual bargain. $3OU0 ALBfKTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Very convenient at tractive modern 5 room artistic bungalow ; furnace; fir place; built-in conveniences; white porce lain plumbing. Terms :S25u HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. u.n E. 4.: h st.. on a corner lot. ix a very attractive 5-room tvpical bungalow; jiving room with fireplace; paneled din ing room; many built-in conveniences; putch kitchen; white porcelain plumb ing; immediate possession. Easv terms. 1 3 :0( -ADJOINING LAURE L H UR ST. fi-room modern home on Oregon st.. near 3uth. The lot is worth JltH0 and you couldn't build tho house tor ?0(0. Can arrange terms. ySZOO BEAUTIrTL IRVING TON PARK. 7-room modern double-constructed bungalow: many built-in conveniences; best plumbing fixtures; 4 light, airy bed rooms. Terms. t;..-0 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 1 block south of Hawthorne avenue Is a A-room modern bungalow; hardwood floors; fireplace; good cement basement; light, airy rooms; built-in conveniences; eiei-trn- njrnrs ana gas. J35O0 UNPARALLELED HOME BARGAIN. On a 77x100 'corner lot jus east of Piedmont is a 8-room modern home; built on massive lines; full cement base ment with hot - water heating system ; practically new carpets included in price. Can arrange easv terms. 50775 DISTINCTIVE COLONIAL BUNGALOW. Ideally located in the Hawthorne dis trict on a large lot is a beautiful colon ial bungalow home: large front porch with massive concrete columns; furnace; fireplace; many built-in conveniences; street liens included in price. Terms. $.-,800 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Very modern unusually attractive 6 room bungalow with very pleasing lines; extra large living room with fireplace; many built-in conveniences; full cement basement with furnace. Terms. $GoU0 DISTINCTIVE ROSE CITY HOME. Unusually attractive very artistic home; hardwood floors throughout; ood work all in whita enamel ; living room 14x2.: furnace; fireplace; sun room ; bOi.100 lot. Can arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUlRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 100S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. WOO DL AWN SACRIFICE. 8 ROOMS. 100x100. $250. Here's positively the biggest sacrifice snap In the city; large S-room house, only 6 years old, with 100x100 corner: has all kinds of full bearing fruit treea and berries; double constructed through out; full cement basement; S-ft. porches around 3 sides; oniy 200 teet from Woodlawn car on East 15th st. You could n' t buy the material in the houi-a for the price. Owner will sacrifice for J2S50; you must have $1850 cash. Hurry, tins snap is really worth $4000. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington st.. near Second. BRAND NV BUNGALOW. 42S E. J ESSL'P STREET. $4000 TERMS Six-room bungalow, adjoining Pied mont, strictly modern, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, electric lixtures, built-in dresser, mirror doors, attic plastered, full basement, cemented ; plenty bui It ins; open for inspection 9 to 5 daily; 1 block to carlmes, near Union and Kil lingsworth; take Woodlawn rar to Jes sti p street. Owner Main 8474. AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. I have taken charge of the real estate department in the office of J. Bruce Goddard, 501-2 Couch bidg. It will be my business to sell you a house and lot or a suburban home or sell you out. Square deal guaranteed. AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE. G. C. MOORE, 502 COUCH. BLDG. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW $2t00. A well-built 5-room plastered bunga low, full concrete foundation and base ment, with cement floor, modern plumb ing, in a first-class condition, on paved street, at 1'. 04 First st. ; street work all paid. Splendid view. $oi cash. $25 monthly. Fred V. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? We Hiesign and build a part men is, ga rages. resident1, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L K. Bailey Co., Inc., contract ing architects. .24 N. W. Bank bl.lg. ROSE CITY LOOK. Seeing means buying move right in; fine modern bung-low on ful I east front lot; included is a lull s.-t of new house hold furnishings including dishes and fuel in cellar; price only S-'mHO on terms; tiuee City car iu place. 305 E. 44th st. N.. or s-eo J. B. Little. r3 Alberta st. FINE new Engl is b cottage, tt rooms, din ing and sleeping porches. hardwood tioors. open ti replace, all modern con veniences, with large wooded lot, at Mount Zion. the most beautiful view suburb of Portland. Price G5uu, easy terms. John Bain (owner I, 507 Spulding bld. Telephone A 7442. found WITH small down payment gets room nungaiow on imams ave., nt .mx 122; has garnge. poultry house, alley in the rear, a littie paint and tinting, place is easy worth $4U0O;' all sL improvements in and paid F. L. BLANCHARD, 510-20 Railway Exch. bldg. Mar. S2! SOME IRVINGTON BUYS. 6-room house, full lot, garage, $,"70fl. 6-room corner, cement garage, bunga low tvpe, $72. .O; easy terms. A number of other excellent buys. F. L. BLANCHARD, r.ll Railway Exch. bldg. Mar. S2t. ""$4750 BEST BUY IN "CITY $47oO. Locatiov. a 7-room and den, absolutely- modern, hot water heat, tapestry pap. r; vacant; it in market for home you'll look no farther. W. A. WRIGHT J. B. ROCK, 417 Abington Bld. Main 598S. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. For quick sale, a strictly modern 7-r. and sleep, porch, oak and maple floors; located on 12th st., walking distance; f- r 10 dav special price of $5750. "W RIGHT & HOCK. 417 Abington Bldg. Main BOSS. OWNER MUST SELL. 20Sxl 32 ; HioxlOU in berries ; barn, ga rage and 3 -room house, concrete base ment; hot and cold water, pas and elec trieiiv. on E. :tiuh st, only 2 blocks from car; $2S00. and very easy terms. Call at 51it Railway Exch. or phone Mar. S2tt. A FINE 4-room bungalow with bath, toi let, hot and cold water, full concrere basement, room ceiled in attic; lot .vn 20h ; bearing fruit trees and roses ; price only $2750; easv terms. Marshall i2U. F. L. BLANCHARD, 510-20 Railway Exchange. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terras like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., Main 2035 or Main 4477. 21 Morgan bid". $7u0o CLOSE IN. on Broadway, west side. 2 houses, one 6 and one 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, etc.; lots of room for x&ruge. Here is a snap. Some teims. F. L. BLANCHARD. 519-20 Railway Exch. bldg. Mar. 821. $25O0 $:;0 cash. $25 per month, includ ing interest. buys 5-room bungalow: fireplace, ail modern, full basement, 5U by Ho lot, on East Stark st.; buugaiow in fine shape; would rent for $25. Phone Tabor ML FO R SALE by owner. 5-room modern nous-; built-in effects, hardwood lloors, lire place, full cement basement. Fox furnace, earage. one block from school and car line. 13o2 Grand ave. N. Phone Wood law n 155. IRINGTON Real home; large living room in ivory; dining room, mahogany; 4 large bedrooms; 2 tiled baths on isecond; fine grounds, double garage, $11.5uO. Ea-st 41t. No agents. BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY HOME BUYERS. If you are looking for a bargain it will be to your interest to call up Mr. StowelL Tabor OSSL SL'NNYSIDB Modern 6-room house, Al condition; 4 blocks Laurelhurst park on Belmont car line; $35uo. terms, discount for cat-h. Owner, lUoO BeimonU Taoor 13l. or Main 615. jlSOO FULTON DISTRICT. 5 -room furnished house on carline ; $1mmo down, balance terms. Owner, liar shail 42S5. IRVINGTON EAST IL T. STREET. HOMES. 894. IRV. AGT. f . -