Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 22, 1919, Page 15, Image 15

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Realty Board Indorses Plan
to Regulate Autoists.
Only 27 Shopping Days Until Christmas Shop Early While Assortments Are At Their Best
Enactment of Xew State License
Law Proposed to Cat Down
dumber of Accidents. 1
Enactment of an automobile driv
ers licence law by the state was
urged yesterday by Captain H. A
Lwts, head of the traffic division of
the city pol!:e force, in Bpeaking be
fore the Portland realty board at the
regular weekly luncheon and meeting
at the Benson hotel, as the solution
to the automobile problem and as a
measure to reduce the tremendous toll
In life and limb which Portland has
paid as a result of accidents during
the past year.
Captain Lewis also scored the all
day parker as the greatest cause of
congestion on the streets and urged
car owners to leave their machines at
home unless they actually use them
during the day's business. One-way
traffic on the city streets will soon
be necessary to prevent congestion he
The traffic officer was invited to
speak before the board in place of
Chief of Police Jenkins, who was un
able to be present.
AH Phanes DUcaued,
Captain Lewis thoroughly covered
all phases of the traffic subject rela
tive to Portland streets and asked the
co-operation of the realty men in aid
ing the police in the movement foi
safety and relief of congestion. At
the close of his address the board
adopted a resolution indorsing the
work of the traffic department and
pledging co-operation.
Captain Lewis presented accident
figures for the past three years,
showing an increase this year of 100
per cent over two years ago. The
figures follow: 1917, total of 4000 ac
cidents and 22 deaths; 191S, total of
6000 accidents and 28 deaths; 1919, re
port covering first 10 months only,
8600 accidents and 32 deaths.
"Every automobile driver should be
made to carry a certificate which
would be revocable by the court if
the man proved to be a reckless or
incapable driver," he declared. "The
present fines do practically nothing
towards cutting down recklessness
and speeding. If a driver is 'caught'
he pays his fine and charges it up to
operating expenses of his machine.
"He probably figures that that was
one time that he was unfortunate
enough to get caught and goes ahead
and speeds again, endangering life
and property. If the driver who was
reckless was 'forced to give up his
ficense for a time and to leave his
machine in the garage for 10 davs,
month or longer he would hesitate
the next time before violating the
Prdcntrfitnn Alno Blamed.
That the fault was not all the driv
ers by any means was also explained
by the police captain, who declared
that 80 per cent of accidents in which
Dedestrians figure were diif to thos
on foot, who "blundered across the
streets as though ox team traffic
were still in vogue."
The solution of the downtown con
gestion problem must ultimately be
met by the establishment of one-way
traffic, now used in many eastern
cities with narrow street, he stated.
At the present time over 1000 automo
biles pass alon g any one block of
Washington street in the business
district in an hour, he said, while 119
street cars and two or three times as
many automobiles operate on Second
street, practically slowing traffic to
a snail's pace.
The man who drives his car down
town In the morning, parks it in
. front of some body else's place of
business and leaves it there all day is
the worst traffic pest in Portland, he
J. D. Lee, pioneer Oregon real es
tate man, was the second speaker at
the meeting, his subject being, "Port
land, the Awakening Giant." Sir. Lee
urged the realty men to unite in a
progressive policy looking toward the
industrial development of city and
state and increasing the population
100 per cent. George Englehart acted
as chairman of the day. 1
Arthur L. Tribe Declares "Invin
cible Chemical Barrage' Will
7tX Intruders to Sleep.
A device designed to make safe
- cracking a lost art has been invented
by Arthur L. Tribe, manager of the
Oregon Independent testing labora- I
tdry. and H. P. Gates of Portland, and
Is being placed on the market under
the name of the "Invincible Chemical
Barrage." The active principle of
ttie new anfe protector consists of a
phial of chemlcale placed within the
aefe. When the safe is blown with
nitroglycerine the explosion shatters
the phial and the chemicals escape In
the form of a gas barrage which rolls
tnto the room and overcomes the
burglar if he lingers to collect his
The gas employed, according to Mr.
Gates, is not a killing mixture, but Is
. combination of "tear gas" and an
asphyxiating gas. The burglar who
cracks a eafe protected with the
CTierntcal barrage is supposed to he
prevented from returning to the room
oTter the explosion to rifle the afe,
or. if he remains in the room In spite
of the gae. is supposed to be found In
- the morning, slumbering peacefully
on the floor.
Arthur L. Tribe, the chemist of the
Invincible Chemical Barrage com
pany, hns been engaged In the prac
tice of t-hemiNt ry for the past 25
years, and has been employed In the
capacity of chemist by the "United
States government and by the city of
Ban Francisco. He nan made his home
in Portland since 1910.
According to H. D. Gates, advertis
ing and sales manager of the new
company, the idea of protecting safes
by means of a gas barrage came from
the use of poisonous gases In war
"The airplane has become a mail
and express carrier. he says, "the
submarine is being used to salvage
submerged wrecks, and the wireless
telephone has been adapted to peace
time uses. We are carrying out the
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Thanksgiving Sales All Over the Store
Women's Coats $22.45
Extra Special Offering for Today
Second Floor Women's and Misses' Winter Coats specially priced in the Gar
ment Store today. These are all from our regular stock and the prices were
formerly much higher. Coats cf Tweed, Melton, Burella and Nov- CJOO A J?
elty Mixtures. Belted, plaited and full styles. Priced special, at otiJkO
Women's Coats $38.00
Great Range of Styles
Second Floor Beautiful Coats of high-grade Plush, Sil
vertone, Velour, Bolivia, Tweeds and Novelty Mixtures.
Splendid assortment of the most wanted colors, including
brown, tan, navy, Pekin, burgundy and taupe. Plaited,
belted and loose styles. Storm collars. flJOQ Oft
These are wonderful values at this price fOO.UU
Women's Coats
At $49.45
Second Floor Women's and 'Misses' high-class Coats
grouped for quick selling. The season's most attractive
styles are shown In this lot. Plush, Silvertone and
mixtures. Silk or satin lined. Excellent QQ A P
range of desirable colors. Priced special at DrJ7rxtJ
Women's Coats at $69.85
Second Floor This lot of Coats is made up of high-clas garments taken from our
regular stock. Only one or two of some styles, but there is a splendid assortment
to select from. Velour, Silvertone, Crystal Cloth, Bolivia and other popular ma
terials. Some of these have large fur collars. Belted and loose effects.
Shown in all the leading colors. Priced special for tomorrow at only
Women's Bath
Second Floor Come to the Garment Store today
and see our notable display of Women's Blanket
Bath Robes, suitable for personal use or for gift
giving. Great variety "of styles some are
trimmed with colored satin and cord, others with
heavy cord girdle. Floral, conventional and Indian
designs in a large assortment of attractive new
colorings. Priced "at $4.75, $6.50, $8.50, $10
Women's Kimonos
and Negligees
Second Floors Dainty new Kimonos of crepe de
chine, georgette crepe, taffeta, in newest colors
and styles; also new Breakfast Coats, Fancy
Negligees', Embroidered Japanese Robes and Cape
Kimonos. Very appropriate for gift giving.
The price range is from $5.00 on up to $57.50
Wool Sweaters
in heavy knit plain wool, with fancy weave large
collars and belts. Made in the popular Norfolk
style. Reasonably priced at $14.50 and $16.50
NEW WOOL MIDDY BLOUSES of blue or red flannel and blue
serge. Attractive styles trimmed with braids. Priced $5.00 to $10. OO
Main Floor Beautiful new Rib
bons for making of gift articles,
Oriental and Metal Brocaded Rib
bons Tinsel and Silk Embroidered
Ribbons Roman Striped Ribbons
Plaids and Novelty Figured ef
fects in wonderful variety. Make
your selection now. Complete stock.
We Give S & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases A mounting to 10c or More Cash Sales Checks Must Be Presentedat the Stamp Booth, 1st Floor, on Day Purchases Are Made
Orders Taken for Engraving of Personal Greeting Cards and Invitations, at the Stationery Counter, 1st Floor Parcels Checked Free of Charge at the Accommodation Desk, 1st Floor
Table Cloths
At $1.58
Main Floor Mercerized Da
mask Table Cloths of good
heavy grade. Size 58x59 inches.
Choice new patterns. CO
Priced snecial at onlv D-LJO
Children's Hats
Special $1
Basement Children's Trimmed
Hats in a large assortment of
pretty styles. Black and col
ors. On sale in the Q"l Oft
Basement at special 3XJU
$12 to $35 Trimmed Hats
Second Floor A great opportunity for women
to choose from over 200 beautiful trimmed hats
at just one-half original prices. Large, medium
and small hats trimmed with burnt ostrich, burnt
goose fancies, flowers, ribbons and ornaments
of various kinds. Shop early for first choice, i
$12 Hats at $6 j
$35 Hats $17.50
?J . K -'Asa
Hats $ 6.0O $30.00 Trimmed Hats $lo.OO
Hats $ 7.50 $35.00 Trimmed Hats $17.50
Hats. $ O.OO TAILORED HATS of Velour
Hats $12.50 and Hatter's Plush, faced with
Hats $13.50 Beaver. Formerly $10 CtL
Hats $13.75 to $18 values, now at 2 WII
ALL UNTRIMMED HATS $7.50 to $18 Values, at HALF PRICE
Women's Neckwear $1.00
Values to $1.75
Main Floor Special clean-up sale of odd
lines Women's High-grade Neckwear. A
wide range of season's popular styles in
Collars, Sets,
Modiste, Vestees and
Organdie, Georgette, Net, Lace, Satin
and Voile materials. Dainty lace trimmed
styles, also embroidered, tucked, plaited,
hemstitched and shirred effects. Make it
a point to see these bargains. P- ff
Values up to $1.75. Special at 3J-VlU
Girls' Coats at $16.98
Sizes for Girls 8 to 14 Years
Second Floor These excellent
Coats are made up in good
heavy Kersey cloth in navy and
brown. - Full models with wide
belts, deep cuffs and large col
lars. Warm and Q- ? QQ
comfy for school t3J-U.70
LOT 2 Girls' School Coats
priced for Saturday at $13.08
Girls' Bloomers
At $5.25
Second Floor Girls' Gymna
sium Bloomers of good quality
navy blue serge. $5.25, $6.25
Girls' Middy Skirts
At $6.98
Girls' Middy Skirts of navy
blue serge made with (J QQ
waist. Extra values 3QI70
Girls' Middies, $5.98
- Navy Blue Serge and Flannel
Middy Blouses for girls, $5.98
w w
ffLj i
Infants' Needs at Special Low Prices
Second Floor Infants' Blankets
with pink or white fig- QQ
ures. Special at only OC
Infants' Double Blankets with
fancy colored bor- (P" flQ
ders. Special at only D-LVI
Infants' Shoes odd r7Q
lines on sale at the pair ' J
Infants' Knit Gowns OQ
of good quality. Special OUC
Infants' Bath Towels at 680
Infants' Wash Cloths at 120
Plush Scarfs at $10.95
Extraordinary Values!
Neckwear Dept., First Floor We have a limited
number of women's high-grade Plush Scarfs that
will be closed out at a special low price. Very
fashionable worn with winter suit. Made of splen
did quality black plusli size 68 inches long by 14
inches wide. Neatly lined and finished with
pockets and belt. See these at once. f QC
Exceptional value, specially priced at uJXvJ
Plush Scarfs $17.95
Saturday Special
Neckwear Dept. 72xl2-inch Hudson Seal Plush'
Scarfs satin lined ,and plush-ball Q- QC
trimmed. Specially priced at only 0A 7J
Special Sale of Marabou Scarfs
Main Floor One of these damty
Scarfs would make a very ac
ceptable gift. Dressy, light I Scarfs.
weight and comfy and always in LOT 2 Marabou
good taste. Satin lined. ' Ribbon Scarfs. Special at
zm i
ties or silk fasteners. Two lots:
LOT 1 Marabou flQ QfT
Snecial. onlv DUmU
Great Sale Men's Pants
Basement Underprice Store
600 pairs Men's Pants in a rousing
Saturday Sale in our Basement Store.
A splendid opportunity for thrifty
men to supply their winter needs at
a substantial Eaving.
Cassimere Pants
At $3.39
Basement Men's Cassimere Pants in
serviceable gray color. Neat pin
stripe pattern. Well made in every
particular and just the right weight
for general wear. Sizes JQ QQ
34 to 42 waist Special pair iHJt
Moleskin Pants
At $4.00
Basement Brown Moleskin Pants
this is an exceptionally good fabric
for service. Heavy weight and fleece
lined. Sixes from 31 to 42 J A nft
waists. Basement sale, pair 5rVvl
Men's Madras Shirts, Special $1.69
1000 Men's Ties, Special 65c
Basement Men's Christmas
Ties hundreds of them in a
notable sale. Beautiful new
patterns and colorings. Buy
now and save. Base
ment special for todavat OtJC
Basement Men's Shirts of good
quality madras, with black and
white stripes. Reversable
French cuffs. Cut in full stand
ard sizes, 14H to 17. nT
Raspmpnt. Knpcial. at OlfOJ
Other Specials for Men
Basement Men's Black Sateen
Shirts of heavy quality, cut full
and well made, sizes JJ-
to 17. Snecial at tOX.fttl
Men's Raincoats in brown and
olive drab colors, slip-on styles.
Broken assortment of
sizes. Priced special
Men's Heavy Mixed Wool Sox, dark blue or gray. Special 450
Boys' Overcoats $8.95
Basement Boys' and youths'
Overcoats in a variety of good
serviceable materials. Several
styles in the sale, sizes for boys
from 11 to 18 years. QQ fir
Rnspmcnt anet'ial. at 007J
Boys' Corduroy Pants in me
dium and dark brown colors.
Broken assortment of sizes, but
they are extraordinary values
Basement sale, the J- fTf
nair at snecial nrice OXtJU
Men's Quality Clothes
$30 to $65
THE MEN'S STORE invites your. inspec
tion of a new shipment of Winter Suits just
in. smart, snappy styles lor young men
and the more conservative model for busi
ness men. Ask to see the Black Hawk, Im
perial, Hummer and Komb models. Novel
ty mixtures in the new shades of browns,
greens, grays and blues at $30 to $65
Gift Suggestions
for Men
Men's Silk Shirts, priced $7.50 to $10
Men's fancy Shirts from $2.50 to $8.50
Men's French Flannel Shirts at $10.00
Men's Wool Sweaters at $5 to $18.50
Men's Vassar Union Suits, $3.50-$lG.50
Men's Carter Union Suits, $2 to $10.50
Outing Flannel Pajamas, $3.50 and $4
Outing Flannel Gowns $2.50, and $2.75
Men's Silk Pajamas, $5. $6.oO and up
Men's Mufflers, $l-.50, $2, $2.25 to $5
Men's Christmas Ties at 850 up to $5
Men's Fancy Silk Hosiery at $2 the pair.
Sterling Silver Buckles, $2 and $2.50
Boys' Suits, Special $6.75
Boys' 1 Overcoats $8.95
Main Floor Good Sturdy suits
for school wear. Waist seam and
belted models. Made up in novel
ty mixtures with full-lined pants.
Broken sizes, 6 to 18. CfJ H PC
Extra good values at DO I O
Boys' high-grade Suits in lat
est models and fabrics, $20-$35
Handkerchief Sale!
Start your Christmas buying at once, while stocks
are fresh and assortments at their beet. The savings,
too, are most unusual. Note these special offerings.
Linen Handkerchiefs 7c
Main Floor Women's all-linen Handkerchiefs with
neab hemstitched edges. . Not more than one dozen
sold to a customer. Extraordinary values. r7
Offered in the Pre-Holiday Sale at low price
Initial Handkerchiefs 17c
Women's Fine White
Cotton Kerchiefs with
embroidered initial and
wreath in corner.
H-inch hems. At
Women's embroidered
one-corner pure linen
H a n d k e rchief s. Also
Swiss Madeira (f
Kerchiefs, 3 OJ-.UU
Madeira Handkerchiefs 75c
Real Madeira Spanish
Hand - Embroidered and
Fine Linen Handker
chiefs ' in many '7P
designs. Special JZ
Ask for your Stamps.
Women's Kerchiefs
Special 25c
Main Floor Pure Linen Cambric
Handkerchiefs with -inch hem
stitched hem. These are of ex
ceptional quality. Good full OP
size. Priced special at J
Women's Bheer Cambric Lawn
Handkerchiefs with dainty em
broidered designs in white, A
gray and colors. 15c values AuL
Women's Fancy Col
ored Woven Border
H a n d k e rchief s. Hem
stitched and initialed.
Priced a25 J- Or
each; 6for 3-Lt)
Nursery Rhyme
Main Floor Children's Cut-Out
Picture Book with Nursery rhymes
and 3 good quality Handkerchiefs.
An attractive gift. Priced QC!
special Saturday, a book OOC
Main Floor Children's Handker
chiefs of fine sheer quality mate
rial with animal and fig- CC
ura dpsicrtfi. Box of six at vJtt
Toilet Needs
and Drags
We reserve the right o limit
purchases of any artici in the
following list. S. & E, Green
Trading Stamps with purchases.
Ivory Soap
Special, '"JET
4 Cakes ZDC
Main Floor Ivory Soap will not
be sold or delivered at above
price except with other purchases
made ia the Drug Department.
Drug Offerings
for Today
OWK Paraffine Oil, excellent
for constipation tasteless and
odorless full pint bottles 50
Pahnollve Cold Cream at 48
Packer's Tar Soap, special 230
Resinol Soap the bar only 250 .
Revelation Tooth Powder 250
Sempre Giovine at, cake 490
Colgate's Shaving Cream 3O0
P. & S. Soap, cake at only 100
Colgate's Talcs, all odors, 180
Senreco Tooth Paste only 3O0
Soap Kewpies, each only 100
Baume Anal'que Bengue 650
Hind's Honey and Almond
Cream 2 sizes 490, $1.10
Milkweed Cream, 450, 9O0
Danderine 330, 500 and 900
$1 for Your
Old Shoes!
Today is the last day this
special offer will be in force.
With every pair of man's or
woman's shoes purchased at
this store today $1 will be de
ducted from the price providing
you turn in a pair of man's or
woman's old shoes for Portland
charities. Shoes must be mates,
but it doesn't matter how badly
worn. Shoe Dept., Main Floor.
Women's Shoes
LOT 1 Women's Laced and
Buttoned Shoes in various styles
and leathers. Regular jry Qr
$9.50 to $12 grades 3 ' VO
LOT 2 Women's
$11 to $14 shoes a
$12 to $16 shoes at
t8 $8.95
LOT 3 Women's 3Q Ott
Men's Ties, Special 53c
Center Circle, Main Floor
A phenomenal Underprice offer
ing of several hundred Men's Ties.
Very latest styles with wide ends
and stitched bands. Large assort
ment of patterns and colors. CTO,
3 Ties for $1.55 each OOK,
Men's Ties
At 95c
Center Circle, First Floor Persian
effects, stripes, dots, figured and
brocaded. Beautiful high- QK
grade Ties, 3 for $2.75, each wUL
6 for 73c
Center Circle, First Floor Regular
price $1 per box of six. Fine quality
cambric handkerchiefs with initials
nearly all letters. Six for 730
Main Floor Special lot of Boys'
Winter Overcoats in plain colors
and novelty mixture sizes for
boys 3 to 14 years. Popular
belted styles on sale QP
Saturday, special at DOJ
Odd line Boys' Blouses QFTf
specially priced at only GUIS
Model Roasters $2.48
Basement Sale
Model Seamless Glazed Roaster like
this illustration. Self-basting. This is
the 15-inch size for ordinary (PO AO
family use. Basement special OulO
Mottled Enameled Roasters PO OQ
in the 18-inch size. Special at 3D.i7
Steel Dripping Pans Only
Basement B lack
Seamless Sheet Iron
Drip Pans with round
corners. Sizes 6axl3
to 12x15 inches. For
roasts, biscuits, bread,
etc Basement special.
Let the One-Minute
Do Your
Orie-Minute Electric
Washing Machine
A practical solution of your laundrying expense is the One-Minute
Electric Washer a mechanical marvel of washing machine. It will do
your work in less time at far less co6t and with scarcely any labor
moreover, it will save your clothes. See demonstration on Third Floor.
Fourth Floor Dependable, M. J.
B., Royal Club or Golden West
Coffees put up in air- J- PC
tight 3-lb. cans. Special wl.OO
Royal Baking
Powder, 36c
Fourth Floor This is the size
that sells in the regular way at
a can. On sale Sat- O
urday at special, the can
Oregon Walnuts for Or?
Thanksgiving, pound at 0JC
T" t 1 . 1 1 J
1'uaaing xuouias
Special 68c
Third Floor Two styles as illus
trated above. Made of extra
heavy quality tinware, with tight
fitting covers. Melon CQa
Molds in 5-pt. size, special vIOl
Tall Molds, 4-pint size, at 680
demobilization idea and adapting poi-
' son Cs. to commercial uses.